Friday Night Live | 5/29/20

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ladies and gentlemen y'all give me one second here you know I just ran in the house I'm just getting home I'm just getting home I set my live because I miss my video today been out taking care of some business so I went to pop on and do a quick live tonight probably just be on here about an hour tonight cuz I got my good shirt on so I really don't want to sweat sweat out my shirt so you know I just came in the house and I had to throw my hat on cuz I ain't got my hat on straight I had to put my hat on so now remember tonight put your hashtag Q in front of the question so if I can identify the question in the chat and I try to go in order the best I can but sometimes the chat just kind of you know it'll go up by itself I don't know how Wyatt does that but I try to go in order as you post your question and I didn't post a video today hopefully I get to post one tomorrow and yesterday video was for the fellas just felt the need to do that I've been dealing with a lot in these you know coaching sessions and just hearing so much there's so much going on with the men out here right now today that I need to speak to the guys so imma see first question pop then how do men view women who dress provocative you know unless that's like for a photo shoot or something like that a man typically sees it as low self esteem and attention seeking I know a lot of times women say it has nothing to do with that and that is just because they like their body or just because that's how they want to dress but we really don't do anything just for ourselves because we live with around other people so everything is to a certain degree for other people because if we just did everything for ourselves we wouldn't even put clothes on but we put clothes on for a reason so when a woman is dressing provocatively you know provocative you got to look at the root word or two so a man sees that as attention-seeking you know and that she wants to be sought after or praised for you know the assets that she's shown and whether it's right or wrong that's just how men interpreted if a man inbox me and send a DM with his phone number and you message them back and they don't call why should a woman call a man when he sends his number nope you shouldn't call a man when he sent his number how should a woman handle rejection from me and she likes you got to see that as you know like you dodged a bullet because if you like a man he don't like you back that means that you will just got dropped through the mud you know imagine holding on to somebody's shirt and they trying to get away from you if somebody pulling this way and you holding on today's shirt they just gonna drag you and so that's what it looks like when you want a man who doesn't want you y'all hold on Marylyn god bless you're not I know you say that man change for their women but I don't see a lot of men growing up and changing although there are good women out here what does this mean a man change for the woman that's for him so if a man is not changing for a woman that woman is not the woman for him he doesn't see that woman as his woman you might see them together but that doesn't mean that's his woman because to be honest with you just the way the numbers fall you may bump into or date ten people before meeting the one some people may date a hundred people go on a hundred dates before meeting the one so just because somebody together don't mean that they meant to be together so that that's what the issue is right there see my good friend wants to set me up with a guy she dated in college over 15 years ago thoughts I wouldn't do it I wouldn't do it anybody she didn't had that sloppy seconds and a lot of time they want to do that just to get back in touch with the person and she just don't want to get back in touch with him on her on her own name so she won't throw your name on there no I'm telling you all right your weight on the Lord do you think it's smart to start a relationship with a co-worker only if you're willing to lead a job so if you willing to get a transfer or to quit the job if you build a strong soul time and then y'all break up because it'll be torture going to that job if you got a soul tie with that person and y'all don't work out Tony I am doing the work to get over the ex but I want to be over him already we only dated for months we'll say that we had a lot of deep combos and spend a lot of time together so maybe that's it keep doing the work keep doing the work can't put a time limit on it came rush it you know keep doing the word and see Michelle god bless you I have a longtime friend who was now married and he insists on staying in touch with me you gotta ask yourself what is it doing to your spirit and how kind of in touch is he stand with you if it's happy birthday and that's different if it's Merry Christmas that's different but if he tryin to text you or call you every week now you know he doing the most you know he's looking for that outside energy miracle a what is your cash it's my name they got the money signed and Tony Gaskins the way they spell some people spelled my name wrong door don't lead yes home there somebody sent my blessing today and I just want to tell you bless you somebody say my blessing and said no need for a shout-out but I gotta get shot ain't gonna say your name not just cait's your cousin I'm here to ask you for some money yesterday but thank you that show bless me now lady II bless you thank you for your obedience man of God read both books have been to seminars changed my life no question god bless you thank you for that down Kim that not bless you thanks for that video yesterday mr. Gaskins is just what I needed to show my son as a single black mom and couldn't put into words myself the way you spoke really calmed my spirit and hopefully my son's thank you bless you thank you thank you for that support of that video I turn to the advertisements off on that video so be no interruptions and I really appreciate y'all who checked it out and shared it especially Roxie god bless you now blessing the you and the first lady bless you not Rossi Nigel maybe that's your name flashing naw I'm trying to forgive a guy who used and abandoned me he's 34 I'm 26 he text me he missed me I called and this 19 year old girl picked up and was yelling at me I keep thinking of revenge but I want to let go let go let go that's the best thing you could do is let go start the healing process now learn from it now see what you have to do when you go through something like that what you got to do is you have to sit down and you got to look at everything