Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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[Music] you forgot to mute your mic happy Sunday Funday everyone welcome to our weekly live Sunday show qa+ both auction with us let us know if you could hear us okay I think we should kiss [Music] your mom just called I meant I think you should stay six feet away from me so we go live don't forget six arms like arms like Xavier says we can hear you just fine yes yes yes hear you fine yup bye you hear you sound time you're alive love you you too oh yes we do we love you youtubers oh [Music] you love you maybe we should definitely sing to all of our moderators the ones with the blue wrenches we love you moderators yes we do love you moderators this is true you're not moderating [Music] oh my Raiders we know do storage what responses do love you do and do dance oh yes we do love you dues this is true you're not near me anybody else let's see we have a ton of people from Ohio watching her right now got a represent oh hi oh we love Ohio wins we just don't want to stay but we want to go far away [Music] kandi Moore says oh wait you can stay Oh enjoy your crazy weather day alright let's give on something the judge Mike Allen says my dogs howling so is ours our baby chicks yeah baby chicks baby chicks yes they do all right so we got a ton of stuff to go over on tonight's agenda so very first thing we just hit a couple new milestones today like today at the same time same time 192 thousand subscribers we wanted to hit 200k before May and here we are it's May 3rd but we're gonna get 200k soon before June so it's 200k before the of May so we were still in the running we're still in the race okay so that being said we also we hit another milestone forty-three million views not one what the Hales are you 43 million views never in never in a thought in the back of my mind did I everything even one person would ever ever watch anything I posted on YouTube when I first started the channel absolutely crazy so if you want to be part of our 200k before the end of May make sure you are subscribed now a lot of people always ask how much does it cost to subscribe it's free y'all it's absolutely it's free all you have to do there's usually a button right there okay right there on every single video booty video you can press that button subscribe now you also if you go to the actual channel if you click on our faces you go to the channel you're gonna see a notifications bell what should they do that but you can't see that on the TV you have to be on some type of data be on a smartphone tablet or a desktop when you click Subscribe the benefit of subscribing is that a little bell icon will show up and then you want to select all there's three types of bells you can choose from all it'll be there none personalized are also a lot of communication we get there like Oh Jeremy George I haven't seen you for months I'm so glad you're doing videos again we've been here the whole time been here the entire time if you don't have notifications set up and if you're doing notifications on your iPhone you have to allow notifications on your actual Apple product so if you don't have notifications set up then YouTube's not gonna tell you when we actually post a video which we do every single day and Sunday nights we go live sony f says did you say free yes free and and again the benefit of subscribing is that you can allow YouTube to notify you that way you know when we upload every time when we release a new video when we go live once in a while YouTube funky where I don't get notifications for when we go live so sometimes I have to unsubscribe and then we subscribe yep Timothy wants to know what the hell's why don't you offer membership here so the membership service with YouTube we haven't enabled we have not actually pushed it out yet and the reality is this is because memberships cost month okay and so instead of charging subscribers more money which we went well you can be a member and with members we can have an additional live or you can have this so you can have stickers that you can listen it's at for the time being it's just free it's free that's it I mean it's free we're getting you free knowledge we're giving you free entertainment we're giving you free everything so we want to keep it free at this point yep we're spreading absolutely I don't think we actually we have memberships enabled I've actually built the tier systems which probably means nothing to anybody except for him asking but I ultimately decided it's it's a deterrent I don't want to do it yeah cuz YouTube takes so much of our time not only is it a deterrent because you tell people all you'd have to pay to be a member of what the Hales it's more work for me and I don't need any more work this is non-stop membership we'll just create even more for it for the members so we just want to keep it free for everyone David Caldwell [ __ ] 99 congratulations and what an oh yeah and the deal on the Bitcoin nice nice if you guys haven't seen Saturday's video yet if the mods can actually put it in the chat that would be great that video was amazing and the video before that was even there was a there was a what the Hales superhero so on Friday Friday and Saturday videos were awesome those were good videos ashley's Friday's video made it into our all-time favorites video so we have playlist on the channel and that made it into the all-time favorites so we we give you our favorite videos in a playlist and then you can also hit a playlist that's the ultimate what the Hales or we'll break it down into swords we'll break it up into safes and trunks Locker enough to send $5 what's up J and G you're up you're up that's what's up to J and J okay yeah I see I see exactly what you did there I see exactly what you did there so new milestone 192 thousand subscribers forty-three million views and we're still we're still we're pushing for 200k before the end of May and we think we can get there yeah absolutely think we can get there all right if you if you want to help and part of that process you can just go ahead and share our videos on all your social media MIDI what's the midea it's like a media but okay perfect Midwest picker oh he keeps selling connives that you sold he said the Kenai picker is here he's been selling knives he just sent another way put it up on Instagram and and sent the sold the craftsman knife that good knife that he bought in the knife lot for 21 I think it was 99 nice I think I think okay that's awesome we love to hear your success stories when you buy stuff from us from our love it we love watching your videos as well that's so cool let me see yeah yeah you're the linguist hopefully we're seeing them you're the one that speaks seven languages for fun this Paul thank you so much we appreciate it okay so there's there's gonna be you can win something for free tonight but that's in segment number two so we do have a live auction tonight first hour will be live Q&A second hour or however long it goes we usually last about an additional two hours for our live bakka so we'll do a live bulk auction and anybody who sticks around you will have an opportunity to win something that you saw this week on what the Hales and so there will be there will be three B Michelle Pam $5 love do you guys love to you as well thank you so much Michelle appreciate it all right do you want to talk about the merch on the channel - yeah we've been having everybody yeah we do have merch on our channel now so if you score any video that you're watching including the live right now if you're on a smartphone tablet or desktop if you scroll down right before the description box literally right underneath this video you'll see what the hell's merch there's t-shirts there's hoodies there's a what the Hales mug there's a what the Hales tote bag and there's even our funemployed design so be sure to check that out and support us alright are we ready I'm ready for what the male song you don't even know what you're ready for for what I'm ready for what for male where's the male the male is over here oh you're hiding it I'm gonna hand the male over to you okay and now I get to break it down Oh anyway crazy lady's dumpster divers $3 super sticker thank you so much crazy lady's dumpster diver I think it's Egyptian I think he's I think it's hangry all right time for the male song are you opening everything up yeah she's getting the mail here we go my favorite song and yours [Music] [Music] [Music] we know she's busy reading the mail oh oh oh oh she's already going crazy with the mail oh wait I'm missing super chats weird my mother made a man that he walked away no longer legs and walks away first letter is from our friend Mick Draper all the way from Fort Myers Florida help me out with them super chats first there is one to a bunch that I missed there was a bunch that you missed hmm let's see going back we did crazy lady yeah Oh cerebellar $2.00 i Jeremy found the cure deployed yes Jeremy found the cure to baldness she's asking you tell me [Laughter] probably not sure the person hours is the giveaway the Bitcoin no no no it's not but you did see it in a video this week shut up Earl do we dare tell Shirley that there's a train not tonight no let's not let's keep that let's keep it a surprise okay keep it a surprise there might be this just keep it a surprise let's not say anything okay Mick Draper all the way from Fort Myers Florida which reminds me no not Mick again I've been looking at party Mick are using of course Mick sent another one there's so much fun would make our christyn Williams 299 super sticker bamm-bamm Nicola Roberts 499 hi Jane G you guys a great love the videos would you ship to the UK yep we should okay we ship all over the world this is what most people don't understand shipping to the UK is the exact same as shipping to your neighbor next door there's just one more piece of paper that you sign your name to Darrin Mackenzie $2 high from the Highlands of Scotland yes now I have a place I can go where Mike people watching from all over the world I love it Michelle Cole $3 super sticker Prince Finn okay all right now we will get to I promise we'll get tonight so make loves to make her own cars and we've been collecting all of her cards she sends joy during this pandemic and sends me a happy birthday month George appreciated McMicken paying attention she knows she knows we should probably we should ask the question that you mean the question the truth knows the trivia question tonight well that won't be the trivia question tonight but who knows what day is George's birthday who knows out of curiosity you guys paid attention or a few I mentioned it in boss babes when we're on Locker nuts this chiana yesterday because we we have shared that in the past Fluvanna Ventress has May sixth and carry jumper May 10th I see candy more says May 10th funky fluff says I lost it locker enough said mother's day and I see a May 9th Michelle Cole May 9th I see the 15th the 21st May 5th May 3rd May 19 well apparently you get every single day in May and you get Mother's Day someone said June 10th Grimes finds June 10th Grimes finds $10 all the way from Texas thank you so much crimes fines okay so we did see a lot of actual right answers right yeah May 30th May 30th it isn't it isn't nothing because if they're 24 no it's not that either what day is it falls it falls I'll give them a hint it falls on the same day as a it falls on the same day on the special there's like a special day this month that most people celebrate Frank wolf wolf for dollars thank you small gift for you guys appreciate it Craig yeah my eye is itching for some reason can you get it can you get it for wild West's Mother's Day is the temp is it can you get my eye for me it's itching can you just my mom used to blow in my eye all the time okay he thinks he's sneaky dances Cinco DeMayo George that is a celebration this what about May 4th be with you may the 4th be with us is that really a holiday for a lot of our viewers yes yes yeah they don't mess around with that stuff Kim Owen says Memorial Day flibben Avengers $5 happy birthday month Jordan happy Mother's Day to you love you appreciate it should I tell them what you did with your birthday though yeah you can go ahead and I think she canceled her birthday now she does this often a crash the whole the whole dissenter cycle I lost it where to go there goes Santa day but made it it looks like he only nice for his his toe that's good road with a ride with a hurt toe is that's a good thing so you're gonna let everybody know that you actually yeah so so it is a lot of people guessed correctly in the chat it is May 10th and it falls on my [Music] storage risers dude Kenny more happy early birthday me and you and George happy fourth lure the happy birthday also 1982 nice yeah bought a lot of stuff from the second son socks yeah yeah so you cancelled your birthday I did cancel my birthday this year because can't celebrate kami swore tree she says you guys are the best no were the Hales I see what you did there you now - okay so birthday you've canceled Mother's Day so I don't know I gotta think of way to celebrate every year my mom and my sister since were all mothers we all celebrate and have a Mother's Day brunch together but with Co bud 19 in the quarantine it's it's gonna be hard to celebrate this year so mix sent the card she's got a question she says how's your dad doing why don't you get let me give a fist pump so I was able to bring my dad home from the hospital this week on Tuesday he was released do you think mr. George is watching he could be sometimes my dad pops in and watches and um he's he seems to be doing okay when I didn't get to talk to him today cos he was napping when I called but I talked to my mom and he said he slept good the melatonin worked it's always a bonus yeah and he's been able to manage his pain because he broke both wrists his left arm he's got a fracture it's fine and two dislocated discs but the pain he's been able to manage the pain he's doing really well thank you for asking sand dollar just said I lost the sand dollar chairman George got a channel we're trying to get to a Hunt 1000 can't put it in the chat BAM sand dollar so YouTube YouTube's tournament policies you can't do sub4sub that that's bad YouTube will actually delete a channel for that so you can't go if you sub to me I'll sub to you but you can go hey hey guys I love this channel go ahead and you know check them out you can do things like that so but but don't ever do hey if you sub to me I'll sub to you that's a really bad thing they frown upon that barb T just had five dollars received items from the auction great packaging lovely piece of depression glass keeping for myself happy birthday knives that's awesome so who packaged that was that you or me for the depression glass yeah you did all that that was very depressing trust me she she said great packaging but barb T the other two lots I think she's gotten two or three lots from our live auction not me all right so the second sense auction was me yeah the live auctions are her the label printing was me yeah yeah we did that we did the the second sense auction she's like I am so it's always a team effort like with our live bulk auctions you lot it up I pack oh I love it I give it to her she ships it with a second sense auction she said you're on your own that was well that was something he decided on his own Amy Killian buck 99 hi from Florida love both of you sending love right back to you Amy boom there you go thank you Amy so I've you been looking at more houses in Florida I have been I've been using the Zillow app so you can heart some of your properties and then go back to your saved ones so right now I'm kind of getting a feel of like the different cities in Florida we don't want to be buy like the airport or like the main cities we kind of want to be out in the suburbs kind of country where the neighbors are spaced out didn't you find one with a with a river in the back where I can feed Gators hmm but the neighbors are really close like elbow-to-elbow be wrestling Gators in no time on this I know trying to decide is it worth having water like a waterfront in the backyard but being close to neighbors or no neighbors and then driving til water I think it's no neighbors drive to water yeah Kimberly corners $10 but we need a southern Club thank you so much Kimberly corners number one fire so Florida will be Ohio will be the northern hub for traveling and then Florida will be the southern hub for traveling we will say this we are not doing anymore winters in the northern states yeah I never again right I'm on a heart medication that makes me cold all the time I'm always freezing and I'm always burning it doesn't it'll be nice to get out of Ohio winters and into warmer climates in the winter it'll be nice it'll be nice when I can have air conditioning yeah but we're not we're not abandoning Ohio we'll be back in the in the warm northern hub still stays everything stays in Ohio yeah everything stays in Florida it's just two hubs to travel from spring summer and fall here in I'll amazing so I would hate to just walk away from me completely we're not leaving we'll be back we'll be like snow birding summer summer well we'll be in the southern states during winter and then we'll be in the northern states during during summer super chat wave we appreciate all the donations just to see you go crazy with that fist we've got more male vote don't we yeah we do so the next package is from Jason all the way from Indiana Indiana Jason LeGrande says I would love to play a little game with you to a game yeah did you say did you say game Jeremy had said that it would be great to find what I have gifted to you to in one of these units so my game is as follows without looking in the chat because I am sure you guys you guys as