GTA V Chaos mod but Twitch chat is in control of the chaos

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kevin's "no, my wife!" is the most worry i've ever heard him express

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/poopposting_account 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're doing more of the chaos mod i know it's been a lot all right i i understand i have an addictive personality apparently i'm also addicted to christmas i just can't get enough of that festive cheer like i can't bring myself to take down the decorations let me turn on the lights it's a bit more festive right now that's taken care of yeah we're playing more of the fest festive mod we're playing more the festive mod but this time my twitch chat you guys or community are in control of what happens so as you watch the video there's a prompt up the top right with numbers like one through four or five through eight depending on the cycle and then the people in the twitch chat were typing in one two three four five six seven eight whatever it might be to get the corresponding effect in the game it's really awesome but naturally everyone screwed me over all right i've done the little explanation now i hope you enjoy the video now what are we getting for our first moment of chaos killer clowns did you guys pick random yeah they're in the house [Laughter] just going to relax by the pool as my family gets shot up by killer clowns he was on the music bringing the clowns you're even making this exciting just gonna roll the credits did you spawn a dance stream oh that's so uncomfortable okay maybe he picks rice i'm just relaxing just me and my monkeys you work hard screw over everybody that you love and it could be you here with your monkeys by the pool on fire warm for the rest of your life i don't really want to pick this up it's my son come quick these guys are stealing your yacht he just texts me okay what are you doing no why would you pick doomsday out of all the things my son is in danger you're going to pick teleport me to manchester are you you're gonna i was hoping i would die when i landed because now i am seven miles away from my destination and i'm on top of a mountain oh great i'll just fly there bad day to pick the convertible it's just like hanging on into the frame franklin please you just really wanted to take in the sights it is kind of nice in a way see what you get me i'll launch player up yeah take in the sights but just closer franco was left behind well at least you failed for me thank you very much vehicles shoot rockets now you're [ __ ] talking that'll do okay that won't do i might end up killing myself with that i have a feeling you guys thought that uh that would be shot at me so i'm quite glad that that that backfired on some of you how can i chase a boat that i can't see at least i can see him i guess i can just see him speed knob through traffic he's up so high okay oh franklin impressive miming you were a man of many talents sorry sorry sorry i'll keep it steady okay what even was that teleport everything to player just everything thanks very much everyone that's my book that's my boat it's invisible and it's top of the line i assure you it is all the bells and whistles it has everything you just can't see it how about repair all vehicles that would be so oh that would troll me so bad if you just repaired all all the vehicles oh my god guys don't do it i don't want to get repaired great the car just spontaneously falls apart that's what happens one day after warranty expires the whole car it just falls apart drive under jimmy and hold the vehicle steady i can't even catch up to it good thing i'm not drunk driving or that might be a danger to myself and those around me fantastic i'm drunk hold on jimmy oh my god how hard is it to drive when you're drunk like in game i don't want to test that in real life stop being drunk get a better metabolism god what have i done what have i done to you guys to deserve this ah jesus what was that vehicle rain fantastic could i just take that boat that previous boat honestly it looked bigger than my boat and i could get another better sun easy oh there's a 30 mile per hour speed limit thanks guys they're like ah jesus he's getting fierce overwhelmed we'll give him a break but we won't let him complete the mission we'll just give him a little break for his heart to just reset a little bit i like the way you're playing this because there are ones that you could just be like end mission and just kill me or whatever but you're picking the ones that are like giving me that little little shred of hope that maybe i might get my boat back this this is fine this is fine you guys have been very nice and i think what the hell is that that's jesus oh my god i saw it coming there was something like flying towards me it's just like is that jesus i had to see the rocket flying towards me what the hell is this of course they're not just zombies they're explosive zombies if i don't engage with them they can't do anything to me they're more scared of me than i am of them i think they're like spiders oh my god yeah they're like spiders they're [ __ ] everywhere stop exploding stop exploding stop exploding oh [ __ ] hell a bad day for a drive fantastic guys not only did you spawn explosive zombies you made them invisible that's great what oh you teleported me into a random truck thanks i like this stuff because it's allowing you to create combinations that complement each other which is pretty awesome replace car this is amanda's new car wait it's actually counting as her car we upgraded it and it's one of those self-driving ones too god we're good to our wife jesus hangs around who needs the chaos mod when i just [ __ ] myself over you guys gave me such an easy run you finally found some kindness in your heart and then kevin goes oh just drive straight into the river i'm gonna go down this way this time and we'll go around instead hopefully avoid grief for jesus oh my god you spawned another