Grand Theft Auto V (Chaos Mod) & Ubisoft Forward | 2021-06-12

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hello hello i'm not dead i'm not dead it's like i'm down a well hello help i'm not dead [Laughter] how is everyone oh it's warm in here sweet bejesus you are dead oh is this like heaven then you're greeting me or is it the other one i hope not where is sake oh i don't need him right now i'm not gonna talk about my feelings so i don't need to speak through it how is everyone good to see you good to see you heaven is not this warm oh thank god jesus it's so warm it's mad in here how's your arm pretty good it was bad yesterday the only side effects after getting waxed i uh my arm is pretty sore but i think it was in relation to the previous in trey hide because it kind of mimicked it i couldn't lift up my arm properly um i do have a window open unfortunately it's just boiling um i need to get like a big fan or something but you know the storm i think it might be a bit loud uh unless now i open that door i might try that in a while you know what let me open the door now see how it does that might that might help um but yeah uh what was i gonna say uh yeah i had headaches headaches yesterday but i know was it the heat or what i'm not sure but it's good to see yeah where is saki this is his stream right look soggy's busy he's choking on my foot right now don't let max hear that appalling hands thank you for the sub uh baby's uni pottery katie uh apollo pocket amber amber ray uh dayton i'm hiding in your house uh benjamin trenchler pope francis calcium mother avitamore boscia brown and far fastened jenna thank you very much for the support don't clip that i saw you sending them cute shorts oh i didn't even think of that yeah i've got like uh what's it called it's a color block colored block shorts we're like one side and the other two tone i don't know anyway let's just agree to not clip anything and send it to max uh phoenix thank you for the gifted sub appreciate that as well how are you all doing everyone it's good to see you yeah i know chaos mod time i just like i i'm being tortured from the heat may as well get tortured from that too may as well make it physical and mental lv tink thank you very much for 10 subs that is very generous of you thank you very much for that you're very very kind jesus appreciate that that's not the first time you've been very generous i appreciate it thank you uh technician ralph scott uh trust issue um bro browski thank you for the bits took me about five days to feel better glad i could finally make the stream today well i'm glad you feel better that's the main thing yeah i i think yesterday it was actually like i i wouldn't say awful but like moderately bad it wasn't great but it was only a day i like i'm fine with that papercut room uh helio fires heart rate caitlyn uh joe aaron sense catsy uh ginginator lozy brave bananas chunk gym fanny lex uh king of strange twozy and said thank you very much for the support there as well you know this video on youtube is really funny well thank you very much that means a lot to me thank you for that i like uh i like the stuff i've been uploading recently i think the the whole thing with my foot and like allowing myself to take it a bit easier allows me to be a bit happier with the content because i don't i don't feel like i'm forced to upload every day and i never like felt like oh [ __ ] i hate making content i don't want to make one today it's just like trying to come up with ideas every day and then sometimes i'm like i don't know if this one's that good but now that i'm like allowing myself think thank you for that again to have like a little break every now and again it it doesn't it's not as hard to come up with ideas i think and stuff so but yeah the barbie video was really good i was happy with how that came out yeah in the end it was worth it but like the thing is if it was that on its own it wouldn't have been as fun but the fact that there was such a build up and demand for it so funny it was just all around weird oh my god the heat in here is unbelievable i might actually have to try and go get a fan in a bit uh strawberry can quickly sitting bini a meowzie retrograde a little red uh ruri rod josh uh meme kiki adrian major malfunction remy todd uh ooka booga heath me mika uh quickly sitting binny um strawberry all of my time flowchart ian thank you for the five subs that's very very kindly thank you very much i think i got everyone there sorry dragon thank you as well there's loads of fans here you got me there flower good did you already get a new pc built no i had to call the postal service and i was like please i can see it's really close and you just say we have your delivery for the past five days what's going on and he's just like uh most is slow now it's like all right i guess i can't do anything about that i guess i just gotta wait it's like it just says we have your delivery it's not like it's in our depot or it's like on the way or it'll be here tomorrow just we have your delivery like please give it to me i need it the annoying part is that like i shouldn't have even had to pay customs on it but they sent it to me an error and i just paid it it was like 40 quid but i was like i need it my pc is falling apart so i just paid it now he won't even send it anyway it's so annoying ah the postal service uh mermailin uh pongo aller uh what uh are wine streams i hope i got that right they called me rebel attendee uh jenny uh santra sebastian uh the dreamer goop buttermilk uh king moxie case hawk thank you for the two mauser kozai red tech and vacti thank you very much i appreciate it sebastian thank you for that generous tip too all right um let me let me send out a tweet and we can get started here uh i'll just make it easy on myself and um just copy and paste the go live notification lazy the heat does that to you and also like who i am as a person okay i'm just thinking should i get the fan first you know what i'll put up the game uh pixel leaf thank you for the tip you're very kind as i see uh nick zaney big sam little wait for tomorrow and be dombrowski thank you so much for the five subs you're very generous as always i really appreciate it thank you all right you know what i'll um i'll open the mod so you can start before before i even start you know that kind of a fan um was it loud sorry my apologies i have my headphones off so i didn't realize and then i realized i could hear it that's like that's probably not good is that better too loud again really loud not bad six one two one two you better okay that should be good okay do you want to torture trevor for a moment i turned it down a little bit more it's about that about that should be good i think maybe a little bit uh all right i'll go grab the fan while you torture trevor and i'll be right back uh prigglet uh toppled potatoes to say thank you for the three subs holy [ __ ] what is going on jesus christ back in hell uh major malfunction breathing got it remy and she's the worst thank you if anyone shows up now they're just gonna think my sanity has actually broken because i'm just gone all right i'll be right back i'm gonna get the fan back in hell what's happening be right back i'll run so hello can you hear that fan is that fan annoying be honest because i don't want to be annoying i'll push it back from the door if it's annoying is it bad what have you been doing to this far man by the way trevor is in pain i can't hear it awesome okay great thank you um jesus gang thank you very much for the support back in hell you like me more when i'm gone so you can hear it one second i'll push it back a little bit all right that should do it it's a good bit back now it's actually outside the room it's just like blowing in the room and that that helps a lot actually so thank you for being cool with it um jesus kang what the [ __ ] hell thank you for the support you do like me more when i'm gone pretty glitch uh toppled potatoes thank you for the three subs again um major malfunction breathing connor remy she's the worst alchemist uh achilles quinn mercury uh rewind streams thank you again uh sir mercury thank you for the three subs private ritiki uh forbsicle adelphi uh pacquiao retu uh robertus huerta sebastian thank you for the massive tip back in hell i'm gonna shoot out a tweet there and then we get started sorry for the delay and i apologize it was just trying to get stuff manageable in here um right yeah sebastian thank you so much for that that was way way too much dude but thank you so much what the hell all right i can i don't know can i can i turn this up a little bit is that okay is that okay or is that too loud it should be okay is it i i think it's good um right i'll call a taxi sebastian thank you for that again uh let's get that oh [ __ ] oh no he's a companion is he he's not gonna kill me right i'm gonna get a taxi okay i could call a blimp but no i think i'll go with the taxi pope francis thank you for the tip and the bits king moxie uh no problem hawk thank you very much for the 10 subs sorry i missed that jesus christ i appreciate it oh no he's roasting me okay i thought he was being my friend but no he's roasting me that's fine i'll just ignore it i'll get in the taxi i'll shoot off the town oh god damn it i was like that was handy but no it it it stole the taxi okay that's fine i'll call another one at least i get to leave him behind me so i don't have my self-esteem plucked away at all day hawk thank you very much for that serenity uh bingo and king boxie uh white lightning garrett chop famico space kitten uh etric the baxter wiki lonnie rats uh caitlyn total degree lonely tyrannosaurus philip uh filipino and alicia thank you very much everyone i appreciate it sorry it's been all over the place to start i am not going in this car i'll just leave okay that's not an option apparently as a guy watching speed just like why don't they just get off the bus why don't they just leave okay we're good to go now at least we've got all the starting troubles out of the way i've got it marked we'll call a cab and we'll back back oh damn millennials all this on their phones i didn't get to react in time and now he's going to camp me uh i'm not going to be able to do this am i he's going to look at him just waiting there for me he's [ __ ] waiting at the door i'll just leave trevor to deal with him we'll be franklin we're closer to the mission then anyway oh for facts sake sake i thought i had ye i thought i had effect and i was smarted hold on michael i don't suppose you're free are you can i perfect sake like ah jesus christ why are we counting i'm new to twitch okay first of all sorry this must be very confusing i can't believe you did that to me second of all if you look up the top right there's little effects there listed with numbers if you put in that number in chat it'll vote and the majority wins that'll be the effect that uh takes hold i'm stuck going forward hold on just walk into a tree or something there we go we're trapped but yeah that's what's going on they're not them they're not counting if they were you'd be like jesus they're bad at it they're only getting to three every time uh all right i'm just gonna wait for my death i just gotta say cab please don't die no he's dead i don't know why i expect him to live you know sometimes in gta when you fall from a great height and you just kind of like live for no apparent reason i was hoping from that dark 31 loose serenity nikki liz clueless salt and pepper hatto and bananas wtf thank you very much for the support eventually this taxi will come out for me they must think it's just prank calls at this point oh sorry can't make it got attacked by an alien what oh okay that's fine that doesn't really work as well when i'm not on a mission because it was just confusing it's just perplexed more than anything oh sweet jesus okay do we have a taxi on the way i don't know what he said i'm half deaf out of my right ear it's blocked i can't hear a thing ah here we go okay please don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me and don't kill me don't kill can i just say go to the waypoint and skip yes i can moose abigail thank you very much for the uh or moose mcgill sorry thank you for the five [ __ ] i didn't think about this part i didn't think about the fact that i'm just gonna fly away oh i hope i have a parachute do i have a parachute i can't check cheating no i like it anytime it works out my favorite someone in chat is like cheating oh everyone exits their vehicle okay everyone's gonna think this is just like the reckoning we're all being summoned to heaven i filthy tacos postparone katie and thank you for the support as well oh that thing's ascending fast whoa what is happening to the plane oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] jesus christ it's like the beyblade effect or something that is going nuts how is it doing that from the gravity being inverted for [ __ ] sake i'm trying to accept that job i'm pressing e to accept the job as a taxi and driver but it's not working hold on i can land this all right that was a solid landing you gotta give it to me like right in the alley [Laughter] way to save me though jesus that was great i'm surprised they didn't like appear in a plane or something i guess there was no usable plane nearby all right devin i don't know how but i made it i really have no idea oh i brought my chimp also i hope that's okay all right what do we got the last ride on that list get ready to stay i'm ready to get paid do that escape i can't remember this mission collect the car oh sweet jesus come on champ we got a job to do people will use any excuse they can to ride in the carpool lane these days it's ridiculous i try to remember what this mission is though like we have all the cars there he is but what do we do with the cars oh it's a two-seater oh this is awkward dude you came all this way and now there's no space for you i'm so sorry oh jesus christ i can't even see the chimp i don't want to hit him okay i think we're okay god's sake i love this effect as annoying as it is it's frustrating to drive with but it's a really cool effect i actually quite like it is it zooming out further okay i don't like this effect anymore perfect's sake god damn it spacekit thank you for this sorry that sounds like i was really pissed off with you i'm not thank you for the sub don't move backwards that's fine that's not how i live life when life says tap on the brakes i pump the accelerator and run into traffic oh i nearly [ __ ] went backwards there right do i just go straight up oh no oh no okay i didn't drive backwards apparently just gliding backwards is fine not bad what okay no my mistake bad what was i saying i was ridiculous when i said not bad what did you do what did you kill him with oh you just said suicide i see him in oh there's my chimp ah i'm glad he's happy just chilling out there mid cutscene franklin just decided nah not interested in this anymore bored god's sake can i move backwards again is it fixed not even my car it was the transporter the car we were going up on got destroyed god's sake new place twitch thank you for the 12 months very very kind of you got a lot of uh repeat subs there sure him thank you so much for the 15 months very kind of you and laurie i love thank you for the 14 months as well that's a coincidence it always blows my mind when there's people who are like 12 13 14. honestly even like six months and stuff because it's just time has [ __ ] flown by like it doesn't even feel like i've been streaming for over a year you know it's weird i think it's a mix of just time flying in general but also just the lockdown making time a little bit weirder harder to follow you that was rough though all right franklin please don't kill yourself like if i had skipped the cutscene let's go if i could skip the cutscene we probably would have been fine but like oh no i'm gonna airlift them to devon instead attach the truck to the trailer that is easier said than done what do i do yeah i agree with franklin lonnie thank you very much for the bits as well i like that you're impressed with my reading ability as i drive pimp him x-ray climbing polaris alex flow a pokemon trainer pearl thank you very much god sake goblins pimping thank you very much as well the trailer fell off the truck that is an understatement if i've ever seen one all right here we go oh no it's an eight mile ride and i nearly just knocked it off by hitting the whale wait is that franklin swear oh