H3 Podcast #72 - The TanaCon Con & Logan Paul vs KSI

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[Music] welcome one and all to the h3 podcast experience how's that look pretty good a light ex perience we got super powers over here this is our [ __ ] experience I don't see Joe Rogan's podcasts lighting up with a reverb and lightning bolt he'll know I'm good thank you to quip Dollar Shave Club and fortnight for sponsoring this episode of the HP podcast guys we started late today because my day so far has been pretty messed up oh my god what happened so having breakfast this morning you know getting ready for the day and I see shredder on his little bed next to the breakfast table chewing on this weird little blue thing and I'm like what the hell is that what does what a shudder gotten himself into and he's like he's the pickiest eater in the world he doesn't eat anything but this little thing of course he'd eat this and I pick it up and what I end up seeing I thought it was like maybe a piece of detergent or something but what ended up being was a freaking adderall pill ooh that was like covered in plastic and he was like much like halfway through it so I'm online looking up like what is this I'm like it's adderall who-who the hell left adderall on my floor so I call the vet the vet says call poison control poison controls like well he's a little guy and the amount that he ate pretty much crosses right over the line of being toxic so they're like you need to take him to the vet immediately and induce vomiting and shove charcoal down his throat and I'm looking at this sweet little guy by the way shredder who's the light of my life beside the ELA you know whoops and I'm like dude this guy's gonna go through like the craziest day they're gonna go pump his frickin stomach so I get in the car because he seems fine he just basically ate a bunch of crack was what adderall's so I'm in the car driving on the way to the vet he seems fine at halfway there he starts shaking and like crying and he's confused he's like panicked and it's like apparent that the drug had had started affecting him and I'm and I'm like crying cuz I'm so frickin scared for my little guy and ILA's out of the country out of the country with her family it's a anyway we get to the vet he's fine they pumped his stomach he's fine he's a sweet little guy point is sorry I'm late my little guy almost went though I don't know if I can handle that the government just break you man well he I was talking to Eli about it and she's like if anything happened to shredder I swear to God I I couldn't handle that she's like I couldn't handle I know what I do cuz she's over there taking care of her of her father who's sick right now whoo anyway he's fine yeah but who walks around with an adderall in their pocket just free flying just free flying in the pocket any small creature that comes across the vet said when he puked they found the the pill was blue and they found all these little blue specks like a ton of the drug in his stomach she said it's a good thing you brought him right away cuz he puked it out and he I think he would have died certainly if I didn't catch him eating it right away he would have died crazy so anyway so that's about that that's why we're late I don't know if that was an interesting story but I'm I was I was very upset but he's okay now and I'm also I'm the Wizard of loneliness this week because ela is gone she is back helping her family and I am truly the Wizard of loneliness shredder was gone with my parents the other day and I just sitting there damn cast loneliness on myself level 99 but anyway I'm here to entertain and that is what I shall do next Friday is the great and wonderful Bo Burnham which we are all super excited to meet and chat with him and we're going to talk about his amazing film that's coming up very excited about that but we've got a lot to get to today we've got the tanah con con it took me a while to wrap my head around the tannic on thing this was like a roller coaster of fraud the thing about Tanika I've seen a lot of people talking about it the thing that kind of surprised me most about it I'm not a lawyer I have dealt with a lot of legal stuff though is that I'm like damn like they're off being like yeah I [ __ ] up but a lot of people aren't acknowledging that it seems to be criminal fraud like straight up like the FBI might want to say what up to her and a couple of weeks from now I want to get into that but first let's break the ice because I've got a clip that might be the best thing I've ever seen I'm just gonna pop that up there get the mood set get the feeling right ma'am being in the trenches solos a [ __ ] brutal dude but here we go no sound oh there's no sound on this so this is there's no sound on this right down no no so basically what you're seeing is there's a I think they were shoplifting right there shoplifting and they try to escape us a police officer he brings her to the down he brings her down they're all kind of doing having a little orgy there at the entrance kind of just hustling around so dude escapes from the police he's running into the storage the basically the back area where they store all the soda pops as you can see now this video is so perfectly like shot and set and the twists and turns in it he's throwing halls at the officer the officer has a gun pointed at him what does he do he arms himself with a bag of halls lost and well I'm getting ahead of myself by the way these police officer pants are kind of Gucci is [ __ ] they got nice taping on the leg it's pretty stylish how did she escape this isn't Canada by the way if you need to know if this was an America they'd be [ __ ] bleeding dead on the floor it Canada this girl's just wandering around you know what I mean there's two officers and she's still wandering around the store anyway he's armed Oh little taser there straight to the floor did I miss the bat though oh yeah here this [ __ ] arms himself with what does it say spritz they look like a bag of peanuts or something here you go if you take one step closer man I'm gonna hit you with this bag of peanuts his threats sadly did not avail as the officer was was better armed than him sadly so he's pretty much in submission but nope he got a second wind folks he's got a second one and his his wife is on the loose and he points to her says back the [ __ ] off [ __ ] is what he said now I yeah that that was a that was a real spill I've wondered if this video is fake but that spill is real folks let me tell you that was oh he's got he's got his knee right on his [ __ ] dick bone there I think pretty so the girl has got a she's like you know listen the cop just need my boyfriend the dick he's probably impotent from now on so she's like I don't have any much use for this guy so I'm out of here peace she tries to sneak out and that's true love folks she's like he's [ __ ] I'm out of here peace there's the bag of spritz that was thrown at the officer those re those aren't evidence no Exhibit C dude this guy man this officer this is like a real test for him like how do you stop a meth head in Canada it's a lot harder to enforce the law when you don't have a gun you know if this was America they would have just executed that guy you'd be done a short video kind of sad because instead of having like a wonderful almost three stooge asked video doing joy it would just be like drugged homeless man was shot dead by Florida me you know but instead we've got this wonderful little and it gets better folks stay tuned I love the effort by this officer though he's like you will not [ __ ] escape me meanwhile back at the ranch his uh his wife having decided to divorce him is looking for an escape route she goes to the ceiling desperation my god now this is like dude how the hell did they capture this so perfectly that's what makes me suspicious of it being fake like you even get the ass shot in there in the spandex and not saying that's something that interests me just simply stating that it is quite an opportunistic shot well where is she where'd she go let's find out having a tussle and then suddenly look who's back that's right the girlfriend she's back she's back ladies and gentlemen and aren't we so glad that the Canadian police force in this very moment aren't armed and we can enjoy this video the way she pops back up to it's just so beautiful she what dude they must be drugged out of their mind cuz she just was like shrugs it off like it's nothing let's get it let's get it let's get it slow definitely let's go to quarter speed on this one shall we so as you can see she's crawling around the attic space trying to look for an out and maybe maybe she had second doubts maybe she said you know what I do love oh you think she was trying to do like an aerial assault hey yeah she's trying to help out but not quite not quite there's tennis balls rolling all over the place man she was just unharmed whatever they're on I'll have one please Christ I could use a little invincibility my life I could barely go up my stairs in that evening but be that as it may she's not wearing shoes either which i think is interesting to point out I know she is well she's missing one shoe she is missing one shoe which is definitely worth pointing out I wonder if she's headed on over to the peanut bags to try to defend her boyfriend stuck up on the emo stack up on ammo she's like listen I listen I don't know the guy I didn't do anything man yeah okay and then then then the real the real mf'er show up and put an end to this rodeo but wasn't that a thrill wasn't that a thrill ladies and gentlemen truly a gift from Canada and I just really want to reflect one more time on and enjoy the fact that they are armed with Tasers or not live maybe they're I don't know but they ain't shoot them so cheers to that yeah what a thrill that's a beautiful thing man it's like do you see what I'm saying though it's almost so perfectly arranged right that it that I'm very I am so much a suspicion but the way they eat [ __ ] you really can't fake that right like like how do you fake that that's a real spill how do you fake that she can't she takes back-to-school shopping sales very seriously that face when uh that face