H3 Podcast #10 - Talking About Jake Paul, Lance Stewart, Jerry Seinfeld (Top Of The Month)

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Wow! I mean it wasn't perfect logic but he's definitely on the right track. Funny just this week I watched both Vegan Gains and That Vegan Couple's videos urging him to try going vegan. Both seemed to appeal more to the health aspect of plant-based especially since he's on the FupaLoss kick. I know people generally don't like when vegan YTer's pinpoint larger YTer's because it seems like they're just doing it for the views but perhaps there's a chance he actually watched and is taking some of their advice into consideration? Or because he's on the healthy bandwagon he's been doing more research on his own. Either way, great moves, Ethan, keep it up, proud of you

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wydwrong πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm watching his stream live now and he mentioned about 30 minutes ago about some "crazy" vegan youtuber who feeds her kids vegan food and how awful that is :/

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/obnoxiousburrito πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

He & Hilla said they'd go vegan for a month if two cringey YouTube vegans -I don't know their names- would just make a video together; of the two YouTube vegans, she's a disgusting new age hippie who says your poo should be green fluid (forgive me), & he makes needlessly sexual songs (he's been on Tosh.0).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome everybody to the h3 podcast today I am sitting here with the illustrious and beautiful fashion icon Neel Klein ela kleiner what up you thank you for their amazing introduction you're welcome dude I would you deserve that and more frankly I just ran out of words but come on there's got to be way more words to describe that oh my mom is watching Wow ela Kleiner's the original ela kleiner the Elana client Wow welcome EULA's mom to the stream so today guys we're gonna mix it up we're doing it a little bit differently so today we don't have a guest we may have a special guest stopping by later but today's just me and ela because it's important to us to have some kind of format we can do once so month at least where it's just us and we have some kind of show format something to talk about where we're not reliant on a guest to come every time so we can make sure that we always have a show for you guys every week and basically what we've put together for you guys is top of the month which is something we want to do once a month maybe even more if you guys like it where we go over basically our favorite news items our favorite videos all the great little things to talk about every month and we have like a great list of stuff videos to watch stuff to talk about it should be a lot of fun I'm excited sometimes we'll have guests to come sit with us sometimes not but today it's me and ela what up ela Kleiner's hopefully that sounds fun to you guys and to out people out there on YouTube remember that you can tune in to this every week live 3 p.m. PST at twitch.tv 4 / h3h3 productions oh [ __ ] post is coming alright nice we got post Mon joining us so it's gonna be a chain-smoking surprise guest yeah no surprise anymore last time Austin was here post Malone like everyone's like oh [ __ ] Ethan smokes I don't smoke I only smoke when I'm with pulse because how can you not he's like mr. camel crush and but lion I don't drink either by the way when I don't hang out them so there's gonna be a chain-smoking Bud Light drinking yeah I'm always like I'm almost getting into the smoking tube but I gotta be a good one don't smoke kids one day angel well the thing is when I smoke I'm getting old right I'm 31 you guys I'm ashamed to admit that and it's almost my birthday my birthday don't tell anyone cuz it's embarrassing god I'm like the oldest [ __ ] loser on YouTube people must look at me and be like this guy people look at me I see this come all the time that guy's 50 I swear to god they're like wow he's only 31 humiliating it's the white hairs I mean what can you do it but you eating it put on the baby weight are you horrified are you saying put on the beanie do you see this oh my wife talks she goes put on poop back on the beanies yeah I'm sure it looks insane but I'm a comedian right I'm trying to make a joke I know it looks crazy but actually Ethan had white hair when I met him when he was 21 yeah already runs in the family but it's definitely a lot worse now than it was but they already had a lot I did have a lot anyway I think you've been at 18 I was starting to go grey but the good news is for me full head of hair baby well maybe even too much hair I'm saying God please just make me bought a little bit could help me out you got good hair I got good hair bye anyway what was I saying was saying like what the [ __ ] was I saying I have no idea guys what was they say yeah anyway uh well be what oh yeah so anyway I was saying I'm 31 now and when I like when I was a kid I in college I used to smoke it's disgusting first of all let me just say this it's disgust smoking is a disgusting don't do it when I was at college I used to smoke and now that I'm an adult I get like I have a cigarette and I feel like I'm have a heart attack like I sit here in cell chain-smoker then next day I have like a full-on throat infection it's gets hard seriously smoking just like your body is just telling you don't I know it does basically that's what it is like I don't know how you ever get addicted to smoking cuz what people don't realize is you have to put in a lot of work to get addicted to smoking right it's like it doesn't feel good it hurts it's expensive it makes you stink like there's literally nothing redeeming about the act of it and I still don't really understand the redeeming act of it some people like it it takes a lot of work to get addicted to smoking cigarettes it's a really interesting thing we used to smoke I met you when you're in the Israeli army yeah used to smoke the gnarly [ __ ] till dude you got to be real with me like you can't be sometimes we'll make videos in heels like well what if my parents watch this okay I'm like dude we're trying to this is our livelihood we just tell my brother to close this stream right now cuz watching it with him what they don't know that you smoked ever smoked two cigarettes Cola it's like I have this thing where like I'm one of these people that I'll never be able to I'll never smoke next to my parents I just can't do it alright or tell them that I smoked even though they probably know cuz they've seen me in a picture before I mean it's respectful that's a nice thought just the way I I can't do it it's respectful nice but on the other hand maybe take a little too far when you're like I in my head can't tell talk about this right can I get a couple of what ups but you you you did used to smoke yeah when I was in the Army everyone smokes in their army it's like it's like you get your uniform and you get a pack of cigarettes with it yeah that is true I used to smoke but I was never like a serious smoker it was never addicted or like felt like I have to go smoke it was really good I did it for the fun I think I just have an addictive personality like there's a pack of cigarettes on the counter I don't smoke I don't care about cigarettes but it's like I have to smoke them all and I'll make myself sick it's a weird it's a weird thing yeah it's bizarre yeah what else don't you want your parents to know about you're scared now I could [ __ ] her whole [ __ ] up right now yeah like for example when we were making the video about we used to be drug dealers I've been Santa Cruz Deva was like I can't make this video because what if my parents watch and I'm like dude this our career like I don't think they care at this point they also this happened like 10 years ago this is how India's header parent okay also another thing I'll never curse in front of my parents such a sweet kid I just can't do it you gotta practice it say crap now say something now it's good it's therapy say [ __ ] I can say that but in here boy it's what's that good to keep recurse work to Semak is that a curse good it's pretty good not like very it's not very vulgar oh it's not what's like the most vulgar Hebrew word Ben zona so Ben zone on Hebrew means son a [ __ ] yeah or son of a prostitute or something literally for some reason that's like people in the Middle East are all like Mama's boys and [ __ ] so that's like the real fighting words benzo not oh yeah have you call someone a benzo na and Tel Aviv you better [ __ ] decade boy cuz those Israelis they got a temper man they're crazy did you have any good people are saying you threaded the wrong link no [ __ ] no don't do this to me you gotta be kidding me this can't be I hope they're trolling I'm such a [ __ ] that picture of me is so suiting right now this is the eighth in that tweeted tell a close-up of that picture this is the Dom the shoenice Ethan that tweeted the wrong link on Twitter not once but twice but I seriously blame my phone the autocorrect on this thing is atrocious it's so insane okay try this [ __ ] again dude I don't want to talk to you about Samsung because I do like I do like Samsung as a brand dude but the autocorrect not the best because I had a knife one before just switched it in u.s.a I love the Samsung phone I think it's the best phone by far the new one is is is wonderful I don't know what's with the autocorrect I don't know if it's like a machine-learning thing right but not it's not correct like you'll type ID ID and then it'll switch it to like it I'm like that's a word you don't need to switch it to another word that's already a word you guys like these autocorrect rants I got to type this again you guys I'm sorry I'm such an absolute loser twitch.tv Ford / Eli have a question for you I was just at the urinal before we went live to take a piss as you do in the bathroom as is often what you do in the bathroom mm-hmm and I was thinking like I have something called stage fright yeah I get it sometimes like if I'm in the bathroom I'm taking a piss and somebody comes in sings next to me something I can't pee I don't know why I get like stage fright yeah I know that feeling worried when you can't because like waiting I was gonna ask you is the do girls have the same thing it would take me like another two minutes probably is there like anything else that I'm not thinking about where women have that kind of stage fright thing like what goes on there what's the secret world of women in the bathroom well that's a really general question what do you got dude there's gotta be something fascinating I'm not sure I don't know I didn't prepare for this do you ever poop next to a woman and it's like awkward like like as girls I feel like it's I find it just funny about girls pooping so like you're in a stall because every girl sits down right okay that's all you got a person right no in the men's bathroom you have urinals okay and the women's bathroom just stalls so there must be a lot of like pooping and peeing going on there and you just maybe you get sit next to a pooper when you've got that you're gonna be next to a beer and then all of a sudden you're in for a little while to ride then you you know signed up for does that ever happen yeah what you can I get more thoughts on that I mean it's it's what you think it would be it's a bathroom you don't like to stay there too long you do you do your stuff and you get out what about this you're going into poop and you thought you were next to appear but all the sudden now you have to Cooper's next to each other and then you're kind of both like this topic for Friday afternoon I'm honestly just trying to make this correct this tweet right if you p.m. PST h3 podcast time every week bro I actually don't know if that ever happened to me where I like me and another person next to me we're pooping at the same time seriously in the public restroom like how often is that well that's kind of I'm getting now you get into the heart of what's interesting here EULA because girls only sit at stalls but you're talking about public restrooms right yeah I guess I'm yeah yes so I don't poop in a public restroom that often I try to avoid it at all cost what I'm wondering is sometimes you sit down to pee and oops you sit down to pee well I don't okay but I'm saying like maybe as did you turn up saying no you sit down to pee and that's also in your poopy no that guy's more that would only happen to me at home not in a public place I know exactly what I'm going to do it I loved it this like this one on one with the alleges turn into like I'm asking about her whole gender yeah duh before we get into the top of the month I want to say we don't have a sponsor this episode of the podcast if you want to support the show if you like what you do and you if you like what we do and you want to see more here's how you can support us number one we just drop some new merch like a mother effing God Church or should I say flipping this is actually this is actually the coolest merch I think we've ever had represent calm Ford / h3 h3 yeah mm-hmm pick it up here helos also wearing one you should show the back of it it's really yet are you showing me right now it's actually a wonderful design I really like it they did a great job so represent com4 slash h3 h3 make sure to tuck it also if you don't want to spend any money and you want to support us it's easy free money thanks to Amazon if you connect your Amazon Prime account which I know you have because every person in the world has it by now you can subscribe to us every month for free it's amazing it's the best so even if you don't have money please you can support the show if you like it and you want to see more connect your Amazon account with your Twitter account subscribe with Amazon Prime and you get you can do it every month once a month so come back Riis absque Ribe thank you so much to Amazon for that really cool thing and thank all you guys for your continued support we love you we appreciate you so much with that being said let's get right into the flippin news bro what do we got on the list dealer sure most of you guys by now have seen Jake Paul's everyday bro we made a video about it I think everybody in the whole flippin YouTube has made a video about it at this point he had a live show I think last night and it is just an absolute riot like man this dare I say it's it's even worse than the video they're they're lip-syncing and they can't even get the sync right which is just absolutely fascinating so I'm Mike my objective here is to see who are his fans right and I want a little learn a little bit more about all these people on stage as well I want to see what's their skill set Sam where are they right listen sever look go back to the beginning I see complaining so there's something really weird where it's not change at all yeah this video I couldn't find a clean version but like imagine this imagine this you have like kids like ten cameras there mm-hmm this is like a huge production and it's not even synced it's like a complete failure and this is the only one available to it so you got a total failure find that fascinating I really like that beginning there I'm like boy white boy [Music] it's insane yeah it's absolutely bananas it's it's absolutely bananas I love that people who just have no musical talents they're just like I'll just make rap yeah I'd say it's kind of like a new fashion it's just so easy to make you don't have to sing like first of all there are musical geniuses who rap yeah but the format itself lends itself to two people with no talent so that seems to be like the fallback but I loved its just lip synching and he's not even really trying to stay on there I guess I don't know I don't I feel like I don't want to also criticize him too much cuz I don't know if he's like pretending to be like the next great singer you know what I mean it's more like a fun show for his fans ya know I think that's probably true to it it's just I didn't know I think it's important to be somewhat mature about these situations like I don't think that he thinks he's like yeah Frank Sinatra he's I don't know if he's trying to launch a music career that would be kind of disturbing if he was actually trying to go like full-on music career and something tells me just by the nature that he put on this show kind of that he is I don't know but anyway it's important to be mature and not not get to like yeah I mean he's putting on a the show is free by the way for his fans alright let's watch sorry [Music] I like oh he's already kind of out of breath he's kind of a fit young guy what I'm relating I feel like I would be this just to like immediately out of breath I can't relate cuz I would never even put myself in addition to be out of breath roll it he literally forgot the dirt works he doesn't know the words to his own song there are also like I feel like I just why I know the lyrics I already know it go back a little bit I just want to confirm that you forgot the words it's back a little bit more what is that yeah what was that so you go on man so I once song he only did one song so posit fuzz but this guy is the true star wait oh yeah I want to show to the audience let's let's analyze this [ __ ] back yeah pretty young kids are they 12 or even younger twelve and a half you think they're older than twelve they're clearly kids though I mean anyone over the age of fifteen their I think would probably rather jump off an overpass there at the age that counts half still they still count house oh they're young twelve and a half huh good point that's a really good point Jake Paul is like the dude who you think is badass when you're 12 and that's when you hit 13 you're like you take down to Jake Paul posters roll it yeah and no thanks for clarifying like even he seems to be missing he's missing his line 50 too much security now I'm falling off like nag knew [Music] yeah I should probably take over so yeah this guy here let's do a switch this is let's do it during the break this is so this guy he goes you were hating on me back in Westlake which is a which is a line I really love because Westlake is like a super affluent village in LA in a really beautiful part of LA like you're not you don't live in Westlake most likely and let you're like a really rich white person it's like yeah that's like super annoying it's like The Truman Show or some [ __ ] I don't know you were hating on me