Trouble in Terrorist Town (with Irish lads) & Call of Duty: Warzone | 2020-05-10

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hello okay good we're back sorry about that guys but it was better to just fix it now rather than trying to fix it later on um when we're midstream while we're waiting anyway matt thank you so much for the sub and thank you for all the support guys i'm gonna jump back into the chat now and again once um we're done with this group little stream i'm gonna do a solo stream and i'll talk to all of you loads i'm sorry i can't talk to you more at the moment when we're doing the little group stream but uh let's let's jump in for the delivery service because it's like a four-player game and that and like we could play it and like not be like so like we know we're not just missing them yeah yeah i can play that okay that sounds grand i hate to say you sound dead inside right now man i'm fine you're fine okay who else is dead inside what's going on oh welcome back kevin thank you how are you doing daddy all right great that's what i like to hear not too optimistic not pessimistic a realist that's what i like he's still like god died you won the lottery fair enough it's a boy oh great you know who he reminds me of father stone i don't like like like the priest who's just not entertained by anything he find everything in the bush mother tongue for his father i have to watch father ted because i'm not getting half of these references that you get throughout it happens every week father would you like a cup of tea ah no thanks i'm grand do you want to watch the telly i know i'm funny it's the fella with the mustache and he's got he looks so like dreary yeah but i don't think i think do you remember the one where they're in the the women's lingerie section in don stores do you remember their they're trying oh yeah it's [ __ ] dumb yeah but whose voice it was you remember another one had i've got a lovely dreary voice there father oh god who's your man what what's his name attention shoppers this store is going to be closing in five minutes make your way interesting not that way the other [ __ ] way like ted did you request someone who has a dramatic voice a voice oh god it's such a good episode i watched it every year like around christmas time it's so [ __ ] good okay i'm buying my last turnips okay how much have you invested this this week i think i've invested in money oh jesus christ i was gonna say it's like you've been going for like a solid half hour just buying the [ __ ] things yeah you gotta spend money to make money 22 million bells i'm gonna be building we can all play animal crossing as well i'm gonna i'm gonna build the equivalent of dubai on this island oh god animal crossing could actually be a real good fun when we just tour each other islands millions of turnips just scattered around my island nogla is not allowed anywhere near this island right now i'll just come on that's fine you can trust me oh that's fine kevin have you been playing much animal crossing uh no my my island's a bit cursed to be honest i only played about three times um you probably don't want to see it to be honest i'd gladly take a tour of yours though okay oh no because i i know the rest of us have been playing it quite a bit like shawn's definitely playing it too i've got turnips i've got money trees as well no no glass nowhere you're not coming to my island okay you'll uproot everything i'll be poor dawg i try to hold your excitement there uh daddy we're like touring the island that should be enough that should be nice right let's have this entertaining stream commence here we go jerry's mod there we go turning on the youtube mode little bumper or was that uh i just had a little bit of a little bit of youtube encouragement there daniel all right go for yeah if you know what i mean oh god this is what all your twitch bits go towards here's my invite was that um it's the magic energy powder glo i i think we should do tt with just the four of us i'll be having randoms in there uh i've got i've got my mods on the server at the moment but i don't i don't know do you want to do just the four of us [ __ ] the randoms it might not be you're doing a great job listen i don't want [ __ ] randy scrandy scrawling her own place [ __ ] him we can try just the four of us but i think it might not be enough but we can try it out yeah see look i've seen i've done a good fight i've done it with four people before shut your [ __ ] up daniel made a good point what if like two innocent and a detective are in a room or something like that or someone goes around the corner and they get killed it's just elimination at the moment who the person is if two people stick together and one person dies you can always work out who the traitor is like always without fail all right i don't know dude student farmers then that's great idea we can try it for a round we'll give it a go uh jim if that's okay jim's just my admin uh could you could you just set it so that it's just uh yes yeah gate control he he's changing the whitelist for us for a moment thanks jim apologies to my mods that you might be back in real soon honestly your mods sorry for inviting the grinch from frank all of my loyal moderators you know help me sorry it would have been nice to interact with you guys i died he just told you all to go home he doesn't want you here i'm sorry i don't know where you've been get away oh jeez okay we'll try around with just the four of us then but again i i think i'm going to look forward to support i think it will work out in a way just to be clear you guys can tell them it's very prominent very quick doesn't really it's just dying meet and greet and it's like oh my god he just just woke up and it turned out what are you here for i want to meet you know kind of all your videos do you want me to sign something if you want to not really do you want to start the squad stream then since it's just you and me people are just asking me for it oh yeah you can do that now thank you dan good morning man what a man he's some man for one man you will give him that oh my god what is this we could play warzone i'm down to play warzone warzone is sick to be fair but i don't think i'm going to work i was like three two one kevin it's stick i swear to god wait wait who doesn't have it installed i don't have an instagram don't think deadpool is a stick then i've i've never played daniel in your game give me that [ __ ] we all know you've got every single game you're talented on your pc we know you you've got everything you've got the encyclopedia of all games installed this is a lot of pressure sir you know what you're doing okay nerd yes you you set up everything you've got your own servers i can't even spell server see you're s'mores cr oh jim loaded the one map in the game we weren't supposed to load because uh this one has no guns oh my goodness fire him get him out in the game we need help this is a kind of kevin sims stay still change level um cs office can't change level not running server oh no we need we need to change it again i'm going to get my chat open for you jim just in case you need to reach me thanks man god damn it what's the password or is it uh so if you just click the link that i sent in the discord uh that will automatically connect you that's got the password in it see nerd what did i tell you that's the [ __ ] just click something like people keep saying that like for like even the don't starve sessions like i'm the organized one which like i find hard to believe myself oh you're definitely the almost organized one yeah when we play mario kart next show you organized and once we once we get sean we'll all do mario kart i think that'll be good get the full house in for that one oh yeah we can do we can try ttt today and like again people are up for like uh delivery service i think that one's a real good fun i don't know if you've played it but it's like human i have i'm just i absolutely detested it because it's so bad i detested it are you sure you want to play it then is that okay no no no no no no no i'm not i'm not saying here or something no nope no no i'll play it i hate it but i'll play it never mind don't you worry anything you sweep you just hang [Music] say you that's me oh hi how you doing hold on guys i'm on 84 336 i was literally i'm not gonna lie i clicked on your head and you shut up is there so many downloads for this server because you're asleep and 100 win rate oh he was a huge sorry about that lads it's fine it's fine are y'all who's no we could do a pommel party that's the phone game oh that is a fun one actually yeah it's like a knockoff version of mario party it was actually it's still fun though sorry about that it's on steam yeah uh yeah i could download are we going to break the bank i might have to rob the bank oh no i mean i'd be down for it yeah the immediate problem i'm noticing with ttc with only three people on the server right now is i can't find any of you ah don't worry about it fancy you're the traitor so like i might as well murder you if i encounter you if that's what you want to do that's what you want to do you be you dude i'm fine nope [ __ ] off you just wallowed me with a crowbar okay well i was innocent oh there's no result we could do stick fight as well that's a really fun one stick fight ah sure that sounds great yeah we have a few there oh no why are you making them play games we play all the [ __ ] time let's play all the time let's play something that you were not [ __ ] pros in and we're going to do we're pretty good at gmod bro childhood professional she's pretty good at gmail why don't we i'm just trying to open our horizons yeah let's try pommel party we don't play it no let's play stick fight the same shot we play week in week out i'm trying to open their horizons brian it's a terrible relationship just told a bunch of moderators that were super excited to play this game with us [ __ ] off and you want to talk about that slip brian i'm sorry mom and dad are fighting right now i know this is hard to watch i'm trying it's just a frightening slip right now i'm sorry can we watch a movie together i'm go i i'm i'm done she wants me to just give you money i'll do that are we okay great news let me start recording we finally got to play around we're all okay wait i'm excited one person's going to be a traitor and like you have a one in three chance of like killing them if you just shoot on everyone yeah and you can't just shoot for no reason no no that wouldn't be fun but it's fairly likely that person's the traitor that's the thing that would just have to deduce it like yeah but like come on okay i'm just going to find someone stick with them and if i hear gunshots the other person's a traitor all right well i'm in the sun if you want to hang out with me yeah i'm innocent too kevin yeah let's let's meet up no i actually believe you i do believe you let's go meet up somewhere do you really yeah is that you dan all right no no come with me how's it going there's the filing cabinet on the move here that that might be jim he's just like i think come with me come on yes yes oh come on come here i don't want to follow you no don't take your friends then come with me come here what what have you got the show me kevin what have you got she's coming come on i think i don't like did you come alone i don't care but i don't like where we're going here oh god you scared me sorry that wasn't even me oh this is a mistake oh there was no glove bush [ __ ] that was right genius you didn't even know hold on sherlock look if it wasn't you it was then going to be brian okay it's the powers of deduction you know yeah pretty much how the law works as well just keep [ __ ] killing them you'll eventually get about enough people you'll catch the criminal exactly as long as the good guys are eventually yeah you're just keep firing you know yeah all right who's username that's who's username we're going to do a test come here we'll start the round together and if one of us look we'd be killing each other right now if we were the enemies so that's what you pick up we're innocent hang on so let's oh i don't like the way you're looking at me to be honest let's go now that we're both innocent are you though yeah let's let's go the both of us oh [Music] did i fix the stream for folks there is that right all right all right let's go find the others yeah you know what you are actually innocent i believe you're an innocent anyway because you're not no i am in i am innocent i i i thought you weren't innocent that's his that's his honest voice trust me like i believe him we started together so he could have just shot me right away if that's true if it wasn't this is me don't worry away from me jesus oh that is you did you just shoot it no you shot at me because you're the we can just kill on both it's okay i've been dead for ages he killed me right at the beginning oh you're what oh guys there's a minecraft map how the fact did he oh we have to well honestly i didn't know it was you oh so you okay i just don't like you okay this is this is this is fun i enjoy this yeah i think we're going to need more people oh jesus it's kind of funny because like we have we have like this is it daniel is it really we have the two like double acts as far as like the irish youtube scene is concerned like you know like you know uh dying terrorizing myself and kevin but i got the short end of that stick you guys are just abusing each other well like me and kevin are just having like a fine and dandy time like we were just having a grand old time like kevin i'm really enjoying myself how are you doing happy birthday kevin i'm great and i'm in a boat and the boats even move on the map god these guys sound like they play minecraft or roblox or the boat's sinking down oh daniel oh my lord what will we do today i don't know kevin look just because i don't hate the world all right hey hey don't make fun of how we sound okay whatever disney's racist hop in the board oh yes let's we're like pinkie and the brain but neither of us are the brain well how do you move kevin i'm stuck through the power of friendship go on go why am i not in the server go on i'm just oh i don't know okay well i was the trainer oh nice did you kill him straight away good yeah i only need to wait about for this one okay we were just trying to enjoy some boards god i hope i get traitor again that was great oh yeah map's missing i'm missing the minecraft jokes on you connect to the server it should auto download if you don't have it yeah i know oh yes all right here we are back back in back in uh yes i would love to go what the hell what's going on [Applause] [Laughter] all these games in like 20 seconds it's just not gonna last long at all we don't even have brian at the moment faster like lightning round terrorist town i hate how much i'm lagging did i mention that i mentioned that i told you you're lagging i told you to get two pcs kevin oh yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and put one out of my arrows in a day yeah buy one no the the server's based on the uh just needed to restart my pc but i didn't restart it so we need to play some we need to play let's see we're playing call of duty what happened oh someone just fell off the map there shut up brain you're not even in the live why are you such a toxic little shite in the morning i only got six hours sleep by only at six hours sleep i can't sleep i didn't want to die dan why would you do that i'm dead now i did my best i think donnie might be the traitor what no i mean you're the only one left and i'm innocent once one person dies is like right so we know who it is now look i have a what are you doing what where am i getting shot from where am i going come on kevin finish the job where am i that's too close now brian are you having any luck join the server no no no no i need that map um we can try if we change the mapping yeah we can just say on any map specifically if that's okay jim if you just set it to something else i don't know why it's not down i don't know why i don't know why i don't know it should even if you don't have it [Music] i once was a mermaid oh when the game server tries to download custom content to your computer do not download any custom oh that's why well that would explain it now brian of course you don't have a brain yeah yeah who shot at me what are you doing here i cannot wait to see you in person i am going to kick you in your freshly operated operation on them [Music] no [Laughter] we should play pluto on a tabletop simulator that'd be something great is everything okay i don't think you're all right there is everything everything okay morning stretch he needs he needs his mrs to rock him back and forth and feed him a hot water a hot a milk in a bottle i can do that for him kevin will you yeah no problem you always look over for me i do yeah