when school paper is 50% off me once when school supplies are 50% off you know let's see that again really can't get enough one more for posterity this is totally me when I see that am/pm has a special on school supplies this is me watching that all week and still Craig Smith well cheers to them you know what nobody was hurt nobody was murdered it was a beautiful oh it's just every once in a while you get a video this is just so so perfect alright well now that I got that out of the way we should move on to the Tana calm now I know a lot of you guys probably been following the tannic on thing I think a lot of people have talked about it by now so I don't want to get too much into the the nitty gritty honestly what I was trying to do cuz I was going through all this information last night and the and the preceding week we just understand like what the hell happened so I kind of have things bullet pointed I've got video clips I got pictures and I and I think there's there's a lot of interesting stuff in here but most importantly well let's start from the beginning okay let's start here I this is a riveting story by the way this whole thing is just absolutely fascinating and I haven't said fascinating in a while and trust me when I say that I mean he's he fascinating fascinating that up quick so she so Tana was pissed that VidCon hadn't given her featured creator badge in previous years so she won having that so she decided to start her own convention that was inclusive for everyone that's what she kept pressing is that it was inclusive for everybody she sold these VIP passes that said featured creators on them it's like but every person there is a featured creator featured [ __ ] creator so it actually said [ __ ] believe that it did the actual official name is featured [ __ ] create that is so [ __ ] cool but it's like dude yeah let's be real she sold 5,000 tickets and they are all feature craters let's be real there's only one featured creator at tanah con it's Tana she wasn't there apparently so Tana decides to throw a con to rival VidCon with like 30 to 45 days to plan it all right so here here's the original invite from the production company called good times which a lot of good info about these boys but let's start with this welcome creators we are so thrilled for you to be a part of the first-ever Tanic on good times is a family that celebrates the online community we are so honored to be hosting this event we truly believe that each of you here is equip are equipped with so many talents and passions to lead a revolution tone it down Doug you're charging $65 for a VIP ticket there's not a revolution through the social media world that fosters a vibrant inclusive and world changing environment I hate this whole sentiment of like everybody's a featured [ __ ] creator you're all YouTube superstars there it's actually really exploitive because you know every kid these days wants more than anything to be a youtuber at Micon everybody is a featured [ __ ] creator for $65 this event is pioneering the change that we are community wish to see in this industry oh yeah we definitely need more more tan icons we strive to make this a community where everybody feels seen heard understood and most importantly included don't they understand it in a world where everybody's included it's like you don't exist Tanna when everybody's like equal and everyone has the same talents and appeal it's like you don't exist it's so disingenuous everyone is a featured [ __ ] creator so with that being said [ __ ] VidCon [ __ ] the current CEO is this voice working for you as a cringy you I mean it's no more engineer than her voice that's but everyone who created VidCon and if you want to know why Tana Conte became a thing and that's why all the love this is a great genesis of like a great mission statement it's so phony dude it's a phony [ __ ] ever you're all featured creators I got to tell you I you've got probably know so we don't really post videos on h3 anymore I just I'm so like well there's a lot of reasons why we're but one of the big reasons just like man I just I really just can't watch everything on YouTube it's just I don't know man it's all gotten so Tana it's like all Tana people like her so um let me see what we got here what is this I'm not sure what this this significant of that one is what is this Dan first of all from Shane's documentaries a clip of her vlog I think that video was just for some reason timestamp wrong just go to the very beginning of that video and it it's a nice little summary of her permission statement all of the people and all of the unwanted people should host a little meet-and-greet in Anaheim California on the same days as VidCon I'd love to do it I would love to charge you all $65 to come to this rebellious little convention of ours hmm which stick it to them we'll stick it to those capitalists at VidCon it gets so good so anyway she's selling so what she actually pitches is that most of the tickets are gonna be free and there's only gonna be a few VIP tickets what is essentially a free event people who buy VIP tickets get to skip the line they get three times worth the ticket price and a goodie bag so the VIP tickets were $65 so essentially she's saying the goody bags can be worth about 200 bucks okay so let's go ahead and look through the goodie bag that the VIP people get and guys really stick around here so this this was the the most prominent probably the most valuable item and there what the [ __ ] I paid $20 for a condom there's an a condom oh yeah 75 comes dyslexic so looks like a it's kind of packaged like a after-dinner mint you know what's the best part about them giving out condoms is that everyone there's 12 that's good but also imagine actually using this condom and then finding out that it does it's not a real condom when it breaks you know like is there a little disclaimer that's like this is actually after-dinner mint packaging and not meant to conceal something as important as a condom I wonder how many like unplanned births or or infectious diseases were passed thanks to her tan a condom by the way isn't so good that like con the tannic on is just like so good anyway that was the that was basically the highlight of the good of the $200 goodie bag here's a video of a girl unboxing her goodie bag I love it included some broke-ass Gucci princess $0.99 like wristband like okay it's so sketchy princess do you think that any of these little girls spending $65 for your VIP pass can afford Gucci [ __ ] the whole I don't even know this is cruelty free shopping guy yeah clearly it's just a bunch of garbage I mean it's essentially they basically put a bunch of [ __ ] in a bag and said will you throw this out for us so but it gets good folks here let's let's keep going so the day of its pure chaos outside nobody gets into the convention which turns out to be by the way just a Maria events room that has a maximum capacity of a thousand and the creators can't even get into the room because it's so unsafe because it's so chaotic and uncontrolled outside here let me give you a view of basically here let's see this doesn't look so yeah you can see there's just like a winding it's like the whole parking lot I mean nobody can get inside no it's there's like 4,000 people outside or something like that yeah so the funny part about basically this is that thousands of people are outside okay and they're supposed to be a VIP ticket line for people who got the VIP ticket to skip in front of the free tickets but everybody out there who's waiting in line for four to six hours in the blazing heat without any food or water being offered there's actually footage of ambulance and fire trucks coming and rescuing people from getting heatstroke everybody who's outside is starting to realize they all have a VIP ticket because it was pitched like mostly free and maybe like 300 VIP for people who really care and want to make sure they meet everyone so everybody out there they're starting realize has a VIP ticket they start claiming that there was 20,000 people outside this is the genius that organized the event this [ __ ] 20 or old I don't even know what to say about you dude I can't really say anything I honestly can't say anything but what do you need to say what really do you need to say this is the guy that organized this event what really do you need to say about a guy like this yeah well as Dan affectionately put it the Segway can and this is just perfect this is this is the guy organizing the event this [ __ ] guy with a scarf like oh yeah once I put a scarf on everybody's gonna know that this is under control except you made a huge mistake you drove a [ __ ] Segway around dude god gee-whiz man this is a guy in charge something special about the scarf when it's like 95 degrees outside people are passing out yeah exactly so they start gloating so it's it's chaos it's pandemonium outside nobody can get in people are having heatstroke you know and there start Tanna starts tweeting [ __ ] like there's 20,000 people outside we only 5,000 people were to show we're supposed to show up but there's 20,000 15,000 unregistered guests showed up to the convention and that's why we have to shut it down here she says that Bela Bela and I are coming out to talk to everyone everything is fine just fire marshals stuff keeping it safe maybe I won't do that voice adding a third day or if worst comes to worst I would be down to personally refund anyone who's still upset no one expected 20,000 people my love's I love you so she's just like no big deal 20,000 people showed up everyone understands but the thing is that the police report issued that same day says there was four thousand four to five thousand people there at max four to five thousand people at max which turns out is the exact number of VIP tickets they sold so literally the same amount of people showed up as bought tickets and they're trying to paint it like twenty thousand people showed up and that's why we're shutting it down but the truth is they over so the convention with a 1000 seat capacity to 5,000 people here's the police report because Tana and this production company kept trying to spin this narrative of like so many people show