Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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welcome back to our Sunday live everyone ladies and gentlemen are you guys ready for a fun life let us know in the chat hails yeah don't forget that my two hours same is every Sunday first hour is our usual QA along with the sing-alongs second hour is going to transition into having Jeremy night profile units just for you in your area with a small donation aka super chat make sure you include your zip code so that we can look up that area and will be using three websites tonight take it off before we do I think we should probably sing a song don't you think before we sing what what was your favorite part of this week with options for me was the surprise visit from treasure hunting with Jebus and the crew that was fun my Georgie my Georgie tying up units with support seas with others start to better than she swoops in with uh that's my favorite part when you showed up at the auction when you came straight from work and then yeah it was best come with money burning a hole straight into their pocket is they think they're winning then their heads are spinning now there's Jordi majority buying up units with others fuckability she swoops in with uh the auctioneer crowd looking in their eyes trying to get their money they all back down when she comes to town when they look at me she's my Georgie my Georgie tying up units with so Cole Ortiz when tires start to build and then she swoops in with our treasure hunt begins with family and friends until she walks onto the sea in her eyes it's all in her Egyptian genes that's majority majority tying up units with so forties when colors start to build and then she swoops in with that's my George sing with me it's majority my Georgie buying up [Music] [Music] [Music] George give it up for Jimmy the song was about you not me okay George we got a lot on the agenda tonight remember it is two segments we're gonna do Q&A and then we're gonna jump into the profiling the units with you before we get into our agenda big shout out to Sonia L who's a brand-new subscriber has been binge-watching non-stop trying to catch up with almost 250 videos that's very very brave dedication and Sonia asks the question that she wants to know why we haven't kissed yet the answer is I have bad breath right there you go so without further ado the evening is about to begin we pal you were male you ready to dig into it George okay so we're gonna dig into viewer mail got my first mystery box all labeled mystery box and it's from our subscriber Robert [ __ ] Vince key all the way from Wisconsin okay why you're opening up your mystery box we're gonna give you an opportunity to actually win the blue wrench which gives you administrative power over the entire lab salutely this is my letter letter envelope opener box opener from our subscriber melissa w who's actually on the chat right now okay always use this and melissa is actually one the actual blue wrench before and tonight you can win the blue wrench all you have to do is answer this question correctly and it has to be the first person who answers correctly that I see in the super chat on my end of things why George is opening her mystery box ha and here we go how many swords did George find this week on what the Hales come the answers you can go ahead and do your mystery box there George I got a look okay George hunter's Vegas says hey what the Hales got an Oscar Mayer wiener whistle how do you wanna try it out Hales yes and the answers are coming in three six five six five one three hi somebody said hi that's not a guess a lot storage locker said a lot 10 eight below 504 seven four seven nine years Samuel car Samuel car answered correctly he said none you did not find any swords now that is correct their only other sword found at an auction that George actually went I gotta go back and find him but that sword was actually found in the unit by the couple that went to their very first auction they bought their very first unit they bid against me because I was bidding and they found a homemade sword and a machete and then they gifted it so she didn't find any so great job Samuel Carr sarcastic stacker just sent ten dollars thank you so much he says you guys are the best Jeremy do you remember the first storage locker you bought George how about you now I know you remember you and that's when I found my first sword and I think that's where the sword just started snowballing you bought that unit near Columbus this past winter your first storage unit ever I can't find our winner Samuel car and he's in he says none I think right there there is and so she bought that unit I believe it was a hundred and twenty-five dollars we found sir silver certificates guns I mean that thing was just loaded so what do you remember what stands out most about that first Locker that you bought there was a lot of vintage like old rare coins in there there was a lot of antiques and I think that's what caught our eye it's like I love love love finding or even bidding on units that have old collectibles antiques because those are the things that sell the quickest for us and for the most for us we get the highest profit margin off of finding things and selling things like that that was an incredible unit and that's what started the whole George is such a good luck charm necklace Debbie Vaughn says George please don't ever touch Jeremy shirt again so that's what Debbie I'm promise you while you're looking at that that's what she said hey Association pin Michelle you meant Hales low not hello but Hales low right back at you Earl Earl Conlon said a British cool how come you don't show your sales or all probably the same reason why you don't show your income on YouTube because that's pretty private for people so and that regards we show you the process and then we actually gift you all the education for you to do it yourself and so you can actually do those things and if you share your sales that's that's your prerogative you can do all of that Eric Alma grin sent one dollar thank you so much Eric we appreciate it I voted today Northwest RC club just sent two dollars a little pickle pin Northwest RC Club says how the Hales are you both this morning which it's morning it's like 2 a.m. is it's 2 a.m. there in the UK yes and here wait it's 9 p.m. so how are you this morning I'm doing ok um it wasn't two weeks ago two weeks ago you were doing I was declared cancer-free the treated area is still burned and it's still sore so I'm still fighting through that I'm just trying to stay positive and Jeremy's been by my side the whole time so appreciate you for asking and I appreciate all of the prayers and the thoughts and all the kind words that have come through during the six week journey of radiation so Earl Conlon says I see you by but I never see you selling Earl you need to actually watch every single video because we show you the platforms and how to sell not only that we have an entire playlist teaching you how to make money so you may not see our actual figures but you need to work through the videos and find the videos where we teach you how to sell what to sell and we're very very intentional in how we sell and the q and A's we'll share that with you as well Paddy's is on we were just talking to Pat on the way home today because we were celebrating your mom's birthday yeah and Pat Dee's just sent two dollars she said towards our McDonald's date so whenever we get to when we get to meet Pat D 72 in person we've been joking we're gonna do a live better give RC a double one so we're gonna do we're gonna do a double live stream in McDonald's with Pat be 72 this looks like a silver bar it's so heavy look at that that's amazing my feel heavy that is it's stamped with something show the back and see but his note says as far as I know it's not well maybe somebody on the livestream can actually help identify that because we don't speak that language you might Timothy hopefully that says 925 on the back I'd be awesome everything quarter man she said ever bought a unit for five dollars or less that you bought because nobody bid on it and just figured what the Hales and turn it into a huge winner yes Timothy and Ashley in the earliest videos when I started sharing on the channel the channel had a different name then different branding you can see some of those that I bought $5 or maybe I might have deleted some of those but some of them are still there I believe I by dollar units if I think there's profit in them and so I particularly remember one dollar unit that was filled with silver jewelry and the individual worked at the Comfort Inn and so the unit was just packed with Comfort Inn linens and bedding and my shower curtain right now is from the Comfort Inn from that unit because there was so much so much stuff there so I've got hotel shower curtain because of that one dollar unit and it turned out to be fantastic it really did appreciate the mystery box Robert that was a lot of fun that was my first mystery box that was a very cool mystery yes that was a lot of cool stuff in there no one hey know much you've got a question tonight and you want to make sure that we answer it you do what what should I do George so that we see it yeah because the chat flies and there's so many people on there we can't possibly read every single comment or question that you have and so if you want your question or you want to say something that just pops out right in front of us like BAM make sure you send a super chat all right so we've got put a magnet so Nick molnon says put a magnet on it I think our mates all the way don't stare magnets are downstairs I actually have magnets on the truck bumpers why big industrial magnets on the bumper so wherever we're at like we go and get a magnet yeah but that was actually a really good idea in handy the one day yeah what did we oh man well we know JK on it yeah speaking of videos on how to sell you have some older videos on how to sell on eBay so they had to look for that playlist yeah so you know how to navigate our YouTube channel you want to click on the tab that says playlist and there is a ton of videos this was prior to me coming onto the channel but Jeremy does show you how to sell on eBay so hopefully you can find that playlist and watch some of those videos and that'll help you out as well okay let's see let's see what we've got super EXTREME living says have you bought storage lockers in Dayton Ohio I we have not bought specifically in Dayton I can't remember in the 20 plus years I've been doing this I have I do remember near Dayton there's a YMCA that closed down and I was running a Christian camp and conference center at the time so I went and I bought their entire program so they have different sections in their YMCA I bought everything that they used to program games and activities and I bought everything in their offices everything from a paper shredder to - there was a donation box on the wall that still had a live check in it for thousands of dollars that they didn't get to cash because the doors were locked on them because they defaulted on their loan and then Here I am with this actual check that I can't cash so I bought all of that that was near Dayton wouldn't you giggling about Debbie Vaughn says my daughter wants to know what's that leg dangling behind you what leg Debbie Frazier five to nine who's also baby Jebus wants to know what's your favorite youtube channel besides yourself I would say Frazier - five two 9s a good one actually I just drawing he does speed drive you just speed drawing and I just watched his video today when we were driving up to your parents to celebrate your mom's birthday that's why I got to watch him draw I've got him what I was able to actually watch him draw his brother big Jebus yeah and with his thousand K tattoo so that was a ton of fun that was really the channel that we probably watched the most I don't think comes to any surprise to any of our longtime superfans or viewers we watch treasure hunting with Jebus pretty mm-hmm pretty religiously whenever they release the video now we also they release daily but there are other channels that we love as well that we watch and so it's easy to watch treasure hunting with Jebus because there's a daily video there and obviously they release consistently at the same time every 6:00 p.m. in our time and so it's it's very easy for us to get on their schedule but we love storage auction pirate as a matter of fact that's what we are watching right before we went live before that