Grand Theft Auto V (Chaos Mod) & Noita | 2021-01-16

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whoa hello everyone thank you pablo for the subs that's very kindest oh why can i hear myself okay is that all right that's gone i don't know why i clear myself hello everyone how are you doing it's good to see you um jesus gang thank you for the support katie thank you for the five subs publicly for the five subs as well and dylan thank you for the five subs as well jesus christ appreciate it you didn't have to do that i wasn't even online yet what if i it came on and i just started saying some like horrible horrible things and you would have supported me before i even a very modest t-shirt what does that mean you would have supported me without even knowing what i stand for just like a totally different person all of a sudden for this one stream you're like god damn it now i endorse the guy oh how are you doing folks it's good to see you how's your back my back my back is a little bit better it's it's still a bit sore um it's i managed to work out today so that was good i did some arms it was fun um it just felt satisfying to actually get back into it a bit uh well then i did something stupid one second let me get my let me get my thing so you'll know um where is it right exhibit a so i think you remember this villain this used to be my mic stand i've replaced it now this used to be here and it would keep going up and down i had to use this temporarily today to record a video so it was it was here and it was it was up and then over time as i was in vr in playstation vr playing some hitman it came all the way down and then of course i was in a concert in hitman and i'm just like i want to have a mosh pit so i just go like i smacked the mic so hard and i know it doesn't look like much um but this one in particular on the inside just by my knuckle caught me so deep whatever i punched on my mic it was so sore it took me like five seconds to realize how much pain i was in and i was just like ah and i was just running it under cold water for like five minutes it was so painful oh ah okay that's all right tried to fall down again but i i beat it this time yeah i tend to um to injure myself a lot it would appear because thank you so much for the support coming in you must just feel sorry for me it's like oh jesus he's a danger to himself uh what did you replace it with i can't show you because it's out of the thing but i bought um blue if you know the the brand they do like the blue snowball and the blue yeti blue yeti is like super popular with streamers uh as a usb mic but it um they also do a stand blue uh the blue compass i think it's called so i swapped that one even though i i still love road it's just i've had like three of them where that's happened now and i love them but i i can't keep buying them have you ever broke a bone in your life surprisingly no even after the car accident i broke zero bones i think i fractured a bit of a bone like a slight one um oh no this was this was a new bone i i've never broken a bone but i have grown some extra ones i got a bit of extra bone here where it's i don't know if you can see um you probably can't with the beard but is this is this stupid does this work can you like see my jawline there and then if you go over to this side like i can't see because i'm looking away so it doesn't matter but i've actually i've got like a bit of bone here sticking out that is just an extra bone apparently something to do with in like if you bleed and sign it calcifies and i don't know the doctor was like you make extra bone good job and i was like thanks doc that's pretty much it i i drank a lot of milk that was it um pablo katie dylan thank you so much for the five subs again each you were very kind uh katie thank you for the bits knocking for michelle windermere jay wintershire uh artemis knocking for thank you for the fire foxy thank you for the five you your tea thank you for the tip um katie thank you for the bits as well uh berlin amanda nate uh rukia high caves mythic tis bean airy care bear thank you for the five as well that's very kind idea just demi god uh madame meme lonnie cosplay love thank you very much for the tip that's very kind oh i'm sorry you had a rough day yesterday but look today is a new day uh we can relate to each other as we we both have had rough times look at this ah the thing is it looks so pathetic it's like ah oh so sore it's so small but it just cuts so deep it's like i punched a spike or something but i don't know what i could have actually hit and my mic was just destroyed it was like after turning upside down and everything on the stand um though i hope you're feeling a lot better today i'm glad the streams and stuff can be a good old distraction and look you will get to take out your frustration on me instead you'll be able to just use the chaos mind to take out all your frustration it's like a boxing bag except i'm the bag uh knocking for thank you for the the cheer there mythic alex squibbity uh dimitri lonnie bosha uh lawsey uh crazy christian d bank fire hq turkey turk uh tetra gemini uh ebillby uh de bombroski uh mcelroy yoshi uh leg where where b was uh that that boy riley thanks for the vids caitlyn adventure anonymous winry um shira big johnson maymay jill shaishai uh we yelled trexus sword thank you for the fight that's very very kind to you i'm almost caught up let me catch up with the rest of these and we can get started stop saying grief for jesus time that's not what this means okay there's more to chaos than just grief for jesus uh king moxie a big and hairy track story thank you again for that uh bernie kieran morgan uh which uh dylan thank you for the five subs again christ you're very kind thank you very much abroad awakened waffle christine i know you're all just talking about jesus if someone came in they're like god this is a religious channel you're like jealous jimmy jealous jimmy is just as bad sometimes ballistic deku uh hero king tom uh the weeaboo jesus very fitting thank you very much for the five subs jesus i mean you're not such a bad guy after all a wild guy georgia pie oh god i'm sorry to hear you've no heating george i am in the same boat unfortunately get yourself a portable heater a nice two 2.5 kilowatt portable oil heater will keep you warm i would hope uh that's helping me a lot anyway i mean i'm in a t-shirt and i have no heating i'm in ireland it's a wicked combination uh raisin kagu von nicos uh spence mary jacks uh aussie jesus christ guys uh the the nev um mrs batman celtic alenia mustache pixie uh tr tr trap gun at the granny thank you very much ronaldo uh fif tizbean thank you so much for the generous tip as well my uh thanks for the name suggestion my new dog's name is now officially extreme grief for jesus i call him jj for sure that is a very good short shortening of the name i think it was needed glitter peachy tuba uh glimmos andy becky thank you very much for the bits as well hi guru is my most usable fantastic i'm glad to hear that uh b dawn broski thank you for the five stops that's very kind here and nils7 and patty thank you very much guys you're very kind let me do a quick tweet here i had a tweet already typed out have i gotten rid of it no i haven't okay put that out i it's so embarrassing because i was oh um you know those uh recaps that went out that were like oh you watch this person you watch that person um this amount of time and yeah we give you your top three i was in my own top three i was like what a narcissist i don't even know why because i'm like i don't leave my stream open that often but then again i don't watch a whole lot of twitch usually in my free time i'm streaming rather than watching streams um but i was one hour off the top spot on my own recap but it was like 56 hours so i'm like how was this how is it that much i didn't really understand because i don't i don't leave it open that much i don't think even though i guess i have it open now do you think it counts now because i like i haven't paused maybe that's what it counts that would make sense if it does count that way uh i got the game starting up now bear with me right so gang if you're not familiar with this mod essentially you're gonna have four mods off the top right of your screen in my game it's gonna have numbers next to it one two three four five six seven eight i was getting so good at counting and then you can put in the corresponding number to put your vote towards that mod you can only vote once you can change your vote i believe but you can only vote once it'll only count once uh it just needs the one number on its own you don't need to spam it or anything won't have any different effect uh i mean you can if you want you can put in a loader once in your message but it doesn't do anything extra uh but it's a very fun mod um i'm going to be trying to do a few missions i've got a save file where we kind of left off last time um i've disabled some of them we've turned off earthquake launch all heads up because they were crashing the game and i've turned off a few of the teleport ones because they were coming up way too much it's far too much teleporting um jesus is still in there don't worry he's still in there jesse thank you for the bits uh rydel so let me just load up the game here um load game friend request i was amazed we did that mission amazed i was so impressed that thing where you teleported me a few meters ahead to get out of the building was just amazing uh murican thank you very much for the tip you're very kind thank you so much jesse logan mccam dog that's sassy dragon amanda uh angel lovable gesture jay uh lonnie thank you for the tip as well i thank you so much for for watching me so much that i got up on the top of your spot uh on the twitch list that is awesome i was so nice to see people just tweeting being like oh you're my top three it's very nice alicia thank you very much for the tip as well um i hope i didn't miss people's super murder anything for the bits i apologize if i miss people throughout it's i'm finding it harder and harder to keep up um oh jesus wrong one um with all the uh the alerts but i try my best why is the the game now i pulled up ah there as soon as i minimize it comes up i try my best uh anna thank you very much for continuing your sub for 22 months probably the longest sub on the channel i think you might be i'm guessing i know i checked this actually i think was there someone higher i'm not even sure um anyway here we are folks if you want to make me jesus we can walk in water right now i've never got to actually test that um right you know what let's uh let's make our way towards the the quest we're gonna start off the jewel heist we're gonna attempt it anyway i i don't know if it's actually gonna be possible and uh if you guys are going to even let me get to the highest if i have to do all the setups but we'll try uh we'll see how far we can get all i can do is hope for the best luckily lester's house isn't too far away uh call me brendo thank you for the bits i'm gonna try my best to keep up with alerts but wait explode current vehicle well first of all why would you pick that but second of all why didn't it explode all right let's just see if the next thing works just to make sure that was weird oh it's because all vehicles aren't vulnerable yeah i didn't think of that okay you made my karen vulnerable and then you try to explode it you try to go back on your decision oh what is it i don't have the call to tell me that not you the deeter sack store detective there's been a misunderstanding i need you to help clear it off no [Music] jesus christ you almost had me oh my god i like how it didn't ignite me it ignited the car at least i know in future if ignite player