Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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it's show time like show-and-tell like every Sunday at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard it's show time right happy Sunday Funday everyone happy Mother's Day to all my beautiful moms don't want to forget the dads that play the role of mom and dad so happy Mother's Day to all the single dads out there anything else today today's today was a double celebration for me double celebration like a double rainbow what was the double celebration I've gotten a lot of a lot of birthday love in the chat so far even before we went live they must not know that you canceled your birthday this year well I didn't cancel my birthday whoa whoa the pandemic canceled my brain canceled your birthday you canceled your birthday like I'm canceling my 38th birthday and then your mom was like no no you not cancel we have this virtual party and then you're like okay birthdays back on and then you're then you're like birthdays canceled I've been through such emotional highs and lows I don't know what's going over I think you misunderstood when I was trying to say birthday celebration well I guess we better have a little party tonight I bet I have a bunch of fellow May 10th birthday viewers happy birthday for you guys too if your birthday falls on songs we're not ready for you now are we right now they to you me happy no to them I'll birthday to you wait is it canceled or not canceled oh it's on oh dear [Music] happy birthday to you do you think everybody else is singing too for me [Music] yeah I think whether that be birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday I'm loving all the virtual cake that's coming through the channel donuts are those is there any ice virtual balloons I thought I saw some ice cream yeah funky fluffy scent of five dollars super chances happy birthday George from needs which face guys they're all the way from the UK it's 2:00 a.m. there 203 weight to be exact it's also Mother's Day yeah what's you want to sing happy Mother's Day to all our viewers if you love your mummy type I love my mummy in the chat right over there I love my mummy she's Egyptian so I call her my mummy if you love your mommy are they doing it in the chat if you love cuz she gave you a happy to me if you love your mummy travel of my there are balance into five dollars super chances did you become auctioneers to do live auctions you don't have to we you're selling your own stuff you don't have anything if you love your mommy $2 and 79 cent super chances happy birthday from Jay Anthony oh my goodness you better get your fist preciate it that's this is my best your fist is over there I'm gonna go ahead and get one out there for Sarah Bam Bam Bam there we go Michelle a me killin just happy birthday George happy Mother's Day funky floor feel squishy funky blossoms cushy boom there we go virtual cake it's mash now one for Amy I don't know man I don't know if this has me Kilian sent a dollar 99 super chat so happy birthday George and happy Mother's Day thanks guys I want to say like every five years Mother's Day and my birthday fall in the same day every five years yeah about every five years it's pretty cool that's not bad yeah five years isn't a bad gig there yeah that's not too bad at all alright we got a lot to go over tonight don't we we do we have special guests coming on tonight - yeah so who we've got secret special guests coming on tonight do you think it could be your mummy no I don't picture my my mom or my dad ever agreeing to come live never ever Patti's two dollars happy Mother's Day George appreciate it big girl 34 so it's so it's not your mummy not 34 Pat ah so close so close someone said George is 29 someone says I look 23 oh no is it George George is it I guess we're just gonna have to find out do you think is it George George our special guest tonight I don't know we do have special guests there's no doubt about it there's no doubt about that Katie I almost called her caddy Katie's pregnant I can't wait to see her baby ball Pat just sent about 49 super super sticker Wow must be angry all right thank you so much Pat DS so lots and lots and lots to cover we've got special guests coming in tonight as well we have a couple of people guests trying to guess my age in the chat um I've already said it once tonight did you yeah you're 38th and second 38 its 30th yeah you're 38 years old ition forty yaw pushing pushing pushing I'm not over the hall went down to 40 George went up the hill you've already rolled down the hill you on the upper incline you were on my back saying carry me carry me ah so we've got tons going on tonight just a reminder we do have a ton of fun we do have we got a super job man the $4.99 appreciate it thank you Lady Luck junk just said 777 go shorty it's your birthday song go shorty it's your birthday do you know about that I know all about this it's sung by pity sing look at a venture that yours happy Mother's Day all the amazing mom I appreciate it somebody's looking adventures piece of mail coming ah we do have mail from flipping adventures but we're not ready for that we're not ready for the movie ah we've got a lot of announcements that we got to get through and then we're gonna get mail we got special guests and then we have a whole auction and we got Olcott some awesome stuff for our auction tonight some really cool stuff yeah visit for your birthday party yeah cuz it's your birthday yeah you remember it last year Mother's Day / George's birthday oh do you remember what we did for your birthday last year at this time we were camping we were we're making s'mores like specialty s'mores we they were they were specialty s'mores and I'd like to use instead of just plain Hershey's I like to use KitKat last year [Music] it was so good guys and that is what we were doing one year ago yeah one year it's been one year since I've been cancer-free as well um deputy mayor happy Mother's Day George but 99 it's been hearing Garcia Oh mr. $2 preciate akhirin and michael fisher buck 99 happy birthday mama's day so it would have been officially it'll be like the end of May though yeah you're one the last day of May was will be my official one-year cancer-free anniversary of being cancer-free one year no shout out to all my cancer-free it means you've got to make another appointment soon doesn't mm-hmm do your follow-up okay so that's an amazing accomplishment even though you think you're still going uphill you're still on the downslide though so on the upper incline you are on my back pushing me down no matter what you say they're gonna agree with me when they see tomorrow's video what you did to me sento dollar ninety-nine super chances happy birthday and Mama's day thank you Michael appreciate it alright we got to get to our announcements then we're gonna get the mail and then we'll get to our special guest okay so announcements if you're not subscribed which you probably are if you're on this chat yeah if you're not subscribed what should they do what the hell's are you waiting for go ahead hit the subscribe button actually there's a subscribe button every single video right down there how much does it cost it's free free a card reader bribe after you subscribe you want to hit the notifications belt so if you go to the page they'll be a little bell and give you three options it'll be none personalized for all make sure they hit what that very top Bell what you say all notifications all so things you'll be notified every time we release a new video just every day mhm and when we go light every Sunday so somebody just left a comment today they they left a comment on one of the videos they said oh my goodness I'm so glad you're back I haven't seen you guys release a video on months I mean you probably missed I don't know 200 videos that's a person that doesn't have their all Bell wrong so they're not getting the actual notification so that's extremely Purse important Michelle happy birthday George appreciate it Michelle thank you this is definitely yours no doubt alright so we are on the road to 200k subscribers 200,000 subscribers yes before May now we've hit a couple milestones we are app we are right at 44 million views correct yeah okay I think we're like right right on the edge or were there one of them end moments right before the slide right for the line right before we hit 194 thousand subscribers 194 thousand subscribers we're 6,000 subscribers away from 200k before me before the end of May we've got it it's before the anime we're in Maine oh you know I messed up Ivan we have our days confused I'm fun employees I don't know anything about any dates I know nothing all right preciate it only Gilbert's two dollars we used to use fudge strip cookies for a sculpture that actually would be really good you really have to try that next time so we are at 194 we're still trying to get 200k subscribers before the end the way that we can get theirs with you it's all about you yes if you weren't watching well why would we do this naturally we do it because it's creative outlet for me but we were shocked that anybody watches but we also are appreciative then you watch yeah and so we're thankful for that because yeah we've been able to hit this milestone you should have an opportunity to educate all the time and to entertain all the time working with kids and adults in full-time ministry and now this is kind of the outlet for that Don Clifford $10 happy Mother's Day and what was the clash total found so far in the 1700 1800 dollars oh my god I didn't open penny rolls for sale rolls for sale I appreciate it Don you may find this hard to believe we do not know what the total of cash is so yeah we haven't combined it all together so what most people would go well why wouldn't you count that exactly when you get home what most people don't understand is we're putting in all the time at the warehouse then you film it that takes multiple times then you go home and you edit it and you upload and you put it on YouTube so as soon as I get home with cash it comes home and and as soon as I get home it's it's literally editing its YouTube till about 2:00 to 3:00 in the morning yeah and then get up early and do it again to add on to that we're not done with that unit yet so not even close we're gonna wait till were completely done sorting through the unit and unboxing and then do the final count that's a good idea if we can never get to that point Lily just said about 49 thank you so much appreciate it Lily adventures with the Hudsons happy birthday George we love you oh thanks Beth and Jim love you guys miss you guys we definitely have to meet up for an auction as soon as this is all lifted all right so auction tonight's adventure she's so creative so hashtag on the way to 200k okay so our second segment tonight first segment is gonna be Q&A we're gonna have guests we're gonna have a ton of fun yeah the second segment is gonna be the live auction so George has a bunch of neat little Lots for you what we do with the auction we're not selling individual items it's all bulk so that you as resellers can take the information that you learn and put that into practice so we have baclava event that will be second segment and that'll be roughly about 10 o'clock mom of candy sent $2 happy birthday George and happy Mother's Day I appreciate it mom i Kenny I think that was hangry comes with the comes with the territory that's what happens okay so you know what time it is right it's the male song it's definitely definitely male song and there is a lot of mail and I have it right here for you and they order and here is your connive are you ready for the male song there's your Kenai all right why they were opening this is Mike kasoori slash letter envelope opener from our subscriber Melissa W [Music] we got mail from Tony Gonzalez and $10 superjet says happy mom stay happy birthday George we got alright the first part is our weekly love from the Draper's all the way from Fort Myer Florida yo you know Mick is gonna send some yeah sure of course Mick loves to make her own cards and show creative she loves to spread joy it says happy dot dot dot I bet it's a holiday rain this year is the best full of joy now called a mr. Draper and mate appreciate it making all her cards the best part is she calls her husband literally mr. Dreier is so funny pretty funny it's funny that is amazing thank you so much Mick we appreciate it oh you've got more this one says pins and then Rick there was more okay so this is Rick from Swift Current SK what do you guys think it's a country definitely a country definitely a country whoa you see if I can figure out the countries oh my gosh these are so awesome it's definitely it's French it's French it's from Canada it is from Canada do you know what you're looking at right now yeah here you want me to read it yes all right she's got my hands I can show filled with buttons I'm not sure you can show the camera flat on your hand but I'll go ahead and read it while you're loading your hands up well to everyone at what the Hales little baby pin all right you guys ready now you're gonna get to see them one says the first one okay so I just wanted to let you know that I love your videos and the idea of you running for president on your April first 2020 episode so much I thought I would send you a gift and help you along keep the good video stay safe Rick that is that is Hales larious he made that one is our logo what the Hales he made Hales for president and then one of your face can actually get this to focus all right we'll do it like this and hopefully there it goes Hales for emails for president another one in there this is crazy this is crazy awesome these are definitely going up on the wall behind us hey Hales for president there's there's my ugly mug break back you know somebody's in the display case at the warehouse - yeah we should put some of those in the display case for sure that's creative there's no doubt about it that is creative we have the best the best subscribers the most beautiful oh you got another one is from flipping adventures what's this one here that one looks huge yeah let's do that one last let's do that one we'll save flipping adventures for last because I have a I am suspicion what it is this one is from Nevada Las Vegas Viva Las Vegas they send you quarters I bet they sent you court oh oh it's getting hot in here look at that that is Mary that is a hundred dollar bill that's a fan that is crazy Bryan butter just sent 499 happy Mother's Day George hope all of your kids are doing good also your kids are doing good Jeremy Thank You Bryan we surely appreciate it and I need you getting the kenai okay I'm gonna read this okay I'm gonna read this hot here you can is getting hot okay dear George and Jeremy I'd like you to have the star of our that from the cowboy who owned it it was a good friend of mine he loved a pretty lady knowing you knowing you own the star now it would please him Jeremy this is for you when you get all worked up on finding money this is he said gold he says got her gold that's pure gold okay with it would work perfectly over finding money this fits you perfectly so he said that this was yeah okay and it just started watching I'm hooked I can't stop watching I'm gonna give now I'm gonna learn how to buy a storage unit now thank you so much Mary oh my Repton the toilet paper is that a real sheriff star that is a real sheriff George sheriff George oh my goodness that isn't the truth one of our eight year old subscribers gave you a pin last year about I love George penances at the auction give it to me at the auction yeah whoo it is getting hot in here sheriff George there's now a new sheriff in town actually she's always look out guys new sheriff and Tom it's legit yeah legit yeah you want to be the sheriff sheriff fine who's the sheriff report to the sheriff reports to man that button is so small I'm not sure I can be President I'll figure it out one way or another I'll figure that out all right we got one more pack mail right flipping adventures all the way [Music] flipping adventures you've been looking at property in Florida and WA non-stop how many virtual tours did we do this week we've done four virtual tours with the selling agent so in other words they'll FaceTime me and then do like a walk through show me like the neighborhood in the street and the inside of the house and and then you'll ask me hey what do you thinking I'll go are there any neighbors and if there's no neighbors I'm gone yeah I like that one if there's neighbors and then I go not good not good says uh postcard that says happy says Jeremy and George thanks for all the fun and all the great info so we can learn to be fun employed here are a couple maths for you and to give away we might venture and ake a flippin adventures is our sold mod so when she goes sold in the option that's flipping adventures okay let's take a look at this thing I saw what she was making on Instagram they are yeah Wow I think this one must be specially for me what do you think is that my colour that even works with my glass there's a total of five masks Wow actually now she said we can give some away right yeah so you're gonna have to figure out ways to give some away I'm going on so if you saw the pic this week with the change machines I'm going tomorrow morning to go pick that place again and we're gonna try and get into the George George George George you don't these are awesome thank you so much thank you so much okay so you got to figure out how to give a couple weight tonight okay okay all right yeah I'm probably gonna have to go with