Hairdresser Reacts To People Dying Their Hair Bright Orange

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hi beautiful how you doing today you look so gorgeous today we're watching some people color their hair right motherfu orange aka super orange which reminds me i have four brand new x model colors coming out on february 25th we have super orange super red super green and super yellow to live your super fantasy you've been asking for these colors so damn much and i'm finally giving you more colors to complete the entire rainbow the colors will be linked right down below for you to check out i cannot wait to see what kinds of orange fantastic looks people create in today's videos i feel like the color orange is going to be so big this year and just become bigger and bigger mark my words you're gonna see everybody rocking some orange hair with that all said let's check out what these people do to their damn heads let's do it [Music] up first we have a video by natalie b and this is called dyeing my hair from dark brown to orange at home step by step hi guys welcome back to my channel so today i'm gonna be dyeing my hair orange i went to the beauty supply earlier and i picked up some stuff girl those are some latins those latches wow and thick she's got like five pairs on baby i got some bleach packets and then i got 40 developer because my hair is really dark and then this is the color that i'm going to be doing that's going to blast out of your hair which you probably need that honestly your hair is extremely dark it's going to be a lot of work to get that out okay so we're mixing the bleach right now that [ __ ] is black like her eyelashes i mean it looks like she has no roots i would probably just foil everything from the roots to the ends in very small foils and lighten the [ __ ] out of it looks heavy like that looks like inky die and they're gonna miss so many spots you know they are we're starting right at the front right the most fragile part of our heads guys start at the back right back here that way it doesn't break off oh hell no y'all piss me off it's the lack of bleach for me it's putting lightener on and then rubbing it off with your hands the lightener is supposed to stay on the freaking hair strand if you guys don't know the roots um they die quicker than the rest of your hair she didn't know that though your roots die quicker than master hair except she's using foils so that rule doesn't apply here because you're incubating the ends and heat so you could just do the roots at the same time honestly oh what a gorgeous foil that won't make some strands dark and some strands of light or anything because they're crunching them together it'll be fine guys if you're gonna put foils in your hair just fold them fold them we don't need to and the sections are getting bigger and bigger as they go they're starting to give up they're like i'm done not hardly enough lightner and what the [ __ ] is going on okay so i just got off the shower it's um this color besides a little bit patchy i'm sure it's all patchy it's super blonde up here but it's still dark here so i'm gonna bleach this probably with 30 developer this time so it's not as harsh honestly for what could have happened that this isn't the worst it actually doesn't look like she missed any spots somehow i don't know how they ended up doing that i mean at least the roots got light i didn't even think that was gonna happen uh in the end you can see that just pigmented color on those ends that is just like not coming out she's probably been dyeing her hair over and over and over again with the same color and that's what happens is it gets built up on the ends not as built up in the mids and the roots obviously um probably have never been colored before i don't know what her situation is but it looks to be like she colors a lot and overlaps every single time don't do that you know with one more layer it'll be perfect and then we're gonna throw in the orange that's a bold assumption it's like assumptions about me so we almost finished the second layer oh god damn it guys god it used to be don't start at the root now it's turned into apply enough lightener because i see you rubbing it off put paste on just really get it on there we just finished um adding the bleach so i'm gonna let this sit for about 30 minutes and then i'm gonna rinse it out it's dry as hell look at it crusty this is the color i'm about to use cajun spice girl you're not gonna show us the hair she's hiding it she's like if ramon just used the shirt the good thing is miss cajun spice color over here is looking really dark i think it'll cover it nicely and even it all out and it'll look pretty good luckily orange is a more simple color to do you don't need your palette to be but perfectly white or bright or anything it can be a little spotty and it'll still look really nice once you put the orange over it especially when it's a dark orange i literally love this so much i can't wait to see it when it's dry gonna shove it off for us i'm so happy with the turnout the story is a little crazy but i got the results i want it oh i'm gonna go on your channel and find a video of you with your hair down because that was not enough for me okay so it has faded in this one she's go she's going for a big chopper rooney that's for another video darling i'm gonna stop it there listen it came out spotty adorable lovely but next time let's just do it a little more right let's make sure our our saturation is there with the lightener and let's make sure the color is nice for you you know what you could do also is do a darker orange on the top even like a more red and then do a copper on the bottom that way it evens out those kind of darker spots everything has more of like a done at the salon kind of feel because we hardly ever do one solid color all over somebody's head it's