Grand Theft Auto V (Chaos Mod) & GeoGuessr | 2021-03-09

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hello how are you doing how's it going it's weird when when i'm one minute late to my own stream it feels like i'm almost at my own funeral there's so many like oh he's dead oh rest in peace kevin it's like all right well this is what it'll be like it's a voice kind of depressing how is everyone god you give up fast only a minute late and it's just well he's gone i even saw so it's just like it's been a minute who's gonna call it he's dead how are you doing folks how are you doing sugary kev yeah that's me hardcore kev didn't stick did it not at all raps twitch i just surfed aaron i climbed the lad lonnie thank you for the support there um oh god i i hope everything's all right uh lonnie but i will try and be really distracting to help you out you know keep you keep doing your toes just like rapid hand movements all day and i hope you're all right um andy thank you for the sub as well yoti thank you for the five subs super kind here thank you very much third boy wonder thank you for the sub and ncc favorite the three gift subs i just realized surfing that's 12 months result as well thank you very much for that happy anniversary resource i request a chess rematch we'll have to do that at some point bella thank you for the bits happy birthday kevin i hope yours is going as good as mine well it's not my birthday so the fact that i got a happy birthday and it's not my birthday it's been a pretty good birthday i'd have to say i want riddle no no more riddles i've banned them on the channel riddles are gone forever it riles you up especially before the chaos mod it was big mistake honestly radioactive thank you very much for the bits that's very kind here lady peaceless orlan writer thank you for the sub as well i better go over to starting soon because people will join they'll be like this guy isn't playing gta at all no riddles yeah i agree i'm in full agreement there no more riddles it's too dangerous it's way too dangerous we want to feel dumb no you don't you want to feel angry and then you're going to take it out on me i'm going to be the one in 30 minutes playing gta getting destroyed because you're getting frustrated that you can't solve the riddle you're just taking it out on me for two solid hours [Laughter] i'll show you what gets wetter the more it dries just mashing the worst one constantly it was a dumb riddle to be fair it was a dumb riddle but you see i didn't even pick it people asked me what riddle was i solving if anything it was more of a trick than a riddle i would think it was a it was a strange one i don't know it was very misleading you know not really a riddle it's like when a movie has a big twist at the end and they're like i gotcha but it had no lead up whatsoever to the twist it just happened like out of nowhere no signs no foreshadowing just happens like ah the twist i hate that i love when there's a good twist when you watch like a psychological thriller especially and you when you watch it again you're like oh my god it all makes sense now but then you would see other movies literally no indication that it just goes off and a different tangent out of nowhere i can think of movies now off the top of my head but i don't want to spoil anything so i won't i won't welcome welcome welcome i don't know how twitch works in all caps and makes two of us at least i want riddle are we getting a new riddle why are you obsessed with riddles when you i only said one and it just made half the chat really angry i don't know if you if you know what liking something is because you all just seemed pissed off last time i'm angry but i want more me when i'm playing league of legends uh bella thank you for the bits again i really like to think of the bits lady peaceless warlord writer pajuli felipe demi baku thank you for the sub spunky thank you for the three subs you're very very kind make us feel stupid no you're baiting me to just give you an excuse to be angry at me giraffe thank you for the five subs that's very very kindly as well uh hokage thank you for the three months emmanuel labor kate stephen thank you very much for the tip that is very very kind of you 50 quid i really really appreciate that i got an irish coffee this morning without knowing what it is well i hope you're not drunk and that's why you gave the give the tip so you ordered an irish coffee or you were given one and you didn't realize it at alcoland i hope you weren't driving anywhere that would be a bit of an awkward situation you've got the coffee down here and then you're like oh well i guess i can't drive home i want a reason to be angry um oh my riddle no no 50 50. great as usual her poles solve nothing mr rob cherry finn god galaxy marmalan saturn space squid okay pocket and ellie b thank you for the subs oh saturn spacecraft thank you for the five subs there my apologies that is very very kind of you thank you very much um let me get a tweet out for what we're doing here and we shall get started in just a few minutes i just like to give up people a little bit of chance to join in because it does seem to go out uh it does seem to go out a little bit late sometimes for some reason um let's see okay yeah let's tweet that out and let's uh let's get to some of these alerts and then we'll get started we're so good at keeping it at 50 50 oh my god it really is and it's not even like like when i did that youtube poll we kept it at 50 50 with like quarter of a million votes which is insane but like the more votes you get obviously the the less exact it has to be but i'm watching the numbers on the riddle one right now and they're flying up in unison it's as if it's like bots doing it or something it's it's way too in sync like they're staying just a few numbers apart and they're flying up so i don't really know how you're doing it but it's it's a talent i'll give you that i'll give you that much wasn't it finish yet oh it finished at a healthy marathon of eight votes off each other it was actually way closer than that up until the end it was like two three um okay pocket leb uh utsutsu a doctor dante chasats kyle thank you very much for the bits death akano azalea pale jane josie the dukey tree addie and morg a crazy christian uh it's so crazy you spell crazy with an s i like that i like that i wouldn't mess with that and not really turg ness light wolf cosmic ironic cat happy chicken wing rogue variable manual labor doom boy um you're honestly fact i'm not sure what what you mean by that but thank you uh kitter dub dub callum a green sweet dr nt feminine man loligon zachtar thank you very much for the bits um cherry dreaded uh jazz bm4 abyss uh lonnie thank you for the tip as well um feminine man thank you for the gifted song marsupials thank you for the bits jim fanny kate moore shiny even wonder faye j j again steve walker terry gret uh dead wheeler lunat thank you very much um standard space squid thank you for the two subs marmilland thank you very much for the tip you know what if you want to riddle i'm gonna have to do them at the end of the stream at least then i'll just like send you on your way angry you'll leave the stream angry instead of entering the stream angry at least i don't get the brunt of it then let's crash the game no you don't want to do that you you want why do you celebrate when the game crashes see this is what i'm saying i'll just like encourage this behavior if i give in and enable you and give you riddles um well i thank you for the bits towards the birthday riddle god damn it i saw i saw a good um birthday uh a birthday video earlier it was the most irish video i've ever seen someone left a cake with candles on it in their driveway inside the car in cork and well of course the car went up in flames well it's the most irish thing because you're watching the video it's like oh jesus margaret mad chris hi margaret how could you have done that man what were you thinking margaret it's just wild like you feel bad but it's just the most irish thing ever uh let me get to these last alerts and then we'll get started uh call me ethan katie maxwell ness wordsmith and dumb luck i kept a couple elizary uh miss millie the drunken irish thank you for the bits um not really turk kim happy uh ceterani frog bro hackney tess j jim fanny uh persiffy lo lochlin the bean boys uh [ __ ] dumb uh hippie electronic uh akia cable assandria uh ellie b shannon thank you for the two gift subs key key bladey uh gran thank you for the tip as well lizzy ethan and nitram newbert and marmillan thank you for the 10 subs jesus christ that was very very kindy and thank you for your tip again that was huge you didn't have to do that but thank you so much for the support i i appreciate that a lot kabu thank you for the sub as well all right let me let me get this this game up here thank you for the support folks and thank you for the i'll get better at pointing one day one of these days i i will just turn and go i can't even do it after the stream i will go thanks for the follows instead of doing it thanks guys it's so hard pointing is rude well i'm not pointing at you but now i am take that i failed jane thank you very much for the tip as well i donated 60 orders in your name for red pandas in zoo bruno and cz where's cz thank you either way so now you're a proud partial papa of them for the year oh thank you so much oh it's in czech republic okay please let me know where i can send you the certificate of your name i i would love that if you want to tweet it at me or put it on the subreddit that would be that would be amazing thank you very much for that i do love red pandas i think i've decided when this um when this whole lockdown ends i'm gonna do uh i'm gonna do like a little zoo zoo tour thing where where you get to feed the red pandas like up close and and maybe i could hug one or something if they're if they're okay with that we'll see that'll be the first post of me on my instagram outside again and then i'll just keep going back if i just keep showing up do you think they'll ski behind me do it i can't just stare every day oh that's the dream uh script's it super stealth muffin pale jane uh thank you again for that wild grin navi thank you for the bits um who is this i'm glad you got max that uh dmc uh gizmos bellastorm maidenhail adam kyle shadow third boy wonder camargo lizzy thank you very much folks i appreciate is that coffee it is indeed i'm drinking maca something let's call it an al pacino impression it's getting pretty aggressive now kevin i want to see your face what do you mean what do you think this is why that's office thank you very much for the five subs god this has taken a while asthma's here jesus oh no don't talk about jesus um right we need to we need to find the right save because i think this is actually matching the save because i was doing a video on the heist that we were also doing what what date is today it was this one right it must be this one buy the book yeah no it was it must be this one right when face reveal eventually eventually move camera [ __ ] good point i'm blocking the thing the only thing you need to see literally the only thing you need to see and i'm blocking it hold on all right one second i want to be beautiful for a moment all right that's all i needed um now we'll just swap me around there now i'm backwards stop it i stop it all right i think we're good this is definitely the right one i remember my um how how overwhelmed i was when we got to this point in this round of the road okay how this works folks let me know if the audio is all over the place um bikini kevy pick blurs they call me sugarcam for a reason after all ah i gotta stop encouraging you um right so what we were doing was trying to complete some of the story mode with uh the chaos mod and of course you wonderful people are in control of my uh destiny what you got to do is in the chat you can see the numbers already if you put in the numbers uh one two three four all the way to eight it'll give you the numbers up alongside the effect so up the top right here and whatever effect you like off the top right there you can be like oh i want to revive deadpads you just type in two you can put it in a sentence you can just put the number whatever you want as long as you put the number in it registers you only have one vote but you can't change your vote i think i got everything anyway thanks for disabling my my movement i'm going to order a taxi before you remember about the fact that i didn't give you a riddle i'm damned if i do damned if i don't when it comes to riddles now i need a job think a problem a drive is on the way trying to get the volume right i hope he comes close to me because i can't move left to right is it i hope it's working all right i'll just meet you sure i think that was an option oh god i don't like this can we get there we go no no no no no no come on come on come on let me get in let me get in let me get in there you go i was waiting for him to get smushed albero heights i'll get you there fast buddy he didn't get smushed he's fine all right i'm skipping to the destination before you kill me i'm not taking any chances with us office thank you very much for the tip there oh and thanks for the blimp everyone can i just arrive in a blimp well as always thank you very much for that oh how do i how is this gonna work i might okay that's not working hold on there we [Music] because i was told that if we helped out what the hell was that which we did and our past indiscretion catalina thank you for the big it's forgotten and hello to matty patriotic fervor who told you that did i tell you that i'm in charge here this lag me you understand not quite well can you explain that again what i was saying he loves the chaos man the real turtle thank you for the five subs something else that's very very kind to you thank you very much some of it is pretty corrupt oh not uh not your bit right yes but we're corrupt rhg thank you for the tip as well they want to encourage panics thanks for all the subs coming in as well i appreciate it thank you major problem and now they've secured some fun oh my god the player models it's just that much out of range oh that's brilliant drugs those bastards loved us i love the cutscenes we think they're going to use this money to finance a war on our streets and we need you boys to requisition that money for us the bombs are leaving the terminal in an armored car [ __ ] you dave marmilan thanks for that again my concern i love the player models oh fantastic nice work slick we're gonna be doing pat downs at the airport before those [ __ ] clowns are done with us he'll [ __ ] you hey hey look man it is what it is how the [ __ ] we gonna get this done i don't know we haven't seen 90 of this cutscene i'd love to know his expression it's an industrial area right so i'm thinking vehicles trash trucks or this jesus christ we just gotta hope like hell these kind of agency men that don't carry a panic they are deal with if and when good lord the blimp is ruined easy come easy go i suppose thank you michael hey no problem no really i don't think they can hear you dude over literally doomsday all right let's get going if i can oh we got the console experience here folks how many frames does this lower into like 20 or something did we is that a mission complete technically come on that that counts as a mission right we did a mission everyone all right guys a few more details we'll need boiler suits and masks for this job the garbage truck let's get one from your park bring it back through the lot and there's an auto repair place oh no oh no oh yeah yeah get away sweet jesus it really is doomsday isn't it a good distance from the lot and make sure it ain't near just give me a waypoint for god's sake that's it see that's what happens um set up tasks okay hold on bear with me this one's close i can make it to this i don't even need a taxi just avoid the explosive zombies jesus it's like a 13 year old wrote an apocalypse movie it's like the zombies were explosive directed by michael bay i just got to be careful with them because they kind of run at you as well oh no no no no no no no no no no no no we'll simply ramp off here and we're as good as gold i think that's not a ramp that's just the wall i'll go around they always just stand in the middle of the [ __ ] road as well okay we're here oh no no no no no no jesus weird reaction i know but i thought the car was going to hit him so i tried to jump out before you're coming back to knock me down aren't you i'm getting out of here what's this for i don't know what i'm doing here but there's an explosive zombie behind you he's like right an explosive zombie no but seriously and i don't know what to do do i shoot them okay that's him down that's him down i tried to warn you oh he got away okay fair enough and he gave me a minigun thank you very much wait is that why did he just fall down and die i know he's good he's good he did fall down oh what is this cinematic vehicle cam perfect's sake all right well at least the zombie is driving backwards i didn't even remember i didn't even notice sorry is it great this is again part of the the 13 year old screenplay everyone drives backwards for no apparent reason it's the comedy aspect of the apocalypse movie oops the swearing in the movie as well sorry about that oh you put on keflam keflam i don't know if i ever did the keflam quests in this game it kind of make sense with the chaos well it wouldn't make sense but you know in this culti thing this weird religion and all this bizarre stuff is happening oh thank you for the random upgrades look at that i don't think you actually upgraded it but you gave it a fresh paint job which is good because if i know anything from gta the cops will not and will no longer know this is the one i stole they're like nope can't possibly be it this vehicle is green uh vlogmas prime thank you for the bits beauty big sam little and remix thank you very much for the subs okay that was slightly inconvenient don't appreciate that who lost their car over that is it the guy saying kiplam i know that's casting a wide net but i mean like specifically the one behind me zach thank you very much for the sub this would drive you mad it lasts for so long to [Music] jesus christ just lots of keflams i am amazed that i've gotten this far usually you've killed me a dozen times by now the start is actually usually the worst i don't know if you're just deciding to be kind maybe you are or maybe it's just not giving you the options to kill me if i were a betting man i'd bet on b but who knows maybe you've turned over a new leaf and you just want to treat me right like you should [ __ ] off what a way to end the mission at least playing a minigun i think that's like the first time ever jimmy has spawned and i've just shot him i've punched him a few times but never shot him i was well armed for that i was actually worried it would be bad because it has some spin-off time you know like oh it actually actually wait oh sorry i got a phone call hold on it was a prank call a little confused there it's as if it came out the phone i'm talking thank you for the tip i appreciate that