comes up oh please please please please give me a taxi holy crap i need to go dude a lot of bad [ __ ] is happening uh no no no no no although no don't take out your phone okay oh the fake teleport jesus christ you got me i was like we're in the military base and i just want to move my taxi oh this is this is stressful already alice george thank you very much for the tip thank you very much for the kind words it was pretty insane 153 consecutive years was the watch time of the stream it's pretty not pretty nuts hey lester and what i'm going in here to meet up with him what what did you just do well lester i wanted to drop off the first heist item i got us a tank which should make casing a jewelry store a lot easier so um i'll be back apparently i've got to go change into something smart i i was so proud of myself for actually getting here and now i just gotta go change it's a sad sad state of affairs um oh what's that oh no it's the deadly agent okay all good all good let me go get some clothes damien thank you very much for the bits that's very kind here uh the weaver jesus thank you very much for those subs again you're very kind paddy files super murderer broken broads call me brendo rata thank you very much guys um where was the clothing store i swear oh what did you just spike my drink with lsd okay well no better time to get clothes than when you're off your face on lsd hold on hold on hold on this is really hard to drive just to be clear he is it's like drunk times too i don't know if i've actually been trying to drive while i was on this lsd i don't know if i've ever tried it it it doesn't seem that familiar [Music] he is out of it um polo shirts can i just like get anything here um can i just get that we're all done no no no no no no i want to be even fancier please please let me get something please no no no no no there i don't have much time you just be like what the hell is going on i'm just so close to dying is this good enough do you think browse shorts these are not very smart do we have any normal pants shirts sunrise yellow t-shirt i guess i hope this works uh maybe i should have stayed in the polo shirt i don't know where is the like the actual pants oh what no oh my god i saw him spawn and i was just like oh no maybe his vision relies on movement i just didn't move there was a moment where we just kind of locked eyes and we were we're in agreement that we weren't gonna do anything all right i'm gonna hope this works sorry kevin we have to do it i understand no one ain't given thank you very much for the tip oh ufo sounds good um what the hell was that i think it bogged out and no name given thank you very much for the tip that is super generous to you thank you very much for that that's very very kind uh blood sucker oh it's vlad uh spine anonymous oh here we go come here come here come here i just hope to god this works uh hey kylie thank you very much okay i was just like is it fake or is it not all right take me there we love you jesus all right brother here we are why are you all saying we love you jesus you're suffering stop stop worshiping him all right please please work a suit are you serious dude can i get in it do you think i can get in there when you look decent we can go i'm gonna i'm gonna brave it nope oh perhaps a bad idea approaching the tank it's upside down now that's kind of neat that poor lady stop you're wasting my [ __ ] time i just want a suit all right your wardrobe or a high-end clothing place i guess that's not in the area uh suburban is that high end suburban ponsonby's okay that's gotta be that's gotta be a fancy one surely uh oh what oh i'm [ __ ] drunk well i'm being responsible i'm getting a taxi instead of driving drunk honestly it's for my own sanity it's so stressful hey jay damien thank you very much for the five subs that is super super nice of you thank you very much um kylie thank you very much for that tip as well with the kind words oh oh that's the deadly asian from earlier i was like what happened to him uh taxi ah taxi take me away no oh my god everyone everyone just got out to attack me [ __ ] hell that no no no no no that was terrifying i saw my map just light up look at all those blips jesus christ no and i have to be drunk while trying to get away from all of them oh my god this is terrifying it's like a shaky cam in an action film or something oh no oh no oh replace current vehicle okay you gave me a nicer car i'm sure that didn't have the effect you wanted it to oh great the police are here i'm completely stuck all right serves me right for gloating i need this the punch was completely unnecessary sorry get out of my way please oh my god why would you do this wait oh no i can see jesus's blip no oh i didn't need this right now is he in there yeah yeah he's in there all right there's the ufo from earlier it's like taking a tour this is the torture people put me through if you look to your right you'll see extreme grief for jesus get down jd sam jibs uh breaking thank you very much for the subs i'm sorry i'm missing a few it's quite uh quite difficult to keep on top of everything all i can do is hope that i'm going in the right yes i'm around the corner that wasn't bad well it was horrible actually and even thinking about it now the cops are still oh my god what have i done the cops are still after me so i should try and get out of here what then stop why are you doing this why are you so obsessed with me i'm gonna get out of here please please just leave me alone he's coming really right when i was at the top of the ladder uh captain big nips mcgee it's me here on turg's nose at charizard games commandant jim chickens ellie uh thank you very much you guys lonnie thank you very much for the tip me and um bloodsucker boy thank you for the tip as well just said uh i just had top surgery yesterday and i am on some crazy pain pain meds pain pains but i'm going uh but i'm glad to be awake enough to catch the stream well i'm glad you could make it as well i'm sorry believe me that was me fumbling over my words nothing to do with the pain pills that was my issue we've lost the cops at least now are they still attacking me oh he is attacking me but he's spinning so he can't keep up ow all right well i best be going then i think this truck is free so i might take that oh and uh don't worry if i did steal it from someone other stranded it is literally raining vehicles so what yeah who's this it's ricky from life invader oh the guy from last time bro shut up just hang on if i refuse to acknowledge him he can't blackmail me why are the cops coming after me i have nothing to do with the vehicle rain is it because i stole this vehicle to be fair that does sound like a crime oh my god look at them look at them go there's so many of them all right i'm finally here can i lose the cops please so that i could just get some clothes oh sorry sorry i didn't realize it's so funny to watch them they're just freaking out okay awesome oh was she just lying down why are you closed what ah everyone's phone is ringing why are you closed ah she's not even reacting do you know at that thing in the game remember you give pop-ups like uh oh the cops are [ __ ] after me again why why do they hate me michael i'm sorry but i'm losing interest in in your storyline here you just we can't even get you to the clothing store can you kill michael so i can swap to franklin just do his mission instead i'm just giving off on this at this point lonnie thank you very much for the tip um did you stress to the chaos but really brought out your irish for a sec you said film like phillium like did i oh who's this random enemy you got nothing on extreme grief for jesus my friend okay now that i've dealt with the riff raff can i finally buy some clothes [Music] why are you closed where did she go huh i've lost the cops this phone noise jesus christ okay do i just go to the other one then how is this locked it's mine i drove it here what the hell is this oh god damn it okay i guess they gotta get another car and probably get the cops after me again i just throw a bunch of damn clothes maybe i should just go to my house and get changed he's got to have a suit right oh my ankle it's been a bad day for injuries all right we're gonna go to my house and we're gonna get changed spawn deadly agent oh sweet jesus well at least you're not jesus i guess and jesus is not sweet i might add i'm gonna go to my house i'm going to my house and i'm i'm going to get changed there michael's having a hell of a day an absolute blast fire hq thank you for the bits what is it with you and cars i don't know man i'm a bit of a cara magnet i think oh okay you reckon i'm a parachute because i am flying over my house like i can see my house from here it's right there you see it that's where we did yoga god this house is amazing pretty much how i feel every mod you guys add oh yeah i can't parachute because i'm still going off in my bed oh the fairest wheel of the future like the enormous normal ferris wheel but in the sky i am just going to die by the way well quite the impact that's a big oof from me i think i can load the game and spawn at my house because didn't i didn't i started there he wasn't anywhere else was he do you always start at your house guessing you do uh load game friend request and charizard games thank you so much for the [ __ ] jesus christ that was way way too much my friend way way too much thank you very much though came across your youtube last year and have not gone one day without watching a video thank you so much i don't think anything makes me laugh as hard just want to pay it forward for all the laughter you've provided thank you so much chairs you really didn't have to do that though i i appreciate you just watching the content uh it means a lot to me but thank you very much for being so supportive on top of everything else christ almighty um that was way too much 10 000 bits that is way way too much my friend but thank you thank you very much um actually you know what i think i will give him a drink of whiskey i think he's earned it because he's had a very very tough day the poor dude i think i'd have a whiskey after this well and like yesterday was no better he was in that place um oh even his expression he's like here i go again it's happening again that would make a good thumbnail right there i'm just standing there at the whiskey oh all right i i'd love to go see my son before i get changed as well i wonder if he's about no my daughter's not here is jimmy here what is that noise oh there's a chair uh right is this my room okay e uh outfits it has to be a suit does it suits full suits yes this is what we need topaz we're going with topaz look at that can i jump out no i can't jump out okay oh right okay guys we've been streaming for about 29 minutes and we have only managed to change our clothes and teleport to the desert but don't worry i've got it all under control we're going to take a taxi as soon as we land which should be any moment now the fight show thank you very watch for the bits uh chase deadlin ashwin steele thickham's uh militario calamity jane hell girl the gaming wizard chase no creativity emma uh bull the buddha if we survive uh sammy b uh daddy of essenio and flower girl thank you for the subs what is this oh you made him lag why don't you do that to poor michael he's had such a tough day and then you're like you know what we're gonna make this fall to your death last even longer oh my god that is so cruel i love it good job everyone oh great minds think alike [Music] it is funny oh it's just like this massive group of people collectively choosing the worst option all the time all right can we can we make it to the water and live i don't think it's possible yeah there he goes oh a nice