He Tried To HIDE This LOCKED SAFE Found In Storage Unit! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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Oh daddy come back oh look at that but look at the top welcome back to treasure anywhere divas got in today we're gonna go back and finish off the third part of that ridiculously good $200 storage unit guys there's stuff in the back that I've already seen and you're not going to believe it when I pull it out let's get on the road let's go check it out here we are get our gold mine of a $200 storage unit that is just crapping money everywhere and what else I see in there it looks so good I think we're gonna make so much more money guys let's get back into it [Music] last time guys we're finding all kinds of crazy stuff and there's still so many more boxes I'm super excited let's see we got here looks like a couple of pictures of vintage Harley Davidson bike that one's upside down they're really good quality too and Harley has a huge collection market I can't say I ever found pictures before but everything else Harley's collectible let's get this out of here this looks like DVD central right here DVDs is great in our live auction so I used to hate finding I'm never really done one thing they in there nope silicon game stuff dumpster-diving again ah so it looks like this is probably 50 200 DVD so that should be yeah and easy at least 40 bucks for us at a minimum down here what's that an old speaker that's a big Sony speaker look at this wonder if that goes to the receiver that we found last time that might be part of that sound system so was that Sony it wasn't Sony - this is a 10 watt high power sub woofer hopefully they have some value - so I pulled some artwork off the top there this one looks really nice but it's a little too much for YouTube it's got new people in it this one looks like prayer you're going on a church in I know stuff like this people love to death they love art and they love the religious stuff so I think that'll be an easy sale even if it's not a famous artist if it's a well-known artist it'll be really good all right got the next box off top let's see what it is we have so spongebob scooby-doo oh my god thrown up every no I'll do it this is that a model car that's a model car isn't it check that up 1967 Camaro definitely in there that's the movie it's when Dale was first born watch it look at that holographic star where's puzzle another Star Wars puzzle now this there's something in it it's in here probably a puzzle with no box one of these open one up and see what says like prayer cards or something hmm thank you card type thing maybe I'm not sure but definitely something unique got the next photo down a nice purple one and what is this stuff so we have then a label maker a label maker some candle holders personal pictures one of these things in his box excitedly boom on to the next got another box for you guys let's see what it is we have well like a fast food delivery bag keep stuff good what is this what is that a glue gun maybe alright so a cheap a Conair what is that like a vert receiver either huh I knew that one and well all this is kitchen stuff here so I think rubber glove lets the brown bags and mop stuff and we don't want to look at that this toe doesn't see now a towel boy let's see we got glasses something looks really good daddy bag its million dollars into it Oh sharpies not cash but you know everyone always buy sharpies I'm sad this is how Birchbox crayons then if you're bowling these like weird hats but party hat party hat they're all like bowling themed things this is like stocking stuffer stuff from I don't even know how long ago it's probably quite a while back look see all these probably somebody having a bowling themed birthday party at one time and they just didn't use them how do I get a you own books okay we're gonna keep all right not too much interesting stuff in this one here yeah purse this says trophies all right so Pete Earley champions what personal trophy yeah play ball so hard but look they definitely be valued by putting this toilet paper me and shirt on it but - that it's definitely an interesting art piece and it's got a signature on it such the t-thomas thomas yeah anything on the back no but it's definitely live canvas and it says 2 or 106 on it so maybe it's like one that sticks out of something but they usually include that by the signature so I don't know so this is the other piece of art that's sitting over there look at that it looks like some type of Greek or Roman column maybe no no but definitely definitely interesting with the art in this you know we could have a lot of money or could have nothing I really don't know until we get home and look it up that's why is this planet oh look at that what look at the top brings home secured in the big one oh my gosh a little excited alright okay what's in this school and the safe is in the back this time yes that's the dream oh that's a printer [Music] okay let's can use it yes I'm here nothing but me nothing let's see it's probably it's definitely locked so dang it that's gonna be something left to do when we get home either freaking know if you're safe hisui big boy down this one's got a lot of weight to it let's see what we got in this one I see cases oh well okay those are not being seen no more every time every time just like a wedding thing yeah this is all personal stuff I'll put this over here blushing bride Father's Day ooh let's see look at that first that's nice yeah did I see anything on it it says kr is something I can't see it in hands enough lighting when we get home it wasn't help in here there's another ring that looks cool we'll check these out when I get home we'll let you know this one that pearls in there a couple little pieces just random things also like I said that's like a pearl necklace that I see a lot of pasta or real jewelry and the auction on Saturday well let you know there's a little bracelet that's definitely nothing oh I thought that was oh my god put your hand behind it mm-hmm yeah let's see if I can see the market in that big boy 14 karat Oh all the jewelry will be tested that is a beauty very heavy that is weight right there that's good money this is a fraud fraud Nene or something you see that I don't focus on it it's really tiny yeah I can't focus on the glare on my face that's probably I'm gonna guess I'm lavato cuz that's maybe not but that's how they have like no numbers on it usually what's this big boy I don't know look at that no model and I see that's heavy right here it's a Geneva right and then we got this one here which is a fossil all right I know we found my brain before I don't remember the cost of it though no this is just a head Beverly Hills Polo Club hey that's cool but this right here that's really cool let's keep going could I see this watch that is mine no it's these things again what they called shiny to believe hand massage this is a great stress reliever okay so hey all right this totes got balls look at that okay other playing cards fancy box stuff for thought is gonna be something cool what is this is this it mercs anything now that did I see not that I see nothing that's all right that one ring that papers I really credits really heavy this