Project Zomboid - The Livestream of Many Deaths

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good afternoon ladies jumping up john i'm clan says welcome to project zomboid which gets immediately promotes livestream because this is one of those games that's got a bit stuck in my head all right dudes i i play a lot of video games it's it's a tough job but someone's got to do it i play a lot of video games and that means plenty of video games i play yeah it's pretty good video game never think about them again all right in in one ear out the other in one eyeball out the ear that's the opposite side of the head to the eyeball to represent like like like a hawk it like an egyptian mummy okay that's what i'm probably okay that's that then the mummification would have gone wrong like that's that's the mummifier's first day right i mean rookie error rookie oh no if you've missed the braids steve how the like oh two to carmou the second's gonna be furious uh yes this is wait where where to go where what earth was i going with this yes this game has kind of stuck in my brain i don't like the incompetence spiffing's in chad hey did you just call him spliff huh i don't think so but it's anything's possible i just went on a tangent that went cocking nowhere so i don't know what's going oh this is the only this is going to go downhill before it goes up if at all so yes this is what was going to go up stuck in my head a little bit which is i've found downhill both ways absolutely this just kind of got me it's from myself thinking thinking about this game a lot and i want to understand just a little bit better and i also want to drive a car i want to get a car and drive it i'm going to be looking at your health screen this time that's possible yet you never know you're never flipping though do you yes begin though feel feel free to be kidding the flipping uh the the uh the the betting pool on how many times i'm going to die but people did suggest okay you don't really supposed to start an apocalypse mode people people said to me you're probably not supposed to start an apocalypse but um so yes i'm gonna say no john well it was at the top there was there was there was a list of angle hang hang the screen's gonna go black don't worry it's gonna it's gonna come back in a second well i'm excited there we go today all right you see you see right here like if you see the options apocalypse is the one at the top and that makes me think that apocalypse mode is is the intended experience like normally the attendance experience is the one at the top people say apocalypse mode is not like it should shouldn't really be your uh shouldn't really be stuck so you know what survivor not builder i mean any builder but survivor sounds fun survivor might be potatoes yeah no but like builders i don't know if there's even zombies that build a boat i mean it sounds like oh constructor explorer and farmer very relaxed experience don't know if there's even cocking zombies it built about but like you know sounds like my kind of game survivor still says still says a challenging playstyle based on pzs that it cuts off uh but like you know it's absolutely fine so i think we should at the bare minimum like do a little round in survivor figure it out and then maybe after we've died a bit and we've learned we could do it we could move back to apocalypse boats yes claire she's put a hand up to speak it's great um you you do know there's a there's a navigation bar that you can scroll to see what it says yeah that's what that says all right pz's previous survive don't know who pz is possibly they're the people that made the game that one yes project zomboid er that would largely make sense yes jesus this is why claire this is why claire's here she helps with things such as oh no there's a bar at the bottom this is why maybe i should start to build a boat no survivor mode it's going to be great way survive mode is going to be great it's fantastic i was using keyboard today yes no of course not okay well i'm sorry chat i tried i know the keyboard commands look controller is better for movement and sneaking now keyboard is better for menu management but i don't have enough stuff that that's relevant to me so it's fine it's all good to be a-okay plus i even keep it your hands have to go on a panic panic a lot it's easier when i think anyway i know it it's easier when i know all the buttons and definitely in reach of where my thumbs are right now that's that's what we want i don't really think that's this is why i don't play anything with controllers because i never learned i don't know the buttons in the way that you do where you don't need to look at them you know let me just try and find i think i i think i set something up hanging let's see if i can find what i said up here yes i set up like a new save universe if i can i think i've got okay i think i've got this right right all right go right give it to him go back over to here i think i've i think i'm in the right universe right now this i think this is survivor difficulty and i've said the management is the whole game john says bigly no it's not it's about movement sneaking yeah maybe i'll play with some keyboard later i enjoy what didn't you just say that sneaking is the mode that you're not going to be playing right now no no i think you still need to sneak i'm pretty sure in this game you die anyway the zombies hear you very easily so we're going to let's do rosewood looks like it's a bit smaller and i kind of did okay i did okay in rosewood so just it's all going to be fine you know all right i've already kind of set myself up some nice stuff here we're gonna i enjoyed graceful and inconspicuous i feel like you know less noise while moving less like to be spotted just don't get spotted is a good thing this is all absolutely a-okay i enjoyed roast water this is all fine just load john trudeau did you by the way thank you it's always you into the little red glasses yep so the glasses the glasses are correct as well yes correct as to the new glasses you didn't even notice or comment on john oh whatever uh so yes it's all gonna be it's all gonna be fine they're only in the middle of my face rosewood's very nice there we go so it's all good to be absolutely a-okay pick an occupation it boosts your skills yeah but it also means you have less points so like it it it's all johnny means you have fewer points where did the top of my controller go yes your controller is better isn't it so much better everything i think it's accidentally left over here it's fine it's one of the nice controllers we're held together by magnet so you can personalize that there we go it's fine i think i imagine there's a tv on next door by the way or or wherever i am i like how the thing is slightly slightly randomized also i need to i need to look at that map more often how long has that map in there i remember that map being there last time i was i was around so it's all absolutely it's all absolutely fine all right we're just we're just nice and nice and at home everything's fine get better at carpentry how to use generators let's probably just read that right now then again am i really going to be using each other yes read the thing please what please read the thing okay do you think the most bro the priority for me right this second is oh hmm no no no use use use thing use the show looks like there's a lot of menus to manage in this game it's fine it's understandable i just need to get myself oh canned canned tuna and everything just need a can opener i've got no can i stab people with a fork i can stab people with a fork and a oh this house has got a knife in it oh me this is this is okay this is this is a bread knife it's a it is a bread knife yes but it's it's a knife like this is okay this is already much better than all the starting homes uh i've had before i've got a tv as well i've gone upstairs holy me well this is all incredibly fancy this is this is incredibly fancy right here i think we definitely need to device options i want you to just turn off i've not played with the device options before uh we just want to yes tv shows will get your skills levels your skill levels up fast okay are you sure you don't just mean in the sims there we go this is all wow this is a big ass house i've got upstairs and everything this is all oh alarm clock i feel like that is that's the thing right there because alarm clock is uh yes or no crossword magazine good if i get bored alarm clocks can be used to yes do all sorts of things a pencil sheet of paper really good point from red witch zombies all rotting you don't really need a sharp knife holy i've got so many skill books around here oh when how to use a generator is also a skill point apparently okay i feel like carpentry might be more important oh cooking strikes me as important in the apocalypse can you not just read them all i mean i guess i could but i think they take time yeah look yes take reading takes time okay but like you don't just eat the oh i don't understand oh i think the book's too advanced for me okay so you you burnt let let we'll do the one that's a level one john there was tailoring level one oh that's probably better yes read book do i still have it took you 10 minutes uh-huh oh sorry wait i've started with a watch oh this this person's this person's ready to go this is this is a curtain so that zombies can't see you there are no curtains my house doesn't have curtains it's got it's not that good of a house then no we need to we need to speed along here come on there we go just yeah look at this there's 10 minutes 20. it takes so long to read a cocky book i get i'm very slowly getting better at tailoring but it's it's taking it's taking some time there we go everything's absolutely a-okay yes uh shout out to uh nika the gamer girl who gave us 100 uh czech coronas oh thank you uh and uh says uh so nika says uh my uh unborn mhtn fun uh won't let me stay for long i'm already pretty sleepy but i will catch the stream later like always love you guys and your sense of humor i hope that you too and tabby are happy and healthy good night oh good night to you too good night to the two of you hope you get loads and loads of rest uh happy to hear that uh you and uh your uh um future baby emily tn fan uh are doing good uh we're doing all right we've we've had a bit of a day we've had a bit of a day we've had her to to take tabby to the vet because she was a bit poorly okay so taylor is going up but it's not actually up yet wait a tv as a cooking show between 6 00 am and uh noon a carpentry show between noon and six and a survival show between six and midnight every single day for the first few days nice and so you can catch that to get those skills up okay yeah that's good that's cool that's good right there and i've got my i've got my butter knife tone so the zombies cut okay box will raise the speed uh at which skills level up that's from peacemaker i say definitely okay close the curtains i agree that closing the curtains is a good idea there's no only some groups we have so few curtains in this house okay i'm going to make a dinner even though i didn't understand the thing so i'm going to take the ground beef fresh uncooked okay and what i'm going to do okay is i'm going to i'm going to move it into the uh yeah i'm gonna put it in the oven move to oven all right so that's now implied then i'm going to turn on the oven okay the oven is now on so the ground beef should now be cooking right why are you not why are you not cooking investigate no well is it not cooking or did it go back to in your inventory cooked oh no oh no it is cooking it's cooking it is cooking i have successfully cooking the ground beef there we go okay this is fine everything's under control so i just need to just let i just need to let the beef cook then we'll just put it in my food hole yes so you can steal curtains from other houses oh that's exciting right turn off before i burn the thing okay freshly cooked it's slightly burning grab it okay now i can eat the food i don't eat all of it like a quarter of my beef will be fine probably so we'll just eat that and i'm just a little bit peckish i'll eat another quarter as you know that what hang on if i eat feed a culture of what's left does that mean progressively no i i think you've divided it in four excellent quarters so that means now i'm going to now yeah you should turn have you turned the stove off i mean it's possible it's very hard to say whether i've done that or not i'm gonna read i'm gonna do i'm just gonna do the wordle today oh i think i stopped doing the wordle halfway through because i need to do the word all so i'm not bored anymore i feel like boredom with the zombie apocalypse is a strange thing but this is this is absolutely fine i'm just going to i'm going to do i'm going to do my crossword puzzle just going to do the wordle for a day claire is the the world champion of our household by the way it's true and then we agree the event of a tie the running champion gets to keep being the reigning champion yes i did turn the oven off the oven the oven was turned off nice so okay you see we're all absolutely golden that is okay yeah okay so just um yes just to clear up basically the the skill books will give you buffs so that you gain um xp faster but i'm doing a thing through the skills yeah they don't give you just like random skill points yeah yeah i think how to use generators might be give me a straight up an interaction ability so i find a generator i can interact with it which makes sense yes differently yeah um and the other thing is you can also lower the sound on the tv so that zombies can't you know yes unless you want the tv to yeah that has an increasing anything like mechanics isn't going faster so as you might have just learned that's tailoring because you read the table yeah taylor's going faster but i just read the book about generators but that's not making you say mechanic company faster so i'm assuming that that is therefore as it should be so there we go there's all my traits and everything and everything's it's all fine everything's under control oh but you have some scratches huh oh no that's weird defense i think that's defense against oh i see because i was just like no no that that's defense against it's absolutely fine and my temperature's a-okay it's all fine this is this is going this is a lovely house this is a way nicer house than i've had before this is great oh yes shout out to rachel with any in the space monkeys who says if this was the sims john would have burned down the house already uh and let's see um the saucepan yes the tv shows do give you straight up skill points though oh nice yeah yeah yeah okay well i do i do not have okay i've got a frying pan as a weapon i've got my frying pan weapon does anything like come on over night uh if we say oh there's even channels uh wait hang on tune in does is that oh hang on turn the tv on turn the volume down a little bit perhaps just turn turn the volume just just to here just don't pause just okay it's fine tuning to tune into news change the new so far is anything happening it's nothing on because it's not i feel like something should be on at 9pm turn into our triple n i don't know what any of these channels are life and living life and living is the tv channel with that gives you skill points mm-hmm okay so in the evening now 9 p.m it should be survival okay i'm not seeing anything on right now device options i mean i've tuned in oh is it because i've set it to give give me give me media that's that would be if there was a tape a power source is nearby i felt like something should be on tv is muted the tv's muted they're still muted it's definitely okay there's definitely some volume now do i have to tune in again hmm oh hang on bust yeah buzzed is good i'm gonna sit on my tv investors sleep i don't sleep don't sleep on the sofa and also don't sit on the ground sit on the sit on the chair you daft okay claire's not not very good at apocalypsing uh john i think you might you might need to do watch tv as like a separate interaction open your smash with open codes remove curtains ground investigate this area disassemble if i just sit on the ground in front of the tv am i now watching tv the tv is going woods is it the wrong is it the wrong channel okay static that means static it's only on at six i thought you said it's it was from six to midnight possibly nothing's on right now that means nothing nothing's done yeah you can't sit down on the furniture that's very weird that's very very okay so nothing's on at 9pm yes john because it's the apocalypse i think it's on the apocalypse in kentucky given all the starts are in kentucky and there's clearly and you hear on tv there's talk of like the army rolling in so if this is a kentucky apocalypse and like if you could get out of kentucky you'd be fine so okay there is there is nothing on tv right now tv shows are only 30 minutes and they're at specific time okay wow tv in kentucky sucks also it's surprisingly light out to be honest for 10 p.m well i've got myself a garage next door i'm not seeing any trouble so i may as well nip into my garage if i can get in here open the door might be a bit loud keep opening the door open the door why can't i know is is it locked okay it might be locked in which case okay there might be a window right there we go just open the window this is this is my flipping garage this is fine here we go oh generators i know how to use these now yes generator info but i need fuel to operate the generator though basically i seem to already have power so connect generator take generator system ground investigate area all right this is this is finer garbage bag rakes rake in good condition uh okay i'll take a rake i'll take a rake as my new primary weapon i will absolutely use the rake going forward that's pretty good um i'm happy with that blue plastic what do i have three blue plastic chairs in the thing that's that's weird okay go for it here and oh empty bottle empty bottle empty bottle empty bottle and body and resistance i'll take a dust mask it's the apocalypse i feel like all i should do is i should wear this mask straight away hammers oh hammer looks good as well actually hammer's my new primary yeah that's pretty good uh grab the empty bottle we can fill that up with uh why am i not yeah take it grab the empty bottle oh i need to uh go over to my thing there we go now go over here grab there we go now oh don't leave my house key in the box okay it's all fine we got it we got it in the end so i've got that i don't need the blue plastic chairs i've got i've got good hammer the hammer's good that was really good so okay why can't i not open the store oh now i oh it opens from the inside all right fine just check for zombies this is everything's under control so now i've got a hammer i can hammer people to death so maybe just close the door and because it's the apocalypse i'm gonna lock the door because i don't really want zombies coming in because i feel like that would be bad like in general so all right also uh phil yes fill all forms of empty bottle with water drink can you take you're taking your sweet time filling up that bottle of water clad here i flipping dear uh together with yes take a quick drink okay i feel like i'm ready for the apocalypse i feel like this is this is the run right here okay i this is this is a lovely place where oh i see a zombie i see is i'll be how many more zombies are there all right so these oh i i did see a zombie that's there's completely a zombie over there yeah okay climb over but like quiet like sneak it oh just decided to go elsewhere hi buddy hi yeah that's right that's right that's right over over here over over here over to me over to me over to me and stop hammer time right that's him dead uh i'll be having his i've already got a watch so that's all absolutely fine none of this appears to be better than what i have got so ignore that just check nothing else heard that the hammer's pretty good i'm gonna be honest the hammer the hammer's sweet now what we've got here is also open door okay that door's locked this isn't my house so at this point i need to just check there's any sign of movement i'm not sure if i should really be going outside uh yeah you shouldn't be going outside at night at night yeah it feels like everything's pretty chill in here okay open this window there we go no alarms gone off if an alarm went off that would be a problem be it when as this is not my house there is now yeah there is now a very real possibility of trouble such as for example zombies and go this isn't my house anymore go no dead dead silvery oh silver i'll be taking that and yeah i mean yeah wear that on my left ring finger i've just married this zombie which is really nice take the housekeeping you've just married the zombies wife or husband uh wait why because if you've taken its wedding ring it signifies the wedding to another person no see that's actually true yes okay just be aware there might be more zombies there might be more zombies oh these guys have got a microwave that's so much easier for cooking it's really easy for cooking oh this is wow claire check out the depressing office one desk chair no windows no anything depressing ass office right there yeah it's not even painted in nice dark green ugh you and your flipping dark grains it's nice though you said it was nice oh i'm gonna eat some fresh i'm gonna eat all of the fresh carrots mmm delicious carrots a zombie apocalypse any house can be your house pretty much yes oh corkscrew oh not peanut butter i thought we should have got away from that of the apocalypse i hate peanut butter so much i'm gonna take some of this stuff back to my house i feel like i should definitely i should definitely take all of this all of this food back to my house let me see maybe i just want to make this my house this house does have a microwave which strikes me as less likely to burn down than like all the rest of it corkscrew logically makes okay pop is apparently good i'm gonna drink what i'm gonna drink one pop it's gonna make me happy i'm gonna drink coke maybe the apocalypse but it's still you know it's still apparently like delicious and stuff there's oh there's also a dead mouse in there they're covered oh i guess it just died in there that's absolutely fine okay and also you're losing time by sneaking and that's gonna get you murdered apparently yeah but there also might be other zombies in this house i've not verified whether this house is you see you drove that red ride you see you see oh i should have been sneaking at that point you see i should have been sneaking but i wasn't now i've been talking bitten claire this is your fault okay how bad is the situation just got out of it i'm putting a watch on my other rest putting on my other rest i want two watches at the same time okay this this is potentially gone gone wrong fast uh my health appears to be i have been scratched i am bleeding i'm suffered severe damage minor pain my health appears to be okay i need to i need to find something that i can convert into into material like quite quite fast this is all like bandages you mean yeah like well i need to find anything i can turn into bandages yes me jesus christ you you you you fall over follow the over jesus off sean yes check what does zombies wearing you might be able to transform some of their clothes into that was going really well right up to the point where you told me john stopped sneaking and i walked upstairs without sneaking in the zombie oh look i hear someone come with the stats so really this was claire's fault okay so um that was a neck wound you should have used your own clothes to fix it ah i say you need to use bandages quick yeah oh there's another zombie in here too scratch is a seven percent chance of infection laceration is 25 a bite is a death sentence oh dear well i feel we've learned a valuable lesson here which is we don't listen to claire when class says things like oh maybe we should join the zombie apocalypse oh we're going pretty slowly by going by just sneaking around hey maybe we should like listen to claire who said don't go out at night you're gonna die yeah if we'd have gone into that house during the day they still would have been there how about we get on my motorcycle oh no where did this crowd of zombies come from says clare all right how about we go to west point three hundred percent on john shouldn't have lost yeah i shouldn't have left your house um how many days of zombie apocalypse would it be before you decided to abandon jon would you go out in the daytime okay it's all fine everything's under control we're just going to load clad clap 2.0 we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and drum things like use bandages instead of bleeding to death like a smart person would oh no i'm in a much much smaller house oh a minute oh oh no i'm in a really really oh this is a witty tiny it's like a studio house is this a thing in america because like this looks like a studio apartment but like it's actually its own detached house no it's not because america is really really big and so mostly if you have like a detached house in suburbia ah you expected to be bigger here we go so these pants right here if we rip these pants which happens really fast then i've got ripped sheets and those rip sheets i can can i are they just banters are rip sheets just bandages is that just like a thing i could now use for medicine if if need be it's possible i'm not a hundred percent sure right check for if we get luckier i might get like oh kitchen knife it's damages are great but it's in decent condition yes hey john oh yes did you um stay in a house with the alarm going off last time waiting for the horde to kill you there was one that was my first game and i thought it had gone really badly wrong it had gone really badly oh soap i've never seen that before but it's good for cleaning uh cleaning liquid which i assume functions as soap ah they are uh bandaged you just can't use them unless injured okay so now i've got okay i've got a good knife i've got bandages i need you can't um rip pants without something sharp i just did you can also sterilize them yes i'm telling you information about how it works yes okay i oh folks i will acknowledge that not every single american house has the same house foraging foraging level one strikes me as a really good book to read like because foraging is i'm not sure whether it's foraging specifically refers to the outdoors or is like me scavenging in a house a form of foraging which is interesting would you say foraging has to be an outdoor set an outdoor thing would you say that was true i don't know what time i've spawned without a watch on this occasion so i need to kill someone for a watch otherwise i don't know what time it is uh which i i think is such a fun system you