Rich and Mike's Second TNG Top Ten Video part 2 (of 2) - re:View

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👍︎︎ 239 👤︎︎ u/gobble_snob 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

One thing I can tell you as of right now, neither Rich or Mike have watched a minute of Star Trek Discovery season 3 so please stop asking. Mike and Rich have only watched the first episode of Lower Decks and then abruptly stopped, never to return to it.

Thank the Lord, now we can get only good Trek content from them.

👍︎︎ 405 👤︎︎ u/InfiniteDoors 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Part 2 (of 2)"

Keep on wishing Jay, they're not stopping until COVID goes away.

👍︎︎ 188 👤︎︎ u/Supermunch2000 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Moving from topic to topic, it was really quite hypnotic.

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/neridqe00 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just started watching. I know nothing of Adam Nimoy so I looked him up. He's now married to Terry Farrell from.. Deep Space Nine.

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/Goodnight_Hawk 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

You're not going to see boom shadows in star trek discovery -Mike

You're not going to see quality entertainment either -Rich

👍︎︎ 133 👤︎︎ u/AReaver 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

look at the video length

Wow this one is actually pretty long. Better settle in.

conversation starts wrapping up

Wait, it's over already?

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/SpikeRosered 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm not going to be able to watch Darmok ever again without thinking of Mike Stoklasa tossing that mask around like a football

👍︎︎ 167 👤︎︎ u/idontlikereddit69 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mike and Rich completely missed the point of the scene in Timescape with Data watching the pot boil. Data literally explains that he knows the pot's boiling time never changes based on being watched or not, but he's curious about how humans subjectively experience the time to be longer or shorter depending on whether or not they're paying attention to the pot. Since Data has an internal chronometer, he doesn't experience time subjectively, but he wants to see if it's possible for him to experience that same human phenomenon. It's pretty obvious when listening to Riker and Data's dialogue. Plus it's the theme of the episode: the perception of time.

