BREAKING THE BANK I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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he's a bank no way he's a bank and there's something in there Hales low today's challenge can I find one thousand dollars worth of resale items in the boxes and totes from the $1,800 and $1,700 unit that I purchased just about a month ago this unit has been overflowing with brand-new items old antiques money you name it it's in there so let's find out together what the Hales I can find today Oh before we get started can you do us a little favor can you watch the video from the beginning to the end [Music] thankfully we still have tons of options to pick from from our units and not only that we still have the master lock key if we can find what this goes to that could be a huge score so let's dig in let's pick a box what do you think boxart oh let me know down below what should we start with a box or a tote I probably should have mentioned we still have garbage cans and these potato chip bins Oh Lee wants that I still gotta get through that and get that to Lee and you know what you know what I think I'm gonna say based on the comments post win all right totes mcgoats let's open up tote number one let's see what we have we've got bubble wrap oh we love bubble wrap resell bubble wrap this helps when we're shipping on ebay we buy this by the roll what do we have here look at this guys look at this lamp we might have well we might have our thousand dollars right here okay let's take it out I'm gonna set it down gently little baby cherub there okay let's look at the oh no it looks like we're broken right up here at the top but there's still probably good value to that okay there's something in here as well so figure it out look at that Tom look at that top Wow you guys seeing this [Music] look at that Wow so that's how it goes right there that is absolutely incredible incredible beautiful all right I don't even know how to find this thing on eBay to get a price but we've got to find one I love that it's like a lava lamp of fire now I did tell Lee that he could have this potato chip can so let's go ahead let's grab that one next okay and I got this table all set up so I'm hungry I'm hoping there's some potato chips say love potato chips must be an actual local company because Lee told me he had this can as a kid at the house so let's see what we have in here look at this artwork and when I say artwork I mean artwork I mean these things this is a piece of art somebody put time into this look at all the stitching I mean I would call it an Afghan but it's not an Afghan but it is Wow wow it's beautiful it really is it's absolutely I don't know what you call it I don't know what you call it it's gorgeous check this out check this out now George just George just actually sold a lot of blankets Afghans and quilt on our Sunday Night Live auction if you haven't been a part of the Sunday Night Live auction yet make sure you tune in every Sunday night 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time every night we give away free 100% free to somebody wins a free lot and this week's this Sunday is gonna be amazing it's a ton a ton of stuff let's see what other tons of things we have in here we've got some kind of tree doily we've got oh that random sheet okay we'll just toss that aside and we do have okay what do we call this would you call this Afghan we would call that an Afghan right this stuff is homemade without a doubt look at that beautiful blanket and we've got a would this be a I think this is a bedskirt let's make sure there's nothing hidden inside man all right nothing on the bedskirt we're running out of money in this can but hopefully wait hosing it what if I sell the can to leave for $1,000 then a light you have to do is find a penny in the rest of the stuff I'm thinking if you see yellow you're a wealthy fellow so let's grab this one I'm gonna set it right up here on the filming table and oh there's a peak smells like money let's see what we got here we go I just got a bright idea maybe get a taupe that actually does have money in it instead of white balls all right so we've got some light bulbs we have three light bulbs and with these units that typically has been a sign that there are lamps involved somewhere so let's see if we're right and look at this we actually we've got two globes in here I think we're on the right path if these are Tiffany lamps were easily at our thousand dollars we don't want to break these I'm gonna set these right over here while you examine this beautiful piece of paper okay so are there actual now a lot of lamps worth a lot of money I think we have a base I think that sounds like money rolling around in there okay let's see what we have they used a lot of paper to protect something oh my goodness it's gold leaf for sure there's definitely gold leaf on it all there's stuff in it oh my goodness oh my goodness okay looky here looky here I don't know everything that's in there but there's definitely some stuff in there and sports for women extra buttons this is like the is this an extra button job just like the extra button job okay let's just all right just because we can hopefully without losing oh now I'm losing stuff all right I don't know what this is it's beautiful very very ornate gold leaf in it for sure it's holding all the extra buttons and other things as well I thought money all right there's got to be the other part to it in here as well I would think