don't i mean you could look outside you could guess based on daylight reno is it night or is it day but unless you've got a watch you simply don't know and i feel like foraging is a good thing right there so you can rip pants but not things like denim or leather this game is so interesting that's why i i like the skates that's how fabric actually like you can there's plenty of fabrics that you can just rip and that gives you a much cleaner straighter cut yeah then like uh then if you're ripping with like in the right direction of the grain yeah of the of the weave then you can make a cleaner cut than with scissors but you can't do that with denim okay even if foraging is not specifically useful i feel like it has utility in the sense that when the band of survivors come around and say well what do you bridget i say i'm an expert on foraging and i don't know what that means but it sounds impressive doesn't it it sounds like the sort of thing you would want in your community the expert forager john foraging is uh using the magnifying glass on the left side oh i never used that i never used that so that's that's the problem i think that'd be oh there's a zombie coming uh-oh did you hear about me hi just oh there's no i don't have any oh i don't oh this is this is this is this is hi i didn't okay well i don't want to shut him i'm gonna open the window so she could get in because i don't want to just break the window i want to be able to close afterwards okay so now now i can get out out no no no go go go go go close the window john yes now now i'm going to close the window wait oh no come through we go back wait is it day or do you just say it is day it is dave you have you can only see what you're looking at even stuff behind you you can't say that's cool uh her corpse she had a wristwatch winning okay so put that on my wrist and now i know it's 10 30. that's a knife i i also have a knife uh but it's oh she's wearing really sexy underwear yes and she has it matching as well nice put on those matching sexy underwear you never know when that's not that this strapless bra is useful for anything oh denim shirt denim shirt that's good defense i mean i could wash it i've got soap um so i'm gonna put that on so we're now wearing the denim shirt aren't you supposed to wash it first i can wash it once i'm wearing it it's fine you weird the corpse to avoid infection huh take the corpse outside to avoid infection you need to keep your distance from the corpse oh do i um okay grab corpse and grab it it's it's it's now in my inventory i assume just gonna take it take it out back uh over here and now uh where's my call of course you just went over right did i oh yes i did as well um okay so i would like to transfer that to floor right so that's now outside so that's now no longer going to be an issue that's no longer going to be an issue also i'm going to lock my door uh okay quick thing i want to check here did i just get briefly bitten no i'm okay bloody clothes can infect you if you get cut so you need to clean them um oh don't worry that was next on my list of things to do because at the sink i can now wash uh i only need to wash actually i'd prefer to wash i might have just been splattered with blood so i'm gonna wash everything and i've got soap so it's gonna be super fast because i have a bar of soap so this here is the best run that's gonna go really really well this is fine so i'm gonna wash all my clothes and myself toe uh wash myself i've got loads of soap so i'm just going to and i'm going to be not bloody anymore admittedly there is a bit of blood going but i feel like my house is really small so i don't want to like live here like permanently i feel like i i should go and find a better house like what's that thing oh is it just it's a t-shirt which i am going to craft sheet rope or rip which i thought generated the same result but tear it up with my knife maybe rip just gives you some fabric and a rope is like a specific thing you make with it possibly but i've got loads of rip sheets and i can't actually yeah so okay i've now if next time no no no okay now when i get bitten i can just bandage myself up and we're golden so we're a-okay just need to quickly make myself a spot of uh spotter lunch here so all right uh go through there's my fridge i'm gonna help myself too actually you know i'm just gonna eat the uh the fresh stuff i'm gonna eat a grapefruit which is gonna be super fast i'm gonna eat some grapes wash it all down with some fresh milk uh for speakers it's day so i don't i don't be wasting time cooking right now so if i eat the grapes and that then oh no oh i i've eaten healthily yes did my knife already break i feel like my knife already broke okay well luckily i had a different a different uh knife her knife i've now got her knife which is in good condition weapon condition goes down very fast now we're going to ignore clap and we're going to sneak all right we're going to very carefully sneak i need a better house you see this house next door looks like john 10 minutes from now you have a show on tv i don't have a tv oh you don't have a tv i have a tv but if i found a different better house that did have a tv then we might be golden in fact did i just see a flicker inside this house that house has got a tv all right i might just be able but i'm not gonna run because if there's a zombie just around the corner they will hear it yeah but once you're inside apparently uh it's not so bad in terms of noise just spend a lot of time humping windows sometimes windows are locked so you just need to try other windows and sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't but we're gonna we're gonna be cautious come on leave this window open actually maybe that woman i killed was my next-door neighbor if she was then i've got the key for the house uh can i use no i think i would automatically use the key if that was the case and that's like come on i need to get into this house you'd leave the window for this open hey we're in sweet okay now closed closed window there's a toilet there's the blinds uh that's true but i've also got bandages nice holy tweezers strike me is useful in case i get glassed vitamins gotta be useful there so we're just gonna grab all that too oh holy where this this is this is the run this is the run right here we're gonna be golden i think we might have missed the show because it's now static uh but it's all fine cordless phone i wonder if that does anything i'm taking it anyway like it'll be good for morale to feel like i own a phone book crossword magazine nothing too dramatic metal working i'm deaf and blind level f level five traffic i'll be like i don't understand this book i think you've got you've got to start low and work from there so okay this is in the fridge this yeah there might be better knives in the kitchen which would be good freezer's got mixed vegetables the fridge is literally empty uh can opener and cans nice that's a good combo right there uh which is good and also a bright red wok that reminds me of euro was not made to be subtle bugs i once got claire a mug as a present it's her favorite mug my second favorite mug is another mug that john got me is a present it says you're an idiot but you're my idiot yes it's just the the monks the bugs i got claire are basically just all of them offensive but in a sweet way it's basically i think i was not meant to be subtle as offensive is just accurate okay so what i need to do now is watch it now i'm assuming what i need to do is if i want to make soup i need to take i need to open the soup can transfer the soup into a bowl put the bowl into a microwave or stove etc and then cook it if you just put the can in the microwave actually now i want to see what happens if you put metal in the microwave that turns tom we're going to go find a microwave this here this has been a good start in the barbie uh ads that's a very good point where they've encountered a container no it counts as a cooking implement uh but in theory something could no vehicle no no no oh okay uh i mean i think you should run and get in the house because they're like no otherwise more will follow me the best option instead is to let them come in this direction close the door if i can lock the door and now sneak out like the back way while they're trying to get the door because they will now try and break in the door so can i open the window from the inside it's a bit weird but you see well actually you can't see but i'm hearing the window the window being the door being like people are smashing on the door so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hop out the window because they're now at the front of the house somebody got this way i'm going to sneak out the back and they're not trying to get into this house because that's that's where they think i am and i've got away from them there's more there's lots more you're not wrong but if i can just make a quick getaway around the corner i think that's one one over here might be trying to come over that fence in a second okay uh open this window quick check what's behind me i think one isolated zombie is behind yeah just one so much case take it out you proper dad yeah proper dead in which case oh nice oh gold belly button ring red corset and frilly underpants holy holy shirt that's this is good this is this is this is nice right here put the gold ring on a different finger middle right and you don't just take everything and then sort through it in the house uh possibly but there's literally a grabble button yeah but i don't i have very little carry capacity close the window close the curtains of the blind and now i think i've got away from those zombies that saw me like this is what that i think this is how you i think this is what you're doing oh there's a corpse on the ground they're on have you got a gun holy flip we've got a gum now are you dead hello are you yeah that's marked as a corpse uh okay you're dead hey buddy are you also dead you are [Applause] time to start shooting some zombies motherflipper right i'll be taking that but i'm told you shouldn't use guns in this game unless it's an absolute emergency because zombies there's like a is that a silencer uh well not on this guy i feel like that's quite advanced what do the sneakers do john uh their shoes yes but they are worse at defense than what i've got because it says because it's in redness as minus but run speed modifier is i mean it's fine actually that just means def oh yeah i'd move slightly faster yes you're correct 1.1 would mean yeah 10 faster movement but yeah uh don't fire the gun in suicide you have no bullets holy leather jacket really good leather jacket look at that shirt that's the right there okay and you're gonna look real fancy it's true this is lovely just like in the zombie apocalypse wearing a red corset of frolly underpants and a leather jacket yeah why not that's as far as i'm concerned i mean hey um i can also put videotapes on which i assume are an easy way of getting rid of boredom super fast uh but wouldn't actually let me learn anything so okay i think this guy might have tried to rob this old lady but like stuff went wrong for everybody involved so okay let's just close the yeah see look at them do you see them down there they're still trying to break into my house because i basically neighbor's house well yes what was briefly my house and then i basically just let them in this is my this is my go-to escape plan go into a house shut the door and sneak out the back generally and it generally seems to work yeah right now all of that is oh that's water bottle that's good and i'm already almost at capacity because i'm carrying a whole bunch of canned goods which are quite heavy but there's not that fresh you should eat now and i'm not hungry now um i mean i could like eat it i could eat like one tiny like like like i could like have time like i could eat a quarter of the strawberries i did quarter of the strawberries um so what else do you have in the uh what do you have in your inventory that maybe is taking up space uh mostly it's the canned goods they weigh like almost one each and can you like um can you like uh say get an extra backpack or whatever fatigue yes i if i found backpacks i could get a backpack but i do not have a such thing right now uh what i should do is break down my goods i'm not wearing anymore uh yeah wait uh want unequipped i should break down all of these uh if i'm not wearing them so this denim yeah they don't think i'm not wearing anymore but yeah put move that to the floor move these to the floor right and i'm not oh you're not wearing any trousers right now i think i was wearing those jeans actually yes okay that's that's fine or just i'll just put on these pants instead all right these these pants are not bloody it's fine so i'm just going to put on the guy with the guns pants so it's all absolutely fine and now i can those those items that are now on the ground i can if i want to yes rip them up or ah okay that's really interesting uh yes you can get more carrying capacity with backpacks uh and bags um there's not spock zombie says there's no point carrying canned foods until you find a spot to put down roots oh pharah maybe i'll maybe i'll leave them here i'll leave them you know what i'll leave them on grandma over reads pants in the apocalypse ah there's a line in your inventory and everything underneath that line you have equipped i say yeah um red dot means it's equipped oh i see thank you chad uh-huh i immediately equipped the belly button gold the belly button ring gold with diamond just i just shoved that straight in my belly button straight away from the corpse obviously yes right just i'm gonna i'm gonna eat all the just take all take all the pills take all the pills there we go let's just get that there we go i'm still still a bit heavy apparently so okay we're just going to we're just going to transfer that to floor all right i'm going to transfer all these to to no not to floor to woman to woman transfer these to okay i'll just put them all on the floor it's fine there we go put all of you down i'm going to leave leave you behind all right we just need to we need a backpack would be a good thing you're not wrong but where i've now i've got all of this we're going to be fine did you john did you inspect the the other room yeah that's the bathroom okay then okay that's the bathroom i came in through so that's the one with the open window so that's absolutely fine so okay the zombies have now been led over on that side so open window which we know is open up outside that's the corpse i made last time and now we're going to slowly we're just going to move up the street all right this is oh this is like a nice big house oh it's got an antenna like you know it might it looks like they might have a dog i've never seen a dog in this game i don't know whether such things exist uh if they are i've never seen one now the danger of course with forcing windows is some houses can have alarm systems uh which draws a lot of attention so if that happens you're going to be wanting to gtfo in a hurry uh we're just going to try and find a way in so i'm going to be fine nothing maybe the door the door was just open always try the door first and all doors all seem to just have deadlocks on them yep and just prepare for trouble now we're fine this is this is a nice little house this might do as a starting house right well i just do a bit of ransacking claire i'm gonna let you speak thank you uh okay i know they don't have a dog anymore i was wondering if they had a zombie dog that's gonna like you know kill you i'm not aware of such a thing no no i'm talking to chats i've never i've never stumbled across such a thing uh okay so let's see uh we have we do have lots of uh comments from chat and lots of uh lots of messages from super chats uh so yes uh no this is an interesting one or a lot of people obviously as you've said this game um yeah i know this guy yeah this game has been out uh since 2013 or i guess maybe it's like proper out now i'm not sure i think it's still not proper out oh wait dig furrow with hands what i can dig a furrow has been like either removed or buried or whatever it does look like there's marks on there that's weird but okay what what's the what does it do when you do it i don't know but now my thing isn't working properly oh oh that was where i was placing it okay that was i think it was because i was close enough to soil i assumed that something you're only supposed to be able to do in soil but i just didn't so okay clap uh yes indeed uh shout out to a new channel member spock zombie this is very appropriate uh channel new channel member that's very good timing yes indeed [Laughter] oh dear um shout out also to uh the book 778 who uh came in with um the first comment in the live stream uh as ever and then youtube ate it because of course it did no i've got it uh the book 778 gave us five pounds and says good evening y'all uh how are you today john and kai i'm quite surprised this isn't eldon ring but it's going to be a great stream anyway i mean that was the plan but then just because it's kind of took over because i really want to just kind of yeah get to grips with it a little bit more because it's really really really bloody interesting uh yes indeed and then next up we have got uh next up we have got a message from anthony uh who has been a member for 25 months uh and uh and uh says that uh leo and annie would like to send meow to tabby and her humans and also let john and claire know uh that's their human sent some capics on twitter oh goods uh anthony thank you so much as ever i hope leo and annie are doing gears poor little tabs is a little bit under the weather at the moment poor lamb but that doesn't mean that she is uh getting a fresh chicken or like just plain boiled chicken breast uh so this cat is literally eating like a portion of the chicken that we're going to have for dinner because of course she is because this is the level of spoiling she's extraordinarily spoiled right i'm going to finish reading this book then i'm going to go to sleep overnight after i've had another snack out of the kitchen yes and by the way for anybody who's wondering why our cat is so spoiled she is an oil old lady and she has a some health issues yes so you know that is what she needs uh to have to be uh to be in good health yes bless her yes right it's reading outside i have now finished reading the tailoring book great [Laughter] yes shout out to myra who says in um i accidentally called uh tibbled from romeo and juliet tablet because of john oh that is super cute uh and a shout out to zombie collapse who gave us 66.60 66 swiss francs 60 yes yes because you know i say um and says uh so yes it's it's it's it's a an emoji can you see it it's in a mood it's it's too little zombie emoji going bro yes i saw that i saw that adorable thank you uh zombie collapse zone zomboclips i mean i will never not struggle to say that person's username but i like it i like it a lot um tv magazine read that to get boredom down that's gonna be nice and fast while my dinner's cooking no it's 1am i'm a dinner it's us claire it's us we're gonna have dinner at 1am and you're reading the tv magazine to figure out if there's some claire catnip on tv exactly it's this is this is this is this is entirely how my claire's life is after the live streams everything's under control that's gonna make me less bored probably yeah there we are now i'm less bored go over to the oven so that is fresh uncooked why is that taking so long it shouldn't take this long i could just have like one nap while i was waiting for it to be finished what are you cooking um some lamb but oh it was from frozen that would be why um okay i'm gonna instead eat the i'm going to grab the canned potato all right and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to use use can don't need to actually yes open canned potato with can opener that's going to give me access to open can potato and i want to eat all of the potatoes and that's going to be yeah there we go that's all the potatoes um how's this doing by the way that is oh it's almost cooked okay good so i'm just going to get that out i mean it's going to go cold but yeah you know we are where we are so as soon as that's done then yeah cooked uh turn off collect from thing now it's going to go cold but you know it is what it is and there's a really good bed in here i've already closed the things i'm not making any noise close the door go to bed sleep are you sure you want to sleep yes i do but i don't know how to wake up to be honest like oh it's a very existential thing to say if i just move can i i don't know what that happened because i was i pushed a particular button oh now the zombies outside oh there's a few also it's raining which i feel like is okay this doesn't feel like a good day to go outside to maine there's definitely yeah the problem is if you think that like the rain would like make some noise and mask your noise and mask your smile actually that's a very good point yes okay there's def the problem is yes i think the zombies get reshuffled overnight uh what's there maybe oh does your watch have an alarm oh [Music] i don't know how i'd set what time the thing is though so i'm not i mean probably you'd want to go and see your watch in your inventory and then see if you can access like it that's a very good point yes so my watch is way down the bottom isn't it yeah you need a digital watch to set an alarm apparently oh blimey this thing is complicated uh okay well it's what you like about it yeah but i'm seeing a digital display at the top right which feels a bit weird maybe there's like some countries that don't have analog watch anymore so they couldn't they couldn't trust children it's not oh no but what am i doing why no no not that button they couldn't trust young people to know like how to reach an analog clock or something is that possible it's so easier to read than an analog clock okay i'm getting like if i'm panicking i will struggle to read an animal clock as fast as this really oh that's eau claire eau claire did you not have analog clocks in front i did i just don't use them very often oh hang on hang on claire what we might have problems what is it i'm hearing battering on the door which i believe to be i think we have to go i think we have to go right now there's a zombie right outside of you and it can see you through the window because you haven't closed the line i can't close this yeah but i can see it because of that okay i think we might we might have a bit of a bit of a small problem here oh we've definitely got more up a small problem here close the door um okay we need we just need to to go at this point this window was locked wasn't that yeah okay go go through the other bedroom there's no window in there oh smash smash probably yes remove the broken glass so i don't end up um horribly everything get out the back i think we just about got away with that uh the rain will make you cold and wet and you can get sick well uh the alternative is being eaten yeah i'm just letting you know so we're just gonna have to make dough okay let's get back over to house number two just climb through here we've been in here before this was a lovely friendly house oh now the zombies are not okay zombies okay i need to secure houses otherwise zombies will come in while i'm away that's that's a problem we've got okay back to that truck okay i'd like to investigate that truck but there are zombies still nearby to it i mean that truck is gonna make noise shortly okay this is this is fine if okay if you are one zombie i'm gonna lead you around here and i'm gonna shank you over here hey buddy can i close this area no i can't i can't close that window for whatever reason yeah yeah that's it that's it that's it i just want to lure him to a nice quiet area dad anything good enough to watch true red digital no we got problems we got bigger problems like more zombies yeah i mean that probably does make noise than that i mean not as much as a gun obviously no of course uh screwdriver uh not so good uh register watch put that put that on my other wrist like right now so okay i've now got alarms oh i've got temperature and dates okay but the thing is if i've lowered these guys over here is the truck oh okay this is this is more of a problem uh i've got enough knife for now uh wait where did you just go okay he's right there stab him in the head it's done with that okay now another knife's gone go go go go right okay um situation getting a little bit out of control at this point these are the zombies who were over here i don't want to run too fast in case i draw can't open this door what were zombies in that house though yeah but they put okay they haven't gone they haven't gone okay so what we're going to do is we're going to we're going to run and we're going to try and get to that truck i've led the zombies who were by the truck over to here enter the vehicle get them and then just i don't know how to use how to use the thing use the key on the use the key on the i'm going to get okay i don't know how to use a vehicle we're going to try the other side of the street which is going to be fine we're just going to get around that no not you not you we're going to lose these zombies okay we're going to we're going to it's it's right now i can run faster than them because i've not been bitten that's the key i think if you get bitten you just die you never know you never know come on let's get let's get hidden inside nice and fast nice and fast nice and fast how many zombies are following me right now they might lose interest after a certain radius or not be able to track me effectively okay this is i see a corpse over i see some of you over there i still see some of you this is just a small thing come on we just need to get a quiet backyard that's a wait what oh the jump scare noise happened before i saw a zombie that was that was not one okay let's let's let's get over here let's check all of the the the the okay that you i can't loot the police car not properly i'm trying was that i got on the wrong side i got in the not driver's side because because america okay enter the vehicle no zombies appear to be on me right now activate cruise control that's not a thing yeah brake line of sight walking is faster than the zombies first aid kit yes rosewood map nice but there's no keys there's no keys for this car so okay but i gotta i just got a map which is nice and i really need to find a okay so if i could just break line of sight by going into a house a nice house which has got some good stuff going on open this window come on come on come on come on come on please open okay never mind that that that bloody windows uh okay check this window i just need a window open this window there we go no that's good that's going to