fans will know the answer if you were George King gasps within three tries what it was that Jeremy had said what would be great to find I will be more than happy to send a $20 super check however if you don't succeed I would love to have an excel autographed t-shirt from you too either way enjoy this gift to do what you want to do if you auction them off you can keep the money or use the money to restore it the love okay so if I understand this there's something in the package we have three guesses to guess what it actually is that I said something this week in the videos that would be nice to find so if we guessed right if we guess right well you said we can't check the chests what's not them yes we guessed right he sends $20 if we guess wrong he gets a shirt well he wants a shirt either way okay has a little bit of a weight to it you want me to weigh it yeah you should probably wait yeah go ahead and weigh it she's weighing so there's clue number one 22 ounces I think you got a zero that scale I know what it is guest number one at point two it's a 1943 copper penny yes number one two point eight because one of them so I was thinking the same thing the penny but this thing is heavy no it was just that like point two ounces so 1943 copper penny if you send us a 1943 copper penny you you don't need to send a super tack because that's a million dollar gift as it is okay we're pricing it back funny thing is this we get we've probably had I don't know 50 people write us messages I have a 1943 penny I'll send it to you this is exactly what you're looking for and I went okay well number one if you know the very first thing is I say number one if it's what we're looking for you are not sending it to us you need to keep that and number two if it's steel which it most likely is you have a penny so a lot of people think they have what we're looking to do and then we also tell them if it ends up being copper keep it yourself and sell it we that's not something we could ever accept try Circassian sent live in the flipped live here in florida ooh best part garage sales year-round I'm Cape Coral coral and also real estate we view homes garage sales at the same time nice Cape Coral is right next to Fort Myers Yeah right yep yeah I was looking at property out there too it's kind of kind of pricey so do you wanna do you want to zero in on them where you're looking or now you probably come to get yeah would you let them because I'm still perusing there's there's no if if you're if you're what the hills fan you know my favorite place to go is Sanibel Island so I love it there but she's she's not looking there that's how we'll narrow it down okay so one guess 19:43 be we'll just drive there so 1943 penny what's your guess it could be pistachios with money but we already know so that's not your guess that would that was last week that wasn't this week that was last Friday okay so I know 26 okay so I know I've said 1943 penny because I found more weeds more wheat pennies I found a whole nother world you didn't see that video I found a whole nother roll of wheat pennies and I okay I'm gonna look through these we find in 1943 penny you'll never hear from us again if we do find in 1943 or if we don't then we'll be back we were we were back how I added all night JK says the wait could be a trick yeah that could be that's true that's what JK would do to us JK would totally do doubt a doubt without a doubt okay so I said for sure 1943 penny what what you're not guest number two so we're supposed to get something that we have never found what we would love to find Steve Dean says Popeye Bank okay so here at let's let's hit the Popeye Bank so I did say in a video and it was the Popeye Bank video in the middle of the video oh man like the Popeye Bank and then at the end of the video I find the Popeye Bank now here's what you have to understand with YouTube editing and videos I found the Popeye Bank already in an earlier so I film everything throughout the day and then it gets cut up into how I think the story flows best and what the pinnacle moment is and as you come on you guys are figured out already the pinnacle moment always goes at the end okay and that's the way YouTube works if you watch a video from beginning to the end YouTube pushes your video they go that's a great video and the more you watch from the beginning to the end YouTube actually pushes our videos to more people and more people get to see it and that helps us to be able to help others restores love so I did say in the middle oh man I hope I can find another Popeye or Popeye bank but the Popeye Bank was already found the middle clip was actually at the end of the day the Popeye Bank was in the middle of the day but when you do editing the Popeye is at the end for the pinnacle moment she'll sing thank you so much Sheila cat 60 design says you're not to look at the cheese okay well it's not the Popeye Bank because we actually found it but I do want to clarify it's it's actually in the display case I wanted but there was a penny in there so that was a cool thing because I got to break open into the bank and there was a cool linear I think it was like a seven that should have been the tribute no that's a trivia question for tonight why I think it was a 76 that's not gonna be the trivia question now that was a trivia question tonight to win but nope not now okay so so that being said if you do see things like that and you go oh well that doesn't line up because I don't always show you like one time I went oh I'm going to the scrapyard and now I'm back from the scrap yard and they're like well you still have scrapped in the back of your truck well my day doesn't go in order of how you see it on video my day has to be when I have time I do this when I have time I do this when I have time to do this and it gets videoed and then gets spliced together so pop I was already found I made a reference to Popeye in the middle of the video and then Popeye was at the end because Popeye was found well be in other words I took those two clips and I slipped them because it made the storyline of the video better okay I'm not cheating I'm not looking it was a 79 they know it was a 79 I thought 76 it was a 79 good thing that wasn't the question yeah good thing that wasn't it actually I forgot what the trivia question was gonna be I'll think of it later so trivia question all right so back to the guess on the box okay so what's guess number two I could only think of the one thing which is what we just talked about the 1943 penny yeah what else would I have said I thought you liked to find I feel like we've found pretty much everything everything what else would I want you're making this awkward really me in an awkward me mm-hmm Thanks that was part of the game that's another one of his nicknames it's not captain fumble nuts but captain and Queen I can't tell them that one can I know but it would be funny if I could if I could oh nice segue trying to get me off of your queen yeah okay so anyways um definitely 1943 penny what else clear through says you already found a Harley that's true we've pretty much found everything we found a car I don't want a speedboat a speedboat would we I have I've never bought a unit with a speedboat in it I have never have and you love boats I'm jar marinara sauce but I those marinara boxes were awesome small boxes packed a huge punch like every marinara box was absolutely amazing by the way we're not done we're not done with those units yes Neverending videos like 31 videos so one of the things you're gonna see tomorrow if you remember and this was a month and a half ago we found a ton of jewelry but in the video all we did is we skipped over the jewelry like aw look there's all this jewelry well to tomorrow's video is a deep look it's actually 52 minutes long looking at all the jewelry in the video so I don't know what I'm gonna do I'll probably just delete it and put something else on trash the cache says you'll find a speedboat in Florida yeah that's true probably would JK says a certain lost vinyl man could be ghostbusters I might have said oh I want more ghostbusters that could that could have been because I love ghostbusters so can guess number two B goes well so you was it for something to add on to your display case of the word I've been saying a lot so because the one the one area of the display case that I set up I wanted it to be kind of a tee stuff Steve Kerr said $2 message not sent edit and trogir I'm not sure why it says that Steve but maybe you put it in there are times we get messages from subscribers that they can't send chats in our in our chat so I totally fresh so I tell them all the time try logging off and logging back on and that usually does the trick because that happens to me like I'll be on someone's live and I'm typing away and having fun and no one's like saying hi to me but I'm saying hi to them so then I'll log off and log back in and then BOOM they can see me yeah we're like when you're trying to get a hold of me and you're messaging me but I don't respond you're like why didn't you respond I was like because I blocked you Queen so anyways Ghost Busters get the message like six hours later because his phone is delayed that he has to reboot so in doubt reboot all right so 1943 penny Jason Legrand I'm sure you guys have found this before you just mentioned it in one of these units so Jason just set $20 regardless borderline hoarder just said bum do miss out on the best options around can't hang tonight but love you both George you look beautiful Jeremy's status on the pants appreciated you see it's hairy legs no pain yabba-dabba feet no pants I have Fred Flintstone feet there is no doubt about it all right thank you so much that was Jason who sent the $2 $20 $20 he sent this package saying I'm sure you have found this before but you just mentioned it in one of these units love you guys Oh Brian butter says that's why the Ghostbusters monopoly was taken off the second sense auction because your Ghostbusters fantasy actually it is because Rob got that and he wasn't supposed to get that that was that was a gift from cockys flippant adventures and that was an error so no that no that one's awesome but it's still awesome because this Ghostbusters it doesn't matter as Ghostbusters it's awesome so was that three yes I have the Garbage Patch Kid or the Garbage Pail Kids in there I put the comic the kool-aid man comic the Strawberry Shortcake comic I put the Ghostbusters items in there I've the Ghost Buster pencil sharpener that we found in these units coca-cola Popeye in there the coca-cola buddy Lee Dow that is that's a $750 dollar off Lee there was that I threw something in there I don't know if you noticed it but it was a booger yeah I saw the booger I saw the booger I left so we have an Egyptian booger in there it was like you can yeah uh it's the little red riding-hood wolf granny you held the store you flip it okay so - he already Jason already sent the the money but we have two guesses so maybe we got it five dollars keep it up I'm trying and we're trying to figure it out appreciate it okay so we've got 1943 penny we've got ghostbusters what would the third thing be that we would well we're yes speed boat and smoke oh all right that's three guesses we had three guesses Steve Kelly first date Ghostbusters and pretty in pink room for must be for Steve Ghostbusters was a good one to go and see all right let's figure out what's actually in here let's see what Jason actually sent okay packaging paper this is exactly what I said would be awesome to find because you you're crazy about shipping she will this is this isn't going in the garbage this is going to be more oh I forgot I forgot I said more we needed packaging paper and supplies emergency toilet papers I do love bubble wrap that's dangerous that shape looks dangerous for the things we find what is it oh my goodness you know what these are they're dying these are the old army men I did I did say that okay just wolf email at $5 a longtime subscriber first-time Q&A welcome wolfy welcome okay look at this I probably did say this because it's only so cool to find when you get the old army met these are going in the display case oh yeah these are going in the display case okay check this out check this out yeah it's kind of hard to see them through the bag look at that look at that look at Oh get over my ugly mug look at that how cool oh did you see the horse one check that out now these will probably be able to see enough on its own on the glass oh yeah these will be fine yep these are gonna go in the display case try them out so cool Jason thank you so George you'll have a shirt did he wanted a shirt yes should George will have a shirt Tia this week how about I send you a hoodie instead we're out of shirts all right you gettin a hoodie it's summer times coming but you're getting Steve Kelly two dollars double feature a model and then Karate Kid yeah or Jason that's a good idea yeah so good I mean you can cut the bottom make it a mid-drift keep the hoodie on did you ever see a Crotty kid when it came out I loved used to love mr. Miyagi and Danielson did you on wax off did you cry and I even watched the remake with Will Smith's son hey like so is whenever I'm trying to teach her something new and she's like why do you have me doing this what just go with it I always go I always go George song Joseph song paint the fence fence Michelle Fisher buck 99 love you guys thanks for the doll impact all nice Michael Michael got it nice great yeah Michael ink that was quick Mike you got it real quick I was able to keep the shipping down by putting in a fly right so that's the like one time flat rate boxes usually we've said it before in the process when you're shipping when you're shipping you're usually losing money if you're shipping flat rate there are very rare times when flat rate boxes are too beneficial but Michael actually bought a impact the wall and it was perfect to save money that time that was one of the very very rare times with shipping that a flat rate box actually was best that's very rare so you're gonna get him a hoodie was what size does he need he wrote his size down I'll hook him up perfect and I got his address seat it storage option rookies is in in the house tonight that was fun we should do more of those you would have to so our so your suggestion that our viewers send us something and we have to guess what's in the box well pretty much anything that anybody of our viewers is gives us is gonna go in the display case anyway but yeah don't worry about being late Oh Steve Kelly just send another $2 data to model while competing the Taekwondo I've dated a few models as well never ever worked out so they how about you how's it feel dating a model he's a hand model or he at least he says he should have been a hand model jazz hands jazz hands jazz hands okay JK says that could be asking for trouble I'm not the one usually asking for trouble as you usually ask him for trouble Maureen Byrne says George tell George George were thinking about him actually speaking of George George he was visiting dad earlier today he was always spent the weekend with you and spent the weekend at my parents hung out took the kids the grandkids hung out with my parents this weekend he was actually gonna stop they were gonna see the baby on the way home to see the baby chicks but I think something may have happened or they wanted to go home so tired yeah they were probably ready to come home just was getting restless but two of the lots that were auctioning off tonight is George George's well let you know which auction it is wouldn't we get to the lot I'll let you know which one is George George's you guys are gonna love them they're awesome the museum just sent two dollars bad first date space Falls John Candy Rick Moranis movies are the worst first dates because you don't get to talk the whole point of going on a date is to talk have a conversation get to know each other you can't talk in the movies so I feel like movies these days is a bad idea do you remember our first date b-dubs it was VW's because we both drove a half hour to meet in the middle because we live an hour apart my house is an hour north from here do you remember what you both we sat in I it was the one closest to the bar it has a number on him I don't know the number I'm sorry you know what color this guy remembered you know what color this it was wooden it was a wooden booth I'll give you that do you remember what you remember what I was wearing yes he was wearing a dad shirt some cargo shorts and Nike shoes David Caldwell buck 99 could you do a zip up Hoodie if so how much three XL oh no we don't have any little hoodies and tea springs doesn't offer it either we can always go we can only go off of what tea Springs offers do you remember what you ordered I ordered teriyaki wings you ordered boneless chicken wings kind of ketchup remember when I put on it so on our first date he's a pile of ketchup as ketchup was falling off his chin I literally told her you got an issue with ketchup no judge stone here no judge said it was after the first date then it was completely totaled judge stone but the first date we were fine I still judge them yeah and do you remember what you ordered that was the first time I ever had in my life and then we also shared a basket of cheese curds and you know if you go to B dubs they give you like this special fancy sauce that you dip the cheese curds in and he stuck with ketchup I'm dumb I'll dip it in a little bit and ketchup first and then the fancy sauce that they bring out so good Steve Kelly says he used his mouths after the movie we use their mouths after the movie he says hashtag that's so funny that's so funny hey captain awkward yes Queen yes how can I pay attention to the lives okay so how long were we on our first date oh I want to say three hours Rick says