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it's a sad cold sunday i can't even say fun day sunday it's so cold couldn't even feel my face couldn't even feel my hands earlier today what about you jeremy you wouldn't let me feel your face either or my hands or anything else do you have a sad song for the crowd today or excuse me excuse me what do you need me to grab some tissues i'm trying to stay strong i was thinking keeping it together i could just use your hair you could do that thanks try to keep it together keep it together georgie come to florida with me i like it you like it yeah i'll hit the what's the next part don't know you tell me i thought you were writing this song no you wrote oh georgie it's time for me and you to get in a plane to flew you want to take me out on a date no you have to take me out on a date maybe we'll find a ring with when the auctions are done we was beautiful that was beautiful thank you thank you namaste thank you you're welcome dill hole says i hope you got my mail ah we do we have your mail we did jason absolutely have dill holes mail wow what a bunch to cover tonight so much what a long so much to cover a long week but it definitely went by fast crazy long week yeah and lots happened and we have tons of updates and it's true we are leaving we are leaving not today not tomorrow the day after sometime tuesday sometimes tuesday we'll we're leaving and we will share with you what that's all about uh you want to get this grammy ellis says what happened to changing roles love you guys yesterday halloween was yesterday i did everything i could to get george to change with me but she just she wouldn't have any it was yesterday we did that yesterday i even went do it or nothing we didn't take a picture we didn't take a picture if you didn't take a picture it didn't happen right yeah so incredible week uh we um we had a lot going on this week but a lot of this week you won't see until the upcoming week carla ratliff 2 dollars thank you so much thanks for this you know what that two dollars reminds me of a video they're gonna see this week we bid the highest amount ever at an auction yes this week it was definitely a thrill it was a rush for me it was a different type of rush for me and you will get to see the video uh we did not bid one thousand dollars uh we did not bid five thousand dollars we did not bid ten thousand dollars higher we did not bid twenty five thousand dollars higher we did not bid fifty thousand dollars keep going we did not bid a hundred thousand dollars getting warmer we did not bid 125 dollars i'm getting cold we did not bid 150 000 keep going uh we did not bid 175 000 keep going we did not bid 200 000 keep going you'll find out this week well over two hundred thousand dollars we bid at an auction you'll find out exactly what that was like it was which day they expect uh i have no idea maria just sent 19.99 thank you so much thank you for being you maria so we had that all going on we actually have a restorage the love video coming out as well now rob with second sense already released his side of it we partnered up with rob a second sense and we did a restoration love video ton of fun and i think you guys are gonna love that that should be coming out this week as well yeah he did release that video he released already dill holes so you guys can get a sneak peek of the video that we're referring to most he ever been at an auction five thousand for a car that's a good deal that's a good deal so we have a restorative love video coming out this week hope you guys enjoy that now last sunday we just got home from caving and that was intense absolutely intense that was that that in itself was a different experience as well and we promised that video honestly last sunday i promised it by wednesday and i have i have it's been crazy there's been so much that we're trying to do our brandenburg just 749 love you guys sending love right back to you thank you that was um it was a promise i was not able to keep and not because i couldn't physically do it honestly just because even me believe it or not even i get lazy uh grammy ellis just sent 299 bring on kelly's island we should probably give them an update on kelly's island yeah properties we've gotten quite a bit of updates today so yeah yeah there's been a lot on the phone today debbie dever just sent a buck 99 property bid saw rob's video restoraging awesome tanya thanks definitely four dollars thank you so much appreciate it so um so i promised the caving video i haven't been able to actually get that out yet i do want to let everybody know tomorrow tomorrow at 5 30 eastern standard time the caving video will get out okay and you can see all the behind the scenes and before that caving video if you jump over to conkey's flipping adventures because lee and noreen were down in west virginia with us and they got a lot of amazing beautiful beautiful gorgeous video and if you want to check that out you can watch that before you get to watch the caving video that we post tomorrow because he they released theirs right they did release their trip theirs is all released and and i finally got it done the caving video there were over 80 clips to edit and now if you don't edit youtube video and all that 80 clips probably to most people just sounds like so what that's an intense edit and it was a very long edit it took me days brenda just sent five dollars love the hails out of you thank you so much yeah you don't realize how much time and effort goes into editing a video until you physically do one yourself and even then i'm still not a hundred percent happy with the video but you guys will get to see the devil's pinch like you've never seen it before and i can share with you anybody who went um who went and met us there as well they've gotten a sneak peek at the video too so there are ways to get sneak peeks at video on youtube which many of you have found out with some of our videos a lot of you have found out how there's back doors behind it yeah but monday will be that video the most epic youtube meetup ever and i think you guys will enjoy the video a lot it will go out i promise but again you can go to conkey's flipping adventures to see all the behind the scenes more more expanded think of it as the extended uh the extended versions of a movie all the behind the scenes clips conkey captured that so that was a ton of fun there and then we got the the pro restarts the love video with rob is probably going to go out on friday but remember rob as second sense is already released so you get to see his side of it and then we'll release our side of it on friday i haven't even come close to editing that yet and we'll probably have to edit that when we're on the road leaving which we'll talk about us leaving as well we'll get there which means i'll probably be the one driving most likely yeah hopefully because usually it's me usually if you're if you're pulling the trailer or the camper it's definitely you it's always me if we're pulling a load yeah it's always me clear thrust is here so before we get to mail do you want to give an update on kelly's island property you can go ahead since you're the one who's been in touch with the realtor you are you listen to all of us i do listen to the conversations all right so kelly's island property we do have an official offer we had an offer on property on kelly's island couple acres on kelly's island and um so we put an initial offer and there was a counter offer now our initial offer had certain certain uh parts of the agreement okay and then there was a counteroffer obviously higher uh we still have so many gummy bears there's about there's about 10 pounds left appreciate it so they counter offered and that was as is and it didn't take into account any of our our points in our offer we have recounted offered on their counter offer and left one of the points in thank you so much david for the 4.99 so we are still in the process of negotiating and we have put our best offer on the table for a piece of property on on kelly's island certain things have to happen for that to actually move forward but that is the goal that is the goal there is an official legal contracted offer on the table so we don't own anything yet but um flipping adventure said only 10 pounds somebody's been eating it like crazy it went from 50 pounds down to 10 pounds that's a lot of gummy bears oh it didn't it's still here all right jason thank you so much for the five dollars thanks jason so um we we have an official piece of property offer and one of the things we want to do is we want to we want to be able to open that up to viewers as well if we can move forward and we can build and things along those lines so that is still in the works valerie just sent 4.99 sure do love your videos thank you so much valerie thanks valerie thank you so much the thing that we can share a lot of people are asking us they hear we're leaving uh they're asking oh i should probably put that on silent huh they're asking unless it's my brother let me see no not your brother somebody one of the million messages through facebook and everywhere else so they're asking you know i'm gonna miss you guys i'm gonna miss you guys i won't be able to see your videos every day george will there be videos there will be videos not sure if it'll be daily like we have been doing for the last two years it'll definitely be a transition period but there will be videos and we will attempt daily not guarantee it though so that'll that'll be a little bit of a challenge on the road but we'll see what we can do service should challenge chihuahua wow five dollars hi jeremy george i'm officially a great aunt today congratulations congratulations i i don't know about you but i thoroughly love being in hand i would think i'd be messed up in the head so i'm gonna disagree with you i'm not into that being a name at all at all so we will still be releasing videos there'll be videos all this week even though we are leaving and we'll share with you what's going on yeah they're pre-recorded videos that we've taken we do have a good handful of pre-recorded videos thanks to rob at second sense and and uh some other things that we've kept in the vault and we'll be releasing but um frankly saved for just the time is this so there will be videos and we think you'll you'll actually enjoy them should we get the mail sure all right let's get the mail um hold on a second okay someone brought up a really good point we just lost it what was it um i asked you if you enjoy being an aunt and someone said you're already messed up in the head because you're like that would be messed up to be an aunt you know what it's because you made me that way that's what george would say you made me that way all right do i say that all the time i don't remember since when do you whisper into the microphone she doesn't remember anything ever i don't ever remember okay let's get the mail okay because we got a lot of mail tonight all right so let me uh i'm just gonna start handling some stuff no i opened everything ahead of time because it does help it's uh it saves time and it does a lot of stuff so i slice things open okay here we got some more here oh my we got some of this and this here you go oh oh my god there's this okay more mail over here okay and what i got some more more yep one second here there it is there's some mail oh my goodness um here is there's another package oh my this is a pretty box look how pretty that box is there's a there's some more right there a little bit of mail we do have we got some bail to take care of here it's the po box that keeps on giving it is the po box it's like a it's like a storage unit filled with great stuff we should do you think we should um just make one pre-recorded video of unboxing feels no or does everyone like seeing it live i think they like we got it's incredible it says love potions dough hole just sent it's a box 3.99 two toonies i'm in love all right is that a pixie stick it's from sabrina birdsong all the way from norcross uh georgia from georgia we are going to be driving through georgia and we're going to go try and see reverie i handmade a card handmade by sabrina it says something possessed me to send you this card jeremy and george i'm under your spell love watching what the hell's enjoy all the treats and have a wonderful halloween from sabrina oh thank you so much so much sabrina sabrina this entire box of goodies i won't be able to touch or taste any of it because he'll eat it all by himself you want to go hide it right now no yeah maybe you should go hide it right now i'm just saying throw that out there laffy taffy share a joke or two okay uh here we go here's another one you can share here we go with the joke and um i can't read that one for some reason but i'll find one here okay you know what maybe i'm not really good at laffy taffy jokes because it looks like i just have punch lines i don't know can't read it you can't read it i can't figure that one out what type of research is also a sport and then the answer is below i'm i know i'm i'm figuring this one out what type of research is also a sport i don't know surfing i would have never guessed that next this box is from lisa cooper from saint joseph 4.99 samantha and my mom and my five months old daughter love you guys love jeremy's daughters love you thank you so much this wasn't for us biola oh i just missed it this box wasn't for it's for george george for george george and jeremy hills but then it's oh i should have read that probably make sure i get that my brother thank you so much colin and then lynn patterson just spent five dollars love the coin pusher videos hope you find somewhere you move that's the crazy thing people keep telling us where they're at they do not want coin pushers to end so we'll see what happens but we'll get into the details of us leaving here soon next box is from colleen colleen bergerand sorry if i butchered your name from port washington says dear george and jeremy my husband and i are retired navy officers i was 20 years sheriff deputy in california we follow you guys i have to decide jeremy that you're that you and george are complete and perfect angel so listen up and then she talks about the jewelry what is that a snake fake it reminds me of you and they're apparently reminded her reminded her of you as well that's actually really really cool it's like an egyptian snake oh i love it thank you so much that's really cool it's so cool i can't stop looking at it all right i'm gonna pull the next one while you look at it all right we got we got one here from jason we got one here from this is from jason this is from dill hole and yeah nice check me out dana dana now are you going to wear that or put in the display case that's a good question i don't know yet i think i think you should put this face mask right next i'm going to wear it what the hell's face mask i think i'll wear it i think you'll wear it okay our randenberg just sent 4.99 and says we are moving to fort myers 2021 what part are you headed to that is a great question dill hole just sent 6.99 how do you communicate with a fish drop it alive is from our friend jody turner all the way from ashland ohio ashland we have been trying to meet jody for the past she's only a half hour away from us lori williams chef he just sent 10 thank you so much lori to george from elvis and jody turner good luck nice and then there's a a flexible elvis with some money on the back and a clip oh i love it so much thank you so much jody's so funny she has a huge sense of humor yeah we've been trying to meet up with her forever yeah next box is from cheddar bob from montana as you're opening the box one things i'll share with everybody we are at 200 more candies oh nice this is a tongue painter we're at 288 000 subscribers right now even more impressive here's some ring pops i wonder why he sent us a ring probably at the end of the night we will be at 70 million 70 million 70 million views the more ring pop people who chose to watch a what the hell's video that's just this box smells so good what is that here's a bag labeled for you look at that there look at that here's a bag labeled for me this smells like here's a bag labeled patience and then another bag labeled christian 70 million nikki t just said yeah look at this oh look at that alpaca felted ghost meltdown oh wow scent dirt fleece what's god what's your scent dirt mine's pear berry you got a berry why'd i get dirt you got mary and i got dirt smell it berry sweets look at that wow all the way from montana that's so cool in that wild and then we got one for patients and christians yeah so we'll make sure that they get their soap cards i'll see them first thing tomorrow morning thank you so much we'll see him tomorrow morning package looks like it's directly from bill holt just sent 279 my buddy made that mass for you your buddy is very skilled that is very cool that is pretty cool oh i think this is for you this is directly from amazon from amazon oh check that out you want me to read the notes read the notes all right the the note says jeremy saw this and thought of you i hope you like it michelle watkins thank you so much so sweet how cool is that display case yeah display case for sure so cool ghostbusters slime johnny your collection i don't know what's bigger my my elvis collection or your ghostbusters collection uh i might need a separate display case for all my eldest stuff that's true you might you might that's true so cool thank you thank you thank you is directly from amazon i smell you smell it i smell it already i'm just scared of this hail jeremy and george love your channel i laugh so much keep up the restoraging the love from cindy from south africa versus for south yeah from