draw the zombie attention they're going to hear that noise an alarm just went off and that's really okay well aside from aside from aside from okay aside from the ones who have just seen but other than that everyone's now gonna hear that alarm and be like well there's something there's there's some good happening over there we better go to investigate it which is really good so this is this is yeah at some point you need to like get somewhere where you can like have a bit of a rest because you're tiring yourself out running i i noticed said thing yes um i just need to get the zombies to not be chasing me for the time being it's all absolutely fine get over to here get this this that feels almost felt there's a lot of zombies there are several there are there are there are sex and this isn't even night no this is this is day this is this is um could be going better in many ways especially as my knife broke and i don't actually have okay this is how many people are inside this house right now that was there last time getting through here okay i've got a plan it's it's it's time for my it's time it's time it's time it's time john do you have any ammo i i think i think it came with ammo yes uh re reload right reload it's making gun noises you you you all you all you all you yeah that completely did nothing uh yeah also it attracted zombies yeah that's good now they're attracted to that house now they're over in that house like a bunch of idiots and there's oh many police cars and also oh police officer okay you see i've made this is this is reload just check for check for noise you see i think i've just i think i think i've actually just attracted them in a different direction i think i'm actually a cocky genius now i just go into the forest to break line of sight oh no he has a plan this is a bad idea no no no omg well i don't see the zombies following me do you your walking speed is fast enough to outrun them oh that's a big-ass house also i pit beat it'll be alarmed probably i mean it could be you never know but yeah also i wonder if there's a way to tell from the outside that's interesting isn't that open window come on come on oh there's a really fast zombie right there's a fast zombie right there okay that that zombie would seem like that we're going a bit on the fast side open the window come on bloody useless uh okay get around the back just break the line of sight break the line of sight break the line of sight one of you's got to be open there was definitely something behind me yeah there was in closed window close curtains i think they're aware i'm gonna be honest i think it might be a bit light it will be okay some of them are starting to be somewhat some of them are starting to be somewhat aware of me but now if i just go out this way uh open this window which hopefully from the inside will be easier right just on my way out just check for anything useful literally nothing can you deal with the issue that you've got first actually you're right the another issue i've got is uh i need to uh play you're bleeding yeah i've i've noticed show treatment menu bandage adhesive bandages go i'm now bandaged okay the bleeding has been resolved i am wet i am a hungry uh i've got mutton eat them i eat half the mutton chop i'm now also i mean i mean i think that's just generic pain minor pain feeding slight pain well i'm bandaged we are where we are also why am i at advanced speed oh because i was in my menu that just happens now i kind of but notice they don't seem to have come in here okay situation has calmed down a bit actually i've taken care of the bleeding check the map there's a house to the right of this one go out and now sneak into the forest we're alive for now just going to the forest calm i mean i guess that does break line exactly it's an easy way to temporarily break line of sight okay if we're lucky we'll just check the window don't see zombies open the window there's a car over there nice nice no curtains i don't think no no curtains doors you can make curtains jesus it's fine it's fine one zombie decided to follow me um but any chance i need a knife i need a knife i need a knife i need a knife i need a knife i need a knife to to stab him with i need a knife give me give me like frying pan kitchen tongs frying pan will have to do uh a quick primary that's quite it's a melee weapon all right just over to here right a zombie is going to try and come in through the window that might make some noise are you still there yeah still there can you go out the door kill it outside and then don't have the keys i'm guessing you have the keys no this wasn't your house uh or if it was then you don't know uh but does it have like stuff that you can steal like it has like a hoodie and stuff that might be more um also sheet i've got so many sheets that's not a problem but they can be they can be um sheets that aren't like like ripped sheets can be bandages sheets that aren't written ripped can be curtains interesting okay um denim shorts sneakers nothing too dramatic there yeah okay that then that's the thing we want to do in that case just uh still no bloody anything of that nature uh sheets where did you see sheets i think they were like in the medicine cabinet or something the medicine cabinet was empty sheet times two uh grab all and then soap to clean like stuff off of corpses that we can do later uh john yes the the the guy yeah who was dead he had like a hoodie on that might be more cody's not gonna be better than a big leather armor i'm wearing the proper leather thing right now so okay the window's been broken but if we just cover it now so uh add sheet and then close curtains this room is now private i believe actually there's another window over there but uh also just prepare you can close those curtains immediately check for anything of use so yeah that a sewing kit feels important like i'm i can't explain why but i feel like that's important check the things cooking volume one could be a good bit of light evening reading closed curtains where she's got curtains in here bedroom strike me is a good candidate for you know finding sheets so i have spare sheets in this thing nope magazine and word search magazine oh is the dead guy wearing dry clothes though because your clothes are wet and a hoodie protects your neck interesting uh check his thing hoodie is actually hoodie is bonus scratch defense i will sign uh though i mean it's not saying it loses anything so all right well we'll change it over as that is at least dry so we're with hood up i think hood up strikes me it's a good idea especially if it's raining a little bit uh and i can just change out my pants for these pants they are a tiny bit bloody but we can there's soap wasn't there yeah that was the soap so we can just uh clean them all so wear all this straight away go over to uh the sneakers would give me bonus speed which is not minus some other stuff right yeah minus some defense and that's the that's the back door right there's a microwave though there is a microwave which is kind of good uh and cattle that's the thing you can make a cup of tea and there's a tea bag fresh bread just eat all bread uh fairly heavy load carrying a bit too much i need to lose some weight at some point uh so that's kind of exciting i'm just eating an entire loaf of bread right now that was probably oh i'm stuffed health and strength oh you can put the hoodie on underneath that jacket that's exciting and um and uh a needle is one of the most important items in the game from bigly you can order clothes but also stitch stitch deep wounds stitch all right fine i'm going to put the corpse in this side room uh move to floor and then we're just going to close the store behind us there we go so the corpse is now in there out of the way i'm also going to uh i can't remove the broken glass requires an item in my hands to remove broken glass faster oh pick up broken glass yeah wait with that okay now i'm bleeding uh that's that's fine that must be a that must be a nice roll uh bandage rip sheets okay this is how can you replace your bandage on your left form because it's dirty yeah i'm going to replace it with with a clean bandage this is just a lovely uh turd i mean yeah honestly i think with a controller it still works just fine it still works just fine so those badges are no longer my god you can get fat if you hit too much yeah lol so i'm still a little bit too on the heavy side temperature is acceptable for the time being uh you need gloves to do that today right uh corpsey mcgee i'm gonna be honest you're going in the cupboard with the other person right there so i am sorry about this literal skeletons in your closet yeah we're just putting you into the skeleton cupboard uh corpse move to floor i mean i feel like you could probably remove some of your gold accessories given that you're in a fairly heavy load there we go job done so the corpses are now moved away into there and now i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to do some lights i think i'm going to read the cookie book i'm going to read the cooking book into the evening then i'll make some food then i'll go to bed uh i believe that at 9 00 pm you do have uh something on the tv if there's i don't think there is a tv in this house i didn't see one uh and now i am reading my cooking book so claire uh yes indeed uh shout out to um arsonist snowman excellent name uh who gave us five dollars and says uh first time catching you guys live thank you for all the years of content youtube are incredible oh thank you very very much indeed ah absolutely thank you um thank you also to uh armadillo attack who's been a member for 17 months so didn't leave a message uh but thank you so so much indeed uh vlada gave us uh 250 oh shoot i forgot currency for getting alert what coffees cor currency for getting i forgot what currency this code is for and i was so confident oh i think i said i thought you said currency for getting alert like caffeine currency i i was wondering where you were going with this uh yes indeed anyway sorry shout out to vlada who gave us 250 serbian dinars and uh a little um send in a little um shiba dog saying number one sticker which is super super cute so thank you very much okay quickly just eat drink and then go to bed yeah um uh bigly uh says you guys are doing well that's that's that's kind of you but john is doing well this game is information overload at the start um and also uh it's a good thing that you found that needle if you wanted you could remove the glass from your hand with tweezers and then sew uh those holes up nice and that presumably will get whatever first aid skill you've got eat the mutton chop that's enough to make me happy uh i'm going to put that over there as well uh anything else i just want to get rid of empty tin can uh can we get rid of i should really fill up this empty bottle make it watery i need to get my equipment down to oh vitamins i'm gonna eat all the pills there we go just just just just down it down the whole lot there we go lovely aren't you fatigued huh no but i just feel like vitamins are useful i feel like vitamins are just a good sort of a thing uh put that in there as well that gets me down to there we go i'm now under capacity now i'm pretty sure i'm carrying a magazine uh am i not i can get rid of the skill book i've now read it uh which is fine and that one too actually i've read that too so i was feeling up a fair bit of inventory space so that's good uh tailoring volume one have you read that yeah i read that already in this playthrough yes okay yeah definitely definitely definitely definitely um so okay then i just need a little magazine like a fun magazine for boredom then we go to bed for a few hours uh so magazine just grab one magazine that's absolutely fine and then go over to here magazine read because otherwise i will be bored but that's nice and fast and then oh do you hear a noise i thought i did um do you want to check like um do you still in fact have broken glass in you and uh and a dirty bandage because i think you fixed up the bandage but uh it's it's the bandages have got dirty again yes yeah so that needs fixing up so yeah but it's also 5am and i've not slept today oh that's infection and lodged glass shards remove glass with tweezers so we're gonna do that i am admittedly infected now um so i'm going to put i'm just going to put a new badge on that because i can't sort that out uh we're going to remove that bandage but i've got the glass out of my hand with the tweezers so that's good infected okay i'm infected on both wounds and there's nothing i can do about it i thought i heard something nearby but now i don't so i'm going to no don't do exercise that was not the time i'm going to can i set an alarm set an alarm sets an alarm oh no that's that's mega fast time skip okay um all right this is this is fine sleep are you sure i want to go to sleep yes i i need to i'm going to assume zombies aren't going to attack me well i'm sure it's like a dice roll but okay i just woke up anxious and panicked i mean fair which possibly means i heard something outside so i'm going to get my frying pan ready to go right and my my pistol ready to go yeah i woke up anxious i'm gonna just go out this wind i'm gonna go out this window okay so with that we just need to open the curtains yeah can you just have a peek first i don't see trouble i think there might be zombies in this house though or possibly in the house well i heard banging last night okay and it's oh you had a nightmare apparently oh i might you hallucinated this game jesus okay the there okay this is good this okay if the zombies get in they don't attack you until you wake up holy what that's terrifying what that's worse that they just sit there watching you sleep okay this car is now completely get in the vehicle okay get in the cocky vehicle can i not get in the vehicle okay try the other car check the inventory check seats check dash box nice west point map grab it i'll take it bandages i'll take it proper bandages i'll take it but no keys that's what i wanted really i wanted because you need the keys to drive the car oh how bad is the situation is that just are you one you one person i think you are one person [Applause] anyone else hear that no just one black frilly underwear nice i like frilly underwear okay keep i feel like i'm in like a richer district right now because look at that look at the size of this cocky driveway the size of this cocky driveway this is this is the nice house right here so logically that means in the rich people district population density is lower right so therefore less zombies because less people to turn did you see the one that yeah uh-oh okay slight issue which is there were there were two separate zombies now you were kind of coming in for a big lunge oh okay three okay actually i think we need to okay um all right this this is fine this is i mean it's not raining today which is nice that's really nice let's see if maybe we can that's barbed wire isn't that okay we're gonna go over here i think we're we're now out to the country a little bit that on the map that looks more like a you know uh country lane to maine which you don't say yeah yeah dirt track well but if you try and get into that spot there maybe the zombies will get themselves like stuck on the barbed wire are you are you you're okay you are a zombie that's absolutely fine i mean that's an interesting idea i'm not sure whether there's actual mechanics in that i mean it's this game it's possible and everything yeah you know what that's reasonable listen no they're getting close up you can hear them as they are oh fudge uh okay this this house was in demand uh yeah it's not a mansion it's a farm basically okay was kind of hoping for for mansion rather than farmer uh okay let's oh back to this house again okay we've just we've just looped back around to this house and then we've got this house was pretty good last time uh i've broken line of sight climb through you know what i should do close the blind the curtain in the thingy no blind but i did pick up maps can i actually examine those maps like properly read map read map the problem is does that include where i am also where am i wait i'm in rose no west oh where am i claire where did i start i think i'm in west point i think i'm in west point and i think i've actually got a west point map so okay read the map uh farms still mean low population density but obviously the uh zombie population increases okay i believe i am in west point letters letters okay based on the fact there are only so many tracks in the world and i'm in west point i can reasonably put some guesses together as to where i am which is i know that there is at least one big loop of ropes on the mini-map right there it's presented correct so therefore a big loop combined with nearby dirt tracks that kind of narrows it down uh okay so you can press m to open the map in general okay um there's no m on my controller i see an a b an x or what could you please not bait them i have to deal with this and if you don't want me to backseat the game and tell you to use a keyboard please don't i believe i'm somewhere around here okay wait a minute because some people have told me where you're at well i don't wanna know that's cheating oh a zombie got into that claire a zombie got into the house i saw we got into the house claire when i was reading the map and zombie attacked me more zombies are getting claire the situation is the situation is getting worse claire the situation's getting worse claire the situation just got i think claire clark i was why did i read the map why didn't i just continue vaguely going from house to house like an idiot why would i have got into the map screen oh no oh oh i feel like claire i'm seeing many you can walk you don't have to sprint yeah but i feel like that's a okay i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna go to the forest i'm gonna go to the forest they all lose track of me okay and then once with the forest we're just gonna we're just gonna hide i'm gonna try and figure out what's wrong because i suspect the answer is everything this is good i'm just gonna okay i'm gonna stand here in the middle of these trees that's where we're gonna be oh the me jesus okay we weren't safe in the forest you weren't saving the forest we won safe for the forest we weren't saving the forest we weren't safe for the forest there's a woman and a really nice dress i want that dress but i'm also becoming a zombie really fast i've got about two minutes do you get bit i think so yes i i believe i did i believe i don't die from infection i believe i've been better yeah that's a really bad idea this is awesome how classful this is claire's fault she told me to read the map did you tell me to read the map i'm just gonna i'm gonna go over open ground and i'm still pretty fast i've not been bitten on the legs or anything so i'm i'm pretty fast okay needs to get over here okay i think i'm at least somewhat on my own right now uh no don't don't don't auto i just need a moment oh autogo in a field rather than a forest i just need to i need a moment's piece to look at my health condition because i suspect the answer's but i can't be sure i think i just heard a wolf howl uh that's a concern okay this is this is absolutely fine um laceration just just rip sheet all the things okay we're just going to cover up all my wounds uh remove bandage no okay i am auto walking which is good um which is really useful um because this is slightly damaged i think i'm out of i'm out of that okay my overall protection is uh info i think actually i've been less bitten than i thought my sneaking is but there are zombies to your right i think i might have not been bitten uh i i'm aware of this but like i also okay we're just we're going we we're going on and we're gonna follow this path we're gonna follow this path the other way okay that's what we're going to do um there's okay there's more there's more zombies okay maybe we should have followed the path the origin look i need to find some form of building because that's the best way i've got of losing them but i'm now just but i did have a map i tried reading it so that's what got me into this i think somehow i didn't get bitten uh i think yeah i think the chat's indicating i had a 75 chance of being but i wasn't uh that's that's good that's really good okay how bad are the people behind me right now not so bad okay okay just get over here i see houses i see the old house i've got a frying pan go go holy we might have just survived open the window please for the love of god no stop stop auto walking and open the cocky window open the why am i also walking how do i stop auto walking oh no this is a keyboard shortcut for that i think i'm stuck auto walking and i don't know how to stop i don't know how to stop auto walking i can't i i can't stop auto walking and that means i can't open any windows oh this is a problem oh there's so many there's so many this is this is this is don't mind me clap just this is all claire's fault this is somehow this is that door's locked i don't know how to stop auto walking oh no seriously please tell us how to stop auto walking i act i turned it on by accident when i jumped in the forest i did you know and now i don't know how to turn it off uh zoom pause crafting play i don't know how to turn off the auto walk oh pressing down the thumb stick which one is that sort of towel it's not sold to the towel it's not so it's the towel oh my god stop telling him to use the keyboard do you not realize the more you tell him which button on the keyboard will stop it which button on the keyboard will stop at the any key which one's the any key okay this is a chapstick hold left stick oh i see yes toggle crouch toggle loads toggle to walk off holy yes okay this is fine uh open the window good good good good get in get in get i just need to find a house that's open and also some zombies to give you a little bit of breathing room i've got a lot of things wrong with my character right now like like so so many things so many things i'd open the window normally kitchen windows are pretty good oh that's that window is open the windows open the windows open the windows open that's what it is close it behind you it'll only buy me a second but it's not a bad call okay do i have curtains no curtains they're coming in but they'll be distracted by the tv go up there's an upstairs do you want to you want to trap yourself upstairs oh i think i found the edge of the map oh no that was just a really tall fence which might actually be useful for breaking line of sight oh and that's what you were saying was maybe barbed wire isn't it [Laughter] sorry okay we're going to come back up this way we're going to come over here we're going to go over the really tall fence will be very useful for line of sight breaking assuming i could assuming i can find a spot i'm now so exhausted i can't run anymore my days of running are over okay you don't need to you're walking faster than the zombies only just okay we're going to we're gonna okay we have to hide upstairs and just hope they don't find us that's literally the plan right now um that's that's the entire plan i have to rest i can't not the zombies are going to come in but can i lock the store i can't lock the store yeah because it's not like a front door nobody there's there's nothing of that nature i am okay hang about situation uh i can barely walk due to exertion i'm tired i'm hungry i am wet i am thirsty i can roughly hear the situation downstairs okay if there's a bathroom then uh just be prepared oh jesus no no no stop biting me stop biting me why were you in a cupboard why would you be in a cupboard why would you believe it it's a decent argument okay i think i'm significant okay i'm now in much worse shape i'm i'm in much worse shape you won't die oh you can move furniture in front of the door there's a barricade system why won't you die die how many times do you have to be hit with a frying pan before you die i mean probably more times because you're so tired that's actually a reasonable argument yes go for the head go for the head oh you can sit on the ground to get your stamina back close the door it's going to look a bit there that's what happened before yeah that room has curtains so you can close where's the bathroom okay check everything check for adhesive bandage grab them all okay soap i could do with i could do with that i just bed sheets really important for like masking windows later drink bare minimum yeah okay i'm not sure did you just choose to drink from the toilet rather than the thick that's there it's a thing i do yes okay okay this is all okay i've got a moment's grace laceration bleeding use actual bandages i'm gonna put a proper bandage on my hand okay so i'm i'm good this is this is really i'm i'm doing fine right now okay this is all as it should be don't bring any food with me fyi um [Music] no didn't didn't but i can fill up my water bottle um so that's nice i'm gonna fill up my water bottle so i've got some water with me uh i am wet and i'm not sure we're gonna sort that out uh i'm gonna wash all my clothing i do have i don't have enough soap actually wait didn't you have soap in here oh i've got i have got enough soap for something okay hang on which bits of my clothing are most important to be cleaned it's the ones that are bloody so the jacket and the t-shirt everything else is actually fine oh the shoes the shoes are bloody so jacket long t-shirt dirty and wet so wash the jacket yeah the jacket i've got enough soap to do that nice and fast i'm going to be not this is fine i'm amazed we're not dead to be honest really amazed not 100 sure how that happened but this is this is all absolutely fine grab oh there's vitamins didn't realize there were vitamins in here i think i might just take those vitamins actually um so wait what are the vitamins it should say what the vitamins are good for yeah but i'm just i feel like just vitamin goodness is it's just a general good like electrolytes electrolytes are a good generic good uh long sleeve t-shirt wash that then wash my shoes all right i think the zombie just can't get through that door uh which is fine so uh clean the rags uh that way i could reuse them as proper bandages later so what's uh what's all your status conditions uh at the moment uh very minor damage i've been back i've banshed up my hands honestly i think i'm in surprisingly good shape i think the hoodie saved my life but like what's uh what's um all the red stuff down the side because i can't see what that is though i believe that is the level of protection that you've got someone just said did i just hear the helicopter that worries me that really worries me the fact that even just got brought up no but like uh those uh red things in in like uh down the side of the screen no this