Hairdresser Reacts to James Charles Bleaching His Hair

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I feel like he's dying on the inside that Guy Tang got to him first.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 445 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sad-and-bougie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

To me, an unhip old person, his thumbnail is what I imagine Tana Mongeau looks like.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 169 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aw090 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

When men that took the glass elevator to be β€œtop” in their field do a crossover

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 481 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShaqInKazaam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Will update TLDR as I watch

  1. Says he doesn't want cancel culture and will react to the video
  2. James is in the car talking about his decision to dye his hair, Brad says "don't say you might not post this. you're 100% going to post this).
  3. James is doing it himself but worked with a hairdresser to make a list of exactly what he needs, seems detailed. James bought ~130 dollars of product, Brad doesn't know how he spent that much.
  4. James says he has to wash his hair before he bleaches it, Brad says this is wrong, the dirtier the better.
  5. James then reveals that he has a meeting in three hours, Brad shades the artificial deadlines people give themselves, you don't have to do it right before a meeting.
  6. James eyeballs the bleach before he puts it into his hair, somehow is $130 didn't include a measuring cup?
  7. Brad (unsurprisingly) says JC will look a lot better with blonde hair. He then implies James has had plastic surgery since the last time he dyed his hair
  8. JC has bleach in his hair, Brad says he is not putting in close to enough bleach
  9. Who ever is bleaching his hair is pointing out all the bald spots, JC is in denial
  10. JC is lying on the floor in pain
  11. JC is blowdrying his hair for some reason? Brad is not happy about this
  12. Round 1 of bleach is out, Brad makes an unkind comparison
  13. Round 2 is coming out, James looks so red, the room is clearly very hot
  14. JC is back on the floor in pain
  15. Next day JC brings in a real hairdresser to fix this mess
  16. Brad is making fun of the facetuning again
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 163 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thoughtful_human πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I NEED to be in the alternate reality where Brad got to him before Guy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 81 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sarahbobomb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Something about Brad's face in this thumbnail bugs me, and I can't tell if it's how the area around his lips is paler than the rest of his face or how his hair looks like it has a slightly yellow tinge in the swoop at the very front.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/catbert359 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

