Half in the Bag Episode 61: Gravity and Carrie

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I always knew this Mike guy was a fucking fraud. Now the fraud ratio is back to 100%!

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/TheGoldenCaulk 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/zxit89 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

fucking exposed. RLM is over.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lego_C3PO 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2017 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag whoa get [ __ ] well here we are in the back of the VCR repair shop right here you'll find your final resting place ah oh my that's just an old Halloween decoration how did that get down there oh there it is now you're gonna have to sleep on the hard concrete floor but the good news is we don't care oh you know I can't thank you guys enough you you really don't know how much I appreciate your your generosity and your your kind hearts well it's very nice now get to work what well mr. Plunkett if you're gonna be staying in the back of our VCR repair shop we're gonna expect you to do some chores for starters these are all VHS tapes that were stuck in the VCRs that people brought in for repair we need you to respawn each and every one of them Rhys Paul yeah you see when a VCR breaks a VHS tape snaps it in half so what we need you to do is to painstakingly take out every screw take the tape apart and then splice the video tape back together then reassemble the tape so that it's in proper working order again it couldn't be simpler wouldn't it be simpler just to throw them out that's right mr. Plunkett you see we're gonna sell each and every one of these tapes on eBay for 30 cents each that's right Jay the way I figure we could make at least I don't know twelve fourteen dollars sure and that's worth twenty-seven thousand hours of your time well I I guess that's reasonable anything for you guys have done so much for me I mean before I met you guys I used to live in a nice comfy house now I've got a floor well listen why don't you get to work and we're gonna go around the corner over there and talk about some new movies we just saw do you need anything to get started do you have a screwdriver no don't [ __ ] this up move it [ __ ] ah beautiful don't you think what the sunrise terrific gravity is the new film starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney it was directed by some foreign guy have never heard of so it must be good right gravity tells the story of US astronauts aboard the space shuttle who encounters space debris and everything gets destroyed it's a struggle for survival as Clooney and Sandra Bullock try to survive floating around in orbit in their space boots so far gravity has had astronomical success at the box office which isn't a surprise because it's a great film but it also has two of the biggest stars in the universe in this guy's opinion gravity has relaunched Sandra Bullock's career in fact gravity is so good it'll keep you in your seat the whole movie are you okay what what was that what do you mean you suddenly turned into a hackneyed Hollywood critic I don't I wasn't talking there was like this weird ringing in my ears and I I don't remember the last like like 15 seconds has this happened before it happens quite a lot hmm have you have you seen a doctor about this so Jay what did you think of gravity uh gravity is you okay yeah I said something now I know it it was like this you said so Jay what do you think of gravity Oh so Jay what did you think of gravity gravity is really great in a lot of ways it's really really impressive on a technical level on a filmmaking level it's probably one of the best theater-going experiences I've had it's definitely a movie that should be seen in the theatres on a big screen and I almost feel like an [ __ ] having anything bad to say about it because it seems like it's really trying but it would have been a much better movie with all the dialogue stripped out yeah ah you know I would have loved to love this movie completely yeah because you know I'm a fan of science fiction and space exploration and things of that nature and I know a lot about that stuff and it wasn't it's like it was it was right in the middle of what I would have wanted it wasn't like a dumb like Armageddon kind of movie where the like science is completely thrown out the window but at the same time it had a little too many Hollywood cliches especially in the second half yeah where it was like it does this really kind of good job of setting everything up and then it just kind of it just goes too far what it felt like to me while watching it this turned out not to be true when I got to the credits I realized this wasn't accurate but what it felt like was one of those scripts that gets sort of passed around to different Studios in Hollywood that has starts like a bidding war where it's like this sort of high concepts Hollywood movie only we've got this idea for a movie there it's a survival film in space and it has all those sort of trite Hollywood kind of cliches in it as far as screenwriting goes and then it was given to a director that's very good visually and kind of elevates it beyond those typical elements which don't turn out to be true it turned out it was Alfonso Kiran co-wrote it is so that's not the case assuming his brother III him in any of another cure korone wrote it yeah I have to give it points for technicality of course um it was amazing the first like 15 minutes like one shot I mean obviously it's not really one shot but it's a flowing non cutting camera shot yeah um it starts off boom you know shot of the earth and slowly moves in and it's following around and and you know we saw this movie on the ultra