Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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we're going live happy Easter happy Sunday Funday hope everyone it stinks safe staying warm most importantly healthy he's feeling himself give me my pants and I'll start singing just sitting here and listening to you play the same chords over again cuz you're not getting your pants back chords never change pretty much neither does the song because it goes like this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Georgie Georgie fine immunise with Sol Morty's monkey now I don't have pants keep it down by monkey when others dr. beard and then she swoops in with a [Music] that's my George the auctioneer crabs looking in their eyes trying to get their money but they'll back down when she comes around when they get a good look of money because they see my Georgie my units with some posies others dr. Baden and she's with sin with George trigger up begins with family and friends until she walks on the scene they're all hypnotized by the looking around rejection genes speaking of genes jinx you owe me my pants Georgie - from beard well as she is scoops in with my burning a hole straight through there they think they're winning but their heads are spinning with their eyes popping out their students when they see majority of unis sword [Music] [Music] give it up for pantsless Jeremy all right that's gonna be tonight a so let's get comfortable we're all friends and family here anyway right yeah they get comfortable you're at home we're at home might as well stay we're calling this the pantsless live QA oh by the way it's gonna be filled with Easter eggs as well so hope you like that smell of hard-boiled eggs you're gonna be smelling it a while because you know why I got no pants to filter it that's why all right we gotta get through we got to get through our housekeeping things here tonight and then we are gonna get into our QA with you and then the second half of the live tonight will actually be a live auction George has all kinds of crazy things so be ready for that but before that we've got some things we got to take care of so we have biggest thing we want people to do is what George here's your here's your announcement sheet right there right there there it is what's the biggest thing we want people to do we want for everyone to let their friends and family know that we're trying to get to 200,000 21 days before May before my tell your friends and family to subscribe to help us get to 200k before May now I just checked before we went live we were 85 oh sorry drop something in between them I know pants legs and there it is okay got it I got a pen I just don't have pants so I checked before we went live we actually 85 away from 186,000 so we've got out we got to get our work on we got a we got to get this thing pull it all together if we're gonna get 200k before May if we don't if we don't get 200k before May what's our June saying gonna be did we come up with the slogan for 200k soon hopefully before the end of June it's kind of a bit long okay I'll shorten it up well you know what let's just go let's just we'll just shorten it up I go into July ain't know why we want to Kay in July there we go how's that okay so feel free to share what the hails all over your social media there are so many people home right now and they're looking for good things wholesome things to actually watch you know what hang up pants don't need socks either so they're looking for great entertainment and that's one of the things we always strive to do which strive to educate but why we educate we strive to entertain at the same time make sure you hit that notifications about why and how do they do it yeah YouTube recently changed the way you get notified when you click on the bell it used to automatically subscribe give you notifications for all videos that your favorite channel releases now you get to pick and choose but you want to make sure you click on the top Bell which is all which means you'll get notified every single time you release a new video and when we go live it looks like Jason Schwartz already putting a bid in on the socks are you taking my socks now too so I saw a couple bids in the chat for the pants already it's just getting out of control this is getting completely and totally out of control I mean I always figured I'd be homeless one day but I didn't think I'd be naked and afraid so here we are though all right we also have was open we got we got a we got look at that real talk better with $2 for the pants flaw and the pants fund pram thank you so much real talk minute and bam we need some for the pants there's no doubt about it there is no doubt about it that's a serious issue right there so we've got some other things coming up as well we've got an auction with second sense and if you go oh you expose go look at the look at the bid on the pants yeah right what is that 1 million drive that's $100,000 and I was I was ready to go to $100,000 to get my pants back if I needed to but that money goes to you not me right conky says can't ship the Sox has math that's true that's true we'll put in we'll put in free face masks with those from one of the methods yeah tons of hand sanitizers let's face it that's messed up right yeah you know the same so we got some other things going on we got the auction which is April 25th so you can actually start viewing items at W 2nd sense comm second the letter to mama D just put it in put in the channel but I don't know if they put in the actual I don't have the link ready either yeah I got all these other things going on all the things that they can't see from down below which thankfully they can't you know why exactly there we go mommy's got it right there so you can actually start viewing some of the items that robbed the 2nd sense is putting up for auction our goal was to have a live auction right on-site in the warehouse and then you would all be able to bid on items as well online and we would ship but because of the current situation in our country it will only be online with second sense and we just got Ashley Ashley said a buck 99 I'm getting ready she sent a super sticker what's the sticker of I can't to come this far I'm not sure but I'm sure it was super and Leah and Kramer just said $2.99 you don't want to mess with me you know why this is the strongest fist in the world unless you think you've come up with something stronger I have actually you have you've got to be kidding me this new fist you that's the Khronos fist that took out the entire world this isn't this is getting a little crazy this is getting out of control you and your fist like well like me when I'm angry alright so we've got the Knox brothers just sent five dollars getting back into lockers it's been about five years eBay sales are rocking sighs thanks for the videos to show us how fun they can be you want to go ahead and give up the notch brothers duh oh it speaks I forgot it lights up - I think she just destroyed half the world so no problem whatsoever Knox brothers we absolutely enjoy it part of the fun of what we do okay so that auction is going on it will be online bidding only so if you're interested online bidding only we will not be live-streaming from the warehouse like we originally intended to once things change in our world then we will actually move forward with live streaming a live auction from the warehouse that you can be a part of as well and the other thing that we want to make sure that everybody is aware of is that we have running in segments tonight Oh Amy in Portland just sent $10 pumping all right here we go here we go ready and bam all right thank you so much Amy so the first hour will be the QA and today we specifically will be focusing in on Easter eggs we've got some incredible Easter eggs as far as reselling for you guys and we're gonna take your questions Easter eggs everybody loves Easter eggs in a DVD a movie a video game those things that you just don't normally get to so if you've got a question when we tell you to ask the question that would be an Easter egg type question that we can give you an answer that we've never answered before tonight's your night so start thinking of some of those crazy questions okay let's set some boundaries though maybe it's Easter it's Easter which by the way I want to do a little bit of a quiz with you guys okay so I want to see who knows the answer to this so if we if we trap the history of Easter oh we got Happy Easter here's some more money for the pants one for Amanda Smith thank you so much Amanda appreciate it appreciate it getting cold up in here my t-shirt is coming untucked - should I just take my black t-shirt off you know I should probably just take my t-shirt off - it's getting I'm getting it's getting a little warm I'm just saying all right thanks so much Amanda so if we track back the history of Easter if we go all the way back we know historically that Easter is the day that Jesus Christ rose from the tomb right and so the early followers of Christ they used to actually greet one another and this was a greeting they would say he has risen and there was always a formal response I'm curious which of our viewers know what that formal response is if we go all the way back in church history what is the response so somebody says he has risen and then another Christ follower would respond how let's see if any but we've got Linda day first one in there he has risen indeed Jane hedge he has risen indeed Dave am close I have risen but no if this is about Jesus not you Davis Sharon's got his risen indeed yep and Troy indeed yep yep exactly there we go silver hair said the fish symbol but the answer is she has risen indeed and that's how one follower of Christ would recognize another follower Christ absolutely great okay so I was just curious to see how many of our are quite a few yeah quite a few they you know they're church history we have 583 people watching yet is going wild with the correct answer there that that answer is just flying right now all right so why we're flying why don't we just go ahead let's fly into you talking about reminding them about the merch that's on the channel that was released the new stuff that got released wow I get ready for that I did a couple adjustments where our merchandise should be available there should be a total of 14 items available for you guys to purchase on our YouTube shelf I gotta get ready for the mail song and then we got to get into our Easter eggs it looks like it's all there oh look at that mugs tote bags tote bags taupe my goats Maggie a mug what the hell's mugs on there you'll see it what the hell's tote bag because a lot of stores are trying to get away from using plastic and having people bring in their own reusable bags you'll also see what the hills t-shirts and what the hills hoodies again if you go to something you definitely did she just bought me up on and boy buddy there's our funemployed doe got no pants if you go to any of our videos including the live that you're watching now scroll down right before the description is where you'll see where it says browse what the hails merch then you go through there click on click on what you want to buy and everything's handled through two Springs cuz I know a lot of people have asked can we sign can we autograph them but we can no longer do that it comes straight from tea Springs which is the company that's partnered with YouTube are we ready for male song let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got mail we've got one from our friends the Draper's all the way from Fort Myer sunny Florida three weeks in a row so spread the love not not the virus spread the love and look at that the card says rejoice so this may all the blessings in Christmas fill your heart and home with joy yes we know that it's a Christmas grab salutely but we also know that Mick has been trying to spread love and joy for the last three weeks during this uncertain pandemic thank you for all the love you spread god bless you the week god bless we Happy Easter mr. Draper and make appreciate it man we are so far ahead right now of hanging our Christmas cards up in the in the doorway I mean where we are on point we're getting ahead of the game we are getting this yes okay now we also we have an iPad that we're gonna get into tonight as well we didn't have time last week and if you keep us seeing us lean over we have so much stuff on the on the desk table area that you can't see that we have to work around but we're gonna be getting in this tonight as well we're gonna find out what's inside this was in the 1800's $1700 unit we've powered it up we haven't looked at it yet we ran out of time last week now we did find we did find a flash drive and and and the memory card that I put in your Easter basket did you bring those up Ryan sent a dollar 99 super chat he must have missed the library we made that announcer yeah absolutely missed the live Ryan says Jeremy you unfriended me on Facebook I offended you thanks for the buck 99 no nobody offended me that's just too much communication so what I've got a streamlined everything is going to the fan page everything so everybody got unfriended on Facebook so the Matt there's 5,000 people everybody got unfriended on Facebook I cannot keep up we have thousands upon thousands of people reaching out on a daily weekly monthly yearly basis and it has to be streamlined because it would take if one person employed by what the Hales just to answer and respond to people on a daily basis could never do it and so it has to be streamlined somehow so that means personal Facebook needs to go to the wayside and it has to move over to the fan page that's just it's just part of what what we're trying to do part is streamlining the streamlining so if you've got unfriended on Facebook don't worry it wasn't you it was everybody I'm just trying to keep my social distancing right yeah right yeah okay literally all right so let's get into some Easter eggs so we want we want some questions from you about Easter eggs as well things that you would want to know about about what we do as a living or about us personally about whatever if you've got a question that we have never answered before so for example if you ask is George her real name we're not going to answer that question that's not an Easter egg that's an obvious one and Midwest picker two dollars I'm here and I have a bag of cash we're gonna get into the auction in just a bit Midwest picker but we also have some Easter eggs for you around reselling as well so if you've got a week Grimes finds has a great one how many Easter eggs can you fit in your mouth at once you know this answer for you for myself well you can answer either or for yourself we've never try and put eggs in our mouths so I don't know well depends on the size of map of the egg maybe you make me fart salad all the time how many eggs do I put my mouth at a time she calls egg salad fart salad no you call it farts along with it she called it she's the one that named it fart salad see here's an Easter Egg for you although we have we have discussed this before all right funky fluffy says do either you have tattoos which we've discussed this on other channels we haven't discussed it on our on our channel no so I don't have a tattoo I have three when I got them all when I was 18 and now I'm to the point where if I got them removed I wouldn't miss them all right Cheryl Strayer wants to know Jeremy how much coffee do you drink before you film that you could answer sir I'll believe it or not this man does not does not drink caffeine this is this is how he is from the moment he wakes up until he starts snoring at night Ryan Brown wants to know how did we meet although we've addressed it before but do you want to get into a little bit more of the details Monroe Williams sent $5 says sent a super sticker how's it going good Thank You Williams appreciate it uh so do you want to talk about how we actually met we did where we met how we met or where we met on our first date just go for all of it what do you remember remember remember how we met and and everything you can remember about our first date how we met was on a dating called hinge where we met on our first date was Buffalo Wild Wings which was because we live an hour apart so we agreed on a place that was halfway between us and I like chicken and then end up being Buffalo Wild Wings and then on our one-year anniversary he took me back to Buffalo Wild Wings remembered which booth we sat in and requested the booth when the hostess greeted us at the door and and then lucky for us it was available and then she tried to tell me she's like no I said over there anyway you said here she has a bad memory so sometimes see she doesn't remember that she has a bad memory all the time but that's just part of the fun of it Ana Maria wants know what did what did you have for Easter whoa we actually we posted Easter dinner on YouTube stories on what the Hales fanpage and on Instagram we posted dinner but do you want to share with everybody I kind of curious to know what everyone else ate since Easter this year was different because of the kovat 19 pandemic how creative people got with Easter and getting their loved ones together