i feared this would show up here

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hibby88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Guy with platinum blonde hair criticizing someone who is bleaching their hair platinum blonde? Groundbreaking content, Brad.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sister_Snark πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Has he ever addressed what he did to Snitchery’s hair?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/luckylizard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi sisters is there any way else to start this video than saying hi sisters I don't think so I can't think of a better way I don't know can you but um listen who would have known there would be so much controversy over this okay oh I guess it's James Charles a lot of things going on with him I don't know anyway not my business a lot of people did not want me to make this video a lot of people did want me to make this video to be honest with you I don't care I don't care I make hair in his Reax videos and James did his hair therefore I shall react it's not that deep it's not that serious I don't have anything against James I never met the guy I'm sure he's a good person I don't know I know nothing about besides what you guys see online no hard feelings against anybody online and I do not like cancelled culture so we don't do that here you guys are a part of canceled culture and you want to cancel everybody and just cancel me cancel it it's such a negative thing and it's not cute don't do it but anyways long story short not a big deal James in his hair and I'm really interested in what he did to it I mean I've seen pictures of it so I know what it looks like but I want to see the process of how he got there because I heard he did it himself and then go to fix yeah and guys I am doing a glitterati giveaway you guys have been wanting another glitterati giveaway I'll be sending four winners a bottle of glitterati and all you gotta do is follow me on instagram for i'm on to NYC follow ex mono and instagram at X mondo hair and make yourself known like my photo comment do anything whatever it takes just make it known that you are in the giveaway whatever that is just do it alright and the giveaway will close one week from today which is August the 31st so if you'd like to enter enter by then and that is alright wanna watch James Charles bleaches hair let's do it [Music] [Music] so sick of people saying that every time this okay sounds like a good list sounds like it's gonna be very impossible from new himself may come out I don't know this isn't the worse idea like a little less formed that I have to wash my hair before bleaching act which actually makes perfect sense I don't know why I don't think about beforehand but I am a full face of makeup on can we remind that I was just informed mr. James Charles in what world do we wash our hair before bleaching in what world I'm confused big red signs here never wash your hair before bleaching it never the dirtier the better mm-hmm I don't know a few times in my life washing before I bleach it and it was not ready it was painful oh the reason why you don't wash your hair before coloring it is because you need your natural oils on your scalp to protect it from the intense leech that's about to sit on your skin which is not that's something we're men to do our bodies are not accustomed to that I mean I guess they are probably more accustomed than they were a long time ago but we're not just bleach on our scalps on our skin we need those excess oils to cover our scalp in order to make it was not painful and doesn't burn our skin off because it is literally bleed it could burn your skin you ever put bleach on your finger and it makes no light that's burning it very bad idea this is gonna be a lot more of a painful process unless he has a tough scalp who knows never wash your hair before bleaching please don't do that I like the challenges people give themselves like Joanna I gotta go on vacation next week Antonio I gotta go on vacation in a few days James gonna go to a dinner three hours later these other girls that watch I have work in two hours like everybody's got something they're gonna do right up they bleach their hair I've known it's kind of a pattern going on but I like the challenge it makes it more interesting I think you know how are you gonna do this in three hours when you wash your hair you make tiny microscopic abrasions with your nails so when you make the tiny abrasions in your scalp the bleach will actually go into them and that's why it causes that burn effects but you shouldn't get burning when you bleach your hair you really shouldn't I mean if you do it right and you use the right formulas and the right stuff it shouldn't hurt just make sure it's right consistency when you eyeball it I'm interested to see which application process is gonna be that so if you guys don't I don't know I'm gonna need purple bleach Lightner whatever you want to call it what its gonna do is attack those yellow tones a little bit more than a white bleach would so it's gonna really gonna put some ash pigment in your hair and that is what the blue is ash tone so hopefully when it lightens it doesn't too yellow but James has very dark hair he's like a little for if I take more than one time of lightening to make his hair white will see that bleach is exothermic so when you mix it it produces heat so that was actually correct but it doesn't really get hot that quick it takes a long time to get hot and really only gets hot in like foils and when you're incubating it in some tight area with like when your bag on your head or something I don't know it does really get that hot dog [Music] can't really tell what the technique is going on here I don't know really let's just take a apply the bleach kind of situation you know we see a lot of those apply the bleach kind of things like they're like boom like I'm shouldn't like damn lights in the head Brad I think that he is starting with the ends so that is good I like that that's actually good but he's not applying enough bleach at all he needs to put a lot more needs to look like toothpaste very cute on that is when you know you put enough on and this year it it's not enough I kind of always imagined James coloring his hair blonde and I was like it's only a matter of time before he does that like mmm wow I don't remember that or that face too old for that cheap I don't know man I don't remember that I'm not gonna lie I honestly cannot stand when guys have fish side shaved and the really excessively long hair coming out of the top of their heads but to each their own leave your extra life do it ever you want I don't know the