that transpired and you have to get the lessons if you can't understand it then you may need that work with a coach go on my mentor that life and book a coaching session and go through it and learn every red flag that you miss every mistake that you made and write it down write it in your journal and get it in your spirit so that when it comes up again you won't fall for the same thing because that's what we do wrong so often is we fall for the same thing because we don't take time to look at what we did wrong so when you think about a relationship from the penis what you have to do is think about what you did wrong and what you could do better next time and what you have to do is get the lessons from it so that why while it's on your mind it's just not taking up space rent-free you getting something from it so make sure you make sure you do that now now let me see I'm gonna see if I can get in this Hill chat grab some of the questions lady god bless you not why is my soon-to-be ex making fake facebook profiles and pretends to be another man to see if I might respond it's been a lot of DM but I know it's him because he has a signature phrase he uses he probably is looking for something to hang his hat on he needs something to be able to say this why this why it didn't work out she's a cheater she cheated on me she was cheating on me he also want to see that if you if he's about to be your ex he also wants to see if it's because you're talking to other men see some men look at you like booboo the fool some man think you look like who shot John and forgot to kill him so sometimes a man look at you and say ain't no way in the world I'm she finding the strength to leave me unless it's a unless she entertaining other men so that's why he's trying to trip you up another thing is you know men just hate failure my ex got mad left nasty messages texts and voicemails today because I won't be with him I told him leave me alone he's still texting leaving messages tony was out right for not responding anymore you're absolutely right you did the right thing can a guy come back out of ego the first time but then come back another time out of heart anything is possible anything is possible but you got to look at the guy you got to look at the guy so it depends on his character depends on his integrity why did y'all even break up to begin with and how do you know it was ego the first time and how do you know it's heart the next time so typically if a guy's genuine for one if he has to come back he coming back out of heart point-blank period so if a guy comes back out of ego the next time he coming back he's still coming back out of ego but he now he knows how to disguise it as coming back out of heart so it's it's possible but it's not probable gee oh god bless you know Tony my ex is my coworker now I have healed and I know my power he knows my standards and we are able to work together with no animosity should I keep my distance yep you ought to keep your distance because when you round him he's still gonna trigger that that part of your energy to a certain degree and he could end up blocking your blessings and he could be talking to you and somebody else another one another guy could be looking at you that could be your husband and a woman over here could be oh that's no that's a man I guess they got back together just cuz you talking to him so now he didn't block your blessing because tall dark and handsome was watching you getting ready to holla at you and could have been your husband but not because you're dealing with him cuz you're talking to him and y'all got history somebody else and said oh I guess they back together boom so that's why when you lead your ex cut him all the way off cut the ex all the way off Angela god bless you my ex told me he isn't good enough for me he has been now he left but said it was me who left and now he told me to fix it two and a half years with two kids I feel like he wants me to chase him you feel right you feel right oh yeah it slap crazy okay your ex like crazy so you need to get down to the child support core so when they open it up in the midst of this he had 19 get down under that child support core you finna get double for your trouble cuz you got two you've been getting double for your trouble get on down there because you're dealing with somebody that's your cuckoo for cocoa puffs so you need to get down there a South you hear me Monday morning be it be open help open the door Monday morning be down there 7:00 Thursday open at 8:00 Carmelita god bless you god bless you call me Lito last night that's shown are you showing I long a moon flashing now from my heart thank you left for 11 years I know my word Luna stay strong keep going a cure I was go stood accused of something I didn't do and ignore it by a man I dated briefly he was a good guy very consistent should I keep trying to plead my case or just leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone don't ever try to plead your case unless you in the court of law because you're dealing with a man and he playing Blue's Clues and then he putting stuff on your name that you did not do so that lets you know that you're gonna have your hands full and this while he's young and healthy you see what I mean so now if he putting stuff on your name that you didn't do when he young and healthy imagine growing old with that man and he started to get c99 he wrapping you up in Luna for when he's 65 70 years talking about you working for the government and you spying on and he didn't wrap you up up against the bed post in loom before you see what I mean so when a man you did him with a man like that early and he started to blame you and accuse you a star yeah he got issues so this what I try to tell y'all not it's what I try to tell y'all recognize crazy early recognize crazy early and I'm always reminded of that because when I watch the news I will see somebody a lady lose her life to a man in a very vile and I know in every case is precursors well there is antecedent behavior it's little red flags that's why I say recognize crazy early do not play with it do not play with you see a man cuckoo for cocoa puffs going bite your life Cheryl mmm god bless you Tony you are so diligent with your work I want to work for myself too one day how did you find motivation to go hard everyday outside of God of course well I tell you what the Bible said if you don't work you don't eat so it's kind of hard for you to want to work for yourself and go hard when you're working for somebody else so I was balancing in 240 hours for them 40 hours for me eventually I was able to go full-time for me because I was