maybe through social media or through different streaming apps Mik Draper wants to know it was George wearing a bikini in her dating profile I can answer that she one of her pictures she was shooting a gun a lot of her pictures were memes for and was there another one so so the way I set up my profile was I was a little curious at all I wasn't serious at all I didn't want to put too many pictures of myself so there was a picture of the back of my head I was wearing a ponytail wearing hat and you see me at a shooting range so you don't even see my face and then there was two memes and I think like one picture of me with a friend in it so that's what she was if she was wearing a bikini and there in her profile I would have never reached out and frankly I thought it was I thought it was fake and all I wanted to do was prove that was a fake profile because I got so tired of fake profiles so sandy would said they had hamburgers for you sir oh wow making chicken and baked potatoes for dinner okay there was real talk man or two dollars has George ever driven the truck and trailer so the truck yes many many times both the blue truck and Ramsey's the black truck never with the trailer attached going forward I can't get her to do it yet she has backed up the trailer I have like I've practiced in the warehouse aligning the trailer and trying to park it where we normally do it the warehouse did I did I nail it or yeah you got it I nailed it yeah yeah I was like I told you nobody gets it this fast that wasn't her memory I remember I said nobody gets this fast I can't believe you got it just like that yeah cuz trying to reverse the trailer you literally have to go the opposite direction so in your mind you're trained if you want to reverse and turn right you turn the wheel right but with the trailer you have to turn the wheel left so you got to you got to program your mind to think the opposite when you're trying to reverse the trailer let's see have you all right Frogg equ wants to know have you ever bought a unit in Illinois Illinois have we got a unit and not yet not yet but it's definitely on the bucket list well if I ever get pants again maybe we actually could do that maybe we could go out in public once again but Brian butter wants know have you ever bought a bad unit well there is no bad unit if you're buying correctly there is no bad unit so the you always make profit I've never bought a unit that I haven't made profit on now there are there yet or units yeah there's always better units than others but one unit that I can think of that ended up turning bad and the reason why you been on it ended up being stolen from the unit the guitar and it was on line so one of the things that we tried I think we taught during that video was to make sure you take screenshots if you're bidding on our unit online make sure you have screenshots of all the pictures and then once you open up that unit and things are moved around or if things are missing you address it with whatever platform you bought it from and the manager of the facility Wes max Gary wants to know what's one of your favorite date nights you want to answer first or you want me to answer first there's a couple there's a couple things well you love to do well I I thought to read I took it as he was looking he wanted to look back and know what was the favorite date night that we've had but you take it any way you want you in I'm interpreting as what do we love to do that we like a date that we repeat because we love it so much okay then you take it any way you want sunsets sunsets are always nice especially over the water like over the lake we love taking hikes nature walks and then obviously movie nights when it's cold weather like this or when you're quarantined gotta have popcorn gotta have with social distancing Shirley pearl wants to know what she sent two dollars you want so close what's the most expensive unit you've ever paid for I do not know I don't remember I do babe I haven't known you my entire life but I can answer the most expensive unit I've gotten to we've been together you could probably answer it since we've been on YouTube because the answer is there but I can't remember over 20 years so what is it so for us since we've known each other it was the Moose unit how much did we buy that one forty two hundred all right one there you have it twenty two hundred I know I have paid more than that for storage yes you're sure for sure but since we've been together the Moose unit for twenty two hundred and we decided to actually keep the Moose the Moose is still in the warehouse and then there's another unit that I can think of that was up there but you went halfsies was um with Grimes the dude perfect oh dude perfect but in all reality that was Justin's baby he just invited me to go along for the ride and that was 100% Justin he invited me to go along for the ride and I appreciate it but and that was super cool the third that was up there that you wouldn't have sees with Rob from second sense was the Harley unit well that was what 960 that was that was a cheap unit in regards to so what baby we just spent eighteen hundred and seventeen hundred on the like to other you why did I think it was close to 1900 with him the motorcycle unit was like seventeen and then you also got a unit with two motorcycles remember that one how much was that when the owner that was illegally bidding that was 1802 paid for that one so that was eighteen illegal illegal shilling that was eighteen hundred yeah okay I see questions like what is George's ethnicity camera talk go watch all the videos we've hit that so often that is not an easter egg that is so been gone over it's ridiculous let's see what else we have all right uh as you're getting your questions in your Easter eggs things that you want to know I'm gonna give you one Easter egg in regards to reselling okay so this is special Easter Egg for you guys so I've got three of them and they are important and they're things that I want you guys to have in your Easter egg reselling basket because this is gonna make you money alright this will make you money this will help you during lean times of cash flow alright so that being said Easter Egg number one you keep your eyes on the questions alright you let me know who are we gonna be Easter Egg number one reselling here we go this is important stimulus checks are being issued or direct deposited this week and shortly after that means people are gonna have an influx of cash again and when people get an influx of cash while it's supposed to be for necessities food paying rent bills you know as well as I know people are impulse buyers they get a lump sum of cash and they will be on line buying and that means you as a reseller need to push as hard as you can get as much as you can listed right now on eBay if you've got an eBay store you may open it up fifth the thousand free listings 50 thousand to the end of April and so you can post as much as you can as possibly as fast as you can because people are gonna have money and they're gonna be online and they're gonna be spending it if you're not a seller on eBay you need to be a seller on eBay because it is hot right now as soon as you list something it just about sells it's hot if you're listing the appropriate way to make money there is a good way to appropriately list on eBay to make money and there are a whole bunch of bad ways now everybody always ask how do I do it the right way there are good things that we can teach you we don't do that in the video we have around an eBay class we may do that again in the future but there are so many people out there teaching that you want to make sure you find the right people but eBay has their own channel so go to II based channel on YouTube and learn from them they own the platform so stimulus checks are coming easter egg number one they're gonna have money and money's gonna be burning a hole in their pocket and they're gonna be online because they're home all day and they're gonna want to spend it so be ready list as much as possible all right another DCA question they have well real quick real talk mentor cents a $5 super chat says George did you ever think that the YouTube channel would have gotten this big this fast absolutely not absolutely not and when I first met Jeremy I wanted nothing to do with storage units I wanted nothing to do with YouTube or even being on camera but here we are today here we are today hopefully hitting 200k before me so when we when we got together at what point did I say hey do you want to do this YouTube thing with me you took a hiatus actually from your channel I was completely totally bored and I was like hey you took a five-month hiatus but in between the five month hiatus you sprinkled in videos of our dates right we would want I was recording our dates because I was doing I was doing YouTube before I was recording our dates and then she would not let me do anything with the footage she had to see it prove it didn't I didn't watch any of his videos that was on his channel and then I wanted I didn't know what his editing was like I didn't know how he was gonna all look together put together so yeah I wanted to watch the videos and approve it before you released it to the world which at the world at that point was what I don't know three thousand three thousand people that really weren't watching anything anyways so that being said how the Hales are you having a hails of a good night we're gonna have a ton of fun tonight so you wanted nothing to do with it and we never anticipated anybody would even watch let alone almost be the two hundred thousand which we might be to one hundred and eighty six thousand right now let me check if these guys are sharing then we might be at 186,000 let's see let's see because people are saying that I'm a natural I don't think so we're not there yet we're at a hundred and eighty five thousand nine hundred and twenty seven we got a few more to go yeah we got very close seventy three more to go tonight to get to 186 thousand we're close we're getting there we're getting there mmm-hmm funky fluff what the hell have you ever been to the UK and if not are you planning to have you you ever been that young so I've never been overseas I've been to Canada many times I've been to Mexico a few times I've been to the Caribbeans and the Bahamas but I've never traveled overseas this guy though on the other hand so I would have helped establish Christian camps around the world so I've been to Japan South Africa I built a zip line which in South Africa is called the foo peace line so I built a foofy slide over lake in South Africa Japan Spain I sent trips I sent teams to Scotland and I don't know I've been a lot of places I've been to places within the United Kingdom but not you know it depends on where you're talking about as far as the United Kingdom so that's been my experience overseas is always been Italy was crazy and we're actually the mob actually loaned us we were working establishing a Christian camp and the mob we didn't have a vehicle and the mob loaned us vehicle that was interesting but that is a YouTube conversation for way way way down the road but that being said I've been in the UK but I've never spent much time there and I'm not a sightseer that's not my type of thing my thing is go in there do what you came to do and unless I am particularly on vacation in sightseeing but I like to work I like to keep busy I go nuts if I don't have something to keep me busy someone asked what state would you not want to visit and the answer would be our goal is to buy high Orage unit 50 states including Hawaii including Puerto Rico you were going to Puerto Rico as well what door Eko yeah how can we go to Mexico well the goal she asked about States New Mexico yeah so it'd be nice a new malko yeah we've been to Mexico with surgery as a sexist yeah we were close then for sure Alaska I want to go see the whales I want to go see the whales migrating in Alaska I wonder what the storage units look like in Alaska probably cool it's all igloos yeah they're probably storage igloos not storage units though yeah I mean that's just my guess it's my guess that makes sense do you think they have a do you think they have a de-icer lock you know like you get the stuff if your lock freezes in Ohio and you spray with de-icer and do you think girl a sure their locks are just a block of ice and you have to spray de-icer all around it to get into your igloo yeah Glock 30 fan says you can't drive an RV to Hawaii yes we would leave we would fly there maybe maybe baby baby would fly baby why would we want to fly we could drive straight into the ocean and this right we would the plan was to leave the the RV somewhere on the west coast and then fly to Hawaii that would be the plan yeah that would be plan which we did get the RV back we do have the camper back now finally finally finally uh candy morph says is their storage unit buyer from Alaska on YouTube don't know well I think she's waiting for the chats answer that oh that was a barista reg for us that wasn't her easter egg but it would be interesting to see if anyone from Alexis waters right now I got you oh so she's asking that I thought she was asking is there a YouTube channel that buys in Alaska that's what I thought she was she was ask him that's what I figured not that we know of I don't know I don't see what the chat says maybe that's an easter egg that we'll find out someday so Helen Myer mayor says Jeremy you have a strange sense of humor he has a dark sense of humor really why don't we tell them the reality of your humor why don't we shine light on this Easter celebration of who your humor unless it's on camera it never happened sorry there we go trust me my humor is nothing nothing okay so let's let's dig into work says you just got the camper back just in time but yeah exactly oh we got it back well we are all ready everything was on hold when we even got it back so they had the door locked and I had to go in and I had I had to stay a distance away to get my keys so we had to put the keys and then on to grab the keys and like oh my goodness this is so silly a couple people and they Chad asked about George George my brother he's doing good family's good he actually came today he was at the house today he was at the house today but we social distance yeah he would not speak to him whatsoever within six feet we talked to each other through the phone through the glass I was shouting at him from the toilet like hey leave my truck alone he came to pick up the blue truck which we loaded with firewood and the wood came from my parents house because my dad was in the process of cutting down a couple trees and the wood is on their way to Columbus and brother's gonna use it as firewood so life in Jesus just asked Jeremy what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done I can think of two things specifically they come to the top of my mind so number one I was at Carey jumpers as we saw her dark humor with your challenge the challenge video tip of the iceberg alright so I can think of two things I was invited to a university and they were they were running a huge Leadership Conference for teens and they asked me I was speaking and then I was actually running sessions leadership sessions and I was using games to actually to emphasize leadership principles okay so there's a game called clumps so for example if I said yeah I've got five hundred teenagers in a group at a time and so if I'm saying to 500 teenagers find everybody and you wanna you wanted them to get to know each other so you say find everybody who has the same hair color as you so if George and I have the same hair color we clump together because we have the same hair color or if we say if or I say you know I shout out and I'm on a loudspeaker all right a microphone loudspeaker 500 teenagers emphasis on the teenagers I shot everybody you find the same people that use the same toothpaste as you 500 people are screaming I use a I use crest I don't brush my teeth like that yeah so all of a sudden on the microphone with 500 teenagers at a Leadership Conference I scream out find the same people who had the same shoe size as you now what I was doing was then going to the clumps and I'm and I'm talking to them on the actual microphone and I shout out where's my double D's at which double D's is not a shoe size it would be a bra size I meant to say double lie my feet are double wides I have huge feet okay I've huge Fred Flintstone feet they're double wide his yabba dabba I meant to say double wide double D came out on the microphone broadcasted to 500 teenagers at a Leadership Conference it's safe to say that was a little bit embarrassing and all you could do is just laugh with 500 teenagers who just went oh my goodness he said double D's he was talking about below Jessie says his phone melted today oh this just too so second thing that I can remember I was preaching at a church and not not unusual to a feeling like I have right now things got a little drafty now I love the preaching God's Word at churches and and very passionate about it and people would say one or two things number one Jeremy's too loud they'll never have him come back again or number two Jeremy's so enthusiastic I want