H3 Podcast #23 - I've Lost All Respect For You ... (Top Of The Week)

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Nisam mogao vjerovati kad sam poceo gledati ispocetka. #kojikurac

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/cafefefe 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

Jeben je braco :D Ja i frend cemo ici sljedeci mjesec na njega i jedva cekam. Dvije godine znam za njega, i od tada hoću da pogledam u njehove lepe smeđe oči. Ali mi nije jasno kako je uspio postati tako popularan. Kako netko odluci podrzavati covjeka koji 3 sata samo gleda u gomilu, i kako se od toga stvori profit. Kako je on otkrio svoju supermoć, itd. Interesantno dosta

Ali s druge strane, stvarno ima suosjecajne oči, njegov pogled kao da vraća vrijednost čovjeku

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Jebate Braco prvi put cujem za njega.

A da cu ga cut od H3H3, to nisam ocekivao.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/xan1242 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Može neki tl;dw;?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DarkoVader 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Samo naivci idu ovom braci

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Nvidia1060croatia 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2017 🗫︎ replies


Najbolje mi je kaj lik drži Skype "seminare". Možeš platit da gledaš u lika putem Skypea, pa kud ide ovaj svijet?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] that's all [Music] that's how you look at me abroad so are you doing that's a me were they then I didn't ask him to do that do not do not know I'm more worried about this this is holy you don't [ __ ] with it dead stop zooming on his eyes this is against God idiot so guys what you're looking at right now is the gaze of miracles Manson okay you can fade out that's close that was brought so the gaze of miracles now this is a guy we've spoken about before he is Croatian and he has this great little scheme where he'll he just stares at you it's called he's called the gaze of miracles and it's a healing session yeah it's a healing session it heals cancer heals you know heal your broken teeth broken teeth yeah fathers if your dad didn't love you it heals that yeah you go back in time basically it fills you with the love of 30 years of a father and one gays know the the greatest thing about it is that you can do it over Skype oh yeah I mean we've we've goofed on this guy before but he has actually Skype livestream sessions and so I thought it would be nice way to start this episode with a little brat so gays so I hope you felt the miracles the power of miracles in the rest on to you thanks for joining us today on the h3 podcast welcome to day we have got the top of the week where we just hang out and kick it and act like you know it's all good even though it's not it's just I know what that means twitch and chill twitch and chill like Netflix in this episode is sponsored by seed cake god bless them more about that later and of course all of our loyal wonderful subscribers here on twitch if you're subscribed on Twitch prime by connecting your Amazon Prime account which I know you all have you get a free subscription they're not paying me I just love the free money doesn't cost you anything oh you're Jill everybody loves free money oh god you're trying to make money from working you jus everybody loves money sell out either you're selling aren't you well you know what [ __ ] it I'm both so smashed that twitch frying button and if you want to help out the show another way to help out is to go on hop on over to iTunes and leave a review right away yeah that helps us you know helps us a lot cuz say what up and say 8 you know just just let go then we're out here gazing with brats though so I've got a lot planned for us to go over today it's gonna be a lot of fun first of all I just want to talk about what we've got planned for Thursday we're moving the main show from Friday the Thursday this week only this week only this week because we are going to Vegas with post Malone on Friday mornings because we're gonna go catch the big fight between Conor McGregor Connor Murphy and Floyd Mayweather we're actually not gonna be there because I think it costs like fifty thousand dollars for like a nosebleed seat like I swear to god Dan can you research what it costs for one of those tickets so we're probably gonna be in a bar somewhere but I'm definitely gonna bet on it yeah so that the spread right now was like twenty to one in favor of Mayweather because it's a boxing match and Conor is an MMA fighter and so I think most people hold correctly that he has absolutely no chance of winning so that means if you bet $100 on mate Danah are you trying to [ __ ] ruin my life for what you're playing [ __ ] what are you doing Christ researching the fight in this [ __ ] has autoplay do you have an answer for you the cheap seats are only 500 bucks not that bad oh and what is it really sold out though what does it range up to that's frankly I know that's still intermediary it doesn't say what them I'm sure ringside is like tens of thousands are at me thank you voice of God mm-hmm I love it voice of God just different sounds answers on me this word we call them and this word so anyway what was I talking about just that we're gonna be watching it yeah we're so anyway if you bet $100 on Mayweather and you win that means you make like $5.00 hmm so you have the bet wait that doesn't make sense you have to bet 20 times basically for every $20 you bet you get $1 winning so if I bet $20 I win $1 so you only that doesn't make sense your honor lose money you win a little money cuz he's so favored to win the fight it's 20 to 1 odds that he's gonna win I'm not sure the exact odds I'm just telling you it's something like that so it's like you do you bet $100 on Mayweather and won 5 bucks because if you bet $100 on McGregor and he wins then you're making like frickin $2,000 so okay I see oh I see so you you're winning 21 okay 22 1 yeah but you'll have like $21 it's not like you're losing money no you don't lose yeah you'll end up with 21 dollars but you're risking 24 the chance of winning $1 what's the point right yeah so I don't know I don't know if I should bet on McGregor for the big four that like double green you know maybe I'll hedge my bet maybe I'll play both sides anyway I'm excited is going be fun we're gonna go get smashed play some black checks gonna be a lot of fun then on Thursday you guys remember Skippy the 34 year old virgin it was a last video on h3 so I've been in talking with him I've been trying to figure out how can we include him in the show and I think we've got the perfect idea so you guys all remember Rian Johnson is right that the incredible really gifted pickup artist and rapper he's a mean he's a Renaissance man he's a rapper he's a pickup artist he's he started his own religion yeah he's he owns a cult parently any [ __ ] like crazy gonna get me it's also just a businessman and an author anyway I said you're making fun of them but he's God anyway so we're gonna get them both on the phone together because I want Ryan John CMAs to coach Skippy on how to get a girl and then eventually in the following week I want to bring them both down to LA and get them together on the street picking up girls together picking up hot stripper [ __ ] at Whole Foods in the words of Ryan Jones Miss M which is something we've done together so that's my and then eventually you guys well I don't know if I want to give away the big twist but the goal is to get Skippy late essentially here at the h3 podcast we believe in the advancement of all humanity all social you know pursuits many have called a social justice warriors and I think many will after this because my social justice is getting Skippy like that's a horrible idea no it's a great idea you're all you're all it's a horrible idea I'd watch I though just to be clear we're not they're not coming here this isn't gonna be a call well the first one's gonna be a call then they're coming down here and I swear to you now Skippy's getting laid that's my goal oh I don't care if you think