back in Westlake but now I made it and I live on Vine Street in Hollywood made it it's a fun little detail anyway I don't think we need to watch the whole show do we yeah let's watch yeah oh yeah we gotta watch it what are you kidding I don't miss this for the world oh there you going that worked there you go sorry guys this isn't old zest is the first time we're doing this so we're cleaning it up hopefully that's not Michelle it should be okay and no I'm not from Compton okay okay here we go that crowd is really popping look at this it's like a hey this looks like a middle school assembly and they bring all the kids and he's given like a presentation on safe sex or something I [Music] love how they don't have enough mics for everyone like this is this is so sad how he passes the mic off look at this [ __ ] he's like alright I guess I'm not even gonna finish the line I guess my 15 minutes is are up Jake here's your mic back look at this [ __ ] here you go Doug I'm gonna go sneak on to the back of the line now see ya hey Jake thanks for the opportunity I'm gonna have him head on back to Westlake here watch this it's so sad he's like damn can we get these little espanol twinks out here [Music] yeah yeah so these kids were kind of like they have like the the good verse that everyone's talking about in the song but they kind of sound like the worst almost they sound like children their voice they're all high-pitched and [ __ ] they are too like just the fact that he's on stage singing leave link to merch and bio and I'll see you tomorrow cuz it's everyday bro like it's just not badass it is great but it's just there's no dignity I feel like you can't say that on stage it should be some kind of taboo like there should be a huge pain like the old timey cane that just comes and scoops you off stage when you say Lincoln bio see you tomorrow on stage during a song [Music] like what happened you missed the whole Oh anyway I like I said yeah no can't hate on the kid yeah too much I mean yeah he's out there shaking his dick doing his thing so god bless him but at the same time it's everyday bro this March is seriously the coolest we've ever had well I want to sell it like a god Church if that's possible yeah we got we're pretty inspired by him kind of I never saw like a god Church yeah I never saw like a God or Church did you even sell I have sold merch so let's move it on to the next story Lance Stewart we just post a new video about Lance Stewart he is the clickbait god of YouTube and he's been on this kick he's like a ghost hunter right he posted this video the scariest night of my life which was um a video about how they went outside a cemetery and played Ouija board outside a cemetery and the video was really fake ins and stupid but he presents it all like it's very hundred percent real and this one video got a ton of views and since then his life has been a total spook fest yeah he's like oh [ __ ] look at these views and now all the sudden he's like being haunted he's being possessed there's demons living in his apartment [ __ ] like that and basically it's it he steps it up every week where I wonder like are every day where I wonder like he's working what is left by the way speaking of God Church the nice thing about it is the combination of like a paranormal activity type of like like 200 yeah yeah like scary videos and then it goes on to just being a normal vlog at the same time yeah it's a great combination that's powerful because you can tell he's like in a really disturbed state of mind cuz right after having the scariest moment his life when he's almost murdered by paranormal demon he's like alright guys I'm gonna go hit the gym now like look at these thumbnails I almost died and in this vlog literally nothing happens a demon attacked me in my sleep with like Wolverine claws on his back look at it look at the suffering in his face he's actually quite talented at that yeah I mean he's really good at it natural he's also like just the straight-up funniest looking guy like he look he's like so doughy he's like mr. Potato Head with a little fluff from paranormal to normal real quick now this is his new video he just posted it two hours ago I was possessed actual footage so look at this thumbnail tell me if that if you think that is actual footage from this vlog him on the bed with his eyes rolled black pearly white like straight out of the Exorcist or something so I wanted to watch this video together with you guys and decide is this was he actually possessed is this actual footage let me show ya no this is fresh content boy I'm bringing you guys only the freshest memes here I'm telling you you do not want to miss this ever so first of all he had this really traumatic thing he was possessed by demon but he went back while editing it and put this in get into the vlog I wanted to let you guys know that we have brand new merchandise that just came out if you guys want to check it out the link is down below at the very top of description it's pretty much the summer line finally releasing the girl products that you guys have been waiting for as well as the men's tanky little soundbites elf completely different like you can hear all the different times and sure also we have a beep style that just came out as well if you guys are it's like Jesus man okay [ __ ] just let him go you don't need to scribe every item there but the point is like before I tell you the story about how I almost died today was the worst day of my life but before that let's just check out this really brand new merch it's crazy man here's our new video recommended on one of his videos I love that look at this thumb is tunnels are [ __ ] are interested go to the link down below at the very top in my description check it out over there and get it before these products no Jake Paul posted my response to the hate I was wondering if you responded I'll get that later it's 23 minutes along with these vloggers needed chill out it's it's making it really hard for us if we actually want to make a video about them and we have to watch their videos for this hours of content to make sure we're not missing stuff it's it's got time for this [ __ ] who needs a 25 minute long video and then they always clickbait it like 5 seconds of it it's bites very nature just garbage okay like that's why I respect like david dobrik in a way is his vlogs are four minutes 20 seconds long and you know he could should boast a 20 minute video but he makes great little videos he puts a lot of effort in the form a point like he him and lies are the good Viners for the record yeah those guys are actually super talented and they're David's are not exactly just blogs it's kind of like it's like a vlog sketch yes not even really a blog kind of like how our reaction videos aren't really reacting it's you know I mean it doesn't the the genre doesn't do him justice but yeah I really like I think he's talented guy so it was currently like 6 a.m. and I woke up I felt a super sharp pain on my back like something almost like burning like a burning sensation and I went to go check in the mirror don't tell me yes but I'm gonna lose my mind yes Clark I'm freaking I'm sure you are Doug Lizzy please please like record my back record my back there's something on my back do you see this on my back don't you [ __ ] tell me this claw marks dog I'm gonna lose my mind it looks like this is the guy I don't know if you guys have watched our new video but in this previous video he basically completely ripped off paranormal activity and he like green screened a rope pulling him out of bed so it looked like he'd been dragged out like he's taking the stuff to huge Heights and that's that's him and his girlfriend by the way as like we're a couple on YouTube we are yes got him so they are a couple on YouTube and so I did I find it funny that together they're like let's fake this [ __ ] yeah they're both like crying and like acting like hamming it up like crazy it's pretty funny to me I I think they I think that in their head they're thinking like we're like the Bonnie and Clyde of YouTube the ultimate dupe stirs my sister's yeah they definitely probably do see them so and it's and it's true yeah they are man they got all these 12 year old kids hooked into this so bad it burns so bad so let's see it did God he's milking this [ __ ] so much so anyway it's like can you imagine waking up and you actually thought you got clawed by a demon while you were sleeping could you honestly go have a regular day after that in the chat this is porn acting it is porn acting yeah and it's kind of similar to you get your like spooks it's very similar to porn but here he is underwear shopping make sure these ones especially smell good he's looking for good smelling underwear now can you imagine going shopping at a Nike store after you got clawed by a demon in your sleep if you genuinely believe that shopkin pranksters we've actually anyway yeah and they go to the gym and then they show off their cars yeah it's a great time so these are the Viner updates I think we're out of binders to make fun of which is sad but I had a lot of fun doing it while it lasted I feel like Viners were the new pranksters for us cuz back when we started YouTube pranksters were like our muses they were our inspiration yeah cuz they were blowing up on you to write another Viners are now the miners are blowing up and so we've got the blogan the low gang the jake Pollard's and Lance Stewart I don't know if there's anyone left I'm pretty hopeful there will always be new challenges on YouTube so let's move it on to more like current event tea stuff this is kind of like h3 stuff but we have lots of great stuff here like okay this one happened during the week and I and I loved it I had a lot of fun with this one Jerry Seinfeld Seinfeld one of my favorite shows of all time torn to justice I felt is such a goob though he's like such this great character he is truly Seinfeld from the shell in real life which is why I love the guy so here he is at some awards I don't know what it is and Ke$ha Keisha I don't but she comes up and tries to give him a hug and he doesn't know who she is here watch this see what happens it's hard to just sleep when you're tired because people are tired most of the time I don't know who that was guys Kesha okay like okay so like okay like - Kesha you're not on Jerry first of all you're not like you're famous right she's famous I don't know who she is but she's famous I've heard the name there's always someone more famous than you you're dealing with Jerry Seinfeld here right and first of all is that I I feel like that's not a great way to greet people like what do you think he was he rude or was that justified it's just I'm filled Sanfelice iPhone I don't know how he actually recoils like she goes in she's like no seriously we can hug it he's like no no we can't it's like no he's like he's not leaving a meme but he's like if you watch the show and then you see that you can't help but laugh and enjoy it you know and I mean I don't feel like he's being rude right I just mean Jerry Seinfeld yeah but genuinely in that so [ __ ] like was she justified and it's going I mean is it yeah for a total stranger it's Jerry Simon not just a total stranger you're talking to Jerry Seinfeld a little successful artist she's not some like okay Rando and his defense presumptuous she's assuming that Jerry Seinfeld knows who she is she he's a 60 year old comedian like it's not exactly a perfect cross-section - he's in an interview yeah kind of about high 3 say what up afterwards introduce yourself then maybe going froude I don't know yeah but I love the Jack this cherry is the guy because on one if that was me and I was him I would probably not want to hug her but I would do it anyway because I don't want but Jerry has that filter where he's like I am NOT gonna hug you [ __ ] get the [ __ ] away from me and he doubled downs on it right I find that fascinating and I it reminds me of this other great Jerry Seinfeld clip oh man watch Jerry Seinfeld on Larry King very King Live which is another classic one Jerry just [ __ ] sit along Jerry just destroys Larry King and I've had this debate with people - is this just a fight or not sorry the post-match is arriving okay why don't we take a quick break because I actually need to pee take a really quick break okay I guess guys don't go away we're gonna go get the post mates I'm gonna take a quick break we're gonna be right back don't go away we have so many fresh memes on deck if you leave I'm gonna take I'm gonna burn this office down for this table and I'm gonna tear it all down and we'll never have another episode again all right guys welcome back guys we are back I was talking about Jerry Seinfeld when he tore apart Larry King but when I was in the bathroom I was taking a piss and I was like here's something you know it's never dealt with her girls never dealt with okay I'm in their paint and a super tall guy comes and he's next to me and you feel like they can see your dick yeah not that you should look now that they would look and there's not always a center divider on your way there I don't understand why don't you have regular toilets like women do I don't get up well because yeah well urinals are more efficient I guess is it yeah cuz you don't have to touch a door you'd have to do anything really you just put your pull your junk out like so old school why not I love like a tube you just put your dick in it just sucks the urine out but I do wonder what what does that feel like when someone is like standing next to you is there like a code where you you shouldn't look like no one looks yeah you're supposed to look straight ahead usually just don't look at their junk either they look look at the wall yeah it's weird and like the girls are super close together so usually I don't even stand that close to people normally and all of a sudden I'm standing not only closer to a stranger but we both have our dicks out how close I mean really close like almost shoulder-to-shoulder that's really weird like really close so there's super-tall next is so weird yeah that's why it's not that's why I gets stage fright there's too many things too to think about I got this super tall guy next to me and it looks like if he's like look you know strange thing here's another thing if you don't get me started you go to Dodger Stadium or some [ __ ] like that they don't even have stall they didn't have urinals they have like troughs huge 20-foot long trucks horses yes it's a long metal trough and everyone just comes and takes a piss in it like it's [ __ ] 1500s medieval dude yeah and it's just it's absolutely disgusting and then you've got people like me I guess most dudes don't care like taking their dicks out from the other dudes and taking them piss but then you've got people like me and everyone's waiting for the urinals because they're like not comfortable with that and then you can't pee I can pee in the urinal no but when you're like stressed like that yeah when I'm stressed I can't because I know that people are waiting and then I worry again my head like does this dude next to me does he know that I'm not peeing cuz he doesn't hear me pain and now you have a new thing to worry about what's that do they know you do they know me that that's new layers yeah that's whole new layers [ __ ] I just go straight to the stall at this point in my life I don't even [ __ ] around the urinals there's way too much [ __ ] to deal with their Friday podcast talking about urine and poop please join us somehow it always comes back to defecating when I start talking about [ __ ] that's part of the show I'm their hitter I just choked on water I am like a bad drinker do you relate to that no Christ I do not feel like half the time I take a drink of water it goes down the wrong pipe and I end up choking does anyone out there relate don't tell me I'm the only one okay where were we so back to Seinfeld being a living lay living legend yeah and against Seinfeld gets in this situation where it's like it's he justified or is he being an [ __ ] it's really fascinating he's dying Feldman well let's see listen let's analyze this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] okay so here we are get it it's a very similar situation so they're talking about Seinfeld and when Seinfeld decided to stop making the show what it wasn't only number one on television it's like the the most probably show I ever made yeah 75 million people concurrently watching the final episode that is mind-bending yeah and so Larry says did you cancel the show or you can or will you cancel and it sets him off and I think understandably and and to give you guys a little background we're huge fans of science yeah I loved every episode made because it's like a real it's it makes me feel good because I feel like the show is really authentic because him and Larry David the co-creator of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm which is another great show because I'm seeing it they both deal with these situations where I think it's so cathartic because it's like I wish I could do that yeah but you always take the polite route like if it was me I'd be like no no we weren't cancelled that's what Curb Your Enthusiasm is all about based on that emotion yeah so what's he an [ __ ] I don't know he I don't think so I think it's a I think he did a great thing for the world know yeah wasn't a so it was funny - it was funny it like he was rude he definitely shamed there's always this balance of like if you manage to be funny it's different mm-hmm if it wasn't funny and be then you're like yeah this guy's an [ __ ] yeah that's true that's very true that's that's a really good point but I think for all of us out there who like look back and like I wish I did it like that when he does he's the guy that does that give us hope so I tip my being at a Jerry I love the guy all right let's move it on what else we got a great one flat earther you guys probably heard about this [ __ ] me neither been trying to make a video about this Flat Earth [ __ ] for a minute but I have never really found a good end it's just honestly so stupid yeah I don't know maybe people can suggest stuff for us I don't know like what's the what's a good video about it that's worth like what is [ __ ] about Flat Earth is this theory that I don't know why they're obsessed why do they care like what it's this theory that earth isn't actually a globe it isn't actually a sphere it's a pancake shaped planet and NASA and all the world governments