south africa wow wow what does that mean gummy bears more gummy bears you're gonna have to crack that open well you want me to crack it open right now yeah if only i had a knife are you gonna manhandle it of course i'm gonna manhandle it who needs a knife when you can handle it look at that there's so many bags in here there's not just one but there's like 10 bags in there road trip oh thank you so much road trip all right next box is from blake all the way from hawaii this is from blake in hawaii he messaged and let us know this was coming nice and then the car here i'll read it while you show what's in it okay because there's a lot in there yeah there is aloha just wanted to say a big moa i'm not sure how you say that hawaiian for thank you mahalo to the both of you i found your station in february i had a plantar wart under my foot had to be frozen they dug out on my foot put me out for two months then i had a kidney stone oh my goodness we know what that's like don't we lee and we had a kidney stone that took two surgeries to get rid of that then i got shingles oh my goodness oh my goodness had a catheter for two weeks just took it out today i'm finally okay i don't know what i would have done if i weren't able to watch your videos to get through it all thank you guys so so much just wanted to send you some goodies wow had to say thanks so sweet wow wow thank you blake look at this hawaiian everything some hawaiian goodies nice we'll definitely take all of the treats that we're getting on the road with us this is where we're going with us when we leave yeah all the goodies all that all the treats honey roasted macadamia macadamias these are going to be good when i when i went to go visit my uh girlfriend in hawaii i bought all of like pretty much everything in here i bought and i tried and it's all incredible so you're ready for it again yeah bonnie fleming just sent five dollars thank you for the aussie figure love it love your videos you're welcome bonnie you still got a couple more packages don't you yes she's gonna mess around here's the pretty the pretty box look how pretty all i did was cut it so you can save the box okay this is from carol houston from new palestine indiana indiana all right from carol you show what's in it i'll read it okay all right hello guys i really enjoy your post your live shows enclosed are a couple of fish you can remove the stands and you can add them to your necks nice nice yeah so here these come in on the stand so these will go nicely in the neck these would look incredible on kelly's island or other places or we could take it to oh there are two license plates in the bottom of the box one's from arizona another's personalized place that my husband had he's an it was an amateur guitar player and songwriter he had his brother start publishing come a company which they thought they could use as a tax write-off nah it's name was song bank hence son bank license plate you can add these to your warehouse store very cool i'll have christian put them up tomorrow funny story i occasionally thought he would be playing a new guitar and i would ask if it was new and he would say no i've had it for a while i found out from his band mate's wife that he would buy a new guitar put it in the closet for a couple weeks and take it out and play it so when i asked if it was new he wasn't lying he actually did have it for a while now no wonder i found eight guitars when he passed away oh wow thank you so much carol shawna just sent five dollars do you come to kansas city missouri for storage auctions we haven't yet shawna doesn't mean we won't doesn't mean we won't next box is from troy leske from la crosse wisconsin wow all the way from wisconsin i think this is for you are you sure i think so all right uh how about you read and i'll show them sure and okay there you go and oh jeremy i hope you're reading you in good order wasn't sure if you had them yet or not but thought of you when i saw them do you have those i got slimer i bought it on ebay but i don't have i don't have angry stay puff yet oh nice you and george are at the top of our list of youtubers to watch every single day i hope you have a fraction of success you have on youtube and at buying storage lockers we are also hoping to meet you in person one day who knows maybe in the spring when you are back from florida we can make a trip to ohio and if you ever make it to wisconsin look us up best wishes and love troy leske thank you troy still hole sent 279 i catch trout here that look like that fish and oh he's probably catching trout like crazy ian hall just sent five dollars and ian said hey jeremy wanna know uh is lucky bag better than the smelly sock hails yes thank you so much ian cindy l just said hi from texas i love you both so cheddar bob the maid that made the soap for us sent a letter and look at the stamp it's elvis nice says dear george and jeremy love watching youtube youtube i'm sending you a special care pack with a special gift for george jeremy patience and christian oh so that was that was in the part of yep there you go me and my mom are making a lucky coin bag pusher 10.0 bag for you nice i am sharing the love um to all of you with my care pack gift your loving friend cheddar bob thank you so much shirley mean sent 10 thank you so much shirley wow wow wow wow uh sweet melissa just sent 49 didn't buy you anything just wanted to hear my name from you guys sweet melissa let's do it this way sweet melissa in the asmr voice there you go all right next um next letter is from cindy horsky all the way from lansky michigan from michigan yes no stinking way look at it oh we love finding two dollar bills in the storage units it's so much fun so two four six eight ten there's ten dollars in two dollar bills and they're real love your videos keep up the good work best wishes cindy horsky those are so fun grumpy grandma thank you so much cindy grumpy grandma those are so cool two dollar bills are just so much fun to find that'll go in the collection my grandpa used to give them to us like every christmas we would all get a two dollar bill we should start doing that for um for for all the kids we should just give them all two dollar bills what do you think the next uh letter is from leon the lion and tons of elvis stamps go figure why would why would they do that and then in here is a driver's license for elvis along with like a newsletter recently sold for 3 million 3 million so i'll definitely add this to my lucky pouch that i keep the smaller elvis collectibles in thank you so much leanne elita just sent 9.99 thank you so much wow thank you guys for all the love for all the adela that's what i meant i said just a tongue twister adella thank you so much and thank you everybody else for all the mail uh oh george just dropped we used to have a two dollar bill i know we have some well we did i gave them to my oldest daughter chelsea so we got a lot to share tonight we are we're leaving she's got to move all the mail sorry we're leaving in ramses so lee us leaving is is kind of bittersweet it brings tears of joy and it brings tears of sadness because well let's clarify one thing up are we leaving youtube everybody wants to know are you yeah the biggest question is where are you guys going are you leaving youtube and we we kind of touched base about this last sunday but the the the nice thing and the benefit of having and managing a youtube channel is that you can create content anywhere in the world another nice thing with what we do is there's storage unit auctions pretty much all over the us they're thrifting all over us the nice thing is we can just pick up and do whatever we do treasure hunting anywhere yeah so we're definitely not leaving youtube um that's not gonna go away we're just leaving ohio for the winter so why would we want to do such a thing i mean that's really what people want to know why yeah isn't most people would go hails no i would never do that that's too scary how can you just pick up and go how can you just do that uh why would we do such a thing and a lot of people are like oh why would you move to florida it's too hot well we're definitely not going to be there in the summers we're just going to be there in the winters and then return to ohio because we have amazing summers here we have amazing springs we have amazing summers and amazing falls here in ohio cindy just sent 14 i think that's uh new zealand hope you enjoyed the gummies absolutely thank you so much cindy so um what we were saying before is that the line of work that we do getting storage units at auctions you're constantly outside constantly constantly outside and so we we don't want to have to work in the cold anymore we want to be able to feel our fingers we want to be able to feel our faces when we're outside filming the units loading the units unloading let's back up how many days ago did we film with rob at second sense rob invited us to film his unit on saturday got an epic unit he had a saturday yeah and the temperature was 41 degrees and what's the very first thing you said to me the very first thing i said was i can't feel my hands and what i said was it's it got to the point when you can't feel your fingers it becomes painful like it hurts my face was hurting and like when the wind's blowing it chaps your face and you can't feel your chops and i'm just like i can't i can't take this anymore i was gonna and then i went and sat in the truck to get warm and left me out in the cold to survive the elements i was out there fighting the elements i'm a little more sensitive to the cold because of the heart meds that i'm on it it prevents blood circulation to my my hands and my feet so i get colder a little bit more easier than you do so usually i'm hot right but i can't help that out your furnace naturally colin sent 12 thank you so much thanks and you're always freezing and your meta meds make you even colder yes and today we have the first snow in ohio of the of the season and we looked at each other and went why in the world why in the hails are we still here yes and the answer is not for long waiting we're the only reason why we're here right now is we're waiting to vote we're waiting to vote tuesday morning so as soon as we vote on tuesday we are going to hit the road so we're going to hit the road and um we where are we going i mean the big thing is that people have all kinds of questions so we're going to hit the road we're leaving where are we going we definitely have to make a pit stop to see elvis all right and then where are we going that's that's priority on the list is to see elvis all right so i thought the whole priority was florida but where are we going after that so then after that we may stop we may stop and visit graceland another day so where are we going after that and then we're probably going to stay somewhere south and then eventually make our way down to florida i still don't want to announce what cities we're looking in i can just kind of tell you the area of florida but it is like near the panhandle like gulf side we are looking at some of those properties are what 50 acres 60 acres and they are in the middle of nowhere like one of them isn't one of them like 60 acres there's no electricity to even bring electricity you can't bring electricity there you'd have to install solar power right yeah i'm weighing it out i'm looking you know comparing apples to apples as to whether it would make more sense to buy vacant land and building on it versus buying land with an existing home on it so right now we're we're just kind of weighing out our options and and and trying to find what the better deal that makes the most sense for what we want to do frank just sent two dollars said cool moneysuckles just said five dollars so keep it up thank you so much appreciate it so the goal is get on the road vote on tuesday absolutely need to vote on tuesday then we're gonna start heading south uh we think we can be in florida by thursday and along the way somewhere along the way we definitely we want to stop and we want to try and see rev resale nikki t in georgia and it would be kind of cool to go up around uh obx and go see obx picker as well and things along those lines but we don't know exactly how that's going to go yet because we have to schedule viewings for property so we will be videoing every piece of property that we view and we will be generating a video for all of you yeah well naturally we like to record our we like to vlog our lives georgerian ray said five dollars are you going to video your journey to florida yeah so you may not see like oh this is what we did day one on the way to florida this is what we did day two we're gonna show you the the gems of it so highlights the highlights are gonna be look we looked at this property today this property today look this is 60 acres and this is what they're asking we can't get electric but here's 50 acres we can get electric but this is the only thing the only structure on the property is this run down uh rv and look this is five acres and it's got an immaculate house and you know what do you guys think we should go for so we will be doing videos like that and putting that out there for you we probably we've talked about uh doing some other things as well on the road bill hold just sent 279 i installed solar gener solars and generators awesome and frank said another two dollars hey hey you guys sharon sharon nolan says i live in southwest florida it's 77 here now and that's exactly why we want to go and work in 70 degree weather is perfect we want to work in that weather instead of this weather ohio ohio winters get so cold and so brutal there's times where it's in the negatives and then when you have that windshield it gets even colder so it makes it very difficult to work in the winter outside so adventures with the hudson's just asked a good question and said you've been promoting your warehouse auction and are you going to be at the auction let me get that in just a second okay chris eddie had heady just sent five dollars be careful have fun can't wait to see what's next so the answer is yes we plan on being back up in ohio for the auction as long as weather allows us and you know who knows what could happen in the country by then we've we've witnessed 2020 we know anything and everything could happen at this point hails could freeze over but at any rate that's why we're going to florida because hales is freezing over so um well the liquidation sale is on the 14. so that's november 14. so that's two weeks so the goal is to be back and rob with second sense will be the auctioneer for that auction if for some reason we can't get back then patience and christian will be there at the uh auction as well i know tammy's gonna be there just a few of the employees and so the goal is to be there and other people have said well you're having this auction are you getting pushed out uh real paranormal broadcast usa my channel two dollars you're so funny i love your video thank you so much appreciate it appreciate it uh they said are you getting pushed out of the building no we're not pushed out of the building yet court to figure out what's going on with the building that is may 10th so 2021 yeah so the liquidation auction is something that we do every fall and every spring so what that is is to get rid of items so i can keep buying put more in so there's things that we sell online as far as ebay those are the highest dollar items that we can find in our and a lot of times we put like patients just told me she's like you told me to throw this away this is 150 base i'm like oh yep sorry and she's like hey this thing was just on the on the floor you know for on the warehouse for people to come in and tammy had 50 cents on it it's worth 500. i'm like oops sorry and so you know those things slip they do you can't you can't keep your eye on all of them but there will be an option and guarantee you there will be hails of great deals for you guys if you guys are resellers yeah it would be a perfect opportunity so then everybody wants to know okay you're having an auction how are you going to get everything that you buy in florida up to ohio and the answer is we're not that would not make any sense whatsoever that would be a bad business plan to go oh we're going to florida and we're going to bring it all back up to ohio that's not anywhere near the plan kaufman 0-1 5 my mom is very wise she has always encouraged me to buy land she says uh god only made so much buy what you can i absolutely agree one thing god stopped making is land thanks so i think uh cut fam is joy the one that makes oh yeah very cool so we're not going to florida to bring everything back home to ohio we're going to florida think of it this way we have a business in ohio and there will be a business in florida so we're pretty much expanding so it's pretty it's what the hills is so then they go okay what's going on with patients and christians so what's going on with patients and christian they're going to stay behind and run the ohio business for us a lot of a lot of you are wondering well are you guys going to send patients and christians to storage auctions for you in your presence and the answer is no we have so much inventory that that'll keep them busy for the entire winter for them to take pictures and list and upload on ebay so basically they're selling yeah so they'll be selling for us primarily up here they'll be making sure that they um list sell package and and ship and shipping which they're the ones that do that already so if you're if you're buying anything from the what the hell's ebay uh store that is all patience and christian and so we we're we're pretty much hands off on that that's all patience and christian and the other thing is um they