working hard because I want to work for me and so now this is my job so it it might look like I'm diligent but you have to realize that I've been building for 13 years so when I do an hour video a day imagine doing one hour video a day versus working on somebody job for 8 to 12 hours when you put it in perspective you know I had to grind a lot of years but now it's not as hard as it was and I show up and I go to work you know doing my work coaching right in producing online courses you know because I also got to feed my family so beyond serving my purpose I got to feed my family now and speaking of course is the life coach certification because it's got a lot of life coaches on here right now tonight aspiring life coaches the pricing increased Monday so June 1st it's another price increase because we creeping back up to its original price because the country opening up people going back to work so we slowly the course will be creeping back up to its original price you don't need a coupon code it's already set with a discount and it's on Tony Gaskins ten god bless you I don't have s can I break up be emotional painful yes it can that's that's what it's gonna be even if you will sleeping with somebody it's still a emotional time I've been talking to for over a week he shared with me he lost his mom over the weekend do I give him time I'm confused and this is awkward you could say your condolences oh I'm so sorry about your loss and then over the next couple of days being that he lost his mom you can check in hey just checking in on you how are you and you could do that just in light of things you know for a few days and then he still he should pick back up after about seven days and start to initiate the contact but if he rides this out and he doesn't come back around he don't start initiating the contact then keep it moving remember to put hashtag Q in front of your question put hashtag Q in front of your question and only questions in the chat only questions in the chat so I could identify them easily what does it mean if a man says him or you are not leaving the relationship but in the same breath says you should move on and find someone to treat you better daddy crazy and you need to do the ladder move on and find somebody to treat you better if a good-looking accomplished guys having trouble finding a woman when there are women everywhere is he looking for someone specific like a wife yes he's looking for something specific and guys can be picky and the longer a man is single the more picky he become just like some women but now all women come sometimes started to go to other way but the longer a man is single the more picky he becomes but the other thing too there are women everywhere there are women everywhere but a lot of women today being turned over to a reprobate mind and context you know what that mean but what the Bible saying it just in the context ound like crazy and from what I'm seeing in my comment section there's a lot of women losing their mind and so I was talking to a good guy today single going on 30 take care of self great money you know it man of God and he really struggling to find a sane woman that is just you know and and women have gone through so much that is so much insecurity is so much hurt is so much pain that's why I'm on here doing what I do that's what I do what I do trying to help heal hearts trying to help ease the pain trying to bring new knowledge because just as sorry is man getting out here today you got to realize it's another side of that if you got sorry me and even have broken and hurting women and so now when you have a good man it's so many and broken and hurting women that the good man having problems meeting a good woman and so I told him I said man I said Brian hey god bless you bro I'm glad I'm at the game and I'm Eric cuz I see it ain't easy I'm seeing it I'm seeing cuz I coach people every day I cope two to four people a day and I just I seeing all the struggles that's going on you know on both sides so it's real like hell so that's why you got to equip yourself with the knowledge bowlegs god bless you now hey Tony I just wanted to give you a little tithe and offering because you're pointing to my life and so much I've been using all you teach and I believe and I believe I have a prospect god bless you now that shoulder be a blessing if you do it Tony no question that they Eileen bless you now bless you I mean fine next question is it okay if a man doesn't text during the day but call and text after work thank you for all you do yes that's okay that's actually that's totally fine if he working you know he got to work some jobs don't allow you to have yourself all night you know he got to make sure he secured the back nine so that's that totally fine lonely reaching out to you everyday and y'all talking to ample amount of time you know thirty minutes or more then you're on the right path Brizzy green-card blessing night thank you for that blessing prism miss o last year hello Tony what's the name inversion of the study Bible you read please I just read the Bible out it's Apple in the palm call her by behalf and he got a brown Bible his icon and then in there it has a different version so I read the on the new standard version I think it is in SV and or the International Standard Version I think it might be called I read the one that's kind of written in more plain English and then sometimes I flip back to King James Version just to see how weird they said it and then I flip it back to nsv to read it more playing English love notes of God bless you now my dad is cheating openly my mom is choosing to ignore but my siblings are affected emotionally by his cheating and her silence how can I help what you can do if unless your daddy come from the old school to where if you step to him he's gonna swing on you then you cuz you need to speak to him send him a text message send him a text message that speaks to his heart that he can read over and over and over and said dad you know you raised me and I always thought you were Superman but now to see how you live in your life I am disgusted I am hurt I am shocked and I am appalled some days I feel almost ashamed to be your daughter how can you come to this point and still call yourself a man and treat our mother this way if you wanna cheat then be man enough to leave you said I mean sometimes you got to speak truth to power you don't have to curse him out you don't have to yell at him you got a step to and face to face sometimes it's on you to speak truth to power because a lot of times people don't see nothing wrong with what they doing until somebody that loves them calls them