are in a conspiracy together to lie that space isn't real space is fake they theorize all of space is fake moon landing faked anyone who's ever been in space faked and they even say like when you're on a plane just look and you see that it's flat and I filled up is it I feel like just look and you see that it's round they always say that right no I think so you think you can't sleep curvature yeah a little bit yeah and they always say like yeah they always say [ __ ] like that but I'm like no and then they show like footage from space that's clearly curved I just don't understand their theory is that the whole world government is in a conspiracy together just to make money on this space cuz there's so much money in space I don't know I don't know like usually like amazing claims like that need to be backed up with amazing theories yeah and of the the operation of faking an entire space faking space it seems like way too epic of a conspiracy for just to make money on spit like it's just a mixed scent like the conspiracy theory itself is so disjoint it does not wouldn't be really crazy if someone actually faked space but you think would be better for a better read so much work yes a lot of work to make like a couple of billion dollars I don't know like you could pull they really think that that's it yes pay I didn't know that I thought they just thought the earth is flat and some other stuff like that moon landing was fine well the thing it's all connected because okay I think I'm not however set on this so don't quote me but I think they think that no one's ever been in space every image of Earth or anything from space has been doctored okay and I don't know that they think spaces even exists okay but if you even look at it from a physics standpoint a flat earth is literally impossible and in terms of a physical possibility because if you when you walk out to the outside of it is the gravity gets greater yeah it only works if it's a ball if it's a sphere gravity only works yeah so I don't know how they grapple with the theory of gravity they do a lot of mental gymnastics and there's even been theories that these got a lot of them aren't serious there's a lot of trials but there's definitely some that are serious like this guy we're about to watch Nathan Thompson his whole channel is just a complete how do you make a whole channel about it yeah I don't know the guys like dedicated I feel like when you go deep deep down conspiracy theory rabbit holes where everything you do is dedicate I feel like there's a little credibility like you can you can pick one conspiracy theory and dedicate yourself to that you a UFOs you know chemtrails that one's a little nutty but what my point is pick one stick with that and be saying everywhere else if you go full conspiracy theory then you lose a little cred I feel like that's kinda kind of personality that would go for conspiracy though if they believe in one if they believe in one yeah hmm yeah that's probably well no not necessarily no not necessarily you can you can anyway let's watch this [ __ ] video so this guy he confronts a NASA employee in Starbucks like the premise alone thank you giggle alright guys I'm here with a real NASA employee legit NASA employee and I asked him I said astronauts have almost died in space they get they got water in their suit and they almost drowned and he said it was because of saliva this guy right here hold on I'm gonna wait for him to get to the front line and then I'm gonna ask him some more questions there's a real NASA employee right here first of all I love that he assumes this random guy and leather jacket is a legit NASA employee - so here he's getting on something about astronauts drowning in their own suits I don't know what he's talking about yeah okay probably something about cuz he thinks it takes place underwater I honestly don't know look he was all nice he was all nice he gave me massa cartoon bringing emblems gave me NASA flippin cartoon and blurbs it's called a sticker dum-dum hello sticker like this is the approach that these kind of people take instead of saying sticker he says NASA cartoon emblem and okay so the guy gave you a sticker well I guess we let's keep watch she's like a kid though he gave me an ice-cream and a sticker now I won't let me film him enough Starbucks this guy who's not actually a NASA employee and is just getting way too weird for this normal human being now he won't talk to me you're standing right next to me can hear what you're saying you know that right also by doing this video you're not gonna you're not helping the situation no no I mean like look at this guy nice I'm not talking to me so yeah right now I'm definitely not gonna talk to you no but he's gonna get outraged all the same I guarantee you he won't talk to me at all sir just tell them why they almost drown in space please come on tell them why they drowned in space it's like what he's just trying to get coffee why is he obligated I guess she's a conspiracy theorist he's this guy is raping the planet he has made up this conspiracy about space people are drowning in space and they're making like $100,000 every year by this I don't know he's doing gymnastics and it says this guy is just a little bit of a weird um nut himself I feel like he's not really a NASA employee he's just wearing that jacket excuse me did you say I hate Americans it's getting all fired up Starbucks you guys this is really not the place for this and also the god of courage to have these videos at Starbucks I feel like Starbucks is like the place interesting so it creates all this time it's like a breeding ground yeah I love for the god of cringe to come just spilled coffee on himself and join the fray they lie about everything this guy it's like I mean that's kind of a big claim and the sky doesn't seem to be the most educated or eloquent or intelligent person on the planet I like how he's immediately saying you're not the boss of me it sounds like a quiet yeah you're not the boss of me Burton mom I mean bro I'd have to go to bed till 8:00 thanks for the NASA emblem cartoon emblem or no he says NASA flippin and sticker you know Nessa flippin cartoon emblem that's what we should start selling emblems we should start selling h2 h3 flippin cartoon yeah well I just got kicked out of Starbucks for asking NASA employee questions because he's lying he's a blatant liar what a joke that was my god what a joke starting to like get more mad for no reason all the time that's when I got I don't think it's poked yeah he's a little dangerous at this point he's like a sweet kid but he's little dangerous he's he needs a she sure like I got kicked out of Starbucks and all I got was this cartoon emblem flipping emblem now we're outside beautiful America man that was ridiculous of freakin stickers from the NASA employee guys and then I start asking him questions he tells me to go outside of Starbucks I'm freaking shaking I am shaking I can't believe that just happened so Duty clearly a little unstable and the guy was right there and ask him to please step away you know be great if a real NASA employee just to [ __ ] with this guy's head is like right dad like they drown because there's no such thing as space yeah just like get in his head right I wonder if he uses anything you can tell this guy did make him happy oh my lord it's dangerous man nothing like his levels of angry kids going up not a good time not a good time know what's amazing Wow I just met a NASA employee guys and he got me kicked out of Starbucks for asking them questions about astronauts almost dying in space I said how come astronauts choked on their hook I make their most drowning in space you know what he said he said because they almost they almost couldn't swallow their saliva astronauts aren't trained how to swallow their saliva in space I didn't even this is the whole thing is just too bizarre yeah Starbucks astronauts drowning and son their son spit and spit like what the [ __ ] Doug and emblems emblem spits give me a freakin break dude he doesn't clip braid is a curse this guy should be on stage with Jay Paul you got that Disney Channel flow hmm give me a break I'm getting out of here before the police show up I love you guys good idea um I don't really uh yeah so I don't really understand this stuff it's really um it's just so out there and I and I don't know what makes them so passionate about it either because as far as I understand there's there's no rational backing for this theory so I don't know why people are so committed to like what is it do you think in people's head to make them go after conspiracy theories like that I don't know um probably just the fact that like you can't really trust anything you hear so I guess for some people they take it you know really hard psychologically so you have to start doubting everything that's interesting because it is kind of like it comes from a true place where like even if you hear something on the news you don't know right the true story so I think it probably starts from that but these people take it like way to that's a really good point I thought about that it's like getting paranoid yeah I find I feel like these days you have an O such an overload of information it almost has the opposite effect yeah why politicians and everyone unlike people on the news and television can openly lie like just factually disputable and you have all these fake news right so it's kind of like there's so much here's the thing there's so much information available to us that nobody has the time or willpower to actually sort to say hey this is good information this is bad information yeah so it's also chaotic this stuff like that like this is the extreme result of that that's interesting I even my brother was like he told me that all of a sudden he got into all these videos about how the moon landing was fake right and he actually started to like think about it like maybe it was fake right but I guess eventually he decided it wasn't fake but it that's really interesting I mean there's definitely I want that's a really unforeseen consequence I feel like of the Information Age there's too much information and also the truth gets like obstructed in it buried yeah fake news brave Flat Earth [ __ ] Flat Earth man alright that was a wild ride absolute wild journey let's moving on in yeah Vsauce has a great video about Flat Earth well yeah Vsauce yeah that was the one about the disk right yeah but I think explains the graph yeah it's a wonderful wonderful video I mean my opinion he just completely debunks it using nothing but actual physics ya know like doctored photos no oh you can see their horizon and there's a curvature nothing like that it's like pure theoretical physics mm-hmm it should be undisputable it's a great video should we watch it yeah I don't think so about watch it in your free time and checking out that video for sure oh I do hope you guys are into this kind of politics but I thought this was pretty fascinating so Senator John McCain who ran with Sarah Palin for president recent like in the past by the way one of them one of probably the most colossal political failures ever probably would have won if he didn't run with Sarah Palin you remember yeah I know Sarah Palin Christ it's crazy like I'm thinking of that video of her daughter and oh you should watch that Wow Pauly D no not the situation yes see this is like a long thread to pull but I think you're right we should get into that we gotta like give you guys John McCain he's an American Hero let me just say he found Vietnam he was a prisoner of war for like years never gave up any information the guy's American Hero it's been in politics for like five six decades and he almost became president but he picked Sarah Palin who was a complete I don't know I don't she just seems like a really dumb person and I'm I'm just sick of like super religious Paul politicians because this is [ __ ] to me like you enjoy your religion mm-hmm but this is America that's a [ __ ] point don't force it on everyone else don't force it don't mix it at all that's the whole [ __ ] point mm-hmm I don't hate you as a Christian I hate I hate you as a politician who makes it about your religion that's [ __ ] that's not what this country is about and every time I see that like the vice president Mike Pence he's so religious he goes he was in an interview recently where he goes I'm this thing in an order I'm at first a Christian I'm second a senator and third I don't remember third but whatever some [ __ ] but he but seriously you're gonna go tell your constituents you're a Christian first like that's them I don't know man that's like his platform he ran on being a Christian it's [ __ ] I hate it it's yeah I mean we have the same thing in Israel where the government is half half half religious have you know so it's it's pretty annoying for the people who are not religious for example on the weekend the buses don't run and a lot of times I wanted to I wanted to work on the weekends and I didn't have a car so I would have to use the bus but then on the weekend you don't have a bus so it's actually like it gets in your way so so yeah I agree I hate when they force it on everyone like if you don't if you don't want to use it don't use the bus all right yes I want to use it it's your [ __ ] choice dog if your religion doesn't let you use the bus don't get on the [ __ ] bus but don't try to control me but Israel is a theocratic country by definition it was established a Jewish state they teach Torah in high school yeah America was founded as separation one of the founding tenets separation of church and state yeah so all the Sun and I feel like even the founding fathers you go back there were probably really devout Christians and they I don't know you gets like deluded people forget what it's about you end up with people like Sarah Palin who are like I'm a Christian mom with American values than that being I'm a Christian mom again stabbing and then all these like really conservative Christian people who only care about Christians and other Christian people are like I'm voting for Sarah Palin again nothing against Christian pepo I just hate it in politics I feel the same way about any religion it's just in America it happens to be Christianity that tends to be the one that's like acceptable yeah I can yeah I agree with you completely in Israel it's it's a bigger it's a problem too but at least they don't pretend like there's a separation they're upfront about it right so speaking of Sarah Palin Sarah was her name Bristol Palin it was with the situation and and then you have like so this is Sarah Palin's daughter basically after their fall from grace after they lost the election she's the governor of Alaska and her daughter like they're these are some of the most hypocritical people on earth her daughter is in this video talking about abstinence only that means do you know what that is I think you told me before cuz we were talking about this video so abstinence only it's what the the conservatives and Christians believe should be sex education which means the only way to prevent STDs and pregnancy is to never have sex unless you're married unless you're married that's the only way they don't say use a condom yeah they don't say use the pill they just say don't have sex that's all I'm willing to say I'm not advocating that [ __ ] right here she is in a video talking about this [ __ ] dummy has to two kids before the age of 18 by I think two different dads out of married out of marriage it's like [ __ ] you seriously it makes me angry [ __ ] you practical [ __ ] off dude with this [ __ ] like if you teach get out of use condoms and use birth control they don't get pregnant it's more practical you can't say someone don't [ __ ] it clearly doesn't work she's an evidence of that he was like calm down I don't like calm down you too passionate about it makes me upset because there's nobody use the service to all society I know like we don't need you to tell people to not learn about what they need to learn just giving people a education yeah sure don't have sex oh maybe Austin's here well let me check my boy is here yeah let's do my god switch it to the wide we gotta do one of these like hey hey hey hey like this hey hey hey hey what TF is up thanks for coming thanks for having me guys sorry I'm a little tardy for the party you're never tardy boy you're right on time ass you got now follow sorry yeah I just had to try to spice it up a little today it's for a new vid I'm working on it but it's only for myself new video it's only from it's for my private art is it better winner jerk-off it's pretty it's definitely pretty this hot red nice yet it's nice like I know what you cherry actually let's take a break then the middle let's just stop the podcast right I was just in the middle of an epic rant about Sarah Palin's daughter whose teaches abstinence only education but that [ __ ] had out of wedlock children twice damn young and now she's in a commercial and not have sex it's like [ __ ] you clearly love it you the sex lover in the you are you have this problem there's sex crazy but we we have this a great video that I just I just love it even if you have known exactly it's amazing situation and Sarah Palin's daughter and an infomercial about safe sex don't go away I'm gonna take a quick break so we can get set up with postie here and make sure the cameras all right got him we're gonna be back in two minutes if you leave I will go I will I will burn the studio down on all these cameras and you'll never see me again don't go away we'll be back in just two short minutes you guys Cheers hey we're back at a free podcast were joined with post Malone postie Austin our boy cheers guys he comes with Bud Lights and cigarettes where else what else what else we're outs where outs I don't know I can't call it am i right did your you're always right before I'll let me close this door so last time Austin actually was the creator of the spooks spooked sing and goofs I think you were the first ghost story candidate where Willy and now every time we have a guest on it always is like ask him about the [ __ ] ghost story know that that's really great well I'm glad that I could add a new segment to your guy's repertoire repertoire and dossier if you will I will if you will I won't we were just talking about like you found actual actual haunted place in LA yeah so it's like in Pasadena it's like 20 minutes away 25 if you book it ever feats go slow 20 if you book it I won't organized no oh it's free free