Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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hallo we're a little early tonight George early black ops a--'s I have the first lake nice job I think I do Oh Curious George apparently has the first leg we're going live just a few minutes early this evening because we haven't given pretty much anybody notice that we are still going live regardless of us being stranded up on an island and woodsy gaming hey Hales lo Parker Ebert the penny hoarder Hales low to you and also tender very what what are you have Curious George we're doing fantastic Kendra or bear Hales lo karen sue Hales lo Alex Hayes lo Cassandra Hales lo and here we go Ethan Hales lo Sophie Hales lo Lois reigns hallo Irene sprinkle Hales lo hey there's dolly you're not supposed to be on vacation you can only if you're true that's so true backyard remember that's true well it's really not even a vacation it's been a working trip the entire time yeah we haven't stopped working so I've been filming and editing and guess who else has been filming and editing now that she's officially full of boring so Terry said Brandon not this time we were last Bobo now the new truck isn't good that was last week sweetheart that was last week that cost us crazy insane fifty thousand dollars in expenses that week between the truck breaking down trying to get to Kelly's island buying the new truck fifty thousand dollars Pamela Lynn says good and rickets that you've got yeah tickets I had to yeah last week a lot along the ticket two hundred and fifty dollars for the ticket plus another hundred I was on the phone with the local radio station and I was on hold and I got a ticket because I was on the phone even though I wasn't actually on the phone Hales lo Pamela Lin and there's landshark picker as well Hales Lowe landshark picker and we got Michael Byrd what the Hales good evening and be safe out there we're trying to be safe Ronald wanted to know what part of Ohio we're from you wanna go ahead I'm from the Cleveland area in Ohio and Jeremy I grew up in a suburb of Cleveland as well so I grew up in Elyria Ohio then moved to Grafton Ohio in high school and now I'm in Wayne County and Europe and independence somebody just said we're gonna have to work twice as hard now we don't actually have all of your comments like we usually would on a laptop because we are on an island with very limited cell coverage you said hey from Dallas Hales mo North Royalton Ohio Louis from North Royalton not far at all I graduated from Brecksville bravia Heights Ronald Ronald's a Newark which we've done there a couple time and Columbus yeah there's been the Schilling down so we got Bruce gotta go back to work cause we're hopping on Debra Debra we gotta get you funemployed Hales lo Melissa Debbie I keep seeing Melissa W making a phone call to you on your phone is it that Melissa W or another oh no I know another Melissa W she's my employees she literally just just called I was like oh I didn't know they were each other yeah I was i I know George loves Melissa W but I didn't know they were that close they're watching cellphone Chris Wright says heels low from Seattle somebody said Jebus is sick a California huh I think I think he's just sick in California I don't think he's sick oh I don't think don't think we know yet because we've been away we did a couple we did a little bit as like a sinus infection or something that might be that very well could be or like a respiratory infection well that could be but I don't know because we've been we've been away from cell coverage he's he's texted me once we hit a hundred thousand so he texts me congratulation tell us what is Jebus sick would yeah pirate what's Jebus sick with doctor flip it thrist mckay sent two dollars free she part of fun unemployed money into money money in and money out thank you yep that's the truth of it there we got money to make my lazy walking p buck 99 love the shirts you are share with everybody about the shirts okay now that I'm officially unemployed I designed these shirts as safe unemployed and then what the Hales and then little man even has a onesie made but he's not with us right he still has summer camp we're still picking him up from summer camp even though he did get a video made today of himself so he might have walking pneumonia you might want goes about the same temperature that I keep it in the camper 50 yeah well 68 I don't take it any lower than 68 but you're always looking I'm free so back to the funemployed shirts there are several designs that are gonna be coming out and I'll have it available when we get back in town because you do have to be on a desktop in order to launch it it is designed through T Springs so the nice thing is all of our new merch will be in every single YouTube video in the bottom it's called like a like a video shelf so I'll have that linked up when we get back in town tomorrow evening oh but get back tomorrow evening it'll be sometime this week it'll be up before next Sunday's Q&A but the Greg Wambach size for the funemployed t-shirts are 5x that's this that's the max Grimes finds wants to know can we get over a thousand viewers tonight sure I bet I bet we can we are over 800 one sitting I know a lot of people hop on how about we like at the end of the livestream it'll be 3,000 people were actually jumped in and out by one time I think we've been like 850 baby somewhere in there that would be amazing if we can get a thousand people all at once oh there's a Williams time to roast the marsh okay that's so happy a hundred thousand speaking of which Marcia we still have really so we there's so much to discuss let's get a little bit organized here okay number one we'll get to the hoodie number one biggest thing if you are not aware yet George has a huge announcement which is you are officially funemployed July 4 so I quit my job I went from I want I can't picture myself doing anything with storage auctions and reselling to I quit my job to become a full-time writer so like nine months ago when I said hey would you would you ever consider doing this with me she's like Hales no but she'd say I support you nine months later now she's in full she just jumped in feet first and design insured okay let's figure it all out why did you the biggest the biggest reason for me was when I was diagnosed with cancer I realized that life was too short and Jeremy said that I could probably make more reselling and which he was true because I was doing it part-time and then helping him let's emphasize you have a very good job administrative job in health care yes and so this is not some this isn't there's nothing nothing wrong with a minimum wage job whatsoever and but this is not some small job this is an administrative job in health care yes I