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or rodents or whatever they were raccoons were hiding so let's see what we got hi everybody welcome back to the show we're here taking a risk and what Jeremy doesn't realize is that I was still hard at work in his unit number 13 and he actually closed the door on me and I've been stuck here for a day now so please send help go to his channel leave him a comment tell him I'm still stuck in the unit that I need him to come back I'm pretty sure he went home he's about an hour and 15 minutes away by now so please send help also make sure you check out Rob's channel on second sense I'm gonna put the link in my description if I ever get out of here definitely check out his wanders you'll get a sneak peek of some of the stuff that's in his unit unit number 15 you'll get a sneak peek of what's in there I won't show you too much I want you to go over to his channel check it out it's his stuff but uh please send help thank you for tuning in you guys are my last hope thank you alright these are the special tomatoes ooh the seaside tomatoes I had to choose any tomatoes to be would be the seaside tomato I love the ocean I love love being away at the beach lived in Hawaii for a little bit let's get to it it's a dirty box there's graphic nudity on my channel do I have to edit that oh man oh God something the mice were using to shave their legs I think it's a it's an old electric shaver wait wait a second there's a shower head in this box oh and there's the extra shaver itself I should take that home what is this Jeremy that is a shaver that's for my back oh god that's not good enough for your back I should take that home for my back my back T oh it actually comes with that I don't have a goatee on my back I got me a back it's like a grizzly he's Papa Bear there's some neat simple Mona steel strings what is this oh it's a Gibson no it's for guitars here we go tone power I'm tone-deaf a battery charger back in the day that's nice probably can't use that oh look at that that is wonderful the Versa discs for slicing this must have been Oh for a wavy slicing in case you want wavy fries or wavy cucumbers I guess that's a thing very neat clothes shaver oh so they get to get those annoying little bumps off your clothes after you wash it improperly it's kind of nice what if this works on couches too I don't see why not see what else we can find let's give everybody a headache real quick blurry vision headache I get those all the time I should seek help Oh oh no way an automatic number let's see if it's still numbers it does very cool nice oh wow it's nice it winds up please tell me still moves oh it's a music box still very nice he wanted 10,000 or sorry a thousand dollars for those commas in a long place though ask your viewers what song that is see if I can figure it out then death damn you know discussing the next happy days are here again happy days are here again soon man am i right happy days have been here this guy wanted $20 for an empty box that's why you went out of business I have boxes that are empty yes that are worth $500 whoa they're empty boxes for watches that were $25,000 watches the boxes so on ebay empty oh good line hundred dollars oh I was gonna make a joke about you selling bricks at your warehouse but I had to tell on them well you had the price down when you gotta show them to buy boxes why sell bricks all right so here we are with another unmarked box kinda it does say San Diego California on and hopefully it's the entire city of San Diego in this box I would love that nothing more resale dad let's see what we got seemed like another worthless fine to some people but actually people want these they need them they have a lot of old VHS tapes of their families or suffered just videos that they love that they need to protect so Rob from second census here and he has the sister unit to the one that Jeremy bought which is unit number 15 so here's a behind the scenes of behind the scenes we're going to take a look at his unit real quick yeah so Rob is filming for his channel Jeremy's filming him for his channel and I'm filming both of them for my channel a lot more help than we do yeah looks like I might need it there's maybe something you need from here you're gonna find some good stuff for sure there's no hoping it's a no well you can just slide down the hill I do see a poncho rack we found a little bit of that as well trash panda turds has the Lance do you want to see what else Rob finds from the sister unit I can't show you definitely check out his channel I think I just bought something unintentionally what's your return policy [Laughter] I'll be posting his link in my description to make sure you check that out definitely check out that video my stuff again I finally got my cameraman so I don't have to do this one-handed while opening boxes if they're steak in there you know what I'm thinking Jeremy Jeremy time it's 13 years really Oh Yvonne oh I thought this was real I was hoping for steak oh wow do you smell that oh that does yeah that's good stuff right there oh here we go is that your genie baby and I'm just no me oh that's nice too how many wishes if you got three