is the guy who was outside go go fall over your bastard fall over off do not make me fire the gun i feel like i need a better weapon he's not falling over okay he's fallen over at once go for the head stay down stay down stay down motherflipper stay down stay down i think i'm hitting the head i don't know he's refusing to i think this is i think this thing's in very bad shape but it's not doing the job okay this is oh no no no no okay there's more of them uh i think it's i think it's time for for but you have a beret in there i think it's time for uh equip primary yep okay so can you like strangle them with that belt what how badass do you think i am precisely because the absolutely i don't know because you're me so i think you're pretty badass the answer is less badass than you're expecting it's cocky gun time bother flippers all right let's have some stomp them you can just use your food and stomp them once you've got them down can these guys even get through this door you can make a rope okay if i barricade this room like they were saying how do i move furniture they were saying moving furniture was a thing uh disassemble rest sit on ground no uh how do we move the furniture around do you need to maybe be on the other side of that [Music] okay sit down well no one's getting in right now so i think this is a good opportunity to just sit down and rest for a second just to get my breath back because the zombies do not seem to be capable of opening doors so you know that's where we are i'm all right folks there's no need for yelling in chat keep the caps down okay i'm just gonna recover for a second i've got no food i might be able to convert the curtains in this room into a rope that lets me escape yes stomping is how you should kill 90 of all zombies don't barricade the door get out but yeah you can't get out from from the first floor won't last much longer say a people they will burst through with no warning it just takes a while well i feel like i shouldn't go okay well in that case i think we just have to i think we'll just go it out i think we're just gonna have to hope my legs can take it so long losers right that gets me to wait nice job john how did that what what no eat this entire bell pepper eat these strawberries that does not make sense no no it does not none of that made any sense at all can you have the juice box are you still thirsty i mean did you check whether there's a knife in that kitchen no uh no i just want to get out of this house before they realize what's going on open the window there's a shattered window in this house which concerns me yeah but you you do oh i've been through this house that's the thing oh someone's trying to get in the front door of this house already uh i mean you do need to check for weapons because you can't you shouldn't be using the gun and you you know yeah okay this guy's trying to get through here close the window bare minimum that guy's trying to get through the door but that's a proper lock store it will take a lot longer to get through so everything's fine oh broccoli everyone loves broccoli and a juice box you see you get me drinking i do get to treat the juice box just take a quick drink that that's absolutely fine i'm okay on first thirst is not the problem uh it is corn we'll just eat it frozen okay yep it works uh okay wait a minute because there was a cupboard with stuff in it you're still looking for a weapon though uh why one i want a lot i want to lock down this house yeah fair lock there we go i mean i don't know if you can knock down this house given that that front window is smashed for some reason this guy is obsessed with this this lock door well the door's locked it's fun that it wasn't locked before no one else is actually i mean i assume when the door's locked that's gonna help hmm okay just the problem is areas like this i've seen zombies in before i need to sleep as a matter of absolute urgency this is the bedroom closed door ah locking only affects other players not zombies oh okay um well what we are in is close the curtains i found a bedroom and no one's actively trying to get did you move away from that i think i might have done yes close curtains i think i've actually survived somehow i've survived so what we're going to do is we're just going to very quickly check this room for maybe oh an umbrella that strikes me as useful i mean that is oh assume if i put that in my secondary hand then i'm going to yeah use that for oh leather jacket but probably in better condition it's the same as the one i it's exactly the same as the one i've got so we're going to wear that because it's not wet sure so we're going to swap that out but suit pants better scratch defense done and the t-shirt might also be no those are all fine honestly i'm pretty happy with that the jeans on the bed won't do much better than yours i have a little luke saying uh jeans you're not wrong put them on all right so i've got i've got a new wardrobe that i've scavenged and not having so you can use the umbrella as a spear you can use a two-handed mm-hmm okay next up i'm also bored i'm incredibly bored so i need to quickly do a i'm going to read a magazine and then we're going to bed okay and we're just going to assume that the zombies are not going to get in if they do they have to go through multiple doors to find me and that zombie's not hunting me i think he's i think he's hunting the tv because he the tv is on downstairs i think he's responding to that noise so just read that magazine it's all going to be fine i'm currently exhausted but if i have a good night's sleep right now you can't use the guns when you're anxious apparently that doesn't feel like that's how guns work but okay uh and then do i have anything else yeah i've got lots of soap i've still got lots of strawberries i'm not hungry at the moment so leave the strawberries for now okay i think we just have to sleep uh we've just got to sleep and we've just got to hope we make it to morning do you have an alarm no but it's a you know it's a sensible time to go to sleep see how things are yeah well something came um prepare for trouble i might be about to get eaten well i'm alive and i'm feeling much better aside from what is one of the top feeling a bit sad i mean fair serious reasonable unpleasantly hot i am gaining thirst faster because i'm wearing too many clothes okay this is what are the other ones huh what are the other ones there i'm feeling a bit sad i'm a nervous wreck and terrified i'm in minor pain i am over capacity i get i'll sort that one out and uh yeah i'm too hot okay this is this is fine let's just check the state of my health the badges are currently dirty but i can i think clean them if i remove them uh if you have no gun skill anything other than a shotgun is mostly useless oh dear uh i do actually have proper bandages so put on the yeah i found some proper bandages adhesive bandages so the lacerations lacerations have a heavy chance of uh causing trouble yeah my general i mean zombies my general my general health is looking pretty good now this is the bathroom i believe this is the bathroom i believe wait when am i supposed to say something huh no i just missed i i just went i went to the wrong room oh i see uh oh lipstick and hairspray and a sewing kit and soap you know what i'm going to cheer myself up by giving myself a wash i think that makes sense yeah fair enough that seems intuitively reasonable i am going to one i'm going to fill my water bottle with water uh and two i'm going to wash myself oh shouldn't you take off some clothes no you give yourself just a little wash over the sink in the zombie pocket no i mean because you're too hot washing my clothes wouldn't happen uh i could take off certain clothes but i'd be get i'd be getting worse at like stuff as a result of that i see what you mean uh i'd be getting less defense i feel like i'm willing to accept additional thirst because every house has got to sink so water's a relatively small problem and uh and toilet as well yeah exactly um yeah there we go delicious delicious toilet water yum yum toilet daddy john yes can you check that your bandages you're wearing it clean uh i just changed i literally changed them i just literally just changed them sorry so okay now that i feel like i'm safe in this bathroom back i'm gonna regret this because this is gonna go wrong again i'm going to look at the map okay i'm gonna regret this so based on what is of what information is available to me what can we put together because i'm vaguely nearby to some form of farming district but also some form of housing area right because you walked down that long long road right i believe i started around here walked down and found this path ran over this mad area and then i'm now somewhere around here so you think you've got community services right behind you i believe if i leave my house and go up and to the right i will get to community services yes i mean it seems like that it seems like you should be going to the like the right of the map to it seems like you should be going east so that you can try and get yourself to somewhere that has a lot more different things so that you that's a lot of stuff that's a long way away that's a lot of zombies okay if i find a car that that's a maybe yes that's a maybe if i find a car so all right do i have anything else in terms of anything i can use okay wait a minute um use your map it has the info just use just hit hit m now actually sort of inventory first clare while i just clear up my infantry over to you yeah yeah apparently the um the paper maps that you find will update your in-game map and that's a different thing okay um so you can look at that by pressing m um let's see what we have got um right a shout out to um shout out to ernesto who's been a member for two months and says bonjour claire and hello john um i got laid off today so this stream is exactly what i need five hours of john's suffering pretty much yes i mean look we we we uh we aim to please apparently you should check the cardboard box the cardboard box is in over the over the thing uh yeah so i saw some cardboard boxes over here uh headphones microwave drumsticks bath towels pillows and sheets i mean those are useful but they're also very expensive in terms of weight capacity so i'm not sure that's going to work instead i'm going to go back down to the icon above the magnifying glass the the what the icon above the magnifying glass i didn't mean below the magnifying glass yes i think they probably also just said press m oh so it tells you where you are i was right though look how look how right i was i was completely right i figured that all by myself okay avoid the zombies go downstairs the guy's still trying to get in the front door uh you'll apparently you'll get you're getting sicker oh i just noticed that yes queasy tad weepy seek some human contact i'm not convinced that's good advice in the zombie apocalypse i need a knife uh i need a knife about now uh milk you break that bottle and use it as a weapon it's a good idea but i'm not sure how i'll take a water bottle i feel like that's going to be oh those are heavy water is heavy which is a problem um okay let's just quickly take stock oh above the magnifying glasses to move furniture apparently oh okay that's the furniture majible is it yes unfortunately i don't see a way to sort out the fact i'm getting sicker i mean i've got a first aid kit um if only you didn't randomly eat your vitamins whenever i mean that's true i wonder if i've got any more vitamins i can just eat i do i'm going to take all the pills i'm just going to take all the pills and get hungry now as well pills i am a tiny bit hungry but there's plenty of food in here yes you can break beer bottles nice holy of course you can uh can i i'm gonna equip the first aid kit as my secondary because that will help maybe beer can help with the sadness wow that's actually possibly true i'm gonna drink that yeah drink good drink the thai beer i'm just gonna get i'm gonna get wasted i don't know what that made me i think it actually helped um drink all the milk wash it wash down the milk with a just that's disgusting milk what have you got against milk no i have nothing against milk you know i love drinking milk it's just milk right after beer just drinking that milk yum yum yum yum yum it's uh there's various alcoholic beverages and cocktails with uh with milk that's a kitchen knife done equip primary that will actually kill zombies and a rolling pin as well that's useless uh what do you mean that's useless it does very little damage okay so here's what we want to do we now know first aid kit's just a container oh okay we're making a run for the community center if we're going to die we're going to do it gloriously we need to get out into the road and just make our way to that building get inside and see what the happens next which i don't know what it's going to be so we're just going to okay so this is just so the container is useless so there's no point of me having this set right is that what they're saying i feel like i don't know how i'm gonna sort out the queasiness or the sadness aside from just drinking more um apparently the beer just made you unhappy uh the beer may be underneath he's a good weapon it's better than a knife apparently what all insane [Music] there we go okay and then go over to my kitchen knife which i will set as secondary weapon in case my rolling pin breaks okay this is all fine okay rolling pin go i feel like this is the rolling pin sucks but it is way better than the knife sake what how okay let's just sneak in this direction it's solid i i love the bare minimum i'm not tied anymore so there's you he's trying to break him okay just follow the little map and know where i want to go eyes in every direction this bit of the world looks pretty quiet okay this is all fine that house is suspiciously open i see some zombies over there let's not draw their attention stabbing zombies isn't very effective oh yeah i'm bopping them with a flipping cocking rolling pedes obviously oh i see okay we've definitely got one zombie after us okay it's time to go we're going we're going to the community center squishy and so if you like bonk their head yeah i mean i don't think that's weird at all i found a building that's not just a random house i've found a this is well this place has got this place has got grounds why is why are there this many gras oh i feel like possibly this is one of those big buildings you come to when you like got goods i'm concerned this is a get good building uh is is what i'm very worried about all of a sudden smash window with my rolling pin oh there's a door over here oh that's that's better actually uh open okay there's okay i think we need to okay the doors aren't open which is a bit of a problem go smash climb through i know i'm going to be bleeding but i can sort that out later my hands are already bleeding so it doesn't matter i'm inside the school wait i think it's a community center is that what they call schools in america building oh type of building is this that we don't have these in the uk what what is it is it like an adult education facility no it's just a school a school is a building for the community why is it called why is it just labeled as school because what you have is a type of building like you have it's color coded as building type this isn't working no that seems like an accurate clear behavior claire i think i've made a mistake coming to the community building is this is this a cupboard they can't get it now okay this is what i mean isn't there gonna be like yeah i think i've made several okay well this i clearly these are good looting spots these these are goods this is this these are good loop i feel like i'm kind of trapped now i feel like i'm trapped and i feel like in many ways uh my health situation is my right hand was badly was badly uh taken care of i'm gonna put a bandage over it i'm i'm feeling queasier feeling a bit feeling a bit tired i'm gonna do uh uh this is everything's under control i'm gonna sit on the ground i'm just gonna chill out for a second i'm just gonna get my breath get my breath back head of you know fighting my way out of of the building it's gonna be fine claire yes indeed a shout out to uh yannick who gave us 20 euros uh and says it's been a while since my last contribution but i'm so happy i got back from rock climbing to see i get to watch john diabond this is all going well i'm going to eat some more vitamins just down down all the vitamins like why am i not eating all of them just eat them all there we go dose of energy makes me feel there we go i feel much better now i feel much better okay is there a better weapon you can't wield weapons well when your hand is hurt so you need to fix your hand and then you'll be able to do better i've bandaged my hand already have you taken out like all the whoa glass and everything admittedly no i'm not sure which hand was i think it was the right one uh that was bleeding less i don't have the option to do that oh fair enough i mean if it didn't give you the i think i'm not sure if it would let you bandage it with like glass in it you know yeah okay i think we should i think we should do some burpees john what are you doing just just 10 minutes of burpees what are you doing mate go burpees don't make me too excited exercise exercise let's improve our general fitness go go cardio there we go this is this is excellent this is precisely what we should be doing right now no you need to rest oh yeah i've just made myself quite tired again okay yeah your bloody things think so this is all fine i'll just eat i'll eat a strawberry i'll eat a strawberry and you'll be fine okay now there are some zombies outside barricade the door just to try the mechanic i'm i'm using the knife i don't care what they say i feel better with a knife in my hand than a cocking rolling pen uh okay this was pick up place rotate disassemble pick up so you can pick up like a chair pick up okay has has items in container has items in container chair picking it up put down oh tab change mode place they'll never get in now okay i just i understand i understand pick up okay well unfortunately it's also blocking my my glorious escape i feel like the constant running from the zombies and being utterly terrified should have given your heart plenty of exercise already that's true uh okay rotate disassemble pick up chair weight weighs quite a lot and then yes place police cheddar no not there that was the one that was the one place to not put the chair because that's where there already is a is a chair okay place chair okay we we have to fight our way out of this cupboard it's the only solution but how by by stabbing obviously get get what but no no oh the game is being more sensible than you open the door open the cocking door okay that's that's the line ah fire i know you were there no there's only one of you there's only one the rest got bored and walked off i could beat her one-on-one keep stabbing knock on the ground go eventually she'll fall over there we go stab stab stab stab okay go go to her head i did see a zombie at the bottom of the screen by the way that's fine oh she got back up again no keep stabbing okay now go hey try stomping her with your foot eventually she'll go down eventually stomping stomping stomping i don't know how to put away my weapon without going into my inventory which i definitely can't do right now okay but got up so textbook i'm having her underwear as a trophy there we go how does he stomp without going into uh the inventory okay double tap are you sure the knife is better push button stomps there we go oh i feel like okay the problem with this place is the windows are all wide open um you can't there's no there's no way to get around that situation um so i think the zombies actually i'm on the top floor so they can't really okay is there a window okay there's a window i can use there someone's trying to get in somewhere okay i am temporarily okay so like there's a bunch of zombies in the other room however what there is is just remove broken glass so i don't cut myself up now if i hop through here i'm on the roof no zombies no zombies on the roof so now now now now now i am safe from the zombies i am in fact 100 a-okay so from here i could just shoot the zombies with my ghana because what are they gonna do about it this is a really big school this is a weirdly big school like boys this feels big both school standards like and also if i want to i can just gt oh i just gained plus one to sneaking claire i've got better at sneaking there we go i see you guys over there my light footage yeah you try it what are you gonna do what are you gonna do to me what are you gonna do to me what are you gonna do to me what are you gonna do to me what are you gonna do to me what are you gonna do to mate what are you gonna do to me i'm on the roof i'm on the roof you losers aren't on the roof okay um let's go okay wait a minute uh you're making so much noise apparently when a zombie is down line your foot up to its head and use the push button to stomp it might take two or three tries say wait what when a zombie is down line your foot up to its head and use the push button to stomp that's what i tried to do but when i was holding a knife it wouldn't do it two or three tries yeah but when i'm using a knife it doesn't do that because it does the stab action instead which appears to be worse but i don't know how to change i don't know what the quick button to change out that is okay there is a commercial building just over the street from this massive ass school okay so oh commercial community services is a general class of buildings you said why didn't you tell me that claire dear flipping santa passion would say it again center pass youngster you're not doing the accident that times that's good now um okay i'm gonna make a run for the retail store okay though also i'd just like to point out i think for the first time ever that i've been playing this game i have at this point uh managed to i've got skill my light-footedness and sneaking are both up so now i am an invisible ninja excuse me hi did you just see me um okay just just just just just for a sec oh i'm so over why am i still over capacity all of a sudden what happened here what the flip happened here also can i turn this empty bottle into a smash bottle okay uh is that now actually a decent weapon smashed i mean it seems okay yeah that's my new that's my new weapon i'm now using smash bottle as a why am i serving capacity where did this weight come from okay i don't need the cocking umbrella okay just put that on the floor and i don't need a can opener oh either we'll get rid of we'll get rid of that uh and we don't need the what what's broken the oh my old underwear that could be that could be got rid of on the floor too clap when i tried to sort out my infantry again um [Music] shout out to uh shout out to ali he's been a member for 22 months and uh ali says it's great to see this game uh it's one i love to watch but not so much to play it's such an interesting thing take the vitamins for a quick burst of quick energy take more pills i said burst of quick energy there we go that's better karaoke uh rachel with an e and the space monkeys uh has at least say it properly oh sorry and the space monkeys that's the better dear flipping deal uh has been remember 26 months and says i think this is the wrong game for the mit and drinking game or is it the perfect game lol wow i've got so many ripped sheets i think i should drop some of these move two no not all of them i no not all oh oh oh oh they're backpacking the school lockers that's a really good point that's a very good point okay thank you myra yeah this in all feathers feels like yes shout out to myra who is a teacher and had the one sensible idea about what to do in this school yeah checking the actually one of each every individual locker is like uh full of stuff i mean logically go around to here check the the things it's gonna be like gum and like posters oh it's spiffo he's the he's the mascot of the game for reasons that are slightly confusing and boris the badger that's adorable uh okay yeah oh there's definitely okay zombies are trying to get in right now into this room so i feel like i should just use the fact i've got access to the roof to just say screw it and yeah yeah i know he's there it's fine i'm aware of him it's okay brick toys but my character's getting a bit spooked unfortunately uh yeah i need to get out of here and loop round to a different room which i can do actually so climb through here now i can just loop around the outside is there a that's not a window go around to tur to here smash this it doesn't it doesn't open then remove broken glass so i don't end up bleeding right climb through now i'm in i think what looks like a staff room to make oh there's my clap what microwave microwave what do i have that's made of metal uh would you i have the knife okay uh move to microwave that's definitely made of metal right yeah that that's ah yes and the backpack tweezers that made the backpack thing was owen's idea excellent it's a very good idea okay so now we've got that turn the microphone back away i want to see if it explodes i want to see if it explodes if i die because the microphone explodes i've been hit by shrapnel and sparky strap that'd be great doesn't seem to have exploded yet did you turn it on yep definitely why would you put the tweezers in there they're very useful i'm hearing what may be sparking i feel like i'm hearing sparking it doesn't seem to have genuinely sad it seems to not have exploded i'm genuinely very sad i did just trigger an explosion okay oh clat a fresh burger in the fridge nice done i'm literally hungry right now boom boom cake and cake yeah i'll eat the entire cake slice nice arm full up i'm full i'm in good shape this is this is this is good this is really nice why is there a freezer in the teacher's room that's weird okay to keep food now i know there's a zombie around the corner that's a toilet so if i need water i can go there now just keep my distance from that zombie and check if every individual locker is by any chance a no lockers appear to not count because i'm walking past lockers right now that is wait is there lockers will you huh i believe these are lockers over on this side uh that were on this wall on the near side to me no it does look like there's stalls in a bathroom okay let's just very quickly no you're right that's different okay well let's take out you in that case because you're kind of isolated and on your own so stab right in the back of the neck dab of the back of the neck and up they're all awake now okay this is no no okay go go while in the street so i can try to evaluate what what's here what's here what's here what's here what's here what's it some of the there's