Resident Evil 7 & Totally Reliable Delivery Service (with Irish lads) | 2021-05-20

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hello can you hear me i just realized that i i still have the wrong time zone and and that needs to be gmt plus one okay awesome i'm professional how are you everyone you're late i know it's a time zone thing i'm actually actually gmt plus one in two minutes so actually i'm exactly on time believe it or not thank you for the kind words everyone i am feeling better today oh yesterday and the day before we're a little bit rough yeah oh i don't know what's wrong with me it feels like my i'm i'm an eight-year-old sometimes um it's mad uh thank you very much for the the kind words though and i just i actually just checked twitter as well because i was posting a tweet i should have checked it earlier or maybe giving people an update i just never think to go to social media for some reason um but yeah i i was not feeling very good so that's the only reason it canceled it was one of those things that it kept going away and coming back and i even uh when i canceled the stream when it got to five i was like i should have streamed i felt i was like i should have should i should have streamed i should have streamed i should have streamed and then like 20 minutes later no shouldn't have stream shouldn't have stream good decision oh i felt like i was just dead anyway enough about me how are you doing good to see you all uh rory thanks for the two gifted subs if you're here that was yesterday and i don't even stream on wednesdays uh band lovely katie slade kim booble lonnie marijax pop bella thank you for the bits and the the kind words there as well to both myself and the the cult community uh andy thank you for the sub ellis thank you for the bits there as well and the kind words get your hero on christopher uh lord kitchen toy uh jesus deku uh gurley thank you very much for the subs tarantula thank you very much for the 10 subs thank you so much i really appreciate it thank you very much everyone yeah i'm feeling much better thank you thank you everyone yeah i the thing is the thing that was annoying about it is i was like i kind of have to cancel because i feel sick but i know i'm just going to sit here if i don't stream so should i just stream and then i just couldn't so i sat here and i was like i have done nothing all day because i wasn't even able to like relax you know oh it was it was annoying um thank you very much for those 10 subs you're very very kind i appreciate it um very very nice here uh zayday for the bits as well um 21 pilots concert oh the 22nd of may really now interesting um wait there's an access code that is a very kind offer to send me one do you can i buy one i don't want to take your access code if you need to to give it to someone um but thank you very much for that i follow auto rpgs marie ickel thank you very much for the bits as well um uh it's good to see you as well i hope you're doing okay i'm sure everything will be grand uh syncopated psyche abby foxy electronic kick commander leroy and shadow uh full f lexi butterball tarantula any of the bits as well that hot top raffle gave me good luck i got a promotion at work hey congrats uh wintershire scott murphy saudis lauren the louis copeland and lieutenant chill thank you very much uh loki wish you would take a a week off just a rest stop you see the problem is i'd probably be miserable because i just sit there going like i'm not doing anything i'm not very happy when i'm not doing anything but i appreciate the sentiment um agnes airbus creation andropolis uh elena mikel elias thank you as well and happy birthday to elias i hope you're doing well enjoying your enjoying your your day your special day uh pegasus thank you for the bits frogs are dope uh tony baloney pepperoni thank you very much for the 10 subs thank you so much i really appreciate it as always great name defensive door and chris thank you very much for the subs uh you're all very nice thank you very much i'm gonna put out uh excuse me i'm gonna put out a a tweet about the stream and then we're going to um we're going to get started i'm kind of caught up in the names thank you very much everyone for for the kindness all the happy birthdays and chat as well you love to see it you absolutely love to see it um oh so i hurt myself for a second but i got there in time um let's swap over to this one or should i it's i yeah i want to see if the heartbeat monitor is working just let me take a quick look oh god i feel it it actually feels really good to just be on stream and just be like yay we get to hang out and and just chill because by christ it's actually quite relaxing um oh no is my battery dying it can't be dying surely that oh no did i lie in the title now don't make me a liar come on i had you on charge there's no way you're you're running out of battery because i just charged you come on it's not oh it's it wants to work but it's given me this this red light instead of green click bait oh for effects sake maybe i can um maybe i can just plug it in for like a few minutes and then we can ah yeah i'll plug it in for a few minutes to see if we can get a bit of charge like the thing is tiny so i don't i don't know if you can see that but the thing is absolutely tiny so it can't take long to charge right you would think is that how batteries work can it just supercharge it um uh it's charging okay all right it's charity i'll remove it from the title so at least those of you that didn't get the alert and and that are just joining in won't know i'm a liar put it in the microwave is that your solution for everything because i feel like that's your solution for everything kevin's sick oh better put him in the microwave uh right let me get the game started gang thank you very much for the support jesus christ i really appreciate it thank you um let me start the game and we can get uh i think i can catch up jesus christ um tony thank you very much for the 10 again chris dawes gaming boy ramila uh hi uh hi gantt is it thank you very much for the bits uh witcher kayla uh robot pop thank you for the bits as well captain butter and aliens birthday well happy birthday to your boat hope you're enjoying your day um pale jane thank you for the tip as well uh and it's your birthday this saturday but you won't be online if you get a happy birthday happy birthday and put it in your famous chess song style i feel a bit nervous about spinning around but i'll i'll say happy birthday to you and i hope you have a great day on saturday even just the thought is spinning around like i feel so much better that i did but i'm just like that sounds risky uh i'm starting up the game here now but happy birthday in advance to you enjoy the day uh caterboy thank you so much for the generous tip as well very very kindly thank you so much and and the kind words there as well i i really appreciate it jonah jeremy katie slightly dangerous unicorn um oh god where where am i hell the 30 ninjas uh lisa i wear my legs spud dr b is the louis copeland thank you very much uh i appreciate it froggy uh specific ocean ella uh eamon pluto uh erwin j vimaco thank you very much for the five subs christ almighty this is insane mercury chaos uh anis uh alien boy creations lanila uh mimi eternal um cats fuzzboy ceramic reed bluebear frasier uh aklakka i'm hiding in your house that's unsettling lonnie thank you for the tip that person you know uh sus the ninja a wild guy elected a ren sushi i hope i'm getting that right thank you very much for the 10 subs your tweet is still clickbait by the way damn it all right hopefully the sound is kind of okay all right i'm excited i've been looking forward to playing this is the oh no this this is good yeah the resolution is not fact is it all right should be good i sound so much more irish on stream than my videos do i wait till later when you get all the irish in here and then it really scales out of it uh out of control um how do i thank you for the bits and a happy birthday in advance for your birthday in december happy birthday dan philip king turner cat uh far west uh miak steven thank you so much for the tip that is huge thank you very much that is very very generous and thank you for the kind words as well very kindly gaming stiller zelda nicola jessica and amanda thank you very much for the five subs uh sushi thank you very much for the 10 subs as well you're very kind i appreciate it everyone thank you you're very nice i appreciate it yeah you're very very kind i'm just glad that everyone's so understanding when i needed to take it a day off and foxy thank you for the bits oh and it was your birthday tuesday i'm sorry i missed it i hope you had a good day um it's the the resolutions now fact is it no i think it's right um yeah because i already feel like kind of weirdly guilty when i take a day off even if it's from being ill and um it just makes me feel a lot better that everyone's so understanding and nice so thanks um all right um lonnie thank you for the bits um has anyone had issues with the cult hoodie uh if you when you watched it really if you have please contact the support because there shouldn't have been that is not good to hear um but the the support team will will help you out for sure jesus i hope it's not too bad god that's not what you want to hear um when i saw this squidgy chat man saturn case kenmo benedict crushella and glossy thank you very much there's so many orbital shroom thank you for the sub as well all right so where we were last time um oh i've got the map great we let me get the audio right is about there good um uh depend on i'm sorry you're having a rough few days i hope it gets better if it makes you feel any better i had a rough few days too and i already feel a bit better so you know misery loves company um oh i forgot you can like store things in these there's so much more inventory management in this one isn't there ah okay i guess i'll just take what i have for now the hell is this they really stink okay i don't think we needed to observe those hmm all right watch it should i put anything away hello max how is it going oh that is a fancy fitbit uh at least his heartbeat monitor works you see i didn't lie to you this is what i meant this is honest uh can i make this these are empty slots right so it should be good yeah i should be fine no [ __ ] oh can i open this oh lovely a lockpick great oh god jules thank you very much for the tip very very kind thank you so much i'm trying to keep up with all these alerts right here being far too generous thank you very much hey jay what's up shut up and listen if you want to stay alive you got to get out of that house it might be a way out through the main hall all right oh and that thing on your wrist is a codex don't lose it it's important where did he get that from sorry i'm looking for where did he get the the thing from hell i don't remember that i remember getting my hand cut off um recap so last time we we just started we got to this house uh we found mia and then the family knocked me out uh had me at the dinner table and i kind of just wandered off i escaped i was in there with an old lady we were enjoying supper telling each other stories is he in this hall um i don't like that gang thank you so much for the support jesus christ um oh faith thank you for the tip kudos to your merch team my cult hoodie order mysteriously disappeared we saw the issue within 24 hours and i got a new order hope this one will arrive that is great to hear and it's good it's good to know they're looking after you because the last thing we want is anything going wrong with it you know um right where was i going i can lock pick that it area down there i might take a look down here and lock pick this i'm trying to keep up with the alerts by the way thank you very much everyone very kind uh right i'm gonna lockpick this jesus christ uh phil macco thank you very much for the five subs very kind tomato king thank you very much for the 10 subs as well okay that was well worth can i smash this no um okay i'm gonna need the knife to get down here and i need like a knife to smash this too yeah the hallway's creepy isn't it i got the pantry get to the main hall i need to get there there's like there's that that room here but i don't know how to open it and i don't i don't have the key do i all right let me you know what i know it's become a bit of a meme but let me save because we did actually do a few things there we organized the inventory and whatnot so let me just let me save really quick uh yeah my heartbeat monitor um is i don't know the battery just died so i'm gonna give it like a few minutes and then i'll i'll put it on um i don't think it will take too long to cherish did you save yes yes i saved where the hell is this guy like he was wandering this corridor before oh [ __ ] why what's this okay they really hated this person it's weird to scratch out the eyes on your own picture but keep the picture why not throw away the picture does anyone know what to do with the bobble heads i i should turn up the sensitivity you're actually right there it's very slow um it's actually this one i think i'll try that um jeez thank you very much for the the support [ __ ] hell uh this bastion rubu and number shannon uh tie dye tomato king thank you very much again uh act sis uh step bro um anna anonymous shearer ralph natalie's untrusted life thank you very much for the tip you've started to upset me kevin i don't know what i upset you with my heartbeat monitor is that it i'm sorry for lying to you it was unintentional can't i just jump out the window of this place smash it i don't think i have anything there's oh oh hi oh thank goodness over here yeah yeah could you calm down a little bit stop making noise hey you gotta help me hold on back up now sir do you live here i mean is this your property what can i i'm just going to try and put up the dialogue a bit i like how it's like you got to help me get out of here and he's like is this your property guys [ __ ] useless i'm going to put all that down just so i can boost this up for you a bit hopefully uh harold liz nitro millie uh john j saunders liz bot uh nero thank you for the bits sir step bro thank you very much for the five subs very very kindly i use their names too right uh feed me pog thank you for the pits as well me no no all right now the clown thank you for the song i was about to miss in persons like you don't understand i gotta get out of here that good i calm down you're not listening to me there are crazy people in this house trying to [ __ ] kill me well all right let me they're crazy people trying to kill me well all right i don't exactly seem like you playing with a full deck yourself all right are you kidding me what look like i said we've had several missing persons called and i can't rule out that an outsider like yourself may not be involved then take me into custody i'll tell you whatever you want all right now that's more like now meet me in the garage we'll talk there hey wait what you got to give me your gun oh you must have lost your mind look i'd just be like dude i've been littering all day arrest me want to see my name in the obituaries but you want to be a hero and save my life that's all you're gonna get now go garage now i mean the garage is right there like why not just what am i gonna do with a knife to be fair this is a beefy window i don't think you're getting through that perfect's sake imagine being that stupid like i know i came across as a bit of a lunatic but i'm clearly distressed oh handgun ammo great let me load it into my knife that this officer gave me oh all right at least i can go in jesus uh nero thank you very much for the five subs christ almighty i cannot keep up tonight thank you very much for the support i don't like this oh destroy the bobble head you got a good point officer i'll be right with you he's like are you serious i gotta go destroy a bobble head all right yeah you're not the full bob are you gonna run to the other side of the house i'll load it in a second i'll load up the ammo i don't want to waste the knife ammo on this bobble head though so i'll take this out first yes he's here they're everywhere fantastic you know what i'm glad that i bought this game despite it being on the game pass because now i get all these cool achievements and bragging rights with my gamer friends by the way max have you seen all of the cool achievements i've got so just destroying that bobble head yeah i'm gonna save yeah it's some strong tape you gotta give it that it's it it's flex tape it's indestructible virtually [ __ ] hell thank you for the support everyone it's non-stop but thank you so much uh feed me pog jiretta users names are too stressful uh clone uh miss retro starkid congrats on the vaccine by the way uh g disney uh rat mafia versailles uh asia i prefer spiral buzz coren the space cowboy and abby thank you very much i super appreciate it snipes thank you alone in the middle of the night i'm littering i've been pissing in public you just arrest me do your job and tell me answer my questions you're not gonna believe me if i told you try me why is that closing the guy only had half a brain to begin with hey oh no no no no no okay well i got his gun in the end can i smash this can i i've got your your files i see you've committed fraud oh no oh i'll just drive away this is great sir get out of my way you need the key i don't think i have the key all right i'll leave sir can i can i just go around please oh wait the key are you having fun yeah oh it's stuck i am having fun hello liam sir sir could you back up please i'm trying to get out of here oh no oh thank you wait move how do i blow the horn on this thing i can't beep at him uh sir sir please i'm trying to go around i i have been the victim in a car accident as a pedestrian and it hurts dude dude can you stop this is your car you're damaging go around [Laughter] i can't honk it's broken die crazy man can i just park on him all right i got him stuck can i leave should i put on some music or something [Laughter] it was nice before you made it a convertible you [ __ ] lunatic where did he come from i was on top of him oh let's finish this you and i what oh yeah well i'm gonna take you for a ride but i i have my foot on there no what it was my feet on the accelerator i didn't press it okay yeah um i'm confused by this whole situation um but you know what jack you've made a memorable day out of today so thank you those are his feet now that whole thing was bizarre what all right what oh you gotta be [ __ ] me what i have done i did none of this wait can i drop this stuff on oh my god he's pissed off [Music] this is ridiculous jack you're not very nice to your guests i gotta say i'm a guest here he's nightmare by pedestrians huh yes chaos mod honestly this whole encounter did seem like a chaos mod jesus i i don't suppose that door still works can i just leave good lord god despite his flesh being burned from his body his hair