Hairdresser Reacts To People Bleaching Their Curly Hair

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hi beautiful how are you you look stunning thank you for being here it's a gorgeous wonderful day to be alive to be in this body to be living grateful for you to be living and watching me we're gonna watch some people with very very very curly hair color it blonde all sorts of shades of blonde and um they're gonna be using bleach to do it you know i don't know if you do this but curly hair and bleach they don't really mix it's tough because curly hair is very dry naturally when you put bleach on it it becomes even more dry and things just go wrong and downhill very quickly things can start to break off and snap so i'm sure we're gonna see a lot of that today really nervous for these girls who are about to bleach their hair themselves at home maybe some of them can create a masterpiece out of their hair and maybe we'll get some entertainment out of it let's watch these videos [Music] first up we have a video by maura by mita and this is called i bleach my roots and my hair broke oh no no no no no no i am going to touch up my roots my roots are out and about this was about a month ago okay so she is about to touch up her roots and she kind of jumps right into it so that is where we're at now this is when i had finished touching up my roots now i'm just waiting for my hair to process [Music] why is the hair up in buns like that that is another no-no because what's going to happen is that lightner is going to get on the rest of your hair it's going to lighten the pieces of hair that don't need to be lightened and you're going to get even more breakage that way next time don't put your hair up when you're bleaching it this is not hair dye this is lightener keep it out of the lightener while it's processing they came out really yellow i did not leave the bleach in there long because i figured their roots i figured they would take really quick and i guess poor judgment it looked like my roots were lifted like if you can see here it's like really blonde i only left it in 20 minutes and the directions do say 30 to 45 minutes oh no oh no i would recommend 45 minutes honestly for a retouch like this one thing about having yellow roots like this it is so hard to make it go away after you do this that is like all nearly orange so it's going to take another big round of bleaching and making sure she doesn't overlap on the really light parts in order to make that yellow come out of her hair i have put the toner in it's not too bad it's turning blonde that's good we got rid of that yellow that's what i was worried about but it's not too bad it's not what i wanted why are we toning your yellow hair with a purple toner like what you're just using it is not going to cancel out orange and it's not going to cancel out deep yellow it's just not going to work and we're about to see why okay guys so i am back so let me show you the roots are still a little dark but i mean it's better than the black this was the color i wanted all my hair to come out so just a piece of advice guys if you do this leave the bleach in longer oh no uh this is what i look like i bleached it no she's bleaching them again i want to point out here though her application around her hairline is flawless impeccable beautiful okay guys so i am so happy as you can see it took a lighten this time i left it in 45 minutes my hair is just lit just falling out guys this thing is not healthy i don't recommend nobody do this and she pushed it too far her hair is stepping off and i'm not surprised those roots are definitely the right color but it she probably overlapped too much on the existing blonde and it's starting to snap the off i want it to be really ventilated so i want you to see it's toning it's turning like a purple no she's toning it again and i how much do you want to bet she's using t18 and like 30 volume which is going to blast open that cuticle again and lift the hair even further and further damage your hair guys i lost a lot of hair this morning like look at that what the is that that's a lot of hair says oh my god my hair fell out in chunks guys look at this look at this look at this let me show you something look at this look at this and it's still falling off no no no no no stop pulling on it's not pulling on it i have to cut my hair i've never had my hair that short in my life it's gonna be fine you're gonna rock that short haircut i know you can do it girl i know you can do it we're doing a big chop rolling out it has to get cut it is all coming out in that brush oh my gosh she's really going for it i wouldn't recommend cutting like that because then you're going to end up with really short pieces here and really long pieces in the front but oh well that's not oh my god i'm sorry i'm shook right now it's really happening it's just hair baby all right listen she's a trooper she's just going for it and that's really satisfying seeing all that dead hair go it looks like noodles it looks like literal ramen noodles that have been overcooked she's just letting her husband do whatever he wants forget about looking like a boy we gotta cut it so it looks even so you don't look crazy you look like a maniac like oh my god look at this girl she's nuts you know what i'm saying baby that was too short he's just taking clumps out he's like whoop right there is good oh right there right there if we can just style it okay i think we can pull it together i think we can wrap it up and make it a little cuter hey guys see she styled it up this is my first attempt at finger waves guys so i didn't do the back because i can't really see and i got to get more acquainted