👍︎︎ 347 👤︎︎ u/Gonayr 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] it's interesting this next phase episode is very similar to another episode which is my next episode it's called timescape oh my god uh this is a like a love hate episode for me i i'm sure it's not a favorite of a lot of people i don't i think it's fine episode it's it's it's really it aims high but it misses the mark but there's a lot of things i like about it which i want which is why i want to talk about it uh so yeah my next episode is timescape which also starts with has a secret romulan running around when our characters are taken out of their element right that's the twist kind of in this one it's complicated okay but it starts off with we borrowed a shot from star trek deep space nine look it's a runabout first time and only time we ever see a runabout and star trek the next generation is it mysteriously we see this giant back area of a runabout which we have never seen in star trek deep space nine you always always say like a cockpit and they go on the back and when they never built a set and i was always just like this is weird and then i thought about it and i'm like i wonder why that is and and my guess was was that they a lot of the story takes place on the runabout um and they have to go to the computer station they have to talk they have to do all these things and it's it the the standard issue starfleet enterprise d shuttlecraft was too small to do all those things you got four people yeah and um they probably could have gotten away with using the front of the runabout but i'm gonna guess they were shooting deep space nine at the same time they might not have had access to it for as many days as they needed so they're just like let's just build the back of it we'll just go up into the front every now and so they're always going back and forth they go up to the front they talk real quick and then they run to the back and they have longer conversations in the back and they're also a scene where picard discovers he has to discover something he discovers something on his own so maybe they need to isolate him for that when he finds the fruit bowl yeah yeah yeah right the opening takes place in the enterprise and immediately dwarf is racist we're picking up a distress call on long-range sensors it is romulan sir because the romulans ask for help and he's like the romulans have a they claim they have suffered a complete engine failure distress signal you know anything and rick was like well maybe it's a real distress signal let's go check it out could be a trick to be fair the romulans are always up to shenanigans racist i you know what from wharf's point of view i do understand it because wharf's [ __ ] family was slaughtered by romulans i get it warf does not like romulans he doesn't trust them but in this particular instance they aren't really up to no good that uh they're they the romulans in their ships use a artificial quantum singularity aka a black hole as their as their warp engine they're like microscopic black holes and they're just floating around in outer space and these aliens use them to to nest their young and um they mistook the romulan artificial one as a real one and it [ __ ] up their engine and it blew out time space continuum within each disturbance it appears the time is moving at a different rate it's almost as if something has shattered the space-time continuum which left this big bubble of like not frozen time but very slowly moving time that the enterprise is stuck in and there's this like thing going on where there's a power transfer and basically picard troy data and jordy have gone away on this conference they realize the time freezes um troy recognizes that everybody is frozen right and then they all start talking again this bubble of frozen time passed through them and then it happens to her that's the end of the opening is when everyone freezes and troy's like what and then you get your credits this episode was directed by adam nimoy oh the son of leonard nimoy i i don't know anything about adam nemoy at all i've never even honestly i've never heard of him before um and i i don't i should really research this but i've always gotten this vibe that patrick stewart brent spiner that everyone was like [ __ ] miserable while filming this this one it just looks like he's checked out and it looks like brent spiner is checked out there's no like and i'm not blaming the director i'm just saying like that's just a note is that um what season is this this is like six i think okay maybe they're maybe they're just getting ready to check out in general i think i think so and i think that's part of one of the downers on this and and i went through all the acts and i'm like what is the end of this act what is the end of is is this getting better is this are the stakes rising is is the tension rising is the story getting better as it goes on and other other than the initial concept it's sort of like just kind of neat what's going on but everybody is just sort of like cardboard cutouts of their characters if this works we may not have much time to prevent the power transfer we'll have to decide precisely where to be and what to do the very instant that time begins to move backwards so is this one that like was one of your top ones now you're re-watching it and thinking it over again kind of there are a lot of things that i i think are neat about it um it's not as fun as in the next phase um and i'm kind of i brought it into this conversation because there is some criticism of it yeah because it's a cool episode because big cool things happen but the way it's put together both in in the structure of the story and and how the actors are directed and the joy in it the fun the the adventure of it is just like a like a flat line and it has a good it had potential for a good wrap around with data because it opens with and then this is where my brain is right it's an episode about time right so they go to this conference and the only indicator of time is that they're all talking about how dull the conference was troy's like it was so [ __ ] boring troy tells a story about how she was sexually harassed and everybody laughs i'm doing a thesis on interspecies mating rituals would you care to join me in some empirical research it's a different time it was a different time this this guy who does inter-species mating rituals like the scientists how about you and me i have a little mating ritual of our own and dave is like did you partake did you help him with this research counselor absolutely not i thought it was a topic you were interested in and she's like of course not she's doing an impression hello diane and then and then picard does an impression too of the i'm talking very slowly he just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to win appropriately it's focusing on data data when picard does that impression of like the boring lecturer data's like he goes like what the [ __ ] was that kind of thing and jordy's jordy jordy has the only positive experience at the uh at the conference but everyone's complaining about how dull it is and then i mean the premise of the show is they come upon the enterprise finally it's not where it was supposed to be and it's in this weird like frozen and apparently mid-battle mid-battle but it's also transferring energy and the romulan warbird shooting and they're like oh my god they're frozen in time what the [ __ ] going on and then at the end of the episode the wrap-up is data is watching to see if a tea kettle will boil riker comes in his cord he's like what's going on data and he's like he's like i've boiled the same amount of water in this kettle 62 times in some cases i have ignored the kettle and others i have watched it intently in every instance the water reaches its boiling point in precisely 51.7 seconds i'm i'm testing a theory a watched pot never boils you know and he's like staring at it and i'm like this is so first season data you know what i mean data would be like nope that's just the saying i know it's like looking for a needle in a haystack why should anyone wish to expend his time in such a search correction data i should have said proverbial needle in a haystack a human proverb i've been around a while i've had six seasons to learn this show six seasons to learn like human sayings i think early on uh o'brien says we're gonna have to burn the midnight oil we have to realign the entire power grid we'll all be burning the midnight oil in this one that would be inadvisable you know and data's like i would advise against combusting liquids inside engineering you're gonna that is actually all good things but it's the section that takes place early early on yeah um where it's young data yes it's like season one dataway still doesn't quite get all those metaphors metaphors and and so dana's literally sitting there waiting for the pot to boil and i'm like you are the most sophisticated android in the galaxy you know that staring at a tea kettle will will not make it boil slower it's because they didn't know how to end the episode so they just resorted to a goofy end credit gag yeah but it's a sitcom ending yeah and but it it should have been a data story from the beginning you know focused more on his his uh relationship with time but instead yeah whatever uh so they go aboard the enterprise and they discover all these horrible things are happening they have they have uh armbands that protect them from romulans look like they're taking over the bridge there's a whole bunch of crazy [ __ ] riker looks like he's being attacked dr crusher gets shot right in the belly with the romulan phaser that's a good wall moment there yeah that