sweet be jesus okay okay all right everyone okay all right this is when the pandemic is over this is how eager we'll all be to be around each other once more [Laughter] just everyone flying to everyone's house oh man i'm going to get out because i think this has failed and i would rather just die i don't think there's any way i can escape this fate well yeah there we go you crashed my game oh my god well done i guess i don't think you even crashed it at all last session that was that's possibly a new record for crashing my game all right you win i didn't realize this was a speed run my apologies [Music] tina maria's uh dear bh my fish thank you for the sub sorry if i'm pronouncing your name wrong victory screech yeah i mean you did well i'll give it to you crash any percent that must be a new personal best for sure all right i'm going to quickly go to the mission again and we we can do that power pretty quick if if there's an option to skip we'll skip until we get to that section honestly that long drive we may have to skip as well because i don't i don't see a world where you and i will cooperate for eight miles and that truck will actually make it i'm willing to try it if you all want to actually try to drive eight miles together with the chaos mod will help you see you say that you'll you'll help we'll try it okay we'll try we'll see wait why are the cops after me i just [ __ ] started what all right hold on i would like to abandon my responsibility please i want to abandon my responsibility come on i don't want to do this all right i guess i'll just try and fly there and hope you don't attack me mid-flight and if i die i'll call a cab at least the police won't chase me right yeah it's two stairs we'll be fine what the hell is happening oh it's very low gravity i see i can't i can't even steer okay all right i'm not very convinced that we're gonna be able to drive those eight miles you know like stranger things have happened but like from experience it's kind of like uh fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me situation but oh you just killed the dog that's very bad of you you shouldn't be doing that that is that is terrible what you did and i'm only smiling out of anger has gruntled pam just some potato god bran no see steal your zelda topple potatoes thank you very much for the three subs again you're very kind uh leon pendragon star weldsman eduardo uh dungeon snacky uh dearman fish thank you very much ah jesus which way is it what is it oh it's the console experience i thought my game was freaking out all right we're sorry no that's the name of the game like it's up to you what way you want to play it of course we'll try to drive the eight miles we'll see how it works dc flake seven very nice thank you very much come on send me a cab i gotta go uh he said cool okay i thought he went whoo i thought he said wait i can't tie my shoes what am i going to start fault oh that's brilliant i love that i've not seen this one before is this new oh my cab oh sorry oh you see now why i can't walk yeah like walk there i mean i not walk in general even though that is also true hold on let me get in that is brilliant i love that all right take me to devon and that is cyber blitz fuzzy uh visa october boss baby what the [ __ ] okay see ya all right we started the mission no hang up so that yes we're in a checkpoint now great uh i will call another taxi i don't know if this is a good idea or not i really don't but i'm gonna try it i don't know which is better sometimes driving or cab like whichever is faster but it's just hard to know sometimes oh i just realized a very big problem why what why what what happened huh what okay why is she in her underwear and why is she attacking that poor old lady oh oh yes here's my cab i was just gonna say my problem is i can't see which is my cab but it showed it on the map so it was actually a point i like how the meter is still shown when the rest of the car is gone all right thank you cops were led to the car okay first of all there was no cops there and second of all the car was invisible so did it [ __ ] matter really i don't think so i'm just hitting f now hoping there's a car nearby oh there's that crazy lady again oh there she goes okay uh how are we supposed to get a car that wasn't her fault i mean it wasn't really oh this was your fault this was all new i hope you're happy okay that's where i need to go so i don't see myself getting there we'll see we can do it i think like it's just around the corner it's just uh this makes it a little bit hard hi thank you very much for the tip as well [Laughter] i'm glad you made it to a stream uh evil lazy gg definitely not your broham nadia uh headless ancient is it ghoul and we scottish lady thank you for the support as well okay i'm not going to live am i wow what a fabulous view of the city as i go down though those trucks are flying all over the blimp oh you see what i mean earlier when i was saying that the problem now is not really getting there with the chaos although that is also a problem it's getting there through the traffic is gonna be an issue that actually my life flash before my eyes there for a second see i thought it was just crossing the street and it still is but you've made it a very very long process now okay so um how are you doing uh three i'm pretty three as well oh no it's a force field it's gonna blast lamarr away isn't it oh [ __ ] all right well i kind of gotta try it anyway yeah this is bad yeah that's that's not how you do that power to the missions sorry le man i had my force field on by accident okay the good news is if we fail it at this point i think we just get to uh skip it and we've already done it so i'm fine with skipping parts we've already done our parts that we're just going to be stuck on forever like i suspect the eight mile drive but no radar okay well at least i know where i have to go it's the good thing we'll see i i'm gonna see i am gonna genuinely try this eight mile drive if you're gonna try it as well like well we're gonna attempt it but i'm feeling good one of two ways you actually do help me get there and we do it and i'll eat my words or you'll kill me instantly all on earth one of two options um the boost got pretty good got us pretty high uh the problem is i don't know where i'm actually going and this no radar thing isn't going to end for a while okay i have to try and remember which directions i took i the problem is i'm all up in a heap now because you launched me into the sky i don't even know where i started okay i started here i'm pretty sure i came out and went left okay i can get a better view from the air can't i uh let me take a look up up high a second there we go all right now i'll get a good look uh it was on a curve it was down it was down here wasn't it yeah there it is i overshot oh no can i turn i can okay hold on just gently just learning sorry i'm a learner i'm a learner i'm a learner i'm a learner driver i'm a learner driver i'm a learner driver sorry sorry okay oh lovely respray devon's gonna love this he appreciates it you know okay this i can go faster so come on just speed up a little bit now slow down a lot bit and now we'll just gently gently gently all right hold on gently oh [ __ ] well then that fleeting happiness is now gone you know what i said earlier it'd be one of two things you'd either um you'd either cooperate or you'd kill me instantly this is what i meant luckily extreme grief for jesus has gone down into the canal for some reason so i'm hoping that's the last we'll see of him yeah but i'm not sure are we still oh [ __ ] we're still flying okay okay obliterate all nearby pets okay all right so that's how it's going to be is it i see yes i understand new courtney butterscotch uh zora lucy bjorn jaden tactical lettuce thank you very much great names all right go to the drop-off point is this gonna be it is this the real i did that to myself oh i obliterated all nearby pens did i did i was that me doing that apologies not only do you oh jesus not only do you uh do you punish me by by making me insta-fail then you gaslight me and tell me it's my fault this is like multiple levels of uh of abuse you got going on here all right we need to take a left up here and hopefully then we just need to go a bit straight and then it's just seven miles that sounds completely doable hold on sorry someone just yelled at me to do a kickflip and i didn't want to be embarrassed so i did it i caved the peer pressure but that's fine truck is back on its uh back of its wheels god damn you you really don't uh hold up your end of the bargain do you oh [Music] the problem makes people get more aggressive in their choices and uh i don't think the riot is actually short enough to even make it without chaos so uh i don't know if this is possible maybe i uh i would ask that maybe we could just cooperate for the last bit of the journey and then maybe we could do this and say hey we did an amazing thing together today but i do have that kind of inkling that maybe that won't work but that's the case i'm putting to you i'm all i'm seeing is people saying angry in chat and doomsday and stuff like that doomsday is an option i see um yeah this this only bought me like a mile and a half maybe two miles yeah about about two miles maybe even two and a half given that it's straight here um so it really didn't get me fair enough this is the longest drive in the game isn't it now i think about it every action is a consequence yeah but this this wasn't my choice it just happened all right so i'm guessing you're gonna pick no ragdoll because that wouldn't affect me too much and that would mean we get to continue on in this beautiful shirt no you did you didn't you picked uh you picked doomsday somehow i don't know how but okay yeah now we failed yeah it's just hard to say we haven't failed yet but uh no that didn't last very long i was pretty amazed it took that long but then the thing just got eated off into the ocean rumbling reeves had soon galen darwin asha therapy thank you very much happy chicken wings uh i missed sarah and melon kyoto immortal bindings jordan bjorn lucy thank you very much let me just reattach that trailer where did those tires come from okay i don't know if this is possible why is there a fire truck there is no fire to put out can i get back in okay good it's just like are we going to have to stop and stare here for the full 30 yeah we have to stop and stay here to stay here for the full 30 seconds okay oh kids thank you for the sub ah man okay this is grand this is grand just a bit of stopping and staring back her up back her up i can't even just drive in there stop crashing into me it's holy [ __ ] okay the problem is now if i break i get a boost which is why the traffic is now going nuts come on there you go yes we're 100 gonna have to skip this unless you cooperate on this goal or the next we're gonna have to skip because there's no way we could be here for two hours and i don't think it would ever happen it would be like the bridge all over again although the bridge was a bit different because because it was like a mile so that felt doable and you just weren't letting me but this feels just impossible from the get-go we'll see let's see maybe i'll eat my words candy fish thank you very much for the five subs that's very very kind of you thank you very much for that the traffic is going [ __ ] nuts at least the truck seems like immune it's just mashing them out of the way hades uh glomer thank you very much as well a candy fish thank you very much for that that was very generous of you oh my arms are tired um actually thank you very much for the gifted sub too oh we're minions it really is like a drive with the kids like franklin is just knocked out cold he's just sleeping oh no oh no oh no it's like being out with the kids but the dad doesn't love them anymore he just tried to ditch oh there was franklin look at him he's adorable now lamarr is just sleeping there all right let's go i don't even know you see you can do stuff like this and we'll eventually get there it's the insta-kill ones or the ones that are like just gonna end the mission immediately those are the ones that we have to stay away from if we want to actually cooperate fireworks jesus franklin will sleep through anything won't he have a break thank you for the sob i could use a [ __ ] havoc break myself god's sake all right just enjoying a nice little drive with my two boys lagged off back in hell okay some things are worse than picking the ins to kill options oh lag is so frustrating come on stop lagging i feel like i'm 12 again enough for that all right good it's over no great now phone call franklin really can't sleep through anything fireworks going off we're lagging the phones are ringing nothing not a peep sound asleep you know it's a good conversation where you just let the phones ring and you just enjoy you know there but if he was dead you'd be cool because of his brand who died whenever they should make them i can mod like chaos you could have effects such as enemies wave hello and stuff like that so they'd stop attacking on missions and they'd just be like hello there michael how's it going uh oh oh no oh no um oh no i oh no i need a cars now get out the car follow that truck what the [ __ ] hold up i like when i said oh no they were abandoned no i was abandoned i'm going to try that again because we're actually being quite cooperative there we helped get the truck to the goal it's just not you this is like some monkey pause [ __ ] it's like oh oh i wish the truck would make it to the goal and you're like you never said you alright we'll try it once more because it felt like you were cooperating that just went wrong the thing is i was just in shock if i got in a car in time i couldn't take off taking off after them and we might have made it i would have been super curious to see what would have happened there oh that's annoying like would he have just taken him to the checkpoint and then i could have got out and carjacked him or maybe i could have like ran him off the road and i would have taken control i don't know cruise control oh no i'm stuck at the speed am i oh [ __ ] okay it's your operation all right all right oh no you're watching the stream instead of doing your college work look you're learning a lot about life here that's the important thing i cannot [ __ ] slow down oh my god that poor man pop every tire of every vehicle okay i mean you've not ended the run surprisingly somehow this doesn't end the run but i'll wait there we go trafford died all right one more one more try one more and then that's it then we'll skip because this this might be impossible hashem's a jet fire captain skills thank you as well oh god no sky this one's always a little bit terrifying feels like you're just playing like a ps1 game or something as long as you only look at the distance let's do it guys some of you are trying to like motivate the troops like come on we can do this and others are like kevin he's just killing me over and over again but it is hard to tell sometimes like the the jesus take the wheel one i'm honestly when i saw the effect i was confused i thought that it would just take over control but i guess since there was no space for me in the car it oh you've randomized traffic okay sorry i'll just oh jesus oh sweet jesus oh no oh no okay are they gonna i think they're okay surprisingly what the hell is that thing oh it's just a trailer okay now this does feel like absolute chaos i must admit now it's just confused why he wasn't moving but then i realized it replaced something that was actually packed in that character that's funny because effects say the boy frank didn't mention it just to i haven't seen the burnham special yet i watched the first like half an hour and i was really enjoying it i want to um i want to watch the rest it seemed really good it was just like it seemed really like you know current it kind of hits different you know given the way he did it and what's going on what's going on in the world sorry there folks just passing on what an obnoxious truck jesus christ oh sorry i shouldn't mention jesus please don't summon him i do not want to be punished by the lord but you know thank okay six and a half miles not even six and a quarter above all else we'll just do as vin diesel says and take this quarter mile at a time folks we can do it i believe in you the joker truck it kind of is like a joker truck isn't it i tell you i feel like a [ __ ] clown anyway but a very