jesus you're going to make them camp the whole mission i'm not going to be able to do it god and i thought the normal chaos mod was bad please stop doing that please stop doing that yeah listen to jimmy guys you're upsetting him oh hit vision that's nice wait i can't go down that way i can see jesus you can see jesus hate signature running towards me everybody run no time to explain virtual reality you put me in virtual reality wow it's so real i can really feel the the frustration so immersive i am actually really enjoying this world i am really enjoying it as well don't worry i am loving the chaos whoa all right i guess i'll meet you at home son oh my god jimmy jimmy nice kickflip that was cool i like that one i can do this no that's jesus on a moped everybody get down that's jesus on a moped and the aliens are the moped no no no no no no no no all my enemies have more beds oh god damn it they're so efficient they can get through all the little gaps oh no oh what oh no oh no guys i think you actually broken it the game thinks oh great there's a soldier over there who wants to kill us the game thinks we're in los santos customs but we are not and i can't move it doesn't let me move now i'm just taunting them oh that is great i love that i think jimmy is dead he's he's in the [ __ ] passenger seat just slumped [Laughter] oh my god the way he just flexed my drive in front of me in the jet in the door oh my god no no this wrecking bridge i thought we made it this is the perfect summary of the stream so bad okay you know what i'm not even mad because my daughter just clung um i'm not even mad just for this driving down the highway with all the doors of every car and all the trucks opening all right we're just going to do a little bit of a loop and this will make it a bit oh whoa you made my car bouncy beyblades i had a feeling you'd pick that one but i think i might be okay yeah pick a lane please the smart car comes barreling towards us hold on i'm gonna go this way it's safer it's the tank from earlier oh my god i'm gonna try this two more times let's see if we can cooperate to get this this part done just this section and i'll reward you with some yoga i'll reward you with some yoga we'll do yoga together and it'll be just so fun you'll love it you will absolutely love yoga jesus take the wheel jesus is driving me wait this might actually work he's going like top speed do you do me a favor you just get a ride home after they fix this thing is he talking to franklin or jesus hey jesus i don't ask you for a lot would you mind driving my son home okay pull in jesus pull in you can come no jesus just pull it jesus pull into the damn circle we are literally feet from it he's going for a [ __ ] joy can i kill jesus look i'm sorry i'm catholic but i've carjacked jesus jesus doesn't like that thank you for the companion chimp in the back seat guys it's actually really really helping me oh the chimp has a gun yes protect us oh my god what a hero that chimp really said go on without me and just sacrificed himself we have made it thankfully oh my god oh goodness no no we went through so much to make it there so much and then you teleported me to the top of the tower we went through so much together to make it there and then you teleported me here i don't know jimmy that's what i was thinking too i can't believe you guys did that i mean i can but i can't because i feel like i would have done it too it was just too hard to resist oh my god you guys gave me a force field you guys are the best oh my god yes i want to get to the cutscene with this i love these ones in the cutscenes oh my god we made it just go in just go in yes his necklace is fine though for some reason just his necklace is fine why is he so small you made him into a minion i love minions all right now we just got to make it home it's just a drive oh okay teleport me a few meters look at how small they are we're going to get some yoga in guys do not do not change your mind on this we will do yoga and it will be glorious good job everyone you did it we worked together and we actually completed a mission good collaborating it only took us about an hour oh no our yoga i like it i mean everyone's a ghost so we can't actually see it but you are an ugly man mikel i'm invisible a great cargo plane fantastic what i can't hear you over the cargo plane i'm trying to relax i'm so relaxed though wasn't this yoga worth it everyone wait what oh wow just teleported everyone into vehicles hold the breath let it go just ignore them kevin they're just trying to distract you it's all just white noise to me i actually find it relaxing so joke's on you what is this practicing yoga without a license just bursting down the door no my wife michael didn't reach enlightenment what about amanda what get up michael i didn't hear no bell he just starts crawling away oh great you're going to storm there's got to be some piece to this like some people like storms i like hearing storms and stuff granted being moist isn't part of the appeal she's probably crying like please i just want to do my yoga he's not having it guys he's not happy with you he's very pissed off hello jesus please think about what you're doing jesus is a gun at me you better be [ __ ] enlightened in the background oh man he's so threatening oh my god you're gonna spawn another one well kevin if jesus won't deal with you i guess extreme griefer jesus will hello [Laughter] you pushed it too far hold on i can still be enlightened there's still a chance for vexing yoga is a write-off it does not let you achieve enlightenment at all if anything it was stressful i don't know if we should be discussing our plot when this guy is here i'm here to stop your heist michael he's just going out with us this guy is still here he's got a knack on me he's just holding the door open for when the cops arrive it's all for effects sake i don't know if it's a good idea to bring the hops to the heist it's raining money please i thought it would be a good