the camo so that when I go picking tomorrow that I'd do it in style and and they can't see me alright I'm gonna be the picking Ninja is it okay if I keep two that way I have like two accessories a shoe burpin one and then you have to replace the other yeah that's a good idea and then we'll give away - alright you figure out how to give them away okay okay all right so that is amazing she's gonna figure out how to give them away and one of the things we want to do tonight is introduce you to uh not new but relatively new on the scene couple doing resale so one of the things that I've had the honor and the privilege of doing boy way before YouTube is teaching people in full-time ministry how to create a side hustle through eBay so for sample when I went to Appalachian Bible College I literally held a training conference for all of the professor's for all of the staff how they could generate a side hustle with eBay when I was running the Christian camp and conference center we actually had a full-time a base salesperson and we started a thrift store and we would actually create scholarships for inner-city kids through that whole process of giving other Christian camps would fly me all over the United States to teach their staff in full-time ministry how to actually create a side hustle as well but without further ado here's somebody in full-time ministry who is doing it they're doing it fun time so here we go say hello to Reb resale here's davidandnicky hey how are y'all we're gonna have to just let you do it so we can't hear you yet Dave and Nicki but now we're you know George away now hello perfect George gets all the settings all set up the whole deal all right you guys you guys your is like my sheriff that would probably go down well where you guys are at where are you guys at we're about a 20 miles south of Atlanta so depends on traffic could be 20 minutes or hours south so it dis all depends best offer Queen just sent $4.99 reverie sound Nicki love you guys thank you so much Aaron appreciate the burches birthday wishes as well I got to actually go down to chick-fil-a headquarters they have a gap program and they flew me down to meet with some of their students and I got to go to true Kathy's office and he's got I actually have videos of that on Facebook he's got a lifelike image of Willie Nelson in his office oh wow pretty cool yeah we went to his home for fireworks back when I was a kid I didn't know Nikita at the time but he was he was cool did fireworks every year awesome care all right so date your pastor correct right yeah okay with what church do you pastor it Porter down back this Porter Dale is a mill town old mill town that was here of of course a long time ago people walk to the church I was let's say I started attending never attended church I was 16 licensed ordained married I'm trying to think in the order all there at the church went to Alaska and then we're back at our home Church real where it all started so that's pretty incredible the whole full circle yeah it was uh we were only there a year and a half and it got negative 34 for about three night so that was pretty cold and you think you get cold I think you get cold yeah I'm always cold like my hands are cold she's on medications that make her cold she's got beta blockers so they make her cold and cranky usually the other order though yes all right now Dave let me know if this is true or not okay cuz I've spent most of my vocational career in full-time ministry guidin majority of my career has been in full-time ministry serving and one of the stats i've always heard from those in leadership positions or pastoral positions in full-time ministry almost seventy five percent say they have no best friend or there's loneliness is would that be true in your case oh I think it's always we sort of force ourselves to be on our island and you feel like you can't and we've learned I've been in ministry not full-time but I've been in ministry for probably 20 years I'm 40 I'm like Justin Grimes I'm a 1980s baby I'm getting on the top of that Hill George I'll be coming down before you much longer you're like right there yeah but it's true a lot of times we we sort of put ourselves there but we have learned and we have a network because we're close to home we have a network of people that are in the church and outside that really help us but it's true so here's the deal okay I used to used to have the opportunity to take up to six students a year they would get their masters in organizational leadership Christian education or Christian counseling and one things I always taught them when we go to speak with the pastor never ever call them Reverend or pastor and it's not because of disrespect it was always for building relationships use their first name and it's one of the things I used to tell them in Luke when Jesus calls Lazarus out of the tree Lazarus was dirt he was scum anybody and everybody would have called Lazarus anything but his name or our excuse me not laughs Zacchaeus I got a base there that exact hiss anything but his name but then Jesus goes that kiyose I think that was the first point of boom there's the there's the part of the friendship there so David I'm gonna call you David if that's okay no that's fine the only reason Reverend sound Nicky take and say I never have only time I sign Reverend is on a marriage certificate but rev resale is sort of fit for you Jynx it's kind of like what the hell knows me knows where everyone would never be a title but Ralph has kind of stuck here on YouTube I like it I like it all right the nurse flipper just sent ten dollars happy birthday George happy Mother's Day ladies love you David and Nikki T thank you so much for the friendship and support I appreciate it nurse flipper thank you nurse flipper all I think is that shout out to all our essential workers work in health care I'm missing all kinds of work here we go Midwest pick a $5 welcome rub day my name is Dave too and then we got one more I gotta get to that and we're gonna have some fun all right wait we got two more now oh okay redneck retail $9.99 here's to a great show and some love for the rest we've got David Caldwell buck 99 you get my email about the week Penney's David if we did we'll get back to you but we are weeks if not months behind remember your communication is one of thousands of pieces of communication we get every day so it would take a person on our staff it take multiple people on our staff eight hours a day 40 hours a week just to respond to people we don't hire anybody to do that we do that ourselves so you have to be extremely patient but thank you for this appreciated a lot of people in the chat saying that they just sub to you guys nice but very much not 1000 mark so now we're trying to get to the 4000 watch hours so go back at the beginning don't start at a recent go back to the first one of the things that a lot of people ask us on our channel is a Jeremy will you dig more into eBay will you do into the reselling and for what we do on the channel what we what we wanted to accomplish is we want to do we want to do edge attaining so we educate and we edge and we attain entertain what you call it educators educators hi they can get the stuff from great channels such as reverie sale so if you want to get the meat of what selling was huh how to find it things along those lines then reverie sale and just just a channel that we've come up with recently that we've fallen in love with and then then we got Aaron the best offer queen she does a phenomenal job we love the aspect of the positivity yes and we want to see if we can get a little bit more positivity from you guys here okay now we're gonna ask you questions in rapid fashion this is going to be extremely rapid yeah because we really we want to get to the meat of you guys okay so we got Dave and we got Nicki ah it's gonna be quick this is gonna be rapid-fire questions I hope you guys are ready go on it question her Nicki does all right Nicki is cereal morning soup no you're wrong sorry okay Gary what think we're conspiracy would you love to start oh free money yes absolutely you probably did all right Nicki what's invisible but you wish people could see oh I'm sorry you're wrong now what's the weirdest smell you have ever smelled in your life baby food that is correct versatile nice job Nicki is a hot dog sandwich yes wrong all right what's the most ridiculous fact you know David ridiculous fact that forty this year that's not really ridiculous but it first came out that's wrong as well I'm sorry Nikki what is something that everybody looks stupid doing dancing you are right hi alright David what's the funniest joke you know my heart funniest joke I know by heart to aliens come into a room and say what the Hales you are incorrect all right Mickey what are the unwritten rules where you work Oh be nice to the kids that is low I'm sorry David how do you feel about putting pineapples on Pease pizza grace yes you are correct nice job nice job you bring this one back what's a pineapples do not belong on a pizza Nikki if animals could talk which animal would be the rudest skunk what'd she say oh what a skunk a skunk he would stink like we you are correct nice job nice job all right David toilet paper do you put it over under over yes [Music] Nikki what's the best type of cheese cheddar wrong I'm sorry how many chickens would it take to take down an elephant and kill it more than a mouthful that is correct nice job Nikki what Party Park what pots a little bit well body part you wish you could detach detach my ear I'm sorry that is wrong David what is the weirdest thing against is done in your house fart at the kitchen table that is correct yes that is correct Nikki what inanimate object you wish you can eliminate from existence farting horrible that's the thing in the world David what is the funniest thing you've ever done in somebody's home probably for it at the kitchen table that is correct yes Nikki what's the absolute first name you could give a child the absolute worst first name you could give a child that was incorrect I'm sorry David if peanut butter was not called peanut butter what would it be called brown nut spread correct yes you were correct okay all right Nikki what would be the worst buy-one-get-one-free sale of all time adult diapers you are correct David what would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse oh wow Chihuahua it would be dangerous you are incorrect I'm sorry that would be Justin groans - aw you know what I would do I'll put a saddle on that thing and be like giddyup all right all right Nikki what's something you just recently realized you're embarrassed about but you didn't realize earlier in life my height I'm sorry that is incorrect hammer by an inch all right David what's something that's really popular now but in five years everybody's gonna be looking back and be so embarrassed by mm probably uh Tiger Kings Baskins if you're transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else how would you prove that you were from the future you are correct and last but not least David where was the most inappropriate and most embarrassing place you ever farted yeah get kitchen table that's a that's an amazing compliment and a lot of more I never gonna be invited to eat it anyone's house just watch this video to you that is an amazing amazing compliment okay I've got some other questions for you so that everybody in our chat can get to know you guys a little bit okay they're not rapid-fire they're just Oh different about resale all right now how long have you guys been reselling um I actually started five six years ago rebuilding old Ford carburetors in a soda mone Bay and then I saw a video probably four years ago and started doing the reselling that we do now which I don't have to get my hands dirty doesn't take eight or nine hours to rebuild I can just go to the store or go wherever and find it and resell it and it's a lot quicker and it's been a lot more profitable so you focused primarily on eBay or are you focusing on other platforms as well no uh well because I'm a full-time pastor and a fun time reseller I don't really want to dabble in to learn I know eBay so I just I just focused there so everything I buy has eBay in mind so I sort of have figured eBay out so you know I make enough I use it to bless other people with our church pays us a very good salary and so this just gives me some discretionary money to either bless the fam there bless others with so I have enough so I just do eBay that's phenomenal we get questions all the time from our viewers we get I mean it could be anything they send us a picture of absolutely it could be this water bottle Jeremy where should I sell it if they were to ask you the same question what would you tell them yeah Betty I mean it's it's amazing what you can sell on eBay I I found a puzzle that a goodwill our goodwill opened on Friday I went in and I found a Liberty oh yeah wooden puzzle and I paid $2.99 for it it was brand new and it's probably gonna sell for over three hundred dollars now I never would have seen that value if I didn't know eBay no that's incredible yeah so anybody who ever asked us where should we sell what should it the answer is always eBay and the reason is eBay is the largest platform for a global outreach when you can put your item in front of more people you're gonna get more money now Amazon has picked up as well the only thing the aspect of Amazon that we that we don't like is more fees and things of restrictions used items aren't as popular versus eBay but we hear we hear people griping and complaining all the time about eBay - but eBay's charging these fees and eBay's doing this and eBay store it's their platform they can do whatever they want and so here's what I usually tell people if I could sell this at a garage sale for $10 and I made $10 I pocket all the money right but if I can sell this on eBay because they have a global platform that will put it out to everybody and they get 10% or even if they get 20% I still get $80 I make more money using eBay platform let's already get from the shop spend your time on eBay this is a minivan yeah toothpaste I bought paid two dollars and fourteen cents now a yard sale I may have gotten $5 but on eBay I had a hundred and thirty four of these Plus this one and I was selling them for a hundred bucks apiece now who would have seen the value in toothpaste to be $100 but uh that's what eBay does for you and how can you complain about that eBay they're cut they provide you the platform and you're gonna make more money selling on eBay than you would in my opinion anywhere else I would happily pay them 10% no I have no problems with that at all maybe I have no problem with that at all okay trivia question for you all right there are currently in our world more second-hand shoppers than ever before all right women are the growing aspect of those second-hand shoppers so what percentage of women in our culture today do you think love second-hand shopping let's let's play higher or lower what do you say higher or lower let's let's hear your first guess what percentage of women do you think secondhand shop currently know 20 27% 27% that's a really good guess yep you are absolutely wrong wrong higher higher yep higher ah higher yep much higher wait wait don't give too much away okay my first guess in his ear was 75% 75% he should have went with her guess I'm even lower okay alright my turn uh 55% that's my favorite number 55 that's pretty close in 2017 2017 52% of women were all about resale yeah but it's higher higher than that 63% Oh getting closer very higher Oh 70% Chad and look at what the people in the chat are saying yeah you got answers every lower 4% you got nice 64% of women 64% of women are all about buying resale secondhand now which that continues to grow and grow and grow and grow I sew clothing obviously does pretty hot now us particularly I I donate all the clothing I get that's just my system it's because I don't like clothing it all goes it all goes to to nonprofits I don't care I wear I wear I wear ripped up jeans and stained hoodies so but I know I give away thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars in clothing what what group what generation group do you think is more about secondhand clothing than any other generation group would it be Millennials Gen Z boomers or Gen X I would say Millennials yeah I'm kind of right at that edge of millennial 1980 hey you're finally in is that your final answer again don't be looking the chance see what everyone else is yeah yeah I uh I don't know I see more boomers right now than I see anything else says go with the women so the origin Nikki T is gonna get the chance to tell us I guess so what is your final answer I'm going boomers I'm sticking with Millennials one of them is right and one of them is wrong oh no marital strife here we're okay with that David Millennials [Music] making your car behind me because Millennials make up 33% buying apparel secondhand boomers 3137 second second about two points now the chat may go why is this important marketing this marketing you've got to know who you're selling to so this is one of the things that I teach we're just hiring eBay individuals right now to help us to list more and more and more and you the thing I always teach them you have to think like the person you're selling to not like who you are yeah out of your mind and get yourself in the mind of the person you're selling to so you've got it you've got it you got to know that stuff that's a great thing with eBay - is this getting to be a more wider range of people that are purchasing