know that if i need them down in florida at any time that i may i may at some point go hey i need you down in florida to film for this or for this they know that they could be called to go down to florida and i guarantee you they're not going to complain uh they're like when can we get there so the crazy thing you guys are gonna see him in the caving video that's released tomorrow and they and i i say this to him every day i was like can you guys believe you get paid for this and they're like no no we can't they're like they're like we go home and people ask us what'd you do at work today and they're like our boss made us do a shopping cart race down the ramp they're like that's your boss yeah we get paid for that uh kaufman 01 sent five dollars yep that was me but it's cut fam that's what i said more or less okay that was me well you have a p.o box in florida we will not have a po box in florida everything will be forwarded so the for the everything in the po box will just get forwarded down so we'll maintain the po box here in ohio so christian and patience will will keep everything running up here real paranormal broadcast usa my channel five dollars have 500 hockey player cards different stats and canadian boxing statuses cool sounds must be a collector sounds like a collector yeah so we'll have northern branch and and we will start branching out into a southern branch and then what our goal is our original goal is we were going to be in the camper and we're going to travel all around the united states and obviously with georgia's health with the cancer all of that got twisted and turned yeah and so now the best thing for for georgia's health is make sure that she's in a warm area year round and in one location not all over the world because i do need i do need to be close to we'll figure out all over there i am a doctor i am dr jay i am not calling you dr j it's nurse jeremy that's weird because when the cameras are off you never stop calling me dr j oh is that right dr james so yeah so that maybe maybe in the future the plan would be to hop in the camper and just travel state to state and buy a storage unit in every state but with my health right now it's just not a smart move so that that goal is right now on the back burner now the other question is well what if you're needed up in ohio so what if what if rob and conkey and storage legends all text us and they go you have to be up here it's january 2021 there is the biggest and the best auction ever jeremy you cannot miss this we're gonna be less than an hour away from an airport airfare is very cheap we'll fly back up we'll be here in the heart hold a second you can fly back up and go to storage auction in the cold and in the winter i'll just stay down in florida you got to run the southern the southern branch obs picture 4.99 should you take a detour end up uh uh end of the world okay the outer banks hit me up we're talking about it we'd like to eric we're definitely part of what we want to do he isn't eric like three minutes away from the beach yeah not far at all yeah leonard just sent 499 from bruce and vicki and arizona you two make our retired life better thank you so much thanks guys hopefully hopefully we can get storage legends second sense flipping adventure clear thrifts so that bath and gym yeah that's one of so one of the ideas and i understand it's probably contradictory to you know mainstream thought in our culture and our world but we've actually been able to build a healthy community of storage unit buyers and and honestly youtubers at the same time so you've got this great group of storage unit buyers and auction goers and youtube video content creators and so one of the things that we want to do is try and and create a space where they can all come together fast ed just sent two dollars i'd like to buy pipe tobacco how do i contact you i don't know that we have any pipe tobacco but you can always contact us you just did you just did oh what the hell's at yahoo.com fast ed you have our email i think he's purchased probably just email us or you could check out our ebay store our ebay store name is what the hails dill hole just said get a milwaukee heated jacket so warm i have three of them i have actually seen those and i've thought about that but instead we decided buy a place in florida rather just go somewhere where it's 70 degrees yeah that way you don't have to mess around with anything yeah that person 59 because i can't read iranians 59 dollars thank you so much appreciate it so our goal is to actually get a large enough space and obviously prices is a concern we need to we need to keep expenses down but having a large enough space for for individuals to come together whether that's george george clear thrifts whether it's ventures with you name it with the hudson's you name it they come down so that they can come down to the auctions if they wanted to come down to the auctions and continue to provide good content for for uh youtube viewers and the family on youtube as well and then with the with the goal in kelly's island really the goal in kelly's island is to find a place where again people can come together but then the kelly's island is pristine for the asmr channel and so that's just just perfect to create a place there to be able to film the asmr i mean you could get 20 asmr videos within a day easily it's just so gorgeous and so beautiful so it's nice to be able to build a community but that's one of the things that i've told george from the beginning i was like i wish there was a community of youtubers who you could talk youtube with generate goals with youtube grow with each other you know just sharpen each other to grow with each other with youtube and and we've somewhat we've created that i mean it's not there's no means perfect but nobody knows everything so but if you can keep coming together what happens is you bring those people together and more ideas spur up and more ideas spur up and more ideas spur up so i really i blame conkey's flipping adventures for our what the asmr channel because it was conkey that was originally talking about asmr and and and he's like what do you think about this and what about that and he's like i got this idea and i got this idea and then we're talking about it so much i'm like i need to do something like that and then we were talking to dave sellers at camp patmos where i grew up at camp and we want to do a whole lot more with with the camp there as well as far as as far as uh well we'll get more of that in the upcoming year but but uh talking to dave about doing asmr and then talking to your brother george george just said oh yeah blame me that was easy it was easy to blame him and then finally it was just like why am i not doing this why why are we not doing this this is the greatest need for our viewers so that would be a great thing for viewers as well 2.99 from you want to say it she said i sent five to your florida how do you know how'd you know grammy you don't mess around she's like there will be five pounds when you get there so what george has done george has had kind of centralized where she has an idea we have a general idea of where i'd like to be we have a couple things that that are that are absolutes we want to be an hour or less away from an airplane or an airport we can go to the airport get back up to cleveland get home to worcester at any point in time yes so that that is number one so when we narrow down the location airport proximity we've also narrowed down the location as far as proximity to the actual and this is one of the things with hurricanes going on we don't know much about the hurricane because we don't have news but people are going aren't you scared you know with hurricanes and the other season no i mean you could be scared of anything i could be scared of the snow right now i could be scared of the sun i could be scared of you could be scared of anything if you live your entire life in fear you'll never get anything accomplished so you you take you take just like in storage units you take calculated risk you figure it out you do things wisely and you'll be fine so uh that is not an issue for us as far as hurricanes nor are we looking in a high hurricane traffic area anyway but uh proximity to the ocean and proximity to the side of the ocean and then we're looking at prices of land we obviously are going to gravitate towards lower price per acre versus higher price per acre right and we're looking at space so we will gravitate towards more acreage more bang for the buck versus you know closer to the ocean or but as long as we're at least an hour away from the airport so that we can get to ohio to ohio uh real quick if we need to so we do have some some guidelines in there devil just said no matter where you go i'll be right there thank you so much appreciate it have a general idea the goal is to just get there and physically see it ourselves figure out the only reason why we haven't yet is because kovad wouldn't let us get down there yes this is a process that we we shared with you guys before right and we were already this is something that was discussed back earlier in the year and and now is finally the time to where we can get down there if if there was a good time actually it's probably not the best time to do it but it would have been nice to have this all set up beforehand but um this is the time that it's going to be more or less right yes so i think now is the perfect time do you get our vote on get our vote on and then the road get our road on exactly our road trip on so how many properties are we going to view down there as many as we can how many have you saved so far because i don't even know what we're looking at i have no idea i stay up all night i've showed you a couple i stay up all my editing video i have no idea what's going on he has an idea of what it looks like on the map thank you darian way five dollars george i'm george as well my dad grandfather uncle also no see more georges see i'm not the only one that's the hails of a whole lot more george her name is georgiana georgiana georgiana i bet i could write a song to that you think i could do that so we're headed to florida really in the big spectrum of things nothing is going to change uh everything will be the same as far as ebay selling and we will still be functioning you know out of ohio but that's the whole goal when you're unemployed if you're an entrepreneur your goal is you work to hand it off to somebody else to have them do the work so that you can go live life that's the goal of an entrepreneur that's what your goal is you make passive income so you can go live life and so we're handing it off and then going to go try and live life but still create another branch if anything you're probably going to get better videos especially with all the messages of them telling us where all the coin pushers are in florida it's like they're totally not see the gasoline gas stations addresses of the gas stations frank chapman sent five dollars take me with you with you so yeah i mean we have floridians literally reaching out to us and saying hey there's a coin pusher here here here here here here here here here here here here i will make time so they uh they're pretty adamant about us doing coin pushing videos which we'll have to get down there and establish before we can stretch out and do that but david foster ten dollars hey guys hope you're doing well thank you so much thank you steve we appreciate it so we'll get down there we will then come back up we'll have the auction at the warehouse will load up either trailer or the camper depending on what we actually buy we'll load up we'll take down necessities the chicken chickens will be coming as well and then the big thing that uh everybody's probably thinking is well how are you going to furnish a house you're going to get to see it all on youtube because we're going to have an empty place uh george will have her own place i'll have my own place and then we'll have to furnish the entire places yeah i'm going to put a line down the h you know i get i get the basement you get the attic guest house on the first floor i get the attic yeah not the crawl space no you know what you can have crawl space now that you mention it so i really wanted that we'll have to the goal is going to be to furnish the entire place with storage units it's going to be fun take what we need but then furnish everything it'll be it'll be great it'll be fun and then uh you guys will get to see it so you'll get to see the properties that we're looking at and then you'll get to see once we get down there how are we going to furnish it well it's all going to be storage units we we got a sneaky suspicion that we may hit some of our our best units ever that's the goal jk says oh no decorating with what the hell is coming to youtube it will be or we could just bail all out you know what i would leave it all to debbie and jay instead of putting all the elvis stuff that the subscribers and super fans are sending creating us an individual room of just elvis stuff up on the wall just 100 elvis stuff yeah what do you think um all the egyptian articles and all the elvis stuff that our subscribers are sending i think you're a little crazy have like one room dedicated for all the decorations put stuff up in shadow boxes and on shelves i think you're a little crazy all in all we'll try and get you videos out amanda just sent two dollars fort myers florida is perfect for you i i agree santa bell island we were there last december we saw the manatees costa living is not is not the uh it's not the area that we want in regards to cost of living yeah we definitely will be there for auctions so that's one of the areas that will definitely be hitting up for auctions but uh we want we want much wider spacers than fort myers we want we want acres as many acres as possible dill hole just sent 279. uh what is a bear with no teeth it's a gummy bear that's actually a good one and we want gators and no i am not joking i want to wrestle gators you also want hogs you want turtles i like doodles you want giant pythons yeah weight deer lots of lots of wildlife right as much as possible yeah those i think those would make fun videos to share with everyone well all of our videos are pretty much fun right and they want to know are you leaving because of your landlord in the warehouse no hail's no it has nothing to do with her whatsoever this was something disgusting nothing to do with her what's wrong we met right ashley just said buck 99 thank you so much ashley thanks nothing to do with those circumstances it has nothing to do with that at all iris just sent five dollars thank you iris has nothing to do with that it would have been the same no matter what this was always part of the goal is to get get south get out of the winters and um that says jeremy could be the new tiger king down there gatorking the new gator king gator king i hear they have panthers and you know all kinds of cool stuff oh it says don't touch turtles on beaches in florida it's illegal bonnie miller said that i don't touch totals he just likes them all right so that's that's the news make sure you put our upcoming auction november 14th marketing second cents at the warehouse put it on your calendars uh it there is a whole post on the what the hell's facebook page about it and also all of those who have been helping us uh post and report the copyright infringement the stolen videos my goodness what a huge help the intellectual property what did huge help yeah i can't even i can't even begin to tell you how tired i've been this week pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing and uh even to the point we we went up to your parents today and i didn't tell you this yet because you were already asleep i was falling asleep at the wheel on the way back home so she's usually sleeping anyway so i was falling asleep and i was like my goodness i'm so exhausted and that's it's it's youtube it's it's putting out videos recording and editing and and it's non-stop around the clock and the the amount of help that is when you guys report videos so i know uh rain has been reporting a ton of videos jk has been reporting a ton of videos a lot of you have been reporting a ton of videos and every single video that you report and get facebook to take down that is a huge huge help especially in the aspect of i just can't i can't fight all the i can't it's literally one thief with hundreds of pages but i can't fight all the theft and put videos out at the same time is there's just not enough time you just can't do it so all of that help is so appreciated we truly we truly mean it thank you so much you guys moving forward as an army and getting this stuff taken down it's huge are hail's troops the hales troopers the bears troopers it's 1003. a lot of you are wondering are you guys gonna have an auction tonight of course we are we probably won't have an auction next week no we won't have an auction next sunday probably most likely not the following sunday either so um with this particular auction since the goal is to be on the road by tuesday if you guys pay tomorrow i should be able to ship and get it uh packaged and shipped out to you tomorrow but if you pay after tuesday you're going to have to wait until potentially two weeks or more so the sooner you pay for your lots the sooner i can package it and get it shipped out to you guys before we leave on tuesday so just keep that in mind anybody who bids tonight you want to make sure you pay are you going to get invoices out tonight as a added bonus you really should she will get invoices out tonight i will make sure she does even though she's not gonna want to thank you kim appreciate it she'll get invoices out tonight