Hairdresser Reacts To People Bleaching Their Hair Till It Falls Off

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MaddieInLove 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hi brad . How do i get my natural hair colour back without bleaching

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sonetstone95 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi beautiful you look stunning are you doing something different lately because you are glowing thank you for being here today we're watching some people bleach the f out of their hair they're going to most likely destroy their hair and i can't wait to watch it but before we do that i have a sponsor today it is i love having a baby soft smooth face it makes my makeup go on better it makes everything smoother i feel fresh and i have hairs to thank for that some people might think harry's is just a men's brand and that's just not true they just make great razors at an affordable price that can shave anything no matter if you're male female or anything in between their razors give you that smooth comfortable shave that we all want and what's even better is that harry supports great causes they give one percent to nonprofit organizations harry's is passionate about providing fair price razors for everyone no pink tax no outrageous price tags just premium quality at an extremely affordable price this aloe infused shaving gel allows me to shave extremely close to my face and so creamy and so rich my skin is so sensitive so the aloe vera and cucumber cons my skin while i shave i'm literally obsessed with this razor that is in this beautiful orange color just feels so right in my hands and my face there's five blades on here and girl they are sharp the fact that harry's is chic it's high quality and it's inexpensive that's what i'm looking for in a brand so you can redeem your trial set for just three dollars when you go to brad that is also linked below for you you'll get a five blade razor a weighted handle a blade cover and their foaming shave gel it's an incredibly great deal so act fast while supplies last thank you harry's and let's continue on to watch some epic bleach fails let's do it [Music] up first we have a video by knox um this is called bleaching my hair gone wrong [Music] look how ugly that looks we're starting off with a really bad uneven palette it looks all around scary and i hope that he doesn't start bleaching his ends again those things are already compromised so i don't have actual clips so i have these oh my god he's using chip clips to clip his hair up at least he's sectioning that's all i can really ask for at this point in my life my hair used to be when i first well first i dug it light brown and yeah it looks like that it was light brown and then i bleached it and it was like a light golden brown and then i bleached it again and it was orange like this color and then i bleached it okay and it was blonde and then i bleached it again and then it turned out the same thing and then i pushed it again and it turned like this can we count how many times you said he bleached his hair and put the number on the screen i think it was around six or something like that his hair is going to all snap off as long as he just does the roots and not the ends it'll all be fine so dirty volume lead i hope he doesn't leave it on for too long i just hope to god that he does not bleach those ends again with 30 volume and then leave it on for like an hour or something like that is the worst thing of all that could happen right now i'm so happy with these sections they are really well done so i'm hopeful that he has some skill here we're starting okay we're doing the roots he's doing a great job i know he only put one little splash of bleach on his head but so far no oh no it's fine i thought he was doing the ends and i kind of got scared for a second but it's fine he's not doing the ends that was beautiful you see the way he just sectioned that hair out that was talent so far so good i don't really know where he's gonna go wrong unless he just overlapped a lot on what he just did it might end up causing breakage but his hair looks very coarse and thick typically it's not going to snap off too easily so he might be okay what is going on now everything that's going on now i don't like i hate it i hate it i hate it oh my god oh my god the hair is very very bleached and already white why are we foiling it with 30 volume this is really scary all of a sudden um also i'm happy that he's using enough bleach though you see how he's saturating those sections all nicely he knows kind of what he's doing like a little bit cut a timer for 20 minutes there's so much heat going on right now so he has the heat from his scalp he has the heat from the foils and he put a bag on his head so we're just getting like triple heat right now with 30 volume i need to leave it on for 20 minutes i mean at least it's not like 45 or an hour but it is going to get really steamy in there and really over lighten his hair to the point where his hair is probably going to snap off oh i'm nervous okay it's still on his head the back looks nice and bright it still looks a little yellow [Music] oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god so the weirdest part about this is that well i guess it's not that weird but his hair is still not blonde after like 25 times of bleaching it it's still not blonde that's because he went like red before with a boxed eye or whatever he used before i don't know if it's boxed out i'm assuming it just will not fully come out like those molecules are locked in there and they're like i'm not coming out and so now he's bleached his hair to absolute oblivion and it is not coming back like this is it it is falling out it is done it is over it is its whole lifespan is over oh thank god we're cutting it that's not how you cut hair i'm just gonna be honest with you that's just not how you cut it what are these scissors they can't even cut through your hair girl you better just go back dark honestly