to go out and change the world and so I was preaching and all of a sudden like it's a little drafty and I'm very animated and I was out from behind the podium and then I went back behind the podium and I put my hands down and I was like like my zipper has been down the entire time so that was a little crazy all right Mick Draper buck 99 in real life Jeremy's very quiet George is a human that is very very very true so on YouTube George makes me do all the talking because she doesn't like it on camera in real life she does all the talking I don't I'm the quiet one I'm the reserved one Mick just Brian butter says what reality game show would you and George be contestants on if you wanted to go on one or ask to be on one I already know the answer to mine you want to go first well apparently since they ain't got pants naked and afraid that's not really a game show though okay then it would be survivor I would love to go on survive is that considered a game show or a survival show that would be a game show there's a there's a that's a game and you win a prize there's a million dollars and so mine would be family feud family feud would be so much fun your family on family feud would be hilarious oh my goodness alright so Easter Egg number two Easter Egg number two in regards to reselling you guys he keep asking your easter-egg questions we'll get to them okay Easter Egg number two in regards to selling number one a stimulus checks are coming out and put as much as you can out on eBay all right now number cute in regards to eBay so as you're posting as much as you possibly can on eBay right now I want you to think of things that can generate a lot of money right now because people are under stay at home orders which for example in Ohio it's not a your there is no law we don't have to stay at home we can go out we can go do whatever we want we're supposed to be encouraged its encouragement so we can keep going on with our daily lives which is one of the reasons why it hasn't affected our lives because we don't ever interact with anybody but people are at home I want you to think about things that you could generate income from so what I mean by that is right now all the gyms are closed and so on Facebook marketplace Craigslist you name it workout equipment is selling like crazy crazy now there's usually only one time of year when workout equipment is worth anything and that is right around the first of the year but right now that laundry hanger that you have that elliptical that bike that you swore you were gonna drop all this weight in January and then you haven't touched it since January 2nd and it's just a giant clothes hanger and a very expensive one get that thing out on Facebook market place on Craigslist get your workout equipment doesn't matter what it is whether it's a DVD whether it's equipment get it on there it's selling it's hot now one of the other things that's hot video games people have to entertain at home and George has a huge video game lot tonight in the auction would you say there's 140 146 video games I think she said there's a lot tonight with a hundred and forty six video games in it video games if you've got video games get them on eBay now now strike why the iron is hot get that out there make money on that puzzles I make fun of her for loving puzzles puzzles they are selling as soon as you list them board games are selling as soon as you list them any kind of thing that would be enter payment at home movies DVDs get it listed now and then now there's one more thing we got to think about as well because is actually it was Guapo and chapo this week that told us that haircutting equipment is selling Clippers like crazy which makes sense because the barbers and salons are so I'm sure like nail polishes are selling like crazy to Zoe's nail salon nail salon down nail polish could you imagine how much nail polish we come across in storage units yeah and what do I usually do with it throw it away or should I've been doing with it Oh nan do it till now so a lot of a lot of sores that sell fabric those are going out of business as well cuz a lot of people are being creative and they're making reusable washable masks okay so fabric swatches of fabric that's huge right now as a matter of fact you have a fabric lot tonight yeah everybody has run out of face masks and everybody is sewing their own face mask if you have fabric right now you have gold alright you have gold in these items think out of the box think what do people need now the stimulus checks are coming money is coming it's gonna burn a hole in their pocket they are gonna buy what do they need that they can't get out there they need gym equipment they need nail polish they need hair care they need they need they need they need entertainment they're bored to death video games puzzles you name it get those things out there you will be successful we are making ridiculous people are making ridiculous money right now on eBay so for resellers with people losing their jobs I understand that's a horrible thing resellers who are fun employed you are making Bank right now Bank this is your time to shine get that stuff listed as soon as possibie more saying she can't find cotton fabric anywhere it's gone terribly slow you're gonna find it tonight because we have a ton of it remember remember that crafters unit that we bought we got more fabric and yarn than we know what to do with wine brown buck 99 Jeremy have you seen I still believe yet careful huh careful right we have not seen it yet but I do believe it's up on Netflix so we'll watch it soon all right what do we have what do we have in regards to Easter Egg questions someone asked if my eyeliner is tattooed on that's an easter egg that is an easter egg the answer's no I use liquid eyeliner but but in the future the answer is still no okay I thought I never mind never mind what I thought never mind never mind all right Deena Lee wants to know what is your favorite movie to watch one so one of the movies that you and I watched the other night and we were just cracking up as if it was the first time we watched it was nacho libre Easter's Sharon wants to know what do you do with the Bible's you find in storage units actually we we started a lot of Bibles yep yeah we initially in muang we have somebody who comes in gets gets them and picks them up for Bible study and then we also will sell them and then we have a lot of we actually have a lot we have a ton so we could do that next week all you want to do a Bible lot yeah I'm gonna do an entire Bible lot we can that's a lot of Bibles see what I did there all right let's Daniel Marton wants to know what my favorite hymn is Stephen brings up a good point while you're thinking says when good well gets back in business we will be doing we will be doing bank like the reseller so usually hit our bargain bargain whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa don't be getting in the Easter Egg number three that I have in regards to my favorite hymn I have so many I love hymns I grew up singing them I love the remixes of the hymns and the remakes now and I can't get enough of them so I could never pick just one I love them I absolutely love them okay Michelle Cole just two dollars even though we've talked about this before but you ready mm-hmm well we can answer again okay do do I keep the sorts that I find no a lot of people think I have a collection the whole story started off with the very so the very first storage auction Jeremy ever took me to was when I found my fort my first sword did you say fart sword because it sounded like she said when I found my fart first sword it may have came out sounding like fart but I really meant to say first and smelling like I do know saying and so that's when I found my first sword was that my during my first storage auction and then ever since then it's been snowballing where we've been finding sword after sword after sword do you want to give an Easter egg of tomorrow's video of what we found today yeah all right go ahead give the Easter egg us or be sure to use wild divi divi divi devote if you belly do that I say right I think it's Debbie Debbie that's what I said I think you didn't hear it yeah I thought I thought I said that just fine Julie Morris wants to know did you like your Easter basket George loved it what was your favorite thing in your Easter basket the Reese's peanut butter cups those weren't in your Easter bat with those were supposed to be part of your Easter basket those never made it in the Easter basket never made it in the Easter basket yeah never made it in the Easter basket ah catch all the flipper wants to know how your dad is do you want to give update on your dad yeah um dad's actually doing better he ended up being nine one one Monday today's Sunday so tomorrow will be a week but he he did have a head injury he broke both his wrist broke his left upper arm and has a couple fractures in his spine but the ones in his spine will heal on its own he did get surgery on both writs and his upper left arm um he did have a really severe concussion however thankfully he's slowly starting to regain his memory where he pretty much remembers everything but the day of the accident which was Monday so we went out we went out and we took down the ladder we took the ladder down we fell the rest of the tree and then we took care of Saturday we were out there all morning and then we took care of the rest of the trees that he was gonna take down so that way he's not thinking about it it's all done your mom's not worried about it so that that's all done yes so Jeremy was nice enough to to manhandle the chainsaw and finish the job before my dad so that my parents don't have to worry about that once he gets out of the hospital worried more about our mom worrying about that yeah just need to think about getting her dad better and and yes moving forward so all the prayers and the thoughts much appreciated we truly do appreciate it thank you so much for asking rock bottom fishing says would you make a camping video go back there are plenty of them we have there's a we have a playlist if you look at the traveling playlist there's plenty of camping videos in there definitely go check it out my W just sent a buck he did say anything but he sent a doll appreciate it you sent a dollar to make us holla holla alright let's get into our third Easter Egg for resellers here tonight since you've already kind of segue to us into it so this is huge right now every thrift store is closed and that means they're not accepting donations now almost everybody's at home they're wondering what in the world should they do and what are they doing they are seriously spring cleaning getting their spring cleaning on they're not just spring cleaning they are like super spring cleaning so they have piles to donate they have nowhere for it to go you have to be ready as a reseller these opportunities for you to source you're probably never going to see anything like it again in your lifetime because when these actual thrift stores open your Goodwill's your whatever they are wherever you go wherever you go your Salvation Army's I don't care where it goes when they open again you're gonna see a surplus of valuable items like you've never seen before now I hear complaints from people going oh my my thrift store they sort through everything I can't find anything of great value because they know it listen they're gonna have so much stuff there is no way my store alone is gonna be slammed by me just waiting for stuff let alone everybody else in the county the city the state be ready be the first one there at your thrift store when the doors open again and you need to go multiply multiple times during the day because they put stuff out multiply times in the day start making a schedule for yourself if doors open at 9:00 be there at 9:00 make sure you go at 11:00 before the lunch break rush make sure you go again before the everybody gets out of work rush again and make sure you go again before they close because they're always putting new stuff out you're gonna make more money sourcing and remember you have to list it and resell it than you've ever been able to make before it is going to be aa mazing and most people don't know the value of the things that they have it's impossible to know the value of all the things that everybody has be ready because you're gonna have an opportunity to make more money than you've ever made before flipping adventures brings up that major stories like goodwill and Salvation Army will be hiring as well to sort yeah there's lots of what they were received which is a very valid point yes they will be Tim Owen just sent two dollars thanks for keeping me laughing every day thanks for the two dollars Kim glad we could keep you laughing Lynn says goodwill is opening 21 stores out of 90 back up in Arizona tomorrow oh wow that is interesting I didn't think I didn't think we would see that for quite some time yeah yeah I didn't think we would see that at all for quite some time to be honest yep Christopher pronounced no can I offer to sell people stuff on eBay for a price yeah you can do whatever you want yeah Craigslist and Facebook same thing you can you tell you can post something where you're looking to help us all now Chris here's the thing though let's say you say Jeremy I'll sell this item for you for 25% and you sell it for me for $100 and you sold it for 25% profit you made $25 you're paying taxes on $100 so that money is going to your account and then you're cutting me you're cutting me the hundred dollar you know the $75 you're paying taxes on $100 not on $25 so that money is registered in your account that's why I would not do it but yeah you can do it me personally I would never do it but you can do anything you need to figure it out if you want to sell under their account and then have them cut you the money that's a whole different route to go but you're gonna have to have a really trusting relationship to have somebody in to allow you into their account mm-hmm or you just say hey bring me on bring me on full-time staff and I'll list all of your stuff for you and that's another way to go about it instead of a percentage or whatever okay let's take one more you see one more Easter egg rock bottom fishing just isn't stopping again we do have camping videos they are on the channel you have to find the playlist all right we got to have we got to have one more good question an easter egg question that we have never actually ever answered before you guys got to get us something good come on come on let's do forgot something good I'm seeing questions but we've answered some of these so many times so many times Lynn says they have been deemed essential business and to give people jobs who need them yeah I'm surprised that they were closed to begin with yeah me too Marsh I think it's Marcia says what's your favorite meme right now we love all the tiger cage fighters that are laying around oh my goodness we made our own we made our own which we think is absolutely funny but it didn't go viral so we found this documentary on Netflix and for those of you who don't have Netflix you're not gonna know what we're talking about but Netflix suggested Tiger King so we it's like a dot it's a documentary about people that own exotic animals preferably mostly Tigers and it's and it's about people all over the US and the people the people are so drama-filled it was so funny for us because we right that's the personality of this youtuber that this is this fortunate world it's just with Tigers and cats and we went that's this person that's this person and we are cracking up we were like that's that youtuber that's that youtuber it was hilarious on 102 $0.59 $2 if I were to ask would you set aside certain books thanks so much if you were to ask for us certain books probably not it depends on the books but the reality is as we remember you can't remember everything it's just it goes in it goes out so your want you have to think of it this way you're one person of thousands that requests with us every day we have a lot of people that say you know keep me in mind if you come across this but we come across thousands of different items and it has to go so fast for me to actually pull something aside and go I don't even look at the books first of all so the books if you see it on camera and I look through them then those go and then that'll get sorted later and honestly majority of the books the my tenants who are now working for me because they lost their jobs and they can't pay rent the tenants are actually they went as they scanned all the books every book that scans for under $10 resell online is going to Goodwill every book that scans for over $10 is gonna be sold online so they just scan through thousands and thousands and thousands we never ever looked at them before we finally got the opportunity to do that and it's just it's too much for our process to go oh this person is the volume that we unfortunate that you have to remember you are one person out of thousands of thousands of requests that we get and we have a normal life and our life is so busy because of YouTube so we could do that but you would never see a YouTube video again if YouTube makes it impossible for us to do