is um that is a disrupter mike they're gonna [ __ ] all over you if you don't get that right what's the episode about the passage of time perception of time perception of time yes they talk about their experience at the conference about how it was boring could have framed it better you know picard uh gets a message that i don't know some old cadet he was friends with has died and he's reflecting on that or troy realizes she's hitting menopause i don't know you know what i mean and something a little more heavy um more character-driven not data in the teapot at the end sucks but they go for the enterprise and they have to figure out this mystery and i broke down my five acts intro right troy realizes everybody's suddenly [ __ ] frozen when she's talking and they they cue the the something's wrong music in tng here comes and then they start up again and what opening credits counselor is there something wrong [Music] i'm not sure [Music] end of act one they find the enterprise frozen in battle that's pretty cool he got my interest [Music] end of act two picard melts down i thought that should have been the end remember he they discovered the warp core mid in the middle of [ __ ] explosion and he's just drawing a smiley face in the explosion yes he he cracks he is basically like uh uh what do they call it when you come up from diving bends the bends yeah he goes crazy and he has like he melts down and um i thought that would have been a good break for the commercial uh they bring them back and they're like yeah you can't do this anymore you're too old you can't handle the stress of being in fro surrounded by a time field um i think patrick sir is like good i just want to sit in the chair there's the rest of the shoot yes very well i'm [ __ ] miserable [Applause] but the sting at the end of this one is a romulan lady moves similar to the first similar to the next phase i know well the romulan in the foreground we discover oh he's phase two at the end of that yeah [Music] basically kind of the same story um then the end of act three the big thing is the enterprise blows up [Music] remember yeah time starts moving in a regular motion again and the enterprise blows up and picard sees it he's like ah commercial nope they keep it another 60 seconds to show that time then goes back the enterprise unblows up and everything goes back to where it was then they cut to commercial [Music] oh that wasn't very exciting then the next thing is they these aren't romulans they are the parents of the aliens in the quantum singularity apparently take over romulan bodies they posed as romulan i think they took over the bodies i took this vessel i think one of them said something like i took this vessel basically they they capture one of them and they're like what what are you doing well you're not a romulan and he just explains the plot it's an exposition dump uh who used the singularities as our nest and we just we were trying to stop the power transfer because it would kill all of our babies they're like okay that makes sense the wrong the thing vanishes and then they're like okay go to commercial losing me and then and then very similar to the next phase the big thing at the end is don't start the power transfer or the enterprise will blow up yeah do not initiate that power transfer i'm sorry sir i already have so with time moving again at normal speed they have to figure out a way to to stop the power transfer yeah and then it happens then we realize that all the things that they saw were misunderstandings riker had just fallen over and the romulan guy was helping him up um the aliens were the ones pressing the fire disruptors at the enterprise button yeah and it was just this huge misunderstanding and the romulan that shot crusher was aiming at one of the aliens right yeah so so like it's all a misunderstanding and like i like the misunderstanding aspect it was it was it was an okay mystery um it was just a neat episode the fairly unexciting conclusion fairly unexciting conclusion fairly unexciting acts not not a really good ramping up of um of story elements but it was neat to see everybody on a on a runabout it was neat to see a always like a romulan episode some of my favorite episodes are the romulan episodes even when they don't end up being really romulans in the end but that's a different that's different kettle of tea and so i thought about one thing they're like oh well let's use these these emergency transporter things as devices that can create a field around us to separate us from space time right and then data's like sure i got some right here and it puts a little drawer and takes out they got four of them and uh uh you could see like the inside of the armband has like schmutz all over it like i think it's brent spiner's like paint from his fingers and and i was like looking at it and i'm like does brent spiner's like makeup like come off on [ __ ] sure i can't imagine because he's pressing buttons everywhere he's touching stuff i can't imagine his makeup comes off on stuff is it a curse to have trouble suspending your disbelief like that oh no no no okay if i never noticed this [ __ ] i never do i only notice it now in in hd on on blu-ray because i think when they made this show like you said they shot it fast the actors you get one take if you get it good enough in your one take we're moving on and um we've got two weeks to film a full [ __ ] episode that's that's quick turnaround yeah in another one of my episodes it's like half of a movie yeah if the the the lighting isn't great there's so many screws um in the black plexiglas like and and if the light hits those screws just right you could see all of them and then there's a lot of times too where they have like the low angle shot of of whoever at the like the con or the the navigational um consoles in the front of the bridge and they're kind of like wobbling just a little bit and i'm like those should be rock solid you're you're you have finger touch buttons that do very complicated things you can have that yeah yeah it's like like like larry david at the mocha joe's with the wobbly table you know what i mean it's like you can't you can't you can't be touching a very sensitive instrument panel and have it be wobbling i just noticed stuff like that and you know when they made this show they're shooting 26 episodes this season that are an hour long they're just like move on move on no one's gonna notice that on their tiny little tv in their living room no one's gonna notice those screws but someday some [ __ ] will but it's really the stories yeah and i i like seeing mistakes and and errors and tv shows now because everything's so perfectly done now you know well now you do now you do like eight episodes seasons it's very very different landscape right now you're not gonna see boom shadows and star trek discovery you know you can't see quality entertainment either no but they can paint that [ __ ] out in posts they can remove this or that they can you know fix everything like this was a but love it you've got like you've got like two months to film a [ __ ] episode though for discovery anyway so that's timescape uh it's a neat episode okay i put it as a neat episode there are better ones but i just wanted to talk about it because it's one of those episodes that i really want to love but the story isn't very compelling correct sir and they they didn't do enough character stuff in it it is a fun concept though fun concept there's some neat visuals uh it's it's a it's a good little adventure that they go on but it's it's severely lacking heart and and really good uh character arcs and and you need picard picard is just a blank slate in it basically it's inferior to my pick the next phase in every single conceivable way i next phase is one of my favorites too but i wanted to talk about that that was one we had that overlapped yeah and i think timescape was your last minute substitution perhaps so you could get up to five maybe we'll never know what do you got next though rich what do you got next he just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic i i have one of the the easiest this is clearly one of the good episodes of star trek the next generation i have all good things which i i i have on here maybe maybe not so much because it's a good episode but just because it's a really good finale yes yes they they really ended star trek the next generation right they know exactly what to do it's not the most uh compelling amazing two-parter it's a good buy it's a two-hour long goodbye rather than uh it's i mean you think of like season finales that have been done wrong it's like it's last one i would just kill everybody heroic sacrifices left and right or or you do like a seinfeld and you just don't know what to do at all so you just [ __ ] the bed now they go to jail uh well it's it's not even it's not even really about the threat it's it's it's about you honor the past the the present and you also give a taste of what the future could be with without locking yourself into this whatever fate they have i mean the the the fate of all humanity is literally at stake so i guess it is big stakes but um you have q there and you really know like he's there to help he's cute you know but that's good three time frames picard you have a denise crosby cameo um yeah you get to go to the future you get you get denise crosby you bring in um o'brien back from deep space nine we we find out he really did build ships and bottles he wasn't just sucking up to picard because i guess i guess i should say the premise of the episode um picard is mysteriously jumping around through time at first i had a sense of a sense of confusion disorientation