we were watching Locker nuts and we've gone on a storage stalker marathon this week we've also as we want so all of the channels that you see in the chat right now but have a blue wrench we watched we watch them pretty much thread traders one of them we watch him we try to support our our community by by watching we like we comment and we share their videos as well drift trader is another one that we love and we watch and he just said hallo just got back from the lake about to take a much-needed shower wanting to say hello I smell like sweat sunscreen bug spray and sunburn so it was fun watching thrift trader Jason was actually on vacation with his family we got this picture of the campaign they went camping yeah absolutely beautiful they were tubing they were doing all kinds of things so thank you Jason we appreciate it my resale story just sent 499 appreciate it said been watching since your early videos love seeing you in Jebus collab and then you decided to link up with the Westies awesome work Jeremy and George well my resale story I'm sure if you stay tuned like the rest of everybody there is much much much much more in store but we don't have any plans until we hit a thousand Kay it's a thousand care bus tour we can't do anything so much someone predicted when we were gonna hit a hundred thousand subs it was Janice Jones he says I think you'll hit a hundred thousand subs on July 6 at 11 27 a.m. that's very precise Dennis well I can share this with you looking at YouTube analytics which breaks everything down for us we've been in a streak for the past for the past two weeks where we'll pick up a thousand subscribers every two days now one day this has three days so one day this past week we picked up 1,000 subscribers so for the past two weeks it's taken two days to get a thousand subscribers one day we got a thousand subscribers but it's also just it started to die off the path two days ago it started to die off so unless you guys do something about it I don't know if we'll make it by that that actual date lazy walking pee $1.99 what's the story with your hoodie lazy walking P which hoodie has four of them that's true Wow would you like to share the story with lazy walking P I thought you watched all of our videos let's just say it's too fresh and it hurts too much it's too soon to talk about it let's just say that I get to burn a particular hoodie once we had a hundred and thousand subscribers and Welles wants to know did you ever find out what was in the backpack hanging from the ceiling well and we didn't win that unit in that was baby Jesuses yeah baby Davis actually won that unit if you want to see you're gonna have to stay tuned to all this week because that's gonna be on treasure hunting with GPS so make sure you go on their Channel it'll be it'll be revealed on their channel it will not be on what the Hales Channel that'll be on treasure hunting with Jebus and so we can't wait to see I don't know what day they're releasing it but it will be released this week and we can't wait to find out what they actually found a couple folks on the chat wanted to know who won the change that was in the medicine bottle we haven't announced the winner yet we plan on doing that on the last Sunday of this month last Sunday so let me look at that date and when it'll be it'll be June 30th which is the last Sunday of this month so make sure that you guys are on that live make sure you leave a comment underneath the video in order to be eligible for the drawing Newgrounds said I made it comment like why they say connive and you said because we have a sense of humor actually I think the response was because we like to make good jokes or something like that I didn't mean it in a mean way I thought it would make someone matter some nobody gets mad on this channel anything that we she's so sarcastic and has such a sense of humor I don't get offended yeah I think a lot of the people like the new subscribers are like the trolls that come on to our videos and they get so frustrated with us when we say connive and don't realise that we say it as a joke Genki dialogue just sent two dollars said thinking of starting a YouTube channel advice the super chat dinky all right let's give let's skip we've done this before we've given three tips to anybody who's gonna start a YouTube channel so let's let's give tip number one I would say tip number one is you need to start immediately yeah well you don't wait unique well first you need to figure out what type of videos what type of content you will you want to put out there and then you're going to try and figure out what your logo is gonna be so where your picture is that that should be considered like your yo your your your logo to mark it and then you want your your YouTube channel name to to market what your going to to be putting out there as far as content so those those are my top three alright so we'll call that number one start immediately and those are things that you need to start immediately on number two if we're going to start a YouTube channel so we got content you're gonna build your brand that's starting immediately if you're gonna start a channel what would number two be the logo to me the logos important so I'm gonna keep that in number one I'm gonna keep that all wrapped in number one that's starting a channel so you got to get your logo your marketing know what you're about who you're about and start and do it now number two is be consistent you absolutely so you need to create who you are and you need to start right away and be consistent a second Mark Avery said I was born July 27 1977 alright mark happy early birthday to you mark I was born in 77 as well you shake the superjet so you want to be consistent in your content that means you want to update you want to figure out are you gonna put up a video every week are you gonna put up a video every other day or you line up a video every day storage stalker wanted a office pumped oh nice look at that fist pump for storage stalker and number three is absolutely try and find other friends on YouTube who have been successful it's the law of cause and there's another one for you Jason ask them questions and try and mimic what they do because that's the law of cause and effect if they had this effect then if you can complete their cause you can have the same effect but keep your original personality of who you are don't change who you are make sure you keep your creativity but that law of cause and effect you can be successful as well it all applies the same principles apply to starting a YouTube channel so go for it don't wait ok treasure-hunting what Jebus says why the Hales would you bid me up on that unit oh ah the question truly is is why did you bid me up on that unit treasure hunting with Jebus because that unit was clearly that unit it was like what the Hales is all over it everybody was going what the Hales is in there what the Hales could be in there like that's a Jeremy unit for sure and then you bid me up and then not only did you bid me up Jebus you actually jumped the bid not once twice twice to scare me off and it worked nice job so yeah you got him to tap out the good the real question is why did you bid me up Jesus yeah were you done giving your advice or you know we already okay sarcastic stackers suggested learning how to make great thumbnails thumbnails are key there's no doubt about that good very very very good sarcastic stacker and mic with storage option pirate and I were actually texting and talking about that today that your thumbnail is absolutely key to your success with your channel and your videos being watched alright so if you have a quest just like you've seen others with the super chat you can get that right up in front of our faces Joseph McGill says you guys are awesome you know what Joseph you're the awesome one you all of our viewers on tonight channel 491 watching make sure you guys hit that thumbs up button Keith says hey I've been well I've been looking for units locally in Alabama all because of you guys oh nice yeah we love to hear that we inspire people at the the storage unit auctions that we went to last Saturday where we ran into treasure hunting with Jebus and the crew we the little girl that was in our video during auction she Teigen she was there with her father and her grandfather and I asked them where they lived and how long they've been doing storage options for and they and they said that that was their first live auction because they've been watching us and Jebus and hearing that knowing that we inspire them I think that it's very flattering that was actually two auctions we went one this week that the people who were there said we're here at our first auction because we watched you and T didn't even told us she was watching us on the way there that was pretty cool I pop quiz door and I said what's what's our channel name she goes what the Hales with confidence at these 72 said hit that like button let's get it to 200 and I'll give another $2 super chat towards on MacDonald's future date I got coupons so Cubans Pat D 72 he's ready he's ready if you guys can get it so make sure you guys check out his channel to Paddy's does a lot of flea marketing he does like eBay reselling did you lazy walk in peace at $2.99 said sorry I missed the video I need to go back and look that's ok lazy walking I forgive you we forgive you we want you we watch everything you put out but don't you worry no hard feelings lazy walking piano in a nutshell George tried to rip my clothes off and and this is a family show so we'll just keep it at that let's see what else do we have here do you have a question there George um actually storage auction pirate created another channel called hustle also crime rewind yep so make sure you put that link in there pirate that way people can go on there and subscribe to your ear your other channel okay PD found treasure said we bought our first unit in a long time after watching you guys there was a ton of drugs well we always say there's three things there's adult stuff okay and more adult stuff and drugs and Christmas trees and particle board furniture and Christmas ornaments ed mice so yeah so good luck on that hopefully you find money legal money legal money yeah Paddy's just sent another $2 McDonald's we are going live preciate it pinky dialogue just sent two dollars as well again and he says camera recommendation first camera recognition okay pinky dialogue I do everything on my Samsung s7 I probably need to upgrade I do all the video if you watch like treasure hunting with Jebus just put out a video today you can see what I'm doing I'm you'll see me in their shots doing everything on my camera my phone so everything from the filming to the editing to the uploading it's all done here you know all you need is a phone that you should have no hesitation any smartphone I've been able to make videos as well on myself on my smartphone and I have an iPhone iPhone alright flippin adventures sent $5 said Jebus and fam need to buy an RV at auction and collab and Caravan with y'all across the u.s. yes that's one of our plans for them that doesn't mean that's one of their plans for doubt I they sound like they're on board they just need to hit that goal they're gonna get a truck and a camper and they're gonna travel the world because they actually one of the reasons why we love treasure hunting with Jebus so much and I think we get along with them so well is they have an understanding and they have some of the same goals now they really do they love YouTube they love traveling they understand YouTube they love they love making videos just as much as we do and the treasure hunt and so then we get together we just have so much fun I mean it's it's a hails of a good time it really is and so we start thinking well we should do this full-time on the road with them and and so we'll see what happens long term maybe maybe that'll happen maybe but I don't know I don't think anything will happen till we get a hundred thousand subscriptions so we got to get there first Phebe's plumbing Oh plunders not plumbing I think he's I think he changed his channel name BB plunders and finds my BB jester's yep we started our locker channel and have uploaded a few videos I'm struggle massively with editing any tips for window user with a droid here yes appreciated EB here's my tip I hope you have your green fist so that do everything on your phone record on your phone and download a free app it's video shop and so it's a free app you can get in in your app store and edit everything