anything else but by a storage unit film it edit it put it up on YouTube that's how time-consuming it is and so we can't do anything else and we choose that as well so that's part of the fun of it all right all right it's that time you're almost ready to get into the auction huh yeah I think a lot of people in the chatter do you think I can get my pants back nope that's being auctioned off tonight is it really okay um can can you go over as we are going to begin you know what we forgot about we forgot to get into this all right regardless of whether it's auction time or not we said we are getting into it let's get into it because we already pushed it off once I put it on the charger cord all right here we go here we go oh look at that that's good that's good news right I think the keyword protector yeah as a keyboard protector or yeah okay so there is a keyboard protector on this so that looks pretty amazing all right I had this plugged in do you know how to turn these on bid all right I think there's a power button here let's see what happens oh oh oh yessum wait we had something oh here we go okay here we go we're in we're in the iPad hard for you guys to see because you see the actual lighting in the reflection in the umbrella ella ella this okay it has the date wrong time as the day okay so it says right now iCloud backup the iPad hasn't been backed up in 137 weeks backups happen when this iPad is plugged in locked and connected to Wi-Fi it says slide to unlock I'm gonna slide right now here we just lost it we're gonna slide right now enter passcode and our passcode oh great another pass okay what do you think it is you're not gonna be able to crack into it all right let's go with my birthday three thirty if it had face recognition maybe you can crack into it just disabled it's disabled iPad is disabled hold a second let me do face recognition this is how I get into George's phone because I have face recognition and that's the face she makes more than any other face off camera so he does the attitude okay the stink-eye that's what she does off care okay so we can't get in the iPad is disabled if does anybody know one two three four Ben Ben Moore hasn't been updated in flippin adventure says it hasn't been updated in two and a half years so now we kind of know the date we know the date so well we'll keep trying if anybody knows how to give me ice is difficult to hack into what's I oh s I know I owe you but I am burning up I need to take my t-shirt off and this is gonna be tricky as we transition into the auction George why don't you go ahead alright so if this is your first live let us know in the chat type in hashtag new you don't have to register to bid but just I'm gonna go through a list of all the different rules that way you're aware did you know let's just kick me in the face first thing you want to do is make sure that you are in live chat and not tap chat okay there's a button at the top of your chat that'll tell you whether you're in live chat or top chat make sure you are in live chat because you'll be able to view the your chat will look completely different than the rest of us that in live chat so that's important that's why you have to be in live chat and not in top chat so for example if you're bidding and to you on your end if you're on top chat and it looks like you were the highest bidder but technically you're not or you didn't make it on time before the minute then that's because you're on top chat and not live chat if that makes sense all bids start at $25 and that includes shipping if you live here in the US if you live internationally absolutely you can bid how are keep in mind that there will be extra shipping cost and you should definitely know your country's custom laws okay so for example if we were to have a knife lot and you lived in a different country customs has the right to hold those and charge an additional import fee so make sure you guys know your custom import laws what about pant laws what are the laws about stealing somebody's pants now once you are the top bidder and you are the winning bidder we will need your paypal email address so that I can send you an invoice through PayPal okay so if you don't have PayPal setup it's not that difficult to set up you could link your bank account to PayPal you can link your debit card to PayPal so if you've never used PayPal it actually takes a couple minutes to set up we only take PayPal payments because I have to send you an invoice it helps us with traffic tracking and bookkeeping so only bid do not bid if you don't have a PayPal account set up yet again it's free shipping within the US shipping is included in your in your bid if you live in the US again if you live internationally you will have to pay ship the extra fee for shipping our auction style is minute to win it so do not bid until you until Jeremy says go and you see the timer on the screen and we encourage you guys having fun joking the whole deal serious bids only yeah if Loughran else wants to know where my pants are should've been watching the videos should have been watching the video was that yeah that was Saturday you so you have a minute to win it once the minute is up our Maude who's in the chat right now her knee her channel name is flipping adventures she will say sold in the chat with the Hammers any bits that come after she says sold does not count because that's past the minute threshold Linda Lilly yes you can pay at the warehouse the winning bidder we'll have to send information to our email we will provide the email it's pretty simple it's what the hell's at Yahoo there she goes flipping adventures did the soul ohms so um we will provide you with the email it is what the hell's at Yahoo typically what we're gonna want is your legal name your youtube profile name if it's different than your legal name and your mailing address so we know where the hell's to mail your winning lot and then as you as you did there I see what you did there and then your paypal email address so the email address that's linked to your PayPal account so that I can send you a PayPal invoice if you are runner-up so in other words if you were the second highest bidder and you're interested you want to be considered as the winner if the highest winner doesn't come through communicate or they don't pay or something in the event something happens definitely email us and we will definitely consider you as a runner-up and then everything is sold is as is there's no guarantee with anything the way we lot items is how we find them in the storage units okay so for example if she has 146 video games tonight what she does none of those have been tested none of those are claiming as working because they haven't been tested therefore you have to bid accordingly so we don't have the time to test them all you're buying them involved not we hope they all work for you but we cannot guarantee that it's as is no guarantees and no returns so let's say all of a sudden we put a purse lock up and there's a coach person there and then we tell you hey this is not identified this isn't authenticated and then you find out this is a fake coach person then you go I'm gonna sue you you will get blocked all right you'll be just no drama none of that kind of stuff it's as is no guarantees you have to bid accordingly this gives you an opportunity to bid have a ton of fun and to generate some income as we do this all in bulk loss you have balk Lots for everything except for the pants well it comes with Frankenstein stitching the homemade Frankenstein such as so it's kind of a lot because it comes with yarn has two legs so alright they're young if you want to go with her reasoning so should we go ahead and give a little practice yeah let's do a practice ok can you uh send me the video clip again sure because you know I'm behind so so we are going to do a practice run before we actually get into the V laughs and we're gonna add George's camera to the stream right now and from Jordan sending me a video that we're going to use for a minute two minute video you're gonna need to move your egg over sweetheart from your no will you let the winner know once the items has been shipped yes absolutely what I typically do is I send email to notify you that the PayPal in my presence and once we receive payment I pack it and ship immediately and then I typically will email you to let you know that it has been shipped and here is the tracking number alright so we've got one yard Easter egg it was in a unit that we bought at a live auction this week we just finished filming that unit today and your night I will share this with you this is another easter egg we found two things that we have never found before but that we have wanted to find in this unit we are so excited it was amazing so amazing is your other mic muted no it's not muted thanks gimme there we go alright thanks Kimmy appreciate it ok so you've got a minute to win it you have to bid fast you have to bid furious because the highest bidder is going to be the winner when I say go you've got a minute to win this is a test run for the Easter Egg Easter egg yarn you can start bidding right now let's see how we're doing let's see how we're doing we've got Melissa gee is that $750 Amy is that 60 she's gonna have to beat $0.99 we got a new pair pants Campbell W is out of new pair pants I like that one already I like the pants I'm seeing 200 mass 512 paper Batman 325 so anything lower than 25 don't worry there's only one there's a 50-cent bid but there's only one bit lower than 25 there's a jillion dollar bid two million 75 am i in live chat I'm not sure what that was and we got 13 more seconds everything Scott ate off just bit everything Debbie bond just bent her children no thank you no thank you don't let your children sold what adventures is gonna type sold and after that after she typed sold there will be no more there will be no more bidding after that so all that being said I think the winner obviously is the individual who said they were going to give us a pair of pants so whoever that was I saw the pair of pants but I didn't see who actually was was bidding that first you are the winner all right Oh first lot she's got a boss a lot of stamps for you so you had a bottle out of stamps last time too didn't you so keep in mind these are all from videos you've seen these in videos and some of these videos may have been in the in the near past but these are stamped books and probably a whole bunch of loose stamps as well so George is pulling him out she's got loose stamp she's got books she's got a little bit of everything that she'll begin to show you now we can't show every single stamp or we'd be here we'd be here forever so nor could she count them all but she did just say a thousand plus well this entire thing is filled with steam I'd say you have a thousand plus just there is their old is their old letters in there too it looks like old letters yep look at that old what are some of the dates on the letters I'm just curious just curious and remember anybody who bids and does not pay you will be locked from what the Hales 1982 on that one so if you bid and you do not pay and you enjoy chat you will be blocked if you do not you will not be able to participate YouTube uses what's called ghost blocking you think you are bidding you think you are leaving comments but nobody can see them but you so just like any live option if you abandon your unit will come after you with a sword with this face so she's got all kinds of stamps she's showing him to you there she says for sure over 1000 stamps is that just a collector's book or their stamps in there there's a couple of stamps in here like see there yeah there there you put you place the stamp over it or next to it next to it or on it next to it a couple places or next to it like here gotcha gotcha see there's a couple stamps here over keep in mind there will be a free lot tonight and the way that you can win that free lot anybody can win that free lot is you're gonna have to answer a trivia question based on this week's videos of what the Hales and if you answer first you're gonna win the free lot I promise you I promise you it's gonna be a roar of a good lot all right George yes oh Reader's Digest are those are the first editions aren't they I think those are first editions I think first date cover collection yes like under the letters under the letters of the actual envelopes with so this is what she's turning like this in the reader stock oh it's all sealed I guess I can't even get to it okay so like right there under the letter you can see first day of issue okay so she's in a binder and it's sealed in here I'm gonna give that back to her it looks like it gives you the history history 80 under 1980 were you even born then no wow that puts things in perspective you weren't even born I was old enough that's all that's important 3 yeah I would have been 3 1981 that was a good year the 80s were the best no because big hair bands that's super ballads oh man the ballads big hair band super balanced that was the best best ever best ever so she's gonna put this whole lot on a scale so you know how heavy it is remember any lots they start at $25 and it's free shipping within the US now anybody in another country you are welcome to bid but you will have additional shipping fees and if it's heavy like this is gonna be heavy or 146 video games is gonna be heavy you're gonna have to pay that shipping the additional shipping but you're welcome to bid all right bear flag mercantile says he can't remember the 80s yeah mark mark was married in 1980 and it's about to get real said I agree 80s were the best it was 80s we're good crazy stuff in the eighties crazy all right she says she's ready so remember you want a bid fast you want a bid furious she's got a stamp lot with over a thousand stamps other than that she doesn't know how many we're not taking the time to count it is as is no guarantees no returns minimum bid of $25 within the United States outside of the United States you are welcome to bid but there will be additional shipping charges and you need to be fast you need to bid furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go we got Nellie knows Perez at 25 we already have a $25 bid we got six new designs LLC at 45 we got Bob Barker at 55 Barker is that 50 violet is the one to beat from that came in at 50 but burpees that is gonna have to beat violet Barker if he wants to go Paddy's is now at 50 tattoos there will be a post or there will be a postcard light up tonight as well we got Michael Whelan at 56 Michael is the high bidder right now Michael well in at 56 he's the one to beat 25 25 seconds to go my boy wailing at 56 whoa ami swart leaves at 6301 Amy's getting hurt sniping game ready tonight 17 more seconds amy is the one to beat up sixty three dollars and one cent and violet says she's out perfect that is not at 65 Jean Haley is that 7502 Jean Haley is the one to beat a 7502 Jean is that 7502 with two seconds two cents for two seconds surely drugs just came in at 70 Jean alias still at 70 502 let's see what happens let's see what happens I don't see spliff in adventures yet we got Ashley Cooper colpepper has 77 as you go better just smacked it at $77 Wow we're getting sniped game already George it's already happening all right Ashley called pepper Astra called pepper go ahead send George a message right there what the Hales at yahoo.com send her your name on YouTube your real name your address where you want it shipped to and your paypal email address she'll send you an invoice once you pay that invoice she'll package everything up she'll send that out to you she'll give you a delivery confirmation as well now if you were back up bitter because I forget who back up bitter Jean ha Jean Haley is back up bitter at 7502 Jean if you want to go ahead and send George an email as well so right down there there's the email what the hell's that yahoo.com what you can do is say George I was the backup bidder on the stamp lot here's my name here's my youtube name here's my address and you can give her your your paypal email address so she can send an invoice if they do not get paid for okay just a reminder if somebody bids they do not pay you have 72 hours to pay if you don't pay after 72 hours George will block you from the channel you will not be able to participate again and it will be offered up to the backup better all right all in this now this cup cozy lot the disco last week so this one up for option two auctions two auctions ago at the time we had 49 cozies but tonight they did not pay they got blocked and now the cozy lot increased dramatically its we're at 62 cozies plus 31 coasters day 62 can cozies cup cozies whatever you want to call them now there's also beer there's beer coasters so go ahead and you're gonna want to take those out 93 total items in this lot okay so she's gonna show you the the beer coasters now the reason the reason that people are already asking in my block the only way that you get blocked on what the Hales you say something negative you you surround yourself with drama you create drama or you don't pay okay so if you are blocked there's a good reason but Viktor note you are not blocked all right so d add debase towards freeze you're