there it's not just old people like it was a long time ago so mm-hmm all right now with that happening though would that happening would you guess that more people own more clothes or more people own less clothes in our current world today I'm gonna go I'm gonna say less just because I've seen this whole trend of the you know making it the same outfit with all these different with one same piece how to make it trendy and different outfits and different Waring's but we've got to switch it up yeah Julie more says les Rosetta says more temptu says more best offer Queen says and more rednecks as I say more mixes glass it's pretty divided what do you think David um I could still wear what I wore in the 80s so I could still wear medium sure it's more of a smaller I have that problem I use medium yeah I do have that problem as well I you so David are you saying more yeah I would say more I would give Nicki says last try we are gonna have to do counseling with them right in 2017 the average and this is average from polls and information and marketing the average wardrobe was 164 items ok 164 items in the consumers closet all right in 2018 that went to 147 but in 2019 it went down even lower Don what's happening what's happening is people are actually buying less clothing and rotating it more and I think important to know as a reseller as well out in the business and and again these are facts and things that you guys can find on other great channels where we do a lot of treasure hunting and we still teach you how to buy and to sell but all of the nitty-gritty facts that you can't get on what the hails you can get on other great channels and we we particularly appreciate the positive message you guys put out we love it absolutely support it stand behind it 100% and we think we think it's fun to be reselling for sure and what you guys are doing with it all right we'll give you with the remaining 30 seconds that you have do you have any questions for us can we give them more than 30 seconds now that we drilled you take questions for us yeah the the storage auction so I have ebay garage and I have a study here in the house where I do when you started how big was your warehouse or did you just go unit the unit when I started I didn't have a warehouse and I've been doing this for as long as I like I know I had an open trailer flat landscaping trailer I would buy on and everything would be on it and it would be out and I would just put a tarp under it and then it worked its way into the house and then it takes over your life in your house and I can't stand that I want it all out of the house I don't want to be living in it and that's where I I think part of that a scale of business and operation but that is extremely important to me to actually have a space where that all happens so I don't like it at the house George on the other hand doesn't like it at the warehouse she wants it there at the house I'm gonna list it I want it there at the house yeah and I want to work at that warehouse you know we have to segment I mean there has to be time even though it is here at the house but I call it fun time so I'll do it when time is available and a prioritizing your time is important well you know what if a lot of resellers this is just my personal opinion if a lot of resellers actually resold have spent their time prioritized in reselling instead of you know gossiping with the other person or creating drama on YouTube or yeah whatever whatever whatever out there if the resellers actually focused on reselling oh my goodness they'd be maybe multimillionaires you can flip a dollar in a minute if you just focus on so much we can do so well could do so well all right any other questions well we just want to say we thank y'all for having us oh man it's an honor and watch your channel for a long time you George both of you we love you and appreciate you having us happen so before you hop off I would love to check out your wall oh yeah I've just gotten some different I love hot wheels I was like selling Red Line Hot Wheels and have some just different different stuff got the Shelf of fame there shuffle theme yes so we just just decorate it make it somewhat of a backdrop just to hang out it's awesome it's awesome looks awesome that room looks so much cleaner than everything in my house yes we're not going we're not moving the camera Bay and that's where all the eBay stuff is probably sure with the camera any direction yeah that's that's a beautiful thing I always when somebody's filming with the videos with us for YouTube I go listen this is what they see Yuri is what they see this is what a fee right here you're in control you're in control don't show the mess we let you go anything else going once no man we do appreciate it we think y'all love y'all thank thankful for what you do yeah thanks for coming on with us and we'll be in touch with you and hopefully we can get together we can just we can get together on another stream yard just a private scream yard and talk shop and talk business it's okay if you guys haven't subscribed yet the reverie sale make sure you do one of the channels out there doing a phenomenal job teaching you the side hustle making it into your main hustle and he's doing it with a positive message as well and I can't say enough about that thanks so much for what you guys do as your Shepherd your flock there and also as you share all the knowledge and wisdom on YouTube thanks guys can I believe us Thank You Man well see ya have a good week Oh Georgie Georgie Georgie we've got well that was fun that was really fun yeah we should wrap it question each other now you mentioned where they lived olanta near atlanta is that like on our way to Texas that's on our way um that would be on the way to go look at Florida properties alright have you told them that you're looking in Georgia - yeah well I mentioned it was Florida Georgia lion that one country band by the way definitely definitely on the way chick-fil-a headquarters that would be extremely important we should definitely stop there we should stop we should we should do that okay we've we've got to get ready for segment number two dollars for the office almost auction time we got 730 people watching right now what else were they thinking make sure you guys hit that thumbs up that'll help us out a lot appreciate all the birthday wishes appreciate all the mother day wishes want to wish all you beautiful mom some happy Mother's Day as well how many four chats do you think we lost we missed I don't I didn't see any I don't think we miss it okay yeah we did okay yeah okay um we have 15 lots tonight that we're gonna auction off including baby baby before we get into the option we got a we got a we got a sing one more time we got for all the people that don't say your part every birthday song she screams but not for my birthday happy birthday to you just happen I didn't even play anymore after that now we've got the super chance coming in you making me blush you're gonna have you're gonna have to fist pump them you're gonna have to fist pump them can you see me blushing the knocks brothers [Music] take more money that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Reg says we'll stop by any time [Music] what just happened all right we are going to transition into our second segment tonight hope you enjoyed hanging out with rev resale and make sure that you go ahead and subscribe over there as well and then you're gonna you're gonna get the firsts yeah should we go through should we go through everything a lot the first lot and then you get these super chats Oh rubbery sale just sent $20 have a birthday George thanks for having us on that's why we had them on guys for $20 that's why we had them on they paid to be on joking joking if you guys haven't figured it out yet we like to joke around and goof around believe God created humor and that's why there's ferns so George is gonna get the first lot ready as George gets the first lot ready just Joe comics as she gets the first lot ready we are gonna go through some of the guidelines that'll help you be successful with the auction tonight okay so number one you want to be in live chat so YouTube gives you two options it gives you top chat or live chat top chat will just show you highlights of everything that's going on live chat shows you as it happens and we know there's a lot of chat that happens I'm sure there's well for larger channels there's so much that goes on that it would just be pulling those things out I'm gonna go ahead and put you in the screen as you pull the comics out okay so George is getting ready with her first lot of comics so live chat that's extremely important when you're bidding because you'll see all the bids in order now just keep in mind and remember when you are in live chat if you put a bid in or you make a comment sometimes YouTube will bump it up on your side we will not be chatting so that will actually go in as we see it Tara Daughtry just sent $20 Thank You crowd krystal krystal thank you so much Bristol thank you thank you so much so that being said if we call out the winner and you were like oh man I thought my bid was there don't worry we're seeing it as it happens if you go back through the replay later you'll see it exactly how it happened okay so live chat not topped at $25 minimum bid on every lot now remember we're selling Lots on purpose we will not do individual items we don't want to do individual items it doesn't fit where we're headed with the channel as far as empowering you guys to actually resell to use all the principles that you learn on a daily basis so that's why we're doing it in LA so you can get it at a good price and then you can move that on as well $25 minimum bid on all of the Lots that is with free shipping in the United States Pat knees just sent $2 is the fish for sale this week just asking everything's for sale Pat everything for the right price everything ah so free shipping within the United States you are welcome by all means you are welcome to bid if you're outside the United States there will be additional fees for shipping for international shipping so if you do bid just keep in mind there will be additional fees also let's say you've been on a lot of connives okay you've got to know your customs laws because we may ship it to you and customs may actually take it and hold on to it because of your custom laws so we're not responsible if customs goes ahead and takes that got to keep that in mind as well as your bidding okay it's the first print first print right there $14 whatever it is there you go we've we haven't actually looked at these so we're not sure what's in there it's a box of comics and this is from the furry unit so some of these I think that unit was extremely odd and he was into some odd things so keep that in mind as well okay to our knowledge these comics aren't r-rated or anything like that but also in full disclosure we haven't taken them out and looked at any of them they each have protector along with the cardboard piece that's all stamped metropolis alright so keep that in mind now PayPal PayPal is the only payment that we will accept if you look right down there that is the PayPal address so if you win if you win you know what we haven't even done we haven't even done the practice round yet but you can keep showing them because there's so many show them because there's so many and then we'll do the practice round okay we got completely off schedule but it was fun alright so that being said if you win you're gonna actually message George what the Hales at yahoo.com you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and then also your paypal email she will send you an invoice once you pay that invoice then she will ship that out the next day usually within the same day actually and then she'll send you your tracking number okay so keep that in mind you will only have one minute to win the auction so bidding will start when we say go you'll see a countdown on the camera we will practice that beforehand and when flipping adventures the Maude flipping adventure says sold you'll see a big soul two four three adventures doesn't mind doing that again tonight we appreciate it if you would but when flipping an adventure says sold you'll see that in the chat the highest bid before that sold sign that is the winning bid any bids after that will not count it is sold there you go flippin adventures just put the sold right there okay and if you are runner-up if an item sold for $200 but your last bid was 190 and your runner-up if you want to send us a message at what the Hales at yahoo.com and say hey I was runner-up on this item if the person doesn't pay I would love to have it for my runner-up back bid you would be more than welcome to have that for that back bid everything is sold as is everything is sold with no guarantees and no returns that being said when we get everything as are even shared with the comics here we do not look through it it goes into a tote and we've started to put lots together for you guys for fun so you guys can have sourcing during all this craziness so again there may be brand new stuff but there's no guarantees that's brand new there may be broken stuff you need to understand that as your bidding and we'll try and highlight it if we can if we see it if we know about it but you are bidding as is no guarantees no returns whatsoever if payment isn't received it within 72 hours then you will be banned from the channel all future options communication in the chat things along those lines okay and the reason is because we encourage we absolutely encourage the fun the laughter the joking in the chat but we discourage somebody making a fake bid when somebody else could be buying these items and selling them to help feed their family their side hustle the whole deal okay so by all means we we want you guys to have fun in the chat and we encourage that in the chat we do not encourage bidding if you don't intend to pay if you don't intend to pay don't bid if you do bid and you don't pay you will be banned from the channel so with that being said we need to practice this did you go through all yes oh she's got a bunch so she says she hasn't had a chance to count on me we are gonna do a practice run we just I don't know what we did we got off the kilter it's the birthday it's the birthday it's your birthday it's the birthday you got us all all off-kilter actually we are all over the place today we've been running around like chickens with our heads cut off and tomorrow we're doing the same thing because George will be with her dad George with all the doctors offices I'll be hanging out with clear therus with khakis flipping adventures with storage legends and second sense auctions is going to be awesome awesome we're going on a picked Amaro there's a ton of comics she says it looks like maybe potential duplicates I'll put the camera closer the camera but the mic closer to you and I think somebody might have asked clear throat says can't wait clear thirst wait you you just you're gonna love it you're gonna love it bring a flashlight bring a snack because we're gonna be down there for hours make sure you have flashlights extra batteries for your flashlight I went through two flashlights when we were down there for five hours face mask as well and your lot pick and get it is gonna be awesome storage storage option rookies is in here line up a all right so there are a ton of comics you got a little peek at the comics before him but we are gonna practice bidding okay so we've got these really cool what the Hales pins they are not for sale this is a practice bid round all right we're gonna practice and [Music] Georgie Georgie yeah can you send me the countdown because I'm sure I lost it already because you sent me so many crazy things all week let me see if I can find it she sends me so many crazy things Saturday here I think I found it I found it got it got it got it got it I got it I'm good I got through all your other crazy means every single every single Tiger King meme every single lava you guys you guys should see some of the things she sends me this is one of the things she sent me yeah that's from your George that's what I have to go through to find to find these links okay it's so funny alright we are actually we're gonna practice on these pins they are not this is not real but this is practice remember every lot starts at $25 that's what free shipping within the United States outside of the United States oh we've been running around so crazy alright so that being said you have one in it to win it starting now let's get your bids in alright you got one minute to win it here we go you bader says our or this is the practice round Lucy is in at 25 Theresa's in at 25 as well mum she says go phonebook love you says 1412 25 new jeans somebody's gonna give me a new jeans so he's gonna go to the 1950 fabric Cadillac that would be sweet the whole suggesting reserves thousand dollars take gals of ketchup hamburger with lots of ketchup I have a hamburger today with ketchup five million lady love jokes of 777 that's a lucky number Matthew Fraggle akka says 35 dollars Kate King says my wife no thank you all right can barely deal with your porch she says 66 Tyler's mom says binary code you Bobby says it's a code George would take it for that Debbie Bob says 80 gazillion yeah that's probably pretty good winter says happy birthday to George see Spencer's much needed to buy pal in Tallinn one town one and we're waiting for flippant adventures we're waiting for flippant adventures to say sold and the pins the pins are gonna be sold to cat 60 designs for guitar