in video shop or edit it in your gallery and then upload it to video shop don't mess around with windows don't mess around with a laptop it there is nothing YouTube loves authenticity so the viewers love authenticity so if it looks too professional you're probably not gonna get a lot of viewers and they're all gonna go away from that YouTube feel they're all gonna go you're fake you're fake you're fake which you're gonna get anyway and it's as real as real can be and everybody's gonna sit there and go it's fake because let's get right down to it it's jealousy you find something incredible and they'll tell you it's fake okay and so they wish they found that and I understand it I mean we watch videos and I go man that's that's big there's no way that's fake and we kid because we sound like our viewers but if you keep that on --then tissa T in that editing I think it helps your video overall because they love the realism of it yeah just do it on your phone so try there's there's a couple video video editing apps out there that you can get for free in chat is one of them and video shot is one of them so just play around with it just trial and error it's all about trying trial and error I think Jeremy learned something new almost every day with his editing probably profile and he's gotten better and better so obviously you're not gonna master it overnight but within time the more you practice and the more you edit and the more you play around with the features in it then you'll get better let's see rosetta Gibson says hi Jeremy and George love you both enjoy watching your videos every day from Rosetta Thank You Rosetta appreciate it Rosetta thank you for inviting us into your home or your work or the bathroom wherever it is that you watch we appreciate it we truly do and then Maxwell Roxy says do you need a new hoodie no this one is beautiful what do you think what do you I don't even know Maxwell what you could be referring the ring box wants you to say dollar who wants me to say dollar the ring boss dollar now say dull dull dull not dull dull dull do if it's pol it's dull why do you pronounce the word DOL if it's roll it's dull okay but how do you do Dow doll that's D awl know me hello from Canada well hello from Ohio hello Canada JK says I remember the first time you said dull on the video and someone's like I love your videos but what's a dowel I remember the first time you told me that you loved me so after a month ask them ask them which movie okay so after a month I gave George a evaluation just like you would get at work wait hold on a second BCS BB q sent a $2.00 super Chen said at the bathroom nice nice you know how to get out of work taking some serious prey so so the way that i trick Georgia into telling me that she loved me is I actually gave her an evaluation we were joking about it was a very big evaluation he thought it would be all areas to give me a 30-day evaluation after meeting me and so I gave her a 30-day evaluation and one of the trig questions on there if you've seen the Princess Bride what does as you wish mean put it in the movie Princess Bride if you've seen it and I've never seen that movie prior to meeting him now prior to meeting her every night I would watch a movie two movies because I have thousands and thousands from storage units and she's not into that at all and since I've met her movies have just kind of gone out the window because now it's all YouTube so I couldn't believe she has never seen Princess Bride and she didn't understand it had these 70 deuces Andre the Giant anybody wanna be nuts so all that being said I've tricked her into saying what does what does as you wish me so that was that was one of the questions and and you said so I said I love you and he goes I love you too yeah right my Nicky boy Maccabi said awesome that you all all that you did for that family in Cali I was in San Francisco that same week thanks so much for the $5 eat it Mike we really appreciate it and it was a tremendous blessing what we were able to do for the family and that's not done yet keep watching our West Coast family members over there because there's gonna be a whole lot more Doug B has a good question wants to know do most storage facilities not allow you to use their dumpsters that's gonna be across the board most storage facilities will not let you use their dumpsters because they have to pay for that dumpster so that's why they put a lock on it JK would like to know George are we live or are we live let's just say we're da that's a very good question JK let's see storage option pirate just sent 499 before I forget does anyone remember when Alex said he was gonna make a pink beard yeah 20,000 subs and he's on my right appreciated storage auction pirate for the superjet yeah wait hold on a sec in a sec now what what he's at he shall be at 28 we've been watching him religiously and he should have been at 20 beard i Liz Liz where you at are you on the chat oh there's an idea he should do the pink beard on a live oh that would be good he's gonna be hosting Wednesday's auction Anonymous on Wednesday he should do it then oh that would be a good idea Glock 30 fan wants to know question George what is Jeremy's worst trait Jeremy same about George so I'll let you answer and then my answer is smart enough not to answer so you guys there's a couple things I can think of but I second worst not a couple well they're all at the same level there's two that I can think of right now but it might be rude to share with our viewers what's Perman I'll tell you if it's rude oh yeah [Laughter] hey this man has no shame in his game will be anywhere and he just blows snot rockets and then he'll hot glue he's like right in front of me and I look at him like Jeremy you are getting way too comfortable way too pumped about vegan is on the live chat right now oh yeah dance under her dance profile Jeff steel so see remember you're gonna see Tegan all week you'll see her on what the Hales and you'll see her on treasure hunting with Jebus so that's my most annoying trait yeah I think others on the chat would agree that that's probably one of the grossest trait I and I always tell him like I just I just want a shred of mystery a shred of mystery I know we're best friends and we tell each other everything and we do all kinds of things together but to blow snot rockets and Hawk loogies right in front of me justjust a shirt a mystery that's all who else agrees with so if I go the same route that George went George is not your typical femme then woman someone said it's called the farmer Glock 30 fan said it's a farmer farmer blow especially when you have allergies and you're working in dust why are women offended by that I'm not offended by it I just just I just want that shirt of mystery so George is not a feminine feminine woman so she will burp anywhere anytime it does not matter is she and it's constant and so I don't care I can't burp on command I'm pretty sure she can this is this is a gassy woman here so so if we're gonna go along the lines of snot rockets and stuff so we'll be on the phone in just about I'll go and we'll be anywhere any conversation anything I have to edit it out of the actual videos and so if we're to go that route but it actually doesn't bother me Rosetta sent a $5 super chat appreciator Rosetta said Brunswick Ohio here might show up at an auction to meet you one day yeah you never know Rosetta you never know where the hell's were gonna be by the way I rather have a woman who openly burps instead of a woman that goes and so if you kind of feel me out rather I rather have a woman who is okay with storage 9% $12 five units three weeks editing is my night yeah editing welcome to our yeah it could take anywhere from like four to plus hours when we're in California we were there for four days two of the nights I had no sleep whatsoever I was a walking zombie two of the other nights I had two hours of sleep and that's because I fell asleep editing trying to get the videos done and if you were to ask George she would tell you one of the most annoying things is when we were pressed up against a time crunch for the donation giving back video I turned into a monster I'm like this has to be done now she's like would you calm down no he put a lot of effort into those videos like the different effects and that all takes time because everything has to line up you don't realize like how the music has to line up how the captions have to line up the timing you add in the timing and the length of how you want it and so all of that has to align with each other and then working eight hours on just a 60 minute and then it doesn't work yeah all right sherry miles says I burp like a man a deep and loud people I'm surprised unit you I always held it back on the live streams though yeah I would never do that I would now though I was like yeah whatever so tell the viewers what your annoying trait what my yeah maybe it doesn't have to be annoying could be like gross or the worst the worst maybe I ain't stupid [Laughter] are you gonna plead the fifth right now he's pleading the fifth day you will ask the most random questions in the world and so so that was one of the things I rated her on on her under evaluation so I did a I did a one-month dating evaluation and a three months of dating evaluation and after three months I went all right you're in and so and I actually did it as an evaluation and it was hilarious it was actually really really funny she was crying laughing because I made it so funny and one of the things was you know I rated her on her randomness of questions I mean you can't even begin to imagine the things that she asked I enjoy asking random sometimes awkward questions questions that make it I I can make him feel awkward she doesn't make me feel hot it's just normal people don't mind blind normal people don't think like that and don't ask things like that but she's just like and I think part of his cultural and part of his personality so she's just that's who she is so that's part of the beauty of her as well storage auction sniper sent eight dollars he said that is why I have no videos post create it so George keeps telling me stored storage auction snipers she's like you need to get one video ahead you need to get two videos ahead and he's going you need to get a week ahead and I keep like I said today I'm like how eBay Laos just have a couple videos sitting in draft and then I work non-stop every waking moment baby a house on a Sunday and Monday would be the perfect time Sundays and Mondays would be the perfect time and then once I quit my nine-to-five I can help you edit as well I work is not an exaggeration wait then I'll be able to edit I work in some way some form from the moment I get up at the moment I fall asleep there is hope don't forget I'll be quitting my nine-to-five so a lot of it will be delegated to me and you won't be as stressed out with the channel the editing I'm telling you store storage option snipers the editing comets sarcastic Sakura says it takes his videos two hours to upload from his desktop to the computer just to get it ready to upload on to the YouTube platform and that's what makes another anywhere that's not even as so another thing to keep in mind is when you upload your video onto the YouTube platform you really have to have good internet serve connection otherwise it'll take forever so we have fiber optic connection treasure hustler says you won't be able to give that editing up even if he wants to or says he wants why is that Jackie or Sarah that's gotta be Sarah typing because it's all lowercase should you should you tell them that I'm Ashley is that true somebody for you and Jackie Jackie refuses to give up the editing so what we're doing right now is we're actually trying to hire somebody to do the editing for us so we're gonna be at a certain point we're gonna have to outsource the editing because the sleepless nights can't continue on and so while I may not give up the creativeness of it so there'll be direction but I will give up the editing so I had a full media team in my in my time as an executive at another industry and so one of the things I used to do with my media team I would storyboard the video that I wanted and I would storyboard it for him and I'm saying now this is what this is the emotional field that I want and if you make me cry you know you did it right and so when they were done they would bring me in and and I and I would tell him look at my face and if I wasn't crying they had to go back and redo it and bring me back in again and I'd have