Raft (with Jack and Daithi) | 2020-11-22

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hello can you guys hear me how are you doing how are you doing do tell do tell hello thank you for all the hellos how are you doing folks i'm just starting up my games now sorry about the delay we've been talking all day about what we're going to play and we just couldn't decide finally someone said raft and that's what we're settling on i'm actually really excited for it i think it was worth all the debate because we got there in the end to something that should be pretty fun uh mary jacks thank you for the five subs uh right coochie thank you for the sub lonnie thank you for the tip as well whisper spring thank you for the bits i'm sorry uni's been a bit rough recently uh simulbekka thank you for the resub as well b is for beanie oh that's good but what is a bar um here we're going to be playing with jack and dahi brian and dan are busy they cannot play today so it'll just be the three boyos out on a raft getting some sun a is for affect that's very easy to remember a for affect b for beanie um basement in 1996 easy night uh time co uh safik hover shelby uh care bear easy strange phoebe fillery thank you for the support welcome everyone um we're gonna be playing multiplayer jack and dahi sorry i'm repeating myself a bit but people are just joining in twitch notifications aren't great recently um we're going to be playing with jack and daddy and if there's any issues with audio at least it's a bit easier because there's only three of us so if there's any issue like um uh jack's too low he's too loud i'm too low i'm too loud just let me know and i'll be adjusting it as we go and i'll i'll get it after like a few minutes it's always just initially there is gonna be someone that's too loud or too quiet and and we need to kind of sort that out uh beep beep thank you for the resub satanic uh diary drew laird the danish doll the river cactus come back katie uh artemis thank you for the subs jess thank you for the bits can you write me a note for uni explain that i had to take a break from my essay to watch this sure yesterday's a distressful video of the gifted song and florian there with the sub uh lee kid thank you for the bit sorry i gave up in your name there shelly meows name for the bits florian fnc when bingo megan thank you for the bits as well i am staying safe i hope you are too sassy writer check me for the sub as well i think i got everyone there sorry if i missed anyone the danish doll drooler thank you for the subs anonymous gifts there for a mystery stranger thank you very much for that it's just shelly and defendable foot thank you very much guys 1v1 the shark i know nothing about this game um is a jackpot sean it's whatever he wants he he flip-flops your hat is too loud sorry i'll adjust it there we go uh oceans thank you very much for the five subs sanders back thank you for the two subs ghostly snail fish thank you for the sub as well katy monkey thank you for the sub uh i'm a cesaro thank you for the sub sour nilly miss bethany's thank you for the five that's very kind of you defendable foot it's just shelling uh aryan danger games a ghostly snail fish thank you again uh oceans thank you very much for the fire and miss bethany's you're very kind seeing william steve the bits you're very kind guys thank you very much it's gene he's got another name now as well those are headphones no it they come as one it's the the hat and headphones are one thing it's a new style um josh thank you for the sub there and bees thank you for the bits missing riot thank you for the sub as well um let me get the game up for you um oh i'm a bit low now i need to adjust all my scenes there we go it should be good and raft i know nothing about this game by the way is there fatty bear very possible i don't know anything about the game so it's entirely possible um let's see okay um i won't be able to keep up with alerts so good because it's a co-op stream but thank you so much for the support as always guys i i really appreciate it becky thank you very much for the bits and you're in sean's side never dies what are you plotting becky thank you so much for the the bits that was very generous to be becky it's a clever joke here beth hampton tanya uh lilo pegasus mr phoenix see uh see handy since cool uh lozie jazz uh lint plastic thank you very much guys uh celtic viking curious coral twit face thank you for the subs all right let me join the call let me know about the volume i'll try and uh balance it out i'll be listening to what you say don't worry georgia chan uh whisker thank you as well i i appreciate all the support guys i really do but um i i apologize if i miss anyone throughout because i can't do it in real time when i'm trying to keep up with the stream as well but i think this will be really fun miss holly bear thank you for the bits as well you're currently at work be careful one truth dookie thank you for the sub as well all right let me unmute twitch dude i was just realizing hello i will die on this hill for dmca if it means i can get my singing voice validated like that did i miss singing i love to listen to you lads sing oh what's your favorite song that we sing kevin um i think that's a bit private to be sharing because i'm live so like i'll tell you after the stream it's been a while since we had an irish stream so it's good to come start strong me and jack have been passing the old action show and flying you know she have a bullock this is the raft is ireland in 2025 was the global warming's truly [ __ ] us off the coast which is now just off the coast of awfully suddenly meat has become the capital of ireland because it's the only landmass left dublin's taken over by poseidon i guess if we do a new world we just friends can join world name the land the land of of ire no not the land of the boys the land of the lads here we go casper land without lead make sure you spell that incorrectly friendly fire on a hundred percent panels could be found what am i doing am i online i'm streaming oh hold on let's be careful about this password be careful um should i be hiding my screen here before i i you know i'm going to hide it to be safe yeah i'm hiding my screen until jack you know you know i thought how you put the first come on over there sometimes i'd be failing first ugly like sure that's the thing you just got to power through that the thing is you got to know that you're ugly and just live with it fair enough that's what i thought i do every day for bad hair days like today how do i how do you join my game i just join the world and look for that you're there now you're there now uh what was the password type it in the chair chair that dear chat there it's the name of one of our mission friends as dumb as [ __ ] chat is dumb as [ __ ] they won't figure it out well i'll give it like 20 seconds until somebody else joins and then we all have to restart the whole [ __ ] thing over again if you guys can figure out what the password is guys you get to play with jacksepticeye it's this is an active giveaway that i don't have any consent for but you still have social tweets to do oh god oh let's go harpy derpy and username jack is harpy darby username's kevin i assume that's that's the bite this is my half of the raft you guys stay on that side everyone has their own plank get on your plank i'm not much for the ocean all right kind of guy all right send out your hooks all right i guess we're a whole left and then just pull [ __ ] in i guess yeah why you guys look like me i want to be my wife i got this wait what's this plastic bar where'd you get that you pull it in and you start gathering supplies and then we start building up our raft and then we head to atlantis let's go door where did you get the hook i don't have one press one i don't have one it's there somewhere stop whining i it's what i don't have one look you guys can do the work i'm fine with that i'll just i'll [ __ ] hook are you not cool enough for a hook no i have loads of hooks that in i look you guys just use the hooks that's the one for you how do i drop it for this lazy [ __ ] i turned the music off oh this is much better now we can hear the lads oh my gosh my hulk's stuck in the woods there it is are you hooking are you i mean i'm trying i'm overwhelmed jesus christ how do you feel sorry you should have never given me a hug look i'm just swimming around collecting stuff it's much easier oh we're cleaning up the ocean there's a shark uh i didn't know there were sharks i'm trying to catch up with the raft oh god kevin no one told me there was a shark don't worry i got some stuff you're in the middle of the ocean i've never been in the ocean i can't swim i nearly got your ass okay oh the barrels the burns are big money lens need some shark dinner land a hole you can you can oh lads potatoes let me get them guys what's the point of a raft if there's an island right there because okay i think the story in this game is that global warming actually has taken over and this is what's left of the world right i know and what we're we're trying to stop global warming a little late no it's too late well we can clean up the ocean and build our own new world out of it so we got to build up our with our raft and we got to make spears we gotta start crafting stuff that can actually help us kill a shark [ __ ] i'm not good at this [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it i keep me i'm just picking them up that's a much better idea it is that's why i went swimming how did he's a friendly one yeah why do you write the voice a reason in this that's never supposed to be my job the shark's not looking let's go all right if you press tab you can see the stuff that we can build we got to start building shite that will actually help us and i can't remember which ones are which keep an eye out for the shark for me will ya i'm nearly to the island already the shark's there bit my heart sharks the sharks i know i felt it you are not welcome you just keep on going i was nice to you wait who gave me the hook i did you're welcome on the island do these islands actually serve a purpose there's nothing really here i think you're gonna have to hurry on there okay i'll try but there's there's nothing really that good here no uh if the raft leaves you won't be able to get back onto it yeah there's a watermelon oh no this is close can you make it shark now watch out for the shark can you make it the intense music's playing i brought you some flowers all right we need to start building stuff and you start making rope okay yeah stop falling into the [ __ ] drink will you i could make a fishing rod oh no i can't never mind all right i have a spear and this spear is going to help us because the shark's going to attack periodically [ __ ] off sorry okay just go over here it's nice it's kind of hard to [ __ ] off when we only share the one tiny wrap i bet you're being mad at someone and all you've got is this tiny rat go to your corner raft i don't want to look at you fine i look at the ocean instead black global warming happened anyway um all right i need leaves what helps me build [ __ ] i can't remember uh there's plastic oh shark oh my god he bit me jesus man he's so protective of his leaves can we start start making hammer so we can start building our raft bigger wait do i need a spear or a hammer hammer i have a spear so we don't okay i'll go with the hammer if you don't make anything we're not stopping at supermax on the way home all right i made i made i made that and yeah yeah that's nice i like it it's not symmetrical at all sure oh it's about no one said we're perfect no no no no it has characters okay so the sharks are going to come and destroy all of it why are you [ __ ] so pessimistic the shark hates rafts the sharks are actually the people who started global warming in the first place also the barrels are worth way more get them okay got it [ __ ] hell you definitely you definitely got bit there you're missing a few toes now lads saturn thank you for the subs and rick thank you for the subs as well i don't really got the reach on that one oh you can throw it before the item and then it goes there like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well that's slotty dude you can you can pull off some [ __ ] sick [ __ ] with this oh yeah baby look at that got me a barrel oh okay i'm getting it i'm getting this dude one of these barrels yes gotta be some gucci in one of these think about it you know can i grab more than one at one time stab him can't stab him yet all right we're fine lads there's another island coming kevin i know it's temptin there it is look at that's a bit of a weird island actually it is you can have it i don't want it i need some plastic no oh no no she wants to build stuff that catches all the materials going in are you okay what happened stop this talk with me i wanted him flasks for my tea in the morning and i'll tell you what it was it was taking too long to sip out of the shaggy thing and i'd love to see all right you got to build a cooker sorry we need a simple grill and a simple purifier because if you see in the bottom left by you're going to die from hunger are we going to i'm the breadwinner okay could you win me some bread [ __ ] hell oh no i didn't know he could bite off bits and i've been building one wide all this way out oh no left is gone no no i kind of like it though we're very wide we can just walk along the raft and pick everything up do you want to put you on a potato hole you don't need to find land if you make your own land exactly do you want a potato yeah well there's a i only i can only give it to one person so whoever's more irish whoever does the better irish accent that's a good one i'm 100 irish confirmed by dna test like legit two dna tests hundred percent i i earned that potato i'm going into the dm right now of that i only uh i only got 60 something percent so 60 dude that's not even half dahi give me the potato this is what happens when you're 100 it's a lot of inbreeding jack oh no it's all right i've prepared us for this okay it's okay we're going around we're going around good job good job jack you have the potato thank you because realize you should be plant racist hey wait a second i thought bryan was the racist in the group when he's not here to defend himself we'll just double down on this oh no i've fallen in oh god you don't fall in the sharks sharks sharks don't have night blindness don't worry for us he's always there it goes back to that inbreeding thing webbed feet is coming in handy he can't keep up okay we we actually need to start building [ __ ] or we're going to die what are we meant to build because i'm just kind of building out i have loads of resources you answered you want them well you need to build a water purifier empty cups need to build a feeder it's a good point so you can baby bird me so much plastic al gore is not going to be happy about this lads oh definitely not oh dude i'm a [ __ ] dynamo over here would you consider yourself a hooker i sure why not okay i'll i'll work on the purifier since this is all society's got left we can change the societal standards here right here now let's jack wants to be a giant hulker he can be a hawker i made a grill boom look at that can you place the plank i put a potato on it all hail potatoes it took us less than a day to start worshiping a potato on the wrath i'll make the purifier i'm waiting i'm waiting for this tater hold my top of the morning housing oh and cooked potatoes i'm just gonna stay over here stop i ain't nothing all right all right wait is it is it done can i can i have it now now it's done i'll cook one for you guys who wants a potato i have yet to have a potato i i've made a cop i've made a cup all right that potato is for you guys you're gonna have you're gonna have to fight over here whenever it's ready uh just off your head i know how do i how do i purify the water i'm gonna make a water purifier i made it i'm trying yeah i'm also dying okay i think you can cook the water as well we'll weigh up the water boil it bite it on the fire boil it in the flour it's all around us oh [ __ ] it's everywhere like literally everywhere how do i pick at all water water everywhere and drink a [ __ ] gallon okay okay what do i place cup i did i did this is little bit salt water i'm going to die please i'm also about to die it's so low it's so [ __ ] well that's what you get for [ __ ] drinking salt water plastic i didn't drink salt water i didn't drink nothing bean there's a potato oh thank you hold on because it takes a while you gotta boil the bread do you know how long it took to get permission from the county council on that how do we oh place cup of salt water there we go how do i understand the morning all right build another purifier it'll be nice to have two can you not put the water on the normal camp thing no it's just this does it have a cop on it kevin well i brought my own car these barrels so many barrels why the [ __ ] are we picking them up i know you guys are too busy dying i am about to die what do you need what do you need i need water well you get a cop right i got the cup so i pour the liquid in here wait oh that one cup of fresh water okay wait is this yours i am sorry i'm just confused i didn't understand and i i have a nice bag look look i'll prepare you a fresh cup of water just like mama used to make it it's too late but my thirst is gone i have the night blindness there's like four kevin's in front of me i don't know what's going on anymore i didn't mean to raft has changed since the last time i played it i didn't know the water went into this tiny little [ __ ] hole right here it'll be fine it'll be fine my health is going down slowly but my will to live is stronger what happens if you die you [ __ ] die in real life are you serious oh jesus christ how do i how do i actually [ __ ] drink this oh it's one of the doors we're back in business i'm hydrated and i'm ready to [ __ ] a shark let's go excuse