thank you for sticking with me for so long combo time i don't know what this one does i had it on a recording earlier and it just started going nuts like there was loads of effects at once all right is this is this real okay no it's fake i was a bit worried there i think it does two at a time but i'm not sure how it does with the affects say i'm not sure what it does oh one right around the corner perfect um with the voting like does it take the two most voted for ones or what i honestly would be faster running yeah thank you very much yeah i'll i'll walk thank you i appreciate that i i needed that thank you you can have your car back i don't want it i don't want it the hell was that what what's shooting me what oh for [ __ ] sake it's just literally every pedestrian all right let me hide behind these these petrol station gas can things what do you call them pumps there you go sorry my brain is in use right now it's been tormented is it doing the most voted ones and a random one or just random in general or what i'm confused i don't know how the combo one would work all right let me let me call a taxi clearly the best way plus i'm on lsd right now so i shouldn't i shouldn't be driving realistically uh city store thank you for the result i'm terrible right now vampire bite thank you very much banana king bear of 89 aaron um center space squid thank you for the five as well very kind here thank you very much chaos sprinkles thank you for the sub as well where's this bloody taxi explode current vehicle yeah you really wanted that to happen india i'd get in the taxi and it would just explode immediately where is the taxi oh that that's the hearse you tried to spawn on me did he said a taxi was coming didn't he i did oh there it is hold on hold on i got it i got it jesus miss mercy thank you very much for the 10 subs that is very very kind you thank you so much for that i appreciate it oh i'll get the next one here [Laughter] get off come on thank you for that miss mercy appreciate it are we really you're just giving up in your taxi business it's not my fault everyone fell over not just okay there's another taxi wait he's my kind of driver hold up hold up perfect sake wait where is he going what okay that really looked like he aimed for his competition there oh my god no i just want to get yes perfect just [ __ ] gold dude just bouncy vehicles yes let's go i guess you're in a hurry i love a bouncy cab ride it's literally around the corner i don't even really need to speed through this speed up come on go go go go go i'm just gonna leave him right now there's nothing you can do to insta kill me so yeah i think i'm good do what you please okay all right maybe this is more dangerous than i had once thought [ __ ] hell it's like driving on an irish road all right off we get oh my god okay bad idea i shouldn't have left the vehicle i didn't realize it was like vacuum sealed in there and it was keeping me from being crushed oh no oh that was too close let me up come on oh my god it looks like all the cars are just nervous just nervous rex oh wow what what was that oh come on now what was that one someone just so in full speed into me for no reason all right i'll call a cab again why didn't i escape oh there's a cab right there wait wait wait wait wait wait wait red light red light red light come on stop stop stop stop there we go all right now wait points skip skip skip skip skip ah lord thanks thank you very much for the the tip and thanks for watching me for so long can i i need to go inside i can't i can just wiggle in i don't know how i'm gonna wiggle out but if i can just come on i'm almost in there if i just crouch just a little bit let's say crouch thank you for dancing at my funeral that's exactly how i it to be in real life i just want monkeys to just lighten the mood okay it spawned me here great you gotta wait outside no pets allowed they don't understand the bond we have um let's see oh i have you don't know the half of it um i'm gonna go with green i like oh wait can i oh okay we all get a separate one interesting there we go sorted god that was a difficult mission wasn't it for such a simple objective it was quite the effort to actually get it it really was that was that was difficult all right we're blasting through it though we got to go get masks another taxi perhaps definitely the fastest way to get around kahuna bec cheeky bean rubber soul uh ennis weed pie head arglington neck chaos and rubber soul thank you for the subs all right what oh you're my companion now don't make the monkeys jealous that's fine i like how he just calls them up and kind of yells at them uh is that a cab oh there's a cab there's a cab here come on buddy we'll take this why is everyone swearing this city is going to [ __ ] everyone's just swearing all the time get out of this taxi it's mine now wait don't forget my towel friend okay all right i'm just gonna skip i don't think i'm gonna survive that right otherwise [Laughter] trevor has a one-star uber rating i mean can you blame him everyone who picks him up dies okay i don't like this at all i'm going to attempt to buy some masks though and i hope i don't get hit by a full acceleration vehicle jesus white house office thank you for that again by three masks yeah let me buy them come on all right what masks do we want i think oh jesus oh god oh no i'm on a scooter stop it trevor get off the scooter all right you know what okay you'll get the pig mask um michael will get uh i think mexican wrestler there we go and franklin can have hmm hockey mask yes me like good fashion anyway i best be going now why am i in this well it's a good disguise i gotta give it to you sorry i'll leave you to it i didn't realize you were so busy i'm sorry for taking up so much time i didn't realize the cue had formed anyway i have a heist to do come on squad let's roll i love scooter brothers because i don't really understand what it means it just seems to spawn a load of scooters teleports everyone nearby onto them and they all seem to follow you for some reason well up to a point they've stopped now that's weird all right [Music] now we got some bosses um oh they want they want to get away carrot with the boss elf sorry would the bus actually work as a getaway vehicle it has enough seats oh sorry a bit unnecessary this will work right it's unsuitable but it has plenty of seats no one would expect that all right second you know what i'm gonna do i'm just going to oh i'm gonna go to the countryside and just relax for a moment because the big city was kind of getting to me you know i can't get out i'm gonna do a quick save if it'll allow me because i'm scared of what you're doing here uh save over that it's all my oh my coffee's nearly gone i needed this thank you for bringing me to the countryside this has helped me a lot just get away from it all you know i just hope a taxi will oh my god okay okay no no no no no i don't know why my strategy was to get like i didn't know what to do i don't know what the best option would have been there i was on the phone when they when i got attacked okay i tried to crouch behind their vehicle which probably isn't the best move because if he pulled up a night and reversed over me i was as good as dead um let's try downtown god no wonder they have to do so many heists all the time like their hospital bills must be insane it's non-stop i love this effect by the way it's just really cool i don't mind trying like a full mission on this mode it's really confusing though and i'm not sure how you'd shoot oh i'm not gonna try it now hold on yep there you go just just hands-free uh bring me there go go go go go before anything bad happens long kettle thank you very much for the tip you're very kind oh what um i'm sorry for sending you to the voice taxi man okay well i came back the taxi man didn't this isn't where i asked to go at all at least it's close enough i guess hopefully i can hopefully i can make it there oh wait another taxi i sent the last one to the void would you mind giving me a fair i tip well come on take me there yes worth the risk why is he getting out oh all nearby heads are fleeing he tried to flee from me but then he oh that's why the waypoint was moving i understand well it's quite helpful that all pens are fleeing except for this one specific one okay and it's pretty close not bad not bad we're blasting through them today i think this is the last setup and then we can move on to the the little mini heist is it blasting through it so much i didn't think we'd complete the game today but there you go as simple as that we're done we love making thank you very much for the two subs uh martley thank you for the sub oh zupa thank you for the sub as well sorry okay the police are actually after me now that was my bad that was my bad i was not looking where i was driving please don't see me i don't know how you wouldn't see me but please don't i crushed some i oh no you spawned the dog underneath my garbage truck that is completely your fault okay i'm not taking any of the blame for that dog dying it is all your fault you see what you've done you see i'm not an accessory to that i had no part in that whatsoever if the cops catch me i'm turning you in like immediately this is all you're doing i'm not taking the rap for it oh no okay good it didn't kill the engine of my vehicle for some reason come on lose them come on oh my god there's one hero trying to run up to me how the hell would you know i'm here okay okay let's let's get back to the road we can do this let's just blast through this one and we'll we'll reach the heist that's where the real fun begins let's not oh i like that i don't think i've seen it on a garbage truck before oh that's nice i like it i love the spammy vehicle doors on it's great look sir thank you for the tip oh no i saw how i locked myself out of my twitch account this is the only way i can communicate with the outside world hello chat oh no i hope it unlocks for you soon that's a strange uh vladimir thank you for the result as well i got some slo-mo vehicle doors spam are you just trying to slow it down to give you more chance to kill me is that what you're doing look so you know what you might be better off because you're the only one with an alibi now like i didn't spawn the dog under the garbage truck i was locked out of my twitch account that would work quite nicely what the hell is that brake boosting wait so if i oh oh no braking makes you go faster oh no oh no okay all right just settle down oh my god that's a body there's lots of bodies everyone's flying all over the place because naturally they're going faster so they're trying to hit the brakes which just makes them go faster again some of them are literally gone into orbit what happened it didn't even give me a reason i couldn't figure it out it's just like our mission failed oh for [ __ ] sake i made it and everything um right this thing is over here sweet jesus how am i supposed to carajack someone oh my god if they attempt to break because i'm in traffic they'll just hit into me even harder oh this is [ __ ] terrifying okay this person died from the impact and went flying over the top what a stroke of luck all right let me get there quicker how did you not see me what was that all right brake boost yep that works kind of sorry my bad that's my my deal sorry this is me breaking entirely now oh no you swung extreme grief for jesus but where oh no the truck is driving away the truck is getting away get out of the way jesus oh my god you're not making this easy are you this is the one you're taking you're in control of it infamous funny 69 thank you for the two gift solves i appreciate it oh no i hope the truck hasn't exploded it looks okay all right we can get this i don't have brake boosting anymore good good good good how come some of the cars are just abandoned or were they packed no braking allowed oh my god at least he was stopping anyway i don't need to break who needs to slow down not me that's why they call me hardcore kev i'm a speed demon that's what they say i would assume um lexi and i boop your nose toys thank you for the subs all right i think it was this way wasn't it oh no there's cops all right i'll go up the mountain after effects say for god's sake thank you for the follows folks as well i appreciate it it means a lot to me thank you for following the channel you know just contributing to this torture i really appreciate it you know god's sake and thank you for the new followers there some people are like you know what yes i would like to torture this man a bit more i i'm just gonna try and get there and lose them when i'm there because i i don't want to stop let's say this guy's here now as well god damn it what did i even do to get the cops after me i can't remember trying to remember where the lot even is i thought it was here heck where is it where the [ __ ] is it cheshire thank you very much for the 10 gift subs back in hell i really appreciate that thank you very much for that it's very very kind here where is it i was hoping i could just park the truck wait spawn angry alien where was the angry alien i was hoping i could park the truck and then just run off and then the mission would just be complete when i lose the cops but oh no teleport to waypoint no no no no no no we don't want that we don't want that where the [ __ ] is the lot is it up it's never opposite where is it maybe it is up all right i don't know where to go so i'll just have to submit to whatever you decide to do to me i'm afraid [Applause] he's on the other side oh wait no there's people coming behind me god damn it they're going pretty slow maybe i can on why are you getting on [Laughter] okay you know what maybe that'll work they must be like wow the garbage man can want a magical truck oh no oh lord they're coming because i got plenty of room for you in the back if you want to get in the crusher okay well we're back to where we first began but um not to fear oh no no no no no no you're gonna ignite me you're gonna ignite me you're gonna ignite me no i wanted to get in the water wait wait i'm invulnerable i'm catching everyone on fire but i'm invulnerable at least yep still invulnerable yeah everyone just pile on for god's sake i attempted to jump out and run to the water i think it was my best shot i don't think there was any way out of that all right sorry about that that's all right look i forgive you but if you could just give me some space you know i know i'm a celebrity and all but if you could just not punch me in the face and pull me out of the car that would just be swell all right oh i can put down the cops are after me again i keep getting the cops after me because i'm a terrible person it's not fair all right this is mine nice parking if i do say so myself okay off fake fake yeah fake yep oh what okay wait do you have to get the cops after you on this one it must be the case surely because i didn't like i lost them that time didn't i i'm pretty sure i did okay i can figure out where i need to go because i was here a while ago it said down this road and i went up on to that hill earlier fortunately i'm going there again but and not by choice okay i went down this way i think i went onto the highway last time but it just took me off left that direction that way like off that direction so i'll i'll go in that vague area at least it's popping the tires of every vehicle maybe they're struggling more than me somehow i don't know how that's possible but maybe maybe it is um it's either on this road or the next road over i think it's on this road is it oh no there's a cop there's a cop there's a cop come on no i can't [ __ ] drive okay we good lord okay okay come on you have the power go go there you disable left and right movement sweet jesus how am i supposed to do this it can barely go up the hill and when i can't even dodge things i can only drive forwards okay wait we're gaining some speed and i really don't want to i can't okay oh no oh okay one second hold on hold on hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna run i'm gonna run it's my only chance i think effect's sake where am i now okay i've lost sight of them maybe i can hide out here will this work how can they still see me it's saying that i'm not losing them somehow okay now i'm losing them just got a layla that's all isn't this lester's hand i'm bringing the cops to lester's house maybe if i turn him in i'll get a lighter sentence okay just lose me come on i'm not even worth it i stole a garbage truck what am i gonna do clean the streets up give up give up give up give up why do i have to be wearing the most like obvious clothing ever as well oh no oh no no no no no no no no there we go phew oh no blue sultan blue sultan angry man with gun one shoot i don't know why it's the blue sultan of all cars that attacks yet like why why don't the other cars attack you but that one does i don't get it is there a reference to something i think it should be the green saver personally oh no it's the angry alien from earlier what the [ __ ] what i have no bullets no oh come on come on come on i i cannot shoot him i don't understand i don't know why i just can't no stop it where did he come from okay the police are attacking him the police are attacking him who are you who was in the police car i just looked and realized that's not the police at all it was like the baller from earlier or something did they somehow catch up to me what i'm saying perfect's sake why are you spawning me here they're having a bit of a war okay wait wait wait wait this is no ammo okay that is no ammo why do none of my guns of ammo where is he what oh sweet bejesus where are you okay i guess he just returned to his home planet i'm ready with my mini gun i i hear someone in there no she was in that house oh is that wait are the police there for him or the angry alien oh they're there for him could you could you deal with the alien problem you've disabled backwards and forwards movement good lord i'm never gonna complete this part am i all right will the fire truck get me there i wish i could look where i was going no i can't get in there like all right this this one's my care this one it's a fast one this little thing i don't even have to go that far that's the thing uh moving fortress thank you very much for the 11 saw the subs that's very very kind to you thank you very much uh happily pathetic spawn chubby deezer i see thank you for the subs buster bros sprinkles bonnie prawn empress tushie jesus pulse i cannot can can kindle nor is it and kinkles thank you very much for the subs and thank you everyone in chat for making me fall out of my vehicle i love it you see it's just ragdoll everyone but and no one else seems like they write all it seems like this is just me and it feels a bit targeted you know thank you for the subs again folks i appreciate it that's very kind of you and thank you for the follows you're very very kind i appreciate your company even though it sometimes it might not look like it but i really appreciate you it's like someone's parents insisting they like say i love hanging out with you grandma and grandpa you're the best all right here we are this is the one this is it okay now my garbage