up that's why we had to shut it down so here's the actual official police report Garden Grove police department officers were sent to Marriott suites hotel to assist hotel staff and security with crowd control and dispersal of unruly hotel guests from the hotel property the Tanner Kong Convention was an event hosted by tan account company at the Marriott suites hotel the organizing group for tenant Kahn was a company called good times promotion promotions event was scheduled to have meet and greet sessions between YouTube celebrities and their fans their concert concerts and DJ schedule performed for fans in the bar room starting at 1:00 or 10:00 a.m. Tana Kahn had sold approximately 4,000 tickets at the time of the event the skip on down the hotel ballroom where the event was scheduled could hold a maximum of 1,000 people the organized planned the organizers plan to move the crowd in and out of the venue to allow all attendees the opportunity to participate in that as the crowd moved through the venue they were herded into the lobby after a short time to allow other fans into the ballroom people moved into the lobby where upset and refused to leave as the crowd grew in the lobby hotel staff and event security could not gain compliance from the fans so they're like overflowing into the hotel lobby but essentially what's important is that the police specifically state that there was four to five thousand people there approximately 20 officers and several supervisors responded to the scene dude wasting the time of like essentially an entire police force to disperse this absolute mess the police supervisors on CN estimated the crowd was between four to five thousand social media sites said the crowd was twenty thousand and this was not accurate police officers were made we're able to disperse the crowd after approximately 60 to 90 minutes so there you go the exact amount of people showed up as tickets sold who could have predicted yeah who would have ever seen that coming this is the part I want to show this one scene yeah this this is really important scene here this is from Shane's documentary what'd she do a lot of the legwork on this and it's really good but this is footage they took while they were planning the Vic their con so here listen to this I haven't said it fifty two hundred right now no capacity [Music] everything god I love that for us so he's like the hotel is set at a thousand but I have it set at fifty two hundred and she bears witness to that and says I love that for us which is basically conspiracy to commit fraud but they're straight up just acknowledging that they're over selling the event by four thousand seats this is the part at the end of Shane's documentary where he's just like here's the here's the raw facts so here you go so I still had a lot of questions about pretty much everything so I called Michael Michaels D the Michael's the event organizer secondly dude yeah the Segway kid the official number of VIP tickets sold was five thousand one hundred the number of free tickets was between two and three hundred well that's inclusivity baby we just think that everybody's a featured [ __ ] creator as long as you pay me $65 I'm surprised 300 people got free tickets claims that Hannah knew that and that she was lying when she said she might ana still says she didn't the number of security guards was never 91 I got a hold of the contract and it said that at most there was 25 security guards and I gotta put that perspective for most conventions it's usually 50 guards per 5,000 people so this was cut in half the amount of money spent on security was sixty thousand dollars to put that in perspective the amount of money that VidCon spends on security is 1 million dollars stings so I gotta fold it the contract between the Marriott and good times and the contract stated that there was only going to be one thousand and Michael signed it now I'm not Anna and Michael about this and they both said that yes the contract might have said it thousand but everybody at Marriott told them that that was just a safe number and that five thousand okay okay that's so stupid there's they literally had a room with a max capacity Dan you you've worked with like with a lot of venues and stuff if they tell you oh yeah they're like it's a thousand maximum capacity but that's just no [ __ ] way are you kidding me no way no way in hell that's real just also whatever that's kind of a big [ __ ] difference from 1,000 like maybe 1,300 but like yeah I got it over maybe but even then though they would never they would even if they would like turned a blind eye to it they would never say that because they're liable like that that's insane its Marriott it's like huge corporation they're not gonna be like oh yeah 5,000 that's fine that's the part it's Marya it's not some amateur small hotel they don't give a [ __ ] about Tana you know like they do they have events there every day it's this is just routine to them and it's just know there's no way that's real I mean this this is the part that really like your he is saying the capacity is 1200 even if there was no issues no drama no whatever it wouldn't have worked there's no way that's five thousand two people could fit there there's no way that five thousand people would have had what is my goal for you this wasn't gonna work but I haven't said it fifty two hundred right now why should be looking there like a mom you know she's twenty that blew me away dude she's twenty she looks like she's going on her second marriage already why she like coked out like she's like rubbing or knows everything about em hmm so anyway the thing that that really like just actually acts me about this is that Shane Shane did an amazing job on this documentary like showing all this I mean he did not more lunches yeah but in a way it is also a way for them to save face and be like we confronted it we talked about it but the truth is they straight or appear to be committing a fraud they collected like three hundred and twenty five thousand dollars from these kids the convention by the way completely shut down like nobody got in and here's a great part nobody's been refunded nobody's been refunded here check out this press release apparently this G the Segway kid the genius in a contract he signed with this like startup ticketing company said that they will not issue refunds any any under any condition and that any refunds would be at have to be handled by them directly it's a great policy it's fantastic and in here if you would will be issuing refunds to make a claim please go to good times dot live slash claims and fill out the form anytime before January fifth you should expect a refund within the next 30 days it's like bro you got a you gotta jump through hoops and pray that you get a refund but the worst part is like a lot of people flew they're booked hotel rooms for this and these guys pretty much committed like a straight-up criminal fraud I would not be surprised if the FBI are pleased for it come knock another door in like a couple weeks so I don't know yeah there's no way this is over for them I don't think so they're in deep [ __ ] yep there's some great little details here too like the same night that that all went down and the convention was closed and everyone was losing their minds look at this this is her that evening she's a Gucci's princess thanks for your $65 anyway so Wow well you know what really shocked me the most mmm cuz they you know this girl Bella Thorne that she's friends with they're both 20 dude that's more mind-blowing than even the fraud itself those girls and I I don't know if this comes off rude it probably might but and they're those girls have a lot of mileage on them they're like 20 going on 30 like holy [ __ ] and I'm not saying that like Bella Thorne isn't attractive I'm just saying she needs her oil changed at this point I just went ears old alright she looks good she looks good it just looks like she's what she just washed out of the seat Tanna I don't know I just shocked that she's 20 I'm not saying they're they're you know ugly or anything just goddamn well it explains a lot about all of this and I believe the the Michael kid the the Segway kid he's also 20 or maybe 21 what happened it's a bunch of children yeah what happens when a bunch of 20 year old pseudo celebrities try to organize a convention here it is you get a little fraud a little unplanned pregnancy a couple of STDs have you ever had a condom break on you Dan I have actually yeah that's that's a scary it's a bad feeling oh yeah a lot of people are gonna be busting through those did breaking through a con is one of the worst things ever I remember the first time I had sex what the condom broke the first time the very first [ __ ] you're like oh [ __ ] you're like this is a good condom like this is a really good condom damn what's this brand again damn baby what's this brand oh it's a tannic on brand like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] do you have to plan B it i flying beat it yeah have you planned beat it the time the condom broke that that was the one time yeah tan tekonsha probably have included a little plan being her good impact and I need a plan B for this convention her parents needed Plan B if I'm being honest yikes so anyway turns out the con and tan akan as quite a double meaning in this casing as both a convention and a literal con so I have a couple of bonus clips for you guys it's there's really nothing to say but I felt stupid even talking about it honestly it's it's fascinating in that it was such a train wreck in like presumably they put this event together almost without even a thought to what would actually happen the day of you know what I mean like yeah it's been so irresponsible that I sent five thousand [ __ ] people and almost did not even hat like they thought as long as I booked the room it's like you know if you build it they will come that was a movie you need you need another audience out there yeah I don't know you need anyway it was just like mind-numbing ly insane would not be surprised if we could we see some jail time for them if I'm being and I'm and I swear to god I'm being honest or not be surprised well the big thing is