the wife and him loved the coin pushing video that was pretty intense yeah that was pretty awesome that was pretty awesome obviously since it was a pyramid and it got to collapse and the golden pop the going top just like in Egypt on the real pyramid so the and then the best part was not only was on top of a pyramid but it was pushed back because of the way they're designed it's like ona incline the lip is Brian butter $3.99 to push back forward help support you and for Ghostbusters thank you so much Brian yeah I didn't think about everybody kept saying the lip goes backwards so that the pyramid would fall backwards no matter what it wouldn't push over yeah the lip goes backwards we weren't even thinking it wasn't even high enough I don't think maybe if it was taller I don't know I don't know but you know what I think the best part of that whole thing was all the songs every I don't know water threw a party in the county jail no you didn't like it yeah I knew I know some Elvis songs which one you ain't nothing but keep going hound dog do I sing this to you all the time never I should crying all the time you make me cry storage auction rookies $5 hello what the hail thanks for stopping our first lodger and a hails of a good time no problem at all wanting it up do you know that it was their first live yes oh that's right we did Michael Fisher just said buck 99 poo I think Sorge auction rookies live in Florida also I could be wrong look at this hand modeling but ain't doing right now you do make a great hand model I do there's no denying that do the best I can so our first date wasn't there how did we solidify those three hours I don't remember so so for first dates are usually like an interview process so you know you're in when the second dates already discussed before the end of date one so it was like a business meeting like he wanted to capture date to before ending date one what did we do how did we figure that out I think you you asked like can we hang out again that was it because on day two I played a game with you and if I won I got another date yeah and if you won I walked away yes so that was date - that was that was that Perkins right we played Bananagrams and have works late that day if I won I we we saw each other again and if I lost then we just walked away and we never talked to each other no if no it was if you won you would have to cook me dinner if I won or if you lost I would cook you dinner whoever the loser was at some point and we were gonna walk away that was high stakes it was high stakes Lady Luck joke and you're you got a bad memory you don't remember anything lady luck junk three dollars thank you so much fast-forward I ended up losing so I made him dinner and it ended up being over the fire I just yeah I was over the fire you did hobo it wasn't there's a hobo dinner is like shrimp and what else was in it was it had shrimp potatoes corn on the cob sausage did I start this conversation no you guys did lol he might have started this conversation so you put raw shrimp sausage corn on the cob you cut the corn on the cob and then potatoes and then you put seasoning like Old Bay seasoning is what I use and then butter but he doesn't like seafood and I didn't know that but I told him exactly what ingredients was gonna be in it like had he told me I don't eat shrimp I would have never made that I love popcorn shrimp but you didn't say that not undercooked shrimp in a piece of tinfoil so I just cleaned up you just don't like that texture I just cleaned out the fire pit today so that we could have a fire boat obviously we won't have one today and it's supposed to rain for the next seven days so with today was our one nice day I cleaned out the fire pit so we could start having bonfires again but it was it was crazy did we have dessert because you're always about dessert no dessert first before the main course then we came inside Hamelin says sounds yummy George we came inside we came up to my bedroom and which also is my living room it's where we're at right now is the livestream room it's the you just don't understand this room in this room is basically where I live it's like four rooms in one it's like when you have a cell phone but you your cell phone you don't use it for phone calls you use it for Wi-Fi you use it for camera you use it was well yeah I had a bed mattress in here but so but we came up here you remember what we played we played just dance on the weed you remember what we were singing and I was dancing to conversation a little more action please you don't know you do remember that okay so just dance which is so much stinking fun as a matter of fact you're selling all whole bunch of Wii games tonight and there's a bunch of just dance just dance is one of the most fun games out there if you're at home bored get your family together play just dance you're gonna lose weight and sleep well at night no doubt about it flippin adventures goes studio apartments not really a studio apartment well there's no closet so it's not technically it's not a room there's a balcony there's a balcony yes actually close off the balcony the previous owners had this as like an entertainment room Kelly $2 working on my bedroom since Kovan now would be the perfect time to start doing some spring cleaning some rearranging there was a hot tub in this room no more not no mo actually where we're sitting right now there was a huge huge closet right here I ripped all of that out 1/4 of this huge room was all closet it was weird seeing the world wasn't it well I did know I ripped it all out yep so yeah so now that you've ripped the closet out this if you were to go resell this house that wouldn't be considered a bedroom so a bank for for somebody get a mortgage this would not be considered about that no there's no kitchen or bathroom and actually there's a hookup over there there's 220 there was coffee machines washer/dryer I put all of the some of the plumbing I left exposed but a lot of it I tucked back in and I just soldered I did the ends off so I could still put like a little kitchenette up here which I had plans that at one point where you take your ebay pictures but the other thing that I've thought about closets are open now so if I put an open closet like I could take this wall and do it open closet shelving and it should pass as a fourth bedroom mm-hmm I would think the ultimate walk-in closet no doors no what do I need today I do like I love storage space so when I units the my the selling factor for me were closet space an open floor plan no toilet in an enclosed door that's what sold you your house my toilet has its own room for privacy privacy mm-hmm boy how about classic space is so important I feel like for storage because then you can tuck away all the clutter that's well we have a warehouse for know stuff that this is essential for the home warehouse I'm not gonna put my toilet paper at the warehouse and go to the hole where yeah it'll get stolen don't put your foot hey Brad the world uh Kathy was asking about a toe did you remember the toes she's been she's been on me about the toe of all the freebies in the giveaway she wants she wants freebies and giveaways live in the auction she'll just have to wait to see because yeah you're gonna hang tight patience just a little patience did you see the video patients hanging on the wall yes I did and your thoughts I thought it was funny I wish I was there I wish I was the one who got duct taped to the wall so high that would have been amazing it would have been funny of her and I were both duct tape to the wall that would have been funny too yeah and you could both be like yeah that would have been hilarious I mean Hales larious that could have been that could have been very very funny what you guys haven't seen Friday night's video yet Friday night's video is is they got evicted so my tenants they set me up and never released me and then I had to wait for the mice to chew through the tape to get me my wondering how you got down and then Saturday's video was amazing as well if yeah you don't want to miss you don't want to miss Friday in Saturday's videos and those are good videos to share on your channels as or your channels but your your social media you want people to laugh you know during all these crazy things that are going on we've talked about before we want to keep people laughing we want humor we want to be encouragement and so those are good things to help people laugh take their mind off of things that are that are challenging right now and give them some humor in their life limbs yes says George I'm sure that could be arranged needs more duct tape Bonnie goes you did not evict them maybe we could do another duct-tape challenge potentially potentially I guess Bonnie you'll find out if they're truly evicted actually right now legally you can't whether I don't even know if it's really I think it's gonna be challenged in court but legally you can't evict anybody right now whether that's actual legal or not everything that the governments are doing per state now all this is going to be in the courts I mean they're gonna be sued like crazy for doing things that aren't legal with all the shutdown stuff but I can't evict anybody right now regardless of anything but remember if you are a tenant and you have not been paying your landlord that does not release you from paying your landlord for these past months you still owe all that money when these things are all lifted big Draper says what the Hales hae is so when you I usually do all the thumbnails for our videos and I was like did he mean to spell did you mean to spell Hales incorrectly or should I somehow fix that Bobbi buck 99 hired the duct tape was awesome it was awesome that was fun that was funny so another duct-tape challenge in the near future I think Hales yes all right you hanging on the wall for sure for sure wall Braille was asked well we have a warehouse down in Florida well wasn't that piece of property look at how a huge huge garage I think site we'll find something yeah we'll find something or have a pool barn built something we won't be lacking for storage wherever we're at yeah yeah we won't be we won't be lacking for a story Linda Gloria wants to know didn't get the truck back hmm do we have the truck back they have been incognito for quite some time you said gram in Texas is that Canadian what's the conversion rate on that I don't know it changes I don't know we like foreign money so we like foreign money perfect we love it all we have a bag of Canadian money in the secret consulate your secret closet okay cuz you like storage space yeah it's not secret it's just right over there another bedroom that's actually an office too yep one more minute till auction time really yeah already yes you should be closed with a song or should we just transition to the option I think we should transition to the auction and save the singing for later but I Steve Kelly just said $2 are you gonna give them Steve landlord God government check not me a new gun though carrot can you auction some normal Lots instead of Balkh lots the axe the answer is Hales no and there is a reason behind that because we can't do that on our second sense option yeah that was the second sense auction we do those things other places did you ever return do return paths yah see don't like return palace at all because things were usually returned for a reason and I've spent over eight thousand dollars before I met George on return pallets had an entire truck box truck filled with it and very hard to get your money back on it so while the reason why we don't do as we work to transition into the actual lot auction because that's not what we want to be or what we want to do the goal with the channel on YouTube with what the Hales is to teach you how to be fun employed and to empower you to be fun employed so the education and the empowerment and so what that does is this allows a sourcing opportunity and sourcing meaning other resellers can actually get things at a cheaper price in bulk and then resell them on online or to whoever you guys may resell to each other so that falls within our purpose and with it within our goal of what we want to accomplish auctioning off just one thing at a time does not do that so that's one of the things George and I talked about I was against that I wanted to be something that was a tool and empower the viewers and it empowers them to be fun employed and that's what we agreed upon we would do lofts and we've been doing it for what two months now it's been exactly eight weeks today will be our ninth or ninth auction nine oh we yeah we did the individual item on our second sense auction so if you missed that sorry to hear that you missed it but we'll probably have something similar coming up so to be clear when we do these auctions were not doing the auctions for our benefit okay we could we could sell we could take all of this we could sell on eBay and we can make more money the reason why we're doing is for your benefit okay that's that's it's an opportunity for you guys to source buy low sell high to be able to resell dillhole success is 973 another name in that sense nothing I was so fine okay alright you ready to get into this so if this is your first live book auction we will go through the rules as bad lines to help you be successful with an auction we'll do a practice we'll do a practice line as well I like practicing yep okay so let's get into the rundown of the BOK option tonight lots of great things that George will be auctioning off and everybody will have our opportunity to win something for free till the end to answer the question for your question would be a question right you get the win at poultry did you say free free all right all right so here is here is what you need to know to be successful in the what the Hales lot auction number one make sure you're on live chat live chat not top chat your YouTube will adjust that at times for you top chat just gives you some of the chat live chat gives you the live chat as it happens one person says something boom ba-ba-boom now sometimes you may put a chat in there and YouTube bumps yours up in your screen in front of you we have a screen that shows us exactly what's happening at all times in the order that it is that's why we don't type in the actual screen so if you go back through a replay let's say oh man I thought I had that bit in because YouTube on my screen showed it in time you always go back to the replay and you can see the replay and you go oh actually no yes right now keep in mind that sometimes YouTube will change your live chat back to top chat so make sure that keep testing it yeah keep your eye on it and keep testing sometimes you have to change it multiple times okay 25 mininum minimum bid on all Lots okay so that's the starting price the starting bid on Lots a lot of auctioneers would do a dollar or wherever it is $25.00 starting bid on all Lots PayPal is what we accept so if you don't have a PayPal all you need is an email address and we can still send you an invoice even if you don't have a PayPal and you can still pay through that with your credit card or your credit card or a bank account to your PayPal free shipping within the United States and if you are outside of the United States you are more than welcome to bid on any of the items you will have additional shipping fees but before you bid make sure you know your custom laws so for example if we auction off a whole lot of knives and then we ship it to you and then your customs go man their Muslim sweetness I'm taking them we're not responsible for that if you are bid accordingly bid accordingly divided ever just from George all right we we will do a style of we like to call a minute to win it you will have one minute to bid okay so there will literally be 60 seconds to bid on the items we're not gonna wait until everybody yeah it's gonna be boom boom boom one minute to win it and if your bid doesn't get in you're not gonna win it so you got a bit fast got a bit furious okay now you can see flippin adventures is in the chat tonight when flippin adventure says sold that's when it's sold now the reason why we do that is because there's a lag from where we are actually we're broadcasting live to where you see it there's about a 10 second lag somewhere in there so where you guys are seeing it that's why flippin adventures boom right like that you see it in the chat or the chat or the chat or the chat or wherever your chat is you look in the chat now flippin Adventures typed in soul soul but she says sold any bit after that does not count okay and every bid before that highs bid they're gonna win that's the way you win it win it the minute once you win you're gonna send your youtube name your real name even if this name is your youtube name your shipping address and your paypal email address - what the Hales at yahoo.com we'll share that with you it'll be over here in the corner soon okay if you are the runner-up you have the second highest bid if you want to send George a message as well if somebody doesn't pay you'll get the opportunity to own that that a lot for that bid price your runner-up or your backup bid so you would say well that doesn't ever happen well it does actually Pamela won just got a lot right so she has been in last week but she got it was one of the people that couldn't was having troubles with the chat and I told her to log off and log all right and the other thing I want to say if you do if you do bid and you don't pay what will happen is you will actually be banned so so you won't be able to participate in any future just like any other option you bid and you don't pay you're gonna be banned you be go Jeremy that's pretty harsh well this is the reality we're trying to help people be funemployed so if you're bidding and then you don't pay then you're you're actually a barrier for them providing