Gun Carriers, When Have You Had to Draw Your Firearm?

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concealed carriers over it when was the time you actually pulled your gun on someone and how was the situation handled have my permit but haven't had to use my firearm defensively do have a close friend who got off work kinda late and was going to visit family out of state was gassing up his truck when a very large man tried to carjack him friend drew on the guy and sorta punched him in the face with a gun guy took off as quick as he could friend got out of there and then had to pull over to vomit pretty common response also may want to check out rdg you are concealed at kerry and rccw comma sorta punched him in the face with a gun i'm not a doctor of guns but i don't think that's how you do that i was once confronted on my motorcycle by an angry motorist they were upset that i was trying to make a u-turn and oncoming traffic wasn't clearing he approached me punched my helmet i told him to back off or something bad would happen he started towards me again i pulled my jacket up to grab it and i'm guessing the lady saw the grip she immediately started screaming at him to get back in the car which he did the funny thing is that as they drove away she had the audacity to flip me off as they drove by i was in a gas station at about 2 a.m in a shady part of town i lived in a one-room basement apartment in a hotel that shared a parking lot with the gas station so i was a regular i finished buying my drink and the girl at the counter quietly asked me if i could stick around for a while because there was a guy that had been hanging around the parking lot and randomly coming inside every few minutes for the last hour i quietly told her of course and made small talk until the guy wandered over to a section of the store where i could see him and the attendant at the same time before i whispered just roll with it then i loudly said hey stacy name made up have i shown you my new pistol yet as i said that i pulled it out and kept the muzzle down the guy quickly left after after about a half hour or so we were both sure he was not coming back the fricked up thing was she told me after he left they had been told by management they were not allowed to call the cops unless they had actually been robbed because having cops come by randomly would scare away business i made sure she and any other night workers had my number after that since i could literally be there in 30 seconds if they needed anything they only called me a few times in the year or so i lived there after that but it always made them feel better knowing that a friendly face could keep them company if they felt the need you're closer to being batman than most people i own a firearm that sits in my nightstand drawer don't have my concealed permit i woke one night to loud noises coming from my living room around 3am i grabbed the gun and cautiously moved down the hallway it was my cat he got into some catnip somehow and was freaking out and knocked a bunch of random stuff over and off shelves frick you bunny was in our local walmart parking lot with my wife and daughter when we were walking back to our car after shopping and two young men approached us and asked for money i told them that i didn't have any cash and they said that was okay since we could hand over my wallet and purses as they pull knives i carry on my right side by my kidney so it appears i am reaching for my wallet when i pull out my weapon they start running and we call nine one one so that the police can get our statements and video from walmart parking lot my wife was always against me carrying when i am with her but now she is fine with me carrying where i am allowed btw i live in socal a buddy of mine got jumped in broad daylight by three guys in a grocery store parking lot for his iphone he had been attempting to sell it at the eco atm and when it didn't offered him as much as he was hoping an iphone 8 and it wanted to give him like 180 he gave up they had been scoping it out and followed him outside as he walked past their truck towards me in the car they grabbed a tire on out of their truck bed and started attacking him me being a few spaces down ran over yelling to back off then noticing they had no intention of stopping and i was outnumbered i pulled my gun and shouted to stop once more two of them looked up and saw me which made them then immediately back away and run for their truck it being illegal to shoot someone retreating i kept your gun up and dialed 9-1-1 as i moved towards my buddy they got away got his phone too but he only ended up with eight stitches in his forehead and a bruised shoulder blade cold of being way worse 3am at a 24-hour walmart i was working overnights at the time just picking up some essentials on my night off i park away from other cars at this walmart cause it's the worst one in town when i come out two other cars were parked near me i see someone looking not too far away and see them pacing around as i approach my car on the passenger side to drop my purchases into the back seat the person behind it for me they turned down the path between the two cars near me i didn't even say anything i drew but kept the gun down to my side they stopped and booked it i've never been more happy to carry a cop had pulled us over and asked my dad to hand over his gun which they can do in ohio he did and then the cop gave it back after the stop was over huh never knew that not me but a friend of mine he has a ccw he was picking up his gf from college as they were driving away her psycho ex shows up and starts following them in his car the x started to get road rage and would speed up then back off get up next to them and drop back my friend has the girl call nine one one they give dispatch all the