this Michael guy at least according to Shane's documentary he signed on the dotted line for everything yeah but so he's he's definitely fun the thing is I think she that one clip alone proves that she has like a conspiracy to commit fraud I love that for us that is gonna play in a courtroom oh yeah there's gonna be a judge and a jury watching tannaz oh I love that for us and then the judge is gonna be like you know what I love for you five to ten years I'm trying to think of a good plan word I'm trying to you know what I love for you Tana sixty five months one month for every dollar for your VIP ticket by the way bonus Oh in my research I found some she's one is why does she exist why is she popular hey guys it's Tana you know what's so stupid about like YouTube like she like they complete I know I haven't ran about YouTube but I don't [ __ ] it I don't give a [ __ ] why is it that YouTube will not even bat an eye at me or idubbbz or any of my friends that actually have I'm not gonna say they have talent they deserve shows what a [ __ ] is it always Tana and people like her who are actually not only the lowest character but frankly criminals that get YouTube read series like there was a she was featured in this Joey Graceffa dog show is so dumb the haunted house show God have you have you ever seen anything dumber III dare you to watch this [ __ ] and yeah in a way YouTube's enabling them to it'd be like you are stars so they're running ads for Tana I've got this ad a bunch of times because she's premiered in the new season of Joey Garcia's [ __ ] shitty house and it says do you love Tana like YouTube is actually running ads promoting this this mom I say mom cuz like I said it looks like she's going on her second marriage she looks like a mom that doesn't spend a lot of time with her kids you know what I mean she looks like a mom who's out at 3 a.m. partying and grandma takes care of the kids you know I mean does she not look like that does she not look like this the odometer is just about to hit a hundred thousand you know the check engine light is on so anyway and somehow I'm unendorsed below or like my friends who who I respect who make great content probably the best on YouTube they're unendorsed but somehow by anyway so I'm on her vlog Channel right this is her trailer bro watch this this is her trailer watch hunter and I just took some adderall that's her [ __ ] first message to her fans this 20 year old with these little girl fans her first thing she wants you to know about her is that she just took drugs illegally I just took adderall could I not say that she's brought she's probably the one that left it on the floor and two boys and shredders Oh Oh interesting she got wind that we were doing this today preemptive strike let's give Tana a show on YouTube red called how called how to be damaged goods by the age of 22 let's let's give Tana a shot a reality show on YouTube red called how to poison the minds of the young generation under the guise of family-friendly content let's give her a show let's do it Oh Oh but kids like her let's give her her shell kids watch her okay she's in I just took adderall and I sprinkled it on Heath ins Florida poison his dog who I lost track of time how long did that weed it's time for break I have one more I have one more clip alright and this clips not that important let's go to the break alright I got worked up I need to go cool off guys we've got a commercial break and after that we've got a lot to get to including we've got prank calls that somebody did with my voice someone made a sound board my voice we've got I want to talk about the ksi first Logan Paul fight so much more ooh see you guys soon [Music] quip electric toothbrush legend has it this toothbrush fell from the sky on the eve of Jesus's birth Christmas Day this shot from the sky like a meteorite but it was not destroyed quip is the best toothbrush ever invented by a mortal man but the toothbrush itself is immortal here's what it does it's electric it's slick it's handy it vibrates but it's just a little guy and guess what it only costs you about 25 bucks to get started with an electric toothbrush you put it in it vibrates it cleans your teeth it's got a nice soft bristle unlike any other toothbrush I'm telling you folks do you listen to the Angels crying they're not singing they're crying because this is a miracle that's why it's on Oprah's o list nobody just gets on Oprah's list here's what it does it vibrates and it pulls Sates and it tells you when to switch to the bottom side it times you you're supposed to brush for three minutes I bet you don't you sick nasty freak your mouth stinks not anymore brush brush brush vibrates switch brush brush brush all the sudden you're gone you brushed enough your gums are healthy your mouth is glowing your breath is incredible and those angels that are crying for you right now they're gonna be crying for the nice smell in your mouth because finally a girl's not gonna have to smell your stinky breath and that makes angels cry enjoy quip starts at just $25 if you go to get quip comm / h3 right now you'll get your first refill pack for read with a quip electric toothbrush that's your first refill pack free at GE TQ uip calm / h3 get quip calm / h3 get it so that angels will cry for you tears of joy you hear that that's the sound of a suave ass Dollar Shave Club using dude walking down the street looking clean he's radiant he's clean shave he smells good and everybody who walks by says to themselves I want to suck that guy's dick that's right Dollar Shave Club folks Dollar Shave Club delivers everything you need to look feel and smell your very best you name it shampoo conditioner body wash toothpaste hair gel even a wipe that will leave your tush feeling tingly and clean and let me tell you folks when they say tingly they mean it and I mean that in the best way possible you want your anal hole tingling I'm a big fan of their amber and lavender calming body wash this body wash is incredible have you ever rolled through a field of lavender well it's thorny and it's awful and I wouldn't recommend it but with the soap you get that beautiful smell without you know having to run to roll through a bunch of brush it smells amazing it's a beautiful thing good luck finding a product like that in a store probably cost you five to six thousand dollars all of dollars shed clothes products are made with top-shelf ingredients that won't break your budget you will feel the difference plus shipping is included with your membership and here's a great way to try a Dollar Shave club's product for just five bucks you can get their daily essential starter kit it comes with the body wash the one wipe trolley the their amazing butt wipes that's yeah we talked about it the tingling sensation on the anal hole I don't want to saying anal or the anus anal holds much sexier than anus folks and of course the world-famous shave butter we got Wu's backstage folks and of course the best raises the six blade executive oh don't have my suit and tie on but I've got my executive keep the blades coming for just a few more bucks a month and add in shampoo toothpaste or anything else you need for the bathroom check it all out at dollarshaveclub.com slash h3 that's dollarshaveclub.com slash h3 guys give it a shot it's convenient come straight to your door it's higher quality than what you find in this store and it's it's two people gonna want to suck hit me with that music Dan and people when they pass you on the street are gonna wanna Dan oh no let's go that's it no that's it way too long dude there's no reason not to join get yours at dollarshaveclub.com slash h3 today give it a shot if you have not played for at night yet let me ask you this what the hell are you doing with your life this game is a phenomenon taking the it's probably I think I'm not sure but it's probably I think it's the most popular game ever made the most active players there's a hundred and twenty five million players that's insane that's like half the continental United States you guys get on there you might match up against ninja you know the world famous eSports gamer that's taken the world by storm here's some gameplay right here this could be you right now for tonight is a PvP of 100 players destructible environment buildable structures and you can play with your friends in duo's and squads they are consistently releasing new content and cool new features every day that's true this game is always evolving and being updated the developers cares so much such a great polished fun experience of a game there's a reason it's so popular folks it's because it's freaking awesome it's like the best genre the battle you know the Battle Royale meets the best developers who have completely polished it they're putting so much love and care into it every day what's not to love and here's the craziest trivia sparked it's free it's not 2% free-to-play yeah I know for tonight's constantly did you guys know that season 5 is right around the corner did you see the rocket that was launched last week I wonder what that's all about there's a rocket you better sign up to play make sure you guys jump in before season 5 starts on July 12th and it's available on almost every platform I'm talking I Oh s PC Mac PlayStation 4 Xbox one and switch and guys if I can't sing praises anymore about fortnight it's frickin cross-play like what game has ever achieved actual cross play the meaning that if you're on your PC you could play with somebody on the PlayStation 4 what click the link in the description guys to see what the hype is all about play fight fortnight for free so go to the link in description give it a shot I mean what do you got to lose play for an hour see if you like it if not delete it it's free what do you have to lose thank you for it and I appreciate you let's get back into it welcome to the experience can I get some lightning bolts yeah Joe Rogan step off [ __ ] that's right you think I could take Joe Rogan an arm wrestling match do you want a real answer does he have lightning bolts Dan yes or no oh I as far as I know no so problem and the same answer as if I can win oh I didn't know lightning was allowed and I did I mean if