screen which is a screen that is ultra with the 3d glasses and I actually kind of enjoyed my 3d experience here I thought it served the movie really well the equipment is kind of the moving it has a dimension to it yeah and it it feels like you're in the environment it does don't you oh no what hell hell Explorer this is Kowalski confirming visual contact with debris debris is from a BSE dad transport you have to go we have to go go go actually the first like 30 seconds to a minute of the movie sums up my feelings on the whole movie which is it starts just a wide shot of the earth very slow it's pulling back and yours like wow it looks great and then tiny little George Clooney comes in and he starts talking like George Clooney and he's telling these dumb stories and immediately I was like oh no that's what I'm talking about the the Hollywood element to it yeah you know the first couple of times that I saw the trailer for this movie I laughed out loud because it just looks so dumb and I think it had something to do with Sandra Bullock is it Bullock or Baalak or bottle and bollocks bollocks don't mind never mind the bollocks never mind the bollocks do you know that people in the UK bollocks means balls mm-hmm yeah Sandra Bullock floating around the space suit blowing ah and I think that's one of the biggest elements that I did not like about this movie was the fact that it had like big a listers in it like I was thinking about that yeah and Sandra Bullock like if the movie was cast with complete unknowns it would have had a much more realistic element to it but George Clooney is movie star man he's George Clooney if he's if he's an astronaut or a fireman or a police officer or whatever role he plays no not even just as far as performance goes but the type of character like in this movie he is the George Clooney character yeah I don't know if astronauts talk like that on the radio whether for Alan either especially when they're doing extra vehicular activities which is evey a that's when they're outside of the spacecraft floating around fixing things that's all astronauts do now you know when the moon landings and all that stuff is exciting it was adventurous the space race oh sure and astronauts during the space shuttle program they just floated around in space and fixed satellites but now they don't even have the Space Shuttle anymore so this movie is out of date already yeah then it's like okay well the audience needs something to connect to and I kept thinking of of a different movie because it's like okay say this was a true story right space thing sampling I kept thinking of a movie called United 93 which doesn't feel like a movie a movie by Paul Greengrass and yeah that's a movie that's completely stripped of any Hollywood schmaltz it's just like here's what happened and you don't even get a chance to like know any of the characters except for maybe like a couple of them in the crisis control center in there but you know they're sound like the wife calls and nodding you know the weather's like this I got to get home no none of none of the Hollywood schmaltz is in that yeah that's what this one like shmoo shhhht in there yeah and it's like it's your last mission and also the not just the dialogue in the the kind of typical sort of character beats but also the the themes of the movie and now they're sort of hammered into your head they always say with movies show don't tell there's a movie that's all about telling every single yeah every single theme they're trying to convey is is very explicitly explained in the dialogue well let's go with this premise okay now here's the thing it there's there's lots of space debris flying around in orbit and it is true if space debris hits your vehicle in space it will rip a hole through it because it is traveling that fast yeah this movie just took it to like like an extreme level where just like every space station is being blown destroyed you know I'm okay with that although the visceral stuff in this movie like I don't know how scientifically accurate a lot of it is I'm okay with that it's really just the the overwritten dialogue and okay messages well there's that too I mean that like Sandra Bullock's character arc and stuff like that I didn't mind quite as much I wish they would have expanded it the space science stuff it's so it's accurate for the most except for maybe the end well let's talk about let's not talk about spoilers hold on there hold your horses kiddos but you got this this concept right and it's just like BAM it starts off astronauts in space it's like okay we get to orient ourselves and a good couple of goofy lines I've got a nun and there's the other guy look whoa space is cool what around I would have really liked the first like 20 minutes of the movie Sandra Bullock is a space scientist and she has to just to go up in space and she's nervous about it the first time they go through the whole like process and it kind of maybe do a montage of her training and the whole experience of getting in the space shuttle and and all that like thrust behind you and going that scary [ __ ] yeah that's that's that's also part of the whole experience and and kind of going through that whole process and maybe scaling back all the jumping from one space station to the other and this and then this is a because there's some really good exciting sequences in this and and they're like this is really great and exciting let's do it twelve more times and at that point yeah it becomes a little too much well you mentioned Armageddon earlier and oddly enough that's what this movie reminded me of where it's oh this went wrong and then this went it's a sort of one thing after another going wrong now you said this movie felt like a repurposed script would you think that this may have been the