He Was LIVING In The Storage Unit I Bought! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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welcome back to treasure hunting with Jebus guys it look a little weird here this isn't familiar is it that's because we're actually in a hotel in Virginia visiting our family so if you're wondering why are these guys been for the past few days you know a little 45 hour drive will kind of drain every little bit of energy you got out of you but anyway we did buy storage unit out here online it's about two hours away and it definitely looks very interesting to say the least it's a weird one so let's get on the road let's get out there let's go see what we got [Music] guys this feels super ear you see this prison like building here this is actually where I spent my first year of college and first thought about what at the point of living anymore because I hated this place so freakin badly and I hated the idea of working in an office and going to school but just weird seeing this place again I spent a year here and I hate it every minute of it the softball field that I played one year of randolph-macon College softball d3 but you know good memories but glad I left it's still so eerie being on this campus again alright so here we are at our storage unit we bought usually this is the part where I tell you why I bought it but I don't know I just bought it because we're here and why not so we paid a hundred and eighty dollars don't laugh at me I don't know why I bought it I really know but this is the good in there come on [Music] okay I'm gonna be straight honest to you the real reason I bought it is cuz floating stuff in storage in it and treat me can I see a giant floating chair in the back of the picture I don't know just why doesn't that just make you kind of wonder who stores that and why they store it like that but judging off the pillows and the blankets in here this is probably even if somebody was living in my guess and those are usually the ones if you're gonna find like somebody stash of weapon money it's because they have nowhere else to put it this is literally where they live so that's another reason why I saw the stuff on the ground I think those are fun to go to let's do we define alright so first thing it's a little lawn chair if your fault look we have french fries a marina how much do the french fry you know those don't even look how bad I bet you they're preserved and everything did they kind of smell good no I did one for some money no no let's do they go out of their drawers the first two packs of cars that might be the most valuable thing in the Jeana you never know and a joker to go with it that I don't really know what that is is this why they marked it with jewelry really that seriously it could have also marked it with money because there's cash in here let's see we got all right so this looks like your typical household stuff here it will fungal nail remover that just sounds nasty [Music] why that's their personal funbox mother is a ring you have something silver it says something I wanna but I can't read it in here it's pitch black dark but when I get out I'll read it so actually what it says it is yeah all right what's down here one of the other reasons I really liked it but pokemon cards still in the box what else is in here a golf ball that has paint on it and pens and markers that makes sense right like The Ballad was sent to the floating chair I guess what is this just a block not touching that drawer yeah let's get out of here Pokemon I see part of a tech deck that's missing the rest of the box but still attack decks I don't judge it wash tape stickers mm-hmm yeah that what we do have a unbranded watch but I'll just go in a lot I thought we'd like to do with a drill I put in a lot and sell it I don't know what that is what is this these rocks people just do weird things you know what I mean sometimes that's just this little answering isn't it mhm okay glasses I have a feeling they're probably not gonna be Ravens they're piranhas anyone know anything about glasses is piranhas anything good or just what you're cheap gas station $10 what is in here shaving stuff and I'll show that in another little thing for personal use I probably did what is all this I don't know I don't know I just don't know more all right close close there's some new clothes what they're engaged but you know honestly I would just donate this stuff anyway I probably just gonna take off it close to another day Vince cuz I don't feel like dealing with the ball we're out here this and more jeans even a shoe in there oh boy the clothes and more clothes for the corner a stick a piece of well you know what this is worth $500 you forget the honey dollar price to pay for the unit this makes it worth it let's go the real goodies of storage buying like shine money moisture shine and number two put the boudoir shampoo back in the stock and you know like I scrape stuff at least I know they had good taste cuz they have some sweet baby Ray's barbecue sauces Vives barbecue sauce in a whirl and hand down if you disagree just leave now bags of rice all right right right bags and left speaker what is this my PSP well I think it is speaker here yep speaker mmm that's an orange I thought that was a Kiwi at first alright bran how much to eat this hmm well that might cost a little bit more then we have to do 110 for this one yeah and I think I throw up everywhere and probably cost you know a couple thousand medical bills but that's aside the point let's keep gone well we do have a speaker and a brush barbecue sauce you know lets you keep your speaker's barbecue sauce together I do keep some fresh cuts in this year attacks yeah look at this you know what I think it was a murderer they lived in here obviously who else has rainbow axis only murderers see cash bag BAM lots of wire don't keep me on the fattest actually like a tent that's a tent that's what it's supposed to be and it feels like a tent I could tell you so I fill in the bar I opened it the wrong way but whatever it is is there alright so we got that thingy but it's not gonna close now because somebody opened it the wrong way and it wasn't me it was you behind a camera you you behind the camera you did that we got that there basket with mmm hey an axe can mmm why is it paining now smelling a combination of pee and acts just like the high school locker room days let's see what else is in here camo hat not much this is just close back let's get this out of here and let's pull something else up what do you think this case is here will a torch a magnet let's see burn stuff down I was waiting for the Vives noise that is a fortunate look at that it has a gas in it too I don't know what something like that goes where I can't imagine they're really that expensive to be honest with you but it's a torch so maybe that means we might find some other tool we found the other or whatever that was tool set and this tool set kinda money maybe please check out this technology here guys look at this see that boom now they got light hmm I guess literally like a wireless light ball my only one is getting the vibes like you know a unit supposed to be abandoned for at least three months why are those french fries still good why did your lights talk power I got I feel like somebody lived in here last night or something it's not a weird but other than I don't understand how hooks work other than the light bulb I'll