Hairdresser Reacts to People Going to The Lowest Rated Hair Salons

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hi beautiful today we're watching some people go to the lowest rated hair salons that just sounds like the worst idea possible i do feel bad rating other hairdressers work so i'm going to try and be as kind as possible sometimes it is really funny though watching like hairdressers do things that are just completely terrible because you know what we are professionals but there are professionals that you know maybe don't take their job as seriously as others or just aren't as talented as others that's in every profession you know so there's no difference with hair dressers you have to find the right one for you the one that's going to do the work that you want done to your hair and who's going to take their time and do it and do it really well don't go to the worst hairdresser in your city because i feel like this is a terrible idea so let's watch some people go to the worst rated hairdressers in their cities and see what the hell happens to their heads by these professionals let's do it [Music] so today's first video is by yashbi baga and this is called hair color nightmare try the worst reviewed salon ombre fail they colored my hair orange i'm a bit nervous because every time i color my hair they get damaged but let's see what happens i'm actually excited too because it's been long that my hair has had no color so she's starting with no color in her hair and it looks so pretty this should be really really easy to lighten her hair because her hair is on the finer side you can get really nice balayage ombre moment going on this should not be a difficult process and whatever they do i don't see how it's going to turn out that bad i feel weird i feel like i'm going back to school with two piggy tails but i think this is how the process starts do i look funny so now you can see this is the first step you're bleaching my hair so that whatever color i choose can get over these and this looks funny this is how it's done now let's wrap it in a foil and then this would look like this from the looks of it he's creating like literal lines on her head with lightner unless he somehow blends this after with a gloss toner application i don't know how this is going to look good he is making like these extremely harsh lines on her head and putting them in foils which is gonna make her hair lighten really nicely and really bright which is good but not good when you're putting a harsh line on her hair it's gonna be dark and then a line and light which is going to look so bad i hope they do something to fix that line they're definitely applying enough lightener um and really getting it in there so i love that but there's just no blending going on like it's non-existent here is the other thing that i'm seeing the lightener's like starting at various different heights which is like cute it's like that's what you would do with balayage right you wouldn't have everything starting at the same height or else would look too uniform but he's starting like four inches down on the bottom and then leaving like one inch of root at the top it's going to look all sorts of messed up because her hair is going to be like bleached from here down and then from here down and then from here down it's going to be all over the place so guys they've bleached my hair and all the bleached hair is in this foil so that it keeps warm and we'll keep it for like 30 minutes then wash it put on the color so now you can see the color is already there now they're mixing it with the hair so that it doesn't look odd when the color washes out ah it's actually worse than i thought it was gonna be it is really blonde really dark and there's that really crisp line going across it looks all sorts of crazy i don't know what else to say it looks really crazy [Music] so we are back on the chair with washed hair which are bleached you know not the most optimal result that's for sure they said what the [ __ ] is blending they did not want a part of the blending life no no no no no no no how is she not freaking out she does look good blonde though by the way but how is she not freaking out this is so bad i'm sorry this is so bad i don't even know what is going on it's like black yellow stripe oh no no no no what is this toner why is it orange so guys after this i realized that i have messed up all my hair so i called my mama went back home and she helped me color them finally this is something that me and my mom have done ourselves because when we went to the salon and told him to color our hair he did something really gear out of them and i had an event the next day so in urgency we had to do something ourselves and so we colored them wine ourselves i'm sorry what i would die i would literally die nothing went right in that we need to blend you know at least back home before you put those lines in her hair anything just give me anything that's a little bit better than this um back home do a little brushing at the top so it's not all one crisp line do a darker toner or something to just blend it i mean like that bright orange i don't think that's what she was looking for i don't know what she was looking for but i cannot believe that was an actual experience that she had and she was filming the whole thing which is even more hilarious like i can't get over that whoa no thank you i don't want that okay up next is a