held up quite well like it was pretty bad to begin with i guess it's it's not flammable oh you on the other hand your hair does not look so good i can't believe he decapitated him with a shovel hell of a way to go i've seen it many times and it's never fun uh accolade thank you very much for the sub bonnie cotton alexander alexandra d thank you very much for the tip i hope you're all right jesus pull the muscle and cut it cut the flue in one week uh i i feel like uh you got a much worse dose than i did when it came to sickness this week i hope you're doing all right um can i climb up here i i'm just kind of walk i think i think ethan may not know how to climb ladders oh oh you have got to be [ __ ] me oh my god he actually scared me there you're about to see some wonderful oh [ __ ] yeah you sure showed me jesus christ almighty [ __ ] hell i thought it was dealt with i was so like cam i am just i i thought i was in the clear he really caught me wrong there wait hold on hold on hold on hold on i want that thing first i uh six thank you for the bits thank you very much good luck with your exam hope it goes well for you okay this is what i need i see yes good thing that's a standard little wingnut there keeping an eye on him he's still there like i know he's gonna come back to life because of everything he's been through there but what was the point like it's got to still hurt right right i just showed up i assumed something scary happened nah kevin had the situation completely under control and i wasn't even scared for a moment and you can believe me on that one i'm just gonna free his dead body i don't want him trapped in there it's a bit disrespectful there you go you have a way out now when you inevitably come back to life nuke thank you so much for the tip you would make a good driving instructor would i i don't know if i would i've helped a few people learn to drive to be fair now is definitely a time to save i wonder is that being charged yet the light's gone out i can try it without the heartbeat monitor we'll never know for sure you can take my word on it i wasn't scared pixel mega whale thank you very much for the support space cowboy josie alien boy creations thank you for the bits um uh i i've other kiddo great thing thank you for the sub uh snipes as well josie appreciate it marie karen buzz thank you as well uh oh that's nice because you i met some of my best friends in the whole world really appreciate you and your content so much thank you very much that is very nice to hear i love hearing stuff like that just like people meeting others in the like community and stuff like that it's awesome um right i think it's working why won't he save will you stop with you all right yes it's working it's already up at 86 which is just showing that this game is my weakness apparently all right i've saved twice for you did it really save no but i've saved now buy stuff from duke hello ethan that's not his voice he's not even remotely close hello ethan it's me duke from the last game but my my voice has changed for some reason puberty i guess uh all right i think i can go through the the thing now um the the doorway sorry my brain my brain no workie cannot form word okay this and i can put that in here like i understand they want to make this into a weird puzzle house but wouldn't it be inconvenient when they want to go through to the other room and they got to go all the way to the garage disassemble that frame take out the ox statuette bring it over to this door unlock the door go through do what you want to need to do come back take the ox statuette bring it back to the garage put it back in the frame close the frame close the garage tape up the box and then come back here this is just a bit inconvenient it's all like if they want to go to the main hall yeah my heart rate skyrocketing apparently 94 is it stuck there 85 it's saying all right oh no just like peeking through ah oh shoot me shoot me you're not the boss of me i'll just stand next to this sign i'm done with this terror i'll just wait it sings 76 on the app but on that maybe it's maybe it's bugged one second let me open and close it again ah i think it was bugged um okay it's reconnecting there we go okay kevin has a heart i apparently i don't know it's it's hard to believe sometimes um just thank you for the support everyone anime uh anime ash uh emma dean joe thank you for the tip i thank you very much for that i'm glad it helped a bit ellie thank you for the tip um i do remember you of course i do alien boy creations say you're the bits as well trickster because you just uh jessica thank you very much for the sub as well jesus cater boy thank you very much for the five as well [ __ ] hell you're being very generous and i appreciate it but jesus you've given more than enough i'm sorry thank you he's a he's dead now you'd just not be able to pull this off oh no pull what off there's something i need you to do but i feel like there's someone behind me you may need some sort of keys to do it but find a way out of the house okay i'll be in touch ethan i must say you have lovely shoes i i can could i even see them at the last game oh god that fan scared the bejesus out of me i thought how is that shadow even working i don't okay it seems a little off no no that's probably right okay that's fine all right what are we doing reading the newspaper over 20 missing in two years captain howell oh wait can i make this like i don't know what this sounds like um i can put on an effect let's see what does this sound like does this make it sound old-timey captain howell from state police told reporters they've started a search for helen a college student from north carolina is it working no okay it just did nothing that's disappointing what i i don't think i can do anything else like just do a robot voice does that work does it change anything this is just normal oh well that's that's disappointing this is it no wait this change is something yes okay great this is our this is our old voice captain howard the state police told started reporters search for helen a college student oh it's normal jesus christ it scared me was it really loud or something it's awful all right okay look i'll just put on a voice i just i could see it in my peripheral vision the chat going and then you know it's bad when it goes that fast because no one's like fantastic if it goes if the chat goes that fast it's always awful all right how about this we go does that work how about that i don't know why it's like the worst audio on the planet is that like a megaphone yes okay that's something great okay we compromised okay i'll just start from the middle somewhere um a college student from north carolina who's traveling in louisiana miss midkiff hadn't been heard of since the night of the 21st reports of missing persians in south louisiana have increased dramatically in the past two years is that radio yes that's what's hoping for the majority of those missing are tourists and vagrants at least 20 people are thought to have gone missing so far police suspect foul play and believe there may be a connection between the incidents plans are in place to step up local interrogations and increase personnel to further the investigation alice ashcroft january 19th 2016. did that work that's perfect okay great i was thinking of that earlier i was like because sometimes when i do that stuff in videos i add like a high pass filter over it that's great oh it's fun okay i i'm gonna have fun with that now i'm just gonna be looking for notes give me something to read oh damn it um oh hold on gunpowder great just any excuse to read now shoot me shoot me no i don't think i'll do it for everything i think i like how someone chat is just wait kevin can read ooh shotgun i like how you're you're cocking the gun that's good but the heart rate is so so fact isn't it it's it's just all over the place i'll turn charge and maybe you can stay up is that does anyone know an android if you can make it so the screen never turns off like it just stays open um because i i i think that's the problem my phone keeps going to sleep use that voice for the entire stream it's locked okay i guess i just leave it here then oh my god the inventories to be fair you could just put anything on there um in settings okay sorry this this is delaying stuff but i i'd like to just have the thing uh what is it settings display or something oh i'm such a boomer screen timeout you're all a genius uh 30 minutes okay great i need to remember to fix that because we don't want that to be permanent my battery's gonna be dying and i'm gonna be like why the hell is this happening okay um i'm not a boomer i'm the person used to help people with these problems when i was in cex i used to be constantly helping old people sky hunter oh imagine being a sky hunter that would be so sick you just go outside like there it is get it just start firing off into the air okay so we need like a three-headed dog a oh i didn't realize this was shattered um we need a picture of like a an eagle or a falcon or something some sort of weight something that resembles a shotgun or at least in shape that we can put on the statue and we need um it's like some sort of cleaning service because honestly the blaze isn't [ __ ] uh which way will i go oh another boss for me to beat huh all right lady hands up come on this this is an easy boss fight let me fight her after effects sake come on let me kill her this is ridiculous i want to kill that old lady all right what's this evelyn evelyn evelyn okay all right some sort of weird symbol for that caterboy thank you so much for the bits you're very very kind appreciate that julius magic the blinding light uh dreamsomnia new they as well that first voice builder was like microsoft kevin i from what you were all saying it seemed like it was really loud as well um okay what the can i put it on i actually wouldn't mind the protection to be honest with you [ __ ] sounded like a b on crack how do you know what a b on crack sounds like ah sure maybe it was a b just having a bit of crack you know [ __ ] dude the hell is that oh i can't hear her i don't think i'm meant to you ever just go walking in the swamp barefoot very relaxing uh alright holly thank you very much uh angel um rj holy not poopler uh katie hafiz untrusted life thank you very much for the bits don't tell me to look behind yourself um foxtail thank you for the tip as well i hope you're doing all right um i'm sorry that your anxiety is acting up a bit i hope you feel better soon oh my god that thing scared me jesus christ i'm just so intimidated by its chiseled physique you know it scared me on an emotional level um boss thank you very much uh for the tip yeah the irish slides i think okay i got a videotape i think we're gonna be playing totally accurate delivery service oh another one of these things god damn it home videos jesus oh cute little goblin super effective half is thank you very much cobo thank you very much as well and mocap thank you for the sub i hope i didn't miss anyone by the way uh t easily distracted thank you ethan if you find this i know i can't expect anything from you not after what happened after what i did but i just want you to know that wasn't me i don't i don't know why are you vlogging there's so much that you need to know there you are oh okay young lady oh no honestly worry about escaping not oh wait i'm you oh [ __ ] now i'm the one vlogging subscribe like like the video oh [ __ ] i was never good at vlogs why did i have to take control oh this is [ __ ] awful no no why are you closing i saw there was no one there oh this is terrible this is honestly terrible go affect yourself i never liked you oh [ __ ] dude i need to hide she saw me going around the corner this is awful done to deserve this except open my home i trust the life that you're in the tent are you trying to freak me out easily distracted spanx snow vision dominant thank you very much old lady tries to kill me not clickbait i mean it's not i went to this old lady's house at 3am not clickbait i just hope the boss baby isn't here somewhere oh that's what i need oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh great i'll go through her trash wait i can only examine it okay ethan needs this not her i vaguely remember this part actually no the thing is it's like when i'm not ethan like anything could happen to to mia i don't know you think i don't know what you want to do with that boy ethan what yeah if we could have no spoilers i'd appreciate it thank you pop and i i know this game is old by the way so i i know a lot of you probably know what happens but i and i've played i've completed resident evil 8 as well i know spoilers for that too please but um i can't remember and i'm not sure how exactly the story links in i know vaguely um is she gonna leave oh no don't come over here oh no affect this so time to just close the door on her but i won't just burn the place down and run i like that i like that strategy honestly i don't know if my body is weakened from being sick or if this game is just scarier because like my heart rate rarely went into the 80s on on eight but this game it's when you go away she's getting fed up with her now it's raising because of anger this game it's like way up today i'll feed you both maybe the garden with what was left oh well at least then my body won't go to waste i suppose uh i'm just alive thank you very much for the tip oh jesus tsa violet the mr poo latina busboy or buzz bass sorry dominic snow vision thank you as well i'm trusted life thank you for the tip earlier again all right i think we're good so we have this thing whatever this is it's like some wait is this a flamethrower it might be a part of a flamethrower i vaguely remember a flamethrower in this game um there's nowhere to go here oh jesus she's going around the house grunting now oh oh i remember these puzzles you gotta like match up the the symbol right at least if i can get it close enough oh i have to click ok so i just get it close enough and then do i just click ok or what there a bit more there ah okay i thought it would just auto click got it awkward puzzles that's like the old style resident evil the animation for opening it all right yeah let's just go through the pipes here that's grand boy toy uh jordan thank you as well uh your sinuses are killing you oh i can relate i have such awful allergies sometimes as well they're actually kind of bad today 69 heart rate yeah my the arresting heart rate tends to be like 69 so i'm honestly surprised it's so high today very surprising [ __ ] it's just funny how it happened she wants us to be a family god damn it wait how is this closed what you i'm leaving all you have to do is accept her [ __ ] gift i don't want to i feel like it's too generous i i can't accept it i hardly know her all right why do i get the feeling i can't go back i'm just going to return the gift it's not for me it's not my color why can't you see that you have a funny way of [ __ ] showing us what there are known unknown how do we get across you are not paying [ __ ] attention is the volume okay you think little evie's gonna put up with your [ __ ] is that mia yelling no i think i'm mia keep it yeah exactly keep your gift will i just wait till she leaves with you you hear me you hear me okay good i just saw someone saying that they needed to turn it down i i don't i don't want to blow the ears off here i met carl thank you very much for the bits oh that's great i'm glad you like the the merch i either quality like i'm wearing one myself right now and yeah i find the quality is really good on them as well so i'm just happy everyone seems to be liking it both the designs and quality no you don't what do i do how do i get away will i just go back around ginger the boss thank you very much for the sobs jesus you've been very generous everyone thank you i think granny is just a bit loud oh okay it's weird because like the voice jesus christ almighty where the hell did she come from i thought that was meant to happen i really thought that was meant to happen where the hell did she come from how i don't sorry everyone got scared oh i don't understand how she got there one second i i just want to see can i like you can i get around this all you have to do is accept her [ __ ] gift i j i i wasn't sure what to do but maybe i can stay here and scoot around her she's so fast for age yeah i i don't understand how she got to the other side of the compound that quickly we love you why can't you see that embrace us okay go go go go go go go go go go unknowns here all right perfect okay i did it completely wrong man i really thought i had to backtrack in the wall why would you keep your drive on lawnmower down here how did you even get it down here i have the weirdest complaints but the [ __ ] what a lovely family photo there looks great yeah that's that's nice oh no where do you think you're going obviously nowhere this is the best vlog ever mia honestly i'm liking and subscribing effects are 10 out of 10. i've been on the edge of my seat the whole time maybe you can move faster too if you drop the camera mia you have a good point she's vlogging the whole thing like i'm gonna make millions on this the boss um ginger thank you very much caterboy thank you so much for the five subs very very kindly as always you're very supportive rhys and akashu thank you very much oh move that piece of [ __ ] hippie we caught from the that wasn't very a newscaster voice that was more of a a creepy voice i don't think that voice really worked for that it's like when they go live before they realize their life could you move that piece of [ __ ] to the process let's just go back to the news coverage oh yes blue dog's head this is exactly what i was looking for i hope gunpowder yeah sorry that wasn't a very fitting voice wait does this connect to the main hall oh no it doesn't okay that's disappointing oh board games oh you have smite smite to bourbon i love that game it's smite twirling is it i i love that game so much it's even better upside down great game antique coin sneaky bobble head i was wondering what that sound was um [Music] i don't feel good about this hold on i'm not done in this room yet i would like to save my game please report say a storm is coming i had a lot of trouble cleaning up after the last one a few years back i guess it's time to reinforce the windows and shore up the roof maybe i'll get lucas to help the water is finally receded october 9th the house is all right but the old house was badly damaged lucas is making a fuss about a huge ship that's washed up in the bayou if that's true i better report it to the parish i'll go check it out tomorrow i don't know who's like writing this half the time like i think that was one the family members in which case it should probably be a more southern accent what's this oh okay wait oh no i thought i could take it i was excited for a moment 10 out of 10 announcer voice thank you i'm just not sure if it