flip at the end give you a 10 for landing um sarah ellie thank you so much for the five subs that's very kindly thank you very much uh nikki the weeaboo jesus thank you for the bits as well god you found me nine years ago through that minecraft stuff oh my god oh i almost made it i was just like i'm gonna make his day even worse just driving that thing i need you to help clear it up it was this close to being smashed without boss i wish i made it uh shut up amanda i'm trying to call a taxi i've had a rough day okay this is you still got a black eye hospital couldn't heal that one uh downtown cab here comes the fire truck i don't know why maybe they're just coming before the emergency happens because they know that shit's going to go down when michael he's just causing so much hassle why are they here there must be something on fire the constant honking would drive you [ __ ] insane oh it's the boss okay oh my bouncy taxi is here oh please let me in hold on yes good job okay wait no no no hold on before they kill you before they kill you all right go oh god it's going to be a big fair isn't it all right wait hold on teleport yes i waited to whatever you did and i just did it immediately because i was like whatever you gonna do i'm gonna leave it behind me deadly agent i went to the wrong place no no no no no no no no no no no no no come back oh i'm an idiot i'm an idiot i'm an idiot ah god don't do anything bad i wasn't gloating about outsmarting you or anything it was i was i please please don't do anything right oh i can't believe it's oh it's whale rain i can't believe it's whale rain it's so nice this time of year nice bit of whale rain we went through a drought for a while there i haven't seen wales in a few days now it's so good to see them again all right let's get me to leicester finally yes skip skip skip i just want to be there i want to be in my suit i want to start this bloody heist oh whale sorry about the damage to your cab i hope i gave him a tip if it did my total fare was 17 so i don't think it would have paid off the damage wait why does it say very low gravity but i'm not being effective i guess if i jump i needed a job that didn't require me to do it the tank's gone yeah if we come okay yes we made it oh my god the holy grail the holy grail repository and they say it cannot be hit hasn't been yet look i just owe some mexican hood a couple million bucks that wrecked his girlfriend's house i don't need to go crazy here which mexican martina thrazzo he's not supposed to be very nice oh it didn't ignite charming either we hit a bank in the sticks or we do i don't think any of these will affect me in this cutscene unless it's randomly easier but i gotta make a big take well gems it is then let's go to vangelico buy ourselves an engagement ring oh we're going to need a crew i can round up some of the old guys unless you're just trying to screw me when the cutscene ends moses no name kevin thank you for the tip again all those irish crazies they mostly just disappeared irish crazies they all went down there was a an eastern european guy making moves in liberty city but yeah he went quiet all right well we're going to need a crew we got any contacts and no i've been working okay i was wrong oh dude oh no lester i think we've been made brad defend are the cops fighting each other oh the whales are going back oh the whales are going back to the sky and everyone nature is healing with the low gravity i guess they just floated back off so reverse olivia thank you very much i just gotta fail like what am i supposed to do here i have five once oh my god okay insane gravity makes you drive extremely weirdly i like some sort of stop-motion animation it's really odd maybe it'll make me lose them maybe they won't be able to know he's found me okay keep going it is actually kind of like stop motion keep going all right i can lose them in here surely jesus i'm glad i was in the tunnel all right i think i can lose him here ivanzo sora olivia yes hello it's me uh slink apple queen ship help jim is holding me hot stitch don't that's just a funny name ignore that uh bless sunbloom ash casey megan thank you for the tip uh barry the danger thank you for the tip as well oh sweet pajesus okay that could have been bad then again can always be worse [Laughter] i could just i could just hear in the background but i didn't really pay much attention to it and then i was like wait a second i'm on the train tracks all right probably better off that we died because we were having a bit of rough time there the only thing is i don't have brad now and he was an essential part of the business the plot oh that looks so cool when they're floating what are you talking about i checked out the wp seals what let's just just jump in for it did i get ignited i did get ignited okay swampy thanks for the stuff all right little port hold on let's do it you're a really bad driver leave me alone you're fib buddies they uh know you're back in business fib buddies what are you talking about all right what have we got what do we got coming guys i try not to look at the mods if i can for this exact reason i prefer not to know what's coming i love this one it's so good it just looks hilarious of course it's moved around i wish were actually like this like i don't know what purpose it would serve but i just feel like we'd all be happier and a lot more scared when we're driving be a lot more on edge you know one incident i think we're actually gonna make it is the thing oh get out of my way i mean you don't really have a choice out of the way this is this is nice this makes it a lot easier my eyesight's fine i don't think it is if this is what you're seeing michael oh okay we're here we're getting what we need good job though everyone we made it to the cutscene causing as much chaos as possible return to leicester it says oh oh okay okay well my engine is dead so that's the car destroyed did we make it to that checkpoint okay we did good oh it was so funny as soon as i got out i didn't think about that at all all right we got a hidden camera we're gonna scope out this jewelry joint for a i don't robbery it's gonna matter we're just gonna go in by force anyway most likely how did you know i was coming i came from no no that's my son don't let him in don't let him open the door i just wanted some alone time i don't want to be with my son every hour of the day the gaming wizard thank you very much for the tip all right hold on i'm going to need this car for just a moment no i thought we were bear with me oh you bastard it's too good look at him last stand i hate you kind of players bringing me back to my modern war for two days jimmy here why are you running last stand no no no no no how please kill him michael was spotted driving in a pedestrian zone by shaft staff that's what failed the mission not the fact that i was knocking over my son all right hold on i just gotta make sure he's dead i gotta kill him before we move on yes all right let's do that again no really jimmy and jesus oh sounds like a good restaurant where is he he's running all right what if i try and go around the other way perhaps stop on by with jimmy and jesus a dining experience you'll never forget you get a bad feeling you flush all of us there he is turn around around the corner get set player into random vehicle okay nice one guys hold on let me try and take care of this jesus dude what where even was he he's a crafty bastard that jesus is i don't know i didn't see him hold on we can do this suddenly you don't need a score anymore yeah i don't i mean it's not really urgent i don't even know where he is oh he's at the corner now okay okay i'm gonna have to get out because otherwise he's gonna spawn kill me so i i gotta get out and kill him quickly but who are you oh it's exploding zombies great just when i thought it couldn't get any harder oh okay i shot him right in the head oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god no no no no he shot the car he didn't even go for me he shot the [ __ ] car or else a zombie did i don't know i don't know uh emily thank you very much for the tip i'm glad i'm glad you're i'm glad you enjoyed the chaos one and torturing me all right here's johnny thank you very much for the tip can i get a dab for the homies i'll give you a dab i gotta wait anyway because i wanted stairs so the lighting just makes it really creepy for some reason batgirl dayless thank you very much the zeals set by rose i can't i literally cannot move with these the timing was a good timing with the explosion could someone clip it for me i didn't see what actually happened because i didn't have my headphones on i mean i know that doesn't really mean i didn't see it but i didn't hear it so i didn't take much notice oh my god the timing was impeccable i really want to see it now did someone clip it for me great a meteor shower that's the problem what's the problem can you not see what's going on around you okay the meteors will cover me where are you jesus is he wait ah he died of his own doing tragic all right well now i can actually get the job done i guess i'll just restart it so that i'll be in the right spot clip let me let me see this one second thank you luxor for the clip i can't share it with you very easily but i just want to see that give you the timing i gotta wait oh that was perfect timing just my random chance oh it's great sorry i can't share with you easy i gotta um i gotta like come up with a better setup so that i can actually do stuff like that and share like my my desktop with you or something really easy thank you for spamming the link at least people can can take a look if you missed it concur thank you very much for the tip that's very kind here here's johnny thank you very much for the tip as well and shout out to megan appreciate that lazy bum uh chibs jesse casual chris uh dragon off thank you very much for the five subs you're always way way way too supportive i appreciate it i said all right oh okay sorry hold on all right we're ready to do this on foot okay this is so hard to see oh so that's what's going on i couldn't see beforehand oh my god jealous jimmy's body is flying all over the place okay we finally made it in we have stepped over the boundary [Music] you got some mighty fine generally here huh it'd be a shame if something were to happen to it for the woman in my life moving forward thank you very much for the tip ten solves jesus christ you're very kind thank you so much for that chief thank god my wife we're talking about i don't know nicholas jesse thank you very much oh this mod's so fun i feel like i'm doing one step forward and two steps back all the time because i just can't seem to progress but it's so fun oh it just makes it so much better with you guys playing along just picking the ideal one for the situation it's just so fun i think you just made a sale i'm gonna take a look around think about it fez thank you very much for the five subs miss amy uh did you thank you very much moving fortress thank you again for that okay now that you've got that out of the way it's only more misery from here on onward yeah i was kind of assuming that oh yeah sorry i'm supposed to yeah yeah hold on i forgot you're not very good at your job dude let me in i was just walking into it like a cat trying to get into the building all right uh take a photo surveillance there we go thank you very much for that again it's there i think a shot of the alarms come through okay awesome we did it yes not bad guys good job good job good job perfect oh my god so are we good i don't know if this is pedestrianised anymore oh my god what happened why is there so many cars all right lester drive us around the block we gotta find a way up to the roof you know what