different type of clown the fan was a good idea it's helping a lot i might try and get like uh does anyone have um i don't know if there's any point in me asking because most likely your replies will just be one two three five five six six seven but does anyone have one of those like jesus portable um ac units the air conditioning units that are just like you just plunk them in the room like fill them with water or something and have a pipe out the window or something like that because that seems like a good idea right now highly recommend okay i might look into that they're awesome okay that might be a good idea because it's not like it gets boiling here but it gets to like mid 20s and like just in the summer and ireland's not built for that like our houses are built to retain uh heat um my computer just overheats and all the equipment in here it's very hot so it's just like a little bit too much if if you can take the room down a few degrees i'll be fine um they can be quite loud that that is my one fear just buy a fridge man oh that's jesus from earlier he's just staring there like the [ __ ] blair witch holy [ __ ] why is the camera gun so weird oh it's locked oh god um yeah just buy a fridge and leave it open that's a good idea what happened you're doing well by the way i must say it's just me you're doing very well like we're four and a half miles away we may accomplish a miracle here like jesus did give us his blessing as we passed i'm pretty sure i heard him say something repair all vehicles lovely jesus that's very nice of you not only have you done nothing you've just healed me uh this is lovely this is a nice pleasant drive i want to start a petition for that cam mode [Music] happy sunday so glad you finished the mission wait hold on you're getting a bit ahead of yourself now we're not there yet um you have one in the basement it's very lovely that is good to hear oh no oh okay okay let's just take it easy here oh no that ten times vehicle engine speed is very very weird okay no we're fine jesse blue panda slow flip fay ass uh justin thank you as well uh sleep of innocence come on easy does it work for you oh my god holy crap this is awful oh this is even worse the thing is i feel more pressure now because i'm like you've actually done really well to get it this fan i don't want to [ __ ] it up so i'm like i'm being super careful if i can it's like that would [ __ ] suck if you went if you cooperated so much that we actually did like a seven and a half mile journey and then i [ __ ] it up oh [ __ ] okay [ __ ] why are there cops after us this is what happens when you fall asleep on the job is this part of the mission okay yeah this is power to the mission 700 to get rid of devin's lawyers keep the truck steady for franklin oh god that is easier said than done when it's the 10 times speed oh [ __ ] the pressure is on oh no oh no oh no i'm really trying oh no vehicles shoot rockets i hope that's just me and not my enemy be careful franklin i really don't want to fail that might be a checkpoint is the thing we're never going to lose them either because this [ __ ] truck like it's so bright it's bright green and bright purple god damn it okay we're fine we're fine okay he's managing i'm not in first person and we don't have the ten times energy uh energy engine speed i think we can do this we're all in this together now i can't even understand them to be honest so that's just my excuse to keep going oh it's low pitched that's why i can't understand him i was [ __ ] confused all right franklin here we go this has got to be a cutscene okay um wait no no i shouldn't how do i do fire the mounted guns i can't because if i do it'll shoot rockets and then the truck will blow up okay i'll just do it with spikes there we go that should do it right no damn it god damn it i can't [ __ ] shoot them because the rockets please don't fail come on come on come on come on i got a lot of pride uh pressure i got a lot of pressure on me so much pressure i can't even talk oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you ah the damn pit maneuver all right i i can do this i'll have to just shoot them i think i'm out of those tire popping things [ __ ] okay that's fine this is fine this is fine this is fine i'll pit maneuver him get him away from the now you know what [ __ ] it i'll just shoot him oh oh that worked oh celebrate everyone's happy this is like the oh the manager came out and everyone clapped kind of story it's like oh i shot them like that it was so easy and then everyone opened their doors and shot them like clapping in vehicle form what is this the cops were led to the drop-off point well [ __ ] there better be a checkpoint there's going to be one right i think we'll be okay when that part drops off yes yes okay this is great we gotta just lose the cops and to do that what the hell is that what oh for [ __ ] sake you teleported uh trevor from the front seat of the truck into my car so then no one was driving the truck and i drove straight into the back of it all right come on come on trevor let's get it moving come on let's go there he goes good trick now now they can't catch up oh [ __ ] very good trick oh that is way better than the kickflip i did a trevor you are a talented but stupid man oh my god okay it's that dumb anyway submissions hurt i stopped thank you very much for the five subs you're very very kind jesus i i appreciate all the support everyone slow flip blue panda jessie ready kim thank you for the five subs as well uh diabolus thanks for the sub very very kind wild at ping pong i polders and toby thank you very much all right he wants to stop and stare we were doing so well i know right we were doing so well i think we can do it though we did quite well to get there it was just that it was things that we didn't know that would affect us it did affect us like the um the rockets thing the rockets thing was unfortunate okay all right okay i think i'm going to just open fire because i couldn't shoot at him when he was this close to the truck oh my god okay that was a space ranger what is he doing he's mounting the truck all right that's him dead is he taking the wheel no he's also dead he did swap to the driver's seat but he was dead like it really looked like it okay i think we're good i'll be able to take care of them pretty easy now that i don't have rockets on do i have more the entire thing's just no oh thank god a fake crash jesus christ gang [ __ ] hell you scared the bejesus out of me oh my god that was awful all right we got some spikes down sweet jesus wait all heads are cops what the [ __ ] how am i supposed to escape the cops if everyone is a cop wait they're all cops all this have been even i'm in silent hill all of a sudden i'm just waiting for someone to run over me i i can't even stand up great i see the cease-fire is over loafie there sheepy a grim misery very fitting p for the sub oh sweet but jesus i i can't see anything i i get oh there we go jesus christ you took all my money oh [ __ ] i don't know if it's even possible if everyone is a cop like will the game register them as cops and what the hell why am i skidding what is that just me bad driving who are you what oh you're me sorry you confused me this is just oh my brain can't follow this sorry franklin i don't mean to give you that much of a close-up there's just so much going on it's a lot to digest yay i actually got someone with the strips for once i'll try and keep dropping them yay it's working i don't know how the second one wasn't affected i don't know they were okay it didn't look like in the cutscene they just slowed to a stop no traffic now that's when i can get behind yes how's it going franklin you doing well oh [ __ ] what what jesus take the wheel oh no no no oh no god damn it no ambulance a flight account i love crafty and eyes jealous jimmy a very good name thank you for the sub princess yoko uh loafy thank you very much okay i got spikes down come on come on yay a bit of a boring cut scene there to get him to spin out but oh well it worked that's the main thing call me glue are you going to sub as well great name yes wait why am i making a phone call did he make a phone call last time that's the space ranger from earlier i didn't realize he was aggressive that's a new one is it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] fact why is that cop not showing on the map that [ __ ] space ranger is still aiming at me from down there was it only because i had the oh no set player interrupt oh i see i was like what happened i just drove up the cliff randomly uh maybe i can catch up it'll be a tough one no i can't god damn cease fire is well and truly over this isn't all i wore all of a sudden you do not want to cooperate anymore jesus we might only complete one mission today in this race wait is he oh no i'm on lsd oh trevor help i accidentally took lsd i can't drive this whole thing is just a trip franklin's just at home it's just having a horrible horrible trip well we are having a horrible trip and in a different way angel thank you for this oh no space ranger down space ranger down please oh thank i need to try and kill him because he's gonna shoot at me every time i pass it's not gonna matter you know why we're gonna complete it this time this is the one i can feel it the hell is that sorry i thought it was a pizza bike but they're not even in this game anything i i actually really like the pizza bikes in like vice city and stuff i'd i'd like to play like vice city or something like that on stream sometime it'll probably be like some time when i'm ill i go back and play a comfort game i think the cops gave up they're just like you know what he'll take care of himself he's all over the road look at that he just did a kickflip for no reason that's a pretty great effect you gotta oh wait oh god there's me this is a bad trip i just saw myself standing on the road oh and there's jesus okay yeah this is a terrible trip good lord okay we're almost there we can do this let's cooperate for another like two minutes we can do this i believe we're going a little bit slower it might need to be like three minutes now but you know what that's fine there are no cops after us for some reason i think the game just pitied me literally no one is showing up i don't know what's happened if it's a glitch or you somehow disable them i don't know i'm stopped i i can't actually figure this one out we'll see heat vision all right at least i can keep an eye on them now see if any jesus spawns it's just up around the corner isn't it they pull in i like how they drive directly to the drop-off point even if the cops are after them it just doesn't matter they just go straight there we gave you never wanted ah so you gave me oh my god there's a lot of people there whatever's going on you gave me never what the hell is going on there you gave me never wanted and then oh no oh no okay this is fine at the start of the mission and then that just counted for the whole thing we were useful i appreciate that come on we gotta be nearly here right he pulled in around here right all right don't don't kill the engine please he can do this he's about to pull in i think if the screen will angle the right oh it's up here isn't it yes this turn off high pitch yes good shot good job all right he's pulling in we've done it oh at the expense of that guy's front bumper oh the high pitch okay are we here come on stop the [ __ ] car give me a checkpoint okay what me do i need to go rain oh jesus please don't land on her no yes [Laughter] oh that's awful franklin and the chipmunks sorry i'm sniffling by the way my allergies are i can't even bad it thank god the subtitles the door just fell off what is happening over there you forgot your door wait is that it that was the whole mission oh my god that was just pain the entire time was just pain okay you know what we'll [ __ ] save it i must admit chat you did well it may not have been the most exciting of missions but you did super well to actually cooperate and do that i'm pretty pretty amazed we did something amazing here today well you did i was just kind of present still all right um okay that's fine hang up on that uh we need a taxi we might be able to get another one done because in about like 45 minutes we're gonna do um we actually won this is what winning feels like this is an actual win in about 45 minutes we're gonna do like a little watch party of the uh uh ubisoft forward stuff like that it was a sponsored thing but i get to watch it along with anna so it should be fun it's like a 45 minute little reveal of some of their stuff well that is [ __ ] terrifying there's my taxi please don't burn up did you hear me sneeze there or did that mute in time that was the second test that was another sneeze did you hear me sneeze there where is my taxi going he's just leaving god they do not care about the whales you didn't hear it okay good oh what the [ __ ] okay you know what it might be better if i can actually just die here because i don't think i'm gonna be able to get a taxi to pick me up uh where do i have to go oh jesus can i swap player allergies jesus sorry gang i get super bad allergies it's something drives me mad about ireland because it's just so green here my allergies just get so bad apologies sorry oh my god portrait mode okay um i think i'm just gonna run into traffic yes yes i don't have allergies i just like to sneeze on purpose yeah that is a little bit of it i just love the thrill of a sneeze um oh god oh i'm so sorry jesus it's one uh issue with live streaming when he loads allergies and videos you can just like take a break or you can just edit out sneeze like what would you call them sneezing fits but uh not on stream just constant sneezing oh sorry i shouldn't say jesus my apologies and i don't know if it does to anyone else but it makes me like overheat like i actually my body starts to heat up from constant sneezing it's weird oh man those things that time that was one that like it was coming and then it was going oh no no that's disappointing oh no guess you didn't see me oh no everyone's coming oh sweet cheese no taxi driver please i need you god dammit what the [ __ ] all right this is it this is one for like tmz or those shitty gossip rags whatever they are you are famous and i just started beating up the crowd oh i just got a hatchet oh god they all got a hatchet too you know what this is fine this is worth it franklin over here doing a meet and greet they keep coming they're like oh i loved you in that scene where you murdered everyone with an axe oh there's another one okay that's fine this is allowing me to get out my anger the chaos mod is like an anger outlet for you and this is my outlet franklin out here getting a mama multi-kill oh in gta 2. oh this is like oh this is just like a cool movie like kung fu or something they're all running at me and i'm just beating them up with an axe oh oh no that's a dog hold on hold on don't beat up the dog franklin whatever you do wait why am i running backwards oh the controls are all messed up this is so difficult look at all those battle axes on the ground there's so many of them oh the walking is so weird it's like the buttons don't interact how they should okay that was great thank you for that nice um but i probably do need to die again because well things uh yeah there we go if you could kill me that'd be great good walking on the spot doggy oh and franklin [Laughter] um oh good luck janae sorry i didn't see your message earlier at all oh thank you oh okay the one time i want to die and you do the fake one i see good luck on your uh exam there i hope it goes well for you just a random account uh lolo stratus uh the crazed me me meet toad uh meme loving thank you very much as well katie force looney agnostic arctic gamer you know and some guy named steve and thank you very much you're very nice thank you oh you're not nice at all not even slightly [Laughter] for god's sake can i do you think i can swap players why did i say anything i like how i look up and chat afterwards it's like here's risen you [ __ ] summoned him oh no no no no no okay goodbye jesus i have abandoned my faith for god's sake okay oh you're having a different kind of chaos over here heads drive by player you just wake up to a drive-by rough neighborhood call a cab oh please don't do a drive by i need a taxi as soon as you can no problem great okay why is he walking like he's drunk is it just oh no stop it dude stop it [ __ ] hell like they're not even pissed off at me they're