me i'm hungry i'm hungry i'm hungry oh my god here i [ __ ] baby bird you a potato oh yes please wait for that wait for nice that'd be very i am also hungry oh wait i have food on me nevermind i got a blooper technically it's your potato so yeah but i'm about to die mine mine [ __ ] nah nah bro tommy's rumbling i hear a rumbler i hear a rumbly in my tumbly bikes i'm gonna get back to work on our extension yeah i don't like how this is going all right i didn't realize i would have to be the einstein of the group here it's really a nail in our coffin isn't it i need plastic and rope to make a storage um actually you know what it's true you do have to be the einstein because dan is in here yeah yeah we usually rely on a lot around this group just turns to [ __ ] smooth breath in terms of [ __ ] worshiping potatoes pick up cooked potato oh baby come to papa eat that lad all right so one of you get working on a fishing rod uh georgia thank you very much for that and saturn thank you for the subs again the double multi gift thank you very much name you hook that's not the that's the wrong thing coming up boys to make a fishing rod it's beautiful sorry guys i'm dying over here i can't see anything yep that sun looks great look directly into it still ignore problems okay there's a lot of barrels coming up here get them get them [ __ ] them up [ __ ] them up guys the barrels are like what you really need [ __ ] that someone get this barrel here something like this barrel here by whoa barely got it i mean the one right there oh this one's literally sounds exactly like me to be fair well that's my water did anyone touch my water [ __ ] who [ __ ] i didn't touch your wallet i would never touch your water i'm dying to the tarst again i don't even know what water looks like no no i i think i think all of us are going to die right now yeah i'm really thirsty and hungry you're the [ __ ] toy board i need i need i need so much okay the extension is done now i need to eat and drink or i will die oh god what the [ __ ] are we thinking it really seems like we're sinking you think the extension's too long no no it can't be we're going to vote you off the raft in a second you have to settle down and wait for your water patiently oh of the boat's floating away all right all right i'm fishing fishing fish who touched me water i don't understand what's happening i thought you were done did i take your water because i thought i put in my own water [ __ ] off i'm sorry i'll be in the extension if you need me this the rice is built wrong air dynamically that's why it's all over the shop i calculated it when i was building it morning it's perfectly balanced what the [ __ ] just did you pick up that barrel yes i did oh god because i didn't know what i don't know what happened just watered on i'm about to lose my shagging mind that's my [ __ ] fish but do you need it though who took my water again it's here on the left take out your cup and put it in yours and drink it oh now if you don't behave i'm going to turn this around with no ice cream in the way hole please can you turn it around i want to go back to chemtopian oh i'm actually hungry in real life as well so i'm just living vicariously through this game come on mackerel can someone destroy it for me they burn the potato i can do it for you can someone make another coke or their lights i'm so glad that this water is not putting out my fire under my fish faster for [ __ ] sake you need to have a cooking show or something cook fast angry jack cooks oh yes oh yes oh big daddy's eating big tonight we need a designated cooker who wants to be the designated cooker and water awesome i'm busy working on the extension so if you guys want to take care of that no i'm tired of you [ __ ] it i just extended a bit more all right lord have mercy on our souls there's a weird thing coming up on the left like a tower or another a rival wrap a raft open fire it's kevin costner it's nice isn't it i'm gonna have a little greenhouse over here yeah you can actually start building nets on the front of it so you can put it all in the front and it catches all the materials for you so i'll do that i died wait sean what are you doing good morning the great potato has chosen he's going to the great spot in the sky thanks to our savior oh wait that raft is going by we're missing the raft oh and is this wait okay this is enough is this did i take your water again i don't know what i'm doing look you're gonna revive me with a baked potato come on oh can i wait here you go you're [ __ ] eating bacon i can't right now okay i made a bed this is a horrible raft all right here we go you very much get out of the bed your absolute balance nice and nice and you're taking up the bed there you go night night thanks night night he's not going he's not doing he's just sleeping i'm awake wait wait wakey wakey all right i'll get to work on those nets there you go jenny you're not dying wasn't too bad though that was all right did you eat all the spoons what [ __ ] course i did what nap said wanker wait i could make a sale we'll be oh will we make a sale yeah that sounds kind of nice second gear from david gray he's eating the extension oh it's unfortunate get a spear sail away with me all right if the shark attacked you in real life what would you do just submit it all right we're not gonna get very fair all right i have built our sail at the end of the extension this is i feel like i'm part of the problem right now because i'm complaining about you guys it's like it's it's madness to expect mad lads to act sane yeah right so i'll just go along witchy now yeah i think that's better i like the shark thing you just submit just give up yeah it makes everything easier yeah where i like that that's far more optimistic and positive i'll go with that instead of complaining all the time sorry it's it's hard you know we're out at the ocean i'm getting like what's the ocean version of cabin fever like water blindness awesome blindness ocean coldness that's what it is i have a i have a touch of the ocean coldness yeah yeah it's not good for me i'm also low on fiber you missed that hmm [ __ ] i'm going over well you're not better mario mario do we have any nails for a sign i do but how do i give them to you is that a shark maybe it's a die okay you can build a fishing rod uh-huh and then you can start fishing for mackerels and trout and if you're lucky uh a giant squid raw beet boys dropping some beets here could you find beets you're like [ __ ] skrillex over here not far off that's pretty good i'm liking the music on the raft makes it feel like home again for a moment it felt kind of normal i dropped it i dropped it i dropped it absolutely i can't believe that that was something that you did to me just now after all the fish i've caught for me oh and you did that it was too fun not to yoink guys i am about to die i'd be saying you're a fisherman hunger why oh wait i've beaten you may have this beast oh okay thank you i'll put another one on the other one what the [ __ ] off then you're playing i had a fish but it's a fish got more protein than a beet no one even likes beets don't touch my what don't touch my baby why are you angry again you went back on what you just saved again okay yeah i'm sorry i'm yelling at kevin no beats for you he works positively under a positive environment you're doing great kevin you're really good at being bad at this game thank you what do you think of the extension it's great it's very extended thank you that's what i was going for when i was making it i wanted it coming along is it going good well i'm thinking i need to at least double the extension before i get to work on anything else right right right i feel you i feel you who took the barrel i got it don't even worry oh kev topia three is coming up oh yeah yeah he'll be keeping an eye on is them barrels because they're the only thing keeping those alive is that where we're getting the food from the barrels yeah yeah barrels are what you really really need here okay uh oh okay you're good you're cooking yeah that's the first time i've done that right kevin look at your shirt it says number one wait your results says number one we can't all be number one i wanted to be like you i'm just copying you oh my god i think i'm like the leader here or something maybe i should make the calls yeah help us all leader kevin all right everyone that's a sentence that definitely sounds right more extensions everyone more drink i got some stone okay what am i building extension looks great i'd say so you want to go look for melons kevin is there melons in the islands there might as well be june you're fierce lazy kevin are we just gonna smack into that island i'll i'll go explore i'll go explore kevtopia i'll mingle with the locals we need a name for the shirt that's the shark's name for your ass dude should we call him finn bear i like that because he's got a fin so yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm done with it yeah that's great i love that now i think that's great for us now this answers the age old question is are we moving through the ocean and the stuff's coming at us or is the stuff coming at us naturally now the stuff has stopped as we've stopped so science has been figured out today lads i picked up some watermelon i got some watermelon it's okay it's okay it's it's listing oh yo if i make an axe i can chop this down i i'm going to be the water boy i'll keep on top of water and make sure we always have fresh reservations ready to eat cooked beet ready to eat my name is jack i'm a rhymes of whack what oh i just got an oh i just got an accent it did something where is everybody wait you got an axe oh it's a stock oh it's stalked that's [ __ ] great is it i'm not sure if it is shut down the bamboo i want a zen forest in our area this is it this is where we started on the raft all right i feel like we're stuck yeah this is i actually i actually don't know how to get out of this spot this is actually such a weird spot because look we're perfectly wedged in here this is unreal i think we've broke the game dude can i can i do this do we all go to bed now but like doesn't stuff just keep coming like there's no disadvantage for us being stuck here is there are just things that we're all getting at the stuff the stuff wasn't coming at us oh no stop kevin the age old question see this is close and that is far away you understand not really but i'm willing to take your word on it see that that is close but that is far far away i'm trying to hook this plastic bot can i not destroy your extension no don't do that it's it's kind of it's kind of [ __ ] us up here kev i'm working on the new one now i'm going to loop all the way around the rock so it connects around the extension and this will be the center piece of our beautiful raft i see what you're doing there i i moved your i moved your thing just to give it a bit more flair you know can i put a watermelon in here the shark's coming okay he helped you good old finn back oh [ __ ] [ __ ] finbarr lads he's he's coming over and he thinks that he's a mad lad and you know what along with the receiver wait you can read what is this you could read all along oh my god what does my shirt say can you see me pointing at him yes i can actually how are you doing that smart smart smart wait a second i can add water to this yeah sound it out sound it out apparently you can add water to watermelon seeds and make watermelon well is this a storage um oh good job uh should i give up on those nets since we seem to be completely stuck rotate this oh oh i'm dying what do you need are gone mad bro blanker what's that for it's your anger is this game called raft at all at all it should be called has your raft got in stock this will help a paddle there you go paddle us out too busy finding raw tilapias i'm gonna cook us up a few slides how do you like your fish i haven't had one yet i've just been eating potatoes and do you beets like your fish in general yeah okay you want a catfish or a tilapia oh catfish please all right this does not matter we need a bigger cooker for the catfish it's huge do you want the catfish you just keep him out it looks like you're ready to go to war with that thing it's a mess give us a case give us a big catch what does it look like i don't know let me hold it i'll show you him raw yeah eat him eat it after women on tinder he's eating them catfish together did i eat him you just had a little nibble and he was go oh there's someone else here i think you're pissed off in there what do you need i got water water food food food food food how about water i can give you water i needed that water thank you thank you i i i i i'm trying to help i've got seeds but i can't add water together this paddle isn't quite cool like i really am trying with this paddle but this this thing is jammed in so [ __ ] sorry whoever is this kevin what do you think the problem was i think we should have got planning permission for this extension i don't think right right i don't think the council are happy about it no i i don't think it was practical it was glamorous but not practically keep the shack busy i found an old shoe who wants to eat that oh i would i'm super hungry actually uh we use it to craft bigger better things like onward like you know like prefab walls uh a basement let you grow plants i'm gonna stare simple okay here's a here's a shoe kev oh thank you hold up what's in it dude where did you get this shoe there's like someone's foot in there choke it wait why can't i just remove it do a shoei do a shoei yeah okay i got it okay so i've got uh we're fine so i've got boom and then i've got a research table boom nice i think um how do we break this stupid extension that kevin's made all right you didn't need to call it stupid it needs to be called what it is uh i'm not necessarily a stone axe i need wood and planks all right if i had one stone i could whoa he's just doing it all right we didn't really officially decide to get rid of it but i've decided i didn't realize it was a dictatorship you didn't remove the part that stuck i'm walking on it because when you break it you get plank and plastic i see acac because that's that because that's what kevin's brain is made out of but those are all mine the hero than anything in plastic i'll just keep drinking all the water that you guys forget is here i'll get you some more don't worry okay no stuff i can pick up now i think i can i'm about to paddle what's this wait that's the wrong way i found clay good man clay what are you doing under the ocean goodbye jack it's been real but we must go now kevtopia iii is your new home oh there's a shark after oh god oh no get on kept i tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen my bastards i was over here finding clay all right does anyone have food for me grave please feed me for saving you jack please why can't i put it why can't i put these watermelon seeds in the hole i'm planting blue seeds all right and i got what this is never going to work yellow seeds plain apple seeds a shelf that's what i needed to know if i'm dying a thirst i'd like to know what year it is where are we heading after it feels like we're going the wrong way now you just go anywhere you just go i'm going to go over here me really hungry now really really hungry does anyone have any food i'll feed you back there's fish cooking right here okay thank you can i have this keep an eye on the feeders stop going all the time guys okay i'll you know what i'll be food man i'm gonna dedicate my life to food and i'll keep you fed a man of seeds my extension dream is over so i don't really have much choice also the stuff that's in the shoe is uh like dirt compost oh can i plant a seed wait what oh my god i didn't know that oh nice all right you feeling good now i'm feeling great we gotta go back i won't bother you for at least 30 seconds i know come on a way out of that now are you just taking the piss at this point um there we go i fixed this now it's great we're going to go this way oh this is pretty quick oh it might be able to get if you use the sail it's pretty quick it readjusts you pretty damn fast yeah sounds are pretty [ __ ] cool lads who do you think invented them a miracle of modern technology how's that life life of food coming along i've not got anything yet oh how would you plant that who planted that that was me i i don't understand i don't know how to plant the watermelons that was me i did something it's not actual food it's just flowers to kind of dress up the place i couldn't plant the actual food i have pineapple seeds and stuff but we need we need bigger storage over here i think all right a lot of we need things and not a lot of i'm making where's my human right i'm hungry again well so am i lying up i'm in line that's eagle i heard a seagull eat him oh oh oh he's how do we oh you hit me i i'm sorry i was trying to hit the seagull i'm sorry here i don't want to talk anymore but i kissed the better or my mom kissed it better that was basically the healing powers of the gods when i was a kid okay i can't it did kind of help i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna be dramatic ah you're already shagging cooking what's the problem with that food coming up we need another cooker we need a target give me one scrap i can oh yeah this one here i can make one all right here it goes sweet glorious fish yeah my tummy is rumbling pretty hard here there we go yeah this is nice there's a bunch of barrel a bunch of barrels coming up yeah you ready be ready for that one let's but those watermelons in there i don't know if they'll grow in their pot um no they're just flowers oh well yeah i'm about to die die die are you grand i don't even worry about it your granddaddy i need rope then you need all right yeah i think i actually have enough to make what i need come on hurry on fish i'm hungry it's like waiting for your delivery to come your ubereats are like on their way and you're like monkey oh come on that's [ __ ] okay now i