left my managerial position to become a full-time reseller and I was able to make pretty decent money doing it part-time and I was able to pay off my student loans much quicker than I anticipated just from doing the signed hustle of reselling I wild Nick two games sent two dollars god bless from Tyler Texas over I wild Nate there you go thank you so much there's probably more down here that we haven't seen yet so let's see let's scroll through so you are officially as of July 4th July 4th represented two different things for you two celebrations which were day for me of being my own boss so she celebrated the Independence of the country and then celebrated her independence and her freedom being funemployed so if you're not inspired yet to be fun employed one of the things we always share if we can do it you guys can certainly do it regularly Gregory Bell asks how do you like not working anymore and when we still work we just technically don't have a job so here's the thing with fun employment when you're fun employed your hours are always that's what it amounts to you you are a business and your hours are always when you work for somebody else you clock in and you clock out typically unless you're a salaried position so fun employment is more like working three full-time jobs around the clock versus one job for somebody else but I wouldn't have it any other way so that's number one announcement you are officially 100 percent fun employed I see we got we got stores hundreds of Vegas on here as well Grimes finds we've got a storage option pirate a bunch of our friends on here we appreciate them being there because we want to personally thank them for a milestone that we've been able to accomplish and I don't think we could have ever accomplished it without the group that we have surrounded ourselves with very very intentionally which is what George five dollar super chat says hashtag unemployed nice that's right soul so biggest other biggest announcement missus locker nuts is on there as well so if they haven't heard yet what's another big thing that happened this past week two days ago you forget oh my goodness I can't believe you forget you forget really hold on a second give me a second to think you should try filming our sometime take 1 take 2 take 3 good [Laughter] my oh my refresh my memory babe what is the biggest thing that happened to the channel this week okay there we go so we can can you share with them we hit that we I predicted that we would hit a hundred and thousand subscribers sometime in July but what are the odds of it happening right around the time that I become funemployed I think it's a triple celebration it's just so right she's been celebrating too much you can't even remember what she celebrated and we've been we honestly have been working around the clock even though we say we're on vacation we've been working around the clock filming editing and responding to make sure that we heart every single comment out there because we want you to know that we do read all of your comments we may not have time to respond to all of the comments we want to know that we we want you to know that we acknowledge all of your comments by leaving that little heart Heather Malone Hales low to you Heather so we hit a hundred thousand what does that mean in YouTube world though so for those who don't know what a hundred thousand subscribers means what it was they in a nutshell it basically means that our channel is now verified so technically we've graduated from YouTube Academy and now we we are a verified channel in addition to that YouTube sends you a reward for kind of like an appreciation reward so they send like a song not a participation reward an appreciation because not everybody gets these you have to hit the thresholds you have to work for it and what's that reward it's a silver play button oh we have to wait we have to wait for YouTube to note send us a notification of when we can claim that silver play button and once we get that I think we're gonna make a video about it I don't know we talked about so many ideas today so our celebration for it and then going back to the hoodie the poll that I that I posted so she's transitioning into the hoodie now if you can't tell I'm a very detail organized guys so I have an outline in my mind I usually type an outline out for George every actually we kind of we get did away with the outlines because we've got the programmed um but so here we go so George wants to talk to you guys about the hoodie which I have officially given her hoodie since we hit a hundred thousand and so it is in her possession but she was taking hoodie piece by precious piece now if you haven't watched the past couple of videos this week there is one on treasure hunting over a shipwreck you gotta watch that because that thing was so awesome and so much fun and then we have another one treasure hunting with just normal rocks and how you can make money with just normal rocks you want to make some money and you say I don't have any money we teach you how to do it with just finding rocks this week and so you'll also find out what happened with these so all that being said here you go George why don't you talk talk to your people about what your plan is what's going on if you guys know how to get to the community tab on our channel I did post a a poll because originally I was going to well the agreement between you and I was once we hit 100,000 subscribers I could burn the hoodie but then feelings have shifted because hoodie is a big part of what the Hales [Laughter] it was part of somebody's identity blood something there are bloodstains do you guys remember when I actually cut and sliced my finger on the razor blade on the druggie unit there's bloodstains on here and sweat and do you remember when I remembered how to sew from Home Economics actually I just pulled up and stein movie and I watch that and I mean they're just there's this is no it's coughing so here we go so so back to the poll that's on our community I did leave a poll and there's three options you can choose from the first one is hands yes back up just a little but how do they even find the community when you go to our channel there's a tab that says community you want to click on that community tab so they specifically have you type in what are the Hales click on what the Hales a tablet device or a desktop device you can't be on the TV otherwise you should not be able to see those settings so you have to be on your cell phone tablet or desktop and then once you actually once you're physically into the channel you click on community if you haven't already seen it like in your your community post kind of like how Facebook has a newsfeed YouTube has a newsfeed - so the three options you can choose currently storage hunters