lessons because lord knows I need oh I need them I've written old ton of ridiculous songs for my kids and for kids at camp but yummy I'd really answer all my goodness I've written you somebody as ridiculous you've gotten more songs I think my kids have alright now for the real bidding alright real bidding lot number one comic lot that you already got to see okay so that was our practice round this is gonna start the real thing this is a full box of comics okay I guess it's empty right now but George has all the comics on her screen she's showing you how much it weighs almost 25 pounds all right you did see a first printing in there that she found as well clear through Swanson oh did you she did not count them we did not have time to count anything we've been we've been all over the place so as far as counting unfortunately we don't know there's a bunch I bet somebody counted you got 25 pounds of comics on average that would be probably over a hundred that would be my guess they probably can you kind of quick she says no wasn't she meant feisty all day and I ain't pushing it so unless you help me on but don't put your dealer okay all right that being said this is the comic lot it did come from the furry unit if anybody has ever seen that unit and babe can you actually send me that link again or I'll just forget I'll just I'll copy it and I'll paste it so I don't have to keep going through all this all right she's sending it to me again so remember on the comic lot we're gonna start at 25 we'll start at 25 that's free shipping within the United States and anybody outside of the United States you are more than welcome to bid we we encourage that as well you're welcome to bid now if you are the winning bidder and then you you you want to sell the people in the chat we'd encourage that too absolutely we'd encourage that because that's part of the resale that's the side hustle that's part of the fun of it okay all right $25 starting bid free shipping with the United States if you're outside of the United States you're more than welcome to bid there are ton of comics we didn't know nothing about them except they're there we don't know how many are there there's as many as George showed you you're buying as is no guarantees no returns and you only have one minute to win it so bid fast and bid furious here we go here we go in the comics line who's gonna get us enough starting bid we're gonna get a starting bid $25 we got Chris in person or $25 clerk chris is now 200 clear tourists put the hammer down at $200 we got early parole at 100 but Jesse's already at 200 Jesse is that $200 surely pearl would be back up that are at $100 Jesse standard the chair Steve Kelly said two dollars sorry I'm late no problem Steve Sam appreciate you coming in Gary Lucci says I am out 20 more seconds to go flip your dollar says 110 you got to be 200 flip your dollar clear this is at $200 if there's a hundred comics that's two dollars a comic two dollars a comic that's pretty cheap for atomic all right clear thrift stunned stunned the entire chat stunned to them please master says Jesse is a beast jesse is a beast and wait the Knox brothers just went to or five that's whether it's in to m5 to celebrity do 40 dudes as I'm out living your Darwin 115 clitoris is not 205 holders like what just happened what just happen Frank Chapman just sent $20 happy birthday chef George thank you Frank Krister is just putting another one at 205 ever sold flipping adventures okay I got to see what happening what happened the Knox brothers got in at 205 Knox brothers came in at 205 then cleared the risk came in at 205 so it would be let me check with my moderators it is it is Knox brothers 205 205 Knox brothers got in the bid at 205 first clear thrifts came under clear thrift and Knox brothers Knox brothers first if you want to go ahead and send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your paypal email address to George at what the hails yahoo.com tomorrow she will get you out an invoice once you pay that invoice then she'll get that all packaged up she'll send that out to you she will send you tracking as well Jesse with clear thrist if you want to go ahead and send George and email message as well say hey I was back up better Jesse because Knox was at 205 your $200 would be your backup bid say hey I was back up bid at 200 and if she doesn't get paid as much brothers bought before well we'll see what happens so Knox brothers go ahead that's how you're gonna that's how we're if you haven't bought before Knox brothers that's what you'll do you'll boom right there send a message George Wilson you invoice you got 72 hours 72 hours to pay for that there's your box right there and then Jesse you are clear therus you are backup bidder did somebody say NASCAR she says next lot is NASCAR Luther says if he doesn't pay then make sure you text them locker notes just sent 777 happy birthday George [Applause] appreciate it locking loves thanks a bunch all right next one is NASCAR right okay George is getting the NASCAR lot now there are some glass items in this NASCAR lot there are some cars in this NASCAR lot there are some paper pieces in this NASCAR lot Ashley there's clear through says he's got a deal in the comics yeah absolutely that's the whole point giving you guys a deal there are a lot of different things in this NASCAR you instead of NASCAR maybe we should call it racing because not everything is NASCAR in here so a lot of it is racing so you got you got ten pounds seven ounces of racing stuff okay racing stuff so George is gonna show you some things are sealed such as this this diecast right there okay and remember though there are no guarantees there is damage on the box thus you know there's things along those lines so for example when you're bidding remember no guarantees so while it may be sealed that doesn't mean it's in mint condition okay and George will try and show you as much as you possibly can but make sure you understand and we want to make that very clear that everybody is is bidding as is no guarantees and no return so you're getting as it came out of the storage unit our next process if we were to put this and this is something that would go online so it was bought for 1790 or 1749 at Kmart and then it was probably a garage sale door what have you our next process if we weren't selling it is we would clean it all right it would be cleaned and then it would be prepped for eBay but it's never gonna make that process because we are actually giving to you as we buy it so you get to go through the fun of that process this is glass so the the cap is plastic but this is actual glass with Earnhardt jr. there and there's another Earnhardt Cup there so keep in mind you do have some glass in there as well okay that is a decal sticker a little rough but anything anything in this lot has to do with racing somehow some way whether it's got racing in sigmah on it or it's a car or that Ricky Bobby come on that's Ricky Bobby guys Ricky Bobby you can't have two number ones that's funny we found a Ricky buy don't you remember if I know Ricky Bobby I'll remember finding any of this stuff so all kinds of racing books what what unit did that come out of I don't remember oh yeah yeah he's he had the Tigers he had the white tigers this is the guy oh my goodness this guy was crazy this is the guy that was actually he had he had the bachelor pad and he was hosting playboy bunnies and we had all the tigers from the bachelor pad he was a huge race fan he got all kinds of autographs yeah he got a bunch of autographs yeah I remember that one now cuz we were with the ventures with Hudson's when we bought that and storage legends yep yes the guy who owned it his name was Jerry yep I remember now a whole bunch of stuff in there I don't know what it is it looks sealed but okay so it's a card set but keep in mind even if it's sealed we can't guarantee you that it's that it's that it's sealed my glasses are getting a little messy there we go that's better that's better so even even if it's sealed we can't guarantee that it's actually brand-new sealed we're not the ones that sealed it just keep in mind you're getting it as it is so everything in here is racing everywhere everything in here is racing items it could be NASCAR it could be for something else for example and this is what I mean by that here's a button this is the Atlanta International Raceway yeah for is that International Raceway as well so 1971 one day Garage past Pocono International Raceway so you this guy had all kinds of access to other places and mom and gee says put on your mask before you spit on us that being said there is gonna be a free lot are we doing mask giveaway tonight or are we doing that next week is that tonight is that what the winners gonna get so flippin adventure ascent mass beautiful beautiful mask somebody is gonna win some mass tonight somebody is gonna win some mass tonight Pat D so to use $2 a glass cleaner Jeremy come on lesson 105 so true so true happy more yes those are erasers $10 happy birthday George birthday Mother's Day I got you some toilet paper for your birthday you've been spoiled you've been spoiled today haven't you downright spoiled cocky cocky slip an adventurer says that looks like Vince's unit Vince did have a ton of racing stuff ton of racing stuff so this is just this is an entire lot of racing stuff Scott Rosenberg says how do I win how do I win stay tuned we promise we will let you we'll let you know we let you know okay we will let you know all you're gonna have to do is answer a trivia question from one from one of the videos this week there are a ton of awesome videos this week ton of awesome videos we have so much fun this week and we found so much crazy stuff we are not done going through the $1,800 unit or the $1,700 unit Julie Morris wants to know did you get a ring for your birthday she got a roll roll of toilet paper she did put it she did put it on her finger she was like she did do that I don't I didn't get a video that did I I should have got a video that Mick Draper wants to know what the question is this week I will I will you know what I will give you a little bit of a tip on the question the question will always come from the least viewed video of the week I will give you that tip so I look through all of the videos and I go which one is the least viewed so that way the most loyal viewers have a greater chance of answering the question ah here we not yet not yet not yet $25 starting bid this is the racing lot $25 starting bid and free shipping within the United States if I can get my mind together and get everything to come out of my mouth at the same time I'm off tonight aren't I must be the glasses must be the glasses so $25 starting bid free shipping in the United States if you're outside the United States you are more than welcome to bid we would love for you to bid there's over 10 pounds of racing items here there's a lot of stuff here remember you got a bid fasting you got a bid furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go all right it looks like it looks like we potentially have Tony f at 25 we now have Amy's warrant lays out a hundred a me just put the gauntlet down Amy started at a hundred we got 77356 doing value all this we got fifties and thirty thousand twenty-five and fifty amy is at 100 now we got Christopher Wiley at 100 Chris for a while you gotta be Amy you're at 100 I'm spitting all over the screens again here we go it's already had 100 Chris Riley Amy is at a hundred John Agnes is that 101 it is now John's lot 101 with free shipping Chris Wiley is not 101 Chris you've been outbid again I am sorry Chris you want to beat it you got to be John you got to be John we got 101 we got 101 with 10 seconds to go maybe for at least now at 110 Amy's Fort Lee is now at 110 with five four three two put in a hundred but no way that's gonna happen no way that's going to have cat 60 designs what 12 I guess we gotta know what hey holy cow cat sixty sniped at just in time i I thought amy was gonna have an additional snipe in there I thought Amy was gonna have an additional snipe in there Valerie Valerie just sent 1999 you are amazing thank you so much Valerie we appreciate it thank you so much thank you nice job all right cat sixty you know exactly what to do Amy you are back up bitter you know exactly what to do both of you have purchased in the past both of you pay and so you guys can handle that as you want and remember if you saw something in this lot particularly cat six design we know he buys and he sells like immediately so if he flips it quick if you saw something in this lot and you want to buy it from him you can go ahead and ask him for his information we won't give it to you but we will we will absolutely encourage you guys to talk network see what you can do Steve Kelly sent two dollars working on videos from my channel you inspired me oh that's great Steve thank you thank you so much it's really the hardest thing to do is just pick up the camera and do it and after that it's just consistency if you can outlast and be consistent I mean most people 99% of people who try sorry YouTube channel they quit because they go oh man there's nobody's watching well nobody's gonna watch it until you build up a history of actual videos and then they discover you buy that that buildup of videos so if you can just keep being consistent and keep doing it they'll see you no doubt about it at all all Talon one is already interested in the pins that's great Oh Valerie loves the Elvis machine oh my goodness it's Elvis number one it's Elvis I love that machine that machine is so awesome alright this is an action figure a lot now all of these action figures they are used and okay so I guess this one could be new it's got a price tag on it these are all these are all action figures that have come from storage units they are as is so for example this one here he may have other pieces that go with him that we have no clue about we don't know so everything comes as is so for example this guy here he's super cool he's got this thing going on here for him but if there was anything in his hands we don't know we don't know you're getting it as it was with a ninja turtle with the ninja turtle here yeah there's predators there's definitely there's got to be a there's got to be a weapon missing there's got to be there's got to be a weapon that was in his hand but that being said this is all all different action figures from all genres from spider-man is that Captain hero cap or Captain America to even PJ masks I am your Alibaba pet dander okay she says there's there is some pet dander on the Cape so make sure you're aware of that as well and he is probably I don't think it's probably I think it's an absolute he is missing his light for his lightsaber that or he just hasn't harness maybe it isn't artists it just turned on weight harness that thing Vader did you see that he's going after me I'm sorry for everybody who was looking at that in the so we lost his lightsaber if I wasn't so immature as a gorilla yeah okay I see what you did yeah okay alright so there's all kinds of different anything that dude he might be Funko I'm pretty sure he's think that's fun right isn't that Funko is he Funko he's gonna be Funko okay whoever designed Bader maybe later you know what I'm saying she's got all kinds of action figures in here Amanda C says obviously we're all just as immature as Jeremy yes I appreciate the humor and things lost the saber but he still works he does still work he does still work that's really cool so I don't think I don't think we actually counted what we didn't count anything tonight did we we didn't we're winging it we didn't have time to count so waiting it I thought she said winging weighing it somebody's crying because they're laughing so hard so yeah that's Aladdin's genie yep Mick Draper's crying laughing so hard wasn't there another Simpsons in there there's a homer so this is just a random lot of action figures it's whatever it is it's as is no guarantees if there's a piece missing we don't know we haven't looked it up we do know we do know Darth there is lightsaber as lightsaber is missing but you've got it going on so yep Peppa the pig those are actually at one time those were like hot hot hot those Peppa's cocky says don't act like that tomorrow Jeremy you're gonna get us kicked out of the pig I'll be on my best behavior the best behavior oh is that Star Wars yeah oh there you go there's a there's a Star Wars I should have put that in with the Star Wars lot no it's already in it keep it in I'm just saying I should have I'm not saying take it out is that everything that's got to be a shopkins all right so you got everything from Ninja Turtles to Darth Vader to shopkins to PJ masks in here it is a plethora of items starting bid will be at $25 free shipping within the United States and shipping outside of the United States hey if you're an international buyer we welcome you to bid there will be an additional fee for shipping but other than that you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go all right waiting for our first bit here we got ray Perry's at 30 West max Gary's now I have 50 Amy shortly is that 157 Amy is that a real 157 or did you miss tight Amy Angie foul Amy shortly just confirmed with me if that's 157 are you miss tight and a Nadine is out break Perry's at 52 Amy swirlie is at 157 she put the gauntlet down she said this is my house what's max Gary is out 20 more seconds Amy's Fort Lee is in that 157 mama G says it's real is getting real in here there's no doubt about that that Amy smartly and and clear the wrists are putting the