not blocked either so this is why it's important this is probably the more expensive thing here because this is part beer mania or beer a Nia okay so all of this has its own section on eBay in regards to people collect whether it be shot glasses whether it be cams coasters are collectible as well so we found these coasters we threw the coasters in with the cup cozies and and how many you say there were the coasters storage alleges so whether you need this for your Easter for your Easter chicken or that's kind of cool there but there are eight on this guy traveled everywhere and I just thought of something they also can be used as masks if you put elastic around them they can be used as masking you can have your very own Coca Cola chick-fil-a achieve mask so this individual had a bus touring company and he traveled everywhere everywhere and so this is how all of these man I wish I had pants let them know that like if there one or two cozies they want to buy from the winning bidder they can network with each other now you may be a huge Indians fan or a huge chick-fil-a fan or a huge coca-cola fan and you go man I want that one cosy we are okay with you guys networking with one another in the chat and you say hey if you email me here you know I'd like that one cozy or I'd like that one cup coaster you guys can work that out we will not share your information with one another okay so if you see anything Debbie Vaughn says are there any moonshine coasters she said so that's what she said so if you see anything that you go man I don't want the whole lot but I want one item you guys can work that out with one another now that person who buys the lot that's not saying that's guaranteed that they're gonna sell it to you either so keep that in mind so you really you want to bid fast you want a bid furious there is a ton here this lot did go up for sale once you want Oh Ashley's email already came through so so that's great for the first lot so this cup cozy lot already went up once and it's going up a second time but it is multiplied exponentially and no doubt is gonna go up even more so you see something particular you're like man I like that place I really like Jeff Creed or Mississippi or Asheville or any of these other things then now is your time and Ashley just said if anybody wants some of those stamps you can email or so storage hunters 18:21 at gmail that's Ashley's if anybody wants a particular stamp Ashley's telling you eight there she is so she can work with you and that's part of the fun of doing this in bulk because really when we started the channel we said we wanted to educate but we wanted to do it we wanted to do it with entertainment as well and so this gives you guys an opportunity to take all the things that we teach you about buying and reselling and putting it in practice and that's why we're doing it all right ninety-three total posters and coasters and cozies that's that is a hails of a lot of coasters and cozies and so you got a bid fast you got a bid furious there are no guarantees most of them are brand new that doesn't mean they're all brand new the coasters are probably not brand new or maybe they are they're just aged they look vintage we know nothing except we put it all together and a lot for you you get to have fun going through all this stuff remember $25 starting bid you got a bid fast you got a bid fierce because you only have one minute to win it here we go all right we got the cup coasters we got the cup coasters and we got the cozies we got grumpy feathers that 45 already Trump you bet Amy is not at 60 Amy's wart leaves at 6 feet Julie Morris came in at 25 but that's not enough we got by the Baker at 7 we got Midwest pickers at Midwife says we're at 66 but Richard Hudson is in at 70 make sure you're on live chat you don't want to be in top tap make sure you're in the live chat so you can see where your bids are coming I think we have Richard Hudson in f70 job for nice yeah for nice 75 and a half we have 75 50 from Jeff Jeff or nice 75 at grumpy bet but we're at jeopardizes that 75 50 we got 18 more seconds to go Leo trova knows at 80 we got Leo Leo's at 80 that's less than the dollar and item Leo's in at $80 $80 just came in at 70 601 and still got still got I can't take care of that we got one second lap maybe she got me Leo we got Leo let's eat I don't sleep slip in Avengers ain't sold yet it'll see flippin adventurous ain't sold yet we've got 80 just came in to anyone Amy just came in to 81 and sold Amy got it we got it 81 Amy got it at 81.0 I don't think she needed the zeroes in there but she got it at 81 nice job Amy's Wortley $81 and back up back up back up bitter was [Music] Leo Leo tree video so Leo back up bitter Amy you know what to do yours veteran right there and then Leo if your back up bitter and you want to send a message you can right there but Amy pays and so you may just want to talk to Amy instead if there was there that you wanted specifically okay Chris James you're not too late make sure you're on live chat okay live chat that would make sure that you see the bids as they come in top chat just YouTube just takes some some chats and throws it in there randomly you want to be in live chat so you see see it as it happens we got to grab a lot of great Lots and you're gonna be able to win a free lot tonight just based on answering a question from the videos this week oh she's got a bomb did somebody say so she's got an entire button lock there oh she said she said there is no way she's counting the buttons she will weigh it there is well over a thousand buttons and as we're on Easter and we were talking about Easter eggs earlier in the live stream I will share that there was an Easter Egg this week there was an Easter Egg this week in the videos which is going to be important for that free lot later 11 pounds all right she's got 11 pounds Cleopatra Youngblood you're not late you gotta take a nap you gotta take a nap we understand so she's trying to show you the button she said there's no way she's counting them all she'll do a little diggity dig you got oh they don't know about the diggity dig song yet they won't find out about that til tomorrow that was another easter egg diggity diggity dig diggity diggity dig diggity diggity dig diggity dig dig dig dig dig dig dig so she's starting to show you some of these buttons where these buttons come from do you remember so she says these are from the crafters unit that unit was that's for sure there's a ton of mother-of-pearl buttons errs there might be bakelite in here I don't know there could be bakelite there could be anything you haven't checked Ashlee called pepper as she's saying there's a lag there's always gonna be a lag from when we do things to where you see it in the actual chat okay and that's one of the reasons why flippant adventurers actually helps us with sold so there will always be a leg street we you stream yard to actually broadcast and there can sometimes be up to 20 second lag but you're seeing it and you're bidding so while that lag comes in you're seeing it as it happens don't worry about it it's all legit you can keep bidding and that makes it important for you to bid fast and furious okay so in other words even though there's a lag from when it actually happens to when you see it 20 seconds it all catches up to point where flippin adventure sees it when the timer goes off she says sold the other issue is you have to be in live chat so if you're seeing it you're seeing it in top chat that's an issue but that's it everything is legit everything's completely and totally JIT it all works out okay so she's got a ton of buttons here there could be any those look like wooden ones aren't they oh yeah they are these are hand-painted wood buttons there's six of them she says there's six of them if you've seen yep there's there's two more they're off the card though so if you if you look at buttons alright I'm just gonna show them some buttons on ebay while you're looking at that okay so we teach this to you all the time I'm gonna teach it to you again so if you go to your eBay app right that's number one tool you need to have a smartphone for a reseller and a camera that will actually focus in did you see the weather and you go to your eBay app it was not gonna focus in on me and we're gonna type we're gonna type buttons okay we're gonna type buttons and by the way what you were just seeing those are shower heads we were looking at massive shower heads so if somebody goes off Jeremy was looking at women George those are just shower heads that we were looking at together together okay so I'm gonna type in buttons and then as buttons are coming up okay you can see buttons are coming up right there what we want to do is we want to go over here to filter okay you see where it says filter by the way things are gonna be different things are gonna be different on your phone uh viola says she's getting her shot glasses tomorrow and she's gonna do an unboxing video too we can't wait make sure you send us the link we want to see that we can't wait and once you go and the filter you're gonna go to sold and then you're gonna click done so now we're on sold and what that does is that shows us everything that's sold with the word button in the title in the past few weeks okay and then we're gonna go sort we're gonna go highest the lowest all right look at that very top look at this it's a YouTube button most expensive YouTube 100 million award play button sold for forty six thousand six hundred twenty six dollars from the United Kingdom that's 1 million so 100 millions maybe we'll get there someday remember 284 may share share with everybody you know alright so for example here's earrings I'm trying to find buttons this is all clothing alright so for example so I'm high high admiral pin back buttons right there six thousand dollars there's a lot right above it alright there's buttons right there okay Chanel buttons now that is Chanel you know that's high-end six thousand one hundred sixty eight dollars and fifty six cents we don't know that there's Chanel buttons in here not we haven't looked so the very first look we're getting is right now we found this tote we we found the tote the way it is we brought it and George said hey let's do a button lot because people like buttons George and buttons for whatever reason people collect them so we decided it was already in a tote bring it home and let's see what we can do so we don't know what's all in there but we know there is a ton a ton of buttons okay [Music] they are she has them all bagged up what for whatever whatever she was doing with them yeah so we don't know we don't know if there's bakelite in there we don't know you're getting the first look just as we are that's why we say no guarantees this as is you're getting it and there's no way she can show them to you alright this is why this is why it's important as we teach you how to use your smartphone how to use eBay as you're seeing these things you should be looking them up as fast as possible just like we do when we go to storage unit auctions we get just a minute to look at the storage unit auction if we see something are I were on ebay immediately looking up prices and we have to bid accordingly and you're gonna have to been accordingly as well with a minimum bid of $25 with free shipping within the US and then if you're outside of the US you're welcome to bid but you have to pay additional shipping charges you got a bid fast you got a bid furious because that's a hails of a lot of buttons you got one minute to win it let's go here we go all right timer is started in 25 volt DC is the second is that $30 no grubbing that is now at $65 groping man is the one to beat us since midwest pickers out $100 midwest picker just jumped it jumped into $100 that's one way to get it what you want it you just jump it right out you scare everybody out it's not a hundred dollars right now michael wailing just came in at 58 but you know we're near midwest picker remember free shipping Shirley pearls at 75 whoa armed RC verse just jumped it up to 258 that $200 is where my bid is at maybe smartly went at 101 we still have our RC verse and 200 RC versus the one to beat Trump Yvette was in at 110 amy was in 101 man yes we are bidding we are bidding when we knows that 150 Blenheim Glenna not enough not enough Blenheim maybe for at least at 108 were Lisette what is IC did I see Amy's Worley what happened what happened what happened did I see I thought I don't even know I lost it 9 pound the hammer don't hide Amy don't hide Amy shortly he was hidden where where where where where where where where where where where all right Amy smartly came in at 201 we've got to get Amy back in here we got to get back Amy back in here and okay all right Amy I'm putting you as a moderator there that'll do all right Amy was then at 201 Amy was in at 201 whew all right so here's but here's what happened and I'm sure this is what happened so chat moves so fast and there was probably a troll in there or somebody a nine pound hammer probably clicked on accident because Amy's so good at sniping and probably clicked on accident I put Amy in as a moderator that way that won't happen again because Amy that's alright so Amy isn't at 2:01 all right so are see verse he says dang it I didn't win it RC verse Amy is a good buyer I'm gonna tell you she's gonna she's gonna pay but if you want to work with Amy okay so RC verse you were at 200 you can still message George and but Amy's gonna pay so it's actually if you saw buttons in there and you're like I was really interested in those then you would want to connect with Amy specifically because we know she will pay for sure okay uh hovers or Hoover's courtesan coin no you do not need to register you just need to bid then you pay after your bid and then we ship it out we keep it as simple as simple as possible as simple as possible okay alright next what do you have this is a magic lot oh oh so this is all magic stuff that we found we found this in storage units now particularly I actually I jerked about this on I choked about this on I'm just looking are the hypnosis DVDs in here they're not what did I do with those alright one second there were hypnosis DVDs that I was joking about in one of the videos I thought I'd put them in there it's a mini nickel okay if I had pants this wouldn't be so difficult I forgot to put these hypnosis DVDs in there because this came with all the magic from this magic lot so I actually was going to watch these and we don't have any time so George and I were gonna we are gonna hypnose ourselves we're gonna Hypnose each other to not be fat anymore I mean for me to not be fat anymore but we never we never had time so this these gnosis DVDs actually go in with the magic lot it was found with all the magic stuff so you can show that as well the hypnosis CD so this is this is a full this is a full magic lot alright we have not watched any of the DVDs we don't know if they're scratched we don't you're getting it as we got it I actually that one probably I think that's the weight that one that one is the sponge trick and if it did come with sponges we don't know but you can always get your own sponges but these are all what we're calling the magic law okay the magic lot oh oh it's magic okay George says there's a total of 12 items remember remember it everything is adds is there are no guarantees and there are no returns so hopefully oh what's that loops is that the the magic ball loops loops loops loops just insert card loops do we know how to do loops all right well this is loops I don't know how to do any of this I thought it was cool and I thought it'd be cool for a lot so I finally went I've been holding on to this let's sell it so magic lot all right do we need to show anything else got it all right we're not saying any of its complete for example like that we want to know exactly what you're getting we wanted a bit accordingly so like the sponge DVD if sponge balls did come with it we don't know because we got it the way that it is you're getting it the way that we got it so if it did come with that originally we're sorry you're bidding as is things will want think about that as you're bidding okay all right how many how many items again sweetie twelve total items in the magic lot you got a bit fast you got a bit furious $25 starts it and and let's go you got a minute to win it this is the magic here we go lot number four in magic wat Michael Wallace said it might disappear magically after the auction we got our C versus that $26 Michael while I was at $33 they're coming up with random numbers that's awesome my boy is not 44 Michael Weiland is that 44 Ashley Culpepper came in at 35 but just not enough you got to beat Michael in that 44 if you want to beat it and you want to miss magic you want to start learning magic at home during this stay at home order 45 dining with Donna and Richard Coakley you want to hypnosis yourself you wanna or your partner now's the time to learn Ashley called peppers I'm 56 Ashley Cole peppers at 56 we got just over 10 seconds to go Ashley is the one to beat without a doubt with seven six five four three doesn't look like anybody else is gonna try the athlete we don't have a sold yet we don't have a sold