Vegas has given everybody an option there's a frame the hoodie and JK has been been big big big proponent of saving the hoodie restores the hoodie hashtag restored the hoodie so Oh grams fines appreciate oh nice job Justin thank you so the options are one Hales yes burn the hoodie the second option is Hales no frame the hoodie and the third option is auction it off and use whatever the proceeds are and just put it towards more future restored the loved borderline hoarder says I say restores the love so make sure you vote in the poll that is George's poll she she does all of the online the communications the whole deal that's all George so that's her Paul because she actually has not she hasn't made marshmallows over it yet although she has made me some absolutely no look at the poll incredible she's made me some incredible s'mores this past week and so she makes them with Kit Kats in the middle and so the chocolate just drools right now by playing Hershey bars again it's Kit Kat and how much how much marshmallow do I get stuck on my face in the whole process of eating them a lot and the reason why I have I have facial hairs because George actually likes facial hair so before I met her then I never had facial hair and she's like hey you want to grow some facial hair I was like I wish I could grow some right here what the pole looks like there you go on the angle angle there you go right now Hales yes burn the hoodie is at 23% whoa one point four thousand votes so far Hales no for frame the hoodie at 21% and then auctioned off the hoodie and use the money towards restored the love is at 56% so so far auctioning off the hoodie and using the proceeds towards our our movement of restored the love is at 56% so I think we're gonna let the pole go on for an additional week and then see mrs. Locker not voted for the auction if we don't see your your chat it's because we're on a cell phone even though your chat is coming up in front of us and the best way for us to see it is actually a super chat because it'll just hold right there instead of like if there's 20 comments it'll just go Boop and we can only see three at a time Pam Pamela ones never had s'mores I think she said that before that we're gonna have to change that sometimes yeah so Luke 37 wants to know what the Hales did you name him in the truck are we ready are we ready to share I told you guys we would share that information with you tonight okay so one of the things that I've always done throughout my life is I've named my vehicles and a lot of times it's because I've had different vehicles so it's easier to just say hey boom that vehicle this vehicle and you give them a name so the the Ford the f-150 the blue one that you see with the what the Hales all round it that was the blue beast and Facebook actually named that when I bought it five years ago so you guys actually contributed so many incredible names that I could have man they're never come up with a lens there's so many good ones that it was hard to decipher which one okay even hard to come up with the top three so before we tell them which name actually is is being chosen for the truck based on their recommendations can you share with them some of your favorite names that they actually submitted well for those of you who don't know Jeremy needed the one whose truck broke down last weekend and two he needed to upgrade because his f-150 wasn't equipped to haul a camper so we needed to upgrade well it was it was equipped but it wasn't going to be equipped to go all over the world well not the world yet but the United States with mountains and is just gonna push it too hard and so there was always always in the plan to upgrade into a bigger truck into a 3/4 ton anyway so so if you haven't seen the video where we purchased the sarcastic stacker says it's gonna be goose egg he knows it he knows it they're naming it goose egg where we ended up purchasing a black Dodge Ram pure black pure black it's all black I know there's not even any chrome on the outside so the first thing she sees it she's like oh wow that one's and which I didn't want this one I wanted the blue f250 and which happened to be about ten thousand dollars cheaper as well so so we haven't even shared with them how much we paid so should we share because we had them guess that to Shannon the same name it Black Hawk I remember the same Black Hawk Northwest RC Club just sent two dollars morning guys hope you have a great trip away thank you so much marketers says no hoodie lose a subscriber no burn the hoodie you losers driver if you do well so far that that's the least amount of voids votes mark that people are clicking on okay so we did purchase the truck and as with Mark Lewis just sent two dollars and said rich people problems do we know anybody rich people all right so we did walk into the dealership and and with cash and said we're going to make a cash purchase today we did it with all pennies it was well if you saw the video you saw what the bills were but um bought the truck with tax and title included so remember this is the whole purchase up in there tax and title included George how much was it because we had them guess but we never told them how much it actually was taxes are included the purchase price altogether the purchase price was forty four forty four thousand dollars now that being said it's not a stripped-down truck it has every Bell and whistle there possibly is which was important to you because we're gonna be spending a lot a lot of time in the truck which we do now when we're traveling to the auctions because sometimes we'll drive I was sleeping back here two nights ago while the video was compiling here at the actual marina I could not keep my eyes awake are open and I was sleeping back here while it was compiling so so we paid 44,000 for the truck mostly for the comfort factor and plus we need something that's gonna do the job of hauling a camper across the US when we take our channel on the road because you're living out of the truck we're gonna be living out of the truck alright and some of your favorite names were big sexy was which I know that one came from from little mamas stalker as well a few same big sexy wait no she was saying some other things too which I probably should not say on this livestream Polly said man being fun employs expenses you have no idea last week over fifty thousand dollars in bills just trying to get up to Kelly's Island truck breaking down buying another trucks getting a ticket Collins appreciated that's that was just vehicle and trying to get to Kelly's Island I spent fifty thousand last week and that's not my normal bills for everything else in life okay so you like two big sexy what else did you love that there were so many it's hard to remember them all by the way the