it is then you've got it in the bag no problem alright easy let's get it here just like the just like the store we saw experience that feels good just like the clip we saw earlier of these Canadian crackheads falling through the roof there's another great one that I want to throw up here this guy Lou Walsh okay you creepy [ __ ] Looney tune this was a clip I guess it happened several years ago Lou Walsh from The X Factor I mean we're all talking about like me too and all this [ __ ] like if you if you blink if you blink wrong at a girl you're gonna be deposed Ethan answer truthfully did you look from the your peripheral vision down her skirt down her low-cut top the camera caught you your pupils looking slightly to the left okay in this world I don't know if that's a good example of whatever do you guys give her look at girls through your peripheral vision dan do like this I don't think any guys already chickie oh yeah I mean that's you do that I've never I don't know that I can't say I've ever done this really you've never come on you see that girl anyway I think you already went to sleep you can you can tell the truth I mean I I don't but I'll tell you who does Lou Walsh look at this [ __ ] sicko this is the same show that Ryan Seacrest was a bro what the [ __ ] is wrong did you see his hand [Applause] [Music] all right well she's clearly disgusted she's not kidding around it how the hell did nothing come from this like this clipper surfaced recently of him basically and by the way why do you have to do it live on television is that somehow like that the end the lines damn theory right like safest and and in plain sight yeah maybe it's kind of like he's gonna say something to me that's like the Seacrest thing to when he approaches Katy Perry it's like why the [ __ ] are you gonna make these creepy comments to her right before you come live cuz almost like this safest time to do it right right because they don't want to you know they're gonna cause a scene by getting upset by it you know it's there for ya what is wrong with you like what is it it's clearly not sexual assess vacation a really is almost like a power play totally what's going on for the for the audio listeners oh well yeah oh yeah them both well he's sitting on a couch during the live Brock is of The X Factor he's got his hand on the co-host ass he's squeezing it and patting it live on TV she's getting noticeably irritated and she finally says basically what are you here why have a job like that's a creepy show ever seen by the way why is this guy look like a [ __ ] baby why's his face look like a little child that never aged to just he's like his skin degenerated like he aged but he never grew up that's you Lou Walsh Botox right probably a lot of children's foreskin you know they say children's foreskin is the most regenerative potent you know cosmetic you probably they say that actually I'm not I'm not kidding no I swear to God but I'll tell you Lou Walsh this is a powerful man he's got a lot of money he's got the he's got the literal face of a child he probably has baby foreskin factory you know how they like a farm silk this guy farms foreskin he's probably got babies on chains and he and they've got super regenitive foreskin they're like a new breed Wow and they got a super regenitive foreskin that he just snips and rubs actually what he rubs is the smegma not actually the foreskin but fish magma is the residue and dirt collects when you don't clean inside the foreskin not a problem I have because I'm Jewish but he probably does rub - magma all over his [ __ ] face and that's why he looks like there that's why it looks like a 50 year old Gerber baby I always hated that guy's face yeah what a piece of [ __ ] and he's like he's doing the groping and then like the moment where she finally reacts he's just like jiggling it it's a man's world baby yeah why does this guy still have a job that's my question cuz I found this clip and it just resurfaced I was like holy [ __ ] this is like really bad and I'm looking and I'm looking and I'm trying to find any evidence of him being reprimanded for this and there's enison there's nothing there other than nothing we need to and we need to go to his home we need to look in his basement you know that there's like giant bottles of like milk and these super regenitive foreskin babies but in his basement he's selling these to chinese patrons they used them as viagra the Chinese will eat anything to help stimulate their sex and you know I'm right those [ __ ] straight-up kill endangered species I know who are baby to help get their dick hard it doesn't work by the way but they still kill them all and I'm sure you try it don't knock it till you try it rhino horn well as far as I can tell there's no medical value and ground-up toenails which is basically what it is but I love that the Chinese to go on a little tangent it's like you know that there's viagra right you don't have to go [ __ ] kill endangered species anymore and Lou Walsh it's time to just age with grace and shut down the baby foreskin factory this guy pisses me off man it's pretty gross well when was this this is like 14 you go yeah yeah some you know that scarf you seen his vest-pocket that's his [ __ ] jerk-off rag such a sex up weirdo he probably goes to the bathroom during the break jerks into his rack puts it back in his pocket he probably does weird [ __ ] like makes her smell it without telling her he goes it falls out of his pocket like oh can you pick that up for me cuz he gets off and knowing that she touched his [ __ ] rag he's a sicko it's not me [ __ ] this guy yeah [ __ ] this guy yeah I guess this was this is pre pre Harvey pretty late we're in a post Harvey world and I just saw this video man and I got to tell you I did not like it this is the same show that like Seacrest Scott and we're in weird trouble over though right circle around Simon Cowell yes Simon Cowell he is the like the epicenter Simon Cowell is up to some weird [ __ ] by the way baby foreskin is just the beginning with Simon Cowell it's just the tip of the day Simon Cowell what is he do you know these rich billionaires have the most [ __ ] twisted like fetishes because like nothing gets you off at that level of wealth and power what is Simon Cowell get off on hmm I'd like to know he just beats people to death for sport you just like grinds up bodies and and then puts them into a sausage tubing and [ __ ] himself with it that's vulgar alright let's move on we dissect it I think that's accurate though just for the record look at his face I wouldn't be surprised if he's shoving you know body parts of his ass what else would get along I get him off does he react at all during this clip like what what is his really keen I think he looks disgusted oh I don't know that he saw necessarily right like I don't think he necessarily knows everyone's joking around cuz they didn't see how creepy was that's got to be really frustrating for her she it takes a lot of courage to on live TV and be like hold on oh okay aha yeah [ __ ] yeah and nobody saw what happens it was hard to be like supportive of her right in that moment but yeah the couch don't necessarily see how severe it is just god bless her you know and yeah god bless her that's all I can say all right [ __ ] no let's move it on she's a spice girl in my heart she's got a lot of spice she is a spice girl it's confirmed confirmed spice girl there so we announced a giveaway last week for that a lot of people submitted songs about Ian the intern we got a lot of great submissions but there was a one that really rised above good oh [ __ ] I have to play it god damn it can you play it yeah actually I got already so there was one song that really rised above made by Cage and vacation it's a beautiful little ditty that expresses my inner feelings on eating the internet sometimes he's you know he's there he tries his best but god damn it in so god damn it Cajun kujan I'm giving you what are you giving them what is he beautiful s 9 plus oh boy this is the best phone on the market folks and let me tell you what I got a special twist I got a special little incentive god damn it didn't mean you were supposed to pre oh yeah damn it it opens this way oh there you go that's all in my bed and you were supposed to coach me on how to open this box and this is the one that I'm this is the this is it okay this is yours comes with my DNA page engagement Congrats you can you comes with my kiss marks in my DNA so that's going out to the Cajun Cajun and there's another person I want to give a warden phone to my favorite phone on the market by the way Samsung has graciously supported us they've given us what they send us ten of these Dan and it's not really good look at you notice this [ __ ] beautiful new TV Samsung's hooking it up and supporting us which is great because they're basically my favorite tech company we're gonna keep giving these away what is this like a thousand dollar phone give him answer what's what's the retail value let's look at it a lot so I am gonna give away another phone to this is this one guy he submitted a prank call that he made with my voice he called a health food store and he made a sound bored of my voice when I was talking about keto diet and the call is pretty good it's not like genius but I love that he created this really specific sound bored of me talking about Cato and my hope is that by I want to watch with you guys it's a lot of fun I want more [ __ ] from you guys I want sound boards I want prank calls I want parody songs I want everything cool send it goddammit to podcast at h3h3 productions comm we're gonna show it we're gonna credit you and our favorite ones our favorite ones are getting hooked up with my DNA that's also on a Ness time plus you can choose to not have DNA but I think most of you are gonna want some of my baby foreskin I am one of the super regenerative babies imagine being a baby with super regenerative foreskin Dilek escapes the factory well your foreskin keeps [ __ ] growing like it never stops oh wow you have to cut it like toenails you have to keep it a monthly bris it's a monthly breast yeah did you know and this just occurred to me and I think it's worth sharing and