color is kind of cool I like the color I think it might [Music] [Applause] that's really not a good idea to get in your eye clothes your hair is where's your stressful it's honestly just like it's like your arms burden your life hurts it's just like too much work like it's just not a good idea it's like it's like one of those things up always seemed like a good idea and then you get into it it's just like wow Sean's putting a lot of work yeah you don't think about it it looks so easy until you get your hands on it you start doing yourself you're like with the kids this like sign me up for this and I was like huh nobody signed you before I don't know I don't think anybody made you do this yo he is no he imported into that gal we're gonna go in there Dean he looks like he has experience with hair mr. James house I thought he would bootleggers bleaching your hair yourself this looks like somebody is helping you I bet this is burning like a Madre it is probably hurting so bad because he washed his hair please again it never wash your hair before when you bleach it please yeah good idea also what kind of clothes are those I wouldn't put blow-dryer on it's just gonna dry it out so bleach gets dried out and the moment please just dry it out it stops working you really shouldn't blow dry it you should steam it a little trick I like to do when I'm at home doing my hair and I don't have a steamer around they make hair steamers when I don't have a steamer I like to use one of those bags like he's wearing spray the inside with water and then go and sit outside and the Sun or put the blow-dryer on very very low but a high heat setting and just like go from far away just what gets hot in there and start steaming it actually makes the lightener light way faster and it makes it so doesn't never dry out so it just keeps lightning and lightning and never dries out and it's actually such a genius thing that I came up with my mind is so powerful what happened ah honestly I didn't think it was gonna come good but the application wasn't so horrible I'm thinking they just didn't apply enough lighting there on there and dried it out with the blow-dryer and good luck to James because now he has to apply another layer on his scalp that is already probably on fire can't wait to see that oh look at the end Minh and he's very cool toned skin like extremely cool toned skin this yellow is just making him look good yes - Roo it's like a cheap bleach honestly though kinda kicks ass when he grows - hairdresser everybody's like PW don't touch guys get those foils in there put the foils on that would have worked [Music] yo James your friend kind of slaved application on that oh that's another thing I learned all this stuff the hard way believe me I'm not saying I'm like I don't make mistakes but like whoo don't shampoo the scalp ruff Lee after you bleach your hair because you got so much going on on that scalp you don't want to irritate it anymore when you wash bleach out of hair you got to be like extremely gentle you're just like this does your hair's already stripped of all its nutrients all its payment and you just want to like give it some love now give a little condition a lot of condition and then move on it looks fine I mean I probably have lightened in a bit more [Music] his scalp probably hurts so bad he washed it applies to layers of 30 volume bleach scrubs his head again and then scrubs his head again when he gets the toner put on his head don't do that that is horribly painful [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] just a little violet based owner to to take a little bit of yellow 10 that's still in there just put that all over it's gonna sit on there for like a few seconds like maybe 30 you know [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] see Dustin apply it to the ends first which was the most orange part because toner happens very fast when you're dealing with platinum blonde people it happens really fast so you gotta work very fast or else you're gonna get in some spots that are deep violet gray white and you just gonna apply it you gonna get it on that head in a very short amount of time um and so he applied the ends first cuz they were the most orange and then he put on the roots real quick and then probably rinsed it off I mean I've already seen it but I think I'm seeing it the first time again on camera then in pictures a little face to Mayor James I would much prefer to see James in this kind of color just like very white silver I mean mines fading but this is the thing so when you have a very pink complexion very cool tone complexion isn't the worst thing to have warm colored blond hair because it ends up just bringing out the warmth in your skin but however a silver toned white white white blonde would look in my opinion so much better on James and it would really complement a skin and be very sleek and listen I think he looks great and I think with makeup it's gonna look like woof and fun and fresh but there's always room for improvement and next time he gets his hair done it can be lightened even more into a very silvery white blond when you first started as a blonde you kind of got to work your way up sometimes you gotta start the yellows you get the yellow range and you get more white you do a little bit more lightening a little more lightening and then you end up like this and you just are addicted to having white hair but it looks who's gonna bleach their hair next I don't have any guesses but let me know thanks so much for watching guys I appreciate you don't forget to enter the glitterati giveaway which ends on August 31st and follow me on instagram grab mono and see follow my brand ex model hair on instagram subscribe to my new channel Brad and Eric for behind-the-scenes videos of my life and Eric's life the link to that channel will be on my end screens and just wait until that happens and that is all for today thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life and I will see [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 7,914,301
Rating: 4.9235258 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts to James Charles Bleaching His Hair, hairdresser reacts, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, james charles, brad & eric, i bleached my hair..., brad mondo, antonio garza, hair stylist, at home, how to, hair dresser, hairstylist reacts, joana ceddia, hair fail, gone wrong, box dye, video react, hairdresser reacts to james charles, james charles hair, joanna cedia, james charles bleached his hair, james charles bleached my hair, antonio garza hair, platinum hair
Id: wPK-JkvM-40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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