yet I don't see flippin adventures sold yet don't leave because of the lag only because of wait wait Cinthia Oh Lawrence just came in at 100 she just liked it holy snipe Beast nice no snipe snipe Dora the explora did you I got it congratulations holy snipe all right Cinthia Cinthia you're gonna go ahead you're gonna message George right there what the hell's at yahoo.com you're gonna send your youtube name your actual real name your mailing address and also you're gonna send your paypal email address she'll send you an invoice once you pay that invoice you'll package it up she'll ship it out to you should give you a tracking number to be able to eat all that as well now back a bit or Ashley Culpepper if you want to send George an email as well just in case it doesn't get paid for it then it would be yours at $56 you send her all the same stuff your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your paypal email so that she can do that Steven short says who's cutting your hair I am whereas stay-at-home hoarder we did a whole video on it I his neck are those my pants these are it you're cruel you are cruel you are a cruel I just realized something would you realize well here's the homemade Franken stitches my sweet sweet yeah this is where I rip the pants oh he wouldn't wear them anymore that's where I fixed the pants so I could wear washed by the way your bounces so we're not acting off the belt are we you can't auction my belt those are those are custom-made belts by me listen I don't have no belts it's not a real belt I never use a real bow that is from a life jacket that I found in a storage unit and it's the strap to tighten your life jacket on and I turned it I'm a reseller I'm a reuse things reduce reuse recycle I'm a reseller I absolutely turned it I turned it in felt like vest buckle is easier if you do it this way this is how I never have to take them out of the pants until I guess now you go this way it's much easier so this is a life jacket strap so Mike my belt is a life jacket strap and so you're gonna give me my life jacket strap back she's giving me the life strap I'll be yes not bad so you get a piece of history right here this is this is this is the only thing that'll keep my do I get a pair of pants back so this is my pal so this is this is a life jacket strap Clips like this actually half the clip is broken they're broke but it Clips like this and then you just tighten it so when I'm skinny I do that and when I'm fat I loosen it and that's why I love it so I just do that and I do that and that's how a guy named Jeremy Hales keeps his pants on so so that's gotta be in an embarrassing moment for you to admit that what that you don't wear about you wear a life vest are you sure no this is one of my multi-million idea million dollar ideas one of the things in the chance isn't embarrassing this is genius I want to actually they're already making these they make them already so what I want to do is I want to market them as belts and I'll make millions I'll make millions Lady antiques says oh my god Hills I'm sure you have pants at the pickle warehouse Mamadou Singh Jeremy let it go let it go so this isn't an embarrassing moment for you no this is genius this is another business idea I actually want to sell these as belts I want to they're already being made for life jackets I just want to take them and then market them as belts and it'd be amazing it'd be amazing I don't let the bidding begin you're ready mm-hmm maybe I'm not maybe I'm not did you ever think about that do you want to know what size the pants are I was looking for a size I didn't see me they should be 36 36 36 36 and relaxed fit I need lots of space so I always I always get them with extra space around the waist and then I always need I always need 36 long because I'm tall and here are you sure you want to do this no I don't want to do it but you already you got a minute to win it here we go spring can stitch we got funky fluff at $50 busting the block is at $50 $50 we have another $25 we had to have a $25 actual starting bid got funky closet 50 already what are you doing she's messed up she is messed up showing the stitching Cheryl Russell says she passes on the pants Lisa Gordon says negative zero one on the pants K King says no bid Bible of seven says pass funky fluff says he wants the belt to fine the belt can go with it I have more one more more one more belt alright funky fluff is in that 50 he's the one Dave see second is out Kathy says I can keep my pants and Archie verse says bear kid says are you gonna sign them yes we will sign them and I think we've got it looks like it's gonna be you fluff $50 $50 and he gets the life jacket belt as well all right you're gonna have me sign them - yeah this is do we need to do that now for a certificate of authentication I guess we have to do that now for a certificate of authentication so you what you're gonna do you're gonna go ahead you're gonna send George a message and you're gonna send it right there what Hales at yahoo.com send her your youtube name real name your physical address where you want the item shipped to and your paypal email address so then she's gonna send you an invoice you'll pay the invoice and then once you pay the invoice she'll package that up and normally within the same day that'll be out in the mail because we just like to go to the post office all the time we never stop and this is your certificate of authenticity ssin that this signature is real I'm gonna go right here on the back on the butt cheeks why not by the stitching baby baby because you need a target to slap so I'm gonna sign up right here on the butt cheeks on the back pockets and you guys sign the other pocket all right George is gonna sign the other pocket and show you in the camera as it's happening so you know it's real it is the real deal 100 percent 100 100 these pants are being signed my poor pants all right there you go you got targets on the back as well you got authentic signatures on the pants and the Frankham stitching and you will get the life lifejacket belt as well remember that is my multimillion-dollar idea for selling them as belts don't steal it but if you're faster than me then that's why business goes that was funky flop and there was no backup better trust me there was no backup there not on the pants now after he might he might have actually bought them so I could keep them he said he's gonna donate them back to me what don't you want right now they're saying they're saying man that would be amazing we'll see where this all goes we'll see where this all goes all right this next lot is a bunch of stress balls right squishy stress balls if there's a stressful time in your life right now because of a virus we have the solution for you now remember this is from the 1800 and the $1700 unit this guy traveled all over and got all kinds of stress balls so for you and I these would have cost $5 $10 a piece these different locations some of them even more but these were giveaways for him as he went to all these conferences and went on tours and all these things so if you collect these type of things we're throwing them out at you there's 20 George says there's 20 that is I have no idea no that's not the name of his business it's probably a whole nother business so if you if you are into this kind of thing then or if you want to get into this kind of thing if you need physical therapy so for example for me I have bad horrible tendinitis and if you need physical therapy and they tell you like right now I can't do this because of my tendinitis but there's exercises for physical therapy this might the thing for you you can use these for your physical therapy so there's all kinds of things here and there's 20 total all right let's see what happens it's a $25 minimum bid was reshipping within the u.s. if you want to bid outside of the US you feel free to and if you will have to pay additional shipping but elephant all right let's see what happens here $25 minimum bid on your marks get set go the past bit serious you need some stress balls we got them amy smartly is at 28 grumpy that was at 25 Kimmo is at 27 dusty old dude is at 25 Amy swirly is at 28 and she is high bid right now we got 25 we got 25 we got 27 we got 28 Amy is winning it at 28 we got another 25 casual flipper at 25 rosemary just came in at 30 rosemary is the one to beat at 30 Tim Owens at 29 but that's not gonna beat it we got viola at 30 Sharon Carter's at 39 Sharon Carter is now Hyde bitter at 39 Gruffudd got at 31 but you got to be 30 1940 at 35 but you got to beat 39 Sharon Carter is the top bidder right now 39 with about 10 seconds to go Amy swirlies now at 40 Amy's high bidder at $40 up to Sharon Carter by $1 RC versus now at 43 Archie versus at 43 let's see what happens let's see what happens RC bird waits sheriff Carter's now at 46 Heather just came in at 41 casual flipper came in at 44 shared curves back in at 46 I think she might have it she does forgot it oh my goodness she got it Sharon Carter got it at 46 Wow that was some serious bidding at the end that got really intense they went boo boo boo boo boom Sharon just got it that's what I got a bit fastened you got a been furious because that can happen just like that that was intense I need a little that's better for you guys that the French Lick the French Lick is supposed to be really really really nice and there's a few of those in there okay nice not share it what you're gonna do is gonna go ahead email George get an email or what the hell's at yahoo.com send her your real name your youtube name physical address where you want the atom ship to and then also you're gonna give her your paypal email address paypal email address so that she can send you an invoice she'll send you an invoice once you pay the invoice she'll ship it out typically the same day sometimes it's the day after as well she will also send you your tracking information with that if there is an item if there's an item like there's quite a few people bidding on that there's an item like casual flipper you wanted a specific one or a me you wanted a specific one you guys can network with one another share your information are those the old leather postcards this is this is a postcard lot somebody just gave a really really really good tip refresh if you're seeing a lag in the video or if you're seeing buffering you need to refresh your screen it's not on our end we're on the highest we're on the highest fiber optic that we can possibly send this out to you so you need to refresh alright this is a postcard lot so the reason why I put them all in there is she's saying they're m4 Neera but they are postcards as well so everything in there everything in there is an actual postcard whether it's the leather postcards and you probably saw us find the leather postcards 1948 postmark there probably saw us find the postcards in the in the actual $1,800 or actually was the $1700 unit that we found the postcards in that was really cool when we found those and there are some really cool stuff in here I think if I remember correctly I think there's actually some postcards from World War two I think but you already saw one okay so there are and there's writing on those from each other okay so there's writings that you know it's dated night in in World War two she said the leather is dated 1930 she said maybe 1912 that would be World War one time if she's reading it right remember no guarantees she said that so there are three leather those are leather can I have the leather ones real quick three leather postcards okay this is a postcard lot leather postcards you see right there the one cent stamp if you can read the actual date you're doing better than we are okay and here's I'm gonna show you this one's a thinner leather it's cool though this is this stuff is so cool here's another leather you right in on the leather which is really cool and then that's the date that she couldn't read but you see it's a 1 cent stamp nineteen something okay and then the other leather one that's kind of cool here's another leather postcard which is pretty cool if you've never seen a leather postcard and there is a postmark on there as well I see January 10th January 10th 1905 1906 no I'm not sure on that one on the date and then here's the back of the postcard so you can see the stamp to help try and date it as well might be 1906 I think I don't know I'm not sure I I see the part of the date here too so on that leather one right there part of the date is right there but then it's gone that was that was from from Pennsylvania which is kind of cool so George has all the rest of the postcards as well their postcards Christmas or postcards from you name it you name it so uh bear kitty said 1912 postmark it might be I think that's George said 1912 as well here's a booklet of postcards so some of the postcards could have been ripped out and used some of them are still in there it all depends I think that's is that the season greetings one post oh that's a postcards in full color so postcards in full color the art like some are loose like that one that just fell and some are still attached in there so remember you're bidding as is as is there are no guarantees whatsoever but this is pretty cool postcard lot just put some together we know a lot of you are interested in them patentees collects postcards and bear Kitty is asking how many postcards total do you know she says eighteen of them have writing on them she said 95 or new 18 have writing on them that numbers not guaranteed because there are some that are sealed in packages so there could be more than that so that being said you ready she says she's ready that means that means it's time to bid fast it's time to bid purist because you have one minute to win it $25 minimum bid here we go postcard lot we got leather postcards we got new post cards you got grumpy fat at $45 grumpy medicine at $45 45 is in the number to beat Paddy's is bidding 3772 but we got Caston if she's design LLC is that 79 33 with midwest picker at sea see 79 33 is the number to beat right now bear Katie came in at 52 Troy said they were coming in as great puzzle Shirley pearl is that 75 30 seconds to go sure the pearl is that 75 75 is the number to beat grumpy feathers now at 80 grumpy that's put the hammer down at 80 aims for at least at 81 no it reviews from news is that 99 reviews from news is that 99 Amy said 81 reviews renewed said 9999 we got eight more seconds to go reviews for newbs is up at 99 four three two one let's see what happens let's see what happens I have a feeling they're gonna start snakes in here waiting for at least at ninety nine fifty Amy just came in a review for newbs put 50 cents more on it pour the paper machine bunny I don't know you guys are pennies with sense oh my goodness oh my goodness all right cat sixty designs LLC ninety nine dollars and seventy seven cents you guys it's funny it's fun though you guys make it fun all right all right cat sixty Design LLC right there send the message to George she needs to know your youtube name your real name your address where you want the postcards all shipped to and then also your eBay or excuse me your paypal email address now Amy Amy you're back up bitter I'm sorry it's just a few senses twenty seven cents more you're back up bitter and 9950 Amy you can send George a message saying hey I'm back up bitter if they don't pay and their show get in touch with you as well they're getting crazy now the stipend was cents instead of dollars they do have fun with it don't they nice job cat designs that's awesome cat sexy designs LLC it ninety nine seventy seven that was funny now Pat Dee's I know he actually he collects postcards so Pat if you saw anything that you wanna you want to touch back base with cat sixty designs then you guys can talk in the it looks like she has a comic claw she has a comic line here we se a part of the Wolverine already it is 17 pounds she says so 17 pounds of comics maybe a little bit over Oh the autograph from Gimli yeah the autograph okay so she has this in here this is Lord of the Rings we found this in a storage unit this looks like again there are no guarantees on this no guarantees whatsoever but this looks like a real autograph whether it was like Comic Con so John rhys-davies right there so it was personalized it was personalized for the person who was at the the actual conference and John rhys-davies I don't know if I can show you what if we look on the sign if you were to look at it like I'm looking at it right now this looks like real real ink I think I think this is 100 there's no guarantees okay but I do think this is 100% real John rhys-davies autograph personalized well and we also know because it was personalized for the person for the unit that we got so it makes it a little bit easier that being said this has not been authenticated there are no guarantees that this is a real John rhys-davies or Gimli autograph but there it is she's adding that in with the comic book she says she says the oldest comic book is a Superman DC the fighting forces it's 15 cents okay so there's there's a DC our fighting forces if you remember during the war time they put out the war comics that one here's another DC this one has a card on it our fighting forces 