What Fan Theories Have Blown Your Mind?

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what fan theories have blown your mind with their devastating logic i read a theory about courage the cowardly dog that said that courage is actually a normal dog and he sees the world through a dog's eyes all the villains in the show are just normal people but to a little dog they seem scary they don't actually live in the middle of nowhere but since his owners are too old to take him outside for walks he only knows what's around his immediate property and everything beyond that is nothing because he's never seen it this is a good theory also explains why courage always feels like he has to protect his owners from all the scary things even though the owners are very nonchalant about all of the situations and act like everything is normal and courage is freaking out for apparently no reason reading about rugrats made me think of that episode where they think the world will end they make a shelter and plan to survive except there's only enough room for not five so they have to pick between tommy chucky angelica phil and lil they actually make a logical choice for repopulating the earth you would take both girls chucky has different family from either girl so he's accepted the choice would be between tommy and phil phil has redundant dna with lil tommy while a cousin of angelica still brings more diversity leaving fill out was the logical choice if they truly had to it's not broken down this way in the show but they still reach the same result the story of aladdin is made up by the salesman at the beginning to persuade you to buy the lamp this seems far more plausible than it being 10 000 years in the future who the doctor's name is a word of power something that was introduced to the series in moffat series 3 episode the shakespeare code what does the doctor's name do it unlocks the time war this is the reason he trusts no one but himself to know his own name during the ending of forrest of the dead the tenth doctor also states to river that there could be only one way she could have known his name this is also the reason why the silence are terrified of the doctor's name and why not it would release the daleks and the time lord from the loch time war it's speculated that this is the premise of the 50th anniversary episode willy wonka knew those children would die in his factory after augustus gets sucked up the chute they all hop on board the boat through the tunnel of doom the boat doesn't have two extra vacant seats though it was designed with prior knowledge that they would lose two participants before that point later they drive a cream-spewing car with only four seats did they have another car waiting in the garage in case the others made it of course not willy wonka uses children to make candy i've always thought willy wonka had amazing potential to be incredibly sinister i like the idea that at the end of the thing 1982 when kurt russell offers keith david the bottle and he drinks out of it the bottle is filled with gasoline one from the molotovs he was throwing earlier since the creature wouldn't understand what gasoline tastes like it wouldn't spit it out dude it's like you just put a vengeful spirit in my brain to rest the original scooby-doo series is set after a horrible economic depression everything is abandoned and falling apart and all of the villains are people who would normally be really respected professors museum curators celebrities who have fallen into hard times just like everyone else how many times have the gang helped someone not go out of business the venture brothers had a nice twist on this fred was an insane cult leader shaggy had gone so far around the bend he was imagining his dog was talking to him in the haunted mansion at disney world disneyland you commit suicide during the course of the ride and become a ghost at the beginning of the ride the ghost host the narrator says the only way to escape the mansion is to die and he shows that he hanged himself near the end of the ride there's a moment where the ride vehicle turns around backwards and you go off a balcony which according to this theory represents you jumping to your death before this part of the ride the ghosts are all trying to scare you but afterwards they sing excitedly and invite you to party with them the grim grinning ghost song the only human character in the ride a groundskeeper appears after the balcony drop he faces toward the riders and seems terrified of you could be totally accidental could be an intentional subtlety by the designers but either way i've never looked at that ride the same way since there was actually an idea to have the guests fall backwards into a dirt hole while a gravedigger shovel in hand looks down at them they scrapped the idea after deciding it was too morbid samurai jack takes place in post-apocalyptic townsville power puff girls that 70s show is a vague sequel to happy days at the end of happy days richie and ralph go off to the korean war or at least they are training for it fonzie stays behind at this point you must remember that the fonz was always the person who kept richie cool flash forward 20 years richie now read has become bitter after the war and without the catalyst that was arthur fonzarelli his friendship with full neighbor bob ralph has fallen apart but happy days was made in the 70s and 70s that 70s show was in the 90s and set in the 70s btw i know this is completely not true but i like it anyway the existence of spongebob and his strange friends is the result of radiation from nuclear arms testing that was performed on the bikini atoll in the late 40s and early 50s since they live under the atoll the town is known as bikini bottom i think this one has some truth to it in the beginning of 2001 a spacey odyssey a black screen is displayed while music plays for a few minutes before the film starts it's believed that this is a monolith tilted 90 degrees and taking up the entire screen as if the entire film is a technological and evolutionary advancement that kubrick is bestowing us sean connery's character in the rock john patrick mason is actually james bond he got caught spying on america and was hidden away in various prisons this man does not exist not in the united states or great britain says fbi director womack this ties in with the theory of james bond being a code name for different agents if i remember correctly when the fbi finally lets him out one of his requests in addition to a hotel suite is a