Hairdresser Reacts To Girls Dyeing Their Hair Neon

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hi beautiful how you doing you look spectacular go in the mirror look at yourself tell yourself you're beautiful because that's what you are oh it's so intimidating being in your presence it's almost a little nerve-wracking hi I'm Brad mondo I forgot how to like do this mic so weird like you're so pretty and it's hard to speak when you're being watched by somebody who's just so unreal thank you for being here we're watching some people color their hair neon today I am so excited because neon is just like the most extra type of hair color you can do to yourself and if you know me you know I like extra things and you know I'm a little extra well a lot of it extra we had people going young yellow neon pink neon green anything could happen today really I'm excited to watch these transformations happen let's do it all right up first we have Laura Natalya Lord yeah Laura Gaia Laura Laura Gia the one of those this probably is right and the title is dyeing my hair yellow Laura that's your name got it all right Laura 100 and millions mid use my hair a mid youth crisis alright yeah that's what it is that's gonna be a process will it turn out good I don't know that air is dark as hell thick as hell a lot of hills and I don't think she's gonna get a yellow but I've been wrong before first we have here perfu clear what are we using to do this prism lights in the same violet I can get with that because I'm trying to you know see the blonde is I can be that's right I'm clearly trying to cry my hair let's not do that but I like that she said she's trying to be as blonde as can be - then go yellow that's important because to go yellow you're gonna have some blonde hair that was rude I'm leaving that in my video just so everybody else has to feel how afraid I just was for my life I'm using the 40 volume developer and I will be reading the directions which I usually don't do so we have prism lights and 40 volume develli well this is about to get wild and it says to use a 20 volume developer and I'm like I'm not really sure what we're doing like I know we're going yellow but I'm not sure like how much of our head is going yellow is it our ends is there a head I don't really know what's going on so I'm going to be using this developer because it has oil in it oh I love that she's following directions I appreciate that it's great it's awesome and we're sectioning yes [Music] the entire free time I wanted to go home even though I already was home I just wanted to stop I couldn't because I already put the bleep no turning back because already I have to say she's doing a great job dude this sectioning is phenomenal well it's good it's not phenomenal but she could have taken smaller sections for sure however she is fully set during that hair with bleach see that guys that is full saturation she's getting a really caked on there and I love to see it and then she's putting it in foil and the foil folding is beautiful and I like what I see and it's developing so she put all the foils in I can't wait to see what happens to her hair is it gonna be good I feel like this is gonna be really good for her 20 minutes it looks damn white we have this like very dark moment on the top then to this very oranjee moment in between and then very white ends that almost look like they're gonna snap right off her head and she's gonna now put the yellow over her hair hopefully that'll save the day it may be fine because she has that kind of orange in the middle it might go from like dark to orange to yellow which it's kind of like a moment but also I don't know if that's gonna be I've used that before it's really pretty and then the second day I use with puranas chromosome Vivid's locked in and just regular yellow and now time to makes a uni do one partner it's gonna be so yellow [Laughter] put on your head freaked me out look look at that look at that that does not look yellow I freaking stock that I actually mix it nor did I my hair's gonna look orange and I was a freaking idiot but everything turned out fine I mixed it and it was perfectly fine the yellows in you really good for her in the dye yeah Wow we love and it anyways this part with this is gonna be really pretty a thing oh my god it's so good wait what this is gonna look so good dude this looks incredible yes you like it it looks incredible like that and so this yellow is so good for her I am actually shocked at how good it came out and also that yellow somehow like neutralized that orange e part of her hair or it just kind of disguised it and it looks so great especially with her natural hair color that is a very cool toned this very cool toned yellow looks great I don't know I'm just obsessed this look I love that she only did the ends and you know it's like dip dyed it's very funky very fun and very fresh and I love it this is what I want okay let's move on to the next person up next we have nausea MOOC nasiha I don't know there are a lot of hard names today and by a lot I mean there's been to dying my hair neon pink and orange at home do you know why hi guys welcome back to my channel today I've decided that I'm gonna do something a little cray-cray what are we doing I'm going to bleach my hair and then diet hot pink and orange already we're just going right for it so we're going from brown hair that looks like it has been dyed before to then bleaching it and then dying it pink and orange I can't wait I'm so excited oh I can't wait I'm using loriel quick blue loriel Laura ion 30 volume I might even be able to get away with 20 but we're gonna shoot for 30 I think 30 is good it believes my hair one time okay guys oh we did it we I'm going to clean up my we already did it and sit for about 25 30 minutes and then come back I wonder what she has on her hair currently it definitely looks like it's died over blonde hair so the 30 volume of bleach might just really lift out top layer a brown color really fast and she might end up with a very blonde hair I'm excited yes yep I was right into the bleaching process and whoa 15 minutes and then I'm gonna wash it out and I actually have you I'm excited a mixture of the two diluted before to get my peach colored hair and my hair was not even as blonde as this I only left it bleach in for like 20 minutes last time I can't wait to see this look I came into this