a tear and I go you got it so I can give it up I promise you I can give it out storage auction sniper son another $5 super Chad appreciate it said send me a George please burps so in other words I think you think send someone that you can delegate to I'm sure a lot of our watchers right now edit and can can help Jackie Jackie is should we say that that we're taking resumes yes treasure hunter says he needs the control meaning you like me lol I won't let Sarah or if she tries to edit I tell her - oh no I'm not a micromanager bye tell her that she sucks and I redo it so so anybody who's ever worked for me I'm not a micromanager if I have to micromanage you you can't work for me and so it just doesn't work because I have too much going on in my life so what I'll do is I'll give you everything and I will be completely hands-off and then I'll come back and say okay this is what I show me what you did and and so that's how I operate so I have all kinds of leadership philosophies so I think there are two kinds of leaders there are empowered and there are devours and those who micromanage are devours and those who empower they don't micromanage they give you all that you need to be successful in such a free and so that's always my goal but we'll see how it works when it comes to editing Jackie says she's just not yelling today that's why she's not in - Bonnie nephew wants know how did you get the elephant from the unit that that didn't sell so that unit that was a no sale the facility the storage unit facility manager was she talking about the elephant for Tegan yeah so Jebus and I were there yeah you offered to pay for the elephant because Tegan saw the elephant got so excited about it and it was a no sale so he said go ahead and go take it so yeah Tegan saw it we saw Tegan get excited and Jebus like Tegan saw something she's so excited so we went and asked her what got you so excited she's like well is the elephant so we went to the facility manager and we said hey pay you for the elephant he's like go and I tried to pay him afterwards anyone accept any money so yeah he wouldn't he was such a nice guy he really was the the auctioneer was pretty awesome he had an awesome flow and then the facility manager was pretty awesome that Robert was phenomenal facility manager was phenomenal what you won't would definitely go there again what you won't see on camera is the facility manager actually offered another storage unit to us afterwards that didn't go up for auction he came out to us after we were filming and he said hey we skipped one on accident you guys want to come and look at it and you can have it and we went look that was so nice yep that was that was absolutely incredible it was incredible and Timothy Timothy says and you made Tegan so happy that was that was a ton of fun and you're gonna see a whole lot more happiness this week storage hunters Vegas I think Laurie is on says Brandon does the same thing to me so I'm assuming that Brandon does all the editing and likes that control okay locker nuts just got on he said what the Hales is up you guys sorry I'm late to the party earlier where the the neighbors don't don't give the spoiler you guys have to watch the locker nuts video with the emergency response oh man I know was never gonna believe what the Hales happened it was complete and total lack or not yes I couldn't even watch I was so yeah she had to leave I can't watch you I can't watch this she's like I can't watch it it's too upsetting it was too upsetting and me I was like oh whoa that's awesome and I'm sitting there I'm thinking get closer get closer and the police are telling them get away and I'm like no cops can't get me away I'd get right up in there and then if they put me in handcuffs it'd be even a better video so mama Jebus is on the chat once no did you get the unit that they offered they offered mama Jebus should know she was there well she was she was filming with yet would be she was doing her own thing we turned to that unit down so why Jebus and I went and looked at it together and we turned the unit down because we actually got to get inside of it and look at everything and we determined it was all garbage and so there was nothing of value Michael Diedrich says what the Hales is up the view count because because right now they have it that's 546 watching right now and if you haven't hit that smash that smash that like button yet you probably should what the hell's are you in in our latest video I asked why people put dryer sheets in their lockers and you said it doesn't work Jay Nolan gray says just so you know to help keep mice out of your camper wait let me guess let me guess is there you gonna say Irish Spring soap okay so it doesn't does not work so you're gonna see all kinds of you're gonna see all kinds of products for sale as well you have mice away and all this stuff though Irish Spring you'll get you'll get dryer sheets none of that works the mice won't stay away from that you'll see spearmint peppermint it doesn't work I've tried it all the only thing that works is being preventative and trapping that's the only thing that will ever keep the mice out so unfortunately and everybody's gonna tell me we'll try this try this try this I already tried it already done it for years doesn't work they will literally make a bed in it Deborah Vaughn says Jeff still keeps saying thank you for the elephant you're so anything with an engine just sent five dollars thanks so much guys and so that is the family who came out to look at the motorcycles is that yep yes I remembered your names - there's a virtual fist pump they're starting we're gonna start anything with an engines actually going to start their channel up yeah you're gonna get to see restoration of vehicles it's gonna be very good from the beginning to the end and it's gonna be with him and his dad right yeah all right Randy Tipler said Jeremy I give you a 1000 Reed of the sweatshirt buddy I love the sweatshirt sweatshirt loves me it's part of who I am and so I appreciate it Randy but I'm not ready to part with it yet I'm just not ready I made a deal with George if we got to a hundred thousand subscribers then and only then would I let her burn the sweatshirt and roast marshmallows oh yes I can't I cannot wait I cannot wait to roast marshmallows over it when I get to burn it but I don't think she can get our Channel there on her own is gonna be up to you guys to share it and everywhere and make sure that people are subscribing so I get to keep it until we get to a hundred thousand I don't know I might just start daily subscription I'm predicting that we'll hit a hundred thousand sometime in July so Jason Jason M Roush 100 said I was watching what the Hales and Jebus before California but now I follow everyone involved I love watching you all stay safe out there thank you so much awesome Jason really do moonlighter said that's a Franken sweater a little bit so I'm starting a new fashion I mean it is like a Frankenstein so job yeah it's kind of I think this would go over big in the West Coast like a lot of fashion trends start over there and I think this could actually be huge in the West Coast don't you my matrix three six nine says don't eat the marshmallows could you imagine all of the mouse poop that is embedded in this from storage units and then you're gonna roast marshmallows over it yeah we watched it every single day you've watched it goes in it goes in the washer Sergeant spork sent five dollars greeting from my world big day I just fit 10 followers was 17 news on my most recent pose nice my knees don't for growing sergeant's pork here's a tip for growing number one make sure you're using titles that everybody is searching for and the best ways to do that whatever your content is let's say it's storage units type storage up in the youtube search bar and it will autofill what everybody is searching so if it says storage units use the word unit if it says storage wars use the word wars if it says data death so you'll see our titles our titles always have all the same verbage in there except just a little bit has changed and then we get haters and go you didn't buy a unit even though you got to see somebody else's unit your title says I bought a storage unit I'll get over it okay title gets the person there your thumbnail makes them click on it have nice clean crisp thumbnails think of the way that Microsoft markets a product they throw all kinds of garbage on there and that's called postage stamp marketing in other words you put so much stuff on there nobody can tell what it's even about now think about a Mac it's crisp it's clean you have one message one central theme your thumbnail should be like a Mac marketing product don't ever ever throw a whole bunch of junk on there like a Microsoft think about Mac think about Mac that's your thumbnail and that will get people to click and that will make you grow yes so you're in order to optimize your video you want to make sure you have a thumbnail that's popping that people want to click on make sure your your title is what people are gonna search for and then make sure you include your title in the description box you always want to utilize your description box and then you put tags in your description box I do put tags but tags do very little basically what tags do with tags do when your channel gets monetized it helps YouTube know what what actual ad to put into your video because you don't put the ads in your video YouTube does and tags help YouTube know what to put in your actual video storage option pirates are sent a buck 99 I like the hook and hoodie it looks very piratey now it look even better with a storage option pirate patch appreciate it Mike Jeff steel just sent $8 Jeff steel is teegan's father I think that might have been Tegan that actually said the money she just paid her she's paying for the elephant now oh okay and we have Dennis Jones $5 mmm hoodie s'more sounds so yummy that's right Dennis we just had we had a bonfire Friday night really yeah it was Friday because we were at the storage unit auction on Saturday Friday night we had our first bonfire at my house of the season which is June I've had him as early as March in the past we just been so busy we finally had a bonfire and we didn't even make s'mores we were working on YouTube out around the fire to the point I I looked at her and I was like what are we doing we gotta get rid of these folks I might even taken the phone out of our hands and I was like alright throw them aside so we didn't do that what did we do you just kept working but I was ok with it [Laughter] you might sure everybody would what I was I was just I was just happy that I was thrilled that you made a bonfire with all the wood in the backyard yeah well yeah you're burning all kinds of stuff that I didn't even know you had was there like a wooden crib that you from a storage unit from very year and a half a wooden bunk bed in the fire I had a plan for that and I don't remember what it was so I just got rid of it uh 8 bit leprechaun wants to know can people come shop at the warehouse the answer is yes if the warehouse is open so I don't determine when the warehouse is open I actually have a warehouse manager and she determines when she actually opens to the public so she lets me know when she's gonna open and I'm typically never there so if you go to meet me or George you won't be able to not there unless we have something to drop off or picking up something but I think what we could do is maybe post it somewhere the weekend that she does want to open for all the local followers well and beyond the it would be on the what the Hales Facebook page yeah we would say hey she's gonna be open Richard wood says can you recommend any youtubers that actually show the whole process of going through the units rather than just the highlights of the units if we did that Richard that video would be four hours it would be more than four hours there are units that I work two days three days four days if you show the auction and then you've got watching no one ever YouTube this is the this is the reality Richard but nobody else will yeah and then YouTube what YouTube does this takes your channel and goes you're irrelevant because only Richard watches it and they won't show your video to anybody else and so you're not gonna get a single youtuber out there that will actually do that because nobody will watch it from beginning to end so those are the types of videos that get the least amount of you because YouTube won't promote it because nobody watches it YouTube