just doing it for fun because like they just keep going please don't shoot me dude please please okay okay yes great okay take me to franklin well not to franklin that's where jesus is take me to franklin's house okay buddy all right we're here great we'll actually start another mission i hope we're able to get through it okay here we go yes cutscene go wild you can torture cutscene players all you want we are women we have no doubt oh that's not gonna work though shut the [ __ ] up thank you jesus is watching i hope not what's up homie huh oh nasty paul is that how you act on when when a friend makes a mistake no really oh so what it's just me getting hurt is that funny no man oh [ __ ] you i'm gonna put you in the [ __ ] ground you laugh at i me again down i have [ __ ] in my life but you oh you're not long for this world if this is the way you [ __ ] act i forgot you reacted like this [ __ ] i like this two wanted stars for being a bad friend that's what it was it was funny at first man i mean the scene was improv was it unfortunately man you failed it was fun all right i apologize oh no five wanted stars it's gotten very serious you don't laugh at a friend in need except or maybe it was his fault was that trespassing when he fell over the fence is that it because they're all shooting at trevor let's hug it out uh you're a little bit bloody right you just [ __ ] gotcha oh [ __ ] no i'm not funny it's got scene it's really great isn't it i kind of forgot oh my god he's getting ripped apart stop stop he's already dead i'm just [ __ ] on edge you know [Music] they had some problems you want that piece of [ __ ] that's your [ __ ] business all right he's dead to me all right and chances are you're watching the chaos is it all unfolding get to everyone else core franklin isn't me shot at it look at him he's destroyed i like they picked the day to all wear white oh my god good lord the amount of bullets he just casually walks away well it was his own fault for walking into a crime scene like that oh [ __ ] he just insta dies that was great i love that fantastic job ignite player just to top it all off oh that was brilliant i loved that it was just the fact that the cutscene was so long and it just kept going and more and more cops are coming up it was getting more and more escalated and the fact it started at two when i went to five stars oh that was brilliant cobweb and bananas thank you very much for the bits i appreciate it that was brilliant oh wait what okay i only drink broccoli okay that's fine just what why is telling me the swap player we're in a cutscene what okay no we're fine what very confusing oh i'll have to watch that whole cutscene back and that whole scene was great all right launch traffic trackify is it um all right okay ah i see we got it we got an alien to war it michael needed up but i didn't know exactly where he was so i launched the trackify app and we headed out west the meteors were a distraction but nothing would stop me from saving my friend then it would come to the next scene but unfortunately this is a live stream so now we gotta just do the whole awkward black and white ride there sorry i know it kind of ruins the effect i'm also a traffic magnet apparently now much like in real life ah good old self-deprecating humor i just love when vehicles hit me you know you're lucky i'm not sensitive because you know it's putting an effect traffic magnet had someone who got badly injured from being hit by a car is a little bit insensitive i'm kidding of course i'm kidding it's all good i know i joke about it all the time somewhere how are you kidding this woman is just singing holy [ __ ] yeah sorry don't don't say don't tell anyone we were here oh oh god oh god put away the phone millennial jesus oh no oh no this isn't gonna go well is it there's a guy behind me oh why dude they don't belong to you where you at bro oh this feels so weird i don't know is it because i've just not been fighting or i don't know what's happening i'm blinded it's just random chaos is happening i keep falling over and i don't know why there's just like he's using the weirdest combat tactic ever i've never seen it before we don't know what to do oh for effects sake he's screaming but it's just like a map michael okay it was michael i thought he was calling for his mom or something which i wouldn't blame him here all right where are you michael oh no no no no no no i gotta be remem remember i gotta be remember i gotta be remembered that i am a mortal here i could die die like that man oh wait i thought it said you died what the [ __ ] oh he got grinded up oh god oh no no no no no no no i can't stand up so what's happening what makes you so hard because i don't even know what i'm dealing with do you think that was the like was it ragdoll or was it like uh my shoes they're untied one or something why are you out here what oh wait actually now that i think about it i think the one that's making my um my eye is dimmed i'm so tired i think that actually makes you fall over sometimes because he like falls asleep yeah yeah it does vikio and scary thank you very much for the soldier very kind thank you all for the follows as well and just hanging oh so what was the story here trevor just he doesn't want to help michael isn't frank what he got michael dawg where you at god he's just screaming for michael constantly come on michael you in here every time i go to go around the corner he starts blinking his eyes start drooping that is such a weird sound effect i feel like my sound on the go xlr like when i do little sound effects and voice over stuff that sounds better it sounded like it was coming from inside my head michael you're being a drama queen just get down off that thing he's just standing up there down there throw me a gun oh i'll leave that franklin help you and i'll go kill these guys wait where are they dwight this is time what do i do i don't know i'll throw him okay now he's upset sink god damn it please be a con yes okay wait frankly watch out dude oh my god one of you is the evil twin and i'm not sure which oh for ben's sake i think that was an accident that was just friendly fire i need the clone to die because then he won't respawn in the cutscene no that was good okay which is the clone i can't kill the club i feel like one of those cliches like how can i tell who's the real franklin yeah let's just ask me something only franklin would know oh oh no okay um hold on i'm just gonna mute that for because that that can get dmcad uh the the audio i'm not i'm not sure if the video i i thought i had already muted it one second i'm just gonna how can i you know what hold on i'm just gonna i'm just gonna reset that because i think i think it's kind of dodge for some reason that the tv shows i think is people were just uploading the tv shows in their entirety so rockstar claim all that stuff so it's a little bit i'll skip it hope you don't mind i know some good tv would have been lovely there maybe we could throw on some simpsons stop fighting each other jesus at least if you're gonna fight franklin win it's the clone that keeps winning at fort ccn thank you for the 14 months very kind i appreciate it i'm gonna just leave them fight and hopefully franklin just rushed him i know he's so aggressive or franklin just isn't as good i think clone franklin has just less to lose like he has nothing going for him if he kills the real franklin everyone so like can you blame him he loses every time look at that bastard over there this is so difficult kill the clone did they get him either he changed his priorities or he killed the clone no he's he changed his priorities he's still going can you get those get him guys clear the corridor yes random companion random lady comes in and saves the day good job everyone all right let me let me get this all right let's do this let's do this good come on we can do this it says friendly neighborhood why are you being like this oh franklin i'm sorry i'm on lsd what yes jesus where did you come from what you didn't spawn jesus did you where did he come from i didn't see anything to do with jesus in ages where did he where is he coming from as he ran like all the way if you notice he had a battle axe so remember ages ago we got that thing give everyone a battle axe when i was at the hospital oh that was it because it was give everyone a battle axe and you'd spawn jesus and then i i swapped the trevor and then we drove all the way to the mission oh my god he has walked so far he literally has walked across the map no it wasn't the random companion it was um that was the lady the lady who killed um the franklin clone he came all the way from the hospital that is insane he just knew oh god does he have the trackify app on me how did he find us jesus vented maybe wait jesus oh what what okay go random companion oh jesus is dead oh jesus has risen okay is he with near against me i can't turn by the way i'm stuck this way i can't oh no oh no oh no he's like i came to the slaughterhouse for me he's just saying how are you doing oh well franklin i got out should i should i i was like should i just leave should i run away franklin's not doing anything you have picked up this mission like beyond belief it is so broken oh my god pop thank you so much for the gifts i'll be very kind um oh jesus christ okay i think this mission is actually broken now i don't know if we'll be able to get past this he rises again and this time he has a gun i can't get him i feel like a pinata black quill just jackie thank you for the subs i appreciate it oh man what's the glory of jesus jesus what else am i all right you know what this is okay because we can kill them all now just don't come too close don't let them get too close kevin cause if they get too close i'm not gonna be able to kill them who came in behind me what i can't see who you're shooting at franklin i don't think anyone's there aren't they you know what i'm i think you're in agreement why are you fighting i don't see anyone what was he shooting at i think franklin is the problem like i've escaped so many times now oh jesus all right we can do this i i feel like we can do this am it's to celebrate the fact that we can do this yeah it turns out this is pretty intense this mission there's a lot behind very good i don't know why franklin runs away in this instance like you think it'd be better to just get michael down heads riot oh [ __ ] okay hold on hold on hold on we're gonna get you down out of there okay can we get you down under there oh wait no no i need to go up the corridor and then someone jumps on me sorry my bad we got to do the set piece there's literally no one around and franklin's just running all over the place here we go okay now please let's do this michael take the shot kevin take the shot take a better shot there we go that's one companion brad okay good now the feud can end brilliant this is great fantastic work everyone now i can go back to trevor and be like look that's fine we can stop fighting i just shot michael why did i do that why did it let me do that why did it show red when i aimed at him what okay at least we're good but why did it why did it save us red and why did michael kill brad again now we're in serious trouble oh now we're in serious trouble stop shooting me dude please oh it's peds riot that's why that's why it happened okay i understand now i'm still angry but at least i understand i don't like being angry and confused um doggy a moving fortress kale thank you very much for the support very kindly batman thank you as well trying to stay away from franklin so he doesn't insta kill me all right there we go it's gone run flame throwers can i not be franklin he has better guns what okay why did okay never mind if i i feel like the perspective shifted there it looked like he was looking the other way i think that's what confused me last time too oh god okay this is gonna get serious and very dangerous i actually know the layout of this place from the um the multiplayer game mode slasher that's it man it's fun we're on it i think did we play some of that stuff like before in the stream we like loads of us were joining in i hope that's a cutscene at checkpoint come on get him oh no oh jesus okay we go out we go lose the cops the fight and i can do that i i hope five one stairs okay this is gonna be actually very difficult franklin that's a little bit dangerous i'm michael sorry sorry i'm blaming you frank lane what this is absolute chaos sorry my nose is [ __ ] bad with allergies so this front batman dookie thank you very much moving forward thank you as well appreciate him okay okay oh oh that was cool good job on that everyone i know rendered this it's fantastic i don't think i'm gonna be able to do this that was crazy through the bridge though that was worth it wreck uh colin thank you very much great we got a checkpoint oh wait oh my god i look awfully oh god that looks terrifying that looks so scary um i didn't realize that wasn't even meant to have cops there i mean yeah why would i autopilot [Music] it's not very good they haven't ironed out the kinks with these self-driving cars have they okay we we still have like 15 minutes to finish this mission you ain't gonna stop yeah like 15 minutes oh that was very good good job all right that made it a lot easier when time is of the essence you're like oh i didn't realize i'll just get that done good job well listen thanks look man before you go what the [ __ ] happened up there i said trevor went crazy tried to kill me i got jumped by the chinese man before all that i'm talking about he looks like he's just shredded i know what you meant look him and now he's deep fried too he's just sounding like chicken deep-fried shredded chicken i made a judgment call i don't know if it's the right one i did what i thought i had to do he's just destroyed not as bad as trevor was earlier though i was running with a crew of crazy [ __ ] with nothing to lose i saw it out a future for me for my family i took it you took it man you burned every [ __ ] you've ever known it was that or die oh now you've died a lot look i know it sounds cold i don't expect you fake you don't understand it yeah it's like it's not going to crash and it comes but you've got ties to your own no way not not like this there's nothing going on and your legs they just give you just can't run anymore all right man look you watch your back all right uh i don't know what the [ __ ] he gonna do don't worry about trevor he's not gonna get near me hey you watch your back you hear me dawg it ain't me he coming forward he's straight well i think he'll be okay with the miniguns now i'm just saying all right is that mission that's mission complete right just walking up with this minigun he looks like an 80s action hero all bashed up like that i'm getting too old for this [ __ ] that just goes inside very good all the vehicles on car he's not even going to be able to sleep after all that now good job everyone fresh meat complete ooh nice sentence there oh michael be careful don't put that thing in your eyes god's sake he goes out even the stance with holding the minigun oh it just got taken off me okay easy come easy go uh let's quick save this we might do some yoga because we still got a little bit of time not too much is there any other thing we could try like other than yoga um is there anything else you'd like to try with the um with the chaos mod on we've tried like taxi missions before but they were kind of uneventful because it was just in stopping we kept just dying uh we tried golf too tennis tennis is like back in the garden isn't it you try i don't know if there's any therapy of you oh don't make me [ __ ] you stop it stop it this is my safe space i like how he's shooting me saying don't make me hurt you god's sake i'll try some therapy because therapy is always fun [Applause] oh god all the honking michael's had a bit of an unpleasant time hasn't he um let's see there's no thought bubble but i'll give him i'll give him a call someone said i have to do that what's his name again oh let's say this one hello dr isaiah friedlander speaking hey doc it's me are you gonna hear me because of the compounding of your classical low sexual self-esteem the desperate search for the easy answer in life and your profound narcissism reality will have a habit of handing you a repeated kicking anyway what's up hell doc when you put it like that come on have you been acting out again michael no i don't blame him for acting out if the world is like this it's