I Bought A Strangers Storage Unit For $5! WHO WOULD STORE THIS? I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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this looks like this like a blanket but there's something welcome back to treasure anyway jeepers guys and guess what we got us another sewer TuneIn look at this one looks huge right it is so packed that when they open it stuff just started falling out and guess how much we paid for that one five bucks five dollars how can you resist a mystery for five but I know I can't like this video subscribe if you're new let's get it [Music] so a lot of stuff right $5 the main reason I took this chance is because a lot of it looks like clothes and literally right over the areas of clothes that Asian bit on the property so if it's a bunch of cheap clothes we get rid of it we don't got to take it home so what is there to lose let's start I don't know where let's just start all right let's just look in the first bag and fill out I got here this looks like aa certain apology here cuz we're gonna donate half these probably like 80% at the clothes goes yeah we have too much stuff already I know if I move this that's coming down but do you see any other options besides you know but I would just catch the box they also have a Toys for Tots box in there so in front anything new this is all how does that what is in here what is it [Music] hmm that's what is this I'm getting a whiff out of this bag you know leafy substance speaker and definitely getting that smell I don't see anything in their stuff same with the rest of this box no excitement there so we brought some gloves out because we kind of just saw a spider I don't know if it's one of those black widows they're like live out here in California so let's be safe rather than sorry let's see what's in here probably holding this company beanie baby something me full towel so I can go the donations stop this get out what is this looks like this is blanket it's just a bunny all it is you could feel it is there nothing else in there it's like a blanket or curtains a blanket okay we're gonna get this we're gonna get this okay but those looking here first this is something everyone at the flea market has it's all closed is it all closed I wonder what's in here how do I get in it right here the martyr washers and battery okay really here's always room there is this looks like it's literally closed all the way down let's get to the front right great just what I wanted clothes rice and Margaret that's the deck what I wanted to find a name let's get in this bag now don't collapse all right what do we got well close this what is that unit at college unpopular opinion college is a scam sorry throwing it out there a jacket clothes clothes are never fun you know what all I see in here is close to is it up hold on look at the bag print looks like Burberry we have a logo on it oh I see this like you look for this in shirts and thrift stores but that's all close to no fun next to the case 100 it's got some weight to it oh gosh what easy Oh Oh spider see okay I don't know where it went no not Hotel closed and there's a car coming right behind us this yeah it's like very awkwardly right next to the gate and there's a storage units and everyone that comes in to the stairs yeah you'll never guess what it looks to be full of I think we got more clothes open here's a few something a little book design it's not be a phone case that is not in there let's just ran a little toy it's like looks like Dollar Tree toys just okay and the rest of it it's just more close isn't it looks like yeah well Oh close oh yeah literal trash broken toys also exciting what is in this why is it all like deformed bugs - bugs this just were closed thank you more clothes go that pile back we'll keep that I guess [Applause] this is war closed I don't want close champion there's a champion jacket it's something a little recognizable but it's probably not in that great of shape but it's authentic mmm I'm gonna drive all the clothes people crazy the resale clothes and say no yeah right now that looks like one outfit in the back what kind of shoe is it though I hate gloves like I feel like I can't feel nothing thank you can't yeah I know I don't like that Priya or something like that's true this isn't looking too pretty now is it no oh well five bucks how you lose clothes more clothes even if you pay five bucks to donate clothes a bunch of people you still win that's why I'm saying Dickies thank you this is also something we could be usually saleable we have so much stuff right now it's kind of like overwhelming so unless it's like high-dollar items I'm not really looking to sell it right now what is it donating this ducking about clothes now it's like a polar no fun also no fun let's see it's one of those like this might have some stuff in it stuff might see a toolbox oh my gosh something different and close [Applause] you see that antenna to attack me this is empty lots of buzz and softball I find of the year 30 softball other than that I think we got a bucket of trash go baby do you is discovered bread is my brief now looks like a party in there water for day whoo what's up guys hope you're having a great day once again let's get into some other stuff so I want to get some of these suitcases out hope you find the Black Widow they got away I hope I really don't my do it's it's being killed sorry yeah oh we're finding a lot of like rocked up toilet paper from hotels so I'm assuming this family either travelled a lot or they had to like live in a hotel which I guess traveling a lot technically you're living the hotel kind of a hotel to choice with this summer we stayed in so many hotels travel in the country so this is just a Starbucks my lighter beautiful here rescue kit let you guys out there's a lot of lanyards in here so hope not all of this is lanyards flexi you know help me real quick baby Jesus or any offhand so to have any markings on any of this this looks like it could be savior but I'll see it stainless the other yes so ring the wolf guys if you understand that joke put it in the comments and I'll love you forever this looks like a handmade one that is definitely fake yeah I don't see any more the dragon still might be real alright guys time to go the rest of this stuff is hunter Britain fake so this