only promotes things that people watch and so you're not going to be able to see that long drawn-out process think of think of Extreme Home Makeover you don't see the four months of construction in Extreme Home Makeover you see everything that took four months in a thirty minute episode yeah and so nobody would ever watch it if it went to that extreme that's why you don't see it mm-hmm same thing with a movie production it takes them years to make your movie and you see you only see two hours of that exactly so it's trying to keep people's attention span and and and being able to encourage our viewers to watch from being an end because that's what helps our channel the most lazy walking piece and the dollar ninety-nine still waiting for the commercial building story you'll get it you'll get it patience my friend patience kate says are you guys going back to using your sign-off slogan again I miss it and then she put the sad crying crying face I think we've been trying to do that in the beginning so basically in a nutshell other people have asked you know your endings they just feel like um like this now there's a reason for that because what was happening 20% of the viewers would actually watch the ending and what that happens that view rate drops down on a YouTube video and then therefore YouTube sees it as nobody watches this once we cut those off the YouTube shows us everybody watches this up to this point and then YouTube promotes our video and the channel grows so that got cut off on purpose to grow the channel for those who are asking about creating a YouTube channel there's a tip for you look at your analytics look at every detail that YouTube gives you and you can learn how to grow your channel based on what people are watching and watch means everything to you the more people watch beginning the end the more your channel will grow the more your channel grows I've shared this multiple times the more the channel grows the more we can do and restoring a Belov t-bone three five eight once no do you buy in Kentucky we will yeah eventually we'll make our way to Kentucky but Kentucky is about five hours away from us but I I do know to two channels that live in Kentucky that do the same thing we do nets I see profits and sarcastic stacker and both great channels if you want to watch them and show you check them out boy do you see what time it is yeah it's oh wow that hour is up so what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna try and transition into our second hour where we actually profile units so if you want to stick around and see how we profile units online in your area and show you different storage units that you could buy in your area we'll try and give you the free education right here yeah and if you want Jeremy to profile a unit that you've been eyeballing for a while or that you want to bid on in your area make sure you send us a super chat make sure you include your zip code and Jeremy will profile it for you on three of the main websites that we do for online units 533 people watching make sure you guys hit that thumbs up button we'd appreciate it it helps our channel out a lot youtubers that's where it's and this is true Tegan wants to know how did your business begin you're not he was 19 when it started you tubers Richard Richard would stick around for the next hour and we'll show you which websites we use for online auctions all right what else do we love babe we love our subscribers we love everyone that's on the chat if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you do before you leave we love subscribers so yes we do who love subscribers and you're not near northwest goodnight it's 3 a.m. there thank you so much for hanging out with us and this is true when we're not you to be we actually get a break and we're on vacation but we're blue Oh [Music] [Applause] we'll do one more and then we'll hop into our second segment of profiling units online but we love restoring the low yes we do yes love restore to the love it fits like a glove [Applause] Louis you like more options to eat Egan we love restoring the love from above when we're not restoring the loved ones would love we don't know what else with fits like a glove alright let's go ahead and transition you're gonna pull up pull up the the actual websites that we use as we look up storage auctions storage auction pirate just said I want to restore the love again so do we stored option pirate what about all of you in the chat do you want to see restored love alright so what we're gonna do if you send an actual super chat we will take your zip code because we can't take all 438 of your zip codes and we're gonna do a little bit of we're gonna smiling with you baby I think we can switch seats without them knowing what do you think okay so George's switching seats with me and we're gonna show you some of the actual websites that we use for looking at online storage auctions and so one of the ones that we use is right here it's stored treasures calm and then we also have Locker fox.com another one that we're gonna have is bid 13 comm and then we're gonna pull up another one as well it's storage auctions dot-com and we're gonna use for tonight so these are the the biggest ones that you can see so here we are on the west coast west coast over here excuse me on the east coast so you can see storage treasures calm is going to show you a whole now lacquer Fox different facilities use different online auctioning services bid 13 we can see what units look like here each of them have their own benefit and storage auctions dot-com all of them have their own benefit and so we'll work through some of those and what we're gonna do we're actually going to start with our zip code and show you some of the things in our area because I don't think we have anybody who said ok so we're gonna start with our area and we'll show you some of the things that we actually look for because this will be good for us because we don't have any live auctions this week until Thursday so typically what I'll do is actually but Nathan didn't send a zip code Nathan we appreciate the $4.99 but we actually need your zip code so that way that way up there it is so nine eight three eight seven all right Nathan let's look at your actual zip code now what I like to do is go to a hundred mile radius I hope it's not that blurry for them and we are going to do a search based on your radius and it looks like we're near Seattle so typically what I look for Nathan is I look at what's being bid the highest for example right here in Washington we see this one's at thirteen sixty so a lot of people already did some work for you they're already profiled this and you can see there's probably something pretty good in here so I just scroll and look really quick so I definitely want to look at this one but let's look at another one first this one actually ends in two days 14 hours 29 minutes 50 or 28 minutes in 57 seconds okay so let's take a look at it we're gonna peek at it here and the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna look and see sales tax yep so anything you bid 10% is gonna add on top of that clean out time you've got three days cleaning deposit is $100 the unit size is a 12 by 30 the first thing I'm gonna look at is not the pictures I'm gonna look at the description now other people will tell you never read the description they go I want to see it for myself well I don't live in Washington and I can't go and look at these before I buy on them so I have to rely on the person that actually saw them so what I'm always going to do is look and see what they wrote so it says tool such as Hitachi power air compressor portable space heater bike parts floor jacks snowboard tie-down straps drill press automotive seats utility buckets boom pots pans furniture okay so what we'll end up do Nathan I see what you said the one with all the white file boxes alright so he wants us to look at one specifically with file boxes that doesn't tell me which one it is but I'll try and find it paper wrappings let's see white file boxes it help if you could Nathan send me the actual look look here don't send me the link I don't want the link the link won't do anything for me here see this auction ID I need you to send me the auction ID of the exact one that you want me to look at okay so if I don't find it you need to send me that auction ID and I'll see if I can find it that way and maybe that's not that's not white file boxes maybe he means this oh yeah I think he means this one well how did he put it in there he said white file boxes right does he mean bank boxes okay this isn't white file boxes these are clear totes but I'm gonna hope that this is it so here we go if this one is it Jorge will let me know she's reading the chat so this one says totes boxes arts craft supplies so right now we're not logged on but we're just viewing we're not long done because you can see that here you must be logged on to bid you have to create an account you have to have a credit card on file all right so let's take a look at this so we already saw the description now we want to see what's in the boxes the benefit here is the totes are clear and so let's start looking at stuff now obviously this is craft supplies you got polyfill we have no idea what's in these totes but I like totes totes mcgoats alright if we were to say on average these totes we could resell the totes for 5 bucks we got 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 100 500 10 115 120 we got 120 539 35 40 you have 150 dollars just in totes in here so if you were to say alright how much would I bid you've got craft supplies I think this is probably a flea market you know this is stuff that I would sell it a flea market craft supplies but the totes you have $150 a resale value in totes in my area that doesn't mean it's the same in your area if this is the unit that you are referring to is did he ever give us the actual no did he give us the ID number yeah we have it so in regards to this Nathan if you're asking what the bid on this I'd say you have a hundred and fifty dollars and resale value just in the actual totes and it's already at one hundred and thirty with three days remember the majority of your bids in an auction come within the last five minutes I try and figure out what this says back here to that says china china hutch so whatever's in here was in the china hutch well it probably at one point was in the china hutch but it's open it was probably used to Reeboks based on what we're seeing here more craft items so for me i wouldn't bid on this because most of this is gonna be flea market this is gonna be flea market garage sale items of crafting supplies but that's me you may know crafting supplies and you may love selling it and you go man I'm gonna buck this all on eBay and it's gonna be phenomenal but I can say that you at least have $150 worth of actual totes there if this is the one you were referring to alright so Nathan wants to has anybody else done a superb job yes okay this is the last one we're gonna look at for you Nathan so he wants Nathan wants to know why would anybody bid up to thirteen hundred and sixty dollars on this so first things we're gonna look at is tools equipment toolboxes box sports cards heavy bags shop backs drill press Mario again tell it's the tools it's even the toolboxes see this toolbox here this could be $1,000 right there and you got a yeah it's the toolboxes and the tools easily so just in this and this you got $1,000 if not more and so profit margin after that it's pretty easy there there's you got it you got a cart drill so we just got to drop it I mean that drill pass is gonna go 150 200 bucks if I were to auction it off and usually I sell these punching bags for a hundred bucks anywhere from fifty to a hundred bucks on Facebook so what I can see here is their bid amount at thirteen sixty is for this tool cabinet and this tool cabinet and they're betting that it's filled with tools which most likely it is because we'll get everything else in here so we're trying to profile we're making educated guesses based on the the human nature of the person who put stuff in here the other thing we would want to look at is the boxes we see fragile six eight zero four that's probably the extra extra four numbers at the end of a zip code so that doesn't tell us too much I would want to look I would want to look this up these are all the baseball cards here so see here these are the baseball cards overflowing so these are all probably baseball cards everything here is probably