script to speed3 possible [ __ ] that might have been what's all that racket I don't know oh my god what was that it sounded like a huge disaster like that new movie that just came out that didn't do very well Jan's empty hit hard grab ahold anything you can Oh well Jay let's get into some spoiler territory okay stuff I want to talk about yes well spoilers from here on out to avoid him skip ahead to here whatever but before you get to that it's worth seen it's a movie that's worth seen definitely anyway spoilers I was with the movie just fine up until a certain point when it really lost me and that's when Sandra Bullock used the fire extinguisher to time out the exact precise moment when she would hit a Chinese space station yeah and use that as pellet to fly around through space I was watching that I was like you know I don't know much about space exploration or science or most things in general but I'm willing to bet that you probably can't do that things like that are extremely complicated and maneuvers in space are very precise and that's kind of when it took a turn for the worse yeah I wasn't too concerned with scientific accuracy through most of the movie I assumed they were embellishing stuff but that was the part where it just ended up coming across silly that felt like something from a Michael Bay movie certain things are scientifically accurate like NASA actually like catalogs all the little space debris that's in orbit they have like computer models that track it all yeah so I go up there and float around for 10 years and you probably won't run into something because it's like a hundred thousand miles of space you know in this movie she runs into a multiple time yeah it's like it's like it's like flying around like I don't know what's coming it's going back yeah like satellite yeah you know but it's like the entire International Space Station is demolished yeah own apartment it gets a little too fantastical to where if you're an actual NASA astronaut you probably would laugh watching some but you know you have to you have to play play to the general audiences you have to play to the soccer moms and grandmas and they have to understand what's happening has to be exciting too but that's what was so frustrating about this movie is that it would have worked so much better without that stuff continuing with spoilers at the end there's a earlier in the movie Sandra Bullock's talking about you know her child died when she was four or something but he's done with and she's talked about how she doesn't have anyone in her life and sometimes she'll just get in her car and drive with nowhere to go and then as she's heading towards Earth at the end she's like now I know where I'm going and it's like uh and also it felt like the movie should have ended several times at that point because you don't even need to see her hit Earth like literally see her hit Earth is not necessary because de manically the point has been made and I almost wish it would have ended she gets to that satellite and the camera is pulling out and she gets in the little thing and you see the door closed I was like oh they're gonna end it right here this will be great then it doesn't and then you see the little pod thing floating towards Earth I was like oh they're gonna end it right here and they don't and then she gets she goes you know she's underwater although the underwater part was was well done I thought but yeah and then she crawls onto the beach it's like we don't need to see any of this yeah all we need to know is that she's trying and she's moving forward with her life do you remember the name of the second space shuttle that was destroyed does anyone remember there was a second one the first one was the Challenger and everyone remembers the Challenger but I challenge you to try to remember the name of the second space shuttle it was called the Columbia why didn't no one remember the second one I don't know maybe because it wasn't so traumatic mm because it didn't have a teacher on board it's headed to the Challenger at a teacher on board and it was like everyone was watching it and it immediately the the Columbia burned up on re-entry the bottom of the Space Shuttle has heat tiles all over it and they could withstand the the heat from reentry and all that happened with Columbia was like molten fell off just one just one it's like Oh fell off and they're like that's fine and they come back in and all that heat could get in through there and blow the spaceship up disintegrate it so it's like I don't know I probably would have liked a movie that was a little smarter and the science realm where just little tiny things can cause catastrophic disaster then this head which is terrified which is terrified that one little thing in space that gets [ __ ] up can ruin the whole mission and kill everybody just one more thing and this is a guy's gotta be everything yeah just the idea of becoming disconnected from the space shuttle and floating out into space is pretty terrifying sure and so I don't know I think the movie on a technical level really really good really engaging immersive certain parts had you on the edge of your seat frightening exciting you know but I think it went into that um that play to any audience kind of Hollywood stuff a little too much from my personal taste that's yeah same personal taste is a definitely good thing to bring out because I can see most people really really liking this movie because it is it's easy to follow hey George Killeen tells you thing enough George George Clooney explains every single aspect of the movie both on a technical level and on a thematic level he tells other astronauts about the danger of space debris because they have not learned that injury yeah yeah so it gets all that information across where I'm