gauntlet down from the beginning all right Amy Fort Lee still at 157 with three seconds two seconds one second let's see what happens let's see what happens I think she put the gauntlet down is anybody gonna snipe 157 nice job Amy they say the force is strong with Amy that's what they say Amy treasure treasure box land just said that ninja turtles worth some money so make sure you look that up we haven't looked at anything up yet and remember that's one of the things being urge you guys to do is you should be looking it up on your eBay app ask Georgia Sharon Steve Kelly $2 scrapping transporting gaming and more to come nice job Steve Kelly oh is this from the pic alright these these next items are from one of the coolest pics I've ever been invited to in my life so if you solve the video of the change machines on the pic with konkey and Noreen you woulda saw that uh I found one of the most amazing things in the world I found a belt rings or we can call them finger belts but George I just just wanted to see George would you would would you fit that on there yeah that's good that's good nice job Sheriff it's my right hand so yeah looks like George gonna be a finger model as well so we have no clue what these were actually for Mick Draper's has fabulous video Mick we're going back there tomorrow I don't I don't know if it's real leather or not so whatever they were made for don't know what their actual intended purpose was I think they would do really well at a flea market if somebody put them on their ring finger and you know who would really get into the goth kids would they eat these things up and put belt belt rings all over I mean we could start a whole new fashion trend here so I think I think this could be the next thing like the next thing we have no idea how many there are but you can win them tonight and either resell them or you could have a piece of the Hales history from from the most awesome pick in the world Amy says their dog belts choices adult uses only brings bear flight mercantile bear flag mercantile says the squirrel collars Wayne says rat collars all right anybody else anybody else know what they potentially could be anybody else at all all cursed pieces they were saying purse pieces Debbie Vaughn says walnut belts Debbie Vaughn wait until tomorrow's video we found the world's craziest coolest walnut cracker ever ever never seen anything like it and I got it I gotta tell you it's unique and it's a little risque as well okay Steve Kelly says reminds me of my leprechaun domes $2.00 thank you so much Steve Kelly all right could be horse yep could be horse tap could be boot straps could be gold fish necklaces it could be a little bit of everything hey babe Julie Morris just asked me how long is it oh shoot wait wait wait hold a second I got you Julie I got you yeah here we go here we go it is baby I'm so glad that does six inches Julie six inches right there it is six inches babe I got it and Jane string them together yeah you can string them together crafting they would be I mean you name it you can probably do it so yes you can string them together like I just put these two together and now I have a bigger one so now I could put three or four together all right so whatever they are they were they were at this place and they were super cool and I went they could be anything they could be anything and there are a ton of them so if you want to own them you can all's gonna take as a $25 minimum bid with free shipping within the United States and if you're outside of the United States you are more than welcome to bid there will be an additional fee for International shipping you are bidding as is no guarantees no returns oh but fast bid furious because I got a feeling there's gonna be a lot wanting this because hey who the hell doesn't want a finger belt you don't want you don't want that skin falling all down I mean you got to keep that skin up you know what I'm saying you know what you know what that's right that's right for this for this for this bid finger finger belt and always wanted to be a finger model go here we go Steve Kelly says he's actually interested let's see let's see what happens all right the truth 72-42 bid $35 $35 is a starting bid ah they said if you put a bunch of them together it can be about grumpy bet is that 55 government doesn't 5580 ancient Powell bid 50 Crump you guys got 55 55 is a bit to beat we got big mole I'm Ashley good fit 25 as well Steve Kelly now says he's out there quite a few pick my live is now at 60 big Moe live now at 60 grumpy that was at 55 big more lives last 60 they know what they are they must know what they are grumpy that is now at 61 61 with grumpy vet he either has an idea what to do with them or he knows what they are with five seconds three two one let's see what's gonna happen [Music] grumpy bet you you just purchased the new phenomenon it was Tiger king but now it's gonna be the finger ring right there yeah he did get the fun magnet chick Watson that was cool that was cool we want to know you gotta let us know what you're gonna do with them okay Tim says they're down belts yeah they could be here you better put that one in to make sure he gets every single one of them yeah all right grumpy vet what you're gonna do is you're gonna send George your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your paypal email she'll send you an invoice it'll be tomorrow and then once that invoice gets paid you already know the drill you've done this before but once that invoice gets paid then she'll ship that out to you she'll send you your tracking information as well and the backup bidder probably vet says whoo-hoo I finally want something I can't wait I want to see him on YouTube with like ten finger belts like yeah it could be toe belts too they really could be Ike when I saw those on the pic I was like man somebody somebody's gonna want those of our bidders and they're gonna know what they are and they're gonna know what to do with them uh grumping vet actually says he doesn't know what they are he says maybe he's gonna sell him for 250 each he's gonna come up with something all right this next lot is all shoe care lot so we've actually this is a second chance lot because the original bidder did not pay and they got banned and so this is a second chance but it's a second chance with additional items that have actually gone into the lot so if you've seen this lot before there are more items than this lot now we put this in the lot because we thought it was in poor to resellers which most of you are because a lot of you are cleaning shoes and flipping shoes and selling shoes that is why we've made this a lot for you guys as resellers so we've shown this lot once before and individual unfortunately did not pay we have not opened up everything so for example here's mink oil well it's definitely it's got oil on it for sure all right so you're getting a look right now we have not opened everything up but that is partially used so if so we were told last time that if they're dry that what you would do is you would just you would just warm it up like in the microwave or with hot water or flipping adventures yeah she knows her stuff so you warm it up flipping adventures gave the tip last time George says that if it is dried up then you would just warm that up and then I'll come back to its original consistency she probably she probably has a video on Instagram or something how to do that but Steve Kelly he says I have shoes BAM I don't have the fist pump right now I got I got mink oil all over me so I don't want to get it on that although why you're showing that I am gonna have to clean this off because I still got a touch about this stuff I'll be right back all right second chance shoot locked second chance Shula with additional items in the shoe lock remember everything is as is we have not opened it up we're not promising that the bottle is full this one feels that one feels like three-quarters of the way fool we've not opened them up this one feels halfway full maybe a little bit more but it is as is and again the reason why we wanted to do this clear through says I'm hungry any locker food today I'm getting hungry too I wouldn't allow that I would never allow you to we should we should do a whole you storage unit food lot I like the idea don't worry coming soon coming soon Oh should we tell no no we can't tell me tomorrow's video has probably one of the coolest shoehorns you've ever seen but that's it I'm not telling you anything else except it's gold alright so that being said but you're not getting any more information out of me you have to watch the video tomorrow you have to watch the video tomorrow all right that's all of it alright so there is a ton of shoe stuff here and ste Kelly you said $2 my adidas there are 10 feet tall thanks so much to Kelly all right this is the shoe lot with anything and everything that George showed you we have no idea Debbie Vaughn I did say that G word and it wasn't George all right with that being said hey you guys you guys have seen these eighteen hundred and seventeen hundred dollar units so nothing nothing should shock you at this point but we even found stuff today that we videoed that still shocked us and the funny thing is this is the best part on when we're unboxing all this will get trolls that will come in and be like this is so fake there's Corona shut down its all this we've been showing two months of videos in these things and the best part is I see people they come in they're like you bought all this all right why in the world would I go spend $40,000 on new tools to show you new tools in a storage unit that everybody was there at the auction they saw it was there I just I just bobbles my mind but all that being said I'll get back on track we're back on the shoe lot and we are gonna start at 25 free shipping within the United States and if you want to bid from outside the United States you are more than welcome the only thing that we ask is that you pay additional shipping fees for that and make sure you know your custom laws you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only got one minute to win it here we go all right I think we got cookies girl at 25 we got cookies girl at 25 we got funky fluff at $25.99 we got big mole I've 27 big my life is now winning bidder at 27 45 seconds to go big mode you know is his show we got new king at 30 30 30 dollars you can Shh angel Powell's now have $40 Don came in at 38 20 in the sandy woods came in at 40 but Angie Powell cuz that $40 she got the first bit in at 40 so Angela Powell standing wins is now 42 sandy Woods is now 42 sandy has a high bid Big Mo says Wow 40 all right we got 42 Big Mo is that 42 you gotta beat it if you want in here we go here we go we are now at 42 with sandy Big Mo is out 42 with sandy last night 42 is sandy everyday Trisha was just knocked in at 44 44 every day treasures found $44.00 sandy was trying to take a pulse I just missed it snipe just missed it alright everyday treasures everyday treasures are gonna send George your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your paypal email address you're gonna send it right there what the hell's at Yahoo dot and then sandy your backup bidder so if you want to send George a message as well and say hey George I was backup bitter remember you got up to 72 hours to pay after George sends you the invoice and if you don't you get blocked and you get banned that's never fun and who we got somebody who is the pert how much did they spend on the lot $300 they bid on it all right so we had somebody this week that message Justin said I got blocked because I didn't pay I accidentally got tricked into bidding up to $300 how do you get tricked into bidding $300 now I want to share this for you who are loyal fans and followers we will not unblock that person because they took an opportunity away from you and you might have needed that for your side hustle for sourcing for it you name it and we will not allow that individual to come back in and take that opportunity away from you as you're doing your side hustle or your main hustle as as so many people need these items to resell during this pandemic so don't worry they're not getting unblocked although they'll still send messages begging that's for sure what's your next lot but more stamps so George has yours has more stamps this week from the eighteen hundred and seventeen hundred dollar unit we have not looked through those stamps correct yeah okay that are bundled or the exact same stamps we have it we haven't looked through them we haven't priced them we haven't done anything with them they are in the mini box as they were okay you're you're gonna see them you're seeing them now as they are we have not done anything with them she she literally pulled them out went boom we haven't we haven't taken anything out of the rubber bands and this is the beautiful part of how how to do them how well I want to say anal but I don't want to say anal how anal they were as far as collecting but I don't want to say anal impressive how impressive nice word there this is how impressive they were with their collecting which is pretty incredible Jane Lord says actually remembers the stamps for the Reese know she remembers them from not a previous lot but from these were so those ones have a paper backing hoping adventure says meticulous that's what I should have said meticulous thank you flipping adventures treasure box Lance says what year are they marked we have no idea nor can we tell you there are thousands if there's not 10,000 in there I don't know how many are in there so we can't take the time to actually tell you the markings on all the dates on them if you can see it that's great and if you can look them up on ebay as George's showing them to you that's great as well there's quite a bit here amateur radio five centers I don't even know what it is so those are five centers so you know these are old there's buncha everything in here Mildred price says or Pierre says this makes me want to get into stamp collecting they're intriguing Craig erase all you have to do is message George and should probably work with you on that we know you're a loyal fan and follower so I have no doubt she would work with you on that and honestly I don't even know what date is today actually did you say to the 13th oh the 10th yeah you have 72 hours to pay anyway so she won't even get invoices out till tomorrow so so she'll be with her dad all day tomorrow at doctor's appointments and then tomorrow evening invoices will go out and then 72 hours to pay after the invoice so you'll be fine you'd be completely and totally fine alright there are ton of stamps there are two layers of stamps there's a bunch of them some of them are on paper with back on them and son of them are not and she says most of them have black lines on them okay alright another stamp lot you guys have been loving these is this like the third stamp on 3rd from this 1817 hundred dollar unit stamp lot that we've sold at the auctions remember $25 starting bid free shipping you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute the wedding let's go see Kelly likes MTG cards thanks Steve Kelly appreciate it here we go with the stamp lot we got funky fluffy at $25.99 we got big mole on at 27 never gets the truth 37 TRS at 75 now it's going like crazy grumpy buzzers at 8080 we got grumpy fat at 80 candy Moore's now at 100 candy Moore's the one to beat and a hundred rookies boo weight at 75 weight kisses you design LLC's at 1 1 1 usually it has a weird number at the end of it Yoshi Ronin is that one 50 Yoshi wrote in 150 with 20 seconds to go Danny whoa Yoshi wrote and got the last lot of stamps heads up guys the truth says Bow Wow aerials that 155 aerials now at 155 Joe is that 166 know that 166 rookies moves at 175 here we go we got an auction Yoshi rotors at 180 storage auctions workings at 170 180 casts 60 designed 175 88 almost straight edge car Dez I have no idea what happened to the kids no idea they didn't come back I haven't seen them since I don't have their names don't answer numbers you know as much as we know as we shared in the video so storage option rookie was bidding and so was his boo Yoshi they were both bidding awesome all right Yoshi Roden got the last lot and this lot you know what to do your youtube name your real name is shipping address and your paypal email address right there - Georgia what the hell is at yahoo.com she'll send you an invoice again once you get the invoice paid and she'll get that shipped out to you and you can add that with your last slot that's incredible Wow they were going was rookies boo now you still have more stamps yeah are you gonna do another stamp lot next week okay she's because she has so many stamps over ten months she's made over ten lots of stamps which most of them are just in these miniature boxes so they found them like that so that's how she's what you wanted to do them so there will be another stamp lot next week George says so do another one for you guys nice job nice job that was intense people love stamps people love stamps alright this is a bunch of cars clear thrift actually he was back up a tour right last time clear threats you our backup bidder on this last time and you wanted to donate them to dr. Amy we did not contact you in regards to being back up bitter because we don't have dr. Amy's address so well apparently we do so we're still going up on the auction block all right they are going up on the auction block so these are all the cars that were shown last week the individual this is the second-chance auction the individual did not pay this is the car