just there we go planks and we're sorting nice what are these sailing bikes we're sailing this feels right this feels good it feels like we're really doing something here feels like we've got the hole in it i've fallen in oh finn barrel get you oh come on that was a i snagged that sambar that's my bird oh does he go after the things too i don't know it felt like he was um what was i looking to make i don't even know anymore three barrels look at that one for each of us oh yeah did we make a third cooker oh we did we did yeah sure we're great you can't get that one until it's like here see oh you did it okay [ __ ] good kid i'm trying over here do you want me to build another extension yeah actually actually it actually was really helpful just build it a little more [ __ ] rods fisherman away all right i've got a fishing rod now and i'm going to help oh this is going to be great we're going to be able to open a [ __ ] sushi shop on top of this raft oh you bet not a lot of foot traffic but the good reviews will get the customers oh if we have the helpers on our side there's no stopping us yeah the thing is we'll just start yelp that's true it's true it's a new world you can have 400 accounts and just giving it all glowing reviews i think we're really on to something here i think we need to start building nets that's what i was trying to make earlier and i forgot yeah how do i make a net where is the nets i need i think we need something more um do not have any of this on anchor that's cool uh please slightly into research okay the coffin bear oh my god no our sail pick up the sail get out here oh you got it good job good job you've gotta you gotta repair the things though when it's break this game is fun it's very peaceful i feel like i'm surviving to wilderness this fish extension incoming hmm what am i doing foundations in honor of you kevin i built the extension oh that is a lovely extension i built a beast well i planted a beat what the [ __ ] why can i not pick up this fish i don't understand this fish is glitched out i don't have nets people saying nets are in the hammer i don't have nets in my hammer oh i just got a potato that's a warped fence just as good i can't do that i should be researching stuff though at the same time oh lord there's a bunch of shots oh kev topia four alliance full speed ahead researched okay oh are you okay yes i'm fine i heard someone took a [ __ ] bite out here do me a hair cook the fish i should cook the fish well someone else cooked the fish all right so how do i fish exactly i just wait for the bite and then reel in yeah yeah yeah yeah it says a button you can just hear it listen to it whatever you want can really research a hammer lids research beets [ __ ] i wanted to get more beans research the potatoes don't get anything [ __ ] i'm dying hunger you just have to wait a minute like that's about it oh what happened on the island oh that is catching fish okay um maybe we should research bigger better things nice this does not fit collection nets i need to research nails as well i don't know how we're going to get out of this one can't help you out of this one figure it out with the sale we'll probably be able to go nice i'm gonna go explore you learn collection net i did it i'm learning i'm learning everything oh you learned it nice good job take off oh oh i found land lads did you yell it's all around me i don't know why you guys didn't see white flowers flowers are pretty i like flowers i got some watermelons um okie dokie so i just build the nets then oh god i'm dying a thirst the tarst i'll get the water i'll go quickly for you jack oh i'm ground lights i'm ground i'm red how do we get higher uh you can go upstairs again oh wow red flower more flowers pretty flowers blue flowers oh a lot of flowers flowers i like flowers we need to water our plants as well although they're just flowers so i don't see the point one of them is a beet oh black would be worth watering that now oh i'll give it a water oh there we go there's a cooked mackerel here live if you want coconut um what do i do with this big catfish should i just hold it for now or should i just hold on to him yeah okay i'm going to put him in the box good thing that's a good thing to build an advanced grill yeah i need to oh metal ingots i don't know how to do that wait is this oh okay a smelter god how do we do any of this let's let's let's make a wet brick first sand and clay what do we have sand pick up sand can i make a shovel no um up the sound with the fishing rod there you go can you pick up oh my god jesus finn bear [ __ ] off oh god i'm throwing a fishing rod i don't have a weapon oh no [ __ ] it over there oh god he's pissed no it's not you're right no no he's pasty he he wants you dead dude i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'll eat my potato i have a grand can you get the stuff from the seafloor like the well just the shore is there any loose there i got some mango over here yeah if you have a hook those shiny things under the under the rubber you can smack them need more storage okay from clay to do that good man clay i'm just trying to help and live my life is this another case of uh extension [ __ ] us up hmm i mean it could be but i really don't want to get rid of it dog he put his heart and soul into this extension and i know how that feels it's okay we'll get out of it he has a hand paddle doesn't he die he gets out of this i do i do i'll rotate the sail i just have so much shite we need bigger storage man yeah i'm working on getting supplies he build it up out and then you're fine okay okay everything's great this is going so well gentlemen this is going swimmingly all right i'm paddling out wait is it working it looks like we're just going through the rock i mean it is working though yeah i think we're good we're moving i like it okay i don't know how this worked but it worked good job very strong arms yeah you're built like a brick [ __ ] and it just broke so i hope that was enough tis plenty plenty loads just say three entire watermelons i just look over and you're munching on a giant watermelon also yeah if we kill the shark we can eat him what we can kill him let's kill him then all right shark bait oh yes we need a herring and a pump for it whatever that is more dragon storm sorry someone make more storage catching fish on the brink of disaster oh i found that wrap i found a candle bottle oh bites where can i look at this heartbreaking stuff what is this can i light it or the first candle in a bottle put them next to the flowers and that sounds lovely i don't know how to i don't know how to light it up though uh i have no clue what i'm doing with my life it turns out one of you had a lighter all this time that's a lighter what is lighter what is fire i think we're facing the wrong shagging way gentlemen i think we're swimming there's longer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll just move the sail does it matter what way we sail in like what's the downside well well the fact that we could i can't go along my extension and get uh oh i get you yeah that makes sense yeah if we could start building nets that'd be great how do you build ups nails planks your second tab um i can work on planks and ropes but scrap is hard to come by i need more rope i i if you guys make more storage i can just troll the things i get into the storage box someone make more storage boxes we need a lot more checking storage well if someone wasn't [ __ ] filling the storage with flowers so i don't know what we need what are you gonna do with flowers huh i just collect things oh i'm stabbing the water right i need scrap i don't know what the flowers do but i've i've i've been farewell to them goodbye flowers goodbye forever this is me your father speaking i harvested we got more flour oh oops um goodbye my lover is this is this is what i meant oh [ __ ] [ __ ] on can you guys build weapons oh you broke the storage box wait he broke the storage and everything in it has gone as well oh thank god the flowers and the other ones to fight back i had one i was pulling my damn hawk in there [ __ ] wanker oh jesus you never build on the last block you always build two blocks in oh that makes sense i can start building then sherlock mr ark and architecture look i'm just i'm just trying to survive over here i'm just all right i'm sorry [ __ ] [ __ ] me man i'll put so much in that box why'd you go in there like 40 planks no [ __ ] 20 [ __ ] leaves and all that [ __ ] scrap well we're gonna have to build out next away from these cockers because the next time he comes he could destroy one of them oh [ __ ] shark [ __ ] head look i don't think the shark knows what he's up to oh he does this seems very intentional is it the same shark [ __ ] is yes oh it's all nice he definitely knows what he's doing then we'll get out of this lads don't worry oh where's the netting i've got to build that shagging net kevin i think it would be nice to flare it up a bit give it some aerodynamics we need rope and nail how do we make nail uh scraps [ __ ] me oh my god it's mind games with the shark he won't understand this that's true it's like patterning on a butterfly i got scrap let's go what the f [ __ ] way build build build all right i need to strike from barrels you're scrapped from barrels yeah that's all i'm missing i can build us some more storage kevin our raft now looks like those shitty colorful lights that people put in the backs of their walls or their stream setups and i just built you one for free and you're complaining there we go i'm just saying it looks like it's a good thing about that there's a little hole now you can fall down oh [ __ ] i've fallen in the hole like be careful of that hole that's that's one flaw in the design one more combo baby what'd you get um what's what's it called um you know if you drag something in you get all the other stuff that drags in with it so i just got i just got a barrel with like two planks you're unstoppable you're absolutely unstoppable i am the greatest hooker oh i need to eat i was so busy building for [ __ ] sake when you cook i don't have all day thank you where's all you have to do is yell at it oh i've got this big catfish i'm gonna eat that don't [ __ ] it around now chad he says he falls in i'm not laughing at your misfortune i'm just laughing at the irony of the timing yeah enough here we go lads here we go this is it's cool all nature's trying to nature's trying to fight back against us we're not going to handle it are we lads all right folks thank you that was the toilet you just blocked up yeah we'll go [ __ ] in the corner the car fine i will where's daddy's corner this is looking awesome now this looks really cool okay i need to start building nets lads this is not oh yeah that's what i was building earlier i forgot oh my god that's only one are you [ __ ] kidding me look you build a net and then it catches all the shite i should have built it somewhere else not the actual shite okay it's not the new toilet ah he clogged her old one just built netflix all there's number one on your shirts but you're acting like real [ __ ] zeros right now okay bobby just out of your asses and up your halls and start building shite all right love you thanks boss sorry i had to put the dab how to put the dad pants on there for a second that's fine all right so i know it makes me feel intimidating we need rope and nails i'm [ __ ] starving again what is wrong with my character wait for this barrel let me get something good yes crap that's what we needed for [ __ ] sake hi hi laughing man that's i dropped my [ __ ] spear i'm gonna drop the spear all right on the plus side i have two nets hell yeah now we need to put some protection around those nets i think you can just put planks in front of them and it'll still catch stuff as it goes under wow big bread big brand big brother because if we don't then we're uh the sharks are going to eat them because he likes to do that he's in bollocks he likes to eat what what get like his cart in the net is it he likes to just eat the nets oh okay he'll just shoot him and break them and then we're [ __ ] thicker okay um i like this i like this it's going well let's go there's flowers in here i just realized that that's my flower box that's where probably research stuff if you've got a research table it'll show you what you're able to make and then you start researching the parts for it i caught the fish and then start cooking the fish it's not noodle that's the thing oh wait large crop oh advanced grill yeah yeah ignored for now i've been saving we are like nowhere near where we need to be like there is so much we need to we can have look it's a piece by piece situation you can't always get what you want and wrong wasn't built in four hours empty bottle can be filled with lots of water oh kevtopia five coming up can we adjust our sails to go a little left healing salvation got an egg all right we're highly adjust the sails i want to go to kev topia where do we get glass you make it sound the main goal of the game is to save ourselves so we need to build like receivers and antennas to actually pick up a signal to leave cooking part and figure out who the global warming actually killed flippers oxygen bottle i'll have all this food if you guys aren't going to eat it backpack eat away my men we need leather where the [ __ ] are we getting leather and wool i haven't seen a cow on a sheep uh water sheep of course are we heading the right way i think we're going at an angle we are we're making adjustments to visit kevtopia five there you go there you go oh come on all right how are we looking let's see i feel like you've asked how do we get like 90 of the things in the game and we haven't given you an answer for any of them so the answer is i don't know i'm just as lost as you are oh here we go here we go all the items are being picked up here we go i need more rope again can this be like minecraft where i can like have a rope generator are we going off to that height or rope generators yeah i want to just like have something that like an xp farm or a rope farm yo minecraft like minecraft yeah exactly exactly you also need to build way more onto this raft finn barry's going to come and he's going to just have a field day with this goddammit why is it i'll stay fishing okay i'm going on the island lads off you go have a great whole time now thank you you're good ask them if they have any like fish and chips i will i will try chicken salad no pickle of mine i'm collecting a lot of flowers at least well good to know that beggars can be choosers oh god i fell in the hole kevin you're murdered you're sure oh this is good oh no no it's not never mind false alarm all right what did i need for the advanced grill oh metal ingots so we need a smelter bricks um all right all right all right i have an idea i have an idea where'd my clay go here's a clay if someone has an axe i think there's something on this tree to get but i can't i can't reach them a clay ball all right found it under the ocean lovely oh he's chewing a piece of a raft it's not actually in view that's all right you can have that one you earned it you worked really hard this is a back and forth relationship yeah take oh [ __ ] do i make a dry brick a dry break um oh i can make you some storage two sand is this anything where was that again oh my god oh there's oh all right i found copper what fair play this is minecraft all right box sounds [ __ ] subnard again at this point i want sand i want the sand give me the sand spice there's a there's an underwater utopia over there where oh i didn't put that underneath the water there's like a submerged raft it's unloaded we definitely need to go there all three of us all three of us okay i got my spear where are we going to eat up first uh this way let's go this doesn't seem like you've got no this doesn't seem like a good idea at all it's fine are we committing he only got one of my toes i've got all right we're committing what's in this oh no he's coming at me i'll [ __ ] up a bunch of [ __ ] angry dude he's there you're a good you're a good distraction thank you i finally have a role on this raft keep going oh [ __ ] ow ow ow we're gonna kill finn bear no it's a catfish it's too big for the fire oh we need an advanced grill so i'm looking for a smelter so we can turn uh scraps into iron ingots at least i think that's how it works i'm going far away this is a [ __ ] terrible idea why am i going far away wait where'd you go under water again hello i'm over here now i'm just fishing ow ow oh i'm going i'll just follow the sounds of biting flowers are kind of useless maybe that's sand it seems like it i don't know what they're for flex and dude uh lads yeah you're dead i died whereabouts are you i'm into ocean okay i heard something here oh there he is can you pick me up and put me in bed i'll pick up the fire's tired don't worry i'll take care of this what this is what i made the hole for all this shark button has really taken it out of me here we go yeah you're looking you're looking a little oh my hero here we go rest stop there now rest stop how are you feeling great pour liquid go down into the hole there hold on i have fish to cook i'll get you some water too back to business practice moment of happiness oh god have mercy on us okay catfish go in there i have more fish i mean yeah i need to do that there you go three fish who's asleep kevin is that you uh no no no no i was getting seaweed oh i know i i know i'm [ __ ] sleeping kevin no no no no no just rest in the eyes now what's your hunger like lads first crimes are you throwing away your stone axe it's nearly broken okay we'll use it until you until it is broken then i need water i'm going back inland i'm going back in is that me am i the one dying maybe i don't know what sand looks like that's copper that's not hit [ __ ] off finbarr jesus oh pineapple there we go now we're doing good pineapple seeds as well we're looking good gentlemen do you have an axe to cut down the tree