it's time to return the favor yes and rub my belly as well kevin oh i don't like where this is going this is cool i've never played this map before hello hello come here let me you're in your belly come on come here down here is where i'll rob it come on party you're going to join us you can't stop us then we're going to do this whether you like it or not you're going to rub my belly i'm still i don't want to be here right now believe we're in the way i can't move i'm sorry we're going to give you 20 seconds to move 20 seconds i'm stuck well figure it out ah let's talk and put diggles at his head i gotta i gotta time this oh that went down is that a discombobulator i don't know if i can go down guys just now you go down is it i see oh my god where am i okay good job everyone good muscle uh that was just as good as a belly rub i'm glad what's the key to what's the key you pressed to do the traitor special powers um [Music] just before i realize i'm the traitor and then i have to ask that question just like a mid game hypothetically if i was the traitor you're not the traitor what i'm just saying you know just with the way this is going i feel like brian's going to be a traitor just like plot hammer you know what i mean oh yeah you might be right actually i immediately heard gunshots i wasn't i wasn't right so so here's the thing i'm dead and i i wasn't even given the chance to be anything so yeah so this is fun this is just a normal recording session with doctor having a great time yeah yeah yeah so how do i buy stuff why'd you get why didn't you shoot at me and you're not the traitor because you killed brian i'm self-defense no he's just a prick i was defending my honor that's why you're self-defense you can't i can't wait to take a [ __ ] on your honor that sounded weird like brian's in court i can't wait to take a [ __ ] on you your honor oh here we go here you go the two of you just walked right past each other no we didn't aim enabled exe enabled he's the [ __ ] aim boss out here got an m-bot that's completely against the river scanning for kevin bjorn [Music] [Laughter] right towards my bomb oh chris it was very unfortunate for someone yeah it was fun for me i guess oh stream keeps lagging for people apparently i don't know why well he wants to do a trust test with me we'll go lock herself up i i would i will i will i will i will use her name trust game trust game come over oh yes yes of course and if you're not traitors don't shoot so if you're a traitor kill me i'm not all right i'm not either oh get the truth stand it's stan it's dangerous stan yeah yeah the love no no that's just an excuse to prepare a trap he's probably in the body menu you're trying to buy bombs that's good do not touch me i have done nothing i saw him around here okay okay i will investigate for us shows you're one of us go look look inside he wants around here maybe this one look in here wait i hear four steps i think that might be us i don't like this hunt them down now we got three guys coming for your ass though i was just trying to tweak my graphics no you're going to die you liar i was just trying to tweak them yeah yeah yeah how much did the bomb cost you dan who's your surprise i don't have a farm who gave you the goods i don't have one he's hiding something ah look at his little stuff got him get the rat get the rash get the rest he's the get the rat it's so hard what do you know we actually had a hunch see we solved the crime don't don't kill me we did we didn't though no you were pretty close at the beginning meet at the graveyard for a trust test i like that idea oh that just sounds like a mistake great hide a body now kevin let me take out my deagle outside we go come on i'm trying to put a graveyard for some role playing brian okay how are you doing i noticed one particular gentleman is missing again which [Music] oh he got me he got me he actually is the villain help me he's he's badly wounded he's going up the ladder he's around the beckham in the back in the barn oh wait this get off he's with the hair he's around the fountain he's going way in the back of the car like a dirty camper brian you're coming up to coming up he's down there he's gonna be on your right when you head out now he's over the phone he's not he's next to that he's not he's buying a bomb he's in this corner over here over here over here over there over right there oh there he is there you are oh no oh no oh no i can't hit him it all worked out and then did no i'll be back in two minutes okay i just have to order a hitman i had to throw my pc at the window i couldn't believe it it's been cyberbullied by youtube it's daniel it's daniel he just said a word you were the one that killed him i don't know why you're saying we bullied him um do you want me to replay the part oh he really is the villain i sound nothing like that if anything that sounds like jacksepticeye anything i say sounds like jack what's the next map oh no idea we're useless right daniel oh i like the look at this one oh oh that's good that's a big gun cannot use the deagle apparently so i've got the huge this map reminds me of somewhere but i can't black ops two boats no it's it it's from the ship no it's from the ship oh the ship that's where it is yeah that was a good game actually brian you were talking out of your ass there what you mean from black ops 2 no i said it looks like i'm not saying it definitely is okay okay he was saying it reminds me something i said well it reminds me of black ops 2. yeah god man you need you need something you need some help there no oh we won i did it no no no that was on me what did you do i shot down in the head it's always stan [Music] that's it now my m16 you re yo you want to play this game eh wanna play a game it's terrorism you can't don't play the game get away from me with me get away from me [ __ ] you know i missed the street oh my gosh [Music] yes yes i win it's called winning that game i i said brian you're on my enemies list my ain't my enemies yes you're on my enemies list i will be shooting you in the brain brian no don't do this don't do this fine come back brian right right ryan hello kill me kevin what what you hiding for kevin because you're the first cannon with nothing to lose i'm not the traitor i'm innocent kevin's the trailer actually it could be dan it could be dan know that you mention this i don't know it sounds sounds like kevin's acting voice what are you talking about brian i am innocent well really from there a shotgun from there i guess i picked up the wrong shotgun mine was called rifle where did dan even go i don't know but you know heart he's a great he's a great man he's a great man for one man you've got to give him that i chose i'll tell you something and by la the order of laws and physics dan should be at this round do you reckon yeah i i i crossed here on the back of his head i'll see you oh you're back i'm i'm i'm actually back now yeah apparently i get executed in about two seconds no i got him it was dead [Laughter] oh my gosh i'm telling you we need more people yeah i think i don't no no we don't we just need people to actually be around okay you're you're killing people on spawn for no reason all right because because it was then i mean it was actually me that time there was no way of knowing that no it was the law of liability man it's where everyone else was already him and then you had to be him it's your turn that's just how it works jesus i was just trying to diagnose my stream a bit there because a lot of people are saying it's lagging like you're a stream fine mine's fine now but it did lag one more time even though i had reset my internet and i had issues yesterday as well so i don't know if it's a twitch thing or what it might just be a twitch thing yeah maybe maybe that's why it was lagging for you earlier yeah it just dips down to absolutely zero and then it comes back to normally and it's weird yeah my mind of mine is just like weird buffering all right let's let's do this now we need to root it out with reason and we need to figure out why dan is the villain before we can already exactly i've already found a body we need to have more we need to apply motive to him yeah whether it's real or not it doesn't matter we just need a reason to kill i just need to get guns as fast as i can to defend myself hey kevin go in there go in there trust test trust test come on come here okay okay all right kill me if you're bad kill me kill me all right let's get going yeah i'm the trader bring it on i should we just kill him that sounds like a traitor thing to say daniel he just said he's the traitor i know but that's denigrate nothing makes sense you can't just make the assumption that sounds like a very treacherous thing why are you following me into this corner i don't like this that's my barrel okay you stay away from me either way just kill someone with a barrel no do not shoot my barrel this is limited edition hey stop why are you shooting well what did i say literally five seconds earlier oh there we go he's the suspicious man why'd you give it away because it was the trust test you never rely on the trust test it's true that's a big part of it it's a mortal sense i have to say a hail mary if you lie on that more than that you'd probably have to save a few homeless people can i make a video out of that homeless thing definitely a youtube video oh 100 100 i've actually had a youtube video idea where i take a homeless person and i turn them into a youtuber i thought that would be pretty funny oh that sounds terrible well the homeless person becomes a youtuber that's just a dream right there hey uh hey terrorizer yes terrorizer your name is very close to terrorists no do not do not you cannot motivate that's my can't randomly kill me okay i won't i won't what he's disconnected what ah come on no brian ryan come back brian ryan come back ryan no brian i'm just i'm sorry i'm a genius brian i'm sorry brian come back bro i'm going to give it to him he's unconventional but jesus his haunch is good but when you're right you're right that's just how i work it's hard to argue against the results i i joke for the title of like the uno highlights that i lost all my friends playing uno i think i might actually lose all my friends playing this very possible why are you attacking me because you're the terrorist i have a hush you see okay no no i'm dead i'm dead here look i'm gonna be up front wait actually well now i know it's dan but you know what he's winning now he's gonna he's gonna win so i'm gonna give him your body dan where are you uh are you i'm he's over there behind you he's over there behind you stupid hunches stop having hunches where are you then i'm gonna [ __ ] hit you with a barrel are you coming back brian glad to have you back i hate your face oh welcome back brian it's good to see you too nothing fun can happen if you and the hunchback of notre dame just keep having these poop aliens your name is similar to the words no [ __ ] [ __ ] it is don't worry to kill you and it worked out i love five second clips we might as well put this video on tick tock travel and terrorist sound funny rdm moments [Music] forest let them in we need more people nothing's going to happen i'm having fun and that's all that matters what matters yes i had my phone and that's all that matters this map protest [Music] someone dead me and dan did the trust it didn't go too well did you kill each other not kill each other but someone was killed oh you're not over there ah mars it's good to have you back in the server thank you thank you so much for the gifted subs that was too kind oh god here we are we need some more people to the game last longer than like five minutes yes or two minutes even like 30 seconds kevin don't be hero i i don't know about you guys but i'm loving heaven for people thank god we're going to get more thank god we're getting more in are they going to join for the next round or is it open yes they'll join the drawing at the moment they'll be an episode and as well guys um i i will be streaming after this because i'll be able to talk to you guys uh a lot more once once we do that crayon thank you so much thanks again for coming lads [ __ ] off no stop that i'm happy to be here dan thanks kevin thanks for the invite no problem what the show i'm having different what kind of ship are you running over here what your my map differs from the servers this is sometimes it does that if yeah sometimes it does that if you have like a different version of the map with the same file name um we can change the map again if that's okay yeah i don't mind there's a chopper right here brian no it's right here brian ride your brain ah what is it starts ryan bryony okay do you need a hug maybe he needs you to rub his belly kevin save will i rub your belly if you want we got him [Music] um oh you sound like i see trees [Music] finally wow we have more p i'm a detective that's amazing it's incredible happens when we have more people in four well i'm just saying jack right could be here so i'm meditating this is on jack's fault it kind of [Music] if you rearrange walk walk it turns into terrorists no don't don't just rt damn he just he just he just you turned me dude you see now they're just going to kill you on site every time it's going to backfire on you you can't just argue nobody was innocent this guy oh my gosh it's randy random i'm not ghosting get him brian get him brian oh my god thanks jim this is such a curse stream aren't they all really in a way it's like tech difficulties brian's being abused by daddy's life [Music] internet internet issues technical difficulties no glow that's another one that's all you need for me i don't know that i don't know don't know no sorry are you okay is there a contract holding you against your will right now remember remember and all right contracts i'm not allowed to speak my mind of the pain okay i'm i don't know the machinima network they've been closed for like seven years now that's super dead it's yourself hq it's like in some like shipyards somewhere in like boston like really rough and ready a new machine the office hey man i'm your brand manager what the [ __ ] brian yes okay i won't assume you're the terrorist if you kill walkmark but just something's busy no no no no no no suspicious what is going on randy random randy random randy random randy random randy random how is he still alive how is he still alive are so weird in this game and he's dead we did it okay good job everyone it wasn't what do you mean chair gun what do you want i saw you fire a chair so i thought you were the trainer no i had an m16 he shot a chair and it just bounced off there is no such thing as a chair gun what are you on there you're okay in the head he's the cherry gun right there all right down there he's a chain mentally sound just go along are you okay are you feeling all right [ __ ] are you sure i don't think i'm okay oh wow i will you know what to do is detected don't you you're good i'm just walking near you i'm not doing anything where's walk walk walk why did you shoot me i did nothing to give away my treacherous nature this is [ __ ] this makes no sense i'm even playing along and trying to feel sympathy for walk walk i still died this this yeah because your name is close to terrorists brian come on i think i think brian's having a moment oh hello so yeah so oh and the command just so we don't you don't hear cam down brittany if you press uh voice well voice underscore scale zero if you type that in console that'll make it so i am the detective i am the detective let's go find dahi and gather together come on we can do this let's just get it done we just killed the p right away no no let's go yes i trust everyone yo everyone meet at the office with all the chairs at it you're already here whoever you walk walk everyone meet here everyone meet here it's the projector room the projector room i'm on the way honestly i go i'm the detective and i will detect okay so everyone come over protect me come on detective where where i have to see everybody you're getting a bit aggressive detective and you have a shotgun [ __ ] detect me come on relax relax shut up yeah all right so we got a couple of people here now who are we missing he's detecting me i'm trying to figure out how to do push to the talk what's this oh so prep press and all v pressing on v all right analyzes the corpse [Music] yeah they should be able to hear you because it's coming up at the top left okay okay all right all right how are we doing great thank you walk walk all right danny thanks again that's the key and i'm happy about that all right come on come on over brian we're at the office we're at the office with the projector wait a second wait a second who who broke the projector i'm just popping that was back in the table oh what we're okay okay we're fine carry on business as usual all right