that's horrible it's gonna be entertaining and that's why we're doing it who oh who suffers Skippy will the girl the girl suffers but she's gonna do it willingly I'm not gonna dumb to rape somebody clearly there's consent involved if you don't think that's gonna be entertaining then you're lying to yourself did Ryan confirm though mm-hmm it's not even comfort haven't heard from Ryan but he'll say yes anyway and then that that moves me on to my next comment I've been meaning to tell you talked to you about this Gila I've lost all respect for you sorry it's true Danny are you laughing out there I've lost all respect for you as well and myself I've lost all respect for myself hashtag new meme alert man I I don't know what's up with this podcast but it brings out like in terms of our fans or the people who comment and participate oh god it's like I've seen this comment like a thousand times since we started doing the podcast regulates that I've lost all respect for you I remember the context of one of them was like um I was talking about the AI stuff in the last top of the week and one of the top comments like on somewhere I remember where was Ethan needs to do more research on this and frankly I've lost all respect for him that's it after three years of hanging out and doing this [ __ ] together that's what it was this is no way you tell like a rapist or pedophile I lost more respect for you I spent what about me because apparently they thought I was using Internet Explorer on my laptop that's a joke no but they were kind of serious at the same time stuff like like how could you using lost oh well this is Betty but I wasn't even using it was an accident okay there was this other one like yeah just basically when you're talking for three hours and you get something a little bit wrong that you you watch for three hours and you're like man I disagree with that I need to go in the comments right I've lost all respect for Ethan like dude we've been through [ __ ] together that's it I swear to god I've seen that so many times or like last on the interview with Jake Paul Ethan was too nice to Jake I've lost all respect for him or Ethan was to Harsanyi all respect for him oh wow Ethan talked about face banks listened talked with that about I've lost all respect for him Ethan Ethan about I've lost all respect all respect it's all gone all the respect is gone so [ __ ] like can we reserve that saying for something a little more serious Simon this is a John Oliver joke Simon you raped my little brother I've lost all respect for you that's an appropriate time to use that not you made some factual some so some of your research wasn't wasn't performed that the best it could I've lost all respect for you [Laughter] yeah I'm triggered so what that's just crazy like doing this podcast it exposes your self yeah when you make a h3 video you're editing it down perfectly representing yourself into a ten minute clip yeah you can choose right you say something in a few different ways you can choose the best way you said it right yeah daddy thing is just like so it's such a big part of it and you know what you're saying you're talking about something but here on the podcast you talk for three hours it's live it's unedited so basically it's just so much more raw and you're so much more exposed to the judgment of those people watching and it's like people just [ __ ] lose all respect to you yeah I mean that's that's it but it's it's hard on me and heal emotionally too because we're opening ourselves up in a way that we never had that's why I like the putt cuz because it's challenging it makes me uncomfortable but on the other hand you know I I am it's an interesting experience yeah frankly I lost all respect for myself sheesh but I know that there's people out there who enjoy it so thank you to you guys where we're working hard to make it better every week like it's super important to me I am I have really high goals and dreams for what this show here can become and I hope that you guys see the improvement we're working really hard to to bring that to you and I mean we're gonna get skip dick what if that's not the pinnacle I don't know what it oh that's inappropriate I've lost all respect just watch it's gonna be great it's definitely making my skin thicker though being on YouTube making YouTube videos makes your skin thick to one degree but doing this you're like [ __ ] Colossus from the x-men but you're already thick [Laughter] I'm thick but I am still very sensitive all right let's move it on what the [ __ ] else I got to talk about talked with Ethan and Moe Bradbury we're gonna actually at long last get them in here I don't know I'm a date yet but I'm up [Music] we're gonna get them in here and that's good I just realized if they come here we need to set up a red carpet for them is that a meme no we need a red carpet for them but is that just is that reference or something or no it's like we need Dan doing handheld one of these cameras with them yeah we should have like 20 extras clapping just bring fans in you clap for them and then dance on the sand board spamming slamming so anyway but you know with all that complaining I have I do have to say that I was actually looking forward to Tuesday this weekend mm-hm which is a really cool good sign yeah usually I don't look forward to making videos cuz it's like I don't know I just don't look forward to it I kind of dread it honestly because it's see much or stressful yeah but this I was actually looking forward to doing so I think that's a good sign found out we were nominated for a Streamy award in comedy but I'm a little confused it's streamys one of the ones where you have to beg your fans to vote for you well the real question is is there an award show where you don't for like the web stuff not I mean yeah that is yeah does it exist I don't know because I know there's these award show like last year fouseytube like swept it and it's like all it is is just a competition to see who can beg their fans the most shamelessly to go vote for them 20 times and then if the company was giving out the award is just like has like pop ups and all the spammy ads on their website this is a total scheme to market the award company I don't know if the streamys does that dan can you research that without playing what a commercial what is that oh Sh award show for like web stuff streamys and the shorties the shorties yeah I think they they're the same no well if streamys doesn't do it so by like a group a secret group that's legit mm-hmm but the voting thing really takes like really rubs me wrong it's just such a scheme you know nice trying to see if anyone in the chat knows about it I submit I just looked it up and it looks like it's completely vote based even the nominations which I guess means some of your fans wait really the nominations are vote based on their website there's like a place where you can submit nominations it looks like hmm and it's complete so people can go vote for us for comedy so that's such a scheme because I looked online and it said though it said it was done by a group of people that's I feel like all this internet award shows they're all they all do the same thing they just rely on you doing your own marketing for them exactly whoever can promote our company the most well we know a meaningless award yeah thanks for making us a hundred thousand dollars plus and advertising and earlier brand the things that everyone wants to win an award so it's like I'm not blaming anyone for yes going along with it you know no but it's a it's a little scheme yeah - total scheme so anyway shout out to the [ __ ] shorties that's really don't go there screaming louder all right I got a video for you guys to watch Jordan's first pitch some of you guys may have seen this if you have or haven't it's definitely washing I mean this is just one of my favorite videos to come out of this whole year so you know about the first pitch right EULA mmm so whenever you open a baseball game you have someone of note or a public figure or okay you're talking about me I know I know come and throw the first pitch to open the game right so in this in this case they had