Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 5)

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hello Tiny Tim hello oh I bet it looks even worse from that angle keep going right see M Mr Norton I'm so excited about your Christmas show but sir there there'll be really that's all you got bar yeah right but sir there'll be big celebrity guests n scintillating conversation sir humbug and lots and lots of wine why didn't you say so let's start the show finish uh because this is you do you want to sit there andy you sit good Andy good Andy good Andy good Andy okay behave behave don't touch anything okay I still don't I yeah anyway yeah so this this is our our kind of cool down bit where uh you know we do something that's extra to the show now uh do have a hand mic anywhere anyone got a hand mic so I was going to come into the audience because a lot of ladies I you know I understand a lot of ladies and possibly some gentlemen uh they've dreamt of the opportunity of meeting Andy someone deserves the opportunity to nothing but just to shake the hand of Orlando Bloom all right all right so can I see a show of hands what what what no Betty no all right lady lightning jelly deals she wants to meet you uh oh oh oh she's so Keen so Keen uh look at you bouncing up and down with excitement stand up lady what's your name Jane Jane M now why do you deserve to meet orando blo more than the others because I'm a hardworking lovely mom of two and I'm I just just that's why cuz I'm just such a good mom and a good wife and a good wife a great wife is it yeah oh I jump his bones I'm such a good wife and what was your name Jan Jane Jane where you from Jane Essex brain tree brain tree m I know it's gorgeous I I go there often I love that lady though put it oh did you see that lady in shiny top her friend put her hand up and she was like no put your hand up the price is mine all right stand up this woman what's what's your name Camila Camila and why do you deserve to meet him because when I was oh now this is very good I'm loving this she was a school per prefect wasn't she yeah because I have done a project when I was 17 I went and stood in the rain for 9 hours to see you at the premere of the two towers and you didn't come we have a winner we have a winner come on come on that one's a free what what was your name again welome cam very good oh why did were you not at the pr were you seriously not the premere no he wasn't there you go you said one yes I was I was just avoiding her no longer when oh you it wasn't it was only supposed to be one can you bear to shake hands on someone else of course oh oh it may not you she's going oh fabulous yeah no she puts him work in think of a good so story like that can we get a camera to this lady or no is that a bad place to go oh we can we can okay I'll come around the back of you all right here what's your name scy woman Tracy Tracy why do you deserve to meet him look he's so close oh so close come on come on quick cough it up um uh because well I I think he's lovely and and my friend Carrie we work really hard at a fi Park and my friend Carrie you've dropped your something there now my Wich is be so jealous all right so you're doing it to punish someone else that's not very nice oh oh oh oh now I happen to know you you're the lady from Winnipeg aren't you yes now when did you get here from Winnipeg today today yes well this morning sort of yeah sort of yeah this afternoon time difference of course for an international jet Setter it's very difficult what's your name Winnipeg lady Stephanie Stephanie and why do you deserve to meet him cuz I came from Canada not to see him why not you didn't know he was on the show oh you're a psychic from Winnipeg who on a win of prayer decided else to how many how many of you are you all from got all of you guys no look at that man go no one over there who's oh hello Canon do you hate that was it did you fall out on the plane we got separated you got separated that's that can happen in London it's a big city why why are you here is that part of a group or something no we just randomly decided to come and visit you're just on holiday yeah okay no no okay what because I'm single no we've got to talk we must talk to lady lightning I've got some blooms for Orlando are they really for Orlando blooms yes are they really you really Co I looked at your website earlier and you saw that he was on you brought fir for him and you put on an extraordinary Austrian hiking outfit you obviously knew you'd be at the top of the audience I'll need these for stair climbing I thought these flowers okay what's your name cat cat it's cat everybody oh oh oh oh oh thank you so much de ladies and gentlemen that that is your lot for tonight thank you again to Sam Borton Orlando BL and and three flowers three [Applause] [Music] flowers now you get invited to red carpets and things and and literally on red carpets is this you this is the time the time the time 100 most influential people in the world ever you're one of them how did this happen I don't recall that um I uh was yeah they I was one of the hundred most influential people even though no one here has heard of me um and uh I was on the red carpet and you know when you're doing interviews and the the person sees somebody more important behind you which is always for me it's like being at a party and there's a hotter girl behind you and they're just like uh like they just want you to drop dead and uh so I saw the reporter do that and all the reports were going crazy and it was Kim and Kanye and just standing there just like owning it just like being like short and important and uh and I just couldn't help I I like think falling is the funniest thing so I just I just took a dive in front of them kind like I thought did thank you I'm doing God's work did the photographers miss the moment when