truck i should have really marked where the the lot was but it was it was beyond here it's here it's gotta be there it's pretty much around there anyway oh wait wait wait it's showing up oh i was close okay we're gonna leave my waypoint there if you get really nice and get teleport to waypoint maybe you'll do it or you might just do that instead i guess it it depends how you're feeling i suppose why is there even a car here for god's sake why is it up there i don't understand oh look at the little dog you see i i walk by and do nothing you you already killed the dog i hope you know you have been on your conscience forever now really guilting you over that one thing i don't think it's helping my case though oh there's supercars everywhere no why would you make all kids attack me what have i done to this okay i did do that to be fair wait where are the police going they're driving off into the hills for some reason okay we can do this it's simple we can get this job done if it weren't for losing the cops we'd have it done already but i think we can do this i think we can get the car ah jesus isn't that nice that's lovely that's grand the alien's back i thought he died motionless in reverse thank you for the two solves that's very very kind to you oh my god okay now i'm at the hospital might be better off let me get a taxi um oh my god another one another one hold on i'll be right with you come on come on you still nearly got me just take me take me into the hospital again i need i i need mental help more than physical at this point trevor's been through a lot today this is one day and it's been looking are you serious you revive the deadpans [ __ ] hit him hit him hit the zombie hit the zombie hit the zombie hit the [ __ ] zombie wait does he none of his ray gun oh wait hold on hold on hold on we might be okay as in we we might be able to kill him and ourselves at the same time that's fine how did you get revived dead beds after that what kind of luck is that okay alien dead just [ __ ] stay dead now all right please oh sweet jesus now the zombies have guns oh my god they're they're all hostile now and they all have constantly they all hate me let me just call a cab please come on there's still there's still a zombie down there he's running towards me i can just hope that the the taxi gets here first i'm getting shot at from the void um all right it'll what are those red dots somebody help me i should have called the police to protect myself why is he attacking me i all right that's it i'm gonna have to run at him and i'll i'll just try and something's knocked me down and there's another dot i don't know what's shooting at me okay i'm gonna have to take you out i don't know why you're attacking me i don't know what i've done to deserve this now i have the cops after me again sweet bejesus will i just try driving there i don't think that taxi is ever coming why did it not come oh there it is no no no i won taxi oh god damn it all right there you go there you go hold on hold on sweet bejesus oh wait that was my taxi hold on i'm coming hold on stay right there oh he's climbing the lamppost to get away from me could you come down oh okay well that's horrifying i like their attitude just continue to dance the night away do i call another cab or what do i do like the police are after me okay i'll just i'll take one of the scooters i'm stuck i can't please just just give me one of them please i'm so stuck all right we're going to head out now and we're all going to cooperate i'm so glad we've come to this agreement where we're all just going to cooperate and just get this part of the mission done um i think it was a good idea actually thank you for suggesting a chat let's make our way okay i don't even really understand what happened there manual labor wildflower clown got you jealous jimmy you want to kiss uh ginginator strew cindy uh venis icy deezer thank you very much for the the subs all right at least i can call a cab now right that's the import that's the important thing no problem i'll have one there in a couple of minutes i'm gonna be honest i don't know if i have a couple of minutes to live all right look away from the traffic look back is the taxi spawned no look away look back is that a taxi no wait is that a taxi wait is that a taxi no is that a taxi is that a taxi is that a taxi hmm oh is that a taxi that's not a taxi run run run run run run run run run run run i swear there's my taxi great just in time i did tell you i didn't have a couple of minutes but they wouldn't believe me they're like yeah he's over exaggerating and he just took their time then they oh no now like that blue sultan just waiting around look at him there you go how's that for a drive-by now all the pedestrians are pissed like he attacked me and i'm getting the flack there's no point when the cops are after me i'm going to spawn right in i'm going to order a cab and we're going to go straight there oh we were so close earlier and now we just can't even get to the garbage truck all right phone phone phone phone contacts cab call call offers he's gonna stop me from spawning isn't he all right at least i have my minigun at least i have my minigun at least i got my minigun right right folks all right this is it come on challenge me i am your boss fight jesus where'd he go noney okay you know what i'm not gonna question it i'm gonna i'm gonna call a taxi and i'm gonna back off i'd love if some more taxis were just driving around that would be very helpful he's trying to get out of the area did he blow himself up come on taxi come on where are you come on come on oh my god what the hell is with the walk very low gravity is that doing it what okay all right the truck is slightly taken off this this is a weird one where is that [ __ ] taxi they're getting slower and slower i swear there we go please please no that is like the ultimate f you like literally as i got close he went under the ground and then came back up when he had gone past me what the hell is that for god's sake that is ridiculous the game actually hates me god damn it i can't get there i cannot get to the [ __ ] garbage truck how come we breezed past everything well i won't say breeze pass but we got through everything right let's go let's [ __ ] do this come on on the road again i can't wait to be on the road again all right i think if i just go up this way and take a left i'm good right is that a taxi ahead of me it is a taxi oh god hold on i know it's a [ __ ] joke you should have seen the rest of my day okay there we go take me to are we upside down i think we're upside down um what all right yep yeah that's fine that's fine okay yeah the whole no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're on the oncoming sir i need to go to hs hs hs where is hs where is hs come on why is there no hs oh for fx sake hold on i can hold on i can't even change the waypoint okay i'll remember where that is i'll remember where it is hey chess wait we're going to go here because he's going to move by the time we get there right get back in get back in well there goes my hero watch him as he dies we're gonna drive there we're gonna drive there i swear i've doomed like 17 taxi cab drivers to death right right now today alone probably about that 17. what's this oh you know what wait someone needs help hold on hold on hold on let me just let me just see what's what's going on here sorry my w he's stuck what do you need help with who we got this is a [ __ ] ambush isn't it just walking in with my minigun this is a trap i've seen a million things like finally someone for me to take out my frustration on really you bring a guy with a minigun into a trap like that know what grind someone else will get the garbage truck maybe they'll have better luck wait it's not swapping all right interesting is it because of the cops after me uh strategy thank you for the tip it hit me too if you throw something that doesn't knock people out like an apple or a muffin you can do it right in front of people without getting suspected or even blowing silent assassin conditions really i didn't know that can do hitman 3 what really i was like what was that gunshot and i look over and just see suicide perfect's sake uh brianna thank you very much for the tip and just saying for your pain there's so many dead people just lying around this hospital it's not a good sign is it when you go to a hospital and the dead are just on the streets a serious case of neglect all right taxis on the way string grief for jesus thank you for the tip only accepted me into your heart kevin oh my god i can't kill our clowns really really i can't even fight back because if i do the cops will come after me and then the taxi cab won't allow me and it'll be a whole thing and i'll be frustrated and then i'll die again where's the taxi most likely to come not here knowing my luck it's probably going to come from this direction there's more clowns at least there wasn't in my taxi there come on where are you where the [ __ ] are you taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi and i've got it maxed i'm ready to [ __ ] go nothing there can kill me we're good waypoint go okay finally folks we've made it to where we were 15 minutes ago why does that keep happening should i even parachute there i don't think it's a good idea okay you spawned a dump truck on me in the void i'm still kind of far away all things considered is this little cul-de-sac in any mission i came across here the other day and i was just thinking to myself it's a cool little area but i don't think i i don't think i remember it from any mission anyway back to torture all taxi i was about to say was that the taxi from earlier but it can't be because we sent him to the void like many others binary sons thank you for the sub um oh jesus christ what okay hold on hold on i get it it was a fake teleport no chaos yes no chaos okay here's my chance here's my chance no chaos no chaos mode here we go how much time do i have on this please just just give me like a minute no five minutes i i don't i'm just realizing that i'll have to lose the cops there please just just just wait just let me have this i've gone through so much pain and so much trouble to get here sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry all right i'm off i'm off i'm off i'm off i'm off go i've got judging by that i've got like a minute i think i've got a minute to get this done come on good luck kevin thank you i think i want to need it wait am i not getting hops after me this time why am i not getting cops after me this time do you think the game is just having pity oh jesus christ i have like 45 seconds 45 seconds hot tower coffee bean alina uh mox alien boy creations and binary son thank you for the support man i hate when people literally phase out of existence just to avoid me yeah i was really feeling that when uh when that taxi showed up and went through the ground to avoid me it's like come on dude you definitely saw me waiting for that fare come on come on come on come on come on come on come on half the chat is rooting for me half have a rooney against me and freaking out come on okay we're almost there i don't think anything can kill me okay and you still have to wait a little bit before it comes up yes yes oh hallelujah the thing is we made it here before already but we just exploded for some reason leave the garbage truck complete come on come on come on come on come on come on i did it oh yes oh thank goodness jesus christ okay oh look at the whales beautiful weather beautiful weather nature's healing everyone you love to see it well done thank you thank you that was good timing so don't you bother i've done everything all right we just need to hide a vehicle now i don't know where i have to hide it but anything will do for me at this point anything that my chimp can fit into is fine with me move buddy this'll do oh oh come on dude wait you you scared my chimp it's unsuitable why because it's a reasonably priced family carrier come on all right what what about that oh what about that that that suv come on chimp let's get him all right get out or my chimp will rip your face off oh well the thing is fast enough for a getaway vehicle anyway that's for sure i'm sorry i just you should have got out when you could lady i'm i'm sorry but this is this is your own fault good lord zach there thank you for the bits don't worry we'll make up for the peaceful time yeah you sure are yeah you're not wasting any time are you blocked being mama nico thank you for the subs all right no it just killed me i'm not doing this just hospital's right behind me i'm totally fine with it you killed the chimp no i didn't you did what do you mean me i didn't do anything all right here we are again are we good to do the heist now or what's the story we've got what's this barry do we go there is that the final piece of the puzzle barry's the the fib guy right thank you very much the amount of times i've called a taxicab from this very location and the drivers never turn up at the depot ever again and they keep sending them anyway honestly it feels a bit like that's their fault i don't think i need to feel guilty about killing all these cab drivers i just wish it would arrive fast oh wait i need a vehicle what am i saying i've forgotten about the getaway vehicle that that'll do right i completely forgot somehow i mean maybe it's something to do with flying into the air and a burning automobile wreck it might have been that that did it okay what if i hide it here that's discreet right here who do i call michael and hang out no oh my god wait he doesn't have a gun what oh what there you go that's what you get jimmy what now you have a gun i'm gonna have to put him down wait god damn it keep going to use that weapon there's no ammo what all right you know what i'm not taking any chances with this fecker just not willing to chance it oh my god okay good luck to me finding a getaway car now i mean i can see the cars in the distance they all look like cockroaches but i can't see anything close to me uh uss samwell thank you very much for the 10 subs that is very very kind of you gaming gallery thank you for the sub and key thank you for the self as well dookie but thank you as well and figurine thank you for the bits samwell thank you very much for that that's very very kind i do appreciate it oh sweet bejesus okay you know what i can use this to escape i can go up between the highway to lose the cops come on put me up there put me up put me up earthquake me there we go yep yep it's the grand escape how the hell am i even alive god what is this on the richter scale i think this is off the richter scale yeah i think i lost the cops samwell thanks again for that and guys thank you for the follows i i super appreciate it that means a lot to me so many of you are willing to to follow along and ruin my mental stability it just means the world to me all right i assume it has to be a four-door so this isn't going to work i i actually think the heist itself is going to be way easier than the setup it seems what oh okay that's fine that's fine wait we can get that we can get that we can get that it seems to be a trend and i think it's because like the missions of checkpoints and you will eventually get good rng and you'll get past the hard section unless it's like super long driving yes okay hide it in the discrete and then phone michael okay this is discrete right now okay i'm just going to call him already hold on hold on sorry this is entirely my own fault i'm caving to pressure okay you've disabled left and right movement so no i i can't [ __ ] i can't pull it in anywhere second let me just all right there we go contacts michael nope cannot be placed here the location's too okay oh wait that's the fib place isn't it across the road all right hold on let me let me go out of the way all right what about what about up here this is discrete right it's still not coming up all right ali ali ali ali we need to look for an alley why am i doing this so stupid i i just need to go somewhere discreet park it and call michael here here discreet just stop just stop the car stop the cat i am not driving i know get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out okay maybe don't get out for a second okay now get out get out get out get out get out get out he does not want to get out of the burning vehicle for some reason he's got the attitude of the captain must go down with the ship and i don't know why because he just found this car he can't be that attached to it oh what i'll teleport to heaven oh no the hospital couldn't save me that is so tragic all right i wait if i die that's oh no that's gonna be an issue okay you know what can i just can i change to a different no i can't i'm stuck i can't even control them i don't know what's happening i can't use my ability i don't know if i'm actually technically out of the hospital yet so i'm just going to leave them fall and see what happens i guess or smart thank you for the sub really appreciate that it's very kind here 12 months too jesus arianna thank you for the tip jesus is always watching and waiting i know that's what i'm scared of much you reckon xp mop wizard thank you as well all right what what is the situation here okay fine you you'll be fine there trevor you'll be grand i'll go to michael now i don't think it registered me as out of the hospital wait where is he hanging out at a restaurant okay good for you poor old trevor's been through torture and you've just been enjoying a meal okay any four-door car please just just spawn what if i get one in the parking lot it's already in kind of an off the grid spot maybe i can just immediately take it all right this will do this will do this vehicle is owned by michael what it's not i don't understand that's not my car like surely the fact that he broke the windshield proves that it's not my car all right let's try this one instead god damn it this'll do right sorry i gotta kill the owner you know okay who do i call now since i am michael all right that is in a discreet spot i'm gonna have to lose the cops aren't i that duelist bro thank you for the tip i appreciate that a lot thank you very much and thank you for the sub sorry if i missed the alert i sometimes miss some alerts i try and get as many as i can but sometimes i do i do miss a few tracy now is not the time honestly i'm just i'm just dancing the car alright just this is my one hobby all right just let me do this look i'm all jumping all over the place okay i lost the cops option please be fake come on it's gotta be thank christ okay wait no not tracy trevor no this location can be used then let me [ __ ] call him trevor mac getaway location yes oh thank goodness jesus christ finally we've done it so happy downtown vinewood it's a bit vague isn't it quick save quick quick quick quick quick come on it's called quick save it's not quick now it's slowed it down 0.2 but come on just just save it let's just save it come on we've done a lot here christ you say we'll summon them as soon as we can't jesus no no i use his name out of habit all right i don't mean it gotta say a different name please let me save before this bloody game crashes and i have