info and stay on the phone they keep driving waiting for police when the x speeds past them then stops his car perpendicular to the road blocking my friend x starts approaching the car with tyrone fearing for his safety and the safety of his gf my friend got out of his car and drew his firearm he aimed at the x and told him to stop or he woke fire x continued to approach so my friend fired hitting the x x ran back to his own car and took off police finally arrived and were able to track the x down x was arrested on multiple crimes my friend was cleared obviously took his gun as evidence but no repercussions i pulled my pistol only once i was working at a bar i had to shut the event down early that night because of a large fight that broke out as everyone was pouring out some idiot pulled a pistol from his waistband and started shooting into the air i drew my firearm on him and he ran nothing else happened cops were pretty p when they showed up though worked at a bar as a bouncer many of the guys i worked with carried but i did not it was a rough country western bar with a lot of fights about a year after i quit working there a fight broke out between a guy and his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend the group got kicked out and the guy killed his ex and then himself in the ensuing commotion in the parking lot thankfully i haven't been in a situation where i needed to the only time i've drawn mine was when a friend's house was broken into and in that case the person that did it was already gone most of my friends have their permit and carry but only one has drawn on someone to make a long story short it was a gas station late at night someone lifted their shirt showed off the handle of a gun and reached for it after telling my friend they wanted money a friend drew on them and the person ran no shots fired those both sound like very reasonable times to draw your weapon relaying a story from my husband he was in college asleep in his bedroom in his split-level town house his roommates were out of town that particular night weekend or some sort of break holiday wakes up to loud banging and the door opening then hears odd voices saying unintelligible things and footsteps quickly realizes it's not a roommate coming home early grabs his weapon and sneaks upstairs his bedroom was on the lower level seized two guys in the kitchen no lights on going through the fridge he flipped on elites weapon drawn and yelled at them to get on the floor after much yelling on both sides and probably some pea pants he realized that they were his asian neighbors they were pee drunk and had gotten apartments confused this was a complex of duplex town houses that all looked alike it was easy to do sober they had left their keys at the bar and kicked the door in and were in the process of trying to figure out where the heck their leftovers were when my now husband scared the p out of them all parties calmed down and came to an agreement that no cops would be called charges filed as it was a rather honest mistake in fact the neighbors came back the next day and fixed the door so not a life and death almost murdered or saved someone's life situation actually kind of funny now in hindsight why i specified asian neighbors the two guys were conversing in their native language he heard that which leads to a confusion and uncertainty to a groggy guy who was just rudely awoken by someone breaking into his apartment and b confirmed that the people inside were not his roommates sorry about that some years ago people realized it was smarter to rob limo drivers who often had 800 or one thousand dollars on them then taxi drivers with 50 dollars so i'm taking a family to union station in chicago and the black cadillac seems to be following me as i'm winding my way through downtown chicago as i unload the family's luggage this guy drives past me and into the underground tunnel at the station it's mid-morning so there's not much traffic around as i pull into the tunnel this guy has stopped his car gotten out and is standing in the second lane so i can't go past and he is a very big boy i'm wearing a black suit with a white shirt so when i pull my beautiful black 0.357 and hold it up against my chest it's very clear to see he holds his hands up gets back in his car and drives off and i start breathing again i haven't but i helped a friend teach concealed weapons courses he was nra certified i was not i was there because he would have large groups sometime 20 30 people and it was nice to have some extra eyes plus i learned a lot anyway he rode a hay abuser pretty much everywhere a guy crossed multiple lanes of traffic after merging onto the road and almost rammed into him he speeds up and gives him the finger the guy in the truck follows him down many random roads finally not wanting to punch you to 180 miles per hour to get away and definitely not wanted the guy to follow him to his house he pulls over the guy gets out of the truck goes to the bed and grabs an axe my friends has his gun in his backpack and he sticks his hand in there ready to draw he tells the guy that he's armed and to not come any closer the guy stops seems drunk and yells at him finally a cop pulls up behind the truck and arrests the guy tells my friend he can leave and that's it my friend did not let the man know he was armed instead he simply warned the guy not to come any closer and to leave him alone i think he called the police before pulling over but i have not confirmed that i didn't actually draw but almost had to my girlfriend and i were staying in seattle for valentine's day restaurants were booked pretty solid since we made our plans last minute but there was a higher end place open until about midnight or so as a valentine's day special so we booked a table for 10 30. we were