because you need to pay early tomorrow or tonight so she can package it and get it out on monday because tuesday morning we're out of here well you don't even know how long you're going to be standing in lines for the polls for tuesday morning we're out of here what time do you plan on going to the polls tuesday morning we're out of here we are out of here so if you if you purchase a lot tonight and then you pay tuesday morning you're gonna and we're gone for two to three weeks on the road you're gonna have to wait and so keep that in mind as you're bidding tonight okay all right it's all you all right if this is your first live auction and you're not sure how our bulk auctions work you don't need to register you just put your bids in the chat you also want to make sure that you are in live chat and not top chat super important here because then everyone at home along with us sees the chat as it goes in real time top chat will just mix everything around so if you want to bid on a unit and you want to make sure that um you're you're following the chat make sure you're live um all bids start at 25 there's a 25 minimum bid with free shipping within the us shipping to other countries you will have to pay additional shipping fees based on the weight dimensions and your location in the world make sure that you know your customs laws and your import fees if you do live in a different country outside of the us um i will send paypal invoices to whoever is the highest thank you so much for that super hot dog margaret that was delicious assuming that i'll have energy after the auction i will try and get the paypal invoices she will get the invoices out tonight i will not let her usually she crashes immediately ain't happening tonight we are getting on the road first thing tuesday morning it's snowing in ohio she's already going once i send the paypal invoices if you don't have a paypal account that's okay you can sign up as a guest and then pay with either your banking info your debit card your credit card or your paypal balance susan because um our auction style is minute to win it so once jeremy says go he'll put up a timer for a minute you have one minute to put your bids in the chat and then the highest bidder to put in their chat before that minute is up and our sold moderator flipping adventures puts sold in the chat would be the highest bidder any bits that come in after a flipping adventure says sold unfortunately does not count which is important why you're in live chat um if you are the highest bidder on a lot tonight make sure you send us our your contact information immediately after the bid to what the hell's yahoo.com jeremy here dr hales nurse jeremy dr j will remind you where to send your information to and what to send if you are the runner up and you want to be considered as the backup bidder you can email us your information as well dr j nurse jeremy dr jay will remind you what to send as well all right we'll see we'll see if i'm going to be your doctor anymore everything is sold as you literally were just asking me am i just sick again are you talking with me i asked them if i had to get if i have to get surgery again and what was my answer well you take care of me and you're like i gotta think about it about it you very funny jedi keep calling me nurse jeremy and we are both know what the answer is gonna be everything is sold as is with no guarantees no returns we auction things off to you as we find them in the storage unit we like to bulk things up and sell it to you in bulk so if you're a collector this is perfect for you if you're a reseller this is perfect for you or if you want to start early christmas shopping christmas is a month away isn't that crazy today's the first november first wow and we had to rewind adam sent two dollars sign the shirt and the sweater behind you and sell it this is like the only original you have left isn't it yeah listen guys these were these were i had these customers original prints these were original custom made and i had them made and shipped and we were selling them from my place and now we don't do that anymore everything has a is a third everything is drop shipping so if you look down below your video there's a whole area where you can buy stuff so there is this is an original this is like so we're keeping those that's like gonna be worth a lot of money yeah like never but we're keeping it anyway david foster sent five dollars he says george a male nurse is a merc which is not what i am i'm dr j all right let's do a practice if this is your first live uh auction we could do a practice run so you kind of get an idea of how this works you're ready to do this yeah are you sure yes you're positive uh-huh that's what you want to practice with yeah do you should i not all right you can practice with that or should i use yours you're grown you can practice with anything this is the original that is the original so just said dr j you leave me in stitches nice dad joke that's really good he's he's got some good things he's like the king of dad jokes all right this is gonna be practice we are gonna practice this is the original fist for the fist pumps that we give that is you can even put the original fist even holds a drink susan just sent a dollar thank you so much boom that's i guess you could say that's the original but uh not getting too far with that one okay so remember everything is as is no guarantees and this is just pretend this is this is pretend this is not a real real item up for auction right now this is just practice so everybody understands minute to win it once the clock starts you can put your bids in bidding starts at one second jesse s13 499 just want to say thank you for keeping politics out of your videos we provide much relief from that world that surrounds us thank you thank you jesse bam appreciate it this is practice so you understand the minute to win it and everything starts at 25 dollars has free shipping in the united states and additional shipping outside the united states you got a bid fast you got a bit furious because wait addicted to picking sent five dollars you guys are awesome and the kindness you have shared with others thank you we appreciate it addicted to picking you you only have one minute to win it let's go maybe maybe yeah there we go all right you are fake bidding on the original fist pump hallelujah is multiplies the net 60. kevin is now 77 i'm seeing alligators i'm seeing chickens i'm seeing gummy bears more gummy bears look at all these veins looks just like mine molded after my own baby alligators a 1 billion dollars ghostbusters another trillion dollars egyptians uh one's enough trust me i can't take any more egyptians would you stop leave my orifices alone my goodness we're on camera and 27 gallons of ketchup 18 seconds to go a five acre something a 1943 copper penny some tiddly winks i mean you name it ar15 40 forgivenesses what did i do to need 40 forgivenesses and first thing that you would think about taking care of me listen you asked i answered all right now we're waiting for flipping adventures to say sold which she just did uh what do you think what do you think we should accept as the 60 forgivenesses 60 forgivenesses i don't even know what 40 forgivenesses was oh my goodness you're in a mood tonight okay marlene says i cannot bid in the comment marlene just like you typed that comment you're gonna bid in the chat yeah the same way you just bid that or the same way you commented that's how you you'll comment all right george is gonna go ahead and get our first item i think she got extra lots for you guys tonight since she won't uh have an auction next sunday because we're in florida now i encouraged her i'll keep it the same i guess she doesn't have extra lots for you um i told her to go ahead and take some stuff in the back of the truck for next sunday so now she's saying she's going to take him you know what who the hell knows what she's going to do next sunday you'll be surprised just like i will be you'll be surprised just like i'll be you know what keep it up and i'm gonna auction off the chicken keep it up and i'm gonna auction off you over 15 pounds this is a second chance lot of your favorite did somebody say that was so funny 15 pounds of shells i wonder if we can meet him again are we going to make a pit stop to santa bell i think being that close to sanibel i'll be there as much as i possibly can maybe we'll see him at the we gotta go see that we know where he works we gotta go see the drapers again we absolutely have to go see draper mr draper we gotta go see myers area we have to go see flipping adventures we've got to go meet her for sure yes we have so many florida fans we're definitely going to stop and see rev and nikki t yeah i want to stop and see rev and nikki t but one of the things i told george is i i want to i want to drive through georgia on a sunday because i actually want to go i want to go to the port it's portsdale right it's portsdale baptist church i want to go i want to go to uh worship on sunday with them to church on sunday i think that'd be fun too i'm sure we'll get there before then but here's colorful look at all those shells that's a lot of shells over 15 pounds of shells and then what did we say these were trivets uh probably like shell trivets or shell you know they could be like placemats like little little placemats or coasters probably probably more like coasters i don't know if it would work well with a hot pot that i just ride hot pot did i just rhyme yeah like i do all the time you're good at that flipping adventure said i thought those were shell hot pads yeah they could be hot pads and then here's this clam shell which looks very similar to your soap dish it probably is the other half of my soap dish where'd you find it oh was that from a unit or was it in the house oh so it's not the other half of my soap dish did you sell my soap dish as well did you put my soap dish in there no i didn't usually she would pull something like that i always ask you first and you're like yeah sure i don't care yeah i always tell her that and then i give her a hard time afterwards fast ed just sent five dollars you guys should treasure hunt and saint augustine would plan on treasure hunting all over florida unless we get there zane augustine's supposed to have incredible christmas lighting oh yeah still hold just on 6.99 says we decided to remove my racing snail shell make him go faster but if anything it just made him more sluggish he's got the dad jokes tonight i wonder if he's in the hot tub dad joking it up probably like all right let's dad joke it up all right this is the shelling this is the did somebody say lot and everything is as is no guarantees no returns 25 the starting bid that's with free shipping in the united states you're welcome to bid if you're outside of the united states that being said there will be additional shipping fees for outside the united states you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because did somebody bid on you only have one minute to win it let's go come on come on flip on me money cycle sent two dollars and said cool thank you so much thank you thank you this is the shelling lot all right i see debbie is in that 35. patricia's in at 38. and 38 is high bid right now i see a 27. 40 carolyn is in that 40 40 now wayne murray is now at 50. wayne murray is a high bidder right now 50. ian's number one mom is now at 50 as well roger ward confirm your bid roger ward confirm your bid i'm not going to accept it until you confirm your bid mike carmack would be high bid right now 53. mike carmack mike carmax at 53 v saw is that 60. all right cocky go ahead and uh block roger ward just go ahead and block him you can just get him out of there all together visa is at 60. ian's number one mom is at 75. 75. ian's number one mom is at 75. and let's see what happens here ian's number one mom of 75 is number one mama 75 and and ian's number one mom at 75. george you know we were gonna need that to decorate the new house in florida no because george you know we needed that stuff for the place in kelly's island right no good job here's what you need to do here's what you need to do you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address the lot that you purchased so the lot and your bid amount which i believe was 75 believe it was 75 or 7 70 maybe or 75 it was 75 ian's number one mom so you want to send that all to what the hell's that yahoo.com right there and then backupbidder was visa as no backup bidder was harper harp at 70. harper's heartbeat 70 you can send all the same information right there whatever's at yahoo.com if for some reason we don't receive any emails tonight regards to the items what will happen is those items will go back up to bid yep make sure you guys immediate uh email our your info immediately after each lot and then now would be a good time to refresh and make sure you're in live chat and i'm looking right now we got a million messages that came through million messages okay um we will check your messages and um i'll i'll do that george while you are showing the next lot is this a mickey the next slide is a clockwise okay i'm gonna give you full screen so here's a volvo watch these are fun to listen package and then here's like a maestro clock and then here is a beautiful crystal steger clock wow this piece comes out and that's where the the battery goes rob lindsey sent us a message saying he sent us a picture of elvis and he had dinner yep rob we we absolutely received that and we shared that on one of the live streams that was really really cool and the whole story that was awesome this is a porcelain toilet seat clock that is amazing okay ian's number one mom just messaged us on the shell lot so we're all good to go there and then donna she will get the invoice out tonight i promise you and we got oh man they just they sent us a million messages tonight on on once we said we were leaving given a thomas where oh if you guys are into pool this is a cute pool clock this one's heavy that one is really cool though here's a sterling and noble clock here is a seth thomas made in the us clock now none of these are guaranteed have we tested any of these i've tested a couple um like this one works this one works the toilet seat works this one works i haven't tested this one the pool works and then this is a realistic radio weather radio this one works i tested that oh that one is really cool these are i remember finding them because they're going for 30 to 40 bucks yeah i remember finding that one and then there's a cute little maybe kittens in a basket you never have enough caps right a total of 10 clocks in this lot and that's it all right we got oops i i pulled you out for some reason here we go let me put you back in and bam there we go that one that one looks awesome all right remember everything is as is no guarantees and uh nothing has been authenticated and the reason why i would say that that bulova uh we haven't authenticated although i don't know that they would actually try and put out a fake fake i guess they would fake just about anything but uh obviously a great name brand there great great name brand but we haven't looked at anything as far as authenticating or whether it even be a mix mickey where was the mickey you did have a mickey one right at any rate this is the clock you're thinking of the mickey telephone oh i didn't see a mickey no uh i guess i thought the back of that thing was a mickey we do have a bunch of mickey stuff just it isn't this so that being said don't listen to me that one's right there you know what i think it's time to go the toilet seat that is awesome all right you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go clock lock 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states free shipping in the united states additional shipping outside the united states we got melba and f40 we got sarah at 40. we got deborah in at 30. fred freer is now 65 65 high bidder daniel reed is now 75. tim welter is now at 100. 