there's a paperclip paperclip paperclip blue sportsman please please so there's there's many many there's so many things there's so many things there's so many things so many things close the door close close the door close close this door close this door okay um okay there's there's i've not seen a i mean i it's possible i've missed something because there's there's a lot it's time for us to gtfo go that that oh i never took the glass out of that one okay we're bleeding again um we're going to go and hide in the retail store i think i got a little bit bitten there uh but i've been bitten before my hoodie saved me before my hoodie will save me again all right i have faith in the hoodie this would appear to be oh my bones you just apparently missed a school bag in that room which is fair enough like he was being uh i feel that mcds uh i think it's a general convenience store um so we're just gonna have to go into yeah i'm aware and then go and hit oh it's glocked i mean that seems fair no that feels like the one building in town that shouldn't be locked it's a cocky convenience store with an open side next to the door like every house that's locked okay fine legit but like a convenience store should be open well i think the owner locked it at the beginning of the apocalypse okay oh okay an alarm has just gone off but that's good that's going to distract okay there were more zombies there than i was expecting they're going to be attracted to the alarm and not to to not to me not to me not to me not to me not to me not not to me the thing is they're running into the direction of the alarm and then they're seeing you and changing me into the forest we can lose them that usually works it does sometimes it's definitely okay to lose them a little bit there's definitely some there's definitely something going on in the forest jump over to here please be cloaked oh that's party house no oh i'm now i'm so exhausted i can't run clara i can't run this is as fast as i can go i'm i'm in a lot of trouble right now um i'm i i i'm just about out running the zombies i can't go faster than this this is i feel like i'm how badly wounds am i right now i'm discomfort i'm queasy i'm very panicked yeah i mean it tracks because you're me i mean fair i'm i'm i'm slowing down i feel like i'm going can i even hop over things i can but okay that actually bothers me a bit of time because actually i'm okay the one chance i've got right now is go smash go now go now we got the other the other side they might be attracted to the um the television instead uh go to here here there's a zombie right after i'm aware but it'll lose the other ones the other ones will be lost go okay now we just need to it's fine everything's under control we've lost the crowd we've lost some of the crowd okay it's i think we have to bet everything on this car it's all on this car now this car needs to contain car keys oh me get it get in the vehicle get in the vehicle uh get in the vehicle getting the vehicle getting the vehicle getting the vehicle there's an annotated map but there's no there's no there's a premium walkie-talkie but there's claire i think i think it's been a good run it's been a really good run do you know how he's still alive it's been such a good run but i think this is the end i think this is the end at this point away from danger like a bus i think that was a really good run i i want to see the stats i'm curious what the stats are all right i want to see the stats i feel like clara's dad i survived for almost four days i think four days is a really big zombie is a really good result i think for someone given this i only played this game for the first time in neutral and let the zombies push nice nice nice i mean i don't know that that's a thing that actually works but uh rip that belly button ring maybe knowing how to hot water a call would be good you were infected anyway and we're about to turn i think surviving four days in survivor mode when i only play this game for the first day of the week i'm literally learning about mechanics as chat tells me though is an improvement yes it is very happy with that says improvement night nice job uh that was a good effort jon says cheat this game seems like there is a lot to learn definition of failing upwards it's my entire career that is oh dear i tell this to claire all the time but she won't believe me despite the fact that you know i've on several occasions have bankrupted companies have been being rewarded by getting better positions at uh at different companies just a few companies i bankrupted in the past don't worry about it shout out to molly who gave us ten dollars uh and molly says i had a really stupid dream possibly a stupid dream within a dream the whole point of which was that my brain was trolling me with a terrible fun that i don't even remember next thought was to share this with you all oh beautiful beautiful so just so i know how badly behind are you how many pages are you talking uh i don't know because i haven't had time to like sort it out the way that i normally do so that i have an idea you know or were you getting into the game too well yeah oh you just tried desperately trying to help get advice from chat to me i mean number one this is the kind of game where there's actually a lot more advice from chat right but also it's cool and it's interesting and it's easy to understand uh spock zombie gave us ten dollars and says as a kentucky as a well that was a weird way of saying it as a kentucky native i can confirm that tv tv in kentucky sucks uh-huh i'm just going to confirm for the people who have padded kids that was one of the first donations yes it was for the people who are panicking chad uh obviously some of you may have noticed roughly from h i i pretty much graduated at the same time as the financial crash so various companies i worked for before i was a youtuber obviously ran into trouble on account of their general financial conditions i happen to be there i like to think i washed entirely responsible but i was there at the same time as several companies uh had mass redundancies it wasn't fun probably only partially my fault i mean wasn't there one where you looked at the data and you was like and you looked at the data and you went to them and you were like you know your business model just isn't working because of this data i did at one point yes collate data in such a way as i revealed to the company they'd failed and they hadn't realized they'd failed yet but i proved to them with data they'd failed uh every everyone was made redundant soon after that i possibly sped that up slightly but like it was kind of my job but it was it was yes i i didn't get spared so you know maybe i should have sat on that data uh but it was kind of my job to figure out whether the company was and i figured out the company was i told they were um ah that was good ah dear i caused the financial crash yes entirely me graduating was the source right there okay you know what we're gonna do as with our expert we're going back into apocalypse mode baby can we can we uh wait a tiny bit we do i'm gonna i need to i need to jump universes so you've got a little moment and then we've got the basic setup which tends to be pretty simple now we've understood it yes uh and then let's see if we can you know give me better hair or something in the character creators oh you want better hair yeah what was wrong with that yet well it was just brown and long and straight it was red it was the reddish hair going well fair enough i mean i suppose uh i asked them for a raise then tell them what they're i mean dear oh dear graduating with a classics degree breaks down the economy pretty much yes oh no not again oh dear woo let's go baby terrible anyway uh eaten by ghouls gave us uh five pounds and says how about a challenge where you pick every negative trait lol i feel like i'm not ready for challenge runs yet uh there was another challenge suggestion let me find it as well why are you giving me challenge suggestions so mean yes but see the thing is they're balancing out the meanness of the challenge suggestion by you know supporting the channel financially okay give them you know what absolutely is the best starting location says somebody but i don't know if they're trolling you it's entirely possible it's it's it's something we should just assume yes multiplayer we're not ready for that we are not ready for this no that run just ended in the cover art uh for the video that's a really good point thomas thank you uh yes okay we've got we've got so much hair oh see that's cute we've got so much you want the bob or bob curly yeah you want the curly bulb yeah all right you see this is unfortunately this is the there's that but i feel like that's less you don't get the most vibrant colors is there a pinker color than that i guess there's there's there's no no no you're right you there's there's not a good selection this is as red as it gets in a game this is as red as it gets unfortunately you know what i should have trusted you because you you you have picked red hair and games for a long time yeah anyway um shout out to um shout out to uh [Music] greg who gave us five dollars and uh suggested a tinker taylor saw the spy challenge uh you would need to get skills on repair sewing a firearm in stealth that's a cute idea still not ready for it but it is a cute idea i'm gonna be honest i can't remember which location i just said i would start again amazing good job yeah but i'm in a very tiny house this this claire lives in one of these tiny studio houses that appears to exist yeah this is a sims tiny house i made mm-hmm yeah so all right we're going to rip the clothing into parts okay so i'm gonna do my basic start off just you know spare clothes become badgers in the event of the odd bite gather some food if i need to say the odd bite geez what yeah the fridge in the fridge in the fridge what there's there's food in the fridge just gather a little bite i thought you were saying that uh you needed bandages in case you the odd zombie bite oh yeah yeah they do that's completely true yeah that's accurate yes zombie bites are gonna kill you well if i'm gonna get scratched up oh this is a terrible starting location here there's like nothing in this house at all like nothing but are there curtains you can close anywhere no no curtains this is a good starting location this isn't a good house to be honest i don't have i think the mini map may not exist in apocalypse i think that might be limited to that but it looks like there's a bigger house if i just go straight out from my my place i don't have anything right now there is it looks like there's something on the ground there's a bigger house over the road i'm just gonna go over there i'm gonna go in sneaky mode if i don't know whether the game maybe like has a less like less uh you know less zombies in the immediate area around where you start possibly if you're lucky let's just check the big house over the road which is going to be this is the advantage of uh you know uh zombie apocalypse which is you know normally i'd claire would just be stuck in this little house but now no uh the big house belongs to me now uh i've just moved him this is my house now it's got a tv much better than a bit where the tv might in theory oh he's going upstairs too that's an upstair oh oh this is this is brilliant right and take one crossword magazine for boredom if the zombies in this house are a bit but actually this okay this is a much better starting location so i'm just going to quickly scavenge this wait hang on this is this is a side cupboard and there's nothing in here i could have sworn it looks like though this house look out and upstairs i mean there's a there's a window upstairs so wait what it looks like this house doesn't upstairs right like that looks like an upstairs to me i think that's the door to that room daughter oh you're right yeah you are correct okay i'm going to very quickly try and scavenge sleeping tablets probably useful if you are troublesome you can start you have a tv so you can watch the live and living channel and whatever although you do i don't know what time it is find a watch exactly i don't know what time if i happen to hear it start i might be able to uh because i'm being yeah i'm just going to loot the house so clap well i'm just doing a little bit of looting here indeed shout out to oman gaming who's been a member for 22 months uh and wants to know john have you ever looked at cataclysm dark days ahead it is basically a tile but a title based version of this with a kind of turn-based movement in combat uh no i i'm completely unfamiliar with that i'm afraid that i do not know anything about uh let's see then uh cal gave us five pounds and says hello how are you both this evening um uh i think we're doing good i think i'm now amazing at this game i now understand it perfectly i think we're now golden forever uh i i i'm now a genius okay rolling pin will have to do as a primary weapon as a starting point for now i'd like you know to occasionally stumble across like i don't know say a lumberjack's house lumberjack's house would be great uh but it's kind of what you're saying is you want to come across our house it's i'm not convinced you're a lumberjack you have an axe in the utility room i think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself thank you you have an axe in the utility room is what i'm saying uh-huh okay so there is a tv here a good starting point could probably be yeah you know what if i read a book if there's a good book dotted about if i read a book while waiting to see if something comes on tv um good uh good uh feedback on cataclysm dark days ahead from chat yeah cdda is painful my lord oh god cdd it would be funny cataclysm doctors ahead is so deep and interesting um okay we're gonna start reading the book and while we're reading the book it's possible something will come on tv which might teach me something the problem is we simply do not know what time it is so we shall just have to uh to say clap [Music] yes uh archive gave us five pounds oh hang on welcome to talk the night am i close enough that this is now going to benefit me in some way like there's can you be doing two things at once if you're currently reading can you watch that as well i don't know but like i picked b we we've definitely got if you think this is complicated cdda will kill you jim says i uh survived for two months wow and you can change the channel on the tv as well i think this might be the news channel you need uh live and living tv or something live and living tv well i'm reading my book now and i'm enjoying learning about the law so possibly the zombie apocalypse is a bit wider spread than kentucky is there apparently yes there's something about the nypd going on right now so hard to say yeah i mean the thing is we don't know exactly what time it is so yes the knox events so yeah that is in knox which is fort knox is in um is in kentucky so i feel like this is a specifically kentucky apocalypse that's happening is is what appears to be occurring so all right continue just uh oh apparently you can read and watch or listen to tv at the same time you can multitask so you should kind of change the channel in the now that is just going you should change channel just in the hope but i'm reading the book because whether i lose my progress if i stop reading my book i don't i don't know whether that's true or not uh so you can multitask people here you'll remember your page all right well if i remember my page then i may as well yeah i see that that's set now so okay come out of that come over to you slow down time device options which channel uh life and living life and living yeah tune in um i mean that dr cox is gonna tell me about bladder control which i'm not convinced it's gonna be useful in the apocalypse but yeah but if you're just generally learning about medicine that oh i think they're just striked i think this is doctor i was trying to sell you it's possible you know well we're gonna have this on and i'm going to read my book on tailoring at the same time for i am a great multitasker so oh yeah this is just an advert by the luxie of it but like maybe it'll it'll help i mean it's not static something about vitamins was there turn the sound down a little bit though because fair enough i'll turn it down after i'm done with my book because we've done i think we caught the show there which is good so we did actually just catch the show oh there's something else going on there's i mean we're passing by stuff on tv which is great and i've read that too so okay so i've done that i may as well now that's done so i've caught a couple of shows there uh like you were saying device options uh now whack it down to two they were saying two two two two blocks i'm not doing anything can click the mute button and turn it back on but it won't ah weird i don't know how to fix that uh you can just go down using one of your you know can you just use your your the mouse no i meant can you just use your controller to go down on one of your joysticks you have no no none of them said how that works uh welcome keyboard what i'm literally trying to use the mouse doesn't do anything uh oh my cooking skill apparently increased someone said okay we're gonna find this out we're gonna find this out we're gonna find this out okay we're going to go into the mcgibble player info that's a that's a really good point from june my cookie do you almost reach the next level so that was really fast nice yeah yeah uh from jimmy mental uh you say bladder control wouldn't be useful in a zombie apocalypse just wait until a jump scare with a full bladder that's fair which is fair enough uh that usually works uh the thing you were trying to do so i think yeah that's weird um and yeah that is the drink the milk would get my hunger down a little bit i will drink a quarter of that milk excellent why not uh what else do we have that's in here this place is very very low on food oh ice cream you don't need to thaw out ice cream you can just eat that eat the yum yum yum did you just say oh no that's the bacon that's dangerous as i say ice cream is dangerous uncooked you better throw it out first to pop into the microwave it's like okay not convinced that's how ice cream works but all right yes watching tv is the fastest way in the game to gain skill uh spock zombie says just like in real life yeah i guess if it's an engineer tv is a really needed xp boost especially if you read at the same time hello i think a zombie just sawmin is now trying to get in so i think it's time for us to leave this house but before we do that let's plan destination okay if i take uh i looks like i need to basically head over open ground to a cluster of houses over on this direction now i did see a zombie over here i don't know whether he was on his own whether there was more than one looks pretty calm to me just do the odd spin occasionally yeah if we cross over ground here that zombie is now trying to get into this house here we go this is the back of the next set of houses oh i see oh okay this this got a little bit out of hand fast um oh those are garages yeah yeah those are okay so two houses two garages if a house has got a broken window that concerns me that concerns me that something's already gone wrong with that house but these are nice houses i mean i was able to hide out and then escape from houses with oh dear oh oh dead no don't fall over claire dammit stop zombie moving claire sake claire jesus christ can't i can't take her anywhere right close the door right it's time to gtf uh gtfo okay can't wait not curtains and stuff that you can i feel i definitely just heard a window shattered there definitely just heard a window definitely just heard more than one window shutter we're going upstairs we're going upstairs go it's bathroom okay we're in the bathroom now the bathroom tweezers there's no look on the bathroom door which strikes me as unreasonable but okay uh tweezers and multiple bandages go nice tweezers what's the use for bath towels guys surely that's a source of cloth right yeah yeah i'm just um oh you can dry yourself oh no you get wet you can draw yourself crouch running uses more stamina okay the zombies don't pitch or figured out upstairs oh never mind just they have yesterday yes they have this they have yes they have okay right we're going we're going out momentarily uh okay remove broken glass quickly so long losers i survived right okay in fact they seem to be wait oh do we do we just get away with that open the door can you maybe open a window instead probably a better idea you know what this seems like this is actually sort of working come on there could be that good security on cocking garages actually you keep cars in them they're relatively valuable i'm not hearing zombies approach i think we might have actually just sourced out see it in i think we've actually managed to lose that chaos and uh yeah maybe somehow crowbar it's in bad condition and rope i'll take rope i'll take a crowbar crowbar's my new weapon yeah i mean just there's so many there's so many um there are so many boxes in there screwdriver spare engine parts if a car needs repairs empty gas cans so that you can like get gas yeah much away i assume from cars that are out of the road you could like drain them of gas with the gas cap but then again how would you get the gas out so maybe not well i don't know but you'll need a like you'll need gas it weighs a lot until we until we have an idea what it does we will not we will uh avoid that but i'll take the screwdriver and then yeah was that all the boxes surely uh yes it was i'll try the other garage because there must be first let's just make sure i've got a clean path into this house in case i need it in a hurry next time but you're not right i mean the zombies do seem to have presumably been drawn into that house which is now you know i don't want to do that because the windows are on the other side and that's really close to the house that's probably full of zombies so we're gonna leave you know what crowbar's rock crowbar is one of the best weapons in the game best long blunt weapon anyway okay there is a zombie in here but it's only one she's trying to get out which is fascinating take the gas can those are really rare i don't know where gas comes from other cars you can siphon as a car get down get down bad zombie bad zombae bad zombae get down on the are you dead she's dead house key she was the owner good all right let's just quickly loot her belly button ring that was that means the wrong ammeters that's purple yeah that means close the curtains quickly don't see me did you see me i think you did now well the door's already locked i'm not sure he's getting in a locked door i it doesn't matter with zombies it's all fine everything's under control he'll get bored eventually uh okay let's go for weapons here like say oh beef jerky it's nice chips i'll just eat some of that this is this is nice mac and cheese yeah not bad too fresh baloney and also yeah freezing things are freezing right here you know we're just gonna okay you know i think if we take out this guy though if we let him in then does that mean then going forward we can kill him can you equip the crowbar in both hands and it's stronger if you double hand it okay uh way more damage okay crowbar equip it at equipping both hands i see okay so the crowbar is now equipped to you know limited limited impact when used one-handed is what it says on it hello yes i'd kind of like to ah i think he bit me but maybe got lucky can't see him very well he's dead and no one else is out here okay we might need to just quickly verify what my health condition is because i'm concerned slight damage could be bad news feels like that could be bad news right there slight health slight i'm definitely hearing noise behind me but that's the tv no i think i heard a window being shattered ah i mean there is some glass on the ground that was already there yeah that was how i got in all right we're fine for now garbage bag you can carry in bags what is that that's a barrier right i don't think it's a backpack but i think oh your clothes saved you you're fine you're a lucky get okay no injury nice i'll flip it take it okay garbage bag transfer equip if i equip that to say secondary does my i think so yeah no it doesn't still out of 12. that does not count as a as a as a bag i can carry stuff in oh well fair enough i thought it might just because um garbage bag handbag equipping both hands again yeah go back over to crowbar there might be zombies upstairs prepare for trouble get the can opener uh we established cans weren't that useful earlier that's what that was my first thing she was i said oh don't do that canned goods aren't worth it so okay baseball cap honestly you know what i won't say no to a hat all right voice afford 90s bart simpson or like traditional regular regular voice or forward all right cool just check go and last one that might be a nice dress on the bed there go all right house is clear so i'm gonna loot the house clap all yours uh yes indeed uh items that you put in the bag have reduced weight on the right hand side of your items there's a new tab for bags and backpack uh but having it in your secondary hand does make your workers bag but then why doesn't my inventory go up because your inventory stays the same but the items are less heavy the items take us less space because you have them in the back i don't know it's just a making on this game okay so if i rip that into part which i but yeah so if i wanted to but i i can't transfer these items into the bag because it's not an option i've got options of draw and floor i i don't see how you put something in the bag okay well let's salute the house and then i'll read some messages and we'll wait for stuff to come in yes fair enough uh-huh arcade gave us five pounds and says the zombie a cop the zombie apocalypse the true solution to owning a house in england here's some funds for tubby treats oh you know i'm going over to sneakers on this occasion i want to run faster screw defense let me just run carry on the bag has a separate inventory once it's equipped it's a different tab okay so if i actually equip that as a secondary weapon and then so okay so if it's equipped down here then at that point can i say uh say i want the screwed the sleeping tablets garbage bag okay so if i do that how does that affect my carry capacity does that just become a free weight so move to garbage bag and the sneakers yeah this uh the rope the rope weighs 0.3 so if i move to garbage bag okay that lost 0.03 uh the bathtub weighs 0.3 i'm currently on 11.13 move to garbage bag i lose 0.2 weights so as a result of that oh this is okay this weighs 0.5 move to garbage bag i save a tiny amount of weight but like not not i mean it's good