would be a great way of getting me under the roof i just realized you could sport a blimp oh no i guess they could just float my way up there was that lester screaming oh just flying around this is just so chaotic like when you stop and take it in what what is going on here let's go there oh my god it's just chaos sally thank you very much for the five subs and sarkin thank you very much for the five subs as well fez also with the five subs you're very kind folks thank you very much um i think this car is done for yeah michael's going for another one everyone exits their vehicle ah that's what happened i understand sally sarkin has moving fortress thank you all okay must be this way then we're making decent progress i'm quite proud of it all right is there is it this one that's under construction i could have sworn it was around here somewhere ah what no no stop oh no everyone's drive buying me no no no stop it let's just not even reacting for god's sake did he push me out it kind of looked like he pushed me out of us around the block we got to find a way up to the roof no stop stop trying to do drive-bys i'm hiding behind the meteor oh my god that is awesome i hope you enjoy your your streaming streaming hobby career whatever you want to call it um right construction it's gonna be over here right yes it's there i went there the exact destruction areas that wasn't here i might be able to get to the roof okay up we go oh no we're gonna stay here for a while actually i changed my mind just love the rain i just feel like i can't move forwards or backwards you know i gotta just enjoy the rain uh get silly thank you very much for the bits nicholas ocelot blue rook big red chin thank you very much as julie said thanks for suffering for our entertainment well to be fair it's self-inflicted at the same time i know what i'm getting myself into it is very very fun all right we good oh oh no now my w key is stopped hold on hold on you see him at all i just after the incident oh there we go i'm managing to somehow get my way up the building even though my w key is stuck it's he's probably a somehow doe then right what do you think all right where maybe [Music] oh is this fake yes thank you the fact it brought me up to the sky as well i thought it was the heaven one again okay i think i need to get up there do i get to high ground i assume it's up there oh is this oh this is this ow this is the store i thought the store was back there yeah i can get up here it looks like the highest point is on the northwest oh well two heads are better than one what do you think michael can you give me a boost up he's just watching me he's not helping at all no oh no my w he was stuck oh my god oh my god i forgot and he came why was he facing that way if i was taking the picture how could he put away the camera and went ahead just started running off the building ah for god's sake no oh perfect sorry michael my w keys stop could you go up on the roof for us now i'm in the bus so you keep up with the old crew oh jimmy oh god it was a simpler time when you were just trying to kill me oh my god i was so close to completing it and then i jumped off the roof why do i get like this bad feeling that this is going to take a while [Laughter] i have this just nasty patient in my stomach that i can just almost feel things going wrong all right okay run my only hope is that you don't insta kill me or you don't get the option to i suppose after your death thank you very much for the tip happy birthday thank you very much at all it's not my birthday but it's the thought that counts isn't it oh no no no no no i'm wasting time here this is not what you want where's the other michael stores to turn over i'm on the roof we can do this i need to know where they can do this i'm trying to resist looking at the mods because i'm like i don't know if it's my impending doom or not but i'd just rather not know it's more fun hey i see the vents i didn't even realize the last one you gave was slidy pens there's no pens to see i like how my discord is now alerting me call me kevin went live all right kevin don't run off the building this time oh that was crushing but also hilarious perfect do you think i could jump off no i shouldn't risk it i should walk i should walk shouldn't i oh oh even that was scary in itself just like wondering if i landed on him would it count but i i don't want to risk it no why i didn't do that oh my god is that what lsd does oh my god i didn't do it i know that looks so intentional but that wasn't me oh my god please spawn me on the roof please spawn me on the roof is that what the lsd does then because the the drunk driving is what lsd felt like in this except it was the door is closed is it around here yeah you see him at all i'm so confused but the drunk driving felt the same as lsd but msd was worse but maybe lsd is actually causing your character to do some totally random [ __ ] because he literally jumped up there by himself and walked off i let go of it when he jumped up right what do you think um there's a plane somewhere on the highway there i found it could i use that to get up if i could climb the plane i don't think i'm going to be climbing that plane though it's it's pretty [ __ ] stuck jesus christ i can't even figure out what's going on it's probably just the lsd it's fine and jordan thank you very much for the tip thank you so much for sticking with me for so long that's very kind here um mccabe booyah baby thank you for the song [Music] lester that's just like wow these heated seats do the job all right hopefully now the door will open because if the door doesn't open we're gonna have to skip this pack what is this i've never seen this before and not like i would i i don't think i failed on this parrot especially not multiple times but i can't get in all right we're gonna have to skip this path because we're completely stuck um yeah oh you see him oh thank you very much everyone that is very helpful thank you for once you're just like kev you know what we're gonna sort you out uh unfortunately this cargo plane is slightly in the way uh oh my god oh no no no oh no no no it's freaking out right all right let me see if i can climb up this no how can i get past it can i climb up further no i can't maybe just a car crash right anonymous charger what am i supposed to do okay this isn't good guys it's it's it's pretty scary actually so any alternate way oh no oh jesus it's getting upset all right let me see if i can just randomize player clothes oh no okay oh it's kind of sad that i'm actually like starting to understand this game a bit more what happens when it's glitches i was like okay i'm going through it i think i can go over the wall as long as nothing's in my way oh jesus christ okay lovely outfit by the way it really makes it worthwhile that i spent what like 30 minutes trying to get into that suit when you just changed me back get up oh for [ __ ] sake oh god this one is one of the most disorientating ones um right right hold on hold on i can figure this out yes oh god no you have no idea how how disorientating this thing is oh there we go okay i'm drunk but i think wait i just realized the checkpoint is now telling me to go down why did it not register because we skipped past the ladder ah a second let me just take the picture and see yeah it's like a big box on the roof yep what i don't understand oh please get up i didn't realize you did ranked ragdoll oh it was exactly what i was jumping as well perfect's sake okay we're up we're up okay i don't understand it did that register earlier then i guess we're done that section where'd the plane go did it finally give up on existence i don't blame it it was struggling uh davey and dolph thank you very much for the tip are you going to stream more rust yes in like there's some stuff happening yes i'm gonna be doing a bit of multiplayer rust at some point i'm not on that big server with all the huge amount of creators but uh another thing right where do i go now i'm here like i i'm at the waypoint i don't understand oh my god this one's so fast i think we might have to skip this one it's completely broken i think uh could you guys kill me i mean i think oh thank you this works oh look everyone's in scooters hey lester where's he going come here come here dude all right stay what you're being a dick dude hold on let me on the scooter let me on the scooter let me on the scooter let come on brad take him out brad doesn't want to please what was that you're supposed to be my companion he's burning to death oh my god there goes leicester [Music] just kill me dude just kill me what's he's escalating the situation quite rapidly there we go finally calum thank you very much for the tip very very kind shout out to the real life uh tony as well i'm sorry that covert is keeping you guys apparent that sucks oh hopefully this will be a thing of the past soon enough okay yeah just that was a bit there i'm just going to um this job is only he's going to fail it and skip this pattern images of the roof please no we're done the door is locked we're stuck i'm going to skip that pat michael failed to check out the roof captain big nips mcgee thank you very much for the tip there as well uh natanya thank you very much for the five subs skip yes uh cathode thank you very much for the 10 subs as well thank you very much for the tip earlier as well they're sorry i missed it that's really clean thank you for sticking with me so long all right we're going back to the factory why did this even launch me where am i going not so smart oh my god the vehicle's bouncy too so that's why i launched okay you lo you teleported everything to me and then it hit me and i bounced technically i see okay is there even any point in me attempting this killer clowns probably not but i'm going to try and get back to his house i don't even know where it is but i'm going to try oh my god the car is [ __ ] mangled it's like remember the gta 4 uh swing the glitch swing that you're gonna use and it would just your car would get absolutely mangled oh if you used it it's like that sort of reminds me of there's a really cool glitch like that in red dead actually i saw it on reddit and i was doing it a bit with max um oh no oh no disable left and right movement oh dear i don't know if i can escape the cops without my left and right movement just gotta hope i get lucky and they're coming around the corner so oh wait yes i lost them nice nothing that'll cause um complications but it's pretty awesome you like shoot a board on the bridge and you shoot off into the sky a i mean if this isn't a distraction i don't know what it is this is very distracting by the register so i'd start there just having a conversation as we fly off means you can smash them easy enough the stones will be in the safe at night so oh my god open then right once we melt down the gold we cut the rocks that's an okay score yeah shane we can't go in after hours man oh launch player out okay okay all right wait till we get back when's when are we gonna set going down yeah there's this kid there we go maybe we could cut him in here we come leicester does he have his seatbelt or if he is he's like oh no i don't think he does that's a good game you know what they say oh on the multi story [Music] one of them at least oh that's great the scream didn't realize how great leicester's screams were at battle cat ritual thank you very much for the subs oh my god we've only cased like we haven't we literally just took a look at the jewelry store that is all we did why are you getting out oh cause i'll play heads attack player can can i make it back there without him oh my god it's a [ __ ] riot you know dude get out of the way even the traffic tries to knock you down latanya thank you