100 is i bid wayne murray came in 100 as well susan came in at 100 there are 300s right now harper harper's now 150 put the gauntlet down put the gauntlet down at 150. harper harp 150 is the high bid right now i see bids coming in anywhere and everywhere right now we've got 105 120 105 another 125 150 with harper tarp is the high bid sean's coming in at 101. nice nice deborah's not 155 denver's win at 155 fred for years out 155 is the high bid 155 is the high bid cecilla is coming in at 151. harper's office at 170. sean came in at 151. harper's harbor is now at 170. now we're just waiting to see what happens let's see what happens we still have hardware's argument 170 and so harper's harp nice all right harper's harp here's what you're going to do you're going to send your name your youtube name your real name your shipping address the clock the clock lot and your bid which i believe was 170. and you're going to send that right there what the hell is that yahoo.com we need you to do that immediately just go ahead open the screen send that immediately so we know that we can get that invoice to you tonight because remember we are going to florida we do not know how long we'll be there before we get back and we want to make sure we can get this out in the mail to you tomorrow okay and then back up harper's harp was at 170 and back up would be was it cecilia was it sean maybe wait hold a second deborah was at 155. debra your backup bidder at 155 you can send all your information as well right there what the hell's that yahoo.com you know i was really thinking i didn't i didn't swing this one by you yet but uh i was thinking that while we were on the road in florida what we should really do is we should have put jk and debbie bond in charge of the entire channel had them uploaded i already asked debbie she said no she doesn't want to scare subscribers away debbie you know you're willed the channel with jk 50 50. you have to we we have to have people that understand our humor we have to unders we have to have people that carry on that get the humor understand jody would be a good one in there too that would be a good one appreciate the humor look at this so this one is like an assortment of bakery and like crazy bakery stuff here is a pyrex set debbie von just said what do you want me to do so cake mold of a rooster i'll give i'm going to give you full screen so my my idea was and i didn't bring it up to you yet is that jk and debbie vaughn would get together and post videos while we were gone and do live streams on sunday night and all kinds of crazy stuff like that i think they could have pulled it off just fine here's a wilton bell cake pan oh cocky just said harper's harp is backing out i did not two of them i did not look at that dog dogman guy already wants to buy the weather radio uh harper's harp is saying i didn't mean 170 i meant 117. all right let's go back to the radio who was the high bidder let me see if i got the let me see if i got the backup bid for the radios so backup bidder was i believe cecilia was at 151 i go find it again 151 151 deborah was at 155 so it'd be one wouldn't it be uh opera would be all right so debra deborah debra deborah you are deborah contorelli i know i just butchered that i apologize but deborah you are high bitter on the clock lot at 155 you can send all that information to george right there and then i believe cecilia is the backup bidder or would it be yeah cecilia you had your 151 in bid first before sean cecilia you are backup bidder on the clock lot as well if you want to send george uh a message right here if we don't get any messages it'll go back up on the auction block and we got debra so deborah you're good to go we got you george we'll get out your invoice tonight look at that awesome all of this stuff crazy cool stuff this is like a lot of people use this as decoration now they don't use it for for cooking anymore they use it as what do you call that right is it primitive primitive decorating here's a vintage nutcracker i remember this as a kid so here's like a vintage egg slicer or fruit slicer potato cutter so this looks like it's interchangeable you get the handle and then these pieces interchange so maybe these are cookie cutters i don't know does anybody do do you see the bar yeah you got the bar is anybody actually know what those are maybe a cookie cutter well i was thinking cookie cutter too but then i thought why would you need that bar you know what i mean and it screws in and out all right they're saying uh pancake or waffles or rosettes i'm not sure what that is those are those are for rosettes you know what rosettes are it's a rosette iron branding irons for pizzles they're cookie oh pizzones uh that i don't know toilet a bill martin's a toilet on clogger okay a butter press yeah we we didn't look any of these things up yet the other says you get dough on the forms and then de-frame really okay so we're getting a million answers not sure what's right and what's wrong but we are getting a million i mean i guess it's multi-multi-use they're saying waffle maker roses german cookies there is in the glass the milk glass there so like this pyrex show that chip i see a chip right there see that right there is that chip i didn't even see that let's show that okay there is is that pyrex this for sure is pyrex this isn't labeled all right so there is a chip in there a tiny chip they're saying definitely rosette iron which we don't know neither of us know what that one is we didn't look any of this stuff up yet but a lot of people the reason why we're putting it up is because a lot of people buy it for primitive decorating now so instead of using it they actually decorate a room and all of these primitives and pretty pretty cool stuff cassie says brain cars are your cows all right everything is as is no guarantees no returns 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you are now bidding on this kitchen primitives and go one minute to win it let's see what happens here concussing this is the kitchen lot this is the kitchen lot and mary says wait i still have that stuff in my kitchen all right the english rocker is coming in at 100 sarah's at 50. english rocker please confirm your bid at 100. we got 50s everywhere 50s everywhere nola just sent five dollars dipping batter dipping hot oil and fry thank you so much nola cecilia's in at 55. the ceo is in at 55 times in that 55. 100 bid freeze please confirm english rocker did confirm 100 20 seconds to go we're at english rocker at 100 that's free shipping in the united states we got bids all over the place english rockers still at 108 seconds to go eight seconds to go and english rockers in at 100 with one two wait yeah two is wrong all right so to the english rocker sold to the english rocker and then sean0413 would be the backup bid and they're saying they're for circus waffles all right english rocker here's what you're gonna do you have to send your youtube name real name shipping address you're gonna call it the kitchen lot and you're gonna go 100 bill right there what the hell's that yahoo.com please go ahead send that email right now so we have that all confirmed and then sean041371 you're the backup bid same thing youtube name real name shipping address the kitchen lock and your bid of 99 you can send it right there what the hell's yahoo.com george will get that invoice out tonight i'll do my best to make sure she does that even though there are no promises and and then we'll we'll try and get everything out to you tomorrow if payment comes soon enough just remember everybody if payment doesn't come soon enough we are getting on the road as soon as vote on tuesday morning and we're headed down to florida susan cooper thank you so much bam we appreciate that we truly appreciate that oh did somebody say belt buckles i believe somebody did my goodness my goodness look at all these belt buckles you know what i know how these guys love belt buckles so i'm just gonna this one is sealed so i don't have a date on it i'm just giving this one this one is probably my favorite you want to know why uh because there's like a knife on it that is so stinking and it even it even comes up how cool is that don't cut yourself that is cool so cool here's a fender belt buckle if there's dates on them i'll try and read them to you guys here's a john deere now this one is not a belt buckle it's a calendar it's a brass calendar back to 96. deborah george will send you the information tonight after the auction as far as paying and you will be able to pay with a card no problem there this one doesn't have a date but it does say made in the usa this one also made in the us here's a little bling bling blingingly blind bling bling dil says what does bread do after it's done baking loaf around this one has a 1988 date he's got the jokes red man and then this one has also a 1988 date red man here's a pew pew a brass pew pew here's a help me out this is 1979 it's a gas pump that's incredible you see it this one has a date of 1978. this one's really cute this one has a date of 1981 you got a hammer and a saw and a level a leveler back there so stinking cool a horse this one needs some tlc this belt buckle has a deer and it's it's made out of pewter here's some handcuffs these are made in the u.s you see these handcuffs those are pretty awesome there's a lion this looks like that door knocker so yeah that brass yeah i still have that at the warehouse i'm gonna hang it up on the front door when i can remember when there was one at the house a couple doors down yeah and you're making fun of me well they'll see that in the video this week this one this is a limited edition 162. and then the last one is veterans of foreign affairs this one's cool 20 belt buckles you guys you ready you ready all right some super cool belt buckles some of the coolest ones i've seen yet gas pumps pew pews it's just amazing the knife the knife one has to be the best one yeah that one's gonna be awesome this is the belt buckle lot remember everything is as is no guarantees no returns 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states if you're bidding outside the united states make sure you know your custom walls for example that knife belt buckle may not make it through they may confiscate so make sure you know exactly what your custom laws are and you gotta be fast you gotta be furious because i guarantee you somebody's gonna want this and you only got a minute to win it let's go looks like addicted addicted to picking us in at 50 carol hudson is now at 60 addicted to picking us out 70. midwest pickers at 75. marvel's at 75. midwest pickers currently high bidder at 75. i just saw a hundred dollar bid by somebody i see 100 bids everywhere i can't even keep up with all the bids i cannot keep up okay ian's number one mom is not 150. i saw bids everywhere there were 100 bids everywhere ian's number one mom is now 150. sean is now 188. i see 188 high bidder at 188. these guys know what belt buckles are worth they know ian's number one mom is now at 190. 20 seconds left number one nah ian's number one model is 190. 190 is i bid sean is now 202. 20 bid my goodness there are bids everywhere it's getting hard to keep up adam came in that 202. ian's mom is at 202 niche ladies now 210. mitchell aids at 210 jonathan parker's at 225 225 225's high bid right now 225 side bending i got a feeling there's going to be a lot of sniping niche ladies now 2 30 2 30 and carol came in at 2 40. whoa carol just got it wow nice job carol nice job all right carol man what is that girl houston that is carol houston what a super cool belt buckle lock my goodness this one is this one is awesome did you get that high of the bid like you did when i bit over 200 000 this week she went crazy she started shaking you'll see it in the video coming this week i mean she was shaking well you're not gonna be able to tell that i'm shaking well she was shaking i promise you she was literally like all right carol you're gonna send your youtube name real name even if they're the same you're shipping the address and the lot it's to be the belt buckle a lot and your bid of 240 to what the hell's yahoo.com and i believe niche lady you are back up bid at 2 30. bam you know what to do it's all right there oh you told me you were going to do this oh this will be interesting very very interesting george very very interesting she had an idea to come up with a whole new kind of law and she said this is going to be big this is going to be one of the biggest things on youtube and what i said yeah you did looks like over 15 pounds you said this is going to be bigger than 15 pounds and so far so far she's right it was bigger than 15 pounds interesting all right here we go sending it over to you solo layout this is the coca-cola lot so there's a total of nine of these trays they're all identical these trays are they're they're designed for memorabilia purposes taken from a 1925 advertisement coca-cola is a registered trademark and then this was printed in 1973. so they are so this is a repop dated 1973 if i can get it to focus but 1973 is right over here see that i see it now okay carol we just got your email on the belt buckle lot who was our high bidder on on um what was before the belt buckle before that was the bakery kitchen okay i do not think maybe we do not have anything on the bakery lot yet harper's harp or um english rocker that was english rocker we don't have anything on the bakery lot yet so there's a total of nine these i believe are going for 40 to 50 bucks a piece on ebay right now and then there's this coca-cola tray this one is also a repop from the 1921 advertisement also 1973. there's the date right there there's a double tray of coca-cola is that like a double rainbow double rainbow here's a coca-cola tin this is sealed this one has a date of 1997. what do you think's in there it's filled with old-fashioned double dipped caramel popcorn we should break it open it so i wouldn't recommend eating the popcorn but it is sealed dill just sent a super chat said the year i was born and then this is 1997. this is a coca-cola mug not to be confused with a jeremy mug completely and totally different mugs agree yep drive refreshed coca-cola sure we agree on that one and then two more items from this slot you get a it's a light purple coke hat it's almost like um tie dye doesn't that look like tie-dye to you like it does it looks like early tie-dye this still has the tag on it and then a coca-cola straw holder straws will come with it are those coca-cola straws no just regular straws and then when you open it up the oh it pulls it up yeah i see now you can start your own little coca-cola diner 92 this has a date of 92. and that's it that's it really that's it she's like and that's it and here's one more coca-cola thing and one more cook and you get coca-cola and you get coca-cola and everybody gets old coca-cola popcorn all right this is the coca-cola lot there's a lot in this lot no pun intended yeah 10 10 trees so you saw it all bit accordingly and uh understand that there's no guarantees we can't guarantee that anything is an original and what i'm talking about is the trades we even told you that uh the repops is that one an original or is that a repop they're all 73 okay all 1973 so bid accordingly in regards to that okay and then um just remember no returns either and 25 starting bid free shipping within the united states you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go me and this chick right here just having a little coat off to my right well to you it's your right to me it would be my right there are bids everywhere right now bids flying everywhere i see niche lady at 100 i see harry kearns at 200. i see christy at 150. i see sean at 202 ian's number one mom at 220 220 is ibid right now that i see 220 is high bid right now at ian's number one mom 220 20 seconds to go jk goes chick ll groovy man sean is at 222. cecil yeah came in at 200 but not enough sean is still at 222. ian's number one mom is at 224. albert moore is at 240 240. i'm seeing uh hugh loves farts don't we all don't we all of you don't we all and albert is still at 2 40. anna marie is at 2 45. anna marie got it 2 45. sean's backup bidder anna marie got a 245. wow wow and you still loves farts all right anne-marie here's what you're going to do anna marie you're going to send your youtube name your real name even if they are the same and you're going to send your shipping address as well you're going to say hey this was the coke lot i bid 245 you're going to send all that info bam right there what the hell is that yahoo right now yeah yells yahoo you're going to do that right now so that george can get that invoice out to you at the end of the evening i promise you i will push her to get that done well if they've bought from us before it should take two seconds because i already have them in the system if she doesn't get it done she's not going to florida all right so i will do everything i can to make sure she gets that done backup bidder anna marie was high bidder i believe backup better was albert moore albert you can do all that same stuff send it right there what the hell's and say hey i was back up bitter at 2 40 2 40. harry says man you got a great deal that was a good deal that is a really good deal and um we okay amanda has messaged us on the kitchen lot so we got amanda on the kitchen lot we're good there okay so we'll get that info in oh the handkerchief lot from the grandma unit that everybody has been waiting for that george promised would be this week there are so many handkerchiefs and again if you don't know what hank or just go for please please do your ebay research i'm just giving it away to george so many have messaged us begging us for this lot here we go a combination of handkerchiefs and table linen oh there's table linen in there too yeah rosie this is there's a couple doilies in here there were there were some with with stickers on them the stickiness on the stickers they just they were falling off as we were we were unboxing and sorting but i did the best i could to keep everything together best i could to keep it all together and there there is there's a couple that are stained like there's stain right here so if you're good at removing stains anna marie thanks for the email we got anna marie on the coke lot we're good to go there oh there's a scarf in here yeah i remember throwing that in there there's a scarf in here definitely a lot of these have definitely have some age to them now there are some used tanker chips so although that little boogie would be a bonus we're going to put a little bonus we won't charge you extra for the vintage boogies jk prefers those hankies with stains don't we all jk don't we all oh my gosh you guys are so ridiculous that reminds me did you throw my uh did you throw my clothes in the dryer yes thank you i told you i would i know but you forget everything but i never forget that well thank you for not forgetting you're welcome for thanking me i was editing well thank you for welcoming me for thanking you there are so many and there's a lot of neat patterns total vintage patterns look how cool that is little city cheryl clark no time soon all right so this uh a lot of people like handkerchiefs for the collectibility of handkerchiefs but the other thing that um they like is they actually they make quilts out of the handkerchiefs oh yeah so that here's 100 cotton made in the czechoslovakian so a lot of them have the