might be the way what we will of course get back that I wasn't actually never used oh yeah it is almost not many people came here first little know what the rest of the personal stuff this is a brand-new guess looking pensive cool it was supposed to be on April 11 they can have their Bible back we always tried to give this back and I feel like a lot of people have personal what is this put that in there - all right no just an old birdhouse okay this TV the boss no that is the fairy of nature was a personal look it's like a fairy this is cool I like this yes glasses Kirkland Signature the only one that ish Steve Madden and they say it on the inside the only ones I really look out for is Ray Ban but we always look them all up but the only ones high-end okay not one one two three four five six of them all right some crystals and well that's it for that template that was a good one all right so we got our next tote here this one's got some weight to it look at that like a coiled extension cord that seems like it has a lot of very useful uses Crown Royal and it's string look oh wait what is that no okay okay very huh okay here's an eco controller could go to one of the RC cars we found in the last one or the boat or the boat all that's in here can you see down there it's just like very random electronics water chargers a lamp it's kind of cool but it's just electronics all the way down nothing to ensure there's another one of these things yeah one of these yeah I was thinking it ever you wanted that massage ball things that I only put this away and we'll just walkie talkies and like I was saying it's just all around what like trying well let me know they recover their super cool in there let's give this one ours is also really heavy it sounds glass on the top so might be kitchen stuff where am I expensive decorative stuff it's all nicely wrapped that's always a good sign that is a Las Vegas shot glass yes it is has all the casinos on it let's look at just a piece oh you know what this is well we found the rest of this at the other part this is probably the cups and stuff to it this whole set is actually like a couple on our bucks that's a Friday night school as long as we have all set should be a couple hundred and even if a couple are missing or broken still probably at least eighty two hundred bucks which I'm not complaining so this box says wall shelving up here and misc down here let's hope it's not Sheldon miss miss presents tarnish if I want to say miss I hope it is it's but it's really heavy Sheldon binder papers oh that might be a jewelry box yeah this is more CDs nice nice TV okay so some CD Lots as we can say oh those that hmmm through mw3 a lot of burned again sucks I hate burning CDs let's see what else more CDs okay more CDs more CDs it feels like let's make sure yep yeah more CDs but this is not what is that coasters they're really old if they are there would look at these huh definitely interesting yeah let's see what awesome these are actually wooden shelves nice picture frames but shelves alright so this isn't a back court and they actually zip-tied it without a screwdriver luckily a good time let's see what we have in here yes let's see come on come on okay son what's in there you see something looking like too much yeah you just an earring they might be gold I'm not sure want to test em at home what is this thing nothing this looks like a bunch of here Amy unfortunately but still a jewelry box they're always excited and some of them could be gold like that looks like the right color but I'll have to test it when we get home unfortunately for boxes there were nothing but personal pictures which of course they get back but it creates too much editing if I show you the clips but this one is not look at this he's not first thing you see check that out my Transformers blu-ray gift edition has a three box in the blu-ray still in there this is look at all these ancient coins check that out obviously they're all copies in our real book no it's a little game yeah kind of cool oops this is looks like a bunch of hard hands to be honest with you got Candyland candy lying again five little monkeys jumping on the bed game couple bucks at a flea market like two dollars apiece it's still like 15 20 bucks in there I don't know what that's worth oh that might be worse than because people love transformers somebody to this boss first is free all the way up here oh this is the Constitution oh look at that this frame is really badly beat up but that is a legitimate copy of the Constitution I know from watching TV shows leaves there's a lot of older copies that they made in like the 1800s to give out the people and obviously the real things in the Smithsonian and whatnot but if it's a copy an older copy it could still be worth a lot of money like a few grand but I really don't know how to tell I don't want to mess with it touch the paper edition in case it is that all when we get hold we're look into it alright so after searching through all the little boxes and pockets and things like that we never came up with a key for the safe so you know what that means it's that special time of day again where you know why did you screwdriver it this is a Phillips screwdriver isn't it yes I don't think we're getting into this I thought we had a flat head so I can find a flat head but we got this thing and that looks just as deadly let's just giggity stick it in there and start hitting with a hammer no this thing doesn't want to come open it's almost like it's designed to not be opened but hmm let's see if we could try this it looks like this is a hit to attach to the bottom I'm gonna break that just like this might be nothing left oh hey all right well we're gonna have to smooth the floor good job is there anything in it what do you think no yeah completely empty as with the case does uh like 99.9% of safes found in spirits so we're back in the garage now guys kind of are sorted pile has gone through 95% of these unit nothing spectacular that you didn't see already this is kind of all the stuff we're still holding on to the flea markets supposed to open up in two weeks and there's a pile of scratch you know we already take one giant pile of trash today we got another one but it happens it means we're back in the business but anyway we got another epic unit coming out tomorrow or the smaller one that we paid a good amount for but all the military people out there and weapons people out there just be ready for it because it's pretty pretty cool but anyway leave it a like subscribe if you're new and until next time peace up
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 55,562
Rating: 4.8975153 out of 5
Keywords: safe found in storage unit, safe found in storage unit 2020, gun safe found in storage unit, safe full of cash found in storage unit, safe with money found in storage unit, safe found in house, found safe in storage unit, gun safe in storage unit, money found in safe in storage unit, storage unit, storage unit finds, storage unit safe, gun safe storage unit, i found a safe in an abandoned storage unit, found safe, found safe full of money, how to make money
Id: leUhkz508nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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