to do this all over again i get it mission passed all right how long does it have to stay off i've already got the serotonin from completing it i don't need you to stay up there we go saved steve as you can see by the celebrations were completed the setup i appreciate it trevor and franklin really went to a lot of trouble to set them all off for me i did majority of the work you see poor trevor gets none of the credit i i don't even know what to strive i just need to relax please just take me anywhere what's he dressed in god he's ready for a heist now isn't he i've got an opportunity meet you at the pier oh that's where i'm heading anyway oh wait no that was for franklin why are you texting michael then weird um i got something to do for lester okay wait so what am i doing i i don't understand you know what just skip the skip the trip i'm so confused he's over here why do are you there's jesus in the wild wait what's it dude you have no idea how much torment you've caused me i'm trying to negotiate peace you know that's like an attempt at a ceasefire i i have a feeling it's not going to work he said meet him at the pier but do i have to be franklin to meet him here because franklin texted me to meet him here but do i have to be return as franklin okay well i can't swap because the cops are after me i'll just continue to run i suppose this is a good spot to hide oh god i can't i can't get behind this okay i'll just pretend to be the store owner very convincing clerk outfit you know all right please don't find me i just want to be franklin the boys don't do thank you for the sub agent wizzle ronnie oh there we go all right franklin why did it text me as franklin then i don't i don't understand oh god meteor you think they have better things to focus on all right that got defused now call for a cab hey can i get a cab no problem i'll have one there in a couple of minutes all right all right where'd a cab at give me a cab come on i'm not taking the tram give me a cab you can do it there you go that's more like it okay just [ __ ] spam it will i no come on oh yes no no no no oh my god mercenaries just appeared right in front of me jesus christ yeah are we sure could i borrow your car for a bit hold on hold on hold on i need your car i need your car i need your car all right you know what i'll take this this is actually faster it's right around the corner i don't need a car at all why am i doing this i'm panicking just get in it doesn't matter i don't care at this point i just want to get over there all right trigger it trigger a trigger there we go yes let's triggered you know what a spectacular arrival god he waited a long time too oh my god figurine thank you for the bits it's not bigger the figurine i'm not sure how to pronounce it then sorry i'm gonna call your figure then michael tell you about life invader oh [ __ ] y'all did that look forward we're two strangers having a friendly chat and don't pretend that you like there's mercenaries blow it off on tv oh well aren't you just a moral majority you know that's why the world is the way it is today when a paid thug gets all namby pamby when someone asks him to act like a paid thug and for a good car shot the native thing with himself like [ __ ] fools ears off just as much as the next psychotic [ __ ] but i just don't look at the [ __ ] as doing a good deed well now you can because it's not fool's head with an asshole's head i knew you were gonna do that when i looked at the options i was like they're just gonna keep spawning things aren't they oh what are you going to do now i'm going to guess either kick flip or suicide that's a weird option i'm guessing you're either gonna do a kick flip or do suicide one or the other ceo thank you very much for the five subs are giving desperate middle-aged women yeah uh he's just slumped over dead i didn't think that would have happened lester's is continuing the conversation america goes back to using malice and beta pharmaceuticals gets a big bump in the price of their stock damn man all right [ __ ] it i got you i thought that you would now consider using a sniper rifle you know whatever do it your way however you want i'm gonna make the investment we don't speak about this or anything walk away now stay here until you're gone that was so uncomfortable the whole thing was just awful all right go to the hotel we'll do it can i i don't think i can take any of those vehicles ideally if the buzzard survived i would have loved it but no no luck no such a long oh my god that cutscene is amazing i love it we broke it you sure did of course jesus you're fast now that's the cab service you want to [ __ ] hell but i don't really need a plane i should have been more specific what type of plane i want i don't want an uber x i just want regular old uber all right there we go there's my cab and just just just go around that yeah thank you very much for the pick up pop thank you for the bits daily sir tone i've made my asmr a little yellow hoodie it's adorable also except for taxi free thank you first of all and second of all can i see it can you put it in the the mod discord chat or like the or tweet it or it's subreddit or the subreddit would probably be best or the the mod discord chat whichever you prefer if you want people to see it i guess subreddit i like the sound of those shot nader thank you for the five subs again and lovely views thank you for the sub okay i don't really have time for my god you're kind of blowing my cover okay all right this works assassinate the target where is he wait where is he i wasn't looking are you near here because just by being in my presence i'm gonna kill you where where are they okay i i obviously did that wrong my cover was blown i should have been watching the cutscene i looked away oh it's already in the twitch mod chat liam just said about thank you i will take a look oh no i'm blind wait what am i looking for oh wait he's coming out in one minute 20 i don't have any weapons okay oh great here's my entourage you're going to blow my cover all right i guess i'll just knock him down with a car but i am sorry you're wondering now am trying believe me i know it doesn't look like it but i don't want to be around these people this is just [ __ ] awful will i just drive around the block and come back or what 50 seconds 40 seconds how long is this going to last for i can't see the effects for those of you that don't know sorry the what's happening one means i can't see what's being done so something what was that if you replaced my car and just deleted it immediately oh no oh no oh no he's checking out and i i don't have a vehicle could you slow down please okay come on okay you did replace my vehicle i'll just climb away oh there's explosive zombies now my phone's ringing i there's no cars that i can get this explosive zombies everywhere jesus christ sorry i didn't mean to bring up his name what if i just bring the explosive zombies to him oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god why does it matter at that stage if my friend franklin's cover is blown like i'm already there anyway i'm gonna kill him like my cover is gonna be blown so it doesn't matter does it [Music] look what do i do i can't fight back and there's bees i don't know what to do [ __ ] bees could you send the bees after my target instead my phone is just non-stop ringing how the hell am i going to get them without any weapons i hope there's a way down off this i'm just trying to drive away from the zombies and hoping i can ramp off the top is this even possible without any weapons there's an ammunition around the block but there's a ramp at least okay he's leaving quite the escape i just wanted to get away from those zombies okay what do i do lock all vehicles on no does anyone have any ideas how i can complete this because i'm a bit stuck when i don't have any weapons i don't know what to do i'm jordan thank you for the sub bella thank you for the bits left for a moment how many times did you die um i don't know it depends how long you were gone if it was even five minutes many times uh plane cries um and rinto thank you very much move left move left move left yep moving left move and left move and left i'm holding a moving left moving left yep this is me moving left you need a sniper do i hit them with the car i think i think if i get anywhere close it it fails i might have to go to ammunition around the corner good lord i'm tempted to bloody skip this one because i i don't know if we can do it i'll try and run to the ammunition around the corner and see if we can get a a gun oh my god i'm too young to drive for sure okay ammunition there me get sniper me come back me kill just over there i i think i have enough time to do it as well and i'm hoping if i fail i'll spawn with the gun oh my god all right ammunition is over there now tricky store always moving around taking advantage of low rental areas you know getting that year free lease and then just bailing after a year i see i see all right is this the same ammunition i don't think it is but it'll do it'll do it'll do all right give me a gun i know i don't look old enough but you don't look old enough to be selling them either so there we go heavy sniper rounds just give me loads advanced scope yeah short and why not uh make it pink i love pink there we go perfect thank you i don't even know where i was now i don't know how to get back what oh no the peds are angry the little voice is on the minions all right where was it that i had to go it was near an ammunition was that the one it was in that kind of area town wasn't it or was it this one no it must be up here look that's the hotel isn't it that's the little bit they went around in okay we got this folks don't you worry i don't know if i can actually find him but oh thank god that didn't work so disappointed the five wanted stars jesus the target escaped i mean that is fair i did go off shopping when i should have been there but oh well hopefully give me the sniper keep the sniper right oh my god okay i might have to skip this one i'll try it once more i'll see if i can do once more and then i'll just skip because we're stuck here in an endless loop and we got to do the [ __ ] heist i even forgot this was kind of a heist the the oh my god what is this okay that's fine that's fine that's fine i can still see i don't need glasses i'm not in denial i can see everything okay get me a sniper i don't young man with like very good vision on it um where's the [ __ ] advanced rifle come on come on heavy sniper yep yep that's fine okay out of here i'm out of here no i will let me out let me up let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out let me help okay oh no [ __ ] traffic magnet look at them all they're all coming over to me jesus christ okay it's just over here it's just over here yeah down this alley right in here this is the stupidest assassination ever oh god oh god oh god oh god which one is he no the traffic's coming the traffic's coming where is he i him i don't what this one i do okay i need what what oh my god you made the gun a portal gone what the [ __ ] i was so confused i messed up the pressure got to me all right once more once more oh my god i didn't understand what had happened i didn't realize you made portal guns was the timer still going or was he in the car or what because i thought they were moving out but sweet bejesus when you stop this is enough to drive anyone insane like not only do you have them all driving at me but they are all honking their horns there's got to be a gun sheet right at least i'm at peace now in heaven that's all for sake no straight back to hell forget i said anything all right i don't think i have enough time to go to ammunition but i'm gonna try [Music] oh my god that was brutal all the horns like i know the horns are still going but i felt like i was getting attacked a while ago all right heavy sniper buy some rounds get out of there out we go that's good oh perfect sake it's an alien no no no no no no i hope the ammunition guy just opens fire on him it may have happened you know i think it did happen or else he's stuck shooting the wall oh yeah yeah he's shooting the wall in there all right timer is done down this alley [Music] check out check out checkout so i need to watch the main door all right all right all right all right cool cool cool keep your eye on [Music] up to the roof maybe how the hell didn't they hear me i'm just gonna try and get out of here i don't know if this was a good idea or not maybe i can hear that [ __ ] alien maybe this was a good idea i i know it will take longer but i thought it was the safer option rather than going out going out there into the big bad world who knows what would be waiting for me with you folks that's folks by the way not fox i'm not toxic i have to really oh for [ __ ] sake i have to really try and pronounce that a bit better because oh no i'm lagging i'm lagging i'm lagging i'm lagging folks i'm lagging all right i'll go down stop it stop it stop this madness stop it stop stop go go go go go okay okay stop no no no no the lag pushed me over the edge oh sweet bejeez what am i what are you like all together hold on hold on hold on stop shooting me i'm lagging dude give me a chance host advantage and all my chimps are watching hold on let me out of here let me out of here let me out of here oh for [ __ ] sake now they've spotted me i wonder what led them on to me was it all the gunfire perhaps they're [ __ ] shooting me and i have no gun to shoot back lose the cops lose the cops yeah just fly off fly off fly off this is great this is great go straight up into space land in someone's back garden on the golf course that works great this is so stressful well right now thank you for the sub and just saying this is my favorite content i'm glad i'm glad you enjoy it genuinely and thank you for all the new follows folks i appreciate it uh bears filling up it is a treat to see okay i'm getting out and i'm walking away what how did he see me okay this is the car for me come on come on come on come on come on come on i'm not screwed i'm going to be fine i have faith let's scream jesus christ launch all nearby heads up that might actually help me okay get away from the scene of the crime i don't know if that helps or not but i'm gonna try it rather than backing myself into an alley and getting caught at the last second inducing panic this is good this is good this is good oh no now this is still okay yep good good good hunk boosting okay if i make people honk will they will they boost too how do i honk again is it e oh me likey yes good lord i'm kind of amazed we did that mission that was a tough one [ __ ] hell all right drop a quick save after that one that was [ __ ] brutal jesus [ __ ] hell uh coxy thank you for the sub lord fabby thank you for the bits because i thank i don't have a p.o box unfortunately um mrs moxie thank you for the the stop stevie thank you for the sub as well a new house huh all right let's um let's swap over here i'm going to try and go to michael see if we can get this heist going oh my god what's the up down doomsday huh what's the last thing he wants to do i'll just just practice his mime act i like that oh with his dog that's nice um can i start the heist or how does this work baby i really don't want to talk to his daughter right now i don't care oh oh a store rob no i i just want to buy things can i not just oh there we go i think ah you can't you can't store things it's a shame okay where's the heist how do i start it how do i start the heist maybe be trevor um stevie steve doug are you for the bits lord fabby satan paddy i am joris bella marinto thank you for the support he's still in this outfit he's taking out some of his anger all right we good yep kick flip means we're good he's amazed we landed there okay good he wants us to bring the stuff to the guy we met at the interrogation okay that's fine um where are we headed hold on hold on hold on i think it's actually close i think trevor did me a solid here open the map it keeps closing because i'm mashing it all right wait no we're not close at all okay call the taxi call the taxi before anyone kills me before anyone gets any bright ideas come on come on come on come on come on stay where you are i gotta drive around disco weather okay i can deal with disco weather that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine come on i don't know what the fastest way to spawn a cab is i try and just turn in circles but i don't know if i'm confusing it more i'm just trying to give it an opportunity to spawn behind me like that hey my man where are you going to the waypoint all right none of those can kill me speed up the [ __ ] up hold on to your butt for sake i got ejected i didn't think i'd get ejected come back oh no no no don't come back oh god damn it i i need my taxi off perfect's sake all right well look it's stuck down there once the beyblades ends i can get back in right and then i'll be fine i can just hop in skip the journey who cares if he doesn't have a rim maybe i can get in this is risky this is [ __ ] risky but okay oh my god spammy vehicle doors too okay oh no he doesn't want to drive me anywhere you know what i kind of understand i do i do understand why you might not want to drive me after that that that did seem like i had something to do with it you were fine until i got in i once again had the cops after me you know what can i swap no because the cops are after me for fix sake see the cops didn't see me at all there even though i was right next to them and other times they're seeing me through walls i don't understand this game sometimes they've spotted me again just just leave me out of this madness i don't want to be in it anymore gemma says thank you for the sub believe lee thank you for the song as well ellie thank you for the sub georgie let me thank you for the show a whole year i think it's during the pirates of the caribbean stream so thank you very much for that geez it's mad to think they were a year ago now i'm so glad that started streaming and all that it's been a very rewarding experience all right luckily that ability saved me i can call for a cab in this right they won't mind break boosting oh there's a cab hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on don't hit the brakes what i'm saying hold on i mean don't stop no you [ __ ] agent oh my god jesus now there's too many cabs get in kitten get it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] good lord that was nuts lady hydrated thank you for the tip as well so casually decides to drink a semi whiskey every time you die that is a risky game you're gonna get alcohol poisoning drinking game it is just a sip because otherwise i'll destroy i'd be destroyed yeah you got to be careful with that a driver's on the way that is risky business oh god i think even i need a drink after this all right don't worry we got a time to can down here you know what i'm going to run to the bathroom while the credits roll i'll be back by the time it ends give up um oh god damn it i lied to you i'm sorry i'm sure you're gonna be very upset about that you're not gonna let me forget that oh oh oh taxi taxi hold on hold on taxi