the gold stickers i tried to keep as many of them together as i possibly could rosie says and i will enjoy them all rosie do you make do you make quilts out of them or do you just keep them as is let's see what rosie says because obviously she collects them we have so many people so many people wanting them yeah valerie says yep they make quilts with them and still hole said 6.99 how do you make a hanky dance you put a little boogie in it rosie just keeps them she doesn't make them into quilts she just keeps them so she that's she collects them that's one of the things we often tell our viewers is there is a collector for just about everything every horse everything horses there is a collector for just about everything yeah you're a collector of ghostbuster i'm a collector of elvis now did you ever think you were going to be an elvis collector never never never never ever never ever you didn't collect anything before when i met you you collected nothing i remember asking you do you collect anything and you went no makeup you remember telling me that no i don't collect makeup i'm telling you that's the conversation we had right i asked you no you are the girl no no not wrong girl you are the girl you told me if i collect any things makeup you told me at your house i can tell you the location the day the time down to the hour minute and second really please enlighten me i will after this is done i will you're just a schmuck oh really what's a schmuck you well you collect makeup so you don't collect makeup that's what you told me don't even get me started oh it's too late she started now she told me she collected makeup that's what she told me that's what she said she collected makeup giving it back to you so awkward transition what don't you collect okay now you collect my nail trimmings my lost hairs my already chewed gum what else i don't collect any of those things yes you do you're making a voodoo doll out of me and you know you are ow i'll get your fingers out of my armpits all right mary hill just sent 99 cents thank you so much mary we appreciate it we appreciate it and we hope you enjoy this entertainment as you look at all of these handkerchiefs now to take me off the screen so i can attack george's armpits again this is made in switzerland uh that's a switzerland one i uh karen oh 19 says i have a few ghostbuster things if you would like them i would love them send me a message at what the hell's at yahoo.com there's a ton of these sets it comes in purple pink orange do you think we're good to just go ahead and auction this off or are you gonna show every single one well i'm almost done all right well if you're almost done dill hole says you don't need makeup i don't wear a whole lot of makeup that's why i'm like what i don't collect makeup look at this that's cool that's really cool all right how are we doing we do we good to go i'm not hungry right now sweetheart knuckle sandwich this looks like a tablecloth you want me to give you the big screen again i'm almost done and then here's the doilies doilies and then should i throw these in yeah that's what i put them in the box for but this is this has nothing to do with they're for they're for um knitting knitting but i thought whoever bought the would get a bonus knitting no i thought i thought whoever was going to buy the hanger chest was going to do it for quilting so i throw those in because most quilters knit as well so i went well this might go together okay all right there's the lot there is a lot of stuff in this live over eight pounds over eight pounds of handkerchiefs and we're even throwing in a few knitting uh same unit actually i'm gonna take these right now because george might try and stab me with them but these will be in the lot i promise you that okay so that being said everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got a bit fast you got a bit furious remember 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states gow here we go here we go this should be interesting shirley possibly says hey kids hey shirley wise world wants to know shipping to canada we have no idea we will not know until we package it all right we got 150 bid from i lost it already there's 150 bid up there putting the gauntlet down from the get-go from the get-go we've got 150 bid i will find it i will find it it was probably patricia patricia helm we got 150 bid from patricia rosie is now at 151 churchill's 150 and rosie is 151. see russell's now 180 is high bid 180 is thy bid but you came in with a strong 150 roses with a 151 and now see russell's at 180. she's a peach came in at 160 not beating the 180. let's see what happens here five seconds to go five seconds to go 180 still the high bid c russell's at 180. 180. and pitchers is not 190. pitchers is not 190 hybid is 190. she's the peaches at 181. i'm 190 to patricia wow 190 to patricia these were in the grandma unit that we bought out in avon lake where we found all the jewelry and the the cherry bedroom suite which will sell for 500 easily at a minimum that was just incredible all right patricia that was awesome that was awesome goodbye patricia here's what you're going to do you're going to send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same your shipping address the lot we'll just call it the handkerchief lot and you're going to send your bid amount of 190 right there to what the hails at yahoo.com we need you to send that email right away so we can confirm that you are all set as the buyer and new owner george will get that invoice sent out to you and then uh she'll get that shipped out to you again tomorrow that's the goal we got to get this done as soon as possible because tuesday morning we get on the road we will be on the road traveling to florida and backup bidder was i believe i'm gonna see if i can figure it out so it's probably she's a peach at 181 i believe she's a peach you are back up better at 181 all the same information fam right there to what the hails at yahoo.com all right that was that was a hails of a lot i'm going to give these back to you to go into the handkerchief lot if you promise not to stab me with them why would i do that get away why would i do that we got business to do here put those away next slide is the christmas lot these are cute little wooden ornaments all right i'm gonna give you full screen looks like there's 48 wooden pieces look how cute these are that is cute that one kind of looks like the voodoo doll i started of you nice you know i'm gonna have to start recording when you tell me the stuff dear journal george because of you dude and then this is a using hair and leaving clippings in the garbage can these are porcelain ornaments there's just you know what that's from you brought these yeah but do you know what that's from that's actually oh this is a bell is this from the 1700 unit that i believe so i don't remember but that's a year without a santa claus maybe i forget this guy no the dentist he wants to be a dentist you just had him in your hand oh or maybe it's rudolph you don't remember watching that stop-motion uh christmas it's you know what it is it's rudolph the red-nosed reindeer that's the christmas story it's and that's yukon yukon cornelius oh he's a prospector always looking for gold and he puts his pitch his pitchfork and everything and he goes oh nothing he's the dentist smiley faces this this is one of the best ones ever smell that bucket really quick oh yeah now that i see him i remember now you remember the island of misfit toys yes audrey island and misfit toys 2004. spell the bucket smoker no smoke no smoke okay does not smell like smoke that's what i wanted to do to see if it smelled like smoke island of misfit toys helen we won't be gone from youtube we will still be doing auctions i think the the christmas movie is rudolph and you got all the super there's rudolph is such a good one and rudolph jumps up in the air she thinks i'm cute there's a misfit toy there's an uh double dog just started and my george just heard it and there's a misfit toy such cool ornaments here's a glass ornament of an angel patricia said just tried to email it bounced back patricia make sure you email exactly the way it is on the screen what the hails at yahoo.com should not bounce back yeah if it bounces that means you mistyped it if it bounces back it means you've mistyped it so these are really cool these are um christmas uh music boxes so you open it up needs new batteries huh oh oh there you go is that christmas bells yeah ring so there's one here's another one these are so cool i remember finding these i just can't remember which lot now and i remember bringing them home for you so that's okay so when it closes it stops playing so it's an ornament that you can hang on the tree and it's a music box it's really cool there are quite a few of them so this is an egg and then when you open it fk burma said burl eyes did the narration on that movie yup sure did that was him he was the snowman here's another music box gotta twist that one again it's an ornament you can hang it on the tree such a cool mix of christmas christmas is literally right around the corner right around the corner right around the corner so wild there's some mini stockings do you have a christmas list yet uh-huh what do you want for christmas to go to florida did you share that with you now yeah to go to florida can we discuss it later no now seems the best time oh yeah yeah can you think of a better time these look like you set them on the shelf this one he broke off do you think his leg goes back in it needs to be glued on oh glues oh yeah he did definitely break off look you like frogs maybe this one is the tag baby little angel here's a nativity set when you guys find nativity sets make sure you price them on ebay some nativity sets can sell for thousands and that's it that's it yeah that's the hills of an awesome lot oh this too oh oh it's a little santa bucket okay all right it's she said it's a bucket so if you want a bucket you got a bid fast you got a bit furious remember 25 starting fit everything is is no guarantees we try and represent everything the best that we possibly can there are some really cool little things in this lot and big things i think the music the music the music boxes ornament music boxes alone are awesome but i think the coolest thing this is just me because we we deal with memories is the rudolph the red nosed reindeer yeah that's pretty cool they want to know do you use bubble wrap absolutely what it is all right got a bit fast gotta be furious you only have one minute two wait let's go let's go here we go bidding starts now come on come on come on there we go all right we got melba and f40 we got sarah 80. 80's high bid right now we got iggy is at 100. uh somebody was at 145. daniel was not under 45 assault 145 i see bids everywhere i see bids everywhere rosie is 125. i sold so daniel was at 145. we've got bids everywhere albert is now 160. albert's at 160. shawn's at 150. airbreed is at 125. rosie's at 160. uh daniel's not 175. daniel reed is not 175 and he's at 165. daniel's at 175. daniel's high bid at 175 patricia is not 180. hybid right now is 180 ever gave me that 180 as well visa is not 199. he is 190s live in we got bids left right up down all around town don't mess around you got a high bid right now rosie is at 191. albert is now 200 bid is at 200 200. 200 patricia is not 200 diane says you missed the 300 if we missed a 300 i didn't see it when i said go so high bid is albert moore albert moore let me see if there's a 300 in there before i go they're saying i missed the 300 missed the 300. let's see what we got here not seeing it not seeing it not seeing it not seeing it i see a 300 in there but that was before i said go so it is it doesn't count i didn't say go that was well before i said go so high bidder is albert moore albert moore nice job albert moore albert moore for 200. albert you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address you're gonna send a lot it is the christmas lot and then the amount two hundred dollars right there what the hell's yahoo.com we need to send that email immediately send that right over make sure you spell it all the correct way backup bidder would be patricia stevens you were at 200 as well you were the second bid at 200 patricia sent all the same information right there you'll be back up bitter please go ahead and send that email right now and we'll know to move forward all right let's see well you got another lot going on vintage cameras here we go patricia messaged us on the hanky lot we're all good to go there and shirley messaged us back a bit on that awesome and then awesome i didn't look all of these vintage cameras up but this one specifically is selling for anywhere from 90 to 100 bucks this one you look that one up yeah look at this polaroid holy hail that's awesome i didn't have time to look this one up but this one's a really cool one yeah i'd say so good night damn there are some really cool things this one looks like it's sankyo can you imagine what we're going to find in florida some crazy stuff i hope old old stuff yeah hopefully ghostbusters i hope we get some super cool ghostbusters stuff look how cool this is remember florida indians we come in peace not to conquer the market not to take over the market just to handle business just uh wrestle an alligator we come in peace and to see the manatees yes i love the manatees swim with the dolphins wrestle gator really what we need we just need to get warm weather to do to do our job the best we need to be in warm weather year-round here's a codex so we're hoping that we can be not only better resellers but also better youtubers because the wintertime is really the uh the ability to film in the winter here in ohio is it gets rough and it's not fun traveling with a 20-foot trailer that's 5 000 pounds empty that's more like 3 500 pounds empty and then sliding off the road that's not fun at all i think it's for this i think this manual is for this oh yeah did you just flash me mm-hmm thanks you're welcome thanks for watching that's it that's it that's it all right wendy is calling it a night as well good night wendy good night wendy have a good evening uh did you said there are so many donations in florida they sell pouch 25 it hasn't sold in 30 days and no clothes or shoes at goodwill yeah goodwill pallets yep yep greg wants to know are there still places that process film for those we do not know all right albert just messaged in regards to the christmas lot so we're good to go there as well this is the camera lot everything is as is no guarantee we have not tried to use any of these frankly we're too young to even know how to use any of these yeah none of these have been tested we haven't tested anything so bid accordingly based on that knowledge you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go this is the camera lot george is running off from the screen she literally just ran patricia isn't that 75 shawn is at 77. sarah's at 100. she ran off adam is now at 110. 110 as i bitter i think she went to go check her collection of makeup patricia is at 120. sean is at 122. i promise you i promise you when i met her she told me she collected makeup adam is now at 123. she doesn't remember much blames it on her meds adam is at 123. sean is not 131. 131 is high bid or sean bennett 14 seconds to go vintage camera a lot 131 free shipping adam is now at 135 135 is high bidder with five four three two and sean's not 137. is adam's gonna respond will adam respond with a 138 maybe a 139 or will be sold it is 138 adam did respond with the 138 it's so adam responded with 138 anna marie tried to snipe in there adam perkins you know what to do that is adam perticus he's he must be from sparta adam spartacus that sounds like a good spartan name don't you think adam you know what to do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name even if the same shipping address the lot which is going to be the camera lot right over there that i'm pointing to which seems really weird because on over here on my side there's nothing but on your screen over here on this side there's a whole nother screen so if i ever look awkward pointing is because i actually don't know what i'm pointing at and that and i'm awkward and then your bit amount which was whatever your bid amount was 138 adam your bid amount at 138 and then back up bitter with sean sean you can send all the same information and you can give us the bid amount 137 and you'll be ready to roll all right george i'm seeing cards aren't i uh-huh you brought these home from a unit i did i can't remember what unit though i know you guys probably think it's so crazy binders you guys probably think it's crazy you're like oh you found all these cards but you can't remember what unit they're from you you have to understand so much i handle hundreds of thousands of items every day and i see hundreds if not thousands of storage units every week i i can't remember it all blends in quickly skimming through this i didn't check all of them it looks like these cards are from the 80s and the 90s it's a combination of 90s and 80s and then as far as like name brands it's a variety as well a good variety and it's a mixture of different sports so this one's called the the sports sports card lot now jeremy just ran he ran away with rudolph i wonder if he'll come back oh there you are where did you think i went i thought you ran away i did me and priscilla or the girl that collects my gum you are the girl that collects makeup you straight face told me you collect makeup i said what do you collect you go if anything make up she's just rolling around shaking her head you think you're very funny jeremy why again these cards just from skimming through and looking at a couple these are all dated 1980s and 1990s marion pooja got her what the hell's hoodie she said perfect for the northeast ohio weather oh nice that's it debbie von told me to be louder i'm gonna say you know um you showed everything all right i'm good if you're good yep it's like over eight out eight pounds i think eight pounds of cards all right this is what you're getting nothing is graded everything is as is no guarantees no returns you've seen it as we got it out of the units honestly you guys probably remember better what units they came from or what unit it came from more than i oh you know what that might have been the kiss unit well you guys probably know you guys probably know i i don't know off the top of my head i'm guessing that being said you got a bit fast you got a bit furious george is trying to get you a date did you find one what date is it i can't see it 86 86 mark just sent buck 99 thank you so much mark bam you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it baseball card lot here we go here we go baseball card lot kathy's calling tonight night kathy melba's in at 50 50 daniels came in at 50 as well leonard is now 55. 