Hairdresser Reacts To Split Hair Dye

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hi beautiful you are looking like a snack today yes you are the best snack in the whole store like a bag of purple Doritos I think is like the spicy spicy something jury toes that's what you kind of look like like a spicy jury toe um hi thank you for being here today we're watching some people dye their hair splits color split dyeing one of those split color is something that I have dabbled in I definitely doubled in that I did it to my own hair I think it was like a pink and turquoise moment it was fun it only lasts like a week I kind of had an identity crisis and was like I mean to be blonde again I got rid of it story of my life just coloring my hair different colors and then always going back blonde and now I'm here and I'm like kind of blonde like it also kind of Nod that has nothing to do with this video though today we're watching people die their hairs put color we're watching people die their hair split dye color I don't know what it's called we're watching people with other hair split pair dye color they're split dyeing her hair that's the one people are knew all sorts of different things in this video I'm excited to watch it with you guys and see just how good or how bad it comes out maybe some hair disasters maybe just some really good things they're gonna happen today again I am a professional hair stylist and I'll be giving you my professional opinion and professional outlook on each situation we get in with each of these girls let's get into it up first we'll be watching sunshine and Rosie's this is called DIY split dye hair plus olaplex well at least we got a little protection in there huh today I'm doing something that I am sorry known as about I am going to split dye my you are this side is blonde and crazy colors okay so it's just gonna be my natural thanks so she said she's gonna do blonde with crazy colors on one side and keep it natural on one side I don't know what that means you know is it blonder is it crazy colors pick one instead of dying the whole thing at once I thought I really like this Swift I turn that side so I'm gonna do that but if I hate it I can always just die the other half and their harm done I love that plan she's like you know what if it doesn't work out we can just do something else what can just change the plan that's why I usually do it doesn't work out on people I'm just like doing something else today you're not getting what you wanted putting all the flex in the bleach will turn this study developer into a 20 developer I have Asian hair what did you just say you have Asian hair I've never in my life heard a white person say I have Asian hair maybe she's Asian I don't know I can tell you something looking at her hair right now she does not have Asian hair at all Asian hair is typically way heavier weight thicker her hair looks fine and just an average thickness my head is gonna take a long time to line in today because my natural color I read somewhere only on one and I didn't bother trying them all which might be a mistake on my behalf someone a hairdressing globe or somewhere couldn't link it for you Connie a room where reddit she used to dine here with bleach and then go in with the treatment of this so she's using 30 volume Lightner and olaplex to color her hair I think that is a great combination and that should work out for her I hope this guy's light enough for her to color it into a multicolored moment and I am excited to see what happens it's gonna go Orange I know it's gonna go oh hundred percent for a while so it's gonna go Orange I was gonna go yellow and I can finally turn it and I'm not gonna be doing this in one application okay one day I'm gonna be spreading it out over a couple of weeks well I'm glad she knows that it's none overnight thing and she's gonna have to work her way up it's gonna be beautiful great okay so we are starting the application method and let's see what we do here move my way out believe like a couple of centimeters at the roots do that all the way up and then come back down do the roots do that all the way up and then stop my timer I think that might work yes so she is doing the mids and ends first letting that process a little bit and then hitting the roots because we don't do the roots first when we're doing a version of the color application like this or we're doing you know a bleaching on dark hair beautiful plan hopefully the execution is good how am I gonna get a winner and we're using foil yeah this is how I like it Oh is she nice I thought you see I don't know where I got the foil thing from I'm delusional it's okay it's something I've been dealing with my entire life so don't feel bad and now we have the foil okay I'm not delusional I'm just a I'm psychic all right now I need to find mom hairdryer I would not recommend using a hairdryer because it tends to dry out the lightener and with Lightner you wanted to say a moist to a process better something you can do is put a bag over your head and spray the inside of the bag with water or just put a little water in it and sit in the heat it's a warm moist heat instead of a drying a sort of heat like the blow-dryer gives you select stop the light in different processing further not a good idea wouldn't recommend it oh and on said everyone's probably thinking this is a frickin disaster on it yeah you know what I need to do more than one bleaching session anyway because my hair is just so dark this is just the first one of the bunch now what I did it would be oh I didn't