tailored suit in addition to a shave and haircut he is not merely a former soldier and intelligence agent he has a taste for the finer things much like bond blade runner ridley scott finally closed the debate a few years ago as to whether or not decade was actually a replicant he totally was but to take this one step further he was a replicant implanted with the memories of gaff edward james almost character full stop gaff was actually the top blade runner but was sidelined due to some injury or illness hence the cane and so deckard was created and implanted with gaff's memories to continue the search for roy batty and friends this explains why gav never really does anything aside from drive deckard around and why he treats him with such contempt gas origami also hint at deckard's true nature as they seem to demonstrate an insight into what deckard is feeling a chicken when he is feeling scared a stick man with a boner when he is about to meet the smoking hot rachel and the unicorn from deckard's recurring dream it also helps explain the compliment gaff pays deckard at the end of the film after he apparently hovered above the building and watched batty nearly kill deckard without intervening he lands and says you've done a man's job which is the highest praise you could give to a replicant when it's all laid out like that i hardly even think it should be considered a theory it's just clearly what was going on if you take a few minutes to think about it the jetsons and the flintstones are two portions of the same society the people living in bedrock are actually members of a far future one may say post-human society that have rejected the day-to-day electronic assistance to live like their long-dead ancestors did or at least what they think they lived like history has lost a bit in translation this explains the talking animals they are just synthetic creations it's been so long since any actual animal lived that didn't have human communication bread written into it that the ferals don't realize how silly it is to be talking with creatures that didn't even exist alongside early humans signs fan theory let's skip the m knight hatred for a moment i too think he's become something of a joke but he has made a number of worthwhile movies and this is one i initially couldn't stand thinking it was full of ridiculous plot holes and then eureka when i first saw this film i didn't realize that it wasn't about aliens at all it's about the return of demons notice it's all about a priest's resurgence of belief and a preordained moment of redemption if dead and attempted there is no alien technology or weaponry or clothing of any kind only a clawed naked beast creature and lights in the sky furthermore the running joke throughout the movie is that people see these invaders in a way that's related to their particular frame of mind the cop sees them as prankster kids the bookstore owners see them as a hoax to sell commercials the army recruitment officer sees emma's invading military the kids see them as ufos and the priest sees them as test of faith this understanding of the film removed my hatred of you've got to be killing me they were killed by water concept in fact the priest's daughter had been referred to as holy as revealed during mel's key monologue recognized by all who saw her at her birth as an angel and her quite particular relationship to water is shown to be very special and spiritual in other words she has placed vials of water essentially holy water all around the house and the creature's reaction when coming in contact with this blessed liquid is exactly like monsters vampires being splashed by spiritual acid this view of the movie also explains the creatures actions they act like superior tricksters are not able to break in through closed doors can be trapped behind simple wooden latches all mythological elements of demons and vampire like creatures of lore it also explains the news over the radio at the end of the movie that an ancient method of killing the creatures has been found in three small cities in the middle east one would suspect the religious hubs of the three main abrahamic traditions each discovering the mystic methods of protection and dispatch that i've noted earlier note also all the christian iconography throughout the movie the references to signs and wonders the true meaning of the title the crucifix shapes hinted at everywhere check out the overhead shot looking down on the street driving into town and the ultimate fact that the entire movie is built around a priest rediscovering he is not abandoned to a random godless scientifically oriented universe but rather is part of a predicted and dreamed of plan now these creatures may for all intents and purposes be some sort of extraterrestrial or interdimensional aliens but the point of the movie seems to be that they are in the actuality of the film world the dark stuff from which all the characters tales of devils and night creatures were born you've sold me i'm watching it again rufus rat from kim possible is a phallic symbol he lives in ron's pocket and his favorite food is tacos and all the girls love him how garfield is actually dying of starvation and just imagining john and odie there was a reference to this in a halloween themed comic garfield woke up in a condemned and abandoned house he calls out for odie and jon but there is no answer he then wills the illusion back on himself and continues his delusions about his family to all you potter heads out there when sybil trelawny predicted harry was born in midwinter she was laughed at as harry's birthday is in july however it is a known fact that spoiler alert voldemort's soul is inside harry it's possible that professor trelawny was detecting the part of voldemort inside harry as voldemort was born mid-december pinkie in the brain one is a genius the others insane brain constantly plans to take over the world suggesting he is insane pinkie often finds ways to ruin these plans so who is the genius note that there are two episodes in which pinky attempts to take over the world and both times he almost succeeds until brain screws it up something i noticed about the movie training day throughout the movie denzel's character rationalizes breaking the law everything he does suggests he has no regard for it the last scene as he drives away defeated in the middle of nowhere with no one around in the middle of the night he stops at a stoplight not even most regular people would stop at that stoplight and at the stoplight is where the