55 is the high bid right now on the baseball card lot joseph just came in at 90. baseball cards are hot hot hot right now they are hot joseph decide better at 90 right now mega panda came in at 100. jacob came in at 100. jeremy fuller is now on 105. nathaniel came in at 300 nathaniel please confirm your bid of 300 so we know you didn't mean 30 or 100. nathaniel confirmed your bid we got jeremy highbetter app 105. you could be real cards news that goes uh freder's giving information i'm going to say jacob at 110. jacob is at 110. daniel at 112. he's in at 120. we do not have a confirmed bid from nathaniel not accepting it yet jacob is 125. 125. jeremy at 150. jeremy at 150 hyphen right now is jeremy at 150. jeremy at 150 and sold 150 150 nice nice job all right so that was jeremy fuller at 150. jeremy you're going to send your real name your you're going to send your real name your youtube name even if they're the same and then your shipping address also the law the card lot and 150 bam right there what the hell's at yahoo.com backup bidder i believe is backup bidder is let me see here joe is probably joseph joseph at 135 so joseph joseph pasmakas which i know i just said that completely and totally wrong joseph you can go ahead and send all the same information right that's probably a better point right there nails yahoo.com okay all right sounds like george has got another exciting lot coming oh my goodness you're gonna do it you're gonna do it yeah okay she's gonna do it i didn't think she was gonna do it well that's why i asked you the next i told you no but you're doing it i don't know it's too late now you're doing it do it you didn't say no yeah i told you this is like you saying that you didn't tell me you could collect makeup i absolutely this is an antique she's doing it now pietism book and it has the class one of the classes broken but this book was printed in 19 or 1830. look at the age definitely has a ton of age let's see the date right there of 18 30. this is written in german you want to check this book out immediately on ebay sold i did take a look at this one sold comps on this one um are going for 400 to 500. even in a poor condition because this is a rare book which this would be poor condition as you see the pages so i don't know if that's water damage or like fire damage but it appears that all the pages are still there cecilia said it's going for 600 she just saw it i told george to put this on ebay yeah but i like to give our subscribers you just said that i didn't tell you to do that and now you admit that i did so but then i asked you again and you're like okay you're like babe you're grown do what you want i guess she groaned because she's doing what she wants what you said do what you want you're grown so just quickly skimming through it looks like all the pages are that was probably an important page the dog eared page this one i don't read german but this is page 74 73 sharon says jeremy is upset have i ever gotten upset she don't know you again it has the class this is made out of this looks like leather but this this clasp right here is missing and then a part of this is still there so that's what they are buying they are buying the book yeah the book this is a rare book but there's a ton of age debbie wants to know what kind of book again go ahead share with them the name it's a german pietism book pietism religious book it is a religious book and it's in german eddie said book look at the age on it it's just it's gorgeous since they're going off right now that you're touching the pages it's okay she's already touched the pages well the book's already damaged it's already damaged if it was if this was like in mint condition i'd be wearing gloves but there's so much damage to it baby you don't wear gloves jk says debbie vaughn it's a book with words and pictures and holes don't forget the holes jk and the holes all right this is the book this is 1830 18 something uh sharon said don't you collect bibles jeremy yeah i do i have a full german bible from the 1800s from a storage unit uh i've got quite a few down in the down in my living room but this is this is more along the lines of a theology book this isn't the actual bible so it is a rather interesting piece and george is putting it up so that being said um you everything is as is no guarantees we can't guarantee anything neither of us speak or read german and um you're you're seeing it as it is make sure you bid accordingly okay make sure you bid accordingly in regards to that and then also um sounds like most of you probably already looked up ebay so ebay comps are important as well condition is important the binding believe it or not is actually pretty good yeah it's intact for a book as old as that so that being said george has grown she's gonna do what she do so you gotta bid fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it here we go here we go starting bid 25 free shipping dan grizzly is at 50 wayne murray is at 250. wayne put the gauntlet down 250 is the high bid right now 250 is the high bid we've got 100 bids 150 bids coming everywhere 250 is my bid albert moore is now 255 255 with 29 seconds to go jacob is now at 275. the tiki torches are 300 cecilia is now at 300. 300 jacob's now 310 310 310 is the old book lot patrick is now at 3 15. five seconds three two one 315 to patrick and we got 325 311. so tiki torches all right tiki torches cecilia was right up in there just miss missed it just missed it and let's see what we got here all right let me get there tiki torches here's what you're gonna do let me get this pulled back up here tiki torches you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address the lot which is the book lot and then your bid amount which is 325 right there to what the hails at yahoo.com need to send that message over immediately so that we can get that information out to you and that george can get that to you tomorrow so get your payment in and then george will get in the mail tomorrow to you because we leave for florida we don't know how long we're actually going to be in florida we want to make sure that you get everything out as soon as possible back up bitter would have been patrick patrick ben bond b-e-h-n would that be ben silent h patrick ben you are backup bidder at 3 15. and you're gonna do the same thing youtube name real name even the same shipping address and blot which was the book and then bid amount which was 315 which i'm pretty sure yeah you were back up bitter right there go ahead and send those messages right now guys and then we will let you we'll let you know when we get them and looks like george isn't wasting any time she's just going on the next lap she's like jeremy you're dumb well we're they're listening and watching this is a johnny or lightning lot this is a replica of 1949 buick we got this sport card email from jeremy fuller these all appear to be new and sealed and then albert moore says when i win a lot and i go back to send the email come back to the feed i'm behind how do we refresh a refresh is your free refresh button every browser has a refresh button if you don't know where that is um it's typically up in the upper left-hand corner and it looks like an arrow in a circle albert so you should be able to you should be able to find that i would think yeah or you could hop off of the live and hop back on okay we got the email on the camera lot and albert albert got the christmas lot so that's where he probably got behind he was bidding sent the email and got behind and then he can refresh that way and patricia wants to know did we get the lot patricia we did we got your backup christmas uh email sure did looking at it right now all set and raring and ready to go all right there's three die casts in this lot yeah albert said that's where he got behind he got behind when he sent that email oh yeah just hop off completely and hop back on is the best way to refresh that's how i like to refresh and then make sure you're in live chat all right that's it all right diecast lot johnny lightnings johnny lightning 1951 1949 and 1951 all replicas replica johnny light means 25 starting bid are these new sealed in the box these all appear to be sealed in the box appear to be sealed in the box we cannot make any guarantees she's looking double checking i'm looking for a date of when these were looking for a date before we start bidding let's try and get a date they do appear to all be sealed in the box it doesn't look like they ever came out owned by a collector most likely no 2010 2010 that's the date 2010 three diecast johnny lightnings you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go free shipping free shipping in the united states all right we got jan this one's 2005. 2005 on that one we got jan at 60 dollars wayne came in at 50 jan is still at 60. jan is not 60 rosie is at 60. dan came in it daniel reed is now 65. 65 is high bid no jacob is now 75. jacob goff is now 75 75's i bid we got bids coming everywhere fifty dollars 59.61 dialed sean sean is at 77. rosie came in at 70. sean is high better at 77. half a minute to go daniel's now 80 remember that's free shipping in the united states what's bid is your final price sincere came in at 80 as well daniels high bidder right now at 80. chester the gamer now at 100 100 is the high bid right now free shipping in the united states richard robertson came in at 100. daniel's not 103 with three seconds two seconds one second and see what happens daniel reed hi bidder right now daniel reed is still high bidder at 103. 103 is high bidder with daniel reed going once going twice it's sold daniel reed nice job daniels what you're gonna do is you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address the lot which is gonna be the johnny lightning diecast lot and your bid which was i can't even remember what it was 103 103 right there to what the hails at yahoo.com and then backup bidder was richard robinson richard you're going to do the exact same thing you want to send your real name youtube name shipping address the lot which was the diecast lot and then your bid of 100 right there i think right there right there somewhere in there right there what the hell's that yahoo.com looks like we have some sniping at the end oh richard richard was sniping at 120 almost still back up bitter though still back up better though all right let's see next lot are assorted happy meal toys did somebody say happy meal so over 11 pounds 11 pounds and happy meal toys 11 pounds happy meal toys let's see heather is saying chestery gamer some hot wheels debbie i see what you said at 190 on chester gamer i don't see anywhere in the chat at 190. it's not in my chat all right here we go and uh if i screwed up if i screwed up on the backup bidder you guys can figure it out if you were the actual backup bidder then yep chester the gamer was just for the gamer is thank you w chester gamer is the actual backup bidder at 100 100 was first chester the gamer bam send all your stuff right there what's hails unfortunately i don't get it right all the time just most of the time right george as long as you're in live chat i didn't count this but these are close to 11 11 pounds of assorted happy meal toys there are some happy meal toys that are worth a couple bucks and there are some happy meal toys that are worth a couple thousand bucks it just all depends on which happy meal toy we have not checked any of these we have not looked at any of these for ebay all we did is found them they went into a box that's it oh my goodness space jam this is a big toy this is the largest one michael jordan stuff right now is hot michael jordan stuff now is hot hot hot we should probably check that daffy duck out on spaceman on ebay do you want to i'm gonna look right now okay i'm gonna see what's going on with it i'm gonna look why you guys are doing all this there's a lot of space jam and a lot of hot wheels in this line i'm gonna look up space jam happy meal most of these i think for from 92 1992 from what i could see okay i'm looking them up i can't find them solo these three are not in packaging okay so daffy duck sold with the bugs money and the package like they sold for 19.95 so he's not as worth as much so he's worth about 10 bucks mark lopez sent 4.99 sarah and i are going to miss you guys on sunday nights we watch every sunday have fun in florida mark parker live we're still going to be here every sunday night you'll have nobody to miss because we'll still be here it's we're going to be here the entire time we're just going to be in florida we're leaving we're leaving ohio so um if anything it would be sunnier it would be brighter george will be in a better mood so that'll be good i'm always in a good mood there's a ton of bags and boxes wow toy story toy story crown why can't i say toy story i'm having problems i have those problems every day yeah but you grew up speaking another language i grew up not speaking not speaking linda wants to know if we can pack around sure hoodie does have a pretty big pocket jk goes i'm not going to miss them i need a break probably does garfield tarzan so i have an entire box just filled with a mix of ty beanie babies oh wow that's the fisher price did you show that up close fisher price happy meal 89 fisher price toy oh it's got the good stuff too do you remember the mcnuggets remember when the mcnuggets were a big thing they were little characters remember we found ornaments in florida how much did those sell for do you remember we bought them for two dollars and i sold them for fifty dollars on ebay literally it's sold okay it sold in like two days mcnugget christmas ornaments we found them it was that that was at a goodwill right no some type of thrift store we found them at a thrift store bought them for a couple bucks sold for 50. they were making they sold in two days you know mcnuggets all right uh i took pictures of them at the hotel like on the granite top and listen that night if i'm yawning a lot tonight i've been so tired of it i've been pushing really really hard really hard so that we could get on the road to florida pushing harder than i should have been all right so i am tired though but it's a good tire it's it's good to be tired when you work for yourself 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states here we go somebody's trying to message us never ends all right here we go we've got maxwell's nf60 leonard is now at 100. leonard's right now at 100 ibid maine wayne worry wayne murray came in at 158 158 and i bid right now wayne murray is now 158 no eddie's now 175 35 seconds to go eddie's high bidder right now eddie webb at 175. mark j just came in 200 celia must be lagging behind she's at 100 but she's way behind the high bid right now i think she might be lagging a little bit mark j is at 200. mark j is still confirming at 200 he is at 200 which i think is the hails of a bid sean is now 202. sean is at 202 rod is now 205. lenora came in at 205. sincere zeno 180 still not coming close she absolutely has to be lagging wayne is now 203. mark j is at 210. 206. marta is still high bid right now 2 10. sean just came in at 220 and three and two let's see what happens so john bennett wow sean nice wow wow wow wow the fisher price one make sure you check that one out first okay all right sean shawn is in that 220. sean you know what to do send your real name youtube name you go through the same different address you're gonna tell us what the lot was which was the happy meal lot and your bid at 220. backup bid backup bid was mark j at 210 mark j same thing you're gonna send your youtube name real name and then shipping address you're gonna say the happy meal lot and then your backup bid at 210 210 holy hails you're going to like this one i want to measure them uh you're not seeing the cool part yet you will see the cool part you're gonna like this you will like this so 36 inches can i see that okay yeah this is what we're looking at right here so that's either like a musket or a flintlock gun now with the old canes and this is a walking stick sometimes what they had looks like was a dagger or a knife on the inside 30 and a half this one particularly does not have anything that doesn't mean that doesn't mean that you can't put anything in it but this is just a really cool walking stick and then this is a brass uh eagle head i don't think this one comes loose all right let me check that one out okay and we're looking at the head there george says it doesn't come loose oh it did okay same here no dagger i actually think the the gun i believe there was supposed to be a dagger in there untouched by human hands uh the one with the gun i believe there was supposed to be some type of dagger in there because there's a there's a position for a tightening um for a little tightening screw very cool though very very cool this one's really cool jk said that gun cane is cool it is it's really cool the the brass eagle is really cool because i just love brass and eagles are cool remember when we were driving to kelly's island and there was a bald eagle and you screamed really loud there's an eagle you're like uh yeah it reminded me of my nephew whenever he saw an airplane at the age of two he'd always be like airplane and you did that with the eagle bald eagle so this piece does go up and down so this is either you could call it either a musket gun cane or a flint lock gun cane all right sean messaged us on the happy meal lot okay we're ready to go on the canes yeah just the two just the two jinx you owe me um fun time like that all right all right uh 25 starting bid that is free shipping in the united states and you gotta bid fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it let's go gun king drop the weapon that's patricia here we go uh nancy wants to know how much does the duck neck weigh penny coals now in that 25 25 sarah came in at 40. melba is not a hundred put the gauntlet down jacob said nope 150 150 is high bid right now with jacob james gough is at 150 with 30 seconds to go jacob goth 150 30 seconds to go lorita is now in at 180. 