for cleaning inventory i suppose it basically it reduces the weight depending on how good the bag is and the guard the garbage bag is not very good you can also drag them to the garbage bag icon that's in the middle drag let's see how i do that with the controls okay i'm trying to help you john i know and i'm enjoying it frustrating you can i can i can i comb my hair with the comb i can't bow what's even the point of life if you can't do that well you have to curly bob and you're not supposed to like comb your hair when you have curly hair so obviously this is that's what you're not supposed to comb your hair yeah because then it makes it like all weird and frizzy and stuff that's weird but all right yeah like i literally brush it in the shower when i'm washing it and then oh hello what have you been in here it's a thing okay well i think i found the zombie that came in yeah i found the zombie how how tight some bags can reduce 95 of the weight though yeah okay the ideal is a hiking bag or a mullet tree backpack okay i feel like i need a stabby thing cause cause captain there's there's a zombie downstairs now equipped a primary so i've still got my garbage bag you know i'm having i'm having a lie down i'm having a quick lie down not for long just a little bit so sleep yeah there we go it's a little bit just a little bit a little bit i can't get up as far as i can tell i just i just wake up when i wake up which i don't know how long it's been because hello right i feel better now although hang on one of the there's a bathroom is there a bathroom upstairs or was there another bathroom i think it was was it just bedrooms upstairs also did i bother checking this one oh yeah i did check that one yeah there's no bathroom upstairs here if i'm not sure this house is a toilet uh have you tried the door that's right by the stairs right there all right there may possibly be oh strawberry blonde hair dye there we go i mean yeah but we don't have any bleach so how are we going to get my base color light enough to you know it's just i've always said i think you'd look good as a strawberry blonde oh dear claire's done with me tonight i'm so done with you also i will point out that i would look good with any hair color i say oh he's gone very much he's wandered off oh maybe he got bored yeah i think he did unless he's come through over here no he's not right so at this point just just garbage garbage claire with her garbage bag he's just wandering around right now okay i still don't know precisely where i am i need to okay if i just head south there's clearly more buildings everything this this appears to be a very open area okay i think it's oh i think it might be dusk i think it might have just slept through the day now it's dark because you're hungry and i'm a little bit hungry but i'll package there's plenty of food dodged about if i go in this direction there was yeah a male male male thing means house all right just prepare to stab and if we're really really lucky come on car i love a good car when there's no one around so you've got plenty of time to explore get m and what wrong side oh yes i'll always go to the wrong side it may also be locked i think it's locked see the key oh hello were you the owner of this car hello sir i'd like to talk to you about extended warranty okay and finish him off oh oh he's dead please have the he doesn't have the keys on him darn it i was hoping he might be the owner um okay it might be time to to to start doing a little bit of uh strolling off in this direction and go right into this house this has something upstairs it does and prepare to stab they're probably gonna lose me stab this is a nice house look at this this is fancy the fancy lamp everything all right that should get i found loads of sleeping tablets on this occasion and oh hang on what was that was that what was that long socks nice pink thrill strap yeah there we go that's the stuff i'm having the long socks over there too i thought that was i thought there was someone literally outside there for a second but okay then we've got first stage volume one now that's gotta be a good box oh yeah that that we we've gotta take with us we're gonna surely you can just read it right i mean it takes 12 hours and there's some read a book okay and there are zombies battering down the door up outside there possibly they got bored and wanted off cd running on fumes is that like gonna help your survival unlikely oh animal print it's pretty good that's clay you can't you can't dislike the classics they can't just like the classics uh sandals that's what you want in the apocalypse oh it's terrible and it slows you down okay that's definitely not what you want in the apocalypse stab okay everything's fine bandage bandages yeah and soap which is useful for cleanliness lipstick painkillers oh that's good that's i've not seen that before and that's pretty damn good right there okay get over here i'm a bit peckish i don't mind going to the kitchen downstairs uh if we can just close the curtains never draw attention to oneself i don't know whether the zombies might be in the house right now with they just like got bored because they didn't really see where i was i am well i'm i'm hearing a lot of trouble i'm definitely hearing things is this still locked it is now i feel better don't say it i just i'm not saying it i feel better i can't believe you made me eat a banana the right mommy clap the banana that's what you get oh no the banana clown the banana no no if only i wasn't teaching a banana the bananas are us the banana no claire who could have predicted bananas would betray us i i think we had no way of knowing that eating a banana was going to go just so you know claire hates bananas i think claire was vindicated right about now it's so like that banana was your demise oh the bananas that that were officially account we're officially attributing that death to banana [Music] oh no oh that's sad that's sad right there the banana was was our death bandana was our death all right apocalypse pretty much yes all right shout out to josephine who gave us five dollars and says hey claire and tabby give john some pets for me he's been doing such a good job feeding the zombies recently he deserves them oh dear oh he was a good joke i can't believe the bananas were your demise that you must be very happy about that all right back into apocalypse mode we can do this uh shout out to uh douglas uh who gave us two uh dollars and says focus focus on shoving the zombies and stumping them with heavy shoes uh not knives i think you should maybe try to the shoving and stomping strategy that would just i need to like not have a weapon out well i don't know um chat please do let us know how to actually somebody sunk the zombies yeah um yes i feel like generally your own house is safe oh i've got a gun yes now we're oh this is sad that's all that's no ammo i'm pretty but also please don't use a gun that makes noise jon there is no ammo uh in the gun so don't worry okay we've got a nice oh we've got a peach we've got frozen corn one fork two frying pans a whole bunch of canned goods fresh uncooked spaghetti uh okay so we had this this was you know it's it's it's we you know we've had worse houses best house there's a comic on the shelf reduces boredom stress unhappiness yeah why not uh in which case we can get rid of in fact yes that's way more effective than the word search magazine so the word such magazine can be got rid of in favor of the comic book because as far as i'm aware you can just read the same like book over and over again well obviously so that seems to be absolutely a-okay this is a little pantry or something oh this is your tiny tiny bathroom vitamins you see this this is not a bad little start this will do as a start over here i'd say no tv but i would say we read the cooking book straight away and then we cook because by the time we're done we will be hungry so i'm gonna do that uh immediately we've got cooking volume one right here so i'm gonna read that right now uh and then when we're done we're hungry i will drink i will and i'll cook i'll cook that pasta uh well if i can find something to put water in we'll figure that out as we go clap okay uh left trigger does chaven stomp triggered on release left even if i've got a weapon out apparently all right i don't know we'll we'll we'll keep an eye on that lovely listen um on a keyboard it's spacebar for a generous shove that also does a stomp no one else the the person who said left trigger shove stump triggered on release is the only person who has an actual control or uh suggestion for how to do it and it is literally the only person who's not uh being uh literally everybody else is being annoying about you know playing on keyboard nice all right cool that's that's the person we want to listen to then gotcha all right so we're almost done at work but that was from the wiki so they're not sure it definitely works thank you for actually uh trying to help uh rather than oh no that works i see that so left trigger is that's the kind of like the push or pistol whip action whereas right trigger would be the fire the pistol all right oh my god you're gonna fire it well you're not gonna fire it accidentally i don't have any ammo uh right drink my first up to being sorted out now now now now now i have got i saw this somewhere hang on where are you i saw it in one of these i saw pasta fresh uncooked fresh pasta grab the fresh pasta yeah i mean i'm not sure if what it means is actually fresh pasta it says fresh pasta and now what we're going to do is what i can i thought i saw a a pan somewhere i need to i need to there's a frying pan oh god which is okay i feel like this isn't necessarily the i'm going to put the fresh pasta in the oven lol because i can't see how to this is going to be fine um turn excuse me turn on no that's the lights turn turn on the oven amazing there we go uh so when you shove them to the ground stand on them to prevent them getting up then stumpy stop the head it's working i'm cooking the pasta in the oven i've put the pasta in the oven and it's going to cook i'm a genius this is like the anniversary special ahead of time this is this is coming this coming in a few days time many a true nerd cooks in the same way as project zomboid knives and microwaves pasta in the oven sweet all right so that's now cool anyway that's not how this works what i turned it was the light switch i'm hearing bubbling noises i think we just assume i put it in a bowl of water in the oven is is what i believe is occurring so i'm now going i can feel the referendum taking place in italy to ban you from the country oh dear and now i'm going to no what's wrong with the pasta bake what's wrong with the pasta break is he's got literally nothing but pasta i can't eat it i've got to pour on ground what you can't eat it out of nothing okay pour the pasta on the oh there was a cooking pot um so now the where's my pasta maybe it was just where's my pasta where's it going no where's my pasta i just why is it not on the ground oh no oh okay well this is all this is all sad why couldn't i eat the pasta i'm gonna eat a peach instead okay well that's that's unfortunate uh that helped a little bit but this didn't help that much i'm just gonna i'm just gonna eat these frozen peas eat the entire pack of frozen peas oh yeah that's that's the stuff delicious delicious frozen peas and the frozen corn it's going to make me a bit unhappy i don't escape i i think i've just i've just made myself i've made myself depressed i'm ravaged my morning in desperation because i just ate frozen corn by morning in desperation because i cooked some really nice person and i poured it on the ground like an idiot i'm gonna read a comic book to get rid of my depression yeah definitely i feel like i feel like that's an overreaction to eating frozen peas i mean i don't know frozen peas are kind of gross i just couldn't be bothered to cook them i tried my best okay i tried my best i'm just going to read the comic book and see if that makes me less depressed and it may be a bit less depressed but now i think the comic book's gone i think possibly i'd destroy it after i'm done with it okay um so which case okay we also need to do some we also need to to to to to do some crosswords that okay i'm gonna i'm going to do wordle until i'm not depressed anymore i mean oh god what's she about to say about how i'm at how good i am at wordle versus her is this where we're going with this because this is where we're going with this i'm warning you now i was gonna say john yes if i had to do wordle alone without you in the apocalypse it would make me more depressed oh that's really sweet next to what i was expecting you to say yes that's lovely in a more in a kind of you know modeling sad kind of way yes because claire be depressed uh-huh all right the word search magazine i think i've i've got rid of so i think i'm i'm not depressed i'm just a bit sad so if i just keep doing word searches i'll be oh i think i decided myself no i'm still d sad oh i'm still sad um i thought i decided myself um i thought i decided myself but then the word all you know was like friend and i got sad the word clouds the world's not gonna be the weather's not gonna be christ how would you do win at wordle by being patient and thinking okay well um okay so i'm a bit depressed it's still it's still day quickly check check the map i need to find a better house oh i'm i'm approaching actual house territory if i go south from here i said friend because i was the first two things i thought of that would make me sad if i saw it in word all in the zombie apocalypse hug and cuddle hugs and cuddles neither of which can be exactly that's why i tried to go for something else all right come down over here to the south i'm not seeing any zombies which is great just don't run because i'll make myself all ty wella what's all this what's this massive ass driveway what the the flip am i oh that's oh is that a road just a weird colored road oh okay there was definitely someone behind me all right bang bang i have no ammo i have no ammo don't worry it was it was an empty threat cause i have no ammo i thought i was running towards houses i i i thought i was going towards the houses there were no there appeared to be no houses quickly back to the map wait whether oh do i just exist on the map right now oh i think i do exist you don't have the map for this spot well i'm making them that looks like that looks like a church maybe open the window quick quick quick yeah in is this is this can you close the window uh i think it's a bit late for that i think it might be yes it's a church i found i found a church uh the style got a zombie and i definitely had a window just cracking okay loot the church the holy waters got to be like water but better that's that's how holy water works i assume uh okay there's nice flowers outside zombie needs to get through to here that's back outside so that's not a problem zombie's gonna try and get through that door in a second i can just get out okay the church appears to have nothing of use in it at all aside from oh come on oh there's also side buildings that might okay that's the admin building that might be better yeah okay we've lost that zombae and my boredom just went down oh hang on i think there's a tv nearby hi i'm hearing i think there's a tv in one of these how do i get into that side room around here ah yes i found uh have faith in our military emergency services i'm in kentucky i feel like i'm not gonna have huge amounts of faith in any of that right now comic book and uh yeah i'm going to read a comic book we're going to read we're going to read about the continued adventures of claire mann as you know mild matter john mild matter job by day but by night he becomes claire man with the powers of claire whatever those are precisely putting up with john it smells like the setup for moonlight to be honest oh my god i'm still okay i need to keep reading more books and keep read additional books this is a very short book apparently so i've got at some point i could d i could get rid of my depression by reading if i keep reading enough books maybe i won't be depressed anymore i've limited evidence to support this hypothesis but i believe in it all right it's gonna work it's going to work all right everything's fine yes i'm not looking depressed claire i depressed myself yes and i've got a ronin if only that actually worked in real life just have you oh fresh oh milk yes it's frozen yeah it would take a long time to sort out that but on the bright side you know you could steam it that's true uh okay you know what we're gonna we're gonna do that we're gonna actually can i cook multiple things at once if i take all this i take all of these things just take all of them all right cool they're all frozen now we just put them into the oven so the bacon goes in the oven because you can cook multiple things in the oven at once that's that's eminently reasonable and the mixed vegetables as well all right and there we go and do this i've got anything else that needs cooking turn on and now check on the well first have to de-freeze they're going to defreeze first and then they're going to cook d3 and thor are the same thing aren't they yes but d3 is not really defrost yes that's a better word we're just we could yeah we could just use some of the like d3 you know that defrosty stuff you get for like car windscreens to speed up the process potentially i love you i love you if you sprayed frozen food with like de-icer for a car and then but then you rinsed it off afterwards absolutely would that work oh my god oh yeah if you read the cookbook first and then you're cooking you like uh well i've already already did that already read the cookbook ah nice so what we're gonna do is we're gonna wait for the bacon to cook yeah the bacon's gonna be cooked there we go the bacon's now ready to go grab that out the oven but the other two things appear to be not cooked wait are they cooked it doesn't say uncooked anymore does that it's true did they all cook because i didn't see a cooking timer for the others maybe i'm amazing at cooking now i mean i think yeah it says they're fresh so i guess i can have them i guess they're all they all cooked and then we just turn off the stove so we don't burn anything down and now at this point i could just eat a quarter of a ham if that's what i want to do i feel like i don't need to eat an entire oh my god amazing uh shout out to paul wilson and uh edge who uh are telling you the answer to your question you just asked oh no which is that um if you did that it would poison the food and the food would still be frozen using the ice on food would work strictly in the sense that it would melt the ice off of the surface of the food was not actually defrosting the rest of it nice very good okay so i can't get the vehicles don't have the key now okay let's logic this out here if this game makes any sense the key to let me access the van must be in or around the church because why would it be anywhere else okay so nice holy holy claire we can drive we can actually cocky drive if only i had an oil can or something of some description didn't you didn't you die in between those two things possibly yeah pretty sure you died okay there's very i also don't know how to drive oh hodie shad hodie shot holy this is just very accurate as well because i don't know how to draw uh okay we need to can i check the map inside my vehicle i don't know where i am precisely i kind of assume you were on that corner on that road and then you run like uh yeah yeah kind of like east west i guess okay this is there's there's okay well presumably i could just run over zombies at this point oh if you have the pen you can mark the map oh i need to pen to my jesus christ this game's clever uh okay i've got like a bit of a tank of fuel i i feel like i could definitely outrun zombies at this point beep beep motherflippers oh yeah oh yeah we're not done with you yet we're not done with you the problem is you're too cocky i i want to get too cocky i know you do honey i feel like i just took a wrong turn there hi hi where's where's the horn where's where is he this is a very good way of getting corpses in hurry beep beep beep beep beep beep beep motherflickers [Music] [Laughter] yeah i think so there we go everything's fine oh i think i'm in the bit of town that's actually got shops and so that's nice no i shouldn't have turned into this narrow driveway uh this was a mistake no speed up speed up oh this is great i'm having a lovely time all of a sudden this is this is obviously good news beep beep beep beep beep beep there we go oh i can just drive out of town i'm just i'm just gonna you kentucky yeah i'm just gonna drive out of kentucky apocalypse um yeah that's about right yeah this feels like a major road i feel like we should just go along this major road and then we should just leave kentucky we're leaving kentucky scurrier we're going to where the apocalypse is we're going to whichever state is next to kentucky i think possibly iowa is that a state or is that one of the ones i made up that's like no that's a state but i don't know if it's next to kentucky uh kansas is next to beep beep motherflipper i'm gonna have killed so many zombies uh in this round well i mean i don't know because um runs them over i mean i have some of them i reverse back over afterwards i know you okay so what we're going to do is we're going to clear out the motel before we explore it beep beep there we go i feel like they may be retracting them with the engine of your van making a bit of noise okay just get them all on a nice line and now forward uh john you're running low on petrol by the way i'm i've still got plenty of petrol i'm making a lot of corpses which is good because they're zombies right now so this is a step four okay i feel like more are arriving i feel like in many ways again you're saying bb put your tracks does that attract them i'm getting tired of running over zombies i think okay um how do we get out of okay but if i just go this fast i'll just leave more behind all right i'm just going to leave them all behind how do we get out of kentucky this feels like a good road that i'm leaving kentucky on i'm leaving kentucky so long kentucky salon kentucky so long wait which other roads they were driving in america oh hang on take take right turn yeah we're leaving kentucky uh oh uh oh okay starting around another card there uh this is fine just run over these guys okay um yeah now just to make sure these people stay down and then i can try and siphon the gas off if that's possible but you don't have a container there might be one in that in one of the cars yeah remember to check the boot of the car by the way yeah if you park on top of them could you get up exactly that's that's what i'm thinking and now i can potentially check the other cars nearby so i feel like this is a good look at this this is working this is actually working check the trunk and nothing in the trunk i didn't actually check the van by the way you'd never check the van and this car maybe you may not be able to access uh you can't get out of kentucky apparently what no there's a gas station huh there's a gas station which you missed oh that's true i just drove past a gas station that is actually true that feels like that's important what was in the car something good but i've already forgotten open the trunk what's in my trunk hang on why can't i open my own trunk i've got the keys i'm not sure why i can't open mine it can you zoom out and look at the map now no cause i never picked up a pen so i know yeah but you don't know where you i've no idea where i am no turn the van's engine off oh that's a good point and also oh there's a jack in there which you might be able to keep in the van uh you can get the get in the van and open it from the dashboard i can get in the van from oh it's a vehicle trunk is locked trunk is unlocked bloody hell this game's clever uh okay now i could check what's in my own trunk nothing but i could put stuff in it performance tire tires something something these guys have anything on them by the way corpse animal print underwear animal print bra yeah there we go and a short skirt blimey this woman was was out for a good time uh right okay she's allowed to wear whatever she wants john also a stage steak good if vampires show up that's that's a good thing attach that to my belt so vampires know i mean business all right not bad lumber yard apparently close by to ye how does this help me there might be there might be tools that can be weapons like axes and such that logically makes a lot of sense yes and now i can start putting stuff in the back of my truck so okay like that cooking book i don't need that anymore so we can kind of just put that out of the way yeah massively capacity right now i could put my ham in the trunk that was a bit heavy my the lug wrench whatever that that pistol you have that has no ammo obviously we're keeping the pistol uh the tire very important we put the extremely wow the heck the tire was a lot of the weight actually the tyre was a lot of there was a lot of the weight okay i've got a lot of guns and not much water to be honest all right beep beep beep beep um can you go back to the gas station you have no gas almost i think the gas station might be a little bit i think it's probably beat up i think it's the best bet we've got to be honest i think you're not right i should bring a fun way back there i think i go around the corner uh i just go around this direction then i go in a straight line for a long way and then i take what will be for me a right when i get down to something and then yeah that's roughly where the gas station is but i think the sensible option will be get out of the truck when i get closer and then yeah hello just get out of the truck when i get close-ish and then try and raid the place on oh i feel like claire i feel like i might have drawn some attention to this area i mean yeah um so we just need to struggling okay we're struggling a little bit with momentum here we just need to kill all the uh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay we need we need to get some speed up your attention to the thumbnail of this video john we just need to speed up a little bit yeah there we go this is all fun get over to here all right cool i think it was somewhere on this road i think if we go this way yeah that's this is it i think it's somewhere along here i think oh this doesn't feel like the road i was on before and i don't have any way of zoom out no i can't there's there's i can't uh i mean i'm not saying corp the thing is if there were corpses on the road i'd feel confident i was going the right way because that would be that those would be my corpses um but there's no there's no corpses on the road