for themselves and for their family one just like any other live option you attend if you don't pay for your unit they ban you from that from coming to it so for attending any of their auctions all right and the other thing we need to know is everything is told as is no guarantees and no returns you need to bid accordingly this is just like when the storage unit door goes up you have moments to look at it you have to bid accordingly and you own it after that you can't go back and go I want my money back there's not a million dollars in here I thought for sure I would find a million dollars I was watching what the Hales he opened the safe and and we found one that doesn't mean okay you get what I'm saying you can't go back and go I want my yeah it's ass is it's as is no guarantees whatsoever there will be broken stuff guarantee you that microfiche was $4.99 thank you so much so you're gonna get the good the bad the ugly and the beautiful it's all literally nodded together what we would do in our process of selling we would take it then and then sort it out whether it's gonna be pieces parts whether it's gonna be sold sold brand-new and we get listed on eBay but what we've done is we've wanted it and we're giving it to you before we ever get to the process of selling them all right and with that being said let's test it all right you ready yeah what's option off my scale as the practice you're gonna auction your scale yeah a lot of people so George is going to auction her scale can you send me the video George is gonna auction the scale and she's gonna send me the video and it looks like okay all right Jane Lord I saw you in in Grimes fines premier so you are gonna have to you have to send us your link to your YouTube channel we can't we can't do anything until you send us your link so everybody who's logged in on YouTube has a link you copy that you send it to us I can click on it I can check and see what's going on but until you send me that link yeah I can't do anything for you yeah I gotta have the link we already checked we checked for your channel and we can't find it in YouTube in YouTube's search query so you gotta send us the link yeah all right are we ready Robert Kerr crossers Robert Kerr crotch juice just sent us $5 and bam boom boom BAM all right we ready to roll yeah okay let me get set up here and remember you're bidding on Georgia scale we're gonna add George to the stream right now there's George's scale right there and you're gonna have 60 seconds you're gonna have a minute to win it so mrs. practice this is practice okay this is absolute practice everything is asses no guarantees and no returns so that being said you got a bit faster got a bit furious because you will only have one minute to win it here we go we got Mike officials down 25 already Kathy Thompson is that 32 Lynette the Fraser is 31 2016 13 five whoa we got stage early morning at 40 here we go Susan Mazur has already at $100 man I say we sell it we get $100 all right we got any more at 999 Kenny Moore let's get it nine nine nine I was very fond Sharon bombers at 500 we got gold bars from Mildred 10 gold bars to be exact we'll take it I'll take it no problem ain't happening next is just that two dollars you guys are coolest hails it's burning up in here look at the flames all eight chickens blender says eight chickens not sure Georgia let me get eight more chickens no way tip down he says fifteen dollars of puppies and 1943 penny from Tony F 10 rolls of toilet paper from Bev H two more seconds sea shells from sterling pearl 34 now we're wait for it flippin adventures is gonna say so and flippin adventure said sold so for example Xavier just put in $1 Mikey just put in so that being set any bid after that does not count so if it Avengers have sold therefore what do you think should we take Kings wining it wait let's give it to Kate King's wife we need to extra help in the warehouse anyway okay free library BAM free labor we'll take your wife she's working at the warehouse taking your winner George what is what is the first lot up tonight alright this is one of George George's lots so he dropped some things off tonight so cockys flippin adventure by the way there is gonna be a lot if you did not see conkers flippin adventure video from yesterday there will be a lot from that video you won't see my video of it until thursday but there is a lot from that trip that pic and a trip is gonna be awesome alright this is a lot from George George we we can't see anything except numbers a little over seven pounds this looks like a box of well boxes big that's what I can tell you okay box is big and oh looks like we got something this still has the tags on it so it looks like they're sitting in some type of Mickey's pants those are Mickey's pants so there's two of these vintage Mickey's alright why are there four Mickey's and Mickey's pants I'm just saying and she says I make things awkward so all of these are plush correct is this like a Disney plush lot yes okay it looks like this is a Disney plush lot now remember remember as George's showing you these things that doesn't mean they're all brand new some of these are gonna be used even if as a tag it doesn't mean it's brand new there could be spots there could be marks you might have to clean it everything is sold as is you get a bit of a look at it and then we've got a minute to win it so there could be there could be dirt that could be hair there could be dust using her PJs that looks like your PJs little princess outfit you wear everywhere so that being said make sure you've been accordingly from strike dog Danka there's Tigger from Winnie the Pooh ooh you know the most wonderful thing is about tickers ticker is a wonderful thing that's what I've heard that's what everyone has the tag on it is that Donald's butt so again there is Donald Duck now even though the tag is on there that doesn't mean you're gonna get it like you just pulled it off the shelf at the Disney Store you've got a bit accordingly there could be we did not go through these in check are there any holes are there any marks it's literally it's a box you're looking at it the exact same time we're looking at it it doesn't mean that they not going to be brand new but it doesn't mean that they are going to be real I'm either like heavy plastic yeah yeah Mickey Minnie heavy plastic its Minnie Minnie just different outfits alright so there's 30 minion many different outfits alright George says there's 13 items in this Disney lot a lot of it is plus two of it are hard plastic minis I don't know if you want to counsel for Mickey's and Mickey's pants as additional items but you want to bid accordingly remember starting bid is that $25 loss tonight what is the Wizard Mickey doing with three other Mickey's and a giant bear bands just saying okay so this is George George's lot this is not this isn't a lot that's coming from me alright that being said $25 is the starting bid free shipping within the United States you're welcome if you live in another country to bid there will be additional shipping fees you got a bid fast you got a bid fierce because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go alright since we're going now we're gonna start taking bids first bid Xavier we got Xavier at 69 69 we got cameras at 43 we got surely parole of 50 right now oh way we got Amy shortly at 78 78 is the bid to beat right now maybe shortly is that 78 I'm not seeing anything higher all we got teen only Lauri on a hundred Tina Lee Lauri is that 100 right now ticked at 20 2016 came in at 45 but that is not gonna be Tina Lee Lori at 100 the cat came in at 69 - cat - OH 2060 make sure you are in the live chat make sure you're in live chat go go go express 99 84 at least at 127 Amy Swart Lee is now hot better at 127 oh man eight seconds to go looks like Amy's worthless pushes the competition aside with three to one at 127 right now Lori Tina Lee I'm sorry Tina Lee you put in the 128 you were a little too late so if you want to snipe and snipe in a ton of fun you got to work that really well all right so you can email us because Tina I believe you were I believe you were backup bidder so but Amy Amy is a very very good buyer amy has paid for everything and that being said Tina Amy's gonna pay but you but there's gonna be other things there's gonna be other things okay whoa okay oh this is the magic lot this is the magic lot dude all right now if you recall a few weeks back I don't remember how long ago was but we had a full magic lot and unfortunately sad as it is unfortunately this individual that bid on these could be learning magic right now during the quarantine but they did not pay and they did get block and banned from what the Hales but the good news is is you now have an opportunity to watch magic and while you're at home learn raw hypnosis this is what I was gonna use I was gonna use it on George but I don't have enough time that's the reality of me yeah to do what George don't be every time I say George can I have a kiss I get a kiss George when you get I'm right be nice hug hug keys keys be goodies all right so let's see rookies new legends wants you legends George I'll just check your email let me check and see yeah rookies boo is let me see if Jane messaged us back with her link I do not have her link yet so try and get her in there but I don't have her link yet okay so there's a lot the link yeah no she didn't all right so the lot is all magic a couple days ago the lot is all magic here and for example like with the sponge DVD so the sponge DVD if they came with sponges we don't know that you're seeing them as we saw we never bought this kind of stuff before but this was in a unit with magic Lots so for example what I mean is when you're buying asses no guarantees if sponges were supposed to come with this then we don't know you're buying it as is or I mean we could also say if a second disc is gonna be in there but like on this I would say a second disc isn't supposed to be in there that's just the disc that they use because we can see on the back it doesn't say disc 2 but again that's you're by NASA's no guarantees ok and no returns either all right and remember if you buy something you buy a lot and there's other people in the chat and you guys want to buy from each other we we encourage that so let's say we've really had your eye on one of those Disney plushies and and Amy's got them you guys can connect with one another in the chat if you guys want to buy from one another we won't share your personal information with each other and we encourage it strongly encourage it that's what we're trying to encourage you to do is to actually make money with one another all right so remember starting bid $25 free shipping within the United States here we go the magic lot we got one minute to win it big fast big furious here we go Tina Lee what you do is go hey Amy smartly put an asterisk before a name and it will highlight it for and you'll say hey I'm interested in that all right we got the last Kingdom at 30 last Kingdom right now is at $30 $30 is the big to beat we have goats fresco at 28 FX divs at 27 but now we got dusty do that for tea dusty old dude is now in at 44th best offer cleaning came in at 32 Aaron is not at 32 but you gotta beat those dusty old dude Aaron if you want this alright dusty old dude is still at 40 with all this magic and hypnosis didn't didn't mean Carson's doing you to register there's no registration no registration we saw dusty old dude at $40 with six seconds to go yeah right 57 I have no idea what's going on here dude got the magic lock for $40 dusty'll dude here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your email address right there - what the hell's that yahoo.com once you do that George is gonna send you an invoice once you pay that invoice then George is gonna ship your item out to you she'll get through your tracking number and everything else that's best offer Queen Erin it was at backup better at 32 air if you want to go ahead just case the seal dude doesn't pay well not say any well no we're saying if he doesn't if you want to send all the same information right there - what the hell's that Yahoo then that'll be yours for $32 remember those who don't pay you don't play that's what happens that's what happens you give and remember we're trying to help other people source as they can't get out and here's a good thing to keep in mind there are some states Goodwill's have already open so remember those those thrift stores are gonna be overrun and I should know I'm one of them that's been overrun enough are so ours is only open for donation we gave them so many donations this past week by we I mean Christian or patients but they're not open to the general public yet when they do when they do open to the general public then you got to make sure you're in there as much as possible for sourcing all right she's got a lot I don't know what it is it's a surprise oh this is a magnet lot okay so this is another lot that unfortunately unfortunately it was the same person that bought this is the magic different person a bit on the actual magnet lot and if you recall Jordan I'm we're actually in a competition with the magnets and there were magnets that dodge that was the losing box this is what the hills history here because it is the only time only time that I have ever beat George unless unless we we take into consideration tomorrow's video because there's another competition to see who could find more gold and so on yeah but we're not going to tell you who won that one so there are a bunch of magnets here Grimes loves magnets these would look good on your frigerator Grimes he loves pagers and magnets same I still have all those pagers down there to take home text I mean oh I mean I hear that there's a ton of magnets here this is the magnet lot there were some pretty cool magnets in here now remember we've shared this with you before remember one of the things you should be doing is using your eBay app so eBay app is a resellers best friend and if you see a magnet for example crack crackerjack magnet I'm gonna type it in right now Cracker Jack Magnum okay and then I'm typing it in you should be doing this right now so I'm typing Cracker Jack magnets not what that shows me is everything that's currently for sale what we want to do is filter and then go to sold items okay now there are fourteen sold items now what I want to do is I want to sort from highest to lowest I don't care what the low stuff sells for I care what the high stuff sells for that's where I get my education in the high stuff so the highest Cracker Jack magnet sold for seventeen dollars plus three dollars and ninety cents shipping let's see if we can find the Cracker Jack magnet we can right there there it is right there at Georgia just showed it sold for five dollars and ninety cents with five dollars shipping so that would have been almost almost eleven dollars there that's somebody paid for that okay but that's how you use your app with your Ebates when you're sourcing trying to make money whether you're in a goodwill whether you're in any other thrift store whether you're not option whether at the storage unit auctions you name it that's how you do it all right a little put on phone put on pom pom any questions on those today Michael says I need a chick magnet I am coming out with my lesson of how to win how to win and persuade a beautiful woman to love you within three dates which date was it that you fell in love with a three three date 393 when did you hit when did you fall in hate with me four on week three week three week three she fell in love day three she fell in hate week three alright here we ready those ohio magnets alright so how many magnets total do we know that there is sixty two sixty two magnets and go Express goes to asking are these from the $1,800 unit yes this is if you look there's a $50,000 challenge that's the thumbnail and I actually win I win $50,000 from George because I find more profit than she does this day she picked this box as she lost and it was a beautiful beautiful thing and you can own it as a piece of Hale's straight up trash maybe you're trying to sell that trash right now is a box of snacks banks Oh trash bags she says it was straight up trash shows trash bags all right $25 starting bid remembers free shipping within the United States you're welcome to bid if you're in another country there will be additional shipping fees make sure you know your laws in regards to customs bit fast bit fears because you only have one minute to win it let's go alright I think I think we got Craig wolf wolf in at 30 we have Susan Mesa at 35 Susan masers in at 35 Miller breach came in at 30 we got another one at 35 we've got 84 lay at 37 no we got these i deeper 42 Z by de Vere's on 42 but the last Kingdom is at 45 45 was the last Kingdom Coke's Rusco was at 40 but you gotta beat the last game about 45 we got build a bridge not 30 but we got Craig blue at 40 before you guys are still a bit still the bit to beat we've got last game at 45 doing here video both plays YT ah other dollars divide deeper go plays YT remember if that's not a real big boom hopefully it is a real bid maybe Swart leaves that 53 Amy swarley is at 53 go plays wifey you better make sure you confirm that bid all right we've got 84 leaves at 53 cuz I don't know if the gold plays YT is that's a real bitter not go plays YT we've never seen you before we're not saying it's not real bid at $100 but at the same time we've never seen you before so if that was a real bid and Michael Fisher says knows he's playing if he's playing he's getting banned but I got y'all see it pretty fun no you're gonna have a me shortly so here's what we're gonna do um gold plays gold plays Daiki you're gonna go ahead you're gonna send let me get this straight yeah there we go you're gonna send your youtube name you're a real name