directly punishing him tell me i've been doing some thinking is this going to result in an actual visit i hope it does my feet were literally up on a [ __ ] meat hole oh very relevant i did more for my mental health than all these years ago no till x thank you for the bits and jesus i hope you're right a broken jaw sounds very very sore no it was bound to happen sooner or later ah reynolds thanks for the sub as well what i want is i want my family back i want to see more and more like vin diesel michael and i'm starting over again that sounds like a breakthrough michael come on let's just finish the call and let me visit reflect on the work we've done together don't undervalue the benefit of these sessions any other violent outburst should i skip it i'm going to skip it and see can i visit now no all right well at least i didn't wait for the whole thing nice i'm gonna be shot up now imagine your patient just hung up and was like oh sorry i'm being shot who that floating gun is shooting me dr isaiah friedlander speaking hey doc it's me do i have to listen to the whole thing how are you not good doc not good that was the session okay so there's no there's no more okay that's the end that's the end of the game michael sees therapy he patches things up with everyone and he just works it out and has a nice happy life that's nice um i don't suppose it's probably easiest to just try yoga again right i can't even i can't even like calls it it's just stuck this way [Applause] [Music] we only have like 10 minutes anyway so it's probably best to just start the yoga replay mission and did somebody say yoga uh this one all right i'm just gonna um i'm gonna run to the bathroom and uh blow my nose and stuff like that and if you want to just go wild you go wild i'll be right back and you can fill me in on what you did i did save yeah yeah i did an even bigger [ __ ] thank you your support in my difficult times means the world to me i've supported you i left everything to come here with you and still that crazy bastard turns up i'll handle it how i don't know oh you know what just keep him away from me and the children you low like whoremongering ass white did someone say yoga no i think she said [ __ ] monitoring ass what join us please no please no no no the yoga is for sharing come come again go awesome so fat if you could make me as happy and mellow as my wife would be a job well [ __ ] done we are all on our own journeys miguel we have no doubts why is she driving a tank on hers to deal with your hostility michael now here is good we have the sun and the moon the soil now we begin to put the [ __ ] to the earth yes we begin each sequence or mountain pose all right um i don't know about this come mikhail you have something to prove yeah what the hell is going on oh my god he's nervous all right why is the carriage just there peacefully through the bloated nose and out through those little lips oh it's minions okay the voice has confused the hell out of me oh this is weird doing it with like a mouse and keyboard hostility insecurity and self-centeredness drift away what did he do to him when i was gone why are they not shooting i don't understand the blue sun something oh always shoots we have a very long world of trouble with you it's so simple come on i saw the message saying we took drugs and and i didn't get to read the rest because it was gone there you go peaceful oh i can see them again the driver always gets me the ped model it's just he has this weird angry smirk going and it's always so scary oh no that movement i think they do want to shoot me they're just not on me so they like well they are on me so they can't sometimes oh no be careful where you step michael weep uncontrollably for hours the boring uh reynolds wow thank you very much for the subs oh now he's drunk as well oh wow you feel that all the audio's so fast though let it go also has there been no echo throughout this of the stream because i tried to fix it earlier and i think i may have [ __ ] okay oh no not my wife amanda died and michael conveniently teleported away a few meters no echo at all yes okay i might have fixed it earlier it was hard because it's always hard to diagnose because it only happened on stream you will be a new you all right we'll probably do one more attempt on this depending how long it is the silly man forgets to breathe breathe oh my god holy [ __ ] oh my god you really set them off there hold on i can still do this i don't play oh my gosh that was brutal all right we haven't we have time for another try jesus christ all hell just broke loose like that it's just over all right help mother okay he just who is that give him a chance come on oh no it's the blue sultan and the ballers that's fine that's fine you cannot beat my inner zen with guns alone see the ball is have respect for yoga michael does not care he's pulling a trevor like earlier getting shot like a billion times i don't know what you're saying amanda to be honest with you it didn't sound good though michael turned like he was just coughing off blood there you go oh it's binoculars okay i was like why is it zooming in on her oh no they started a war the blue sultan gang kills the uh ballers oh and they were at peace too seems fine they have like movie level uh clips it's just never running out of ammo they just keep shooting over and over again they're not even reloading as far as i can tell yeah it's a little pained face oh poor michael that sums up the whole stream doesn't it the pain as he falls over all right i think i'll um i'll exit out there uh i'll go to uh full screen and we'll um we'll get hyped for the ubisoft forward but that was so fun jesus christ i hope you enjoyed the chaos thank you so much for all the follows as well everyone i really appreciate it and sorry about my my allergies um but we're going to do more of that uh soon enough i i want to try and complete all the missions i know there's been like little bits throughout that we skipped but for the most part we've done nearly everything so what we're going to be doing now it's actually a sponsored segment that we're doing we're going to be watching um the ubisoft forward thing they've got a lot to announce and stuff like that we'll be watching it with uh with anna so i'll let her know that we are ready um let me see here uh i'll send her a message um okay one second uh and we'll get going this should be pretty fun i think um i'm just so glad that i can do it with uh with anna we're doing another one these actually uh wait what was the echo was there echo there what editing software they use i use um adobe adobe premiere but yeah today we'll be watching someone with anna and at the end of tomorrow's stream which will be at 6 00 p.m gmt plus one also so an hour later than usual we're going to do the media share and then we're going to do a watch party thing with max so it's fun it's always nice to do stuff with friends like that um let's see uh i'm ready when you are and we'll hop on a call uh what else do i need to do i need to change the title here that's right and we have some uh giveaways as well i believe we have codes to give away so uh not starting now but at the end of each segment you can join the giveaway using the hashtag in the title and well it'll come up in a second and i think there are drops as well i'm pretty sure there um let's see cold stream and i'll just tag it with that but there's some stuff to be given away so hopefully with donkeys no duckies this time i like pull out the hot tub just drag it into frame like i'll pull this string i could do it with those cursed babies i've started to get all those packages now that people have been sending me so i just have a big stack of packages that'll be next saturday we're going to be opening them that's the plan anyway um right so okay i need to give um i'll just give her a call if i can so yeah plenty of prizes to win i think we've got nine codes to give away and they're pretty good as well so hopefully uh hopefully you'll win something uh let me give a call there we go sorry i think i'm muted there h2o wildcat i don't know if that's the real one or not but thank you for the sub either way i appreciate it exolexic thank you as well hello hello how are you how's it going what how are you good how are your allergies i think my ones are a lot better than yours because i can hear you sneezing from my own room oh jesus i hope marvel yeah might have been kind of bad um oh no no what can you do um you said the code stream wasn't working uh i think the browser source was set up so we initially had the twitch gaming one and that didn't work for me but i'm using the ubisoft one if you change let me take a look at source um yes let me know has the volume in the meantime so that i can adjust it hashtag i'm right uh where's the timer wait is it not showing the same growth cost i'm watching the ubisoft one and it has an eight minute timer you don't see that no maybe maybe my one will just start when um when it's time to go not sure you don't see the racing corner as the pre-show no i don't think they're racing cars anyway if they are doing a very good job of pretending to be human let me see what it's getting more and more advanced we need to make sure we are watching the same thing uh yeah you're watching something completely different but i'm on the right thing so i imagine they'll both start they'll both start at eight right um the ub forward pre-show is already on so i'm watching that okay we can just wait i'm sure it'll happen that um uh i'm sure it'll start at eight so we got like seven minutes okay it starts hopefully keep me posted if you see it switching if not like i'm gonna switch over to your one then so that we are watching the same show sure i'm confused i have the audio off um for the stream at the moment um but i don't know what they're doing it looks like they're talking to the ipads or something that's so confused that's a weird one oh oh no i made them nervous i'm watching kevin's stream guys that's what i'm seeing because my one is not showing that i'm watching oh on my end i'm watching just dance i like that six minutes to go oh god is it oh yeah someone did the fake crash effect it's just uh it's just a bit glitchy for me it was lagging a little bit is kevin still too loud on my end guys i'm sorry no no no it's it's just i boosted your audience earlier because usually you are too low but i guess today is the opposite okay i'm gonna adjust it extrolexic baby how did the chaos mud go today oh you know yourself [ __ ] awful sure you know what they're like and uh that didn't go much better either i tried fishing and now without crowley i could only catch one fish it's so difficult to fish in stardew yeah i i never was a huge fan of the fishing on um stair tube but i was impressed i i must admit as awful as they were at points we had to do an eight mile trip from one side of the map to the other in a truck and they actually cooperated and we did it without uh without skipping so i was pretty impressed that they did that they did help a lot okay well done community i'm super impressed by that well done i didn't think i didn't think you could so that that's quite impressive in terms of the distance i don't think we could either and honestly they said they would help at the start and then they killed me instantly a few times and then they helped they're like they wanted me to you um i think the wait is my stream title not right oh it is you might have to refresh if you refresh um you'll get the hashtags as well the hashtag ub forward adds to the uh the giveaway i don't know if i can make it so that that hashtag doesn't show in chat uh we have no sound oh i i don't have sound either i haven't muted at the moment this this isn't the show it'll have it in about five minutes yeah we are on the four minute countdown on the you before the free show is super hype because i already saw a teaser about watch dogs hmm are you expecting any any big updates i i am hoping for certain things but i'm going to keep it secret for now for those of you just joining it's um a sponsored stream by ubisoft so thanks to them thank you so much for sponsorship indeed we're gonna have drops and giveaways for you guys we're giving away game keys and there's drops starting in four minutes you'll need to be watching the stream if you want to participate in drops i've only dropped short now by accident i didn't mean that kind of drop guys don't be clumsy all right um yeah hopefully there'll be some good things and you can uh win some codes uh let's see um should we say also hashtag ad no that's me disclosing that it's sponsored you don't need to put in hashtag actually it's just the other hashtag hashtag ubforward is the official hashtag of the event of today's ubisoft forward event and also the hashtag to the giveaway you can enter the giveaway on both channels if you want to double your chances to win and also for the drops i guess it helps of course now they're all the hashtags freestyle get your free stuff i like to think they're just making sure to disclose it and anna can you link me the browser source for the other ones just in case this doesn't start on my end but i think it will like they they gave me this link so it should yeah let's do the following i'll give you that link and if if it does start on your end i switch to your one so that we watch exactly the same um but i'm going to link it in a moment if i find it or i put it do you do you need the one for me or do you have it um if you can just link this to it i don't mess it up because i typed it in manually earlier okie doke there you go thank you and i'll send you one i'm watching one of them will for sure work thank you luxer for the for the support on both channels are you guys excited two minutes to go two minutes for the latest updates on the ubisoft live and upcoming games the amount of like hashtag ads i'm getting the thing i like to think they're just like i don't want kevin to get in trouble we gotta make sure this is disclosed to everyone but i know they're just doing it to just troll me that is so kind though you guys are very fast yeah my allergies jesus oh no so annoying today that's the problem you get the good weather and it's great but the allergies will just drive you mad did you show off with your little sunburned skin because the sun in ireland it's not an everyday thing that you can get the sun burned uh yeah it's it's rare honestly and i'm not even that sunburned like it's it's just like a little bit on the nose and there and stuff like that it's not that much kissed by the sun it looks cute i love this song i was telling kevin in the morning he looks like he has done on a bit of an e-girl makeup for today's stream i don't think it's quite that you can see like a little bit from my sunglasses where they were yesterday on the nose but it's just natural it's natural sunburned i think did i mute myself oh okay um i muted myself for everyone goddammit but you didn't mute me so everyone knows about you being an eagle no no no no that was fine it was um it was i was thanking some people and then i i muted myself for my own stream uh what's the countdown on your end the countdown on my end is two one okay zero can you see that no okay maybe switch to the other one music we will be changing it yeah i might have to swap chat gets developed okay you today including deeper looks at far cry 6 and rainbow six prizes but i know why y'all are here you want to see games so let's get right into it the rainbow six operators are facing off against an environment for gamer time you'll no doubt have noticed that the alien parasite has spread to new areas it's time to suit up and step into the containment zone here's a deeper look at rainbow six extraction i haven't seen anything about this and i love rainbow six siege i know i sometimes watch kevin playing with friends i've never played in my life but i pee i sit next to kevin to watch heaven so this is a new piece of it no i think this is a full new game it might be a an update but that was my impression of what i heard and the nightmare began if you can still hear kevin properly i hope it could be contained but it is you will find it an extraction team but i know wondering will it use the same like characters from seeds first oh my this is so hyped okay i'll take out the nests that's almost like my accent when you do my accent duh it sounds similar it's hungarian anything east of ireland sounds like that to me holy crap what is this this is crazy how much of this is