should be the announcer voice i don't think it should okay we don't have anything to get through here wait clock pendulum the word living room is written on it i didn't even need that piece of information oh oh no i thought this was the ladder to the attic it's all the pool cues this side of the house is freaking neat i like it a tarantula thank you very much for the five subs caterboy thank you again very kind uh otter ink uh halmer blue horizon thank you as well all right there's that helmet again maybe it's daddy's hobby is that ethan thinking that like that it's daddy's hobby because it's a bit weird if he's calling that dude daddy um but whatever nothing that room probably has nothing of interest i won't go in there i was just like nah uh oh [ __ ] can i craft anything yes great chem fluid oh yes that's what i love to see five healing tonics great um wait select an item oh i'm gonna need something to open that aren't i could i shoot it anyone know if i can shoot this lock hello kip if you're there i see someone saying hello to you he'll oh yes you are there hello kip how are you doing um yeah let me heal up i have enough uh lockpick oh yeah of course jesus forgot uh juju bethany and nick thank you very much appreciate the support um need lockpick all right i guess i'll just leave then because i have the thing for the clock you're still there aren't you that's right i could take you in unarmed combat well i'll be armed you won't be here just to be clear like i i don't trust the the even fight even given your situation of being like 170 years old and in a wheelchair i still don't don't like my odds just because this house has been creepy all right i got this thing for the clock uh let's pop it in there if i can what can i not use it do i go into this and then oh oh no no that's just his living room all right um well i have the dog thing wherever i can put that oh living room is back by the kitchen oh okay well then i do need that to say it actually mountains july 7 1991 before i was even barn jesus christ uh right nothing nothing i can use the dog oh wait one of the dog things is it oh my god okay i gotta get two more i would like to save the game too if that's at all an option oh yeah i see the living room i might try and go to that other room first and save my game i feel a little bit on edge because i feel so safe do you ever get that it's like it's felt too can for too long in ethan's world i'm gonna save it you forgot the bathroom [ __ ] i did forget the bathroom why did my cowardice have to take over uh ella thank you very much for the bits oh thank you i'm delighted to hear that thanks for the bits congrats got into your dream program uh you love to hear it um right i'll go to the living room first and then i'll head to the bathroom because honestly i've been here for hours and ethan needs a tinkle put this in great an alarm to alert everyone where i am that is just fantastic should i leave oh wait one of the dog heads okay great this is going surprisingly well me save [Music] it's just when i said this is going surprisingly well it puts me on edge because usually when i say stuff like that i insta die at jacob thank you for the sub as well don't say yeah i immediately regretted it but sure look what can you do these things happen sometimes you say stupid things and you pay for saying them this room is creepy as hell uh right i gotta go back to the bathroom which was this way at least i know there's no one skulking about other than this grandma and i know i can take her uh all right i'm getting used to the layout too i really like this kind of setting as spooky as it is like the castle uh no real spoilers i guess i i yeah for resident evil 8 the first section was my favorite in the game um because and i like getting used to places and wooden statue oh it's like the spider you gotta angle it right it's a disgusting mess of god knows what look don't judge their bathroom okay we all sometimes leave things get a bit messy jesus christ if that's what washed off imagine what their actual body looked like uh i think i'm good with that oh [ __ ] oh god damn it yeah your brain's a little bit exposed you did this to yourself i don't know why you're pissed at me my little jesus has given us a gift i don't want your [ __ ] gift i'm out of here i'm just gonna run away surely i can outrun him right do i have to beat him i'm just going to the safe room go [ __ ] yourself wait hold on what oh [ __ ] i have too many items oh [ __ ] hello there hi not too bad thanks you're not so bad actually i'm just gonna take the shotgun and just lock myself in there oh okay what did i even get in there the hello there how you been oh god i trusted like that even the tip and trying to spook the hell out of me uh thank you for the bits jojo thank you for sharing your name with me i i'm sorry i can't pronounce it um i can put this away i don't need the videotape do i oh wait the doghead needs to go on there at least i can get rid of a few items honeycomb ammo i might get rid of the excess handgun ammo um for now i'll get rid of one of these too there we go just to clear up the inventory a bit i mean there is is he just gonna wait in there i like how aware he is heart rate is stuck is it why does it do that the coins should i get rid of them um all right i didn't i don't even know what they're for um yeah i do i don't know why the harry thing does that you're very stable i i know that's a lie but in regards to my heart rate it is 77 now 75 what do you usually use coins for i don't know i thought maybe then i could exchange them for goods and services maybe give them to the granny you know something like that become a tooth fairy i don't know [Music] all right connected hopefully that fixes it uh turn off interlacing okay i don't see it is it oh rendering method normal is that it someone was saying it looks weird when i'm standing still so i will turn it off that look better oh good spot chat good spot oh i can't create a new save i wonder why i'm like an hour into the game and it's like hey you've used all your slots alexa remind me in 50 minutes that the lads need me okay thank you by the way no i don't alexa i don't want to hear about by the way thank you sorry for setting a reminder on all of them and all of your alexis sorry okay all right i need to get back to that [ __ ] what are you just going to stay there you're camping that's why is he going back sorry i said jesus christ i just saw you going the other way [ __ ] hell [ __ ] off you're wasting your walls there is no need for that let's be real you're probably gonna kill me regardless okay i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out it's his house i mean yeah it is if he wants an open plan he wants an open plan you know okay second i want to put this on here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] now is not the time for that do i have to kill him why is my heart rate going down to 52 [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no oh no breathe kevin [ __ ] this is locked again breathe breathe let your heart rate raise whoo no it's just accepted death yeah i think it's just i think it's accepted it yeah it is correct the app is also saying the same 54. we're fine his heart rate went down to 50 is kevin a [ __ ] sniper i'm taking the shot okay it's timpani uh mad bumby um or i'm mad ambi sorry i trusted like thank you very much for the tip as well um yeah oh you've been emailing me about your game you can send it on if you want honestly i've been so i've got a lot going on at the moment so i i don't know if i'll have time to to test out the game but it's awesome that you're making one that's something i've always thought would be such a cool project to do i hope it's going well for you um atkin kayla thank you very much uh anybody crazy thank you for the bits honestly i'm just impressed how well his glasses have held up to being shot lit on fire and impaled you got a good point [ __ ] thank you for the [ __ ] kayla thank you again uh case uh multi and denise um aiden scriptinos witch thank you very much and does anyone give me a bit of guidance just to um hey cause i'm not sure where i'm supposed to go get three dogs heads the body movement this is outside your jurisdiction you can't get me here goodbye thanks for the understanding i just woken up yeah i think so you can't take on an old man he just walked by on patrol he is um oh jesus they uh thank you for the bits but i'm sorry you've had a rough time jesus christ [ __ ] hell i hope you're doing okay given the situation jesus and denise thank you very much for the kind words as well you're very kind the bird puzzle i do like i have this oh okay so okay is it just because i had him alerted he's gonna be here again isn't he where the hell's he gone now [ __ ] can you just go away dude i'm gonna hide here and either give it some time so okay yeah he's coming back [Music] there's no way you can smell me over all the other [ __ ] in your house oh no no oh no i'm not stinky oh holy [ __ ] should i respond ethan i just replied daddy daddy i don't know why ethan was calling him daddy earlier to be honest oh god he hates doors at least i'm learning more about him oh cyberblitz thank you for the bits uh cyanide thank you for the sub witch of wall street scriptinos thank you very much cursed [ __ ] yeah it kind of is is he leaving where's my little ethan maybe i should like when he's walking away kill him and he can be knocked out for a while oh really okay i didn't know that i'll try i'll try going oh bad idea all right when he walks down the other way i'm going to try and walk towards him [ __ ] oh no oh no okay we might have to just fight him here oh my god he's fast jesus jesus christ he's faster than i thought he would be how who do you think has better stamina ethan or daddy oh no it's it's daddy [ __ ] ow dude that's it oh my god you're freaking out all right you wait there for me yes wait i okay i bogged out the game by reloading at the same time the noise he made when he was going down all right oh [ __ ] i'm so bad at this stuff um all right we just got to figure out what direction he's in okay those are his claws so he needs to turn the other way i think there you go close enough lunchbox thank you for the sub bree thank you very much for the the bids it's your birthday yesterday and you decided you're going to spend my birthday money on your merch well thank you very much for that i hope you enjoyed your birthday uh let's thank you for the bits as well uh fitzgerald thank you for the stop i gotta get that shotgun at some point was that big brain was it okay i i'm glad it it appeared that way because it didn't feel that way oh great oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh they're out there nice bathroom i like a nice open plan bathroom and got ammo i like how ethan goes the hell was that out of his way to make as much noise as possible oh there you go don't have the key for there you have a weird way of marking your rooms oh is that a big gun me like big gun if i don't learn anything from these games it's check the [ __ ] fireplaces secret passages and whatnot the hell is this okay oh yes june 14th vacationing husband and wife the husband was a success he's the 12th unfortunately the wife was no good so we'll just get rid of her july 7th three college girls they're all run lucas is a damn idiot august 13th homeless man turned in three days he's the thirteenth interesting it's like the voice yes it's like anything but his normal voice oh lovely let's turn that upside down no nothing okay um can i do anything with this can i use an item can i light them on fire or something could i oh another coin nothing i can't do anything the voice is not best suited yeah i it's hard because when i start reading it i don't know what it's gonna say i should probably skim it first uh let me see it is saying 76. that app can be so annoying gotta get that protein i guess yeah you could just eat the things oh yeah lovely you got a bit of a black mold problem uh oh oh [ __ ] you know i forgot about these things fake that affect that uh oh lovely drawing by the way didn't see that earlier um do i have to fight this thing off for effects sake oh my god i've just pissed it off is it just gonna come back if i kill it jesus christ mold creature so that's what they turned into i guess i can't close the door you know what i think that thing would manage to open the door anyway can't go that way i go this way this is stranger things it is oh it is kind of that vibe isn't it oh safe room nice what's this medicine that temporarily sharpens the scent senses making item detection easier oh that's something i'll never use because i'll hold on to it until i need it and i'll never end up using it um who is this so it's it's some desperate person dear courtney those bastards are looking for me but maybe this gives you a chance to escape to escape you to find the reliefs shaped like dog heads i saw when their heads in the dissection room underground get it it's the key out of here does that work a bit better it's better than an announcer voice i suppose dear courtney i am in perilous danger i need you to go get the dog heads i'll have to just try and guess where the tone is going i miss the announcer voice maybe the announcer can just be the guy he's just monotone he's used to it because that's his job ah right i got handgun ammo i've not been using my handgun that much to be honest with you um in fact i'll put away this because it's just one bullet this is my heart rate's very high now all of a sudden but it's not showing on the app i i gotta sort it out i don't know what its deal is um turn off your pc while the game is running why would you do that the shadows are spooky yeah you're trying to corrupt my game that's the one thing games tell you not to do and you want me to do it [ __ ] this i remember down here there's a load of those things you could do arty's toad voice jesus christ that sounds like it would destroy your throat i can't even remember how it sounds it's it's so funny because it's just like sean's voice was super accurate like told in game and and dan's is like i've been smoking and had a rough run of it for 50 years it's so funny oh oh [ __ ] back back back back back back fake [ __ ] [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude let me go around just like let me pass oh no you die from two two shots jesus christ ah i think i died in resident evil a total of like eight a total of three times like when i wasn't doing it on purpose and two of them were right at the end and this game's already like no you are [ __ ] at games oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i don't know if i can um these will left you up they really seem to oh my god so fast jesus christ the i hate these things i remember hating them back then too when i played it before oh no hey he's just chilling in there what the [ __ ] uh workshop it's locked from the other side oh [ __ ] no this was a mistake this was a massive mistake oh ken flew it lovely oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] off no no no no no no i have made a grave error in judgment they following me what the hell oh for facts thank you little corner camper okay at least i can take them out relatively easy if i just spam are they gonna come back though okay this one's locked this one is a hand print on it nothing weird what's this lucas i got the guy who keeps trying to escape i locked him up in the leftmost incinerator so he won't get away again take him out when he's ready you know how to open the door don't you just remember three a's and a handprint do what you want with this girl what three a's and a handprint three a's and a handprint well the handprints there are three a's travis lara william is it sean to wait there's three a's okay so do i only open the hand printy one and the three a's oh jesus when you're good you're good gang now you have to give it to me jesus that's a bit of a big brain [ __ ] that's a big of a a bit of a big [ __ ] up [ __ ] [ __ ] heal up heal up good man ethan sheets dude oh they're so strong what the hell jesus oh i can guarant no no no no no i didn't mean to i'm gonna take all the big brains now that you're saying from the puzzle and then i'll take all the smooth brains for when i messed up and used three health things oh dissection room key okay that's a good start remember all that ammo i left in the storage locker wish i didn't do that all of a sudden i'm using all of my ammo uh i need to just get to the dissection room do they respawn i really hope they don't respond this is the workshop i feel like going back and saving but also i'm like i'll have to deal with them again then won't i i could do this believe kevin oh [ __ ] don't believe don't believe don't believe ah i'm out of ammo ah i don't believe in myself anymore [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no no no no no i have no health potions left i'm still screwed ah no i almost got through feck oh god damn it oh that's a pain jesus ah this game is so much harder jesus you're so close i know you know what at least i didn't waste my health potions here now there's no way i can just get around this guy without fighting him i assume this one i think i have to oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that was too close did not like did not like okay is he permanently dead someone said just walk it off and walk it off walk it off he's [ __ ] walking off my gunshots all right five shots to the head is it the thing is they do a ton of damage but if you just take your time and you know do your thing they are killable i wonder i i don't i don't want to waste ammo by just attacking it straight away [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he seems faster oh god and he seems more pissed off oh i think i blocked it okay i think i blocked it again i'm not sure how you actually block these things [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm completely stuck in this corner oh [ __ ] my aim my aim god damn it this parrot is so hard [ __ ] oh no no no no no this is so hard if you want to get distance on them you gotta block first ah this is difficult dude jesus and like one second let me take the rest of my ammo since i'm here this is so difficult uh i don't have much but it's something um i'll take the first aid kit as well jesus pro tip you have to kill them thank you hot topic guy eating the richest vegan wspr uh pepe fuse thank you for the two subs michelle um thank you for the two subs as well or the the two months sorry uh web sukkah thank you as well asaki dust pepe fuse thank you again wspr thank you for the sub again shiva [ __ ] one two three loyalty ah kermort a vic lunchbox uh brie fitzgerald cyber blitz and potterhead thank you very much jesus shotgun get the shotgun can i get it yet i'd love the shotgun at this point [ __ ] [ __ ] oh jesus i feel like i've already [ __ ] up and i should just restart now you're so good at this game i assume you're being