very much for that again that was very kind to you oh we got to get some nice clothes which you in the end changed anyway let's go back oh my god they kind of go playing poor perhaps i love how it stays spawned in though like i know it screws me over a lot but it makes it very interesting when i literally go like a mile down the road and then the stuff is still there nothing that'll cause undue complications yeah it looks like a simple sound oh my god you said jesus takes the wheel but they're fleeing because we're being attacked so now i'm just stuck here oh no please no stop this madness wait what what was that okay can we go return to leicester it's not even marking him on my map he has ran away from me where is he they're still having a conversation somehow like break all doors where is he trying to follow the sounds of his voice he ran this direction lost him who knows where he went westeros abandoned he got out screamed and ran away oh here take your gloves okay this time and look the plane is up in the air we can actually go this way now god the car is so spinny i'm taking my son home no lack of gravity no spinning all over the place my people aren't just abandoning me the valuable merchandise all the cabinets in the center of the store by the register oh my god that was way too close unfortunately i spoke way too soon [Applause] [Music] lester's screams are so good he gets so into it it's like pure terror but it doesn't really fit what's happening like this is scary but not in the way that you'd be screaming oh no okay now you'd be screaming no now he's fine now he just wants to talk please yes yes okay okay okay i know i'm going the wrong way but i'm just going to commit to going this direction then i'm going to go back up the other road i might be able to flip that another way all right careful oh if you didn't move i could have finessed that perfectly who is this oh my god it's like when kids look out the back of the car in front of you they're like sticking out their tongue and stuff oh all right at least i know the rough area of where i need to go over here right um carson thank you very much for the tip you're very kind perfect and i think i just gotta go over here i think it's here anyway isn't it come on lose the cops so we can end this madness yes it is just up here perfect oh you spawned me a chimp thank you so much i love getting the gym all right come on come on come on we're there all the whales are still here from ages ago come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on wait you tried god bless you you tried didn't quite get it uh ash polio lobster meds gangrel um set this up hi caves aiden degen uh trevor music davian thank you very much rachel battled back and john thank you very much guys prep work don't leave evidence behind on a hard drive all right yeah yeah what have we got explosive zombies i'd love if they came into the building i'm not sure if they are going to or not so i'm showing you all the angles is it still trying to swap player or what is it doing making decisions oh no oh no bail trailer is that what we're going for there's two ways i see of doing this we go in smart or we go in loud and dumb remember the vents if we're gonna be smart we pump a little knockout gap into the air system then hit the cabinets while everyone's out you'll have to source the gas of course but crowd control won't slow you down and that might improve the take the cover is pest control so no one will look twice when you're wearing i think by force would be a better option the hacker can disable the alarm yeah that's fine that's fine so how do you want to do this running loud yeah it looks cool something what was that change select personnel pick the good people make it easier for me who is oh my god that scared me what is going on back there gus moda he's a pro not much else to say paris good that'd look good to you are you sure okay i'll look into how you can find attack demonstrations [Music] oh no there's a lot of them oh no be careful lester you're a dead man is that a treasure oh it's glorious hey dude stop it come on there we go what a way to pass a mission huh please die please die please die why is he so strong can i change to franklin please [Laughter] oh man stay with the tip exquisite laminating with the tip as well i'm glad you're enjoying it laurie ash polio uh boston bob uh fenray natty cat nathania thank you very much for the tip there as well happy to be able to watch your stream hope everyone has been doing all right i know i have i hope you've been doing well spicy thank you very much for the sub as well oh i know it shows you take a punch oh franklin's calling hey what's up hey man it's me mike what's going on listen um should i try and get home and save the money for that is there an auto save so second i just skipped that um is there an autosave how do i do this settings uh saving and startup autosave on yes perfect that'll help why did he just go oh all right we can swap to franklin now great you can quick save on phone really i never knew that let me do that it is lagging though traffic in the city huh mads thank you very much oh wait oh my god that's not an m oh my god i'm so sorry that is ornance i thought it was meds oh i'm so sorry it really looks like it oh my god i'm sorry about that um quick save awesome i didn't know you could do that that is so cool um right hold on oh my god oh okay no thanks well no not thanks because you're trying to distress me but i'm glad it wasn't actually a fail wait no oh my god okay i wanted to just i wanted to just get a taxi dude that's all i wanted oh taxi you can have it back it's good as new please don't attack me i just wanna yes there we go i'll take this one oh my god you killed all those people there is no need all those poor people would have been fine it would have literally done nothing those poor people poor me affect those people poor me all right yeah i'm not putting in time at the shooting range i'm struggling enough to do absolutely anything so i'm not going to the shooting range you're a fool if you think i would sorry if you can hear me oh my god [Music] oh my god you call me kevin name of the tip don't worry kevin i can do this thank you very much for the tip uh ronaldo pixie oh my god all right let's try this again we'll call it taxi we'll do the mission we can do this oh i'm getting a bit hungry uh contacts affects the taxi please please i'm gonna try and go to those taxis come on no someone oh my god people are getting knocked down wait he's there he's there he's there come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes thank you so much oh thank goodness jesus christ oh we got a force field oh how do i get him to speed up hurry come on let's cause some chaos so this is what it's like uh now i feel like it's him that's doing the damage this is what it's like to be around me accurate visual representation i think oh my god good lord okay i'm going to skip before you kill me or something i don't trust you guys oh jesus dan thank you so much for the raid that is very very kind here what are you guys up to thank you very much then thank you for every everyone coming over as well i appreciate it as you can see we're having an absolute normal game at gta everything is just fine amber thank you for the so lizzie's thor the dominus oh my god this is just adding to the effect hello i don't wanna know spawn dumb what the [ __ ] i don't know if it could fit in the house wait a minute franklin what are you doing here it probably is up on the roof now or something dan thanks again for that what were you guys up to um to fill you in a little bit on what's going on um oh my god stay for the tip good and stay out of trouble i don't want to i don't want to bait you into tipping me that much man thank you very much for the tip though that's really kind here uh grandmas thank you very much for the result captain thank you for the tip and uh give me cash that you really watch for this so okay so we're a bit of context sorry i should i should give it to you we're playing punch out punch out what is punch out is that is that a ps2 game or a wii game or something i can't place it now kepler live a lot a little little figure thing for the song um you think i know it it's for the wii okay i worked in a game story you think i'd know all these things but apparently not i'd only ever played it okay so for a bit of context for those of you just joining us we're playing with the chaos mod which is basically every 30 seconds something random happens something wild but with this plugin you're able to pick out of four options what happens so up the top right of my screen you'll see when i on pause there'll be four options with corresponding numbers one through eight if you just type that in the chat you only get one vote so just once is fine uh you just put in that number that's why everyone's putting in numbers and that will vote towards whatever happens next the majority wins so it's it's really really fun uh it creates a lot of wacky situations oh what are we getting up to now look who's bizarre [Music] doing this day sorry dude i'm feeling a bit down since it's doomsday i don't really want to give high fives right now spend my day with another middleweight pool trying to recap the door is just swinging just saying you miss me huh hey but i see you doing well for yourself look behind i don't know this one is like i have to do what the game tells me to do but i'm in a cut scene so i don't know if it works if it affects me or whatever it's good to have in the hood is a good one guys seven seven seven seven i don't know if there's any pets it's good you back home glad you're here missed your boy well at least tuesday's over hit up hey hey yo [ __ ] i know little [ __ ] like you've been turning why is no one dancing about being stop fighting and do more dancing no [ __ ] respect [ __ ] reality all right all right you keep thinking i have a feeling that i know what's coming [ __ ] you gonna get yours [ __ ] you i swear man presents come on man cool chill man this [ __ ] get on my god you're gonna become very familiar with this guy who's about to show up part of the [ __ ] charm come on man he's a recurring character pick up let's eat [ __ ] why what is he doing y'all an exact like girl no he's gonna kill us say hello to extreme griefer jesus newcomers uh he is he's a great guy oh my god how am i supposed to react in time oh no there's another one there's another one are you gonna spawn two two jesus's jesus i can't even oh wait i can't i think yeah you spawned normal jesus i think grief or extreme grievous jesus is gonna kill griefer jesus please kill him oh i got a punch on him but i don't know how we're going to it's a kill extreme grief for jesus where is he oh no oh no they're freaking out look at their arms they're nervous i'll quick fob thanks did you see their arms just freaking out what was that oh my god radioactive thank you so much for 20 subs jesus christ thank you very much for that hold on guys i gotta beat up jesus i love quake i'm catholic by the way anyway let's get going [Laughter] guys i don't feel so good i don't think we're getting out of this one radioactive thank you so much for the 20 subs uh ponzi thank you for the tip uh queen robin mads uh life kepler give me cash i'm an eager biggest captain biggest snips thank you very much cookie sampy uh it's caesar and radioactive thank you very much for that again and what am i supposed to do here i'm gonna be stuck i have for anyone who joined during the raid i haven't even got off the driveway oh dearie me one second i gotta take out this secret agent am i faster with the quake mod man no problem he was being a bit of a pain all right there we go and we're back to normal oh