with um how to do finger waves but this is how it came out it's a cute first attempted finger waves not the most perfect but we'll work on it you know it's cute you know i'm gagging a little yeah yeah i'm gagging in the future i'd like to get this down more on my face just again let's do that i was going to do like a bright color but i'm like girl just cut your losses in this thing and just let your hair grow out dude you just said that you should do a bright color i completely agree with that i think you should do your hair red or purple if you use something like my color line next model color your hair will actually be healthier because of the bond builders that are included in it and all the other amazing ingredients like hyaluronic acid oils proteins and there's nothing that's gonna lift your hair or damage it at all it's like an intensely deep conditioning treatment with hair color it's going to be very beneficial to your hair and make it look better and brighter and shinier and also i think you should just cut the little tail off of your hair cut it's almost getting a little like a mullet vibe which that's what you're going for then go for it girl i support you but get the hair cut maybe if you can like professionally or just trim it up um and then work on your finger wave skills and i think it'll be perfect it'll be great it'll be awesome you turned a bad thing into a decent thing and i'm proud of you for that let's move on to the next video up next we have a video by the channel kdiani and this is called bleaching my natural brown hair platinum blonde and damaging my curls i'm going to start off with l'oreal's technique high performance quick blue the extra strength this is blue bleach you use blue bleach basically to cancel out any orange yellow tones you know get rid of all that brassiness kind of like in one shot that is exactly true her hair is starting off with a little bit of blonde at the end so i'm concerned that's going to break off and then her hair is so dark at the top so dark and it's curly so it's dry so you know quick blue is definitely gonna do with something it's gonna definitely lighten your hair but i worry about the damage it's about to induce um but you know we'll see and then i'm going to be using 30 volume developer so i don't really follow instructions great four scoops of these because i have a lot of hair then i'm going to go in with the claro professionals pure white cream developer okay 30 volume good choice into the blue bleach powder you could also use 20 since your hair is very dry but 30 volume could be fine make sure you have gloves because if not the bleach is going to irritate your hand we're not going to section are we i just know we aren't start off in the back so this is my hair currently right now okay so she's a lot of blonde on those ends dark here this is all version here the dark part and then this is light brown hair i'm going to grab a grandchild comb and i'm going to go at a diagonal so i am going to bring the bleach a tiny bit up to my root but not all the way because i still want my roots to be dark so we are kind of painting the hair with our hands and we're trying to avoid the roots which i don't think is a good idea but she said she'd change her mind good i'm glad she did change her mind at least the sections aren't gigantic i guess that's all i can ask for and she's going in there she's going in there with a lot of lightener which i love to see people use enough lightener it's usually so dry this is nice and moist there's enough on there and i'm actually glad she's avoiding her roots but i wouldn't have put all the color on her ends first because her ends are the lightest so we're trying to work from the darkest to lightest when we apply the lightener not the lightest darkest but at least her roots will probably not be like extremely white because she actually applied them after the ends which is great we're off to a great start i don't know how it went wrong so after i finished bleaching my roots i did let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes in this clip you can see that my hair is pretty light i was kind of scared that my curls were gone but at this point it was like it is what it is like i already did it okay let me just say it's actually looking good she used plenty of lightener it looks like it's fully saturated and she missed no spots which is more than i could ever ask for it honestly i'm curious like how is this gonna go bad i mean i'm sure she just over processed it because her ends were already light but i don't know it looks pretty good being that i knew it wasn't going to be as light as my roots were i went in ahead and bleached it a second time and you can see it right here like my roots are really light and that is mainly because near your scalp that's where you produce heat which allows your hair to lift faster if you previously colored your hair especially since my hair was brown you're going to have leftover red pigments in your hair the dye in her ends did not want to lift out at all which is unfortunate because it's going so well she did her roots last and still her roots picked up really fast she's that fine hair a lot of heat from her scalp and it just lifted really really fast honestly though it's not looking terrible so that's what that was and instead of waiting like a couple months to color my hair i went in and did a second process of bleach which is personally personally where i messed up so do not do that at all you guys her hair doesn't look too damaged i probably would have dried it to feel the texture of it i would apply the lightener on dry hair this way when it's wet it's going to take longer you're