over there i think it's got fruit on it sure do i'm getting everything from useful from this island then we'll be on our merry old way no flowers from now on they just take up space okay it's a deal like this uh this tree has some stuff so also we are men yeah men like flowers i love flowers what are you saying i thought he was just making a statement that we are men yeah it was completely the we just happen to be men that you know don't like flowers hello flowers that much sand what did i need to stand for i'm taking stuff out of this that we don't need we don't need any flowers you can spin back oh i'm almost dead again how do i do i recover health if i sleep not at all but she looks like he's he looks so pissed ah there we go are my eyes closed yeah they definitely allow available okay i need to get my health back seems i'm the only one going into the ocean to get the [ __ ] sound to get the wet brakes to get the smelter so we can make iron so we can get the [ __ ] metal big barbecue so we can put the catfish on and we gotta eat for days i thought you just liked sand i didn't know there was an overall plan yeah that's what i was thinking i was kind of going with those vibes i'm using the wrong thing my fishing rod broke all right seasons change time passes by i was always big on the must become the years junior can i survive another can i survive another shark bite how you think bear hold on get way over that now will you what's the story now this is it what have you been actually doing jack if you get your hook and you go underwater there's like shiny things that you can get you can smack them with your hook and get sand and iron and clay and copper and stuff oh oh i just got some copper oh that makes sense yeah that's what the the islands are for oh hall [ __ ] hall [ __ ] hall i'm stuck in the hall it's handy isn't it the [ __ ] horse i was fishing in it i was fishing in it a while ago it works pretty well you're [ __ ] pissing me off no need to cry about it now like a baby there for a second okay that may have been my actual baby i researched to play did my research cry i i only have one pocket sand i need more please stop no don't do it i am a virgin please pin back i'm saving myself for jack um well i actually got some decent stuff i actually got some decent stuff there yeah what you get yeah stuff oh you're being very secretive now you don't want to share anymore do you oh well you're not getting any of my flowers then i'm just going to put them back in the box where they belong and you're not going to get any of them okay i'm trying to keep you well fed i'm really trying my best here do you like beets yeah drop us drop one on us no no don't put me on the spot i'll be over here on the extension oh no i'm starving or i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i need water oh i just drank the water [ __ ] oh jesus hold on no i'm fine i'm fine i can lie hard base all right what can i build that's actually helpful to this cause right now uh can you build more rope should we get moving again i can't no i hate moving i'm going to get us moving again it's coarse and it gets everywhere but you love can i research oh my stomach's doing a rumbly in real life guys oh no get some beats you can't believe i learned rug let's make some rugs we should put it over the little hole oh he's destroying the hole he's destroying the hole get him quick get him we'll be useless without the hole all right good good job lads wow um where are we all coughing and stuff because you're dying oh yeah we got oh all right lords items lords oh he's getting angry dude he went straight at me [ __ ] i sprung into action yeah he's a he's not he's not nice at all is he die no big knob head big nam bean all right i'm going in again this is not the right place to go in oh god did you guys turn around again i mean it's been going for a while wait we can make a chair now what we can make a chair guys yeah yeah what's a wet brick for oh we need sand and clay has anyone been listening have i even muted the whole [ __ ] stream or something what that's what i've been trying to do this whole time you just keep talking about sand yeah and clay and bricks i'm not trying to hear i'm not here trying to build a house base did we oh you know what those nets are mighty handy to be fair don't get me thin but don't do it okay twelve what's that conor mcgregor's drink no you always say it'll get you so [ __ ] up you're a lot of fight lads and bears i'll tell you why it would be nice to have a bit of a candlelit something you know what i mean yeah be lovely yeah be grand what the [ __ ] all right look the nets are going to work this is beautiful look how beautiful this is and that didn't grab nice isn't it i'm glad we could share this moment back to picking up board nice nice there's something over there can you change the direction and bring us oh yeah yeah yes oh can you do that please and thank you yep on it we're going we're going we're gone we're not moving too much of that whiskey we are moving that way we are we are are we maybe we're not slowly but i mean like it's wind power so if there's no wind like you're not going to go anywhere blow on the tahiti i i got it i think it's working another hour or two and we'll be there by morning can i not [ __ ] pick up the hook my hook was there i'm fine fine all right it's paddling time too fast yeah you might have to paddle the wind isn't doing a very good job and jacks have getting lazy look i have asthma all right that's as much as my lungs can do that's fair enough you gave it your best try i did sometimes your best try is garbage and you should give up sounds all right let me put up a sign on the raft saying that i'd like that put it next to the bed so you'll wake up and see that in the morning don't try your best you'll only fail half hour and maybe we'll get somewhere make that sign okay i need nails i don't need scrap i have scrap great i'm ready give me the barrels that should that should be good enough feedback [ __ ] off all right this is that raft you can't have any no so now he's acting the maggot now i will [ __ ] trust them more [ __ ] nets boys more [ __ ] heads all the way forward all the [ __ ] nets boys live laugh don't try you'll fail live laugh love love oh there you go that's that's [ __ ] stupid or do you want to feel like emo suburban white car let's see you're just staring at the live laugh love sign when you're in the bed now oh it's quite good it really can inspires you to get off doesn't it can i lay the other way i we might have another bed turned the other way if we could make another one oh that would be very adorable i actually don't know where we're actually floating off town right wait wait can you die can you like crouch in front of these signs for me i need a thumbnail he's not doing it kevin i'll do it well he works no i'm the star now that's great thanks buddies thanks thanks i'll tell you what i i really feel like there should be more people paddling yeah me too but sure it is what it is what can we the regular people do about it if you have three beds you cannot sleep at night and recover health nah covering healthy babies you try a chat what did we say don't try you will fail and live laugh love that one's optional though i wouldn't mind some it could someone put up a calendar somewhere yeah how am i supposed to get back to the dragon or the year of the monkey right now i'm a rooster what are you i think i'm a monkey oh can we search my hook no i researched stones already how's kind of research metal there you go oh [ __ ] yeah look at all the stuff i'm about to learn guys lantern that'll be nice at night got a i got paint a tank crop pot a medium crop plush a [ __ ] bucket to pulled all of chat's tears in i couldn't hold them all oh we're almost there i'm so excited to see we actually get here yeah it better be something good i hope it's more signs i've done a lot of paddling yep i think we've all done a lot of the sale a bit more that way okay okay okay we're gonna have to we're gonna have to turn over [ __ ] you guys he just wants all the resources for himself adjust the sales let's leave if he's gonna be that way it's sinking oh you're [ __ ] right i'm coming back i've got some good resources oh i've got us a paddle hold on i'll save you wait where'd my paddling go where is he all right here we come swim to his mouth live life love dahi okay look what i got look what i got look at this where'd you get this check this [ __ ] out storage box in the store oh my god a pineapple no in this box jack you're gonna need it for the for the crafting you're the crafter i can't [ __ ] kevin's sticking his face into it right now vine goo okay people heard you crying baba you were so loud she wasn't crying that was kevin died yeah oh i'm [ __ ] i have no points i'm bald there's a ton of shite you know what you do you take all this stuff out right all right you take out the vinegar you take out the balls you take out the hinges i i'll try and make a door as best i can [ __ ] noises no live life love finn bear back off good job everyone let's keep living laughing and laughing the one time what did i learn i learned a large crop plot i researched some [ __ ] glasses sand that's what i'm saying that's what i've been saying dude oh [ __ ] expert fishing rods let's go oh now i'm excited we got all kinds of let's go are we building a raft or a [ __ ] ship to mars baby let's go yeah elon musk time baby you make a [ __ ] bow oh [ __ ] oh dick's out for fin bar right now i think it's time to eat a catfish oh we need more bolts i don't know how to make bolts we kind of use the bolts to research the bolts how do i how do i make more bolts now that's a tricky question um i don't know i need ro i need rope anybody aiming your [ __ ] rope we're kind of not facing the right direction yeah i don't know where the right direction is anymore well this is the direction we want to be going because like we need to have the there's stuff over there though turn us that way i'll turn us that way yeah because this is where all our nets are [ __ ] happy flag [ __ ] paddles what are you going to do about them huh can't live with i need oh bolts i need metal ingots for that okay this is a bunch of [ __ ] baloneys living yeah that's college oh my god please there we go there's not a lot of loot is there uh my character is kind of dying of what what is food i i forgot shipping i mean fishing there's a potato there's potatoes and i have a potato that's my inventory i have been foolish all along the potatoes are on mom's got the noogies in the oven i have my slippers on and it's time to watch dragon ball z let's go he's gone mad dog we gotta take him yeah no more living laughing or loving for him i don't know if this is fresh water i'm gonna drink it oh that was not fresh water we need to go more left because all the scrap is on the right side as well just kind of [ __ ] if i research plastic somebody says i haven't oh i haven't oh lord oh lord there's bottles oh why am i the only one learning stuff we're learning about proxy that's true yeah come on potato cook one potato two potato three potato come on thank you god you're learning a lot of things my brain is gonna sink this ship my brain is massive right now it's unreal i hope it's smooth so it's aerodynamic for the raft do you think my brain floats oh i'd say floats get in there it's like 60 water isn't it for you more i'd say for you anything what seeds are these pam seeds no pineapple seeds mango can we grow a mango and a shoe i would like to do that i want to see what we can craft what do you do with a blueberry more fish i think oh i just look at it used to locate nearby radio signals we need vine guard radio signals yeah huh why is there no more stuff spotting yeah i don't know spawning should we try and build that flag that points us the direction we need to go that's another thing yeah streamer flag and we're streamers we should probably have one of those oh twitch prime twitch prime twitch prime useful for knowing which way is forward you need planks for open nails do we have any planks okay i have planks i have nails i don't have rope i have one rope i need five more i have a lot of rope i put all my materials in here all good men do it and whatever yeah great stuff thank you good man yourself oh lovely now i can make it okay ready for the streamer flag it's gonna go right out in the extension yeah because fema is definitely not gonna eat that i don't know if this points the way or away from the way all that does is show you where the wind is useful for knowing which way is forward it says so do we follow the flag or i'm down to worship the flag all right all right let's worship the flag look chat i can't eat i have no fishing rod i have no food there's no items spawning anymore we can't do anything what do we do is there any more rope left um yes i'll put it in the box oh good man there you go now there's these for you sure play fair play um right i'll make a fishing rod there we go that's all eight used immediately should we go to the island um that island is pretty close but did we come from that island no we didn't did we no what's a lot of barrels though but those are that is a lot of barrels get the barrels six barrels six barrels later fighting over resources i think we've gone mad but he's i think we've gone mad oh someone's paddling yeah i'm trying to be useful now it's kind of a new thing i'm trying out oh there's plenty more resources coming in i'm trying to get up the thing don't paddle too quick you're going to go past the [ __ ] barrels at the same time i'm great stronger kevin helps what are you complaining about kevin why is it why is it too fast for you you would one job that sounds like a you problem to be honest doggy yeah how are you guys not dying hunger is because i'm studying all the time my brain is using more nutrients maybe oh god i am kind of dying though hold on oh no this is great it's me the raft and all the food i could use some water chilling we're big chilling there we go come on fish can we build another purifier um i do need a little bit of food oh we can make a better purifier for your glass oh i'm going under the water guys i'm going under the water pick up seaweed all right pick up giant clam oh [ __ ] feast tonight sounds nice nice i like the sound of a giant clan i'm gonna have [ __ ] gum shrimp up on this [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't know it's just so enthusiastic about it look i'm very excited can i have the water through osmosis can my skin filter it such a ferocious [ __ ] as well can i research seaweed i can and i can learn flippers slippers let's go dude we're going to be swimming can i cook the clam what do i do with the clam can i re relaxing sausages thank you for the gifted subs thanks for all the support everyone i'm sorry i can't read them out like i normally would but obviously we got a lot going on trying to live i'm [ __ ] macgyver exactly i don't know how i'm putting this stuff together but i'm happy about it oh what was that i'm pretty sure i've sucked the resources of this island fairly well like the colonizer i am under the water there's plenty more you know when we've when we've stripped this earth of its natural resources up top we go below we steal the nutrients from the ocean yeah nothing is safe not in sacred base i love being a white man okay i was just like awkward no i was just kind of tuning in and out and i just have no idea what's going on to be honest we're colonizing kevin okay stop [ __ ] he really doesn't stop once he starts biting you oh my goodness i nearly died also how do i get my health you gotta sleep [ __ ] ton of resources let's go to bed rest your head and hopefully you get open tomorrow but which sign will you see when you wake really determines the day ow how can we keep falling off shark boy eat ah i'm hungry i'm hungry so like i'm hungry should we get moving again i think the island's done no no no no no no no get the resources under the water oh okay sorry sorry sorry i'm going under water now kevin oh geez look at all this water under the water what tool do i need under the water a hook hook okay by hawker by crook i think i'm it looks like i'm healing right now slowly but surely probably maybe oh it's raining oh if only we had something to catch the water if only a phone a pocket a [ __ ] book for a play ball how are you getting under the water when finn barr will not leave us alone oh oh glad oh we can make so much cool [ __ ] with this what have you got lads i've made a decision yeah we've all gone mad but we need a distraction we need a new friend okay you know dan and brian aren't here all right i like pointing at you kevin why why are you appointing me what do you want me to do okay oh my god i love him you can name him kevin i i'm gonna call him bran i'm gonna combine brian and dan to make our brand brand he can fulfill both of them all hail bran the caring and loyalty of dan and the the hook hand of brian all in one looks of him the little smiley face on him i didn't see the face he fear's cute he's lovely oh bran can we make him facing the sea he loves the sea you can actually yeah you can take him down let me rotate him all right come on brian uh he's a good brand now wait which way is forward um i don't know oh there we go he's looking at the scene it's the final boss we're getting attacked say hello to bran that's bran that's brian and dan combined into one beautiful being yeah i like him a lot more than brian and dan they've been replaced it wasn't difficult it didn't take a lot nice now that's not nice you're the one that birthed it or the same one look i birthed them from my mind vagina and that's it i need a fishing sentence he ate her lump out of her [ __ ] triangular natural wedges over here it just made it nicer it's all right more symmetrical finn bear fears bran bran's like the dumbledore it is voldemort he hates fiber all right is there anything left underwater oh god now except death i need to do a bit