this guy Jordan don't know who he is but he's someone very important throw the first pitch spontaneously made is mad dash around the bases running for the first time under his own power after years of treatment at the Jimmy Fund now a 17 year old right-handed pitcher at Barnstable high school on Cape Cod welcome back Jordan I played football so this kid is an inspiration I guess he had some kind of surgery and he ran for himself around the field what an inspiration so he's back to the first pitch [Music] get aboard walk out to the field everyone's lined up pay their respects to this God Jordan he's got to speak into the red carpet going down one he looks confident he looks cool a chewing gum he's a total badass this guy's thrown a couple balls in this time he looks like [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you're listening to this through a really juicy curve ball that way to the right side of the catcher and hit some cameraman in the nuts no laughter where you guys at it's a [ __ ] classic nut shot give me a break here this is gold tough crowd huh man after our show yesterday after the Jake Paul show we had a really traumatic experience [ __ ] we're moving to a new house and I called LA power and electric to change our address mm-hmm to cancel the service at our old house and to move into our new house and I gave them in September the date when we move out edie we came back after the the Jake Paul podcast and there was no power and no water who was completely shut down they came a month early to our house when nobody was and they did a hard shutoff on all of our services and just to give you a little perspective we just had our trash cans put out on the street because that was the day that they like empty them mm-hmm so I just before walking into the house we both just pulled the trash cans back to their spot so we just touched the trash cans which are disgusting and was just waiting to wash our hands as soon as we get into the house why walked in I tried to soak my hands and then there's no water it got to be one of the worst feelings in the world so I call them up I don't know what's with government workers but they are all so worthless I call them up I'm like yell you guys turned off my frickin power and everything my gas my power my water a month early well thank you for calling us mr. Klein I understand you're having a little bit of emergency let me ask a like this to her supervisor or no she talks to her supervisor she's like my supervisor is reviewing the call to see if it was our mistake of yours yeah to see if you said September or August I'm like all right I mean that's fine cuz I do want to know if I said it right or not but in the other hand it's like are you knock are you just not gonna help me if it wasn't my fault yeah she's gonna make me sit here with no electricity and water which century yes yes yeah they're like if it's not our fault we can't get to you for like a week I'm like thanks dude I'm glad I'm paying my [ __ ] taxes let's come turn my [ __ ] on my human being I've got needs I just took a [ __ ] might old I get flush it dude that beads so she goes she puts me on hold for like 20 minutes her managers listening to the call she comes back she says hi my manager just listened to the call and you did in fact say August we listened to it you said August I was like no I couldn't believe it he says no way let me talk to your supervisor and let me hear that tape well mister she clearly heard August and that's I'm afraid that's all I can do for you so so Ethan said okay fine but please send me a copy of that tape I want to hear it for myself right and then she was like okay you know I will listen to it again I'm insisting that they send me that the copy of the conversation so meanwhile when I keep pushing she's like you know what you know what my manager she's actually still listening to the call yeah I'm like okay so he puts me back on hold she comes back five minutes later and she's like you know what the recording was really low so she couldn't hear it very well but we've actually you did say September so it's an art mistake and meanwhile Neal is looking at me like you [ __ ] up and I'm starting in my own head like did I [ __ ] up because Nathan was on the phone with them and so well this lazy [ __ ] did they even listen to the call oh it was low you did say September that doesn't make any sense after you insist on getting a copy yeah you [ __ ] kidding me so so then anyway I had to I had to wait for them for three hours it was already dark so I just set in our car because Ethan had to go what we were supposed to go to a meeting together yeah but they're like I can only do it now and you have to be there oh this is the next part the person I'm talking to the lady was like my supervisor was listening the tape I was like do we have to be there she's like no as long as there's access were like great so we start heading out and then someone else calls me to confirm the appointment and she's like somebody has to be there I was like what do you guys talk to each other so they have to go back drop off ela who sits in the dark in our driveway yeah for three hours and a brie is just sitting in the darkness what are you doing there I was just I'm and my phone battery was dying yeah all great never washed my hands she survived by the way she never washed her hands [ __ ] isn't have Ebola you survived so that was a little drama we had these the people running are our world at least they did fix it at the end they did fix it in then we did have power oh man oh man I'm telling you I'm not saying no no I was right it was gonna be a whole weekend like that cuz they all so I was right before the week yeah I was just about to incite domestic terrorism but they lent a joking matter but I think probably not the best climate to make those jokes just imagine I had made a joke about an domestic terror against government I like that Felix PewDiePie yeah just said that - because before it was like I'm just making jokes about you know Nazi stuff but I'm obviously I'm not in Nazi but it seems like now you in this climate you chose jokes like don't you know what it loved me Felix made this video where he's like okay I'm gonna finally do this even though it's stupid I'm denouncing these people mm-hm and guess guess what YouTube trended that video yeah of all the videos he's made in the past six months since that whole should happen there like this is all algorithmic the trending we're gonna trend this video I got more to say about that later but I do have an important story to tell actually you know what but we can talk about the trending now cuz I was just gonna say whenever you ask YouTube how do they choose what goes on trending they say it's just an algorithm and it depends on how much the video was shared across the internet like if it was shared on some other sites right but then you see videos trending that no there's no way that they were shirt anywhere NBC News Jeff Dunham talks about is why peanut well if they won't trend up a superwoman this new video with 200 views is trending again not even inherit you really see like you really see some dumb ones there shut up over there now the trending list is such [ __ ] so anyway the thing is that our podcast with Jake Paul was basically let's see here oh my god actually we're worried so we are trending and well you know I'll get to that in a sec we're skipping ahead I've got this all planned out okay was the first thing I wanted to do before we get into that because I want to talk about that and I want to talk about all the content ID frickin bull crap we went through too but there's something really important we need to before that which is neighbors have a broom fight this dude is holding a broom I know this lady's thing she's got a can of spray paint and she's tagging up his property this dude upstairs is filming she's got like a white spray paint she's tagging up his Bush so why you was upstairs filming she's tagging I was BBQ this guy gives chase and after with this every time she tags in loud the hold on this is building up something special don't discern I'm telling you this [ __ ] pays off so now