People Share 10 Year High School Reunion Stories (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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people who have been to high school 10 years reunions what were some surprises shocks for you there was a discussion brought up about how you don't remember the nice things done to you in high school but those mean disgusting things comments haunt you forever one of the popular girls said i'm glad i never made anyone mad in school i was friends with everyone one of the most quiet shy girls from school slams her drink and then pounds the glass on the table as loud as it are you ducking kidding me you were the single most evil in the entire school you tortured me every single day with your snide comments about my looks and style i've hated you every day since the popular girl looked around the room like who's this itch talking to every single person that started sharing horror stories about the popular girl she left in tears the mom of a friend of mine met a woman called anna at a reunion she wasn't sure who she was apparently they had been pretty good friends back then her name was david back then though none people got fat the people you wanted to talk to you already do anyway i was the biggest loser in high school but was the coolest methodical at the reunion also the jacques who bullied me were janitors at the event also that popular cheerleader became fat and ugly facebook has decreased the surprise of high school reunions not my high school reunion but my dad's a couple years after my parents got divorced my dad goes to his high school reunion and runs into his prom date they catch up she'd been the one that got away and all and it turns out she's also recently divorced from husband number two some things don't work out like you wish they would you know they agree to meet for drinks and dinner again soon and they do and then more dating and then next thing i know i'm spending every other weekend driving with my dad across the state to hang out with her but it's not bad she's friendlier than the other girls he'd tried dating and she's getting my dad to be more relaxed and not drink as much i leave for college and they get married he and his bandmates decide to get the band back together for reunion tour of the next class reunion the following summer reunion the band show was a hit it was like seeing my dad as a teenager they caused trouble all weekend lighting off fireworks and drinking and my grandma covered for them no officer haven't heard anything just playing solitaire on my computer they played all night long and decided it's going to be a yearly thing so many of their old classmates stayed in the area and they loved playing and hanging out my dad got the girl got the band back together and got his life back in line thanks to a couple class reunions it wasn't a 10-year reunion mind you sometimes you'll have to wait a little bit longer to get the happy ending you're hoping for i work for a company that puts together high school reunions and have worked at over 50 of them in my time there 10-year high school all over again you can tell who was popular and you can see most people fall back into their cliques there is always someone who knows no one and feels awkward trying to find someone to talk to twenty year people have kids it's mostly popular kids now and ones that were really involved in school activities meeting their old friends there's less people awkwardly walking around alone 30 year it's whittled down to popular kids and student government kids now women desperately trying to reclaim their youth and show how young they still look if you didn't know everyone was in the same age range you would think there was a 20 year range of ages 40 year some of the ladies try to age gracefully and still look good while others just try to look as young as possible men showing off new younger wives and talking about all the people who have died still student government and popular people 50 year less of an attempt at reclaiming youth a lot of talking about who has died and grandchildren my surprise was not being invited but seeing pictures from the event on a friend's facebook nothing like being reminded of how easily you are forgotten since facebook high school reunions are stupid i went to mine and i was all like corey what have you been up to dart since you pushed up 225 four times at the gym last night beast mode that people my age are dying people broke out into their lunch tables they sat at during hs odd not me and not 10 years but my dad went to his 30-year high school reunion a woman he had had a one-night stand with right after graduation approached her hey remember me him oh yeah how's it going her good we have a 29 year old daughter i have her phone number if you want to call her they had slept together right after graduation he then moved away she got pregnant put the girl up for adoption and never told him the daughter had just found her birth mother right before the reunion so she figured that was as good a time as any to let him know she brought a photo album of her growing up and gave it to my dad the girl looked exactly like my dad when she was a teenager and exactly like my dad's sister as an adult so there was no question it was his kid his next question oh my god my grandfather her no she's a lesbian him oh thank god probably the only time you'll hear that response to finding out their kid is gay it was hard on my family at first it all happened before my mom and dad had met but it was still difficult coming to terms with it we decided to meet her and see what was up she is awesome like really one of the coolest people i know great sense of humor she is now a part of our family tl dr dad finds out about a daughter at a reunion everything goes better than expected i showed up only to find out that i never graduated nothing facebook exists and if you want the type of person to be facebook friends with people from your graduating class then you aren't the type of person to go to a 10-year reunion my mother had once been to one there was this really shy girl she wouldn't talk to anyone or do anything when she went they found out she was a prostitute gross point blank said it perfectly it was as if everyone had swelled that about 90 of those people had not changed how mellow and normal most people became people i thought were jerks or enemies turned out to be surprisingly nice and awesome except for the loud crappy kids most of them stayed obnoxious also at reunions remember that i used to have a crush on you really means i would duck you right now