15 cents here is another here's a Star Wars this is a thirty thirty-five cents that's not a fifteen Center and oh this one's a twelve Center right here alright this is fighting forces captain hunter this is a twelve Center right here in the in the bag and with the card behind it so that's a twelve Center right there fighting forces DC how many total comics do you have hundred comics and the autograph this is a Tom tomahawk and this is a twelve Center as well in the package okay so tomahawk twelve Center so the the lowest amount is the twelve Center to twelve centers couple fifteen centers you got the autograph John rhys-davies autograph and okay so some have dust protectors others don't have dust protectors you're seeing them as we found them we haven't looked any of these up on ebay you could be looking them up right now as we're showing them to you you should be all funky fluff said the Gimli card was part of promotion set for Lord of the Rings they're made in style of Magic the Gathering my guess is my guess is the card for the trading card game I'm guessing they took this or they gave it away because and they had the actual you know when you take you take the sparkly pen and you have people autograph so so there it is I mean I think the autograph is real again there's no guarantee on that but you're showing this Steve Prince said you showed a call center checker top a minute ago yes we did we haven't checked any of these prices okay so what you would be doing is hopefully you are on ebay right now checking this out and say oh that's a hundred dollar comic or oh that's a dollar comic or Oh so $25 comic we have not looked at any of them none of them okay none of them none of them are graded none of them are we haven't done anything with them you you literally are seeing them as we got them out of a storage unit we have not checked any of them and right now you're going you guys are a little crazy for not checking those out beforehand and you know what we're doing it for you guys we'll be okay we're fine we want you guys to be successful in your selling adventures as well so no we haven't checked we don't know we do know we have a stink bug that keeps attacking us over and over and over again how many times have you flipped that thing out of here once all right why you keep showing those I'm gonna get it for good oh wait she says she's done she's done she's done all right I can't kill I can't kill the stink bug because every floor in this house to suck em up because I can't stand them all right starts out $25 you got a minute to win it bid fast bid furious here we go comic book lot minute to win it here we go here we go we got flip your dollars at $40 RC versus at 45 reviews for noobs is that 75 Kyle Teran is at 250 Cal Tran is the one to beat at 250 we got our severs at 300 RC versus now at 300 RC versus the one to beat at 300 Cal terrain came in at 250 put the gauntlet down by RC versa oh this is my universe he put it down at 300 we'll see if anybody's gonna challenge him getting blink Hamlin when I 101 how many how many how many did you say we're in there 100 at $300 that's $3 there's $3 an actual comic RC versus at $3 a comic he's at $300 a b-boy he's at 3:01 eighty swirly is at 3:01 RC versus 384 leaves at 301 kisses Papas outlaw man let's see what happens this is gonna get interesting maybe swirlies at 301 let's see let's see let's see what kept cancellation design else as he said oh my goodness cat system design oh my goodness three hundred and fifteen dollars in a seven cents per kit for cat sixty designs LLC they are sniping with sent seven cents nice nice casting Design LLC is figuring this thing out just like Amy I cast six you design LLC you know what to do you're gonna send you're gonna send George your youtube name your real name your shipping address where you want everything shipped to and your paypal your paypal email address George will send you an invoice with success pay that invoice George will ship that out to you usually the same day or day after now back up better being Amy Amy go ahead and remind George that you're the backup bidder as well okay whoo-whoo that's what they're saying reverse RC reverse bid 300 then retracted but then Amy Amy and and Amy and I can't remember Kat 60 designs LLC they ran at toe-to-toe so Man Man Man Man okay alright this is a plush lot okay this is a plush lot so George has an entire box of plush okay now some of them for example there are precious moment like t-rex these are precious moment tender tails they're brand new and they have they have tags on them they still need cleaned okay so if you get it and you're like oh man these are filthy what's the deal with this remember that's how we found them Debbie Vaughn wants to know how much for the Gimli card Kat 60 designs LLC again if you guys want to work a deal out that's great we encourage you three three plush toys ten pounds Georgia is gonna start showing them to you while I get rid of that stink bug that keeps attacking us I got it oh I guess George got it already me you going crazy on these stink bugs aren't you I didn't I realize you got it but uh oh I dunno there's no way if you take that out it'll focus on them better [Music] all right so so those have the tags on them that being said with the tags on them they still are gonna need cleaning we have not cleaned them so what I mean by that is for example I don't know if you guys can see it you see here where it needs cleaning and again there's hair on it things like that so it has the tag on it but we want you to know exactly what you're getting so that one that one definitely needs cleaning but if you look at this one if you look at it from this angle you know you go oh well that looks great but look at it from this angle and the tail needs some cleaning because it was in a storage unit so be aware of that okay be aware of that as your bidding be aware of that okay so there's some minions all that should have went in the Disney lot for the night but it made it into the plush lot instead that's okay it's in the it's in the it's in the plush lot yes there is a Disney lot tonight so there's a little bit of everything in here some stuff brand new with tags like this bear right now has a tag on it but remember everything is as we found it we haven't cleaned it we haven't we haven't done anything it just goes into the lot okay so keep that in mind keep that in mind as you're bidding she's got a little bit of everything little there was a little moose he liked to drink a lot of juice there was a little he lied to drink a lot of juice singing whoa whoa whoa yo yo yo singing whoa whoa whoa EO EO pele the Moose's name was Fred like the drink is juice in bed the Moose's name was Fred it had to drink his juice and been singing whoo whoo have I ever taught your nephews a song yet willowy oh yo yo sing you know whoa oh wee oh wee oh wee oh [Music] all right everybody who needs a bathroom break right now boom there you have it there you have it so if your dollar says best song yet oh I'm not done I'm not done alright two more plush toys remember you've got one minute to win it Oh $25 to start the bid free shipping within the US if you want to bid in your outside of the US then you are welcome to bid we don't mind shipping to you there will be an extra shipping charge and with that being said bid accordingly because there are no guarantees everything is as is and there are no returns you have exactly one minute to win it starting now let's do this you got the plush slot starting bid for Fred mooses name was Fred yeah Amy's warrant leaves in at 38 my koala lives in that 37 but he's not beaten Amy at 38 we got a $37 bid we got a $38 bid we got 39 seconds to go he liked to drink his juice in bed the mooses name was Fred mmm Amy is still I better at 38 25 Michael is I in that bid Ashley just came and Ashley called pepper at 45 Ashley went not on my watch that Fred the Moose is my I heard the song and I fell in love ten seconds to go ten more seconds to go seven six five four Emmy swirlies in that forty seven to one eighty shortly let's see what happens as we know there's probably gonna be something going on in here maybe swirlies at 47 we're shot aiming shortly at 47 and Ashley Ashley spiked at 48 Ashley started at 48 there was no sense that was a full dollar snipe right there people we have not seen that yet tonight that was a full dollars night Ashley colpepper 48 dollars nice job Ashley you're gonna go ahead you're gonna send your full name YouTube name and your real name - George and your shipping address also your paypal email address and then Amy as a backup bidder at 47 feel free to tell George you were the backup bitter on that as well Amy these guys have been studying your techniques and they are learning the ways of the snipe so whatever you did you taught them very very well very very well all right this is the Disney lot so so that is Russian Mickey and Minnie this was from the $25.00 unit that was banana boxes and this is what they had a priced at $50 for the bug sweeper it is Russian it has Mickey and Minnie in it Russian it is is not something I would say is actually Disney approved in regards to that but they definitely stole the characters and they put it on the box so this whole lot is Disney stuff if you know Russian and poo is part from the Disney so so he's got Disney on the tag and many there still has the tag in the Box so everything you're gonna see in this lot somehow someway Dogman guy 74 said the Dragon Sword was heavier than I expected still awesome that sword that sword is awesome sword and a very heavy sword it sure is sure is no doubt about it she hated packaging hats but she was packaging that for two hours all right so stickers now it this week these are vintage these are actual vintage cards so these are a greeting card you see up here movable greeting card okay so with envelope I did not date these I showed them to you these are probably worth a pretty penny and let's just look right now let's go I'm gonna look on ebay so there's there is Donald and Mickey Mickey is still in sealed in the packaging so I'm gonna go Mickey Mouse card Mickey Mouse card now it's gonna be really really hard to try and figure this out because this is probably a very rare item so this is what you would do with an item like this I'm looking right now Mickey Mouse card [Music] crisp I'll put in Christmas card okay so what you would do with this a lot of times will we encourage you to do a buy it now or a fixed price all right but I would not encourage a fixed price with this type of thing this is the type of thing like okay so here's a greeting card right there with Mickey all right so there's a greeting card with Mickey pre-owned it's used fifty three dollars that card is not sealed it's not movable so I am not guaranteeing any of this I think this but I'm straight-up tell you I think this was sell for well over a hundred dollars on eBay so this has Disney it's sealed it's a movable Christmas it has everything you want as far as collectability sealed Disney Christmas all of those things movable cards all of those things are all collectible areas all of their own so that being said there's a bunch of stuff I'll try not to bend it don't let captain fumble nuts too close to it okay so there is everything to do with this is Disney one way or another whether it's a lion king watch what's having a hard time focusing here if you give that to me I'll try and focus it so she's got a lion king watch in here this is the circle of life 10th anniversary Lion King watch okay there we go there's Mufasa maybe that's not Mufasa maybe that's actually there we go 10th anniversary circle life 10th anniversary so you looked at the watch there so everything in this unit or in this lot has something somehow to do with Disney it's kind of cool too late too late she says she has to tinker bear are those gonna be in the drew just put the Tinkerbell in a jewelry lock because this one's packed as it is why did I put that tin in there oh that's right it's Disney okay so like this 10 so we actually we have we've been building 26 26 Disney pieces so like this 10 you go are why is there tin in there we actually are putting a vintage tin lot together for you guys as well that'll be coming soon but it's got visiting all over it so that's why I've made it into the lot so it could be a Pixar movie it could be it could be a Russian Mickey Mouse Michael wants to know did we find the switch he's stay tuned stay tuned good question stay tuned alright there are some valuable very very what I would consider valuable items in here and good good resale items that is so because Pixar is owned by Disney and these are minion tic tacs then those went into the Disney lot now as far as whether they're still good or not there's your best by date Best Buy it doesn't say expired it doesn't say you'll die if you'll eat it it says Best Buy that's it so so good okay this is your Disney lot those who are interested in the Disney lot you're gonna have to this is gonna be one of those Lots where you're gonna have to bid fast and you're gonna have to bid furious because a lot of people are gonna be interested in it and there's a lot of money represented here too and this is fun for us to share with you guys all right remember you could still win a lot tonight for free for free we'll get to that in just a bit but until then you got a minute to win it let's go here we go looks like Tito Lee Lori is that $30 already she was jumping the gun violet Barker's at fifty eggy's warrant leaves at 101 fifty been done came in at hundred wait wait Amy swears at 100 and 150 right I'm grumpy heads up 125 everybody's in at 100 RC vs. at 155 RC bursts don't be pulling out of bids again RC versus at 155 he's the man to beat Trump you've got is at 125 even copies flip an adventure got in there at a hundred we've got 84 it leaves out 162 grumpy that put in an odd number 2 at 157 but Amy got in at 162 grumpy feathers at 157 Amy's were at least at 162 we got about 10 seconds to go I got a feeling there's gonna be a sniping battle at the end of this gorge hold onto my pants because this is about to go crazy in one second RC verse says he's out ho saying is that 158 but that this would be a before that 162 we've got 162 still aims for these that one six did you Amy shortly just up herself Amy's Worley just Amy Amy Amy you upped yourself wait I think she got it in just okay okay okay hold a second hold a second all the second always there all right all right further adventure said sold Amy shortly you tonight to beat somebody else but nobody else snake so your snipe against yourself you will not count you get it not for one 78-69 be nobody else outbid you at 162 that I saw you get it for 162 Amy not ace bid wow wow wow wow okay uh who was grumpy fat I believe grumpy vet grumpy vet your backup bidder I will tell you Amy pays right away though but grumpy bet if you want a message George and let her know you feel free to do that but Amy you're your second bid okay your second bit of 162 because you didn't have to bid up anymore nobody bid it up I know you were trying to snipe just in case and we appreciate that but we're taking your the 162 that's your bid on that lot that was a good luck make sure there's a lot of vintage stuff I put in here I have not checked it yet but I can tell you already this is worth money I can tell you this is worth money okay Evan look this stuff up on eBay yet those cards are probably your most valuable items there and then your Russian your knockoff Russian even though it's not actual Disney authorized that knockoff stuff has a whole collectability market of its own so what I would encourage you to do and it's just me okay I would what I would encourage you to do is to actually is to put those in at on a in a bid option an actual auction on eBay if you're gonna if you're gonna resell them on eBay to bid those because it's gonna be hard to find those things as far as comparable comparable comps and just let them babies let them babies go at actual auction instead of a fixed rate alright this is your video game lot isn't it hundred and forty six video games she's got a giant box she's just gonna show you that she's gonna show you the weight first there are a hundred and forty six video games that Yvonne said can you option off some of those toothpicks something stuck in my teeth by the way any of you guys that were interested in some of those particular pieces of Disney if Amy's willing to sell them to you contact Amy in the chat make sure you're talking to Amy and the alright this is over 27 pounds for all of these video games okay 27 pounds for all these video games looks like back up bid was Jose Gonzalez and I missed his so Jose I think grumpy bet was that 157 so Jose uh Amy's gonna pay but but go ahead send us a message anyway okay and or just let you could also just let Amy know what you're interested in all right you go ahead or we talking about these video games hundred forty six video games seventy one come with a case and a manual the case and Manuel their games aren't tested but case and Manuel are there 71 those eight games have no manual the game is in the case but there's no manual just eight with no manual and there's a total of 67 games with