there's some change in there like a death yeah like 11 cents and a guitar pick don't take the guitar pick because there might just be a guitar in the back of the unit maybe oh my gosh this realistically ticket out of here is the only reason this unit went above like 20 or 30 dollars because nobody could see what brand it was and it is a H a and easy Hahn tained model number PF 5 BK are you ready guys you ready just be amazed did you know I played for 13 years that's on how to do I never touched it's like the third time touching a tarmac that's all I know I know you want me to do more rock'n'roll I'm hoping that has some value to it because that's really our only hope for coming to Hagen once you right now I have good luck with guitars in the past it's kind of like the only reason we really bought the end of that and the floating trap chair then intrigued me by the way do you really tell GT people are you see that red line max height yeah I think that's why they put it up there they don't care it off they're so Savage let's see what's in this bag here what is that yeah look at that face it's what I picture everyone that just likes the videos looks like hunter Stephanie every time I see a dislike on the guts though it was on the other side of the computer come on take dad campus I just like Germany ow that'll show them all right just a weird mask that's all it's in there strange that's part of the shell what is that look happened I instructions now look so how does that work you think you know you should die but some things will set thing to we'll have that what the rest of it for sure all right guys so little dude y'all know I actually play guitar for about five years there's a little song I wrote about the storage unit last night huh make sure it's right all right we're going [Applause] yeah oh my god let's see if there's anything actually in these bags first let's get this ugly one down it's just got what is that said another speaker another speaker alright the rubber gloves glasses paper and that kind of stuff what's in the front pocket whatever that is yeah slowly yeah that's how you know good people on these units no but pens and pencils and stuff like that okay yeah and we're keeping up on that one we even got plate we even got spray and there's even a fork in there to eat the spray with off the plate and somebody's use the ear buds a very minimal ear wax on them hey you know what we're doing good let's see what these boxes down here close close close close the moon a club that sounds fancy let's see a hunting jacket what else is in here junk junk junk junk all the clothes oh that's great don't show that there's more personalized stuff in there for I guess it's probably what the happen what went down in this unit just you know did it just fall out oh that's another one we got a bad drug in here I move the mattress still thing out of the way and I found their secret home defense weapon denon hey it works yeah but I'm a feeling this was not used on people but on little glass shaped objects that have balls at the bottom and long cylinder tops if you catch my drift cause that's what we found for up so far but other than that guys we got a basket we got a lot of junk there's really not much oh great its back yeah so that's like probably five or six definitely a math person here - the A+ another bow but we're gonna get the rest of this stuff out of here even the floating chair I think I just sit up there no take down the Hat huh the Hat in good condition actually yeah nice nice little nice even got the thing still on it when you when I was in like middle school if you got a hat and you didn't have that on it it was disgusting you had to have been sticker I don't know why and I still feel like that today can you do this look oh oh whatever look what I have a floating chair but for summer like why was it up here like you think they just get really bored and I'm like I'm gonna sit in the air probably I mean I guess think you're living in a storage unit that probably is you can highlight of the day anyway let's get the trash out of here and we'll do kind of a recap and let you know how much money we lost sometimes when you buy storage unit guys you find stuff that you don't expect like chairs and unfortunately when you drive cars chairs and cars don't get along so unfortunately there's only one and fate for the chair all right so while we're out here we thought of this little prank would you call it a prank but just explain explain this is your idea all right so my grandparents don't know that we are in Virginia right now they still think we're in California so I told them I have a free $50 indoor - and since my since we're from for dinner I can only use it from Virginia so I was like all right you guys can use it so I just called them I got where they wanted I got their meal they don't know it's gonna be me bringing it to the door though so I told her I'll give her a car back and let her know the ETA so they want Wendy's they want some bacon aiders and frosty so let's go get it for him and see what see what happen all right guys so we just got to my grandparents apartment we got the Wendy's good food by the way definitely recommend Wendy's but I'm gonna try to go up to the door with these on and then a mass like this hopefully she's not gonna recognize me the only issue just a little friend cliff is my arms yeah I'd have nothing to cover my arms with so we're just gonna see baby deeds and I have the camera off to the side we're gonna try our best to get the best reaction as possible but see how this turns out I'm excited let's go all right guys were here at her apartment for that welcome I have to get you to find my phone in any way of lessons so I can't believe she didn't notice me but I'm gonna go knock on the door again and I'm like out of breath is so exciting I'm gonna get her to sign against cuz I didn't save on my phone so let's see if she notices me again the signature didn't stapes can you do it again hey dude do it again just in case and then I'll hit the checkmark at the top okay that's it they're dead [Applause] alright back at the hotel room guys so we're done you know what the storage unit wasn't that great obviously you saw that it wasn't that good the only few things we've really kept out of there was some of the cards to take here and we still have that guitar which I'm know if we're gonna sell you if somebody is trying to play it you know who's trying to play somebody's trying to learn how to play it and whatnot so we might just keep the guitar what else we keep our there the pokiman bag tech deck some playing cards and everything else has got donated or went to the trash because well it's just yeah plus we don't have anywhere to go out here without the hotel room and I don't think the major depreciated after we left I came in here and we have like a broom full of someone else's stuff that'd be a little bit weird but anyway cool unit fun little thing at the end if you enjoyed that let us know down in the comments but thanks for watching leave it a like subscribe for new and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 42,289
Rating: 4.867516 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit, storage unit finds, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit finds money, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: rUzcsSs_eL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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