your shipping address and your email address - George right there what the hell's a lucam it looks like they might be playing so Amy your backup bidder at 53 go ahead and message George as well at 53 looks like you potentially are getting these at 53 just put that in with that and remember you have 72 hours to pay if you don't pay within 72 hours you will get blocked and banned from the channel because we're trying to help win yeah we're trying to help other people be fun employees so no bids things along that we are all about the humor we are all about the humor we're all about the humor and we love the humor but joke vids don't help people feed their family and become unemployed all right so Amy go ahead and message as well make sure you back up bitter and then both play BAM all right George is gonna get another [Music] all right she's got vintage holiday Barbies holy cow this is another George George lot and it's a big one it is a big one all right we've got another George George lot it's a big one and remember what does George always say what do you always say give me a kiss oh my goodness this is almost 12 pounds of Barbies oh we're almost at 12 pounds of our Barbies now I can say this I can't say this George was actually looking some of these up early she found one that sells for $90 I don't know which one okay so she's trying to show you some some of the damage remember you're buying as is no guarantees and no returns but she's trying to show you some actual damage they actually couldn't see the Barbie JK says 12 pounds of woman this one is for the birthday surprise I see that so this is birthday surprise Barbie the very first one this is holiday celebration Barbie so they from the research that I did two of them are selling for 90 the rest are raging anywhere from 30 to 50 dollars so if you did not hear her from the research he did to are selling for 90 the rest art what's the range 30 to 50 and then 2 of them sold for Mandy okay so 30 to 50,000 won can't really see it but alright so how many Barbies are there total okay eight Barbies total eight Barbies total Sharon wants to know when someday when I ask you for a kiss and you say yes what am I gonna do I have two on camera you have one when we had our masks on oh she did give me a kiss with masks we're gonna wear masks that's what's gonna happen full of adventures just a birthday surprise just sold a couple day or go so go 34 sure on eBay so she just sold 30 Julie Morris wants it wants to know any early 80s these are this one's 2003 that one she has right now it's 2003 holiday visions this one is I think the birthday Barbie here give that to me and I can look what you're doing the others there's a something here on the side this one is 1991 so birthday Barbie 1991 know that the plastic is rough and also know that even though I we try and take extreme care and shipping with with the cellophane packaging that rough it's not gonna be guaranteed to get to you any better it'll probably it'll probably crack a little more so that's 1991 so no ATC drawl she said no 80s no 80s here I'm gonna give you birth or birthday surprise back [Music] 2007 holiday Barbie whoa DJ doesn't Brooke says I saw her kiss him in an old video well is that true when you used to document our deeds yeah what I mean great I don't believe it I don't believe it I want video proof or it never happened video proof or it never happened now remember we showed you how to use your eBay app every one of these you see if you're planning on bidding you should be eBay app in it right now okay eBay app in it right now Papa Grizzly 56 has any Egyptian Barbies eight no these are all white no Egyptian I would sell this one no you wouldn't you wouldn't fire me you wouldn't trade me in for the world all right so 2009 Holiday Barbie those don't look like they've been out of the packages those were George George George brought those over today right you didn't stop Kathy Thompson said alright alright so those are all the Barbies how many Barbies are there there are eight Barbies the all-new packaging is good except for the birthday the birthday surprise Barbie the packaging is a little rough she says the packaging looks pretty good on the other ones and remember though everything is as is everything's with no guarantees and no returns all right and are we ready one second [Music] all right we've got one minute to win it remember free shipping within the United States anybody outside of the United States you are more than welcome to bid there will be additional charges what you got a bid fashion got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it Barbie lot here we go you're George's Barbie lot you sell it off as Barbie dolls you want to own George George's Barbie dolls here you go Diane Smith is already at 125 125 Diane Smith we got Tyler Griffith at 100 you're gonna have to beat 125 125 I don't even know what's happening Renee Woods is that 200 now Shirley pearls hidden at 120 Woods is at 200 Renee Woods is at 200 200 is the bid to beat right now Shirley pearl I think although John was at 125 tim is at 129 sub Rene was at 200 Rene is at 200 we've got eight Barbies these are George George personal Barbies you want to own his Barbies now's your chance these are his Barbie dolls he doesn't need them anymore it's time George George grew up Charlie pearls now at 150 we still have we still have Renee at 200 we've got Amy shortly at 203 Amy Shirley at 203 sandy was at 160 and stole 203 Wow Wow we're named woods oh my goodness Renee woods tried to snipe in at 225 or Nettie you missed it you missed it Renee you missed it Amy Amy nice job nice job Amy oh man Renee you just missed it aeryn aeryn breather just missed it as well I think it was 203 Renee came in and tried to snipe at 225 and just missed it yep Amy at 2:00 or 3:00 Amy you know what to do BAM right there wow wow wow wow my goodness now remember if amy has a Barbie that she's number one willing to sell and number two you're interested in you guys can share your information in the chat now we can't speak for Amy amy has to speak for herself whether she's interested in selling but if you go hey I really really like that surprise Barbie number one you probably need counseling and number two just like your Kirk and number two just joking just joking and number two you can make her an offer we are we encourage you guys to set all my goodness Shirley pearl Shirley pearl I know you're bidding on this make sure everybody make sure you are in live chat and we know there's a lag now we are we are broadcasting through fiber optic for others because YouTube as a platform is so saturated you may getting more of a lag for others that are out there you're gonna want to bid quick for this one you're probably not gonna want a snipe at the very end this is US Army these are train lots okay these are the train lock and I already know I already know Shirley Pearl's gonna be all over this these are a hm okay hm make sure your live chat if you've got a lag hit rate fresh make sure your in live chat this is gonna be important because this is a trained lot and I know Shirley is gonna be all about this one which obviously other people are as well but Shirley's been begging us to break out some of the trained lot this is from the married video Connie Lyons is going off to bed love you guys god bless fell in love right back to you Connie have a good night alright these these were the coolest these weren't these weren't the the these were the coolest from that unit that I just I don't I just love these ones they're so cool how many how many total train cars are there there is eight like cargo pieces and then two okay so there are eight you said alright so there are eight train cars eight train cars and then she also has two vintage train kind of plaques now you may see sticker prices on these boxes we will not pull these sticker prices off those remain on number one historical value and number two to not damage the actual box okay so Sharon dealer said Garbage Pail Kids all the garbage pail kids are in the display case at the their hands aren't going for sale those into the display case at the at the warehouse I love those things but that being said if they're stickers like you can see right here you can see a sticker for when this was originally bought right here we are not pulling these off anything with a sticker like that stays on we don't want to cause damage to the package nor do we want to take away from the historical value of when this was purchased so that being said just understand all those stickers are going to be on if like wolf will get stickers from Higbee's and from Hills and from Gold Circle and from you you name it we'll get stickers or they'll be handwritten stickers from hobby shops but they all stay on because that's part of the historical value the coolness of this stuff we wouldn't want to damage that that one's a Canon she says that one is the Canon okay so there is there are eight train cars correct am I saying that correct you're taking it out of the box okay I I wasn't even taking it out of the box that's that's me cuz I'm a toy and I like toys oh there wasn't sealed okay it wasn't sealed wasn't sealed wasn't sealed okay wasn't sealed alright so you've got eight of those and then you've got two of these two of these okay so this is the Train lot again remember some of you have a lag on your end and therefore you're gonna want to bid quick on some of these things okay that being said all bids start at $25 with free shipping within the United States $25 with free shipping within the United States if you live outside the United States you're more than welcome to bid we'd love to have you bid there will be additional fees for shipping but you got a bit faster you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win the train line here we go here we go Christopher Pearson is already in at $25 we got a first bid at $25 and all the way cows surely bro Charlie girl just jumped it to 200 and that is a real big that is a real big Shirley Pearl does not mess around with trains Shirley Pearl does not mess around if you guys want in on this you got to beat her at 200 Shirley Pearl is no Wild West was at 201 the last Kingdom is at 210 Charlie pearl jumped at 200 I thought she would scare them all up but Wild West came in at 201 last Kingdom at 210 I can't believe it I cannot believe it FX diz you're not even close man come on get up with it Shirley pearls are something the 250 these are treasures by trade this is surely pearls house tonight surely pearls at 250 she is not messing around she jumped it I know she's wanted it she has been begging for us to sell him let's see if she got him is anybody gonna snake and let's tried to say as I just tried to stop her Jordan Shirley Burley Shirley you got him you got him oh my last kingdom last Kingdom tried to snipe at 275 didn't get it in there Oh last Kingdom I'm sorry I'm sure you wanted them these are awesome these are so awesome Shirley pearl is a good buyer she is a local buyer she will pay and she loves love's train items she's Bay dust we have C stashed away as she's begged us to put them up for sale so that actually that makes my heart happy that Shirley got them they're going to a very good home that's one of the cool things about us result being resellers we get to take things that people abandon and then we get to put them with people who love them and so like I like Ghostbusters and George likes swords and Shirley and her boyfriend they like they like trains so that was that was cool that was very I don't even know I got so excited house just really get in for it I got I got too excited I think it was I think let me go back I think it was maybe 250 because because the last Kingdom tried to give me know he tried to he tried to snipe at 275 I think she was at 250 yep she's at 250 yep 250 wow wow wow wow yeah she got that 250 congratulations Shirley congratulations wow wow wow wow whoo okay looks like it's video game lot time with a little bit of just dance Ashley there's a lot of just dance there's a lot of that's my favorite on the Wii is just dance that we'll just dance we'll get you sweating and and it's better than a workout especially when you put on some Elvis a little little less conversation a little more action please Holy 41 games boarding accessories 41 games 2 accessories tonight for the we'd manuals this bag all has the manuals and these 5 do not but they have the case and and then she has five that do not have the manuals they all have the game in there and then she also has we training camp and it comes with the accessories for we training camp they have not been tested remember everything goes in a lot we have not tested any of these video games any of these videos clunky fluff said he lost two stones with that game that's awesome so we haven't tested any of these games you're buying as is but you could go ahead and see George is gonna start showing them to you these are the ones that do not have manuals Jason Lane hold off your bid we see your bid and hold it off until we start the minute to win it that's why it's a minute to win it so you'll see you'll put your bid in then and you're gonna want a bid fast as here as then alright so she's showing you the rest of the game she's got 41 total games right the Wii is hot right now hot right now okay so things things right now on all video games are hot because of the stay at home home orders but man the Wii has just jumped up like crazy on eBay there's spider-man spider-man spider-man spider-man Jason lame says I should marry you what do you think about that it's in the works she said it's in the works haha when did you get the mama didn't you get the memo no you didn't know you didn't tell me anything about this memo nothing about this memo must have been a dream like that other dream that you had today you were having a lot of dreams of the day weren't you yeah you did yeah you did so the we lot 41 games total here hotel dogs nice cooking mama cooking mama was like nothing was god thing Pamela York has been praying that I marry you and why Wild West says it's a hint Jeremy lady antique treasure says Jeremy the women always knows look at a heart here's all that just dance just dance is the best man I'm telling you just dance is so much fun you will work up a sweat while you have fun Just Dance 2 I think that one might be the one with Elvis in it and Louie Louie maybe let me see just ants tick tock set it on the dollar that dump that that I love just dance I love it so much fun crazy and love grammarian I don't know there's one and I know just hands to do have to has one I walk like an Egyptian walk like an Egyptian isn't just dance 2 not that you're gonna be able to see it but it is in there right down there by the bottom jakey said I'm waiting for that lot that nobody wants like ants like myself JK would say that Alright 41 Nintendo Wii games correct one just sold a Cooking Mama on eBay this week how much she didn't say flippant adventures alright sweet now that's the thing that you guys should do why she's showing you these you should be looking them up on eBay so you can determine what to bid and where your profit margin is because all bids start at $25 you got a bit fast you got a bit furious shipping is free within the United States but you only have one minute to win it here we go we games 41 we 41 Wii games Amy st. ops not myself Susan Pacers already $100 Susan jumps the bid at $100 we got Devon m50 oh we got a clear through said $100 well oh I can't even see what's going on I lost it all I lost it all guys I saw 125 Susan Mesa at 125 but I think there might even been [ __ ] higher than that night Brian Mickey orally dad okay uh Tyler Griffith is that q60 cat sixty design he's the one the arty who's been flipping everything else Real Talk mentor would you guys consider me an OG on your channel yes absolutely yes we'll take care of that later real talk mentor all right uh cat sixty designs that 250 but somebody was above him cat sixty designs the one who's been buying the video games and flipping them before we even shipped them to them he sells them and then we have to ship them to the person he sold them to good night Xavier you got 5 4 3 min I don't even know where we're at I don't know whoa I think might be can succeed solo I think he might he got a slap no no no no he got a snipe in somebody who's saying he got a snipe in at 3 or 5 is a camp 60 designs need 3 or 5 3 or 595 is a cap 62 therus we're includes let's knock over 300 feather event its cat 16 he's probably already have them sold again cat 60 you know what to do go ahead and message George let us know where you want us to ship them because you probably sold them already all right Tyler Griffith Tyler Griffith you are back up bitter so Cass 60 pays every time so we're probably not even gonna be an issue there but Tyler if you want to right there right there you could send a message with all that information but if there was a game in there that you guys wanted casick sees right there you guys could talk to him so if he puts his email on the chat you guys want to buy directly from him we encouraged that we encourage you guys to network that's why we do this we're selling you lot so that you guys can sell buy low sell high and Kasich's devised the game Lots he sells them be or we even ship them that's how good he is at flipping video game stories that's so cool so cool all right okay flippin adventured sold cooking mana for Mama for ten bucks oh nice it was nice in her store nice very very good very very good okay GUP that was intense on that one there were so many bits everybody wants video games right now everybody wants will do will do let's do two Lots next week will do alright she said she'll do too lots of video games we haven't done any Xbox yet no we've done ps2 all right we'll we'll get a little crazy we'll mix it up with