she's now she's walking out with the broom handle and you know shits about to go down stop what's the new Star Wars come out the last Jedi this is that this is a official preview look at this show off dude this is like an old western showdown so she's walking out with spray paint one hand and the mop and another one and homies coming out with this broom now to confront her she's got our grinder back like a badass she's ready to go Shogun on her this is [ __ ] enter the 21 chamber some ninja [ __ ] pay off and build up - that was so good when she comes like walking out with their own broom handle and you realize you have a good old-fashioned like samurai battle watch this [Music] you know I love the devolution it's such a great pace story of good and evil as soon as you walk down with that room so good and she's oh man all right let's move it on so anyway let's get serious what the [ __ ] were you talking about oh yeah I have a really serious story this is really serious I'm not kidding like I know we joke here I know like you come here to have fun and laugh and forget about your troubles but this one's kind of important so just you know listen up what you got so the other day right before Jake Paul I went in the bathroom take his [ __ ] okay so what some of us have heard some of you may have heard this story but I didn't say it officially on the podcast I said it immediately after I came back but I think it's important to share with the world at large I was taking a [ __ ] right before I don't know what's with my body I've heard people saying that they never [ __ ] at work because their body's like oh I need to be in my natural habitat and I love that as a philosophy but every time I step foot in the office I'm ready to [ __ ] my pants Hayden two-minute like 45 seconds before that launch clock was about to hit I was walking in with a little toilet paper hanging out my underwear anyway I mean they're taking a [ __ ] and these two white collar businessman walking talking amongst themselves talking about golf they sound like really rich to do guys right ones at the urinal one hits the stall right next to him and he starts blasting ass like sometimes you take a [ __ ] it comes out like silently delicately it gets cups into the water and it's like a perfect 10 at at an Olympic dive no splash sometimes you [ __ ] squirt mic and this guy was squirting right like sometimes you squirt so bad that [ __ ] gets on your butt cheeks not just your [ __ ] but your butt cheeks okay okay that was I'm just trying to illustrate the the severity of the [ __ ] he was having so he walks in and eally drops trou blasts their can their conversation doesn't miss a beat once on the urinal ones on the [ __ ] doesn't miss a beat they keep talking about golf his friend at the urinal finishes goes to the sink to wash his hands the friend on the [ __ ] who was blasting else finishes at the same time he doesn't reach for toilet paper he I swear to god it was like a thirty seconds and then he he lifts back up his trousers that is I'm unbelievable didn't wipe didn't wipe no no he didn't reach for one single square mm-hmm exits the stall and they leave the bathroom together I don't even think he washed his hands and that the weird part is like if you're a weirdo and you don't wipe your ass why would you do it why would you make your friend an accomplice to that right I have never seen anything like that oh Sh act I was in there like I was in there just absolutely losing my mind you know and you're still disturbed by it well I had yes the the Tuesday episode is really more like therapy then you guys get it out and frankly I lost all respect for those guys oh I know what did they do in the building cuz he didn't wash his hands or wipe the worst part yeah hmm he's probably a chiropractor but that's what I was wondering like how dude dude [ __ ] their pants how do they get streak marks and I guess there's people out there who just straight up and don't wipe then he gives us dirty whites - his wife is like here's honey there's a fire shit-stained of dirty whites I didn't think those people existed I don't know that's why the bathrooms so [ __ ] cool is it because when you're in a stall and when I'm in there I'm quiet nobody knows I'm there I'm like a [ __ ] ghost mm-hmm you know and you get this you see people in a very intimate setting or like you're like oh damn what's going on in here it's like a I feel like you could do and see that way I tried don't do this faster than I can and leave but you never you don't really to see people and the [ __ ] like it's a very private mm-hmm and you're doing in a public place I feel like if you're a sociologist you could set up a really profound experiment there I think Joey salads could set up a really profound I think he has actually there's this more pranks that pranksters do that I actually think is funny and horrible a you know assuming that it's not set up they do it where they'll going to stall next to so much [ __ ] and then like wipe Nutella on their shoes that they'll be like hey do you can do you have extra toilet paper oh yeah and they hand the role under words and they wipe Nutella on their hand as they grab the roll it's got to be set up though it's gotta be yeah but I have seen that or they are the worst ones that will actually wipe it on their shoes right who did that we saw that some some piece-of-shit monsters YouTube pranksters which is why it has to be set up there's nothing so yeah I think so I'd like to think so here's something that women don't go through that guys do go through sometimes because I wear sandals a lot I'll stand next to a guy a urinal Oh God [ __ ] urine splashes on my [ __ ] feet dude that you I'm telling you it happens and it's horrifying I'm just giving you the realities of what life is out there EULA but I'm sure it's weird [ __ ] goes on the women's bathroom no really for like what periods well yeah but what like sometimes I'll walk into like in college we had a co-ed bathroom and I remember sometimes there would be like the remnants of a period in the toilet and like there's a blood like pool of red blood at the bottom cuz it's heavier than water I guess but it's not on your feet yeah exactly that's what I mean there's no like interaction no that's that's pretty much as bad as it gets it could be really messy sometimes in the women's bathroom during the like you like the I [ __ ] some of it it's more messy than the men's bathroom mm-hmm but there's no interaction no period blood squirted on your you know yeah that sounds a lot worse somehow that's upward now that's probably the worst thing is when another dudes urine splash on my feet it's just like dude wow like you can't blame them either that's the thing they're not [ __ ] up it's a shitty bathroom I'm telling you man this is therapy this is good for me you guys are incidental to this so anyway what else we got oh you guys I'm sure you all heard about the solar eclipse yeah then whatever eclipse whatever it was actually really cool we woke up that morning it was yesterday right Yeah right right right whatever yeah yeah it was a it was this week it was yesterday optional let's say it was yesterday and I woke up I didn't see the Eclipse cuz I didn't have the space goggles that apparently sold out by the way can we observe can we just acknowledge how those space goggle people made a killing made a billion dollars from those space goggles probably cost like five cents to make that [ __ ] they're sold out in the whole country you can't buy space goggles so I wasn't able to actually view it but the lighting was really eerie and spooky like it was just super unnatural feeling yeah it was weird like it was it was like normal but weird I don't know how to it was just dark but it felt dust like dusty and murky but there was a clear I'm dark at the same time but here somebody did actually get a video because this is in LA so we had about a 70% to a total eclipse but here's a video I found of somebody who had a total eclipse um and it was really cool to watch really awesome and very fascinating more fascinating than anything really fascinating even all the podcast is Ethan saying