look my hair's need me a little bit later alright guys there is a product about 25 minutes of bleaching with 30 okay it's very orange II yes obviously like if I wanted to go with the platinum I would wait a week bleach it again and then tone with like well a tea we're not doing that I'm guessing unlike right here and everything in use t zero five zero I think it is like a violet color I really only needed it to be a little bit lighter because its colors that I'm going with Oh first of all orange a in nature in the second of all they're pretty bright okay this girl knows exactly what she's doing it's actually better to not lift your hair to a very bright color before putting reds and oranges on your hair because you want that existing warm pigment in your hair that way the color is more vibrant and it lasts longer if you put red or orange over a very white hair it just ends up fading out really quickly and there's just no point of lifting it that high and damaging your hair even further when you don't have to I've downloaded this pink with the conditioner and also mixed it with a little bit of this so this is atomic pink atomic pink whoa this is new palm these are so bright I'm terrified but I'm not mixed these up in two separate bowls this everywhere like this I'm going to bring my hair and then I'm just going to go at the base of my scalp with the neon pink and then as I go down I'm gonna gradually fade into action that's difficult to do on yourself I think I believe in this crop be like this could really go well oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes really I love that first little application of color on blonde hair it's so exciting it's like here we are bringing life back into your hair and it looks so good okay this is definitely a different look than what she just had this is gonna be a huge transformation from what she just had I am psyched about it she's totally contemplating her whole life at this point she's like what the [ __ ] did I just do myself here oh I can't say that I'm disappointed Wow with this and see what it looks like Wow crazy with my makeup but I feel like we're gonna do something bright colors today just gave me the bright makeup I do I want to see the full fantasy haha give me curled hair and some makeup I want to see it all for tonight this is the finished look I did my makeup I did some eye shadow to match my clown hair and yeah I actually love it so keep this color for me we'll do like a blue something next oh my god she looks stunning that's all that really matters the orange and pink neon hair always so much better than her brown hair like yes and it's so fun for me to be able to say that now because you guys used to think that I hated brown hair well the joke's on you because I literally have brown hair now I don't hear you guys talking anymore I don't hear you what I don't hear you that was so good please keep your hair that color it looks incredible let's move on to the next person this video is by mariah Kaelyn and this is really me dying my hair and neon pink at to him I want to just experimental colors with my real hair because after I'm gonna show my bro hair okay so I can get healthier and then I like don't Brown so I think it would just look so cute because I would just look like put together like dark for your waves will be so cute like Betty Boop I dunno I'm saying I'm gonna dye my things with our color but first I'm gonna explain all comics I'd even the other end if governments in the color on my way stuff like that but you know that's what the Front's all yeah you got some roots going on girl please that's gonna be really hard to touch up those roots at home and not overlap with the existing blonde hair that's really scary I wouldn't do that a lot of things that I wouldn't do that you though that's not saying much I don't know where the brush is no no all of it is overlapping I really hated having black this is the worst way you could so now what's gonna happen is she's gonna get probably like orange yellow roots with really white ends and then when she puts the color over all that she's gonna get all different variation of colors in her head because she doesn't have an even palette to work on before she puts the color on okay yeah I thought it is because well your ends looks like they're hating you through the back and aback it's gonna take forever it's lighten up because my boobs are taking forever this way the plan was to do like an ombre of purple going into pink but one nobody wants to help me get back my head in this house we put that home I would have helped you so I had my coat as I cleaned out whatever so today I was gonna do pink it's a neon pink and it's from a door and the shade 148 I'll be really good for her it's like it a really combat your skin it'll look really nice and I got to start this process so my hair drying is not a problem her roots are orange playing pinky her ends are white what did I say guys I'm getting good at this wow it's almost like my job my sister said I could just like pour away Oh put it in the pool no God putting at my head should I put it in a bowl put it in a bowl and she put it on her head great so what's gonna happen if you just directly pour something on your head is the first place you pour that pigment on it's gonna be the darkest the pigment is gonna sit in that spot the longest out of your whole head and you'll get a slight color variation in that spot however her hair is already varying colors very much so so I don't think that's the biggest worry of hers right now it's gonna look probably looking crazy no matter what oh it is really right they were not kidding when they said oh yo it's gonna be so bright this actually might be okay so I'm gonna go in the mirror and look at this laughing because I can't all the time I do good idea I love that idea back of my head I don't want the back to be a total fail I'm back I applied it to the back I don't know if I got all the way oh with the waves dude with the pink good whoa this was my best color I've done on my big wave so hard all I did was dyed blond I mean wipers cut my hair it was well on camera it looks hella good Wow your hair is so pink and it actually looks quite even which I'm very shocked about last night I just want to sleep and I didn't film my outro I look like I highlighted you were looking like a hot highlighter like the favorite highlighter in