which makes me feel like i'm now just driving in a different unrelated direction that has nothing to do with the gas station which i've now completely lost oh uh-oh uh-oh mouse wall zooms you out oh yeah um hide in the forest i'm hearing wolves right well we're on foot now all right clapped well done we we just killed a lot of zombies like we like when the kentucky army shows up or like the kentucky guards whatever though whatever they're gonna be like good job good job ma'am you you've done well you did really well i feel like i've been in the middle of the contract right now where i assume there's less zombies because there were less people to become zombies mm-hmm so this is this is fine i feel like we've done the we've done a good thing here clap uh yeah shout out to uh i record with a phone who gave us five dollars uh and says uh i really needed an escape from life right now so i just wanna say thanks for streaming this is one of my favorite games and i loved your video on it it is such a good game and there's every i just like i find so many things about it i'm impressed by like i'm constantly just learning new things about this i'm like oh wow that's so impressive that that's a thing in this game at all didn't you have food and in the van i left the ham in the van [Applause] [Music] i kept the vita i've got my vitamins and the wallet that says junk on it uh does the wallet do anything it doesn't appear to uh oh uh oh hello okay push push stompity stomp nice we've got it stomping works much better that worked a lot better we finally got a watch why yes somebody had told you about this before finally got a one map uh-huh oh flip a map too that's actually pretty good wait am i in west point my west point didn't remember where i am just look at the map and just look at it see if your map has been there's not a me point on the map yes but once you've read that map it updates your map in in uh oh but without a pen i still don't have my own location on the map i don't think but we've we're much better at fighting now left to have in the van it's such a good sentence we've now added i left my ham in the van uh to the uh nightbot in the bad no i'm going to start oh no i'm getting hungry i've found you i had it i had some an entire ham that i'd only eaten a tiny bit of apparently you're in muldra am i oh okay that's problem oh wow i've got about a completely unrelated region uh well maybe i'm gonna walk to west to west point or something oh claire i'm getting i'm getting really tired and um i i feel like i'm just and moist and too hot i think i'm getting sweaty i think moist is a function of sweaters should i bring a bathtub by buddy chance oh it doesn't see a bathtub a bath towel i know i know but okay i'm gonna rip this to i'm gonna get some more badges and lose some there we go i should be less hot now there we go i'm moving in the right i've taken a bit now you're not wearing a freaking diamond pattern sweater i thought that was quite snazzy actually i quite liked her apparently you're walking off the map now oh brilliant good eventually there's got to be something like i feel better kentucky i feel like well eventually i say we'll reach idaho iowa ohio the other u.s states i'm inventing it's it's fine turn right and you'll find your the the main straight zoom all the way out of the map oh okay we were just looking at the wrong bits that okay so oh my god this was the tap i was just looking at the wrong bit of the map so this is the thank you chad i thought i heard a zombie there right okay so so so so this was civilization and then we decided we were going to walk in this direction in stats um shout out to chris who gave us five dollars and says with trump's lack of perception it's impressive he's known as the apocalypse at all press f for the van ham in theory there appears to know look at look here back the way i came there's a side ropes this must lead somewhere right look maybe a farmer or something yeah that's actually a sensible do you think it's such a religious to turn back and just make try and make a run for that yeah maybe i think so i'm going to be honest i think it is we're going to i can't sprint anymore i'm too tired but i can jog oh okay i didn't realize there were levels of running well i think if you're in top tip-top condition you can spread oh no i can spread yeah that's right let's let's do some flipping card i'm too hot i'm exhausted well that's fine because if i'm too exhausted some people would say take a break i say take more vitamins do you have any water at all uh i don't think so no there might be some in the van you never know what's in the van to be honest this is how just in theory how how far is it good how long is it gonna take me to get to the wait are any of these like maybe berry bushes or something like could i could i forage because foraging's a scale true if foraging's a skill that would suggest i might be able to do some form of also how how long how far along the road have i managed to make it not far i think i must have got that so maybe about halfway done okay claire yeah whilst you're just walking over there shout out to jennifer who gave us five dollars and says uh and then john died because of sound and also bananas yes and also bananas uh though i think that might be about one of the earlier deaths but anyway uh lyle gave us 20 pounds uh and says hey john do you have any plans to check out expeditions rome the next in the series by the people that made expeditions vikings yes but it's going to take me some time and mental energy because it's it's it's rise son of rome levels of oh god what have you done to roman history that john what the thing you were looking for what that are you sure you're not wrong well there's some there's some form of mysterious yes i was better at navigating than you there's some form of mysterious path here doesn't actually there's not even a dirt track what the flip is happening i mean this is just generic forest but [Music] what the hell is this this doesn't look like uh a pat like this doesn't look like a path any vehicle could go up so why does it exist i mean i think there are paths like in the woods or whatever that aren't necessarily for vehicles is this just of a footpath well you're coming up on something no no i look like just rat out a little the path just disappeared i think it looks like you're coming up on like a an area that's gonna go into something else like i thought it looked like you were coming up on to a garden or yard i think we're just in the middle of nowhere i think we're just going to die due to lack of harm say goodbye to civilization this is not a path no no no no no you are going to die i mean presumably that looks like open look it looks like a little shark and you're right you okay there's got to be a farm out here somewhere eventually we'll go we're going to fight oh it was a chunk boundary should have kept going oh no that was just a bit of map and what marker was it uh john is now in the inevitable lost crawling through the wood part of the game this map is mostly trees okay civilization is mere feet south down the roads investigate area with a focus on no not activate search mode i'm going to attempt to find bearers i don't know offer but it logically is that water disable search but holy water well we're not going to dive first we probably shouldn't drink this water whatever i bet you can fish as well well i don't have a how would i fish precisely okay fishing no rod no lure no fish what i can do is i can sleep on the ground i can i can wash myself okay i'm gonna cheer myself up by just giving myself a little wash in the river i'm gonna wash my clothes i'm gonna wash myself i'm gonna drink which is probably terrible idea and then maybe i could like try and knife a fish to death you need to approach foliage and use the interact menu to forage oh okay but uh you've got to boil that water don't drink it but it's gonna be poisonous make us p2 to do fishing uh i've got a steak oh yeah that's true you do have a steak i do have a steak okay just run over to various things like they might have berries on them no yeah but john uh remember how you you have a do you have a forage thing that you can do in your you know on the side uh that's health that's crafting there's a crafting system yeah yeah but i don't have enough materials for it so uh although sometimes crafting is a bit optimistic like example you can create an umbrella by uh crafting a closed umbrella into an umbrella i would call just opening an umbrella it's likely that this water will make you quite sick well i'm afraid we're gonna we are where we are yeah yeah yeah okay we are where we are we're just we have to take the risk yeah i think this is just irradiated water well you're radiated not have radiated but like you know it's dirty and you haven't i'm gonna dig a furrow with my hands go dig the furrow maybe there's food in it i think that's to plant something in now presumably yes that's that's acceptable okay we're just gonna have to maybe there's okay hang on did i did i have the steak with me do i still have the steak maybe you i've got bacon eat the bacon i've got the bacon i forgot i had the bacon okay i equipped the steak as my primary right i've now got a state let's let's go and stab some fish yeah oh the magnifying glass is the forging uh bring it i can't bring it motherflippers bring it your fishy bastards okay the magnifying glass yeah foraging uh toggle search mode investigate try to find bearers in the i don't know how this works i've no idea how forage works yes and that okay okay okay you know what i need to do i'm just tired right now in terms of food and water i'm actually okay the biggest problem is tiredness so i'm just going to have a nice nap right here sleep on the ground yep i do want to sleep i mean come on i'm a little bit sick surely you know that i'm gonna wake up with a severe backache okay it is it's 4 50 in the morning uh meaning it's gonna be dawn pretty soon but i'm i'm feeling good i'm i'm feeling good right now i'm i'm in good shape i'm actually i'm i'm ready to take on the world uh i should probably like pick it up okay i should probably at this point pick a destination that somehow i mean i found a lake which is nice do you think i should just try and make it back towards town yes obviously okay so if i just kind of go back in that direction like over over over here just find open space and just going sort of this direction this should get me back to town and i i can make it but we're going to survive this we we we're not going to survive we're going to thrive i have been hardened by my time in the wilderness which would have killed me if i hadn't discovered i just had some bacon on me but other than that we're going to thrive this is going to be great okay cool it down a little bit i'm going in about too fast um i love that somebody in chat um has pointed out that this is basically claire grells i mean you said bear grylls but i you know obviously oh you improved a pod well done that's a really good pun you just made up thank you so dumb um also shout out to knox bright who gave us ten dollars and the most savage roast [Music] the absolute most okay go go go the absolute most savage thing anyone has ever said to me about my uh somewhat so like you know not dead dead but you know mostly a little bit about my youtube channel john when are you going to make an appearance on claire's channel also claire when are you going to make an appearance on claire's channel that is savage right now oh that's a good bird that's good well i like it like a lot okay you're supposed to be on my side buddy you did i admire a good savage bird i'm sorry yeah okay but like all right just keep on having the occasional sit down just to get my breath back i mean quite frankly i'm just amazed um yes also they had a question for you vlookup or x lookup and why v lookup just because you can't you just it's just the tradition the classic i'm sorry i mean i i i would i'd use flipping h v look up an h lookup before x look up sorry i'm just i'm just a traditionalist like that um how's my health by the way and i'll be good i'm in good shape um i'm killing it i'm killing it out here i say this i don't know where i am where am i i'm well actually apparently there's a path over here if i turn back well logically if it's an actual dirt track it would suggest it would lead to like a little farmer shack or something i mean there's an actual path here i mean is this the end of i a does that suggest there's something in this space that the path leads to doesn't look like it maybe there's something at the other end of the path going it's weird there's this path off the main road that doesn't appear to actually go anywhere or do anything but i guess at the bare minimum it means i can go at a decent level of speed without having to uh trip over uh trees and whatnot clap uh yeah shout out to a shout out to quality control who gave us ten dollars um and says hey john claire and most importantly tabby very important uh i have sent this as i'm starting at the beginning of the stream uh so i hope to hear this later uh anyways be careful of shotguns they are louder than you think to be honest i would have guessed they were pretty loud yes i would not have gone into the assumption that shotguns were actually super super quiet okay before we get back to the row proper i'm going to have a quick sit down just to get my get my breath back i'm very tired i need to oh could do with a lie down okay there is a zombie coming this way it's all right just give her a stab then knock her over and then go over to her step on her go for the head better nice very nice oh new earrings yeah lovely that's very lovely right there okay so against one zombie yeah you do not need a weapon actually just to push the stomp works really well so oh hello sorry didn't realize you were that no no no push go over go over and stamp stamp stamp dead lovely right that works pretty well anyone else around no it's not quite on the edge of town i think if i cut through this forest yeah if i just kind of go cut through this forest i get tortured it looks like it might be a massive shop massive shop i'm i'm nearly there i've nearly i've known you zombie i i know but i can lose them in the forest let me see we're getting close to town now i mean the volume of zombies is going to increase like steadily but i'm in good good shape right now so i shouldn't oh here we go this is it oh miss lids it's okay it's 7am i've reached a major road check for zombies i see one zombie all right i see you i see more zombies behind you though how many more zombies are coming in no push you over ah you know what maybe just just avoid you okay now there's okay we're back into zombie you know what i miss being out in the wilderness oh there's there's there's quite a few zombies around there so this is this is the store this is the some people trying to get out of the store there was also a yellow building on this side is that a oh pizza worlds oh that's adorable that's adorable uh oh nope [Music] i feel like once again going up towards these buildings may have been i think maybe uh the population of zombies multiplied while you were away i mean i'm not sure it multiplied but i think there's definitely i mean you know because that's how it happens they you know bite each other and stuff what zombies can't create more zombies just by biting each other no but they bite people and then yeah but there's clearly no people left but me i really hope there's no zombies over this side of the fence oh there's only one that worked out surprisingly well i've lost most of them already uh and then over to here that's going to have lost jew oh there's one right there uh and then just go over to around the front over two here in in okay i know you're around the corner buddy somewhere and go push him over push him over over stamp stop stop stab stab okay he he does no no no no no stop don't don't just just run why why am i pushing no don't do that run jesus christ why was i stuck in pushing mode i i i got too obsessed with pushing there and then there's oh big wife oh i think i'm too oh clown i'm too tired claire i can't run anymore i'm exhausted there's there's chain link fences here which is oh that's nice whatever whatever is this big warehouse or something it's kind of cool okay we got we're going in whatever it is it's a big warehouse okay we're gonna go in wait wait it's this there's a door there oh there's a window i feel there's there's definitely there's definitely some oh but you're trying to get into here okay just don't know um okay this is clap stop being bit no claire i was trying to break the window to get in touch i feel like claire might be in a bit of trouble actually i feel like phil should have stayed in the woods really should definitely should have stayed in the woods i was kind of hoping to break through that window and get inside while she was distracted by the door but then she turned on me eating is noisy just save it for emergencies i feel like that was an emergency yes but you use it all the time that's true i do that was the storage facility apparently well on the plus side we had a love oh no we never got the vanahan back oh the poor nine hours you killed three zombies well i spent most of my time with the woods like with the van yeah you managed to kill three oh that's true so van kil's don't count that's so sad no i think what happened is you've ran them over like two or three times and then they got up again after you left because they're undead no no no some of them definitely went into their squelch form which means you they are dead uh i think it just doesn't count uh i assume yes about and the van gaam is waiting for me it's just sitting at the bat in the valley i think he's coming back waiting for you in heaven [Music] no fair enough i mean you killed me several times so whatever car kills appear to not count oh dear anyway shout out to alex who gave us 10 canadian dollars hello john and claire uh john what is your opinion if you have any uh on alchemical literature i've been reading some interesting things that delved into that and not sure what to make of it uh how can we is it like actual historical attempts how can we exist i've never read any it wasn't a well okay there were certain things that you might sort of classify as that in hellenic literature but it was never my specialization so i never paid a huge amount of attention to it i'm afraid uh i i am not an expert i wouldn't ask me maybe your zombie body will eventually go and find that huh that's cute that is that is a cute thing to think that maybe wardale finds the ham uh now yeah do you wanna do you wanna wrap up or do you wanna try like different skills i think we should i think we should wrap up so you won't probably go make sure tabby gets a bit of attention given she's had a bit of a rough day definitely but let me see uh let me see what we've got there uh oh sorry i thought you were almost done shout out to uh quality control who gave us five dollars and says uh this money is going toward the pet tabby fund but only if she wants pets that's an excellent uh disclaimer sometimes if she's feeling a little bit off color she could be a little bit grumpy and not really want more than one pet tops i mean when she doesn't want more than one pet tops like repeatedly we know it's time to like go and get her checked out to see if she's got something that's bothering me yeah it's her poor little kitten pancreas that sometimes causes a little bit just got a lot of health issues because she's an autism she is a very old she's a big old somewhere around 18 ish yeah 17. yeah i swear in the same way that i keep inventing her being older you keep inventing her being younger no john we got her in 2015 and she was 10. hmm i guess numbers do sort of work that way kind of uh anyway shout out to errata he gave us 20 dollars and i just wanted to say thank you for all that you guys do i've been watching since fallout 3 kill everything and i wish you the best for many more years oh thank you very much you do that's a very very long time indeed uh yes indeed shout out to uh aronian shorts who gave us three dollars and uh yes was pointing out that you can stomp zombie hats with the spacebar yes we've now figured out how to do this which makes me much more effective as a fighter it must be sad and says also good luck mate [Music] sorry my my computer did a weird um jessica gave us twenty dollars uh and just because two years ago i was in the hospital and i almost died your videos and recorded live streams got me through it's not much uh it's but it's all i can manage right now uh so thank you you both kept me going then and you gained a fan for life oh well i hope you're doing a lot better these days definitely and please never apologize i mean number one like 20 bucks is not at all like a small thing yes you know like i mean in in in this time in this economy in the year about lady 2022 like please don't localized entirely in your kitchen i'm sorry so it really sounded like you were leading into a steam tamed gag there no no i was just gonna say like please aurora borealis at this time of day at this time in this part of the country localized entirely within your kitchen yes please do not apologize for like if you're supporting the child yes if you're taking the extra step supporting the channel please never apologize it's not like not a lot or not enough or whatever like it's so much you'd like you don't know how much more it is then you don't just add revenue on youtube so please don't apologize and please don't let um you know anyway okay so the sam the steve the the the pop the um sandbox options are very comprehensive though i'm going to be honest i'm a little bit terrified that i've just noticed this yeah obviously so apparently at some point the taps are going to stop working it's the apocalypse john yeah but it's only the kentucky apocalypse like someone outside of kentucky could start shipping could like pump water in um if you stay alive for more than three days yes and you listen to the news and stuff uh the apocalypse in fact um starts spreading oh day out and you hear news that it spreads um you know also yes people were suggesting helicopters were bad and the fact that the extreme option is often helicopters suggest that uh well presumably helicopter noise and oh oh just the army saying well just gun everything that's moving down that could well be the option uh could i be the option too so okay you could seriously like specify this item to be uh to be whatever you want you could absolutely like do ridiculous levels of personalization then then you have a preset that you could then you can say then you can save a preset version yeah you could like make ridiculous numbers of zombies but you could also say hey you know what there are cars everywhere and they're you know they've all got loads of fuel and they've all got keys in them and so you can drive around like crazy yeah so you've got like you could just be a massive car wrecking ball that's cool that's really really good basics helicopter draws hordes i mean presumably if the helicopter is the army and they start shooting everything that will attract zombies as well because as we've discussed guns attract zombies anyway um if the helicopter spots you it hovers over you and brings all the zombies why would it do that why could or if it's going to do that why couldn't it also drop a rope so i could escape on the hell emitter they act like news helicopters purposefully circled near you and pulled it wow what dicks now basically i'm gonna be honest if there was an apocalypse and like the government said in the helicopter to rescue me and they dropped a rope and they and they just kind of said climb up we'll save you i was like i'm gonna be honest i don't think i can do that i don't know how to climb a rope could you climb a rope of course not i don't think i can climb a rope i'm a video editor like i think if there was like a big knot at the bottom you could just like stand on i could just like perch onto it then cling on with my arms i think that'd be really hard to do actually what if you literally just had to yeah you know i think my options would just be like wrap my legs and arms around the rope i can't climb but i could probably hold on just dangle me dangle me to safety please don't go too fast i mean i'm not saying i probably wouldn't drop to my death but i feel like my options would still my chances would be better than the zombie apocalypse well yeah but also like um also i think what you're describing of holding onto a rope like requires a lot of core yeah do i have core i doubt i have core i'm not a hundred percent what chorus like abs and i don't know if that knocked yeah no i ain't got them oh dear the rope would be on a winch uh so you just need to grab on well you can dead hang for a very long time actually so yeah yeah that's my plan adrenaline would probably come in handy in this situation says ali she says claire isn't wrong holding on to rupert's heart but yes life or death oh dear yeah i mean that's true you would find um you would find a strength when your alternative is a horde of zombies i'm not sure i would to be honest shout out to physical who's been a member for two months and says i managed to catch covert on my first holiday oh no seventeen awesome that's so sad uh happy renewal day for me and the stream is making me feel better oh good oh dear oh dear uh john find a ledge or something that you can hang from and just hang from it with arms fully extended to see how long you can dead hide really not long i think i did that with the stairs at one point and it was a matter of seconds just here like from the inside of the stairs because there's the gap there yeah i i didn't last long uh yeah my brother used to have like one of those balls you put in the doorway you know yeah uh where you can like do lifty mcjibbles yeah yeah yeah uh so yeah that i mean it was yeah it was hard your brother might survive the apocalypse better than us my brother's a carpenter he's got buff arms yeah i feel like he'd do better than us yes i mean i mean i mean i mean yeah yeah you know which brother i mean yes yes my brother who's a civil servant would probably not survive the apocalypse he'd probably be put to the safe bunker that is true he probably put the safe bunker he's fine yes that's true he's smart he's smart enough to go in the safe bunkers that's not a problem well i mean i yeah i think i think he would probably uh he would probably uh unfortunately die of like extreme stress reaction rather than uh yeah uh because oh dear yeah anyway um core pen to skill and project zomboid is super valuable dear idea uh yes we've also got a message from poppy who gave us five dollars and says it's nice to see that the stream is uh lgbtqia plus