when for brian just tidying up the chairs in the meantime i ain't coming i'm going just you're pissing me off then [Laughter] oh no are you kidding me are you kidding oh god someone's shooting dan be careful someone killed him oh i killed him get down get down with the impressive chair i mean he killed me it was dangerous i did it i know it wasn't him thirty minutes kill your master kill your master take him over thank you if i didn't show anyone oh wow i told you he was aggressive with the chair tell him i was just being a dick i wasn't trying exactly you dirty terrorist i i'm pretty sure i killed him though did i i just just for the record we're all terrorists it's trouble in terrorist town it's the traitor terrorists also you know the good guy no terrorists don't know no hey that's how it works terrorists in their head are fighting the terrorists so no you're a terrorist oh yeah no he's made a sound case i did psychology like one year in college some pretty high level meet me at the projector room i'm the detective i what no you're not kill kevin you're not the detective kevin you're taking my job kevin uh is just trying to murder me i i okay she was innocent what yeah she like i don't trust you she started hitting me with the car come to the projector just ran up to me and tried to murder me hero why am i talking in game okay okay so you have to pre you have to press an odd v to speak to people on the server brian i can bring your health back i can bring your health back if you want damn i wouldn't i wouldn't love that daddy well come back to where you're at where you're at uh hold on oh no i can't buy it i've no i have no more credits so i guess you died you didn't see anything you didn't see anything did you just choose me in the head well i'm kind of one of the other help you or kill you you can't just hurry up like dudes was the worst kid to invite to your birthday party i didn't really get invited to him so he's like eating the cake before he blew the candles he was that [ __ ] he's like broken the pinata before like like you don't even have the blindfolds or anything it was one time just just take die down take daddy down the detective just how could it be me getting away from me god for [ __ ] sake triggers winners there's a safer place oh my gosh oh bowling let's go bowling the world is the safer place who was the real terrorist i think it was you dying no he was the detective no he was a traitor oh my god he was very corrupt i should have known oh i was muted no i was the traitor no we know we knew that we heard him you killed the bad guy so [ __ ] cursed this session that's why we've got to go play a pommel party pogba party sounds like a bigger crack i i've not heard of it but i can pick it up on steam if you go i've been recording for 11 hours gotta record your sleep you didn't stop performing from last night but you never stopped did you leave your computer on oh my god your hard drive is probably what a oh what a good use of energy i must say all right someone come bowling with me i may explain why i was lagging your hard drive is probably using the same game your hard drives just reading and writing is having a yeah yeah it's gonna asthma now at this point if any more footage [Music] where the hell are you going i just want to bowl with you oh my god i'm thank you all right here's my first shot i missed now you you aiming for my head aim for the pins oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is disrespectful there you go did i get all the pins this bowling ball is just fl oh can you like really go falling can you playing these i hate you all yeah you can fling them around i just got a strike on dan oh my god oh god you're good at bowling go up and get those squashing arrows of course you can do it son no rails come on once again thank you to my mods for making the session i'm so sorry it's so much better now that they're here can you hurt people with these you can kill me with the bowling ball if you chuck it at their head if you choke it or you just swing in their face you need to throw it but if you get them in the head they will that is funny ah that hurt brian sorry i'm sorry at least it didn't kill me um injured me a lot brian's been suspiciously normal kevin's tough how am i suspiciously normal stop murdering them with the bowling ball i'm nearly on a perfect game oh my gosh what happened oh my gosh he landed on me oh you're so good with that well i'm not good with [ __ ] guns apparently let's go [Applause] does this guy do this how does he know no punch back and notre dame man that's me it was the perfect cover just being an idiot throwing pony balls around steadily murdering them but i like how he stopped and i suddenly couldn't kill him yes i should have just hit the bowling balls if i see kevin with a bowling ball he's going to die i already have one in my hand hey die die die who's this hey yeah next up all right i didn't even shoot that no wait is there two traitors oh god well i was kind of calling out his name but yeah jumping around with a dead body in his hand that could possibly be something that people don't normally have he wasn't the most uh [Music] how the [ __ ] are you so good at balling hold on i want to say this again see i'm practicing i will i won't kill you oh [ __ ] okay that was a gutter that was a bad one how do you do that what do you press just swish and flick you right click or left right click oops bowling related injury okay all right okay really really that's fine really really you back off well can we just execute this guy now like he just walked up and killed you okay hold on i'm getting something oh yeah oh bear with me okay here we go t t constant probably not the best idea just to walk up to a man and shoot him dead we're all just looking at him like uh just like that guy's suspicious i'm not exactly missing okay i want to learn how to bowl from kevin lane one lane one then one all right and what you do you just do you do a little sideways motion you just do from right to left and then right click what see mine didn't move look watch me kevin really cute that was that was great how do i trot stronger well i'm a detective now so i can't help you anymore son you're on your own no you [ __ ] you're not leaving me all right someone just started a fire in the bowling alley yeah and someone threw an insane normally that's a magic ball who is the traitor i just want a ball with my dad he's got a job now he was a traitor it was a good cover you know childhood trauma and all that but it didn't work yeah i would have been good who's bagel where's oh we're good at that game let's try terraria what i remember i think i played this one way back in the day i played this bowling one before i remember that one i don't know not that terrarium it is bad it's oh no hammy's warning it's too late yeah this is not a democracy okay you're moaning an awful lot he's just having a good time with his dad leave him alone oh no i'm sorry sorry sylvester stallone didn't understand you said to me earlier oh yeah did i say it like i was having a stroke no yeah trust test rt let's take a seat here take a seat right over there why don't you take a seat take a seat i don't know all right all right smoke grenade going down whatever happens happens that's what we should do we should lure terrorists into one of the rooms hey i made cookies apparently errol was a traitor my god oh no he said two that's good news always good to hear yeah we've got them out early less people will die now oh what is the sniper in the other building what building go down the stairs watch go down the stairs will i kill him no no okay we gotta get to the other building someone drew a discombobulator all right i am the detective everyone get in the water get in the water in the middle we'll figure this out together i think well [ __ ] i'm dead i wouldn't the chair came out of nowhere i'm starting to believe in this chair gun that dan was jamming about yeah the chair gun is real okay jim killed you jim killed you kevin that's got to be a plot twist for sure yeah surprise it hasn't happened already only a matter of time i like for this one they don't even try to distribute the guns they're all just like in a pile at the start yeah all right boys i just got a good feeling it's brian should i just kill dahi like right off the bat no no i will leave him leave him alone come on oh you're the detective detectives i am innocent guys i want the sniper we are press q to drop me i know but it won't drop it no it doesn't matter i can pick it up and drop it to you oh wow why hey wait why are you trying to be nice that seems very different of you shut up wait check him first get him down what the hell was that okay he was innocent the hell is going on yes but what was wrong he was a traitor i knew it i taught you man my hunch oh my god i'm three for three by the way and the hunches were bright you can't you can't keep having a hunch and just rdm killing someone like it's not i'm right every time i've been right every time i have god you just remember the times you kill me i've been i've guessed three times with brian and i've been raised three times and you'll remember this three times no no no no no no no no no no no no it's weird i'm 100 at the time he was yeah it's so much safer [Music] [Laughter] okay i guess we gotta take him out it's gonna be brian again this round no i won't shoot him shoot each other forever [Applause] i'm the worst detective it's got to be taking lots bagel you got to take him out he's trigger happy okay so he he was innocent it's brian it's one million percent brian because uh my haunch has said stole and once my hunch has it decided without a second thought so it must be you it's hunch hey careful careful a lot of people have died ryan's trying to do democracy he's trying to convince be political kill him i'm telling you okay yeah no one should listen to the hunches it was [ __ ] right you can shove that hunch right up your ass i'm honestly no one's listening to me at this stage i don't know if i want to play anymore because i wonder why he died because i've been riding him i wonder why okay i can just tell when his blood turns into treasure blood i'm sick of this now ah oh welcome to where i was 20 minutes ago yeah well i i'm giving this four more minutes exactly no more no less that's very specific four minutes how many actually we'll do a few more rounds of this and we'll do some power yes so i would look at that yes i'll get it installed ah guys guys i don't want to say anything but my hunch is kind of kicking in a bit here yeah what's that it's hey and it's brian the hunch is saying it seems to say brian for something always me i think it's broken have you turned that thing off and on again no it's really strong the hunch is gravitating towards you really well yes funny thing is actually right behind you then i turned away and ran how do you feel it like how does the hunch come to you it's like in your gut it's like in your gut it's like a like an another person in your god saying ryan ryan oh okay i was picturing more of uh one of those sticks that you find water with you know you put out in front of you and it detects [Music] well where where's brian where is brian i did find dahi should i kill him no find brian farst find brian first then we'll decide from there ryan i will protect you just give me a bowling ball thank you come on let's get you out of here else don't give him a bowling ball we got a hygiene in here he dies okay it would be really awkward if i was the [ __ ] traitor now but i'm actually not in here oh look at that dude look at these beds though in here yeah in here nice hotel is there oh wait wait someone's dead someone's dead hang on ah brian what are you doing [Laughter] no i think i'm good i think i'm good i'm going to retire i'm retiring from ttt there ain't no pommel party i'll go we're going to go i'm going around yeah i'm good for trouble and tears down for another one yeah i i i'll just be practicing and pummel party he's just inspired out he's left the server yes feels good chad feels good you can you can get pomo party set up for sure oh this map is so cool oh i'm detective everyone come to the main area that's like he's not even on the server but i have a hundred stahi oh [ __ ] i'm off attacked help help he's bad aim ah daniel snake you snake what is he a traitor though i don't know i did have a gun you could've thought i was a bad guy no this is dangerous every time i'm the detective i get insta-killed they're obviously threatened by me they don't like authority no they're just rebellious wait a second i think do i have to hide my screen for this where are you well there you are you know what the best part was i was using in-game talk because you guys couldn't hear me i was just telling them just to kill nova i saw you were talking game chat i was wondering what you were saying i i had a feeling full conversation with them and they were like yes sire yes i will do your bidding i shall do your work okay all right i'm on pullman party i know it's a black screenshot i'm not a [ __ ] idiot hmm arty you're just upgrading that colder daniel colder colder colder colder warmer colder very cold boiling i'm putting those back on hold on right warmer warmer getting a bit nippy now [Laughter] he's coming around the corner to you oh oh i love it you had a good shot there to be fair that was a good attempt just flinging your body around you killed a few people yeah yeah it was a good round yeah including me shotgun to the back of the head very effective what is this [ __ ] who is he kill him as soon as it starts he's rocking the door who is it you can't even tell there's so much blood over everywhere why does he have no name i can see everyone else's name but not him it's uru that's probably jim oh okay yeah jim jim just knows stuff on the server don't don't question stuff does it i'm the detective again oh my god he's shooting right there where do we go detective where do we go dan help i'm the detective and i don't know what's happening why is he not returning fire he just killed someone i don't understand he was innocent why did he kill someone i don't understand brian fine i'm fine i'm fine wait hold on i'm gonna collect your dna brian come here i'm about to scan you i i don't know how hold on everyone's also innocent how do i do this there's a lot of innocent people i don't like how do i scan people then you have a dna scanner right open i oh wait do i have to buy i'm upstairs bagel uh i don't understand hmm oh there's two other people there they're they're going the wrong way what's a rainbow oh those guys running away it looks a species i i don't know how to use my dna scanner how does someone use a dna scanner he wants to check to collect oh wait hold on collect okay wait all right i think i've collected you know most two what's my heritage oh jesus oh jesus oh god run protect me there might be more dna you need to check soon kevin oh they need to be what i'm running away so much blood okay don't worry i took care of them kevin take my dna ah your dna looks like a chair jim we did it now this is the whole place is destroyed it's like another victory no everyone was saved oh what's that what's that thing that used me on the tv to check your ancestry like my heritage or something oh there is one just called ancestry you've done have you done that i want to do that yeah i was literally a hundred percent irish they literally they sent a potato in a sealed bag and no staple to it saying incest that's it please give us professional advice [Music] we're actually building a story in each round bring me to the bathroom let's go back to the bathroom i need your dna and i respect your privacy um yeah it's through here to the right yeah here to the right here to the right okay really hope you're not the bad guy okay all right so enter hold on and then here's my here's my stick all right i'm scanning it hold up okay how does this work scan my stick please enter to collect it says enter is it just disabled then i don't understand oh the dna scanner should work all right look we're gonna have a health station here okay so whenever we need it we're going to come back i probably shouldn't throw a microwave at you while you're in the shower yeah yeah yeah yeah it might have been a bathtub i'm not detroit wait look at this look wait hold on how do i do shoot me in this face with a shotgun wow i can make calls that's correct that's not true that slander don't listen to him no i'm just testing stuff hold on there we go that's not true he's tested stuff yeah it works okay great the second part is fine person are wrong don't listen to that all right everyone i need you to meet me at the shower where terrorizer is breathe thank you so much guys for this song hello all right everyone come to the shower why are you wounded dan what happened magneto sticks