yeah and you can climb down honey is it organ there's nobody there it's just a place I haven't seen anybody there but it's creepy down there did very creepy here [ __ ] everywhere and like we so we went down there and we have it on camera - we caught it we brought I went with my friends Mike and Alex they took me down they they showed me the place like a month ago and I've been there like three times oh wow so we went there and we you just hear like crazy like sticks like big-ass sticks breaking like Blair Witch yeah like very Blair Witch II and then you go down and then there's like it's a dam and then there's the there's a gate there and then in the mountain like the rock you see like the devil's face that's why it's called Devil's God yeah and like we heard something like running at us oh that's so I'm like I'm like in you know we tried to rationalize it of course so like we were walking and there's critters there right well yeah but a critter wouldn't run at you like this was like so we we there's like a hill right here we're in like people with guns no can we bring yeah I'll just bring a knife okay nice so good hand combat yeah bring my spirit gun nice guys are proven to be more effective against spirits and poltergeists and demons and such like that is that a joke or is that I mean I'm ready to go hand to hand with the ghosts I look just keep coming no matter what happens so and then we were walking and so there's a hill here in a fence and on the other side of a fence it was like like running running towards us I look we book the [ __ ] out but it's just you guys yeah there it was it was four people how far you from your car it's far walk it's in Pasadena it's called The Devil's Gate we should go yeah we should go so but I figured you know a critter wouldn't run at you and a critter wouldn't be that big unless it's like probably human sized right sort of or Jaguars something I don't think there's any man-eating probably one kangaroo exactly he just wants everyone but he's not even alive kangaroo he's a spirit he died there so Austin wants to take us to make a video there oh my god I'm scared you guys have a night-vision cam yes we just got a new one it's got infrared got him maybe we'll pick up some heat signatures oh my god okay well we have to do it so I had a paranormal experience mm-hmm we talked about it last episode but it was deep in so I'm gonna call it again so yeah I'll tell you the Reader's Digest there so we were in our bedroom in our camera sorry we got a new setup doesn't look great [ __ ] we finally got it figured out man and we got our up our internet working so lightning fast what's the upload downloads like the upload is like yeah it's more expensive how can I have that Alex for no reason yeah it's not-- they just charge you more cuz your business well you use are you at liberty to disclose that yeah at home we use time owner I find them both to be to be good mine sucks really yeah I'll be it takes me a whole day to download an Xbox one hold you have the best internet yeah but you know up in my house you didn't have no signal but we do have so I'm thinking for this next one that's true did you get Internet there ya know I told my guys to set it up but you're probably getting there there that area is a little funky ya know it's like dark zone we almost missed our flight because we couldn't get a hold of you I should go back now you have congratulations on the new house by the way thank you that's really [ __ ] awesome can we get so anyway I was telling Austin the last time you were here that we've never had a paranormal experience and I'm super skeptical of all this [ __ ] mm-hmm so we're in our room it's 3:00 a.m. I'm laying a bet I've like a really bad headache and I noticed there's like a really strong red running drip running it was dry but it was a big drip that had run down the wall from where I don't know like in the middle of the water later I was on the wall in a really weird place where we're never there there's no way we splashed we're never there and I sister eulah jokingly I says why is our wall bleeding right I'm like what the [ __ ] and I walk over to it and it looks like dried blood look at that damn randomly show that here let me show that show yeah here I'll hold it up that's strange right it's like looks like drag it's just y'all it's just me Neela no one ever comes in our bedroom like so it that you know yeah that we know right hey guys I don't know it's like a drape on the wall let me show you just to make sure you guys do this right and then zoom in on it so you can see the drip like that's it it's a really bizarre doesn't it case it looks like Albemarle it'd be cool Albemarle just one little drop it's artsy so I'm like how the [ __ ] right did this get here and I start actually getting spooked for 10 minutes cuz I'm like this is really bizarre like there's no explanation right of this and then I take a closer look at I'm like well actually that's more Brown than red so is Dookie I'm like what and then we remember there's like a route like the biggest moth I've ever seen trapped in our room and they were like oh [ __ ] and it was on that side of the wall were like this is just mouth it has to be a giant mouth shut and I was like a what it was I'm sure was a giant [ __ ] but I was like smelling it the gun it tested it was brown when I looked closer it was close to I was a closer the dark MA fades of death VI was almost patient zero STD I'm so anyway that was our story but I was like I was pretty spooky man you're gonna get spooked down here it's real spooky spooky so anyway let me bring you up to speed okay so we're doing this episode called top of the month okay where we bring together all of our favorite little news stories and memes that we collect throughout the month okay and right now we were talking about you know Senator John McCain he was at the Comey hearing the FBI director okay and he had like us he like couldn't talk I don't look like he was having a stroke on camera it was really sad he's completely senile I don't I don't think he had a stroke but he was like completely incoherent so then we got into this thing about crystal Palin because he looks for him Kristen he was running with Sarah Palin and then I got into this whole thing about them so we're following the threat so this is crystal Palin and the first old Palin tell me about safe sex with the situation so let's have a look here damn shouty well excuse me miss have you ever had a situation with the official situation that's pretty like him he's horny I don't know okay I find it he's willing to portray himself like that he's horny he gets from one bed to another no hesitation I love usage just as a precursor I love the city Palin everybody knows me those words don't work I got the situation that jewelry by the way it's very vampires Wow very vampire ass garlic on this good old vampire outfit is very vampire it is right you looking for this suit was black and Mike had contacts in or something oh yeah and just like there's like industrial rave music playing be right out of like come on be Palin you serious like you're not gonna hook up with like before you manic for real for real for real for real for real for real and just to give context she's actually had two kids already out of marriage and she what does he did deny it no she's just like I made a mistake but all you guys out there don't have sex but wait a minute is when how old is this this is from 2010 okay so see she's saying here how older kids maybe she had a kid right with the situation it was successful Chris Palin hmm oh my god this is from December 2016 Bristol Palin says she's pregnant with a third child what a stupid hypocrite shut up wait wait third child so and she saves that she's not gonna hook up until marriage is she married Rayna no I think all of them were out of wedlock does it say that mr. pan the Sarah Palin daughter almost as famous his mother thanks to unconventional domestic history says she's pregnant with her third child yada yada yada whatever not that interesting but she has three kids she's married now but she definitely had it anyway whatever whatever [ __ ] her okay I get it right am i right about that am i right situation I want to make sure that you are situated because if you do get into a situation with your situation you may end up with a situation and you may not like that situation damn no it's great content no wonder if he wrote that or they had like a room of writers but yeah I mean just winging it and say make sure the people know who you are we need okay situation it's like meow is from Super Troopers Yeah right yeah situation situation we just see how many times he can fit it in see where his record is such a run-on you know what I totally respect that and I totally respect abstinence I mean actually has the word absolutely stop dude with the situation cheerio we get it [ __ ] very funny but I'm worried about you cuz I've had three [ __ ] kids abstinence-only shut up best deal am i right I'm worried I'm worried about you situation no have no kids right that's right situation doesn't have kids which exactly which method works better condoms are not funny statistically I actually practice a whole lot I mean a whole lot the safe part we got the same part down what pal magnums stuff I got him got him yeah she definitely smashed and why is she wearing that fabulous outfit I'm looking at more fabulous outfits you know when he puts on that Magnum condom he probably like puts his balls into it and [ __ ] he's got so much space you know supposed to put the balls in I'll try that just buy the biggest one you can find it's probably like it's a balloon he's probably when he puts on a magnum it's probably like throwing a hot dog through the Lincoln Tunnel or some [ __ ] about his situation this water that's my situation guy it is a situation it is it is the type of [ __ ] yeah I want to know what this situation is though let's find out more I might be able to spare one I mean you know it's fine Yeah right good good if you're good in voiding situations and you're situated and I'm situated situations under control can we [ __ ] stop with this [ __ ] it's so too many situations sorry I don't think you never have enough situation is that good branding the situation like this way do you guys need a name yeah like that you could just say the 40 times in one sentence that's who quit the Bradbury but see the situation can be brought up at the moment I'm the moment let's get situated I just had a moment like situating about to have a moment a moment hold on baby about the last amendment we'll have a moment I'm having a moment here but as you know I am the moment I'm welcome just let you know I'm the moment we're gonna have a moment I'm the moment doesn't sound like a real word anymore the moment moment moment moment moment moment I think about Oh actually give me a moment you can't do that see it has more application in this situation can't say can I have can I have a moment please yeah that's true I think moment is a broader yeah situation I'm the moment I like that back off stitch it's me the moment I'm the moment I'm the mom we agree on one thing pause before you play pause before you play that's probably the most important thing you got to think before you get into a situation PB y P that ain't no PB&J sandwich sighs Adam at the end just so you know you know he was like alright I'll do this spot but I need to make sure that I'm wearing Magnum condoms I need people to know exactly that that's the situation in this moment right now I mean I liked it well it was kind of a nice message because they're like listen we have different thoughts we have different philosophies on this but let's all take a moment right take a moment and situated pause before you play it exactly okay that was like the worst preload but anyway so now this is John McCain questioning James Kony Wow in the case by the way I think we need to take a moment through just what happened he had a moment yeah can we just acknowledge at least that like how what a crazy time we're living in here like this is some Renaissance oh [ __ ] you have the director of the FBI former director testifying against the president like in 50 years people will be talking about this I don't know yeah it looks like it looks like it's a full house a school story time at school it does but grown people I doubt it's usually that full this is like a momentous occasion here this is really something Clinton you made the statement that there wasn't sufficient evidence to bring a suit against her although it had been very careless in their behavior but you did reach a conclusion in that case that it was not necessary to further pursue her yet at the same time in the case and mr. Comey you said that there was not enough information to make a conclusion tell me the difference between your conclusion it's a pretty much ward's out and he refers to him he calls him president Comey like twice throughout this he's like genuinely confused and then he says he's talking about him and like the third person he's like and you referred to mr. Comey it was used he's talking to he's genuinely having a moment it's kind of sad actually well he's all this Huck yeah what he can't lift his arms up what does that mean cuz he was tied up and are you serious I didn't know that so he can't lift his arms I like no I I said before you got here he's an American Hero right the guy is an absolute American legend but no it's sad to see it's just it's interesting it's kind of a fascinating thing so you goddamn buddy former Secretary Clinton is concerned and and mr. Trump the Clinton investigation was a completed investigation okay anyway this goes on for a minute but like the size of July the food gets it's it's quite sad to see you know for sure it's fascinating at the same time like such a fall from grace for in a way but so what's gonna happen with this whole thing yeah you think what's going on with with our I don't know I really don't know because everyone's so polarized like conservatives don't think it's a big deal Democrats think it's a huge deal but in this testimony Comey says that there's meetings there was meetings yes he said Trump lie is lying he said the FBI director I mean he's kind of a reputable person right he served under mmm several presidents under both parties and why did he get fired Donald Trump fired him according to coma because he was investigating refreshes right and that's what he says right here and during this testimony that's [ __ ] crazy he says they believe this [ __ ] is still going on well it's because it's like you're falling down the rabbit hole and you don't know how far it goes right but he says like Trump asked him to pledge loyalty to him I read that he says that he he says that he asked him to drop the investigation altogether and in a private meeting and what did call me say call me said that Trump asked him to drop the investigation and what did can we do did he drop it no no no no he didn't it's still ongoing what's happening it was covering his face tighten it up you up you having a moment or a situation anyway whatever [ __ ] this [ __ ] but [ __ ] crazy it is crazy it's crazy I mean in like I know what is that is he impeached and then charged with treason it's which is wonderful by death can you imagine if Trump is just executed it would be crazy that would be a plot twist that would be quite a twist he's not been impeached he's not been charged with anything but like keeps getting deeper it's crazy like he probably wouldn't be charged he'd probably be just being paged because I mean that's pretty heavy-duty stuff to charge like even Nixon who was actually right would have been impeached and he you know you okay you need help okay he was acquitted he wasn't charged for anything I think it's too way too traumatic for the country to actually because there's people the super president yeah kill mmm we have to believe that I'm not saying one side of the others right I'm not like staking it right you saying it's really fascinating things so polarizing - it's [ __ ] crazy let's get let's get off that people lose their mind when we talk about politics did you see the new video he posted a new video we just watched it already deema attack in my slave he did it's really nothing he just wakes up and there's like scratches on his back and he's like I'm [ __ ] oh hell yeah boy click farm crazy yeah doesn't think people know what's you exposed him real nice well his videos are getting like double the views as usual his channels blowing up because it was paranormal [ __ ] wow what a plan we G bored and then from then on capitalize on being alright I mean I have to give the guy credit he really is - clickbait Master seriously I'm never ready for it before this let's not forget his girlfriend yeah she's all together she's like a Lady Macbeth yeah Black Widow alright so here is another video this is an oldie but I found I saw it on reddit today and I was absolutely fascinated by it for context Trump is getting a lot of [ __ ] right now and a lot of his supporters again not taking sides or saying the president's getting way too much [ __ ] it's a bunch of bull freakin baloney and it's just not right and I stumbled upon this clip of Fox News criticizing Obama well you just can't this is wonderful you gotta see for yourself you do have to see for yourself but if this just proved that like everyone needs to chill the [ __ ] out exactly everyone needs to chill the [ __ ] out stop thinking they're the victims everyone's absolutely out of their mind [ __ ] this is a clip from Fox News Sean Hannity during the same point in Obama's presidency as we are now in trouble let's see what they're criticized its mustard so watch this I was shocked mustard sucks I would never be mush on my hamburger you [ __ ] didn't put ketchup on a steak or something oh that was a thing that they were that he says buy a $50 steak and puts ketchup on CNN tonight okay okay so but I mean it's just runs imperfect so perfect so this is a perfect parallel condiments do not make the man condiments don't make the man that's I think everyone needs to remember that as you all know President Obama is a real man of the people and yesterday he dropped by a popular Virginia restaurant too pointed out that plain old ketchup well it didn't quite cut it for the president plain old ketchup didn't quite cut it from our president who's a praise apparently a president of the people well why is he putting mustard on his hamburgers then breaking news it's like how