of fishing yeah i heard that i hear that dude i hear you rafters be fishing am i right totally relatable all right maybe we should get moving then yeah it might be a good time i don't know how you guys are exploring under the sea i just get attacked every time well you just have to forgo toes oh okay be willing to bleed a little yeah all right we're moving we're moving we're moving we're going we're flying i i just got we're sailing [ __ ] it yo look what i got look what i got what you get let me take a look you ready ready two one oh oh put him with brian bryan will love him put him out next to the live life love sign next to brian next to bran next to bran don't try you'll fail put him next to that sign actually so he's kind of taunting you yeah this corner is very dressed up compared to everywhere else honestly guys i have tacos in real life yeah lucky dude that's actually big poggers if we can get pogba's in the chat can i get a poggers for tacos and chat come on mother you've partnered for this chat oh this is nice now everything seems to be going well i'm honestly just enjoying myself yeah ever since bran showed up everything's been going just lovely it's been really nice yeah there's something about him it's mysterious isn't he yes i don't know what else he could what are you guys doing just talking about bran he's great isn't he yeah he's great over there nice hmm buckets oh my god jesus the shark was right underneath him oh no oh no shouldn't we uh get there can we hook these in these nets are just a delight i love them it's a good call i feel like they're not that good though well if we had more we'd get a lot more but yeah things keep slipping through oh i like that that's some good sound effects there it was supposed to be disgusting i mean it was but it did actually sound like it was in the game as well so yeah it did sound like a game effect game tacos again all right well i've got my water and that's all that matters wait i need to keep on top of the water this is mine [ __ ] off sorry i'm just trying to help it's like infinite water i'm gonna move the cat slightly just so you can look at them when you sleep oh we can we've got to kill the birds somehow can you kill the birds oh i definitely can't where'd all the food go yeah i'm telling you what these nets are actually pretty good yeah they get stuff steadily enough oh [ __ ] it dude oh um does anyone know how to like this in the chat the the candle oh jesus christ decade oh my god i just realized what if the shark attacks the edge and he takes bran yeah very much a possibility no no no no no no no no very likely in fact this is nice there we go this is just enjoyable whoa your hook went in the completely wrong direction and then it just like yeah you did it again it went off to the right and then it just sucked back in onto the barrel you were a wizard on my boy my you've been before the oh you know you're a [ __ ] wizard harry i need to make a spear i'm going to name a spear and call it britney i like that i like that and every time i hit him it's britney [ __ ] uh oh we're chillin we should swim over that guys what topi is this six seven i think it's seven at least oh that was the wrong water there we go that was the right water hmm there hit me finbar one more time hit me one more time my [ __ ] raft is killing me i must confess i need to eat yo bring us to the island we're trying to island what the [ __ ] is this what the hell how long is he that was the longest one of all time how did i'm just gonna ignore that let's just go to the island moving on almost there ow it might be kind of hard to wedge us in there can we adjust the sail a little bit uh oh oh oh you guys are swimming away pretty quick here wait what do you mean well uh oh no oh no uh finbear's behind you behind you oh no he's got airpods in he can't hear us actually oh so close i've got your daddy that would be not today finn bear you're not taking another irishman i plead for the country i bleed for the irish flag that was so [ __ ] bad uh guys can you come back can you come back please yeah yeah yeah yeah okay thanks the raft looks beautiful from a distance by the way it's got a lot going on it's more of a macro raft you can't see it from like space yeah the less you see of it the better i think with that one i have no food and i'm i'm gonna starve no you're not i hate that horror movie i have no food and i must start you'll be just fine kind of gives away the plot in the title though can i just build a new raft like a competing raft we can race them yeah uh let's get a paddle tokyo drift inspired wait why is that why is it not coming back to you i don't know kevin i don't think it's working i thought there was three of you for a second but i realized one of you is just bran come on guys come back you can do it can we make a paddle i'm coming i'm here we go plastic rope a man may not have eaten all your fish though i'm about to starve all right i can paddle as well here we go top speed oh my god let's all three of us paddle see how fast we can go on this bad maybe even three kilometers let's give it a go all right guys yeah there's some fish for you bud all right uh time to make another one of these yo i could make a big storage or we need scrap and a hinge oh we had hinges but i had to use them to make more hinges wait why because you have to use an item to to learn an item why are we still guys guys we have to put the sale the other way around the sale is making us go away so i don't think there's anything on that island ty goes in tai goes out you can't explain that this is the worst looking raft i've ever seen it looks really nice look at it from a distance go up in that rock and look down at it all right you will be surprised what you might see i haven't been on one of the islands yet this is lovely red flowers there's no bars or clubs or or uh that's about it really kevin i don't know if i have the subjective taste that you do to be able to witness art trying to squint a little bit looks like a weird animal like a hedgehog look i'm going to go on a limb here guys and say that i kind of hate it no but it but it's hard it's not allowed it's also drifting away from us right now excuse me where's it going yeah we should probably i don't know ask it we should probably go back to it right we leave bran in charge for one second and he tries to escape what's the cat's name oh no our flag oh he took our flag now we don't know where we're going but at least he'll know where he's going i guess to a [ __ ] early grave can we try and kill him we can yeah i was turning back is everyone back in the raft yeah okay friends there let's go don't we want to like uh no the buys are off in a journey okay sorry i don't mean to yell at you no i don't i don't just like isn't there supposed to be resources were able to get there uh there wasn't really much there no like in the water on the water i didn't look in the water i don't know a [ __ ] gun no brian kind of made the executive decision to go yeah i think that i'm going to blame bran says his law on this ship leave bran alone jack we have a mutiny over here he attacked the brand oh no once i catch this fish i'm going to go catch a serious case of wapa asandahi i'm i'm going to wait over here and go to the bathroom i need those pam leaves i need those families i need those families i'll be right back we can have them thank you be right back okay my character is starving dude we need to start getting better items to research bigger versions of everything give me the plank give me the plank give me the plank why is it so laggy give me the blank i'm in the water i'm in the drink i'm in the soup my character is dying again god his rumbly belly is gonna drive me mad uh axe i need stone to make an axe and only have two stone there's another island coming up i need a rope nice there's another island there straight ahead we should head over to it we should head over to it i think we're heading that way anyway all right oh god rotating this thing does not work you know i want another one of those abandoned rafts they had sick [ __ ] in them we can get there wait which which island were we just at the one behind us you can't see it anymore oh okay and this is a new one great oh my this dude if we had a ton of these nets we'd be racking [ __ ] up okay i have a spear again so finn barr comes again [ __ ] him up i really want to try and kill finn but how do we make it nets see why can i not pick this up and why is it not getting caught in the [ __ ] nets yo stupid plastic this is great this is great everything's going great we need rope and nail how do we i've got some nails and ropes for you if you want it yeah i'll put it in the back a lot more of there you go it's in the chest oh okay so i need scrap rope it's nice and then i'm gonna make a few of these collection nests so we need more knives we're doing well now we go to that island um yeah yeah yeah let's adjust a little bit i've researched everything that i have right okay we'll put the characters that apparently can research that then we need more no i i'm very hungry and i have no fishing rod uh i'll get you some fish thank you very much i gave away all my rope and now i can't afford a fishing rod okay we need a we need a concise methodology here we need to figure out what we're working towards um we're a bit all over the place i'm going with world domination i want to build more brands because he seems lonely and i want a family of brands he was he was the friend to keep us from getting lonely what the [ __ ] how did i get bit already you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he doesn't like you maybe you're the tastiest out of all of us okay come on sand [ __ ] sloth that's [ __ ] clay do you just call the shark a [ __ ] yeah backwards okay okay drink drink drink nice all right i have i have more sand now we should build an anchor so we can just drop it well sand is always good you know um clay so i needed that to make a wet brick now can i research a wet brick no how the [ __ ] do i get a dry brush why am i getting bit i'm at the side you [ __ ] i don't even see you on my screen [ __ ] ninja shark anyway are you [ __ ] me why is he always at my hole hmm if i die here i'll be well [ __ ] pissed is there like a trick to it where you do like two and then you go to the other side and then you know what i mean oh wait we've been drifting and i've not realized are you still on the island yes okay we're coming back don't worry are you though yeah it's slowly my paddle's almost gone as well but we should make it i have a paddle fantastic there you go you're safe see nothing to worry about oh all right i'm placing some bricks if i put them here they dry and then they turn into dry bricks oh and what did you want to make with them uh a kiln or like a smelter oh you're one step ahead cheney we're playing chess and he's playing checkers i just want to build scarecrows i just want to survive and not die can you feed me uh no this is my taco go away god damn it all right i'm gonna need a lot of resources now the shark is actually kind of leaving me alone which i do appreciate look at that thank you shark thank you for not hurting me he's a nice shark when he wants to be yeah yeah and other times he's a knob you wouldn't have any rope would you i want to make a fishing rod i'm getting some fat stacks of resources here lads i'm not even lying god damn it wait where are we going again okay um i don't have a paddle anymore just so you're aware why do you not have now with that attitude it broke oh i'm about to die i'm about to die you're gonna have to just uh you're gonna have to come over here i'm about to die i'll turn the sail make a paddle i don't have one and i i gotta be careful i i need a fishing rod really bad i'm going to die from starvation here don't worry boys strong arms mclaughlin's on his way should we eat bread all right y'all should jump in the water and get stuff while i fished in okay we've got the sail going the wrong way haven't we what do you do you just hit the shiny things with your hook oh [ __ ] you're right yeah jack yeah i still got more than half my health you got hit though right oh they're very casual about it it's whatever there's no more toys to eat you got him there how do you pick up these things keep smacking and then it goes in your inventory hit them with the hook geez it takes a while it takes the ground a little bit yeah all right let's uh draw on some fish here for everybody boom boom not to make an anchor at some point i think i've built one already it's over here because i just i just got a ton of resources can you use it again and again though the anchor because it says one use only when i made it isn't it the thing that you put it on and then you can bring it up and down look let's give it a go anyway that was some hard work right there we're anchors who only has one [ __ ] did you call me oh my god he's eating the end of the extension oh hey hi it doesn't have a net at least sorry lights i'm a [ __ ] for tacos right now he [ __ ] can you feed my character some tacos cause i'm about to die i have no food wait what's happening to you what is he dying oh wait don't attack me i'm sorry he's killing us i don't know if that anchor actually works i don't know oh jesus i'm just clinging on to life here all right tacos have been consumed good man good man now we need to feed my character because he's about to die yeah i didn't realize i was hurting you with those with that thing oh yeah you saw the blood i know you did and it was enticing this is great just great the water's taking a while there you go there you go thank you i need to get rid of some of this stuff how do i oh there we go some food oh [ __ ] fair play fair play now we just need water and i'm ready to go my [ __ ] second wind's about to kick in anyone got rope or leaf i just used a lot of rope actually just there i'll wait we should get some when we get going stuff jack i got a lot of ore and stuff from the from the old place there oh what's this wait a second this is what have you found metal ore we have some of that in the box as well yeah i think that makes eggnog oh so that's why i think we need the smelter for it uh how do we make the smelter dry bricks dried bricks oh how many dry brushes these are dry i thought i had two hits in me i'm dead you're gonna have to save me oh no you're dead uh shark got me oh i see him he he saw that i had so many tacos and he was like i'm a nosh on that ass your uh bricks are done by the way in other news oh [ __ ] yeah oh you get to go to sleep and see the pretty little kitty yeah it's nice it's lovely some stuff here that's great dry bricks where are your bricks they're on the ground my brick i don't see them so let's pick them up wait do i okay what do i do now do i i don't research these do i oh i guess i do oh [ __ ] yeah yes we did it we did it how do we make it how do we make it what do we do we're into this i know uh we need planks dry bricks scrap and nails we need six dry bricks you need to make wet bricks which you need sand and clay i was forced and there oh oh i'm sending this one gives me give it to me gives me a [ __ ] head i'll be mr brick man oh here we go i mean two bricks and then you lay them down in the sun or finn bear can't get them oh no look at those wet bricks in no time they'll be dry guys wait for that moisture to go out into the air you really love breakfast or atmospheric owls just to come back down onto the earth i'll be over here water just gonna wait over here what's left lovely dry bricks enough to build a [ __ ] castle it'll be and we'll be sailing all the way to the bank i'm going to live on this side isn't it i'm putting that on twitter putting putting that whole story on twitter no context they lying with like the smell of blood on their nostrils waiting [ __ ] good moment kevin did you build a door i know it's a wall oh oh oh no no not nice good hustle good hustle jose he'll be back he'll be back what's the point of this [ __ ] wall kevin i was hiding from jack when he was making those brick sounds someone's behind there the bricks i could build the stairs up to it if you want this i'm going to need this we could make a second story to our our castle we should definitely have a second story thank you casa de irish complexity jesus christ thank you so much for the tip that's very kind here madden thank you for the tip as well lizzle thank you for the sub complexity that was way way too much thank you very much for that you think he'd get bored after a while who finney i didn't know i didn't know anything it's all here someone just dropped me forward [ __ ] yeah all right i think we need to push off again i don't think there's many more resources left here i'll raise the anchor i think it's just going to get rid of it but i'll i'll try it yeah it just gets rid of it you don't need that it's not really useful that's why that sucks love that anchor andy andy the anchor oh i'm going to die why i'm hungry yeah it's the anchor oh i have a fish could i have it there you go oh thanks so much jesus look at this a feast all of a sudden oh [ __ ] you know how i do we take care of our own yeah no one's going to be starving and casted irish the land of the lads no one dying here no no no no no it's kind of ironic isn't it there's no land anywhere where's this land that's in the name of the place i don't see any of it the leaves are shackling my leaves i thought that was i thought you were a shark i was about to hit you this road yeah it's [ __ ] looking after you oh one more combo there saw that jack oh thanks man twofer oh you know how i do you know how i do i'm a mad lad i'm mad for the old hawking i'm mad for a behavior to swimming now i am in blue bloop bloop no fair kevin did you eat yet i ate i'm feeling great thank you very much everyone for feeding he sounds great ladies yeah there's lots of food here now for i'm fine i just need to get more rope so i can fish for myself jelly back now aren't we having a little time here