lot right here and there are probably more that were were pushed back in there or put back in there throughout the week so as we find them they go back in Georgia has got a ton of cars we can't call them Hot Wheels we can't call them matchbox because that you you could call them diecast but there's probably plastic you name it they're probably in there okay you name it all right keep in mind if there are those of you who are in the chat that you see somebody bought a lot but you are interested in one of the items two of the items feel free to network we encourage that for you guys to network with one another it's a phenomenal thing to be able to network with like-minded people and to buy with one another and you name it okay so just feel free to connect we won't share anybody's personal information we can't do that for obvious reasons just like you wouldn't share our personal information at least we would hope you wouldn't alright and yo she wrote in says can you share this email there you go Yoshii your email is out there your email is out there now there are do you remember how what the weight is on cars there are a bunch of cars there's no way there's no way George can show you every single car but it is a tote of cars you also have to you also have to understand that we can't go through every single car and go there perfect okay so so you got to understand that not the cars aren't perfect they came from storage units Kings on from usage and some may be broken let me see if I can show them oh my so what happens we find the cars and the cars go in the tow to then be researched later on eBay to see if they're worth anything these have not been researched on eBay everything is just in a tote none of these have been researched we don't know if there's redline we pretty much know that there are cars in the tote we we don't even look like you guys are probably thinking oh man Wolfe I was if I was searching I would look with the volume we work with on a daily basis with multiple employees you can't look as you go it literally just goes in a tote you have to move fast yeah it's better so it is a treasure hunt for the Wayne bidder we're not saying there aren't red lines but we aren't saying that there are either we're not saying there's anything we are saying this cars in there city services so that car is in there and let's see whether it is a this is a matchbox so city services is a matchbox I think I pulled this exact one last time so I think that's a 2009 it is a 2009 matchbox let's pull another one Hot Wheels okay so there is a Hot Wheels also Hot Wheels number seven Cathie Tom sent buck 25 thank you so much about 26 I almost got that wrong alright so there are 20 pounds of cars 20 pounds of cars okay and this is a second chance but we probably put more cars than there - and there's no way we can take them all out there's no way we can show them all to you or we'd be here all night and I got an awesome pic I got to go to jail yeah so $25 starting bid free shipping within the United States and as is no guarantees no returns you got a bit fast you gotta be furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go and come on come on work with me here there we go all right Big Mo lives at 30 we got rain Perry at 45 here we go we got an auction valerie is now at 55 we got John Agnes at 75 we got chopped Joshua Mathew coffin at 100 Joshua Mathew carpet is at 100 100 bid to beat big more lives at 120 120 Colby gaming is now at 135 135 is the bid to beat I think they sold for over 200 dollars last time all right it's 135 big could be 135 Joss romantic love is now at 115 115 150 is Joshua Mathew coffin Linda's rose at 125 at Joshua Mathew officer 150 my goodness Coby game is at 151 151 we've three seconds to go Coby game you still being high bidder at 155 155 in Joshua Mathew coffin here we go Oh Joshua Matthew coffin 155 nice job nice job nice job all right Joshua Matthew coffin here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name and your shipping address and your paypal email address right down there - George what the hell's at yahoo.com nice job and then backup bidder was Kobe gaming at 151 backup bidder Kobe gaming you can go ahead and send all the same information right there if Georgia doesn't get paid it'll be offered to you for you 151 bid remember we've got clerk there so sorry was lagging it's okay oh by the way if if anybody is lagging okay that's normal with YouTube because everybody's at home and the platform is just inundated with so many people right now it probably is your personal it could be YouTube's platformer could be your personal internet because your whole communities on the internet as well but one thing that could happen that could help is if you refresh that could help a little bit Oh Debbie Vaughn is in the chat double check make sure you're in live chat if you refresh ok double check live chat Debbie Vaughn is the marbled lot we don't know what kind of marbles they're just marbles that we have found these are not the antique clay marbles that we found in the 1800 and $1700 unit those right now are on my fireplace mantel eventually those will sell someday but they just look cool up on the fireplace mantel so these are a bunch these clear throw says you fill my marbles these are a bunch of just random marbles we haven't looked any up honestly we don't know anything about marbles to be able to look them up we got to take them to our marble guy is that a giant masher so they probably are they damaged okay now George is saying a lot of damage well this one even so I'm looking at the at the big ones right now that's gonna be hard but you can see the glass there there's bubbles but there's also chip in the boulders so keep that in mind as you actually are bidding okay wow yeah some some look dirty like this one yeah this is probably gonna work the challenging part is you got to put a background for the camera to focus so that one like looks dirty but then you have others that look absolutely immaculate so you got your cat's eye variety so you have others that look immaculate so remember you're getting a mix they are from storage units I mean they they are there that's what you got to keep thinking as you're bidding they are from storage units they're the current marbles that we have from storage units there are some older ones as you're seeing there in George's hand but there is she's saying those are damaged as well all of those in your hand are damaged okay she says the older one are damaged older ones I didn't even know that when we put it in a lot they're still cool all rich power says the damaged ones were probably in aerosol cans I never even thought about that I believe it I believe it whether an aerosol or with a kid how many pounds do we have five pounds of marbles all right five pounds of marbles so we'll see how we do here it's gonna be a minimum bid to $25 free shipping within the United States if you're outside of the United States you are welcome to bit as well there will be an additional fee for shipping and remember you're buying as is no guarantees no returns these are from storage units we have not checked them we have not priced them we don't know enough about marbles to actually price any of them except we'd have to send our marble guy and we can't do that because there's all kinds of crazy things going on in this world but we can't ship them to you if you're the high bidder because you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it here we go all right whoo and let's see Lisa McGee is at $30 dirty red is at 25 Amy's wart leaves at 33 Coakley game use up $25.99 Amy calories at 25 TV Leigh Lori's at 35 dirty reso 35 Debbie bonds at 35 big Moe live is at 67 big moe big Moe is top bidder now with 30 seconds to go my little pony girl 55:21 is at 99 Pamela Lynn is a Marvel collector as well she was in at 15 and we got My Little Pony girlfriend about 21 at 99 15 seconds to go 15 seconds to go George did you like my little pony girls too oh wait 9 little pony girls now at 77 I'm having a feeling that my little pony girl is not bidding appropriately all right we're gonna take out my little pony girl we're gonna take out my little pony girls bid because that was a little crazy and and high bidder would be if I could get this to work right all right so with my little pony girl out all right let's do this Pamela Lynn we're gonna call Pamela Lynn high bidder on that one Claire says clear says clear thrifts as it was Pamela Pamela are you still interested on your $50 bid can you confirm in the chat let's make sure Pamela's still interested with her $50 bid yes she wants a bubble in those marbles are yours nice job Pamela Lillian you know to do send your youtube name your real name even if they are the exact same your address and your email address right down there - George what the hell's at yahoo.com and and so get out the invoice and she'll get those to you in the mail you know what you should do just take the dice I started another dice lot just throw those those casino dice I'm gonna throw some casino dice in there for free for you Pamela because I've got another handful of casino dice they've been drilled out and I'll have George throw those in for you too okay all right we are gonna call this we could call this the Jesus slot this is the religious lot yes that is a candle I believe holy water as well there is no holy water in there and there are going to be a whole lot of a lot of things in regards to this lot so watch what George shows you okay Jane Lord says jaw is dropping all right this is and there are quite a few of them all right so we've got quite a few rosaries in here okay quite a few quite a few rosaries Oh somebody just said that is a Tamra said this is a Sikh call set I'm get I'm guessing Tamara you're probably talking about this correct I'm guessing this is what she's talking about so there's quite a few rosaries some magnets some pieces of paper and clear through says beautiful rosary there's quite a few rosaries that was probably the more expensive rosary that she just that she just showed and you just you just sold on ebay you just sold a crucifix on ebay to which we find we find them quite often because they've get placed on coffins and things along those lines but there's a lot in here Oh bear flag mercantile said the wooden crosses a last rites cross he's he's a history buff if you guys want to know anything about history bear flag mercantile he is he's your man on history he is your man so there's yeah there are a bunch there's a whole bunch of handmade crosses whether whatever you do with them you name them so beaded crosses they look handmade there's a bunch of stuff in here candy more says you can get that vial filled for free if you go to take it to a Catholic Church they'll fill it for free did I ever tell you the story about me at the Vatican when I was in Italy probably a story I shouldn't tell on the live stream huh all right but I'm gonna do it anyway can I see if I can find the picture all right you're showing that okay so I was in Italy I was helping establish a Christian camp and and my students that would work on their masters would would we'd go overseas every year and we would work on we would work on us helping establish Christian camps around the world so one of the things we did we went to the Vatican and there is the the Swedish guard there so if you see the puffy pants and you see all the Spears and the whole deal and with my students one of the things I did is is well I wanted to dunk my head in a thing of holy water so there are stones of angels with a leaf with holy water and I told him I was fat and I wanted the cure for my fatness and so I told one of my students if you could imagine me being your professor and then one of the students and your boss and professor telling you get a picture because once I do this we have to run because that's exactly what we had to do so this is me lapping in the Vatican in Italy filled with holy water crossing the and hopefully nobody's offended by this but then again probably everybody will be offended by it this is me and my head did go all the way under and then we ran and and we're still alive to this day so I love Jesus and I love having fun and I love it when I can combine the two so my anybody anybody who just got offended by me sharing that with you listen there's more important things in life there's more important things that would like to be to be to be offended by that and that's all that's a life story I get to tell my grandkids someday Debbie Vaughn says all teachers should be that much fun one of the things that I am adamant about in regards to education is why lighthouses also lighthouses is also a religious item in regards to so I put it in there on purpose but one of the things I truly believe in regards to education if you're teaching and it's boring you're doing it wrong and so one of the things we always talked about you want to get your student in the here now and to get them into here now they're not taught they're not thinking about what just happened they're not thinking what's gonna happen or for example if it's a child and they get in school in your class they're not thinking about the fight mom and dad just had or they're not thinking about how hungry yard.that for lunch you want to get them in the here and now and I think proper education should be fun and so I always strive for that don't always succeed at that but we strive for that always always strive for that even even on the channel still today but I really my job was fun I got paid to have fun but I still I still get paid to have fun right nothing's changed except you get paid to have fun now alright all of these items all of these items what do they need my consent for I don't know best offer Queen not without Jeremy's consent I don't care if anybody I don't anyways okay I don't know what they need I wasn't I wasn't looking so my apologies I wasn't looking I guess I could go back up and look are you still showing stuff okay last one for George dry I don't if you guys drop links you drop links all right that being said that being said we're gonna call it are we gonna call this the Jesus law all right George is calling this the Jesus lot are we would also call us a religious lot there are a lot of things in here she just show them in the camera she's looking at the Rosary right now she said it is pewter so she is looking that it is not gold it does say pewter on the back just so you know that as well okay because she's just taking that one out that one's probably the nicest rosary in there yeah all right $25 starting bid free shipping within the United States if you're outside the United States you're more than welcome to bid and and please don't ever tell actually you can tell the story anybody you want what the Hales was actually at the Vatican Duncan his head in holy water and chased by the Swedish guard and that's not the craziest thing I've ever done outside the United States believe it or not all right I showed you pictures and video of me bridge jumping in into the river in Japan right yeah all right $25 starting bid I'm so off track tonight I cannot keep focused big fast big furious go here we go we probably offended a bunch of people but hey here we go Amy Amy Katherine is in that $25.00 Michael Fisher is not 50 rigorous at 50 big we're live now at 60 60 is the bid to beat wait we got Amy shortly a 77 maybe swirlies now admit defeat at 77 SL storage sarcasm rated 75 let's say you 70 90 very good he's at 80 been kidding is that 80 dirty red is now at 80 as well dirty Razak 80 as well but oh wait coma gaming game is out 90 kobe gaming is now at 92 25 seconds to go swords are brookings at 90 maybe swarley 97 jumping it back up grumpy that is at 82 might be a little bit of lag dirty red is now at 100 sandy ones is at 113 seconds raise your leg and get your bidding quick I know you guys love the slight snag these ladies knife but if you're lagging you're not gonna make it in five four three dirty writers in that 100 to 184 least see anyone know since my collisions I was 30 Reds I wanna throw I can't even keep up oh my goodness oh my goodness what just happened what just happened I Spit everywhere we have three laptops here okay all right there okay mom Angie says dirty red 1:13 that was mm-hmm dirty red 1:13 dirty red what you're gonna do is you're gonna send your youtube name you can send your real name and Colby gaming you're the back up bitter so Colby gaming back up bit or you can do the exact same thing just tell George you were the back up bitter but Colby read YouTube name real name shipping address and your paypal email address right there - George what the hell's at yahoo.com George we'll go ahead mom Angie says I told you put a mask on let's be spitting in that mask and Apple live with it I'd have to live with that in the math I'd be that'd be rough gonna be rough yeah I don't want to smell that's bit that's bad stuff and George will get you that invoice out and she'll get that out tomorrow evening we do have responsibilities tomorrow I'll be on a pic with all the guys out in Canton and then George will be taking care of her dad tomorrow but she'll get that invoice out to you tomorrow evening and then once that invoice is paid she'll get that out email or tonight but she'll get the invoices out to everybody tomorrow after we take care of family responsibilities all right what are we calling this slaw is this a card lock card and envelope lot okay Kobe Gaming says how do you know if they did not pay do you message George and if they don't pay within 72 hours George will message you and say they didn't pay and