going somewhere nice so we were both dressed a lot nicer than usual i'm wearing a blazer in dress shoes i have my pistol on my right hip it was about a 15 minute walk to the restaurant from our hotel the hotel charged something like 20 or so every time you took your car out so we opted to walk we also planned on drinking so it seemed like the smarter option we eat our food and by the time we leave it's about 12 15 so we get back near our hotel around 12 30 as we are a crosswalk away from the entrance a rough looking guy approaches my girlfriend who is on my right and starts asking her for money i step between him and her and he says that he isn't homeless or a beggar but his car broke down and he needs sixty dollars for a belt or something like that for his engine i could see him glancing at the crosswalk sign and i knew i didn't want to get stuck on that side of the road so i told him i'll talk to him as we walk across while in the intersection i tell him i don't have any cash on me he tells me that he will pay me back after he gets his car fixed and i reiterate i don't have any money he motions to an atm kiosk and says that i can get out money at the atm for him and says again that he will pay me back i notice at this point that he has a pocket knife clip in his front left pocket and his eyes are darting between my girlfriend and is faces and my torso also he keeps fumbling around with the pocket that the knife is in i knew for sure there was no way i was going to do that and we were about 100 feet or so from the hotel entrance so i just say sorry man i can't help you he says again i'm not homeless or anything i have money to pay you back if you go to the atm i ignore that and we start to walk away from him as i do that he grabs onto the pocket clip a little more firmly at that point i lifted up my dress shirt which revealed to him that i had my pistol on me and he walked away pretty quickly without saying anything my heart was pounding hard and i was so mad i was thinking i can't believe this guy is going to put me in this freaking position i don't want to shoot anyone especially not over 60 dollars but frick scariest moment of my life and i'm glad it went down the way it did comma especially not over sixty dollars honestly he probably didn't just want sixty dollars he would have likely pulled his knife and demanded that you withdraw the maximum amount that the atm allowed i didn't see anyone say this here but if you're ever in a position to draw and actually shoot someone never talk to the police without a lawyer even if you were justified and you're 100 sure you did the right thing i saw this video on youtube a long time ago with a former detective who was now a lawyer it was eye-opening he was talking about how cops are trained to ask you questions that could incriminate you if you're not careful never ever talk to the cops without representation and you have better been in fear for your life you can actually get second amendment insurance it's like 150 dollars a year and if you have to use they send lawyers and bail you out almost immediately i had a road rage incident where i presumably cut someone off i honestly didn't see he got out of his jeep and screamed at me at a stoplight he sped off and i headed home i noticed him pull up behind me as i was pulling into my apartment garage a few minutes later he pulled right up behind me so i couldn't get out i was a fairly new concealed carry holder so slightly nervous but i hopped out gun drawn he was still stepping out of his jeep with a tire iron in his hand which he promptly dropped and got the frick out of there without saying a word to this day i have no idea how he got behind me after speeding off and i'm still not sure if i made the right call that being said i'm glad i did i've practiced at the range and on pools nearly every week since just for clarification by not sure if i made the right call i'm not talking about pulling my weapon at all i'm specifically talking about having raised my weapon immediately to kill him i know that you're never supposed to pull unless you intend on killing something but in the situation it still feels like a valor choice to brandish i did not make that choice and that's what i have doubt about to those saying i should have called 911 in my garage lol i was in a top-down convertible with my back towards him sounds like a good way to get brained like a zombie whether you have a gun or not never bring a tire onto a gun fight my dad was a security guard before i was born my mom worked the night shifter nurse he was coming home with my older sister who was one at the time at the time they lived in a very bad part of town he got home from seeing his parents at about 11 p.m pulled up got out of the van and walked around the car to get my sister when two guys approached him one walked around the car and one asked him for a light his heart sank when he realized he left his firearm in the house he thought fast and reached into his coat and made a defensive pose they immediately ran away he got my sister and got in the house two days later a little girl was kidnapped a few blocks over thank god my dad thought fast it's endings like that that make me wish the gun was actually fired two pieces of crap would die and a little girl wouldn't get kidnapped i was a process server for five years got my ccw in the final year of my job after i started taking on a lot more work in rural areas where police were at least 20 minutes away only time i drew on someone was at a gas station after off-roading all day with my little brother not even on the job we were filling up our jeeps when i noticed a guy across the parking lot being encircled by three or four other guys one with a bat batboy starts taking swings at defending guy's head batboy's buddies cheering on he got