wait long enough to do the roots so I put the ends right I just finished the ends then started doing the roots I should have waited waited like 10 minutes 15 minutes then down the roads because the roots my god they won so quickly when I'm doing hair I actually like to wait until of the mids and ends get to like you very light orange in order to start the roots it's not like a really time anything out it's not about time with lightening hair it's about looking at the hair and knowing what you're looking at which comes with experience but I like to wait until it is pretty bright orange and then apply into the root the root will lighten in like 20 minutes to pure white it's always beautiful the roots are just like your best friend sometimes timing doesn't really help either like maybe wait 10 minutes but still maybe your ends are red still after 10 minutes like you want to make sure those ends are orange eat like a light blonde in order to start the roots okay so she is going in again we're doing the foils we got some help this time we're pounding it out we have mom on the back of a head and she looks like she's doing a very precise job what is going on here you know like what is going on here why is she doing such a good job it's your mom my hairdresser there's a mom with a hair hair background hair degree 15 minutes later and I have the hairdryer on it the whole time on the stop with the hair dryer pulley and now on a try and go and redo the room now that maybe she need to do the roots again so she finished applying the roots and then she washed it out and now we are here let's see how it came out okay I know I said I'll see you tomorrow and I lied it's been a whole week whoa however this is very dirty hair for long so you're not gonna get the full effect of what it was oh wow her hair is really thick Duda looks amazing you did an amazing job for what you're working with like I am highly impressed with this okay eight Lund quite a bit and I actually don't mind the roots is still see over expose because you didn't I think I'm wrong she did that damn thing I don't wanna go up instead of me going like dark and I like pastels I'm probably gonna go more like dark and brights I'm going to go and buy some color today I think color this bad boy and then that'll be my final nah I can't wait to see what the color I have been absolutely terrible at filming yeah what the [ __ ] in the last clip I was like see you for down my hair and then my day got so hectic Lee busier wait why don't we see it and then I only had a really small window to be able to dye my hair before someone came to look at my car I just forgot to film took me until I was actually rinsing out the dye and I was like show us what we have though I want to still want to see it Bree grace but this is going to be the apt right to my split lip ha but hey a video Wow whoa it's really fun I know this is week old hair so it looks puffy as hell and that's greatest I really like it I get look oh I'm sure at the fish-and-chip shop and this guy was just staring at me and I just forgot that my hair was split well that's so cool you can flip it over and have different colors I really really like it a lot I think it is so much cooler than what her original hair was I'm glad she did something different so fun so fierce I would have honestly like to see maybe a purple or something I don't know if like read it I'm the biggest fan of like red and black together but that's just me and like who cares really cool oh and she did an amazing job you look beautiful baby all right let's move on she was in next video shall we our next video is by hailey Bryn and this is called brown and blonde split hair dyes I bought a wig basically it was like half black half blond I decided I wanted my hair to look like that yeah the waist ripped all the green out now we're here cool we're gonna do I have all my hair color it sounds like fun since my hair is so bleach I got it I gotta do this I was told to wash my hair with shampoo only okay bad boy on and then put the hair dye over top of it I'm doing dark brown and not black because black hair dye terrifies me okay so the choices she's making are impeccable she's giving me a silver platter of perfection that's kind of what I like basically what she said is she's not gonna dye her hair black because black is just like a to get out excuse my language or don't well actually hard to get out so she's doing Brown great choice also another five-star choice is to do with the orange over her hair before she then colors at Brown that way it doesn't turn green or get mucky and gross because guess what I'll explain more in a bit blush right here I towel dried until you damp through scary so now I get to put this stuff on my head she is doing a splendid job so the reason why it's good for her to work on a very much towel dried hair is because we're trying to fill in those holes in her hair her hair is very light blonde probably pretty damaged considering she just went from green back to blonde so we're trying to fill up those little tiny holes in her hair and get them rehydrated before we then like over the top that way the color takes evenly from roots to ends and you don't get patches where the colored overtook because of the little tiny holes in the hair where that hydration is needed and didn't just suck in the color in those spots not suck in the color on other spots you want to kind of even out your playing field before you then go in with the rest of the color color in 2 or 4 it's fine everything's play fine you're just like not maybe you're