baseball cards baseball cards unless you get the older ones I mean they're a dime a dozen and you're not even gonna get a dime for a dozen this is where the money is if it has all the tools and if has snap-on or what have you so what I spend the money the answer is yes and I would probably spend more than that if it tools is what I was looking for and if it's not what I'm looking for which I love I love antique toys and video games stuff that yourself so quick and so easy on eBay but there's a there's a ton of money to be made here if you have a market to sell it which you can sell this on Facebook marketplace you can sell this on Craigslist and you can sell all this stuff on eBay as well so for example here's a car crawler I just sold a antique craftsman car crawler for I don't know it was a hundred bucks maybe an eBay it was an old old one and I wrapped it in cardboard and shipped it out on eBay so you'd be surprised but you can actually sell that's what they're bidding on they're bidding on the tools and that's that's not a bad price all right what's the next the next errand Bridge is five three all right Aaron here we go two nine six five three you said we're gonna go to Locker Fox and again I always like to look at a hundred mile radius so Aaron let's see what we have here so we've got she's in Georgia and what I'm gonna look at first on Locker Fox just like I did on storage treasurer I just want to scroll here and see what's going alright so five hundred and sixty dollars here we want to look at that one at some point for me because I want to invest in the best stuff I don't I don't like to nickel and dime like lots of people watched the video yesterday and went those units were selling so cheap why didn't you buy them all well I didn't buy them all because it would have taken me a month's worth of work and so so where I could have made a dime on every item in those storage units and I could have worked for two months cleaning them out and sorting them I'm looking for units where I make hundreds of dollars not a dime per item I'm looking for high high resale value and those units are great for other people that's just not where I'm at so let's look at one of these so Aaron this one ends in four days 11 hours 42 minutes okay right now is that 20 bucks and just like we profile units we actually get to see who we're bidding against on Locker Fox and so we get to know what different people actually like to bid on and we also get to know their psychology of their threshold amounts of where they will bid so if you if you use Locker Fox a lot keep in mind you're going to profile people who bid as well because they actually have a bidding ID that you can see we can't actually expand these pictures unfortunately but we can scroll down and we can find there's an exercise equipment or what I like to call clothes hanger there's a bike car seat boxes and totes okay and so those are the keywords and the unit descriptions same thing so the cleaning deposit is a hundred dollars you get that back after it's empty it's a ten by ten it is not a manager which means the manager of the facility put a bunch of stuff in there for sale this is an actually lien sale which means somebody abandoned it and that's what you want and we know that we have 72 hours about three hours actually or three days to get it out so we can't expand the photos unless you use another program to expand the photos but we can see right here we got a tote no clue what's in it we got a treadmill we got a bike car seat a little bit of a closer up on the bike random garbage bag of something back here who knows what that could be now they are not supposed to get in the unit when they actually take pictures but obviously most of them do look at this piece of African art so that that piece right there would intrigue me just to go why if I could get it at twenty bucks I know I can solve the treadmill for a hundred dollars but I would have to wait till January first and everybody's on a gun Hoke kick or a beginning of summer where everybody wants their summer body for bathing suit season so if I did buy this I would have to hold on to it for a while but look they're even showing you what's in the box again the the workers are not supposed to actually break the threshold of the storage unit to take pictures most of them don't know that's part of Locker Fox that's part of all of these online platforms these websites that's part of their actual rules they're not allowed to break the facility threshold to take pictures and yet they all do and they go inside so this 120 bucks is about what I would put into it so not the best thing in the world right there let me look at you know these are in these are actually in the same location so if I were to buy one I could double up and buy another one like this this one has no bids so far it's got TV totes boxed up ladders rug bike if you were wanting to buy your first one you see all this dust on this TV the TV's horrible it's one of the old tube TVs even though it's horrible you can still sell them for five bucks sometimes even up to 25 bucks to the retro gamers the middle-aged men such as myself who want to go back to their Ataris and their Nintendo's and their Sega's and so other than that I usually end up throwing them away I got four of them in the trailer right now from this past weekend but you see all that dust it's undisturbed nobody's touched it and hopefully you can see it in the screen there are just cobwebs everywhere everywhere so there's there's not a there's not a single there's not a single bid on this yet this has outdoor Halloween so this is what we would call just a household unit you're not gonna find a lot of high-dollar collectibles but for a minimum bid the fun of the treasure hunt you can garage sale all of this and make 500 bucks easy easy so we're seeing all the good signs nobody was in there it's sitting undisturbed all the dirt all the cobwebs right look we've got okay you see these right here these are the original Disney VHS is okay now there are if you go to snoops comm there's this whole thing out there that these original VHS is are worth thousands and hundreds on eBay they're not they're worthless there is one that is worth a thousand dollars and it's the actual Little Mermaid and in the castle and and again if we've got kids watching and listening I apologize but in the castle on the front cover one of the artists actually drew will just use some terminology that everybody would not understand male genitalia and then that was taken off the shelf if you get a copy of that and you can find it at Goodwill and you can find it at garage sales you can settle up words of $1,000 on eBay so I don't I see Beauty and the Beast Lion King I think that one maybe the Little Mermaid I would probably since there's not a bid on this yet I would gamble it I would gamble just to say see if I could find that thousand dollar Little Mermaid VHS here's outdoor Christmas lights yeah this is just standard household but a lot of these families they don't know that about the VHS that's the thing and being in this resale business you have to know a little about everything so a lot of youtubers if we mispronounce something or we say something incorrectly about one thing they're experts on it and they want to tell you everything about it well we're not experts on anything our job is to know something about everything and we can't be experts on everything I jump on this one if I were you for the minimum price really what what I'm looking is just its garage sale stuff but you may have a thousand dollar VHS tape in there and throw that up on eBay and I mean that's better than finding a gold ring it's more money to be honest with you looks like a bunch of personal items here Jenni keep Christmas that's Christmas Jenni's keepsakes there may be some actual because these are keepsakes there may be some actual high-dollar items in there or higher dollars I'd go for it if this was just the first time because it's undisturbed and you might find a thousand-dollar VHS tape in there but remember all that stuff going on around Facebook that these VHS Disney tapes are worth hundreds and thousands that's not correct there's one that's worth something and that's the Little Mermaid and I want to look at this other one at five hundred and sixty dollars and then we'll jump to the next zip code so let's figure it out oh look at this now you're getting to profile your people and you're getting to see people's thresholds of bidding Jew baby threshold was 250 remember I've told you in the past people typically we'll create their threshold of bidding at round numbers like 200 250 300 so here's one here 450 you can see and profile where they're actually bidding and I guarantee you'll oh man here probably put his profile at 5 he did because price so is 550 so Bryce is at 560 Bryce probably put in a max bid of 600 so if you were to go 610 you could beat Bryce out but let's just take a peek down here we got boxes weed trimmer fish and pool toolboxes totes let's see if we can figure out why this and I already see why it's so high you see this right here this is a military ammo box and so this is why the price went so high it's not this right here that you see the smoked turkey that's why I would bid on it because I would be hungry and want something to eat but they're gambling on on sporting equipment or guns ammunition so let's let's take more of a look and see if we can find anything else and we got a toolbox back here so we just looked at another one in the first zip code and we said hey it was at $1,300 if this thing's filled with tools snap-on and everything else I mean that's that's that's incredible and the toolbox alone is probably worth what the bid price is right now but they're seeing the ammo box the fishing pole they're seeing tools and sporting items oh yeah yep absolutely yeah that's a great price glass nobody cares about now if there's a gun in there it's gonna be hidden right back here behind those boxes right back there or if it's a pistol it's gonna be inside one of these drawers based on our experience with storage units just look at the rest of it if I'm scrolling too fast I apologize make sure it matches make sure it matches yeah thanks for the tip Grimes mines alright let's move on to our next zip code we're gonna jump over to bid 13 and one of the cool things that bid 13 does is bid 13 actually gives you a video so when you see when you see you ha getting upset with me for videoing there are many you have facilities that are actually using bid 13 and their videos are not only on bid 13 they're hosted on YouTube so let's go ahead and look at some what's our next if code for 8 3 3 6 all right Laura we're gonna do another 100-mile radius and we're gonna go ending soonest and let's do a search okay it was 4 8 3 36 hopefully that did right let me make sure I'm gonna make sure I did it right it's not doing it right what's the zip code again it definitely is not it is not showing all right well let's go look at another platform this is Laura right okay we're gonna go over to storage auctions dot-com now most of these are over on the west coast so you you basically you have to find out what platform you got to figure out what platform is not where we want it yes it is you got to figure out what platform the business is near you are actually using so the best way to do that column so you can call them all right looks like she's somewhere near Michigan because this is 62 miles away so I'm showing 21 actions within a hundred and twenty mile radius of you in Michigan so let's take a look here at storage auctions dot-com Laura let's look at this first one even though I want to glance really quick I want to see if anything's going for anything big and they're all actually she's got to be somewhat close to us I've been looking at these because these are close to us these are 40 minutes away from us Laura where do you live what city do you live in I want to know what city she lives she's got to be close to us so storage auctions dot-com you'll see you can actually magnify right here I don't like it very much it's not very user friendly like storage treasures where you can just blow the whole picture up this to me this feature is annoying okay so she is up in Michigan obviously here guys want to think you're gonna find and the minimum wage employees that work at the storage unit facilities they don't care if the picture is good and so if you have bad pictures they're they're not trying to send you a bad picture they just don't care and so it's not