the [ __ ] do you ever take me so seriously loser they're just saying that he's too bougie yes but we'll keep watching he doesn't ask for for like what is it poop on poop on Grey Poupon what the [ __ ] now take a look at him ordering his burger with a very special condiment [Music] medium-well Wow really president playing a little safe there do you think [ __ ] I see monsters yes for DeJong yes spicy mustard Heinz makes a Dijon mustard what a bitch-ass president what does that say about the the hamburgers he said or something like that they have it what no I was saying he even said or something like that I'm open options I am the president I could make you but go get it deep my sincere apologies for that that's crazy though don't watch just a little bit too much television as a kid I don't recall him asking for Grey Poupon no either you know these guys doing like a sandwich drug deal that's true yeah they try they're trying to like make a conspiracy theory out of it like oh [ __ ] Obama's in on this Grey Poupon conspiracy this is like YouTube filler status like you're rolling a whole commercial it's like yes we all remember the Grey Poupon commercial you don't need to show me the whole [ __ ] thing Sean Hannity yeah just trying to meet that 22 minute mark all right I hope you enjoyed that antsy burger mr. president like this day is just proof of how [ __ ] this country is like everyone is so outraged everyone's so pissed off it's not just the Democrats about Trump this is when Obama was president they were criticizing the man for putting [ __ ] mustard on his hamburger this is just a public service announcement for everyone to chill out okay like christ almighty man it's completely blown away by that that's a great that's a great fine yeah forget Obama got a lot of [ __ ] yeah oh yeah this whole thing like they were saying he wasn't an American citizen that that birth certificate [ __ ] I mean that was a nightmare for him yeah how do you imagine Bhama must have reacted seeing this [ __ ] like [ __ ] coming at me if we're putting mustard on my burger you study the journal pediatric you roll with Mountain Dew god bless you too oh we hadn't we already had a spell once do we need to clean up I can't have to pee should we take another break this is like a break filled I mean all right let's do it guys don't leave if you leave I will burn this place down I will kill myself and he'll it'll be a double homicide murder suicide it'll be all over the news you'll never see me again don't leave because we're just getting started we have tons of spicy videos left hope you enjoy your fancy P smoke the whedon they're coming in the studio all since having a real intimate conversation now who do we got on the phone let's put them up to the speaker what album is that I need to listen I do need to listen to more mm so guys we have um Ellis brother and mom joining us this is getting weird wild we're not on the record officially but we're chilling wait is that Justin Bieber Oh what up Doug you probably don't know who I am but that's crazy are the best singer in the world I think that you I think that you have a beautiful ABS oh yeah I think he's got a situation you have the greatest smile I think you have a beautiful soul and I think that a lot of people look up to you and you make the world a better place that was really beautiful sure I love it it's a nice moment I love you more baby I'm gonna call you up to this podcast hi Padma be safe okay get some sleep okay holy [ __ ] I thought that was one of your Bros from back I didn't realize those [ __ ] Justin Bieber I was like who the [ __ ] is this guy on the phone well cut that out of the final I leave it in that was a nice home that was a beautiful moment I can't believe that was just bugging what the hell I hope I didn't like say anything really no that's okay no it's fine that was a beautiful that was completely unexpected I thought it was one of your dogs my dogs can't speak English wow that was really nice follow that that was a really special I love that with a Titan ham [ __ ] with the president put in muscle I wonder if Justin Bieber puts mustard on his burgers damn I should have asked him he does have the best abs he's got abs in the game he has a crazy situation going on that was insane well everyone who left I warned everyone who left that they were gonna miss some good [ __ ] I said don't leave there's great [ __ ] ahead damn 2,000 people left and they're [ __ ] missed it damn damn well so we're expecting Ellis Wow there's just surprises throughout Wow wait you lose parents are coming her mom and brother wow this is big this is a big deal this this episode has a lot of surprises a lot of you never know what you're gonna get on the yeah I looked in the chat and they're like it's Justin Bieber I was like oh [ __ ] I can't type on here I tried to type to people and it wouldn't let me how come I don't know just some I can't login as if it's okay it's cool I didn't know anything I didn't have anything constructive to say anyways excuse me sorry sorry accept our apologies on that the merch by the way it's banger isn't this shirt grey it's a great shirt like they just made this design look great represent com4 slash h3 h3 it's fire thank you you're right where were we damn and you got the new gear too yeah look at the back but they made that it's pretty sweet right super sick you look blaze nothing I do look blaze they definitely gave me the red I know what they're doing exactly ok let's move it on it's hard to move on past that let me let me just tell everyone don't work what happened I was trying to login okay I was just saying not luck then my mom came here for the first time by herself it's the first time she's ever traveling by herself that's wild ever Wow by yourself yeah she's been married since she was 18 so now she like beer the old ball she might can I kick it yes you can can I kick it that's a moment that's that's a moment you just had a moment I had a moment it was very deep breathes sensual Wow so yeah she's coming here with my brother go you brother luscious locks yeah oh yeah really beautiful here no log well blocks means long flowing hair - dreadlocks okay yeah you can have beautiful locks it looks like Jesus yes very power he's actually been Jesus National Geographic really marries Wow like he moonlights as you and and interestingly his name is Moses that's crazy it's kind of fascinating it's like a Moshe in Hebrew but what means Moses yeah he goes by Moses here yeah all right let's move it on to actually let me let me get back on the record here although I guess we can start make sure it's cool with Biebs I don't want it be cool to include a face down but if not then we'll cut it off because it was an intimate moment okay we're back with some more videos on deck it's hard to follow up that mustard hard to follow the mustard but we're back on Fox News but this time we're not goofing on them Tucker Carlson interviews this social justice where who says don't say breast feeding is natural because it discriminates against women who don't want to breastfeed it's a really great journey into the aniss of social justice warriors right and the the I wouldn't want to say the regressive left the radical left it's really great clip listen listen let's take a dive tricks describes it as quote unethical to call breastfeeding natural because doing so might undermine feminism the study says quote coupling nature with motherhood can inadvertently support biologically deterministic arguments about the roles of men and women in the family Catherine that is just such stupid crap all right is this the same guy the burger guy no but they all look the same everyone at Fox's is like the generic whitest person in Atlanta isn't that like a bunch of news casters and they all look alike and they're all white people Fox News here these are all the Fox News anchors Wow is that the whitest thing you've ever seen I just want to show this picture they just throw do didn't like three dudes at the end I was thinking of doing a painting of this once that's why I looked at this picture look at the great painting you know when you take a while yeah you know when the people make mosaics of like little images like these are the white parts never even thought about that look at all that anyway so regardless what did she say like it's unethical to say breastfeeding is natural but it is it is that's the problem this is what I can't stand your art your bidding your slamming your head against the wall they'll argue that like Green is orange or like that's even more subjective these people but it's like you are you bored bored I mean that's got to be trolling it has to be this lady's real as a heart attack is she in the video yes this is a great theory was a journalist and publisher of Catalina magazine Joyce she's all got a puckered lips she's already a yes she's already like yeah [ __ ] said she's boring hey thanks for having me so this was kind of a baffling story one that people are inserting politics into breastfeeding which seems like he's not here to [ __ ] make friends with her this is the segment we're like let's bring this dum-dum on [ __ ] him up on TV why it would be controversial to call breastfeeding natural if if breastfeeding is not natural what is natural what breastfeeding doesn't come naturally as pediatricians will tell you it's not exactly easy there elect Asian specialists out there there's a whole industry out there doesn't mean it's not natural right it's maybe some women have trouble breastfeed yes it just doesn't work really yeah some women can have a baby and they just can't breastfeed like my sister she had a baby and she tried it like during the first week was there no milk or the baby wouldn't latch Wow okay what happens in nature sitting does the baby just starve it seems really well I guess back in the day they had they had what they called wet nurses they had women who are always lactating that they could throw their baby on the tip you need a tip for the baby but clearly very natural I mean even like animals every mammal breast feeds as part of what being a mammal is you have a tit and milk comes out and the baby sucks in its nutrients it's natural it's it's triggering yeah it's figuring breastfeeding isn't exactly natural doesn't come naturally to women so what they're saying is which I'm so happy there's a study out there that are finally letting women not have this guilt trip that it's okay to in the formula so this is this is the problem they're making this argument so broad so blunt she doesn't want hand breastfeeding is not natural and it's just screaming already say that and then she says some women can't lactate fine it's not they're not the same point yeah and then she's talking about it's okay to handle the formula to daddy but it's fine yeah however it's a Barak it's strictly a prerogative yeah exactly it's the same way that lead they're like deal are you triggered I've been triggered before but this is the problem like I've always identified as a progressive liberal person but more and more every year I find myself completely confused about my like political identity because if these are people on the Left I just think they're that they're they're turning to like um do you like censoring people they're trying to control what people can say it like pronouns and shits it like I don't know the whole thing is like you it's too far it's too far they take it way too far way too far like in Canada like this whole thing that happened what was the name of that guy Jordan Peterson this whole thing that happen in Canada they passed a law that says if somebody wants to be called a pronoun you have to buy a lot so if you have a woman who wants to be called he because she identifies as a man it's illegal to not call her by the pronoun she wants I don't know I don't know the details but that's crazy that was even written up right I mean I'm all for everybody you know doing whatever they want to do or force you by a law like if you're like please call me he and I keep calling you a sheet that maybe might make me an [ __ ] but that's my [ __ ] right to be an [ __ ] don't put me in jail because I didn't call you a he [ __ ] you fine it did pass god help Canada god help them all I need to help the world I need to look in that if that's actually a long can I we're losing Western society I genuinely think that if we've come to the point that is truly depressing wow that's truly depressing so what does anybody know the consequence yeah what is it what am I gonna get it it's yeah it kind of comes from the same angle because like if you go to it is Islamic world a Muslim Arab country and they're like women have to cover themselves or women can't drive it's almost it starts to tread on the same territory of personal liberties full circle back to perimeter right or you know I think that if you're a religion and you don't want a woman to drive and you're a woman you don't want to drive because you want to serve their religion great right but if once you start passing laws to proced rig people's personal freedoms then we're just going back in time my friends back to tyranny yes that's exactly right we're gonna have a situation this is turning to a real man to feed a baby so they're saying that only a woman able to feed a child is is inappropriate it's unethical and inappropriate and I'm so nobody says that nobody ever says that men have been feeding babies forever you just said it yourself it's natural she serves this issue of like men somebody says it's unnatural for a man to feed a baby I don't think anyone says that we don't make milk out of our boobies that's clear so if you want to breastfeed if I mean it all is up to the parent it's all an option of the parents do you wanna breastfeed or do you want to take turns giving formula I mean if a down to let the baby suck on my hairy tip I promise you that if that's what she wants I'll give it a shot fine I mean it's not unethical or inappropriate whatever those words mean I mean it can it's the opinion of some physicians that breast milk is superior to formula and other people disagree and that's a it's a debate that is raged for quite some time but it's what your seem to be saying is it is bad because it suggests that women have a different role in motherhood than men do but would they do because women are the only people biologically capable of bearing children is that now a controversial observation well it's not birth childbirth is not natural anymore like he's I mean he's really approaching it right yeah I mean that's a great argument are we are we come to the point where birthing a child is not conservative female thing right I don't know like this whole thing with gender identity it's like if I have a dick I'm a man by birth that's what it is I can cut it off or I can identify as a female but I have a dick I was born a man that's my gender it's wild it's it's weird cuz they come from like good intentions right you know the idea is good but they take it so far and becomes like bad it's a tyranny of thought when you're trying to control what people can say and think like let's have a debate about let's talk about I'm interesting you're in your philosophy I mean well you know like I said I'm all down for everybody doing whatever they want to do if you want to be a woman and you're a guy go for it god bless you know but it's like I if you get upset because you know someone doesn't like quote unquote understand how you feel about being called a man or a woman or something or like just [ __ ] like that what do you expect like what do you want us to do like we don't know anybody yeah yeah we don't know whether to call you what you want to be called or if we say one thing you're gonna get offended you know what I mean so that like to the whole Canadian and I think use the pronoun that and the situation is like compassion and understanding right you can't make a law making a lot to force people to do a certain way it doesn't create understanding right it just creates more fiction creates more problems makes people hate you more yeah and it's like you like doing that thing like if you get a gender change or something you already know that it's gonna be different like you don't you already know that you might get [ __ ] for it yeah you know but it's like we don't know how to handle it because we've never been in that situation before right it's a new thing it's new it's a new thing and it's even new to them yeah I I feel for transpeople I do they have like really high suicide rate really had to pressure rate they go through a lot of [ __ ] yeah and I and I totally relate and I have compassion for those people but like and I think a lot of trans people are very reasonable about it I think it's just like this one was not trans like I mean I don't know the people who causing all the outrage I almost don't even represent the disenfranchised in a lot of ways they make it worse for them right yes broadcasting that don't resonate with right with I don't know if that's true but I assume it is I have to do you think she breastfed she probably made her husband put on one of these things where you have like fake tits and the model comes to the nipple the only ones who could feed the children so that's what they're trying to say it is natural for Tuesday I love this who's they feed the children isn't the idea of baby formula to replicate breast milk yes I know though because like parents they always take yeah that's what I'm saying in modern society even even can you mix it up like so why can't if the mom wants to do breast fed and then if she did the dad wants to feed him why could you think it too reasonably yeah I'm waiting way to reasons but she's saying right she's saying reasonable things with it she's like it's unethical and then it's like what but that's nobody thinks that she goes they think it's unethical it's like no the whole burden is not on the mother so that's what they're trying to say what I love that the biggest the biggest like there's two people talking and then the biggest square like we know it breastfeed guys like we don't need this huge stock photo with lady put a tip okay first of all of course that's true of course and I don't think women are stupid had a mother that had a child starving for two weeks she was not able to lactate she was not able to produce two weeks the baby had lost weight and she refused to give that baby formula yeah that lady's a dumb [ __ ] she's a stupid person she's irresponsible she's dumb what does that have to do with