it's my lucky day no no no not that one not that one guess this one yes who was laughing jesus that was creepy as hell uh lady i tried thank you for that tip dimitri and cody and thank you for the sub all right we're here we're here we're here we're here wait are the cutscenes gonna work in gta you can't flam everyone [Laughter] listen up here's the plan why trevor yeah you're in this position up here okay you're on lookout oh i love that i love that i'm gonna be right here hey kiplov just right in his face franklin you're in the alley kim procter dark guy thank you very much for the subs okay bam yeah after the hit we blast open the doors it gets so eerie sound whatever it is i take it to hand sky it's all a little hole for him as long as i am not on the ground when the [ __ ] goes down it's just something that's where it goes down we'll handle it you stay up here on your post eyes peeled yeah okay we'll take the risk sound cool thank you for the follows guys and at least we're not going to shoot down outfits there's a plus right the masks what let's see what we got here it just emerges from the chaos real professional what it's so eerie it's like those music videos you guys send me on the media share where all the audio is replicated let's do this i love that keflam chat cydia thank you very much for the subs try that there we go oh the ballers are dead thankfully oh wait i need to get the garbage truck okay very inconspicuous you know in the luchador mask okay we don't have to go too far that is a good sign at least that's what i'd like to see not have to go far on the driving paths is what i it's what i strive for legally thank you for the bits thank you for that and kit flam to you too diploma everyone oh no come on this isn't very kiflam of you chat i can't is there any way to do this wait what if i is that no i was like could i try and burn out but it's not working what if i hit something no i don't think that's gonna work wait what if i ram him no i'm just going right through it my car is too strong i'm trying to angle it sideways but it's not working oh great now we've low gravity okay i can turn at least i can turn out of the way i'm on my way to a heist i don't want to raise attention and that should then hear themselves as well oh my god jesus i can't believe we've nearly been streaming for two hours already that is nuts the chimp is with me it's a good distraction where are we there they are incoming get ready to do your thing jesus they're flying all right mike move it okay oh my god the chimp though what if the chimp gets hurt the crossbow lanes okay look at that only it were no no we got it we good i we got super hot here so i does that work i don't the road and understand there okay okay do i get back in it's on super hot mode so it doesn't move if i'm not moving and this thing is making me not move so i look at his face wait he died okay suicide okay i think he just died of old age just randomly he just collapsed oh perfect sake i'm back here oh don't attack me ball it honestly please please don't come on we can be friends don't do this don't do this come on drive off there we go grove street for life loser got him oh oh no oh no okay this is fine the engine speed is weird it doesn't make the car like 10 times faster it just it accelerates strangely and it's kind of uncontrollable like it's really trying to slide out now [Applause] i'm amazed there wasn't a checkpoint earlier all right i'm in position what's the eta come on come on just a second i'm ready i can hear another moped i'll be with you any moment i could hear another moped oh my god his arms his arm is perfect oh there's the chimp i was gonna say oh i was gonna say where did her chimp go oh okay that good no it's so skitty with this ten times vehicle speed okay no no no no no no no [Music] i'm catholic for god's sake and you're making me do this you're all monsters is he dead i'm stopped you're on f okay yes that was lucky i was really lucky watch out for the mopeds f public works oh here he comes here he comes you better brace ourselves oh no he's got the force field oh you don't know what's coming honey there's a big storm coming i can always picture that old woman's face i'm going very slow for some reason and i can't the cover was blown our cover was blown okay we needed a cover to be to be held on for a few more seconds till we exactly impact him because who knows what they could do you know if we give her cover away at this point the cover is [ __ ] okay yeah no that makes sense makes perfect sense yes yeah i understand completely that horse is still here how am i supposed to get past this all right let me just there we go the horse goes with it a bit unnecessary and someone's funeral after all all right plant the sticky bombs why am i in first person okay planted i won't trust me i've done that many times already and i've learned sorry i i don't know why i did that he helps the other one out oh he dealt with him he dealt with him yeah that was pretty ice cold wait how did he die he just gently fell over okay oh no what barriers what barriers okay what do we got what do we got i think does trevor still have a minigun oh that works yeah this is fine jesus the amount of cops were killing these heists were always a bit weird the fib getting all these people killed oh [ __ ] i can i can deal with the alley right that was close i just didn't shoot fast enough surely i can deal with this i'd rather just shoot rpgs who the hell is shooting me what kind of aim do you have oh you're coming off aren't you well you were i don't think i can shoot them they're a bit danger close oh all right well here's my opening goddammit do i have my minigun i do no aiming requires just general direction okay he's getting away somehow just trying to find him now is the problem i don't know who's alive and who's my teammate they're all acting the same dead alive friendful they're all just spinning let me try and go to michael we're good where do we have to go like now would be a good time to escape right what do i do do i go this way or do i just hold them out maybe i just sold them is it though is it from the main road okay oh great now i'm just auto firing because i have a loose trigger finger [Music] these people are alive [Music] [ __ ] hell it's honestly terrifying is just shooting like crazy oh there's jesus from earlier well he's confirmed dead anyway he didn't rise again this time oh my god if you got one of those revived oh it's in gravity okay that's fine that's fine oh my god look at that one what was i going to say i was just about to say if um you got the revived dead heads one now jesus christ look sir thank you for the tip it's just saying two you really wanted that too whatever it was love watching it figuring our figures sorry thank you for the bits come on get up get up okay all good oh no not all good swap swap swap i don't want to be down here oh my sweet be jesus wait he's just oh he's loose trigger yeah i understand where what snipers to the right he said [Music] oh i see him i see him teleport everything to flare what what oh my god are we good i hope to god there's some checkpoints here i'm trying to swap yes [Music] come on get give me a cop car or something just leave me out of here why do you kept telling me to change i don't understand i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing here to progress oh what oh okay i was like why am i not supposed to kill a helicopter it makes sense we could come on please that's gotta be it yeah no okay how long is this jesus oh that's my friend i think i'm trying to hold on dude but i'm anxious that my chat are gonna kill me at any second why is he not dying what oh [ __ ] i did not see you there i was wondering why i was getting shot from behind i better swap okay what's the plan yes on the move let's go let's go let's go wait what you getting the garbage truck why the garbage truck all right fair enough it's just the slowest vehicle here is the only thing vehicles explode on impact christ almighty okay we can do this we can get out of here we got this in the bag manual labor thank you for the bits we wanted to make you invincible for a bit to help out well thank you thank you for every 27 bad ones you do you do one helpful one and i do appreciate it a lot okay can i can i get a taxi i assume i can't but i'm gonna try it anyway just out of pure desperation sake it doesn't let me god damn it i was excited there didn't make much sense but i was excited oh dear oh dearie me frost guy thank you for the sub and not cheese thank you for the sub as well love watching it thank you for the sub figure thank you for those bits again earlier very very kind oh no very low gravity that's not what i needed right now oh look at that truck just taken off oh look at my truck just taken off luckily my truck didn't explode despite the explosion i impact for the other one come on just land safely come on there we go come on come on you can do this thank you very much for the followers guys oh no oh no i think i'm stuck god damn it one man thank you for the sub rosie gave me the sub infinite flight thank you for the bits oh i'm sorry to hear that i'm glad the stream could be a nice little distraction though but jesus sorry to hear that um ashley's vince mordy natasha thank you very much for the subs as well all right let's try this again explosive combat oh no please don't make it so that if they hit me i'll just die why does it say there's an enemy there wait the chimp is my enemy it was marking the chimp as a police npc ah i'm confused i confliction thank you for the sub [ __ ] thank you for the bits our truck is soaring like a candy wrapper caught in an updraft majestic in a way yeah sure is majestic oh okay that's a lot of screaming but you know what i appreciate that you didn't like me on fire i'm just happy that i am not the one suffering for a change lady cheese thank you for the sub and grim thank you for the sub as well okay what is that squishing noise did he hear that or was that just my imagination it really sounded like a little squelch all right please don't kill me okay this this might be okay if anything this might actually get me there faster i'm okay with this you know it doesn't look like i'm i have much forward momentum but oh no oh no no not on the roof not on the roof anything but the roof that was too close jesus okay it's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine come on come on no no not again not again take it easy just drive nice and easy no chance to float away if i'm driving so slow that i can't get the momentum it really is trying to take off it really is nuke thank you very much for the tip again jesus very kind just woke up i hope everyone's being nice to you but we all know how this goes hope you get to complete at least one mission we're actually not doing too bad even though yeah i do know how it goes i'm pretty sure we'd still be trying to get this garbage truck if it wasn't for the chaos mod being like hey no chaos for the next 90 seconds because otherwise i would have been screwed i think that that mission was the hardest tonight but we did actually quite a lot we've done an assassination we've done like four set up missions and we're doing the the heist itself now and we're pretty much done i'm hoping we can get it this run that would be nice i really don't want to knock anyone down and get the cops after me but i can't see them oh now they're minions as well so they're invisible and small what the hell is going on there oh the road hadn't spawned in okay we're almost there we're almost there almost there is that a wall is that a wall or okay almost there in here all right leave the garbage truck destroy the garbage truck all right what oh thanks i know that wasn't meant to help me but thank you that was a bit of an odd one thank god that i got out of it even though i don't know would have exploded me i don't think it would have actually killed me if i stayed in it because it exploded on nearby vehicles put the gun away and let's just run come on come on come on oh wait just in case you teleport me to waypoint putting it here i just saw the effects i just don't want to die yes there we go i love it i love it good idea the voice changes you know in case they try and catch up with us and bug our phones thank goodness thank goodness new thing if you can go to devon's house okay we're almost there almost there almost there at least he spawned me close to it i really appreciate that what is up with the getaway oh who are you a random enemy okay well way to show me she showed me a random enemy you really got me there oh my god guys thanks so much for all the followers our goal is all almost met we're almost there yeah and i'm telling you that i don't give a flying [ __ ] there you go there you go boom so long [ __ ] devin weston i remember you the weekend interrogator invest wisely hey hold on hold on we're not done here yet i got a job for you bro five top quality scores big ticket cars major payday bro sounds great i got just the guy for you i'll put you in touch he's gone just like that didn't even leave him saying no it's just gone pencil neck i'll let him know you're interested i guess i just got you figured wrong man hey what's the figure tell me something you like football i got a stake in a sports investment venture you like the market i got some funds you can manage name your poison man i just like sitting around watching old movies oh there we go how about i hook you up with solomon richards [ __ ] solomon richard he's already gone yeah he's retiring man and i'm doing a finance deal for his studio i will make the connect just as soon as you [Music] all right where even is he is he a ghost or is he just gone all right oh and it's raining money finally oh jump for joy oh no oh god it's raining money and i'm getting sucked up in the opposite direction can i quick save or no i don't think so all right it's interesting seeing nature from up here it's it's cool god this is a bit of a trip all the money just going flying by me nukes call a day for the [ __ ] good job kev thank you thank you for that ultimate chicken wing thank you for the sub don't even try to phone someone [Music] i can't swap to someone else so i think michael is about to die unfortunately [Music] poor michael oh okay that hurts yeah i'm not surprised but i'm surprised you live listen i got an interest the money is just coming downhill and fib contact are you joking relax the guy's private sector very well all the money it'd be lucrative why don't you meet him and see what you think there you go all right yeah yeah i think about it all right me and trevor will be there too this is the real payday step up for you a real opportunity michael manipulating franklin shame on you all right quick save uh i'll tell assassination now i think i'm done with missions on this for today but what we might do is some yoga to just relax we do like our yoga sessions after we do the the mission so let's do some yoga and then i'm thinking maybe he's playing some geoguest or something thank you for the follows folks i i appreciate it a lot yoga is fantastic i love yoga in this game not in real life i couldn't do yoga in real life what is wrong with smoking in my house it's not just bigger tobacco the lsd is kicking in we do love our yoga don't we i've supported you i'm gonna use my controller flumpy uh richie thank you for the subs oh michael do not make her angry dude she's a minigun you know what just keep him away from me they both have miniguns did someone say yoga taxi thank you for the subset [Music] dude be careful or you're finding that you're not supposed to point guns at people like that he's just got it on his utility belt stop flailing that thing around perfect sake how are we supposed to relax with this this fecker's just going wild you got a bit of a protein bar [Music] that jesus was probably just a vision thank you for the hype train guys bammy thank you for the sub it's very kindly as well thank you dramatic ruby lane for the bits asmr is fine and lord fabi thank you for the bits very fitting name for this mission uh dolphin catsy thank you all right here we go relax everyone this is just the time to unwind follow along at home don't do that pat do the the yoga pant show him remember i'm sure you'll be able to relax this right look at that relaxing on public transport you love to see it oh no you crashed the game what did you do to crash the game there what all right i'll start that back up because we can jump right back into that mission that's fine what did you do what did you trigger that time um oh god bammy thank you for the sub again bo chavez for the two subs nuke thank you for the five grumpy thank you for the bits not chance thank you for the gifted southern alenia thank you for the five subs as well jesus thank you very much folks and welcome to the cult everyone who just got forcibly invited what was it just see someone in chat saying namaste what was it random effect that's what you went with weird snow maybe the game just did get overloaded for some reason that's a strange one uh boshin nuke cola and elenia thank you very much for being so generous again uh summer all in my time panda thank you for the bits lord fabi thank you for the bits neon nate glitter chris thank you for the subs jiren uh bosha killing joke strawberry hour ben and broken thank you very much for that i appreciate it all right uh replay mission let's see yoga okay okay okay did somebody say yoga i can't believe you broke it like that i'll skip the cutscene so we'll jump right in maybe it was the boss maybe i don't know it's hard to tell what triggers it because it could be endless combinations you know here we go moving fortress thank you for the four subs called affliction thank you very much for the five subs and bella thank you very much for the five as well you're very kind folks thank you very much for the support and the hype train oh my god oh no that's my hostility i've let my hostility out and he's really hostile thank you so much for getting it out of me but i'm sorry he's beating you up that's all the bad parts of me there that just came out of me now we will do this there we go sometimes something more complicated than spawning my inner demons uncontrollably for hours what's he fighting now wait uh who is he fighting discord thank you very much lazarus a broken icicle uh lily i'm like that at this point i'm gonna cry for just the mental confusion this one it's putting me through perfect sake that kick oh perfect's sake michael why are you gonna ruin our yoga time why are you gonna be like that come on don't be scared why you gotta do that my wife you gotta get one my wife in every yoga session i'm trying but talk to him honestly i want a game just like this it's just chaotic yoga that's what i want i just the game can even be called chaotic yoga amanda died why did they even put that in as a possibility it doesn't make sense why it's even in the game lily thank you for the gifted son inventive talent underdog firecast thank you very much for the is it is it thank you very much for the sub he's got great fun for someone who's totally rotten there extreme yoga yeah who knew