sarcastic but i'm gonna take it literally thank you thank you i'm glad you've noticed my gaming skills i feel like i love the shotgun but hmm you can get it i didn't find anything to replace it with those the only thing the shotgun would be [ __ ] good yeeta's fro headloaf thank you very much for the subs and carol says thank you as well right heal up i can get a broken shotgun okay okay they seem to die much faster that time but you know what i'm gonna [ __ ] end you this time this is my time to shine come with me come on buddy here you come all right i'm gonna go here and then down that hallway come on [ __ ] [ __ ] i thought he was falling i thought he was dead oh [ __ ] wall come on stop stop stop stop there we go really i think i blocked it oh i didn't block that one [ __ ] hell jesus ah hard you want to save it again so many bullets i hope the other one doesn't respawn that's my worry so i'll i'll try and save it on a a new slot head to the attic i know that one's a an old one carosis thank you very much for the five subs that one's stronger than the others yeah it's really really strong um oh jesus christ um [ __ ] then you're the bits so if you manage to kill them they don't respawn okay good good to know thank you the wolf tank thank you for the sub as well uh are there any gta games this week maybe maybe we'll have to see um carol says thank you again jesus thank you too all right at least we've done that part got the key the problem is we're never going to be able to get past these ones are we do you think i could run past them why using a controller my pc is giving me issues so there's like a lag on my keyboard sometimes it's actually making it a little bit just that slam was not nice a little bit more difficult than i would like it to be um okay this one [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] there you go okay oh no no no no no no no okay um come with me over here then i'll just do a loop-de-loop and a loop this way and then block this guy yeah that's fine somehow and oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay we'll do another little loop around that's fine everything's great shotgun ammo fantastic let me load that into my pistol um okay yep come back around this way oh you're a fast little bugger oh no there's more of them oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay yeah i'm gonna need the shotgun we got uh can can we build bullets can we craft them i'm not sure okay so what key did i get i don't know i don't even understand where do my keys get stored what wait oh no they're just gonna spawn all over the house now aren't they oh don't know why that alarm's on oh that's his weakness apparently he didn't grab the key but it's the dissection room is in the basement isn't it so what i'm thinking is i may you know i may as well grab it now i guess um this is gonna be hard how do i get into that room beyond them is that the key that i need hmm like i have the dissection room key but i assume that it's down here yeah that wasn't for the the lads we still got a little bit of time um it's not in here go to this blue slidey thing oh wait i can get past here oh [ __ ] but should i get past here should i go past here is the correct question i guess i don't like that let's quickly get this yes and ammo yes processing area map okay awesome good tip chat thank you jesus this is stressful uh scorpion key great i don't know what i just picked up there um treasure photo a fireplace you see what i mean about them and their bloody fireplaces everywhere um oh [ __ ] jesus christ are you sus are you hiding in the vents jesus christ probably used a little bit too much ammo there but he panicked me i really don't want to die again i've died so many times i've died in this basement more than i died in total in [ __ ] resident evil 8 a key with a dead scorpion okay that's good to have uh the section key um okay mighty love really down further neff harley lunch box wolf tank [ __ ] thank you very much again carol says thank you for the five again i'm getting a lot of shotgun shells so we're thinking this one it doesn't fit this lock the only other one i have is this one and that's definitely not it um are we sure it's this way i mean this way was definitely the correct way to come because i got lots of ammo and whatnot it looks like i do have to go through the boiler room to get to the dissection room uh you can go the other way too but i need that key which i don't have um i mean [ __ ] i'm gonna go save because i feel like that was a good a good run there um and go back to unlock the scorpion door that's true as well i could go back which honestly might not be a bad call what oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah there were i know i see your point i'll leave [ __ ] hell just because i walked past him it gets all moody jesus wait why can i not save oh cause it's saving well i'll save twice then ah scorpion room has a toy shotgun honestly that might be worth going for this parrot is hard even though i think i get past it now that i have this ammo and i don't have to beat one of the the beefy things um like the problem was that big beefy fella um he was just built different you know merc firestorm thank you very much for the support um how much ammo do i have i [ __ ] and the other one's true there the scorpion keys down there i could go out and to the right is it all right let me try and get past this dude sorry just just scooting by you there if you don't mind [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] wait no no no no no no no no no i clicked the wrong [ __ ] one me and my damn controller hands thank you for pushing me through i needed that i needed just to push in the right direction oh for [ __ ] sake dude i have had a rough day could you just [ __ ] off please uh where is he going he's up above me all right okay scorpion room i don't see any other scorpion room oh there's ones in the second floor grandma's room okay i need to get to the second floor then i'm just fed up with your [ __ ] now daddy that is your real name oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's fed up with my [ __ ] too oh you're not dead are you are you are you dead okay i'm just gonna scoop by thank you he's easier to kill than some of the other things jesus i really don't waste ammo but he's also had a pretty terrible day he really has you got to give it to him i'm being a bit selfish just thinking about myself okay at least we can go through here and hopefully get an old machia a shotgun you know all right please give me something oh here we go i'm tired of chasing all these [ __ ] around the yard the next time one of our guests runs away hide the dog head relief so they can't get out of the house let's hide them like this living room grandfather clock the book in the recreation room that i section room in the basement i think we already knew that we didn't need that oh god who is this oh this is from the hospital this can be announcer great dear mrs baker have you been feeling recently it's been a long time since you came in for your last checkup i'm ready to tell you that i finished examining your x-rays those dark areas in your cranium are fungus-like structures that seem to be related to mold the hallucinations and noises you said you've been hearing may be related to these quotes if your symptoms are due to a fungal parasite it might be removed before it's too late i don't need to scare you but i'm seriously concerned for your health please come to the hospital as soon as you read this letter as your doctor i strongly recommend you undergo further tests crawford lang dolby general hospital this is great i get to be like every character in the game through a radio or walkie-talkie um oh broken shotgun fantastic let's oh even better yummy i want to put them in so that i look like granny and then it'll seem like i'm the granny and he won't attack me it's the perfect disguise it'll be like in a walking dead when they cover themselves in goths and stuff all right i need to sort my inventory here is this a safe room no um that's all the teeth things um what can i do here [ __ ] uh this can i oh what's this i hid something nice here try to find it if you can it's just like a can i discard this there's a white locker next to it and the fireplace i just discard it i it's fireplace right i'll be fine there we go perfect i wish i could take your teeth max it's in the grandma's room if you want teeth okay just so you're aware chem fluid who's walking around what [ __ ] i didn't know he could come up here feck you've got to be [ __ ] me i'm sorry for touching your mom's teeth i'm sorry dude [ __ ] hell i didn't even put them in yet they're still look we can get past this if i can get past you you're dead i feel like i'm wasting so much ammo on this dude okay uh there's nothing left in here for me except granny's teeth but oh well if i could lock the door like i have the [ __ ] key at least he'd have to destroy his own house it might make him just more angry but whatever oh um right i need to get out of here at least i can get the shotgun now i probably would have wait is that no that's not scorpion how strong is this man i don't know very very strong at least i can get the shotgun in peace jesus oh my god i can't take it because i have too many items but like please i just give me a break oh no i gotta go all the way back now put some stuff in there this is awful i think i got a heal too the bathroom upstairs we took a look in there already we got the stuff waste the bullets i know i know but what can you do he ran into the room um all right that should be good please don't be there buy some storage from duke i wish this game is so much more cruel with the storage okay come on all right broken shotgun is yours and i am out of here um best way is just to retrace my steps this way i think even though i know the other way slightly faster inventory in this game is sad it really is ah it's difficult they really don't go easy on you okay so there should be a mold thingy and here is it or did i kill it maybe i killed it oh scorpion door oh that is the way wait did the other thing not spawn this time okay he's spawning now i think weirdly okay um right okay at least we got that finally got a live stream hallelujah well welcome sparkly chowder great name by the way um totally wren ali ahatchu uh that comedy nerd totally not noble firestorm uh merc uh neff harley carosis thank you for the five earlier again grim reaper xena and mrs spoonroot thank you for the subs appreciate you all right i'm low on ammo but i do have a shotgun so maybe i can do this did i don't i don't know if i saved was there a fireplace back there we can take a look yeah i i actually don't know ciao there it's pronounced ciao de ayura it's pronounced chowder all right let me see maybe the next note can be read by jfk uh this way wasn't it i don't like the noise it makes when you're walking on them because it sounds like one's coming after you uh okay this is the fireplace indeed you are correct handgun ammo oh that was worth it by itself steroids fantastic what the hell that's the thing increases max health oh i'm injecting this needle i found in this dirty old moldy house the place looks like a [ __ ] crack den and i'm just injecting myself grand it worked uh really feel like i could just break in there god that thing looks massive whatever it is all right i'm gonna keep moving hell yes steroids yeah old steroids that i found in the house great uh i still don't know what the deal is with this thing i might open this we have a lock pick both because i want to know what's inside and also i want to use the lock pick okay ammo great honestly probably the best thing we could have hoped for all right i'm gonna go save again and let's try that basement i still got time a little bit of time here we go oh jesus the saving takes a little bit of while the needle isn't sterile no it really isn't all right here we go again this time i'm ready bird boy i cannot thank you very much for the subs this is like the redemption earth i went down here and struggled and now i'm back with a vengeance and ready to kill at least they stay dead i could have sworn they respawned for some reason all right hey it's ethan you're you're resident bad boy and i'm here to i'm here to to kill you oh is this the bathtub you meant earlier sorry you ever said in chat i thought you meant the bathtub upstairs yeah whatever whatever you don't even scare me anymore i got a shotgun yep this this was a great idea chad you're the best fantastic workout there love what you're doing with all the help oh this this is just amazing thank you oh great stuff you love to see it don't you you absolutely love to see it i don't like to see more of them coming out though that's enough right that's four all right good job chat yeah i love it yeah i love it i absolutely love that now strong chem fluid uh and combine something there we go inventory is so difficult here uh is it the dissection room key there we go is that yes that's out of my inventory now oh the menu is a bit clunky too it's like the fact you have to click on the right item and whatnot jesus christ what's going on here oh no oh no dude he's not got the greatest awareness does he says he will be her father huh no no no no no no no i will find him and i will make him suffer are you my friend without me you talking to your shadow because if so you gotta help me dude i know i know you don't like to just kind of sit there skulking away but you're gonna have to get involved if he's using his shadow all right great i got something in there ammo i think this is bad this is terrible this is awful this is just just terrible just to give you a breakdown on the situation uh am i ready for this [ __ ] bethany miko mary autobot ashley kenno thank you very much for the subs very much appreciate it save i wish i could is there any safe room all right this is where he just was oh this is the deputy i do feel bad for you but at the same time you could have got us out of this mess if you just listened to me instead of being like what's that you say you're trapped in the house that try to kill you you're a wild one wait that thing's moving is it just the air or all right bit disrespectful eaten but look i imagine you must have a lot of pent up anger and aggression in there so i'm gonna let you get that out um oh no i vaguely remember something bad happening here i feel like there's a big boss fight or something gunpowder why there's so much gunpowder lying around are they snorting the stuff is it oh this is gonna be bad i have to drop down there's there's a fight or something you don't have enough space yeah that seems about right uh all right oh no why would you just stand there staring at it it's clearly a trap eden didn't even react he just stared at him blankly for a second oh sweet jesus ain't getting away oh god no no no no no that didn't work according to plan do i just shoot him oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no no what the hell are you doing dude oh my god you're there you're scaring me i don't know if you realize this but you are scaring me what oh there's a chainsaw behind him oh jesus christ he moves fast when he wants to what's this what's this you got enough space oh my lord i can't even use my inventory sorry where he's always behind me i'm gonna die oh jesus just a little cough for me shot in the head that's all okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] um should i i should be shooting here sorry i'm distracted i'm thinking about how the hell am i going to clear my inventory here maybe if i leave oh no he's getting the chainsaw isn't he um this isn't good at all i'm going to be honest with you yeah that's not groovy dude oh [ __ ] jesus the slider jesus christ i can't get the chainsaw i don't have enough space [ __ ] dude i don't know what i'm supposed to do [ __ ] [ __ ] hell how many shots in the head can he take i don't know i'm hoping it's one more no okay finally holy [ __ ] okay just say you're sorry do you think he listened god damn dude this this is really tough oh [ __ ] yes i have no idea who you're talking about to be honest with you dude oh god damn okay grind them up grind them up wait turn on the engine off for effects why do i get the shitty chainsaw what are you doing now again you're destroying the foundation of your own home i'm just going all out i don't know if it's the best strategy but i'm going to pull out a rootless aggression oh man oh jesus my chainsaw keeps failing oh man oh my god i can't even start my chainsaw there we go okay i'm ready he's ridiculous is that did we do it [Applause] oh my god [Music] what no way okay thank goodness jesus what no [ __ ] way come here sweet jesus he was still getting up oh my god for [ __ ] sake i got to take out some anger sorry there how do i get out of here can i move this now oh yes if his legs get up and start kicking my shins i'm going to be so pissed off phil dale david the sub ginger kibble alien toast master sam ship figure thank you for the tip as well thank you for ordering the merch i hope you like it more shock than ammo i think i got everything here take a quick leg should i check his pockets do me a favor and stay dead good line ethan i'd appreciate that too uh lena bethany uh mikko mary thank you very much for the support as well oh my god steal his shoe i probably should just to add insult to injury oh thanks alexa alexa stop all right we gotta go uh save we've done a lot here to be fair we gotta do i don't have any way out of here do i i gotta go back the way i came um wait a second how do i go back the way i came the door the door is locked isn't it how the hell do i where do i go i got i got the head right yeah i got the red doghead do i have the key snake key did i get it i got the scorpion key where's the other key hmm after the door what but i i can't get through here doesn't fit this lock hmm go back other door oh i'm not willing to jump down there that makes sense uh wait no no no no getting all turned around now jesus down this way ah this opens okay i didn't realize it looks so different so i just leave do i just leave or do i is there still a key save i definitely need to save i don't think there's anything left i just leave okay thank you sorry there's a bit of a delay on the stream obviously because stream then i hear you then i see your feedback and it's a little bit delayed so sometimes i just stand there for a second looking like an idiot waiting for someone to tell me what to do all right we got a ton done i'm so glad with that jesus all right we gotta go save because we we have a date with the irish lads to deliver some packages i think it's myself dan brian and nogla as far as i know delivering some packages oh i can unlock this now i don't want to unlock this now i want to leave i want to go save it's this way then left isn't it just got to remember what we were doing for the next time we get to play this we were panicking this game is