assuming most general audiences won't even be thinking about it yeah and my complaint is that it's not technically accurate but that it just goes too far in the goofiness now the unrealistic element of it well Jay let me tell you one thing I predict about gravity and here it is it had 12 it's Mike's predictions gravity is going to win an Oscar in the category of sound design and next year's Academy Awards sound design only they just hit mute it's all I did there's no sound that's easy well that's one of the things that I did like about this movie a lot was the sound design um and that's that's that's a nerd argument and that's one that I've never supported was I've heard say there is no sound in space so they're about in relation to two movies that in relation to movies and nerds have also argued that there shouldn't be explosions in space because there's no oxygen to burn fire and then other nerds say well there's the explosions are from the oxygen inside the spacecraft nerds argue about everything um and then but but the the lack of sound drew you into the movie in the characters plays that's that's what a movie does is you project yourself into the the main character and kind of feel what they're going through and the first scene in this when all the space debris hits the space shuttle it just kind of comes out of nowhere and it's it really is kind of frightening because you see all this stuff coming you can't really hear it there's no like don't intend oh no all you're hearing is what the characters are hearing through their helmets yeah and it's like and then all of a sudden you see it happening around you and then your how this is this big horrible disaster happening it happened so fast you know it's like a car crash and it's like wow and it almost like where we needed all this wreckage noise and it but the fact that it wasn't there really put you in the place of an astronaut floating around in space and that was a neat thing and I think it was I was at Firefly the shutter Firefly did the no sound and space thing and to me that that felt almost pretentious like well there though this is going to be scientifically accurate well that's a would that show it's like a like a weird sci-fi Western thing it's like I I appreciate it that they would make reference to that but at the same time it's not a Sara Lee appropriate no on that show it's like Star Wars like of course you're going to have sounds in space in a sci-fi adventure yeah and on Firefly they land on numerous planets and they all have the equivalent gravity to earth conveniently exactly a planet varying in size slightly would either suck you to the ground or float you off into space yeah it was a nice little touch but it's almost like why bother yeah in a show like that in a science fiction fantasy side fantasy kind of thing you can have explosions in space you know music and so this seemed to try to go for that realism and that's that's the catch-22 for me that's the double edged sword is that they were doing that in the beginning and I'm like okay this is going to be a real kind of movie about space and then it kind of goes too far and the we're going to float around and hop to this space station again this thing and go to this and this and I'm just kind of like and then this gets destroyed and that gets destroyed yeah it sort of gets repetitive or it's like this gets destroyed so then I travel to this other satellite and then that gets destroyed and I travel you know it doesn't really the more interesting parts for the quieter moments yeah yeah ultimately this movie it felt like a Robert Zemeckis movie yeah that's a good comparison later um yeah flight movies like that where it has this element of realism to it but it also has the phony-baloney Hollywood feel good stuff too yeah five so Jay would you recommend gravity absolutely I would definitely recommend it in the theater it's it's definitely a movie that kind of reminds you of how great seeing a movie in a theater can be in 3d I don't generally like 3d but it's probably worth seeing in 3d yes definitely go see it although I fear that the the inflated box office numbers will spawn more experienced movies will see if it just spawns more original ideas and movies that aren't based on something else or sequels or remakes or whatever I'm okay with it check it out it's different it's interesting it's exciting it is not Carrie you well Jay now that we just talked about a film called gravity let's talk about another film a film where our lead character can defy gravity with telekinesis what is happening what was that I can't back to school the other kids they think I'm weird Gary favorite poem did you bring one don't wanna be Kari is a 1976 horror film directed by Brian De Palma it's based on a novel by Stephen King and stars [ __ ] Spacek in the titular role an awkward high schooler who discovers that she has telekinetic powers what did you say about tits despite the resistance of her overbearing abusive mother Carrie decides to attend her high school prom but once there a mean prank played on her by Nancy Allen and John Travolta pushes her over the edge also they just remade it Mike what did you think of Carrie uh I thought why are we watching this mm-hm because I I I'm familiar with the original I've seen parts of it long long everybody knows the movie even if they haven't see me I'll know the bloody Carrie at the prom dance and things happen but like um I will but we should say I've seen the original I've actually seen it many times I really like it a lot you have not so going into this I mean some knowledge of the original but kind of just watching it as a standalone movie more so than me what did you think it's a movie where the story shines through the execution of it okay because that's it's I mean it's not