our yoga could be an extreme sport i didn't think it was possible but yet here i am my wife died in an extreme yoga accident oh the snow is back now oh that's an airstrike okay i was wondering what that explosions were oh no jesus is coming isn't he [ __ ] jesus [ __ ] jesus dude there we go strawberry thank you very much for the five subs i really appreciate it oh my clone is still off over there by the seats imagine that you could just clone yourself your clone could do the yoga and then you could just relax right on strings thank you for the bits give fl uh give lumped all of it that you were the bits as well oh yeah thank you for the sub and strawberry thank you again extreme grief for jesus just not let off does he how is he shooting backwards mike oh for back's sake at least he's gonna land in the pool it'll extinguish him some guy thank you for the sub for god's sake let me get some more of my my protein such a hot yoga station sure is what so you they give this sub this is somehow more off-putting than the explosions there's the hobbit bella thank you for the bits wait what i'm lagging sorry hold on i'm lagging my yoga game is lagging figure thank you for the bits samwell thank you for the fight you did so it's on top of what you gave earlier you're very kind thank you hold on the light will wear off eventually any second now and we'll be back to yoga time there we go what was even that sound on the high pitch jesus christ okay we'll try it once more one more try and then we're done we're done on this and we'll move on to some geo guesser excited to try and to try and be better in the last time we did really well yoga still cam it sure is that sound was terrifying it really was it sounded really scary thank you for all the follows we're almost at our goal thank you very much for that oh you crashed the game never mind that's it perfect sick all right i guess we're on to geogaster then sorry for the eating i just need a snack otherwise i will die you did it i'm glad you like the chaos twice ever in my first in your first ever stream i'm glad you're happy that you crashed my game twice in about 10 minutes all right let's see what we got here jesus yoga's brutal thank you again for the follows and sam well thank you for the subs yikes nadia nadia again uh dead duelist hannah and zucker thank you for the subs on yoga no less yoga is like the hardest mission when it comes to um when it comes to the chaos mod asmr or asthma i don't know what you were asking for i don't know whether you just want to see asthma or you want me to eat into the mic you you can see asthma but i'm not eating the my crust station and talking thank you for the subs can we spawn jesus and geo guests or i don't know maybe it depends on where we are and uh kaider thank you for the sub as well let me get this um window open geocacher i'd like to do some family feud thing you know the google feud thing someday as well i think we should do that again kind of like this where we play a game for a while and we swap over to the the google feud or whatever you know i think it'd be fun um right i got a premium account i'm gonna try an ireland game let me get the screen up for you here um there we go this is geoguessr and if you haven't seen it before um second let me just there we go uh it's a very fun little um little game it drops you in randomly in the world or wherever you pick i'm gonna pick it's not he's not dead he's here it drops you in randomly um i might move my webcam again and you gotta figure out where you are you've got to try and pinpoint your position thank you for the follows guys i really appreciate it thank you very much means a lot to me and nate thank you for this the bits and shroom thank you for the sub e4 766 kaidurf thank you very much i will be try ireland first there's like battle royales and stuff as well we could try that out do battle royale we can try battle royale i just want to try ireland first let's um let's try out ireland and see how we can do this is going to be incredibly hard because this could be literally anywhere like look at this [ __ ] road for god's sake we look like a third world country all of a sudden now all right let's just see if i keep going down this road where i could end up for [ __ ] sake like this could be literally anywhere you think cork i think it's in ireland i think you might be right let me throw on some music actually i'm installing spotify why are you doing that i already have spotify nate has santa marie rot patches thank you very much all right let me see uh here we go okay and we'll put that on there we go that okay that okay might be london yeah it looks like a big city all right doesn't it thank you for the followers i'm just sorry i know i keep saying it but it just means a lot to me that people are like checking out the the stream being like oh yeah you know what i want more of this community it's nice and we do honestly have a lovely community um i was talking about this with liam and max the other night and just like no idea how the community is like so nice without like without any real work on our part like obviously the mods do a lot of work like banning people if they need to be banned and all that but this community just like radiates positivity somehow and it's just awesome it's great vibes and everyone we've like raided and other people who interact with our community are always like you guys are like the nicest community on twitch and i don't know how it happens but it's so nice to see people who come along and go like yeah i want to stay here and guys i think this is ireland you guys might have been a bad idea it looks the same as literally anywhere in ireland wait what was that back there oh just a bit of shrapnel i guess after falling off someone's car that's what the irish potholes will do to you there's a horse egypt come on there's gotta be like a street sign or something we're not a big country like there's gotta be a turn off to a town oh my god look at that house i wonder how much it costs to like buy some land out in the middle of nowhere like this is this someone's driveway or a road it's bad that i even have to ask that question okay that's that's the driveway i think then this must be the road is it the poor google drivers you have to go around ireland oh my god that looked like a hand over here it's like jesus we solved a murder well we found a murderer identified by the crows and the cows i i i mean they look the same as any cows what are we gonna do will i go back the road can i reset it return to start okay i went that way right yeah i'm pretty sure i went that way somehow i know i'm not actually that confident anymore but let's just is this the same way that is the same way i went okay let's just not return we'll go back just to make sure we don't get all turned around anyone have any ideas so far looks like the arctic to me oh really it's getting very green this global warming thing mustn't be a myth after all okay to see sign sign i can't read that at all all right black water it's right dead redemption that's where we are we're in red dead redemption where's the black water it's a river river black water that's that's ask whale got for you by the way if you want some if you want some learning uh if that's on on doof nevonne i think it'll be close enough anyway all right well that's that's something but i don't know where that river could be i'm gonna try not to use google so don't don't use google if you know where it might be then give me give me some hints but uh we will avoid doing google if we can it makes it more fun oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we got something here this is good paula moore oh [ __ ] where's tom moore i know of tomorrow but where is it sake oh now i'm out here again how did this happen i need to stay on the main road oh wait we got something tell him more where's tullamore awfully where's awfully alright i'm gonna trust you all right awfully is up north right i honestly don't know that's how bad my my geography in like the states would probably be better than my geography of ireland where where's awfully is it in the middle is it up top give me some hints near topic i thought it was up top but i don't see anything um the middle wait okay i'm getting i'm getting conflicting conflicting reports here i don't think i've even been to the middle of ireland where the hell is it you're gonna on the m6 okay good good good that's directions that are gonna help me out thank you why is it not showing up all right i i thought it was like top left but obviously not right there down you're gonna have to be more specific than down and stuff because otherwise i'll go um i'll be going past it and by the time i see it it's too delayed uh maybe i should look for tall more instead of awfully um south of m6 you missed it kevin blind look i'm looking at like 15 different things all right i'm not blind i'm just overwhelmed zoom out a bit right near the cursor all right i'm you know what i'm going to ignore you because you're just insulting me i'm going to do it myself all right what am i looking for tomorrow there we go all right so i the thing is how far away was it belmont is five kilometers where's where's belmont i don't s you know what i might just i might just [ __ ] settle for tomorrow yeah i'm gonna i'm just gonna go with paula moore even though it could still be kind of far away but i'm gonna go with it guess 32 kilometers ah not great but not not bad not bad not bad i'll go with that um oh sweet jesus this is not gonna be easy anywhere is it uh okay let's see why am i going past the sign i just want to see it okay i can't get i can't get to the sign and i can't zoom in same place i mean it could be it's very mountainous but oh there's a little fourth there that's pretty cool um i can't see the sign i don't think he goes right on by it this is trouble oops um right maybe if i go down to the intersection dublin cork oh daily seafoods okay well if we could just find daily seafoods on the map we're sorted ireland's a small place we can figure it out okay balcarberry castle where's that daily seafoods top of the rock viewing ballycarbury castle i've never heard of that the thing is ireland has so many castles like it's it's not like a huge landmark kerry dunny gaul honestly it does look like carrier donegal doesn't it um i wonder was that the castle then it must have been it didn't really look like a castle it looked more like a little fort it looks really like donegal to me it's kind of hard though because you they all kind of look the same think the castle isn't kerry that's how donnie gaul is pronounced yes it is where's the kerry butter look we might have to look a bit more closely to find carrie butter as i assuming into people's kitchens and stuff again though it's not very exact like without googling where the castle is i'm not sure how we can find it it does look like it could be kerry as well though lots of mountains so i'm thinking west coast maybe [ __ ] daily seafood is just everywhere that's all anyone cares about how many signs do they have up here there's a pier i'm too american for this he must be looking at all the signs and just going like what the hell does that say where's this fella walking to go on there off into town now oh we lost him jesus disappeared in a flash um right there's some sort of town here oh wait another side this is for daily seafood i swear to god okay it's not but it's just for some churches all right graveyard that's not helping me the signs are kilometers so it's in the republic which is nice that that helps a little bit slow down come on there's got to be a sign for the town there's got gotta be oh my god look at this place jesus look at this that building looks so out of place this looks way too small for this to be a church in ireland crazy i know right this place looks way too small of a building like that like you look at the entrances of the town and it's like a [ __ ] castle and then looking over there it's got this high-rise office even the bridge coming into town this must be such an old bridge jesus it's so narrow god that is a cool building see ireland is is gorgeous i thought that said okay street but no it's case or key street the marina um daniel o'connell visitor center the old barracks i don't know who that is i'm honestly thinking kerry but i don't know so captivating it it's honestly ireland is a lovely country if it weren't for the weather it would be the nicest country on earth but our weather's so gray like even when we were coming into that town it was cool to see it all sunny because like look at this compare comparing it like it's it's so gray and miserable ah kerry's stealing star come on there's gotta be there's gotta be something that points out what it is what this place is like a council sign or a road sign or something it looks like a nice little town wherever it is it looks like oddly familiar as well but i think it's only because it looks like um there was a map was there oh let me take a look it looks oddly familiar i was gonna say but uh it's um keep an eye out but i don't see a map um it resembles many small irish villages so so on a wall ah oh here oh i like it you are here can you just give me the name of the town please wait what is this is it i there's lots of churches wherever wait wait wait wait what is that i don't know that is a cool that is a cool drawing wait carry victim what maybe if we look for it on the map maybe we can find it all right you are here whereas you are here we should be able to find it since it's a three-word place um like all of them are one word so if we just look for the three words you were here you were here um i'm kidding uh left go to credit union oh that's a good idea like a bank or something wait what is this what is this muriel cair savine marina oh oh look there marina okay i can't remember where we started those the problem i honestly have no idea which direction we came in we came across a bridge so that's here and so we came up here where's daily seafood bring me to daily seafood oh the stone fort was here daily seafood yes hold on it was like right there guess 44 meters yes we told them it was kerry look some said kerry some said donegal somewhere saying the [ __ ] north pole all right i can't just go all right that's it i have to find some evidence you know oh god this looks the same as the last place they all look the bloody same fact in ireland all right let's take a look around why do they keep spawn me in a [ __ ] city will ya jesus okay what's this wireless broadband yeah that is the most irish broadband sign i've ever seen oh jesus christ oh for [ __ ] sake um right where are we going let's just shoot on up the road and hope for the best oh god okay random village random houses random houses random farms everywhere we're thinking kerry again i mean everywhere in the countryside looks like kerry so it makes it very difficult what's this some house for sale uh fix sake god damn that house the land they have it's just so peaceful out here but you couldn't you couldn't do it like you couldn't do it you you you'd have nothing there's a sign behind you all right if this is for daley's second seafood i'm gonna close the game immediately all right where is it uh i didn't see any signs back along here we just passed it it's kind of hard because of the delay it's confusing uh i saw the signs for the roads but junction just stay on the road okay dang and big hmm where the hell could that be near the for sale sign yeah i is this the one you're on about oh hilarion alert okay dang it where the hell does anyone know that wasn't the sign it was to your left i don't know which way i was pointed when you wrote that is the problem like i don't know do you mean here other side back a bit more or where seeing a sign unfortunately there's the road signs but it just has a road number on it i'm not sure there that's not helping it's blurred out wait do you mean this sign because that's just a road number that's not gonna help me down the long road on the left this one god damn you guys are confusing me all right someone said limerick kit flom god it's impossible to know um right someone said limerick um or was it dangan begg and somewhere else i don't know see i think that could just be a guess i don't know if you know for sure follow the road number i mean i think that's the same as following any road isn't it god you're being ambitious here google driver coming down this way [ __ ] hell oh god they're really trying to map every road don't they fair facts to him galway flag oh you saw a galway flag where i didn't see that this is on the side of the road i wouldn't know the county flags other than a select few i did see something earlier oh very is that a galway flag i mean cork is also red and and white look at the stars i don't know if it's working road numbers help a lot follow the white rabbit ac speed limit on that road yeah ireland's [ __ ] weird with our speed limits basically if it's a road like this country road and in the middle of nowhere 80 kilometers some are like a hundred and some make literally no sense whatsoever it's mad like that this is a hundred this is a hundred kilometers per hour now on this road maroon and oh wait wait wait ross common feckin ross common i don't think roscommon is even real okay let's see ross common okay kill karen okay ross comment no wonder no one [ __ ] knows where it is to him okay ross common uh ross commons in like the center right i wait hold on why is the map so funky like i thought it would show up when i'm zoomed in this much but i don't know where feckin ross common is there it is and he was in the middle somewhere but i have never even met anyone from feken ross common is anyone in the chat from ross common country roads country roads indeed okay so we gotta find two em i guess how close was it did it say roscommon n63 mount bellew uh moyla is it let's look oh wait no probably saw to him for a second um i'm not seeing it i think it's it was what was it n63 n63 is this way okay i'm getting a bit more used to this game so that's the n63 it must be out this way uh i'm looking for mount bellew there's no distance for some reason like why is there no [ __ ] distance kill this i thought i saw that place earlier somewhere where the [ __ ] is it 44 followers to go thank you very much folks for the follows i really really appreciate it thank you so much i'm glad we could explore ireland together where the hell are we going n63 the other way good point good point it could extend out right behind it right yes you smart you smart um gort [ __ ] gort mount talbot was that there no i'm looking for mount bellew god damn it how long is the n63 we're still on it mount pelu manpeli 12 kilometers that way okay so moyla must be locked okay seven kilometers down the road wait no that that could be the road we just came on to from here maybe hmm all right oh and galway is that way okay so towards galway on the why is it blurring that it could be this one no that's that's too close seven kilometers it's hard to gauge distance you know maybe it's this way mount prospect hmm i think we're a little bit lost ask the taxi maybe i should you always ask a taxi