out in earlier all right then get in the shower and heal yourself oh thank you i don't know if i trust him what what the what jim just killed the detective oh no do something oh he's already dead you got him ah we should have never trusted them we should have just stayed showering together and never let them in you should have just scanned my stick i was trying to scan your stick but your stick wasn't working but it's all right it happened it's not my fault it's fine did you try turning it on and off again [ __ ] things made in china [Laughter] doesn't sound right at all oh god are we gonna go one more round or are we gonna hop over now one more round one more round all of a sudden it's it's weird i'm getting kind of into it i've been having fun since it's weird you know build a story scan each other's sticks don't worry he's muted he can't hear us thank god he can't hear us so unfortunate people's chats went over and told him what we said no i don't think there's anyone watching he's a silent he's a sideline no he's not oh oh there's things to throw again why am i why am i not in the game i don't like it when this thing's the patrol you want to do trust me every time i've done a trust test with you i end up dead really i don't remember killing you once during a trust test i don't think i've killed anyone in a trust test actually have you not no i don't think so he has but he killed him oh daniel you you daniel i just find it hard to trust it's all right we'll get there we'll get there we'll take it slow i'm gonna i'll try open up my heart to you kevin yes don't listen to him oh i'm the detective again i'm so trustworthy open up my heart nice and wide for you all right brian where are you i'm going to scan you i i'm i'm not on the map tammy explain yourself he collapsed explain yourself he actually just walked up to me and died oh he just walked up and died did he did he just get it off perfect it's not even me but i have to protect myself well dan just murdered the detective so take that for what you will it's not after someone just walked up and died he actually did this is a bad situation to be in well you opened fire first too i didn't even shoot you i was scared i thought you were gonna kill me it's actually not me finally the house that was not a case because one person stand in front of me and how the detective was dead you've kind of marked yourself for death even though i don't think it is you but at the same time everyone killed dan i'm on the run i'm a fugitive now take the chat to clear my name and find the real culprit just sail this ship out of here back to the old emerald isle gotta get out of this [ __ ] fog let's just like see a thing i'm in i mean oh [ __ ] love sea of thieves oh i keep wanting to play it yeah that's so good are you doing are you down for streaming like during the week yep sure i am right i just i just installed it oh you got it too i will get everyone together for that then i'll be 100 there it's so [ __ ] good i thought i'll tell a kilo too because i reckon she'd be down for playing it again as well yeah she seems really into it i gotta clear my name i don't think it's gonna work dude i think it's too late you did too much bad [ __ ] i was innocent though i killed a lot of people the thing is i saw that person walking up and you doing nothing and they just died i was just guilty they actually did just walk up and yeah like it just looked terrible yeah i don't know what happened but sniper sheep thank you for those bits thank you very much and the peach system thank you for the bits too i've noticed notice the flags a moment of calm everyone get the guns i like the shotgun because it kills them quicker i don't like the guns i just like bowling balls but i can't find any on this map oh you can go up here into the crow's nest oh let me come up and do a truss test with you okay let me just kick you off then i'll know hello i like the sniper rifle don't stand up oh oh no don't move all right i'm going to make a little outline of you okay it's incredibly he's just looking at us like what are you doing he's nodding even he now it's an approval don't think it's dan i think you actually you know what i do think it is oh my god what did you do no what the [ __ ] he just threw him off the crow's nest oh everybody just hit me off did i kill him dan you can't just say that everyone around you is dying for no reason and not admit you're the problem oh my god i just want a shot ow who's the detective i need help bad dan hurt me i didn't hurt you you did emotionally last time it was the most sick shot i've ever pulled off it's bagel oops he was a detective i hear a lot of gunshots yeah i do too it's a little bit worrying how many how many are left or we don't know do we thank you jim oh that was a curl kevin there's a guy near oh no he's dead he's dead hmm wait can you drive the helicopter oh you can wait what oh it's very choppy it's very true i want to see this oh fantastic so confused i don't know what's happening someone's stuck in a hole yeah you see that guy that's dead there kevin he's shotgunned me off yeah i was on the edge looking around he shot me off and as i'm falling i no scoped up and shot him in the head it was amazing it was amazing how do i stick them to things i think it's right click again well kevin the helicopter is going to be stopping the chopper oh there's a lot of violence towards the helicopter right now okay it's walk walk all right don't worry i'll get this done i just have to climb all the way back up oh god i did it okay it wasn't quite you're having some of these hunches yourself now i was a trader the whole time oh that's what i like to see i'm going to try use the sniper rifle this game give it a go try something new for flavor yeah that's what i like to say now trying a different dish now for the palace hey how you doing what are you doing good this is going to be real awkward what the [ __ ] the helicopter just kicked me out you feeling treacherous huh i'm not uh sorry sir the ladder is closed this is my perch okay all right i'll be back this isn't over i'll be back you'll remember this day okay see you later oh what was that um i was lining up a shot to shoot you who was that though no ideas there's a lot of things being destroyed there's a lot of fire below the tower i don't i don't want to come down now yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't come down from there people remember things why are you being so cryptic brian what's wrong i don't like this i'm just saying it'd be unfortunate if you had an accident you're making me feel very uncomfortable oh you're in your murder tower again i see dan yeah i didn't kill anyone up here before really refuse me entry up there very suspicious if you ask me it's my tower okay i got i got here first you're very vulnerable though kevin what don't you dare i'm just saying i could take the shot kevin yeah why are you following me i'll detective oh bagel a coin are you guys ready to play palmer parity yet uh i think we're gonna finish this round and then then we'll come over okay all right oh people have been shot up there let's go bagel uh might as well buy more turnips don't trust them i'm flipping this rt we'll see what happens all right stay still no wait wait wait i'm not staying still stay still it landed on don't shoot you so i'm not going to but just stay still no no i don't want to stay now i got shot i missed the ladder oh my god he killed himself in his confusion good job detective i like your work he missed the ladder and fell oh i missed the letter the view inside the helicopter is so cursed walk walk walk walks up there it's not me detective i would have killed you by now trust me even the fact you're admitting you were prepared to kill him dodgy this is not a good image is this oh my god all over the place oh it is him is it okay it's it's it's beerus there's a weird way of doing it damn it i shot him in the face with a shotgun and he hit me with a piss on i died i thought you were the traitor to be honest no i wasn't at all i was just being a dick last round for real then and then we go going to ahi sounds like a plan let's do this i'm going to go try pummel party do we no we got to play with them really just saying this has been it's been it's been enjoyable oh what is this body on the ship that's not good i'm the detective let's all get in the helicopter everyone on the map and then i'll detect of you okay i'm not sure what that means but it sounds quite threatening yeah i'm coming over all right don't worry i'll be murdering now we're all going together so just wait everyone wait by the helicopter i had another hunch like every time someone has a hunch it doesn't end well yeah it sure seems like that cool ladders are fun oh that was it someone broke their legs anyway ladders are great yeah you're good or you did much thank you gary great programming on the old ladder there great one okay we got three people at the helicopter oh now all right i'm heading up now don't worry detectives on the wait when we get more in no no don't don't you just take off kill them all then kill them all ah what are you like look they're jumping they're killing themselves now you've upset everyone where did that go where did that go what where'd what go are you true like a fire grenade in the helicopter but it just i think it went out though the door don't let anyone up to me just let them they have to wait and kiwi no don't kill them don't kill them oh no it's too late okay no we're good don't kill them but you have to wait on the stairwell the helicopter's coming around you're in the danger zone right now everyone's dying oh he's in the water he's okay she started firing on me here comes daniel i'm making my way back down oh is it only you in the helicopter now yeah there ever started firing on me and then like jumped all right get under the helicopter walk walk dammit i thought you were loyal all right everyone on everyone get on you are you getting on too kevin yes i'm the detective i got to get on and i want to start barrel too get in there oh my i'm just god it up hang on i've got a few more suitcases now i'm sorry dan we don't have any room for you all of this is cargo i'm just popping these on all right just few more bits and bobs all right i'm taking off you got you better hop in come on here we go just blows up oh god the helicopter does not like the barrels yeah the physics are not interacting right with it no no kevin kevin wait i'm not dead oh thank god i just landed oh my god everyone meet at the helicopter we're going to go for another ride yeah i mean a lot of people have died in the meantime uh on the ship just like oh no they're fighting there's a lot of bodies honestly if i was the um the traitor i would just put a bomb on the helipad but let's hope they don't think of it arrow hero dude was there oh oh oh ah guys i died in like slow motion for some reason oh uh this this could work out very well for us why am i dying so slowly oh yes good job i was the best traitor ever i did it we would never suspect someone clumsy as that i really had no idea it was you i thought you were dead it's small anyway we're fine but i'll i'll come around come on then pummel the party oh it was waiting on my mom this one's just a four-player that was fun no one was uh you know just killing people off of i i spawn i it probably wasn't fun he's lying to you guys oh no hey this is only two gigabytes it shouldn't take long i'll invite the two of you anyway while i'm waiting uh invited brian and i don't have you on steam so do you know me on steam no okay surprised you can invite me and i'll invite them that way you don't have to add each other might be you know if you want to avoid it well i've invited brian if brian joins he might be able to invite you if you're friends with him i think i'm friends with you on steam uh let me let me get you real quick yeah i'm joining you okay here um popping that there that's me all right uh all right i've invited kevin thank you for the birthday wishes even though it is not my birthday this is like mario party is it yeah yeah same thing i'm saying i'll be right back no worries yeah i have a bit of kit i was looking into it's like um it's a thing that like streams uh pc inputs like from switch inputs to your pc oh we are we are friends actually oh grand so um you're just not online on steam oh let me let me make sure i'm set online ah signed out for a moment i'm signing back in uh yeah but it's a bit of kit that like streams like um it links like pc and switch inputs and if you use it in combination with parsec it actually lets you play things like mario party on switch with parsec um so i might try get that set up for us in future because we could actually do a fair few games that way you you you say like but that would be we'd have to play the latest mario party or whatever that's on switch and they don't really have good online well the thing is this input thing i believe i think it works at wii u which means you can even play it work with wii games and stuff like that i think um so so yeah you can do a lot of stuff with it do any hello everyone i hope you enjoyed speaking about this super and i feel like it was like oh yes you are talking about it looks like a n64 thing no no no it's like oh you must use dolphin or something i imagine something it was some weird old program that was able to play yeah dolphin is good for that i think they have servers and that you can connect to oh sorry to my stream uh who's conquest uh it's kumquat thank you very much that's me oh okay okay uh you can customize your character by the way yeah i'll get on that okay uh i'm in uh do i just need an invite from here uh uh yeah how is brian last oh yeah i didn't have the game installed am i in yeah well you i invited you you're there just press a to join do uh do i use the controller for this sir uh my controller doesn't work so i'm using keyboards oh i'll use my keyboard sure oh wait no i have a controller and it's plugged in okay i'm using this yeah it's all the one it's all the one on one i think that works hang on you can just it's all over the place are you getting a controller kevin uh yeah i'm just using a controller okay i might have to use my keyboard that's okay cause control is acting up a bit okay customize appearance there we go that'll do the cupcake hat googly eyes and i'm just on fire i like that of course kevin becomes an old man it's my dream uh there you go i'll just go for the cupcake cat i can't make my cloak on fire i think you have to unlock that because it's a bit more violent i appreciate the reminder of the title it's changed now i can see a guy with a gun in the background i'm worried now okay oh come good whenever you guys are yeah uh i'm ready all right we are ready and start game fantastic and away we go merry band of adventurers that's us oh wait are we not doing the board you go straight into mini yeah it's way better oh it's way better okay all action all action we're doing my favorite bit all four play guys oh we're not doing board game no no no no all action no no you can't just jump straight to the action you gotta build it up a bit well i have so bit of a dictator a dictator that's what you're doing right now i don't know kevin please explain all right how do i face what does how do we [ __ ] oh god what the [ __ ] how do i talk oh controller i don't know how on uh yeah qqq oh okay thanks for telling me yeah and you're dead i appreciate this information kevin you're quite good at this am i i don't feel like i'm doing very good is this you left yeah yeah okay we're so jesus christ oh yeah it was qrt yeah thanks for telling me all right this one you gotta suck sand find treasure okay what are the controls oh okay it shows you at the start perfect yeah yeah come forward okay this is a fairly simple one boys oh that's what we have to get the cube guys yeah oh it's just super long okay hold on i'm going to try and fix it suck suck i guess don't suck me [ __ ] off kevin quinn where kevin i'd like to learn from the best you know no no you don't go with kevin i feel like i'm playing with my little brother or something go away kevin you're just stealing from me seriously even bullying me kevin gwen you're in a rat you're still getting them all yes i'm thinking oh oh yeah all right oh yeah i was getting them all oh treasure daddy that was my turn short that kept going up how did he find it when we were working together both of us together oh i just found two and it ended poor come quiet completely misunderstood the game i didn't know you were going for the main treasure next mini game gift grab okay attempt to catch a valuable this one actually takes skill and kevin can't screw me over i'm sure i'll find a way okay that seems pretty straightforward that honestly should be really easy for you what's that supposed to mean die oh yeah even you