usually varieties of different colors and different tones and when you do one solid color all over it kind of looks like it was done at home which is totally what you did so i guess it's fine up next we have a video by alyssa nicole and it's called dyeing my hair orange an orange little heart as many of you guys know i had or i have split hair it was black and like a copper orange it's faded now oh you were in my halloween video i don't remember if i liked your hair or not but it looks like it's grown out it looks like i've seen better days but i'm going to be getting rid of the black and then just going full copper because honestly i love this color so much i ordered some color oops it's supposed to be for permanent hair color but i've had it work on literally any type of hair dye i'm going to use color removal bleaching and then using the high color highlight and try to see if that makes like a full color on my head i don't know if it will if you guys did my hair color removal video where i tried all different kinds of hair removers color oops is not supposed to be used on denim permanent color however she's saying it worked for her for me it didn't really work i don't know what to believe it says on the box not too and then it says kind of somewhere else too that you can use it on so many permanent colors on the front of the box but then the inside it says something different i don't know anything about life anymore apparently okay we're working the color mover through i'm excited to see what happens with this if it actually works or not because i'm gonna be shocked if it does so this is just going back to kind of the just like blondish brown and then the orange is still a little bit under here which is fine the best part about this is that she's doing a copper color that means that her hair can come out orange which it probably will and it's totally fine because she's putting orange on top of it so there's really just no worries here like i want to know if she can like get this black out i'm ready for a really good result what you do is you shampoo and let your hair sit under the water rinsing for 20 minutes yes 20 minutes and then you like shampoo your hair multiple times and rinse it for like a total of about 30 minutes so it takes a long time and when it dries you'll kind of get the final idea but i can already tell that this is kind of just going to like a lightish brown which is like the hair color that i was at before okay hell no for 20 minutes of rinsing that should have came all the way out you could have just skipped the color remover step honestly it really is not going to help you just use bleach this is a lot i could have done two rounds of bleach honestly i don't think it would have been any worse on your hair than what you ended up doing so so i don't have another color removal remover um so i'm just going to bleach my head well the right the left side and then there's some pieces over here that are dark like right here and i'll probably bleach like where it's a little bit dark right there give me some bleach in this we're bleaching the head we're bleaching the head we're bleaching and bleaching and bleaching [Music] she's looking like she's doing a really good job here we're going in and we're doing section by section which i love to see she's doing it she's rocking it she's killing it she's moving it and she's grooving it and i'm happy about it here's what my hair looks like so it's like green and purple and blue it didn't work let's just look at this monstrosity right here she's gonna need to foil each little hair ball put paint on 30 volume and lighten her and get that cooking because otherwise this does not look like it's gonna budge i don't know how she's gonna get it out does she get it out i really don't even know okay i'm about to rinse out the second bleaching but i don't know if you guys can see but the black tart part is now turning like a pink purple color so i mean that's a good sign that it's lighting up anyways put some more bleach on your head like why is there no lightener on your damn head it is such a fine thin layer of lightener i need more and i want more and i demand more um honestly it's not like super dark um it looks worse on camera than it actually is in person this messy bleach application is killing me of course we've got that you know gross green right here and we've got a little bit of this like this weird light pink don't really know where that came from this side lightened up pretty good it's just yellow so i'm just going to go ahead and use the l'oreal high color highlights i'm going to use it with 20 volume developer so it's not like super strong okay so her hair is looking a little bit messy um i hope the high color comes to the rescue and it may just do that because you're using 20 volume you are gonna get that lifting moment going on and not just a deposit only moment so you may get a good color this could be exactly what you need in order to fix the color okay so it's really orange i'm wishing her the best right here you just never know really with these things we just never do know right guys like we just never do at least she's doing a lot she's doing she's applying it nicely section by section strain by strand looks like it's covered everything so i'm gonna rinse it out style it do my makeup and show you guys the final result brb hopefully my hair is probably like fried right now all right guys here is my hair i mean it kind of just looks like a natural redhead i've always wanted to be a natural redhead you just pulled some on me how the [ __ ] did you get that color why does it look good why is it wearable my hair is fried i'm not gonna lie to you guys i mean it it took a while for me to even brush through it because you might not be able to see how dry it is but i mean it's pretty dry so i'm gonna do some coconut oil treatments