the pack my hands are pink we love that Wow the finger waves with it it actually looks fake it doesn't look real I see nice and subscribe to me to be a part of my little family I got going on oh my god her hair it looks so good I think it's a really frizzy look but I think it's really fun it'll probably fit out really fast but I love the finger waves with the color I think it really completes the look and just snatches it all together it looks amazing yes alright and lastly we have Eva first-serve dyeing my hair neon green I'll put this hair color for appoximately once a month Oh perfect I don't like blue here on my face I like blue here a lot people that's why I died that was color I don't like him and made it because of this white streak in my hand but I just haven't got into dying not blue either yeah something about this blue hair doesn't seem like the most optimal color for you I feel like it could be a lot better these are problems just like defin like I bought this one today this one's there and this was born together and so she's using 30 and 40 volume and mixing them together so what you can do to figure out what developer is gonna happen with two different developers is add the two developers together and divide them by two and that's sort of the area of what developer you were gonna be using when you mix them together so 30 plus 40 is 70 divided by 2 is 35 so 30 and 40 volume together will create 35 of volume and developer it's a little bit strong for just taking blue out of your hair but whatever you can just done a bleach bath mix some shampoo some water with some powder and a little bit of developer and just shampoo it in and actually lather the bleach for once guys I'm okay with that and then just took the blue out and you but we're gonna use 35 volume instead okay these are the two colors about the basically the same oh yes yes neon green looks so it's gonna look so good on her I can't you feel like but I ended up bleaching out really badly like just the feed by my own hair and I couldn't be bullet even finishing the roots and stuff like oh no we have one side navy blue we have one side pastel blue we have some yellow roots we have a little bit of a green spot in between we've gone this far let's just quiet spine because I was slightly into my ball you know my mantle great thing completely forgot to actually found myself caught on my hair this is what it looks like right now it's okay show you that reveal I just like tied them up in paper the same way possibly short off looks so cute what the hell okay so now she's bleaching your hair the next day again with 30 volume we can learn oh but they are I sold the pot she's a mess first time and covered them up also I forgot to film half a suit I think this girl would be a lot better I love the haircut - it's like right at her chin it's super cute blasto very much ston then uneven on it get the blue honey that's quite long you know blue is really hard to get out of hair really hard but yeah basically well done yeah thought fails and we're just gonna do it anyway haha okay so she ended up just putting the green over her hair anyways that she was like whatever good it doesn't work where I'm over it which I love that attitude but yeah I just used bleach london slang green and color crazy Lane green and I mix them both together I'll show you a finished result the green is actually overpowering the blue whoa how did she get that to happen there was hope when you know slight green and then these better largest normal green luckily she was doing neon green which is a lot of yellow is the yellow mixed with the existing blue in her hair and made green that actually ends up working out quite well for her the roots are definitely lighter finished result and this is what they are you can see where the blue walls because if you look I admit we I love this like tie-dyed up the white part in my friend you can see that slate she's like pulls off the eye that my hair look yeah me too so the haircut phenom looks amazing the multicolored Green moment you have going on I actually really like it which is surprising I mean it's definitely not like a good dye job but it like works for you and the green is way better than the blue for sure oh my got it yes I'm so excited for you this looks so good you should always have green hair all right you guys those were all the beautiful and neon hair transformations I have for you today the green one was probably my favorite I don't know they were actually all really interesting really different and really creative and really cool and I actually loved all of them that yellow one was really cool the pink was like whoa and the orange and pink one was like a transformation and a half and make sure you guys check out my two new x-men of products electrified volumizing foam and a wave Tech wave foam these products are insane and incredible go check out the specs on the website the links will be right below for you these are a must-have make sure you guys to follow me on all the social media networks you can find me on Instagram Twitter and tik-tok undergrad mando NYC and you can find my facebook page and my snapchat show under brad amando and then make sure you follow ex moto hair on instagram to stay up to date with new product launches happening all the damage time that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life and i'll see next time bye guys this is wave tech wave phone if you have dull lifeless hair you have no wave in your hair or you have a ton of wave but your hair is really frizzy and the wave doesn't stay very well this is for you it's also amazing for those of you with straight hair who want a natural-looking wave and don't want to use any heat tools
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,308,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To Girls Dyeing Their Hair Neon, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO GIRLS DYING THEIR HAIR NEON!, hair stylist, how to, diy hair, neon, hair, brad mondo, hairdresser reacts, at home, hair fail, jenna marbles, manic panic, fall off, gone wrong, video react, before and after, rainbow hair, box dye, pink hair, 40 vol, blue hair, neon pink, neon blue, neon green, extensions, hair cut, hair coloring, funny, hilarious, compilation
Id: 1Czy4T0H_AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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