Kanye broke a smile no no they did not that did not happen and I must say there's a follow-up picture where I love that like you're struggling for help in the next one you could have been a drowning child he was just walking I was yeah no he did not crack a smile at any point and then I talked to them after I said saw them and I said to Kim um I was like oh sorry you know when you're like in front of a celebrity I just become such a flake I was just saying things I didn't mean I'm like you and your sister is just inspiring and like are you hiring at Dash and uh like nonsense and uh and Kanye like was smiling at me like but like as if you programmed a robot to smile like he was just like like and uh yeah and but there's no way that either of them had any idea who I am so that was comforting why you're on the floor but what do I look like a Pantene ad like my I look pretty good I watched out a boob could have fallen out I really this should be your red carpet pose always that's what I should just crawl the red carpet every going to do it awesome thanks man now Stephen do you like having a picture taken uh no not really I uh funny enough the red carpet thing reminds me um the first time we uh went to the Golden Globes wow yeah no no big EXC me you you don't want one of those no it's golden um but we uh we went on it was for the office and it was the British version we never been to anything as glamorous as or as exciting as that we got to to do the red carpet and all these super famous people were there maybe Sam was there I don't know and um and then they we won miraculously and everyone had told us you will not win there's no way just go and have the free booze and the food and enjoy yourself so we're there and um they call our names and it was crazy and if you look at the camera footage now if you look at the they we were on a table so far away from the stage cuz no one expected us to win and so the camera's kind of looking for us and they can't see us and then eventually sort of Ricky's little face pops up and then I sort of come out like a giant anaconda and we sort of fight our way to the stage and the announcer has no idea who we are so he's just because Ricky's last name is French Canadian the says coming to the stage Ricky ja and Steven michon and um anyway so they they they take our picture of all these photos taken and then uh everyone says you're going to be in the paper uh Monday uh in the briti paper I was very excited it was the first time I'd ever been in the paper before and I was super psyched as we say in America and um and uh and so uh we and and and oh you've got it well we've got the picture well see if you can spot the the reason why I was a little bit disappointed by my first appearance in a national paper okay this is it it's so rude it's so rude look how happy I am but look but pan down pan down they had room for these people these people's heads are in the photographers got seconds he's like what do they want to see they want to see they don't see these guys they want to see these bald heads your has never changed Cindy has it I I I tried I got a lot of notes from elocution teachers but when you started people would write to you yeah I thank you I thank you change your no but they said that they could teach me cuz they taught Julia Roberts and they taught Guth wi Turner and that they could teach me and you know I tried but it's a little boring because of your dialect yeah it's awful oh you're it's Adelaide from Guys and Dolls it's fantastic I know a person could develop a call there you go [Applause] Rie now you and he likes a road trip on the on the bike but even when you do that you bring your dog Sid with you sometimes yeah yeah no I do I have a side car that he goes in we've got a picture there's Sid look at him I knew they that noise he a Butch sort of biker dog you know what I mean he's he's got a tattoo yes say Yan I love now talking of animals in transport now presumably did everyone see the clip this week of that cat that was in the micro light so they they took off and they didn't realize the cat was in the micro light so the cat's up the microw light now watch this man he does the best Double Take so they're just chatting he's looking down oh look there's my house you can see that now just looking around oh what why doesn't he tell her he doesn't want to tell I think eventually he did tell that woman kind of like we kind of have to land there's a cat there's a cat right there so they did that but we found this other clip and this is I think it's an old clip but I hadn't seen it before it's two guys flying a plane and I don't they must know I think they know there's a dog in the back seat but you can't see the dog and then they go into a nose dive I think or or maybe a barel or something but they reach kind of zero gravity okay so roll the clip so here they are this is them flying their plane and now they're here they see they see the shadow they're going into the nose dive now look behind them here we go I love that c oh my God I want to do that to my dog his ear actually you have you done the zero gravity thing with your brother no I've been in a in a plane with my brother my brother was a fighter pilot in the RAF and he took me up he flew tornadoes and uh I managed to get a backseat trip in a tornado with him which was extraordinary just because I'd never i' you know i' never seen him at his work and there I could see just down the side I could see a bit of his helmet I guess and um he took it we did a lap of Scotland in about an hour and a half and it was extraordinary but it's horribly um it makes you so sick it made well made me very sick anyway and I think he probably was desperately trying to make me very sick as well did you pass out I didn't pass out no I just puked the most the most humiliating part for me was when we La when we got