good news is when you're funemployed all of these are tax deductible expenses in other words it doesn't mean you get that much money back from the government it means the government doesn't tax you on those expenses the fifty thousand dollars those are business expenses I will not be taxed on that so that's the good thing the Black Pearl was one of my favorites because we are treasure hunting all the time and and everywhere we were even treasure hunting today but but we also felt that pirate really storage option pirate that's that's his theming and while I want to buy an eyepatch that's a storage option pirate and while he told all of his people on his live stream to go tell Jeremy named it the Black Pearl we were going another direction out of respect and reverence for storage auction pirate I mean he's the Godfather of storage options he is he's the goat you know what I'm saying so that being said there was another submission took the beauty of the truck name someone said call it unemployment Sheriff like John and the beauty of an Egyptian and took RAM and Z's and Rameses and put it all together and I went I love it and so Rameses was so creative and just right up my alley dr. flip a terrific case at $2 Egyptian princess BAM that's why we went with the Rameses now Rambo I also loved Rambo remember I was like oh I love Rambo I love Rambo we need to call this thing Rambo and then then the submissions for Ramses started coming in and I was like I'll forget Rambo it's got to be Ramses and so Ramses is now the official name of the truck baby baby I'm unemployed I'm not a spelling bee I get trophies for buying junk people watching it not for now not for spelling how do you spell Rameses ram2 spell it REM easy ze Ramses is that how you want to spell it pretty sure that's how she wants to spell it she's ignoring me now sorry someone's spamming her Chad Oh somebody's spamming well don't worry about that the moderator should take care of the spam okay got it BAM so there you go with all the Z's because we'll be living out of the truck so to sum everything up to this point George is now officially as of July 4th fully funemployed she is an employee of what the Hales or often called Hales Corp as well and she has developed funemployed t-shirts and there will be many many more t-shirts that she actually is developing that you'll have an opportunity to get your hands on if you want to she's taken hopped on the live later and you're interested in getting a fun employee fun some fun employed merch I won't be able to link that until next week so it'll for sure be up before next Sunday's live Q&A we hit a hundred thousand subscribers this week which was absolutely incredible so our next goal is 1 million 1 million next goal and then 1 million I'm upping the ante 1 million bajillion now aim small the first time 1 million but jillion take that pudy pie so George is taking a poll as well baby I got the cutie pie I think we can catch up with booty pie alright so George is taking a poll as well she has not burned the actual hoodie yet she's taking a poll in the community whether you want her to burn it frame it auction it off ok so which also reminds me I yeah so by next Sunday if it ends up right now auctioning it off is in the leave so if it ends up being auctioned off by next Sunday then I'll put it on eBay and then I will will share the link with you guys on next Sunday's live Q&A so that if you guys want a bid on it we'll provide the link for you okay so they'll be available for auction on eBay if that continues to be the running vote so right now you're at 56% that says that is the running vote so all that being said we can now get into our viewer questions with our remaining 30 minutes it's actually 27 minutes according to the screen here so let's hear some of your questions Terry Hudson hoots then just said it's still at 56% so it gets wants to know are you Indian Joe Oh daddy probably who's a new subscriber no I'm Egyptian so why do you get an Indian alive and Asian and what she loves to say when somebody calls her agent she says for the last time I'm not Jerry Shawn in that voice usually that boy's first hoodie had what you had K Frye said that's the first thing you had one when you met yes yes it is it and every day after that I've wore this hoodie and she some reason wants to burn it I told her don't try and change me woman by the way you guys realize that's a joke I told you not to turn chain never said that I should start then okay remember when I dress and you're like you look like such a dad and I'm like you want me to change upstairs there's this one top that he'll put on and it's like a bowling time okay first of all it's a blue nautical not a kosher and I absolutely love it and the blue my eyes change color based on what I'm wearing and it brings the blue out at my eyes I love the shirt and hates it the color is her thing always she says I don't have any swag and I'm a dad yeah I'm at all white and herb that's what it that's what it comes down to all right Oh what were you missed some she's getting up she's getting um she's getting them Elizabeth Welsh cousin sent two dollars thank you so much Karen soon aider wants to know when is the wedding what wedding we don't even know when that is sarcastic stacker sent $5 to reach a million subs would take the Carolina Reaper challenge that is the Carolina Reaper challenge has something to do with hot dogs doesn't it oh is that with him and I see yes yeah we watch which we hope to get together with sarcastic stacker really really are asking where do we go to vote make sure you go on tour what the hell's page from either a cell phone device and sherry Edwards wants to know are we wanting babies we're well past baby-making stages I have a 20 year old yeah we're one year old I have a 20 year old we don't want to start all over it's not physically possible anymore that's the easiest and most polite way to say it after number three were made the man of Vermonter wants no how you gonna do resale if you're gonna go across the country oh that's a good question I'm going to answer that well I could tell I can answer part of it okay you answer part of it and then I'll answer part of it we have employees that sell for us well she just answered my part and then also when we travel across the country even though we're buying storage units for people that for our subscribers the the caches that you let us keep three items from the unit and then we plan on reselling those items and we're going to use that and incorporate it in the videos to teach you more of the eBay system or the online selling system with those three items which we we do not currently show and there's a couple reasons why we don't currently show that that portion of eBay reselling on YouTube is just saturated