out of body so that's what you got to kind of look at well a god be mad if you don't make out but you're okay with kissa should you tell a guy you met that's constantly texting you I've been thinking about you you're not romantically interested in him only two days and no conversation of substance should you tell a guy you met that's constantly texting you I've been thinking about you you're not romantically interested in him only two dates and no conversations so yeah you don't have to say it like that but you know you can't tell him hey I've been meaning to tell you I'm just not in a place today you know or anything like that and I don't want to waste your time and lead you on and I don't want to waste my time so it's been great knowing you but I really just would rather you know bow out gracefully so that you can go on and meet your wife without me being a hindrance you say something like that so it's kind of in a way you saying it's me not you type of thing Shuri Avery god bless you now my ex calls me still we was together eight years he is with someone of six months I got mad pulled a knife dropped charges should I do 14-day rule I don't know what that money sound to Elia no is not I didn't take that class miss the day on abbreviation University for that one what 14-day rule you need to do one hundred and forty day rule y'all was together eight years okay he already to moved on he another relationship he push your button to the point that you didn't pull a knife home you could took it like he coulda took your light you could have went to jail he could win jail listen that's fatal attraction so what you need to do cut him off oh think the way and move on bout your life don't worry about no 14 days you need take 140 days then you need to take another hundred for today you need you gotta move on with your life so if you got to do coaching whatever you got to do you got to move on with your like my family is dysfunctional and toxic but I've been working on myself every day when it was a good time to tell a guy I'm dating or boyfriend about my family oh that's not really necessary you know he'll find I he'll find out buddy just make it by chewing him because a lot of people don't kill by family you know my family messy and toxic a lot of times most of the time and me and my wife going on 14 years of marriage now and she see it you know and just kind of like wow really what people don't really care about family as long as your family ain't trying to you know put hands on him or slice his tires or put him in bodily harm in danger then them just being messy that's something you deal with if you got to block them if you got to start responding to them whatever you got to do you deal with that that's your family you got to put that on him and because when a person with you date with you so everybody kind of expect the other person's family to be a look off to a certain degree recently talking to someone he didn't reply to my text but watch my ig stories that I dress it or is he just playing games well the thing we ID stores is he could have been watching somebody else story before yours and it just rolled to your store and then since it had rolled to your store he just let it keep rolling so you can't take it as if he intentionally was watching your story so that cuz that's how it just works on there cuz I haven't been watching the store and somebody posts something at me and I look at it and as soon as this over it go today next door and I'm like oh Lord they're gonna think I'm watching all these store cuz I see how y'all be asking me by somebody watching y'all store so that's for one thing and then - if you talking to a guy he's not responding to your text and I mean y'all no longer talking so it ain't by playing games just by he trying to send you a message like move on with your life so that's what you gotta rely more on with your life because you can't build something with somebody if y'all not communicate it make sure you put a hashtag cue in front of your question so I could see it and I only put questions in the check for right now should I do the life coaching if I am not all the way together in my life or should I just sign up for self love you courses until I feel more confident it's a personal choice with the life coaching you don't have to do it right now you know if you just if you sign up for it because you want to claim the discount for this 19 that we going through and that's why I got a discount you just want to claim the discount you the course is self-directed you could take it in January of 2021 with your New Year's resolution you said I mean so it's no deadline on when you could take the course but in January 2021 this it's gonna be a whole nother price so that's why I say it's self-directed so Antonio guys can carry me calm and then self love you that's only if you just need a payment plan for the courses but the same courses that's on self love you are his own Tony Gaskins but self love you is cheaper cuz you can get the courses I think the life and love courses for $19.99 a month and then when you finish them you could cancel your subscription miss Marie God bless your night bless you but y'all remember now right now Tony Gaskins cuz that course going up on Monday and something y'all be right now oh can you take it back note the system that went on forward now you should borrow money from your grandma and pay her back on Monday or Tuesday when you get paid so to ask him either up in my whole business and try to turn back in the hands of time oh it going up on June 1st alright wait on it play with it Azula TKE are blessing I love your last video on black man how can you heal the relationship with my dad when it's one-sided try to express how I feel about him not being in my life but he's ignoring it but telling me to build well you gonna have to try a different approach here everybody don't communicate the same way so you may have to say it in a different way you may have to build without talking about it right now just build he may be saying like listen let's not harp on the past and how you heard and let's focus on the present so we could build a better future us harping on the past it's nothing I could do about that I cannot change that I don't have the words to express what I did and why I did it see some man just cannot communicate like that because men are not taught to communicate men are raised shut up bit boys don't cry suck it up so some men don't even have the words to satisfy a woman's mind or heart and this show daddy so just focus on building go bowling not not literally because I got 19 on the bowling ball but go out to eat you know or