video games next week let me let me think through some things oh well we'll see what we can do remember everybody still has a chance to win a free lot tonight so there'll be a trivia question if you answer the trivia questions first then you will be the one that will be winning that lot real talk mentor I'm sorry guys didn't realize you're in the middle of auction that's not a problem not a problem at all we still appreciate you you are people asking about this bank particularly and I'm not sure if those same people are here tonight but the all the banks that we found except I want to be very clear the Popeye bank is not being sold from the breaking the bank's video Popeye I'm keeping in the display case I really liked it I want to keep it in the display case I think it's really cool so every other bank that was found this week in every other bank that was found this week in the videos is being sold okay but that being said that being said there are some other banks that have been in other videos there's a lot of yeah there's a lot of cast ones Kennedy and things like that now we we also want to note we don't have keys all of these so remember everything is as is no guarantees so like for example that the the Kennedy here we don't have a key to get into Kennedy we don't know where the key is as a matter of fact it looks like somebody tried to get in there at one point there's a you show you how to pick locks we've got the lock picking keys or for example this here this this really cool Bank we don't we don't have the keys and some may be missing the stopper so keep that all in mind so this is a really cool Bank and banks are really collectible on eBay as well so but we don't have the key for okay in regards to lag and I see some people saying lagging tonight remember that's not us lagging we are on the highest speed fiber-optic that we possibly can be on all that lagging would be number one the YouTube platform is just getting inundated right now with a million people watching Sunday night or it's from your home your internet provider because everybody's stay at home orders and they're getting inundated the best way to fix that is to actually refresh and hopefully that fixes I know that makes it rough for sniping for some of you guys I would encourage don't snipe just get your bed in fast and furious even like these wooden these wooden 16 so like these little banks here you see where the hinge it isn't there that I think two of them doesn't have that hinge these are really cool you can put a new hinge on it but we don't we don't have the hinges so you're getting everything as is a vinta francesco shout out i am there you go there's your shoutout alright okay looks like that one actually I I don't know if this one might need a key I don't I don't know or it might just open another way but it is a bank so it is a bank Paddy's put two quarters in those banks from Paddy's BAM alright quarters going in the banks from Paddy's you just sent so you now you know there's gonna be a couple quarters in those banks from path so there you go Pat already filled your banks up a little bit two quarters right alright so we got to put two quarters you still got your quarters from the quarter pusher okay so we got two quarters we'll put him in for sure sixteen coin banks sixteen coin banks she says the coin in this the coin goes in there in this one um so the JFK coin goes in there sixteen coin banks she said three ever really heavy one of them ceramic remember we don't have the keys for them all remember Michael Fisher buck ninety-nine BAM two more quarters alright so now four quarters are going in JL two dollars any jewelry tonight BAM you got to find out it's a surprise that's in a venture sale you're gonna you go stick around you're gonna see exactly what's going up tonight my Bram alright so how many banks are there again yeah that was that was their favorite from the video that was their ultimate favor from the video alright so keep in mind we've gotten two super chats we have to put four quarters in the will randomly put them in the banks for you guys to find okay four quarters are gonna be in the banks from super test mrs. bumble nuts over there you didn't see that on camera all right remember every bid starts at $25 with free shipping in the United States if you're outside the United States you are more than welcome to bid you just have additional shipping freeze you got a bid fist back from a pup let me try that again you gotta be fast gonna been fierce because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go in the banks I think we got maybe we have Diane Smith already in at 78 99 we got eighty swirly up 43 we got Wendy we got Tim Donnie in 56 rosemary clitoris 1633 Shirley pearl fifty I don't even know where we're at anymore I'm losing it grumpy feathers at sixty-five ninety Diane Smith is at ninety we definitely have Diane Smith at ninety Diane is high bidder at ninety we got bids coming in anywhere it everywhere the niche lady is now at $100 I think we just found out what her niche is her niche is banking on the banks she knows what these banks can go for we she knows is there a doctor in the house Jason Lane is now at a hundred Jason if you're gonna beat the initial ad you gotta go more Diane Smith is now at 102 102 Jason Lane is out junkman is that 101 but you gotta beat 102 102 Diane Smith I'm spitting everywhere - 102 Shirley pearls at 105 I'm gonna have a heart attack Kim what you're gonna do is you're gonna message George with your youtube name your your real name your shipping address and your email address you will send you an invoice let you pay that invoice you'll get that package out to you and she will get you your tracking number we got real talk man or $9.99 George's where you putting the money in the piggy banks not for the piggy bank to keep up the good work George thanks for everything hey thank you so much we appreciate it shady real talk minor all right next one okay uh the connives lot yeah she's got a connive lot okay can you write down to remember we have to put the money in those banks cuz I'm gonna forget yeah you already wrote it down she's got it all right she's got it she's already got your quarters that were given towards the winner don't worry she's got it who was our backup that are on the banks Shirley I think let's see let's see III wasa I got distracted big-time backup bidder was Shirley pearl at 105 Shirley just let George know you were back up bidder so he's reversed so it's got to go back there we go now I got it back I better let George know you were back up better Shirley remember if you win an item and if you do not pay within 72 hours you do get lost you get bands from what the Hales I'm sorry we apologize but we are attempting to help other source and resale as well so that's our goal and when you don't hey that doesn't help other people become funemployed and work off as well and Patty's just sent another $2 off site Google fees for the quarters thank you so much Patty's all right she does look a nice pot now this Kani spot was actually shown previously in an auction unfortunately as we just mentioned getting block and ban the individual did not pay for their Kani flop it was the same person that didn't pay for another thing and they did get blocked they did get banned so these connives are back up for bid and there's five cases / box slide 5 cases / box the buck box is empty just so you know nothing actually there's paperwork some more paperwork in there as well that's the Duke the John Wayne I got to show that one I showed it last time this thing is so cool Michael Wallace has cut price sale so this is just the empty buck box okay just the empty buck box and the trike loom wow wow this is cool as a novelty it really is not functional it does have duddu it does have Duke now I would say this is brand new even though we have no guarantees whatsoever and there's a clip on the back and I did touch it so now I just decrease the value significantly or increase cuz you touched it yeah like I said decrease the value significantly so there's John Wayne right there Wow just joking just joking to scare me like that because it's fun alright so I got to get the cyclone back I don't think the cyclone has ever ever been used okay and that one that one's cool just because it's John Wayne this one's cool because it's not practical at all but when you're getting into it you I am right but I'm not sure why you'd be throwing punches if you got this knife in your hand anyway right I mean you got the kunai from your hand but now you're gonna brass knuckle punch why why you got this okay so this is a good knife no doubt about it but I think it's more of a brass knuckle you know adding a multi-purpose multi-purpose we'll say they're a little multi-purpose fun going on there so how many how many Joe Williams wants no no we do not do cash app when you paypal only there's fifty nine fifty-nine connives and then there's four sharpeners Kim Donny says oh don't my adrenaline is still rushing you think that's bad I can't sleep at night it's like I go to bed like 5 a.m. after these things we have to stay up and watch movies because we can't we have to come down off of the adrenaline high of you guys sniping each other til hole six a six a 73 I am some more Canadian money would you love Canadian Russ thank you so much we appreciate that there's two if I remember correct there's two matching with the built-in compass let me show those so keep in mind everything is as a drop l'm so remember they need TLC these we're not selling these as brand new they definitely need TLC they need somebody who loves who loves working on connives and selling tonight so what we do when we find them they just go in a bin they go on the Kenai fin just like video games go in the video game bins plushies go in the plush bin then once we get ready to sell then they get cleaned up and then is it gonna be parts is it gonna be whole but remember we're skipping that whole process and we're selling directly to you this one here this is a furry does this actually have a blade on it no this is practice this is a Pratt this butterfly knife it's a fury it's not an actual blade okay so I can Wow it's just joking again okay so it's not an actual blade all right maybe you can't have a heart attack you've got you got a bad heart as it is so that is a fillet knife that same would be sharp a sharp can be that is a fillet knife so there's a little bit of everything in here a little bit of everything as far as brand names I can't remember I can't remember was there an old timer she did say there's a Gerber old timer probably not for long if you scare me oh okay so lots of different connives in here she's still showing them to you you've got to keep in mind some of them may look great some of them need a lot of help some of them may be broken like the outer casing could be broken but I can guarantee you some of them some of them might be like a multi-tool this one this one I mean like this one okay the wood is not on there so whether you want to replace it whether you want to do that as a project and replace it or whether you just want to scrap it or use it for something else it is a wharves so remember when we sell when we're selling this to you in guys in lots when we find it it gets sorted into bins so this regardless of the condition it goes in the connive in and then what we're doing is bringing the connive into you so the next process that we would have is come we would look it up on ebay so it's Awards how much is it worth could we sell any of it for parts would it and instead of doing all that selling directly to you guys which means you have to bid accordingly okay got a bit accordingly dog mad guy Dublin guy 74 says I want this lot bad I'm probably quite a few who do there's the titanium throwing connive and now these have the sharpening stones - yeah these have the sharpen toes - Kathy wants to know again how many connives 59 connives for sharpeners there's one box one one box four sheets like there's a buck but we don't have the tonight that goes with it okay alright we'll take any last questions on the connives now we're gonna come on second time you seen these things hopefully they actually sell this time okay all right $25 starting bid free shipping within the United States if you live outside the United States you're more than welcome to bid we'd encourage it there will be additional shipping freeze you got a bid fast you got a bit fierce because you only have one minute to win it for this lot Wow here we go even if you don't have PayPal you can still pay with our invoices we've got $50 bid now we got TCS 70 we got Mike Fisher at 125 125 is live in right now we got hundred hundred bucks $100 [ __ ] we got 130 flinters is now 130 therefore fair for the Bear Flag America towel is that 100 Nike or Lear is that way we are Midwest figure 150 150 FX diz is that 200 200 is a high bid right now I think Bear Flag burgers I was at 125 dogs my guys 74 is at 277 dunk man just jumped it to 190 air-breathing just jumped at the 210 [Music] Dogma guys 74 cents still at 277 clear deuces at 220 Michael Dogma to 75 rookies boos at 278 oh darling darling at 74 just trying to snipe at 280 yeah rookies boo god oh my goodness got it congratulations Wow all right rookies squeeze I was in top chat and legging them so sorry all right rookies boo you got it rookies boo you know to do well gives boo you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your email address to George right down here and then I believe how much is into Becca bitter about my guys before back up there's dogleg I 74 277 or yeah 277 you're gonna I think that's what there's a dogleg I 74 you're gonna go ahead right there you'll say I'm back up bitter and wow wow wow wow okay if you have not seen coffees flippin adventurous video from yesterday yet we want on the most epic pic ever it is a very secret and very secure location please don't ask us where we went is by invitation only it will remain a secret myself I was invited by conky it was an invite-only also some other channels were invited they did not show we spent all day in this actual pic this was over 10 acres under one roof now we didn't get through that much but we did find some pretty epic stuff you will see the video on my channel you'll see that on what the Hales on Thursday but you can see conky's flippin adventures you can see that tonight if you want and see some of the things that they found so some of the things we found are these really sweet cool plus it's hard to see with the bags they're sealed they're made by a pause and the very first thing you should do is you should actually look up applause and there see life creatures so you can see they're already in the netting I've got six baby lobsters okay so there's six baby lobsters and I have in preparation for getting a place in Florida we've got six baby Gators in the netting all right but you're not only getting you're not only getting lobsters Claire thrifts yeah clear thrist you know conky I mean I'm I can't tell you what to do but clear thirst would go crazy at that place crazy I can't tell you whether you invite him or not I was lucky to get invited but clear this with love love that place these are baby Gators okay so you get two bags of baby Gators that means twelve baby Gators baby Gators look like this crabs they are brand-new those are lobsters baby oh those are all right we've got baby lobsters you get well sealed baby lobsters you have baby are these seals walruses I thought they were I thought they were walruses you've got baby walruses okay you get twelve in the bag baby walruses you get twelve in the bag baby whales twelve in the bag Grimes says yep there Walter says twelve in the bag baby wails and then you get twelve in the bag dolphins okay you get flipper right there the whale so a total week while there are there are no guarantees you're bidding at your own risk there are no guarantees we can yes Grimes ten acres under a roof and we weren't even close even close to you're just amazing in the basement for five hours five hours picking picking Annie got lost got oh wait till you see the video the video is so amazing not only that but you got to see the video because we found 15 spoiler largest spoiler go look at conky's first and then you you'll see ours okay so how many total we got 60 total / 60 million plus mm-hmm marine life new sealed now I've already tucked them in two different places like here's the lobster trap over here oh you can't see it but I've tucked them in different places in the netting so there are 60 applause applause as the maker that's one that you want to look up okay so you want to know your toy manufacturers applauses the toy manufacturer that you all have tags as you can see here I actually cut the tags off of these because I wanted to use them in the net so 60 total of the walruses the Dolphins the whales the alligators the lobster all right okay it was epic you haven't seen where they came from yet you are gonna see where they came from on Thursday that being said that being said you have a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only got a minute to win it here we go $25 starting bid free shipping within the United States 60 mini plush these would be great if you're a clean marketer these would be great if you just love plus a me for at least already have $48 max one was that 60 $60 so far $60 we got Heather black without 75 75 75 is the height oq+ was at 45 Ariel's at 70 75 of Heather Blackwell is the high bid right now 75 with Heather Blackwell's the high bid 75 beside fit right now 80 shortly is now at 83 84 at Lee is at 83 Troy came in at 65 Ariel came in at 78 83 killing Luria's on 85 make sure you're a live chat we got Tina Lee Lori at 85 85 is the bid to beat 85 is the bid to be with Tina Lee Lori oh my what hails of an auction 9380 Wendy's Wortley says