back because you have to get help out of those airplanes then and there's a ground crew that come up on a ladder and and you have to pass them your bag of puke that was s humiliating thank you yeah I'm going to Twitter a photo I think I better Twitter because it doesn't happen every day with him yes you can I get one I'll get one you go sorry to impose and everything gra I realized we've got other cameras [Applause] here I'm going whoa I feel like I've won a competition to be here three gentlemen on my couch a few weeks ago they were at the Empire film Awards you all got a prize didn't you we all got a prize but here but here's the exciting thing all three of the men also appeared on Empire's sexiest Man of the Year poll we're literally sitting on the pool yeah but where on the pole who was top of the pole hey well I'm 45 which year are we talking here this is the most recent one this the most recent one yeah I'm down I'm way down so to James where do you think you were were you ahead of these two or were you below these good game good game good game came to me first didn't you listen if you could spend 4 hours with me and I could get you drunk I'd be Cy that pole but um but no say all right I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to hedge my I'm going to be humble I'm going to see last and you're right he [Applause] [Music] doesn't you guys it's over I can tell you according to my wife you are not the bottom of that list my wife has a serious crash on James oh really yeah serious wow actually serious no you were 16th you were 16th but so you two what do you reckon what do you reckon James who was top of these I'm going to go third and what you think oh the old man on the end here I'm I'm seeing two second or fifth that's what I'm seeing oh that's nice you you saying second and fifth second or fifth for you and I'm seeing third definitely for him that's very good it's correct I like it you're wrong right I'll tell you now who was ninth I was going to say ninth and I was going to say sixth no he's not sixth third no good five thank you he's he's eighth what but can I just say and this is no offense to the man cuz I do like him enormously but the whole poll is made a mockery of cuz apparently Benedict Cumberbatch is the first no I'm sorry look at that couch look at that couch Ben com back he's a very nice man he's a very good actor but no there's a lot of cumber where were you where were you I was at home reading and when I say read sexy right I understand no I read a lot too don't worry tweet but sweet tweet do I can we show the picture of your dog yeah pleas oh this is adorable this is Jessica's dog wearing the gold medal Mila you know that room could do with a table I don't know if you've lived there long but just an occasional something okay maybe a rug just something that's where she does her situps yeah she looks cute though she does cuz RI Ricky you just you tweet pictures of your yourself I've got a dog you're but you're trying to look as horrible as possible is that the idea it's a hobby is it yeah and I think this may be the winner the good news is you're unrecognizable but the bad news is it is [Applause] you I do yeah how do you do that they're called bath piics just me in the bath I do I do one every now and again and I I'm honestly I'm prouder of that than the office I want to see a bath pick everyone here has got to do a bath pick tomorrow promise I'll do one okay yeah yeah I promise as well I don't I don't really have any means [Music] of you can do it you can do it you don't it's good for you you just don't TW I haven't yet no too cool for school no don't have anything that good to say all the time I welcome to Twitter I don't know you know i' I just don't know if you got to play by those rules the popes just joined I know but that's the thing that's what I loved about that is that I am now less current than the Pope I am now technologically behind the Catholic Church yeah he hasn't tweeted yet though he hasn't tweeted yet now he's um he's building up building up his I hope he does that my time it's Jessica [Applause] be hello so nice oh oh all very welcome to my sofa hello hello hi hi look at them now all Smiley and happy do you know what Jessica be were so pleased you're back because we honestly didn't think you might ever come back on the show I was a little love no the last time afraid of the last experience we had yeah there was a very drunk Mickey RoR beside her no cuz we are all Dog Club in fact your dogs look a bit like that dog you little dogs they do they really do little dogs my dogs look like that but I have nothing in my house that looks like this yeah yeah and I but now there's a weird connection between the two of you no there's a very good connection just she she doesn't know it yet but now what I was going to say the connection between you is one of your dogs one of your dogs you rescued it when it got a nail in its head no um that was Bella Loca good connection and how weird is this yes go I just did a movie but we haven't finished it yet where I get a nail in my head well I was just you're you're you're really not that good-looking I would just take you back to the pound just dropped me off different tack this is this is like a master class if that doesn't work try being really rude yeah oh really yeah it was quite an experience no you were brilliant with it though cuz I think like another person might have freaked out but you were very calm I was internally crapping myself oh it was so crazy but the thing is I did think afterwards you cope with it very well but then you're a beautiful woman you must kind of get H on by you know people all the time no no that that is completely not true at all this is my this is my not hello hello I'm looking forward to meeting Bradley Cooper I think he's I think he's great all right all right you