curbside delivery and just sit and talk talk about his dream talk about his goals you know talk about that and then the deeper y'all get the more you start to build you may find a time to to bring up how it affected you but it might not be a day one conversation or right now comics MIOSHA God blessed night God messaged me on Facebook exchanged numbers text combo we're in two different states he has not called yet just meant Tuesday red-flag want to meet where is your Friday night it just Friday night man I work for the phone service for the telephone company night so y'all y'all talking y'all talking in the message y'all in two different states the more so than him not calling yet the bigger thing is that y'all in two different states so with that being the case you might just be wasting your time period Sarah E coop blessing nine new boyfriend is coming over tomorrow for a movie night how to create atmosphere non-sexual how politely reject any advances well you can't play with fire and say how can i play with this fire and not get burned how can I stick this fire stick down my throat and not let it burn my esophagus you see what I mean so he don't need to be at your house special right now with this is nineteen not there because it's still alive and Widow we ain't got no cure we got no cure so he come in your house coffin come in your house coughing talking touching your toilets to handle when he got to use the bathroom touching all over your appliances texting all over and then next thing you know two weeks from now you're going to meet Lord you you having a movie night with Lord because you let a man come in your house when we just got out of lockdown 24 seconds ago you see them saying so first you got to be okay it's a 19 what y'all need to do is get on faith time and put net flix on and y'all watch it together he watch it at his house you watch the hit yo house a you do what you need to tell him tonight you know what you know what my immune system is feeling a little compromised and I just I would never forgive myself if you come over here and I call upon you and so I just think it'll be best like maybe we could get on the phone and we could pick a movie we can hit play at the same time and you have popcorn I have popcorn and let's just be creative just because I'm also asthmatic and cuz you might be asthmatic and if you come over here and you are asymptomatic and I'm asthmatic those two A's do not go together and so let's just give this a couple more weeks so just take your time on this situation and it's what you got to think of the ounce of prevention instead of the pound of cure seal of God bless your night god bless you counsel a CST today I don't know I see STL may be customer it was the best finished certification and want to start but have a full-time job in school and raising two year old so don't have much time but helping others is my gifts suggestions on how to fit in coaching - well it's not it might not be the season right now so we're coaching what you could do if you have a day or if you got two days off maybe on one of those days off you can make one hour available so what that also does is it creates scarcity so when people bump into your profile on my mentor nightlife they they see that you only got one hour available on one day of the week that creates scarcity they like woosh eBook you hit me she booked let me get on her let me get on her books so maybe just start with one out on one of your days off and that hour could be the hour that your two-year-old is napping or that your mom is can come over and watch you to your and just just that one hour start with that that's how I started the nettle god bless you're not my ex is toxic the relationship was toxic he is turning our 17 year old son against me on the nether I answered your question the last time you asked that question on the last Q&A so what you're gonna have to do is go back to the last Q&A and watch and watch that Q&A over again because I can't remember what I told you and I want to tell you something different it's times but yeah I answered your question on the last one now you probably asked the question and then started cooking or something or so I got a phone call came in so go back to the last date I think it was on Wednesday night think it was Wednesday night that I answered your question god bless you now w8 will go with W a thank you god bless you now my ex is in is that Minnesota or Minneapolis and his black we and his black black B okay we ended on bad terms six months ago I blocked them now I decided to reach out and ask if him and the family are okay now he has been continuing combos what should I do conversation hmm I'll keep it moving because y'all in it on bad terms six months ago and now BL k I don't know if that stand for black but from what I know that stand for black so if you put black that means you must be over another race and he up there where the rioting heals yeah he probably needs somebody to talk to now but if he didn't six months ago he income chase you I gone by my business cuz if he wanted to he would come chase you you know but you wrote him and so now you curious about entertaining it you shouldn't have that in your mind if you if you were genuinely writing him to see if he okay that should that should be all you want to know okay you all right all right good to hear from you nice thank you well gray gray okay thank you alrighty we'll take care now and so and then go on about your business because he'll say he'll slip back in there you'll be hemmed up in a twelvemonth or not bloom jazzy god bless you I'm being heavily pursued by my neighbor his wife just love him two months ago he's 53 I'm 42 how do I let him down easy and remain friends without misleading him well what you have to do in a situation like that is just say hey you know I kind of can sense that there's a little something here but I'm just not interested in dating someone that I live by because I'm not in that kind of space and I just don't believe that this can work with you being on the rebound after just losing your woman two months ago so I just I never date a man inside of six months of a breakup sometimes 12 months and especially someone I live by because if things don't go right now I'm dreading coming home to the place that should be a sis so you put that in whatever kind of words you need to but that's what you let him know because if that was your man if he was meant to be your man you'll feel an overwhelming peace about it in your spirit domine god bless you tonight hey Tony thank you for all you do what is my ex subliminally trying why is my ex subliminally trying to impress me