no case no manual ok so she's gonna start she's gonna show you now none of these games are actually tested and all of these games are ps2 games I saw I think somebody asked somebody asked are we gonna do we have a we lot Nintendo we lot next Sunday we're working on putting that lot together right now if I showed you my garage right now oh my goodness there's video games everywhere all right froggy to you wants to know is there an S X Turkey ps2 game you're gonna have to look I actually I've gone through so many of these I saw that game today but I've been going through every single system so as you asked about that particular title that's not the only particular only title on ps2 you're just gonna have to look at she goes through these so prepper prepper 101 wants to know is it true that I'm related to exotic Joe no it's actually that's a false that's a false item there it's at the truth behind all that is exotic Joe is related to Jeremy Hale okay so that's that no no relation whatsoever if I'm anybody if as we watch Tiger King and we loved it it was so engrossing and entertaining because we kept looking at characters and go home man that's that person in the storage unit buying world and that's through that person in the YouTube world if I'm anybody I'm the guy that got eaten by the tiger so wears the same clothes you never know he has any money and all of a sudden he comes up missing because Carroll Baskins she's the one that did all right but I didn't say George was Carroll Baskins hey baby hey hey hey she just has swords not Tigers I'm just saying she's Egyptian it just seems like cabs she doesn't have a meat grinder so many connives somebody knows mama G's telling anybody anybody who was interested in a Disney la item there is there is Amy's email address so there were some pretty cool items in that lot and a couple of those items will do extremely well those cards those cards and the Russian you know the rut there's quite a few things are gonna do really really well ray Maybury says how do I bid how do I bid and you just bid in the chat watch what everybody else is doing you type it in the mount make sure you're on live chat you got to be on live chat if you're gonna if you're gonna bid because you got to see it as it happens I remember there are 146 in here and everybody will have an opportunity to actually win a free lot tonight and be Slayer 14 says George will you please say oh cool cats and kittens Paulie cool Catholic Tara Bascom fear all right okay Dylan how do we have Raggedy Ann and Andy stuff we find it all the time and we are working we are working on putting all different kinds of locks together for you so yes you and somebody asks do you have to have PayPal debit yes PayPal dab it if you don't have a PayPal it takes takes minutes couple a couple minutes to actual to set up your PayPal you can put up a debit card on it whatever and and that's how George will send you an invoice then you pay and then she ships that's how it works it's a simple our whole goal is simple smooth and simple simple simple streamlined and streamline it we are very very busy people and we want to streamline it have fun with you and encourage you to generate some some cash as well all right George says she showed them all to you those 146 there are a ton there are a ton of video games there those are ps2 and video games are selling hot like crazy right now on eBay because everybody's got stay at home you're gonna have to bid fast I already told George this is gonna be our highest grossing lot tonight 146 free shipping within the United States additional shipping outside of the United States you'll have to pay shipping if you are in another country you have a big bash you got a bit serious because you only have a minute to win it here we go video games we got 55 seconds let's see whoo alright building your dollars at $50 a piece where he comes right in off the top wait she comes in at 150 350 but but Mazinger comes in at $300 Matthew Kirk puts the gauntlet down at $300 allen egg puts on $200 castle flip 400 you gotta beat Ozzy Kirk Matthew curb put down 300 said not in my house here we go Matthew curve $300 Matthew euros $300 20 seconds to go we got a lot of people interested wait every Farley's had 310 ll a just went 320 baby got it through ten before Allen a here we go we got ourselves an auction oh my goodness George are you seeing this what the Hales is going on we got a be shortly at 3:10 now we got Allen a at 3:25 with no seconds left holidays at 3:25 you know Amy's coming in with them with a snipe Allen a is that 3:25 Allen a is at 3:25 I can't take her at 3:25 [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay Allen a I'm gonna lose my boys Allen a Allen 8 you're gonna send George okay so 146 you got those my goodness let me do the let me do the math really quick I want to know what he got a per per piece okay so let me do the math one second I gotta pull up the calculator okay so 325 divided by 146 that is a nice deal right there look at that look at that right there 222 will round up to 23 per game nice job nice job all right you're gonna send you're gonna send your information right there to George and then Amy was the backup bidder Amy's back up bidder at 310 Amy again with all your other backup bid stuff let George know just in case now as we've been talking about Tiger King we found this amazing absolutely amazing shout out to the tiger King in the warehouse and George now it does have the gold rim it does and this is the free item in honor of the tiger King right so yeah yeah what is right what the Hales so this is this is wow that George show this is the item tonight in honor of the the newest Tiger Kings episode being released we have not seen it yet we're gonna watch it after the auction tonight and so this is the free item you've not seen it you've not seen it in the videos this week all right who so they're they're kind of having a disagreement about bids right now remember you have to be in live chat there's live chat as it comes up on our screen so we're calling it we're calling it as it comes up on our screen and lady antiques says countering there was a bit of three times word all right there figure it out they'll figure it out all right so at any rate at any rate this is in honor of the Tiger king and our favorite means the tiger King memes and the plate will come shipped to you in this beautiful plate box you will have one minute to win this item tonight we think we encourage you to actually use this plate with friends and family in honor of the tiger King and remember Terrell Baskins she's the one that did it all right so you're gonna have to answer her you're gonna have to answer a trivia question about this week's videos now there is an easter egg that was actually included in one of the videos okay the very first person to answer this trivia question correctly will win this lot completely totally for free 100% so you're not bidding with money this time you are bidding with oh did you have get your yarn lot together you didn't get in time did you somebody's just asking for yarn all right she'll go get it she forgot to put it together okay let's give this away I'm gonna give this away why you get your yarn lot she did bring yarn home today she is putting a yarn lot up together okay so we apologize we apologize she forgot there's so much going on so this'll be the item that you're actually you're actually gonna win so somebody's gonna win this the trivia question there will be fabric its fabric and yarn we're gonna put a whole lot together a fabric and yarn if you want to make masks the whole deal all right um somebody said is it dishwasher safe this says ceramic art not for food use faithful colored pigments may poison food all right so only for decoration that's a shame that's a shame but it's pretty cool decoration holy Hales they want fabric too I guess all right so we're gonna give it away there's an easter egg in the videos this week the Easter egg was here we go here we go yeah we have the we have the egg easter egg yarn to the Easter egg in the videos this week Jeremy said this is a little-known fact about me what was the fact that Jeremy shared about himself in the videos this week what was it it's the easter egg because it's a little known fact it was in the videos Jeremy said what they're going yarn yarn yarn Debbie Vaughn says never found a switch that is incorrect Pammy all except Amish that is also incorrect Cody says he he came from an egg incorrect he really likes his pants yes but incorrect you were born a girl incorrect once kissed a boy never happened incorrect I only have two pair of pants incorrect Dan grizzly we knew incorrect watch this Little House on the Prairie incorrect chocolate egg loves camping incorrect Jeremy's related joke exotic incorrect BH texts that you watched incorrect incorrect incorrect incorrectly correct crazy by the Egyptians you're incorrect incorrect I have not seen it yet secret auction in Korea it stated this way this is a little-known tidbit about myself in the videos and then it's followed with the tidbit it is an easter egg met George on Easter didn't happen incorrect you were homeless no actually I was hello Lana home but this was ruff likes golfing I hate golfing incorrect raised by clowns be rivers be e rivers finally got it raised by clowns wow I didn't think there was anybody was gonna get it B rivers B rivers go ahead and message George nice nice nice nice nice chair Ballmer almost got it almost got it raised by clowns that is it B rivers you're gonna go ahead and you're gonna message George there with your real name your shipping address your youtube name you don't indeed you don't need to actually give us your your paypal email address because you just want it for free nice job nice job B II rivers raised by clowns now we're gonna keep having free lots and if you want to win a free lot you gots to pay attention those videos were those videos you're getting information that you never knew before I'm putting that right back in there oh you're doing your fabric aren't you okay so you're doing fabric and yarn together yeah all right B II rivers want it de rivers want it okay so I'm gonna that's right behind you don't sit on it okay Joe Tiger is right on your rear all right all right so she's got 14 pounds of yarn she's showing you all of the fabric and she's gonna show you all the yarn as well so the thing that I shared is I was raised by clowns so my parents my parents my dad was part ownership in a grocery store family grocery store so he and his brother owned the grocery store but that never made enough money for the size of our family so he started like you've seen the ice cream trucks go out on the street so he started a cotton candy business because nobody else was doing cotton candy and for $5 of sugar you could make $100 so the profit margin was huge but the way that he sold it is he took the gimmick from McDonald's Ronald McDonald the clown he oh he's dressed up as a clown so from very little kid I can remember them dressing us up as clowns going to festivals and carnivals and selling cotton candy all the time I hated it hated it always hated it he always told me hey just laugh you're making more money than they are so so I was raised by clowns grocers and clowns is any of it loop yarn do we even know what loop yarn is it's whatever she's going to show you we're not 12 pounds of fabric 14 pounds of yarn 14 pounds of yarn 12 pounds of fabric and Sharon said my goodness I thought you were kidding when you said that nope parents were clowns probably still dress up as clowns today going to the Apple Festival in Elyria alright she's gonna show the yarn now so a little bit rough with her camera angle a lot of yarn to get in a small camera so she's gonna put a lot of that in there for you there's a bunch of it a bunch of it and realize Ashley Cole pepper says we're part of a clown fraternity that's awesome that's awesome alright so so she's gonna smush this all down when she ships it to you okay there is a lot of yarn remember 14 pounds of yarn she just went and got a lot of this today this was from the crafters unit because you guys you guys were actually asking about it no actually I did do some balloon animals well I could do a dolphin I would just blow it up and then there we go it's just you have to use your imagination yeah I can do a wiener dog I'm really good at the wiener dog and just blow it up and look look here's a wiener dog I can do a hot dog I can do a banana I can do anything else with that shape that comes to mind [Laughter] i-i do juggle did you know that I juggle can I see a few things of yarn I'll just juggle no you keep doing your thing I'm teasing look this is crazy you guys can't see this she just opened this box okay this is how this is how when we tell you we brought it home when you haven't gone through it we haven't even opened this box she just broke the box open she just ripped the Box open so this is why we're telling you you're getting it as is we haven't cleaned it we haven't done anything we haven't tested it we don't we're just passing the savings on to you okay I'm gonna I put that tape back in there you were working that over Dreamweaver that's a lot of yarn that's a lot of yarn that's a ton of yarn are you gonna all those bags are you gonna ship it in these bags or can I have those bags yes I get the baggies you get the yarn I get the baggies so whoever put them in baggies I get the baggies I want those cuz we've been putting when we've been making the lofts for you it's just easier for me to put them in those giant bags all kinds of yarn yeah yarn for days funky fluff said yarn for days fabric for days all right like they're no good at wrapping like diggity dig diggity dig diggity dig diggity dig I can't wait till I release that song that's it all right all that yarn all that fabric you guys just saw and one more one more the easter-egg yarn right there okay the easter-egg yarn is going in as well right there she's throwing that in you saw this in the video this was part of George's Easter basket there you go baby alright um do you want it should we just tell them that you're gonna put another yarn lot and fabric lot again next week two for you yarn a holux and fabric we have so much she'll put another one in together for next for next week as well alright here we go remember you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only got one minute to win it $25 starting bid all right why don't we do that 86 glutted weed is at 86 candy Morris at 75 we've got whole weight it's going all over the place now I think Glenna is still weak beating wait wait candy Moore's at 90 Katie Moore is at 90 no Shirley pearls at 100 Shirley pearls now at 100 Cheryl Russell's out a hundred by the Biggers at 100 you have three people out of energy or libros verts one at 100 show the girls mother comes first sherry balance you want to win you've got to be Shirley's hundred Shirley pearl is hundred in Katy Moore's down 103 Kenny Moore came into 103 Emmys were Lee's now 105 Chow Russell's now 120 Charles Brunton the gallon down 120 20 seconds to go I'm spitting all over the laptops sherry Russell's winning at 120 share the Pearl came in it and share the broken at 110 but that's not enough scary loves let's not 120 play Webber pink and Amari 121 King candy more at 121 and Amy for Lee got it at 123 wait wait wait Shirley probably went way back was thinking hosing a hose and what the hell is all my godness Shirley burrows I'm sure she will surely pearl just snuck it in at 125 Shirley pearl then snuck in another bit at 1:30 Shirley Shirley you can stop bidding 125 all right Shirley you know what to do go ahead message George and then you'll probably meet with me at the warehouse anyway because Georgia George wants you to know that she got to the Train she's been diggity diggity big and she said some of them are going up for auction on the second sense sites as well for us for the auction so we're getting to actually think it was Rob that actually got into him I think I think okay oh man man what a hails of an option that was incredible that was absolutely incredible you guys are striping you guys are sniping like crazy how long have we been live we went over 300 hours last time right we came in under this time that was good yeah let's switch the screen Oh remember to share help us get to 200k before May because you love what the Hales type what the you love what the hell's might as well lose it all top of the hair if you love what the Hales and you love making sales if you love what the Hales type what the hell [Music] if you love on the hills and you're ready to kill it with eBay sales cuz some Easter eggs tonight money has come in you need to be listening like crazy listening all that stuff we told you about and remember hit them thrift stores as soon as they open again you're gonna make a ton of money we'll see you next Monday for our live auction [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 13,915
Rating: 4.8716578 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 0RfhPCXrlwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 26sec (10346 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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