anything it's one person she should yeah she's just formal I think that's a universal right conclusion it's just like necessity is I wouldn't say the mother of invention but in this case it's the mother of not kissing you baby some people couldn't breastfeed so then there's a safe alternative that actually works and gives the baby nutrients that it needs in her world men are like you cannot give that baby formula you must breastfeed because that's your role as a woman and it's and you have to because she's probably talking about like two people I have never heard anybody I go anything close to that it's like I don't know I don't know how he deals with this because it's like just nonsense for fear look at this face although I saw me and where he has that face in every single interview mouth it really is the focal point of his face too it's just like probably put some mustard on his burgers milk and we'd have to turn to formula that's a totally fair point and that's a shame when people feel like perhaps there are some but that's not what's really going on here this is gender politics intruding on the personal decisions that it parents make it's also blurring the lines it's suggesting by the way that men can breastfeed which I don't think they can I don't think they can I like it does it sour we've come to the point where we actually have to be like 10 min breastfeed you might have a situation I don't know did you know they can't breastfeed you know but you guessed it [ __ ] you guess they can't breastfeed it's like no this is not a debate let's not debate if men can breastfeed this is the problem how far back do we have to debate these things milk doesn't come out my dad no matter how hard I try I guarantee it I'm for children I can tell you she like doesn't trust him to watch this she's I gotta know your secrets are maybe there's [ __ ] maybe you're not trying hard enough concede the point that men can't breastfeed please just for the world did you could you imagine like the wife leaves it's like watches out to the windows I see that she's actually gone and he just tries to it's like when you jerk off when everyone will use Shh you gotta wait a couple of minutes to make sure they're actually gone and I didn't leave something at the house I don't that's against God I have breast fed i breastfeed ela she's in the word say no you can feed children they're finally putting a study out there that's saying that breast milk is not the only way to go there are other ways you're dodging what I'm saying look strictly speaking I don't disagree with you but the debate thank you thank you that's nice if I see Warren she's like yeah god I'm gonna say something indisputable men can also feed babies of course of course also loving a child is natural wait love is natural don't don't push that I'm really sorry I'll push that shummy you [ __ ] communist you're not see me breast milk is better or worse than formula and again that is a scientific debate that nutritionists and physicians can have this is feminist group saying how dare you suggest that it's bad dear women to feed babies because that somehow ties them biologically to the act of procreation and my only point is feminists as usual are helping to obscure biological realities because they don't like them and that's an attack on science it's a study that's just saying it's inappropriate to say that breast milk is the only natural way to feed a child a man could naturally feed a child in other way I mean like how yeah I mean technically it's not it's not necessarily I don't think it's natural for form to use formula it's not it's a replication of something that's actually not it's like technically it's just not natural focusing on the word like with matter like is it it doesn't matter yeah like just because you're using all natural baby formula doesn't mean that it's human-made natural if you go back boobies are making milk like that's that's a fact that's a fact and if you go back to him where we live in caves there was no [ __ ] baby formula and that was the man supposed to feed the child yeah you know a hunter hunting-gathering look at her face but she looks she looks zonked that's the face of modern feminism there she is Cathy I read you get a look at that huh eyes a little too wide it's a little too wide something happens when you join the cult about race where your eyes get it like it's tried to get like bigger and bigger that's when you know it's like the zombie apocalypse and they like they like look for like bloodshot eyes or something you've been infected that highs are getting wider a man can't naturally feed a child naturally give it formula natural it's the natural loving if natural like saying that it's wrong weed saying that it's not natural yeah no one's saying that it's wrong of course that's why the conversation is so confusing she's talking about semantics right and she's just confusing the whole issue was just ridiculous it's a dumb pointless conversation that shouldn't even take place especially on national television oh yeah yeah they was a good TV can you just take three steps back there's something pretty awful about inserting gender politics into something as beautiful and intimate as the first days of a child's life not beautiful it causes so many headaches and it could be so horrible I mean why is she talking like universally when everybody yeah breastfeeding is not beautiful right sorry you had a bad experience with it he wouldn't understand though cuz he's he's a man yeah he would never run you couldn't possibly chime in on that let me speak for all women right now by saying that breastfeeding is not natural right it's disgusting and it sucks and I hate it but he is essentially taking away the beauty of a child get some milk under there man you don't think any mom has it as I yeah well probably for the emotional connection but I've heard a lot that it's probably painful it really depends you can have a completely different experience but I can imagine that it's probably very spiritual like very like instead of something from someone else's from your own baby suck in your bid for life for life not for like the length of life just force us to yeah it's a beautiful thing because we're so we as humans are so removed from that like actually being animals for being like primal that whenever you actually get like I know if [ __ ] out a baby and having it suck on your tit like that's as close as we get to actually being like cavemen animals right we're so removed from the whole experience of just being animals it's kind of a beautiful thing I think I don't know you're not see we'll try when we have a baby I'll try and see where I'll film it and put on YouTube real baby help came out of my nipple question mark question mark really help breastfeeding apostrophes you're gonna want to see this it doesn't come naturally for so many women so this study I think it's wonderful because women could finally step back just know it's okay to hand the bottle and the baby over to dad yes half of that sentence is correct of course it is absolutely okay to do that thank you but I'm just thankful thank you I love how she's like thank you thank you you you understand now you get it thank you and for you because this is giving you a little bit of a headache I'm so offensive just so crazy to breastfeed how did like the species get to where it is now like what a good question several millennia ago I think we found other ways like formula to feed the babies formulas but a rough like maybe 80 years cavemen that's not his question water yeah water you for giving your baby water what are you talking about so and during the medieval period but where did you get the similac that I'm not breastfeeding phenomenon has been going on for the last 10 years but before that what Chris this is mind numbing this can't be real this has to be like a parody she's talking about it like a trend like it's like a hipster feed your baby for the past ten years it's kind of like you know it's you guys are making a joke about it but she literally said meetings been around for 10 years this can't be real like this is a plant of Fox News plant oh maybe they paid this Craigslist girl to make social spores look really dumb because how can anyone actually be this dumb believe what this like this would be one that is stink topic I've never heard anybody ever say that this is right so they had they'd had to come up with that in the Fox News meeting room having it what's the craziest thing that we could think of breastfeeding isn't natural I mean that's a great headline it's just so obscene conspiracy theory alert our mothers who weren't all exactly into breastfeeding you had the feminism the revolution the 70s women did not breastfeed like they do nowadays so what she has not always been the answer man I'm Kathy thanks for joining us thanks for having she's a real person I just think that didn't make sense oh I don't know 10 years been around for 10 years yeah you know it's been pretty hot this past decade people are people started breastfeeding in 2010 did Brad know I love how she he's like how did they do it medieval she's like I don't know but in the last 10 years it's been real what you know that a knight or some sort of king or nobleman was not but I'm gonna feed the baby of milk anyways God maybe milk milk like hell no no I don't think you can give comic to babies it's not good isn't it not good for you either I don't think I mean well yeah think about milks for babies it's for like it's like super fatty and it's like a lot of high calorie high density food when your body is rapidly growing so I I don't think adults are supposed to drink milk like biologically kids yeah like you look at for example an egg an egg has a yolk in it that's for like a rapidly growing creature there's a super dense high calorie high cholesterol food eggs are like an egg has like 200 percent of your daily value of cholesterol I don't it's probably possible the eggs are not healthy to eat but when you're growing up as a baby it's essential I don't know [ __ ] it who cares a lot is mm-hm I lack eggs that [ __ ] was mind-bending huh yeah that was great what about this dude dude when's competition doesn't care doesn't care do you make these notes there was some giveaway in England and they gave away twenty thousand pounds that's like thirty or forty thousand dollars and a brand-new car and they expect that when they give away such a huge you know prize that you'd be super stoked yeah I would be very happy in fact it's kind of important for the video like you want to see their gratitude right make you excited I wasn't I wasn't the case in this video this video actually incidentally the guy doesn't seem to give one single [ __ ] I have to pee again damn I know but these videos take like an hour to get through we talk so much and posit so much it's almost been three hours we'll probably are you [ __ ] kidding me we've been on for three hours or am I wrong I think so yeah oh my god these these top of the money's are pretty intense it's 5:45 we started at 3:00 holy Christ time really flies me having a good time is Shay hey I'm a really pretty good time maybe guys if you leave okay you don't want to know what happens if you leave because I will I will kill everyone in this room you will never see me you will never get another h3 video we never get a podcast if you leave I'm gonna jump I'm gonna take all of them with me I'll be back in one minute appreciate you I'm getting kind of drunk cool all right we're back hope he didn't leave cuz I don't want to in my life I have too much to live for and these are great people I don't want to kill them either Wow we went for I can't lose been three hours yeah smokey six million in five months never been before and PewDiePie is next do you know he had a live performance we watched it Wow weird it was treacherous we're here somewhere in LA it was a free show up just one song yeah just one song I want to show it to you I want your opinion I would like so we want subject to their making what we watch it by the way you saw what did you see our video about it yeah it's great what did you think about the whole what do you think about the whole phenomenon listen of them of the Jake Paul Robeson dear friends to stay out of it I mean that shitty song location man Y 24 and bio and I'll see you and Ellen Ellen March like a God Church so we'll end because it's late so I don't think people care I think we'll watch it after we finish how many people were there it was full we have two more videos I want to I want to finish it's fine alright people are down right they're here at school are you let me bring it back welcome back guys we are back with post Malone and your ela kleiner here the superstar we have two videos left on them three videos actually because we want to get Austin's per reaction to the live performance of Jake Paul but we'll do that last all right as we were saying the guy who's not uh none excited about the gift here ya like that intros like here we go yeah yeah my [ __ ] Ranger that's a great kid a sick great car that's a great car yeah it's like fully loaded that's a beautiful car and it's a surprise this week's winner he lives just around the corner his name is Dominic Holmes and we're gonna go give him the surprise of a lifetime surprise of a life that remember that remember that word that phrase I love when they do fast for and don't take the sound out is it just like rich or something no he works for our organization they do giveaways every month no I mean the guy guy getting I don't think so that's a really nice front like optic scanners why would he answer it then maybe they got doors doors out of place yeah look it's an old church is probably really love security I wonder what was cooking meth or something in that house cuz it's that doors really out of place maybe that's why wasn't excited he's like get out of here he's like already of suppose that's an interesting thought but I just wonder why he would enter it can't you see my [ __ ] door I don't care about a car well I assume he entered so morning hello it's Dominic in he's not is it work okay so he just spoken to his wife and he's not at home and he's gone into the office so now we're gonna have to try and track him down at his office dominate we're coming for you smile face - joy the car changing people's lives the joy of giving - he works I believe I hope these carries just here so let's hope he's here he hasn't cell phone because that'd be really good [ __ ] Range Rover for free there's a twist - it's even better Railly of England yeah he's been playing you've been playing for quite a few years now he said so the guys clearly involved in this he's been trying to win for at least bit more a lot of people that we surprised there was like you know I thought one day he's like yeah I know I rigged this [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah Christian might turn up on my door I'm doing really hard already thought you might be there anyway no don't if I'm pleased to say you are this week's win it and you want a brand new Range Rover Sport I guess not really he's like yeah maybe didn't want a Range Rover yeah it's crazy heard this car sucks I read reviews I'm pissed he doesn't look rich although he was like the Bill Gates thing we're like your dress right but I mean what was that garage like a car rental place where they met him at work yeah it doesn't seem like a rich guy you take it in your stride quite well I've driven a few of these round London before and they are just as you London is that like a neighbourhood in England what is that no they're just lovely to be in the interiors create the way they drive is good oh if I'm that guy I'm like you know what [ __ ] you I'm right you the next guy get the [ __ ] out we're just kidding give it to just a random person on the street it reminds me of the day we got married I was going to the ATM and there was a homeless guy he was panhandling and I was like man it's my wedding I'm gonna do something nice for a stranger and I gave him like a hundred bucks and we were really broken yeah that was a lot of money for me and he goes he doesn't say thank you doesn't show any gratitude he goes so like what do it like give me more he's like you must have more money right like is that can you give me another 50 bucks and I was like damn did you take it back I tried to get it back I was like give me that back dude and I'll give you more because I was gonna walk off I was kind of pissed off I was gonna give it to a different person and he's like no no no it's fine he never said thank you I was like really a fun really [ __ ] my ride yeah he killed my buzz man I was getting married that day and got me in a funk damn where are you going I think I just won man bachelor party you should have brought him with you let's go dog let's go get some [ __ ] bow which I don't know if you remember taking the box full but if you jump out this might get you pretty excited here we go back of head okay so it's game like this is hard not too excited about there's a trick in the trunk here only if you want a brand new Range Rover Sport you also won 10,000 pounds in cash so Matthew congratulations again to Dominic Holmes winning this fantastic range of Nassau yeah one of you just shy maybe spoken on it no not that I know of even if he's rich you would pretend to be excited right you have some decency to be like oh this is well he's right this happens every week every month I think he said you're the winner of this week actually you're right you first to seventh they do this every week so I'm entering I mentioned I'll be excited that must have been really disappointing for him I felt that feeling with the 100 bucks imagine giving away like fifty sixty thousand dollars yeah more anyway that was interesting we got one more look at the dislike read I find that fine what people dislike a video cuz they're angry about it but not with the video itself like they're [ __ ] on these guys who gave it away cuz they're pissed about the guy in it it's like they don't right they're right exactly is a great job but this guy's a [ __ ] you know I'm downloading it spend too much time I read it down though this this clip hit me real hard this [ __ ] really shocked me so this is Elon Musk and I'm a huge fan of Elon Musk of Tesla and everything he does I think he's an amazing person I think he's like a modern-day like Iron Man he's Tony Hawk Tony Hawk skateboards like a monster guy's name man Tony Stark Tony Stark he's like a real-life Tony started