especially especially in this unit here's the part of it is that part of it yeah this is part of the lamp for sure that's the shade okay so that's the shade for the lamp we'll set that down all right whoa I think we might be onto something I see something long okay come on come on come on big money big money oh by the way for anybody who's ever disappointed and not happy when they found a $20 bill randomly in their pocket anybody who goes I hate money you're liar all right so we all know we're liars go straight to house all right we got another shade right there and if we continue our search for money let's see come on this is what we do this is our livelihood this is how we pay the bills we need we need something awesome holy cow look at that shade Wow okay this has got to be some kind of vintage shade there's definitely got to be this is to something awesome all right I think we're onto something here for sure I don't think I don't think there's any doubt we are onto something amazing oh we just found another chamber pot see what do we have there it is East Liverpool Potter's company East Liverpool Potter's company get a good look there I think it's a chambers pot if it's not it's a mighty good a soup bowl for a big man like me just that's uh it's kind of cold today this would be great for soup that's what I'm gonna have for lunch soup probably in that bowl okay we've got some it is it's the top but is it the top to this no it's not and wait it looks like it actually matches the chamber pot pattern it's obviously been cracked and glue so oh I hear something moving around Oh chamber pot alright match into the chamber pot that says antique something USA antique something USA there's this thing I don't know what this is I'm not sure what that is for but I'm pretty sure yep there you go there's the full piece right there there that is that goes with the chamber pot alright whoa careful careful you guys don't want to see what's happening off screen trust me you know I see you don't want to see all right what do we have here come on come on daddy needs to get a grand today another piece that matches the chamber pot huh if it is a chamber pot maybe it's not chamber pot we got a marking there East Liverpool maybe it isn't a chamber pot maybe I'm so far off that wouldn't be the first time all right face of the lamp for sure here this has to be the base of the lamp or it could be a giant Popeye Bank you never know it could be a giant Popeye Bank come on come on come on come on this is what we've been waiting holy cow look at this thing look at this thing this has got to be this has got to be some Bank here cast-iron oh man how in the world are we gonna identify this thing some kind of I don't know but I bet you oh yeah yeah that's definitely that has got to be it right there freaky lampshade man I hope this one's worth something look at the identify marker there in the gut okay cool all right take the lampshade out I don't want to get broken and then got here's the other one what do we have come on what come on daddy needs a new pair of jeans daddy needs a new pair of jeans and no daddy just got a new chalice of some sort look at that there may be in oil how am I gonna figure out prices on this thing this is not making it easy from and you can't even pour anything out of it seems counterproductive not even practical you can't even use it you can unscrew it killing me here killing me Hales killing me probably should get at in eenie meenie miney moe catch a tiger by his toe if he hollers let him go eeny meeny miny moe all right we're gonna grab that one right there and careful here we go all right Don't Tell George those also okay this is a unique Tim here somebody obviously painted it yellow oh here we go oh [Music] mighty easily just found our thousand dollars in our own personal challenge Oh check this out okay we found some things like this earlier in these episodes for example there's a crystal manger scene we have found a lot of crystal in these units and here is here is an angel topper as well angel topper that's not the big money item I see here is another angel topper again not the big money item that I see but it's nice to know that we have two guardian angels helping us in our storage units always nice to know Yeah right up there yeah just give me a little hand yeah Oh perfect perfect uh-huh okay here we go here we this feels this is definitely metal I think I know what it is I think I know and it's gonna be Bank and it is it's not what I thought it was it's still awesome it's Santa Claus it's diecast made in Taiwan diecast very very cool actually it's too might be part of let's see oh look at this look at this okay here we go how's it open it opens here here we go oh okay all right it feels like it feels like it's either silver or gold it's heavy metal original its original sure shiny but I don't know what that is I don't know what that is let's figure it out it is it's a crystal ornament look it down okay we're gonna have to find out the value of that for sure all right that's still not what I thought I saw what I thought I saw was a million snow babies but that is not what I saw the snow babies this is popcorn no styrofoam the styrofoam threw me off and I thought these were snow babies wait wait there's something else and it's got a fifty five dollar price tag on it what is it it is it's a Swarovski crystal brand-new whatever it is it's a piece of crystal another piece of crystal it is a service key like a comment