completely and totally saturated and for as many channels and as many people teaching it there are many just as many ways and we believe we have a way that makes the most money because we've tried everything else and one of the one of the the things that I'm best at is finding something breaking it down into its parts into its systems and then learning how to actually use that to its best ability and you may say manipulate the data but it's not manipulating the data is actually enhancing knowing the system and then growing with that system and so that's one of the things that we do on eBay and we're going to share some of that with you when we get on the road full-time missus Locker nuts wants to know what's the what's been the highlight of your vacation that you put vacation clothes this morning you have come what we did this uh night light gosh there's everyday there's been something exciting what's your highlight though the sunsets on the island have been incredible oh wait you're you want to do a spoiler alert don't you watch tomorrow night's video and be ready to soil your pants as I did watch tomorrow night $2.00 says free the hoodie it's part llege panel history [Music] history both never going anything with an engine in there Zach what up Zach so anything with an engine you see here he just sent $5 he says he's got to take five-minute break from under a truck to say hi he's actually injured he's described he's under the blue beast and so an amazing thing when a youtuber reaches out and says hey we would love to help actually fix your truck for you and so anything with an engine is actually working on the what the Hales blue beast right now and you'll get to see more about that later in the videos too so thank you we appreciate that so much Zach Ferguson Ellison wants to know where will you travel to Georgia all over the US our goal is to hit up every state including Hawaii absolutely an Alaska we pray won't take our camper over to Hawaii but we do have friends that live in Hawaii that we're gonna stay with but I know that they do have storage options there but we're not exactly sure how we want to plan out the map but we are going to announce it I think we're going to try and figure out figure it out month by month so what what we'll be announcing this fall you will actually if you want us to come meet you and buy you storage unit go to the auction with you and buy you storage unit then what we what we're going to do is actually have a process for you to to submit your what would you call that you submit your entry for you to be chosen for us to come and meet you and take you to the auction and buy a storage unit for you so we'll share all of that with you you will share that all with you this fall in preparation for winter in January for us coming and to come see you the diesel is coming in let me close that there you smell in that diesel that's not me I promise and yes we'll be in the warmer states during the wintertime which island on Hawaii and how's the new truck treating you so far turtle turtle trader wants to know which my gosh I'm Patrick of brain you think about the island Oahu it's a weapon we love the truck the truck has been absolutely amazing we truly do love the drunk are you selling funemployed shirts yet she will be just check out the videos next week and then you'll be able to get a fun important shirt eventually at the bottom of the video I'll be able to set up our account on to the YouTube platform Moro to see you like a shelf underneath every single YouTube Laura says she's getting phone calls about buying houses and she swears it sounds like me I can promise you number one I wouldn't call you about buying a house if I called you a bother about me buying the house because I'm into real estate real say is the best investment you can ever make lazy walking pees now gonna say amen to that brother and then yeah and I don't call honestly I don't make very many phone calls whatsoever I try and stay off the phone Dina says enjoy your newfound freedom we haven't killed each other yet not yet now she is tried she is tried multiple times what oh no you see what I mean you see what I mean how I haven't Carol said $5 says love watching you guys love that you give back when you can appreciate it Carol I am restored to the love hashtag search help spread that movement hashtag restored the love the phantom one wants to know did you name the truck we did announced just a little bit earlier the trucks official name as submitted by our subscribers Ramsey Ramsey REM ez Z which F is saying booster is really hot right now is it loose terror Wooster I would say I'm not a wuss so they if you're from Wooster you say Wooster but I'm not a wolf so I always say Wooster so the property in Worcester is really hot Oh storage Slayer says hi guys used to be Austin tu-16 but go by the name change finally what kind of camera do you guys recommend to start doing videos with which actually I took a screenshot of a comment you left storage layer earlier that I wanted to share on the line alright you're gonna bring it up right now you bring it up and I'm gonna talk so I I do everything on my Samsung s7 so the s7 is it's got scratches in the screen I've had to change the lens on the camera - shall cover not the lens inside the camera I've beaten the snot out of the thing and it's time to upgrade I actually did upgrade to an s9 but then it wasn't compatible with my service plan so I had to send it back and so all that being said everything everything everything you see on the channel has been done with a samsung s7 it's done with a phone we are right now live streaming from that Samsung s7 everything every editing thing you see the music and the trimming and the vents and the bat it's all done on my phone so all that being said nobody has an excuse that they can't do YouTube yep Lacey walking peas head amen to that brother are you alright you wanna you wanna go ahead and read his message so he's earlier he said on her on her live where we went live on Friday morning yeah just says hey y'all I know you said you started back doing the videos cuz you said you were in a sick five to six month hiatus yes I was he goes I think it's September of last year that is when I started watching you while I was recovering from my triple bypass when I first saw you I knew it was what I wanted to do I started with $20 just doing the thrifting and every time I made money I used it to buy more now I have bought three units the first unit was bad but I still made a little bit of profit the last two I bought was at a live auction with icy profits sarcastic shocker and Jay smooth who we haven't met yet we have a they are the two little units they keep crapping cash lol I just hope that I get to get on y'all's level one day to where I could