and get my attention on social media he also seems like he's trying to be in competition with me why what is he trying to do it that means that he's hurting that means that the soul time strangling sometimes y'all hit me say it's old time strangling said so when you think about a soul tired it's emotional but if you make it a physical thing it would be like wrapping a rope around somebody waist and in pulling it like this right here so you're going net you going that way he trying to go that way but because of that emotional tie why are you going that way it's tugging on him and then sometimes it'll slip on up slip-on that slip on up you hit me and that's the old time starting to sprang on them meaning that he just started think about your whole life mold started miss you start to just reminisce start to go school stuff and he feeling hurt but two egotistical to admit his wrong to let you know that he was wrong to apologize so he started to do other stuff okay I seem like no one know what that means are you texting this on your phone that's his signature on your phone she read over popped back in her not God that's a ex and I sleeping together still just last week he has someone called yesterday no answer this hurts after eight years yes are you gonna need coaching you're gonna need coaching that deeper than this he'll Q&A you're gonna need some coaching because right now you playing yourself like a game of Monopoly so you're gonna need some coaching system out there get on together in Iran thank you for delivering with a god bless you now Sabrina god that's a high Tony is it likely for a man to be genuine when he calls me sis and tells me he loves me tells me he loves me and not wanting anything more and can you read my pic thanks for all you do know I can't read your picture cuz I can't zoom in the night on here I don't know well I'm a poor sitting on me and did my face treatment I'm a bit of a slide in on you tonight but um yeah he lying the man lying and he trying to soften you up he trying to soften you up so he get you on your back so he lie cuz I don't nobody be when we go to plan bout that I love you and all that you know that Jess unless he like you know he married and faithful and man of the church and you know it's a sisterly love likely a real devout Christian and his love your sister but if he's saying love in a different way you probably wouldn't be asking that question and Brooke god bless you're not and from your picture what I could see now here you look ending not you but you could be black or Hispanic or what-have-you and you look like you put up with too much the way you got your hair drop with the curl it looked like you put up with a whole lot it looked like you got standards but you don't state your standards so you have a rounder face so round represent naive like mine I just got a B right now so you can't see but see I got big round eyes so people look at us as naive and they play on us so that's what this man think he doing he trying to play on you to sneak in because he think you don't see what's coming and then he gonna try to get you on your bite and when I be telling y'all about this here okay pay attention no see you can't read you can't read the picture not in the regular line in the VIP ting line deal god bless him my boyfriend used to be so into me but I wasn't emotionally intelligent or as mature as I am now can I make my boyfriend fall back in love with me you possibly can it depends on how he was raised you know so if he it depends on how he was raised if he's like a introvert and he is a passive guy then yes you can if you've changed and you can love his socks off but if he got any kind of savage in him you got any kind of dog you know you'll be playing yourself so if you know he got a little bit of savage or a little bit of dog you know and you trying to go back and bent over backwards the winning love after you was disrespectful you're gonna you're gonna get hurt Gabby god bless you not read a woman's influence in one day Wow you really read and read and make it work now I'm realizing that my fiancee may not be able to give me what I'm worth should I give him a chance to work on things after our break is over okay so that's your fiancee and y'all long break you got to ask yourself as how many chances have you given him if the next time after the breaker that'll be his second chance and he willing to read a woman's influence and make it work with you and talk through it with you and you know you do a session individually he does a session individually then y'all do a session together if he willing to go through that process then it's worth giving it a shot one one last shot now this is the third fourth fifth chance then no going back to business going about your business is it possible that I'm an experienced woman happily married but still learning using your advice for my daughter's need them to be on their toes I don't know what you mean by is it possible but uh yeah you still could be learning that we always learn it and I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here I want y'all marital to feel like y'all welcome to even though I'm mostly talking you know to those dating but a lot of this stuff can apply to marriage is to let me see hey I got 15 minutes now um so a moderators y'all arrest y'all arrest y'all potato rest of the night often and you know enjoy the chats unless somebody get out of hand not gonna put them blocking the time out whatever you know your things let you do but y'all y'all don't have to you know work the chat like that I appreciate y'all support and y'all help on here I got pregnant he didn't let me he didn't let me go back in my country so we got married after two months I found out he cheated with a fixed woman he cheated me again another with in my last month of pregnancy sis if you got a few dollars to your name if you don't you need to start working from home or get your job somewhere but yeah it's gonna be time for you to go it's gonna be time for you to go let's shake god bless your night not you in the chat now you in the chat I let the moderator take the last 15 minutes on now make sure you put hashtag killer in front of your question still and y'all when somebody asks a question don't y'all answer the question people on like too many people answering a question on so Oh mind your chatting but don't don't don't because sometimes y'all answer a question it'd be the opposite of what I'm trying to say so now who know what they're talking about okay Felicia J god bless you not dated a man eight months things was great things went downhill when he is losing or changing his job I surprised