should be able to okay this one this is so easy yeah easy yeah this is so easy oh this is so easy oh the quietness the sweatiness focused someone tell a story while we're playing i'd be impressed uh once upon a time there was a little boy named kevin oh not related to the kevin that we have here oh and this little kevin well he was a bit of a bollocks oh dennis the menace looks like a good buyer compared to this kevin what's kevin well be honest this kevin was given away by his parents because he was so annoying wow yes he was that annoying sad but unbelievable he's just replacing his name with kevin and and basically this poor little kevin all right did i win did i win [ __ ] you [ __ ] your story it was actually you kevin leave come quite alone now i didn't do anything tell me the rest of the story what happened kevin i became an orphan then got into drugs went to jail that was about it okay okay this one seems pretty simple i don't know what controls i didn't look it's just it's just shoot was the aim left click my controller doesn't happen oh my gosh oh i see okay heaven kevin don't be hiding what do you mean oh it's like a battle royale let me up why are you bullying him why aren't we bullying him go for nogla he practices no i don't when did i practice uh i'm in the fire i'm in the fight i'm dead i'm i'm not doing well uh oh oh i'm getting bullied here i'm getting literally cyber bullets no i don't deserve it jesus i jumped ah poor sportsmanship everyone loves a good contract leave him alone he's trying his best jump over the lasers okay sounds easy try to last as long as you can okay yeah and just jump okay all right i'll get a feel for these as we go along how do i jump oh jesus oh oh oh oh okay i'm getting it i'm getting it yeah i understand no yeah oh yeah this is easy just simple it's gonna never gonna lose no it's not we're never gonna lose i can't hear you there we go right before the fall i feel like my horse is at a fairy house it doesn't feel fair that you're literally a horse doing something like this what the [ __ ] is getting funky yeah oh yeah we lost a lot of hp right there i'm i've died that's all right i'll remember you wow wow wow who's that guy um rumble yes there we go here we go all right [Music] [Laughter] uh [Music] acceleration broken keyboard this one can be a [ __ ] oh this is [ __ ] easy [Laughter] jeez this is a [ __ ] nightmare and keyboard dude yeah i i can't do it i can't do it well let's lap him come on no no i gotta retain some dignity [Music] honestly there's no reason to be panicking you're fine you're doing great you're probably not even going to fall off kevin you need to start your mouth your annoying knob head come quite come second does he come on thank you my fellow home quad you got first i feel like you need a controller for that one kinda dude so [ __ ] annoying dude i hope so god in your head please please okay please let this work so what do you just click keys yeah yes brian what the hell who the [ __ ] punched me kevin [Laughter] [ __ ] me man i just gotta avoid that knob it's a kumquat actually oh god i don't even know what to do stay avoid kevin how can i avoid myself da he punched me yeah yeah peace sounds nothing like come quiet moonshore moonshore what the [ __ ] i don't want anyone near me wait i want to be left alone i just want to win [Laughter] good there when kumquat gets last i don't think that is a common quad actually i think he's just wearing glasses i think that's just a man in disguise so far behind so i think we just i have a hunch that we all go for the green guy do you think so no no that's racism don't be racist brian all right oh [ __ ] that's okay off i did not know that was me okay we ow i'm gone there you go racists go for the green guy you 50 racists kevin wait what oh get him who [Laughter] just ah yeah straight bullies bro get get the red guy get the red guy okay he's dienophobic that's it get the biggest get the big hit with your big balls here we are for some ball slapping action i think we've got a tie this could be a good one the balls are getting nice and big here we go okay last one who are we targeting this time green ball green ball get the green ball take him down take him down i'm scared actually getting [ __ ] bullied by the way i get the red guy and then you encourage it on someone else get the red guy yeah the red guy get the red guy he's right up right here she's right by the end she's easy pickings boys he's easy pickings he's easy picking pickings oh in the end we all lose i will one i wonder different group sam [ __ ] i reserved that word for special people as well thank you it's gotta take the crown and just stay alive okay there goes that disney sponsorship yeah yeah i was really looking forward to it too man me and miley cyrus what do we do it's oh it's it's it's male shrine thing what sun sun what's called sun something ah yes i just gotta make sure brian doesn't win that's fine you gotta steal it for as long as you can nice that's a good play why'd you [ __ ] hit me dan you why jimmy okay some good points there no you're miles away he's too fast we're hitting each other i barely have had this [ __ ] crown oh there we go give it to kumquat quick wait oh thank you oh my god gosh why so good at this he's just really sticky to be honest i win unfortunately that's not how it works i beat someone who don't know kevin is the best at avoiding people i have been practicing all my life x-men again word wars as the words appear over your head you have to spell them oh i'm not doing this this is way too much brain power yeah this is a lot of brain power i don't like this one i'm gonna spell punch what's the word got punched who [ __ ] how do you i have no idea what's going on dude really really a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] off kevin oh it's pickle it's kinda like homecoming i am so sick of [ __ ] kevin i just have a hot [ __ ] he just keeps punching i am so [ __ ] sick of kevin man neptune keep getting punched [ __ ] off kevin everyone gets there's such an annoyance i go around and circle he's just running around swinging [ __ ] if anything i think brian's got the most by accident he's just wrong place wrong time oh let me get this out here we go i'm moist oh i am feeling voiced wow that was dog [ __ ] that round yeah i won how well i guess i know how look at a guy in four english degree was four see i'm not playing this i'm not playing polo party with kevin again don't be last with the bomb just give it to no go oh well dan i'm sorry you're the easiest it's beeping pretty strong too oh it's like you'll never find me now where is it off to the right give it to him am i am i no hi brian hi brian where you going brian i'm gonna wait until the peeps really fast i'm gonna be wait till it beeps really really fast and then you're [ __ ] down just get out of there dude get away from me i don't want to be narrow oh no stop and he's dead then hit him hit him hit him then turn him on him that doesn't work like the game mode is so [ __ ] flawed and you can run but first faster [Music] do not compute they just don't go together dad i think i was smart do you agree chad nobody likes you not even your chat they're like we like you so much that's [ __ ] my chat all right what is this shoes searching the cabin for well i didn't get to see the instructions just move around and shoot i don't like this one already yeah this one's the what i don't like this one what i hate it i don't know you had spawn protection [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] game i hate it oh [ __ ] off i'm not i don't think i've got anyone oh my well no you have you've gotten two people so that's a what's going on i did it i won good job dan i'm really proud of you because i'm a supportive friend [Laughter] this is toxic this is kind of broke my how are you hand left and right dodge didn't come a projector and you just don't miss jump you just stop things come and jump oh you can double jump okay oh yeah that would have been really good you're the one that plays this game all the time i have no idea what's going on and making that a lot more difficult than it needs to be oh god oh this is hard oh i've lost all my lives i've ran off i didn't know there were lives that instructions on how to play the game [Laughter] look it's look it's like figuring it out i'd love to find it communicated in some way how you might play the mini game if only it was possible to know what we're doing before we go shoot at her before starting i'm excited already for this new game with my friends i don't know how to steer this plane oh my god i'm getting numb flashbacks [Music] i'm doing a u-turn look at that moving around in circles this game this combo this sounds kind of crazy i don't like this one yeah kevin you're winning though i like this one just targeting me because he's mad and quiet or is he's hand broken it looks like you're trying to spell something out in the sky i'm just going in circles and brian's missing a lot oh my god can we collide we miss each other i don't understand i died there we go there you go now well there it was now having won again yeah that was fun i had so much fun guys i'm having a great time with my friends every weekend you look forward to us don't you fly your drone shield to correct the position of balls you've swapped places you sound like duh he did when we first started this call if a ball goes into a player's goal the last player hit the ball squad goes to the point it's like it's like air hockey it's air hockey okay oh i like this i i oh there's more than one ball there's more than one ball three is actually yesterday i'm impressed your music knowledge you know that fellas getting lost what the [ __ ] don't make it a race thing now yeah why privilege is that i mean this is nice it's so beautiful oh god guys please please stop shooting them in my goal this is bad this is bad okay well who won i have no clue i didn't do too good that one you came second kevin yeah but you know us overachievers we just won first or nothing oh kevin's going to be [ __ ] annoying in this one why are you moving around activating the orange power crystals yeah so you need to run around and get as much of the land possible okay sounds easy and then there's a crystal and that's just like grabs you a huge chunk of land okay so when you see the crystals go for it see oh see okay see what happens when you help explain it the others have a chance duh he's chasing me because he's threatened that i'm better than him no you are annoying me so i'm just going to annoy you but i don't care if i win her loose i don't really mind wait what how did i have a horse's nose i should have not followed mine uh i'll just follow brian he gets annoyed [Laughter] well now i'm being followed again and they just randomly spawned in if you're not near it's like well you won't get let's get off oh my gosh why did i win exactly i got all the crystals and he [ __ ] wins because he's like [ __ ] happies it's really inspired by mario party it retains like the frustration and the [ __ ] [Laughter] i think you got the crystal when the timer went off oh that's funny wait what what's the instructions don't just avoid the line just avoid the light see it's like i i'm having so much fun playing games elia okay i'm dead i don't know well you had to avoid the light it was pretty simple i died instantly you're fine you're fine you're fine you just can't avoid the spotlight kenya dan yes it's me rt ow ow okay this isn't good glad you're all having fun guys i'm not we all miss you then honestly how's it hurt i saw him in the spotlight yeah why why are there no spotlights there wait there's nothing ah it's broken that spotlight went over here this game i was fine on my screen yeah i was fine on mine if you're talking about me i saw no spotlight no this one's about cars hitting you all right okay it's fine grab luch okay all right you have to grab the loot moving a i'm super fun this one's going to be really fun guys wait what happened post advantage get it what do you mean what do you mean if you were over there before we even started what'd you talk about no that doesn't oh i'm a good man i'm a fair man i i this is my hard-earned money what was i ready go it's that kid that did that [ __ ] oh just [ __ ] run go down go there's no time to lose oh you guys got bigger bags i just realized something jesus oh can you grab more than one thing you can oh my gosh you can grab more mature slower yeah i just realized that oh we'll do is we'll take the time to let you read the rules for the game before we play this is dance dance memorize the arrows shown each round and move to dodge the more you see smart nugget is going to win this one i have no idea here we go time to prove him brian i think arrows pop up you have to memorize them okay up oh i see wait what it said good job guys proud to get first and second there done good job what happened there what was that it sat down i i i we're idiots i thought we were we're all stupid i'm pretty sure it sit down and then it was all but if we're just laughing in chat man i'm lagging yeah welcome to spectrum internet [Music] try not to fall okay so how do we how do we know what pattern it's called i think it's shakes i think i think they should shakes you can you can jump too oh wait there you go there you go there you go see you you land on the ones that aren't shaking that's that's the that's the that's the thing going on here dan is that clear enough for you want me to explain as well thank you thank you i'm so thankful to have you as like my [Laughter] partner i was too busy looking at the tesla oh geez it's just you and me that brings a smile to my face you and i it's just me and me can you please clip that girly screaming at me wait a second guys it's finished i won oh god who would have thought i'm a winner look at me look at dan over in the cage let's all go punch him what you doing in the cage cage boy idiot idiot loser look at you in the cage i'm so glad i won it's like several copies of my body just forming this here that cheers me up just hitting all right tab you get some statistics yeah i won seven mini games how much dog you won i won i've been come quack up five terrorism rta got four given the fact that he was cheating and using host advantage a lot i did pretty well yeah and considering he knew all the rules and wouldn't let us even have time to look at the rules well considering i was getting bullied for half the midi games what are you talking about i did pretty good as we spawn killed excuses all right shall we gear up for another round with the minigames no i'm not i'm not playing with kevin again i'll play a different game you're threatened by my skills play this anymore no i don't i really don't i can't play with kevin we gotta give it another round no honestly for our friendship for the sake of our friendship i'm not playing perry we're doing we don't have a friend we're doing it yeah well i'm not playing you're playing with three people die no no no no we need no we gotta play it again no we don't we actually don't that's the thing oh okay all right wow i'm down and playing the other one with the rest of you if you want to play something else i'm fine playing something else i want to give this a go i want to try it again yeah i think i'm down for one more game of this year you are that kid i might my eighth birthday just ruin it for everyone else you're right like a spoiled child i've been bullied [Laughter] i was like wait he didn't come last he beat us all we're doing this yeah come on i can [ __ ] hear the smirk on your face go [ __ ] yourself yeah everyone everyone join me i'm almost nothing it's not going to be the same but i don't though but i'll join i know it's going to be fun perfect sick all right invite me yes yes but i'm going to bully brian the whole time oh [ __ ] shocker shocker uh i can't join your session can you invite me i should have let you join all right you didn't invite us uh it's not giving me an option to invite it's in the top right yeah i click that and doesn't do anything oh horse there we go all right okay i just figured it out but that's okay all right you hosting okay oh my god uh where where is the cursor going it's so hard to see it sounds like you haven't figured it out i haven't got it he's got it look at that he's invited me and all yeah just the interface is a bit weird did i invite it yeah i mean yeah yeah we're in okay so you had to tell that cursors hmm there we go brian even yeah i'm in no oh yeah you got a joint you got you got to join i don't think you're there there we go sorry i mean twigs oh left or right interesting all right i'm ready i like to eat my my food like i read my pages all right i'm ready dan okay ready let's go let's give this a go again 25 games you it's the board game bro let's do the board game let's go oh [ __ ] no i'm