we don't why is everyone attacking me oh there's the dump truck you spawned earlier it's like a cooking show and here's the dump truck you spawned earlier it's a little bit burnt unfortunately the cooking show has gone on a bit longer than expected all right let's see if we can get to ammunition do you think i could call a taxi i'm going to try a taxi guys hold on hold up a second just one moment i'll try again jesus that was a vicious one come on let's go yep hold on get your head out of the boat and we'll we'll get on our way i'm gonna try a taxi come on pick up pick up pick up the cab out to me of course yes driver should be with you take a cab everyone such a gangster thing to do please please spawn i just want to get to ammunition oh my god oh my god oh my god rachel thank you very much for the tip and happy birthday to you a scrap is crappy staying for the sub as well rachel thank you so much for the the happy for the happy birthday for the sub and a happy birthday to you jesus my brain's not working today i think i'm just overwhelmed to be honest been a hell of a stream all right downtown capcom please please pick up hey i need your care i'm sending one out right now appreciate it thank you this mission's going to be so hard isn't it but on the bright side we haven't crashed once which is awesome and it's a sign of things to come we're not going to break all doors of every vehicle i like it we're not going to crash once today which is awesome i can 100 guarantee it no jinxing here and guys please get in before they do something horrible to us will they take a taxi they're just screaming all right i think that's them both in go yes go go yes taxis are our savior actually means we can get somewhere as soon as we get this [ __ ] as soon as we get paid that's the end of the game guys it's super weird ending super weird ending i know i know it's a strange one very strange one but a good game just one of those ones that kind of leaves the ending open and you kind of think about it i wouldn't kill it thank you very much for the five subs you're very kind uh that one midwestern girl name at the tip the last sacrament beauty of jesus uh ash black beanies uh is he strange a hooded killer thank you very much i appreciate it all right we don't oh my god are you serious oh we'll get there eventually come on are we ambulation come on let's go how far is it is it just around the corner i think i can make it but i don't have enough seats in this car hold on we'll get a different car this one seems reasonable wouldn't mind uh hanging out with some friends in this [Music] oh my god all right one second i need to like reset a moment oh man thank you very much for the tip smith thank you for the bits as well um nathaniel dave for the tip you're very kind uh i appreciate the support guys thank you very much um i'm gonna be right back i'm just gonna like take a bite out of a protein bar or something because i'm a bit hungry give me a moment i'm gonna reset all right did you miss me all right let's go to that store oh my god why is the tug flying away oh my god jesus christ that came out of nowhere nice soup talk everyone latanya thank you again for the tip nation come on oh my god he just spawned and immediately killed himself oh my god he just really didn't want to hang out today did he oh thank you jesus it's about time you just gave me a car i was really struggling all right it's a close drive i'll even take a shortcut we'll be there in no time punks was little homies and i was a big homie okay now you little homies is big homes but you still got a respect man what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] talking about oh oh my god i'm on lsd i'm on lsd everyone sorry i just have to be honest with you it just helps me in his stream you know no i'm just messing as soon welcome tom to your first stream i'm glad you could make it firing range did you see that franklin just walked out of himself oh my god oh my god can i can i talk to you i do i don't understand what's happening um did you say a shotgun where is it [ __ ] am i the only one buying this cause we got sheets homie now shut the [ __ ] up and come on there it is this one flashlight on that ditch i'm just gonna stay in the menu if i'm in the menu you can't hurt me oh it's trying to auto save i guess hey you want to order save because something bad is about to happen henry thank you for the soap second dose thank you for the stub as well uh help jim is holding me hostage thanks for the sub that just ignore that name man stay with the tip um you can tip in anything you want but you don't have to mess thank you very much for the support oh my god franklin was barred from ammunition look sir we'd love to serve you we honestly appreciate the business but you frankly have a a gravity field around you and well it's destroying my stock okay so one day this will reset okay i think we're good i think we're good there we go what's this oh vending machine that looks so weird the vending machine's just on the ground now shut the [ __ ] up weird how some things and others don't so now you get the flashlight okay now just let me reinstate man what purchases made by this man ain't got nothing to do with the two gentlemen of fellow nature that's right all right we good why are you so scared oh oh jesus okay oh i think we should stay indoors for a while uh louise thank you very much for the five subs that's very very kind here windermere beautiful muffin heat henry saccados fuzzboy a zombie addict uh nicholas thank you very much for the five subs earlier sorry i missed that uh why riley hapless nikki kayla liberator dolly sheba cci ken ken thank you very much back your ass all right oh great now i'm a traffic magnet all right let's just just get out someone wait what is happening oh he's on autopilot he's on autopilot but he's also a traffic magnet dude be careful be careful where is he going what's he doing i can't move he's just standing here he's he's overwhelmed all right i think we're good the autopilot started to run out and they're not my clone oh my god they're opening fire all right well does that mean i can steal this car jesus all right guys maybe a reset was for the best there lamar died somehow i don't know how man we got some recycling to do let's go center off fridge in la puerta oh yeah i forgot here's another franklin i was like why are there four of us now get in fellow franklins i'd love to take a taxi but there's four of us i can't situation now see that's that negative attitude bamar was telling me about did you see that i just went right through them sorry about that sorry hold on hold on let me just is our car on fire our carries on fire let's get out of the car let's just take another one he's just so used to it now he's cam all right well they're not used to it they just stayed in there they were in complete shock calling only thank you very much for the gifted subs you're very very kind four days thank you very much for the five subs as well hop in please why are you not hopping in they're not hopping in return to stretch well they're glitch they're not getting in oh there we go uh beautiful thing for the bits i came here thank you for the sub welcome back muffin by the way companion brad thank you for the tip mads thank you for the tip as well and hello to your pal aneesha thanks for checking out the stream guys oh my god you spawned great for jesus we have done basically nothing in this mission oh my god they're brainless oh they were brainless i see um the griefer jesus is getting angry a lamer please get in he's just spamming his rockets oh my god he's basically like 50 to the online player base let's get out of here quick quick quick quick before he catches us don't shoot back you'll just anger him further oh my god oh my god please get up come on he's standing you can do it too where is he i'm just waiting for him to come around the corner let's go guys let's go let's go let's go come on we can do this we can get out of here all right perfect get back in see just a minor bump in the road all right and on we go we only have 0.7 of a mile to go oh my god that's how long the bridge was wasn't it i'm just remembering it all right i put oh my god how did you get that twice in a row you got ragdoll everyone and then just ragdoll me at least they hit a wall because i imagine i failed the mission because i lost to them from just falling out the car okay we can do this we can do this guys not much further to go honestly i know we haven't made much progress but i feel like it's just a matter of time now please get out of the way dude that's not really even my fault i just i gotta get a move on and there's no time to lose there's a lot of time to lose because i can't move forward or backwards okay that's fine hey now today you're the third wonder or third point wonder foxy i did see that um the the paranormal pack is common that's gonna be cool for the sims uh luna thank you for the sub uh kellen only and four days thank you very much again for them beeping uh beeping cs it's all soup uh ellison thank you very much guys okay come on come on come on come on come on come on yes all right invisible boat mobile i can deal with this this is fine all right point six point that's doable it's doable i like how everyone's invisible and not just me it looks really nice it's just kind of hard to know exactly where i should be going it's hard to tread the needle how come you have a visible cat okay you don't sorry you conformed oh oh my god what was that everyone exits their vehicle that looks hilarious given that everyone's vehicle was invisible okay we're just around the corner we can do this ian two shrek thank you very much for the five subs man thank you very much for the tip as well no worries that you have to go soon thank you so much for stopping by appreciate it swat uh glitching in tune uh shrek thank you for the five subs and miss bethany's thank you for the five subs as well very kind air striking [Music] go inside go inside go inside honestly we'll be much safer oh thank goodness yeah it's silent too silent oh i cut scene i love cutscenes so happy spawn dance troop please be on the other side yes why is one guy not dancing come on you gotta dance along crossing lines did some you time you know these [ __ ] don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about man they look back at the monkeys and said what's that hey this ain't the police dog no it's impotent rage please get him oh no impotent rage do something and not against me no no why is he so strong all right come on come on come on come on thank you very much for the 10 subs very kindly thank you so much we good wait why is no one dealing with him why is he so strong oh my god why can't he be cool like the dance troupe sorry thank you very much for the tip as well i know you'd be my topwatch channel for last year but can you explain why the homegrown tomatoes is one of my top emotes i don't know it's it's a it's it's just a handy one you know when you want to talk about tomatoes oh i can't see anything i just okay impotent rage is dead on the ground that's a good sign i can't see i can't see am i are you there oh okay wait i think i got him yep i think we're good please go away i can't see i returned to the marin street come on guys i couldn't even see cover me homie what oh jesus christ okay i was way way too close to that door that was my fault i guess but why does it even allow me push up yeah thank you very much for the tip thank you so much for joining in i appreciate it hope to see you next time enjoy your day evening morning whatever it might i be i'm getting two i'm on lsd again i think i'm getting two ahead of myself did you think to work out while you set up this meeting there's always