i wasn't sure where i was and then all of that passed and it all seemed perfectly natural he's in the present one moment and then poof he's he's seven years in the past and then he's 25 years in the future and he doesn't know what the [ __ ] is going on but they they discover this how did they discover the anomaly in the first place the mystery is there's an anomaly that will will disrupt the evolution of life on earth and accuse like you caused the anomaly and the so the anomaly traditional star trek weird sci-fi thing the anomaly grows backwards in time it it starts he creates the anomaly in the future by shooting tachyon particles into space to look for the anomaly in the first place and that create that creates it and it moves backwards in time all the way to the primordial ooze on earth where it will cause the gunk that makes humanity to to never form yeah so it's a fun it's a fun little like mind-bending kind of sci-fi concept where picard self-fulfilling prophecy or something i don't know i like how in the future data's a lot better at emulating emotion she can't be frightfully trying at times but she does make me laugh he he almost he almost seems to naturally express himself emotionally because you see the way people react to car picard very very differently in each yeah in each time era you have uh present-day picard who says he's having this weird time anomaly and everyone believes him without question right because it's like it's like peak peak card's at his prime at that point nobody doubts a [ __ ] word he says picard says there's a time anomaly uh let's figure this [ __ ] out you go back in the past and like young young picard nobody knows who the [ __ ] this old captain is and he says there's a time anomaly well i well he's not even saying this is time anomaly he's saying we gotta do this weird he's giving weird orders and they don't know why yeah and they're they're they're obeying him but they don't have that confidence mr wolfe initiate a level two security alert all decks until further notice with all due respect sir i'm the security chief on the ship and so they're following orders but you get this sense that like there's going to be a mutiny at any moment you know and i think it's very telling that they left crusher out they didn't pick crusher up at at farscape station yet because she is the only one at that point who would have trusted picard so you get young picard and people are less certain about him and then you get old picard and people are just humoring him at that point can i just yeah go ahead as much jump in as much as you want i i just want to jump in because i'm not going to make you resale that i really i know you really love the show farscape but it's far point you know what what i'm gonna do right now is say the word farpoint and i'm just gonna put it right over that are you going to go back and edit it in the past yeah so so say it go ahead far far point one more time far point they left crusher out they didn't pick crusher up at farpoint station yet because she is the only one at that point who would have trusted picard i thought you were gonna say it you're gonna edit and you sang [ __ ] white over me farpoint farpoint station oh god and then and then they cut back to like farpoint era data they left crusher out they didn't pick crusher up at farpoint station yeah because she is the only one at that point who would have trusted picard that's okay that's that's all right this is also that that awkward area of season seven where uh troy and worf were thinking yeah which i gotta be honest worked better for me than troy and riker ever did do you remember what i taught you imzadi can you still sense my thoughts i know i know the central thing behind trey and riker's backstory is that they were amazing lovers and they still harbored feelings for each other i never felt it i always thought not that i hate them as characters or actors but i i never thought that uh that they had any chemistry together john jonathan frakes and uh marina searches yeah i think i kind of agree with that yeah i really don't see anything super romantic maybe crusher picard i'm a woman i haven't had the comfort of a husband a man not now doctor but wharf and troy i'm i got the jadzia dax and wharf stuff a little better morph and troy never made sense to me and that love affair sprung from the worst episode in my opinion of star trek was the parallels episode where they were lovers in a different timeline and troy's like whoa we were tell me all about that i have not had dinner would you care to join me i'd love to you know what i'll disagree with that parallels is a fine episode you know what it it it it takes all the juice out of yesterday's enterprise there oh there there's seven thousand multiple universes so did [ __ ] unification who cares about that yesterday's enterprise they changed history rich and to make sure history never forgets the name [Music] enterprise they they sacrificed the enterprise c to change history it didn't matter there's ten thousand other in some enterprise seas and different timelines who cares [ __ ] that episode exactly why are any of these episodes important or any of our characters special if if one of them dies who cares there's seven million other timelines that exist with them in it just pull one of them out it's it's a it's one it's a it's a [ __ ] it's just a single episode of tng by just but it ruins everything it's a fun fun parallel universe episode should have been warfred it was wharf's dream and it didn't really happen it really happened it's canon i just i just want to point out the only reason you hate that episode is not because it's a bad episode no because you have philosophical issues implications of it right okay say you watched seven seasons of your favorite show and you realized that your favorite character was like a robot or something or didn't exist or you know what i mean where it's like i i we like all these characters they're unique there's you could your characters could die there's dramatic tension but there's multiple timelines of them that exists and they're all the same character it just it it deflates tension to me it deflates importance it's not so much philosophical like as in like the soul and all that it's just it's just the fact that it just it deflates their importance okay and and they're you know their uniqueness to me it should have been wharf's dream all right that's that's a different episode entirely and it's not on my list [Laughter] [Music] sucks anyways all good things i agree great episode two-parter as opposed to like if it if it occurred as a two-parter like three seasons ago picard's traveling through time oh no no it works specifically as a a series capper yes it it it played to all the right cards it's all the right audience needs you know and and the actual ending ending is absolutely perfect because you have the whole the whole bit in the episode is uh hugh's trying to get just to see if picard can expand his mental horizons because you know that is that is that is the future picard it's not your exploration of space it's the exploration of your own possibilities to grow and change and and at the end of the episode picard he does make that extra personal leap when when he expands his own you know i'm going to keep to myself boundaries and he joins riker's poker game for the first time so five card stud nothing wild and the sky's the limit yep yeah because earlier on he like is pleading with q he's like we've we've discovered countless new worlds we've brought in new members of the federation we've developed this he's like it's not about that it's not about that it's about your personal growth are you capable of that kind of personal growth and that's that's the show like you were mentioning nobody really trusted or understood what picard was doing in the early timeline yeah and then that that comes full circle at the end when he's senile and nobody trusts him so it's yeah it's it's about your growth as a person and the future is not written it's not for sure certain that any of this will happen let's let's make personal changes let's be stronger let's uh let's grow as people picard doesn't have a lot of flaws other than the fact that he's not um in the humanity sense he's not very emotional or connected which is why we get to the end of this episode it's brilliant q wants to teach him one final thing have fun with your friends enjoy it before you're 80 years old they all hate you and everyone hates you and your only friend's a drug addict you're on a ship full of murderers oh god no none of the rest of it happened no no it's all a dream like parallels [Laughter] see see my bad see mike if if parallels is a thing we have infinite universes where star trek picard never happened okay or the when the enterprise sailed off into the sunset after picard sat down at the poker game that timeline continued on yeah that's where it branched off and then he went like star trek generations happening and timeline 348. [Applause] oh [ __ ] now all that [ __ ] happened to those movies those crappy movies so what's next rich i don't know mike it's your turn oh my god it's my turn fire i know it's difficult operating in the dark but right now i don't think i have any other choice let's talk about conundrum where do we begin what a conundrum this one opens up with what i assume is a controversial scene of counsel troy beating data in chess [Laughter] um because the real title for the episode should be intuition not conundrum because that's that is the the stage setting scene is troy is moving chess pieces around and data's like the characteristic response to the kriskov gambit is to counter with