leaving oh jesus it's more game game is boring you're boring i'm telling you dude god two people is boring just give it a go i just want to see what it's like okay board games boring man it's so boring i've never got to play i just wanna [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah we're playing noon after this though playlist ah okay everyone ready up start it up get my life over you can go if you're able to force it how do i ready up do it okay here we go oh back oh yeah sorry there you go geez what's wrong with my coffee this morning it's like [ __ ] oh that explains your [ __ ] attitude [Laughter] drinking [ __ ] actually [ __ ] a little loser kevin how are you doing thank you dylan for the twenty dollars yeah you gave me too much money dylan thanks for the five minutes of 15. you'll love her a long time surprise something good will do samantha thanks very much if you guys could become members in spite of terrorizing i regret if person a person says brian needs help i agree can you say come on over to conquest let's hit the dice hey i'm quiet call me come on really okay really it's just why i didn't want to play treasure chest make your rail on the board that's why i didn't want to [ __ ] play talk about in general i actually don't know the rules i was talking about yourself then i think you just like you have items that you can use and you can hit dice i got the red death sign daniel i don't care it's good the master has finally arrived at spaces down yours what would you like me to steal from intruders aligning this space uh blood that coffee is so bad is this the r is this i don't know if i select it when i select it oh it's just someone shot the interface i think brilliant two you got a key nice nicely done thank you man keys are like currency appreciate it daniel thank you for your people yeah they helped buy you like i love i love the cupcake on your hand i think you're you're looking great today here it comes come closer you know i really like your crown thank you yeah thank you man yeah twitch that tv four-size terrorizer everyone go over there absolutely wild i was like wow oh my god that's a big chest you must have got lots of stuff i'm avoiding you guys snaps his name and he gets keys that is one and now oh what is this oh it's teachers oh you gotta hit spacebar on the point yeah i think you're trying to get up to the very top first player top where you're supposed to come to the top okay yeah yeah yeah you you want to hit ice wooden top now we're gonna have to wait 10 minutes until rt reads it before it can force there right we're just taking a moment to understand there we go no ah oh come on just don't panic don't freak out just keep thinking about how if you missed once you've probably lost kevin stop talking about having stopped talking no you're doing great dan just don't miss the next one or you might you're really [ __ ] if you missed the next one to be honest how am i supposed to get this one yeah it's getting really freaking fast oh my god oh no i won oh my god i'm going to pass you out if you're not careful quick hurry up i don't want to beat you i'm trying i really don't want to beat you okay good oh this is [ __ ] impossible jesus jesus that's [ __ ] intense except defeat i didn't lose yes you also got a shotgun good where are you oh thank you for the sub appreciate it there's a lot of items to use doing my best oh so the turn order changes based on who wins interesting thought he gets to roll the dice the fan favorite of uh all the chats today died nogla he's coming in now captain positivity he's got a magnet to attract all the negative energy in the world towards him [Laughter] into his cut his coffee right his coffee has got a magnet of negativity on it i'm gonna go over this way i'm gonna thank you for the new member thank you danny boy brian is god i disagree with my prayers have a blessed day and if you become a member of his channel uh please keep the receipt you just read them over so everybody shut up someone who's twitch prime uh people call me kevin and also rtgames chats twitch prime is a great thing use it now it's called you know are you gonna do your turn brian or keep talking like a knob oh sorry i'm trying to help out my friends all right i want to go you guys know if you've got an amazon prime account you can link it to your twitch account and get a free subscription for 30 days for your favorite content creators for free get all the perks and benefits of a normal subscription for free for the fact i'm going to take some blogs oh my god it's working it's working ryan not only do you get out people you ladies and gentlemen no ads whatsoever use it today on call me kevin and rt games right now five people should subscribe and brian jesus christ i'm going this way oh my god twitch is fun twitch streams are a lot of fun i got a gift thank you to everyone who subscribed for the meme oh we get to play this one again i'm ready for it this time thanks for the subs guys joking up joking aside thank you toast five two people just going [Laughter] thank you thank you everyone wow brian you're kind of my hero someone just did it to me owen's sake yeah brian brian's doing a better like job like america than me jesus christ saying you gotta help out people and then when i need a favor i'm gonna make them do something for me yeah if we just go on each other so i need a loan for my mortgage dude you got me like ten twitch prime subs i mean you want me to give that it's time to pay up like i need a kid oh here comes the intense part dude i cannot control all effects sake i got spawn killed okay there we go there we go there we go there we go yes oh sweet bejesus ah come on dude that that one's a [ __ ] yeah i'm gone i'm perfect danny thank you very much for the gift service i really appreciate it and thanks for all the subscribe you come on after this uh board game guys we're gonna i'm gonna do some solo streaming so i'll get to talk to you guys a lot more then and disc thanks for the sub there as well and overwatch no hey guys i'm back how are you doing uh fantastic how are you sam great good oh thank you have i ever told you guys about a thing called twitch prime yeah [ __ ] back to me indefinitely yeah guys you gotta stop this it's incredibly generous but you don't actually have to do it please i very much appreciate it that's sarcasm twist five is a fantastic feature that gets you benefits and the streamer benefits for no money whatsoever feel free to click on the twitter prime icon that should be sniper thanks so much it is a great day for everyone except for me memes aside you guys are incredibly generous thank you very much dan what is it with that sarcasm jesus prosaic thank you so much for the five gifted subs as well jesus christ well that went great brilliant having a fine dandy time i'm happy i didn't know the right way to go in the beginning for the for the treasure i think someone may have walked past the right yeah i think daniel just bypassed the finish which one is highlighted well you see the treasure chest in the top right there and here's brian billy no mates in the middle of nowhere coming on in with a hot eight doing a wide flank on the map please i'm gonna die oh you're gonna be fine wait what is this hp i'm gonna use it here i go what what is this okay wow well that that that's what that's where it's coffee thank you so much you're too kind there you go you teleported over here wait do i have enough coins though i don't all right i'll keep on moving i don't mind because i'm here for fun oh and look at that i lose you go around okay i thought that was the play of the week grab a shotgun and blast your enemies the bits don't bother reloading just grab another gun yeah okay okay sounds easy this will leave some frustration nogla and i sweat our balls off in this one there we go okay let's go all right folks here we go fps this is what we're all about it's just like splatoon oh jesus rt [ __ ] damage [ __ ] christ of all people he goes for me as per [ __ ] oh i i i fear you man [Music] how long do they take the spawn in there's some upstairs as well i literally saw you aiming for me like oh my gosh oh jesus my name's bad trying to make my way around ah very good okay you [ __ ] little 1v1 me and rust 1v1 roast that's all i have to say to you ortiz destroying us really really i got my god revenge it i'm this is so much harder and keeper than most i cannot my crown i cannot i cannot see my crosshair with my crown you need a controller for this game it's really wow yeah okay brian i can't see my crosshair my ego with my crown is i regret it it backfired off oh god damn long old shot there that was that was quite [Music] i hope you're all proud of me very you know i'm just having fun with my friends that's what's going to do we're all winners here i love you you oh it's my turn what you gonna do today dahi um hmm oh sorry so many fun choices yes wait no wait you're [ __ ] no what happened to that say something nice about me and i'll get the treasure too uh actually i'm one off everybody's a winner but some people have more winners than others that's life drop a beehive to damage out of players drop it on yourself no one's in range oh is he am i gonna get the treasure exciting times well i oh not quite sad oh noga got one oh thank you can i pick up those if you win the next minigame then you'll go first and then you will get the treasure it all comes down to who wins the next one my master is a real treasure [Laughter] oh god the tigers riding the pandas or the boars riding the deer ah four four okay okay i think i got that tigers riding pandas but they have a different one ah what was i supposed to call it you were close you were really close without a guess of one oh i think i made a boo boo i think i made it but i think i i i don't know what i'm doing oh oh oh oh very good smart cat raccoons [ __ ] this one's funny look at all the blue clearances that was good fun i i would have been fine if i knew what was going on we're all first but it says yeah you will win and everyone else is disappointed um you're all tied but there's only one winner here oh really debated really really kevin you can't use the dice though that means i'm gonna get it how do i use um use items oh i'm gonna get it no ryan please brian why would you teleport with him he can't he can't go up just for the chaos i i i don't know no i got a higher remote and then i can i get a high roll i could still do it yeah you got an eggplant use that use the eggplant it's the eggplant use it on use it on them over there that's it that's it there you go eggplant i'm coming over to spend time with my friends oh and that wants is asking if i want blood or keys oh lord always go for blood blood it is [Music] you guys do you guys go down or up we're going towards the treasure now i think up okay no i think it's fair because i swapped places with him you see so now he'll swap back it all works out yeah brian still forgets that i believe he i hope you guys follow i i don't want to run up this okay so yeah okay we're good good good good we got a few goals at this dammit oh [ __ ] oh my god there's no surviving that one yeah i've had nightmares like this oh okay this this one's a bit insane oh this is insane bro oh my god how do you dodge that oh my god there's no dodge in that one how is this possible man [ __ ] i was doing so well first oh my god this is stressing me out oh this is hilarious this one yeah i love this one ah jumped what is this one oh okay okay okay okay okay okay no that chad came out of i just hated you bro oh that was the one ah oh jesus i'm good at dodging cars for once look at that it's quite ironic i came out of nowhere that was my run and the cycle continues brian's going to win don't swap man kevin good man you know it makes sense enjoy those twitch prime and gifts absolutely actually you can steal it go on daddy got it i'm gonna get it thank you done i'm gonna hope okay i did it yeah all right oh my god how long is this game it's just realistic play the board game i just wanted to try it 25 rounds that's more than try it i just wanted to give it a go you're some liner what he's watching i'll be honest i didn't actually realize i had it set to the board game until like before we went and i thought it was set to the video nice alibi there no it's true we could just do like first of all like the 15 turns 25 yeah about 15 wouldn't have been great no we're here to suffer even longer now oh no and then we can call it a day oh i've been there ryan oh he's actually dead what happened he's excited you'd like that but no oh it's like bomberman oh no no it's not it's a strategic shockwave actually okay nothing to do with bomberman actually according to our lawyers how do we please oh a i see oh my goodness oh oh okay how do you oh you're dead yeah tribal thank you so much for the sub tribal penguin thank you come on hello [Music] do oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that was a [ __ ] dangerous oh oh i got try yeah bye [ __ ] talk to you later well actually you're talking to me right now actually oh no oh my gosh your bombs are insane too many power-ups [Music] no one wins how it should be yay i am dead uh my anxiety is going through the roof just watching this oh it's all the way over there oh jesus christ oh that's the bit of a track now fantastic it's protected this is me it protects me i'm a cactus all just makes sense oh there's a lot of keys there oh good thing i had it it took the blow all right my turn da he's turn is anybody gonna do that i'll hit the dice good here we went with masters i'm marrying fine i can tell i'm happy and fine gonna go this way and get some keys great move you okay kevin you having a good time oh yes i'm just slowly realizing how long this game is going to take though yeah i don't want to say i was right but we can wrap up that after a certain point i i just kind of want to get to the mini games each time yeah gee it's almost like i set it up the right way you should have used your outside voice you just wanted to try it you okay i use my outside voice then kevin yeah i like that now oh jesus christ balls coming at her faces here fellas [Music] i know how comfortable i feel about that kevin's a bit of a bit of a lone ranger over there yeah oh okay actually kevin how's it going man grand even better now come on you got an eggplant kevin well done thank you make sure to use it uh not on me not on you could already look at artists right now it might it might hit you too no oh that is a great what are you doing do you think he can make it i think it's pretty inspiring to be honest isn't it look at him he's going oh they tried he did try it was a good attempt there you need more uh longevity in your eggplant uh it's been a problem all my life well you are really old oh there's a pill you can take for that kevin it's okay really pills to make your eggplant go longer i'll fertilize your sick [ __ ] uh to get your head out of the gutter oh he's done it yes okay now we can end the game now you're happy he's got a goblet oh so 25 turns or whoever gets five goblets first yeah i don't see that five happening anytime soon yeah oh good thing you were a cactus the glacial river i could kind of understand the box but oh what serious what the [ __ ] [Laughter] yes i didn't do anything i'm no threat what are you doing for me ryan he's that he's having so much fun you just love to see it oh gosh that actually that made my dare is it thank you very much for the potatoes something oh yeah this one again okay brian's favorite game too this one's totally fair and balanced whereas the bomb gets to you to get hit here we go it's me i will call you right you thought you're having a bit of a bad day i'll go for dan he just [Laughter] sorry it's gonna have to be you kevin it's not you're you're you don't even look at me i don't i don't react too much it's got to be your penis doesn't work shouldn't you have sympathy then so there you go oh and then it just gives it right back to him [Music] no one knows why but i've got to go for you again okay see brian and now you can just wait until you hit me and then you win and then you're having a good day you just can't escape in that it's so unfair yeah i guess i didn't think about this method when they were making it but it yeah it's not the best minigame you can't even get on top of the boxes thank you so much for the sub i wouldn't be either i'd kill myself if i were him i wouldn't give you the satisfaction now you just look like an [ __ ] oh yeah well i see your priorities are in order oh i got a present oh i haven't been a good boy i've been a good boy what did you give me presents oh i get to select the game mode let's play another game which one i got this one the temporal thingamajig oh that sounds fun now will we say whoever wins the next minigame wins the entire thing yes yes we did please