russians catch up to him and gun him down i thought it was interesting that the one time he subconsciously obeys the law it is finally his undoing i remember a pretty solid one about how r2d2 was luke's father this was before empire strikes back came out luke's father was mortally wounded by vader his brain was removed from his body and placed in life support inside a robot this is why c3p0 is so worried about r2's operational status c3 knows that r2 has biological components turns out luke who got very little jedi training isn't all that great it's his jedi father inside of r2 every time think about it early on when luke does something with the force r2 is always there except for the one time on half and what is r2 doing at that time deploying a long range force antenna we never see again it just occurred to me that there was a time when nobody knew that darth vader was luke's father that must have been mind-blowing archer tv show whenever someone eats at the chinese restaurant and brings home a tinfoil swan full of leftovers they are going to betray the company spoiler alert race seasons 1 and 2 episode 1 when archer wants to break into the mainframe and erase all to his financial records episode 9 lana is going to join odin and there is another episode where cyril takes a bribe at the restaurant and his bribe money is in the swan i'm sure this theory is out there somewhere else but i've yet to find it in the beginning of finding nemo the father imagines one son survived when in reality his whole family was destroyed the movie is an allegory of the father's journey through the stages of grief denial he won't let his son go to school because it's not safe anger he scolds his son for venturing out of his control bargaining he puts up with an amnesiac travel buddy to help him find his son despair he sees his son flush down the drain acceptance he learns to let go and let things be the way they are almost everyone in the story tells the father he has to let go of his son his travels takes him to the land down under aka underworld the movie ends with him saying goodbye as his son visually disappears into the void and the kicker nemo means nobody in latin in 20 000 leagues captain nemo is messing with people who ask him what his name is my history teacher believes that in inception the whole film is really a plot by the dead wife to get leonardo dicaprio out of the dream a plan which fails i never knew snuffleupagus was big bird's imaginary friend until i was an adult i guess i never picked up on the fact that only big bird talked to him i oh god the theory i once heard richard feynman mention that the universe has only one electron that's a pretty negative view that isn't forrest son jenny just takes advantage of him after she learns that he's a shrimp tycoon after much discussion this obviously wasn't the case as she knew he was rich long beforehand i feel much better not exactly a fan theory but i thought steven spielberg's war of the worlds would have been 100x better if the final shot was that tripod falling down and its alien pilot falling out except for one crucial defense instead of a generic a-line body the aliens behind the invasion are ets you find out in the last few seconds of the movie that you've been watching a sequel to what you thought was a cuddly family-friendly movie about a young boy and his a-line buddy but was actually about how a naive little kid thwarted authorities and helped the alien scout who laid the groundwork for an invasion and attempted genocide this would have been spielberg's magnum opus but would have been a giant undeserved freaky to hg wells battleship was actually a board game all of the legend of zelda games are about the exact same cast of characters but they are being retold in different cultures around the world accounting for the vast differences hence the name the legend of zelda my current favorite is that in the new series of doctor who the character rory williams is actually the doctor's arch nemesis the master i'm just going to copy and paste the theory rory has been becoming much more irrational and aggressively violent also in the episode let's kill hitler after witnessing rivers regeneration and being exposed to raw time energy for the first time he begins to complain over banging in my head which aimer dismisses as hitler in the closet also think back to the god complex rory did not have a room he was the only character they made a point to say did not have one and when the doctor looked into his room all he said was of course it was you and we hear the wailing of the tardis distress call in four repetitions the only other time it has made this sound was when the master stole it in series 3. also a satisfying explanation for river song having time lord dna will was murdered on the basketball court in west philly the taxi driver is god that's why we felt that the cab was different or rare god takes him heaven where he lives in a mansion with his wealthy aunt and uncle and slowly works out his issues and hardships honestly i want to make a huge overarching story that has all of will smith's movies being sequels to fresh prince just about every single theory in the sherlock fandom about how he survived the fall gollum killed frodo's parents here's why gollum was one of the store and they were the water hobbits droguer and primula frodo's mom and dad died in a boating accident when gollum chased after bilbo to get the ring back he knew only two things about him shire and baggins which also applies to droga the book say that when he chased bilbo gollum got to the river and turned back witnesses to droga and primula's accident say they saw a struggle back to the future the doc is ready to kill himself along with marty in that parking lot during the first time travel scene not only has he never tested the time machine but he claims that many of his inventions have been failures so during the moment when he's about to find out if his life's work was a huge success or a complete waste he not only drives the delorean towards himself but grabs on to marty when he tries to run away if that first time travel test was a failure they both would have been killed which is exactly what doc wanted had the experiment been a failure i have some back to the future theories that will blow your mind go on in inception leonardo dicaprio's character is in the real world in the ending scene he talks about how totems only works for specific people the top was his wife's totem it wouldn't work for him his totem is his wedding