I tried BAKING SODA on $1 Steak and this happened!

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Thanks Keeps for sponsoring this video. These are what I like to call one dollar steaks. As  you can see sometimes you get lucky and you get   nice marbling between them. I'm just joking! Because  these steaks come from the cheapest roast there is,   and I'm talking about the eye round. Me and this cut of  meat are not friends. I've done so many experiments   with it and for good reason you see the problem  with this cut right here is that it is very tough,   however it's also extremely flavorful. So my  goal is always to get it as tender as possible   and I have done some crazy experiments with it.  Make sure you check that out on the description   down below later on. But once I removed all of  the silver skin and cleaned it up you can see   I ended up with some beautiful steaks. That is  perfect for today's experiment because we're   going to try to tenderize this with baking soda.  Now if that sounds weird for you let me explain,   Chinese restaurants all over the world have been  using this technique for decades. If you ever had   beef and broccoli, most likely you had baking soda  too, that's because they claimed that it makes   the steak a lot more tender. Well today we're  gonna put that to the test a hundred percent.   And my goal by the end of this video is to  really find out if baking soda is a true   tenderizer for steaks. This is the baking  soda tenderizing experiment. So let's do it!   And here we have the star of the show, baking  soda, to be more specific sodium bicarbonate.   The most interesting thing about this is  that people use it for many different reasons.   I mean did you know that if you mix this in  water it is great for plants? Yes it can be plant   food that is something I was not expecting. And  believe it or not it can also be a great deodorant   yes some people use it for that reason that's  crazy. But most of the people I know use it in the   refrigerator, it keeps the bad odor out and trust  me I have quite a few experiments I do. So that one   I know it works. With all that being said now that  I have my beautiful steak it's time to start this   experiment. And since I have quite a few of steaks  I started by separating them in steak plates, and   most importantly so I do not confuse which steak  is which I also labelled every single one of them,   this way we will make our experiment much  easier and you will be able to follow every step.   The very first one is gonna be the control, this  one will have nothing but salt on it. You see this   is something I like to do that it's called dry  brine and even though it has a fancy name it's   very simple, you basically season your steak with  salt, put it in the refrigerator overnight so that   the salt can penetrate nicely and deeply into the  meat. This also tenderizes the steak a little bit   and at least to me it is the best method to have  steaks. Now for the baking soda steak I did the   same exact thing but instead of using salt I only  used baking soda. I also ensured that the steak   was nicely covered but at the same time without  overdoing it. We don't want to put 15 pounds of   baking soda on it. And like I always said I did  add it to both sides. As you can see a nice thin   layer is the way to go. Now the only thing left  to do is to leave this one in the refrigerator   for four hours. Now the very next one we're gonna  combine both things. And basically this is how it   works; I first added the baking soda, then I threw  in some salt, you know if you leave the steak for   a while moisture will come out because of the  salt. However now that moisture is gonna mixed up   with the baking soda and once that's done it will  penetrate back into the steak, that is basically   what osmosis is. Now is this gonna have a much  better penetration than the baking soda by itself?  Well we're gonna find out real soon because now  the only thing left to do is to let this rest on   my refrigerator for four hours. Once the time was  up I took out the control and take a look at this.   This red color is a sign that the salt penetrated  in the meat and you can still see the osmosis processed underneath. We know this works and  that's why this one is the control. Here's the   baking soda by itself, as you can clearly see  there's almost no sign of baking soda anymore.  It also gave a nice red color to the steak  but most importantly when I hold it in my hand   it feels soft. Yes a little bit more tender, and it  seems like the fibers of the steak is separating   that is a wonderful thing. The only thing I have  concern is the taste. I don't know about you but   I've tasted baking soda before and it does not  taste that great, but that is to be determined   real shortly. As you know we still have this one  left; the baking soda and salt. And as you can see   the salt did its job however you can clearly see  a little bit of baking soda left. So it seems like   it did not penetrate as much as the baking soda  by itself. But surprisingly this one feels even   more tender if I had to give a scale from 1 to 10  control would be zero. The previous one with baking   soda only I would give it a five, But this one I  would give it an eight, it seems like this thing   is working. Actually it's working quite a bit. But  now the next thing to do is to make sure I wash it   all off, hopefully this will take out that weird  flavor from the baking soda. If you don't wash   it off I already know it's going to be terrible  because when I tell you baking soda tastes bad   it does. I made sure to rinse every single steak  and of course also pat it dry. As i'm doing this I   am totally aware that I'm also removing a little  bit of the salt and that's all good because the   salt did its job. So I went ahead and re-seasoned  both experimental steaks, the control one however   there was no need for salt. To season them I added  in all of them a good amount of black pepper and   garlic powder, because as you already know that  is my favorite seasoning. But now that we got   them perfectly seasoned the only thing left to  do is to go ahead and cook them and for that   I'll be first putting a beautiful sear on them  using butter. Once that's done I'll be cooking   them in indirect heat until I reach an internal  temperature of 135 degrees fahrenheit. Once that's   done it's time to taste. So now i say it is enough  talking and it is time to cook them. So let's do it! Before moving forward I want to thank today's  sponsor Keeps. Since I started the channel my   nephew Angel has rocked 250,000 different types  of hairstyles and if he wants to keep that up   and prevent hair loss, this advice is for him and  you. Here's the deal two out of three guys will   experience some form of male pattern baldness by  the time they're 35 and the best way to prevent   hair loss is to be proactive. So Angel you're gonna  need to do something while you still have that   goldendoodle mane going on. 