I wanna she got the first plush slide you got in the first flush line ninety-three dollars ninety three dollars for this this is crazy this is insane you're sweating well it's hot in here you wanna tell oh my goodness oh my goodness I need a nap oh my goodness Glenna got it oh my I can't believe this somebody else tried to sniping at 101 Glen I've got the snipe at 100 oh my Amy Bader tried to snipe in at a hundred look at this babe Amy Bader tried to snipe in at a hundred missed it and then everyday treasures found snapped in at 101 missed it glad I got it at 100 okay Glen up you know what to do you're gonna send your your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your email address right down here to George not back up bitter uh back a bitter here's the thing I'm gonna tell you like Heather Blackwell Heather Blackwell you're back up bitter Amy swirly you're back up bitter I happen to know where there are some more of these I happen to know that Noreen cockys wife bought quite a few of these on the pic as well so I'm just saying if you have visited over at conky's flipping adventures you might be able to sweet-talk them out of a lot just say I'm just throwing it out there okay just throwing it out there so konkey is right there in the chat his wife Noreen maybe in the chat as well but you may be able to talk to them if you loved these I know they have more we don't have any more unless Connie invites me to go again but I know they have more Wow punky remember when I said I was gonna auction them off and see what they did they did well alright Wow card lot that was wild you know I think it's the aspect of just so stinking cute they're an applause yield applause is a great as a great company for yeah applause is a great company for fur plush but they're just so stinking cute I mean like I found the Gators and I was like yes I've been joking with George that I want a gator in the backyard to feed in a house in Florida okay Amy shortly said she's gonna contact conky good anybody else that wants to contact conky I know Noreen bought just I think Noreen actually bought more than I did so that's what I bought for you guys and you'll see it in the video on on Thursday I think Noreen actually bought more than I did all right put that little lobster back in there you're doing your your card lot right now right yes okay very cool very very cool conky when can we go back I lost my glasses Wow all clear sniffs first had a great idea who put them in the claw machine for the kids to play that's an awesome idea apparently 'he's got a claw machine that's an awesome idea Wow very very very cool okay all right so you got the card lot right now so this is a lot of people 20 playing cards did this one not get paid for as well same by same buyer same buyer bailed burned whatever you want to call it but your chance at another card lot okay second chance this is a second chance lot this isn't a second sense auction this is a second chance auction all right these cards need some lovin now remember we have not gone and we haven't counted every card you literally are seeing them as we found them in cocky yeah cocky if you want if you want to get clear thrist number message me it looks like you said I could give it to you so I'll give it to you so there are how many Lots in here 20 playing cards 20 playing cards they were used at a casino yep and the keychain now these all came right out right out just as we found them so keep that in mind that was intense Glenna she spiked it so perfect like so perfect and others were sniping it I mean they they're interested that those plush are so stinking cute how could they and I'm not one to call things cute so but I mean I had to get some further than that I was like these are go perfect I told that I was like Noreen and Lee I was like these would be perfect in our fish netting all right okay card lot you should have saw the bids if you would have saw the bids as I saw I saw them come through my Adrenaline's all the way up here right now after they did that Glennis was perfect like perfect oh my goodness she had it perfect all right the card lot we got to keep going we got to keep going okay remember there's still a lot for somebody to win tonight and a lot that somebody's gonna win there's a lot in that lot but free lot tonight all right remember $25 free shipping within the United States if you live outside the United States you are encouraged you're welcome to bid there will be additional shipping fees you get a bit fast you get a bit fierce because you only have one minute to win it here we go card lot here we go and remember we got 80 shortly at 35 35 remember as is no guarantees no returns Amy's wart leaves at 35 we got Matt Baume at 50/50 is live bid right now funky bluff was at 35 Matt Samas at 50 whoop email is at 45 but I've bit of still 50/50 is the hop in hop it is that 50 I'm gonna lose my voice again rosemarys knob 55 Richard Stevens gaming at 49 Morley's at 58 Amy's at 58 brim lands Hey came in at 55 but we saw Amy I'm 58 58 is the Penta beat if you're gonna be lose bamas trying to beat it meant on about 60 15 seconds to go 60 is the current high bid seventy-eight field is FX dis now it's 7870 a me to our lead up 63 Lucas up 66 Richard Stevens at 55 for Luzon 83 net that was a 65 let's see what happens maybe shortly 83 my Amy you know what to do Amy go ahead and send all your info over to George and whoever the backup bidder was I can't remember who the backup bit or was I Amy pays back I'm bitter I apologize but we're sorry not sorry Amy pays and and so it won't it won't be as a backup just have five more Lots she did extra lots for you to not is that five and the free lot or four more the bid and the free lot okay four more to bid on and the free lot Amy shortly got that for 8383 on the cards so the next locks gonna be the hot wheels alright this is a Hot Wheels diecast we can't really say Hot Wheels cuz we didn't check them these are all these are all cars that's the best way to say it okay so we can't tell you they're matchbox and Hot Wheels because we didn't check them we just we find the car or diecast and it goes in a tote this is 20 pounds over 20 pounds 20 and a half pounds although I do see the word Hot Wheels right there so maybe I can say how it wheels I see it on the trailer so we do not guarantee any of the conditions of these we don't know if there's redline or not it literally gets put in the tote okay so it could be any size it could be anything it's 20 pounds of vehicles there they could be match five I'm gonna just pull random on right now if it is a Wheelz okay so I guess we can say Hot Wheels if it'll zoom if it'll maybe count them but it's like 19 pounds all right this one is a Hot Wheels it is not a redline all right I'll pull another one just for the fun of it this one is Mattel this one is matchbox okay this is City services so we can't guarantee condition on these some might be broke some might be great some might need a lot of TLC some might I don't think there's any in the card in there some might be wind up like this so here's a wind-up but it doesn't oh there goes so wind-up maybe it needs to put on the table off the table so it looks like a National Guard so there's a little bit of everything in here she has not counted how many cars are in here it's over 19 pounds as close to 20 pounds we have not looked to see if there's any red lines literally when we have to move so fast when we're sorting you get some you get the next step for us would be alright what's the condition are there red lines is there what's in there but when we're sorting it has to go so fast it just goes into a bin okay so that being said that being said it's whatever it is they're all in there we don't know we haven't looked we don't know the years that one looks old only this is a military police okay so this one's a military police this is a sonic flasher I wonder if it lights up I don't know okay so there's anything and every anything in here I think I think you guys kind of get that point here let me see if I can show them through the bins it's head on camera okay this is what you're looking at there is anything and everything it is almost 20 pounds or it's 20 pounds or just over 20 pounds she was trying to show you that is literally whatever is in there it is a heavy bin okay all right okay we have no idea what's in there although it looks like there's some cool stuff I play with some all right everything starts at $25 free shipping within the United States if you're outside of the United States you're more than welcome to bid we'd encourage it there will be additional shipping fees remember you got a bit faster government furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go all right they want to know where they all loose no magazines no those are all loose they're all those we got a $30 bit another guy Ami's four-lane 43 we got TCF 50 we got jsm 159 we got $100 bid from j/s 150 $800 bid is submit to beat right now we got $100 bins remember everything is as is no guarantees and no returns make sure you're in live chat we got FX business at 105 George storage came in at 100 but we got FX is at 105 what we got air-breathing at 110 I think George put uh one too many zeroes there on accident grumpy bed is at 101 but air-breathing is still at 1:10 K rest is at 111 111 right now for the car lot 111 KSS I've better with five seconds to go and three and two we have deaf motors in it demolition 2014 send it dr. Amy we got George let's do it we got towards tolerance or 200 we got a holy cow what just happened okay we have glucose at 142 send the doctor Amy now we got a George ladder it's a 200 it looks like it looks like George coverage it looks like you are the high bidder and clear this I believe you are the backup bitter George right here George right here make sure you send your youtube name your real name and your shipping address and your email address to George right there and then clear dressed if payment is amazing within 72 hours you will get that back up better to send to dr. Amy nice what's that it was I think it was to back up bitter back a bitter was clear thrist but he wanted to ship to dr. Amy he's restored in the love yeah it was George it was George total rich if I'm saying it right I'm probably not saying that cooler rich cooter rich totally adorable [ __ ] to daughter [ __ ] j'adore of it there you go you know you know it better than I do she's good she's good she knows you did somebody say sewing supplies alright okay jeans remember the silver thimbles from last week guess what they're back they're back same person did not pay did not pay now these are the silver thimbles from last week we found these in the eighteen hundred and seventeen hundred lots these silver thimbles are super cool frankly I kind of wanted to hang onto them but then George talked to me into auctioning them off okay they're not all silver as you can see right here these aren't silver but like nesting dolls these ones is actually more than one in there so I'll see if I can show this is the this is this is the lot of all the sewing supplies so it went up for auction last week and they didn't pay they completely they've come well they're block that's all that's all that's they got are they've been on a super cool lot but hey there is your guys's game okay the most expensive one in here most of you guys probably already remember this the most expensive silver thimble that was priced whether they bought it or we're trying to sell it $75 which is this one right here okay this one right here I'll try and show it to you better and of course it's not focusing and I'm not going to treat you any better all right that's a little okay so that is silver if you look inside you'll be able to see it's actually marked silver the coolest one in my opinion marine so yeah very alright so this one is marked $25 the house scene this is what I think the coolest one is there's just so much cool detail and I get out of the way this is so hard to do without and everything's an opposite but what people don't realize who are viewing everything is opposite alright I'm screwing that all up in the camera captain fumble not screwing it up in the game room you can see in there as well all silver so we did put we did put this thimble lot in with all the sewing lot there are other thin Buhl's in here for example this mini thimble it says this thimble here which I don't know if it's silver and up but this thimble here says it's so small it's gonna be tough to see this says for a good girl and then you've got another one here this is Prudential the Prudential now the needles that George are showing you some of those can have some of those can have gold inside the needle hole buttons this is the button lot the thread lot all of that so buttons thread Amy says I can't believe they didn't pay they were bidding so seriously young boys we can't believe it either Amy but hey what the look the thing that upsets us is that somebody else could have had it and they could have been selling it already to help help generate income for themselves so that's what upsets us but the thing that makes us happy you guys get another shot at it so second chance auction not a second sign second chance you get another chance at it so the thimble collection the button collection the thread it is the sewing green it is the sewing dream collection it also has the old this is the needle case they were asking 25 or they take 25 they're asking 25 or paid 25 I don't know we know they were antique collectors you guys have you guys have seen their antique collectors we found all the antiques but the needle the needle is in there so there's there's no doubt these people loved antiques we think they were collecting we think they were probably selling so we know they were buying there's no doubt they were buying that's for sure no doubt they were buying there's a there's just a toe and the military buttons if you guys remember from last week the military buttons are in the bottom of that as well okay so military buttons are in the bottom there's well you already showed them okay I'm just see if anybody needs help them okay so military buttons you got the silver you got a little bit everything all right she says we're ready to roll $25 starting bid just as a reminder if you win you don't pay you got 72 hours to pay you know you do get blocked and banned from the channel it's not because the amount of blocking van subway is because you're you're eliminating an opportunity for somebody else to provide for themselves in their family so we want to stick with our purpose all right here we go $25 starting bid free shipping within the United States you got a bit fast I got a bit fierce because you only got a minute to win it [Music] here we go preppy feathers at $60 rookie bet $60 80s whirley's at 65 blend of wheat is now 74 74 it's the bid to beat Glen a wheat is the [ __ ] beat at rhymes krad 75 we got G to Li Lori at 75 but K Resta got the first bid Charles now 100 Shirley parousia 1979-80 88 but sure the pearls still at 100 hundred is a bit to beat show the pearls not mess around the night at all trains automobiles good wheat is now at 150 150 Amy swirlies at 105 showing the pearls at 100 Glenna wheat is the hundred fifty hundred fifty is a bit Devine I'm spinning all over the screen every does that hundred thirty-four glad that we still win in a hundred fifteen fifteen seconds to go air feet is not 185 air beat is not 185 bit more Aires 85 185 and B today before they came in at 150 200 we got air beating out to a five star can we switch jobs why this you my dream job is to be Vanna White you are the whitest white chick I've ever met in the day today I'm the dark very nice job Aaron I was blenheim okay it was Lana twas Glenna at 200 okay yeah okay so Aaron you're gonna go ahead and send your your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your email address to George right there what the hell's at yahoo.com and then Glenna you can send us a message as well as backup better okay so you can go ahead send us that message as backup better and we'll make sure we get that to somebody this time around we don't want to do a third chance option do it that's not any fun for anybody you guys get the opportunity you guys get the opportunity to have fun with it all right whoo Paddy's cent $2 George White I knew it baby are you why have you been you been ok we actually have talked about that before every Egyptians are actually categorized as white believe it or not so I'm the darker one anyway it doesn't really matter all right this okay so this is from last week all right this is another second chance same bidder bailed did not pay the other things was that oh she said different bitter and that bitter got blocked already right ha so different bitter bid on the antique lot here these are all antiques small antiques that I've put together for last week's oxygen from the 1800 and the $1700 unit the bitter bail did not pay and so now is your opportunity to see these again now a lot of people have messaged a lot of people were interested in this when they saw this in the video and I said is that a wooden ring they were like no that's quarrel that's okay this ring is in this lot so I wanna I want to make that clear because a lot of people were interested in that when they saw my goodness I cannot get a clear picture tonight I'm gonna clear thrist but I can't get a clear picture a lot of people were interested in this when they saw it on the video all right and there's more in there - you got the cufflinks but George's to show you all that but I want to make it clear because so many people were interested in the ring that ring is in this antique lot that didn't get paid for there's just there is a bunch of cool stuff I put a lot of smalls in here because you guys have you guys we've got a month and a half of the $1,800 and