jesus christ what a great idea thanks for the the donation you're too kind rockets are fun you don't have to use it though if you change your mind how the [ __ ] do you use it oh you still get to roll all right sick now you just got to go all the way around can you kill me mr reaper have you come to collect i filed all my paperwork he's ready i'm ready to go oh it's my turn sorry oh the honeybee what's that one here don't you worry yeah take a shot that killed me shoot me yeah but you got to be near them dan that's a good effort hey here was my problem let's go this way what magical fun adventure is lion weight i think we're exhausted this has been a very cursed stream i'm not tired at all i feel great oh i wonder why i wonder [Laughter] let's go down here oh yeah this is the game mode i chose oh this is basically the the what what game is it called again bomberman no it's the surf it's like the snake they made a movie on it tron that's it i don't know why i talk greed bomberman i love bomberman i killed myself sorry i don't understand my line yeah you went through mine it's like i killed myself i don't i don't we don't respond in this one cheater that's what it is i think there's rounds you're right guys stop it this cheating is ruining the game that makes no sense it doesn't the lines cannot cross like that this is the perfect ending round game brian just went straight in oh the train oh i killed myself again i keep panicking and spinning look at these waves oh i'm an artiste very artistic no i want to do such a thing i'm going to get you kevin no you're [ __ ] not i need to get out of here hi kevin he's got his little half and he's delighted let him be i'm just having a good time you're like drawing a globe i was wondering if i could go inside that looks pretty nice i don't understand the track at them i won the last round was like nope it's like it's and that's how it all ended no no wait wait wait wait wait for it this is how it wins and this is how it all ended all dead four a four-way tire would you believe it i'm just gonna close that i think we're done for today yeah it's been a long one to be fair oh this is a very cursed session that's confused it was if we're still friends at the end of this guys i don't want to keep the group chat going we'll play some like tabletop simulator or something something that brings us together like a four-player co-op maybe some war zone would be kind of fun i would be fun we gotta make it five player if we can oh jack will we play multiplayer that has five we can do like s and d or i don't play multiplayer i finally play uh i can't i'm going streaming uh solo for a while i think i always stream solo after doing a group stream and you could just play a bit of war zone with me there's not even duo's in that game is there sea of thieves is another one yeah people are saying that's a good idea but i definitely played warzone another night for sure because i'm all over that right because i've asked you twice now and you've you haven't said yesterday yeah keep trying we're not trying anymore okay this is 21st century effort is not worth it trying to salem town salem's [Music] yeah no monopoly gets heated no not monopoly pluto pluto is good the game of life yeah a game of life is [ __ ] great i love that game i haven't played that i've heard about it though kevin will just make it so you're playing game of life like every other week on your channel you know yeah i know we would figure it out i'll try and play something cooperative with five people is a bit yeah we'll find something yeah for sure figure it out at the end of the day we'll all be friends isn't that right brian he actually left oh no oh no something i actually wanted to do i was thinking it's because things that bring us together instead of further in these problems because it feels like every session of games we've played it's been more and more stressful it's just building up until someone really gets killed ah god oh people are saying play overcoat overcooked does not bring people oh no even if you're working together yeah yeah yeah that's not the people you play overcooked with anymore there but now gg is for real guys yeah it's been lovely playing with your last whinier morning than usual bad coffee only slept six hours ah don't worry about it have a good rest of your day yeah i'm gonna good night take care bye bye bye bye and there we have it the group is forever disbanded all right we're gonna we're gonna do a little bit of solo stream that was a long co-op stream though we went for three hours jesus didn't feel like that to be fair um raven rory thank you so much for the bits stand you value your project zomboid i think project zomboid would be too much i don't think they'd be able to handle it statue valley might be fun but i don't know if it's their type of game um those kind of games like stared you valley and even like when my hardcore save ends on the channel i'm like i could imagine doing a stream a hardcore mode uh i think it would be pretty fun actually the guy is red kevin was he the villain i don't know who the villain was i can't remember who was winning i guess diane then because they were both like tying right nelsie thank you so much for the sub i appreciate it um yeah i really like uh stared you it's really good fun um right what was i going to do crawlstat thank you very much for the sub um i was thinking of just doing a bit of a a chat but what can i do would you like to see i'll do a poll i'll do a poll this is this makes it way easier but it takes the pressure off me and then if i'll leave squad as well and then if uh oh god no pull uh and then if it's bad it's your fault which is great ace thank you very much for the sub um so there we go and uh jimmy the sith thank you so much for the the sub um actually war zone might be pretty fun i just saw people suggesting that warzone pacifist i want to get this pacifist game yeah i think i might try that that might be fun poop alien thank you for the bits all right the pacifist run continues uh uh julian thank you so much for the bids i think you sent them to the wrong person though and arrows forward thank you very much for the sub there as well okay there we go and i really hope this doesn't have a update that would be bad uh minnie thank you so much for the donation as well say walla i don't i don't understand but it's it's been done the deed is done sierra rosie thank you so much for the donation as well how am i today i am good it's been a good day got everything i needed to oh god it's initializing update i'll see how long it is i got everything that i needed to do done which keeps me happy oblivion yeah i want to start oblivion all right but not today because i want like a full stream of oblivion because now it's like i'd be playing a bit of it and i don't think we get properly into it there's another game i want to play as well crash day but i think we can complete that whole game in it and one stream so raven rory thank you so much for the bits and ultimate goal yeah i guess so um that makes sense you can't just have a continuous thing with no ending for streaming um all right update's done i like how some people in the game are in the in the game in the chat no um of crash day because that game is fantastic it's a game i used to uh play when i was a wee lad i need to check on my video actually uh it seems to be doing fine lincoln thank you so much for the donation i will try i will keep trying to be myself don't you worry all right there we go and let's see it's daryl barr thank you very much for the sub there as well now let me just tweet out my video and then we'll get right back into it sorry if you can hear me twice um and there we go reena thank you so much for the donation and thank you for the happy birthday wishes even though it isn't my birthday i don't have a p.o box no um po boxes in ireland i've not had the best experience with them they kept losing my [ __ ] so i was like hey i i don't know reese thank you so much for the sub as well all right wait what is this the gulag is disabled this is great this helps me with my my my goal thank you ellie thank you for the bits um because now the gulag is disabled and you just need to have enough cash nevi thank you so much for the bits bacon fun i have bacon now thank you you can stop the bacon fun too all right the pacifist mode begins gta would be cool yeah i i we were playing somewhere yesterday it was very fun jillian thank you pretty much for the bits as well i never finished the story more did i maybe when i was young i finished it but i didn't finish it on um recently anyway you need enough cash yeah so how much cash is it i assume it's a lot and does it go up every time like every time you die does it go up more or do you just get one chance no that's not what i meant i did i didn't mean that thanks sake no did i ever win a pacifist mode no we came close twice actually we came close three times but uh jimmy thank you so much for the donation does he protect you or does he um one of them i was coming 10th and my game crashed and all the time it came sixth and another time eighth so it was it's been some close ones what happened to the pole i changed my mind it became a kev tater ship again because i someone suggested this and i was like actually that sounds really fun because i wanted something that i could just talk to you guys a lot and let me turn it way down there you go turn down for me too yeah sixth eighth and tenth we crashed exactly that was sad uh ivanza thank you so much for the donation it's not my birthday i hope you're joking but thank you for the donation it's become a bit of a meme and unfortunately if someone's new to the channel it must be very confusing but that's why they do it it's uh it's to cause confusion in the community and the cult even let's keep people on their toes it's to uh ruin their um uh is it like oh no it's okay uh it's the to ruin their credibility when the court cases come up they'll be like his birthday was every day it'll be like this guy's insane the thunder bite thank you so much for the bits no i've got enough bacon now to last me a long time i'm looking forward to having some i might even have some today i'll see how i treat myself borderlands 3 thank you for the bits ace i've never played borderlands 3. i'm mixed on the borderlands series i enjoyed it playing co-op but i'm not a huge fan of like the combat in it and stuff i find it a little bit repetitive and it's weird because everyone else loves it so i'm obviously in the wrong here like everyone i know that plays it loves borderlands and i'm just like i just can't get it for some reason it's weird show us the bacon i don't just have it with me i just open the curtains and there's loads of bacon there uh on deception thank you so much for the cheer as well pizza kfc and or alcohol why are you tempting me with all of my vices in one go i'll do a bacon eating stream at some point do a diy stream making a bacon shelf is anyone following me no i think i'm good are any of you following me please follow me i'm trying to make it here on twitch i really am please oh oh jesus oh god okay this is fine okay i don't know about this i didn't even know you could do this jesus christ didn't like that um but yeah i'm really really really getting into streaming uh just just on that meme of like i'm really trying to make it uh i'm really really enjoying streaming it's it's been great mostly thanks so much for the bids the chat decides when it's my birthday okay hi i understand sorry i'm new to streaming i don't know these things uh and jenna fire thank you so much for the bids no i don't need cash but thank you thank you for the generosity i made your anxiety go through the room sorry bandicoot uh i just i ellis drummer i'm gonna say thank you so much for the bits but no that's not happening um what was i going to say uh a bandicoot you reminded me i also want to stream some crash bandicoot at some point phoenix thank you so much for the bits florida man in the sims i don't know about that um okay so because it's gold does that mean i have enough cash to come back in i wonder and mccain thank you so much for the bids nope no problem at all i'm glad you're enjoying it i honestly the streams have been keeping me sane as well it's quite uh what am i doing i'm a pacifist i'm so sorry i did it in a habit oh my god i'm running away i'll repent for my sins i apologize oh my god what have i done emily blackwing thank you so much for the donation oh [ __ ] hell i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll repent i'm going to repent what do i do is there any church on the map is there a church where can i find a church i can volunteer at the hospital um is there a church in the park or am i imagining things i think there's a temple specs fox thank you so much for the bits i hear someone next door to me i'm so ashamed i'm sorry i'm hanging up my guns blind doctors thank you so much for the bits i was so distracted oh yep just that's my natural defense bring up the map that i don't know how to get rid of he's chasing me oh did he see me in fact okay i had to die anyway 5 foot badger thank you so much for the sub oh um but yeah the streams have been keeping me sane as well so even though it doesn't look like it lincoln thank you so much for the donation as well yeah my murderous jeans they're just deep rooted you know so what is it five grand oh no it takes another 15 minutes before i can drop it again okay that makes sense i like that raven rory thank you for the bits i'll try all right and enjoy enjoy your evening and i'll see you tuesday thanks for hanging out and thanks for the bits navy thank you for the bits as well i have to do ten the ten lengths of the rosary jesus christ i can't even remember how is it choppy again or are we good maybe it's okay i see a rosie thank you so much for the donation as well i know i'm sorry i i'm sorry hmm i don't see anyone but i'm guessing it's all been looted i'm clean thank you so much for the sub hi dad god first i was someone's mom now someone's dead need money oh i can sense money in here i i can hear it uh uh i sucked in thank you so much for the bids thank you very much you're too kind go hide hide the gun there we go hide it here don't want other people getting it don't want violence i am woody thank you so much for the sub that's the cash okay i have enough the thing is if i just camped i think i could win this but it just wouldn't be that fun would it look there's someone outside quesada thank you so much for the sub oh yeah there's someone here oh oh oh dinosaur thank you so much for the bits thank you for the kind words too i hear him downstairs the tiger leah thank you so much for the bits as well go to group therapy together it's probably needed at this point oh god he's leaving i think turk is daddy thanks for the donation okay i see i see thank you for filling me in i don't know do you leave or not who's kevin playing with i'm playing all alone just by myself that scared the [ __ ] out of me pegasus thank you so much for the bits oh my god his reactions were so slow as well he almost felt bad wait i'm coming back in again i don't understand okay so i just need the money and the timer is irrelevant okay the frying brunch thank you for the cheer thank you very much i understand now the timer is just like that's how long you can come in for so once that timer's gone no more respawns i understand oh no thank you but oh jesus oh god i'm coming in on top of someone cut the chute cut the chute and run back in hell hell of a jump uh sarah thank you so much for the bits horizon every time you die it's your birthday gonna have to find a lot of cash happy birthday it's your boy sam i appreciate the bits you're always too generous what the hell do these things do jesus what's her name thank you so much for the cheer no problem at all okay oh really i feel like other people are camping more than me and they're using guns i'm just like running around trying to be a pacifist all right let's try another i don't know if this is actually going to work out to my favor or not this uh this new mode because i think i was doing all right in the last one oh oh jesus christ sorry i'm yawning i'm probably not going to be able to stream for what have you tried not dying i'll try that next sorry um i'll probably not be able to stream too long because i'm already pretty tired i wasn't expecting to do such a long um uh a long stream with the the lads yeah that's what i'm thinking surely there would be more people in late game that's what i'm thinking and it's hard to gather money when i'm not killing anyone at what time did you fall asleep last night about half six in the morning i don't usually stop that late but i was watching the ufc so i didn't get too much sleep uh reena thank you so much for the gifted sub as well go sleep oh i'm not