the el mitra exchange particularly since i've already taken both of your rooks you know the the classic response to this move would be this move stupid you know like that's the way that you know you're supposed to play this chest and she's like trust me and he's like she does something unexpected he's like what you're gonna checkmate me in five moves intriguing you have devised a completely unanticipated response to a classic attack she's like sometimes you know you it's not always by the book data it's you gotta kind of feel this you go trust your gut is basically what she's saying chess isn't just a game of ploys and gambits it's a game of intuition then we cut to the bridge and they run across a weird spaceship that shoots green energy wipes everyone's memories even datas you know you know to be fair just go back a little bit kirk did beat spock and chess oh okay check me your illogical approach the chest does have its advantages on occasion captain i prefer to call it inspire it's happened it's happened before highly unlikely but it's happened before similar kind of situations i would assume yeah and therein is is the premise is conveniently everyone's memories are wiped and and we kind of pan over and this weird guy appears kieran mcduff is his name and he has three rank pips he's the same he's the first officer riker is the second officer and we're like who's this guy there's our mystery it's kind of a funny situation where it's it's a mystery for everyone on the ship the audience you know watching it as an audience member you know exactly yeah yeah yeah this guy is no good yeah but how did this happen what did this to us like he's not a member of the senior staff he doesn't belong there wait a minute something's going on and of course you know obviously something's going on because an alien ship attacked them and wiped out their memories and um so there's there's some fun stuff where they're trying to all figure out they they they know how to work all the instruments on the ship i didn't even think i just picked it up and knew how to use it all the right parts of their brain that the aliens don't want them to know about are mysteriously suppressed like who they are what the federation is you know its current timeline because the the ploy is to trick them into a war to fight for them in an alien war that's the the premise the the the aliens don't have the technology or the weaponry necessary to defeat their enemy but the federation [Music] does so they cleverly use their brain wiping technology to use the enterprise as a tool right riker and and roe are fighting in the turbolift they're arguing about something and then once they get their memories wiped they they have they fall in love and have sex and uh uh wharf mistakenly believes he's the captain that's the fun stuff in this episode yes it's it's worth worse like i'm more decorated i must be the captain and he takes over and it's like an irony because picard is the one who's making like the the command decisions it seems to me that determining leadership is not crucial right now we we need to find out who we are as soon as the ship is operational we must make it combat ready well i would recommend that before we prepare for combat we try to access the ship's logs find out who we are what our purpose here might be well i disagree we should run a complete diagnostic on all command systems and he's but he's sitting in like the ensign's chair and he's like actually i think our proper course of action should be this and working it's picard making the suggestion of well maybe we should open up diplomatic channels going like no we're going to blow them up we got to we got to be ready for battle first and picard's like well why don't we before that why don't we find out more information about who we are what our mission is forget information we've got to test the phaser array the phasers are operational we now have full tactical control can i say i like as much as i love tng i like worf more on deep space nine okay he's less of a joke there's less of a joke i wanna i wanna make a particular note on wharf's character in this because in our last tng talk i talked about the drum head and how when the drum heads started going they'd go to wharf immediately they recognize wharf as he can be a good ss officer for us and he can knock down doors and you know he's he wants justice and he's not going to think about it and the same scene happens in this where kieran mcduff goes to wharf or has wharf come to his quarters and he's like you know what morph you and i we're the same we're warriors that picard guy he's a bald diplomat and he's and he's he's weak and morph's like i i felt this as well memory or no it seems clear that both you and i were born for battle more so than the others i thought this was well and he's like when the time comes to fire facers at something i know i can trust you right wharf and we're like yes but then wharf leaves and we're like something's not right and then at the end wharf doesn't doesn't believe this guy there's something wrong with the captain i'm taking command of this vessel fight her all weapons dwarf is they give warf the benefit of the doubt they give him the credit where he's due where he's not that stupid where he's just gonna blindly like blow things up because this guy is telling him to you know what i mean yeah and i like that i like that little aspect because wharf's out of control in the beginning i disagree he's disregarding orders and then he apologizes to picard once he realizes he's just the security chief i regret my recent behavior i assumed an attitude of authority that was unwarranted this this it's an episode that kind of falls into the usual wharf traps but also apologizes for them yes yeah yeah they make up for it and uh or wharf does two things he makes violent suggestions and get shots down and then he gets beat up by the monster of the week right that's to show how strong the monster of the week is which paradoxically just makes wharf seem really weak right but if the monster of the week beats off wharf he's the strongest guy in the ship if it beat up wesley crusher [Laughter] so yeah there's some there's some unfortunate angles to wharf's character but i like that they they didn't riker didn't have to point a phaser at wharf and go wharf don't hit that phaser array don't fire because this guy's no good but but the ship blow up [ __ ] you know wharf was smart enough to realize that he was being hoodwinked by this clown mcduff and their their obvious plan of um blowing up this like poorly defended alien base [ __ ] 15 000 people on it but i love i i like that you know we know something's up we know that this guy doesn't belong there and we're discovering a little bit by little bit jordy just lays it out we're approximately here we've been ordered to cross into lysian territory and destroy their central command all the information they could pull out of the computer is that they're at a war in a war they have to maintain radio silence we're the linchpin to the operation if we don't destroy the central command the entire effort will fail he's right captain our choice is clear they're in this highly coordinated thing that if if they don't blow up the bad guys base it's going to disrupt everything and and they're going to lose the war that's all the information they have and smartly picard's just like you know and troy troy's kind of like a linchpin character because she's the empath and she's just like something's not right my gut is telling me something's not right nothing feels right this room this ship most of all this war we're fighting and then you have a lot of like the the the riker uh row troy love triangle things nice little secondary story what what i don't get is that the end of that little uh ryker row love triangle plotline both uh row and troy are mad and the man didn't really do anything wrong they're not really mad that's a wink-wink man it's a wiggler just toying with them yeah they they they could poke fun at them um but yeah this this one kind of reminds me of disaster another one of my my this is a pick up the pieces episode okay because i mean you got very briefly you have a situation where nobody knows what's going on and something has happened like everybody on the bridge is like what you've got uh crusher and that girl who injured her shoulder in sickbay 10-4 data and troy troy doesn't know what's going on she's kind of taking charge but data's behind the bar the bartender is an artificial life form can i get you something a beverage because she had made a bat with them to make her a sumerian sunrise or whatever it was one sumerian sunset made in the traditional style but then over time everybody kind of learns what's going on and then the then the the moral question comes up there's that picard gives a pretty good speech i feel as though i've been handed a weapon sent into a room and told to shoot a stranger well i need some moral context to justify that action about like getting more information and he's like it's like someone handed me a weapon and told me to walk into a room and shoot someone i didn't know and then the guy kieran is just like well if you don't act you're going to kill a lot of people then it's like picard's just like is it right to risk prolonging this war to allow the needless deaths of thousands on both sides solely on the basis of our moral discomfort no my car's smarter than that i think he knew what was going on pretty cool exciting action stuff i i like when they they meet that first ship and they just blow it up it's interesting that they did actually blow that ship up too yeah that's on their conscience forever 47 people