distraction do you think at one stage one of them would thanks for teleporting me do you think at one stage someone would turn to someone else like you ever wonder why we do these heists when like rain is literally currency no matter what you're stealing from this heist it could not add up to all the money that is here explosive zombies oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i should keep my eye on the road especially when literally anything could happen oh [ __ ] beck no don't let the zombies get near me the roads are a dead trap but the desert's a dead trap the whole game is a death trap and now all the vehicles are beyblades get out of my way no no no no no no no no oh my god it's so cruel it's like on the game shows and michael if you complete this score you will win a brand new van we're here we're here we're here we're here we're here what they're leaving me i need you guys for the mission where are you going could you get back no no no no oh nice ramp guys good escape thank you for the assist no no no no no no you're going to spawn jesus aren't you everybody get down everybody get down jesus no stop it somebody take out jesus let me try and kill jesus i killed jesus everyone i don't care if they surrender i'm killing me some bad guys dude you're just like the guy that killed my wife no my wife oh yes here we go time for some fun i was having fun for a few seconds it felt like things were going in my favor and then you picked pacifist it just made me insta died jesus christ what is happening why are they all spinning and this is a lot of action definitely one the more action-packed of the missions you know what i think what oh that was her sorry i thought you'd spawned a child or something i was confused launch all the vehicles up okay thank you for that that probably helped me i don't know i couldn't see but i imagine it helped me oh my god i forgot what goes up must come down i didn't expect that at all i'm just glad it didn't land on me it seems like something that would happen to me oh my god what is going on oh i'm famous they all love me okay thank you everyone thank you army guys yep really nice but you're too close to the point where i can't even i can't even shoot at them because they're too close yeah could you actually back off like can you listen to michael please he needs his personal space they're all just kicking me stop it like if you think i'm famous and this is some sort of meet and greet why are you constantly kicking me out wait pick franklin hold on michael's having a bit of a moment with his fans please don't kill me please don't kill me i'm almost there and this card is so slow please don't kill me you killed me oh my god and when i saw the teleport to him and i was like they're going to teleport me to heaven and they because they're just so kind that they'd love me to go to heaven you know a good irish catholic boy i killed jesus everyone guys please the ferris wheel is on my way point please oh thank god it was literally underneath it i'm not gonna be able to move oh thank god this is the stupidest plan we could have walked across the street so much easier i don't sorry i don't know who's innocent and who's not i'm [ __ ] drunk i am so [ __ ] wasted right now thanks guys appreciate it maybe it'll hit the corner this time exciting right i'm nearly oh no not jealous jimmy everybody run i'm not afraid of the swat team or the army but jealous jimmy that man scares me use me as cover frank use me as cover yeah i just crashed my entire game whatever you did what did you do was it a random vehicle was that it all right we gotta get to the golf course quick before you guys realize there's an opportunity to drop in some more mods what oh that was actually kind of nice now i look cool driving up to the golf course in this you really don't let me have nice things for long do you i had something cool for like 10 seconds and then you just took it off me why are you holding it like a weapon get in let's head to the first tee off oh my god okay we just ranked all a little bit it's just getting the muscles loose for the golf you know it's a nice day for golf isn't it you know other than the rain it's just been less chaotic than i thought it would as if the golf wasn't exciting enough in this game you had to half the game speed no less than actually set it down to 20 percent why are you getting so aggressive sniveling little piece of [ __ ] why are you so aggressive dude we're out for a nice game of golf and he's swearing at me spawn baller squad i am being killed um fair play on making the pot while i'm being attacked in a drive-by hold on hold on no just take the shot michael ignore them they're just trying to distract you ignore them ignore them michael don't let them get to you continue the golf all in the hips michael feck broke the course rules oh i broke the rules did i the guy swearing at me constantly is fine and the people in the car shooting at me they're fine too it was my bed he deserved it for swearing earlier to be fair no that is a trick shot underneath the vector van it's not working anymore is it not i i think it's completely broken yeah i think you might be right the ballers have destroyed the golf course and the mod is broken i think you've accomplished what you set out to do today oh my god yeah i'm not sure what actually did the mod in in the end out of all the things we did and that's that broke it golf amazing
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,520,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, gta 5 mods, gta v, gta v mods, gta 5, gta mods, gta v pc mods, gta, best gta 5 mods, gta 5 mod, mods, gta v mod, gta 5 best mods, top 10 gta 5 mods, mods gta 5, gta v funny moments, mods gta v, best gta mods, new gta v mods, best gta v mods, mods for gta v, best mods gta v, gta v epic moments, mod gta v, gta v modding, gta mod, gta v chaos mod
Id: mC7f55vAKZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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