so let me go outside and show you what it looks like in the sunlight okay listen alyssa i need some of your luck i'm gonna grab it i'm grabbing it from the screen girl because i'm i need it right now um it's been a hectic day a week month year you seem like you're winning at life if you could just pull that off i don't know what else you can pull off in life because that wasn't believable all right well great job you look amazing and i love this color on you let's move on to the next video up next we have a video by kayla stroup and it is called hair dye diaries green to orange i am nervous as all heck but uh my hair dye just came in the mail today so i can't wait any longer because honestly this is just making me feel really gross i'm ready to feel like me again time to blurge we're bleaching a reticle bleach kit it's i kind of just been using it forever so all right well we can use it i guess it's not broke don't fix it i never heard of her we have applied the lightener all the over her head which is scary because she had pre-lightened mids and ends and not lightened uh and unlike natural roots that's how you say it natural roots and we're putting liner all over i would have definitely rather her have lightened the roots first let them get nice and yellow and then pull it through the ends because they're already lightened you don't want to over process them as much as you're processing the ends you know what i'm saying it's a little scary it's literally the same color no it's lighter oh look at that it actually looks okay decent enough to now put orange over her hair and i'm excited for the orange it's gonna be a whole new twist she's gonna be vibing the out with orange i already grabbed this with dye hands so that was smart this is sunset orange girl you need super orange in your life so for this next layer up i am going to mix a little bit more of another brand in just to kind of like hopefully give it some variation this is special effects high octane orange okay this is bright i think this is going to cover the green perfectly and leave her with such a cool new look it's all over her face though guys just be a little bit more careful stop getting into your hairline like get it off your skin can you believe this what the f it turned out so much better than i could have imagined i didn't really have a plan in mind when i started fading my hair i eventually wanted to go orange but i thought that because of how long my hair had been green and because it was green that there just wasn't a chance what is going on today because the last two videos have been so weird like why is it working for them it shouldn't work this way like i get why it did work but i also don't really get it because her hair was so green it was so green and how did it end up so freaking orange and bright and vibrant and fierce she looks so good i think it's a fun change but i do love the green i'm so happy for her 10 out of 10 babe it looks dope well that was uh it was wild i think it was magical um and i'm happy for all of them that it came out nicely however i'm very surprised still i again i'm trying to process it but i can't i don't know how this all went decently well yeah good for you guys it's all i really have to say you guys don't keep up with your orange hair get super orange it'll help you with your damaged hair after doing all that stuff to it because we have bond builders and proteins and hyaluronic acid and all kinds of oils and amazingness in x-mondo hair color if you guys are not already subscribed make sure you do it right down below and click the like button and the bell icon to stay up every time i do a new video also you can text me at this number right here it's my number yes i see some of your messages and yes i'll be texting back a few of you guys if you text me right now it'll also keep you notified every time i post a new video make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here on my social media links handles whatever you want to call them there they are if you guys want to check out my hair color line and my hair care line you can do so at xmondo hair it is linked below you can also head to our instagram for inspiration on what look you should do next at xmundo color for color and x-metal hair for hair care if you guys want to live your extra life with me make sure you check my merch it is all right here it's so freaking cute i literally wear it every day i'm not even like lying because i'm supposed to say that but i'm not it's so comfy it's linked below for you as well at you can shop it there today's instagram shout out goes to berlin i have really curly hair and i have done nothing with it i want to a diet what should i do okay brilliant you know what would look amazing on you which is actually interesting that you ended up being today shout out orange would look so fun on you plus your hair's so dark if you just lighten a little bit and even if it looks a little [ __ ] up you can still go copper orange these girls today are proof of that it'll be a fun change for you also i could 100 see you with a shaved head and orange would look stunning and unbelievable if you end up doing it i would love to see a photo good luck that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,230,020
Rating: 4.9773512 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To People Dying Their Hair Bright Orange, xmondo color, super orange, copper hair, ginger hair, henna red, henna hair dye, funny fails, how to color your hair red, fall off, hair fail, how to, hair stylist, diy hair, box dye, gone wrong, at home, hair dresser, video react, hair fails, 40 vol, brad mondo, hair color, how to color your hair orange, sza, bleach, burnt orange, dying my hair orange, black to orange
Id: 677-r_EH8Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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