blond back for a while to this side you can see this side of my head where I have a mirror like right down here so I'm probably just gonna be like good the whole time yeah I guess here we go pro oh I'm so scared yo-yo oh it's it's orange who's letting me do this nobody maybe I can make him help me who knows a good brown color is composed of red blue and yellow which are the primary colors so what she has to do is add back that red first because red is a big underlying color in brown hair because she has literally no pigment in her hair because that is what bleach does it strips out pigment out of your hair you're trying to add back in that red tone really put a lot more into it that way when she puts the brown color over this she's getting a lot of that red pigment she's getting all those little gaps filled in her hair the porosity evened out and then she's putting in that Brown that also has green and blue in it and it's just making the perfect concoction of brown without this red she's doing underneath she won't get that depth that you're gonna get with doing this method without this method you'll get a kind of hollow green color it just makes a huge difference makes it look more warm and healthy with this kind of color correction so I guess I gotta keep the stuff on for 20 minutes that's what everyone has said I don't think I've ever waned a hair color if this is winging it you're doing a great job going dark brown from blonde before but I that was many years ago and I didn't know that this this stuff was a thing uh-huh educated so my hair was green and I was like darn I didn't want that's what happened so I did my research this time love it swear to God I guess it's time I'm surprised you don't wash it out first this is gonna look really good I feel like this is a really great job okay I've given up you take brush at first but now I don't care you don't need to use at impress for really any reason when you're doing stuff like this obviously I could even live my whole life without a Tim brush the only thing you really need a tint brush form is doing foils otherwise you can pretty much get away with not using it I don't really mind you guys not using it it's a helpful tool sometimes but you know I just got used to using it we don't need it just go for it I wonder what she's using for a color though I think she's using box dye which is kind of concerning I hope it's not too red though oh it's turning a nice brown color magic I guess just gonna wait and I wait just the outcome I guess I'll be back when it's done oh I'm also gonna do my extensions hello hello hello yeah I've been busy with work what okay the extensions okay and the bangs okay and that brown color okay listen I love and that it is a slightly warm brown it's like a neutral warm brown it complements the sort of neutral warm belong that she has on the other side it looks amazing together and also it is not at all green at orange color you put on first really helped a lot let's see what she has to say them I got things I think I'm going through my midlife crisis mid youth crisis we call it actually I really wanted color in this pink yes yes do that that was magic call I'm so happy that was so good wow she did a great job behind last two videos were impressive I'm not gonna lie beautiful love it let's move on to the next video all right we have Nina Savage and this is called how to split dye red and gray bleaching process and aftercare so hey good Oh give me misty okay hairs look a little orange huh in Bleach 40 volume to need a cup and a brush for this process I'm gonna be using platinum in comes them in a door and yep you're gonna need some time in there so you're just gonna need to mix all of that up with my face okay but yes mixed although I were doing 40 volume 40 volume on your scalp ouch 30 volume would be great for you there even is actually my favorite developer in the world I know I have a favorite developer it's weird so what's a lot of things that you don't want any type of comes when you're doing this your hair so I'm just gonna start applying that to my hair and when I tell you guys this thing that application though overlapping Beach my hair last time I actually just dyed it oh my god I got my con I didn't record that much because like it kept burning my eyes okay so when you're doing a root touch-up don't overlap your color you said you're kind of like going over your existing blonde hair that is so bad you're gonna break off your hair and it's just gonna used to leave you with white patches in the center of your hair you got to be really careful and really precise when you're retouching your roots if you do want to bleach your hair just make sure you're really really careful okay so be more careful least I think I'll put it all over because I really couldn't get everything I wanted okay so this is my hair fully bleached I'm just showing you guys cuz look at my face is oh my I really gonna record everything I'll get out of your eyes sorry but I just bleached my hair so I'm gonna be putting this back over my head telling stuff like restore the bleach like make sure it getting is getting auto parts because I think I can't watch the parts but it didn't I left that on for about 10 minutes okay the other thing she just did that really was put a bag on her head and then pushed it down you don't want to push the existing blonde hair back into the bleach it'll cause breakage also so you want to always keep the sections lifted when you put the bag on and not tie the bag too tight on your head um and I'll just spray water in the