I have so much respect and love for the man what his vision is for Humanity but this broke my heart this is really this just goes to show you that no matter how rich and success you are your life's [ __ ] up at 38 Elon is running SpaceX and Tesla he's got five boys he's going through a very public divorce and he's got a new fiancee so this is a super model that he just meant like I guess a month ago he's going through divorce and yeah and they're they're engaged now so those aren't her kids those are his Moebius wife's he's going through a divorce right now hang on your worst enemy Elin proposed really quickly the idea of being swept off your feet is appealing and I'd probably have said yes to anyone that seemed half sensible if they proposed are 10 days just because it's kind of an interesting thing to do there that's the first sign of problem I would say yes to anyone who proposed to me after a day because it's exciting and he's sitting there listening to this [ __ ] right but this [ __ ] gets real like you can see this hits him hard here you know straight up to the house with the children them it became a very real thing immediately my parents are traumatized by this whole experience well there's been so many times right I'm getting on a plane to England and I never wait go back can you believe go back I can this video is really low okay Elon Musk would have like the most futuristic house in the world it's pretty ordinary like I figured you'd have like [ __ ] iPhones in your in the floor you could figure that Eamon must wouldn't be marrying some like vapid [ __ ] who's like she says I I fantasized about leaving to England wait again yeah just play a little an interesting thing today the house with the children it became a very real thing immediately my parents are traumatized by this whole experience no there's been so many times I've said I'm getting about England I'm never seeing you again really that's super sad and it's in this show like the way that she was walking out where the [ __ ] are you going yeah I had I think they filmed that after the scene because you know why'd they leave this in yeah that's why I'm heavy well that's a great moment if you're a filmmaker why did he want even open himself up to make himself disavowal no no but luck watches are serious he's genuinely sad no no not really wait uh are they still together cause people are asking I wonder that's a really great question let's find out let me just get my [ __ ] future car move on take a ride fiance I don't know if they got married yet so I guess so maybe [ __ ] I mean here that's her right I think or maybe that's his previous wife that looks just like her you just got a thing for girls that look like that someone is saying they're not married - I'm not surprised by that yeah they're divorced here 2013 and 2016 Wow crazy oh but they were married before that - I guess they were together for a minute no this is a different girl oh wait oh my god you're right they got divorced together for three years divorced again [ __ ] that [ __ ] is what I'm saying that's brutal Elon Musk endured torture and married virgin he met wait what are you right there the first link it says virgin this one married virgin billionaire Elon Musk endured psychological torture from his father told his first wife she was fired and then married the 22 year old virgin even at a London club telling her he wanted to show her his rocket what this has gotta be some I didn't know anything about him though he could be a really shitty husband to be fair true he could be really [ __ ] I shouldn't I shouldn't call her [ __ ] me I love her but that was very rude thing to do on television he's living in the future he has no time for the president dude he was very sad and all the iPhones in the floor in the world could have made so yeah it's a great video that's everything that's not a great video but it's fascinating fascinating that's pretty bad man your Outlook account are set out of date this is turning into a disaster I feel but I have this bad habit of calling women like [ __ ] sometimes when I'm referring to them I don't like doing that mm-hmm I always do it but I was like angry at her yeah she was being [ __ ] I think she was being [ __ ] yeah maybe she's not a [ __ ] she was she's acting [ __ ] thank you I agree with that I don't think so we got Jake Paul you so let's let's wrap it up we're gonna I want Austen's reaction to Jake Paul every day bro lot before we leave we're gonna do a little post show we'll hang out with you guys take some questions whatever you know by the way next episode I think we booked so Flo mm-hmm so Flo Antonio's coming on our show next I'm excited you want to be here I'm gonna be here are you serious yes ma'am yeah oh my god easy next Friday what's that date let's see 16 16 knock it off so Flo dad what if he gonna handle being smoked out what is the hotbox cigarettes tell he's handled yes survival spreads cancer of the world he could handle a couple cigarettes Ari I mean I didn't he yeah that's what we're doing here right I have two beers and I'm losing my mind he's looking fly got half of a denim jacket on a camel II do all the commentary here Oh me yeah wait what about your song are you guys gonna do your song in front of him we we already confirmed with him that he's down to do the camp yeah I'm excited we got to do it need to get back in uh yeah yeah no you're busy whenever you got time let's see what we'll see what these guys featuring 210 is that the English guy that's his whole girl he's a little diva first song ever and he's being a diva he's got a m16 on his jacket that's not it he's hard that's not it that's not it [Music] that's at a sink by the way Oh Ohio though white boy white boy [Music] Oh living you know his brother they had some guy recorded two heads of beef they had some fake beef on Twitter I'm just kidding I I don't know I have become the master he got it's like it's like Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian how she recorded her on the phone it's that epic but yeah who do you think it's with I don't know Jesus I know about you Jesus step off me me tell the truth my first thought on that line was that's illegal in California what you can't record somebody without their consent right I was like you better not really not even a misdemeanor misdemeanor if anybody knows who he's talking about in the yeah I'll check the chat it's probably his ex-girlfriend or something I don't know I mean I just hope it's YouTube beef I hope it's some spicy beef with the landside rice on the side a little spicy chicken some canes some games chicken you love games I [ __ ] love cane I had some at the house all right somebody was saying his ex yeah that's right dog cuz she was in like Logan's dis truck the whole thing is just a bunch of crab canes in LA it is an hour away and I had a sprinter pull up to my house early and they brought it you had something to live it for my own way well I'm going to San Diego for like a club show tonight so he just came early and brought it but I was asleep you didn't get it no you don't you still there though you don't you eat it cold you'll get down yeah it's kids basic [ __ ] games what if you guys know what Keynes is like this insane fried chicken when like bread they just give you like this toasted fried bread it's the most delicious and this is nasty like mayonnaise dipping sauce it's not NAT like yeah either remembers that sauce ela got the sauce like sauce - Mike like can you imagine writing a lyrical on your songs that said post Malone is number one I want like I don't understand I don't understand this is flabbergasted by how this can exist yeah how people can like this is the type of [ __ ] that I was making when I was 14 right yeah like those are like 14-year old me lyrics like I am Number One catch me chew I'm like it's gum well you know I have a saying I say whenever something inexplicable happens especially on YouTube that you don't understand the answer is invariably always the same kids cuz you're asking like who's watching this kids kids but you saw the audience they're all I think the average audience age is 12 yeah I'm [ __ ] dead I will show you the audience here they do a close up later I'll pause it and show you well it goes like here look I dare you to find someone in the bottom right he's like six years old he does not impress that kids like are you serious Doug can you find anyone over the age of 13 no no if they had made it like 18 and up it would be like rager yeah like yeah exactly you guys yeah just go for the meme of it I would go for the mean by this thing I would go I can't hang without crowd lady they're like Jake polish - they would like probably kill me like hey we just take me down they would trip you [ __ ] up they eat my corpse we were saying we already know this guy to me for some reason is the saddest yeah I don't know why he's trying so hard but like he has this moment where he's they don't have enough mics for everyone so he passes it off to Jake and then like sadly slunk sin to the background that's coming up I think he is the most talented rapper really of the group but the bar is quite low yeah yeah but he is trying way too hard maybe that's the problem right I think that's what it is you just see him and his hair right and his his half C shirt [ __ ] him and his shirt [ __ ] shirt wear shirts seriously I never worn a shirt on natural it is a racist for you to they wearing 10 years ago this shirt crazy shirts are really into the past 10 years [Music] look at that he doesn't even finish his lied he doesn't even get to finish his verse he's like here you go look he looks so he looks sarcastic handing the mic off almost he looks sad like he realized it's over it's just like there you go he doesn't finish his line that's the saddest part is what do you mean they don't have a [ __ ] mic for the for the [ __ ] Teamster let's do it in slow-mo so you can watch the dude just had a million subs last month where's my mic where's my mic I have a gold play button that's part of his lyrics isn't it but it's like like two months or six months four thousand four hundred thousand sorry yeah that's not I mean that's that's good I don't know if it's worth bragging about in a rap right it's not what you are Mike can you judge your swag by the level of subs that you have you can't certainly they are doing it here but he came at PewDiePie was like dude Jake Paul is getting a million subscribe that's what set me off but Jake Paul is getting a million subscribers a month which is insane that's a super high rate and what does he do I know what his brother does they do the same [ __ ] same [ __ ] yeah but here's what he's saying pewdiepie I'm gonna pass you next great a million subs a month would still take him like five years look he's at 65 million like dude that will take you you'll be an adult you realize how cringe you are by the time you pass Beauty but you'll want to close your channel there's no possible way yeah it's not happening well here's this slow-mo look how sad he is right like you didn't get to finish his line it's like damn I gotta give it up to this [ __ ] egotistical maniac you can't I don't know if you can pass up a mic like that in a cool way I don't think so I think you just need to do it before like and like in the beginning it wasn't cool it's not cool right like there's no way to pull that off so I guess I can't blame him you think he's disappointed with that age turnout hopefully they weren't surprised by that it's like damn I thought I would have some cool swag guys he's a gap I can't even [ __ ] these kids he could be good like technically technically he could technically you can [ __ ] anything honestly if you want to get into it [ __ ] breastfeeding you could [ __ ] the breastfeeding you could figure that out someone's figured these kids are kind of worse him the oldest person a similar way it really off [Music] yeah you're right it could be in Sunset Park easily we should start our own would that be great we should move it out no but really I need a place to live so like can you do it I got 40 bucks for you I got a room for you dog team actually have a kid in Austin's living with us whole weird reality show sounds great I'd watch why is this guy in spanish back to this so they're actually I thought there's from Spain they're Spanish they speak English though rapid Spanish just to bring that like it's nice yeah like hey you can [ __ ] up you could [ __ ] a a white boy from Ohio you'd also get a little spicy and weird strange ass some strange little exotic little twink boy that's been yeah cilona oh hey we I am going to Rome for my birthday and I would love for you guys to comment you serious my birthday's on the 25th and we've been planning a holiday for it we were thinking about last month yeah okay mine is July 4th wolf your all-american what wait when are you going away you're going to Rome I think we're gonna be in Europe and then we'll go to Rome on the 3rd and stay there for like 4 days and just go fast but gang midnight boys 12 o'clock bikes up guns down you already know yo I've always actually want like Hawaii and Rome or the top of Rome is the most I've been there one time and I wanted to go since I was a little kid because I was I was always into like that [ __ ] like like the history of it yeah like the Roman Empire and the cows Wow I think we'll come I think well actually we were literally planning a vacation we share birthday everybody's gonna be there it's gonna be sick that's time we gotta Airbnb right across from the college the pictures are crazy we need to do it again Vespa gang so fun I'm coming is there a gang does that require you to wear something yellow you yellow if you want to so we need to our yellow I'll get yellow Vespers Vespa gang twelve O'Clock bikes up guards down Vespa gay let's go I I genuinely think we're gonna come nope y'all so roam on the 3rd of July 3rd yeah see you there I'll get you more detail everything that's gonna be [ __ ] if they have any haunted locations they're very like anal about like all the history like I'm sure there's hella haunted places oh come on how many people died there seriously somebody goes I lose count of them all exactly like man I ain't got time for this ghost all these ghosts stalking me I found a rock and I found a rock and my friend had a nightmare there so like I found this rock like from the street and I took it yeah and assumed the night that I got it my friend had like a nightmare that someone was like standing over his bed it wasn't even a nightmare it was like he thought someone was in the room with him how come you guys correlated that to the rock well I don't know because it's just strange that we were in this house for like four days and nothing happened and then I get this like five hundred year old rock haunted stone yeah well I mean it could be a thing ugly and so I so I put it back where'd you find the stone in the street what kind of stone was it cobblestone from the rug from the city of Europe in the city of your country of Rome Rome is my country I'm genuinely excited to go there yeah that's gonna be all gonna be good guys I've always wanted time I went we went to the Loki spots like where the capuchin monks made art out of bones and show Wow they threw all these monks because everybody was dying at that time from the Black Plague yeah something like that I think it was about me on it okay everybody was dying and they threw all these monks into a like a pile like cuz you know everybody was just dying it like an alarming rate yeah and then like the three like holiest monks are like a bunch of holy monks just wouldn't like what's the word whenever you die I don't know like decompose okay they wouldn't decompose and I'll go to this place and they still have hair like they start from like 2,000 years ago I won't and you can still see these bodies hopefully they made art out of it hopefully they still don't hide the plague on them wanna go there super sick and I'll take you to like a church so there's an 18th century Church and whenever they went there like the the head priest like kept hearing water and he was like where's this running water coming from and so they kept digging down and they found underneath that they found a 14th century church Wow and underneath the 14th century church they found a coin press 12 12th century coin press and they kept going into like a fourth century like pagan ritual site where they sacrifice bulls and then they finally found like running water like boiling water underneath like layers of buildings that stills running today it's crazy where you learn the history in that do they tell I had a guide now we could go and like yeah that's one of the coolest historical places in the world I was blown away oh my god I can't wait I'm genuinely excited and there was so much art there sick I still need to go to the like the Vatican in the Sistine Chapel they got everything there so got the food they got history they got art the most beautiful yeah we're getting I think she's on that sector she's maybe trying to sing [Music] is that your boys Cologne I think it's the first show ever it's kind of strange they rolled up for one show then a one song just one song and then they balanced it think that's it yeah just one song cuz that's all they got I hope they make an album that'll be something I'm one hand like I have to knowledge like am I going too hard on these kids they just like having fun young man how old is Jake Paul I think he's like 20 21 22 22 maybe I don't know I think he's being disrespectful just the way like the way that he came at several people interact beauty yeah what do you think is a serious artist like this is a serious to it he's he does it for a career he is good at it people like it and he's like yo yeah I'll let you have your [ __ ] spot back whenever the ballers are [ __ ] done till then this is my spot yes like five hours well we made our video wasn't on there at all buddy you're right I mean yeah you're right I mean but also it's just sour like amazingly bad the song it's like whenever Beckham black man that's true and they think it's probably hot as [ __ ] oh yeah yeah it's crazy okay good so I'm justified I'm justified I hope maybe we'll have beads I'm sure that I I'm sure they don't like me cuz I had that encounter with Logan oh yeah what happened then I told you about that right whatever I saw him at in one of notches parties one of his crazy parties the guy who made minecraft he was like the most expensive house in LA it's crazy and