bloody hard it's way harder than the next one in in my opinion so far anyway [Music] you creepy little lady honestly i wish ethan was as ruthless as i am because you'd be dead i'd at least throw you down the stairs at the very least i know it would piss them all off but like i don't trust you for a second i really don't she'd be gone i love her why she's scary scary as [ __ ] the spoodle doodle uh caterboy uh big jammin is it benjamin or b jammin any for the sub um nuclear toast uh phil dill thank you very much gonna do uh an override save oh god just trust her she's totally cool okay in fact i i agree with you i might leave on my my heart rate detector i imagine playing the next game will be just as stressful as this i'm either too cam or i'm dying i think honestly the 90s are very high i don't think we actually reach 90s legit in in uh resident evil 8 we reached the 80s rarely um it was very rare uh i'm going to run to the bathroom real quick uh harry muller off this time the last time i started jumping around outside the door i freaked everyone out has he fallen in uh in the game there um so we're gonna we're gonna swap over to totally a reliable delivery service but i'm just gonna run to the bathroom i'll be right back with you um yeah the 90s is pretty extreme for me [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus i can't actually believe that we were playing that for two hours that went so fast stop talking about sue slot well thank you for the sub uh the spoodle doodle ac caterboy uh thank you very much everyone i hope i got everyone i don't think i missed any ashkos hey for the sub yeah i i don't know what it is is it today is it because i i'm a bit under the weather is it the game no idea it's way higher than usual uh right let me quit out of this and let me hop on a call i'm just on time time to do a t uh let's see which which server is it um oh there's there's no one there um okay i'm in here alone oh it's gone up to 98. jesus i don't know what's wrong with me today um swap over to that may as well be on full camera hi this is me in full size uh i'll just change my stream title um top ten moist wanted thank you very much for the 10 subs very very kind i appreciate that trends thank you for the bits as well finally bought a cold top too i hope you like it uh weber uh dingus shkoza mortal thank you very much for the subs as well what should the title be just irish lights delivering packages not creative but it's straight to the point um there we go look let's throw in in the worst way possible that'll do it that's a little bit creative at least rather than just putting in exactly what we're doing uh oh i like your suggestions better irish lots of huge packages no that's a different website you're looking for i think uh the irish delivery service irish leads yelling at each other again irish led's delivering bad jobs not clickbait and caps that that's a good one that's always a good one to add in just to assure people there is no clickbait uh top ten most wanted thank you very much for the 10 subs again you're very kind um thank you very much for the sub um very very kind why aren't the lads live yet i think i think dan is um he said he'd be here at seven it's only two minutes by his past seven to be fair so give him a few minutes uh brian said like it could be about 15 minutes and knuckles usually pretty on time so i imagine he'll be here soon um i'll have to wait and see i should probably um start up my game as well thank you very much for the support uh as usual if if there's any issues with the audio just let me know um obviously sometimes people change their mics or whatnot and um it's a little bit all over the place so just let me know if um uh i don't think jack is playing no wait dad isn't streaming um maybe he's having difficulties he said ten minutes ago he was gonna start to stream so i i am not sure um maybe davios thank you for the sub um let me see oh maybe he is still trapped in the enclosure i built for him a totally reliable delivery service that's a good point it's entirely possible um i don't know that's weird unless he's had some tech difficulties or something it could have happened i don't know anyway i guess the title didn't change did it sometimes it does that i'll update it twice three times that should work um yeah maybe dan is trapped in the void or something could be that is not live we it changed okay good i like how quick you jump to that uh yeah it's changed sometimes that happens i don't know it just doesn't update it's probably because i use like a plugin with obs to change so it it might be an issue um with obs but as i was saying earlier sorry i think you got sidetracked uh if anyone's too loud or too quiet just let me know and i'll keep adjusting them until we get it right um i'm sure we'll get it still since you're playing resident evil that's probably okay because i updated that with the title so it should be changed no volume too loud do you just know that preemptively he got to turn him way down so if he screams at me then it's it's just extremely low um oh yeah yeah dan says he's only gone live now okay no worries all right well what do you want to chat about then you want to talk about politic no um religion um how's the weather where you're at right now pretty stormy here i'd love thank you very much for the 10 solves it's very very clean thank you very much uh thank you for the sub cj matthews thank you for the the tip as well uh love to see you play resident evil 4 on stream i actually debated doing resident evil 4 a resident evil 7 after resident evil 8 because i was so in the mood thank you for all the weather updates i like to hear that um i was so in the mood for resident evil but then i realized they're making resident evil 4 in vr soon this year so i was like i might do resident evil 7 now then we can have bits and bobs of different stuff in between um like we got mitopia coming out that'll probably play that on saturday um with ratchet and clank coming out next month i'll probably play that and then resident evil 4 in vr sometime later in the year and i'm hoping to have a bit of a better setup because right now i only have this area behind me and it's not very big it's kind of it's kind of small so it's a little bit awkward even sitting in vr can be dangerous i bet save for the sub i am doing well yes my i'm still like not a hundred percent because my um my uh my stomach has been off a bit recently for some reason so i feel a bit ill but i feel a lot better so that's the main thing i think i will be playing miitopia yeah i might play it saturday i think it's coming out tomorrow so i think i'll play some um but i i guess we'll see we'll see what happens uh worthy lou thank you for the sub use meteor thank you for the sub as well i want to play some sims 2 on stream as well i i planned on playing sims 2 on tuesday and i was even going to set up the game but then i was just like nope bad idea feel horrible shouldn't do it i still am monitoring my heart rate yeah i'm curious which it's going to go higher on resident evil 7 the horror game or totally reliable delivery service with the irish leds because if you watched my stream with the sims 1 we had a horrible horrible time trying to raise a kevin of our own and i was thinking maybe i could do one in the sims 2. have another kevin try another ultimate alternate reality or something i thought it'd be fun um fang uh white poison favorite sub uh poplar for the bits as well um could i suggest delivering crackages i like that that's a good title right there uh hanaki visit tattoos uh visit asksu is it thank you for the sub and maybe you was thank you for the sub as well um terafee thank you for the tip as well uh to maggie thank you for the tip as well i didn't know uh 21 pilots were live streaming on friday but i i'm i might watch it also are you fun at concerts honestly i i i am not a huge fan of concerts um i i find i get irritated a bit there's too much going on i don't know what it is like i went to like a one-day festival thing and i started to get really really irritated just because there's too many people around me and there's there's too much going on and it was just too overwhelming um having said that it was just after my car accident like way too soon after and it could have been that yeah it was like sensory overload is what it felt like um but i think it might have been too soon after my my car accident because i i felt like really overwhelmed and i was just like this this isn't good at all um i went to a concert when last like a year and a half ago i don't know a few months before the pandemic started anyway and uh that was that was pretty good it was in a smaller venue um i i did find i got a bit bored even though i really liked the artist i was like i spent so long waiting it was like an hour and a half after the scheduled time so i was just waiting so i was already a bit bored when it started and then by the time it started i was like i'm enjoying it but i'm also like i kind of want to leave it's a bit weird i just i have a problem with getting restless and stuff so i just i struggle uh who was it it was uh john bolon who i saw last um who i really like but i just i think my attention span just goes um i'm not really the type of person who sit down and just listen to music and enjoy it either you know i i like it in the background but yeah i it's called adhd honestly i i don't like to to like self-diagnose myself with anything but sometimes i'm like is there something like that up with me because i but i don't know anything else i don't know what's normal what's not normal but i just know that i do get very um very restless and bored at the same time and like i either it puts me off i don't know it's weird i feel like it's not normal but it's it's always been the way that i've been so i don't i don't know i i'm it could just be a i'm a person who gets restless pretty easy you know so i i i would be slow to put a label on it uh jesus thank you very much for the bits does ireland have any cool concert venues we have some we have some yeah some are cool uh some like stadium style ones and some smaller venues like i went to the smaller one i couldn't name them for you i'm not sure what the names are but i went to the smaller one for jambalan and um yeah it was uh um yeah i i might go to a doctor about it i don't know the thing is it doesn't really bother me that much because i just you know i i i've been fine the subathon yeah we'll probably do a subathon at some point in june that's the plan um everyone here are diagnosis yeah that's the thing it's like just because i'm showing like light symptoms or something i'd be slow to to actually say yeah that's that that's what i have you know i it's yeah exactly it's your normal it's it's my normal and i'm i'm kind of fine with it um yeah if it doesn't bother you then no need to do anything that's kind of what i i'm feeling you know um ask the people to take me out for medical advice imagine that you get to the final round it's like what's your question for your potential day um can you fix me medically you've ever gone around with their like they're like chat up lines trying to trying to win me over uh leader the sub um derek hayden here with the sub uh nbnb uh nbnv sorry thank you for the sub uh bin tauren thank you for the sub uh visit tattoo thanks for the bits as well uh is it like tattoo but with an s okay i'll try sorry i'm really about it names jesus name for the bits as well uh chilling thank you for the five subs very very kindly i appreciate it uh innixvia um miss panther um charlotte and defined pug thank you very much uh nagala's on but he's playing bonnie isaac i think he's just waiting oh okay dan's here all right this is good because we can slowly ease into fixing everyone's audio so let me know how it sounds and i'll adjust [Music] hello so there's uh proof oh hello how you doing kevin i'm good uh are you lagging or am i lagging uh no i think it's okay now actually you were laughing but it was like just like what is happening uh okay yeah that sounds way better let me turn you up a bit uh how you doing man how you feeling i'm all right i'm still a little bit ill but not as bad as it was yesterday so that's good that's good i felt just soak in the hot tub a little more after the stream i had to you see here's the thing about a hot tub right without when it's inflatable and you fill it with water and it's inside you eventually have to drain the water out i had to go get a water pump to actually pump it out of the house because like it's not like it's connected to the mains and i can just drain it oh god yeah i didn't even think about that because it was just like in like a garage or something wasn't it yeah it was in the conservatory i yeah that conservatory's falling apart jesus it stormed me down here today and i went in and there's just water everywhere so maybe i should position the hot tub under the leaky roof and then it would fill itself naturally the hot tub just catches this she's got to heat it up after that boil it like a kettle yeah make it nice and warm there you go how are you doing jesus i'm doing good yeah um i've just been wondering about dublin today sure uh i got a haircut oh very nice because yeah they opened like just this week so i was like if i don't get one now i don't know if i'll be able to get one till like christmas so i'm not taking any chances wait everyone's just asking me like what's a conservatory is that not like a universally known thing is that that's not an irish thing is it that's not just an irish thing no conservatory is a common okay i got a lot of people don't know um how how would you describe it like a lot of old irish people call it a sun room but you're not gonna know what that is it's it's like my one's really shitty it's made out of basically plastic so it just heats up it's like being in a little glass house it's just a room with a lot of windows but it's not actually inside it's onto the side of the house my one is about to collapse it's like it's like a sun room um typically they don't uh they're not supposed to collapse but mine does kevin's a special case yeah it's a neat feature i feel like that's the whole house sometimes people are saying it's a greenhouse no it's not quite a greenhouse lads no if you don't know where you're growing your plants yeah yeah it's not quite what we're doing here we call it a sunroom okay a lot of people actually say sunroom that that's like a very like old irish people would call it that here but not many people would say sun room here conservatories i thought that was the norm i thought so too but apparently it's a primarily european thing apparently didn't know the more you know the more you know i find it hilarious when that stuff happens when i say something that i think is normal and the whole chat collectively goes like oh that's not a common thing all right oh jesus yeah i mean i had that on stream like a while back i was trying to explain what tato crisps are and the fact that we have like like you know tato park uh it's like a theme park based around crisps and even then with crisps you have to explain that's what you you they call chips and chips is a completely different thing here yeah it gets messy and don't even get me started on the whole soccer football thing oh geez that always starts an argument in chat and where is nogla yeah die i'm surprised not he's not here he was all gung-ho for today i know brian's getting ready and he's an excuse because you know he's on like uh on the west coast is he streaming binding of isaac has he messed up the time maybe he has is he he's live on youtube at the moment doesn't he he's has he messed up the time i'm just watching his stream hang on let me roll's live thank you very much for the two years he's just seraphi glitch remember zombie mode is he's some man for one man isn't he can someone who's a member in douglas chat tell him that we're waiting how are we supposed to be here should we maybe we can ping him on discord like actually uh kevin are you are you using um headphones by the way because i'm getting a bit of an echo i can hear myself a little um do i have my things uh you just watch daddy in the meanwhile i'll i'll just turn you down on my end um second like no worries uh he seems to be having a pretty good run i feel bad tearing him away from it oh well if he's making a run he can finish the run i mean i don't think we might open his run as well you watch as well let's all let's all just watch him now will we just provide commentary over his run wait someone's just said it out yo dog with the labs oh [ __ ] oh jesus oh look at him go he's got a lot of power ups now i should [ __ ] him i'm gonna put my camera back on just so we can watch him there we go he's pretty focused right now yeah he is i i was asking him the other day that he want to play some isaac because um we're supposed to do i'm getting an ad um we're supposed to do like a group stream right we canceled it um okay i mean if you're down for isaac like as well i i'd be up for that sometime i was introduced to it recently by a good friend isaac is [ __ ] great it's so fun it's good fun yeah um let me bring people saying wow rt you're very good at eyes like it's not me playing oh and right now it's doggy i'm just i'm just waiting on them oh god i mean i'm down for that sometimes if you can't if daddy fakes off i'd love to play with you kevin i've already told about play with him but i'm sure i can play with both of you no no you got to pick one now you can't you can't two-time us like that i'm going to just put myself over dahi's webcam so it looks like i'm playing oh i'm going to do that too there we go people are just going to be like now that we've covered his webcams like who's talking i'm the wrong way around what this will do yes let's oh [ __ ] let's line this up hang on oh no that is good there we go i'm just going to hold the controllers they kind of give the illusion i am too i'm holding it off all right this is it this is the final level you know what i'm going to do this with my eyes closed so i'm just gonna he's trying to beat this guy oh he's on to us he knows they're watching him now oh my god he must be really good at isaac i don't think i've ever even gotten this fair is this spoilers for like biting if i exactly like bosses it's all random so it doesn't really matter okay jeez i've never seen this boss right though [ __ ] i'm gonna beat this you can do it jesus don't know me if we can do it we can do it just hope for the best it's like yeah when you hand like your little brother like an unplugged xbox controller or something like that it's like i'm that guy on the screen like yes you are you're doing great he keeps saying you [ __ ] you absolute [ __ ] so i put myself next to him [ __ ] on from here because he really sounds like he's talking to me he usually talks to me that i don't have protection hang on i'm gonna i'm gonna let me try to set this up hang on i'm literally getting [ __ ] just gonna like pretend that i'm playing along with him so it's like things coming up okay like you get them from the left flank and i'll go right okay that's it that you you're doing okay you could be doing better [ __ ] bush i'm gonna be the main character i'm moving around you gotta [ __ ] pull your weight i'm doing all the work here [ __ ] [ __ ] i think i think there's only one [ __ ] here daddy stop playing the game oh my god we're doing it okay we're doing it come on kevin i'm the main character on my end no i'm isaac it's the binding of kevin at the moment it's a fun little mini game while we wait for him honestly he's doing great [ __ ] you you healing [ __ ] it's like irish lads play the other irish lads tonight oh no i i got my head i just pretend to be a part of your we've got loads of health though we're good we're good we're good we're good i i like this right i think we're doing good here bomb straight killing the bomb should kill him right strong run strong yes we did it yes oh that's how it's done lads yes i'll blow it up all right what's in the treasure box it's me that is great do you want to clear them just move your camera over like isaac again hey at least we beat her right i'm so happy for him i'm happy for that i was feeling you good job damn kid save the game ah god almighty twitch raid here on youtube people gave him money to tell him like we're waiting for him oh you're here we're watching your stream it was great you you did it good run dude oh wait oh it's echoing now it's time he's here it's not he's actually he's here jesus you're doing [Music] i'm sorry for just rebroadcasting your stream but it was good dmcas now all right working on it all right guys stop streaming people are stealing my content i'll talk to you later oh hang on guys i gotta only wait i gotta talk to my lawyers oh god how are you doing dahi it's good to see you grand man anthony thank you very much for the two soldiers from that advice as good as can be it's good it's gonna be that's great if you want in the meanwhile thank you anybody how this works it's this tv thank you uh if i just die do i have your ad on epic do do we even have each other oh we do i i i just assume we've got each other yeah we do everything i don't know why you say why i have your social security number if i need a cash do i trust you uh okay i'll just i'll just make a quick password hang on let me i mean uh what um what mode were you playing doggie i've never played against that boss before that's greed mode i think it's new right right okay i've not tried that one i don't think i did anything password is okay i put that in the discord there okay don't say it aloud it's tempting no it is it is it is okay does that work um one second i have to relaunch my game it just instantly crashed i don't think that worked hang on i think i can show the screen now because the password's censored okay i'm gonna hide mine for now um they know how many characters it is but it's like we should be fine it'll take them a while to decipher it um i think you can customize people when you get when you get going you can buy items and stuff it's it's not letting me host it um i'm clicking play and it's just oh no it let me in that time okay i think now if you try drawing off me okay make sure that the uh the game will actually launch first noise it's like a wizard here i i've sold i haven't played this game in like years hang on let me let me just toggle some things here i'm gonna i'm gonna hide myself mine's i think i just gotta i think i just have to wait for you guys to connect off me i'll just sit tight i might have a bit of a uh an issue oh wait it might be launching fingers crossed like all i can see right now is a sign that says totally reliable as we all have connection issues trying to get a little bit ironic uh right okay i can just join off your friends um okay and then yep there we go let's get in oh how the explosive drum responds that's nice damn death well people do say we look alike oh the graphics have changed in this game let me swap yeah it's like change it used to be like kind of the human fall flat style more wasn't it yeah it was and thank you proper bodies and clothes now uh this guy this guy right here let me tell you about this guy i'm wearing my heartbeat monitor now so if things get tense people will know why are you playing this with a heartbeat man i just think it's important that people know how i'm feeling throughout it's just playing resident evil and i'm just leaving it on oh god i saw you're you're playing um the earlier one your hat rate is higher in the resident evil it probably will be my resting heart rate is apparently super low i've learned over the past few weeks oh my god uh it was like at the scary moments it would reach like the 70s but most of the time it was like mid 60s and going down to 50s even it was usually like mid 60s i guess let's just keep them calm and collected under pressure sure not much gets to you i guess yeah unfortunately chatter pointing out and it is true that my heart rate resting is normally 69 and like like i'm not even i'm i mean how do you even mean that like what are you going to do to change it that's the thing i can't control it but people are making oh i think we've got o'brien in the chat fantastic oh he's muted help hello brian i'm here hey good to see you man i need some yeah you you sound [ __ ] shattered is everything okay i'm tired oh jesus i got fully reliable uh service but it's like telling me like oh you're very quiet and aaron hang on uh oh yeah no i'm just talking quiet um i got the game but it's telling me that it's like it says i own it and then was it by the deluxe edition we got the we got the version on epic if that helps yeah that's what i'm on okay um it's just that when i go to my library it's like it says oh no it says i can get it never mind i gotta keep turning you up he's fine i'm kind of covering my mouth i'm kind of covering my mouth okay he's just a bit shy yeah i got someone bullied me in my stream i don't know yeah [ __ ] twitter oh no ah nothing but support on our end uh yeah who would do that oh [ __ ] oh god i'm dead uh brian is everything okay for the game on on your end who the [ __ ] uses epic on my [ __ ] login i mean this game i believe was exclusive on it for a good ol while so it was like we got it played that fortnite crap back in the day fortnite battle royale that's when we should stream lads all of us in the battle bus structure rightfully go [ __ ] yourself nothing but a chance what what's it called tomato town tilted towers oh my and the song that can be the soundtrack on loop the entire stream i'm already excited i think the kids would love that now i'm about to go downtown i just love that line that's just wiped out to tomato town because like it just sounds like you've casually committed genocide or something like that like it's just so nonchalantly slippery that song was incredible pop of are you truman's oh what was it estelle and who was was a kanye oh [ __ ] back back when kanye was pretty good oh god i need to turn you all up no i'm not talking youtube style man it's just genuinely hard to hear you it's like even for myself outside of the stream i'm just trying to listen to you uh you just probably still have water in your ears from your bathtub streams it's true we did get a bit waterlogged the baby finally dried out the other day why won't you log in my bathroom still smells i i don't think i can wear that suit again it's overpowering mint wait what did you put in the bathtub uh like two full bath bottles of like uh like bubble bat and like four different bath bombs oh sweet jesus did you put in fairy liquid i saw fairy tales yeah i put in some fairy liquid and some like undiluted squash at one point too you were mad yeah that was fine i had to have a shower after the bat because i was worried like there's so many like chemicals that are like starting to be good for your skin so like i just like kind of scrub down afterwards probably a good idea yeah the advocate the avocado's just sitting in the bathtub at the moment because i don't know where to put it it's so massive even when it's deflated it's just sitting there like i can keep the donut because there's space for that in the cupboard but the avocado is too big first timer there's the first time for everything kevin are you doing achievements in the background uh no i've just been wandering around but i'm trying to figure out what we're even supposed to do to start the parcel no it's mine give me give me the paracel where are we supposed to bring it you're supposed to leave it with me okay give it here all right thank you this is like the worst way to carry it your arms will just be breaking where are we actually supposed to bring it uh it says the cars down here i think let's get let's get the mail van i'm trying to remember how to drive this thing what is the controls oh jesus you're asking the wrong guy i'm not sure oh i got it it seems like it you all right i'm okay yeah i'm just good i'm just remembering how the drive hang on here let me put the package in is there any like notification for you where we're supposed to go with this thing it just says delivered to the security kiosk but it doesn't even indicate where it is right now it doesn't even say that for me it gives me nothing is that just here like the security did you talk to the wizard here no i didn't if you just stand in his circle okay let me it's very hard to steer the car when it's like it's like behind your perspective oh crashing noises so why does this game behave so differently to the beta it's changed a lot yeah maybe it'll tell me now that i've spoken to the wizard no i haven't been tired of running unlocked vehicles for downtown i'm getting like a cutscenes just put cars in a game called totally reliable doesn't seem too reliable reliable between you and me hi jesus how you getting on doggy with the install is the worst [ __ ] one of yours huh is the install working yes don't know i'm trying to figure out a responsive video real quick noise i think i spawned a plane in the world so i'm just trying to find it where are we supposed to go there's a truck over here i could just hear like crying stretching we're trying to find a will to play this game again wait have you played this before yeah yeah was it was it rough or oh it was rough it's like sandpaper on my balls that was rough we didn't have to play this one again if you if you had like a bad experience boys uno no no no no no no come on you know you'd like a bit of uno oh no we can't uh the last juno session got so heated we can try some of this first uno makes you that part that knows what about marry apparently mario party brian oh we can't i don't know if we can do mario party again now jesus christ what what's up come on we literally have fun playing games after that one i needed a few more 30 lessons before they get older to be honest with you before i'm ready to [ __ ] hit a block i'm just hitting the camera over the truck right it's about sensitive given my history dan okay you're just gonna do it again all right fine all right join my friends am i friends with you oh no except ah the sweet smell of victory uh let me see i i set it up so you can just join even if i don't have you at it yeah it's a region oh no oh is that a passport thing uh it's a password uh friendly thank you for the bits just for something even the bits as well i'll talk to him sarah thank you for the bits as well uh worrisome uh uh luna rice uh do you joe the way brianna pineapple uh monster monster is it sorry about the delay everyone i'm hoping we can get started soon um framy cutting edge username is too stressful tom c rebecca uh chillin uh gaming boy thank you as well k gold thank you very much hopefully we'll get started now uh you're grand thank you very much again gps oh here we go gps when i play an fps this feels like very controller driven i feel like i should be using a controller i i i'm on the controller myself that's what we did what the hell was that hey you guys sideways i'm here let's deliver the mail you want to try and deliver is it's so loud all right chain we all are fairly similar let's get started i've she's all grown the same mustache [Music] holy [ __ ] i'm strong are you able to grab my hand like that come on i've got each of your asses now let me take this back to the truck one cheek in each hand i'm trying to get you upset you can tell you can tell i'm upset what's sad about this i don't like to be fondled then but now i'm happy i got used to it how do you do that you change your tone but i'm wondering what's this weird strange feeling in my pants i'm trying oh no i want to leave incapacitated good [ __ ] oh jesus i've got the package all right we're in boys no club fondler drift king is throwing drift daddy or television all right wait okay just deliver to the security kiosk have we got everyone here if everyone gets in the car i'm driving arms [Music] steer in the car like uh this looks like the security kiosk to me then but i'm just trying to just work it so hard to steer this vehicle why won't the controller work ah jesus christ is this all in ambulance but not for me brian you're looking well is this the kiosk then this is is it like it's like an important kiosk if we just hold on to the truck and someone drives we should all be able to get to where we need to go i would have thought that the kiosk is up the road or something [Music] we're in a bit of trouble i've lost brian you're right you gotta get in the truck now jesus christ you shall not pass oh we need we need to get the parcel if you wanna if you wanna grab that there brian where's look at my butt wiggling wait i mean i'm taking that okay kevin got distracted by the cake dude is everyone holding on to the vehicle i'm holding on to something if you could put it if you're going to ready boys kevin looking at my cakes you could put it away now it's very distracting jesus christ it's very hard to steer this thing i'm stuck okay okay can anyone get out health benefits [Laughter] you're just laying wind for something to pick it up i'm with aviva you health insurance hands my god i'm gonna pull you out brian all right no no no aviva healthcare will save me triple-a and aviva oh look our hero's coming over where he's got a forklift i got this no i'll keep yanking on brian's head now hopefully i get myself [Music] i'm well and truly i got my ass stuck in here let's go let's get back up [ __ ] input this is such a delay with the controller here we go are we ready now yeah let's give this a priceless vase to the customer jesus christ i didn't fall should we just walk wait wait where is the station there's nothing over here wait hop on in kevin is there a check like a thing behind us for you because there is for me so bad grabbing onto your breath this is like a blue marker over here i'm so stuck get me out of here yeah let me let me just stare oh jesus christ let me just stare a red light behind if you give me the box it will never fall out i might always try but i think you're holding on to me which is essentially the same thing right yeah yeah yeah there's an exclamation point on the map yeah go to that there it is just like gta boys gta 6 that's what we're playing right here this is this restaurant yeah let's go get me out is this the goal i don't think it is this is like a mini game or something oh the box isn't looking too good what is this try deliver to earn some money thanks where do we deliver this box i'm just gonna scout with the car you broke the box oh it's fine we're never gonna deliver maybe better off there's something there's something for nasa and a heart thing and like a heart transplant thing it seems important yeah i'm trying to turn around okay get in and die okay [Music] i'm ready to drive oh i'm not in it so complete events laser barrage stop while you're driving [Music] i'm having a i just like you know the air through my hair is it the green thing quite pleasant here who's got an ambulance is there a green thing oh die die call for help how where the [ __ ] do we deliver the mail ambulance i need an ambulance oh jesus what is going on up there this is the ambulance hit us i think we need to drive oh the plane all the plane oh i'm taking the plane all day [ __ ] oh let's go i feel like the game is bugged or something come on now brian we're a team here let me like moon jump over to you i see aliens see you of ours oh fly the plane this is so stupid i love this game i'm i'm like i'm stuck on the plane i think you gotta wait for a new one it's the lobby [ __ ] bog sedan or something this doesn't make any sense no this [ __ ] delay is i can't use the controller like i hit forward and it takes like two seconds from new delivery boys new delivery planes not working did you find it i found a new delivery [Music] i opened this vote no delivery damn ambulance hang on where are you i'm coming back right now turbo i'm the guy with the mouse lord knoppers [Music] where am i sorry about the delay i'm so confused it seems totally bogged do i need to restart this completely i think you do dude i think it's broken oh this is wait what the [ __ ] how am i under here what happened yeah what's underneath the ground kevin how did you bring me down there okay i'll set up a new lobby lads okay we'll see if this works any better how do you keep pulling me underground because i'm coming nowhere near you pulling you you're pulling me am i yeah my controls are also backwards when i'm on the ground what the hell is going on okay i i've closed it i'm totally reliable except it's not reliable at all it's not been very reliable so far okay uh let me it'll be the same password as before okay let me set it up now we broke the game what a joke so many people in my chat just saying like this is purgatory it felt like it that is very accurate ah jesus uh is it started i i clicked play but it does it didn't put me in the lobby i have to like spam click it a few times oh no oh it doesn't let me in oh i hear a voice this game this game didn't have that much trouble before like i played never had it like once before and it was fine what happened i don't know yeah you go for it yeah some if you want to use charlie's host instead it's like because it's not cooperating with me hmm he just said it's like a password for it yeah all right so the hey like four games set up how many people are playing this game come on in boys put the password in the chat is there i just click join game is there only like six people playing this in europe i understand why it's so [ __ ] for me you're from the u.s yeah the input like oh my lord so uno so i did a local oh man i'm in i did a local game it works perfectly fine okay let's let's wait till everyone's here before we start [ __ ] about with the world it's saying like use x to walk okay oh i got you you you can walk slower if you want come on in brad this brother is a circle we've almost got him off here oh my god the tangling oh my gosh oh