wishes what would they be number one I only need one wish world peace I'm definitely taking your other two wishes this was actually used to sign and make the Declaration of Independence that's what I've heard Thomas Jefferson this is collectible make us an offer guys I'll give you a dollar this is the Mayflower I don't remember that's a good question world in the palm of my hand he's got the whole world in his hands he's asking the genie for peace in all the lands he's got the whole world spinning Jana's hands oh man it smells like like my grandma I'm gonna keep this one from my mom I actually feel what's your offer what's your offer the happiness of my mother I want all three of your wishes yeah it is beautiful the Model T oh man it's not the good stuff good dude stuff right here for all you older gentlemen that love that a rugged smell your sister into that kind of thing I mean what woman isn't cuz I never I never wear anything I have natural man smell that's this man smelling stereo right there I never wear anything I just smell like ma'am [Music] there's a good alligator you know your you know your sister loves smelling my armpits thank you you didn't know that she's crazy ma'am a girlfriend like that she's from the Godfather this is that prize-winning pony for us Egyptians we love cats supposedly our ancestors used to idolize them they were the guardians of the underworld that that smell like the underworld [Laughter] smelled like hey this is the coolest cologne bottle I think I've ever seen that's an armadillo yes so his favorite favorite animal is an armadillo bill Oh fumble nuts isn't just with your hands people it's with words as well that is fantastic that's that's probably pure armadillos oil super nice guys Oh as n't my grandma actually when she was in Egypt she used to raise pheasants and pigeons and they were pets did she really yeah yeah she had a farm and she even tried to do when she moved to California lived with my aunt and uncle she had a pigeon coop and it's actually considered a delicacy if you guys have ever been to a restaurant and found something on the menu known as squab that is just the fancy way we call it pigeon people won't eat it just like snails is escargot which I'd rather not that's beautiful I rather eschar no yes Oh what is it it's a pate I believe at one point may have been a caviar and you know me lick it lick it I dare you good just your teeth I feel like I can taste sounds now oh it's a lantern these are too cool I like to join these off this is really cool I think I could have been eight as an Avon saleswoman at one point you did you did you see Thomas Jefferson's well no way actually goes in the quilt holder so he has gold silver yeah what's the I don't know what you're fishing for friends friends were like gold oh that's the same it is somebody in the comments we'll fill it I thought it was I got friends in low places you get your family so you got friends cool well does the quill go on there too holy cow what three piece set wait wait wait George George this is what happens when you go through depression people which which I also told George George was he seems to be going through everything and I peel everything apart why do you do that if people went through the depression robbed oh because they saved everything they've hid things they did money coins silver coins I found one time I'm going through a closet in the house and and this is a house in Shaker Heights eighteen thousand eight thousand square foot when I'm going through that house in the closet or do I find a little bag hanging in the closet by all the clothes inside that bag is a jar inside the jar all silver coins bill silver so you never know people will hide things in the weirdest spots where you don't expect it everyone look oh you think it's in a top dresser I stole a piece of furniture clothes underneath one of the drawers in dresser Josh there's coins there's coins stacked up underneath there's a little it's like a little gap like that far you can stack like two coins they were stacked too deep all the way across the top you just never know what you're gonna find so you always gotta look but sometimes when you buy something this big how much time you got if you find a thousand books in here you can you look through every page the other day I found a behind a photograph I found out autograph of Emilio Estevez I was like man I just thought about all the pictures I threw out that I didn't look behind though you know the only person that would want that is Emilio Estevez itself all right Jeremy just hollered for me some coming you see this here there's definitely a card set in here now an animal got in here I think we could still dig that out you want to see what's inside of it yeah what kind of card set do you think that looks like football oh nice so let's see if we can actually have to take all these off but we'll see if we can get into this see what's in there and based on what we've seen already in this unit where there's one card set there's always another card set so let's see and so this is two boxes so far so we can only assume there might be even more boxes let's hope more cards let's get to it what