Hairdresser Reacts To Bizarre Balayage Techniques

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oh hi beautiful how are you you look stunning thank you for being here today we're watching people do a balayage not just your average old balayage hair painting methods i see everywhere all the time somebody somewhere somehow coming up with a new balayage technique every single day and today i want to highlight some of those techniques i've been seeing and they're really strange i'm 100 open to learning something today i don't know how useful things are going to be but we shall see today we have a sponsor it is the real real and if you're wondering what the real world is well let me just tell you and be your best friend because i'm about to change your life if you love luxury clothing well this is a luxury consignment website and app i don't know what you're thinking brad that sounds horrifying because i'm gonna buy way too much stuff well i say go for it it's a lot of fun they have a location in la new york city brooklyn chicago and san francisco so you can actually shop in real life 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have a video by the channel you're gorgeous and this is called how to ombre dark hair so what the [ __ ] is going on i have a lot of questions it just started we're really going fast here okay i've never seen a frosting cap like that before it looks very thick and very heavy duty i don't know what that is or where you got it from but i would like to know you just plucked out so much hair out of that cap i'm already taken aback by this and we just started oh my god yo this girls are never gonna get this teasing out of her hair i'm not gonna knock anybody today i don't care you know if you're a hairdresser do whatever makes you happy and makes your clients the happiest and what is easiest for you personally i don't like teasing and everybody else out there can tease all they want i just don't have the patience to take out teasing um okay so now we are using a board and just painting on some highlights what really confuses me is like this sectioning going on do we know like where this hair is coming from or do we just kind of pick up whatever we think because you can't see the sections it's all around very intriguing to me and i just don't know how this is going to come out well by any means we're clearly going for a very bright bold look these are chunky chunky balayage pieces and they are incubating with foil and adding a lot of lightener which i love to see that way the hair lifts an appropriate amount instead of putting the tiniest amount on the hair and not having it lift at all i've seen a lot of people do this like back combing with the with the brush before and i always found that weird too because i always go down on the hair but it seems to work well for people so maybe i should try it we've made it to the cap and it's gotten weirder dude what are we doing okay first up this is a whole lot of work i could never and would never we first did the frosting cap pulled out all the pieces and now we're taking hair bands and putting different sections in our hair to kind of over direct the hair that way when you paint the highlights on you're getting some nice blending going on it's just a lot of a lot of a lot of things so now we're going in and we're painting i wonder if she'd like weaved any sections or she's just painting i think the entire section of hair those are thick i would have probably sectioned it out more than that oh that's a big piece of hair we're coloring i hope we don't get spotting on that baby i mean this girl's going for a different look clearly she also has great technique though the way she's painting that hair the way she's getting really in there being precise with this so i don't think there's gonna be any spotting luckily and beautiful folding of the foils it's very nice okay there's definitely things that i wouldn't do but it's nice okay we have made it to the pulling out of the foils and her hair is really light to the point where it looks possibly over processed what i'm just realizing right now is that she has to take all of this stuff out of this girl's hair with the lightener on it that is going to hurt so bad pulling that hair through with all that lightener it is going to get caught and just take the elastics off purpose they rinse it beforehand and probably condition and then they take the cap off that makes a lot more sense to me and that's a lot easier than i was thinking in this little head of mine okay well i mean it looks light oh okay where'd the highlights go miss thing okay okay okay interesting ah all right am i confused yes yes yes yes yes reason being we ended up somehow with a foil highlight girl you could have just popped some foils in there did a little root shadow and called it a day would have taken half the time a third of the time even and it would have been so much easier for you to do but maybe she has fun doing that so i wouldn't personally be using this this knowledge anytime soon on any any real living people that i do hair for seemed like a waste of time to me i don't know how to say that in a nice way but i guess that's it i'm gonna say this one is a no for me big fat no no no let's see what else we have next video up is by free salon education and this is called air touch balayage technique full step-by-step tutorial he's picking up this section everything looks really normal right now what are we doing this seems like a pretty good idea so he's basically pushing down all the little baby hairs underneath her hair with the blow dryer that way he's just painting i guess the healthier longer hair on top and it kind of divides the section and gives you a little bit of like separation between the