similar to the current rainbow six game do you recognize anything like the the operators the they're like good guys look similar but like this whole like parasite zombie thing i've never seen anything like this in a rainbow six game wow pretty nuts [Music] but i'm i'm thinking it's co-op and if it is i'm excited because anything co-op i'm into because currently it's pvp right five versus oh look at you yeah it's pvp we're trying to understand the gamer world pvp 5v5 and this would be pop oh jesus oh my gosh this is not what i expected but it i am interested and it's gotta be co-op because the the old ones were co-op as well and they were really fun oh yeah rainbow six uh like vegas two and stuff i love that game uh i only knew that and i i pictured it as it was always a pvp or mainly pvp yeah well that's kind of the direction they took um there's not been a campaign in a while and the fact that it's tom clancy guys remember the video remorse campaign remember tom remember though maybe tom will make an appearance so it's just tom just shows up and just kills them [Music] looking fabulous so they're referencing there's some of the the operators from siege the characters in in that there at the end i see so that's interesting kennedy thank you so much kenny murphy chris thank you very much you are throwing me a party yeah still budging me stole the fireworks i'm so curious how this game will work like is it a campaign or is it like individual like will say levels yeah yeah how many people will cooperate in the end i'm curious september the 16th guys mark it on your calendars you must have a ton of questions after seeing that trailer oh here's the answers as well as the full gameplay walkthrough coming up so hang tight my name is richard i'm your resident community developer coming to you from north carolina we're thrilled to be back to give you an introduction to rainbow six extraction with me today in montreal i have bruno lalonde our lead technical director and alicia fortier game designer to help walk us through alicia what can we tell our players about extraction extraction is a one to three player call-out you might think you know what you're getting into since there's gonna be some of your favorite rainbow six operators but it's gonna be completely different because this time you're not fighting against each other you're coming together to face an unprecedented evolving alien threat should feel familiar to siege players but this time as you progress through the game you'll unlock new ability upgrades and a whole new arsenal specifically designed to take on this new thing smaller you can't play mia operators until they're safely recovered you and your squad are gonna have to come back together to get back in there and get them out every time you go in the containment zone you risk losing all your progress and upgrades so stay on your toes and wait every move you make balancing that risk and reward scenario that is interesting bruno jesus tell us a little bit really challenging but also rewarding what is it yeah i oh i like the sound of that like the permadeath system what we know is the arches or evil form of the parasite that was first detected few years ago during the heartbreak event in new mexico but a lot have changed since the parasite has spread to three new regions emerging and several containment zones within new york san francisco and alaska this is what we know so far within the contentment zones the alien ecostem is in a continual evolution as incubation nests and their sprawling tissue spawn procedurally taking over the front area of the map and reaction to the player presents the parasite is always spreading always evolving but he didn't look too happy about the operators disturbing their new home what are we facing off against well the black goo like sprawl is probably the first thing you will take on it spreads to the map once your presence is detected slowing your progress and helping the arches some of the other traits you may have seen on the trailer are the long range spiker the exclusive what's that accent and the epics it sounds french there's a lot more species of our kings and mutations that have been observed italian roots [Music] extraction will bring everyone together regardless of the platform and for our rainbow six siege community we have exclusive unlocks for you in both games okay exclusively you've been waiting long enough let's take an exclusive first look at some gameplay oh here we go first gameplay footage guys holy crap i did not expect it like this but i'm pretty hyped welcome to rainbow six extraction rainbow six operators are dropped into alien territory in today's walkthrough we're on a mission to investigate anomalies identified at the orpheus research center in alaska hq will provide additional instructions we need new data on the parasites underground network it keeps evolving adapting plant auto trackers on dormant nests don't destroy them or will lose the trackers as a squad of three ella alibi and sledge will use their operator abilities to complete objectives assist each other and obliterate archaeans in their way spinning up oh my god easy for a nest to incubate that's a tier one not so easy those arms nice and quiet the enemy oh yes more muscular than unidentified what's going on here so stealth tactics are the way to go oh okay so they're gonna sneak through place auto trackers i'm wondering how they attack because they have those like pointy arms but operators get guessing so but i don't know oh these girls going to their reactors bioluminescent properties in archaeans and in the environment [Music] some of the maps from siege in the game but i don't recognize anything so far so everything they've showed suffering the gameplay would be new it's going to mobilize anyone in front it looks at except the operators and like these mechanics yeah oh geez don't push your luck oh my oh no how do you get through that geez there are more than three this is not fair that was close here the team can regroup and resupply airlock doors will open onto the next subzone which will be tougher than the first tough part is i wish i was good at shooter games because i would like to try it you're getting better at like the first person stuff i shooted some zombies the other day [Music] right it's right there react blade do your thing uh just so you're aware chat i just said it so that when you enter the giveaway now it deletes the message but you're in you just need to put it in and you're you're in it's just uh it's just get rid of the spam you can actually talk and stuff and chat about the game it can fire armor-piercing projectiles alibi deploys a prisma hologram the squad can use react tech to go further in incursions the more intel they collect the more tech they'll have at their disposal to fight off this threat it's all about teamwork to outsmart the end i'm very curious how this the whole system behind it works like it's a good idea to increase like if they die what happens or if they get through the level do they get to another level like what sort of checkpoint system if annie is in it yeah it feels like there are checkpoints but that's the way it's easy it's just it's rare to see a game that i'm like this feels pretty unique especially in like a long established franchise it's like it's rare that you see like such a different take so none of these creatures existed in previous rainbows no no it's very good another objective completed the squad can either ex-fill up the extraction point to bring home the latest intel or move to the next airlock ah i can move to the third zone will be the most challenging yet a true test of both practical team strategy and operations so you move from sub zone to sub zone if you complete the previous subsets if they're communicating no way we'd let them mobilize against us hunt them down until the elite comes out of hiding oh god oh my god this looks like it gets really hard yeah you only need to put in the hashtag oh my gosh what was that what was it yeah it just like see what's happening on the floor like you it's so fast and it just sneaks by you real quick yeah oh my god that's going to be hard to deal with jesus it [Music] wow a recipient is underway yeah my street it looks so much like a kevin gay man anna sits next to kevin watching games time to unite and stand i love it it's an emerging threat squad up with friends in co-op or step into the containment alone stay tuned for more rainbows that looks hard try learning guitar well that was a segue what 10 years ago rocksmith redefined how to play guitar whether you're already an expert or just starting out rocksmith has an approach that's for everyone wait a new fun interactive way to learn guitar playing your favorite songs since its release our community and its impact have only amplified this year let's turn it up to 11 and see what's next for rocksmith have you played rocksmiths before i've played it ages ago before i learned guitar weirdly enough i haven't played it since what i was not expecting this i was hoping for just dance updates but this is dope too i want to learn to play the guitar i thought you were learning piano i'm sorry the pain always not enough only i can learn guitar [Music] i don't think i will ever be good at it but this looks like a fun way to learn yeah no the first one looked really cool it was just i didn't have the commitment and uh i gave up on it but uh i think i'd be more interested now i don't think i had the patience before [Music] how much do you think it will help that now you know how to play the guitar uh oh a lot on this game because this is actual guitar like you play like i can plug in my guitar on this oh my like my actual guitar it's it's crazy it's so cool [Music] it's awesome when you can make learning such an interactive journey it's a game and at the same time you're you're making progress and you're practicing no this honestly rocksmith is amazing like it is so cool when you plug it in and you're like i'm just playing a little game i don't know any chords i'm just plugging in strings but i'm actually making music with this game it is crazy cool but i think i'll appreciate it even more now that i know a bit so what are the odds that i'm gonna maybe borrow one of your guitars and start playing rocks but i have loads of them so you can probably get one i have like four for no good reason how difficult it would be for me you think oh like i didn't know how to play guitar and i picked it up before and i was just plucking away and like it does feel really cool even though you don't know how to play you're at ubisoft san francisco i'm definitely truly been a dream project i'll watch rainbow six as a lifelong gamer that's on musician list so far how about you and that's why oh i'm gonna play them both so far anyway it's it's pretty good so far for me plus you're waiting for adjustments updated so that i can win at some point connecting with rocksmith plus will be easier than ever now that you can use your phone as a microphone download the app log in sync to rocksmith plus set it down and play along now acoustic players and electric players with amps can use that plus with no extra gear needed ah because that was going to be my question if it has to be a specific type of guitar rocksmith plus will have a huge amount of songs at launch all songs in the library will have chord charts that will be perfect for rhythm players who want to learn the foundation of a song the card will still have the note for note authentic arrangements for players music defeats the parasites maybe parasites [Music] we're also introducing the rocksmith workshop a new tool that lets users create and add their own arrangements we've licensed so handy give you access to you can customize the songs and make your own versions ever before including genres beyond rock dude love pop hip hop country latin all the time all sorts of metal subjects we'll have music from i was trying to look at the the things i could pause and see what's on it or if they have a list or something the most diverse song library ever seen in music learning software oh my gosh by the way rocksmith because this looks fun riff repeater which let you practice and learn at your own pace or slow down and repeat tricky parts until you master them we've improved those features plus and are introducing new ones beginner and energy bring a fire there will benefit from more countries are people just saying it enhanced recommendation system i didn't see maybe did you guys see it on the screen players won't just see their growth on a single song people are saying they'll monitor their progress technique by technique and overall offer a better sense of how you're improving over time players will be happy to know we're introducing a new rocksmith tablet review that way you could take advantage of rocksmith plus song library and practice tools this is a format that's familiar and one that is thank you so much to the amazing fans who have enjoyed and supported rocksmith over the past 10 years let's jam together with rocksmith plus for another i want to jam together too that is hype [Applause] [Music] register now for a chance to play the rocksmith plus beta i am sorry and nothing gets thrilled at fresh trails one day kevin will even have bt tv mods guys don't worry one day blank keys i'm just learning how to pog i'm not expanding my library for molds oh i saw a bit of this before this looks sick anna you'd like this game would i yes that would be you hit the rock am i in the air no you're the one that hit the rock and just spun off oh i wanna learn those i mean obviously hope style that's the most stylish possible i'm just looking out for uh so i can't remember the title of it performing big tricks on the modules will turn them from red to blue and every trick that you stop will contribute to your team's overall score oh my gosh snowboarding at all when your team is turned off still trying to figure out so you can choose between lots of different maps yeah i think it's like how how can you describe it all right there's republic but like it's all kind of extreme sports and like this so you can go on different routes and different vehicles and totally different terrains i'd like this i'll keep bumping into trees but i would love it i'm actually doing this yeah so it's so funny everybody's at the finish line and i'm still just trying to make the first turn no one would insure you it'll be impossible i wonder how many players can play this is it i think it's pretty big i can't remember now because i remember seeing a bit of this before imagine getting the whole cult involved you could all be up on the mountain look at that the cults flying down in wing suits it would be awesome to play with the community it would be really cool yeah we've all got our prepped [Music] quite the niche this is insane look at that [ __ ] like jet pack style sometimes you just want to explore and basically can you combine the different vehicles like some summer on bikes others are in the air yeah i think so yeah this that is awesome that's right everything you do counts getting those stars means more rad to be had and the republic will abide there's always something awesome to do as you reach new milestones and unlock more challenges it's the red bull joyride oh it's pretty cool it's the biggest stage of slope style mountain biking and guess what you can play it versus your friends versus your friends there is so so oh my god more sports it's very sandboxy it's just like you can do whatever you want kind of thing when you say fun with everyone we mean it look at all these things [Applause] [Music] can you plug in your bike to play this baby already oh you guys have already signed up for the rocksmith beta well done oh no not ahead keep the mountains waiting writers republic is coming september 2nd if you can preorder now and claim your right to rip oh no i won't tell you so we've seen some of our favorite rainbow six operators battling alien parasites but how's their day job going thank you so much for the support i'll get to the alerts after the ubisoft i think there's like 20 minutes left or so but i'll get them all i just don't want to talk over it like what i'm doing now current players a few weeks ago if you haven't joined in yet 2021 is the perfect time to drop in now you're one of the two hundred thousand or so what they're saying how many current players are making six i was like kevin is one rainbow six is just one of those games that they just kept adding to and