video by the channel tarantula and this is called going to the worst reviewed hair salon long bob haircut okay so i think that he went to this lady and was just like yo i want a bomb so she is apparently just straightening his hair with a blow dryer i would definitely recommend wetting it or completely straightening it before starting um that way you get the most clean lines possible um otherwise it's going to be a mess and all sorts of wavy once uh it's restyled the next time and washed um so already really concerning with the uh technique that's already starting to show but we're hopeful okay so we're getting started with the cut and we are going directly in with the clippers okay which is totally fine if the line was straight and the clippers actually worked it'd be fine um the clippers are clearly way too dull the guy does need a good haircut though like listen he has all sorts of layers going on in there they're a mess i don't know what maybe he just grew it out from like a shortcut and kind of went with it and didn't really uh cut it at all but she is still trying to get that hair straight even though it's not straight nope it still has so much volume in it we don't cut hair like that bib the way she's elevating the sections as she cuts too is concerning like why are we not combing it all down and cutting why is why are these sections lifted up you're gonna create like small tiny bits of layering in his hair and it's gonna look weird and like beveled at the ends and now on the back she's not lifting the sections at all she's just cutting right on to his back um she's basically cutting the hair all different kinds of ways whatever she feels like doing uh clearly this guy has very healthy hair that i must say okay we're pulling the hair forward it's actually not looking like totally horrible like for all the bull she just pulled she could have had this done 10 times faster if she just did it right in the first place instead of doing like 10 different haircuts oh the way she's trying to even it out and like connect the two bridges of like long and short oh it just keeps getting shorter oh my god she's like this is where we want the length like a bob she's bringing it shorter and shorter and shorter and shorter this is going to be a willy wonka haircut baby oh the lack of layering is scary the way it's all one length and sitting like that is scary he has way too much hair for that it's gonna make his face shape look so weird and bulky and crazy the way she's fluffing my hair up and like doing the blow dryer is so cute just blow dry his hair that's not it she's taking wax and making his hair bevel in at the bottom what are we doing why are we hacking more hair yes willy wonka what a trooper of a guy oh my god you could tell on his face he did not want anything to do with what she was doing and he was scared a little bit um that was probably worse than like the first time people cut hair and hair school let's never do that again ever ever ever ever again let's move on to the next video this video is by freedom styles and it's called professional hair salon gone wrong i'm getting a little bit more than i asked for i got more than a laugh i got more of a cry from these videos today but hopefully this one's more funny rather than scary and a lot of people will say freedom because watching this video is kind of long and a lot of people will be very sensitive because of the way they were pulling my head and that the hair i lost is more than the hair that is left on my head and a lot of people we just their mind would just be like what do you expect from the beginning yes i expected this even though i lost a lot of hair and my hair is experiencing heat damage that shampoo i don't know what just happened but there was so much hair coming out of her head and now he's brushing her hair honestly you don't need to take so much water out of her hair um i would literally leave it dripping if i was doing her hair because what's gonna happen is her hair is gonna soak up that water extremely fast and it's going to dry extremely fast so you don't need to sit there and start like trying to towel dry it and you want that moisture in her hair that way when you go and blow dry it you can actually get the hair nice and straight and you can comb through it really easily otherwise if her hair starts to dry it's going to be a pain in the blow dry and it's not going to become really really pin straight oh my god the fact that she has to hold her head right now while he does this oh no no no no he's blow drying her hair like like full-on trying to give her waves with the blow dryer that's not how this works no let's take a let's take a nice um boar bristle brush flat brush and let's just blow dry it straight and then we can go and do some flat iron work if we really want to at the end but this with her texture is not gonna work the fact that there's two people doing her hair right now and they're both completely failing can we talk about the fact that they're using the tiniest round brushes like ceramic round brushes that are a half an inch wide no don't do that don't start with the brush underneath her hair it's going to add volume you want to try and make that [ __ ] as flat as possible flatten it out put the blow dryer on top of the brush and then you can go underneath once it's all dry and start to give the ends a little bit of a bevel but uh-uh this is so sad like we should be taught in hair