no that's lovely time out in the mountains on the boat yeah i didn't really think about that side of it who's got the spf thousands the way you walk around when you're singing that is great is that is that the default walker you hurt because it looks really weird i think he's thirsty or hungry or something so he is actually going to help oh sweet jesus i can help sweet jesus holy merry mother regarding jesus what am i building i have a fishing rod guys there's land to that's the wrong [ __ ] way yes you said right and i was pointed this way oh finn bear's here where's i can't see land at all over there oh it's very foggy but it is you see it in the distance yeah that way oh there okay yeah yeah use them irish dry bricks oh lads got a fierce lump of bricks no is that you corpse irish corpse pretty much all your scorps right there no it's just the dublin isn't no i'm just doing lights uh i need paper he's getting very aggressive recently if something's got them all riled up i don't know what it is he must have been to irish cars he's a big fan and we cause global warming and that's why he's killing the last three of us maybe sharks rule the world now maybe we are the bad guys i could say there's no doubt about it i'm a human and i love humans let's face it we're a shower of bastards you may have a point there we're not great no yeah but if you think about it it wasn't for humans like hey storyboard choke me like you hate me you know loki wanna date me would you [ __ ] me go [ __ ] you on i want a different level boy the tacos definitely hit dude the taco i told you i got second wind i'm [ __ ] i'm flaky big second wind big winnies got some clay it's in me [ __ ] inventory oh my person feels great this is nice i'm not dying for once i still need to work on um the old fishing rod yeah the people skills as well that too but the fishing rod mainly okay fin bear's not attacking me over here this is this is lovely i got uh set her lungs on me like a [ __ ] ford focused fuel tank i [ __ ] okay madness is setting in with you dude really bad i'm getting a bit worried not at all at all and foreign mad saying oxygen what do you need that for to [ __ ] breathe some sort of breath simpers chad you're simping for oxygen are you chat be dom big facts okay i might die here i might die the risk we're willing to take uh there's a bunch of sand and clay over there which direction this way uh sort of there's a front right yeah where does he's going all right i can't see your [ __ ] day oh my god jesus christ why is he there did you find it did you we found something else oh my god you're having a [ __ ] great time did you figure out how to make the karaoke the world's not a bad place it's only your own judgment values on it that make it bad all right he's fine don't even [ __ ] worry about it what is this seaweed what do we need seaweed this is not [ __ ] warm i'm going down for five seconds and this wanker i must am i doing this wrong like hermaphrodite on me or something i don't know what's going on but he wants me ah jesus christ he got me instead [ __ ] okay thank you the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] all about gotcha thank you ah maybe i'm dying of all time you shark bit you are shark bait exactly guys what are you eating daddy chicken doggies oh you're making me hungry thank you very much for the five subs and [ __ ] thank you for the two getting sand sand is the [ __ ] key here lies only shark bed is good yeah you get the shark throw it away the [ __ ] bastards marry jack thank you for the oh i live to fight another day lads i'm unstoppable in this game i'm crack you're doing well keep going now keep at it kevin you're just yeah see how many bricks weren't you just sleeping when you were saying that yeah i just i know you well enough to know you're doing great without seeing it hi hop on no come on fimber stop acting to make it though will you he's mad after this section oh he loves the [ __ ] gnash on it so he does he does he does he's just teething maybe that's it she [ __ ] teed somewhere else i don't have time for that i have school in the morning can i okay my character is [ __ ] starving okay i'm making some shark bed is there much oh my god look at that what the size of the thing he has for the shark bait all right there's the shark bed now i'm going doing what i'm saying he's going straight forward he's going right for it get him kill him oh he'll be back are you [ __ ] kidding me what's the point of the shack he's still after you it might be because we uh uh yes here you go how much do you need as many as you can give me time is of the essence wait because i st oh uh i can only give you two really because i need a fishing rod that's that's fine enjoy that don't attack him why i'm not trying to kill him why i'm killing him he'll just take the bait away from us and we need it i want the bait i made it i made the wrong thing what did you make i'm sure it's just as useful what did you make i made a hook instead of a [ __ ] fishing rod oh no it's not yours why we should kill him no leave him alone but he's just gonna eat it i need to get [ __ ] in the water wait hold up he's leaving he's leaving he's leaving come back come back come back hey hoes i [ __ ] you kevin it's not my fault it's finn bear you hit him you he did he hit me first i can guarantee you if you went down your stream you [ __ ] hit him no no no i'm in bed i'm not even standing watch the vod i'm standing i'm sleeping i mean wait he's not even attacking you now what happened this time did you just [ __ ] drown yeah i think he's just trying to [ __ ] him no [ __ ] no i tell you what [ __ ] i'm down just going down oh wait i see i see you okay jack i'm going for it cover me uh i'm dead what oh you're kidding no while you were busy uh drowning i was busy starving busy boys today hold on i'll save you one at a time big strong kev is here don't you worry oh god put me in bed i have to say first you know what he's like you know what he's like if he if you slept first there you go that's true he would yell over he'd get angry it's gonna take another five minutes for those nuggets to kick in and he'll get his second wind you're 100 the bait's gone oh it's getting just getting wavy it's getting wacky out here yeah it's gonna be a hell of a day i'm [ __ ] lost for words i think you died on your own that time how about using thanks find that word i saved him is terrorizer playing yeah this is him he's never been more entertaining or sand and clay and [ __ ] irwin thank you so much for the subs thank you for all the support guys mary jackson thank you as well i can show you this now daddy be honest did you die due to oxygen deprivation um i died due to kevin being a [ __ ] that doesn't sound likely at all to be honest i think it's a surprise shark was the shark was chewing on the bait and then you died somewhere else so i don't know if you can blame kevin on that one it's his pride i think he's getting in the way i'm going under a stream kevin no no don't don't don't bother you don't want to be distracted look at that look we're floating away from the island and everything we've so much to do no no no look after your stream here we're losing jack away from the island he needs our help and i don't have a paddle daddy so you might want to paddle to him or something uh i'm about to die from the shark i can't come back to you i'll adjust the sail a little bit oh we're coming back slowly with the sail so we'll get there the paddle man won't paddle all right here's yours i was eating chicken nuggets and watching kevin's stream oh the life am i right why would you subject yourself to so much torture hop on no hop on let's go i'm not hopping on yet i'm getting the [ __ ] clay in the sand like we're supposed to be doing to get the smelter i'll be on in a second it's all sand it's all [ __ ] pakistan come here ow that didn't work [ __ ] i'm gonna need food again soon i still have no way of getting it i'm dead there's no time to argue right now he's dead we gotta go get him we gotta put our petty differences aside to save him kevin i literally wanted to stream back you stabbed the shark why are you stream sniping me why are you stream sniping me run straight to me it was one million percent your far kevin oh look he's dying we got to put our differences aside to save him oh yeah he's back all right you can go back to shouting at me you know if you want [ __ ] you kevin i literally watch the stream see the shackles straight to me i didn't understand the plan i feel like a detailed plan if we wrote it down on some signs or something so i fully understand don't kill him don't kill him don't kill him i think if you put down some signs and write out your plan have a clear plan of attack and then i'll understand what you mean don't you dare destroy that sand and clay i mean we could that'd be great all right let's let's go wait maybe this is the only brick i need oh are you doing off maybe six bricks oh yes this is the moment i need i need a plank i need one plank oh here here you go kevin i need it too but your need is greater here kevin here's a [ __ ] text for you but now what about our other sign i can't remember not trying okay don't [ __ ] hit shark kevin for [ __ ] sake how am i supposed to remember all that he did write it down kevin i'm just saying all right okay if it's written down look it's written down it's written down are you ready yeah boom baby oh look at that jesus let's do it kevin just in case i forget the right sign i changed the left one as well okay okay i think i can remember it now you see if you had done this in the first place then it would have been fine i honestly dude how do we use this melter i'm glad we got past that i feel like we can get through anything now yeah hmm could someone feed me um did into the mouth i feel like there's tension growing on the raft this week on the raft ah for [ __ ] sake kevin gotcha [ __ ] [ __ ] there's a clear there's a clear divide between you two and me and bran we clearly have different plans going forward for the raft oh i don't know how to use this thing you're lucky i have chicken nuggets dude i want some chicken nuggets really bad i put planks in there and then i'm pretty sure you just have to get metal ore yeah yeah yeah i have met lore i have met lore ah look at that oh this is great what are you trying to make with this thing metal ingots ah and what are you gonna make with those keep them away from you because they're important i'll have you know i contributed to that oh wait remember the signs i can't hit him all right nope head oh he brought one he broke the sign don't [ __ ] hit shark kevin yeah i wanted to go back and read to make sure i acted correctly yeah i mean it's right there and right on the thing i think i need to be more specific you might need to make pictures help a lot if you could draw something wait hold on when the i love mine it's not it's not done when the i love my when the bait is out i love my brain that's i like that this is good this is like a giant symbol to how insane we've all gone bran the cat you know the old saying when the bait is out i love my brick a classic irish i will say i got the metal eggnog let's go dude pogba's pogba's [ __ ] parker's job out there what do we do with that now oh god who knows really um hello hello what are you doing where do we get there's nothing there's nothing to uh but how can we resist oh when he looks so good and the hook hand don't forget the hook hand what more could you ask for wait oh i'm learning a lot could you make a shovel i want to dig into this raft and see if there's anything underneath a lot wow wait hold on he wants the attention hold on i'll back off both i don't know if there's space for both i'm starving by the way just so here we go there you go there you go ah that's a great thumbnail thanks that's one for the book that's one for the fridge now can someone feed me starving right now yeah like i'm actually gonna die i'm dying a thirst you got any more of that shark bait yeah why didn't we eat that yeah i was just thinking we're gonna use that all i did was start fights it did didn't it yeah but we're still here the lads are still going we're not even hiding in the right direction i don't know why the sale is this way there's clearly no we kind of forgot we forgot about that part of the game didn't we i don't know where we're supposed to be going we don't have our flag anymore to point us the direction finn bear took it what a bollocks okay my character is about to die from hunger yeah i'm also going to die from hunger brand is saying go this way brand's pointing that way well what brand says i believe all right i believe in bran i will vote brand we all believe in bran without bran where would we be huh oh boy brian uh kevin can you like use that fish not to or dahi actually use that fish not to get fish oh that's a good idea i would like that since you're the only one who has one i think he's confused does he oh he's writing there you go all right that's more important yeah that's good good man bran good man the brand okay what can i smell seaweed into oh can i make a nice hat i'm syncing up with my character i'm getting really hungry i'm shaking please feed me i'm [ __ ] when you're two winter sim guys i'm [ __ ] dying babies i want noggies [ __ ] finbarr i oh wait i can hit him now it's not on a sign anymore i'm coming it's too late all right never mind i'm going back we're too slow what do you think i'm gonna die from the hunger i'm gonna put some fish in to stop your [ __ ] whining oh i had it that seems a bit cruel starving you just started eating in front of me to be fair you caught it that's true you get first served first dibs oh look plastic it's beautiful isn't it we've not seen resources in ages oh my god can i eat the plastic it'll stay in my stomach for years i'll never be hungry i like your thinking this is brian's main policy free bricks for all come on he'd be a good leader come on please oh thank goodness now i'll just have this one too and i'll be fine today stinky man i've played games at you long enough to know what you're up to if i could only make a fishing rod myself i'd be grand come here come here foxy go pick up some leaves i'm [ __ ] trying oh i can sprint again this is a [ __ ] great day for the parish hook in that barrel uh okay don't [ __ ] pressure me i fell under almost oh i'm under two oh jesus i'm dying right there where's the bear oh you got it i got it right there i got it i'm a bit of a daredevil i am oh it shows chose jesus [ __ ] sake i keep falling off the raft we need some sort of like [ __ ] baby boundaries on this place all right all right plastic oh lovely earth destroying plastic the cause and solution to all of our problems yes oh it makes vinegar what does there the seaweed does what did i need no way yes oh no what did i need that for god oh i needed for an empty bottle okay smelt more i am starving again i made a fishing rod you're a [ __ ] legend i can finally fend three for myself i've got a fishing rod this is my second fishing rod i'll have you know yeah die wow way to assume who do you think i am come on fishy i wanty me nom nom nibble nibble good because there's such different stages of madness look ocean coldness hits us all differently it hit you hard and fast and you're going through like seven stages of it i'm sure if you're going to go through one you might as well go through that you may as well get a bit of variety where's all the metal uh the metal if you're going to go to the casino you might as well gamble we had way more met lord than this where'd it all go i ate oh i haven't like can you start using the shagging thing like i'm smelting vinegar bollocks oh fine goo is very important to make a bowl and if you have a bow then all of her problems go away right right he was just waiting for that i don't like him he's a rat dude i don't like finn barry he's kind of a bollocks yeah i'm not too keen on him either to be honest oh come on i don't get i don't get his motivation every time it's pretty solid to call someone right okay pretty much i win the argument how do i how do i make bolts i don't know that's when we didn't figure out um about though bolt oh [ __ ] yeah oh he's the [ __ ] best now i have a metal fishing rod oh nice can you feel it can you feel it can you feel oh he got it it's okay we're doing grand lads we're surviving a lot longer than i thought we would yeah there was a few bumps but we're getting there there was a couple of moments but we got through them we're a happier family because of it thanks to brand at least at least that's what [ __ ] up families tend to say just remember there's no such thing as a functional family we're all [ __ ] up oh you gotta better put that on a sign i think that needs to go up on the side right now ah i'm stuck oh does he get me every time he's [ __ ] jack seeking nipples wait what does this make any sense please please please i'm a simple man with a simple hook that doesn't grab anything apparently yes i'm feeling great now fish for everyone kevin i really hate your wedges here why why is it only a problem now because they really make it hard to like get out onto the edge yeah but like it's not about practicality it's about design and flair oh yeah that's true we are going faster because of them yeah they're aerodynamic can you work on a racing strip i can try if you want me to i really think that a metal fishing rod should get better fish but sure the mackerel is not good enough what the [ __ ] oh i didn't get to pick up any of the [ __ ] fish and the cookers are all used i [ __ ] hate it here you're dying and you guys are the cause of it i wonder why he's going through grief maybe because he bollocks's that was that was [ __ ] funny kevin what did you do to him i stole all these fish is that your alarm for being an [ __ ] going off yeah because you're right on time buddy it's by one o'clock daily [ __ ] minute i'm dropping all the stuff because i don't have room oh i'm the worst fisherman