diluting the lightener things are going to take a lot longer than they would have if your hair was dry so after my second process of bleaching i did let it sit for 10 minutes in my hair and this is the current condition of my hair but my hair did lighten up i was happy about okay disappointed about my hair's health because i know better you should probably use a bond building treatment next time while you lighten your hair that way you're putting some health back into it while you lighten it it would have really helped a lot maintain the health and the quality of your hair you're doing a really good job and if you use the right toner at this point you can really pull this together but as far as toning i did go in with the color charm by t14 okay that's the pale ash blonde used a 20 volume developer the color tango brand so what i do is split my hair into four sections and then i always color the perimeter of that section first and then i go in between the sections color the root and then i spread the color throughout the rest with this toning process you should start on the most yellow parts of your hair first that way it gets the most toning benefits and the most amount of time with the toner on that part of the hair and then move on to the lighter more white parts all right oh my god this is what my hair looks like um definitely something i have to get used to the only downside with this is i'm gonna really have to do like treatments back to back i have some critiques but this doesn't look bad some of these hairs they're not curly like how my roots are curly should have never like double processed like the mid shaft to the ends but i really do love the color if my hair like if it wasn't like damaged like how it is and the curls were like poppington i probably would have probably would love it some more like i said definitely a color i have to get used to here's the thing i think you did a great job like for what it is you did a great job the only thing i kind of want to critique is i don't love the tone of it like i wish it was more yellowy i feel like it would just make you look a lot brighter and healthier if you had a more warm tone of blonde rather than a really ashy like almost green yellow oh it's like like green and gray in there that i'm seeing like blue greens grays i wish you were more on the yellower side of platinum blonde like a like a cream color that would just look so good on you your hair quality doesn't look terrible you know just put some moisturizing curl products in there and i think it'll look amazing and you look really pretty with blonde hair um it's a big change and you did it pretty well so i'm proud of you great job those were definitely some interesting results um not the greatest not the worst but it was definitely scary watching these people bleach their curly hair and i felt so bad for their curls a lot of damage going on a lot of scariness and they pulled off something and we'll leave it at that make sure you guys follow me everywhere else if you aren't already here all my social media handles all around me make sure you click the subscribe button right down below if you are not subscribed already also click the like button and the bell icon to be notified every time i post a new video this is my number right here yes it's really connected to my phone and yes i really do see some of your messages you can text me right now and i'll be texting some of you guys right back this will also keep you notified every time i post a new video if you guys would like to check out my hair care line and my color line you can do so now at you can also check out our instagrams for inspiration at x model hair and x model color go for it if you guys like to live your extra life with me and shop my merch you can do so it is so freaking cute you can shop it at or with the link below today's instagram shout out goes to drew and this says i've recently cut my hair the shortest it's ever been you do too much bleaching we saw that today um my hair has been about every color in the rainbow and i decided to go back to the same permanent auburn while i let it heal but i've been feeling pretty bland and i'm still not sure how to style such short hair any color style tips and suggestions things the auburn is definitely pretty i think it looks really great on you but if you're looking to do a change um i don't know i feel like i would love to see your hair pink like pink and shorter like really short and really edgy i want you to style it with like a pomade my bdsm slick and defined bomb will be amazing for your hair to give it that piecy texture and rehydrate it um it's also really good for damaged hair because it has so many oils in it and it's not going to dry your hair out at all so try that go pink i mean unless you don't want to damage your hair but i think you should go at least go shorter a little more edgy and stick up your hair with some bdsm balm and it'll look so fierce if you end up doing it i would love to see a photo and good luck that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,055,452
Rating: 4.962851 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To People Bleaching Their Curly Hair, curly hair, bleach, kinky hair, how to bleach your hair, blonde curly hair, blond, how to color curly hair, red hair, fail, fall out, bleach fail, bleach curly hair no damage, bleach curly hair at home, 30 vol, how to, damage, funny, hilarious, xmondo, xmondo color, textured hair, wella T18, toner, yellow hair toner, platinum blond, dye hair, blue hair, pink hair, purple hair
Id: iCI0Uxn1VN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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