be fun employed full-time thank you god bless and congratulations going to start my channel up soon love it we'd love to hear success stories like this and then we love to know that we inspire our viewers to either go thrifting you may not you know you don't have to have a whole lot of money start off small like thrifting and then upgrade to storage units so one of the things I always say is start small at what George start small start small make small mistakes and that that rule of thumb applies to everything in life everything okay she says everything Jack Sparrow four four forces I like your videos Jack Sparrow four four four sent in love right back to you we love that you love it can't believe that you watch it turtle trader says sarcastic stacker enjoy your videos we love sarcastic stackers videos too he cracks us again that beans that we love humor and a lot of we've got a nineteen and a half million views right now on our videos so I think we're at about nineteen and a half million views on our videos and they are saturated with humor like like like 95% of the video content is humor and not everybody gets that or not everybody understands or appreciates it and we truly appreciate sarcastic stackers humor Mark Lewis sent $2 says I vote the 98° Nick Lachey tattoo to honor 100k we're at mark where on his body 98 degrees is hot in Ohio Locker dad says what's up guys just finished cleaning out a unit for the day and jumping on LI that's okay locker nuts we didn't see you there Eva s sent $5 super chances around 2:00 a.m. and iron holy cow dang up again to watch you much love from Ireland love you guys appreciate that you're you're staying up this late what the Hales are you doing up at this time he ba bad tr8s said $10 a unit the fat turrets maybe George squirrel recent bad trance also said some hails of a Harley George the love I love that our viewers are from all over the world Janet's watching from Florida Wow Mira's looking for somebody from Jacksonville and Eva says were her favorite couple now that you're officially funemployed can I get a kiss she still won't kiss me she's a full-time employee and I still can't get a kiss do you see this would that be would that be harassment are you on the clock right now this be harassment now that you're unemployed all right she's in a little bit Veronica Harris just sent two dollars who gets to pick out the height it needs to pick out the Oh God Veronica I don't understand your question it doesn't matter the answer is always gonna be George so pound it because if heaven forbid I pick it out whoa did they all know that Asian women are feisty but I'm not Asian you're supposed to say bull say it that way can you say it that way ah Debbie Bob oh dear hold on I'm gonna lose changed Mary says I married my boss now I'm his boss yeah I know how that feels I know how it feels Jim angle sent ten dollars thanks to you my room Jim recently bought his first unit as well oh goody if it's if it's the same Jim Engel well there's probably only one Jim angle unless there's somebody out there with a different Deena new Jenny says Jeremy you're embarrassing her Tina let me get can we just pause for a second you don't know George the way that I know George this woman does not embarrass now she may play it off on camera this woman is embarrassed by nothing at all at all nothing and so Shira playing off on camera this woman's personality is bigger times a thousand than mine now she'll dial it down on camera but I assure you all this woman is not embarrassed she's gonna play it embarrassed for you but when the camera goes off so anyways laura-leigh sent two dollars says congrats on everything good thing your karma is good appreciate it Laura oh wait I thought you were fist-pumping me there you go look now and now I thought you were do you think misty Alan do you think YouTube played a huge part in your success misty if you mean YouTube as far as the channel reaching a hundred thousand absolutely because without the platform we could have never hit a hundred thousand if you mean the success of reselling no because then reselling for ever now YouTube when we resell to youtubers if youtubers want something it you can guarantee like a youtuber goes I want this and I'll offer you ten dollars for it okay I'm just gonna be extremely transparent real with you guys right now if if they go hey I want ten dollars for this it's gonna take an hour for me to find it in the warehouse then an hour to bring it home you can't see the sunset they can yeah that's great we parked so that you guys can see the sunset behind us in the marina so then to to communicate with a youtuber and then to ship it the whole so let's say you have two hours wrapped up and trying to sell a $10 item to a youtuber I value my time at about $100 an hour I want my time to be to be generating $100 an hour so that's two hundred dollars that I could have made somewhere else to make a 210 dollars sale and so you selling the youtubers why we enjoy doing that that that doesn't help in resale success at all as a matter of fact probably lose more money doing that and and but we enjoy the interaction with the actual YouTube so we we don't mind but it doesn't help resale success but if you mean has YouTube played a part in the channel success absolutely because you can't do it without YouTube as far as the platform it all depends on what your question was aimed at even as does I'd love to storage pick but they don't do that over here in Ireland so I'm living through the both of you appreciate it Eva Pam I wonder what they do for storage then if they don't have storage facilities they're an island Ireland Jeremy no kissing you'll across turtle trader watch that video that's a good video I almost got her to lick the rock it was it was my first time hunting for Petoskey stone yes and it's just insane how much they're valued and here on the island is just gravel they don't even care it's just gravel it means nothing to them but if you know its value and you saw all it online then I was the same as anything anybody can go at any point in time there's no money to be made I can't make any money I'm gonna be a 100% person that tells you you can make money doing just about anything there's more money out there to be made than ever before you have more opportunity to the amp than ever before but if you're going to complain that there is no opportunity instead of just going out there and making the opportunity the reser that's your issue there's it's not an issue that there's no money to be made there is millions upon millions about millions to be made you have more opportunities than ever before you have platforms like never before you can be a worldwide business individual selling all over the world like never before so if you're struggling