i got a lot of plastic though so i'm the greatest fisherman oh i'm dying i'm [ __ ] dying lads you'll be great don't worry sam lol oh taters [ __ ] yeah i'm gathering something with the resources here that's not gonna lie put them together i'm just glad we're getting resources for second and third is mine you're so gracious well you're doing a [ __ ] terrible job at it i don't feel helped at all everyone's going to leave the stream be like why was jack so mad at dahi like i'm just having fun this is basically just how it works what's up i remember i remember one time we played some game we got really [ __ ] mad it was all of us was it uno i'm probably completely mad at uno that sounds like uno for sure but the thing is like the good thing about the good thing about like the whole irish last thing as i feel like sometimes like if you're in certain groups they can't handle a good lashing or a good slag and a good lashing no but here everybody irish people know how to make fun of themselves and get they're able to abuse and get abused quite well they're the only people who know how to give and take abuse yeah it really is more like abuse isn't it oh my god finn bear jesus can't catch this wonderkind okay i am actually i actually have a lot of seaweed eat it gain its courage you can make vinegar yeah it's not an island that's an island right i haven't seen it half an hour oh my fishing rod's broken again just didn't last very long how do i uh how do i turn it i got it don't you worry don't you worry now kevin's got it yeah my sentence is spoken moments before disaster oh finn bear wait yeah don't say anything you're allowed to hit him now are you yeah i had to check the signs before i did it just in case right it's good it's good has anyone got a paddle you might need a paddle to get there yeah yeah i do i do i do full speed of headlands everybody else who plays it normally like built a utopia drawn to like three hours a cyberpunk era of the game this is kept hoping whenever everybody plays this game they go too mad building crazy looking raps it's about like kevin said practicality efficiency as well that's why we have the wedges efficiency yeah we're getting no closer to the end of the story of the game but there's a story oh yeah this is story yo once we get an arrow we can shoot down the bird eh and then that gives us spiders [ __ ] yeah chicken wait you found a chicken no we're saying that we'll get chicken oh i thought you found a chicken i need a bolt i need i need a metal ingot we still have fun they're water they're shiny oh there's finn barrel this game is actually so satisfying it's so actually satisfying and chill and fun is that what you call what happened earlier fun just caught just cut through everything that's happened that's just so satisfying [ __ ] sake is a bit off there ladies don't you think i'll pedal it back let's pull it back i'm coming in and coming in fearless you know stay clear full speed ahead all right that's all i give you that side it's kind of like george here thank you for the subs early i'm i'm pretty much over packed at the moment i've actually no space oh no oh no oh no oh no are you all right are you a little hurt no oh can we make a hinge yes why do we want hinges oh i've been waiting so long for this oh my gosh my [ __ ] oh my god jesus yo let's check this [ __ ] out i've been waiting so [ __ ] long do it do it oh that's pretty pog stacks that is a pun that's a real pug put all my rocks in here look at that crazy ass rock collection and my leaves ah man you know it's pogba's when people on youtube chat start using poggers oh yes um all right now i need rope yo and make a bolt a net launcher i need extra stuff for the [ __ ] arrows box tag fox eh i love a lot of vanguard i love my box it's a lovely box there's a lot to make a ton of rope how much can it hold oh it can hold a lot that's lovely i wish we could all use it at the same time though not [ __ ] deadly oh lads lads lads you're not even already what apparently you already learned this the receiver by his his bodies epic [ __ ] is happening over here cap at sanding okay look what i made oh shoot me with it see if it works i shoot him right in the head no oh you mean it works oh wait it hit me it worked 10 feet away didn't wear yeah he [ __ ] he knows now oh god how do i cancel this though if i have an arrow cocked i have to use it oh no go ahead i'll take it yes no no no no i need to oh should we pick an arrow off of you i don't know troy there's a bird right there so close i have 27 arrows you're missing a lot i built it give it to bran he's the only one you can try bran can't handle this power oh [ __ ] bran what never liked me excuse me yeah dude there's fun in games but that's too fair like he's just trying to get bricks right now say what you want about me but bran did nothing oh he's got the [ __ ] arrows still in him i didn't know how do i make a spear i don't know where where's the [ __ ] spear yo we can make a sweep net useful for catching bugs sounds good uh where's the [ __ ] um you still have the arrow in you good you can tell us the parrot now okay come here oh that's nice where's finn where my [ __ ] arrow i don't think he's gonna give it back i think we need a where's my oh there let's paddle over there he is give me my arrow [ __ ] get some stuff right give me my arrow oh that's nice there's three barrels over there all right oh yeah what the [ __ ] is this i like this where's me from the wind oh you're back there i thought you jumped off i thought you were fighting the shark um all right what do we need to make a bigger grill two metal ingots rope nails planks i feel like we can actually do that i feel like that's well within our grasp we need glass though i would make glass can i smelt some maybe some glass you like to go do that i'll be over here i want keep in the piece oh i'm [ __ ] dying brian's in charge when you were gone haha yes that worked i found a candle bottle again chat said you can't light them apparently the [ __ ] is the point i don't know i just don't know i give up is it going good a net launcher oh we should make a net launcher people said that it doesn't come into play until later okay we could catch doggie in it though that's pog that's pretty pog i've seen a pog in my day and that's a pog that's a pog for sure we've got a pog everybody level four pog where we put the stairs all right uh wherever you want okay what do you feel like a good place where stairs is um we might need to expand first or you know what um oh things wash up over here too that's kind of funny there we go hopefully we can get some materials here i don't see anything yeah you know what that's a good look there we go oh what was there a pam there okay here we go i need wood oh giant clam oh let's go that's really good ah here we go that's what you need oh geez i feel it hey hey goodbye get off wait how do you make oh god the spear are so slow hmm oh you guys are keeping him really occupied actually yeah he he loves this boat yeah i'm over here getting a lot of really good materials actually hmm appreciate what you're doing right now not a bother we don't really need scrap that much do we uh i don't know unless you can smelt it into ore right oh god do you have a paddle kevin oh me sorry i'm building uh no no i don't you guys are well occupied i appreciate that no problem dahey everything's going lovely over here no foreseeable issues as far as i can see none at all no i trust you i trust you we have a lookout post now so we can look at how far we've drifted away from you oh you could do okay all right get a [ __ ] make a paddle make a paddle if you can please i'm on it i'm honest i didn't realize we had drifted slightly didn't even i was distracted from the main man himself yeah what would we do without him jesus which we all need to copper and that's true that's true i'm not going to deny that now dahey i'm not going to deny it i mean that is true man of your learning would understand now you're speaking my language compliments exactly bought on you all maybe i'll maybe i'll solve your cup of tea as well real butter stop there you need that need sand no one first what the materials over here lies i'm not gonna lie it's real and your man hasn't bothered me at all at all it's actually been really nice that's good that's good yeah it's been really really enjoyable i guess that's the trick is to bring the raft a small bit away from the island and let someone go get all the resources yeah yeah because i have some serious fat stacks right oh no and you drink like i i like ore for days all right we're back all right kevin's going to attack me any second though i would never do that you used to be an attacker kevin used to blaming me for everything aren't we all i've made a little hidey hole here and it's got a little lookout post and everything so you're going to love it it's a whole new raft dahey a whole new raft there we go we got speed ramps and everything geez this is some serious [ __ ] chick on down here whoa what's that oh it's just the shadows this is so nice where even are you are you underwater yes way underwater miles from everything and i love it careful now that's how you died last time [ __ ] that evil giggle did you get a lot of stuff daddy i got some stacks bro i'm hungry twin bird flying fin bear floating around he looks hungry yeah well hey go and get me oh salmon oh nice i'll take it yep i'm surprised we haven't killed the shark yet usually he's dead by now and then you eat him and then he goes away for a while and then another one comes back i'm just gonna ask that earlier i kind of like him though keep them weak all right think i'm good i got my thing broke oh we need the big cooker salmon doesn't fit here okay i have two metal ingots um the bigger grill needs six planks and four nails we've nails right yeah junior watermelons have a lot of water in them do we have planks we put those well away um i only got one on me did you use all the paddles to bring make this thing yeah but it was worth it wait what's he doing he's dead he's down he's dead oh my god we did it oh yes sucking wind you killed him without me oh he's dead he's we're gone we're eating well tonight looks like meat's back on the menu [ __ ] yeah shark meat shark meat he got his head i got his head we can put him up on the wall if we get one of those trophy things i'd say put them on bran wait can you you cannot oh we need one of those trophy things that would be pog to be fair shark meat shark meat this is the final episode it's done do we have nails and planks so that we can put it up on the wall uh no that's uh i need the planks to build a better cooker fair enough priorities and all that yeah we've drifted really far away from dahi again by the way he's over there just staring at us judgingly on the shore through the mantle of the earth i have a lot of resources it's so eerie you could just see his shadow standing there menacingly okay we'll get some resources on the way what do you say kevin um no no thanks we could probably just swim over to him now actually shark's dead he'll never come back oh yeah yeah you can hop in it's safe though i don't [ __ ] believe it what that we killed him me neither but look it's done no need to thank god it's our job there him oh this is the [ __ ] i've been working very hard i would like everyone to cook me food now wait what are these sharks meat no way yeah oh you'll be a full boy today this is what i just saw yeah yeah you just get some shark shake i'm just saying as soon as you left the shark died yeah well i'm okay with that i didn't see it but oh cook shark but i believe it oops anybody has all of the places no dude some amount of stuff add some fresh water i need three planks oh my this is make a lantern actually i'd love a lantern here yeah it would be nice wouldn't it i installed some ramps as well i don't know if you complimented them yet or not but they're over here when you're ready they're lovely thank you we got an upstairs now oh there's a shark back already finn barry the second or should we be more creative thin bear two fin back too jenny this piece of meat has taken a while to cook yeah shark meat takes a long time oh i only need two planks now or one time all right um okay i have a lot i just want to eat the shark meat um are we going in a good direction what are we finburt jr we're going to do a bit of role play to prepare for shark attacks oh my god maybe it won't attack you maybe it won't attack you all right let me try and mate with it hold on jump in jump in no he's [ __ ] pissed he does not care he does not care at all wait wait bring him back this way i've got an arrow for him okay jack don't confuse us tonight resources here dude ah shark no you're not getting a bit of resources uh any of them planks uh yes nine of them there's four goo there's nine seaweed there's seven metal ore [ __ ] yeah you're a legend oh about the orb [ __ ] yes let's go baby let's go look at this cookers oh sayonara bye bye let's go start cooking some nice [ __ ] my dude wait why are you getting rid of the cooker let's kevin don't get too close me next cook me next it's big enough kevin took me next i love it okay now we're now we're getting resources again i'll scare him away i feel like i finally have a purpose on the raft this just feels right okay we're going to catch double our money now hi kevin dude what you doing there oh look at all this trash it is a great day to be alive isn't it oh i've fallen in hold up oh the smell of this food must be amazing just getting hungrier i guess we should uh keep some of our islands is that a new island or is that the old island which which way oh right in front of us oh that's a new one that's a new one you make me feel like dancing can we like split up the salmon feels a bit mean that one of us gets it and the rest don't feels a bit mean that i get it and you guys don't uh wolf machina thank you for the raid appreciate it sorry i missed it earlier didn't we have a catfish thank you for the bits as well sorry for missing that really i think we ate it by accident why did you put it there it didn't really make sense what but what so we can catch from both sides in case we miss one yeah it probably doesn't make any sense but i think we should put them in the back of the thing actually yeah that's tomorrow i just put it down you can remove it and replace it if you want jesus i thought he's gone mad i'm just kidding he's not mad with power i know i should [ __ ] oh jesus i'm talking about it hey oh oh wait hold on ah we all get a bite we do yeah it has a it has a bar on it so oh i see wait how do i just drop it q just drag it up right okay there drag it out or yeah awesome we all get to know barrels of salmon okay i think we need to focus on the nets now yeah we need more nets would be nice nail rope and nail i think we actually do have a lot so we this gives us rope and this gives us nails and what else do we need we need oh my god i didn't realize you could just hover over the things you don't have and press the plus on it and it'll oh yeah for you what do you mean i realize that a while ago go to the net and then if you hover over rope you can click the plus on it and it builds it for you oh my god oh no oh no he took one of our nets [ __ ] he's gonna keep the here's peeled for him it's one step ahead in hell dude all right i've all our metal our oars melted [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so we need to get rid of this needs this needs to go i would have preferred a discussion about it but if you have to you have to shut your hall that's disgusting all right that was a good discussion i don't know if it was productive but at least there was a discussion we're making progress oh right oh [ __ ] after seaweed i gotta smelt sand so we can make glass and then get a better water purifier uh okay so and we'll be drinking for days lads for days um need more planks ah there you are i think i picked them up did you oh okay i thought [ __ ] we're so low on planks yeah oh i wonder why yeah i don't know what the cause could be we'll just have to keep trying i guess oh [ __ ] shark man there we go now we're actually gonna be collecting a decent amount of stuff nice nice nice nice there did we get to the island or did we pass it out um uh not sure i don't know actually yeah i think we went away from it i thought bran was another player oh the madness is for real setting it now i'm not getting attacked by the shark well he's much friendlier is he [ __ ] chewed my balls off maybe you're the problem because he's been fine with us maybe i'm swimming towards all of this stuff and i'm picking up so much of it well let's not uh attempt to fade here let's just be happy that it's happening yeah i don't know why but oh god oh my god what was that he attacked me jesus just keep him off daddy so he can get stuff but were you even in the water yeah yeah well didn't you please immediately yeah i think i don't know maybe i'm glitched i don't know he does not care about you oh he looks hungry though yeah i'm getting a [ __ ] ton of resources here guys knuckles i didn't get him oh he's coming for you daddy oh oh oh not glitched oh god oh no wonder if i jump in over here will he come hey fember you big yeah i'm good i'm chilling i'm chilling now thank you we're got him got him go oh okay we're good we're good actually we're big chilling here not bad i moved the sail by the way it was kind of getting in the way there somewhere okay i got the corner resources that looks good that looks good yeah it looks nice and a ton of resources nice okay i'm building i'm building stuff all around our nets so that fin bear can't eat them oh very good very good which way is the way forward now i'm oh i lost orientation i see stuff off to like the right i think we're good [ __ ] yeah look at all that we're making a lot of um a lot of uh things to catch stuff yeah yeah i like this setup with the nets that they're kind of in the middle that's very nice protect them from thin