that they were going to charge 60 us dollars per person to go we were all set to go with an old friend met at his house when we found that out that was 120 for my wife and i we decided to stay at his house and get drunk instead i never liked those people anyway how busted some people looked at 28 getting fat isn't a surprise neither is going bald or coming out of the closet but i was amazed at how many people looked like they had a lot of hard miles on them jamie had a chance well she really did instead she dropped out and had a couple of kids mark still lives at home cause he's got no job he just plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot jake committed suicide brandon odin died i didn't recognize anybody i thought i must be in the wrong place but my name was on the list i thought i recognized a few names but wasn't 100 sure there was some donuts and coffee there and i helped bring the dj a glass of water this really popular guy actually turned out to be gay his boyfriend was pretty cool and gave me some advice of how to make some money making adult entertainment me and my friend said why not comical hijinks ensued cue romantic epiphany now we're happily together it sucks when you realize how many people from your graduating class are now deceased it's like there was an eating contest after high school and everybody won it was anti-climactic hardly anyone showed two years later i joined facebook and now i never need to see those people in person ever again my brother went to high school with someone who eventually became a major league baseball player he told me that this guy was a douche in high school and then at the 10-year he flew in by helicopter to show off it'll be all right when i go i don't have a fancy job or millions but i don't have a drug addiction unintended children and i've not died of an overdose so with regard to many of my schoolmates i'm pretty successful i went from someone in hs who felt he always had to hide afraid i'd be embarrassed or made fun of to someone in my adult life who was successful and confident yet at my hs reunion i still felt like i didn't belong honestly it was a bit jolting because i felt i had changed so much but yet it didn't matter a bit you always think if i could go back and relive those days but my conclusions was that i'd still hate hs and the mentality of kids that age i didn't make it to mine but i heard all about it from a friend what surprised me was who already had children not the ones who had planned on being mommies by now and who hated their careers that they had been working so hard towards in high school i have to include myself in that but i had company nobody had gotten super fat or even look much different just a little older i think the funniest thing i found out is that the self-proclaimed virginity thief from high school is now a first grade teacher edit before anyone else pms me about potential pedophiles it was a girl who had this nickname [Music] the prom queen now weights 200 pounds and has four kids tragic she used to have six kids went to my reunion even though i dropped out two years before graduation not exactly sure why i went since i had only kept in contact with one person after i left i figured i was a nobody that wasn't noticed in hs i wasn't a loser or a popular kid i was just a face in the crowd that's what i thought anyway almost everyone recognized me to my own surprise i recognized and remembered the names of most of them as well i even got complimented for being the friendliest person they remember that's coming from all the cliques that existed in hs skaters jocks goths nerds etc apparently i talked to anyone and everyone and didn't care who they associated with all in all a good experience and i walked away with a few new friends i am the only male from my graduating class that is not dead in jail or on probation they couldn't hold a reunion mine passed a few years back and was very interesting few surprises and shocks observed how many people still look physically the same as they did 10 years ago just aged how many couples there were many who never dated nhs kids kids everywhere how much of an impact i had on my class people recognize me without a second glance i change my dress style clearcut etc since hs completely how many people who were complete screw you ups and duck ups in hs turned out okay with decent jobs my experience was that every girl i knew in high school that was still single wanted to bang that's right every one of them came to this thing looking to get laid weird night ask the people around work if the 10 year was worth it they said no everyone's still trying to figure things out and haven't changed much but don't miss your 20-year reunion everyone's got kids or divorced and have drastically changed all those people i thought were ambitious and had plans to change the world never left town except maybe to commute to the community college the next town over not much changed i went expecting everyone to be totally different people or to be in drastically different walks of life from where i thought they'd be after high school but it was pretty much like walking back in time 10 years the biggest divide was between those who had kids and those who didn't and it became more apparent as the reunion went on the childless ended up at the bar or around the tap more often while those with kids formed their own clique and just like high school my close friends and i peeled off from the larger group and went off and did our own thing once we realized that we didn't really want to talk to the rest of them as much as we thought we did i haven't been to mine but i seriously hope for the best to have happen to each and every one of the people that i'll run into with my reunion years from now none of this her de he was a douche in hs and how he works for a 1.97 our job because he sucks lollings that some man children seem to have funny story at my 10-year reunion i was talking with a group of people while mostly just listening because i'm shy we got on the topic of old boyfriends and who dated whom in high school well there was this douche sitting there saying really mean things about his high school girlfriend who is a good friend of mine i spoke up saying don't you remember we used to date you were really mean to me etc we didn't date i have better taste he got really flustered and tried to pack pedal and apologizing all the while his current girlfriend is shooting daggers out of her eyes finally i was like dude i'm just ducking with you you didn't even talk to me in high school he left shortly after that these guys