is like the rest is I've been there oh yeah a little extra sketch this I I'm honestly gonna put in the Toys for Tots box in the office this right here bathroom Pat something else in here no these are slightly used yes you know that one's gonna take in is doing the top of the roof let me pull out a different suitcase all right let me see what I you find something that's not close you didn't all right that one was not close but still like I want to find like I'm interested I want to find the good stuff yeah that's damn tonight bag by the way so we have a pair of what are these these look like umm dollar general shoes yeah cuz we just went to Dollar General and I feel like I saw something like that trying to diss appendage shopping brave you look great for buying this alright alright that's getting to the main part Darth Vader top the water bottle Darth Vader clothes here's water bottle alright can't really grab it close another bathroom back here another thing a toilet paper there's some toys in here I still just smell it overwhelming scent oh you know what yes yeah I don't like them chocolate if I could i back that up you can all right next to kids alright next let's see looks great can I hear some gasoline deck so we have two things of water bottles I love used water mystery sack mm-hmm nothing yeah I feel like I've seen this kind of purse before that I wonder now again are all probably it's like unbranded I just remember seeing this design you know it looks like those like squishy spiky balls you get on like the grab machines yeah yeah exactly they stretch it automated into a curse to repurpose it all right more clothes [Applause] what you guys oh there you go looks like nothing quilts doesn't it oh yeah this looks like a knitted stuff like a little blanket maybe a little like placemats through the table yeah we should keep that bag how people like that stuff all right so that's going in the van I'm gonna go through this one and then we'll switch up look at some random stuff down here so here's close thank you really know nothing nothing come on we're into that nothing I think tells me nothing and you know paper that is brand-new though I mean I see no state Oh mmm suicide being donated magazine more close once again what's it go well where's what I felt at the bottom no I missed it no more hair bands oh nothing what did I feel probably this stuff together just to make up yeah that's all I felt no fun there so just some bathroom stuff alright guys you know what do you got there we got that pack of Pez party started let's get now in on the candy hi very uniform Oh bunch of blankets on the broke it now that's not just like like a bag of clothes yeah no I wasn't thirsty you don't have to guess is that what all right magazine and then just close it not a heating pad all right that can be donated to ya hmm I wonder what this is I still think it's maybe maybe not completely closed all right let's see me get all these next you like to go taking honey this is a makeup thing that's a cloth drops I need a lighter that's emergency ponchos it's like a very odd bag and we got your electrical tape you got your Nemo you got your Poncho's you got your your lighters and your Bluetooth speaker and your nail filer and this and this yeah sitting right on top oh whoa check it off oh my god this is made for us Oh first well what did you think it was just bad food I think that eating peasant definitely not we are all routes in here gamble of just like most random objects in the universe okay is that house like a mag for good oh that's a whole roll to to take all their stuff out in yeah guys this would have been my wallet if we spent more than five dollars on this unit you know for five bucks all the old it but this would have been the Apple around it is kind of bad and make these kind of jokes is it I shouldn't be doing this alright god we're just going through and I don't want actually drop this I don't know it's like a plate or an afternoon I don't want to actually drop that in the shatter let's see what's in here let's staple and I see crayons oh yeah you can't go anywhere the Kranthi people have a brick yeah a literal say a literal a break you have to build it and color it this looks like this like a blanket but there's something don't wait hey you coming game have you thinking not even the slightest guys having weird things you have to help us out with so it's like a roll of something this is like rubber and then this is like watch the piece but yeah serious we'll look that up figure out what it is and all yes looking here now it looks like a bunch of so we just moved a bunch of the mark stuff in the van a bunch of the clothes the donation bin let me see peeking out the back back there you know what that is as well as I know that there's a nice little army bag in the back but what's that got a purse this yeah this more clothes it's more clothes isn't it maybe in here and this is more close to say it I'm so sick of clothes yeah what happened to this thing look at the shape of that plastic tote so I want to explain to me what this is so we know you want to see what's in our me bag and you know what we're not gonna cliffhanger you until tomorrow but we are gonna cliffhanger you if you want to see what's in that in the rest of the unit just make sure you subscribe to the BabyTV channel guess what's coming out today we don't know when Wow pretty soon it'll be on today make sure you subscribe with the notifications on it and you'll know just see what else we found in this magnificent storage unit but you know you want to know as much as I want to know what's in that army bag [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 67,111
Rating: 4.8060608 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a strangers storage unit, i bought a drug dealers storage unit, i bought a mentally insane persons storage unit, i bought a millionaire's storage unit, i bought a navy seal storage unit, i bought a storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought a stranger's storage unit and broke my ankle, jelly i bought a storage unit, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage unit finds, storage wars, lost luggage, luggage auction, mystery box
Id: p8X7hktSn0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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