in one swing barely missed and grazed the guy's shoulder only because he ducked in time before i drew and chambered around i will never forget how loud the click clack of the slide was i didn't even have to say anything for it to catch their attention nevertheless i still yelled something like drop the freaking bat which he promptly did long story short the victim thanked me profusely and promptly left the assailant made an angry protesting retreat as i called the cops mostly because i was concerned that someone else might have called the cops not knowing the context of the confrontation i didn't want to be the unidentified guy who waved his gun at people on the evening news however cops were total dongs this is a waste of our time you should have let them kill each other yada yada the degree to which your lamb are getting worked up over keeping a round chambered makes my eyes want to roll into the back of my head at first gun wasn't on me at the time was in my jeep in a case being transported second the level of father knows best judgmental bulls attitude some gun people get about non-safety related personal choices is exactly why while i support gun ownership rights i could not stand being around a lot of other gun owners or ccw holders it's like being in a room full of over-the-top trekkies who look for any opportunity to argue about and be judgmental about the mispronunciation of the klingon word for sea third was probably the least relevant part of the story i broke up a pretty serious fight in my apartment parking lot the same way and got the same treatment from the cops when they finally got there 45 minutes after the first call and 10 minutes after this guy is bleeding from his face i'm going outside with my gun call cops had the nerve to tell me i should have let them handle it before i got my license to carry i have only had to almost use my handgun once my girlfriend left our apartment around 10 p.m to go to a dance practice across town and three teenagers who went to the local high school in the area watched her leave she got in her car and called me telling me about it and while i was on the phone with her i heard noises by the bedroom window which i was sitting by i grabbed my handgun and had it pointed at the window until the cops came they were all caught and arrested my girlfriend left our apartment around 10 p.m to go to a dance practice across town you can just tell us she's a stripper carried for over six years never drawn it once thankfully nearly did when the wife and i came back to our apartment unlocked one night turns out it was our friends who came over to feed our dog they thought we were out of town but we weren't leaving till the next day they got the days wrong while my grandmother was transitioning from her home and into a hospice i had an alarm installed on her house about a week after the install i got a call from the alarm company they said one of the kitchen windows was a jar i live about five minutes away so i decided to check it out i really wasn't worried because the house is really old and the windows either don't open or open though locked with a strong breeze when i arrive i noticed a light on in the garage i put timers on many of the lights throughout the house that said i knew i didn't put one on in that room i drew and cleared the garage entering through the side door as i entered i could hear a male voice saying let's go go the voice came from around the corner of the house scared the crap out of me apparently the i assumed teenagers saw my car approach and jumped out of the same window they entered looking back i should have called the police and just waited my grandmother was a hoarder and did not have anything of real value anything they took would have helped me in the long run as i had to take many truckloads of stuff to the dump anyways more importantly i don't want to shoot some kids for being stupid i think i was just emotionally fragile at the time and it seemed like the right call i concealed carry a standard nine millimeters pistol and also conceal an ar-15 pistol in point three zero zero blackout that's my suv gun i've never had to draw the standard pistol but i did pull the ar pistol one time in walmart parking lot go figure when i was approached by three really shady looking gang banger types i mean they were wearing sunglasses at night bandanas hanging out their pants no shirts on literally looking like lil wayne it was dark and they started to like surround my car after walking together towards it and i pulled the air from the back of seat mountain just held it between my legs one guy started opening my passenger side door and i brought my ar up to chest height and he yelled in these exact words yo he got an uzi and they all took off it's definitely not an uzi but i guess someone without gun knowledge might think that it's basically a short-barreled ar-15 with a pistol brace instead of a stock which allows me to conceal carry it as it's classified as a pistol and in my state a vehicle conceals a weapon as in if you are open carrying without a cpl you need to unload the gun and case it before driving my friend flashed his gun at someone who accidentally bumped their car into his truck door they started yelling at each other so he pulled out his gun to threaten the guy guy immediately called the cops and blocked his truck into the parking spot he spent a night in jail then ended doing like 100 hours community service also got his conceal carry permit revoked good if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: concealed carry, concealed carry saves lives, concealed carriers, pull a gun, pull the gun, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: dpk0OgqI0Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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