their money they they don't have the same passion about it that you and I have so you can see all this glare and you can't see anything to me personally I probably I wouldn't even look at this one because I can't see very well although I see I see a bill or billiard pole there so let's look at one that's not so bad and usually you see right here Red Dot storage 93 but here's Red Dot storage 99 red that storage 99 these facilities this facility I'll keep an eye out on the facilities with the employees who just don't care sloppy work to me I mean they can be sloppy in other areas too so let's look at Burton Michigan so right now this is at $60 it's one day 12 hours 57 minutes 40 seconds that's how much time you have left it is a 10 by 15 and you've 216 people including us have looked at it so far you got a bike furniture grill washer and dryer washer and dryer typically in my area could be very different in somebody else's area it's gonna pay for a unit I'm gonna get a couple hundred dollars for the washer and dryer and if it's newer I'm gonna get five hundred six hundred dollars for the washer and dryer let's see if we can look at this one and actually see it I really don't like this feature where you just magnify certain parts because it can distort the whole picture but this is the way storage auctions Tom Tom works alright so they say washer and dryer there we go washer and dryer now I can't tell this looks like a front-loading and I can't tell if that's the washer of the dryer now front-loading washers always sell for less than top loaders because the seals leak like crazy and so if it's a front loader I usually will never bid on them if they're top loaders you know washer and dryer can pay for the whole unit this would be at that price at 60 bucks this would be bad if you just wanted to have some fun and then actually garage sale this stuff but you have plenty within a radius of you just here let's look on a couple others let's go is storage option Storch treasures calm got so many em pulled up right now okay this is in 25 miles let's go a hundred miles this is still Laura up in Michigan you Detroit okay so here's Taylor Michigan hour and 11 minutes 27 seconds there's a bit of 150 let's look at this one really quick first thing we're looking at boxes living chairs couch dresser mirror so this is basically a household unit but for me because I move so much there's a u-haul dolly that somebody stole uh-huh and their name is right there who they stole it from see how much better this is that the whole picture actually magnifies instead of a square distorting the rest of it now for me you see the plastic on the I hate mattresses but this here I get three hundred four hundred bucks for this here within hours within hours in Worcester Ohio this would sell and pay for the unit just the mattress but see here's the bed frame here and I'm guessing Michigan is somewhat the same this piece of furniture here I'd get a couple hundred bucks looks like it's actual particle board the one I want hardwood but for me that furniture dolly but this that looks like hardwood there let's look at the other pictures I don't like seeing things in a unit like this I'll tossed around and that cared for I like cleanliness neatly stacked okay this is a computer desk I like the dust that I'm seeing there undisturbed oh look at this you got the paper roll that know that saran wrap this is the perfect shipping station if you guys are gonna resell on eBay boom you got the saran wrap roll right there and somebody used it look somebody actually used the wrap right there you got the the furniture blankets protecting so this is this is wood this is hardwood so Laura you should be bidding on this you have especially when I don't know how much money she has babe I'm not okay George wants to know how much I would bid on this remember I'm not you so you have to take whatever I share with you and you have to filter out the dirt and throw that to the ground and then take out the nuggets of gold so for me personally I want the dolly so it's at one hundred and fifty dollars right now I already know I would sell this mattress set here for three hundred bucks and the I wouldn't even sell an employee would sell it and then I would have to give them twenty five percent all my employees make twenty five percent commission on anything they sell so I already know that if I would go up to 300 bucks everything else is profit and I get to keep the dolly the dolly easily is worth a hundred dollars so the the desk I mean I would go I'd go three hundred dollars and I went in bat an eye at four hundred dollars and I probably wouldn't bat an eye at five hundred dollars knowing that they're still gonna be profit in there because this is gonna sell so quick and then add the pieces on there and then I could flip this quick and the whole thing is paid for and I get to keep the dolly and everything else is a profit margin so I probably would not hesitate at 500 ok skateboards see the skateboard down here if you watch our thrifting videos I teach you that some skateboards are actually worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars as well you just have to check them out so right there Laura you can see the actual name of the wheels sometimes the wheels and the hardware are worth more than the actual board sometimes the board is worth more than the hardware so you'd want to jump on ebay you'd want to check that all out and see what the value is before bidding come on we almost had it and there we go that dolly belongs to Ross Alfred so there you have it easily with this with this appliance dolly so for me because of what I do for a living every day I want that dolly so I'm gonna buy the unit specifically so I can own that dolly sell everything else it would it be a bow or a doll this be a dolly or a dully can anybody share with me okay well we got back here yeah I think you should be bidding on this Laura so set a budget Laura if you can't go higher than 400 then don't fit above 400 but 500 wouldn't be bad either remember it takes time look how far back it goes Laura I might have my bid on this one against her and tribe drove out to Michigan I want the Denali I have like four or five dollars and it's still not enough but that appliance dolly is better than the other Dolly's I have see this here this looks like the Husky name brand which is not the best tool name brand but doesn't mean there's still profit it's gonna be profit here's a washer box so you got appliances back here you probably have the washer and dryer back here you're gonna sell the the furniture set for a couple hundred bucks as well just based on what I'm seeing I'm profiling trying to figure people out the the furniture is probably all in here all the pillows and there's profit here I'd I would not hesitate I would not hesitate at $500 live auctions always go cheaper than online because online you can sit here forever and everybody in their underwear can sit here and look at everything and price it on eBay with a live auction you actually have to have skill and be able to make decisions in in 30 seconds or less and not too many people can think that fast and go okay well this is where the profit margin is and I see this and then add that you guys who want to do YouTube channels it makes it ten times more difficult because you have to think about framing and lighting and pictures and not moving the camera and commentary and then you actually have to do your actual job too so those of you who want to start YouTube channels and video this you get sidetracked YouTube side tracks you from doing the actual storage unit buying it's not an easy process but it is a ton of fun so Laura you got plenty in your area you got four unit you got four different websites that I've shown you here and you've got some stuff and this one particularly I would buy on I've put a bid then tonight if I were you yeah I will give her $1 dollar dollar dollar all right give you our three Dow dollars dollars all right what's our next sip seven nine eight seven what is it that's not a zip code that would have been the auction ID for the one that he wanted us to look at all right next one give me an give me a sip code that would have been the ID that I asked him for earlier all right 402 nine nine let's see if I'm good let's see if we can get this - yep there we go all right we are now on bid 13 again bid 13 what they do is they will actually give you a video so we're gonna click on this and this video is actually hosted on YouTube so YouTube is the platform you see right here everything that they put up so they unbid 13 they are actually supposed to film the opening of the unit the actual unit so they didn't show you the opening here and the closing of the unit and again that's part of the Platte that's part of the platform's remember we did one for sarcastic stacker before and he bought it and it was awesome that unit was awesome so what we're looking at is the actual video now what will happen is the platform will actually take stills from the video so what we can do now is click on the stills and what I would end up doing okay so we got atonic here and we got Hellmann's mayonnaise we know there's not mayonnaise in here but anything that I could actually see and make out I'd start looking at completed sales on eBay to start seeing what value may be there which I know you guys are probably all doing as well and I'm starting to look and see okay is there anything George can smash open with a sledgehammer like this suitcase you see how it's not locked I'm looking for the small details see how it's not closed so my first thought is why is it not closed who puts a suitcase in storage and it's not closed so did somebody come in and and it could have been the owner it could have it most likely was 99.9 percent of time the person who actually didn't pay their bill came in to get their stuff just like you go get your stuff in your basement or your closet but why wouldn't they seal the suitcase so I'm looking for stuff that George can sledgehammer open to because that's just downright fun oh yeah by the way if you're gonna want to be watching Grimes finds because he just got a killer amazing unit amazing unit so we're looking at all these boxes what I do like what I do like is when boxes are taped and sealed shut but you see this one here open see this one here open tapes been cut open this one tapes been cut open tapes been cut open so I like the ones on the bottom that aren't open because there's more mystery but what this means is the previous owner came in and got stuff and what I like to see is undisturbed stuff because typically if they come in to get stuff they're coming to get high-value item things they're not coming in for the cheap junk and garbage they're coming for the expensive stuff this would have been a nice dresser at one point but obviously it's all hurt now we're looking they changed the filter on that on that picture tried to lighten it up we actually have the name here so one of the things that I would do it looks like this was a doctor MD so I would look up Donald Elmer MD and I would try and find out the story on this person so if this is giving me a clue that this is a doctor's unit again we're always trying to find people of the fluency I will tell you that the biggest misconception in our world today is that doctors and lawyers have money they don't they don't have the most money they have the most debt the people with the most money are small business owners there are more multimillionaire small business owners than any doctors and lawyers doctors and lawyers carry the majority of the debt in our society they live like they have money but they live in debt but I would still look up Donald Aldama MD and try and find any information on him online just like you probably would as well if you saw it yep definitely MD see it right there so I want to know what's the story did he pass away there's the alcohol did he just stop paying so we could try and find the story on doctor Donald let's look at another one by the way I did buy a Oral Surgeons unit that made easily fifty thousand plus dollars easily and it's not done being sold yet so that being said it's nice when doctors spend a lot of money and live in debt and then I buy their stuff cheap and then I sell it and make a lot of money and that's not the sound crude or harsh or anything like that that's just the reality of the resale business all right let's take a look at this video here now this is still sarcastic Backer okay so if you see what I see I see shelving