star start with the tail crystal piece look at that shining glimmer we are on our way to being the way no way no I'm thinking a box next these are all the boxes that we have left there's some big ones medium sized ones we found some really crazy stuff in the boxes marinara boxes but out that was roasted garlic roasted garlic hasn't been good to us but marinara boxes we have found all kinds of there's the fine china all kinds of amazing things in the marinara boxes I'm not seen any more marinara boxes though we've run out we finally have run out of marinara boxes this one says auctioned yeah it was it was definitely auctioned off maybe this was something they were gonna sell all right let's go check this one out this could be somewhat interesting obviously they either bought it at an auction or they wanted to sell it at an auction ultimately it was sold at auction for a lot of money let's see what we have them we already peeked we saw the corner here look at that we got a brown and Hawkeye okay it looks like yeah camera yep old old model right there now there are a lot of people that collect cameras who would love to get their hands on this stuff okay we've got some paper vintage paper that's always good money there oh you cannot believe this look at this it's a Jolly Green Giant Dao yes Dao do ll Dao look at that no markings okay this could have been I don't know maybe it was a pattern that was sold and then you would make your own Jolly Green Giant doll because there is no no markings no tag whatsoever regardless I'm sure it's worth something that this may actually go in my display case because that's pretty cool we've started the display case at the warehouse just really cool stuff and this is cool - wait till you see this I can't believe it alright we got old stone we're here okay now I don't know if this was kiln blast fire blast oh look we actually have some writing on the bottom can anybody decipher that anybody at all can you guys could decipher that we have the lid I don't know if I could do that without without actually having like pencil on it but look the inside 100% all all colored on the inside and then we've got the lid as well this is a beautiful piece this has got to be worth some money for sure that's that's get enough somewhere closer to our thousand dollars sargo ho ho oh that was just goal and Oh in the same word right there all right we got a beautiful Stein Stein's are pretty collectible as well especially when they're made in Germany look at this one here all right let's take a peek at the I don't know what the scenery is except it's cool all right nothing in there except pure cash so this was either bought at auction oh we found a bank we found a bank and thanks for money this is a church bank look at this this was either bought at auction or it was supposed to be sold at auction there is actually we're doing a collectible bank lot this Sunday so George is gonna be auctioning off all old collectible banks this is a high area of demand on eBay as well it has its own grouping now I see there's some looseness there's got to be a way to get the money out you guys see any money in there just peek down in there maybe there's some paper money okay I don't know if it slides or oh it screws all right there we go there's a screw right there so apparently that goes in there on the court okay that's how you do it I've never seen one like that before look at this we've got the Dutch boy Stein as well look at that I think we might be missing a top on the bottom it says that loma lo ma we got loma there we probably got a top in here too be my guest not sure lots of stuff in here like this diaper just in case you never know when you run out of toilet paper during a pandemic there we go okay something's heavy Suns heavy no stinking way look at this bye bye I just found Popeye the sailorman he's wet he's a bank no way he's a bank and there's something in there Popeye the sailorman bank oh my goodness I can't believe it I cannot believe it the way you get the money out you unscrew right here okay we will okay we will get the screwdriver and we will open Popeye and we'll see how much money is in Popeye flathead is what we need okay let's see what we've got all of this stuff is brand-new stuff from Lowe's from these units I mean obviously look at this we got Home Depot autozone Menards Walmart we've got to have we've got tens of thousands of dollars of things in here we've got to have a Phillips head screwdriver let's look here here's bits see bits in here we got to get in there we got to see what's in there or you know what let's just grab let's grab one of one of the toolboxes okay here we go yep and maybe there's just a solo screwdriver I remember I remember recording just don't remember what was inside oh there we go right there right there bit shooter all right let's do this we're gonna seed together what's inside pop height now I got to be very very careful because this is obviously an old bank this is gonna be awesome man if there's some collectible 1943 penny is in here oh man here we go oh it is a penny it is a penny what kind is it is it it is 1979 ah so close but still if I sell that can of potato chips to leave for $1,000 I just made a thousand and one set [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 29,931
Rating: 4.9285026 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 9xl_26k1VlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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