school on how to blow out kinky curly hair it's totally unacceptable this is how you wreck somebody's hair and completely damage it and fry it how is she so cool with this why does her hair look like that and what did they put in her hair to make it literally not move oh my god let's never do this ever again like guys okay if you're a hairdresser out there and you don't know how to do hair like this just don't do it this is just so sad and pathetic there's way too much steam coming off of her hair like way too much why are we going back over the sections we already did with the round brush and now trying to flatten it out i can't watch this i can't even watch it oh my god what i would do in this situation is make sure her hair is super conditioned super moisturized and not towel dry it okay and then take out the tiniest perimeter section around her head and go in there and get all of her edges smoothed out first with a nice bore bristle flat brush or anything of that nature and go in there with with the blow dryer and not try and blast it with heat just take really small sections take your time it doesn't actually need to take that much time and go in there and get all that smooth out why are to her ends look like that at the end if you want a little bit smoother and a little nicer and you want some bevel on your hair going with a flat iron we just don't need to be doing all this oh my god now we're going with a curling iron we're gonna curl her hair why are we curling it upwards that's not gonna look good like why are we doing that why are we taking horizontal sections and curling them that makes zero sense like take vertical sections and curl away from her face and it will look a lot better oh and now we're changing techniques now we're doing beach waves all of a sudden girl decide what you want to do and do it and execute the vision i'm just grateful her hair is still on her head at this point no way they left you like that absolutely not me and krillet we paid 120 dollars and then i paid 70 dollars this time i paid 70 dollars and did i regretted doing this guys i never regret it you restart what has happened has happened to me i learned from this i learned i learned if you are to stretch your natural hair go to people that are specialized on our afro hey okay she paid 70 dollars for that blowout woman you are way too nice way way way way too nice that is a huge no-no you should get your money back that is so not okay so disgusting and so awful and those hairdressers should have known that didn't look good and not charged you and not even have done your hair in the first place and you should have ran away honestly this has all been horrifying that was honestly 10 times worse than what i was expecting i'm scarred from this and i'm so sorry if any of you guys out there have paid for your hair to be done and it's been like this horrific that should never happen it's totally unexcusable and it's totally horrifying on every level if you're not already subscribed make sure you do write down below you can click the like button and the bell icon to be notified every time i post a new video if you guys like to text me this is my number i guess it's really connected to my phone yes i really do see some of your messages and yes i'll be texting back a few of you guys who text me right now this will also notify you every time i post a new video if you guys like to shop my live your extra life merch you can do so now here it all is i wear it literally every day of my life it's so comfy i made sure of it when i created it you can shop it at the link below or at if you guys would like to check out my haircare brand and my color brand you can do so at x model hair and x mondo color here they are this is their instagrams if you want hair and spo go there you can also shop with the links below and make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here are all my social media handles all around me go for it today's instagram shout out goes to rachel and she says hi brad my hair is super long and i'm considering donating it and surprising my family but i'm so scared of the commitment like a weenie as the epic expert you are i would like your opinion i would cut it like a blunt shoulder length or a tad above cutting about 17 inches or so yes oh my god i love a hair donation moment cut it off go to your shoulders it's going to feel so good to just have that big of a change you've probably been growing your hair for years i think it's such a great idea and you're gonna look so good i would love to see a photo if you end up doing it and good luck you're gonna look so great and you're gonna feel so good about yourself that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching and don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] so [Laughter]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,440,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts to People Going to The Lowest Rated Hair Salons, lowest rated hair salon, lowest rated hair salon, worst reviewed, 1 star review, brad mondo, hair stylist, diy hair, fall off, at home, hair fail, how to, box dye, gone wrong, hair dresser, video react, hairdresser reacts, hair color, funny, natural hair, ombre fail, bad ombre, balayage, highlights, hair gone wrong, embarrassing, bleach hair gone wrong, hair falling off
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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