him with the Christmas gift his sons was there whom I haven't met he stopped communicating for five months but checking my facebook what to do going about your business is going about the business okay man I stopped communicating with you for five months going back to bed it's all the way over it's all the way over so is it smart to collaborate as a new coach this Martin to collaborate as a new coach Instagram live or zoom um it can't hurt if you can kind of look at what the coach is doing and see what the coach is doing and you kind of could see their brand I did that when I was building my brand I don't collaborate anymore because just the brand alignment his soul is so tricky because a lot of people don't take care of their brand and treat their brand the right way so you kind of got to be mindful of that but if it looked like they've been around for a while you know and they have some consistency and they willing to collaborate with you which a lot of times they won't because y'all not on the same level if you just getting started out so you kind of got to be careful with the collaboration the latte is not gonna benefit you but it could - because if you collaborate with somebody like I collaborate with somebody that y'all think is legit but you don't actually know the person just like you don't actually know me so all you going by is what you see online so I could collaborate with somebody but then that person could be putting hands on a woman that woman that he putting hands on could respect me and listen to my message but when I collaborate with him and I don't know him personally and been around him now I lose every single woman that he has that he's mistreating I lose them from hearing my message so that's why I don't align my brand with people unless I know them personally to spend time with them don't look them in the eyes then talk to them for hours and even then I still get fools on time yes I meant black thanks Tony I will be taking your advice thank you okay so you over different rates down and y'all in their own bad turn six months ago yeah if my ex says that I'm his wife and we'll do whatever it takes to make it work but when I check his account I can see hotel receipts is that something to be concerned about even though we're not together no it ain't nothing to be concerned about cuz y'all not together so he's not gonna be faithful to you if y'all not together because y'all not together so what he doing is not cheating now you say yes let's work it let's work it out let's get back exclusive and let's focus on one another and then you find a hotel receipts and he went away on a business trip nine you got an issue now you got something going on pretty tarus god bless you nine new guy says he's very interested in me FaceTime daily says he's open to a relationship but wants to make sure I'm not crazy first red flag thanks for all you do if a man facetiming you for one that's a good thing does that mean he thank you pretty cuz man is not gonna FaceTime a woman he think it looks challenged so if he facetiming you that mean thank you pretty now I own the I'm waiting to see if you're not crazy that is kind of a red flag because if a man really like you he now ain't gonna let that come out his mouth even if that is what he's saying he's not gonna say that so when a man says that it kind of puts him in a position of power like he is the prize like and so but then why that even came up you know the bad part is it is if you ask him does he want a relationship and what does he want and what is this that's what you went wrong so then you came off as desperate by bringing that conversation up and so he said well I'm open to a relationship but I'm waiting to make sure you ain't crazy now that's what you came off desperate you got out of hand when you should let him initiate that conversation and so now you put him on a pedestal put him in a in the power position saying do you want me then he said well I might want you but you might be crazy so let me hold off so now you put all the power in his hand and study him pursuing you like the prize not he think he the prize Oh Brooke god bless you not Brooke look like you don't know what you doing cuz you you sent a blessing on this the second blessing on here then you just wrote Tony and getting right nothing else okay so this might be Brooke first time on the hairline oh okay okay you black as well just from Africa y'all see already caveats and nuances with the equation you need a session you need a session okay he black you black to you forever you still play day care but you in America y'all going through the same thing in America you might go through worse the eagle I'm not banging you I Indian Tama he black I'm black too I'm just from airplay ah that's nice god bless yo wake it heart working with y'all ladies night y'all got some caveats and nuances you hear me libra god bless you 9 15 months together engage in the beginning talk every day now a combination of video talk tix but talk every other day meets my standards and preferences should I still marry him 15 months together it sound like he on his way out sis it sounded like he on his way out because 15 months by but by the 12 month mark is where he asks you to be his wife now okay so yeah y'all engaged okay y'all engage by seed not a child talking you don't talk to your wife every other day so it sounds like disengagement but to come to a answers on t west god bless you so I would I would look a look closely into that and I would check him on that because he you've got the right to check him cuz this your fiance this ain't your boyfriend this your fiance and say hey what is what's going on with the communication because I've never known a married couple to talk every other day and when you are engaged that mean you are in waiting of your wedding date that's the other thing do you have a wedding gate date because listen engage don't mean nothing in gate don't mean nothing okay Sheila say Brooke ask her question two times two polls before she sent the money now Brooke when you seen that blessing nine you posed too tight the question in now cuz I don't see all the chats but if you sent a blessing I'll see your question with the blessing you see how other people said you see how this right here you see Libra Davis how she put the question with the blessing that's hot that's hot he'll work okay Brooke alright so going forward when you hit that blessing to send that 999 that's where you type your question at okay after these 14 days Brooke questions after these 14 days how do you know if he really wants to change you won't know what you what you would know you won't know