like this is not worth it this is mortifying this almost like feels fake but it's not like he's clearly cutting all of his hair off right now and it looks terrible i'm shocked i don't even know what to say [Music] oh oh i'm sorry okay after i'm done i'm gonna let this marinate [Music] so this is how um my hair turned out so yeah yeah getting dewy i look like a old grandpa but that's all right if you want to bleach your hair um just like do it because live life love life that's right if you want to just color your hair baby live laugh love and do it they ended up with a really cute look um even though i couldn't really see it like a lot of shadow on your head you trying to hide something or like what what's going on here um i feel like it was definitely still spotty and definitely all over the place but at least it looked a whole lot better than what they started with i wouldn't have done that next time just do your roots um or the yellow parts don't go and bleach the whole thing and also just let's not switch our minds with the color all the time you know let's just stick with one path let's not do red and then blonde and then blend the metals let's just do blonde you know wait for your hair to grow out touch up your roots touch up roots every time they grow out it'll look perfect and clean and beautiful and give you that perfect blonde all over just be precise like you were with your bleaching and just don't read bleach your ends a million times okay sadly you know your hair is coarse and very dark black um so it is gonna be very hard to lighten um you are gonna have to do it multiple times to get it light but you just need to be so careful not to push it too far like you just did don't ever do that again let's move on to the next video up next we have a video by city beach girl four and this is called i fry my hair off bleach val part one so if you guys can see my hair is completely faded it was periwinkle and soft lavender from a door and it didn't look like this like the hair looked more purple and i lightened it but the amount of times i had light in the bottom it was basically at a level 10 and my roots stood at like a level 9 i'll say so you can see the banding so what i'm thinking is to strip it okay so already her hair looks a bit dry and a bit damaged you know she said her ends were at level 10 when she last bleached it end her mids and roots at a level nine so we got nines and tens working on there so hopefully she's not about to bleach the entire thing again but i think she is because she's trying to remove all of this color that she has in her hair i don't know if that's even gonna work i don't know this might be tough to remove we shall see and then applying lightener to the tops because i do have a little bit of root but it's not so much where i would expect banding i think it'll be perfect because the heat from my head would lighten it at a good enough speed to my end yeah i mean you could have gone probably another two weeks without lightening it i mean there's literally a centimeter i don't know how you're gonna get that root without overlapping and causing breakage which you know she probably did do that so we'll see so i'm going to do a baking soda bath i feel like it's going to be healthier but i'm going to use some dish soap 20 volume developer i would use 10 but i don't have 10 so i'm not even gonna bother and i'm also going to use some shimmer lights purple shampoo normally i'd say this is fine but she's trying to remove all of her color she's not just trying to like do another bright color over what she has she's trying to fully remove the color i think and like do blonde so she's going to have to bleach it again starting off with you know using baking soda and dish soap all over your head and then bleaching it is going to be awful it's going to dry your hair so much before you then bleach it i'm horrified and we are going right onto those roots that have not been lightened yet which is going to cause them to lighten because you're using 20 volume so i don't know it just doesn't seem like a good idea but i don't think you need the purple shampoo and it's gonna actually just bring you back a step rather than forward a step i'm going to use a bag to try to lock in some heat 30 minutes i'm gonna rinse this out and hopefully as much pigment is gone hopefully i don't have to do a round two typically these things are like quick ways of lightening out color it's more like you put it in you wait five minutes you kind of mush it around really rough up the cuticle a little bit and then rinse it out with warm water and it should come out 30 minutes is a long time for this it didn't strip all the color it definitely didn't look like it's just enough of the blue but like the pink just became like a bubblegum pink so we're going to apply the bleach from the roots to like the banding line ah that's the worst idea ever so you're gonna need to bleach your roots first you know do the darkest parts first let those process and then when they achieve that kind of yellowy color that your mids are at then you can start pulling through some color on the mid and let that sit for like five or ten minutes but you don't want to let the whole thing process at the same amount of time because you're going to end up with really yellow roots and white white mids that will probably fall off because they're both processing at the same amount of time and they're both very different colors so not a good idea fix another bowl of bleach with um 20 volume developer for the end no no no no no no no no no literally at this point all you need to do is put a toner on your hair toner is a miracle for like trying to reverse any like fashion colors you have going on i would just recommend toning it a blonde color instead of trying to lift it all out with bleach because it's not gonna happen you're always gonna have that a little bit of a tint left over and we're reapplying the lightener to the mids and roots we're putting fresh bleach on that hair that means it's going to lift even