ring in the dream world his wife is alive and he is still married to her therefore he wears his wedding ring in all the scenes in the real world his wife is dead and he is no longer married he doesn't wear his ring because of that in the last scene he isn't wearing his ring time to re-watch inception and pay far too close attention to leo's left hand there's a theory in ferris bueller's day off that cameron invented ferris and he's living out what cameron wishes he could be makes the movie freaking mind-blowing i have a five-year-old daughter who used to love lazy town and while being subjected to hours of it i came up with a theory in the first episode stephanie comes to town to live with her aunt and uncle they don't explain what happened to her parents when she arrives the town is in a terrible state her uncle explains that there used to be a hero who protected and helped the town and he had a number nine on his chest he shows her how they used to contact him and she figures out what to do and uses the device to contact sporticus who then comes and helps the town sporticus has a number 10 on his chest this causes the villain of the town robbie rotten to surface and fight against sporticus and try to stop people doing any activities and sports my theory is that robbie rotten was number nine previously a hero himself and in a battle with another villain in the past inadvertently caused the deaths of stephanie's parents the guilt of this has made him exile himself in the bowels of lazy town where he tries to get them to be safe and not do anything dangerous he thinks sporticus is going to be someone killed and doesn't want the past to repeat neither he nor stephanie know who the other is it was a boring show it's my theory and has blown other people's minds so the bride doesn't kill bill and kill bill first you have to put her rampage in chronological order she wakes up in the hospital kills buck flies to japan kills everyone in the tea house then comes back to the states to kill veneto green we know this because oren's name is already crossed off the list when she parks outside of anita's house in the process of killing green she accidentally does so in front of her young daughter her immediate reaction is shame she tries to hide the knife behind her leg from that point on she doesn't kill anyone else but dies from a snake bite daryl hannah's character has her eye plucked out but is left alive then we get to bill they tell the story of the five-point palm fist of death technique but in the training sequences it's never shown that she learns it we are specifically told that party my never taught it to anyone the other part that's suspicious is the play acting when beatrix first runs into the house there's a play scene with her daughter they pretend to shoot her and she pretends to be dead this is what bill does at the end of the film beatrix is curled up on a bathroom floor crying thank you thank you who is she thanking bill for letting her go it was the only way for either of them to exit the situation gracefully during the end credits each of the people on the list who died get to line through their name daryl hannah is marked with a question mark because she was left alive but bill bill's name isn't marked at all because they never killed bill and kill bill one more bit of evidence we know how beatrix reacts around kids not only was she ashamed to kill veneto green in front of nicki but when she first found out she was pregnant she was able to cut a deal with the assassin sent to kill her as soon as she sees bb is still alive she knows she can't actually kill bill and that's how they get roped into the whole play-acting thing my absolute favorite one is the game of thrones fan theories about jon snow while in the books don't watch the show which i would assume there too it's believed by everyone that he's added stark's son by some unknown woman the fan theory states that he's actually the son of lioness stark and riga targaryen riga's abduction of lioness sparked the overthrow of the targaryens that means that he's dieneriz's nephew an acceptable spouse for her in targaryen terms and possibly the legitimate heir to the iron throne spoiler it is such a cool plot possibility this would make daenerys jon's aunt not his cousin as i had originally typed dio as for questions of legitimacy danny can't inherit by primogeniture she's a woman it could be argued that egon targaryen would be the legitimate heir as he is the oldest legitimate male descendant of mad aries however john could have a reasonable claim if he's older than egon though it would be imperfect because he was born out of wedlock but of course in the god universe legitimacy is only half your battle and the other half is being awesome this one is the idea from the pokemon games that the guy who is in each gym that is right by the door and is saying stuff like how's it going champ well good job beating the gym blah blah could actually be the main character's father he had troubles with your mother and couldn't end up seeing you so what he did was he would go to each gym and watch you fight and cheer you on from the sideline anonymously i realize that in ruby sapphire emerald your father is one of the gym leaders and i should have mentioned this earlier but i am talking about gen 1. all of kanye west's fans are actually living inside of kanye west's mind after the car crash kanye was put into a coma he has not come out yet and everything he has done since then is actually part of his comatose therefore anyone who has ever heard a kanye west song is actually part of his imagination therefore we should all listen to what he says and follow his rules because kanye west clearly dictates good fortune kerbers i have a theory grumpy bear should actually be genius bear but he's been turned grumpy because at some point he realized that none of the other bears gave a crap about being reasonable rational logical or sensible watch an episode you'll see scooby doesn't really talk shaggy is a ventriloquist he uses ventriloquism several times in the show riddit is actually a terrorist plot created to reduce the productivity of the western world opie asked for theories not hard science you have been visited by the iit lizard upvote or experience bad internet for a month like and 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Id: _VMwMjE0pmw
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Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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