fascinating I've lost all respect for that sounds like a that sounds like it it sounds like a joke but I swear to God that was an ironic comment I saw alright so is there sound in this I guess there's no sound but anyway you can see here I'm showing a video of the moment that it becomes a total eclipse I'm not sure this for somewhere in the path where it's probably close to 100% here you go it's just turning in tonight it's so bizarre dan can you play the brought some music look at this it's so cool so cool it's just you can see all that looks so badass seriously it's just straight-up nighttime the the lights are on on the street it looks like it's 8:00 a p.m. really cool and that's as dope there's this one picture that came out of the Eclipse this picture is unreal look at this you see the [ __ ] it's a plane driving right as the total eclipse is about to occur perfectly geometric it looks like a sword yeah that's I thought I didn't know what I was looking at I saw him reddit the guy who took it was by sheer accident apparently but that's got to be one of the coolest pictures ever taken if we're all if we all perish and I wish I saw it yeah that does look pretty awesome I don't think it looks quite like that these are like gum special telescopes and some but if we perish you know this is pretty cool we got to observe that what else we got as a little traumatic there's a little [ __ ] dramatic how do I remove this I got it what else I got a bunch of really cool oh yeah this is another thing this is so cool about total solar eclipses if you guys have seen this like basically if you look at shadows of a tree during the total eclipse what you're seeing is a projection of the eclipse and the concept behind it is really cool because essentially right gets so small then it's like it's kind of like a camera effect is that what it is well what it's kind of exhibiting is that you just when you look at a wall during a normal son it's just flooded with light it's just one consistent light but it actually consists of a ton of light beams individual light beams and so this is what it's showing you can actually now see the individual light beams with the Eclipse here because it's broken the light is broken in half I didn't really understand that's it's so we're such so trippy mad you mean like a Native American and seeing this [ __ ] like no wonder they have all these superstitious beliefs and so it's basically I've learned about it in the art school it's kind of like what happens inside a camera basically right it's a when you close the shutter right or the iris you can do don't like in your house for example if you in a room and you make it all dark and on a window like cover it so it's completely dark but leave one tiny hole you'll get on if you have like a window and like a wall across from it if you leave just a tiny hole in the window on the wall you'll get a reflection of the street and it's upside down right ya can try it at home it's so cool and that's how the classic painters used to paint right yeah they would cheat they would get a reflection do a little hole in the wall and and trace over it yeah [ __ ] cheaters Leonardo DiCaprio art and I'll end it there I'll Chuck I'll stop trying to sound smart after that one here's another picture this is middle of the day that is the moon right in the middle of the Sun in the middle of the day and it's pitch black yeah it's really cool anyway you guys know how it works you guys know how that [ __ ] works so but something that I did find funny was that Neil smoked deGrasse Tyson made it sweet a couple days ago he's like told ya I don't know cuz there was like a huge mania like it was a frenzy it's almost annoying like every person I ran into on the street was like are you gonna watch the solar eclipse like no I'm not I'm here you know I get to do it's just like I wish I traveled somewhere but you see are you trying are you are you traveling to Ohio mm-hmm well apparently in these places the path of the total solar eclipse there was like millions of people yeah well anyway Neil the Neil smoked deGrasse Tyson said total solar eclipse occurs somewhere on earth every two years so just calm yourself when people tell you they're rare mm-hmm so I guess it's not that big of a deal although just to explain what like they occur somewhere on earth so you're not flying to Indonesia yeah in two years or wherever it's gonna be next or the middle of the Pacific it so happens I think the last one that occurred over the United States was 40 years ago so why don't you back the [ __ ] off and not be such a wet towel I love the solar eclipse I'm an eclipse boy I like that too it you like that tweet you would you guys are professional haters anyway he does have a point just a little just a little perspective what else oh let's not let's think seeking SeatGeek really fast thank you to our sponsor what happened oh my computer just restarted that's nice man this thing's a piece of crap can you hear me is everything all right Dan yeah you're good okay yeah the computers okay thank you so much to our sponsor today seat geek seat geek is an app that aggregates tickets to live events from all over the web to make buying simple they put a zero hundred score on each ticket to let you know if you're getting a good deal or a bad deal the good ones are green and the bad ones are red here's my favorite part if you order a seat the app basically lets you see the view from your seat if you get a Dodgers ticket or a sporting event you can actually get the view from that seat and understand exactly where you're sitting and see a stadium so you know if it's a good or bad seat and let me tell you what else okay if you head on over to seat geek and use code they don't have a custom URL there's a link in the description if you use code h3h3 you get $20 off your first order there's a link in the description dan you should be spamming a tube for twitch it's not a I mean basically you just get the app you download the app use CODIS yeah it's not a condom I'm actually a huge fan of ckick because there's so many shady predatory ticket agents out there yeah they're like oh you uh the tickets are $10 but the service fee is a thousand god I hate taking math ticket companies but ckick is one of the good ones so if you are in the market to hit up and event anything they've got everything there and you want to support the show head on over to seat geek and use code h3h3 click the link in the description to help support the show and get yourself some great tickets with $20 off your first order thank you to ckick alright my computer flippin shrekt I was about to talk about the Content ID [ __ ] on the Jake Paul episode mm-hmm that was such a nightmare actually I need to get water I can't take a break those I'm not logged in my computer died what does that matter I need water essentially is what I'm saying you are so you are are you logged in uh and then is lawyer you logged in so just you have to do over a little bit of frankensteining here but I'll just say we will be back NH well do we even need that for the Youtube version this isn't because you're there's no break it's just like a cut no yeah we don't need it just say to the people watching right now I think they know about the people watching I'm gonna take a short break to get some water I think I'm I'm back alright st. and just hang back here one sec guys why does my computer die if I lift it a little bit I think I'm gonna call that a design flaw this isn't the first time all right we'll be back in a short two minutes guys stay tuned we are got more spicy hot schmutz on the way [Music] oh yeah let me hear you best matzo let me hear you to proclaim the name of bronze oh there was only one case that lost all respect for you're not gonna give me a brats oh [ __ ] you guys not alright alright soon pull it out mm-hm we've got enough Kaazing hope you guys are feeling reinvigorated after that gaze and I am ready to jump right in so where were we basically yeah so we did the Jake Paul episode last last week I think I went really well I was happy with the way it went the amount of complaining is is crazy like I don't know what people