terribly made it's it's a well made movie for you know like someone who's directing a TV series like kind of things yeah that's what it felt like if I like it more of a TV movie which there was a TV version of Carrie starring Angela Bettis oh oh it was a much better choice for the role yeah yeah she's gonna creepy looking yeah but this one not visually very fighting on doesn't seem to have a really strong like directorial voice like wow this is really stark and interesting imagery as the Rob Zombie should have made this sure why does anybody like taking take that material yeah turn it into something else it's a Stephen King book and it has all those hallmarks and it's good it's a good story it's about a girl who turns into a woman in more ways than one and has her bloody period his his his books and his stories all have a sick sexual element to them and and and this one is no exception it all at the same time too it felt like a sanitized teenage drama and at one point I'm watching it and I'm like oh he's taking her to the prom like that's interesting like oh isn't this a horror movie this is something horrific supposed to happen but it is one of those movies where it's not a it's not a good movie to make nowadays because kids are going to want to watch and constant murder and torture and then this is a just a build-up until an explosion of that yeah and in this it's not an explosion more of a thud well that's what I was thinking going into it was it was going they were probably gonna add more little horrific scenes throughout the movie more little scares because an audience won't pay attention and they didn't do that so I'll give it credit for that me personally I got caught up in the in the high school teenage romance I was like how could he go to prom with her what's so gonna do oh wait yeah this is actually it's it's a really good example for especially for like younger people that are just getting into film watch the original back to back with this new version to see how important the visual language of film is because it is the exact same story the scene is this movie is almost scene for scene the exact same movie I actually noticed the opening credits there's two credited screenwriters and one of them is the screenwriter from the original movie well and I think he's just credited because there are whole scenes and hold chunks of dialogue just taken right from that movie past the percentage mark the adaptation I I think that really the case I doubt he had anything to actually do with the physical writing of this new script but yeah the Brian De Palma movie even if you're not interested in the story it's a really great movie visually technically there's some really creative shots there's extended there's one shot at the prom they get there the camera starts on Carrie and her date and they pan over to the girl that's cheating the ballots and it pans up to the the bucket of blood it's all just one really extended shot but not in like a show off II way and this movie it's just so bland and forgettable in every way as far as the look of it and also the performances the Chloe grace Moretz she's no [ __ ] spacek who is [ __ ] Spacek good your closet and pray you forgiveness yeah chloë grace moretz shorten up your name alright uh whatever we'll call her kick ass girl the girl from kick ass uh uh uh not creepy looking she looks good she's cute when I when I first saw the trailer for this I I was thinking like she looks like the kind of girl that would be picking on carry in one of these movies but I also thought like then I was thinking about that movie excision that I talked about really take an actress who's really attractive in real life and just her her posture and the way she carries herself yeah she can throw one intended she can pull off playing this sort of ugly schlubby carry type character sure but Chloe grace Moretz just looks like a normal person through this whole movie yeah she doesn't really bring anything to the role yeah the should have put glasses on that would have made nothing says movie nerd like glass how is this still getting worse oh great I go check on him but I would require getting up oh my god where's the beef don't have a cow man I buy that for a dollar Cowabunga dude do the BART man two all-beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame-seed bun anyway back to Carrie I concentrate hard enough I can make things move there are other people out there like me who can do what I can do the original movie it's about high schoolers but it's not like a movie aimed at teenagers it just happens to be about these high schoolers and this one feels like a movie aimed at teens but it's rated R it's a very very soft R but it's R yeah so the audience it's aimed at can't even go see it though the one thing to note is that the kids in this movie actually looked like high school aged kids they do everyone in the original movie looks like they're in their late 20s yeah now this one they all look young like young kids but that also made it kind of weird like in a move I don't want to watch a horror movie with children in it they all look so baby-faced they look like they're 12 and I'm like I don't want to see 12 year olds get murdered and then yeah it was it was just stupid because I just like this this this Carey bloodbath that I've heard so much about better pay off in this movie it doesn't it ended up looking like a look uh I don't know like a silly look like Glee but my first six Oakley you know where that one lady plays the gym teacher in the tracksuit and all the kids sing yeah it looked like that except for some of them caught on fire and got blood on them hmm well the first thing I noticed during that scene because that is the famous scene the blood falls down onto Carrie and then they cut to people