driver for directions okay do you guys see anything like um the place we were looking for earlier what was it something big i i i don't know i'm a little bit lost here up you reckon up wait where am i on the map i'm saying let me just zoom out look always down though so isn't it like shouldn't we be heading this way the m17 would be that way it's pointing either so it's pointing this way i think is it the m17 intersection you think around there the roads looked so small though where we actually were but this is like the hardest version of geogaster ever ireland just makes it so hard teleport away points yes please basement cool thank you very much for the 10 subs just serving thank you for the bits as well battery thank you for the the tip daily seafood is an award-winning family-run business which has been proudly serving fresh fish to our local irish communities since their establishment in 1983. field trip anyone said just click the road i think i think i'm willing to just put oh wait tomb is there maybe it is around here talker hmm i think i'm willing to just drop it here somewhere what do you think it's daily seafood all right um yeah i'm gonna drop it around here and hope for the best i think we're well it wasn't kill beg one of the places we wait was it there all right you know what i'm gonna drop it here and we're just gonna hope for the best see what score we can get i think we got close enough but let's let's guess can't argue with the results you [ __ ] oh am i am i am i yeah you doubt me that's fine you keep on doubting me i'm fine being the underdog oh jesus where am i now where the [ __ ] am i now why do we keep spawning at graveyards this is a weird church around the middle of nowhere can you can it launch me in a town for once like oh there's a doggie oh my god this there's a lot of doggies oh god this one's a bit i've been all over the place it's the same one i wouldn't be [ __ ] surprised they all look the exact same and nate thank you very much for the bits thank you for joining in i do appreciate you watching along oh this person's about to be stuck here wait fair fext here you got around us jesus christ you're off to the challenge aren't you uh george zom the drunken irish uh the only cyril a gimmick a graveyard melanie thank you very much for the support folks um only as well read the irish words out loud i'll try if i see any goddamn this is like the hardest version of geoguessr it's just all of us in the middle of fecking nowhere this isn't even a [ __ ] road like this is a joke the fact that this is considered a road it's it's ridiculous there's not in space for two cars i'm hoping he comes up against another car here he'll be stuck he'll be stuck he won't be able to pass okay bridge oh that's a cool little bridge i wonder if it's an old rail bridge or what it is this looks like more of a walk path though only locals would be driving on this and what's more they would be driving the actual hundred kilometers per hour go to daily seafood i actually wouldn't [ __ ] mind now at this point we're on four out of five i think we've gotten a good score so far um nukes call it thank you for the pits oh that's so james pogba hold the drunken irish kellyanne um alice mo sneak and swim boy thank you very much for the support they do street view on bikes too oh jeez i i don't know if they could do street view on these roads on a bike but it honestly would probably be smart it's just you you'd be cycling for a long time on these bumpy roads i'm pretty sure it's in a car um anything like come on maybe there's only a stop sign pointing the wrong way that is the only sign running into you all right i'm gonna fly up this road this road looks a bit more like a main road and he's definitely going faster there we go must be delighted to be off that road there's nothing on the truck is there doesn't look like it there's a cow continue continue follower goal oh thank you so much folks for the follows i really appreciate it thank you for helping me hit my my follower goal now if you'll just follow me we'll head to daily seafood together i wonder if i could find it you just drop me in the middle of ireland and i look for daily seafood where the hell will i go it's just all awful every road leads to nothing they're all just back roads like it's when you see the grass in the middle you know you're just fact you're going to run into a local going 100 kilometers per hour on these roads it's guaranteed absolutely guaranteed and then when you come up against them and they have to slam on the brakes and swerve they like stare at you as if you're the one doing something wrong it's like you're not on this street only locals are allowed use this road lovely little house there god it must be very peaceful to be fair living off in a place like this okay this is legit just dirt now at this point this is more dirt than road okay this looks like a bit more i don't even know where i'm [ __ ] going from now at this point this one has me tempted to give up i just can't find anything where is the most like country roads take me home to the place i belong guessing kerry we've been guessing kerry for every single one but not one of them have been in kerry it's not helping is it no matter how far we go we just can't get any roads signed i think the problem is the people who live here don't want to go anywhere else so they don't need road signs like they're all locals okay here we go here's something look at curran a log on curry jesus look at this place they've got their own horse jumpies [ __ ] hell we found a house to rob fox i'm kidding i'm kidding let's let's just go stay in this airbnb look at curran where the hell is that is it daily seafood unfortunately not oh the property for sale if we want to buy that um this really isn't enough information to go off of that is tiny village we're never going to find that on a map and it took us so long to even find that tiny village it just keeps going thank you for the followers everyone appreciate it oh my god [ __ ] thank you for the bits oh yes dirt ireland is a lovely place also this is why city skylines ireland is best ireland there's only three towns in one second road what more do you mean yeah i honestly think like my version of city skylines was more populated than the real ireland i think that's cork near your granny's house hmm you know what it could be cork the thing is cork on in you know the context of being in ireland is very big it's got like a lot of countryside okay here's something stride belly and belly adams it's like they didn't even try with the name of these places you know like a belly is in like nearly everything this one's just on the floor i didn't even bother putting it on on a sign all right we got that's incarc you think left side on the main road from port leash to carlo all right i know roughly where port leash is it's in the middle somewhere port leash uh carlos there on the left side look at current okay you have got to cheat it surely did you know this how the hell would you know this respect if you did it okay like look at these places fallowbeg ballet correct luca curran rahina down club cross goldstown a belly couple like a cray hitter off of belly owen castlewood bellian bally is in like half of irish names um i don't know how we're supposed to find out where the hell we've started from rock of dynamis donna miss i'm tempted to just go around here somewhere will we take a bit of a guess we're in wait where is logo car and i've lost it again logo current we're in logan curran this must be the cross the church is no we came up the road from there i think where did we take did we take a left no the church was there we well i think we're at clubhour cross so let's try and retrace your steps lacquerade did we did we find lacarate strad valley was that the place we were looking for oh what was that alert blue and queenie thank you very much i appreciate the host i was like i'm not used to that one coming up and thank you very much for that hope your stream went well all right what do you think graveyard oh graveyard yes you're correct you're correct we need to find the graveyard we spawn at a graveyard um or was it near lacarat that we responded it's so hard to [ __ ] pinpoint where you are on these things ireland was a mistake why did we do this all right where where were we i'm actually getting a bit lost now again okay port leash look at current it is logo current isn't it yes luca curran cup across but i don't even know which way we went i i'm willing to just put in a guess here again what do you think it's that place with the fields problems near a church yeah the thing is i think we need to zoom in and we don't really have we don't really have a heading unless i literally backtrack all my space and i'm not willing to do that so i think we're going to take a guess okay i'm going to guess it's a lot of dirt road a lot of grass out here um i'm thinking around here somewhere it was all small belly owen maybe sun joy ireland official sun joy distributor what is a sun joy i'm very curious now all right i'm gonna go with here we're just gonna take a guess no that's not fair enough okay we're gonna go down here somewhere yeah i'm gonna go here guess not bad all things considered not bad that was a decent guess 2.2 kilometers do you think they give you points like the fact that it's it's such a difficult quiz our guesses are on points today i must say like we're getting it finally [ __ ] civilization was it that hard i know it's not much but like just anything with just some life around is lovely like i'm in a town or something or a suburb jesus christ almighty um oh oh second that is my that is my video going off let me just take a quick look around here all right this this does this look kind of no it's not oh my god red panda thank you very much for the 10 subs abs candy thank you very much for the sub deadly discord thank you very much for the bits as well wayne bell ed thank you very much as well uh blue and queenie day for the resub i didn't see that come in thank you very much for that rabies the swedish slab coco jess uh jay on general misunderstanding [ __ ] thank you very much for the support let me just uh quickly tweet out tweet out my video um oh there we go that's me um let's see share tweet very very quick come on there you go there you go perfect and then i just need to do a quick um comment if i can find my my browser in second um sorry about this folks give me one moment and we'll figure out where the hell we are at least it's got civilization that's the main thing welcome to geogaster pro thank you um all right there and there okay awesome pinned uh perfect okay sorry about that now let's figure out where we are it's the sewer town what does that mean what does sewer town mean are you trying to insult ireland this honestly looks like a lovely place looks very sleepy i think it's the sun as well because we don't get many days that are just gorgeous like this so seeing ireland no matter where you are if it's got this blue sky it's just gorgeous the hell where does that go maybe this is sewer town um all right main road oh my god i thought she was running there it's like running from the google car oh you see what i mean now it looks like [ __ ] [ __ ] sewer town um patrician villas what are you on about [ __ ] villas that's a housing estate like i can call my house a castle but that doesn't make it so oh back to sun that's good it's just that one patch that was all gray where do you think up to the road oh this is a major road jesus oh boss boss is that a dublin boss i think that might be a dublin boss give me a second sign come on you gotta point people somewhere oh wait wait wait political science [ __ ] disaster i don't know why they're even allowed it should be taken down [ __ ] smith give me you just tell me where you are where are you running for office i'll give you a vote if you just tell me where i am my demands are easy all right the gaming horse uh lost city for the bits red panda thank you so much for the 10 subs again earlier isn't that the part with the deers in dublin there is [ __ ] smith dude [ __ ] off you'll never get my vote now the fact i'm going to vote everyone against you just out of spite because we do ranked voting so i'm going to put you right at the bottom this has got to be dublin is it like i'm sure that i'm well i'm not positive but i'm wait holy [ __ ] i've been here what the [ __ ] i know this place i did my training here for for youtube um they have a youtube shop here and you train no i did my training there's an eddie rockets there yes i worked in the shopping center for like two weeks two or three weeks what the [ __ ] what the hell what oh yeah i went into this weird altered dimension oh my god as soon as i went around the corner and i saw the like red brick on the shopping center i was like holy [ __ ] wait can i go in i'll show you i'll show you what are the [ __ ] odds out of all the places i've been um so this is a weird shopping center it's like a shopping center but it's outside so you go in and it's like it's covered with uh with kind of awnings like concrete awnings over the top but you can it's actually all outdoors so like you can see like there you go down here so i was you go in here and go left that that is so [ __ ] bizarre that is so bizarre so you go in there and you take a left and there was a cex there and i did some training there before i opened my cex store um it is a franchise by the way for those of you that aren't that familiar with me so i had to do a bit of training in there um hated it for the most part the people were nice but the training was just a joke i i went to another one in dublin in century and on the first was its second day they they banned me from the store they kicked me out from the training they just like i showed up the second day and he was like you're you're banned from the store you're not allowed back here i was like grand you guys because i went there to do supervisor training i traveled four hours the first day and then i got there and this it was the supervisor of the store that was working there and he wasn't clued in by the company about why i was there so he thought i was coming to work at that store and do training to be a supervisor or work in another store but i had like i was not an employee of cex i was just there as like a franchisee and i show up after four hours of travel and they're like oh we don't actually know what to do here and like we don't know what you're here for and the manager was supposed to be here today but he's taking the day off so we don't know what to do uh and then i just kind of sat around for like an hour and i was like right is no one coming and they're like i don't think so but we have some stock checks for you to do so i was like uh no i'm not i'm not traveling four hours to do stock checks so i'm gonna i'm gonna skedaddle and come back tomorrow and then i went off they i stayed in a nearby hotel and i came in i think i was at the same time still doing videos and stuff so i was getting stuff started in the morning i came in like 45 minutes to an hour after nine so they've been open a while and the guy just gets like super hostile as as soon as i show up and it was just like you're not welcome here we gave you stock checks and you left them there and all this and i was just like look buddy that's fine with me i just walked out like i'm not getting into a fight with this random dude who clearly were not on the same wavelengths it was [ __ ] bizarre oh it was so weird but the people in this store this delorean store were lovely i just hated that i had to travel so far and all that but now now's the time to actually try and find it and this is a tricky part because it's not exactly in dublin's city i think it's a little bit out if i could find i stayed in bald bridge i think but it's oh this is going to be kind of hard it's still oregon uh it's near don dunleager is it what is your starbucks order i've been waiting outside here for ages i've got i've got four thousand orders for occult um okay we we can find this i've been here before i just can't really remember i thought it was like the north's the north east no wait centuries on the north side i think i thought it was out here somewhere where did someone say 5k oh sorry bigger order than i thought we actually got an extra thousand orders um where did someone said was it belly month someone just said sorry i lost track of where i am bald's bridge it's just i just joined what i missed that he docks himself yeah this is my house so i i'm right here and if i just go left right imagine it just spawns me on my house um right we we can do this blanchett's down we got i feel like it was around here somewhere but i can't remember exactly um you can use the flag and compass huh what do you mean these oh oh yeah you got the pointer i'm trying to start enter full screen i can't even remember where i started now because of that massive um tangent i thought it was around here but i just cannot find it hmm um kevin it's in daily seafood okay is it city west shopping center no it's the lorcan village shopping center i still can't believe that what are the [ __ ] odds um there's teller maybe it's on the south side i don't want to google it because we've gotten this far and like it is here somewhere city west shopping center it's not that it's quite a small shopping center so i don't think it'll show up um unless we're a little bit more zoomed in like i think it would show up here sandy far south you're thinking um it's where you currently are not where you started i don't think so at least people have been telling me it's where you start no it definitely where i start because i've been in villages and i've gone back so yeah it's near sandy ford okay thank you thank you so it is down south okay oh and there's don drum where someone was saying earlier donald trump town center sandy ford um university college oh bald bridge there's bald bridge um all right we got this there's a big round about here woodies did we pass the woodies god it's not very big is it donald trump town center it's it's not this is it no i don't think so it's going to be one of those things where i'm like wait oh let's put a marker down still orlean business parks the lord and village i don't see it folks wherever i passed there i missed it um it wasn't this one was it done from garage station on ice balls bridge east of there where was i when you said that now is the question uh not grove shopping center tesco's superstore could this be it mcdonald's no that's it doesn't have a mcdonald's i don't think uh pennies i don't think it has that either um mad egg where did you see mad egg it's so hard because i missed so many things because i like obviously i'm focused on where i'm looking at not looking at the surrounds and i'm looking at you the chat and stuff like that as well look for the cx yeah i should i should i saw mcdonald's really it did have mcdonald's did it i don't it had an eddy rockets i don't think there's a mcdonald's here let me take a look around oh it does have a mcdonald's but does it have a pennies i don't know if it had a pennies it's so weird to have a bank in the front of