or something on that ship i'd love to have seen the diplomatic fallout from this incident that's one thing that's lacking from this episode i've conveyed our deepest regrets to the lisians over the tragedy of their lost ship and crew it's like what the [ __ ] does the federation tell these people well they mention it at the end they're they say you know our deepest apologies to the felician government about the loss you know the tragic incident they call it but um they've been at war with this race forever so they're like okay those guys did it to you we understand they're a bunch of [ __ ] but then then they have that little fleet of of unmanned probe ships that are like flying and um they're like they have no shields and they have lasers anything like that the padre equipped with fusion generated pulse lasers and minimal shielding not much power there and then the enterprise is just like all the all the phaser banks just like blow them up instantly and then right there's like that was too easy and then they realized they get to the lithian command structure which has 15 000 people on it and they realize that one photon torpedo will take care of them defensive shield output is 4.3 kilojoules one photon torpedo ought to do it i'm just like picard's like i'm not fighting an enemy that we're basically defenseless vastly out match this something's fishy does not make any sense dana how many people on that station 15 311. there's some cool stuff going on and some discovery happening of of as things unfold they learn more information they try to they try to figure out why people's memories are blocked and they do a little test on the guy he's like i'll volunteer so i could pretend to have a seizure [Laughter] something's wrong with the sequencing program not the enterprise crew not at their best what makes you think you're gonna get me sleep under the circumstances i you know i get it but one of my favorites [Music] um what do you got rich i have yesterday's enterprise as i guess it would be my my sixth pick or whatever don't matter pick 14 of 29 this one really should have been in our other episode you sent me you sent me like a text like three days after we filmed it you said oh my god we both [ __ ] forget about yesterday's enterprise and i did not forget about yesterday's enterprise i left it out for one very specific reason a lot of people who watch our [ __ ] say you know i don't watch star trek but i enjoy listening to them talk about it and i figured when we did our top five that some people might want to try out star trek and watch some of those episodes the episodes that we like and i left out yesterday's enterprise for the sole fact that i think it it just doesn't work if you don't know who tasha yar is tash knowing who tashiar is and what happened to tashi yar is very important for how you enjoy yesterday's enterprise because it's basically an apology to how they killed tashiyar in season one uh this is why we included so many toshiyar episodes well if people watch some episodes of tng and then they're right you're up speed enough now i'm willing to talk about yesterday's enterprise and uh it starts off appropriately enough with with wharf and uh and gynecomastia and yeah i was gonna i'm getting to it but you gotta remind people who work i mean you don't really need to remind them but it's nice that they emphasize wharf because he did take over tasha yar's job after she died so we we get our warf scene in before he's ejected from the episode he's he's on he's in 10 forward with gainan and they have the pruned juice scene which is very cute it's an earth drink prune juice warriors drink what is this nectar of the gods and then um gets called the bridge because there's a a a time anon there's an anomaly it's a time anomaly on the bridge something comes out of the time anomaly and very appropriately we we see wharf say something i forget what the line is and then he kind of like disappears behind picard's head and then the enterprise c comes out of the time anomaly which changes history and then as as if by magic wharf is replaced with tasha yar yep because history has changed decades ago 20 20 years back with a without the enterprise c being where the enterprise c needed to be in time fighting the romulans this changed all of time so that the federation is now at war with the klingons [Music] load torpedo bays we don't know where wharf is he could be dead he never he never joins starfleet who doesn't matter he's just he's just gone he's no one knows who he is he's not on the enterprise at this timeline no one has ever met wharf they don't know what a wharf is right and tashiar never died by a silly tar monster right in a random episode of season one right right we won't hurt you but we must help them [Music] and we see all these little uh subtle subtle differences that you know things are different now the lighting changes magically on the bridge not so subtle not so subtle differences everyone is wearing their goofy war belts yes yes they're war sashes guidance guidance dress changes yeah it's it's it's how it would be for after years of war and you know it's just a warship and there's everyone's just doing their job you don't see civilians on the enterprise because that now the enterprise by necessity is dedicated to war picard even mentions that yeah it's like they've never been children on the enterprise what are you talking about families there should be children on the ship what children on the enterprise but but gainen who is special at this at this point in tng there were like hints that there was something mystical about gaiden she had she had weird connections to the queue and so there was something more than she wasn't human to begin with was something something supernatural almost about gainer and she is able to recognize that time has changed even though she doesn't know exactly what changed yes so she knows something's wrong she knows she's extra sensory perception yeah basically how did gainan end up on a warship did did in this alternate klingon war timeline did did picard still have a mark twain adventure with gainan in the past how does that how did that even happen when the federation is about to lose this war with the klingons it's true if you wanna if you want a nitpick this card should never even have met guy that's time travel time travel nonsense all right so we have this enterprise c which has the the beautiful uh star trek movie uniforms and they're they're badly wounded and and damaged and and gainan wants picard to send this ship that is doomed if it goes back in time and she wants picard to send it back in time that's the moral that's the moral quandary of the story gainen just she feels it she knows it in her heart that this ship needs to be sent back in time so that the timeline can be fixed and the you know the war will be over and everything will be hunky-dory and it's a real dilemma for picard to do this because it's basically a death sentence yeah for the enterprise c which by the way the enterprise c one of my favorite federation ships yeah it's a neat ship design wise they like hit that sweet spot it's right it's right in the middle between the design of the enterprise d and the design of the enterprise a right in the middle i love it and of course mixed up in this dilemma is tasha yar gainan kind of knows and we the audience know that she uh if if this ship goes back in time she will just be dead because she's killed by a random tar monster guy says you're supposed to be dead we're not supposed to have ever met each other she knows something's weird with tasha but basically all all said and done this episode feels like an apology to the way they killed tashi arm says i died a senseless death in the other timeline i didn't like the sound of that captain i've always known the risks that come with a starfleet uniform if i'm to die in one i'd like my death to count for something because her i mean here death was stupid stupid as [ __ ] that was it was a situation i don't know do you know what the behind the scenes issue was with denise crosby i know she wanted out of the show she wanted out of the show yeah was she she wanted like i think i heard she wanted more screen time oh maybe and she was upset she wasn't getting it either way it was a it wasn't the show that kicked her off it was it was her i think she wanted she i don't know if her ego or she wanted to go do movies or she thought she could do better than just being a background character but it's like don't bite the hand that feeds you mistake in hindsight it's not it's not the cass uh seven of nine situation which is just total [ __ ] but but she was she was she was on the main cast in season one tasha denise crosby yeah it was maybe it wasn't good enough for denise crosby it wasn't good enough for denise crawford bad agents who told her this show's gonna stink it's gonna flop after the first season you know people were telling us that's a patrick stewart don't go to sci-fi tv that's a bad you are an accomplished actor you should be doing better shows this is [ __ ] it's going to get cancelled after season one they were telling patrick that they were probably telling her that around season one this is this is junk you know so it's not might not be her fault i don't know the back story in any case her her actual death on the show was really just pathetic yeah it was not a heroic death it was it wasn't overly dramatic it's realistic yeah the red shirts get killed all the time and it just happened to her i actually don't mind tasha yar's death i'm glad it wasn't some big act of heroism i just i just think the show is better with wharf in her position anyway well yeah i'm not i'm