reacting and they cut back and immediately the blood is all dried I laughed out loud not because it was funny but because it was like it was the the perfectly sculpted exact way they want yeah it went right around her eye and it was like oh this is a Halloween costume that you're creating yes yeah it hit her in the back of the head the exact way they wanted it to plus they shot it from multiple angles yeah it seemed like they wanted to use them all so they just said it's using it over and over again from different angles yeah like to kind of stretch out that dramatic moment like the editors like what do I do do I keep it in a wide in there well I'd like the close-up to let's just use all of them in sequential order yeah like it just killed the impact of it and then yeah cuts to her and it's like the perfect and it didn't it didn't have that organic real feel to it it just felt like and then she's making a dumb face and doing like magneto stuff yeah she's during her telekinesis is like and also she looks like she's taking like a maniacal glee and murdering these people the original she's just frightened and lashing out and she just stands there with these big bug eyes and it's it's like haunting and creepy and sad and this one you lose any sympathy for her because she looks like she's really like enjoying murdering these people promised next week you don't have a date already maybe you want to go in there mama I've been asked to prom I did like the gym teacher was Judy Greer and she seems to elevate bad movies she was in Jeff he who lives at home Jeff he who lives at home was a much more frightening film it was it was it was much more nauseating yeah I looked that movie out on Netflix and it's under the horror category okay okay Julianne Moore is okay um yeah she was phoning that in she yeah she whispers a lot I think because she was embarrassed to be on the set but wasn't she also in a remake recently not recently but this is her second scene for scene remake of a classic horror movie she was in the psycho remake Gus Van Sant's weirdo experiments on a Studios dime - shot by shot recreate psycho Gus Van Sant made a weird movie that's true it's true yeah though it's not as weird as a finding Forrester where he has gosh oh my god Sean Connery she just her band you thought of play chess yes that he says you're the bad now dog you're the man now dog yeah whitey MND that's the start of a great internet craze the first meme is that the first meme and it might be someone look this up is that the first mean you're the man now dog you're the man now dog kill the man now dog I did I did like his film about Kurt Cobain called the last days oh yeah yeah um oddly mesmerizing but Gus Van Sant's new film Carrie I was thinking about it while watching it because Julianne Moore isn't it and she's a you know she's a well respected actress but I was thinking about the original Carrie [ __ ] Spacek and Piper Laurie both got nominated for Academy Awards for their roles in that movie are you i I don't think anyone's getting nominated for anything no no but I was saying about that and like it was directed by Brian De Palma and I was thinking about these movies from like the 70s and early 80s where you have these like a listers making a horror movies yeah Stanley Kubrick - The Shining and like Ridley Scott did alien and there's the Exorcist and and now it's like it's just like the bottom of the barrel making these cheapo horror movie our movies look like Glee it's a bad time yeah it doesn't have the the guts pardon the pun to really take the the scary elements over over the limit yeah I like the Rob Zombie movie the Lords of Salem gritty disturbing imagery and you know that movie felt like a 70s movie yeah and this feels like like a WB TV show yeah well and not even that modern horror movies have to like try to recreate the 70s movies but they just have to have some sort of voice to them there's one shot in this movie that is stylish four completely pointless reasons when she's walking back to her house after the prom scene and the camera for no reason just goes completely sideways do you remember that I I it stuck out to me because I was like why are they doing that I think I fell over at that exact moment okay so I'm that's probably why I didn't notice it from falling asleep okay you know yeah if you looked up forgettable in the dictionary you would find a picture of us and then beneath that you would find a picture of this movie Carrie okay there remake yeah think of Matthew if the two of you are planning some kind of joke on a poor lonely girl Oh God uh it's finally over so Mike would you recommend Kerry no no it doesn't carry its weight bland is the best way to describe it bland and forgettable with not a very exciting payoff yeah yeah I would not recommend it either watch the original I know it's the easiest thing to say when talking about remakes but this is a very good example of how material can be elevated with someone with a vision my only guess we should go check on mr. Plunkett and see what kind of disaster he's created yeah no doubt it'll be a huge mess let's go well I had a few problems but now everything's done perfectly and I need no assistance oh well are they in alphabetical order yes Oh you're the man now dog you're the man now dog you're the man now dog
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,008,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RedLetterMedia (Business Operation), redlettermedia, red, letter, media, half in the bag, half, bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, plinkett, phantom menace review, movie, review, gravity, george clooney, sandra bullock, carrie, chloe grace moretz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2013
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