180 here we go 180. marina came in at 180 as well but lorena's high better run out 180 weight murray came in at 190 15 seconds to go 190. is not 200 one of the coolest walking sticks i've ever seen lorita came back at 200 jacob's still a high bidder at 200. sean bennett coming in on 199 he might be lagging behind a little bit lorena's now 205. 205. pennies now 210. now marina is at 260. marina got it 260. wow got the bid right in there wow nice nice nice all right all right nice job nice job fantastic everybody okay marina broadwell you're gonna share you're gonna send your your youtube name your real name even if they're the same you're going to send your shipping address and the lot you can say hey it was the cane lot and you're going to put your high bid of 260 260 right there to what the hails at yahoo.com we need to send that email immediately i promise you george will get the invoices out tonight i'm going to make sure she gets the invoices out tonight she will not be allowed to leave and go home until she gets the invoices out i promise you okay and backup bidder was it was a penny it was pen no jacob jacob goff backup bidder jake wait no no it wasn't it was penny penny is penny cole at 210 penny all the same information bam right there what they was at yahoo.com is this another this is another happy meal lot but it's all barbies barbie happy meal lob barbie happy meal lot here we go here we go i'm just gonna pour it all out you do what you want to do you bro see that's what you told me bible all right daniel reed wants to know if we got his email let me check here daniel 92 these are all barbies looks like we got happy meal toy lot from from mark jackson daniel reed i don't see anything that says daniel reed all barbie happy meals all barbie happy meals here these all it looks like all of these are dated 90. sometime in the 90s i've seen 92 95 99 i didn't count how much or how many uh barbie happy meal toys are in here but this is a huge lot curious to know if anyone dressed up for halloween yesterday and if you did what you guys dressed up as what are you doing weirdo trying to take a bite out of barbie that's the junior is that al junior do you you're scaring me to wrestle you're scaring them you want to wrestle two gators both found no units found in storage units both in ohio right uh this one was definitely ohio yeah they were both in ohio both in ohio i want one much much bigger than this to wrassle much much bigger much much bigger how many more are you gonna show that's it that's all of them that should be all of them you got the big show how many total i didn't count but it's a huge lot this is all of it we keep the gators over with the seahorses they play nice together all right you guys let me try that again and scene all right you got the barbie barbie toys you got the barbie happy meal lot pretty much they are they all sealed or all right looks like they all apparently sealed they all appear to be sealed they all appear to be dated night in the 90s and we got uh penny cole's message on the canes thank you so much penny cole they appear to be 90s they appear to be sealed this is the last slot and then we're going to do the free lot no guarantees on anything but ah by all means got a bit fast got a bit furious 25 starting bid and it's go time here we go here we go barbie happy meal a lot b says our family loves you both thank you b we send the love right back to you wayne murray is now in at 70. 70's high bid right now leonard just put in a bid of 112. 112 is the high bid we got other bids coming in sean at 101 we got lenora at 100 112 is high bid sean bennett is now 118. 118 lenore's now 125. lenora's high bidder at 125 on the barbie happy meal lot i could say at that time did you see that i actually got it out barbie you're happy me a lot lenore is at 125 sean is that 133 20 seconds to go high bid right now is 133 wing coming back at 120 not going to beat it now since you are 130 not going to beat it wayne 140 140 cecilia 134. sean at 155 155 is the high bid right now with eight seven lenora's not 152. five four three two one sean's at 166. 156 is live right now with sean sean has high bid 160 she's a bj 170 stuck it in wow wow she's a peach got it right in there look at you snipe look at that snipey d snipe snipe all right she's a peach here's what you're going to do you're going to send your name your youtube name first your real name your shipping address the lot which is the barbie happy meal lot and your bid which is 170. you're going to send that right on over to what the hails at yahoo.com hopefully i'm pointing at it right and then you want to send that tonight so george can get your invoice out tonight everybody who won tonight you're going to want to make sure that you pay either tonight or early tomorrow morning we're just going to try now tomorrow we leave for florida tuesday morning as soon as we can get on the road we will be on the road we are going to get out of the pool head on down look at properties we want to make sure that we finalize any dealings that we have with you guys so you guys can get your items that you can sell for q4 so make sure you get all that information in tonight and then backup bidder would be sean your backup bitter on that at 166 you can go ahead and send your info all right time for the free lots how many free lots are you giving three i've been doing three lucky winners three free lots say that five times fast three free lots just say three free three free three five three free three free three free what did you say free free through free three free what do we got tonight so our free giveaways tonight are scarves so this one is a this one still has a tag on it from gap nice it does one size fits all and it even has like the matching mittens with it cocky said free free free free for free free for free free this one's so soft you want to feel it i've been trying to feel it for two years cash me made in italy let me feel it feel it finally finally finally got to feel it i just saw this is something i would wear maybe i should pull this back oh really just kidding okay i told you that big dollar the big dollar over there i know but there's another dollar i want to give them both out the same night if we can find the other one all right all right this one still has the tag as well exhilaration you could probably wear this either as like a headband or yes we ship the free giveaways outside of the united states free of charge yeah if you're the winner so if you're the first three people to answer correctly to the trivia question tonight we'll win a free scarf jeremy you look so tired all right we both are if you are the first to answer you get dibs on any scarf that you want so a niche lady i know you messaged about learning youtube and and i really do want to do another whole youtube or a noobs tube class and teaching but the one thing i will tell you is youtube will consume your life it literally will consume your life and and that's a good thing in some ways it's a bad thing in other ways because it is a beast that you have to continue to feed non-stop and it's exhausting to try and get ahead of the schedule so i push so hard to get ahead of the schedule so that we can get down to florida but continue to provide the entertainment and encouragement to all the viewers and that's not an easy thing to do i know it's easy to watch an episode but it's not an easy thing to do especially with as many irons in the fire that i typically have going on any daily basis so i will encourage you in that way before we do another training session which i want to do in the future once we get settled but uh know ahead of time if you're not willing to give it your all then and i'm sure you are because i realize you have been but um the more you put into it the more you're gonna get out of it so that's uh that's where we're at and we're putting a lot into it right now so that we can get on the road to florida so that being said what we put into it this week is quite a few videos and uh what we did wise world said you love it though i can tell we actually do we do love it and the one thing that we've experienced over and over again is set a goal crush the goal set a goal crush the goal set a goal crush the goal set a goal crush the goal and that's with views and that's with subscribers and that's with you know business model the whole deal set a goal crush the goal and so uh we are we are thrilled with what's happened absolutely thrilled with what's happened and actually just uh crushed totally obliterated another goal at the end of the day today we never thought was possible yeah yeah um it was crazy it was crazy it's just it's been an awesome month it's yeah it's been a really good month it's been a really good month now we got to get out of here all right uh that being said we had uh we had a bunch of cool videos and the one video was was part two from um the unit that we bought when second sense was there and conkey's flipping adventures and clear thrifts and storage legends and then caucus flipping adventures and clear thrift hacks actually helped us load up that's where all the hankies were from and we knew it was an old grandma unit and we found all of that uh all of that jewelry which while we're on the road we will be doing a deeper dive into that jewelry and showing you what's gold silver gems so we've done we did that with the 1800 and 1700 unit we took a closer look and we challenged each other to see who could find more money we will be doing that on the road we're going to do another jewelry challenge you'll get to see that stuff up close and much much better make each other mickey chick said maybe sneak in some fails on the pushers this week well i thought i thought you were there was a major compilation did you guys see her down to two quarters i was on a two shiny quarter there's no way there is no way inhales i was like this is going in the fail compilation and the craziest thing in the and i'm just i can't believe it i just can't believe it insanely insane i think that's why that's why i'm so obsessed with the elvis machine because you never know what the hell is going to happen i refuse to play the monopoly one i may be resistant to playing other coin pushers once we move to florida i don't know i don't know yet i mean if there's an elvis one i'll be all over it you're so full of it all right uh but we were in that unit we made a second video of that unit and we are we're seeing a lot of cool things in that unit and we found all of the handkerchiefs and the whole deal so what we try and do is we try and share with you a trivia question from the least viewed video of the week because we know the super fans watch them all and we want to give our super fans the opportunity to win something for free first because you guys are so loyal none of this happens absolutely none of it happens without you guys and we we are humbled by that we appreciate that and we want to continue to find ways to give back for it for that as well so so today's trivia question comes from that episode and uh you super fans i'm sure you'll know the answer well before we ever will even that's that's the crazy part they they know it's like they know what's going to be asked before we even ask it at times let alone knowing the knowing the answers which we're clueless so um yeah sometimes i don't even know the answers to your in that unit we found a lot of cool old stuff and that's fun to find but we also found something brand new i broke the handle on it what was it what was it first three answers that are correct brought the handle on it somewhat of a trick question broke the handle on it it was brand new broke the handle on it it was grandma's gone it was grandma's gone i'm seeing all kinds of answers all kinds of answers man there is a lot of answers george hold on to that okay you guys have 28 seconds to put your answers in the chat once the time runs out then you got to stop putting your answers in but you have 20 seconds to continue to put your answers in the chat again the first three people to answer correctly will win the free lot for tonight ten more seconds ten more seconds to go wow five seconds left that's what i'm getting older honky's like i was there and i don't even know i know i was there too and i don't know well cocky if you don't remember i actually broke it almost i broke the handle almost broke the brand new thing almost crushed it on the ground and then cracked a joke and threw it in the air to jesse and jesse caught it tracy says it was a brand new something it was it was one of the only brand new things in there because everything else was pretty vintage and old and so claudette says the toilet melvis has a teapot and uh lori says a hammer the answer is nice job guys you got it wrong the answer is michelle davidson actually answered it correctly first michelle the answer is tv it was a 15 inch magnum box tv in the box i grabbed the handle the plastic was brittle it broke i caught it before it crushed on the ground then i threw it to jesse so michelle davidson you just won something for free nice you're gonna email george youtube name real name shipping address and that's gonna go to whatnails.com and again michelle since you were the first one to answer correctly you get dibs on whichever scarf you want second person to answer it correctly was rhonda golden rhonda nice job and then i still have to find the third person people said a safe a hammer a knife a ketchup box debbie vaughn said ketchup she probably knew that the answer is ketchup debbie m debbie m you were the third person to answer debbie it was the tv you can send all that information over what the hell's you ha oh my goodness what the hell's at yahoo this is not as easy as we make it look by any imagination we fumble on our words all the time and then people make fun of you in the comments and uh we're only human we don't care nothing's rehearsed all we do is we just ask everybody who trolls and makes fun go do it yourself yeah we can do the same to you yeah nothing's rehearsed we love trolling the choices we do love trolling the trolls love love love trolls trolls love to troll and anonymity if that's a word but um they get so hurt if you respond back to them and troll them oh my gosh when we so when when we when i first started doing videos with jeremy him and i would spend hours hours just clapping back oh my gosh that was so funny and now we have a zero tolerance for it yeah now we just go all right enough there's no time for it anymore there's just there isn't this was back when we were a teeny tiny channel we still are we still are a teeny tiny channel but when we were even smaller niche lady sent five dollars praying for your safe travels thank you for all you do thank you thank you we appreciate it what a hails of a night yes got invoices to send it's 12 13 in the morning here in ohio let us know in the chat what time it is wherever you are in the world i do love to see that i gotta go hang out with conkey and rob tomorrow yeah that'll be interesting for you tomorrow there'll be a video i'm sure yeah it'll be like kind of like an episode of american figures yeah pretty much it should be i'm hoping we've got there are over 1300 people still watching and hey look everyone's telling us the time of where they are love it love love love love cecilia says jeremy get some sleep thank you guys so much for hanging out with us make sure if you want a lot tonight you get your emails and tonight i will send the in the paypal invoices shortly hopefully get it all packaged and shipped out tomorrow to go out either you have to go out tuesday morning if you send if you don't send payment tomorrow then it'll have to wait until we get back which may be another two to three weeks so as long as you don't mind waiting then it'll still be here safely we will go live next sunday from florida we won't tell you where we are which city we are we will be so be sure to tune in there say good night
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 74,396
Rating: 4.877605 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: pHqfwNfJ_Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 24sec (11724 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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