friendly so i'm sending you this we do what we can and has a little rainbow fly which was super cute yeah we've put a um we've put a uh nightbot message now uh to say the stream is you know the stream is uh lgbtqia plus friendly and you know if you're not happy about it you don't have to be around here seems fair tangle means safety is now my second favorite john quote what's the first i left the ham in the van oh dear yes i feel like vehicle's definitely double-edged sword in this game advice in case of zombie apocalypse john and claire should run to carpenter brother and lives there he is in france yes running would be a bit tricky it would be difficult yeah like assuming there's no zombies in the tunnel like we might be able to make it i mean i've always said if you're in a zombie apocalypse if you can somehow be in a zombie apocalypse in like you know uh mount st michelle or some place where you would have like a a title you know like an island but it's not always an island like when the zombies just come over when there's not when it's not an island yes but it's much easier to defend and it means that when it's not an island you can go to the mainland if you need to yeah but you yeah but we can also operate small boats with oars and the zombies can't yeah but i just think it would be a really cinematic setting i i feel like this is a really bad idea because humans are much better at crossing the water than zombies would be so why would you give the zombies a six hour a day window where they could just stroll on over because you should because there's no reason that they would like there's no reason that they would go on there's no reason that they would cross a giant thing of you don't anyway it's fine literally diffusion natural rules logical diffusion osmosis means the zombies will wander over because then they will drown when the tide comes in not if they make it over in the meantime they've got a long period to get over that gap yes but if there's not like a big horde it'll be easier to manage like one oh i see sorry so when there's objectives and just a few zombie shots forward okay claire you can handle this after all you said it would be very easy to deal with just a handful of them so when three zombies show up don't need to breeze they can float across well fine whatever but would they i don't know i don't know i feel like they wouldn't i feel like zombies don't have would just like flail and sink and drown and i feel like zombies wouldn't wouldn't mate wouldn't be able to sweat i feel like zombies can't sweat i feel like zombies definitely definitely flipping drown anyway yes uh shout out to charlotte who gave us a four pound fifty and since i've been following since the first fallout four this is my first stream that i've caught thank you for getting me into games it's what me and my boyfriend have two years bonded over well welcome to your first stream uh yes indeed [Music] the grinning viking gave us two dollars and uh i think this came in quite late in the stream but i think they had just started at the beginning oh yes because you can wind back to the beginning i think with it if within the first four hours i think that's allowed they said i just started watching hello spliffing blunt hello spliffy blunts i thought i said spiffy but apparently i said spliffing it's hard to say sorry speff um oh that's gross decay could release gas that would allow a zombie to float assuming no significant damage to the body but would the zombie be able to fight the tides i think in the event of a tidal situation yeah i i think in the event in the event of it being the sea i don't think the zombies would be would they just be pushed back to land they wouldn't be able to cross now in the event of say a freshwater lake with no actual clear uh tide or a very gentle current then it's possible zombies might make their way over so okay an island that's actually in a body of water with a significant tide is therefore a better option an island off a coast into the sea so zombies that attempt to like float over whatever will be pushed back by nature yes indeed uh foster has been a member for 10 months and says john thank you for recommending loot river i played several hours last night and found a charm that recovers health on parry i'm in love i got that but i'm terrible about paradigming so i did i didn't use it when it starts i've lubricated a really interesting one like some people just seem to be really not into it i admire it i think it's interesting and okay fine when i say it's different what i mean is it takes two things and mixes them together it's technically complete very unoriginal though i do like the potion gambling mechanic that's very clever that's very clever actually i like that but like it's technically supposed a very unoriginal game but it's an original combination of unoriginal ideas i think it does what it wants to do fine i think it's been very harsh done by by steam reviews it does not deserve mixed in any way what loot river yeah i i think it got very harshly treated by the reviewers there [Music] oh dear oh dear jack uh gave us five dollars and so i don't know if you could see that one fall fallout 4 war of the commonwealth frost kill everything you'll run when when i completely run out of other ideas every alternative idea atmospheric atmosphere inc uh gave us ten dollars and since i love you guys and i love this community here's a donation to keep metn afloat john i'm looking at you uh and i also say i'll have to catch the stream later i have to pack i'm moving to kentucky oh no did we ever find out what kentucky was next to uh you could look that up uh i could hang about because you know u.s state map let's see if i was remotely right where i think kentucky is because i i had no probably not kentucky kentucky that's the coders that's camp oh you are nowhere near where i thought you were of course not i thought kentucky was like where nebraska is like i would wanna like if you'd show me like an empty map of the u.s and ask me don't draw which one of these is kentucky i would have probably said nebraska i just said yeah that's nebraska right there nebraska versus kentucky yeah kentucky's next to virginia what ah that's wild i never would have said that not in a million years yeah also what's alabama doing all the way over there that should be over here where new mexico is like yeah alabama alabama is like that's the mississippi yeah like yeah so well it's just that it's just that i'm i mean i don't know but i was fairly sure that like all kentucky and alabama and that were like in the original oh look at oklahoma it's like someone just dropped texas and broke it and a bit chipped off the top and they just they were too embarrassed to glue it back together so they just ran off and left a bit of oklahoma just on the ground next to the main bit of texas all right can you stop hurting the americans oh that's not even a proper status just a bit that fell off texas that's so much chant yeah i mean it's probably bigger than england how do they decide some of these wacky shapes between states like who just decided mississippi got to take a triangle out of louisiana that's weird what does this i think i think i think there was at some point some kind of arrangement between the americans and the french from that okay utah's just missing a bit too that's sad whoever stole that bit off utah should give it back wyoming i'm looking at you i don't i feel like the same thing you know what i feel like by like nebraska's missing a bit someone just broke a bit off nebraska someone just broke a bit off utah but it's not much i think if we took connecticut cut it in half then we'd have two square bits we could use to fill in nebraska and phil in utah and like connecticut appears to be pretty small so no one would notice so i think if we just split it in part do that john i think we can with enough helicopters you can't do that connecticut is where the rich people live okay i mean there's also i mean okay john my best my favorite border is idaho into montana that's a proper border that's proper spiky yeah that's nice yeah yeah yeah yeah um you know a lot of the reason why the boards are like that are literally like loads of racism and uh the trail of tears and numbering indigenous communities and nations what i like by the way you know it's like the eastern bit of like all of the eastern states have got wacky curvy borders that presumably follow rivers logical things etc and like all the western state squares yes because again all the western states were drawn on maps by people from the eastern states moving west because they just decided no one lived there and when they showed up they just shot the people who i just feel like the western states these days should sit down and rediscuss it and like you know what we could do better than this let's redraw the boundaries a bit more sensible like montana idaho good job guys well done clearly there's a river or something going there let's redo it why is colorado just a square does it have to be a square no we could do we could do something oh we could do something more interesting with colorado let's like add some like frilly bits around the outside just for decoration if nothing else are you done probably not but carry on anyway please okay anyway shout out to oman gaming he says uh c dda that's um that's the game they've been uh talking about you know oh yeah the even more complicated uh it's complicated but nothing moves until you do you would be totally safe to explore menus at your own pace rather than constantly panicking yeah that sounds nice then yes indeed um because it's hip to be square god nice uh nice job uh let's see richard wilson gave us five dollars and says thank you this is a good time uh and then paul's been a member for 56 months uh which i do believe that is the longest amount that we've had and uh and yes paul says best place to go during a zombie apocalypse a bomb shelter a yacht or buckingham palace hmm i mean a yacht sounds more appealing but i feel like you run out of everything you need so fast so [Music] got to be the bomb shelter that's got to be the sensible option right there yeah because i feel like bargain palace would have like a lot of people in it yeah so like it would be like it would probably be really good if you could be in buckingham palace and it was secure and no one had been bitten yeah it would probably be quite good to like you know as in there's a lot of infrastructure to keep it running but it would only take one person getting one bite you know yeah you see what i feel happens is what's going on in south west u.s state layout is arizona mexico and utah like okay guys we're all going to be we're just going to form now you please new mexico john huh mexico doesn't actually belong sorry new mexico arizona utah's gotcha okay we're all we're all going to form a nice little regular square rectangular pattern yep we're going to do that we're going to do that the color outside guys can i join it i'm coming in and there's like no you know colorado no you don't fit oh god dammit colorado then wyoming's like hey guys i'm here too no wyoming [Music] and then utah's just been yeah and then poor you it's just wiring just smashed in there utah still got the dent in it and arizona in new mexico just at the bottom like oh sake what the is going on up there jesus christ we said regular rectangular pattern you stupid dicks wyoming get out of here i'm done again now okay uh shout out to wobul who i gave us two pounds and uh says this is gordon ramsay's nightmare uh we've got one dollar from vivian uh andy gave us five pounds and says uh i wanted to say if more people were like you guys this is gonna sound bad after this is gonna sound unrealistic after your rant here yeah i just wanted to say that if more people were like you guys there would be no more famines or wars not because the world would end in fire due to um a pure flammable oxygen atmosphere like you uh mentioned a few i just think it would be more pleasant to breathe or at the start of world war three but because uh because nobody can come home from work you know because of uh because of uh one-way streets that's true uh but in fact because you guys are so nice and awesome oh that's very sweet i'm sorry that john undermined your message look i'm just saying it feels like some states just like fell from space and just splattered and ruined a nice pattern and wyoming is one of those states i just feel like wyoming the symmetry around it and i'm not okay with that i just feel like if we just cut wyoming up we could come up with a much nicer looking map of states all right colorado could be a nicer like colorado could give a bit of territory to nebraska and kansas right and and stabilize its border with new mexico right and make up for lost territory by taking a sliver out of wyoming the rest gets divided between idaho and montana and you've got a much nicer map in that part of the world yeah agreed good i'm glad we all agreed that this is now right i just i i resent wyoming for existing at the moment i think it ruins the map it just feels like it's wrong shout out to spock zombie who gave us 20 i have to i'm making your food in a minute he's completely correct this has been an excellent stream thank you both for the entertainment uh x die kill die x which is always a terrifying username to see pop-up uh gave us true trillion dollars and says you finally played this are you going to play the long dark it's been a long time plan of mine to do it as a christmas special and i i always i always come up with something else instead one of these days it's gonna be the christmas day special oh dear oh dear um and ulysses damon uh gave us two pounds it says uh i love to see uh john play this but why hard mode i i well you know what the the the run we did that actually went really well where i live like four days was on a surviving not apocalypse that then we were back to apocalypse and even then we you know we we gonna you know we escaped multiple zombie swarms we got a car running and we drove out to the middle of nowhere for no well explained reason three zombies killed three zombies and then i left my ham in the van oh my god it's the best sentence [Music] you know what my favorite state is based on shape alone illinois illinois is a good shape though i admire michigan having like this big gulf in the middle of it shout out to cheat uh who says uh yes letting the brits draw lines on other countries maps that always ends well i'm just saying i really admire michigan i really like that it's split into like by such a huge volume it's just like yep we're just we're just two states we have two states in one whereabouts oh i see you see yeah it's got like two bits that's really nice i feel like wisconsin would be well within their rights to complain like dude that's blatantly our territory no that's just other michigan i am michigan and i am two states yes it's cute there's some big ass lakes uh-huh although i feel like maine you know like maybe maybe we could go as far as to say great ones yeah although i also feel like maine that that feels like that's canada i feel like maine should be handed over to canada that goes too far north i feel like maine should not be part of america i think that is clearly canada like very clearly if we follow the line along like maybe like maine could be reduced to the bottom triangle like the top you know maybe the line at the top of new hampshire could be extended eastward and maine can keep that everything above it should go to canada i feel like you guys have been greedy that's that's too much america all right you've got enough america already like i i just feel like that's that main that's too much maine i just feel like that's too much made right there i'm not probably not done yet either oh dear right clap while i while i continue looking at the us map and making observations about it stop go go go shout out to old man gaming who gave us five dollars and uh says let's not expand idaho there is too much death sorrow and terror there as it is oh dear um titan gave us uh 20 swedish krona and says what up cool peeps uh john will you ever play cantata cantata oh that rings a bell hang on where did that come up recently i feel like i was told about this recently and i can't remember anything about it i think i got an email about it actually do they email me for some reason oh i don't know uh possibly i care of what it is it rings about i swear i've had an email about it recently i just yeah i i feel like i've had an email about that recently but i can't remember exactly what it exactly what it was i think i made i think it was i can't possibly i don't know the answer to that question because i can't remember what the game is i look it up after the stream when we're having dinner all right um when i'm having dinner and you're foraging to make up for this anyway oh dear oh dear uh i feel you know who i feel what most bad for maryland's that's not how you say that maryland maryland maryland this is like maryland to me i mean look at that look at the weird shape it's got to do it's this tiny bit of like you know above west virginia and a bit that sticks out that kind of has to share with delaware and this massive long border shout out to bit more dave who gave us a four pound fifty bit more dave says wow i caught mit in live nice and cheers uh thanks for the inspiring gameplay over the years john have some money from our fellow creator pick love tell very much right okay i'm gonna stop looking to us map now and stop annoying all the americans though to be honest and me stop annoying me i think you know plenty of people were saying that i was completely right so it's fine so yeah that's i think my observation on maryland is is my final observation of uh of the night right there marilyn like marilyn monroe but with a d at the end i feel like you shouldn't spell it mary lance then i feel like then it shouldn't be spelled maryland it's it's like how as i've long said the other big thing of course is john yes worcester sister sauce would like a word either you need to make the states kansas and are kansas or they need to be arkansas and kensal i'm not having both there it's miser it's arkansas it's not arkansas it's arkansas okay then the other should be kansa all right or it should be kansas and arkansas i know the city should be just in kansas and not in the other one across the border too i don't i'm not having this i'm not i'm not having any of this it's all wrong just give me 10 minutes i can fix your cupcakes i can feed i can fix this country just give me a ruler i like ladies and gentlemen they don't need a ruler they need health care we're gonna go eat some something now something involving chicken i think we're gonna go uh next week it will possibly be elton rain there's another actually got a big thing coming on saturday i think some of you gonna be very very excited about yes there's there's more than just that one oh is that going oh yes clay go shout out to ulysses uh damon who gave us 10 pounds and says my personal advice as a player with a few hundred hours uh the learning curve is more forgiving when you start on a lower difficulty the game increases naturally itself over time with a roaming horde no that makes sense i think definitely yes survivor over apocalypse yeah yeah we did pretty well on survivor four days is good yeah it's pretty good uh that girl nikki gave us uh five dollars and says delaware [Music] which takes delaware and where is that is that state where's that one oh my god stop looking oh it's the one that's kind of stealing a bit of maryland oh maryland's staring a bit delaware i wonder who really has the right to it who's like got the proper day euray because i feel like that that's a crusader king's war waiting to happen like i feel like both of those kings have like or like girls i suppose it's pretty bloody tiny they both have like a claim on the others territory and like when they do the president creates the duchy creates the duchy and like makes whoever won the war the duke amazing yeah they've added i can fix this country she's given me a ruler and they don't need a ruler they need all caps healthcare as uh things done as quotes in nightboard magnus thank you folks uh you're all lovely uh ulysses says are not gonna lie i was so anxious about sharing my advice i'm so happy it was uh received with the nicety i intended i mean look you know um i think usually we do know that aside from people who get a little annoyed at john for using uh for you sega controller um you know it's um usually we know that uh you'll uh just mean things in the best way so we do we do generally trust you about that yes uh i am going to send you all some pet pictures to uh you know make up for the fact that you have to listen to them and in the meantime i'm going to reveal what saturday's video is so i think some of you some at least someone's going to freak the flip out so i was afraid to flip out over this a game that very recently i feel like is like become more and more cult as the years go by a game that recently had its 10th birthday coming this saturday dragons dogma it's a very interesting game very very interesting game with some wild stuff going on in it so uh yes nice video on saturday uh for dragon's dogma and of course we'll also be on sunday we'll be wrapping up uh point lookout uh right there or usual uh empire total wars coming along too just uh moting along with that and yes for those of you who didn't see on twitter uh the mhcn ninth anniversary uh we are going to push that back one week because there was a bit of like noisy building work tree surgery something happening at like uh next door so it was kind of even though like no matter where we were we could hear it really really loudly so uh it kind of got in the way kind of got in the way there we go a few people who hadn't heard of that but some people i'm seeing yeah smiley faces with stars in their eyes oh hell yeah incredible game yeah some people are super into that dragon's dogma is very interesting it's a very very interesting game just on his 10th birthday uh we'll be looking at that on saturday it's really interesting it's really cool actually there's a lot of stuff i really like in it i i i really hope it doesn't have a lock on i just didn't find uh because i feel like it's again this crying out for a long time i could not figure out what the log call was if it actually even uh exists so yeah that's what's coming up very very soon indeed claire's just popping some lovely lovely cats we've got uh we've got uh annie and leo pictures of course from anthony but uh also uh uh recently anthony went on holiday in uh turkey and sent a lot of send some lovely pictures of istanbul cats oh including blap cats istanbul not cat stanted oppo good old istanbul blaps what good cats they are thank you very much the pilar and empire who just got it at the very last second with uh 1.99 uh and did not leave a message i think you can't uh but at clara i'm sure she'll see it because it's blue yet yes it's just a weird thing with the dark blue yes uh but yes indeed all right yeah no i'm just doing pets if uh if this person uh replies you know uh before we're actually signed off um i can let you know i have not seen anything uh at the second brilliant uh but yes that's what we've got all coming up as i said 9th anniversary is a week uh on saturday i'll be recording that next week when we've got a bit more uh peace and quiet going on while at the same time desperately trying to get a little bit heavier the neighbors who had tree surgery were having that because they have work happening on their place right yes but there appears to be a gap going on like in offense i think like tree surgery and shipping of trees is like probably one of the loudest things they can do like the build like building work might have featured the odd chopping but there'd be plenty of building which will probably not bother us because they're like two two down so i think actually like um yeah like chipping trees tossing trees into a chipper on the road which is probably the last yeah there was a chipper on the road exactly that's kind of like the loudest thing they can do like i imagine the other work they're doing is not going to be as bad at all so it's going to be absolutely fine look at simba who's book seven seven eight's king oh simba is a cutie pie what a handsome boy all right and that is going in chat for you uh now folks is that the last one i do believe so excellent so yes we're gonna go have uh some food thank you all so very very much for joining us this evening and uh those of you particular who yes uh helped out in a productive way and uh gave me some useful advice i think you know starting to get together this might play a little bit in my own time you know honestly i could see this coming back as like a dumb one-off super challenge at some point or another like say custom mode where everything's set to extreme something like that could be uh rather fun indeed so watch this space i would not be surprised see like a one-off challenge running project zomboid at some point or another will have to flip big say uh but for the meantime yes during this dogma coming up on saturday a whole bunch of other stuff coming up uh two and we're just gonna try and get a bit ahead because uh claire and i we've got a few family bits coming up in july so we need to build a little bit of a backlog so we can have a tiny bit of holiday in about you know a month or a bit uh yeah about uh a little bit of probably about a month and a half they're about so we're going to crack on with that we're gonna have some dinner thank you all so very much for joining us thank you all so much to the super chat donators to the patrons to the community members to all you wonderful wonderful people hopefully we will see you next week for we'll see might be out of the rain might be dragon's dog but we'll have to uh flip and see how it all goes uh maybe there'll be uh i'll just do a vote i might do a vote even toss loot river in there we'll say we'll see how it all goes so uh hopefully whatever it is i will see you there in the meantime i've been jumped i'm in class betty at truenet and this has been project zomboids thank you very much and brains you
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 42,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Zomboid, Project Zomboid PC, Project Zomboid game, Project Zomboid gameplay, Project Zomboid walkthrough, Project Zomboid tips, Project Zomboid guide, Project Zomboid tutorial, let's play Project Zomboid, Project Zomboid beginner, Project Zomboid review
Id: 1jhL4spB-S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 263min 25sec (15805 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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