you got to change your mindset and you got to change with the economic changes as well and learn those systems and that way you'll be successful all make sense which is what George has done she's taken a huge step of faith but we got to be real as well I mean she's got a support system from somebody who's been doing it a long time so it's easier for her to just jump into it go all right well I got Jeremy but it truly is that easy though it's hey here let me show you how to do it and George just goes all right well I'm doing it on my own now she's trying to teach me stuff she's like look what I just learned yeah I like to do I like to take the time to do the research on my own because there's so many resources out there the YouTube alone is of an amazing resource of things so if there's something that I don't know or he's unsure of I'm on YouTube googling it how to do this or what's the best way to do this or YouTube just the best platform can I borrow your phone real quick on tutorials yeah Lauren and Salgado and we apologize if we put your name what are good websites to visit for online option chocolate than a storagee says chocolate that's right I am a sucker for chocolate huh Lauren there's actually there's so many online websites you can you can go on to look for online options and actually usually on the first Sunday of every month our lives go from we do a two-hour live it does the first segments of Q&A and then the second hour is profiling online units in our viewers area for a small donation and we'll tell you what the top three websites are so we plan on doing that next Sunday yeah we can't do it on the island today we have no connectivity for a laptop so that just won't happen so next Sunday if you want us to profile a unit for you in your area make sure you jump you hop on to that life but I'll tell you what the what the websites are the the top one is storage treasures com there's Locker Fox calm and bit 13 calm those are the top three that we use during our two-hour live Q&A we're profiling unit and the runner-up is storage auctions calm but I really don't like that site very well at all it's not very user friendly yeah that one's not very user friendly in my personal opinion and then for live auctions auctions if calm will give you travel agenda after John just mentioned that as well so yeah auction auctions at calm is going to be your go-to for the live auctions for live options plus they give you an option for other different dropped and you'll have a drop-down menu and it gives you a bunch of different options in the area too like real estate or what are some other options I don't know at the car I'm hoping that's the police come up to us during the last year we go what are you guys doing yeah he's kind of perked funky is it the Popo oh that would be awesome oh it's not the Popo that would I just figured they were coming to get a picture with George so the killer police island cops haven't tried to get a picture with you yeah so the other thing you can do if you you go eh well we don't have any life of auctions in our area and I can't find any online just google your storage auction companies the facilities yeah and then call them and say hey how do you get rid of these things yeah I want to be a part of it how can we get rid of these things if you have Google Maps on your cell phone whenever we're traveling I'll just hop on there and I'll type in store it like so for example you could type in storage unit facilities near me and it picks up your location and it tells you like Erie J case that a cop could get a kiss from you maybe you are engaged to a cop before me I think you probably probably got a kiss from you but I can't get a kiss all right no kiss you're right JK probably could but I'll have to learn the words it says if you buy can you rent the unit for a month or rent a u-haul yes and yes if the facility will allow you you can always rent a unit if you don't have storage I mean remember the biggest things are people go well I don't have money I don't have time I don't have storage so if you can actually make that facility pay for itself you can keep it right there in the storage and you're paying for the rent of the store if you work right out of it and we have friends who do that so while I have a warehouse because of volume but like storage option pirate is on here he rents a facility and he works outside of an actual storage unit did you do another magnet fishing trip we we did one two days ago that we actually posted but we have not yet to do another one you did it with the executive director campus and we went over the the Prince steamship it's like two hundred forty foot ship on the bottom of Lake Erie super cool over the shipwreck I didn't make the trip because I knew that I went with the both there on in the this motion with the weaves I would have gotten motion six so but if you haven't watched that video make sure you do it was a fun video and if you guys want to buy magnets and donated to the camp it's right there in the information it's in the description it's in the description and did you pin it it is pinned as well somebody wants to know if we were offered a reality TV show would we do it we've actually had this conversation we've thought about it I guess if because some some networks will tell you that you have to get rid of your social media you're pretty much their puppet so if they take away our outlet of being create our creative outlets and not letting us go on social media that kind of takes away we don't want to be anyone's puppet it takes away what we're doing and the purpose of what we're doing so I would write everything don't do it depends like if they're telling us we need to get rid of our Facebook as we use Facebook we use Instagram if they said we couldn't do videos on YouTube but who in the world would offer us I mean who the Hales would offer us a reality TV show anyway so reality is is we are living one it's the reality of our day-to-day life so Jay case says the TV show is a short-term reward I think it would be a neat experience that old what the contrast I love the creativity and the outlet of YouTube so I used to be able to do all these huge creative things in previous position an executive director of a Christian camp and conference center and I would theme retreats and and fundraising and you know I created things such as aviation camp where we taught kids how to fly planes and I would run a munch men's retreat and we had the military come in and I had I had Chinooks landing on the property and I mean you name it and I had all these things going on well I don't have that creativity outlet anymore except YouTube has provided that creativity outlet for me so I appreciate that now George on the other hand she's she's mining her creativity as