it's beautiful such an advanced joint boys this is the dance of our people i know you're ashamed did you did you guys have to learn how you were just dancing for like a count kaylee yeah we did buy them jesus i would go crack oh to be fair to be fair to be fair uh very similar to this i was [ __ ] exhausted so i was oh there was a bit of a chubby child when i did my kaylee uh so it like it tuckered me out god love me like when i was doing irish dancing jumping up and down trying to jake brother join the jig what the [ __ ] just happened i talked to the wizard i think oh it's showing because you're talking to the wizard time has frozen for all sorry i didn't know the wizard was that powerful i thought it just opened the gate okay we can move again fun exploring do we all have to talk to him you must be tired of running unlocked vehicles for downtown i'm too poor yes it's working okay okay the kiosk oh no you just walked through the game yes it's working we did you deliver that yeah wow amazing oh my gosh that's pretty good you're so reliable was that the security kiosk entire time yeah it's just that's kind of the thing didn't spawn [Music] all day uh wait where's the next step over here delivery of the world oh my god i got stuck he'll be fine don't worry he's gonna be fine he sounds fine someone get into some oh my god my hands are literally stuck it literally stuck trying this is deliver it deliver it to the office you gotta hurry down he's trying to put us in the truck we're already on a silver medal come on shoot okay you put it in the truck i'll drive i'm the strong man i'm the strong man get in there drive drive yeah it's very difficult to find the stair in the wheel that's it it's that's it push it forward wait is that kevin on the front yeah i'm ready okay yeah you can go i'm still going over there over there left left left left left we gotta pick up brian where's my we don't need him he's doing his own thing dude brian where the [ __ ] are you he's starting his own business this is a four-person job brian right there i'm actually running the camera silver we take those we take those it's all brian's up there let's see yeah we gotta get brian we're just missing him right now i think he's enjoying his little old plane okay i'll be honest with you i can't play this is it too bad laggy the the the input lag is just it's just ridiculous no that's a shame i'm trying to try and try and drive okay it's just it's just impossible so you guys just just work around i'll just stand here well no we can we can play a different game if you want now brian we're not going to leave it behind no no no it's it's fine it's just i won't be able to do anything you just you're just going to be along for the ride like we have to have your laptop in the vehicle i've got him boys it's bringing your scottish cousin that doesn't want to walk to work today dahi could you pick us up i could i could kevin's chasing me with a stop sign i'm asking you to stop but you won't just keep going just leave call of duty come on in guys okay hang on that's it that's it all right i'm ready man everybody yeah thank you you're crouching my face thank you yeah let's get back in oh the controls feel so much more jank than they were before and it seems a bit laggy for me for some reason but that could be my pc my pc is freaking out recently come on kevin hop on honestly i'll be faster walking there's an assignment there there's a lot around here i mean this is close to our stop anyway oh i'm stuck under the [ __ ] truck again there you go you're fine is this something that's helicopter pad insert youtuber's channel joke here zipline zip line i think this package might be a bomb zip line over here oh wait we have a i'm coming hang on i was just using an explosive okay we got we gotta go up the mountain now do we yeah hold on hey i [Music] how did you do that grab the fire extinguisher i'm gonna get the golf cart did someone get shot i got blew up by a fire extinguisher oh no oh the car just exploded what the hell is going on in this game what the [ __ ] did you just do to me how did he i have no idea what's going on in this game how is that possible joe oh and we can pick up brian as well just like gta we gotta get him yeah oh god there is a weird i'll get the box now hang on it's actually really hard to just pick up the box because it lags yeah can i hold on to like the blade hang on well i need you to hold on to the box well i'll hold on to the blade with one hand and then the box yeah i'm holding on to the camera yeah i got you well i'm holding on to the balls in because i need both hands for this so you have to let go of it all right okay i think kevin's got the box now i i've got the ball you're pulling me out okay hop on here you need to let go of me with one hand and grab the helicopter i can't let go of you kevin all right there you go grab that handle there you go perfect take off don't think yeah yeah i really don't think we are we're right yeah okay i'm gonna hold on it's perfect hang on kevin oh shits hold on we need to flip the vehicle it's landed on kevin's neck there we go perfect we're working on it we're working on it i i haven't got my license yet so okay i trust in you we got we gotta pick up brian oh my god yeah we gotta pick up ourselves really you're holding on to the video flight off why is this so awkward what the [ __ ] are we too chunky this game is so [ __ ] up come on you [ __ ] helicopter let's get the parasol back on hang on it's so difficult to just like hold on to anything okay you're good okay i'm trying i'm trying to hold on to the handle just try and get in i can't you can jump yes you can there you go hang on to anything okay you'll be fine you'll be fine i'll be the package guys deliver me okay okay okay i told you i don't think my seatbelt was secured dark and everything okay i'm on i'm on i'm on i'm ready this time let's go all right i'm ready okay come on kevin you got all the hold on i can't see anything this is a disaster the game is so diverse change your brightness back down the mountain are we coming over brian no it's fine i'm already here you took so long we're coming right here we're going to save you the chopper okay we still got the power so we can deliver it yeah all 100 let's go back and get one now that we got all the sorry folks i'm just going to tweet my video real quick you just say sean's in the box i'll be right back this game it's all over the place i think it's because my sir back there is it's not cooperating either i should have a new computer well mainly uh next i want to see if you can see the like kev so i'm gonna go i'm gonna hit i'm gonna hit move on go three two one go wasn't that bad what do it again what was it yeah maybe maybe because maybe there's even a delay moving there probably is yeah so three two one go and now it moved yeah it's on our end i guess the voice is also delayed i can just pull you around like i don't know where i'm going either but so when i try and run in like a str or drive or do anything i feel like i'm drunk because i'm like i got this i got right there i got i got this i can drive i can fly oh thanks i was having a lot of trouble there okay excuse me excuse me sorry sorry excuse me excuse me excuse me i got i got up the handles are on the outside so it's like i gotta i gotta hang on to the edge excuse me you can't you can't hold on to the helicopter if you're inside it which seems like a design flaw sorry um i don't know what the hell do you do we're going to go on this package hop on kevin nice we're in the helicopter literally could spell your breakfast right there we got brian we're going to transport him all right let's go oh brian hang on now we got we've still got to pick up cats i don't think the helicopter will support us all i lost i will we got to get us all in all right but my bin's coming you need to jump be careful coming in now doggie why don't you tell me how to do my job we need to take it slower now all right you fly this piece of [ __ ] all right let's go in the parasol all right all gangs here oh we gotta go you're definitely weighing it down boys you're definitely going to jump chunky it's taking a while to go up jesus oh jesus i don't even know which one i am anymore okay on this one just hang on hang on tight boys hang on pat we got delivery that's six minutes late baby let's go oh don't you doing a flip don't do a flip oh god man just showing off a flip okay come on dude okay we need to land great smoothest butter delivery failed oh no and now we're trapped in this island it was a book and a bear it's still good [ __ ] oh my god can we get back to the mainland we can just live on the island now fish fight fish fight fish fight oh i can't wait to have this fish fight is this a tornado i think it is is that how we get back to the island there's an airport there's an airport to get slapped kev you're about to get slapped i do not want to be slapped with a fish go away from me oh my god yes it's like a fun tidbit for you is lads i used to work in ups but it was not it was nothing like this i finally i can really see the experience you have though i mean they do seem to take better care of the packages here now compared to yes that worries me right now we don't have this unlocked we'll have to take a fire extinguisher in the vehicle look at brian just got off in the tornado kevin you just why are you exploding i don't know what else to do in this game yeah just like wandering around interacting with things i'm trying to see if there's even like something we can pick up like we have to go back to the deliveries to unlock everything what is there's a new one is there yes yeah i'm running over now we're unlocked area boys let's go wait we'll scene of the island it's my intro all right shut up [Music] to a new youtube intro you need to add some like dubstep and like some like you know like odd sniper sound effects uh grab this grab this stand where are my pencils sure what does this do oh what's a jet pack it's actually kind of handy i don't need it but where's the delivery it was on the bridge it's by me i'm the one with no pants i i don't know where my pants are good here dude we're going pretty high yeah we're coming back down jesus there's two packages this time i like how we both fell at the same time dad oh no oh come on i don't like the way you've said that daddy wait kevin was that the car that just went in that was the car i had just gotten both packages on and the tornado hit it would actually be faster to walk it's okay what are we doing here deliver i thought this game would be fun because i know i've pitched this for like for all of us to play together for a while this is awful it was fun the last time i played it like this is this is horrendous like the input lag is awful i have no input lag all right well you're you're the whole thing the cpu is the problem i'm having a great time what are you talking about i'm trying to just like i love broken [Music] [Music] i think i'm gonna walk into the horizon and retire from this job i'm gonna walk into the sea and let it consume okay i'm on are we good yeah i i need that's the best i could do i'm hold on to the car okay okay kevin's going into the horizon yeah i'm just gonna let the sea end me i don't know you have to be mindful of the package play words where's the package going all the way over i i've got it in my hands i'm doomed gotta take it to the other side of the island yeah that guy looked like a car oh no it took too much damage oh perfect sake [ __ ] sage hold on guys this is this is going to be the package this is the package where's the wizard i'm just i'm unlocking via here we go oh guys guys look at this look what we have to deliver here is that it's not a gas canister yeah you gotta get it up here deliver it yeah all we do is deliver it up to the rooftop there's an elevator heavy i need help it's too heavy let's lift it up let's give you a hand there's an elevator over here you can use what happens there's a fly the stairs right here all right so work away so i don't know if that goes all the way to the roof is the only problem back you [ __ ] try it go [ __ ] [ __ ] dan wait what do you it's up here isn't it you're [ __ ] up this won't deliver we gotta be precise oh [ __ ] it's getting away are you okay no yeah i think they're okay kevin they're all right another successful ups delivery the you penises i can't even actually deliver the moment i tried to pick it up am i a ghost i can't interact with anything i can't i can't do anything you're just not pulling the watch dude what's this sand stuff over here it looks like you're gonna put your back into it come on all right we gotta go over the elevator no the elevator's right here look at this look at this elevator let's hop where are we going right here to the elevator yeah oh my gosh to the elevator all right somebody hit the button are we gonna get on get on the elevator all right i found the content i've gotten in this session so far brian's just acting camera man get up there we all know the tumbleweed oh geez hold on be we've done it come on come on to the top to the top you're so close it's not so close you've got me by the neck and you're pulling me around so the direction keeps changing you want it's too heavy we need to go up quick i'm slipping i'm slipping [ __ ] sacrifices okay i'm getting off i'm gonna not can you i'm getting a new job as a stripper who's unconscious me i'm gonna kill you no those are going down oh my god damn it all right i'll operate the list stairs no it stops me oh it's gone goodbye maybe it's best we restart that one oh this is horrendous so uno we gotta try it one more time boom all right we found this fire now i got this i'll do it myself got my face i'm helping do you actually not want that i don't like your girl i can watch you if you want you're like a turtle stuck on its back come on you need me give us a hand with the person thanks for walking on my it's so difficult to deliver this parasol okay all right yeah okay now perfect go we're literally two of you i'm gonna i'm gonna make my way to the left stick forward i am in rocket science that is what i'm doing together elevator get on the [ __ ] elephant it's slowly but surely i'm losing my patience this is so much easier just let me drag you hold on no brian that elevator is trickier than it looks there we go come on daddy stop going limp hang on hang on no jesus no oh no good night i was like so delivery boys oh my god this is the dumbest [ __ ] in the world impossible wait what if i just hold it up come on can you bring the left oh no you're falling out but it doesn't like moving thank god all right yeah if you can just cooperate with me okay let's get this i'm gonna show you what not moving it looks like so you know the difference because i am moving it okay this is not move okay this is down the stairs we're already downstairs what are you talking [Music] it almost made it all right i'm going to leave you guys with the stairs oh we're going off now [ __ ] off let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go come on we got this man [ __ ] you got it you got it you can do it i think you're brian's waiting patiently in the elevator stairs oh i give up i give up stop don't even touch me stop we have to go up the stairs the elevator won't work it will if you believe it will it will we got it we got to do it oh it lost control this went from the worst to the best game ever really quick no it just went worse to worst er it's the worst thing sorry all right sorry if you have my ass come on let's get into the other way to the elevator i'm here oh for [ __ ] shakespeare come on nobody's helping i don't want to hear it i am glad you're nothing seriously you don't even have ping to help come on let's go there we go there we go there we go there we go let's go let's see ah no gla come on brian you can suck an earth here get your head in the game here we go this is dead let's go let's go stairs cooperative stairs stairs work on the stairs does the stairs even lead to the roof because i'm not convinced [Applause] to the roof it's on the farm oh wait yeah we got to walk all the way around oh my god this is infuriating i could feel that uh it might be bad for him to to go up there and realize why do you have to be sick we're in the elevator initiative i think it's more fun to watch him use the elevator we have to create it i think it would have been hilarious for him to get all the way to the end and find out he wasted his time figuring it out with its controls like my god i'm trying i know how it works i'm not figuring it oh my god look at him go he's making books yeah bring it on where am i i don't need you to hold me in fact i would rather if you not hold me it's my moment it's my moment your moment dude okay how do i raise my arms uh uh why i think or lt lt elty oh yeah no he's right why i think they both do it i was using wire okay boom and we're going up boys let's go come on we got it we did it i just need a guy with 500 ping to come in here and just be get the job done nice good job you guys want more tips and tricks and had to be incredible just move to america and play this it is the best subscribe to slash terrorizer oh kevin why are you delivering it again i just thought it would be fun we're having so much fun doing it i thought we'd do it again oh no get off there we need to move god damn it you're stopping me we need to move on the heights i can reach goddammit we failed so many deliveries can we make it back to the mainland it's possible i just because i can't do [ __ ] i'm just like stealing footage from all of you you did actually do that that one fairly well yeah you you got the job done where we couldn't it's not it's not just something you should be happy about you should be ashamed of yourself i i cannot blame kevin for most of the market problems so i i'm ashamed of him or nothing yeah it's still unclear i'm gonna have to blame you dying it's a helicopter yourself listen i didn't need someone let's go twice top of the blimp boys let's go get that leggy ass in there there you go you're fine okay hold on to my ass there's plenty to grab onto there now brian i'm holding on to the two most fragile things in here we need to be real careful oh god the blimp is the cold yeah i don't know if we can get up that high we might have to lose some unnecessary weight okay okay brian you got to jettison yourself helicopter flyer no you got a jettison you gotta let go all right i'll let go oh oh don't let go you have to pass trying to take the package oh this is right the situation is significantly worse they're so there we go the blimp is so close see oh oh man all right we lost that unnecessary weight we're good this just got a lot easier boys okay easy now it's okay the rocks broke my fault easy easy just gotta watch from there easy release me easy easy let's go careful get it in there get it in there did we do it nice good job good job good job two dollars baby what let's go this is foreign dollars