this is real that in Israel the very religious Jews have when they have braces and please I'm not kidding the rabbis I know where this is going they suck the baby's [ __ ] dick they cut the foreskin off and then the rabbi's suck the blood out of his newly fresh [ __ ] dick hygienic and a lot of the times these nasty old [ __ ] have like herpes and they'll give the that true yes what these guys are so insane these old religious guys like they tried to outline that that practice in Israel recently but it didn't pass because they're like listen if I want to suck a baby's dick who are you to tell me no I wonder if he's trying to suck the regenitive for you know imagine imagine for a second am putting a baby's bleeding dick in your mouth are you not going to imagine that just imagine being that guy what the [ __ ] man oh here it goes here goes nothing imagine the insane these religious guys I'm telling you man they're from another planet entirely these the same kooky [ __ ] there's some Jewish holiday where they grab a chicken and [ __ ] spin it around over their [ __ ] heads until it like shits everywhere and it's just spring [ __ ] everywhere and then when they're done they go suck a baby's bleeding dick these are the fringe by the way this is not yeah yeah right this is like they're out there yeah it's basically like the Judaism version of like the what's those lunatics that like always causing a scene at like oh the you know the something Baptist Church yeah bro yeah Westboro let's see them I like to see them square off saying the insane battle who I think I gotta be frank I think the Jews in this case win you think so well they got the the vitality from the baby it's hard to top sucking a baby's bleeding dick you can't really top that and I and I feel bad even saying it folks can I call you folks anyway let's play the prank song so the prank song by our the prank call by sound master Tony go ahead and roll it dance on master Toby here we go turn it up excuse me can I you help me with something sure can you be kind and take the time deposit to help me what are you showing visually right now your beautiful face that's gonna be awkward what you want I guess I don't know but I can't just sit here for two minutes I was just showing them feel like just go wide I like that yeah people have that internalized oppression face okay I'm gonna play I'm like excuse me can I you help me with something sure can you be kind and take the time out of your day to help me how can I help you I'm gonna be fully honest I don't I stay in the keto diet well the Akita diet is you know it's like have you heard of the diet yes okay so it's gonna be somewhat similar you have to be in the same pattern of what it is that they need you to do and then they have their products that you can that will help you lose weight this whole thing I'm like don't eat fruit just seems fishy to me oh maybe I'm wrong yeah no back into this you know it's kind of like you just eat a lot of bacon and and meat you know nothing else so okay for breakfast eat eggs and cheese and bacon deep fried in coconut oil she doesn't bet a high she's like yep that's the diet has been on that diet I would recommend talking with him he'll be back in the store on do you feel like people hate fat people no at the grocery store they're sugar and [ __ ] everything well there is it's so easy for skinny people like you I crave and desire Kirstin pizza well is it an issue of self-control yes it is I've always known that about you fat and skinny at the same time I'm healthy at 400 pounds well but if you'd like to talk you know talk more with John about that diet you're more than welcome to call back on Friday I used to be fit okay are you actively still on the decline weight-wise are you asking me personally yes well yes going I don't remember if it goes anywhere I mean is that there's not a climax necessarily so you guys get the idea it's not a genius prank call but I love that he sound boarded this Kido thing and caught it he'll love it I want your guys stuff help me be funnier I'm not funny I don't have the time to make segments you make segments for us that's what I love genius and frankly if you guys have a funny prank call or maybe if it's not even related to me necessarily we want to hear it and if it's funny we're gonna use it and we're gonna give you a freaking phone not a bad deal so I looked it up it's about 950 bucks whoa whoa whoa you can eBay it I won't judge you you're not gonna want you though once you open it up obviously all right oh here's a good one this is a good one you guys Tai Lopez friends of the show hmm but I mean let's do this let's be honest well I've said many many harsh things about the lad throughout the years but I just love this tie Lopez he's been doing these live streams and he's so cocky about it because he's live he's like yeah I can handle anything give me a callin so he's giving these these lessons on real estate and someone calls in and basically calls him out and shuts down Thai live on stream let's enjoy alive what's up YouTube we're doing a live debate I'm curious I'm actually curious about your real estate job all right so give me the formula for a cap rate can you define what a cap rate is so real let's talk about real estate for a second let's - no no no no define the formula cap rate do you know what a cap rate is apps he's like immediately trying to deflect and for once this guy really holds him to I don't know what the [ __ ] it is but I assume it's probably some elementary thing that if you know anything about real estate you should know what this is that's what I assumed absolutely you crediting the channel Dan this was made by Evan judge put together all right could I say one thing on real estate look at his face you can see the humiliation his eyes are all squinted he's just like Dan all the slickness in the world sighs you've got your do you understand Thai that your laptop is on two books about Mark Twain and economics on the bottom you really think you want me to believe that you've read all three of those books time Volume one and two the autobiography of Mark Twain tell me one was Mark Twain born tie and then he goes let me tell you about Mark Twain let's talk about how it Finn forces yeah exactly who teaches my real who teaches my real estate course John I don't know oh so you don't know I don't teach my real estate course I interviewed the top real estate investors that I know real estate how can you get started [Music] ty is honestly and as a as a guy it ties honestly the master of [ __ ] I don't the [ __ ] I just Club you let me get that out there real quick he is the master of [ __ ] mm-hmm that was good man they held his feet to the fire they got him good yep I want to get him on here I want to call ty and say tell me about Mark Twain give me one more fact from the two volumes of Mark Twain's autobiography ty give me a freakin break I love Mark Twain I wouldn't read that [ __ ] but that's just me all right let's get to the pudding the pudding pie we've got a key lime pie it's fresh it's ready I would say maybe an American apple pie warm out of the oven good enough to put your dick in it's apple pie American Pie kscypher slogan pulp now I will say this I actually like ksi I don't really have a problem with this for you guys who don't know logan paul yeah everyone knows it logan Paul's case eyes are really big he was got big playing Fifa but he's kind of like the English PewDiePie in a way he kind of just makes videos about whatever he's very popular and he recently had a boxing match with another person who he won and now there's this whole big thing about ksi boxing Logan Paul my favorite part about this it's such a circus I'm telling you I can't be on YouTube it's this is what it's devolved into there's nothing genuine left with very few channels of a genuine left it's very anyway KS a little brother comedyshortsgamer and the undercard is boxing Logan Paul's little brother Jake Paul also a friend of the show yeah and also friend of show so I don't I don't have a problem I actually like those guys but this whole thing is just such a circus like let me show you they haven't fought yet but here's the the press conference from from the event actually the volume on Logan Paul Europe who are you like one minute you're mr. suicide prevention and now you're mr. sit your ass [ __ ] sit your ass down [ __ ] the great white help it's just a white boy from Rio I don't know what that means there's a movie called that I don't I don't know if I just made some racial implications so strike that from the record but it's like who are you guys look at Logan and Jake Paul like who the [ __ ] are you there's nothing genuine about these people they're flying in the wind they don't know who they are these are the people that YouTube selects to promote and highlight and endorse and I don't know what it is by Nature it's almost like survival of the fittest on YouTube it's like you have to be this authentic oil slick that floats in the water to rise to the top it's very rare very few exceptions of YouTube channels that actually rise above and find success that are not this [Music] and let me let me say this so I'll just I'll keep this running because I really don't actually even care what they're saying it's so obvious that they're like pretending the all right I want to even be surprised if I'm being honest if these guys talked regularly on the phone hundred person just colluding you know to make this the biggest event ever because their whole thing is like this is gonna be McGregor versa may feels bigger that's how they're presenting it this is crazier I bet you these guys talk on the phone and they just jerk off about how much money they're gonna make and on one hand I have to respect the brilliance of like doing a boxing match I think it is somewhat of a brilliant move but it's like Logan you're not like who the [ __ ] are you dude are you the lovable child entertainer who cares about suicide prevention or are you a [ __ ] I don't even know what he looks like he looks like he looks like a door-to-door salesman who's going bald at an early age yeah you know and this is this is the moment they live for where everybody's rushing