further we're mixing 30 volume and 20 volume which makes a 25 volume it's going to it's a lot stop reapplying the bleach stop oh my god i'm so scared to brush it okay don't touch your hair though i'm trying to do a little by little so there's not as much breakage normally i would be like don't touch your hair it's it's wet it's at the most fragile state like don't do that there's no saving this like all the pigment in her hair is completely gone the whole structure's been compromised everything's just gonna come off like it's gonna go it's this isn't gonna dry this is really really really bad i went to a salon because clearly i needed a cut off after spending eighty dollars they cut it what is what instead of saying like you know she couldn't do it she said she could do it no worries she threw a price forty dollars then in the mix of it she kept saying oh i have the serum that i can put on your hair i have to see where my i can put on your head and it's gonna fix everything it's gonna soften all your hair i'm not a barber so i don't keep clippers from the photo i told her like she was like oh see look it looks pretty and then she hits me with this is why i'm mad i'm not a barber so i don't keep clippers so if you've seen in the photo the girl has a buzz cut that you know you need to do with clippers why tell me you could take me from the guest oh whoa okay yeah that's a no no no no no makes me mad i mean this hairdresser told you that she could do what you wanted then took you as a client then added on extras and told you that she doesn't have clippers go if you're cutting hair you should have clippers that's crazy i'm sorry also if you don't have clippers you can do scissor over comb babe you don't need clippers you can do everything with your scissors this is a lesson learned i need to stop crying and being a baby i think i'm just emotional because i felt like i could come out the end you know if you mess it up just dress it up you could totally shave your head i think it would look so good and i think it'd be great to just start over i think that's your best option other than that i do like the haircut that you brought into the hairdresser i would say go with that all you gotta do is section out this top bit shave the underneath it'll look dope it'll look really cute i guess there's three options you could also keep what you have now do a little root shadow it definitely needs a toner desperately it's still in that really raw white kind of yellow stage you need to give it a little more depth and then also just put in like a pomade or gel and slick it all back it'll look so cute it'll really complement your face shape and it'll look beautiful i think your hair is still salvageable at least it's dry that means you have a little bit of health left in there and just keep doing some treatments and masks and just take good care of it and don't ever do that again those were so bad and i hope both of you guys are doing well um and are all good and your hair is growing back nicely and i just hope everything's fine you know everything's going good now we're not doing this anymore to ourselves cool if you guys aren't already subscribed make sure you do write down below hit the like button and the bell icon to be notified every time i post a new video make sure you follow me everywhere else here are all my social media handles all around me go for it this is my phone number make sure you text me yes i really do see some of your texts and yes i really will be texting back a few of you guys if you text me right now this will also keep you notified every time i post a new video make sure you guys check out my haircare line and my color line at it is linked below you can also check us out on instagram at x model hair and x model color for amazing hair inspiration you can shop my live your extra life merch we have sweatpants hoodies t-shirts bags hats it's so freaking cute i wear it all the time basically in every video i'm wearing my live your extra life pants if you ever want to know what's underneath the table it's the pants you can shop the merch right down below today's instagram shout out goes to madison she says i've been very issues of blonde my whole 25 years of life is that like my color or should i rock something else i'm fair with neutral undertones green eyes and i'm recovering from trick so i don't have a ton of hair maybe a semi-demi permanent color i don't know okay i really like your hair color now i think if anything maybe just a darker root or just some lowlights thrown in there to give you more dimension and make your hair look a little bit fuller but i do like the blonde on you and if you do have a little bit of hair loss going on then the blonde is gonna help make your hair a little more coarse and more full and thicker so i think this is a good choice for you i also like the length i really don't have much i would say maybe just try a middle part i think it would look really good on you maybe a little more wavy even a little shorter would look cute but i like what you have going on and it looks really good on your skin and yeah i feel like you're just like a blonde for lifer i hope that helps you i know it wasn't much but i think you look beautiful the way you are that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching and don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] [Laughter] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,769,954
Rating: 4.9665847 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To People Bleaching Their Hair Till It Falls Off, fall off, bleach fail, Hairdresser Reacts To People Bleaching Their Hair Till It Falls Off, hair fail, 30 vol, hair dresser, at home, how to, hair stylist, diy hair, 40 vol, gone wrong, funny fails, box dye, video react, manic panic, hair fails, bleaching hair at home, brad mondo, natural hair, how to bleach hair at home, pink hair, blue hair, bleaching hair, t18
Id: ofu7mS1DJBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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