to rent i fell oh [ __ ] oh it's actually like almost pulled off almost mission impossible the back of the plane jumped to the front and then narcolepsy fell asleep he would have been able to turn on there's a mission over here i think okay talk to the wizard uh trenchler snow keith uh sienna deck gaming big papa joe rellis uh last wes uh adam tarantula great payday and oh gizmo thank you very much for the support appreciate it infamous 4069 thank you for the sub as well play this a bit longer sure but like should we play some uno afterwards so we do something that's maybe a bit calmer yeah i'll probably have to go after a bit more of this to be honest oh okay you you guys feel free to play away with me though i'm gonna have to go after a bit more of this you stream pretty early kev i do i stream at five so i've already been streaming for three and a half hours where's the parcel all right um i should probably stream later to be honest but oh well i that early in the day time's honestly quite lovely yeah it's kind of nice the package afternoons on the weekend about the delivery oh okay oh here he comes delivery failed gentlemen oh no it's just a bit stuck i got this stay there stay there dude you're going to see the most okay you're going to make the jump yeah i believe in them okay do you like fights this is my five good two shine gentlemen okay because i've debated moving it like an hour even on i'm honking come on nowadays check this out right all i do is i go like this don't spin it just try and bounce off the he didn't thing make it hold on hold on i was like well there's the car what happens if we get in the hoop are you bouncing this okay so maybe not full speed yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna wait you don't just propel you higher and higher slows me down yeah you need to slow down there we go almost like oh all right [Music] i'll be like a speed bump for you don't he if you go full speed through me oh that's big breath yeah that's a big brand let's try it out there we go oh oh oh oh wait i'm still alive but i'm stuck in the water uh ah guys oh and there's a shark coming in to kill daniel oh my god what's after happening to it you're so casually scared it's so glitchy and uh coming in to kill daniel and now we see jaws coming in to rip daniel's [ __ ] head off oh i'm just like drowning in the paddling pool right now oh there's nobody [Applause] it's gone get your fat ass off my face oh you're driving you're driving too fast that's too fast slow down i'm not even going on this thing speed bump [Music] already perfectly on it [Laughter] oh let's go this is the one oh [Music] we're gonna so close quick shot boys this is so close trick shot can i go driving you want to do is you want to grab this hold y and then put it on and it stays in perfectly wait does it yes yes you wouldn't know that though because you keep [ __ ] around i'm actually here to do a job let me grab on to you though that's not me [Music] oh my god a kid with a ball again we're not even like trying to deliver the mail anymore this is just like hit brian one of the five stunts yeah gta 5 stunts everyone on the car i need your ass off my hand sorry i it's stuck okay there you go yeah i'm in i did not consent to your ass being on my hand okay pop it in oh brian let me put it in try it [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] found me putting it how was your baby mate let me put it in daniel let go of me oh delivery cancel there's a solution did you do that i just want to give you a hug brian there you go i'm trying to i'm trying to i'm trying to turn so i like everything like this and i like to jump in like you get on my car hey we need to get on kevin [Laughter] [Music] i'm gonna have a heart attack before this [ __ ] job is over [Laughter] [Music] i wonder if you can get gold just driving around probably i got the package oh that was fast go let's go oh hop in boys it's too late the they're not happening okay come on no you really [ __ ] are [ __ ] off [Music] just going into the ocean all right we all need to be in for this one i know this is everyone in the car everybody in all right oh okay this is the one i'm just holding brian hang on oh my god it's so difficult to get up he's trying to hold my hand because he knows that difficulty okay i'm in guys i'm in kevin hold on i'm in i'm in let's go drive drive hold on secure yeah package is fine here we go here we go there you go a little bit left hold on a little bit left hold on nice and steady nice and steady there we go come on no it didn't bounce god damn it that felt good i thought that was it well there you go you drive again you have a gauge of like you know a little bit less okay that's the touch just a touch just i'll put it in i'll put it let me put it in let me put it in i'll put it in let me put it in i'll put it in there i'm just grinding this pole like all right just drive just drive wait it's not me driving someone else is ahold of the am i driving i think you're driving down best of luck oh [ __ ] i got knocked out yeah you got it though that's a good pace that's a good place this is good this is good this is good this is good it's good it's good oh my god does this even work waste our [ __ ] time to keep children busy for an hour it's just poor grown men [Laughter] funded by adults oh god all right let's just deliver normal okay come on go we'll pick up ryan now hang on sorry having a bit of trouble okay get in brian last second let's get a little sunburn ten dollars ten dollars wow this is freddy krueger i think he's just sunburned let's find our next job go up the magic mountain is everyone it no not everyone said is kevin running away open adam captain uh sometimes i've learned how to play this game muted thoughts thank you fair play because yeah it does seem pretty horrendous for you like i'm struggling i don't have nearly as well as like pre-empt wait what i didn't know you could sprint oh i think it's pretty nice are you just sprinting into the distance kevin no you're driving away from me i've been trying to catch up with you since we left the boardwalk [Music] hey let me figure out how to see running after the car i just learned to run to be fair so i was kind of happy okay gotcha let's go it's just america i got it we got oh my god this is horrifying like neck is stuck in the vehicle do the jump do the jump i'm going for it oh we don't have a lot of speed lads worth it can you not get out i'm wiggling someone over here yo let's visit the green thing wait is that a ufo here's the wizard they're looking for their mail too ah jesus i don't know why we get like this weird cut scene of like the zone every time we go into a circle oh an actual truck that delivers oh we got everything now oh we're flying we have to get the plane let's get the plane take it to that ufo oh here we go oh my god the air i got on that ramp just by running what the [ __ ] guys we've got a delivery here what am i doing how am i doing this what is going on all right i'm somehow flying on the wing oh yeah are you okay over there ryan oh my god super man he's gonna hang on here i should be over oh my god kevin can you see my ass cheeks yeah they look great dude looking after you yeah it really does ten dollars did i want on my own let's take off boys it's a little bit heavy i think so you need a bit more runway no no no the controller it's i did it earlier oh wait hold on what the [ __ ] go on save it save it there you go now pull the nose uh push it's inverted i think push okay it's the right analog stick isn't it yeah it's a little bit yeah it's a little bit weird oh i'm in again so once you kind of get the take off correct you're fine right right i'm trying to drunkenly get over this fence i've mounted myself on the plane why would they build a building right in front of the runway oh there you go we got to go through the ring why what are we doing fly through the blue ring holy oh no no no oh brian's falling off now [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god we lost brian we lost brian oh no no no no no you're down dude the greatest flyer of all time and i'm i'm still hanging out with this man this [Music] get ready to grab us okay i am grab my hand brian oh we're stuck in the island again aren't we here oh for [ __ ] i needed like 10 miles there's a helicopter here there we go i got it i got this one i'm just gonna hold on to you oh i feel so warm and safe the only one nothing oh helicopter he's just on the edge i swear i was just like hugging each other thank you for the [ __ ] i'm staying back here oh god i'm glitching into the helicopter oh hang on brian no i'm fine to the ufo ufo yeah ahead of us to the left a bit oh no we got to get over there oh no come on we might oh pick up velocity all right this is also working it's okay yeah nice nice nice i want you to touch that touchdown come over and turn talk to this wizard again can we use her points fellas nice touchdown we got an ice area unlocked then that okay there seems to be a hang glider over here that seems very cool oh sledding oh what is that wait do you see the hang glider ow yo what is this i'll race you to the bottom oh my gosh oh my gosh you can slide down the mountain in this i'm ready oh my gosh guys guys guys get in get in oh we gotta make a delivery with this uh oh i'm racing it down hey see ya look look i'll get you oh wait there's a ramp at the end it's like there's nothing that i am trapped underneath the helicopter oh yeah we should probably go help bro i mean i don't think we can get back up there noticing that i'm not with you and i am stuck underneath this helicopter oh brian you should have said something sooner no i wanted you to go down the hill and it made it even more comedically perfect thank you now the helicopter is gone yeah i i i got rid of it back up no no i'm fine now i got rid of the helicopter i couldn't stand the wind okay what about the hang glider then this one looks fun all right heading up right now you got to really like leg it up the mountain you guys want to go on the ufo i kind of do all right i can't trigger the power oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh guys the hang glider just i see it there's a yacht i'm having some trouble let me pick you guys up no no i'm trying to get you kevin oh [Music] my character literally shat his pants in the air brian if you might want to kill yourself just so you can get back to us quick oh all right jump in water is the fastest way very far away we can get him pretty quick though get him on the helicopter i'm going to hug you will i go to brian or are you oh oh you're free-falling come on brian we're going oh ryan's just jumping okay well people pick you up ryan we're on our way what how is he flying what are you in i think he's on the house all right you're gonna have to jump all right mission impossible tom cruise this [ __ ] all right let's grab on to us okay grab one oh we're so close so close i need to go back around where's he coming someone's dead oh my it's so god don't worry guys cinematics what a painful way to go it was rough [Music] uh helicopter no this game is still so jank but i'm having a bit more fun with us now yeah no helicopter apparently it did the lever's just not working hello you have to talk to the wizard a hot air balloon yeah i saw it in the cutscene let's have a look here hop on the helicopter with me i i definitely want to do the the mason ufo thing i got your buddy you got this you got this all right you fly fly you could never throw that there it is wait wait i see it it's over here it's in front of us hot air balloon oh there okay it was outside my draw distance i could not see it yeah that's a hot air balloon that'll take us to the ufo [Music] here we go smooth all right boys just four boys and a hot air balloon no home [Music] there's one here but it's not working it's not worth working hang on let's hop in oh we can actually all fit in this one oh we're a little bit heavy as usual hey we got to get brian in brian get in trying to line this there we go can we just go like to maximum altitude there you go how are you turning this thing wait do we have a perk ah brute strength you know who's crapping onto my crush look it's not very inappropriate air balloon guys that's very inappropriate just let go of me now definitely that's definitely me i'm like right under the couch there she is four posts that you have oh we're about to prove the world the end we can't wait for the government to do it we have to do it ourselves well what was the stuff about ufos the other day what was going on there ah they're all just distracting everybody from kanye west and kim kardashian's divorce that's what we need i see how it is all typical propaganda just a little settle the hot air balloon on this there's another one over there that looks higher yeah that mountain does look pretty high it's a bigger map i should have asked about when we were off wasn't it there she is are you able to go down or oh yeah definitely but i okay see i'll just chill this is great look at us go you can do it careful boys there's no door on the phone jesus what are you doing i want to dangle i want to get a better view i don't want a dangle i don't want it i'm abandoning [ __ ] i'll go down there myself i want to see you better it's not worth it kevin i don't believe in this no i'll make it fine oh he actually made it fair play [Laughter] there we go oh it's so great fun down here so much to do follow me yeah yeah i'm good i'm good to go now [Music] hey there's actually nothing here i think we have to speak to the wizard there's nothing here oh that was a tough landing [ __ ] where's the hot air balloon wow new aliens are a waste of time ah yeah there's just nothing the government just didn't tell us about them because this isn't a u.s big long long speakers big long loudspeaker that's what it is how do we get out of here subwoofer guys it's just a subwoofer it's just bass oh look at him look this is a beautiful way to end it boys looking out to the ocean isn't that beautiful isn't it beautiful i'm drowning myself you grab my my god i couldn't resist i just couldn't resist i couldn't i know you couldn't kevin has left the game uh that's enough for me i think we we discovered aliens that's that's high above what i expected oh that's where i'll get some rest man yeah i need a bit of rest and a bit of food i think um but let's thank you for the games it was a pleasure delivering mail with you yeah maybe we should try and play earlier next week like maybe five or six can do um would that suit you brian uh because oh yeah good point wait what's the main concern is that pst or gmt here you're talking about lancers yourselves out with that one yeah i feel like seven years might be a bit hard for for brian yeah the i'll pa i'll pass seven's fine for me as well i'm sure we'll figure something out um is there anyone always down for whatever which is lads it's good fun it's always good um are any of you continuing to stream or uh do you want to play a chill around of uno yeah i'm down i'm done i'm done i'm done brian you down for samuno and who else a robot so a robot what well yeah like three of us fourth person yeah who's gonna be the fourth person we can play with a bot okay that's what i'm asking should be all right yeah just that you had someone else please name him after me and have fun lads i'll i'll send the people over to you dan so they can enjoy your uno gameplay thanks kevin you're too kind no bother at all all right enjoy i'll talk to you soon thanks for the game talk to you guys uh what a lovely bunch of lads all right i'm gonna finish up there again sorry about the the slow start with totally reliable delivery service um between getting everyone on and also getting it working it was a little bit of a mess um so i feel a little bad about that it took it took a while to get going honestly we needed that area where it was like the elevators and the um um the stairs that's when we really got going uh but i hope you enjoyed thank you so much for joining me um i'll be streaming it on saturday in the meantime i have a video that's got up today i might post one tomorrow i'm not sure i'll i'll think about it because i got to get something ready i saw the new sims pack but i haven't looked at it i saw it got announced but i i don't know what it is i think it's more about like designing stuff rather than gameplay changes right um but yeah i need to take a look uh z thank you very much for the bits and thank you for that i will i will take a look at that thank you so much that's very very kind of here um for sending me a code for the 21 pilots live stream thank you so much i like everybody keep it in all caps um today isn't over j bowling thank you for the sub and mama spaghetti mtk uh g frankie flowchart thank you very much and again just um thank you uh thank you so much for joining me today um why are you apologizing no that was your fault no i don't i don't think anyone was really at fault but i i like i like the streams to be fairly fluid i don't even when i like stop to to tweet and stuff i'm like i'd rather do all that stuff outside the stream and just like give a nice give a nice time where we could hang out in the stream because i don't it's not like i stream a huge amount like i stream a decent amount but i like them to be pretty fluid and we we have fun throughout the whole thing you know um but yeah so sorry about that but try and make it more fluid next time you're very kind thank you very much for being nice about it um i appreciate it um but yeah i'll be streaming on saturday hello kevin something sorry your name went going really fast uh i'll be streaming saturday we might try and do some miitopia i'm not sure what else we'll do um i guess we'll wait and see uh i'll i'll let you know on the stream title anyway beforehand and uh we will see what we get up to um that's about it i post a video today as well if you want to check it out i played like a flash game that i played a lot as a kid it was kind of interesting um there's a banner below for my youtube um i think there's more and more people now who are finding me on twitch rather than youtube which is pretty cool to be honest i've been enjoying twitch a lot and it's nice to see so many people popping in um nowadays for the streams it's very very fun but miitopia will be really fun i think we can make a lot of her characters and whatnot um but gang thank you so much for joining me i appreciate it sorry for missy tuesday too by the way and uh i hope you enjoy your evening nice morning whatever it might be have fun bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye it gets so intense when it goes out of focus all right goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 320,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: 8hqy-WFLoNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 5sec (13925 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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