onstage you can't believe it oh the tensions are high these two guys are gonna kill each other they really truly genuinely hate each other there I mean while like fast forward to this morning at 8 a.m. they're both on this unlike the toilet amen it's gonna be great just we've got it really get the high energy we got to rush each other it's gonna be cool everyone's gonna get freaked out you won't play smash tonight they're like best friends I don't know this whole thing is so transparent who'd you uh would you box the food I box like you know because this whole thing with like you know where's Bob each other who's your matches I would box I would box and what's this there's this toy channel with this little kid it's really popular what's a toy channel like little kid no there's really popular one toy channel YouTube it's a kid I imagine most of them are right maybe not actually it's like Jay's toys or some [ __ ] everybody knows what I'm talking about anyway there's this toy child they get like 300 million views a month that's just a little eight-year-old kid I would [ __ ] beat this [ __ ] for all the toys baby I can't beat up anybody and I fully acknowledge that you know what I mean I am I wonder I wonder how I we're doing a fight like today like as an adult I don't know I get my ass beat probably you're gonna fight growing up yeah but it's like you're a kid you're like me you know resilient I don't know yeah I beat the [ __ ] of a kid I mean most definitely fries shove it up I think I could take Jimmy Lee oh I'll pay for that what do you mean Roy somebody just said Roy in our chat Roy ela said Sheila said Roy what are you doing up who's Roy HeLa ILA's watch I think this is the the toy Channel Roy toy Roy it's not Roy she's help he was trying to set up this match between me and Mae he was doing work for me it was a chant for staying up it was so late Orion Ryan's toy review Ryan's toy review Brian I am coming for you and I am [ __ ] pissed it's going down um what's an adult I could take Danny DeVito Jimmy is a he for sure I feel like I could take people Herman but he's a little crazy he's old though he's Wiley I don't think he's wild he's wild I don't think there's not there's not many of us feels bad but you actually gave me the clue I type Roy's toys and it's Ryan so he'll your are on top of it tonight God who yeah anyway let's focus enough about me cigarette I'm gonna come out I'm gonna do this whole bit making fun of the Japanese the suicide forest and and rush me notice when he'd then when they rush each other by the way that he never actually throws a punch they just like collide and then everyone charges in to do like this iconic like no they went there no break it up break it up hold on there's this one where they rush the stage I have to find this maybe we missed it ready it's here it's what the [ __ ] is he doing I like it it was the Nazi salute you see how you see okay side charges in but doesn't actually throw yeah great thank you looks like what are you intending to do you write of them what's a [ __ ] you gonna be bald in two years Logan imagine Logan Paul bald in like a Lamborghini like bald like bald like not even like bristles hey baby I prefer the horseshoe look honestly hmm the old monastery Allah yeah imagine Logan Paul balding sitting on a wagon cooking Mead like a monk that's right it should be in a robe yeah with a what - with like a you know controlling the horse that's Logan Paul it's a [ __ ] monk anyway it's just so I just I'm sorry I think it's so funny I don't think there's anything genuine I don't think they have you know and then here's the thing they're not you they want to bring 20,000 people into an auditorium it's like bro this is going to be guaranteed the least entertaining boxing match ever these are two youtubers not trained professional fighters nobody's gonna get knocked out it's going to go the full distance of the fight because none of them have the capacity or the physical ability to knock each other out they're gonna get tired after two rounds there's gonna it's just gonna be a bunch of tired ass dudes throwing weak-ass punches at each other it's gonna end in a judge decision and honestly could go either way because who [ __ ] cares at that point because you paid hundreds of dollars to watch essentially two untrained fighters throw wet noodles at each other which is basically all they're gonna be throwing after two rounds do you think I mean this is like you pointed out this is obviously staged do you think the fight is gonna be genuine in any way or is it like wrestling it's not gonna be real I think it'll be real because they both want to win sure but I don't think either of them can knock each other out I don't I read genuinely don't you know they're doing this twice there's like another fight date in January yeah one the first ones in the UK but then they're doing a us one we should go I hear you but I also think a lot of people are gonna do that I mean maybe it could be you know it would be fun I've been wanting to plan a man on the street segment maybe I've been wanting to do something with Joey salads for some reason where I'd send him like man on the street so or maybe not even Joey cells but maybe someone we actually respect to go create like a segment you know and play it on the podcast I mean [ __ ] dude I think that's a great idea and Ian you down you're down to go to UK to go watch ksi versus Logan no it's in LA I thought no I think well the first one is in the UK okay oh that makes sense I was wondering where they're gonna do it in the UK cuz okay that that's Indiana August 25th in the UK second fight is scheduled for February 2019 in an undecided venue in the u.s. probably la close and polish Bailey he's fallen from grace I don't think he's selling maverick merch his vlogs on getting that many views do about a seven million dollar house you know the property tax on seven million dollar house I mean you're looking at well it's one percent so it's it's that seventy thousand dollars a year every year forever I'm sure that YouTube money will keep rolling in right I yeah probably but like to an extent but I mean when he bought that house he was at his peak yeah and now we'll look what he's doing now I'm sure he's gonna get paid handsomely but the thing is III haven't watched other people's reaction to this but hopefully they also don't get taken in with like there's a lot of details of like look when a look when KS I told comedyshortsgamer to chill look at all these details oh look what that means it's all a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] look in the crowd by the way all these kids all right I've talked enough about this honestly I'm boring myself but there was one funny details like wow they're they're selling out this arena it's the biggest sporting arena in Europe apparently I read and I was like wow I wonder I wonder how they're the ticket sales are cuz the fight is coming up pretty soon so I'm go to the seating plan and I'm like holy [ __ ] there's a lot of [ __ ] seats I scroll in here so these were never opened these are closed hmm and these are there's a lot of seats available you know like these these are quite possibly we're never opened I just looked it up at 21,000 is the capacity of that arena it doesn't even look like they're at half of that yeah I don't think so I mean it's it isn't that far off next month I guess yeah I mean you don't the ticket sales don't go up right right what I'm gonna be looking at when I watch that is I want to see the seats I want to see well what usually what they do is they like they'll try to fill they'll pack it all in where the cameras can see for sure like all these like ringside seem filled but what is that like 2,000 at most probably not even that maybe a thousand mm-hmm that's crazy ringside seats man this fight by Pena and sale apparently it's like $600 for ringside nevermind sorry Anne that's not my budget let me see the ticket prices and [ __ ] cares I mean seriously who gives a [ __ ] so I don't know that's what I have to say about that there you go there it is just like Forrest Gump and that's what I have to say about that yeah but nobody's clapping for me you guys thank you thank you thank you at least one person on YouTube is genuine thank you I deserve that last week we spoke about Metamucil which is what Chris this is what everyone's been waiting for really oh yeah it's 30,000 people watching right now really for this for this so it was recommended to me and I bought it it's kind of expensive by the way it's like 25 bucks for like 300 capsules and when you get the bottle it says take five a day it's like these huge pills were like Jesus okay I have a day yeah I was like damn but then I was like I'm not taking five another like a horse it's like a huge pill of like wheat like yeah of course it's gonna clean my bowels when I just eat a banana at that point what rather you'd a banana well anyway I take two pills and this is a night where I'm going out to a party and for dinner I have pizza and I have alcohol now for any mortal man any one of us this would result in an absolute catastrophe total wasteland okay of the anus an [ __ ] area frankly sometimes I [ __ ] so disgusting when I have diarrhea it sprays on my thighs and I'm not gonna lie well sometimes it happens it's real sometimes I mean sometimes you blast in Italy you know hits the side of the of the deflection I see I just thought you were like a shotgun blast and it was just yeah why no it's a buckshot and sometimes you see you sometimes I'll be when I have a meal like this wiping as I do this way don't [ __ ] hate on me there were men by the way Ian fest up he's a front to back what he's a back to front you know when when you guys were arguing about it on air Ian and I were arguing about it back here you know I got to say to I I was curious that night I went home and I tried it your way and I gotta say it's inferior it's not a fear you you're not used to it if I tried it your way wouldn't respond I have years decades of experience wiping it's muscle memory Dan yeah well you will you expect to go home and just a try live live one evening in my [ __ ] and you think that's that's Dan you you don't