well and frankly we can't appreciate it I think she's more creative than I am at times Grimes fine says we have a lot in common I'm sure we do number one Grimes find our faith and then number two our love for other people's junk and then number three probably everything else I have a feeling when we get when we get side-by-side together someday we're gonna find out exactly how much we do have a Bryan wants no Jeremy what's your favorite storage unit food to find candy no I have such a sweet tooth that's ridiculous and since I've met George you put 25 pounds on me 25 pounds now right [Music] probably up to 30 after this so George will be like oh I'm hungry and and she look I'm actually she'll be like I'm starving and so she'll make it and get all this stuff and she both should eat two bites and she'll be up and then she'll say I do I have and then you'll say my eyes are bigger than my appetite and then you'll say so fool you face just don't let it go to waste she hates food going to waste it's just it's crazy 25 pounds George George my brother's on the chat George George says hey George you look so pretty thank you you like our shirts for those of you who didn't see this Jeremy look pretty he's good Shelley yeah Jr what's my youngest brother George George made a cameo appearance in one of our more recent videos so we he met us that we were in the Columbus area and I'm like last-minute like hey meet us out and so it was his first auction and then he been on his person and he wanted and he did an unboxing so he got an amazing unit did he really for such a good price let's see viewers don't like it when you use a storage unit thermometer gummy bears yeah Pamela I do gummy bears are one of my favorites as well I get a five-pound bag and a couple others so that they get motion sickness too if I'm on the boat and the boats moving I'm totally fine it's when they anchor and the boats just rocking back and forth that's when I get motion sickness but as long as the boats moving I'm fine Thank You Pamela and George George didn't recognize norge Meredith Lee deals us George George is a cute young man someone said me GRS kay says he is party hearty there you go George George your party Tasha Goodson says I can watch all channels all day they're all saying hi to your brother they're all saying hi to my brother remember his legal name truly is George George it is George JK Zoe's family yes he is hot because it's 90 degrees out that would be 98 degrees I've tried John says what about the patch for motion sickness I've tried the patch it makes me really groggy like all I want to do is sleep including German mean and like bo9 things like that you don't want this woman groggy or hungry those are the two no nose she is very nice we gotta wrap it up yep but we don't have but here's the deal no song tonight but if you watch tomorrow night's video which will be released tomorrow night you're gonna hear a song like never before in an acoustic setting like never before it's absolutely absolutely incredible as we went on a treasure hunt and you're not gonna believe what we found yes one hell of an experience and George will not go back we should probably just leave it at that but make sure you spit when you do actually coolant is low when you do watch the video make sure you speak pay special special attention with your ears probably put earbuds in if you don't watch with earbuds put your buds in and then also also with your eyes because there's gonna be some things you hear and see that you're not going to believe Patty's $0.72 $2 says you driving a boat out to me maybe maybe we just might that's just lovely take you to an auction Patty's oh as the profits just sent $10 fishbowl make sure you guys check out his channel he does storage units as well I'm hot dog challenge she's very very very very knowledgeable and you just hot dog challenge with sarcastic stacker I'm in sarcastic stacker they have a good time together they do it's more fun when you're doing storage units versus solo so they're like the perfect pairs we love doing it with Jebus in the hamper profits all right guys our hour is up can you believe it already I see profit says all I don't know if I could do 50 hot dogs come on Brad that's a lot of wiener Evelyn wants to wire people donating money super chats are just a small donation to the channel which help us out alive so our our hour is up 510 people are still let's answer that really quick so with a super chat when you watch a video and you watch it from the beginning to the end when you comment on a video when you like a video even if you dislike a video when you share our videos on your social media that enables us to do more in this restores the love the hashtag and giving back so if you love seeing that your gifts and your viewing and your comments and your likes and your shares help us do that so YouTube YouTube actually keeps a cut of the super chance that they send but they give it they pay it out once a month and then we use those funds towards the resort to the love movement so when you see us spending $600 on the stores unit and gifting it back to somebody you guys make that possible it was you it wasn't us we're just the vehicle that you've done it through and we're not the only one doing it storage option pirates out there doing it as well and so are many others but storage auction pirate is up next make sure you check out it is live because we'll be having on his live next because we don't want to miss it sharks and $10 says I missed your show crying face or visit us during fees usually that's okay Eric because you could always catch the replay and it's just as good I think I missed the show too but daddy's 72 sand another two are super chances is for that's what I do appreciate it Patty's alright guys we got to wrap it up and then we're gonna hop on storage option pirate for his live you'll see us in the chat Eddie yeah one more thing any last thoughts you want to tell our viewers restores the love yes thank you guys so much for hanging out with us we love you we'll see you oh it was hosting options anonymous I don't remember is it Grimes finds crime finds are you hosting auctions anonymous on Wednesdays so we'll see you guys next Sunday first oh he is life he knows he adventures will be tours I mentioned packets coming so and then Grimes Phibes will be hosting this week's options Anonymous meeting so we'll be sure to post that link in our community so we'll see you guys there good night
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 14,741
Rating: 4.9190431 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: -WB7C1Z7CQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 15sec (4095 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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