people are complaining that I'm going to easy on him and that they've lost all respect for him me emphasize on all respect loss all respect respect but the thing is do you guys really want like me just to come in here and berate him I mean this is a place to have an actual conversation my goal here when I have a guest like Jake Paul is to give you an insight to what kind of person he actually is and he does that by answering questions right yeah and sometimes like when with the post Malone thing he kind of gives me a [ __ ] answer and that's when I can move on them to make some kind of confrontation right but the whole point is to have a mature conversation if you're if you're here for any other reason then I've lost all respect for you frankly I mean it's just we're all people you know we can't it's not like he's just an enemy and we're just gonna be mean to him right obviously we disagree with a lot of stuff he does and the way we creates his content but that doesn't mean you know this is a war that he's gonna walk into he's still person and I think that's the most interesting thing me when we have a guest like that what excites me is to humanize this person for better or worse right like if they're full of [ __ ] I will call them on it but I want to humanize them I want them to see I want you to see them as a person because they are and that's interesting mm-hmm I think that's interesting and that's not even the main point the mayor mean that is the main point but other things to consider is if we bring every guest here that we disagree with and just berate them who's gonna want to ever come on our show yeah it's ridiculous but that's anyway so we we upload that and usually we we post the vaad to YouTube like a day later or two days later and what happened because we have to do some post-production on it we have to export it we have to upload it to YouTube what happens is that people on Twitch are able to rip clips from our live stream and post it on YouTube first and I've never went through such a cancer like YouTube is so [ __ ] oh my god so one dude like there was like a thousand bootleg clips with the tons of use arranging from you know three minutes up to the whole of the whole two hours one of them was like a six minute clip of us talking about him daxing post Malone and that video was uploaded well before our official one and it received like four million views in 24 hours and I wrote to you there's like a friggin sirens outside I wrote to YouTube basically immediately when I noticed it and I said please remove this video and some fringing on my copyright it was just a ripoff there was nothing added so obviously it was a copyright violation competing with our own video and they respond after 10 hours this video already has 10 million views and they says we need more information from you proving this is your video that's 10 hours in it's already has 4 million views it's trending YouTube even trended this video in like where was it Canada where in some country they actually trended this ripped off clip and I spoke to after like 20 hours we finally got it removed but I like this I'm emailing them from the official HTTP podcast email and they need more information from me to prove it's my clip I says okay so this guy ripped off three million views he's probably made three to five thousand dollars from that like what can we do about that and my rep says this well the only way you can get that is to ask him ask the guy who ripped it off nicely look are you [ __ ] kidding me it's interesting to get the perspective of both sides because I've always been on the side of like abusers copyright holders but now to be on the side of a copyright holder who's being [ __ ] over by somebody is really interesting the only way you can get your money back from this theft it's that easy to scam on YouTube yep that's why there's so many people who do it it's crazy so our video wasn't on YouTube and then algorithmically YouTube thinks that this pirated clip is the original one of the podcast because arson isn't up there yet so they think ours is a derivative of the one that that guy ripped off from us so it's getting promoted it's being suggested it's being on the homepage and all that [ __ ] that our media actually isn't getting because it's considered a derivative it took 12 hours to get it removed and we don't get any of that money back it was so uh and it was so frustrating I was just really shocked every time we talked to people at YouTube they all know I still know what we do they're all fans right they always say oh we're fans but then it's like do you guys see that there's a re-up load of our show being trended right now and getting four million views is nobody seeing it I don't understand I love that the reupload gets trended and ours of course is nowhere well that's not quite true actually so we have this theory that our our pot are not just our podcasts our whole brand is completely banned from trending the last time we were trended was basically before the humongous that whole story broke and I swear to God I have a conspiracy theory that our channel got on the [ __ ] list because of our stance to defend humongous and we got marked as like a hate channel mm-hmm or a drama channel or something like that and we got we got totally [ __ ] where our channel wasn't showing up on the homepage it wasn't showing up and related wasn't showing up in the sidebar and recently I did speak with some of that YouTube who seems to have resolved that for us but I think we're banned from trending because it wasn't before then and nothing of ours so let me put this in perspective for you the podcast was number one trending in Canada and this is a pattern what the [ __ ] is this screenshot that is so worthless what is this that is not related to anything what the hell was that hold on maybe this one's it yeah here you go so I see this all the time our videos trending in Canada Australia the UK but never in the United States it's been at least a year yeah we haven't been on the trending in the US so this was the podcast was trending number one in Canada it was trending in Iceland it was trending in Sweden these are all screenshots people sent us it's trending in Latvia it was trending in Germany this podcast but I don't know I'm so over you too man there's so many problems and I and I really think that the management of YouTube is just is run by ideological [ __ ] zealots like this should be a democratic platform based on people what and wants to be seen as shown I mean they own the company they have the right to do ever they want but they're there it's tricky about it the operating shadow the trending page is just at least like yeah be transparent about what's happening there they can't mean you know why because the same thing with the Google memo because what they're doing is probably illegal or at best very unscrupulous mm-hmm so they can't they can't be upfront about it like most of the people will work there actually don't know what's at what's really happening because everyone you would ask they'll say the same answer like oh it's just it's based on an algorithm based on how much a video was shared my friends they all play every casing nice that video is trending yeah there's every single KC nice that video has ever made is trending it's always the same people you'll only see the same people there they choose really marketable people because they always give me the same response about trending it doesn't get you that many views or subscribers so who so what you know don't worry about it that's what they always tell us but they mark it they put the marketable people there right because the people who aren't trying to get noticed by brands and companies and basically become the face of YouTube which has a lot of perks beyond being subscribers or views yeah you always see the same people like Liza I'm not first of all I'm not making any value judgement about these people no I think they're all talented people these are the people it's about how the trending page is being run yeah you see Liza Koshi you see Casey nice that is the most obscene like you literally see every video there