I ran into Logan there after I made my video with i dubs and i didn't tell you this and he goes to me basically it was mad yeah he was upset he's really upset he's next to this bright red Mustang it's like a it's like a art piece in his house and I walk up to him like oh my god it's logan paul and without thinking i wasn't trying to be rude or me and i was just trying to be funny i didn't think about it and i go up to him like hey what color is that car it's like we're bright red like how could i not say that and then he turns to me and i'm trying to shake his hand be like hey dawg it's cool right and he goes he won't shake my hand and he's like he's like doing this yeah and then he goes I fantasized about what I'd say if I ran into you then would it be late and he was he's like I think I was gonna say something about you having how you have pubes on your face and I was like that had been dug that would been really cool why did he say that first as a precursor that he was gonna be cool but I think it really hit him hard but it's like Doug you're killing it you're on top of the game like I rarely have the opportunity to punch up anymore like back in the day when we were first coming up everyone was way bigger than us so we could talk shown anybody because we were just the small pea right but now these days it's hard because I don't want to make fun of some little ass yeah it's no fun and it's just mean I never get the opportunity to punch up and these guys are killing it man they're absolutely murdering it so it's like he's actually way more successful than we are so for me I get that opportunity to like punch up make fun of someone more successful than you right so it's not like a pathetic mean thing to do and it's like that I don't know yeah you're in the spot like people are gonna goof on you no I don't know why you gotta take it so personally so I was surprised by that it was very awkward and it was very awkward luckily with one of his projects tur yeah one of the day oh he did well appreciate him i I honestly logan's from so wait you're siding with this [ __ ] please I do want to say for the record like obviously it's not real genuine hate it small part of the game right like we're just goofing around we're making fun of people you know it's why we don't know what I mean you could tell I think you can tell about a lot about that I'm the initial meeting yeah that's true I get [ __ ] talking about me all the time who talk [ __ ] about me I still met them with my face and I say what's up with that yeah but I'm a grown person yeah I think he's been famous but he was really famous on vine even before he blew up on YouTube so I can't imagine that it's the first time it's someone's Ross probably although people have been blasting Jake on like a whole new level I feel like everyone this is bad but you know everyday bro is in the top 20 most disliked videos on all of YouTube now can we see that let's see is it on you is that a chart on you yeah yeah yeah you can actually view it yep pull it up let me see how many dislikes it actually has so it's still in the posit but it has 800,000 dislikes 30 million views I mean likes you know you're killing it Jake as far as I can tell has been taking it fine I mean Logan seem to be taking a fine too because in his videos yeah yeah I thought it was cool cuz he used this edit where he's like haha my strawberry he used that one of his videos afterwards so I thought he was mean he was rolling with the punches but I guess he was took it kind of personally we need to see the comments on this let's get to number one on iTunes fam you should delete that you should erased that comment now go now um Engel is in the city sorry to break it to you Jake Paul saw saw a [ __ ] then he walked away from the mirror the other plays his song in his concentration camps YouTube commas are the worst place on this planet am I the only one waiting for one mil dislikes I can't believe people actually like the [ __ ] there's not even one nice one England is my city I'm crying this is way this is way cancer doesn't have a cure maybe why this is why people uploaded that still they don't care guys remember when Jake ball had Talent yeah me neither be honest I came to dislike and leave to even out the score which one I want to commit suicide it's so blatant it's so just straightforward easy to be honest like let's pretend this is infinite warfare trailer guys I wish I could dislike this so much you can anyway it's all hey but you know what there kill his response to hate you want to watch that new video but the thing here's the problem with their [ __ ] videos it's 24 minutes long who has time for that you probably did let's just skip to the part where dress that welcome this morning to allegations that were being made by ELISA towards me and like oh it's about the neckline of this story not interested at all seriously ah so then they're like okay normal blog we have to watch this for 20 minutes to get to the [ __ ] point this is maybe kind of a nerdy just skip to 14 minutes by the way for the record I mean the video I thought it was hilarious I was like yo what's good like my friends thought it was funny I put it online the video get off [ __ ] it he's talking about this girl ex-girlfriend oh I'm gonna watch this later yeah alright well I guess that concludes this episode of the top of the month top of the morning to you laddies yeah hope you guys enjoy it let us know cuz we'll do one of these every month we'll put together our favorite videos mmm it was a lot of fun I think it was it was great yeah I mean you know I got a little drunk I said some things that's part of doing a live [ __ ] it we'll go alive okay we'll do it I don't say something dumb at least two or three or four ten things or anything too damn good so listen let's turn it over to the live stream and see what's good over here we got again we got our beers back up yeah they're back it's popping like my collar it's popping what's the most like video Oh baby right baby bye Justin Bieber really I think so let me fund a list most disliked videos on YouTube there's nothing that's a great [ __ ] song Oh Wikipedia is a [ __ ] article though yeah Justin Bieber well he probably also has like one of the most likes to ever yeah yeah I mean so baby baby I don't know why who would go and dislike that like it's a it's a it's a hit song if it's not your thing because it's still very professional I wouldn't waste my time go just like baby baby great song I think that's the most viewed video too but what do you expect so it kind of comes what was six billion Wow look how young he is that's really surprising seven years ago whoa that's crazy I think people were still just found out about Justin here but I mean that was like the phase where it was cool to hate on him yeah I don't think maybe he gets that much I got no I [ __ ] with everything like this is a great song I mean he is he's a talented guy he's super talented super successful it's just a magnet for hate so you know take a note from the Biebs Paul boys exactly exactly I mean that guy gets more hate than anyone but he's crushing it it's crazy I saw a video with Justin Bieber getting harassed by TMZ down in uh Beverly Hills when he was shopping and you really humanized him for me he's super play a good guy he was super play super nice is that please leave me alone I'm just hanging with my dogs and they got the the tabloid guys were so [ __ ] rude what if I can find that it was I was like damn Justin Bieber seems like a decent [ __ ] guy he's a really dope dude I've known him for like a year and a half he's a really sweet guy like ever since I met him like he was just always super down-to-earth and super cool that's awesome he's a really good friend okay I think this is it yeah Justin you got some serious hot sake for hockey skills would you ever try to go pro shut up question did he say you has some serious hot sake everything about haha go away man there's got to be a better day job than this what was the deal with that guy the other day at the game you guys piece it out you can tell they've been harassing him all day to Canadian woods you sing it swamps inauguration the me like what normal human action interaction is like come on guys please leave me alone and then it's like I didn't hear you at all right great it's got to be maddening I love it it's [ __ ] brilliant everything about going pro hockey yes the series hot soccer hockey skills you would think about gold bro I can't believe you said does a film question your diva he's looking for somebody to sing that's why it's gotta be so hard being the most famous person in the world he is really like top five most famous people in the world I feel like that's why I have so much respect for him like keeping [ __ ] composure dude it's that's so true I mean like it's got to get matting and then when these guys mob you then it becomes a scene mm-hmm all the sudden you're walking around your mind your own business and he's probably low-key you get mobbed by these parasites I can't tell you like I went to I was looking at my place in Nevada right and that's a small ass little town and one kid seen me and then he calls all of his friends we literally I was shopping at the store and literally 40 of his friends show up Wow when I had to show love to all of them and I love showing love to my fans but I'm I'm one trillionth as famous as Justin and I could only imagine like the [ __ ] that he goes yeah you can't go you can't you can't do anything right anywhere yes yes a different level he's been on [ __ ] tour for like three years has he really crazy that's mad yeah surprising the indoors for that I must be exhausting he's a superhero I love that listen to me people are laughing yeah how many people are there influenced the whole not talking thing I know that was his move W years ago I'm just you know I'm just hanging out with my boy you gonna walk down the damn street right but it seems like it suddenly started he's best God because in deep I appreciate that you get him [ __ ] him up he deserves it TMZ has like been in my face before mm-hmm but they never like like hockey harassed me that's what's happening kind of here when you ask someone to leave you alone and they don't right right right in public area think so dumb questions are you asking well thank you for pointing that out alright thanks Justin oh the videos longer but then like he goes to shopping into the store and they're waiting outside for him filming the whole thing my god that's pretty crazy anyway most disliked videos do a game suck ass PewDiePie can I get 1 million dislikes Friday gangam style wrecking ball people are haters man how is it [ __ ] bop what is that I see a really great question is it a song let me just google it cuz sure what the [ __ ] is on oh wow it's got to be pretty bad well I've never seen wow look at that oh wait I feel like we're in for some gold I think so too I have to pee goddammit even guys we're taking a break [ __ ] you guys don't leave let's do it all night I mean we're until we're done we'll probably be here for another hour okay guys I'm gonna go Pete we're just getting started I'll be right back in two minutes eh wha so anyway where were we we were looking at most disliked videos of all time on YouTube and this one's like number five and we never heard of it so I'm fascinated let's give it a watch production value offer it looks I have a feeling it's Patrice I don't know why I know that's not a job maybe I'm wrong [Music] have to do [Music] say I feel so fast [Music] but psycho why die pretty wild right so I mean I don't know what what is this video mine is something crazy gonna happen victory is gonna pop out in a panda suit I just think people are hating on her I don't know oh here we go but beat at Bobby I know the lyrics but I need it out of my butt let's go Bobby got one smoking on purple clay I mean okay I mean yeah it's not my taste but go down read the comments how do i people hating so much 40 million views is quite a lot papa bless wait oh okay I was like what the [ __ ] paella wait let me go sir bye oh there German I think okay it wasn't an English phenomenon I think it was a German thing she must be some German star oh wow it's all German okay this isn't from our world well the Germans really hate this girl oh you read German I'm just saying all the comments are German so I assume all the dislikes like I think the population of Germany is like 50 million so that means like one dislike for everybody some rich dudes trophy wife and he paid for the video yeah it's all German or maybe Dutch I don't know they look very similar interesting okay well sorry lady what about the other videos sorry lady you got a lead on someone who's saying that next Friday you're at Massachusetts that's [ __ ] hilarious it's probably true that's fine we're gangam anaconda they people just hate these are all just videos with a ton of views so they get more dislikes what about that Russian song where oh wow what the [ __ ] his name in English and clearly that's a stupid statement massa and the bear how do I find this see try to find the [ __ ] Sika sooo complete wait what what video are we talking about here now this isn't at 37,000 what is this I came and find it let me do a search for this Russian business this is number 12 I find it fascinating how a whole country can just hate on one video this is it 2.2 billion so yeah but it's up there up there holy [ __ ] it's fascinating did you some random kids kidding me [Laughter] [Music] how the [ __ ] does this get 2.2 billion 2.2 billion that's a lot how many people live in Russia a shitload not 2.2 billion yeah oh it's like a silent film I know what people hating is just a normal kitchen but I don't know that I don't understand it is this is fascinating this is weird this is just weird Wow let me look at the comments yeah it's all Russian are you gonna hit a billion Congrats you're in the minority there people hate this [ __ ] wow this is really interesting Wow Nicki's on there twice Johnny Johnny yes papa you know that video 1.1 billion dislikes I don't know how these we just get a billion views oh it's an hour long [ __ ] me whoa I got time for this knees and toes get on with the Papa [ __ ] [Music] other [ __ ] does this get a billion views be an hour long till how long do you have to watch a video for it down I'm not watching this it's an hour long [Music] this is like a lance vlog alright let's take some some questions from the audience here you guys got any questions for us do a podcast with the rock yeah sure simple do it do a podcast with President Obama okay we'll work on that hi guys with Jesus Christ kids are [ __ ] I guess by the nature that's true post do you love me yeah I do confirm Jess is there any mods here this we have like no mods there's got to be someone there right well we can't expect them to like hang out here forever imagine if we just modded everyone I wonder what kind of man what do you what do you mod so mods they like moderate the chat they could put them like slow mode so you can only comment every 30 seconds they could put in subscribe mode so only subscribers they can ban people who are spamming so usually like a twitch stream like this will have like many active mods right but we don't know what we're doing so we don't know anyone of controlling this total so there's no mods oh I think it's in okay someone did I don't know someone just put in sub only mode let me end it so then we can do like that also we have let me do it let me wrap it up and then we can do the post show guys thanks for watching I think I already do it again guys thanks for watching I know it got a little messy here at the end but we have a lot of fun doing this the top of the month top of the morning to you if you guys enjoyed it will be doing every month we'll be doing it every month anyway it cuz it's tough and it's fun but I hope you guys enjoy it if you want to support us link your Amazon account with twitch and you can support us for free by subscribing every month it's a beautiful wonderful thing or by some of our March at represent com4 / h3 street and you can get this amazing shirt thanks for joining us we love you we appreciate you and we will be seeing you next time bye guys okay that's where we cut mmm-hmm now we're slamming bye we do have mods peepee nerd yeah yes someone moderated and snipers snipers always monks was he my god he's one of our old YouTube friends he's like and I don't know if he invented but he's like the grandfather of remember MLG mmm-hmm montages yeah snipers he was like the big boy in that damn oh [ __ ] cataclysmic disaster yeah I'm real big knife said he's been here the whole time god bless you Snipes god bless you Snipes and I would love you just a 360 double-wide noscope crossed Matt meet ya right into my heart he did that actually he makes some here's a fashion line called pearly whites I gave you yeah super super dope birdly right yeah he's a cool guy real interesting guy you went for making montage parodies to fashion yeah interesting guy aware of many hats he's a hat boy well I'm kind of exhausted [ __ ] there's been a long one hmm we got a letter our life switcher off feel bad for him mostly have you snipers snipe ours it's my fires yeah I want to get Tai Lopez on I see people saying that I think we'll get tie on to all right I think I'm gonna end it guys it's been a joy it's been a lot of fun thanks for coming out and joining us this was a real fun experiment it was fun it was a lot of fun we had a couple moments we had old situations that's that's so that's so yes but no longest dream ever I'm exhausted shits how long will I like for five hours five hours Christ I'll night I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and be good stay tuned thanks for supporting us you guys are the yeah and ethan ela are dropping for new videos tomorrow doesn't work like that alright guys it takes us a lot man our new video it was I was crying I didn't leave the house for like three days you're busy you guys are the best thanks for joining us there's been a lot of fun we'll see you guys next Friday love it love being here caught it
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 7,175,575
Rating: 4.7079926 out of 5
Keywords: jake paul, lance stewart, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila, top of the month
Id: Z9U9TJ4W26k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 39sec (11859 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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