who showed up who used to be total freaks and this girl who used to have this messed up back and a back brace who was kind of a rich too we used to call her the aluminum monster got really drunk and did this weird dance in front of everyone with some old guy it was weird i have always wondered how do they track down all the people to inform them a reunion is happening surely a lot of them have moved several times and even live in different parts of the country world with the amount of girls that went to my high school that got pregnant before graduation i have to imagine my 10-year reunion will look like a ducking chuck e cheese it's not actually a surprise but i had to go with my stepdad yes my mother married one of my classmates not me but my mother my mom was sitting at a bar at a high school reunion and saw women who looked really familiar my mom yelled across the bar to her are you craig's sister craig being a high school jock that dated my mom's best friend the lady replied no i'm craig my username comes from my 10-year high school reunion i was nervous about seeing how much more successful and attractive all of my old classmates were so i did what i do best and made up a bunch of fake business cards i handed everyone i met a business card that said wholesale obese last names wholesale bees and under it it said newbies use bees specialty bees vaccines so i guess it was surprising how easy it is to convince a bunch of people that i am a b wholesaler that the two girls who went to winter porn showed up my dad went to his 50-year school reunion last year when i asked him afterwards how it was he said waste of time the people i liked at school i had kept in touch with and the people i didn't like at school were still wankers i went to my 10-year damn that was over five years ago and my takeaway was that the jerks all got very bloated puffy looking and some of the nerdy chicks were suddenly a lot cuter than the women who were considered cute in hs my favorite moment was when i actually heard one of the sad bloated ex-popular dude say man i made fun of jessica w in high school and now i want to get into her pants it was like something out of a movie not my 10th my 20th i learned that i must have had a very different experience in high school than most people three put of four times people would walk up to me know exactly who i was know my name recognize me ask me about hobbies i had the time remember details about my family classes we took together interactions we had in the past who i used to hang around with and all sorts of other things i rarely recognize them and barely remember their name once they told me occasionally once i was reminded i could maybe remember a class we happen to have together other than that i couldn't tell you one damn thing about them my graduation class was maybe 300 people or so also the girl i went to the prom with hit on me repeatedly and relentlessly like a shark scene out of the movie jaws at one point i had to take her arm from around my waist and gently push her away it was creepy i did have an interesting conversation with a mostly spanish speaking guy we had worked together a little bit on the school newspaper he said i was the first non-latin he ever actually had any interaction with and he thanked me for being kind to him he said it meant a lot to him i had no idea good question there we're having ours this year so it will be interesting however i have talked to some of them on facebook and i can say that i never thought some of them would be parents went to an all boys school turns out we had a girl in our year i spent two hours boasting about working in a category to a woman who turned out to be a neurosurgeon as it turned out i was the drunkest sleaziest piece of it there i don't remember a damn thing except that i felt just way more out of place around my former classmates 10 years after high school than when i was in high school i don't know why i wasn't really unpopular then in fact my class got along great small towns don't generally have so much of the cleakness you see in movies after i graduated school that's when i got all elitist and smug and kind of became a bitter bad person within eight months i was in rehab to quit the source one of my classmates had been through seven marriages in ten years everyone married someone either a year ahead or a year behind and still lives in my hometown sums up the creativity and ambition of my town and my generation when i was in high school a group of us played cards every day in study hall there were three guys and a girl we'll call sally sally not a real name was indian south asian and her parents were both professionals in town sally was totally normal totally cool good student well-adjusted etc she complained about her parents being too strict but at 17 we all did then one day sally didn't show up for study hall after a couple days word got around that sally's parents upon learning she'd been dating a guy in school without their permission sent her to india for an arranged marriage of course we were shocked and outraged and discussed heroic rescue plans but in the end there was nothing we could do about it and life eventually went on as the years passed after high school i began to question the validity of the story altogether was it just the mildly racist assumption of the high school rumor mill 10-year reunion rolls around and much to my surprise there's sally i went over to greet her and as we talked i couldn't resist asking her if the story was true she laughed and said it was absolutely true her husband who was with her that night was the guy she'd been forced to marry they had two kids he was our age and a dentist in pennsylvania i think she said they were really happy had a great family and that while she agrees it's all totally crazy everything worked out for the best he seemed genuinely happy and as i talked to the husband he seemed like a genuinely nice guy i'm still not sure what to think about the situation still learning sally's fate made the reunion trip worthwhile that one of my classmates invented post-it notes people with wrinkles and gray hair already it's 1995 but through a fisheye lens [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Awards
Views: 81,274
Rating: 4.9299364 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, story, stories, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit, college, high school, student stories
Id: cEv6j9oKoyA
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Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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