that'll be at the 72-hour point but if they do pay you won't hear from George so after 72 hours you'll know whether they paid or not if you heard from George they didn't pay if if you did hear from you and you get it you get it all right this is a card and envelope lock we just get a ton of cards you wanna you want to know the crazy part about cards I say this to people all the time so you know there there are people out there that would go oh man Jeremy you know what the Hales they they're not real resellers though they just entertain you on YouTube and yeah we entertain as we educate you on YouTube the reality is I've been reselling my whole life that's part of growing a channel that's part of engaging people to view you entertain as you educate if your channel isn't growing there's a reason and the reason is you and so you've got to keep that in mind and and we share with you guys stuff all the time all the time as far as what we know about reselling cards okay just cards vintage cards I'm showing you right now on my eBay out I'm pulling up on eBay okay I'm just gonna go well I'll go greeting cards I'm gonna type in greeting cards in my a Bay app you've if you're gonna be a reseller number one tool you need you have got to have a smartphone and you've got to have the eBay app alright alright so here we go greeting cards so there are thirty three hundred and twenty three listings of greeting cards right there right we don't want to see that we want to go over to filter now I show you this on the videos as well we want to go to filter we're gonna go to sold because sold is what tells us the actual price and then once we go to sold we're gonna go to sort we're gonna go highest the lowest the reason why I always go highest to lowest because highest is where I get my information look at this 2500 cards sold for $1,500 right underneath it so that was a balk lot let me see if I can find here's a thousand here's a huge lot 1000 crazy good greeting cards five hundred and twenty-five dollars under that one hundred forty cards new okay I want to see if I can find a single card let me see if I can find a single card what is sold for you'd be shocked because people just like people collect postcards people collect card cards and if it's a holiday card that paper the holiday card that's even usually makes it more desirable they want to know how many cards no idea we did not count them we haven't counted them we have no idea so weigh them for you but I'm see if I can find a single card of what it sold for come on come on come on come on give me a single one I'm looking at lots lots lots lots and again this is what you guys should all be doing all should be doing this okay Oh resale Genesis I agree I've been reselling for 40 years vintage cards sell so fast oh man they're they're hot you didn't find it then you find something you found a post card yesterday that was $30 post card or something like that or 340 dollar post card she found a post card yesterday all because it was because of the stamp that was on it oh yeah do it World War 1 the stamp okay I'm looking for just a single card seeing what I can find I'm seeing lots lots lots a lot of these look like lots like here here's a lot of 100 papyrus cards sold for a hundred bucks Christmas okay I'm seeing a ton of lots here's here's a vintage lot of 40s and 50s so you see right happy birthday greeting cards 40s and 50s vintage a lot $80 plus shipping so you can kind of get a feel as you use the tool for yourself these I think most of these cards did these come out of the crafters unit did that tote yeah alright so if you guys remember the huge crafters unit that I got before the the big shut down this was from the big crafters unit so if you if if you use that as a gauge for what could be in here we haven't wrote em we haven't even opened every card we haven't even we have not opened every card I'm assuming they're not written right yeah we haven't even this this is the first time that's come out of the tote all right she says they're all new whatever they are they're new so so if you're going hey could there be money in them or anything like that we have not checked them but I would not think from that unit we didn't find any real money hidden in that unit yeah don't tell us if you found money in them that actually record it video it shows we'll be happy for you look yeah we'd absolutely be happy for you that's part of the fun of doing this but we don't we the reality is we don't have time to check everything either like they were just saying we've been getting quite a few comments that the bible's that patients went through that there are more $50 bills in the bibles that we completely and totally missed in the video and we just have somebody asked today did you go back yet no we haven't even we didn't we have not had an opportunity to go back and even look through the bibles to get the other $50 bills but viewers are seeing more $50 bills in the Bibles that patients found the money in and we haven't even meant back to check it yet yeah by all means we will we will once we get back to the warehouse which that will probably be on Tuesday I'll be at the warehouse working again then then we'll be able to check that and find out how many more $50 bills were in there but not one viewer multiple viewer saw more $50 bills in the bible's that we didn't get we in catch all right we got nine pounds 4.3 ounces in cards this is the tote totes mcgoats of cards so here's this angle and here's this angle here's this angle here's this angle there's this angle and look at that there's that angle all right bunch of cards $25 starting bid free shipping within the United States if you're outside of the United States you are invited to bid we would love for you to bid but there will be an additional fees for your actual shipping make sure you know your custom laws as well you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it on the card block here we go we got 56 Oh treasure box land is that $44 already treasure box lands have $44 $44 big mold live is that $90 $90 flippin adventure so there's nine kinds of cards there's probably a hundred forty more cards big moe live is a high bidder at $90 grumpy pack came in at 15 inch pile at 55 casual flipper at 30 best offer Queen 40 cross my fingers there's money in it let's offer Queen it's from it's not from the 1700 1800 dollar unit I would not think there would be money in these ones big my live is at a hundred Amy's portly is that 93 bet kidding use that 99 we got 15 more seconds to go big Moe live is still winning at a hundred dirty red said email sent 100 Colby gaming they just went in a 1/10 1/10 here we go these were at least at 1/3 Kobe's that ones that name is Worley when I 103 Cobo gaming still high bidder go mini clubman gave me my bitter Amy for these backup better here we go let's see what happens Ariel's at 112 here we go oh my goodness and flipping adventures where is it where is it where is it where is it where is it where is it there must be such a lag right now with stream yards oh my goodness Ariel's at 112 I'm not seeing them sold I'm not seeing sold what is going on so mama do say sold there it is sold sold sold flipping Avenger says stop stop stop sold all right all right we've got Ariel Ariel you're gonna send your YouTube your real name your shipping address and your email just to George right down there your paypal excuse me your paypal address right there Colby gaming you are back up bitter so you can go ahead and tell George you would back up bitter as well make sure she knows what that bid was she does if she ever does sell to the back of bitter she does go back to the actual chat and confirm that ok all right and Ariel says hey I'm not a troll bitter era I think Ariel's bought before hasn't she great job Ariel's basically saying don't worry Baga bitter them cards back up bitter no need alright this is a really cool lot right this is a this is a brass lot now we cannot confirm and guarantee that every piece is pure brass we can only tell you we're calling it the brass lot brass typically is not stamped but we believe every when they do so this one this one is stamped India underneath right up top if you see there so we are calling this the brass lot there are a lot a lot of brass pieces so big Mo's going is it handmade we have no idea we have no idea but what we can tell you is there are a bunch a bunch of pieces that are we're putting in this brass lot ok bunch of pieces in this brass lot try going with the camera over there Jeremy probably in sensors burning in here we've got candles candle holders and George just said those look more copper than they do brass so there might be there might be copper in here yeah these are copper guess what is now the brass and copper lot it is okay so [Music] if you look up ah casual flipper I love your under the bridge homeless video thank you so much we have not seen them as of yet unfortunately so or maybe that's a good thing that they actually found some colour so George says if you look up brass candleholders on ebay you will be absolutely shocked if you look at the sold look at this one this one actually tips so that one is and then you'd tighten it right there and then you're like Scrooge McDuck tonight did I eat some bad meat all right so all kinds of crazy things here there are a lot a lot of pieces in this brass lock okay or candle holder or whatever we'll call it a metallurgy you'll just call it brass is copper shiny we'll call it a shiny lot there are a lot of pieces in this shiny lot George is trying to show them off to you lots and lots of shiny pieces wow this was top tae-hwan if I can there we go kind of sort of I'm good getting all kinds of brass pieces over here that's the top of this this is top to this there you go that was the crown for that my bowing or I could put it right there on my bald spot I'm gonna do that to ya do that so there's all kinds of brass pieces here obviously so far I see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I see 18 that she's shown you so far far 19 and remember some of it some of it is copper as well okay are you still doing a material lotta she is doing a material fabric lot tonight probably coming up real quick and I believe she's doing yarn as well she's got got some crazy stuff baby you have the best brass I've ever seen why thank you this is this is a lot a lot a lot of brass how do you this ship all this grass we're gonna lose our brass on this sale alright this is a lot of brass okay a lot of brass do you did you count how many pieces you showed one two three four five six I know there's a bunch of pieces there okay she tried to show him how to you alright she showed everything to you and and now she's putting it all unfortunately you really can't see how she's let me see if I can show you on the table I'm gonna pan if I can I can't get that one back because I have to be over here so she's over here and there you go she's got a table full actually you can't even see it all because it's hidden and now my sheriff bench now we're going to go back over here least we're gonna try she said 20 pieces 20 pieces my goodness there's still 646 people with us brave brave people alright 20 pieces surely pearl $2 sell local don't ship lol I think she surely was surely wants this one I think I think Shirley wants this we shaded Shirley all right that being said $20 starting bid there are 20 pieces in this lot some it's as is we can't confirm that's actually brass it's as is no guarantees and no returns you got a bit fast to get a bit furious because you only have one minute to win let's go come on work with me here work with me here here we go all right piggy piggies that 50 we got cats Lucy's design at 75 I see it's a gray area at 80 the bids are going like crazy big Moe's now at 85 big moe live is a bid to beat at 85 of McKinney's now at 99 34 seconds to go bear kiddies at 99 cobra gaming game in at 90 but you gotta beat 99 big Moe's at 85 but bear kiddies at 9999 ts a bit to beat make sure you're in live chat it's a great area is now at 110 110 with 20 seconds to go it's a great area 110 is the bid to beat Oh Amy says she's out big Moe says he's out it's a gray area just put the gauntlet down with ten more seconds Oh Joseph just wants to go in put your video loves shows yeah we'll keep doing it we love it geez now that was funny parties at 120 there's gonna be some Snipes babe there's gonna be some Snipes here we go bark - got it barb - got it there's whoa it's a great area almost got the snipe in oh my the gray area almost got the snipe in it is barb T at 120 nice job barb you're gonna send your youtube name see if I can get myself centered again barb you bought you know what to do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your your shipping address and your PayPal and then it's a great area your backup bidder you're gonna do the exact same and say hey George I'm back up bitter but Bharti has bought before and I have no reason to think that she wouldn't pay again whoa that was crazy I have no idea George just said how much do you give for I don't know 120 120 fabric lot here we go I'm gonna adjust this just a hair okay George is getting the fabric lot did you bag it all my goodness oh it was already bagged this is from the crafting unit I thought George bagged it but here let me show him really quick because they can't see it on your camera angle I thought George bagged it she did not maggot it was already like this this is how it came to us they come out of a tote all right fabric from a tote that is from the crafting unit cards and envelopes came from there as well I don't recall us finding any hidden money in that unit anywhere the $1,800 $1,700 unit 17 pounds in fabric 17 pounds in fabric are you gonna take it out just leave it in there all right she's gonna take it out and show you what some of the fabric is now for some of you who are watching the $1,800 and the $1,700 units as we put the videos out a lot of people are buying this stuff for masks when you're watching those $1,700 $1,800 units we know those are once-in-a-lifetime units once-in-a-lifetime units we do not think we are ever gonna get a unit like that again and lots of people have said Jeremy do you wish you bought the third year um hell's yes are you kidding if I knew then what I knew now which is why proper profiling is important when you're doing these things okay when you're buying storage units and we teach you about profiling proper profiling at that point I didn't think I had the space I didn't want the big furniture things were covered by the mattresses now all my goodness now knowing what I know now I wish I had all three yeah well it was cool because dennis was the winning bidder for the third one and they were buying from his antique shop so a lot of the antique stickers are from his antique shop and he's like oh I sold them this so that was cool that he got to get some of that back but other people have said well storage units isn't gonna be as good anymore for us because you're gonna you're gonna equate everything to that that storage unit every storage unit is different it's still fun that's the fun of the treasure hunt we know those are once-in-a-lifetime storage units for us now the odds of getting storage units like that again are gonna be increased drastically after everything we're going through in the world today so we potentially could come across something like that again I don't anticipate it I don't expect it but I'm not ruling it out because it could happen and if it does we'll film it for you and we'll try and make it funny too sometimes we're funny sometimes George is just downright mean they didn't see tomorrow's video they didn't see tomorrow's video yet what George did to me those are poodles wait until you see what George did to me in tomorrow's video if you saw the video where I quit she upped the ante we'll just say that she upped the Antti to where we couldn't even go on anymore oh my goodness I don't know where you come up with this stuff but I do not know where you come up with this stuff you got a lot of fabric in there lady antiques treasure says when George's mean now that's funny you want to tell them the truth sir we do laugh afterwards we do laugh afterwards I will mock you after you yeah I will do that is that pleather oh no that's like a satin I don't know if they're asking underdone o WN says how much cash have you actually found we have no idea no idea how much cash has come out of that unit yet and we still have I'd say we'd probably have another week and a half of unboxing depending on what's in the totes in the boxes like some totes and boxes like we opened one today there was one thing in the box and so that one goes pretty quick you got one box down but if you open a box that has a ton of stuff in it as cool stuff like one toe today we open this tote was so stinking cool so cool we found some rare crazy stuff yeah alright this is all the fabric Oh Debbie Vaughn says when you're picking tomorrow those signs would look awesome in the warehouse they would look awesome in the warehouse I actually got the men working above sign and Christian hung that up in the warehouse already Oh flippin adventures just said she just spent $90 or more fabric from s today only got 11 yards I don't know how many yards are there 17 pounds of fabric okay Sharon says I don't want those units to end they will end eventually it feels like they're never gonna end but yes all good things do come to an end someday someday what the Hales is even going to come to an end and stop filming someday not today but someday all right so let's get back to the