gonna sleep after the stream ends either i'm not tired enough to sleep i'm not like even sleepy i think it's more just tiredness so my brain's a little slow and all that i'm definitely not sleepy enough to sleep i'll still be up till like about 1am or so i'm not i'm not really a morning person i usually get off at like midday like 12 so i work from home anyway so it doesn't make a difference or as drizzle thank you so much for the sub and i just find i'm not that productive uh in the morning i'm a lot more productive in the middle of the day raw tweak thank you so much for the bits happy birthday please bring back baking bad probably will eventually how was the ufc i missed it i really enjoyed it it was good it was a good card and it was kind of good because there was a few friends were watching it so we were on like just a video call watching it and uh it's just nice to have any sort of different social interaction these days now at this point all right let's land downtown again i think one more good game so as long as i don't die in like the first 10 minutes and not spawn in then it's fine i saw adorably thank you so much for the bits yeah sorry it was a rough day people were wondering why i didn't have my leg cam on you know and white green screened in my old background um and i'm going to try and drop in downtown and hope for the best phil the author thank you so much for the donation happy mother's day happy mother's day to you too all right i'm dropping i'm gonna go straight to downtown and hope no one follows me oh [ __ ] hell but stiff i think this oh god no this roof is not safe sorry i'm a pacifist i don't want this fight i don't want any fight in here should do so i have enough money as is like really if i want to win this i should just go [ __ ] camp somewhere i should just do let's try and just do a total camp fest uh curse tank thank you so much for the sub like i have enough money to come in so where's the circle i'm gonna go lie down somewhere is the child sub only no we just have a lot of subs in the chat sniper sheep thank you so much for the 10 gifted subs you're way too kind jesus christ thank you you gave way too much already like last night you gave so much you're way too kind thank you unlike this person oh i got a plan run past me oh how does he know how did he know my shenanigans oh [Laughter] perfect's sake he was probably like oh that little [ __ ] just sitting in there awaiting me going past but i just wanted him to run by me i didn't want to fight at all [Laughter] see i thought my idea was good and i think it would have worked but no not with that that was unfortunate let's go find some money uh hazel for thank you so much for the the bits i can be your new mommy yes it's perfectly fine but where's my mother's day gift i would not be a good mom i have no maternal instinct you know we got to get a load of cash now because that fecker with wall hacks on sniper sheep thank you so much for the bits you too thank you so much for your generosity as always you're far too kind okay we have enough cash time to just go [ __ ] hide somewhere because what's the point we can just chat and stay the star who thank you so much for the sub okay i think i'll have to get a bit further in but i don't know if there's any point i think i'll just go hide in here oh more cash jesus blows now jesus christ tons all right uh let's not let's save the spot next to the window you can't get behind the curtain how to camp i need a guide okay up here up here there'll be if there's another room that's what i need i gotta remember as well getting the loadout would be good actually uh ffs thank you so much for the bits i'm doing warzone quads with subs uh i'm not sure at the moment i'm only trying to do a pacifist run that's pretty much my only goal uh reena jason thank you so much for the gift itself there as well okay i think what was our priority we need gas mask we need self-revive and we need the loadout bandicoot thank you so much for the bits um oh happy birthday to you too got lots of birthdays um and bob dan thank you for the bits as well i think i'll play the remake but do the first one of the remake because i really like that one i it was the first time i ever played crash like properly was the the remake and i really enjoyed it i still remember the night i played it first and i like made some home cooked chips and everything oof what a game asala thank you so much for the sub all the wholesome happy birthdays your brother is playing war zone right now watch out can you tell him to like not attack the innocent looking guy with uh no gun in his hand i'll drop the gun i still hear a crate let me go find that out oh where it is abian thank you so much for the sub there as well let's go find this i've got a lot of cash now so that is a plus oh my god what the [ __ ] i should probably call that in uh maya lin thank you so much for the bits oh thank you so much that's very kind to you i just want to call this into wasted i don't want someone else getting it uh that's gonna [ __ ] kill me isn't it oh god get down let's better not kill anyone there we go i figured the safest thing to do would be launch it on myself no hits on that run my guy's like damn i wish i died winter soup thank you very much for the sub okay i actually do not want to die in this game because i've got maximum cash now can i get everything no i can't get everything um i might go to that one that is not pacifist what pacifists can destroy people's tiles that's fine i'm a vandal let me try over there i hope no one kills me look at that give me that cash the hell is that oh there's a car down there does that just spawn there it must be because all the cash is still in here okay i really need to go to a shop now i can get everything i need and i have a uav already hmm mr merkins thank you so much for the sub okay i gotta sneak there what was that [ __ ] someone here someone hear someone here oh god okay he's taking the cap off he goes oh it's so funny just like knowing how close people get to you and they have no idea which direction did he head off in see a lot of gunshots out there hmm what's our best play for the shop it might actually be sticking to the outskirts but that shop is open maybe this one effects sake which one was it now okay the orange marker that one it might be better to just try and lay low okay go go go go go i'll uav when i get to the shop and then oh [ __ ] that is not what i need [ __ ] ron here's throat thank you so much for the sub this is really open okay what i'm gonna do is pop my uav and then i'll buy another one oh no you know what not worth it i have enough cash nb thank you so much for the sub oh oh i'm out of here that plan is abandoned okay to the superstore [ __ ] it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they get behind the hills oh what's that coming over the hill is it a pacifist is it a pacifist slappy lee thank you so much for the sun packed it in the garage perfect wait oh effect sink [Laughter] oh perfect sake look at this oh my god that is so sad that is so sad where did i die i died over there do you reckon he took my [ __ ] because i didn't see him go in there but maybe i'm tempted i'm gonna go down and check it's worth the risk to me oh wait should i get that loadout no i'm going to go down and check if uh took my [ __ ] because i didn't see him going he did [Music] i don't know right you know what i'll go for that loadout then that's probably my best shot oh i came in with a load of my money still okay i thought it would just take it all off me oh jesus so oh for [ __ ] sake where was that from don't worry i still have loads of cash i'm coming back i'm going for that loadout again oh jesus what is that okay here we go this is easy this is a guaranteed to be totally safe 100 we're not unlucky at all peace be with you i renamed my kit to be called peace be with you i just want peace okay oh there's a crate in there i'll have to look for more cash to be fair so probably should there we go i can come back now dead silence perfect look at this things are looking up for all cabbie boy yeah maybe this i don't know maybe this is effective for pacifist mode like doing this sort of oh [ __ ] sake is it worth it just go away there's two of them firing at me what the [ __ ] is going on oh my god okay i feel like this one is just [ __ ] cursed like there's just no hope thank god i found tons of money at the start the thing is there's so many people and i think they're being a bit more risky with what they do as well uh like engaging with me even though they're miles away the sniper and stuff so it's hard to tell if it's a benefit or not i think i would prefer the old one with just the gulag i still won like fifty percent of my gulags even pacifist jazz pancake no that's not what i meant but thank you i wonder if you can get hit by the jets i wouldn't be surprised if it happened in this game at this point it would kind of sum up the game this might be your worst run ever i'm so sorry i think i might have to agree with you no apologies necessary i feel like it's just not going our way um i need to find some more but i have a feeling everyone's going to be losing by now i've got some of that at least i can as well get rid of this i don't need it i'm better off without the gun because it just you automatically go to shoot people with reflexes like i did already earlier nothing no all looted i don't like that that character people need to stop shooting me yeah i don't understand why they'd shoot a pacifist like that yep i thought i saw someone alright i [ __ ] thought i did just gonna try and run normally i'd go into the building but i feel like doing my normal actions are just gonna get me killed since that's what seemed to be happening so far my mind games are not working today even when i thought it would work it just showed me through the wall anyway oh box i have to take some risks to just get these honestly i think i just settled for enough cash to respawn now [ __ ] that's not what i want to hear i want to hear you are the last one left good job pacifist that's what i want him to say peace be with you oh my god please don't let there be someone on the roof i'm just imagining i'll run around the corner there's about a hundred claymores okay where to now could go over there oops there's some cash i might try down there oh wait i don't think you can actually go into that building this is [ __ ] risky no matter what i do i'd rather have the cash before i try and cross i think slick oh oh i'll take pennies i need another hundred that's fine it's like the whole place was looted and they just left that on the floor for me if i didn't know any better i'd say it was some sort of trap god damn it 50 that's not too bad if i could just get some more money i'd ideally want some money before crossing that river because i just don't like my odds you try down here i guess it might be worth the shot what's this that's a good call just even just to find the boxes there we go i hear it perfect perfect give it to me yes that's what i like to see enough money to come back to life got five minutes where we're still able to respawn and then the parachutes gone for good why are there guns over there oh not that it'll help me because i'm a pacifist and i'm too afraid to [ __ ] use it in case i kill someone and ruin the run i'm just taking it so no one else can have it pretty much stop doing uavs i have no armor or anything i have one plate great armor satchel and nothing to go on it maybe i should just chill if i can get some armor first chill but i do need my shield up on the roof i'm guessing right you can do it thank you so much for the support i need all the motivation i can get i'm feeling gonna run into a building there's just gonna be someone waiting for me something in here please yes okay please just help me stay alive oh another one perfect no one would disturb a man in the shower would they they might not see me in here though given the mirrors of no reflection okay i'm right in the middle that shot might be a good call but fantastic all right i am being haunted i need to find a tall building fast [ __ ] there's someone up there or in there i don't know i think i just shut the door in his face yeah there's someone in this building for sure for sure for sure [ __ ] oh i think i just heard a parachute or i'll see that might have been armor actually it might be worth it use the power of friendship but i've got no friends with me wait you mean you guys thank you what do you think i'm thinking should i just get my shield yeah oh god the threat is going up i have two minutes as well to like i can still be respawned in the next two minutes all right i'm gonna go down i'm gonna try and get gas mask yeah okay tret's gone red that means kevin goes bye-bye please don't shoot me please don't shoot me no i'm a friendly soul honestly now that guy over there wants to kill me and this guy wants to kill me too oh [ __ ] ah he went to the window god damn it okay coming back i was just trying to risk it while i could still respawn and try and get the shield but it wasn't it wasn't worth it well actually the gas mask i think was a better play uh microsoft excel thank you so much for the the sub there as well i was thinking the gas mask because then i'd still have enough money to respawn i was about to say i still have enough i almost have enough to respawn now but i don't think it's worth i need to get down there how can you respawn it's a new thing it's like if you have enough money you can come back but that goes away in the next minute now so there's only another minute of respawning [ __ ] jesus christ we did so well in some aspects but that is the worst run we have done it was just so unlucky at every turn and we were getting [ __ ] ah like there had to be a guy just standing there waiting for us no matter what we were doing i could not catch a break ah [ __ ] hell well you know what can they not read the title i don't think they can read you know what i think i'm gonna end the stream there i would like to have done more solo stuff um after we did the the group thing but um it um it ran on a lot longer than i thought it was going to for the uh the group stream with the the lads because i i usually play about two hours with them or so but today was much longer and uh i'm a bit i'm a bit tired today so um what we're gonna do is we're gonna try and find someone to raid to help out i'm trying to find someone new because i re-raid it a few times now um let's see what we got here uh i'd like to re-raid a few people there because i'm trying to raid people and help them out but i'm trying to basically only rate people twice and then move on and help out more people and just give some exposure out um let me see virtual jukebox now that might be a bit too much i try not to raid people with just a very small amount of viewers because i think it'll be very overwhelming for them there's a lot of you guys and i think it'll be uh it'll be too much i imagine hmm yeah we're gonna we're gonna do a raid i want to find someone new though someone we've not done before um we got we got a lot of singers here i like doing music channels music channels are just fantastic and we've got really really good um luck with them so far everyone's been really nice okay these people could probably use some help i'm getting an ad um they're doing uh some music and they're trying to get to partners so this could help them out a lot boxy thank you so much for the sub i appreciate it um oh they sound good yeah that's that's very quiet but oh that is i like that [Music] fantastic i'm gonna read them that sounds great so thank you so much for all the support as usual guys i had a great time hanging out with you guys and thank you for all the the positivity that you've given me uh we're gonna pop over now to to raid them and if you could be just as nice over there as you were in my chat that would be fantastic we've got a great reputation um i i really i really think we've had fantastic grades so far so we're going to send them over but uh thank you again and i hope to see you again the next day salah thank you so much for the sub um i think i'll be streaming on tuesday i don't stream on mondays so it'll be tuesday or wednesday but probably tuesday so yeah thank you so much for joining me enjoy your evenings days mornings wherever you may be and uh bye bye bye bye for now thank you bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye you're getting an irish goodbye many goodbyes goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye [Music] who helped me keep my feet back on the ground
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 82,808
Rating: 4.9106531 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 53sec (13193 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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