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We obviously have  an experiment when you see three steaks like this.   -That goes without saying. -You already used to it, I don't  need to tell that we have an experiment everybody.   That's what I love to do everybody, I love to  learn new things and I'll tell you one thing   every single experiment I do even if it's a fail I  learned something new. You agree Maumau? -I agree. -Okay   so here's the deal, today we are testing tenderness  that's all I care about, and if there's an off flavor because well I'm not gonna say anything.  -Of course there's gonna be enough flavor!   -Maumau is already sweating bullets and I like  it. Okay let's go for the very first one okay. Oh I even got a hiccup on that one wow. -Wow -Huh  that one felt like a shoe leather Maumau. -Yes. -I see you even went for a  small piece. Ah Maumau? -I don't want to be here chewing gum for  an hour. -Very first one. Cheers everybody! Even though it was hard when I poke it it's not  that bad. -No it's not that bad, the taste is amazing.   -But, you still chewing? -It feels soft when you  chew but it doesn't break apart so you have   to keep chewing it, and chewing it, and chewing it. -Yes! And  then a little bit more after that. The flavor   is phenomenal everybody. I would say that this  is a very tasty steak, it's just, it's just tough. -When you   bite it, it has a nice give. -Yeah. -It's just  the fibers are not breaking apart. -I agree   that's what you get when you eat an eye round Maumau,   that's an eye round. It's softer than the regular   than the usual eye round. -It is a little bit softer  than the regular eye round and that's probably   because I dry brined it. You know what I mean? Every  time you dry brine it it gives a little extra   and makes your steak better everybody. I'm telling  you, if you're not using the dry brine technique   do it. Let's go for the second one Maumau. So, you  probably can tell that that one is our control   already and you're still chewing. Look at Maumau you're still chewing. So that's our control if   any other ones is more tender than that I want  to know. But most importantly if there's a weird   flavor yeah. -Okay. -Cheers everybody! Huh! What do you think Maumau? -Where these three from the same piece of meat? -Same piece of meat, same roast. That one is weird because this one was soft when you chew but the fibers didn't break it. -Mm-hmm. -That  one is tough when you but the fibers break easier. -So you would say that it is more tender? -It is more  tender. -I agree 100% it is more tender but, I will   say this, it has a different flavor. Can you tell? -Yeah. -I'm not happy with this flavor. -That's why   I asked you for the same because it didn't taste  like. -It didn't taste like, yeah I'm not happy with   this uh a little bit uh different flavor. How do  you like it? -It's not the best. -It's not, I know.   I would say this is a much more tender steak  but overall I prefer to eat that one because the   taste is better. -I prefer chew a little bit more  than uh that flavor. -You prefer chewing a tastier   steak than a softer steak right Maumau? So that's what happened  with this one and if you ask if it is more tender   absolutely. -It is more tender. -It is more tender,  yes it is. -Okay this one here, you ready?   -All right let's see. -I mean it's just  it feels weird right? When you stabbing they're just so, so, so not tender everybody. It's crazy. Very last one, cheers everybody. More tender. But I can, do you feel that  flavor is it just me? -I feel the flavor. -You feel the flavor right?   yeah that flavor is weird everybody. That's a  weird flavor man. -Wow. -I don't enjoy that flavor   whatsoever. -No it takes the beefiness from the  from the steak. -Yeah, absolutely, that's what it is   everybody if you ask me does it work is it more  tender Maumau. -It is more tender. -Absolutely it is more tender   but I am going for the first one because the  flavor of the first one is amazing. -I was going to   say this one feels like a mix of this two, because  this one is soft but it doesn't break apart that   one breaks apart but it's not that soft. That  one is soft and breaks apart and he has a weird   taste. Maumau give me five Maumau you are becoming a space I mean a steak expert everybody   because you're right on the money. Here's the deal  this is the baking soda experiment for tenderizing.   I added a little bit of baking soda Maumau I know it  sounds weird, but hey don't be alarmed because   you know when you go to chinese restaurant and  they make that um you know chopped up beef, beef   with broccoli and stuff. -Yeah. -They always put a  little bit so it's not like out of the ordinary. -No, no, no, no.    -You know what I mean? -We eat stuff with baking soda  all the time. -Yeah but hey guys it puts an off   flavor to the steak man. I'm telling you right now  I do not enjoy that steak but in regards to does   it work, does it work? -It works. -It works, it makes  the steak more tender at the same time I will be   going back for the first one. -Oh that first one is the  best. -That first one oh my God it's chewy though.   -It's like a chewing gum. -It's just a little bit more.  -You're probably losing like 10 more calories just   by chewing it with your mouth. -There you go! -Hey  you got to make up some way somehow. -It's a work out.   Maybe if you're going to put a sauce on it. -That's  probably why they do it in the chinese restaurant.  yeah. -Yeah. -Then it can cover the flavor of the steak. -You cover the flavor. And you cover that too.  -If you cover the flavor it would be good but if  you're doing it as a steak for a tasting steak   an amazing grilled steak, it just doesn't work. It  doesn't work whatsoever, but it does make the steak   more tender let's be clear let's give it up where  the credit is due. Yea Maumau? -Yeah. -There you go it does work. Anyway guys these are the results I hope you guys  enjoyed this video. If you do enjoy make sure give - it a thumbs up, if you're not a subscriber be sure  to subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are   interested in anything I use everything is always  in the description down below. Thank you so much   for watching and as you guys can see Maumau enjoyed  this one, it tastes better. Guys I much rather   have a much more wonderful tasting steak than  a you know a softer steak that tastes off. -Hmm. -Look at Maumau, he's still chewing! Guys thank you for watching and we'll see  you on the next one. Take care everybody. Bye bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 2,690,513
Rating: 4.8978572 out of 5
Keywords: steak, tenderize, hacks, hack, how to cook steak, best steak, steak channel, cooking, how to grill, best method to tenderize steak, experiment
Id: 73PaP7jOCFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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