is shameless it's been going on for years it's gotten to the point where you go to his comments and they're all like why is Casey on trending again or why is he being suggested to me I've never watched one of his videos you see the vlogbrothers like they'll show up there was like a hundred thousand views and I'm like what a superwoman you see the same people there it's it's it's annoying I really want to find a way to be independent of YouTube it's getting frustrating it's like you have this shadowy master who beholds their fate in your hand daily they control whether you you know are successful or not pretty much it's not democratic at all anyway let me let me just segue into my next point here's as smoothly as possible and watch eggs [ __ ] death Ninja Warrior to get disqualified immediately but he's death so he can't hear the whistles and the and everyone telling him that he failed this is some great age range my friend this is something straight out of a sketch comedy show and I feel my heart breaks for this guy but it is really special to watch my stepson Josh so Josh will like pull no when the buzzer sounds to start his run what an inspirational blog what an inspiration there you go there's the signal he's underwater his foot touch the water so he's disqualified but he can't hear the buzzer everybody's saying that he's out is this tragic or what someone had to climb up the monkey bars and be like yo dude you're disqualified and the dude's deaf so he can't understand what it's saying so he's looking around at his son who signs he's like what is he saying I don't know why it's trying to get its attention now because something they do climb that the monkey bars say you're disqualified so now his son signalling and he's like hey you're you know God let them forget out there and trying he'll be better next year and he's gonna kill it but this whole situation is just so so amazing I was then and I'm funny I do a deaf Ninja Warrior being immediately disqualified and can't hear it's like oh my god it's a cartoon anyway I love this format I get into deep on something serious and I'm like Ariela watch this [ __ ] crap clearly right up all right so now I got to make a little correction again once again going back to the Jake Paul episode I don't know if I like this format really why we get them finished talking about one and topic and then move on were we not done this is before I talked about Jake ball this is the face this is the face big thing it's very dense you got to break it up I feel like I step into your mind with the ADH three step into the mind of man yes I've lost all respect for myself we should rename this podcast from h3 podcast I've lost all respect for you the h3 podcast it's I have a method it's not 8 is this great you got some good so then you get real worried the get real face get real we're talking about a Boeing 3 it's not about J penguins already let me get into it it's not about Jay Paul in the jig Paul episode he accused phase banks which we spoke about briefly during that episode of like putting his assistant in a headlock and bruising her neck yeah it was a huge allegation and a lot and when we did that show phase hadn't made any statements about it but he made a response video that turned into this huge internet drama which by the way you can acute like that's kind of a serious accusation yeah I don't think at the time I expressed in a position where were the other if you did think that I was supporting Jake that wasn't my intention at all I was merely just asking about it I'm not taking any sons I'm not taking phase Bank side here but I just think it's fair to represent his counter-argument since we gave Jake's and that's just one side of the story right so phase bank's basically says man this is a well he's denying everything he's dead denying everything and the one thing that kind of makes me you know makes me look the whole thing is so weird like this is serious stuff this isn't beef we can't be joking about like choking women so phase apparently went to the nightclub or face banks went to the nightclub and got the security footage and on the security footage there was no record of the incident is what he said on Twitter but I would think that Jake after making that allegation and then banks makes a video saying like somebody from Team 10 drugged him that they were there trying to get him drunk and that this whole thing was orchestrated as some thing - I don't know [ __ ] with him which seems pretty out-there the whole thing seems so out there yeah at that point it's just like the whole story's it's just ridiculous leave me out of this yeah but the one thing is that Jake makes this video being like you choked out my assistant and I'm gonna go get the security footage and you know he hasn't really had any Stan show response and according to banks the security footage shows no incident well apparently they reported it to the police right so anyway that's it that's all I want to say about it so you know not yeah do not get involved for anyone thought that we did take his side we're not taking yeah definitely not I'm just hearing Jake out because it's he's sitting here I'm listening to his side of the story anyway that's me that's that's my take on that whole thing but it's way too way too spicy to get involved in it's linked own YouTube channel to the extreme YouTube drama Chris Brown edition hmm I love hitting on Chris Brown he's so hateable he looks like a he how is that guy still popular man I don't know I guess that's a separate conversation yeah all right fair enough so scre le as we we talked about him friend of the show everybody's a friend of the show now and frankly I've lost all respect yeah so I got some excerpts from the jurors on scre Ali's case so they're so how it works when somebody goes to a trial is that they interview jurors randomly from the populace in that area to sit on the jury to make a judgement call on this guy after witnessing the trial and they ask them a bunch of questions to see if they're biased because you want a juror who's not biased who's fit to serve and can think rationally and fairly about the case yeah so they bring in people and they ask him a bunch of questions and based on their answers they'll either select them or you know send them away or relieve them of their duty right so I got some excerpts of the lawyer asking these jurors what they think about shkreli and they're actually quite quite spicy here let's hear the so here's one the court says the purpose of jury selection is to ensure fairness and impartiality in this case if you think that you could be fair and impartial it is your duty to tell me if you could not be fair it is your duty to tell me all right juror number one I'm aware of the defendant and I hate him they says I'm sorry I think he's a greedy little man damn I guess you're excused although it's way more admirable to just say that honestly than to be like oh I don't know him while holding a grudge and then obstructing justice yeah juror number 59 your honor totally he's guilty and in no way can I let him slide out of anything okay is that your attitude towards anyone charged with a crime who has not been proven guilty it's my added toward towards his whole demeanor and what he's done to people all right we're going to excuse you sir and then he follows up with and he disrespected the wu-tang clan probably played that in his head I love that and on his way out he disrespected the wu-tang is that the blue tang or is that the whatever sign I think that's what is that it no there's more than one the question is have you heard anything that would affect your ability in this case to be open-minded I don't think I can be because he looks like kind of a dick you're juror number 144 and we will excuse you well if you ever want to get a jury duty fresh tips from Martins Corelli's case anyway pretty pretty sassy is there more I think that's it yeah yeah and then finally or yeah I mean yeah this is finally so once again I got a lot of disrespect for talking about Ilan to I people have lost all respect for me hmm yeah he lawns okay but Ethan's lack of research made me lose all respect from