if anything the player base got bigger over time it's crazy six years into our journey with siege we are humble and great jesus go in and see where they are and then they come in and kill everyone into games together behind the mess i'm the cannon players in early 2022 cosplay will be available between playstation [Music] benefits it also means that your progression will now follow you anytime and anywhere you play we know cosplay is a feature a lot of you have been anticipating and we are thrilled to see the enthusiasm it's announcements inspired from your amazing fan art to the awesome cosplays the cosplaying community is the light of jesus moving forward i like that thank you enough for your support it is because of you that siege keeps evolving and growing to wrap up here's a brand new animated trailer starring thunderbird the new defender check this out thunderbird in my chat just like to be fair in a week you can technically play rainbow six in a main outfit [Music] and the wig let's not forget about the words the creator's star has many meanings love wisdom bravery listen i need to get this bird in the air you try to get some rest yo the bus i like the animation style and this is a new character they are adding i think so yeah what's happening oh i'm okay oh no maybe the bear is the new character maybe i was gonna say she's a boss lady and the bear appeared like what character are you playing oh i'm playing maverick what are you playing the bear he just run into the building honestly after your bare noises it wouldn't be surprising at all what happened next oh i can voice the bear yeah finally it's a roll for you kevin you've been wanting to do voice acting okay kevin do the bear noise [Music] what new projects aren't the only things to be excited about this year take a look at the incredible updates coming to our live games in 2021 oh big days today at live games oh what was that racing one didn't you cares oh what is that and the ninja turtles yeah that one i was gonna say what was that but then the racing one took my little p brains attention i got distracted and these combats died too wait a second this is for honor i think me and max used to play that a lot track mania this would be a fun one to play with the community this is the extreme sports answer doc or dive oh that's a cute little game i love the third two ninjas or ninja turtles i don't even know which twitter is the right order in english uh in english they were just called turtle turtleness yeah you don't even see ninjas why would a turtle be a ninja because they are ninjas no they're lions they're turtle lights they're delayed i'm just kidding and on the planet i am constantly being baited by kevin and i still fall every time oh this new episode of the turtle ads oh they just hung out we got peace and had a great time watch dogs is it the watchdogs um gift that included a skirt yeah they sent me a list of the ghosts they're like now you can disguise anything breakpoint keeps the ball like your proper watchdogs out with when you played as an elderly character another little lady skirt and just the cardigan and glasses we are happy to announce that there are still many more surprises to come stay tuned you kind of forget how many franchises ubisoft has until you like sit down and watch something like this and they just keep bringing up more and more franchises just dance has always been about friends you're an amazing dancer you sell yourself short [Music] this is me i'm gonna be so blown away hello i would have probably remembered that yeah i am super excited to announce that my song nells hair hips hills is going to be a part of just dance 2022 but that's not all oh no for the first time ever the just dance team and i are collaborating to give you an exclusive version of myself that room is to me just dance allows people to share matches yes i know it's like how do you do this much color matching i love it it's so stylish i'm going to say that millions of lines the shoes are very similar to grog next pair of shoes were they i didn't see with the girls take a look if they bring back a great time and i can assure you you will not just play you will absolutely slay if you have a display there you go typically for just dance yeah let me tell you this this is my gift because you know they were written by yours truly but i guarantee they are going to give people so much confidence that's the reason why i wrote nails hair hips heels and now it's been just dancified just as if i love it it's jelly i hope you all have just as much fun dancing to this track as i had making it oh and one last thing you will have the opportunity to be a part of the making of my new video which will be released alongside the new just dance track for more information on how to participate darling just check the link below people are [Music] right there i mean it started out with that sunburn the eager look now you have the outfit new songs and just dance someone's gone for like three weeks and they come back just like what happened that's not going [Music] i don't think that's what viking said i think i'm going back a bit too far it's okay it's in the bear sounds level oh yeah yeah maybe i shouldn't voice act as much as i would love to maybe i'm just not prepared oh this is gonna be dope too assassin's creed [Music] in november 2020 we released assassin's creed valhalla to our delight it was the biggest launch for any assassin's creed game to date and we have you to thank for that becoming avor a viking leader going on a quest to fight for a new home is an adventure that resonated closely with many of you i certainly had fun exploring england and stumbling across unique world events that left me with memorable side stories thank you avor we're amazed to see how you dedicated yourselves to the viking lifestyle you've led more than 300 million raids in total and built more than 900 million buildings in your settlements congrats avor still has a long journey ahead and we've been continuing to offer free entries to enjoy post launch it is amazing the assassin's creed i haven't played this one yet even though you can go to ireland and this one i'm sure maybe i'm wrong i thought you could and the mastery challenge you can go to ireland and compare ireland yeah you would think like i've played pretty much all of them i don't know why i'm playing this one when you go to ireland in the coming weeks the team is also working so pretty though ireland is a dlc [Music] you've been tracking various definitions on our guys definitely and also sharing anything no don't conquer is two weeks ago allowing players to explore ireland and build a mysterious island a mysterious cult in ireland oh my god in our second upcoming expansion you'll get to relive the siege of paris this is the most ambitious battle in viking history taking place in war-torn frankia in order to safeguard your clan's future players may be excited to learn that black box infiltration missions are returning this means you're given a goal for a mission but how you'll achieve it is up to you oh that's what you want expect new abilities oh my god that poor man gear and of course new enemies watch out for the siege of paris coming this summer this summer already assassin's creed has long focused on the exploration of history that's a that lot of varieties tour will be released to paris ireland it will be free to all who own assassin's creed valhalla trade you all oh my god the world and take a deeper dive into the history of the viking age oh my gosh it looks so cool a new experience where you'll get to play as people during the time of vikings and follow them in their endeavors big and small while collecting exclusive rewards whether you're an assassin's creed fan with a heart for history or a student looking to supplement your knowledge that's the discovery there's a lot of history in assassin's creed games which makes it like super easy holla doesn't stop it first like you see in some games and then you go to the place in real life and you're like wait a second like in a lot of ancient cities in europe and stuff it's really neat now i want to play this too wait a second my list is growing [Music] constantly i was only thinking about assassin's creed like a few days ago or maybe last week and i was like i might actually jump into one for like the history side of it and just try and appreciate a bit more and then like when they cover surface level stuff read about it quest the workplace comedy set in a game development studio the streaming on apple tv plus if you haven't watched the second season yet here's a look at what you've been missing before the upcoming season finale [Applause] what are you doing i saw that as well reactions or hear you she played us to get what she wanted she inspired us no no we had a whole tomatoes guys what rotten tomatoes what no honestly up next we're taking questions for our feature length movie werewolves within it's a whodunit with teeth that'll be coming to theaters june 25th and on demand july 2nd oh wait an entire movie i was expecting the actual one i am josh rubin the director of where the full movie and i'm sam richardson yeah the previous one was a tv show i think it was based off the youtube tv so exciting an upcoming movie just for you check it out dr ellis he's probably tanked i think you're okay you were in danger again we need answers it didn't disappear what it's not emerson flint [Music] i'm afraid i can't do that ranger wheeler you could be one of them maybe that's where it comes from a verbal from the bear yeah maybe that's it awfully fun oh that's great we having a good old fashioned sleepover with guns with guns yes so [Music] isn't that a game not judging just watching it oh is it based on the game like uh like they're what's that game secret warehouse on apple tv and be sure to catch werewolves with them on your on-demand platforms no hero story is complete without a great rival to match them after all even the most vile tyrant is a star of their own narrative when it comes to memorable villains no one does i don't think jim is in this one no no unfortunately not please we have to get on that boat have you played far cry long do you have any idea what these are worth i don't think i've seen you play this marco did you watch breaking bad new friends um i was just wondering what you recognized hello oh wait are you voice acting in it uh it's his image and voice i don't think you'd recognize it unless you've watched the show good man i see him i think many of the viewers are recognizing them though liam's recognized well he hasn't shown up yet but knows who i'm talking about oh well done those of you are collecting your drops already well done that's all i've got you got exclamation mark drops on my channel if you if you want to read more about the truth alejo gave you a [ __ ] gift lyda we survive same as the orphanage same as the academy please no no this is the future this doesn't sound good [Music] like an old woman cowers behind the others like take them not me here he is oh is it him yeah he's such a good actor he was el presidente we would go out on a boat just like this and we would catch the fish they always have such good villains in fact he would say it's not always a ball you're is he darling in this game i think so the challenge i i can't remember the previous trailer when he got a big fat juicy marlin he was too proud he does talk like a villain yeah oh no she's out angry she's the villain very no way oh i have a bad feeling about this i have caught you mijo now it's time to bring you home wise i don't want this anymore papa we have no choice let them go they can work make viviro truth or lies truth they could be good workers they could help rebuild paradise but if you wanted them to live you would have never set foot on this [ __ ] boat oh 13 years old and diego has such compassion for his people these fish we will catch a release didn't he say release the fish i yeah like i was thinking that too but then i was like oh if you say kill them all it's one guy with a handgun wouldn't they all just rush him you've just seen another disturbing lesson from anton castillo as he grooms him to become the future ruler of yara the most important part of crafting a far cry villain isn't the fact that they're evil or shocking it's that there's someone that could sit across from you at the dinner table and charm you into thinking that everything they believe no matter how twisted or horrifying could be absolutely true that's the secret to anton's power couldn't be prouder to have him join the fight right now mary jackson's white chat was not created we had quite a lot to live up to yeah kevin slash that's exactly your choice legacy of villains the true villain yeah which makes today a very special day for far cry fans not only did we get to see into the mind of anton castillo we finally get to unveil some of our post-launch plans our dream was to honor the far cry villains tradition and introduce a brand new experience it is time to see the other side go further down the rabbit hole and it's up to you to find a way out [Music] any gameplay oh it looks to see some is it who's watching oh my [Music] tell your mother and sister to oh you are alive what that is all that matters this is not what i expected yeah what the what peek-a-boo [ __ ] what has just happened what what is this emma king who isn't afraid to slaughter to get what he wants [Music] for context these are the previous villains so is this a test these three gang are the three lights from the other games like he's the villain of far cry 5. and i will not waste oh my you are beyond salvation did i ever say that about you he's the villain from three oh so are you fighting them or you're fighting i i don't know i'm sorry you're mysterious i'm intrigued though they know how to tease you jesus so dramatic it's insane they brought back all the previous five villains for far cry 6. wait archer 3 blood dragon oh my god that is such a tease yeah it's just like watching honestly i'm excited for you all to check out this next game on this one yeah wait i was waiting on the previous far cry 6 release and now we are on this line's in the wrong place oh so pretty [Music] i was so confused for a second there i was like mario why are you here it's a meme mario oh so cute oh no the real horror you've lost your phone and you must go on a quest to get it back this is true terror indeed [Music] hashtag mario rabbids [Music] i wonder what kind of style this is going to be looks like they are in danger no no are they grand [Music] i'm warning you look at this all armed up that's me misunderstood and i don't want to fight i'm the one that's constantly taking pictures fine i guess i'll save the world [Music] i wonder where this is going from the spaceship i'm like wondering what like style game it's going to be like i don't think i've ever played any of the rabbids games which are the little rabbit thing i think they're called rabbids not rabbits yeah oh what about the terrorized rabbits there oh he's um all the evil ones are called bobs it's a real-time strategy is it our turn-based strategy okay the graphics are amazing in it this looks so good the whole team is super proud of this new game and i can't wait for you to experience it uh it's fantastic the concept of mario plus rabbit's kingdom you already got your first dose of vaccine you're closer to traveling yes i'm going to be out in here everyone go travel the world and i'm still waiting for my vaccine and i'm so excited to be back as well today to unveil our new project mario plus rabbits we are diving back into this unique crossover with even bigger ambition expanding our universe on a major scale this time it's not just the mushroom kingdom there is an entire galaxy to do so you will lead a brave yet reckless team of unique eels they're actually two different fresh faces and other surprises on their quest to repel evil across the galaxy is this called we'll bring them looks like that would be my prediction what do you guys think that power would this be a three to four chords maybe an enemy unlike anything it might just be but they won't be alone by their side they will have their new allies their sparks these surprising creatures born from the merge of rabbits and lumas will lend their wild powers to our ears their natures and origins are at the core of our story but let's keep some surprises for later the entire team was moved by the amazing reception from players across the world we were stunned