auction and oh my goodness can I keep track and stay on track George keeps getting me off track off camera all right $25 starting bid free shipping within the United States if you're outside the United States you are welcome to bid hydrate yeah no kidding brand-new bid fast been furious because you early have one minute to win it remember you still got you still got face mask that you could win tonight here we go all right Peggy's in that thirty inch warrant Lee's in at 43 Tiffany came in at 50 but now candy Morris at 59 59 is the bid to be weak anymore candy mores I'm fifty nine children box laying every 55 Tiffany rise now 60 know what Nathan Madam's 80 80s a bit no wake Mikey or Larry's at 85 85 I think the cyber avatar is uh it's probably not a real bid there I have a feeling that is not a real big so we'll go ahead mom's go ahead jump that out if you can and just go ahead and delete him mama G wherever we were with the bidding where I don't even know where we're at with the bidding I don't even know where maybe nobody knows where we're at in the bidding all right I have no idea I got lost with the troll as well I got lost with the troll as well okay maybe everybody got lost with the troll it looks like Mike O'Leary Michael Larry hey Michael Larry $89 nice job that is less than flipping Adventure Bay oh yeah sweet cool all right Michael Larry you got it man $89 here's what you're gonna do here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your paypal email address to George right there at with hails at yahoo.com backup bidder is Mata Dom mana Dom 88 you could do the exact same thing this exact same thing all right whoo that is a lot of fabric that was almost 20 20 pounds of fabric 17 pounds candy Maura says why do people do that well if you really want to get into deep counseling of it they have major daddy issues they have major daddy issues somebody didn't love them enough as a child and they try and get on YouTube all right that being said oh my goodness George just brought this casket yard all right George has a casket of yarn Mildred Mildred says I agree it's daddy issues all right so George is gonna weigh it but the plastic tote is gonna gonna add a little bit I don't know I can't see it in the camera other direction remember everything's reversed in the camera down your eye I don't know it's all over the place you're roughly there you're at 19 pounds now 1999 the true 72-42 said daddy issues oh my goodness alright here comes all the crazy yarn some of it is in balls some of its unraveled some of its in schemes some of its and you name it oh goodness we just we just had a question DJ dizzying Brook said please tell us how much money you get from all the new tools you returned ok Lowe's I haven't shared this yet I need to share that in the upcoming video so I went to go talk to my buddies at Lowe's and Lowe's just change their corporate policy to where you within months that you cannot return an item without a receipt now before you could youcould it was completely fine they would put it back on the shelf you got a gift card it was matched to your driver's license this it was store credit they changed their policy completely so all of those tools they're gonna be sold online they'll be sold through eBay for Lowe's but the Menards the any of the stores that allows to do the returns will do the returns we haven't taken any of the returns back yet because we've been filming going through and sorting all the other stuff but everything's lined up against the wall in regards to what store they go to s is a lot of yarn a lot do we know what kind of yarn it is it's just yarn it's just yarn cat cat 60 design says they knew you were gonna return all that stuff it would have been it would be easier it would have been easier Debbie Vaughn says that'll make my cats happy but return it or pay an employee to sell it online either which way it's still win-win I mean those units are incredible absolutely incredible all right so this is the yarn lot there is a bunch of it a bunch of it it is a big big huge lot this one was from the crafting from the crafting unit as well that huge crafting mop that I bought before all this crazy stuff happened that that unit was amazing too and the the cool thing with that unit what I did is I had the art teacher and a couple art class and art club helpers come into the warehouse and I literally unlocked the door opened the warehouse and I said alright here's some flashlights you guys are on your own take anything you want you can look through anything I have not looked at everything you can look through everything and you can take everything you want I said I'm leaving you're on your own I don't want you to feel like you have to ask me so I just left them and said you can take it I'll never even know because I don't even know what I have and they got years and years of supply for the Christian school art art club and classes dillhole just sent 99 thank you so much so that was really cool that we were able to do that for the local Christian school and their art their art classes that was a ton of fun and you should tell the look on their faces they were like okay so you're just letting us do whatever anyway yeah anything you can take anything I'm leaving I don't even want to know what you took I'm leaving and their faces were just like what hi that being said and that's a ton of fun too ton of yeah it's fun to do that kind of thing and to help out that way as well when you're doing this kind of business all right um we've got a bunch of yarn she said she showed it all so $25 starting bid free shipping within the United States it is additional shipping if you're outside of the United States you got a bit fast you got a bit furious remember as is no guarantees and no returns you only got one minute to win and let's go come on let's go here we go all right daddy dy daddy DIY we got 35 dollars they'll hold 279 going to bed broken foot kill me feel better in the morning go home Valerie is at 50 I see a 50s you can anymore 55 candy Moore's I'm 55 great 70 Ryan's at 16 I see a 16 looks like Oh Kenny Moore is now 62 Milner first Pierce came in at 60 daddy DIYs I'm 56 I think we're studs candy Moore's at 62 and 25 seconds to go casual flipper came in at 60 Kathy came in at 61 Mildred is now 65 with Gloria Knox is now 75 75 of Gloria knocks knock tadam $80 Andrew Stevens just sent $2.00 thank you so much Andrew Stevens we're at a with my dad I'm Andrew Kathy Thompson came in 279 Mildred Pearson 76 that is at 88 hey I got a feeling there's gonna be some snipe in here I have a feeling there's gonna be some snipe in here we go so old no sniping mad Dom got it Madonna madam $80 $80 for the further yar nice that was a great Buy that was a really good vibe all right madam you know what to do your youtube name your real your shipping address and your paypal email address to George right there with hails at yahoo.com George will get you the invoice and once she sends you the invoice 72 hours to pay and then once you do pay she'll get that shipped out typically within the same day and man you were going a lot crazy tonight lp's records alright she's not messing around maybe this goes to 58 this is like the longest live we've ever done I think we've gone 3 hours of 15 minutes alright she she put together an LP lot for you she actually grabbed these records today we have never looked into these records these records were in a tote we haven't looked at them I hear did you mean that may not pull it all right so here we go babe there's nothing in it oh we're pulling it you don't you didn't feel a record in it ok so she's pulling this one from the auction she didn't feel record in it there you go see we didn't check out the head of time so this one is not gonna be in the auction Billie bond with her world of love okay cuz there's no record actually in it she opened this one okay I was just gonna I was gonna pull a record out so they could see the condition or at least one did you smell like basement I smell a lot of basement George is saying that's the smell of vintage I smell basement old basement okay there we go there there is a wreck that record is in a plastic bag even still that doesn't mean they're all in a plastic bag that's just a random one that we just pulled even though a lot of them probably are but that's no guarantee we have not even looked through them to make sure that the right record is in the right sleeve so keep that in mind as well you're getting as is as is we literally got them from the storage unit you're you're seeing them for the first time we haven't we have not looked at them gone through them they definitely smell like basement though smell vintage all right you should be on your eBay app checking these out because we have not LPS are so hot I don't know why they keep coming back but they sure do it's that it's that sound is what people tell me is that sound you just can't replicate the LP sound ooh there's some Chopin look at that show pin all the waltzes oh do you know any waltzes dance I would assume that's what it is you know some waltzes really I know just dance from the Nintendo Wii from Just Dance is that does that Bing Dave York he says LP is the best Teresa harassing wants to know who got me off the wall the other day when you were duct-taped interesting story I actually had a little bit of snacks in my pocket and the mice came and they chewed through the duct tape trying it to the snacks which releases me and so my phone was in my hoodie looks cool though but I did have my phone they took my truck but they didn't have my phone and I called George and George came and picked me up so that was a bonus George what are you showing their eighty eight Olympics nice barb T says moldy oldies that's funny the comedian a wild and crazy guy look he's dressed up as the fair on the back that's the guy I won you from in a card match all right those are all the LPS that George has in the LP lot remembers $25 starting free shipping within the United States it's as is no guarantees and no returns so bid appropriately there are 20 pounds of Records 20 pounds of Records LPS and you got a bid fast you got a bid furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go King Tut King Tut and eBay Garth Brooks 1989 $100 Jeremy was there Garth Brooks in there somebody must have looked it up big mole I'm $100 already conky is at 35 funky Fluffles at 25 daddy DIY was at 40 was there Garth Brooks in there somebody who's saying Garth Brooks one is $100 we got the Big Mo live at $100 right now Big Mo I think you might have done the chat casual flippers at 80 make sure you're in Live Chat big MOA same please let me win it let me win it 15 seconds to go I don't know what's gonna happen I have a feeling they're waiting to snipe with 5 4 big Moe live is a star 100 to 1 here comes the night time their jump night here it comes let's see what happens is it gonna be big Moe for 100 cruises now clear thrist 101 nice job clear thrifts Oh Amy Bader she tried to get in a snipe as well nice job all right clear thrist I'll tell you what Jesse I will bring them tomorrow okay I'll just bring those tomorrow and you want him to pay pal you still or just hook up with me tomorrow you can either PayPal her or hook up with me tomorrow whichever one you want clear through says sorry I was bored nice job Pierre thrift and just text me of what you want to do whether you want Oh George just said you're getting the 7up crate that she had him into so she said you're getting the 7up crate with the records there's the records all right free a lot time we could go with two lucky winners now remember flipping Adventures made these super cool masks okay amazing masks and here let's see if I get show one off here so we're good we're going to do two winners tonight all right it's gonna be the first two people with the right answer now I know right now you're looking at the the screen and you can't see me and that's because these are magical masks that flipping adventures makes their camouflage but don't get scared don't get look Miriam there I am okay I'm back I'm back guys okay so if you want to have a magical mask be invisible as well number one thang flipping adventures we appreciate it flipping adventures thank you for all of your help modding and then also thank you for the mast to the help with the viewers and then also thank you for the mass that you gave for us I'll actually be wearing my mask tomorrow when I'm on the pick okay so here's how you win all right I'm gonna ask a trivia question and the trivia question is gonna be based on the last week of videos Monday through Saturday that being said you've got to be the first person the first person with the right answer in the chat make sure number one you're in live chat all right and if you if you put in the chat you're like well I think I had the answer first remember we're not putting anything in the chat we see it as it happens when you put an answer in the chat YouTube bumps your comment up to you and only you but if you go back and watch the replay it you'll see in the replay and and we assure you of this because everybody was messaged us afterwards I was first I was first I was telling go back and look at the replay and they always message back I'm sorry so that being said you've got to you got to understand that the mods know what's going on and you can win this thing all right okay here's the question here is the question bear kitty is saying that 7up Creek is worth money it is actually I get I told rob to put it on the second sets auction for some reason he didn't but now just again it's really cool yeah so Jesse's getting it now all right here Jesse will make an unboxing video so the adventurer said if people need the mask they can email me and I'll give away five more camera master the five first five email provider make it more make it more alright thanks again flippin Adventures here is the question this week on what the Hales there are some amazing videos and so much fun I might have burped in that one so much fun one of the most amazing videos of this week is actually one of the least viewed videos of the week which was very very surprising to us so we found individuals that were living under a bridge okay and that was shocking and the probably the most shocking part of it is they were probably shocked that we have security camera systems there so we have them stealing and probably anybody who goes on stealing doesn't exactly think that somebody's gonna go out and try and help them but we did and that being said here's the trivia question how many brand-new my pillows did we put down under the bridge for them first one in the chat how many brand new my pillow pillows that came from the eighteen hundred seventeen hundred dollar unit did we put down in the bridge for them you've got one minute to win it and they already have the answer they already have it and and I don't even have the music I'm so off tonight I so Australia so whoever the right first to to get the answer correct are gonna win tonight and the first two to get the ant answer correct are are doo doo doo doo let me see if I got it okay let me make sure I gotta make sure all right Mick Draper Mick Draper is the very first one the answer is she said king mattress and then she said three there were three brand-new my pillow pillows we kept them in the wrapping because there was plastic they were under a bridge where the creek runs through so congratulations Mick you are correct and Amy Bader she answered three nice congratulations Amy you are correct as well both Nick and Amy if you wouldn't mind going ahead and send in your names and your addresses and your shipping address well I guess that's the same as your address to George at what the hell's at yahoo.com thanks to flipping adventures you have won yourself a brand new their weapon adventure the cool part is this is the cool part that flippin adventures puts in there you can put all kinds of snacks in this little pocket munch on it later yep you can put snacks in there you can whatever you want to do you get this nice little pocket area for keepsakes if you want to put in if you want to put in a little bit of I don't know you could probably some wax from your senses you can put that in there to smell your wax so all kinds of cool things appreciate it so much for lovin adventurous congratulations Amy congratulations Mick and yeah I can juggle okay you ready yeah [Laughter] you don't think I can juggle easy all right it's time for George to learn one more thing about Jeremy are you kidding what are you about to juggle I entertain tens of thousands of children every year you know do you know what else I had to do entertain hundreds of thousands of adults and ha wheels who won these ok so I can juggle I also balance things on my chin heavy things all right that being said it has been a hails of the night tales of a night we've got 503 they're crazy it's weightless everyone's bed time including ours if you love what the Hales type what the heck if you love what the hell thank you again for all the feel of what the Hales I'm losing my voice and your love my aching miles if you love what they'll stop water [Music] big thank you to all of our moderators and a big thing for everyone that joins us tonight we love you all we'll see you next Sunday same time be there [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 13,705
Rating: 4.8740921 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 7G5uefYua3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 34sec (11554 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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