bag so it heats up and it creates steam it would like really really bright I was loving it cuz I knew the color was just gonna take really great it was said this really burns your head it doesn't burn like oh my god like get this doll for me it just burns like this [ __ ] burns like it's not pleasant I washed everything out it was a really good bright color and I was really loving it you know what on camera it actually looks pretty good I don't know it might not look that good in real life because I knew the color would take really well oh yeah it's still a little blade right there but that's people always miss the damn edges when they color their hair gonna blend that on okay so here comes the fun I can't wait to see this with moment and the red on the left side you just want to make sure you're applying everything evenly so you gots a dark right miss any sort of a dark right did this total wrong not totally wrong but I was just going in and not széchenyi it right because I was just being a lazy freaking bum and just putting everything together you know what not section your hair actually makes you end up doing your hair for longer I've noticed I have had times where I'm like I'm too lazy a section hair - I get it and then I end up not doing it and then I just end up working on the hair for a longer because you're trying to get all the hair covered and you didn't section it out correctly you just create a whole mess for yourself just honestly go in with sections in the first place it makes everything so much easier so much cleaner and it makes it come out good the first time instead of having to redo it twice you can totally comb in semi-permanent color like the color she's using a door um that's totally fine I think the opposed she did it she did it holy [ __ ] this looks so good already I did need some help and I asked my stepsister to help me like the right side though this to my hair because I could not see and I did not want everything to be like even and all that and I want to talk she's looking cute and I blow dried it I left it in there for like a good 30 minutes so it could take oh yeah that's the style I needed opposed to get to point I was putting a 2.0 and now I'm just late she's so this is how it looks so cool it's been a really long process I figured out I kind of wanted to do it and all those stuff awesome yeah like I said I love it put it into ponytails but they don't work out this is like all right to this I was like still kind of blond like you guys can't really see it like the way she blew it out or like kind of puffed it up made it really afro like I just look so good at the color however however however I would have liked the gray to be black honestly I would have think black would have looked better even though in the beginning this video I said I don't like red and black together I don't know this is more like a pink so whatever I don't think it would work for her or like a blue and a pink you guys know I don't like right hair just because you can see on her hair it's kind of like yellow in some spots and like Grands and smoth it just irks me when that happens that's totally a me thing I'm crazy but I do think it would look better with blue or black but I think it looks so epic alright those were some magical split creations I am obsessed they looked incredible all of them did an amazing job I couldn't believe that knowledge the first two have what the hell was that you'll be really pretending you're not hairdressers and I know I see you I know you are so stop it it's not pretending you guys really nailed it great job all of you look amazing I love a split dye hair color why can't I say split dye hair that's what it's called split dye hair you know why done these videos like three times now I still can't say it I don't know what the mental block is but it's there I don't know why it's there great job beautiful amazing don't forget to follow me on all the different social media networks which is tik-tok instagram twitter under brad motto NYC you can also find snapchat show under Brad mondo and make sure you follow my hair care brand x mono hair on instagram as well as visit our website Expo no hair calm and take our quiz to find out which hair care products of mine would be the best for you we also just released a brand new product which is called salty sea salt spray it'll give you magical fabulous beachy waves all your around so make sure you guys check that out and that's all for today thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life and I will see you next time and bye guys this is BDSM are slick and defined balm this is gonna be a perfect product to finish any style you just put a little on your hands distribute it to the bottoms of your hair and you'll get that lived in a sort of cool texture we're seeing a lot of nowadays also best thing to use is for flyaways edges tame them down girl get them look glued to that forehead you know that look
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 5,532,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Split Hair Dye, split dye, split hair color, hair dresser, hairdresser reacts, diy hair, hair stylist, hair fail, how to, at home, gone wrong, fall off, box dye, hair dye, hair color, 30 vol, hair cut, pink hair, hair transformation, split dye, split dyed hair, split dye hair, half and half hair, blue hair, purple hair, 40 vol, rainbow hair, jenna marbles, brad mondo, how to cut your own hair
Id: YmhWOmMj2QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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