back yes it's really nice pretty sick actually i like this man look at us look at us yeah it feels like we go through phases of both those muni friendship mutiny friendship yeah it's a double-edged sword um i don't want to jump in the water because he likes to nibble on me or there's a bunch of barrels a long time yeah there's a lot of barrels we need those i need a fish look at him look at him what the [ __ ] out here idiot did you get him oh yeah yeah nice nice nice nice you know what [ __ ] i'm just swimming i'm starving starving and then thurston if you guys oh no i thought he picked up that water [ __ ] oh stupid oh oh barrel come back to me awesome now [ __ ] i got it if you guys just fish i can take damage and just chill okay oh oh i might die here actually i might [ __ ] around and die here for a second yeah i think i'm dead are you yeah i'm gonna die in three two one bit my ass you're fine you're grand he's waiting for me somewhere this is working so well now it's actually going so great yeah we're getting so much stuff from the nets and they're all protected you never get our nets what's the what's the giant never for i don't know look i couldn't research them i can tr i can place so many potatoes here pretty great actually yo we're kind of we're kind of the thing is the problem we have is we're actually kind of missing a lot of the stuff because of we need to we need to break these and then like extend it out you know what i mean so just like the next bottle that's the whole way you mean is it or yeah yeah yeah yeah because i actually think we're losing a lot yeah detection and the game isn't that great what's happening now we need to expand the operation with nets yeah need nails oh i got two barrels in one oh look at all of that gear whoa two pounds of one that's twitter clipboard oh this is this is efficiency now that's good that's good yeah i like this um let's see here so we need oh we got baked potatoes it's lovely four of them typical irish diet i already researched clams did i what did i learn out of it that they suck uh yeah i don't really know uh so what do we need now we need there we go let's put the iron eggnog there so we need rope i think i feel like we're getting very efficient now yeah it's this is good it's nice we've hit second gear for sure what's wrong with you there's a bunch of rope in this big uh chest yeah we need scrap as well i keep forgetting that we have a big [ __ ] food thing and i keep using the other ones still got some scrap and put it in there it's got nine scrap in there do we have oh there we go oh these nets are doing work uh i need more leaves does p do people have more leaves yeah i got some really important put them in there oh barrel yeah uh they're honestly they're really they're really for the catch stuff the nets they're probably the hardest resource i put 40 leaves and uh scrap in the big chest oh good [ __ ] good [ __ ] dude oh yeah i put a ton of rope in the big chest there's like 12 in there oh the nets can catch the barrels i didn't know that okay boom we should be actually complete now yeah this is a wrap system dude [ __ ] me do we i think we just hit the industrial age of our raft i'm proud of us we're sweating so it's really satisfying though do we need more leaves anywhere no no no we need to collect them all right we're chilling we're chilling oh please no i can't grab that [ __ ] oh my god and all the barrels heading our way this is eight lights we've made it we are the one percent i always knew we were i always had a feeling oh we're the one percent literally the only percent with other 99 as well but we won't talk about that this is it this is actually oh there's another raft over there we got to go that way which way i don't see it oh yeah yeah i think we're heading naturally towards that anyway if you want to save your pedal yeah but i also want to go a little bit more right so we catch more of this stuff what about all the barrels we're going to get the barrels as well the battles the batteries oh my hook went in here can you make the sail go this direction look at all this trash beautiful trash sweet it's like china becoming the number one gdp in the world who would become the number one trash economy all that stuff and they get like potassium and crazy materials from it and it makes them super rich like one of the richest women in the world is women that recycles she she's she's called a trash queen i wouldn't mind being trash i feel like you've watched the documentary recently no no it was three years ago just because i just [ __ ] smelt the sand what are we doing oh let's go see we got here oh we got recipe for vegetable soup oh nice oh damn that's actually sick where's the research we need we need torches let's be honest there's lanterns that we can make i'm still good how do i research it um i think we got it already yeah we need planks and scrap that's easy okay i made two let's put one here boom i'm on here we can see oh i'm starting this is lovely i can actually see [ __ ] no i'm starving i'm starving sorry i took the beat that was probably yours oh this is amazing i'll go fishing for a while oh there's light oh it's down by bran as well he looks lovely yeah it looks like a proper like worship area now yeah with the fire it illuminates his eyes yes we just got glass there hell yeah let me smelt more sand oh stop smelling metal you have a ton of ingots oh right we need to glass so we can make a better purifier so oh there's a lot of barrels coming oh my god look at that ah jesus you'd love to see it look at this it's beautiful it's beautiful the shark doesn't even hurt me it hurts so good so many barrels oh yeah well if you die do you lose all that oh god that felt so good i'm ready for him i'm ready for him uh-oh drank wrong i guess not can there be a way of cancelling these [ __ ] arrows dragging the wrong water guys he's like drank oh dear let me put some more oh you got it oh there's an island coming is there yep oh there is indeed i think we need to we need another extent extension just like we need to same thing that's three white just keep going or no on the left we need to go more left yeah the left side yeah okay it could look like an aeroplane i kind of like if we go out here with triangles we can do kind of like you know a kick off bit of a dog's leg you know right right right yeah how do we destroy things uh an axe i don't have an x oh yeah oh yeah full water you guys should craft a bottle why because you can store up a ton of water in it and then just drink whenever you want oh we need another smelter oh jesus pretty much fell on the shack oh no oh no fine guys i dare say we're having a good time oh whatever lovely time the sun rises and it's a beautiful new day myself gentlemen i'm quite enjoying the festivities here tonight makes me feel like friends are a thing that can happen 15 minutes the raft is so cluttered it is it's an absolute mess but it's ours what do they tell you about smelting metal why we need we still need it i we need glass first oh oh oh i hit him but it didn't [ __ ] do anything he's gone now oh barrel um nice where do i look at this a water bottle uh in your inventory it's up at the top under food water jack i can't make a water bottle you used all the vinegar you just do seaweed in the smelter but there's no seaweed used on a vinegar oh you damn goo you guys should craft the bottle for sure though oh yeah sure just do it guys why are you not crafting bottles idiots that's us two idiots we're [ __ ] dumbest dog [ __ ] more nets more drink honestly uh we just need to make a big long thing okay i have a net where can i put it i like what you're doing over there yeah i'm doing a little kick off here if you can put your nets here can you oh and it'll gather everything on the left side then i can't put nets on angles what that ruins my entire plan you've built all of this oh wait actually no it's okay because we can we can get rid of this section then you can put one there and then this section and then this section let me see are we going over to the island or not looks like we're going past it oh that's all you need okay i'll make one can we move the sails oh the sail's not even facing that way yeah do we have any food i'm hungry again uh no wait i got beats i got beats not at the mall should we paddle our way there yes sir we are fishermen yes we are we are fishermen oh we are oh well i have seen more plants chat's right i'm hoarding all the seaweed ah yes got it we need the glass as well chad we need another smelter is what we need stairs thank you it's your boy appreciate it man just love reading chat what did he say he's shaking all over you yeah usual nonsense oh i think i need a don't listen to him i think you're great yeah you're a good lad [ __ ] yeah that's a big pogers cook that catfish where's where's donnie you should i'm on the island oh did you swim that far jesus fair play no i didn't even swim that much okay we might be drifting again then yeah we're not that close do you have a next jack could you put one here if you if you have one i'm interested to see if this plan works yes okay we're still giving you a thumbs up for that one very good what is this oh i got a crate we got a recipe for fish stew can you get a recipe for ratatouille no one can make a movie that good there's no recipe for geniuses and i can't come on okay let's do it this way geez watermelon is a [ __ ] absolute chad of an oh no all right boys i'm coming uh coming over to drop things down to you wait it is quite fashionable you can see the teeth around you as well i think we need more storage how do we make more storage we need a few more nets here we need three nets hey you're back on the boat i'm indeed what the hell are you doing i'm just coming over that's all we're even mad man we need to get over there and stay over there well you seem to have a secret tunnel to it so just keep going back on that i don't have a secret tongue to look like you're [ __ ] secret tunnel yeah we need an anchor that's what we need let's make an anchor uh we had one but it sucked no it's really good it stops us from drifting away yeah but then it's gone yeah we need we need we need to make one make one oh an anchor it just needs to make a new uh seed bed that one's pretty small make a seed bed start planting some spots oh [ __ ] i was too quick uh where's the where's the thing uh anchors here it is let's see oh big here we go there we go we got a stationary anchor let's you anchor your your your raft that's perfect that's exactly what we need and is it is it reusable yeah and it's all chopped it's huge i'm gonna need a spot first like it's massive and there's nowhere to put it we need to make some space for this who is the glass click quick quick quick i don't have you can make floors someone make flowers i don't have plastic so i can't make floors wear floors anywhere i have to put this thing down put put it make some floors here why can't you just put it down where do you want floor hold we foundation oh so this is foundation armor what the [ __ ] is that not sure oh we could make a roll fence stairs do you have the glass yes could i have it please we need we need wood thank you oh cooking part okay i need to make wooden floors how do we do that um how do we do that wooden floors or foundation yeah floors just floors [ __ ] i would i need to extend this area out oh yeah you need foundation then wait why are you extending it out for the anchor can't you just put the anchor down anywhere oh it's a huge thing it's a permanent anchor oh that's what i've been trying to shag and say how would you do that ah it's all in the wrist [ __ ] you kevin anyway i'm helping you the one time he helps and he gets yelled at anyway okay hopefully that's big enough how big is this thing it's going to sink us [ __ ] job gotta get my potato i'm gonna die oh dude it's not it's not going how big is it do you need it do you need a hole or something like a hole in the middle okay all right no i don't need a hole in the middle i don't know what the [ __ ] oh oh you're oh you're right you're right there we go yeah holy [ __ ] god oh leap of jesus that's it no anyway it's nice big lad so that's just here forever yeah it's there forever and then yeah there we go there we go fair play to you doggy fair play good job good job we're gonna anchor nobody's way after don't trust kevin anymore oh what a scamp hey i like to keep things playful on the raft oh just like finn bear the second [ __ ] i'll get on that repair don't worry [ __ ] [ __ ] hey don't let me in with it i didn't do anything i just know i just noticed the problem without me you're a madman it looks like you're just scooping the air how do we put it down drop anchor yep right i love the anchor it's awesome what's way anger i don't know i don't know where it goes i'm hungry we can move some of this stuff now it's not as cramped anymore i kind of like we can build a second floor on it and then all the smelters and stuff up there but how do we make storage i need to make another storage box there's nothing on this island plank scrap rope hinge rope scrap plank we don't have any planks really do we no use them to build all right well just start to who has an act start destroying some of this yeah yeah i have an axe everyone can make an axe yeah i didn't realize why don't we just live on the island why don't we just start building on the island and [ __ ] the raft i don't know uh why does this one say burn no reason i'll be in the bathroom [ __ ] work what are you doing nothing doesn't fit can someone go fishing oh i'm fine with that message i'll fish oh you guys can do that for me i caught one i caught a username how convincing is it the thing is i don't even know what i look like do you want it throw it on for me put it on you'll get to see what it looks like so whatever you guys are doing right now keep doing it we're doing it like so stupid isn't it funny it's great i love it i love raft burn the non-beliefs the final stage of madness you can have your shark head back thank you so what kind of things were you looking for here jack what do i what life to go get i think i'm gonna live on the island for a while i think i'm gonna have to call it quits i'm starving okay i was hungry when we started but then i got kind of addicted to the game to be honest i know same that's what i had to eat in the middle of it it's the longest stream i've done in forever someone do a lot of fishing i'm doing fishing now like at home you know hard-working man and all right i'm gonna get out of here before he gets home okay you better be [ __ ] cooking kevin you left the raft he said he was going i gotta go eat i'm so hungry oh looking at the raft on the main menu looks so cool compared to ours i'm still proud of our one though how [ __ ] dare you no that was sarcastic that's your parting messages that was sarcasm it was in body language sarcasm oh oh yeah okay then first jack can you have some cooking done for me once i get home i already am honest good man your chef all right i'm going to leave you to it but look are you bro i can't i got to go eat and it's it's 10 o'clock and yeah i'm i'm leaving in the next few minutes as well you're just letting me out you were just getting into it look you're you have bran it can just be you and brandon will help you yeah is that supposed to make me feel look the if we leave with some of it left to do that means there's more to do next time to come back i want to do everything today it's not possible it's a really long game oh my god this isn't actually hitting him why oh i did all right i'm going to peace out lads but i'd be down to play more another day if you want because that's a very fun game it was nice playing with you kevin it was lovely i've missed you both dearly so it was good to talk to you twice yeah all right have fun and take care of your prayers your night you too bye bye ah jesus there a lovely bunch of lights aren't they hopefully a sequel i hope so this game is very fun um the thing is sean's finishing up and you know what even if sean's finishing up i'll pass you along to sean so you can see the rest of that stream and then he can pass you on to whoever he chooses because i i have a feeling they're going to end up playing for another like half an hour at least anyway because they're addicted um but guys thank you so much for for watching along today it was a fun stream um it's it's one of those games that's just like you could just keep playing for hours i was realizing as well i think it was the most like prolonged silence at points because i was just like listening to them but also like deeply in thought of what i was trying to do on the rafter points i think especially the last like hour i was just really getting into building the uh yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the stream thank you very much for joining me and thank you for all the support throughout [ __ ] thank you for the bits as well uh matthew thank you for the tip you're very kind it's very nice message there as well uh uh on x robin thank you for the tip lonnie thank you for the bits i appreciate all the support throughout i'm sorry i couldn't read them all but you know you know how it'd be when there's a lot of people and we're gonna raid sean now hopefully you'll have a good time over there i'm sure you will i'm sure you will send him my regards from one raft man to another but uh i i don't know if he's actually ending or not so you'll figure that when you're there but thanks for joining guys and i'll see you tuesday videos got up in the meantime bit life today if you want to see it so bye for now guys you like my creepy hands wide angle lens huh perfect it's so scary
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 446,592
Rating: 4.9093595 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: Gk8ZM65vkWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 55sec (13435 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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