Elon Musk who I still love and who's an angel I'm gonna put them in the thumbnail with a halo and a glow around his silhouette do you understand I don't care about your respect I just want you no one's dick in my mouth so Elon Musk is leading a collective of a hundred and sixteen experts calling for an outright ban on killer robots weaponized robots open letter signed by Tesla chief and Google's must CEO um urges the you want to block use of lethal might on the screen so we can oh yeah open that's some high level [ __ ] you uh so yeah so essentially what's going on this is not really so much about like artificial intelligence as it is well I guess it is it's weaponizing like advanced computers and Nai and they're basically saying on this article this collective that we need to regulate this [ __ ] before we usher in a third wave of weaponized combat mm-hmm was like first you had like modern warfare then you had nuclear bombs and they're saying that this third wave of AI machine fueled warfare is gonna is gonna be even worse than all those that's pretty scary like they says that Dan you have some of those quotes about what they said well they say once to hear once developed lethal autonomous weapons will permit armed conflict to be fought on a scale greater than ever at timescales faster than humans can comprehend that's the crazy thing about AI where it's like you don't even understand what they're doing until the whole [ __ ] world they're playing a chess game essentially with massacres and we're a that's right I mean so flattered idle after all the years these can be weapons of terror weapons of death spits and terrorists use against innocent populations and weapons hack to behave undesirable ways we don't have long to act once this Pandora's Box is open it will be hard to close experts have previously warned the AI technology has reached a point where development of autonomous weapons is feasible within years so this is pretty scary stuff [ __ ] you're seeing movies it's happening okay I'm telling you listen in about everything listen to you on about everything I've lost all respect for you Ethan I'm kidding I'm [ __ ] kidding anything about wasn't chill out let's all respect for myself so here eh so nor are South Korea is already using fully autonomous like AI weapons on the border great demilitarized zone I love this called the deminer mineralized zone militarized zone it's got like the most advanced weapons on earth look at this [ __ ] this is a fully autonomous robotic sentry gun on the border of North Korea's South Korea missionary had a [ __ ] Robocop this thing has like infrared heat tracking night-vision it has like basically every component of of weaponry to it and and it's fully autonomous it can track people walking like from a mile away just by their heat that is pretty pretty scary this is straight at a fallout right like you know Dark Brotherhood [ __ ] look at this thing yeah so this is what's going on this is just the beginning you know imagine the drone with one of these strapped to the mat or a submarine these already exist there's a there's a USS warship that is unmanned out on the ocean right now built in 2016 completely unmanned oh really yeah so these instruments of war I mean it's cool there's two sides to it right you take out the human component and nobody gets hurt but when you take out the human component you also lose all compassion you lose all perception of what war really is mm-hmm when you have a [ __ ] like there's this classic story during the Cold War there was a Russian sub armed with nuclear warheads and they got a false alarm in the submarine that the United States had nuked Russia and their instruments have malfunction and it was telling them to launch nukes at the United States and this one guy in that submarine what he was like I'm not doing it this doesn't make sense I'm not doing it even though the orders were to shoot it Wow and but that human compassion that human touch that human life down there was basically prevented a nuclear holocaust and if you know this thing's run by by computers you don't have that filter so what is it that um Elon Musk is doing right now so basically he's he's leading a coalition of experts petitioning governments to and the UN to block the use of lethal autonomous weapons so they're there they're talking to governments governing bodies saying let's not go down this path but sadly I think it's too late I don't think there's any way to stop it maybe I'm wrong but it's like inevitable I mean war is always and so it there's always an arms race that's that's how power is expressed and today you know the United States China Russia it's [ __ ] it's an arms race always this whole thing with AI I wasn't even thinking about it until you know Musk tweeted about it I know that's what I'm saying but frankly I've lost all respect for you for even acknowledging it that's the issue anyway I don't have anything alighting to like to uh to end on but I want to say thank you everybody for watching thicker one who supports us through subscriptions here on Twitch through Amazon Prime twitch donations everybody thank you so much god bless you next week our shard this week our next episode is memories gonna be on Thursday at 3:00 we're not doing it on Friday this week and it's gonna be a lot of fun I'm having Ryan Jones amiss and Skippy dating advice collins probably probably not confirmed while Skippy's in Ryan's in I mean he's not in officially but he's in let me check my phone email he may well have answer already no not yet and we do want to call out for graphic designers right oh yeah wait the Streamy Awards answered halong so according to the sky from the streamys the winners are determined by the streamys blue-ribbon panel a judge body of creators executives and other professionals in the online industry there are two fan-voted categories to show of the year and creator of the year so there's only two fan voted huh so that's it so that's the one that fuzzy those are the two he won alright this creator of the year I think that's so funny because last year fousey likes weeped this the streamys and he was doing all this [ __ ] just begging begging begging tweeting and he even like set up a giveaway where you would only be entered by voting for him on the streamys and I think so I bet he's one of the two categories so that's that's that's better that's cool you're drinking from it's a double cup situation trying to minimize always yeah we're looking for a designer to do we have the email setup then yes we do what is it it is going on the screen right now it is graphics age three age three at gmail.com is it on the screen they can see it yep so we are basically looking to start up our own merch operation between here the podcast and h3h3 productions we're looking for a talented designer who is familiar with our content and also very expert in illustrator yeah illustrator we're looking for a serious designer someone we can work with and chill with and be [ __ ] have a cool times the reason is for merch so especially if you have any experience we're doing merge that would be beneficial so please send your your CV or resume or you can just even say hi here's my portfolio link to tumblr or whatever you have but please don't apply if you don't have experience in illustrator that yeah that is required for the job because that's how you export the image and send it to the to the shirt people so anyway thanks for watching guys had a lot of fun here on the Tuesday therapy episode and we'll see you on Thursday for next week for the next episode this week so thank you all so much for coming along and we'll see you in a couple of days guys appreciate you thanks da [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,827,740
Rating: 4.878624 out of 5
Keywords: jake paul, jake, paul, faze, banks, faze banks, elon, musk, elon musk, AI, artificial intelligence, ive lost all respect for you, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: t9Yrlsw6J5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 8sec (4808 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2017
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