know you're talking about I should give it another shot and fret and frankly I'm I'm in the middle of something all right I'm talking about my shotgun diarrhea so the verdict is still so you ever have a [ __ ] so nasty like you wipe and then you're like I better check my thighs and cheeks just to be safe sometimes that's reality for me and this was one of those meals so I take these pills I took two of them not five before I go out because we only have [ __ ] humans garbage disposal what am i taking five it's a little ridiculous and I have to say the next morning I had the [ __ ] just slid out of my [ __ ] with elegance and grace and a supple a supple glide almost that as if to say hey you know it's gonna be okay Wow and and I went to wipe and I wasn't a one wipe there was it was some but not a lot I would say was a threeway I don't necessarily have the courage not to end with a wet one I ended wet because I mean that's just part of who I am but I was I was shocked I was absolutely shocked by that first day result I was blown away but since then I've been taking it every day with my Neil and I have to say I'm not I'm still not totally sold because it's it's all it's a weird thing like it's like greases your [ __ ] it like slides out of your [ __ ] like somebody sprayed you know spent like Pam on your a is like it's just cool it's great it's like a not it's like a it's like your anus it's like your intestines is made of Teflon it's kind of a strange phenomenon upfront being on it it just slides right out Wow I wasn't curious before but now that you've explained the Crisco ass no I swear to God if you if you try these you will experience a difference in bowel movements so it on the bottle it says it can take up to seven days for your body to adjust to actually getting fiber for the first time in its life so I mean I mean John I am enjoying it so far and I'm gonna I'm gonna keep reporting back but it's it's real interesting but it's a mixed bag you're saying like if it's not no after that initial no no it's been pretty good it's good it hasn't gotten better because I was like wow I had pizza and alcohol and my [ __ ] was this clean but I've had good days and my [ __ ] wasn't better than that you know what I mean mmm which is what I was expecting so all wrong I'll keep I'm gonna keep taking it like I mean I enjoy it I enjoy having my my [ __ ] basically you know like I said like a slip and slide essentially you know the slip into the hides away but do you know the ones where you hit the end and then you splash up and splash out Gramp got like an alligator's head it's like that so I like it alright I'm gonna have to give it a shot I'm gonna sell so much of these [ __ ] Metamucil man that where's my sponsor hit us up bear whoever it is to them away I wrote a song for ela me and my friends wrote a song for Yili since she's gone and I'm Sam's the Wizard of loneliness as I've previously coined we'll get to that at the end but let's see I've got the whomp-whomp clip let me let me play this really fast cuz I love it so much I mean look I read today about something I don't I don't like to talk about politics that much these days but oh my god this is this is special folks this is this is special I mean look I read today about a ten year old girl with Down syndrome who was taken from her mother and put in a cage I read about a I read of a of a girl with Down syndrome being put in a cage womp womp she's so [ __ ] priceless crazy it's just so bright girl with Down syndrome who was taken from her mother and put in a cage I read about a yes that's what he said politics is such a [ __ ] show I love it it's such a circus this is basically comparable to ksi of our slogan Paul right now except with like little little kids did you just say womp womp you bet your [ __ ] ass I won't pump - and that little girl with Down syndrome so unabashed taken from her they put in a cage I read about it god bless him Dan had a funny note about this he said this is Corey Lewandowski Lewin down Lewandowski are or as you might say Lewin against down skis Oh how am I not hurt that's - that's do good well done well done Corey lewandowski's it was Trump's 2016 campaign manager until he was replaced by Paul Manafort who is currently in jail so this is a roof this is a winning look at the winners this is the office you want to hold Lewin Det Lewin against down skis refused to apologize for the remark when asked about it on Fox News whomp-whomp I just it cracked me up I was just like oh he womp-womp the [ __ ] Down syndrome baby crazy it was how cuz this I've got this Jimmy Lee clip I guess I might throw it on and then I want to play this song for all you guys I got a song please I want you to watch it so don't go away this is very important to me and to my friends who wrote it with me and to ela and to shredder who almost died today maybe I should just play it well that's gonna take us out right do we need to say goodbye no I'm gonna watch Jimmy Lee okay first it's really not much to say about our old friend Jimmy Lee is up to some antics that I find pretty funny what are the numbers that how we doing doing good 20:29 29.5 nice welcome everybody thanks for tuning in god bless you appreciate you so very much Jimmy Lee the jersey outlaw he's still at it he's dangerously funny you guys remember Jimmy Lee probably he's like this incredibly racist abrasive unfunny just really a character and the worst way possible we had him as a guest it was one of the worst episodes we had him at as a guest and after our first break meet Dan and ela were huddled in the corner he was outside and we're like good we can't this can't go on we have to end them so he actually gave them the the the cartoon cane off the stage it's frankly it's our fault I think that we should have anticipated that this would have it was a formative experience for us we didn't really know what we were doing at the time but it's fine it was those early days but anyway he started hew budding he doesn't actually have an engaged audience but this video has 1.2 million views 94 comments and 900 likes so he started viewbotting which I find you know pretty pretty terrific let's look at the comments Jaime you're my father I don't think a YouTube video has ever made me laugh so hard Oh cheers to you literally couldn't finish this one made it halfway and stop to cringe well anyway let's let's give you a taste of this viral hit Jesus can you mix your [ __ ] audio all right so the video starts well that you watch for yourself the video starts with five seconds of blank so the video begins with them having crowds of people pretending to know who he is which is a phenomenon I've noticed you know springing in his videos it's a part of his plan to viewbot I guess is that he's he's building this great story about himself he's got security guards by the way every year he's like my new hit series is hitting spring 2017 spring 2016 it's like man we are all waiting for that hit big breath can't wait [Music] yeah that's a lot of enthusiasm you got it for them well what are you the president you've got like Secret Service with earpieces and [ __ ] I can't watch this I just thought it was funny I thought it was like damn Jimmy still trying anyway you got to give it up till told Jimmy let you know what let's watch a clip let me know let me don't cut them off let's see some of this comedy most people don't recognize you what else to talk Jimmy this what happens when your parents beat you up as a kid he's like am i right to the guy so let me every cowboy Brett zoom in zoom in no well you're doing it daily or weekly and will you quick quick or did you take your time and draw funny stuff folks funny really all right anyway we're putting our audience in danger so even we think we've seen enough if you guys want to go through current I want to say cringe afterlife okay Jimmy Lee shot he's a friend of the show he's a great guy I hope to hear from him soon I'd love to get him involved in some kind of segment you know dude Jimmy Lee is a true like like goof spoofer I'm trying to think of like a wat back did we ever settle on a whack-bat name for us there was the gaff pack yeah I was I was partial to get thing I like gas back yeah he's a he's an original gaff packer all right well I gotta say I hope the show was okay I felt like I was bombing in here especially the first half you're doing fine because you start sweating there's nobody in here to I'm like oh my god you know it's tough without ela and that's why me and my friends we started playing music were called the jokes last time either was gone we started working on this song called gold mine and now that heel is gone we finalized this it's a beautiful tribute to ela client my better half I miss her and I love her so that being said this is the world debut of the jokes and guys I will see you next Friday at the regular time with beau Berman I'm so excited for that and I hope you enjoyed the show with that being said play us off [Music] where I can't call your needle that long night feels like years make and be with you between my ears [Music] without you and I'm so blue and a goldmine [Music] you so come [Music] [Applause] [Music] without you unless you're bout a stone's throw a goldmine without you I just want you [Music] sunrise it just me listening the head goes without company a sunset lights out it's all fools gold man you're not worth having without you and I'm so cool and a goldmine [Applause] without you so come his heart [Music] without you unless you're bout a stone's throw without you I just want you [Music] I tap the vein the vault is full I had the Midas touch but it's old fool's gold without you [Music] without you and I'm so blue [Music] without you so come though when it's hard [Music] without you I just want [Music] [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,674,629
Rating: 4.8089867 out of 5
Keywords: tana mongeau, tanacon, tana, logan vs ksi, logan paul, ksi, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, podcast, ethan klein, hila klein
Id: bk3dD0hECOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 19sec (6499 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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