the $1700 units and we're still not done we're not done at all we probably have two more weeks working on those Lots as far as videos go we'll be working on the lot sorting pricing selling for a year I mean actually it's gonna be more than a year but we've put some Lots together so number one for you guys who love these units here is a little bit of the history from the units you can get a memento or souvenir but you can sell it too so there's a lot of good stuff in here if you're going by just the prices on this stuff you'd be looking at big big prices but oh that's the antique mousetrap so if you remember from last week that's the antique mousetrap still has a little bit of Mouser oh the vintage garlic press as well yeah we put the vintage garlic press and there's somebody really wanted that last week oh I have a vintage potato cutter but it's downstairs Oh Shirley Pearl's got buttons trying to sell trying to sell buttons again we encourage you guys to talk to each other network with one another if one of you has something that another person wants that's a great thing to do bakelite right there buckle $25 there that was in the video it wasn't very clear so that was in the video as well you see they had priced 425 whether they bought it I mean we don't know if they bought it we don't know if they were selling it well I guess we'll never know we're never gonna know they passed away but oh that was the belt where did what did I want to do with that bone you told me no oh yeah I wonder inflate your cowbell yeah but that one has such a clean game to it [Music] the cows are coming is dinner they both sound like dinner knows I may 1878 on that Bell that antique Bell they see that felt see this is we had a bell like we had a bell like this on on the store door so the family grocery store you'd know when somebody was somebody was coming in backwards so like right now you guys should be on your eBay app looking up this Bell Bell so we haven't looked up the Bell we'd never got to that process because we sold it to you guys well we tried to sell it first on it again Mildred says the cowbell thumbs but I love her this is a clean sound clean ding right there I was a clean thing when you would go into a grocery store you go into the corner store boom that would be on the door so that the owners the workers would know that there was a customer there need more cowbell in the only prescription is more cowbell yeah that was a perfume bottle I remember that I remember this thing is this was in the videos as well so this is a craft then show them come on everything's backwards remember things backwards when it can I run downstairs and grab that potato cutter oh you want to throw the bit yeah I'm trying to show you guys I'm sorry I can't get it to focus tonight if it if the camera has too much to focus on front back middle it really struggles to focus anybody's camera but these were like tongs and then you slide this up and then it's got a patent date on it I mean there's just all kinds of cool stuff clearest the fry cutter they're not that fry cutter another one so I think I know the fry cutter you're talking about clear thrist this is the one that she's shown right now maybe this might be the one that you're talking about french fry cutter so Amy's heartless I need that Bell to use as a security system it worked you'd hear everything okay so this is oh did you show the cuff links I didn't the cuff links if you were on the line last week and if you're still on the live right now is 642 you were probably I'm alive last week because you love this kind of thing so it's all the same stuff those in last week's nothing's been taken out George just added the potato cutter and so I don't know I wouldn't even know how to put a value on that I think we've talked about it before as far as values did you do as far as values there's a lot of no there's a lot there is a lot $25 starting bid free shipping with the United States you can wait if you want to wait while you're waitin I'm gonna start it what about now I'm starting bid free shipping in the United States and downsizing that state you're welcome to mid you got a big basket of Epirus you only got one minute let's go all right here we go we got Matt diamond at 40 we got less than 60 Amy swirling at 47 so right now Wild West is way better at 16k aggressive that orky rest is at 65 Troy fashion is at 100 Troy is $100 bid right now jumped it up and said that la is my lot jails at 160 160 here go hey howls now at 160 jumping it up even higher Charlie pearls at 101 I think she might be like I'm yeah I'm just a little bit all right Amy shortly is at 175 she's got her eye on this lot again with all the antiques Richard Simmons is at 155 may be shortly still have better at 175 for measurement is that 165 you gotta be Amy at 175 Troy make sure you are in live chat jails not 180 JL is now at 180 jails at 180 let's see what happens here let's see what happens we're waiting for the sold we know so Joe JL was at 180 I believe Amy shortly is backup bidder at 175 Gail go ahead and send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your email address to George right here Amy make sure you tell us Oh anybody tried to snipe Amy troy tried to snipe Amy tried to snake Ariel tried to snake I'm glad you guys are having fun sniping but you got it you got to get it in you got to get it in alright so Jael you're gonna go ahead and message George Amy you're gonna send a message with your other messages saying hey George I was back up bitter Wow all right one more lot and then they give away one more lot and then the give away do I smell that stamps that stamps more stamps alright another box of stamps we have not looked at any of these correctly 10 Lots we're gonna all right so she's lotting them off to you guys she's not looked at anything in these boxes I haven't done any research no research whatsoever if you look at the video of this box in the video you're gonna see this boxes exactly how it was in the video because we have not looked at any of it none of it none none nada nothing so yeah the guest George if you had to guess how many stamps do you think are in there God well over a thousand well definitely over a thousand definitely over a thousand without a doubt okay so here's Abraham Lincoln one cent stamp people this is before you that was without the beard that's that's without the beer these are one cent stamps I'll go on eBay and type in one cent Abe Lincoln beardless alright so you got a one cent beardless Abe he was he was setting the trend before it was a trend oh you got some more one cent beardless Abe's there's some four cent stamps got some four centers feel like I'm talking about comics now four centers one centers ten centers whoo what a night I might even gonna get any sleep tonight mm-hmm no there's no way I'm gonna get any sleep we're gonna be watching movies all night well might as well just go to a warehouse and go work they're crazy they're crazy they're crazy would their sniping Glenna Glennis snipe that was the snipe of the night when a snipe oh my goodness she got it in perfect timing perfect timing perfect timing all right so there are a ton of stamps here so whoever collected this did a good job of numbering them we could say they were a No so the numbers right here represent something with the stamps so who do you think would be more anal the person who collected those stamps are me the person who collected the stamps really yeah I was not expecting that all right we got a stamp lot there are a ton of stamps here there are a bunch there are a ton there's so many stamps okay so many stamps so bidding starts at $25 free shipping within the United States a little additional shipping if you're outside of the United States you got a bit faster got a bit fierce because you only have one minute the way let's go here we go all right we've got 50 seconds stamp lot is on now just bought a stamp lot today Oh cat 60 just bought a stamp lot today man Tom's on 40 no wait we got wolfy Mela is at 100 Susan s is that 750 but I think that was probably meant to be $75 we got a bunch at 170 5750 was probably an accident is probably $75 yo she wrote it is that 150 150 yo she wrote in Luke is that 125 I think 150 yo she wrote it is the bid to be right now Lugo's I won 2500 widest at 145 and we still got a bit at 150 we got a bid at 150 with five seconds to go we got Richard at 1 1 30 then I see yo she wrote in that a 175 lady antiques at 160 whoa the snipes coming in now Wow Lady Anne she looks like she got it no wait wait wait no no Yoshii Yoshii Roden got it 175 and it looks like whoopee mallets whoopee whoopee got the 160 before lady for before lady antiques treasure okay so we'll see Josie whoo yo she'd go ahead send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your email address to George right down there she will send you an invoice once that invoices page you will then send out your package she'll send you the tracking information information if payment is not received within 72 hours or three days unfortunately that's banning and blocking from the channel and then back up bidder I forget who back up that it was back up bitter you're gonna get it for the price that you actually bid on one more Oh she lied she lied she lied one more lie all right one more lot this is memory cards flash drives everything you want so you don't remember how to do this one you pull it out or you flip it like this it's like a credit card and you flip it so this is flash drives and memory cards and everything if you've seen it shown on what the Hales or if it was brand new there here we've wiped every flash card you're not gonna find anything on it they will be white unless we accidentally put something on it some of them are freebies from the 1817 hundred dollar unit like these credit card types these were given out as freebies we didn't even check these because we know they were given out of freebies so most of them most of them have been wiped if we know they were given out as freebies then we have not touched them but this is all of them people were begging for the guitars the guitar flash drives well guess what there's four of them in this lot Florence right there there's four of them in here these are flash drives to take the top of the guitar off really really cool so you got USB flash drives do you do we know how many are in there we have no idea how many are in there we have no idea how much there is to actually store as far as memory we know there's a bunch some are brand-new some are used some of even been some have even been chewed on believe it or not so there you go there's a ABC flash drive okay ABC flash drive there are a bunch there's a bunch of cards and a bunch of flash drives if you like memory we've got some memory for you starting bid up $25 you got a bit faster gotta been furious if you got memory issues if you can't remember like George can't remember now's your chance to fix it you got a big fast here we go you got a minute to win it minute to win it I think we got Christopher Wiley in at $50 Christopher Wiley and a $50 Matt Nauman f50 grumpy pants at 125 grumpy wet is that 125 1.5 is a bit BJ ms whoa it's all over the place now all over the place it is everywhere it just went crazy I think grumpy bat is still at 125 as far as I can see grumpy pants oh oh Ariel's at 130 Ariel is the bid to beat right now arrows in at 130 if you got memory issues if you got memory issues now's your chance to fix it Ariel at 130 grumpy that is at 135 you said not on my watch I remembered the big pump you guys I 135 copies a little bit adventures I 135 while Wes is at 140 this is like Wild West shoot-out right here why what does that 140 cards both interventions at 140 Xavier something is at 254 out of lol anymore Xavier been Lauren oh wait where are we at I am lost I got mutters help us out I got so lost so I got FX dicks at 170 it is at 170 watch your mouth woman I got lost completely yeah Xavier Xavier typed a extra number on accident okay so that Xavier bid wasn't real that one got typed on accident I think most people kind of figured that was on a 25 he confirmed his abit and said 25 all right Joe staple says it was FX diz yep 170 is that what you're seeing FX dis 170 all right looks like if FX diz 170 FX did go ahead and send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your email Justin George corrected it alright so you did correct okay so just go ahead and send your information to George and then George will send you an invoice once we get payment then she'll ship it out to you whoo that's a lot of memory that is a ton of memory mmm ton of memory all right we still congratulation nice job nice job guys nice job now it's time for the free giveaway now for reals this time gooshie Rhoda in Canada 200 did you get my email yeah I just saw it Yoshi I just saw so BAM you're you're good with the email now George is not gonna email everybody back tonight we are gonna she'll do that tomorrow when we try and get some sleep she's got a you know you got life you got life that happens to send all those invoices out in the morning and I think you need a shipping quote to Canada she'll take care of that really easy to ship to Canada not apply this just like shipping next door one more one more form and sign your name that's pretty much it it's so easy all right this is the free lot now this week on what the Hales you saw us open a tote with a ton a ton of freebies that these guys would get because they were part of the American bus Association so the busing business would go to all these conferences get all kinds of freebies from different hotels casinos you name it okay this is a full bag of a ton of those freebies I don't it's free we wonder why do they care what ways they're getting it for free there's there's anything and everything in here from that toe it could be a cloth a micro cloth it could be this is this is a bag it unfolds into a bag it could be measuring spoons from from ABC companies it could be it could be the pot holder somebody asked us to actually auction off the pot holders so fidgets there's a fidgets spinners looks like all kinds of stuff stores stocker buck 99 I love free way that once a free free shots turn stocker all you got to do is be the first person to answer trivia question from this week of videos so if you're watching the videos from the beginning to the end you're gonna know the answer first person to put the answer in the chat within the minute to win it is gonna win the free lot and here's the question I don't know what's in there either looks awesome though and then the price is right it's free it's a stapler it's an awesome one that stands up nice they can't see that in your camera it stands up this way sweet stapler all right here's the question this week and what the Hales there were a lot of epic videos no doubt about it if you haven't watched Friday and Saturday you should they're amazing but that being said we did find the penny and we already know what the year of the penny was which was going to be the mystery question tonight but the question now has changed because everybody knows the year at the penny here's the question in a video Jeremy said we all know where Liars go where do they go you got 25 wait I mean a minute forget it's 25 things you got a minute to answer this question first where the Liars go Jeremy said in the video we're all we all know where Liars go they go straight to and loop ball man I got hail hail sails Texas Texas heels heels heels heels heels hail hail hail hail hail hail Helsley gonna hail hail hail hail hail tell they go to the couch how they all have hair cells to make lel hail hail hail hail cells hell cells washington DC de kales bitcoins to hail hail hail sales himself tails there's some schools they go to schools and that is gonna help us they go to George they go to sleep to go to purgatory they go to Alabama together that you go to the doghouse they go to Florida apparently go to Florida they go to UK they go to Congress oh my goodness there's not an answer they haven't thought up they go through the banned list now there is a ban listen to one and nice we even got an AC double hockey stick all right the first one would the answer the first one with the answer is I already said it once it was I gotta go back and find it it was Luke ball man Luke Bowman nice job Luke Luke you know you're Hales you know you're Hales but you know what heals a lot of stuff we'll just say that remember every week you can win a free lot as well all you have to do is watch the videos from the beginning to the end and answer a question it's gonna be planted in there somewhere make sure you keep watching share as we continue to get our 200k before the end of May we got a lot of epic videos coming up this week wait till Thursday the pick the pick all right George's telling me switch screens man whoa what it is exciting auction Wow over 600 people still joining us 30 races it's midnight here in Ohio have we gone for over three hours yeah you know we usually we love you youtubers oh yes we do we love you you doers and this is true you're not bidding George's blue but officially by government standards in all all senses I guess Egyptians are white Oh youtubers we loves [Music] thank you all so much for joining us on this Sunday's auction Q&A and auction we'll see you next Sunday same time same place I'll be here because we love you youtubers oh yes we do we love you youtubers and this is true when you're not with us really never had one to be [Music] there or be square good night y'all love you [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 13,635
Rating: 4.8992443 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: yvTxLPadl-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 40sec (11140 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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