by the love we felt for this unexpected team-up we know we've been off the radar for a while now as we wanted to take the time needed it introduces new action elements into the mix that will push the boundaries of tactical games even further that being said we also wish to offer an easy to play experience for all players yet hard to master for those of you that are willing to take the challenge because only exclusively on the nintendo switch not quite uh uh can't completely tell you more about the game soon there is an entire galaxy to save and he's just been idling here waiting to experience it so for the nintendo switch mario rabbids sparks of hope honestly i'm always looking for good um switch games me too now that i have one yeah my first switch my first console at the age of 33 never too late ah you had a tamagotchi that counts you cooked it for my 32nd birthday there you go see a whole year early it's never too late to become a gamer [Music] it's can't wait to have this on the switch it's so cute yeah this isn't is this turn-based strategy i'm confused it does feel like it's cold or multiplayer let's see [Music] it doesn't look like a turn-based strategy so far but someone maybe the first one was or there was another similar game did you play the first one i didn't no i didn't play the first one [Music] jesus looks interesting yeah next year 2022. god damn it so we're going to do it let's check in with our ceo i'm looking forward to all of these some of them were for this summer others are for the fall and they're there for next year there's something to wait for every month yeah everyone as you have at least we can we have a fantastic and diverse lineup of games coming uh at least we can space them out i'm super hyped for the rainbow six thing and uh to all the teams that may be soft for what they're achieving i also want to play rocksmiths obviously but i think i will watch the others too because i feel like i'm too clumsy to play possibly rainbow six but i would love to watch you play and it's up to three players so it's perfect for a group of friends yeah i'm also proud of our industry's ability to bring together millions of players from around the world to share memorable experiences and moments of joy this is one of the real powers of video games it's true and it is what motivates everyone at ubisoft to do our best finally my sincere thanks to you the players we appreciate the trust you place in us your involvement in our games communities keeps them growing and vibrant we want to create original enriching long-lasting game worlds and your contributions feedback and support make it possible we also are proud that some of the biggest names in entertainment trust our creative teams to develop games within their universes for example you just saw mario plus rabbit sparks of hope developed in collaboration with nintendo where everyone's favorite mario and rabbids characters return i know where the rabbits thing came from i think it was rayman was it am i right i'm not sure there is one more exciting protagonist we would like to show you today it is a glimpse of the amazing journey that awaits you in one of the most beautiful but dangerous places of all brought to life by the latest version of our snowdrop engine i'm excited to share this first look with you now enjoy one of the most beautiful but dangerous places what is this gonna be i'm so curious because all of these game releases and updates have been hyped and then they left this for the last yeah for a reason i guess yeah it looks so real it's more high-definition what that's it okay no thank god they brought it back i was like this is all you give us 10 seconds no oh my god it's so beautiful out of all things i was not expecting avatar i love avatar is it is it avatar it looks like the word of avatar oh my [Music] wow we've been trying to predict what's gonna be on today's ubisoft forward show but avatar oh my oh my god [Music] jesus i cannot believe it it's been one of the prettiest most insane design movies and now they're bringing it to us as a game it's just it kind of came out of nowhere i'm so surprised i didn't manage to keep it a secret this has this must have been years of work and what style game is it gonna be like is this pvp i wonder or is this a single player campaign or what maybe even cope what if it has all of the modes imagine frontiers of pandora or next year that oh my god i was not expecting that at all i certainly wasn't i was hyped for just dance and they have announced a lot more than that that that just i don't know i i was just blown away just by shock of what that reveal was i never could have guessed that in a million years yeah like something about rainbow six something about just dance yeah rocksmith really surprised me too i was pretty shocked with that but i'm so happy about it they just signed up for the beta me too i see many of you have already done so i hope there's two spaces left for us too for the beta oh my what is this it's um these are the fair trade games oh are they yeah oh very fun games now now this isn't fair that was fair right that is 60 percent off first months oh my gosh i don't know which i'm looking forward to what's new with ubisoft today we battled some arcanes in rainbow six yeah i i think that might be one of the most assassins me i want to play avatar now the mario game 2 looked very cute i i just couldn't imagine what was to come when when the lead-in sentence was just about pronounced on the screen and i was like what else can top this after all that we have seen yeah that was that that was just a wild ride from start to finish oh my gosh all right i guess that's the end of the uh watch me doodle the whole ubisoft forward event yeah i think they still have a post event show if you guys want to tune in to ubisoft's channel and watch the rest thank you to all of you who entered the giveaways and i hope you all had the drops opportunities to get drops during kevin's stream and my stream and again huge thanks to ubisoft for sponsoring today's streams on both channels hashtag ub forward if you want to enter the giveaways on both channels same same hashtag for the giveaways kevin final wise words about what this event has meant to you and the upcoming games you're looking forward to it has changed my life in ways i cannot even put into words no honestly i'm pretty hyped i don't really get excited for games as much anymore i'm just like i'll play it whenever it comes out but i am super excited for both the rainbow six thing and uh rocksmith especially although nearly all of them are games i would play to be honest um maybe not just dance because i know that would make me look even more stupid than i already did an outfit wig in in the chat i want to see you i want to see fan art on that guys i want to see fan art no you don't kevin's future just dance performance i'm gonna be on your subreddit making sure that all of all of them have a thumbs up from me if you guys create fan art about cabbage just dance well honestly this has been an amazing list of games i feel like i either want to play many of them or i want to watch you play them because i know that i don't have the skills to make it through the zombies in rainbow six extraction but i want to watch it yeah yeah no i'm excited for that and honestly even though it's been out a while i'm pretty tempted to buy um assassin's creed valhalla now the vikings oh yeah because it was very pretty with the extensions i wanna see i wanna see the conquest of ireland and paris i do too but um before we conquest uh and take over paris i'm gonna have to go eat so i'm going to leave it at that anna i'm going to have a little chat with my chat and then i'm going to finish up um i assume you're doing the same i'll i'll do the same as well i will thank my community in a moment and i'll probably see you for dinner thank you guys for tuning in and thanks to kevin obviously yeah thanks for joining me this was a lot more fun um having having anna to bounce off rather than doing this myself but uh yeah likewise kevin thank you for inviting me as a co-host been good uh bye anna and bye anna's chat bye kevin and kevin is absolutely not called obviously not called very good okay bye-bye bye all right there we go um i saw a few people were struggling with the drops gang um i'd say just try again it was pr possibly just a bit overloaded with everything going on um so uh mods i'm not sure it was it was hard for me to read the chat at times uh do we need to do some giveaways and raffles to give away these codes um or what is the story i can open the chat here on discord with you so i'm fully in the know i had a lot going on um let's see okay am i okay yes okay perfect we need to do the giveaways awesome um are your mods are you able to do the raffle thing or will i which is easier uh let me catch up with some alerts as well just to thank some people before we do some giveaways i felt destiny thank you very much for the four subs earlier um god there was a lot coming in there thank you very much for that canon 8 thank you for the five subs chaotic devices stevie steve i'm not a cop thank you for the tip uh rocksmith stream oh that would be embarrassing for me i'd be so bad maybe if i get good at it at the doctor danny and novellium dr danny at uh pizza louis kev uh felt destiny thank you again genocide thank you for the bits echo coin fracture eldritch uh uh racy uh reese reese is it thank you for the bits hold my panda emily the gamer jules tarzan the human caterpillar heath mary uh the multier and non dono uh rus rosburn uh that rice guy is that that was yeah i think that's the name joe kip ashley's um cindy sierra a mallow silver queen booyah baby uh thank you for the sub and the five subs afterwards jesus i appreciate that thank you very much techno burger king slimy avitori uh lukery uh love smith fawn and adrian thank you very much i appreciate it um okay let's see uh okay i'll do it i'll do it um okay perfect yeah i can do the giveaways september snow thank you for the sub um that's the best way to do this uh right so i'm going to do the giveaways uh in the chat how am i gonna do this okay giveaway um and then i'm not sure how to actually run it uh giveaways and giveaway command manage giveaway is it um hmm i could send screenshots i'm not sure what the best way is sorry um folks give me one moment and then i'll get you your your giveaway codes manage okay thank you thank you flower uh draw entrance so i guess for these um will i just go through the list and let people know what they've won that's probably the best way to do it is it so like uh where is it like i can open the list and then just go from left to right on each code and be like okay this is what we're doing and we're gonna work through the whole list and do a draw for each uh let me see that's probably it thank you liam um okay so yeah that's probably the best way to do it i'll call it what what game it is we're giving away and then draw the giveaway and leave you the name does that work mods it's still time to enter by the way drop it in the chat if you haven't already you just need to put in one left to right okay perfect i'll do that um we got quite a selection here actually oh assassin's creed valhalla mods can you rig it so that i win that one when it comes up just kidding i'm just kidding uh right okay so the first one is far cry 3. we'll do uh we'll do that one first and let's see draw entry and so the first winner far cry 3 is a second let me put this over here uh hibiscus zero three three are you there hibiscus why is why are we putting one in the chat what why are we putting one what does that what does that mean what is happening i don't understand chad is broken are you just trying to increase engagement is it it's a chaos chat one is a number okay great what happened everyone just started typing one for no reason as far as i could see okay grand anyway moving on far cry 4 the the the winner is xenon creed okay did that name pop up earlier so winner far cry 4 is xenon creed i can actually i don't know if i can i can't edit this okay um fair cry 5 is a dinosaur but dying is spelled like like died interesting name uh i first like that okay thank you pop appreciate that um right we got two assassins creed valhallas so we're gonna i'm gonna draw one now call me kevin all right so the first winner of valhalla is call me kevin uh no it's darth anakin darth anakin you've 3334 valhalla enjoy it all right i still have another chance we got another one we got another one call me kevin no his spare sparks sparks has won uh a copy of assassin's creed valhalla as well congratulations enjoy it uh the next one is rainbow six siege i got three of these so three rainbow six siege to give out uh t t s and toby you've got a great uh picture by the way t sent obi you've won uh rainbow six siege and another one to boo four four four four five five congratulations to you as well rainbow six siege um and we have one more copy rainbow six siege that goes to uh mavelaire mavelaire enjoy that it's fun game if you don't have it already i i do go back and forth and play it uh pretty often actually so hope you enjoy it um and we got a copy of the crew too the crew ii here we go draw entrant uh neurofent enjoy the crew too i hope you like it congrats everyone i hope it fills you with joy and last but certainly not least is just dance 2021 for the switch let's see here uh newbie hd 420 congratulations you have won just dance 2021 for the switch and i think that is it i hope i uh i hope i got them all to pop there uh i hope it's not confusing it's all left to right so it should be it should be okay but congratulations everyone congrats on the prizes and uh thank you so much for for stopping in today thank you for the follows um thank you very much pop pop is going to start dming um all right cool yeah they'll have to check their dms um so hopefully hopefully if any of them are your friends if they're not around be sure to let them know to check their dms because you know we wanted to actually get the prizes uh but yeah again i i really hope you enjoyed the stream this has been really fun i hope you enjoyed it it was a bit of a long one it seems like we didn't even play chaos mod today it feels like that was ages ago um but yeah i i hope you enjoyed and uh i hope to see you back again tomorrow um for watching my caller for some media share we'll be doing it a bit later than usual an hour later 6 pm gmt plus 1 uh but we should have a good time and then we'll be doing another watch stream like this with max so a lot of watch streams this weekend they're fun though i i really really genuinely enjoy that so i hope you enjoy i know i need to get into resident evil 7 as well at some point i need to finish it we're right at the end i just i had so much going on it's been hard but i hope you enjoyed your time here on the call me kevin cole community um channel and uh i hope you enjoyed your evening i appreciate your company blips cheer on maddie at the louis copeland hot uh exile demon tower d lander a character jazz thank you very much for the support and um we're going to drop a raid um who will we drop a raid on oh yeah this would be a good one very good yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go um okay perfect and she's not long into it too so we can do a good raid here nice music radon what a radon no i mean we're gonna drop a raid on oh and they have a hype train going as well so we're gonna we're gonna hype up the uh the hype train there you go and we're gonna rate gemma edwards for some music i hope you'll enjoy it over there get hyped you know jeff edwards fantastic streamer good good good community good environment you'll have fun over there i hope to see you tomorrow a video end up on the channel as well if you want to check that out the game called going medieval i think it's a fun one i actually really really liked the game so uh thank you very much for joining me folks that's about all bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye appreciate you very much for joining me i i really really do uh little hermione jazz thank you very much character thank you again d lander demon exiled hot thank you very much
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 133,468
Rating: 4.900681 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: 3b6bqVIyhww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 55sec (12055 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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