pieces i think he also hair sprays it which i find interesting beforehand and he's really trying to do very minimal painting going on here um most of it is being pushed out from the back i think this is cool i fully understand and i'm still intrigued by it and i still want to know how this is going to come out however i feel like we're adding an extra step that doesn't need to be there unless you have like really damaged hair i guess and you're trying to get those little baby hairs that are just growing back to come out before you color the hair i understand that it just seems like a lot of effort you know he has obviously a great technique with painting taking all those little baby hairs out before he does those heavy strokes is going to make it so that they aren't so stripey and there's a little bit of variation in color between the dark and the light once he puts everything together and all those little baby hairs go back into place so the only other thing with this i can think about is that some people have really layered haircuts and some people's haircuts aren't even so you get rid of that shortness underneath on some parts it's going to be more than others you're going to end up with heavier painting on one side and less than the other i don't know i'm just playing devil's advocate here and um trying to come up the reasons why this may not work but it probably will be fine okay so we're doing very very very thick chunky pieces on the top i've never seen anybody section hair like that um unless she's doing a really far side part i've honestly have never seen that so pretty interesting and this is the final results let's see oh okay it's definitely not ugly okay it's not bad it's not ugly you know the person clearly has experience what i have liked to be more impactful and a little bit brighter towards the ends instead of like kind of the midsection being brighter to me it looked like there was kind of like a lot of focus and lightness in the mids and less than the ends which you know usually you like to have a lot of the ends bright um that's kind of how hair grows naturally it gets lighter towards the ends and darker at the top where the new growth is i wouldn't be using this for my own practice and maybe you guys would but i'm gonna say this is a no for me again just feel like it's a lot more work than it needs to be the results weren't as amazing as i maybe thought they were going to be i mean it was cute i think there's just easier ways of doing it up next we have a video by the life of hair and this is called is this the fastest balayage technique okay you got me with that title i want to know what the [ __ ] the fastest technique is because i am all about speed mixed with technique and precision and i want to get done quick but cute and if this is it i'm gonna do it we're going to do a six section balayage put ponytails in those six sections and this is going to create elevation this is an express balayage technique so if you want to get that little bit of lightness through the ends of your client's hair and you haven't got a massive amount of time then this is the one for you so we're doing some ponytails six sections of ponytails ponytails are scary we saw it in the first video we're seeing it again i'm feeling good about this one a little bit better than the first one it's just a lot of hair at once that's my only hang up about uh the ponytail thing it's a lot of hair to color i don't even know how it's gonna be easier for him or faster so okay so we're doing this sectioning and he's basically going in like a pinwheel type style thing i think kind of taking out pie slices all around her head and putting into really high ponytails that way he gets a lot of over direction within his sections and when he paints it he'll get some really diffused highlights going on that's the idea it's worth noting that this girl has the perfect hair texture to do this because her hair is fine she really doesn't have a lot of it so it's gonna be easy to color it very quickly and we're using some foils we're gonna get really nice and light and he's just really going in and foiling every piece of hair within those ponytail sections which is going to give her a lot of lightness so i split the ponytail section into two i've got the bottom of the section here um i put my foil underneath this section i mean so i've done this before when i was younger on some people and i always ended up with spotting and maybe that was just an error in my technique when i was younger but i always ended up with little spots of uh places i didn't bleach because the sections were so thick and i make sure i've got lots and lots of product and i heavily apply the bleach to the ends of the hair keyword there heavy amounts of bleach fully saturating the hair and then i apply a lot of bleach to that section as well and just make sure that i apply tons and tons of products because the more we apply the better it will lift in the long run that's right the more we apply the better oil lift in the long run guys put enough freaking bleach on your hair and then i put another foil on top and then i flip over the foil and i remove the bottom foil that i just painted onto that's genius that's a really good idea the whole flippity-doo dad he just did see i never did that and maybe that's where my error was so we just make sure we work that also diagonally side to side to get the product onto the hair thick enough that we can be guaranteed we get maximum lift i like this guy a lot i feel like it's gonna look bomb so i'll just give you a close-up of the six section or elastic band balayage gives the hair that very very soft finish listen it looks pretty good for doing that so quickly with just some ponytails so we've left some little