what is that dude no way look it looks like another safe heavier than the first thing I put a temper breaks my arm wait you see you see what that says right it says drama bringing on underwear oh nice underwear very cool you remember because you did the other one you remember how to open it this one doesn't open the same way it doesn't it doesn't know you ready I think we're ready in three two one oh wow that was a condition much better condition for sure [Music] right now it's thinking I can't believe the ink still works yeah it just goes on that ribbon awesome what another cool find how much do these go for do you think we're gonna have to look it up on eBay easily fifty bucks oh I think so yeah I'm sure people just love the collectability of it having it around nice tell us in the comments below what your favorite letter is minus G so Tom and his two cents crew have been making some progress they've got two or three stacks of boxes in there and while they're doing that I'm gonna get to this next box that Jeremy pulled out for me you can kind of see in there let's get to it are they ready for this Jeremy ready or not here we come boom it's definitely a Prost now we got some swag in there you see with mystery swagalicious oh nice you got crescent wrench key chains for days man very cool those look like decent quality - not the cheap ones they've been made in China there okay so keychains are another area of flexibilities that are huge on eBay so as silly as it may sound you see this whole display it's a hundred percent they're all there so I could sell one crescent wrench keychain and make a little bit of money but since I have the whole display with every single one on there make a whole lot more money or you could just send George George an offer and pay him through PayPal and he'll ship it to you direct very nice I've got some some more swag if you guys need some swag to the cards so people want to see it's a pro set all new from 1991 the official NFL card and that is wonderful there are so many let's grab a couple let's not grab these ones these women Cora Bowl so those weren't stored very well but make sure wonder why they're stored it like that yeah there you go you guys you hit the New England Patriots Herschel Walker Walker is amiss in Vikings still all in great condition yeah these are looking good yeah they definitely did a good job preserving these and for these being in there for 13 years yeah can we find Emory Cleveland Browns players in the Hall of Fame well I know I mean in this they probably took all the bronze players out went there you go ed West this is quite the collection to find for anybody that's a super fan of the NFL this is this is definitely something you guys are gonna want I haven't seen it Browns blue and browns card yet yeah we're gonna have to find the semi-pro pack oh I thought you got one right there years look at that even the Lions got a kicker in there oh look another kicker and not a single Browns a single Browns player we don't deserve to be in there anyway that's crazy Joe Brown was such an amazing player but not 1990 exactly not in 1991 so still what a cool collection all right so not another tomato box but this one looks nice it was actually on top of where the where the squirrels or rodents or whatever they were raccoons were hiding so let's see what we got oh my goodness it's a brown thing hey Jeremy can you hand I don't have enough hands for this definitely don't have enough big hands I need a shaq-sized hand to get this down neat what is this some kind of oh wow there you go there's a better view kinda beautiful there's a way butter look at that that is gorgeous it is a replica of the 30s diamond kay limited edition absolutely gorgeous a find it's all that's in that box to be fine alright so we were about to put these cards away and I took a look and these are the cards that we thought were the junky ones and there's a reason it's because they've been gone through so often that they probably obtained some wear and tear and it's because there are the Browns cards but not only that the owner of the antique shop separated them separated these from the from the group these are the Browns and Steelers so he back then separated by the rivalry that these two have shared for years there's tons of great stuff here absolutely crazy so we were over here thinking these were just a bunch of junky cards that nobody wanted but these were actually the cards we were looking for the whole time absolutely phenomenal so many crazy good players in here and it's just crazy that he's got the Steel Curtain they're not the cardiac kids anymore but back when they were for all you oldies that remember that oldie Goldie's love you guys still such a cool collection haunted but these were actually the cars we were looking for the whole time absolutely phenomenal so many crazy good players in here and it's just crazy that he's got the Steel Curtain they're not the cardiac kids anymore but back when they were for all you oldies
Channel: Taking A Rizk
Views: 8,951
Rating: 4.9438992 out of 5
Id: suDgyG3kKxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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