a way out [ __ ] [ __ ] oh there we go that's better i can do that are we good last stand again no i was just about to punch him i'm rushing it too much i'll give everyone an rpg i was dead anyway it doesn't matter ian thank you very much for the five subs there i gank madness thank you for the sub um mads thank you very much for the the well wishes enjoy your evening all right the lsd is making this a lot harder it's really hard to to focus on them teleport to heaven lemar and stretch died i guess they went to hell then uh franklin's such a good boy he went straight to heaven man standing for the tip did you just call me not mad what did i i don't think so my god what oh oh we have these guns okay he just insta died alvirah thank you very much for the tip as well you're very kind uh fenrir thank you for the for the sub as well that was a good shot i can do this oh my god thank you very much for the the five subs there as well you're very generous folks i appreciate it that scared me thank you for the companion chimp guys let's do this enough with all that [ __ ] we on our way go ahead what does he even mean i'mma hit this oh no i'm reloading i gotta watch my ammo i just can't really see it with all the things that are going on first next time i'm using cover for once cover doesn't help with that one god damn it man saving the tip how much longer you streaming for i usually stream for about two hours where i'm one hour 40 now um but i'm not sure really to be honest i kind of want to finish this mission we'll see if it's anyway doable feel like my shooting's improved already i kind of wanted to show you guys another game at some point as well i might look to show you that oh this is actually kind of helpful i can see them all through the wall the only problem is i don't know where the walls are so but this is cool thank you guys i bought a flashlight but all along i had heat vision so i didn't need it this has helped a lot thank you very much guys i feel like i needed this it's cool to see them just spawned in at the corner just doing [ __ ] all oh i lost my superpower okay oh god i think i need my superpower again oh my god almost dead [Applause] oh [ __ ] back back back i really don't want to die that's the problem so i'm like i want to rush it so that i can get through it oh no oh really it's lagging it's lagging if you kill me it's only because of lag i'm still a better player trash talking the npc's how come you're not lagging like switch oh [ __ ] hell this is so annoying come on come on yes oh no did that come on flee dude flee wait what oh my god do i have a flamethrower let's get out of here quick oh no what's that that's a killer clown shooting at me when did you guys spawn killer clowns i don't can't even kill him okay there we go where do we go where do we go where do we go out this way where are we going this way okay i'm lost ah there you go a convenient gap in the barbed wire that's handy wait for lamar dude hurry up please before they like light us all on fire or something can you please hurry thank you oh that's convenient wait oh this is a four seater is it okay good that is very convenient okay how can i lose these oh no guys be careful with the fire what oh no don't disable backwards and forwards movement why aren't you doing that on the getaway how could you do that real civil engineer thank you very much for the host i appreciate that welcome anyone that might be watching over on their channel they're going to be very very confused what's going on come on get in get in get in we're almost ready to go we're almost ready to go fake thank god jesus christ that scared me okay out of here oh i don't know if we should be shooting i think we're just pissing them off even more is there any helicopters it doesn't look like it god damn it how are we supposed to get away what it doesn't matter what shooting at them okay i gotta go hide in like a care pack or something this has everything to do with you you were heavily involved all right i just gotta stay out of their sight but it's gonna be really hard with the wait you gave me five wanted stars are you serious it was hard enough already now it's gonna take forever to escape them jesus oh my god are you serious how am i supposed to escape now uh this way i wasn't here oh no there's a helicopter there's a helicopter there's something here can i go in here oh my god i can't see anything did he say something about my vision because that's very insensitive if you did you just pick me up on the side of the road that's the story we good we good here i i'm just gonna oh they're spinning okay hopefully if anyone comes close they'll just be spinning so they won't be able to get me right what am i doing what am i climbing is it they're all just spinning where am i what is this i don't know where i am return to that oh my god can they come up oh my god sabrina thank you for the soul it's just challenge space kid the deli llama thank you very much for the bits and beacon bronze meds uh second dos sleazy uh erin coronier thank you very much for that earlier as well you're very kind oh my god please wear off okay can i do this oh my god look at the map all the cops are spinning like crazy okay this should allow me to lose them right oh my god oh my god not only is it spinning pads it's they're all actually dying but it's not only spinning pads it's beyblades so the peds and the vehicles are spinning all over the place will this work this could actually work i think it appears like i'm losing them anyway oh oh my god wait what oh we're back here all right if i can find that place again oh my god the killer clowns mangled if i could find that place again it would be ideal all right let's go let's go let's go oh come on [Laughter] oh my god ty crazy thank you very much for the tip jesus christ 82 quid thank you so much ty crazy you know what t-y thank you so much that is very very nice of you that was way way too much my friend but thank you for the generosity jesus christ you guys are very very supportive i appreciate it jesus did someone say jesus i think i'm okay wait oh my god it spawned them in the buses get out of the bosses which why do the police have some of the bosses and then lemar and stretcher and the other bosses oh my god oh my god they just swore them in the buses they were just driving along behind me oh my god animal magnet thank you very much for the the bits um call me thai gaming red uh red eddie beacon broads thank you very much guys okay try this again slippery vehicles no don't make me slippy anything but being slippy maybe i can go down here maybe they'll struggle to drive oh oh oh all right easy now oh the fog should help us if anything right they won't be able to find us with the fog [Music] i'm trying my best dude shady [ __ ] stop screaming you will give us away oh no where are they going please don't come down here how can you see me in this fog i sure as hell can't see them anyway what's the best way to just lose the cops here oh yeah let's get on our scooters and split up good idea guys i'll perfect sake wait who is this oh that's on the cops scooter cops get the job done you may laugh but we're serious rachel terraces thank you very much all right let's try this again i'm just not very good at losing the cops in general i think i'm very bad at it set player into random vehicle steve i'm in the back oh my god all right hold on now we go please go why are you not going okay there we go oh is this in the back seat trying to drive away okay what is my best route out of i here to always just go to that underground tunnel you know oh my god i used to always go to the underground tunnel but i just don't think you're gonna allow me [Music] let's thank you for the tip and the kind words as well i think was it good thank you for the stop oh god okay we can go this way can we yes this is what we need good landing too and then we'll just go into the tunnel yes perfect they can't catch us in here you're not getting low on the seat only i am you know there's absolutely no point we did it guys we've done it they cannot get us in here it is impossible kill engine of every vehicle oh it didn't work on mine i am fine for once oh dead cookie thank you for the sob oh jesus christ i am trying my darndest believe it or not this is me trying yes oh my god this is very very fast okay okay easy does it easy hey what the hell you walk me into back there [ __ ] man you know what what oh okay now the engine is dead okay that's fine everyone get out we're gonna take another car and pray the cops don't come after us thank you for stopping he almost got knocked down still would have been the least traumatic thing to happen to him today okay point four explosive heads oh sweet bejesus thank god i didn't hit them like and i carjacked them and hit them at the same time you know when when that was active because he might have just exploded for life man you done done you dig actually we ain't cgl for life cause all that means we giving you money for nothing we got our own [ __ ] now homie foreign i was here and now they're attacking me i shouldn't have said that thing about how we have our own thing and that i'm not grove street for life or whatever they were talking about he's apparently found me do i just have cops after me it's did you put him after me or was it because all pets attacked players came on oh my god my game crashed oh my god are you kidding me after all that in my game it didn't even like make a crash noise it was just like but it just ended oh man that is so defeating i like how you're all like we did it guys yes success we did it we crashed it mission over he's failed oh so much for wanting to do this mission and the thing is that was the end i was literally feet from the checkpoint of ending the entire mission and then you're like nope roll credits it's over i love how much this means to you how you're all so happy oh my god um where was i max thank you very much for the tip again obviously kind words i've never seen a car crash end up so well uh thank you very much um neil think thank you very much for the bits basement cool thank you so much for the temp jesus christ from one pale pastry to another thank you for making this past year more fun much respect and much love thank you very much basement ghoul that is super kind of you i really really appreciate it you know that is way too kind of a tip uh winry thank you for the bits as well i'm so glad to hear your granddad come back tonight that is awesome goldenface edgar allen pollock great name meds uh moose pigel and eli senpai thank you for the support all right jesus christ gang okay well we can't do that mission again i'm gonna take that as a complaint even though you made me fail um but next time we'll continue on from the next mission that was so difficult that was so so difficult um but what i do want to do is uh i i won't be streaming for too much longer but i want to just show you a different game because i found a game that apparently there's a mod i haven't looked into the mod yet but there's a chaos mod on another game um that i want i want to show you because the game is a bit of a weird one initially when i looked at it i was like i'm not sure this game is for me but i kind of started to get into it so i was like let me just try like a normal run or something um and show you guys what the game is like to see if you're interested um let's see what's it called i don't even know how to pronounce this um so the game is called noita i think not neuter i don't know um that's the name of the game uh thank you for the bits keikil uh senpai uh franklin meds molly and uh goody thank you very much for the support um this game looks uh really really cool though i i was playing it yesterday and i was really