not complaining that she left the show right i'm just saying this is the writer's opportunity just let's give her a kind of a more dramatic send-off because the captain of the enterprise c gets uh killed once klingons show up and starts shooting at it and so um knowing that she's dead in the other timeline anyway she decides to get her her heroic death with the rest of the enterprise c because she found a man she liked on the enterprise c and she gets to go off and die fighting the romulans 20 years ago she really trusts gaining's intuition except she doesn't die 20 years ago fighting the romulans but that doesn't happen in this episode it doesn't happen in this episode just that character tashiarn never got a [ __ ] break she grew up on the one [ __ ] federation planet that couldn't get it [ __ ] together the one human colony in all of the galaxy with rape games with rape gangs she grew up there made it out of that mess then she gets killed unceremoniously by a tar monster then through time travel shenanigans she is brought back to life where she gets to go back in the past where she ends up raped by a romulan general yes and then she is murdered after her own rape baby daughter turns her in when she tries to escape that hell that's right my father offered her life he gave her a home he gave her a child and how did she repay him by betrayal they executed her could not catch [ __ ] breaks no no forever doomed but it brought denise crosby back as the romulan human daughter of tasha yar so she could still act in the show yeah makes us make a little money but they could have brought tasha yarbra back you know and and just said you know she survived and she's bitter and broken she's 20 years older give her a little bit of makeup they can do that [ __ ] i guess so yeah it would be quite a stretch but maybe she is we we only took the romulan's word for it that's true so theoretically tasha yar might still be alive get ready for a string of internet comments in this book yo-yo write in the book revenge of toshiba she's going to show up in star trek picard season two yeah uh my daughter uh sila was that her name selah yeah um i'm pretty good and it's captain rachel garrett of the uss enterprise see rachel garrett how's my ship i didn't even re-watch the episode anyways pop tasha r will be well denise crosby will come back i'm still alive i'm running the romulan resistance [ __ ] sela kind of replaced admiral uh tomalack as as as major romulan figurehead villain yes yeah it's funny you mentioned tomiloc because it's coming up she has a heroic death time is fixed wharf is back next thing we see after the enterprise c goes back and we know everything's okay it's about sacrifice one ship will make no difference in the here and now but 20 years ago years ago one ship could have stopped this war before it started so it's a cool cool episode and um it's it's uh it feels like a feature film or a two-parter done in one episode amazingly you know it feels epic um and it and it's it's really great and yeah we don't want to talk about it too much similar to the mirror universe like alternate timeline stuff that's always fun for whatever reason jordy tell me about [Music] tasha yarr but you mentioned tomalack and i've got tomilock in my final favorite episode of star trek the next generation the romulan episode that wasn't the romulan episode that wasn't yes future imperfect a commander riker episode and a decent commander riker episode not one of my favorite characters but um future imperfect starts off perfectly with riker celebrating his birthday a passage of time a momentous day dated ask picard ways why do humans celebrate the day they don't remember the card's like shut up i like the car comes out of the ready room and he's like mr data are you ready to go to commander riker's party as the dated we must hurry or win this commander riker's party he sounds so like awkward like they're seven-year-olds catholic picard should never say birthday party i don't know but um picard should never say birthday party and darth vader should never say padme where is padme is she safe these things both happened right yes yes but riker is in 10-4 and he's blaine is trombone badly he's got a cake he's surrounded by friends people that care about him which is the story the crux of the story of loneliness the the alien on the planet so so perfectly it's it's it's the stage is set riker celebrating an important date passage of time is an important theme to uh riker's birthday and and being surrounded by real people that love and care about you and that's that's the beginning uh they they discover uh something's going on on a planet i don't even remember i think they saw like an energy anomaly or something i don't know something emerson gas shoots up and immediately like methane starts coming up riker passes out and um he wakes up in the future for what we know is the future and watching an episodic television show we know it's not really the future they're not going to jump 16 years in the future and the rest of the show is gonna it's a it's either a dream or some kind of illusion right i think you underestimate how many dumb people are out there but yeah um riker is told by dr crusher that he has a brain problem that he got on this planet when the gas came up he got infected with this magical virus right that um when it kicks in it it he can't remember anything up until the point when that happened so basically rikers just boom fish out of water i don't know what where i'm at it's 16 years later and i'm in the future not really the future but to him yeah because he jumped forward in time he ripped van winkled him he ripped vance he was in a coma for a couple days and everyone was concerned but he woke up and um so now we get to see the enterprise 16 years in the future riker's the captain their their com badges are different they have their rank on the com badges which yeah it's got the stripes yeah it's like the three or four ranks on the on the badge itself and nothing's on the collar and so a lot of it's riker going around kind of discovering um uh what has changed and uh there's telltale signs that something's amiss mainly the computer lag when riker asks it a question you know who's ever running this show behind the scenes can't think of an answer fast enough so like the computer's making problems making noises but yeah it's really like just a slow build of riker specifically when riker wanted to go to a different deck than anticipated decade delay that order we should begin the associational therapy in your quarters main bridge repeat command i said main bridge oh we had plans for deck eight he wants to go to deck nine oh [ __ ] yeah please restate question service record riker william t damn it um but riker has no reason to suspect anything's fishy so riker riker ends up on the bridge romulan warburg decloaking and records shields up ready faces and what what no well we were expecting it and we get picard picard's on on the warbird there's peace between the romulans i can't imagine you leaving the enterprise admiral picard offered me a position at starfleet command it was a tremendous opportunity um but she's picard's diplomatic assistant and i love picard's look they give him the goatee because you talked about mirror mirror universe yeah give him the goatee which and he's got kind of like longer hair there's something about him that's off off or i don't want to say evil but off and and it's the goatee it looks it looks wrong and you're like okay um and yeah tomalot comes on board riker's suspicious i love that shot where data's walking i think he's walking tomala let me tell you all about our defenses over here and right here's just like these newly refined sensors are capable of pinpointing power emissions of a cloaked warbird even at warp yeah so the romulans are there riker's suspicious um he's not sure about what's going on uh and he thinks he he shouldn't trust the romulans of course he's a bad guy it's set up like a classic romulan scheme the whole episode right one of the best parts is finally riker gets around to saying can i see pictures of your mother who's dead he's saying this to his son he gets blindsided with the fact that he has a son he sees his wife and it's minuet display family record riker mrs william t [Music] which is a super old callback to i think season two no wait did he have the beer i think he had no i think that's season one season one um it's the one where the binars take over the enterprise and they distract riker by giving them a very hot hologram yeah super realistic hologram they just distract them the cards there awkwardly what am i doing here um and riker falls madly in love with minuets and he's like wait a minute and he it just completely shatters the whole reality they [ __ ] up minuet mom was beautiful wasn't she yes i i do love the scene on the bridge when he just starts calling it out yeah yeah oh he goes up and he's he's mad as hell wharf where did you get that scar in combat what battle when wharf where did you get that scar oh man no wharf i know would know exactly where he got that scar went in then uh yeah he yells at these data how he starts questioning data's ability to process information then picard comes on he goes shut up it's an epic scene it's a famous scene captain perhaps it would be best if we discuss this shut up [Music] take your partner i said shut up as in close your mouth and stop talking because riker he's he he doesn't he doesn't play it like coy like okay i'm being tricked so yeah he just gets mad mad and i don't blame him you know they [ __ ] with his whole life they [ __ ] with his head yeah you a real person going through some of