we're just we're gonna skip the video and we'll go see on this one they're actually going to show you the opening of the unit like they're supposed to and then they'll probably show you the closing I can't believe almost 400 people are actually still watching this what the Hales are you guys thinking okay this looks like leftover school supplies shelving racking you need this in your in your shed sarcastic stacker these the shelving is used for food service industry all right we're just gonna pause it there because a now I want to look at the pictures so the shelving is priceless for storage and you see all the racking here that may not be racking that maybe dividers even let's see all right these are the table legs we saw the square table tops these are probably the table tops to the legs the light bulbs I mean they're a dime a dozen yeah you know what I would do I would buy this one and flea market all the chairs and keep the shelving if it went cheap enough let's see what it's going for boom boom boom it is going $11 yeah bid on that and let's look at one more well I'm glad I can put you to sleep man welcome to what the hell's with the soothing voice of Jeremy Hales now we're looking at unit 107 alright we're gonna look at this one in Indiana let's take a look at the video this will be the last one that we look at for sarcastic stacker I'm bid 13 okay we'll do one for Grimes fines after that all of this is my favorite shot right there there they're cutting it off so that's the best the grinder all the sparks yeah I put a fatter wheel on my grinder so it makes more sparks so it looks better on video for some of you for those of you who are asking you know some tips for YouTube more sparks more sparks more sparks more sparks so this is how everyone is supposed to do this is bid 13's policy you get to watch them open it film it and then shut it again you're not gonna see all of them like this but this is per the policy these these minimum wage again I don't know how to say it except people not all employees care so I care but I've also had to fire enough employees to know that not every employee cares so they're not gonna do the best job in the world and they're not always gonna follow them policies but the goal is to try and find the facilities that you're buying from they actually do care you see the flash in the video as well they're taking still shots so that's a good sign too so I'm seeing that in the video see the still shots and this is an indoor facility as well which means typically they're paying more for climate control and that hopefully means they have higher quality items okay let's skip to the end because what I want you to see is they actually show it closing back up and there you go and there they're gonna show a tab for bid 13 they're gonna show you them putting that tab on the actual lock and that's how you're supposed to know they didn't go through it so they're gonna close it they should have a bid 13 tab that they show in the camera well they're putting it on right now okay so this is the nice thing about bid 13 now they should show this number tab in the camp camera this tab right here hanging they may or they may not and they put their lock on okay now it looks like they went in to show the number on the tab but then it faded out so we'll look at this real quick art decor home decor art decor home to court now if I didn't know what some of these things were I would take the images and I would throw them into eBay Image Search and see if I could find anything or Google or Amazon I don't think this one had any bids yet some good canes for when George and I can't walk anymore from all this Brack back-breaking labor okay we're gonna jump out of here and we are gonna head on over to storage auctions calm and we're going to Grimes fines right okay his zip is for two all right Justin let's see what we can find now Justin does this every day of his life this is his livelihood as well all right let's look at this right here okay so we're on storage auctions dot-com now for our viewer's sake you see how this is just as 10 by 15 but this says manager build up so often you'll see one of three things you'll see just a lean unit you'll see a manager unit or you'll see a charity unit a manager unit is the manager of the facility here's the magnifying glass that I can't stand put all of this stuff in here that they collected from other facilities stuff that was left behind so you already know this has all been looked at it's been gone through you're not gonna find money silver gold normally okay so I stay away from these and the charity ones are stuff that is put in there and then the proceeds are donated to charity what well don't what will bid on is the actual lean units so Justin is down in Texas and let's take a look at this one before we look at the $160 one let's just look I like to see the high dollar ones because people already profiled for you we got a lot here's us here okay so here's a 630 dollar 1y which you guys can already tell me why there's a boat in there I hate this magnifying glass all right so there is a boat in there let's take a look at the pictures we'll see if we can actually get better pictures see if we can find out what kind of boat is actually in there we know it's an escort boat trailer so the trailer may be worth 500 bucks maybe not in the conditions it's in we can't really tell and we can't really tell what kind of boat it is either I mean obviously it's a speedboat but is it an outboard and inboard is it out in is it you know what kind of engine does it have does it have a mercury oh here we go look at this they cross the threshold and they got inside and they uncovered it all right well now we know there's a tube for pulling so I guess we're gonna figure out what kind of boat it is now was horrible lighting alright so inboard/outboard all right so we know it's because there's a boat in there and if I was in Texas I would need to know what the actual rules were for getting a new title for that boat if if it was abandoned so probably can get a title there pretty easily here in Ohio los changed about two years ago for a title for anything that's abandoned most of the facilities won't even sell a vehicle about anything that's in there an ATV because you can't get a title anymore so let's take a look at this one which is over in Justin's area this one isn't active it's a normal lean 160 bucks right now currently 14 bids 309 people looked at it it's a 10 by 15 we want to know that because we have to we have to actually get it out how are we gonna get it out as far as moving it out there's boxes furniture mini-fridge Sporting Goods tools alright Sporting Goods should make your ears and tools should make your ears peek and go okay is there money in here so again we can't we can't magnify the entire picture which drives me crazy on this site but here's your sporting goods there's a there's a speed boxing bag see what else we can find there's a glove use those working on the units all right there's a normal punching bag let's look at another picture all right there's a mini fridge now in my area that mini fridge that could go in a one-bedroom mini compact apartment $150 easy resale value if it's clean and it's working there's a pull-up bar right there so it's at 160 so as I'm looking this fridge would pay for the unit if it's data at 160 that smell is me George oh wait that might be you are you burping are you gassy tonight majority majority we're at storage options right now remember when I told you she asked random questions remember I told you shafts random questions she just asked do you have you ever used storage auctions calm I should have said Hales no woohoo never heard of that one before what's that smell George okay we see a lifetime table you guys see stuff like this I mean this isn't very attractive to me when I see boxes bunched up and rags and piles of you know what's going on we're trying to we're trying to put the story together yeah whatever you're reading it probably came from JK right oh yeah she's Marsha says a reminder the the unit that smell like fish that one was a rough unit we didn't buy it here's a ladder stance so here's here's a ladder stand hunting now here's what I want to look for I want to see if you see our TV or basically that stands for return to vendor it's stuff that got returned to a retail store usually they're red they're yellow they could be orange stickers on these boxes if it got returned to the vendor and then somebody picked it up at a pallet sale I typically don't want anything to do with it sometimes they're great and sometimes they're missing pieces so we're looking at that as well obviously we've got 10th we got Sporting Goods see what else we can find take a peek here me personally on this unit I probably won't go any higher than $200 because I want I want a higher profit margin I always want a high ROI return on investment so if I could get this at $200 that would be great now in the Dallas area this may go for a whole lot more than $200 Justin would know for sure he does this on a daily basis let's look at one more here this in Oklahoma this is like thrift trader area oh the dreaded projection screen TV right there so we got a sleigh bed and we got the old AB the AB lounger now believe it or not these AB lounges last one I sold was over a hundred dollars on eBay you can pick these up for a dollar at Goodwill everywhere all over the place I don't know if they're still going for a hundred two dollars on eBay but the last one I sold was $100 so that in itself could actually pay for the unit at 40 bucks and we'd want to see how much these rims are going for I only see three tires though where's number four TV stand those are dime a dozen and the projection TV that's basically garbage that would have to be thrown away some pictures have dates it all depends on the facility good question oh I would say that one Justin I don't know that I would ever bid on that but I don't know that you would either with your auction house but see here here's the one thing this is the good thing that we can show with this unit even though it's $40.00 and it's not something that would bid on everybody see what this says right here climate controlled and so typically that means better quality items at least we would hope again we're just we're making educated guesses we're attempting to make educated guesses let's look at one more just for the fun of it let's look at this living room piece George you tell me what do you see this is a this is at $30 it's a five by ten look at this the magnifying glass doesn't work anymore that's nice I hate that all right how much would you bid on this George you see the particle board furniture back here yeah you see the particle board drawers right here talk to me what would you do okay George wouldn't even bid on this one so she would go at so she wouldn't even bid on it all right George what time is it like like seriously wrap it like Philadelphia born and raised on the playground is where most of my date like that okay okay well what do you need to tell everybody tonight George before we go okay we're gonna stop sharing baby we love to share why would we stop sharing and now what why wouldn't we want to share anymore how do they do that maybe I took my hoodie off okay oh but you didn't see that coming okay all right so thank you guys so much for sticking around 370 people stuck around you guys are very brave very brave you'll see us next obviously we'll have videos throughout the week and then you'll see us on the next life panel for our AAA auctions Anonymous panel which will be hosted by storage stalker and once we have the link we'll shoot it out on YouTube that way you guys can join us at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and for those of you who are still with us I have a secret to share with you thanks for sticking around here's your ring short I [Laughter] bet a lot of people are like so weird it's awkward seeing them flip-flop anyways good night guys thank you so much for hanging out with us we'll see you next Sunday on our usual live and then we'll see you in between have a good night love you all remember adventure awaits you gotta go find it because you never know you might even find treasure hunting with Jebus if you look try hard enough
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 28,379
Rating: 4.8551002 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 24sec (7464 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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