really enjoying it because i know nothing about the game at all i don't know how to play it um but i was like i'm just going to play it and uh it's pronounced nogla oh okay sorry null glad all right let's play snoglet so how it works basically is it's just uh i'm glad to see so many of you are hyped about it that is awesome because i was like i wasn't sure if this was a bit unknown um i don't know if this game is very popular or not it's made by the person who made uh baba is you and crayon physics deluxe as well as something else um i don't know how old the game is um but uh i said i'd give it a look anyway um so basically the game is procedurally generated and i think you start with random weapons at least this one seems similar each time but this one and changed a lot and there is apparently a little um chaos mod in this uh that we could try out if if you were interested but i was playing yesterday not having a clue what was going on um oh jesus uh but there's a lot to it and i i had a potion i was like i'm just gonna drink them see what it does and it turned me into a fish but like i was on land so see how it exploded the barrel and then the fire comes down is burning through here it's like it seems really cool there's a lot a lot going on um local bird thank you very much for the subject let's see if this will actually burn i'm on fire who needs the chaos mod when i'm [ __ ] up myself okay that wood burned away we're gonna try and go down here and like we could explode this for example we could kill this for example and it's kind of like spelunky where you oh no oh no acid oh jesus christ oh my god i've screwed everything up all by myself um but it's like spelunky where you need to get down to the bottom collect money along the way and then you can get rewards at like the checkpoint before you go to the next zone but i'm really bad at it because i don't know what i'm doing um no chaos mod needed yeah it's really looking like i'm handling dying all by myself uh oh something exploded i got a great power-up yesterday when i was playing i got a power-up that was like any kills that you do by accident get you double gold and i was just like exploding things and letting acid fall down into the mines and all this and getting so many kills from it and getting so much money it was great okay um oh uh i don't know if i should go near that fire god i might go the other way that whole area looks like trouble okay if i can get down through here i have this gun but i don't know what what it does well this one okay i can use that to get down do i not have enough okay oh no don't catch on fire watch that cloak capes are just always a bad idea aren't they he's throwing [ __ ] dynamite down what's he doing oh okay really killing me that time but you kind of get what the the game is like anyway i guess [Laughter] i'm going to burn today there don't is there extreme grief for jesus imagine he just spawned in you could just see the little pixelated guy on the bike but uh i'd be interested to see if um you guys would be uh interested in checking this game out i am super bad at it um let's see it's about study for the tip uh two tips actually by the way game looks great okay thank you very much i'm glad you're liking the game choice it seems like a cool game uh and the thing is these aren't really i never let myself on fire these games aren't really my style usually a reward but um this one looks really good one okay so i got a new weapon which does this i didn't even look at the stats but sure look we'll see how it goes fire fire fire um but i'd have to obviously set up the mod and everything so it's not active right now but uh i thought it might be another fun one i just i think i'd like to just try out games that have i like things where excuse me oh dear you can interact as well so if you know of any games that has like viewer interaction and where the chat can actually get involved please let me know sen oh my god i got the hiccups oh god let me know by tweeting at me that would be just great oh i like this gun i had this yesterday oh that was unbreakable rock i have the hiccups and this isn't good because every time i get the hiccups it tends to last for [ __ ] ages oh god sorry oh oh i blew myself up i'm gonna have to get a lot better at this game if i do decide to actually do it though oh my god somebody scare me oh i think i'm going to scare myself in this game [Music] uh graham morrow thank you for the tip i'm glad you're enjoying the streams 10 days thank you for the resub mercedes thank you for the bits happy birth birthday to you oh my god you said boo in chat no okay i'm just gonna embrace it red eddie thank you for the tip windermere grimpy um tian animate dragon uh k-pop and gamer local bird goody molly thank you very much guys franklin chili fat okay gil ellie senpai thank you very much jealous jimmy oh no okay all right let's try it all right i've been kind of floaty now i i'm gonna try here i'm gonna get to the end hiccups are not i'm getting to that end this is it give me this what potion is that worm pheromone mud potion what's that do fatty bear no oh dear equip what is this i don't know what this is but it's on fire and i'm afraid to throw it let me just throw it what is this drink every potion but i don't even know what they do we're getting to the end we're at least got to get to the second stage look at all this blood does that zombie have like oh no it was blood sorry i thought he had a birthday hat on oh my god these hiccups i'm gonna they're they're gonna kill me aren't they oh nice path down oh good ease oh my god all those explosions though how do we get in there can i even get in there okay i just explode i did a lot of things i don't think i can actually get in there let's see if one of these objects will allow me in i think i destroyed one of the objects all right let's see i don't think that's going to get me in there oh dear okay well that's broken that at least oh no i got myself in over my head here i don't think i can break in here but i'm gonna try oh yes oh i've no ammo left though do you think i could get in there oh okay let me try this this is a bad idea all right i picked up a new magic wand what does this do oh oh that's cool it's made it rain that is awesome i can't get into that one unfortunately oh my god oh my god i freaked out the fire dude oh no no no no don't come up go down go down oh no he's too smart for his own good oh my god he's pissed do you think i can make it rain on that's gotta hurt them right no the rain does nothing this just makes them slightly moist oh but that kind of helped me get down i guess and we can get the item now it's all a map master plan oh my god sorry about the cops oh we made it yes we did it we made it through the first checkpoint i didn't get much money moist fire what kind of firemen would you have to deal with that oh okay what do we got here uh you take no damage from close range melee attacks you get more crit stuff you gain new telekinetic powers yes can i use them how do i use them i don't know how to use them now is the problem oh f oh my god what is this jesus christ f to kick okay i see oh i don't like this at all oh looks like there was meant to be an item here but there was nothing what is this what are those oh god trying to destroy the acid to kill them i am on fire again i didn't go in the water for some reason i just stood there on fire all hell breaks loose really quick in this game can they not go in the water i mean all their wings would get all watery right okay there we go ah ah my little leggies all my little leggies oh no these things are brutal i fought some of these yesterday i don't want to fight them flea why is everything on fire oh sorry oh oh no a warm a worm a worm get out of here we did it jesus christ hold your breath for 20 seconds i don't know if i can do that alex thank you for the tip and for you know the tip miss moxie original non-deep fluff and nelly thank you very much for the tip i'll try that i'll try it billy david the tip as well uh on skyrim really oh i've never seen that imagining the chaos mod style with a skyrim maybe not all right well i think you get the gist of the game drink water yeah i'll drink a load of water i guess and see uh see see what happens but uh oh jesus christ that's that's really annoying that's like hurt my stomach now it's so annoying um hmm i'll take that but uh i'm interested to see whether you guys would like to see oh i didn't even use my telekinesis if you guys would like to see more of this then we could try out the chaos mod like it's hard enough already but you know yourself it might be a bit fun oh my god what's this one oh that's a cool wand wait is he a good guy oh no they're just fighting each other all right well oh open a treasure chest i got a potion and now i'm dying this one seems really strong jesus it takes a while to recharge but it seems to one shot things oh yeah it seems very strong all right well i guess we're going to end it there folks i hope you enjoyed the stream i'm glad to see that you guys seem to like the game um oh jesus my hiccups are gonna drive me mad but yeah i've i've been seeing a few games that i'm like i i wouldn't mind um streaming a bit of that which is nice it's nice to have more than enough stuff sorry oh try the absolutely mad wouldn't it absolutely mad oh oh my god drink i i just i tend to get hiccups rarely but really bad when i get them there's just nothing i can do and they're just gonna stay there probably for a few hours now unfortunately but i guess that's the curse that i'll be living with this evening ah it's not that bad i'm just i'm just taking the piss a little bit don't you worry um right uh who do you guys want to raid who should we raid i want to rate someone new a gamer a gamer do we have any gamers that we can raid i want to have gamer time i wanted to support the gaming community because i've been trying to raid the um the the music community so much but i want to support the the gamers out there you know um no will will we raid all the time i want to raise someone new who do you guys want to see um i'm just looking for some repeats uh what do we got rt i would if he was online but he is not uh oh jesus let's see oh man jesus okay yeah we can we can do that oh sorry about the hiccups again folks we're going to send right out there i'm familiar with this person i've never talked to them but um we'll read captain sparkles a person who's been around as long as me on the internet i think so it's always nice to support people who were doing videos way back when on modern warfare 2. i think when i think i even watched a few videos before he changed his name i'm pretty sure i did um thank you for the suggestion gym chicken stay for the bits little nightmares too i might check it out uh blackbeardies uh blank beanies thank you very much for the the gift it solves windermere uh lovely mini lucy uh and fluff thank you for the gift to stop sorry for the cops oh my god all right guys i hope you enjoyed the um uh the stream over there i'll watch along hiccuping all the way zero thank you very much for the five united subs thank you so much guys for the generosity you've been way way too nice uh and thank you so much for the just support in general and just being kind and spending your time here i appreciate it i will see you tomorrow i'm not sure what we're going to be doing but i'll see you then bye for now folks enjoy bye-bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 263,160
Rating: 4.9348507 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: D08EjYQf-es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 49sec (8209 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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