a shopping center like that like that's prime real estate it's free real estate um all right so it does have a mcdonald's oh no but the mcdonald's is in like a square it's not not grove okay thank you what the [ __ ] like it's gotta be a square right and it's gonna be pretty big wait it's never this no that's a it's gotta be like an orange square and it's gotta be around here somewhere but it's just oh no no okay i was excited for a second there wait it's not this is it oh my god where is it it's a little bit to the east and north from up here you're saying so that's done drum east and north from here i'm guessing jesus christ this is just as hard as the country oh that's tala god damn it was it tala actually i went to i think it was tala i went to they they were the villains this is just as hard as the [ __ ] other ones like i thought it would be easier oh wait did i go west east east east oh still oregon still oregon still oregon okay now where did i come from i came in from this side and i came around this corner and it's the logan grove is it no i did come in from this side didn't i'm pretty sure i came in from this side hmm could be down here that kinda looks like the area find the villas but i don't know if they're just like oh the villas it's not actually called that because that is a very irish thing to do like and then you arrive at your airbnb and you're like nah this is not a [ __ ] villain i'm wondering should we backtrack like if we i want to get this one good because this this is pretty wild that we ran into a place that i actually know so we came around this corner i'm like certain of that yeah because i saw this square and i was like holy [ __ ] um across this this is the junction here we go straight across uh is that there's no left there's okay first left goes in there it was the first left first left okay first left and return me to where i started okay first left here so where is this there's a little building there so take the little right down here okay return to start we're really going for it then that's it and we are we're right here but which which house we're in a gap in the houses i think i'll go right there yeah there [Laughter] fantastic he received a new match spot on max out on a single round fantastic that was a fun one look at that [ __ ] two meters off i'm gonna reward myself thank you for the followers jesus we've shot up there bad 42 thank you for the sub mark chesson thank you for the sub katie the name of the bits uh gobot the gaming horse um lozie thank you very much and red panda thank you for that again that's very kind to you um a big daddy mojo thank you for the tip as well that's very kindly thank you very much appreciate it all right will we do a [ __ ] quick battle royale i if you have a geoguest or account play with friends you are welcome to join i'm not sure how this works invite friends i'm sending this link uh copy link i'm sending it in the chat so go ahead and click that if you want change the change the title it's a lie you're correct i am really good at geo gesture all right what's power-ups okay is this timed anna thank you very much for the raid sorry i'm just eating a bit of my chocolate bar we're playing with the geo gesture one second hold on welcome thank you very much for the raid how did you guys enjoy your stream i hope it went well i hope you had fun over there i like never eat on stream either it was just poor timing katie thank you for the bids i'll have to play some mass effect instead of sleeping jesus radioactive thank you for all the subs 20 subs that is very very kind here you just forced 20 people into the cult welcome 20 new members um what do we got uh a non-stick panda frosty cult doctor biggest of lads the soviet moose welcome as well as many others to the cult appreciate you and uh welcome raiders thank you for watching along and thank you for the follows as well very kindly we're just starting a battle royale in geogaster we just did one in ireland it was awful we went to so many country roads four out of five of them were country roads take me home to the place and the fifth one was a little housing estate we go out and we take a right and then i just see this shopping center and i'm like this is still oregon in dublin i worked here for two weeks when i did training one time it's like what are the [ __ ] odds um right let me let me start a game we're doing a battle royale with people from the chat uh don't tell me i set it to ireland again okay do we have a time we do a second time i mean it looks like a [ __ ] irish road but it's too wide um how much time do i have all right i'm gonna speed off down the road i assume that the time bear there is is gonna slowly decrease yeah okay i see a windmill i'm thinking the states i'm thinking the states um still thinking the states i think i'm just going to take a wild [ __ ] guess um it looks very america just vast open space with a road but i'm not getting any sort of clues i'm speeding off down the road at the hope i'll reach an intersection and that i can see a sign come on come on come on come on come on give me something give me something feckers oh oh oh wait oh is that poor man hitchhiking oh you drove by him uh okay hold on hold on hold on whistle run what the hell is a whistle run oh no oh no all right i'm just gonna guess i i'm gonna go to north america wait not the us where could it be then south africa all right i'm going with chat on this one um it took me a second to find south africa i got a bit lost oh jesus okay i think most people there got it with help with the chat with the with the exception of maxie for sure because they locked in fast so good job on that one maxie um let's see where are we now where are we where are we oh my god what is this oh wait what is that flag what's that flight is it thailand i'm not very good with flags um uh cambodia isn't it thailand oh god we're getting cambodia okay we'll get some mixed mixed reactions intended to go with cambodia um okay yeah i think cambodia from all the bikes right oh my god look at that jesus it feels like we're in the middle of nowhere all right cambodia oh my god the map orientation confuses the [ __ ] out of me all right where where is that's in colombia right cambodia oh my god i'm blanking um cambodia where's cambodia what the [ __ ] it's it is it in colombia asia oh what am i thinking yeah the [ __ ] language all right hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on i'm not gonna find this i'm not gonna find this in time oh my god i can't believe i blanked cambodia you were correct wait do i not get to see others oh oh this is the next one all right where are we going where are we going what are you thinking where could this be i was on it yeah it was just panic at the end and the thing is i saw the language i knew it was [ __ ] asian it's just like i got distracted talking about whatever i was talking about and then i just lost it on time i got flagged um india you think it's clearly ireland i mean the roads look the same anyway that's for sure except there's more people um oh train south america wait i get three guesses do i no i'm knocked out oh you mean like before i get knocked out i can get a wrong answer ah so you can guess three times okay that makes sense i want to see how we do no idea literally none yeah i kind of don't either yeah i'm just spectating right now brazil you think venezuela brazil bolivia the right answer was bolivia good catch i didn't see many people guessing bolivia it's a good catch those of you who got it um who's still in oh proto and maxi are going for a victory here jesus fair play i i was hoping that the battle royale could be a bit more people though [Music] daily seafood you passed the sign of writing on it yeah sorry i'm i got knocked out so i'm not in it anymore me not big brain enough does this remind you guys of anywhere all i'm thinking of is a less green ireland right now um oh my chest my chest hurt there for some reason oh jesus that place looks bizarre it's just out in the middle of nowhere no door or nothing what are you thinking spain looks like black water to me it could be spain trying to think wait let's see you think spain it could be spain i think you might be right it's hard to tell isn't it geez wherever that is it's not here this is a wasteland portugal you think the time is up wait did no one guess did we not get to find out i do i don't think we're going to get to find out for some reason it's just emptied so all right well that's a little bit disappointing but what can you do i guess um all right let me just google this um yeah it's in spain uh the province of segovia so it's really central spain slightly north central northern spain angus carly and wind race thank you very much for the subs there uh vivi and saint emily thank you for the subs radioactive thank you for the 20 subs as well there middle of spain yeah it sure looks like it it is just out in no man's land by the looks of it um right back to the main menu what'll i do hmm famous places hmm or just world let's just try world let's try a single player what's challenge oh you can invite friends okay let's let's put on a time limit of let's try we'll try two minutes this is going to be [ __ ] hard all right let's try two minutes oh my god this place looks amazing is this the grand canyon i got an opportunity to go here before but instead i sat at the at the pool eating nuggets um where could this be it's got to be the grand canyon right that's [ __ ] huge this looks [ __ ] amazing australia reckon people have lived here for over 20 10 000 years uh you think they'd make better a better [ __ ] path wouldn't you jeez it's just rocks everywhere it's a [ __ ] hazard um right we still got a minute left i'll have to find grand canyon on the map it's like southern nevada arizona right yeah that's that's gotta be it's the grand canyon right okay i'm gonna go with grand canyon we don't have enough time um okay las vegas grand canyon okay who knew the grand canyon was so big it's [ __ ] huge uh i think i'll just go in the middle somewhere will i it could be anywhere there's no real indication of 40 seconds but i don't think there's anything i can like make the grand canyon's [ __ ] insane but those nuggets were good at the same time like i i don't regret my decision is what i'm telling you no they went uh in a helicopter and i have a fear of flying so i was not i was not game so me max and a buddy just sat there eating mcnuggets that's not bad i'll take that that was a cool one i like that one oh jesus this is a bit more vague scandinavia probably is it oh science sign um it could be is that dutch or german or you're gonna have to help me out here this this this is not my my speciality my speciality is torturing sims in the sims so this is out of my it's sweden you think finland um let's take a look around since we have a bit of time unfortunately i think i may have gone the wrong way i don't see anything of note down here god this actually looks gorgeous as well it's again mostly the sun i think doing it the favors but this looks awesome i'd love to go on like a road trip now um not german not dutch finland sweden finland sweden oh getting a lot of mixed mixed guesses here between finland and sweden half her time is gone uh struggling to find any other road signs finland 100 sweden or finland uh not norway austria we're getting a lot of mixed ones okay i'm gonna go with finland since we seem to be getting so many um all right finland finland finland um finland i'm kidding i mean it could be anywhere in finland so i think i'm just going to guess like there and hope for the best ah i was right in helsinki and i was thinking it would be somewhere out in the middle of nowhere because it seemed a bit deserted [Laughter] this game you were so worried how am i looking for finland down in india oh yes finland india i am woody thank you for the sub geography isn't your best subject i look i found finland you thought it was a [ __ ] india a hex and then you're the sub saint emily thank you for the sub as well all right let me let me see where what do we got oh this place looks kind of neat have we got a sign looks kind of american again isn't it flynn avenue vermont vermont okay what where we got flynn avenue somewhere in vermont that was a [ __ ] spawn a half look at that um i actually i'll have to find out where vermont is so if someone wants to point me the general direction when it's in the states city market um any town signs maybe if i go outside of town and come back in it's a small enough town god this place looks gorgeous as well uh it's no no that's just some random sign northeast okay cool um [Music] north east vermont um oh [ __ ] i don't even know how big it is vermont okay vermont uh wondering if i go to the other side maybe i'll get a sign this looks like the most american town i've ever seen i love it i'd love to go visit like places like this in the states i found small town united states is just lovely okay wait there's some signs up here that i just want to take a quick look at if i can get to south montpeller okay 189 189 189 189 189 oh [ __ ] i don't have enough time to 89 i'm not better yes yes that's not bad i'll take that 39 not a bad guess i think that's not bad huh vermont is beautiful it looks [ __ ] beautiful looks gorgeous that was a good one thank you so much for the follows guys we've exceeded our goal i appreciate it um florida comes to mind immediately i don't know why it just looks like a sleepy retirement place uh okay let's go up the street um oh god at least i know where florida is if it is florida again it looks maybe it's not america actually it looks pretty american though i don't know there's a there's a lot of big vehicles i think it's american um grove street home let's just bring up the san andreas map and click it on that grove straight home spot on what is with the yellow road signs is that just normal in some places in the states they just have their own street sign color um california orange county oh yeah it could be to be fair yeah this does look very california don't think it's america it's spain australia i could see it being australia as well i don't know much about australia but i think you might be onto something there actually the even the road signs like now you mention it they they don't look oh there's a roundabout they're definitely not america i have this notion that america just has no roundabouts because when i drove there i didn't see any all right i tinbury avenue i'm running out of time here i got 20 seconds i got to take a wild guess i think uh listen get a hail mary no okay we're going to australia um where we go melbourne i'm gonna go with australia yes sydney not too bad all things considered good call on australia i wouldn't have guessed it i wouldn't have guessed it but that uh we got around about my hometown if you're from america you are lying [Laughter] about in america no you don't i didn't see any i mean they do not exist oh okay um all right spain south america oh wait wait can't read it uh let me go up a little bit see if i can stop outrunning me stop going faster than me come back my boss oh god damn it oh wait i don't know i i'm not sure um what do you think guatemala oh is that what it says that's so hard to see guatemala okay where is guatemala it's uh off the coast of america is it south america isn't it um you're gonna have to help me out here i think i'm is it is it isn't guatemala and ireland and i'm lost here folks of guatemala why did i think guatemala was an island um it looks pretty built up what am i thinking am i thinking of a prison or something um i might just go central it looks pretty built up it's got like its own bus lanes in the middle there jesus i think i'm just gonna go with that it looks pretty big city six kilometers jesus jesus christ um what was i thinking of guantanamo bay that's what i was thinking of why i was like why is that in my head so much because i was like even as i said i was like i don't think it sounds right but something's clicking in my head where is guantanamo then i never actually knew um i assume i like i don't even know if it is an island i just always assumed it was an island um geez that wasn't bad when thomas cuba is it i really want to go to cuba i really want to go to cuba um is it actually on the island of cuba or is there a separate one i really want to visit cuba it's like one of the highest ones on my list i really want to go there um it's in daily seafood seriously cuba is lovely were you there pop i i honestly i'm just i i really want to see it i'd love to go to havana dun dun dun i will take your recommendation then um thank you for the follows folks i really appreciate it thank you um right view summary that was not bad all things considered good job folks you can't even see the icon on three of them these were just wild guesses but somehow ended up pretty close that was a bit lucky [Music] game breakdown uh ribs magoo thank you for the sub avenue you thanks for the bits um cobra fan big daddy and woody thank you for the subs all right oh jesus christ folks i think i'm gonna finish it up there but thank you so much for watching along it's it has been an absolute pleasure i must say it has been a fun little stream um i hope you enjoyed it um oh well uh look look who's streaming i oh he's just started about 40 minutes goes well there we go send people over send people over there um but guys thank you very much for uh hanging out with me i really appreciate your time appreciate the followers along for all the new people um appreciate all the subs and support there as well at georgie thank you for the sub then smoke smelling of the bits combat thank you for the sub an anonymous tip there as well towards a pair of glasses because i don't have mine on right now and even i could read guatemala on the side of that boss i couldn't make sense of it for some reason um but anyway thank you for hanging out with me folks i don't have a riddle for you i am not a riddle master we're going to send them some people across to jack who's streaming now i've not got to ray jack in a while because he streams much later than i do for the most part um but yeah he's he's doing a stream over there so pop on over have a good time be nice as always and i will be streaming again on thursday nearly forgetting what day it is now um also i just uploaded a video if you want to check it out uh it's over on the channel now some gta 3. it's a fun one i think i think it came out pretty good so hope you like it got a cool one for tomorrow as well so uh yeah thank you very much for joining me folks befulu thank you for the sub and thank you for all the followers and such i appreciate it i'm delighted we hit our little goal there thank you very much and i will see you on thursday or in the videos in the meantime whatever you want however much kevin you want in your life anyway goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye you
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 339,305
Rating: 4.8535061 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 37sec (13177 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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