orange pieces through her top layers which are quite short just to veil that very very black fringe in there and you can just see from the side angle there a great blend going through and we've got the dark running right through the hair so she's got that kind of very shadowy rooty vibe going on and it creates lovely soft blended balayage-esque color okay that black bang was gorgeous on her she looks amazing also see that he just made his life so much simpler and i'm definitely gonna be using this on people with hair that's on the finer side i think this is a great idea and it makes your life easier and makes everything go a lot faster so i very much love this concept and i'm excited to try it on somebody he did an amazing job all right let's watch one last and final technique and let's see how it goes up next we have a video by ryan superno hairdresser top indonesia um hair color 3d balayage comb technique he is going in with some back combing what is that what are we using on that what is it i've seen these combs before i've seen these little little teethy combs over here with all the [ __ ] in them and you can like just put it in there and it sections everything out for you that is cool i very much enjoy this and would like to have one in my hands and use it so he's basically getting like flawless um weaving with the just the comb i don't know why we all had to hand weave out all these foil highlights i feel like it would be so much easier if we just took a freaking boiling comb that has those little teethies in it and just sectioned everything out with like this guy's doing it i'm ordering one of these combs today okay so now he's going with a single process or a toner of sorts in between to add more of a red tone to her hair i believe this is totally normal and i want to know what these highlights are going to look like hopefully it's going to be like this beautiful blend between like some lighter blonde pieces and some more berry color in between i like this a lot so far where did the highlights go okay see here's the issue he is rinsing everything together and maybe this is what he wanted but you know obviously when you rinse everything together you're gonna get a lot of that darker color on the lighter color and it's going to probably get rid of every single light piece you put in there i'm not seeing a lot a whole lot of lightness going on but it looks like he's toning the highlights um so maybe he wanted it like this oh i do love a good little gloss moment though this looks shiny and pretty and like oh i lied it's really freaking gorgeous oh wow that's really pretty it had like the softest melt of highlights going on i loved it i think that is a really great technique to use that 3d comb thing i don't know what the hell you call it but it was cool and i liked it and i want one myself where do i buy it that was cool watching other hairstyles um show off their techniques i love learning from other stylists and i always have room to grow and i never react to professional hairdressers this is cool to watch and i'll definitely be using some of these techniques on my own clients and friends and family and myself probably if you guys aren't already subscribed make sure you do write down below hit the like button and the bell icon to be notified every time i post a new video if you would like to text me this is my number yes it's really connected to my phone yes i really do see your messages and yes i'll be replying to a few of you guys who text me right now this will also keep you notified every time i post a new video make sure you follow me everywhere else here are all my social media handles go for it i'm literally everywhere i can find my videos everywhere if you guys like to live your extra life and grab some clothing i have lived your extra life merch and it is so freaking cute it is linked right down below at if you guys like to shop my hair care products and my color you can do so now at it is linked below for you and if you would like some inspiration on what you should do next to your hair maybe a different hairstyle maybe a different hair color you can head to our instagrams at x model hair and x mundo color today's instagram shout out goes to jill and this says hey brad love you you're gorgeous thank you you too i have really long blonde hair and i want to change but don't know what to do would you give me advice yes of course that is what i'm here to do i say chop it i say bring it up to the shoulders get a little root shadow done it'll give that new cute feeling while still having your hair blonde because i know i know girl it is hard to get rid of that blonde hair i like it on you a lot so i think just a rude shadow would change up a lot having those money pieces in the front and then bringing it a lot shorter would look really pretty if you end up doing it i would love to see a photo and good luck and thanks again to the real real for sponsoring today's video make sure to check out the link in the description box right below that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] [Laughter] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,469,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, Hairdresser Reacts To Bizarre Balayage Techniques, balayage, hairdresser reacts, ombre, how to do balayage at home, balayage on dark hair, balayage technique, ombre hair tutorial, highlights, blonde, brunette, babylights, how to do highlights, at home hair color, hair stylist, hair fail, diy hair, at home, how to, fall off, 40 vol, box dye, hair, hair fails, funny, hilarious, hair color, bleaching my hair, bleaching hair at home, bleach, breakage, Horrible
Id: FmcwojPhFtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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