the [ __ ] the people doing star trek the next generation with like fake realities and holodecks and you'd have like like ptsd you'd be like like paranoid that am i in a holodeck and you just you'd end up in a straight jacket right so imagine how pissed he is and he's just yelling at everybody then you have your first twist rihanna romney on holodeck we just trying to get some information from you and then he meets the same young band little boy boy yeah uh kid who's uh who is this his um uh fake son fake son and and he's like i'm just and riker's like uh-uh the second ruse didn't last as long the little boy is being held by the romulans too for no reason and i can i found this escape route and then you realize after that is gone it's just an orphan alien who was placed on this planet by his his parents or his mother and given hollow projectors to create friends to create a reality because i think they're being persecuted or killed off or something but parents parents were gonna die and it's a terrible looking alien it's like a goofy gray with like long fingers and he's like whoa your options are goofy looking alien or forehead bumps shoes okay all right they could have done something a little more tasteful than some goofy yeah that but um surprisingly riker says come with me he doesn't say it completely unsurprisingly he's stu riker is starfleet through and through man even though even though even though he can act like an [ __ ] sometimes i was just surprised like the little alien didn't even ask for like asylum or you know he's just like i don't know what to do i just wanted a friend he's like come with me well you don't have to live in this dump with these hollow projectors you little freak he was never seen again and he was never seen again riker never checked in with him how are you doing pal you making some friends finally even though you look like a halloween store costume just just just like the sign just like the scientists from first contact who they you know they came away with the enterprise the end never seen again i wonder what happened to these people in this this society that's completely foreign to them yeah is there an adopt a random alien program they went to a starbase and they got re-educated i don't know like what happened to uh kirk's love interest in star trek for the voyage home she's like i've gotta learn a whole bunch about marine biology got 200 years of catching up to do when should you go from being one of the preeminent scientists to being just a [ __ ] [ __ ] in a split second oh no your your knowledge is all 200 years out of date you don't know anything she just ends up being a waitress it's like that scotty episode how come neither of us picked relics i'm here to help that's very kind but i'm sure we can handle it alex is fine it's cute it's cute it's not mind-breaking the dyson sphere is neat the night sensor is neat yeah so sort of sad yeah scotty just flies off into the sunset in a stolen shuttle craft it wasn't stolen i know it wasn't stolen i know they gave it to him anyways future imperfect um uh the the second half of the episode after you discover you know romulan plot a ploy to start a war i wonder what that episode that's two questions is it a romulan plot is it a ploy to start a war is that an all good things reference yeah it's cute anyways uh but yeah once once the twist is uncovered it's fun seeing the future uh it's fun when riker discovers you know the the uh the scheme i can't operate as quickly as what did you say i said i cannot operate no that's not what you said you said i can't you used to contraction didn't you i wonder why the double twist part of me wonders uh if uh they wrote it as a romulan ploy but then just like the episode wasn't long enough jeez we got we got 15 more minutes to fill i don't know no because that would have had a completely different outcome or if it was just too too cliched another romulan plot we did another romulan plot again no i think it's probably written as is um uh just because of the way it was like framed from the beginning and um the the ending would have been totally different riker's been kidnapped by romulans like that's like a [ __ ] act of war they got to get involved they got to get him back did he divulge secrets all this nonsense um do you remember the kid was the kid by kid i mean the little alien in the halloween costume was think he had to think on his feet he knew romulans and that that was um the second slip up the first slip up was using minuet the second was he calls um tomalack ambassador tomalack and he's like wait right because like wait a minute not again this is [ __ ] do you know whose voice activates it only ambassador tomalack [Music] yeah and i i love kind of when uh rikers riker's pissed he's still pissed when he realizes the romulan like hologram holodeck you know and he's like hmm we thought we covered all of our bases these are the romneylands talking and he's like you [ __ ] up minuets what we scanned your brain and we discovered you really loved this woman that you had you had passionate sexual intercourse with her you're wrong tomahawk she was just a hologram and they're just like minuet was nothing more than a computer-generated fantasy i once experienced on another holodeck impossible how embarrassing we didn't realize the depths of human perversion you just admitted that she was fake bad move she was created of light and force fields and i [ __ ] her on the holodeck and i fell in love with her and oh all the romulans in the background are just like looking at each other like how [ __ ] embarrassing i'd hate to have holodeck clean up duty yeah that's some disgusting [ __ ] somebody had to clean up after riker he leaves the holodeck and someone goes in with the mop do you remember when when famka janssen was on star trek you turn the holographs off and it all just splats on the ground afterwards do you remember when when famka janssen was on uh aka uh jean grey from the x-men movies oh yeah yeah and she was like the the the the prize to the alien diplomat she was like a trophy and and her her special alien power was to like like be in love uh to be alluring to her personality would change personality to be the perfect lover to whatever man she was closest exactly so so when she meets like wharf she's like ah let's see drink klingon blood wine and bite each other and worse like so ever any man that encountered her would become like intensely attracted to her so picard with her and picard she was like you know intellectual and talking about books riker she was a little more sexual and they couldn't they couldn't have sex you know because she was someone else's property and and they got all hot and bothered and rikers just like she's like if you need me i'll be on holodeck too for the next hour and he storms off that's like we'll try to make you as comfortable as possible rugged bridge if you need me i'll be in holodeck 4. i know who had to clean up that mess [Music] but i don't think he could i don't think he checked in on minuet i think after the binars left minuet was just a like a blank face hologram they put something special in the code that made her super realistic so i don't think she was an ongoing love affair with commander reicher it's just a brief moment in time but yeah commander reicher was a pervert i was thinking of something a little more intimate blondes and jazz seldom go together now that is truly exceptional but more sultry [Music] he went to rise a lot he had a special account there the gold package yeah i said shut up doesn't close your mouth and stop talking anyways everybody we talked about 10 episodes of star trek the next generation that we really like there's many more yeah many more i i threw a couple in there that are like on the fence and there's probably ones that are much better written that everyone has a good takeaway there's a couple that don't i think i think people are going to be pissed that we still don't have the inner light i know that's that's too easy it's a good episode it's just one i don't know yeah yeah i love when there's lots of stuff going on you have your own personal tastes you like the first contact stories i like kind of survival adventure stories character stories you know we everybody's got their own tastes but even with like bad episodes there's always some good takeaway that um that that you can always always always find in the episode but i think the ones we picked have the most of what we like and then it's just a matter of opinion i still got some that that could easily make a best of list i mean it's amazing how many good episodes there are tng yeah i would i would be up up again for this challenge rich five more i know i know you've brought up guilty pleasures guilty pleasure that might be a fun list okay episodes that are are good bad episodes that didn't quite work the way they wanted them to but we love them episodes you shouldn't necessarily like but there's something about them anyway all right i could probably find five of those challenge accepted farscape encounter at first encounter at farscape [Laughter] oh my god yes yes get that and put it on camera for no reason yes throw it yes destroy the set with your one-of-a-kind star trek prop this is what you get for killing paul winfield oh my god i'm [Music] [Music] i'm stuck on this who's gone man he's [Music] gone
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,841,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, star trek, next generation
Id: yAlnLnxeIOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 43sec (5023 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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