just uh if he want to change how you find that out is you have your stipulation so when you take a man back what you're doing is you saying hey if we're gonna work on this I think we need to get some knowledge for healthy relationships so let's read this book let's take this online course let's do four sessions of coaching with a coach from my mentor da life so you have stipulations in place when you say this is what I'm gonna need to build trust to get back with you now if he's if he wants to be with you he's gonna say okay cool I'm cool with that I'm all in but if he says no we don't need to talk me anybody and why we got to read your book man he probably cheating on his wife well she probably cheating on her husband why we got to read somebody else book we could write the book we didn't been through enough to write the book what you want to read somebody else but for if he got us excuses for why he doesn't want to do what you saying you need then that's what lets you know he's not ready boyfriend of a long time says he's gonna stop talking and more doing to grow but then he's showing me off on video chat somebody asks a question that your question disappeared on them I would write down the question too okay let me see showing me off on video chat D near naked to his boy he just met broke it off I'm hurt and mad let it go boyfriend of a long time Shawn you all right he'll make it to a man you just met it sound like he like man it sound like he liked me and he liked to turn I scrape man so he trying to turn it boiling by showing him here's one trying to turn his boy get him excited so he could feel that energy of his boy being excited but it ain't no man in the world that is straight all the way and love his woman gonna show his woman off on video chat he'll make it to another another man yeah like my life man actually peacock that aids my last question tonight it's my last question come to my month time up here ask the P I have scoliosis it affects my posture often feel like me and don't see me for me I'm working on correcting it but often feel judged because of it how can I change that can you read my picture no I can't read your picture cuz you from a side angle but you can't see a lot of times we get caught up in our head you know we get caught up in our head and we judge in ourselves and we looking at something and we saying Oh everybody judging this oh this is not good oh there's something bad but people may not actually be thinking that and then you also got to say okay this is what I'm living with are you okay with somebody who living with the same thing sometimes when it comes to the foundation of things we might be built for somebody who has experienced it maybe a man who has corrected his and he sees you and he knows exactly what it's like to be in that position and be correct and working on correcting your posture and he knows what that's like now if you looking sat down depressed because of what you telling yourself you're gonna look too down and out or you're gonna be walking too fast for him to even catch up to you or to approach you or you're gonna be looking unapproachable so you can't beat yourself up in your mind instead you gotta be like okay hey I'm alright I'm gonna meet my husband I'll meet my husband I'm blessed and highly favored and you still gotta have a good presence about you and be pleasant so that when you walk crossed a man that's meant for you he can see your natural true beauty one Melissa thing for all you do a blessing not bless you hey I said no more question 9 and here y'all let me get the question in real quick there V God blessing now hi Tony my boyfriend and I have opposite schedules we can't spend much quality time together we have a few minutes each day is this worth it that's a personal choice it's me personally I don't know if I'd be able to do it but that's a personal choice on that what's it but um they I'm pretty sure stranger things have happened so you just gotta ask if you got the heart it's got a heart deal with it and you know maybe got to be creative in a different way or one of y'all change y'all chill you know I'm saying nobody putting old to your head tell you work this shelf so y'all might need to try to when y'all try to change that ship I know it sometimes you got stealing this shelf for X amount of time but submit it to the Lord in prayer if you feel like that's your husband submit to the Lord in prayer take it to the balls maybe see somebody on another shift that might want to change cuz they might need this flip they shift because of a relationship you know start praying about it because and you might bump into somebody I want to switch shifts but that's a personal choice the writer sigh god bless you hi I want to remain single until my kids are grown they are in elementary any tips with loneliness I'm still healing you won't be lonely or hurting if you make your children your complete world so you invest everything you got into them you studying every day with them our two hours you take them to the museum when they open up you take them see different parts of the country even if it's a road trip you you putting them in extracurricular activities you might have to sacrifice 15 20 dollars an hour for a couple hours a week for an ANA to help you out if you need that you might need to you know be very creative and make them your everything make them your everything and right I don't know when I'm do that call in show again I'll know how to do that again cuz are you not coach throughout a day pay coaching sessions so when I get on that phone at night talking to people that didn't want tall tall tall tall tall tall tall and that's what I get paid to do as a profession now I'm gonna be having the energy this right here is just a question I take a read the question just go I just go on about me being a god that's all thank y'all for being on here remember for y'all inspiring life coaches go to Tony guys on caddy me calm you don't need a coupon code I just said it at a discounted price so you don't have to worry about trying to find a coupon code but the price increased Monday so now I'm telling you now I'm telling you not price increase Monday god bless you I'm gonna try to get a video up tomorrow and on my Sunday sermon Lord will everything go well god bless you and I appreciate your love and support we'll be in touch
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 12,689
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
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Length: 64min 36sec (3876 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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