will he's he's fit he is is I'll just move over so you guys can see inide years down the line you'll just be you ain't going anywhere acting drunk I mean how how did you prepare to act drunk well you don't want to act drunk you want to act like you're not drunk you are drunk so you're trying to act like you're not instead of just you know staggering around he he he was pretty Lucid you know which was even more frightening I mean he's he's drunk flying the plane and I heard you talking about you you watched uh people on YouTube to see how drunks behave is that right yeah you can YouTube drunks you can't you just YouTube drunks and there's there's one guy who takes about 10 minutes to put one shoe on oh well we read about that we found that found it we found we also found I think he's leaving an Aldi right and uh he he has to go through a sliding door okay here here he is so doing well first one not a problem not a problem okay okay I'm nearly out I'm nearly [Applause] [Music] out now we have the one you talked about the guy with I think this is the one the one with the sand is a sand yeah he's trying to put a sandal on he's trying to put a sandal on at some Festival here he is here he is yeah well this should be easy oh yeah okay no just nice it's like the story of the good Samar this poor guy he's getting an arm there you go now now just if you just stand up there you go oh you're all you're all good oh oh [Applause] oh hello lady right over to the yeah that L that was my favorite one may be giving you your next film okay yeah because there is a website called simply Daniel Radcliffe fan fiction okay okay and what happens on here wow is great is it have you have you been to this yet Dan um I actually didn't go on it I was somebody um well don't worry we're bringing you here now okay so there you are Unleash Your Heart To The World of Radcliff simp D fiction right here we go so this one's this one's called Cabin Fever okay here's the the here's the Maggie is a president of her own clothing line Mystique clothing she's taking some time off for a summer vacation when she shows up Daniel rli has taken her cabin now they have to share the cabin and Maggie doesn't like him at all brilliant way I'm not it's not even like I like the way it's not even like fantasy fiction it's it's what it's what what it would be like if we met and they hated me no no I don't like him much I don't like him hypothetical I like that's the that's you grow to love each other I'm sure these are just little syop yeah this one's called distant Hearts Casey's in love with Daniel who's 2 years younger than her she do anything for him but when he wants to break up with her she runs off and gets hit by a car that might be the whole film or maybe you teach her to walk again something like that yeah I'm not sure uh Grace this is solo this solo Grace traveled down the lonely winding road to an old crossed off apartment building she opened the door covered with police tape walks inside and he's the gentle summon of an acoustic God I don't like myself in any of this not to worry they love you in all of them okay very quickly very quickly uh Sierra and clares are best friends they are both dancers one's a professional dancer the other's an exotic dancer they are both in love with Daniel ret which one will he choose uh It's Tricky they very special thank you everybody who um who writes them we thought we'd freak him out by putting in oh have you done one no we can put one in oh come on okay so come on come on so uh let's make it about uh you and Jessica you and Jessica okay so what should we call it something Olympic something Olympic um Olympic horn no Olympic World Daniel Daniel is a an astronaut and he wants to start a new Cony of people so he finds the perfect woman oh wait wait wait I've write this down okay this is great Olympic Daniel wants to find this perfect woman I've got to put authors in yet hang on don't put my name to this don't you dare put my name to this a professional [Applause] writer cliff and Graham noron it's my show okay so the story is so what is it so Dan's an astronaut he's an astronaut but he realizes that Earth has only got a few years so he's got he's got to go to another planet and start the human race again hang on I thought he got the spaceman cuz I can't spell off Daniel is a Spaceman he is starting another world world so he brings the perfect woman it's called Adam and leave oh uh this uh will they be able to breathe his co-pilot given to him oh is Lieutenant Norton yes who has other [Applause] plans I'm submitting it I'm submitting it h ad story there we go lovely that'll be on the site now just enjoy that written by all of us Helena your fans are rather they send you things they do send me things I'm absolutely CP at answering and F You' brought in a piece that I did bring in a piece somebody that I've read in the last week I apologize to anybody who sent me something but I did beautifully that it's very nicely done it's beautiful that some a fan has made this and it's called 25 things Helena bonam Carter has taught me and it's things like you know um uh the best outfits don't have to match very nice to believe in yourself um differ is good always be trueu to yourself follow your heart and don't judge others that's good I was put to think like oh I'm I'm doing a service I'm feel better that's nice until number 17 and then get down to number 17 what hel B Carter has taught me that it's okay to have short thick legs told me cuz I got all of my own and my friend J said like just read it make you feel good I said like the but I she hadn't read it all and I said like okay I said oh and then I just I never said it was okay to have short the legs and now I've obviously you know but maybe you think she means that I have once or maybe I'm making her feel okay about hers yeah let's go with that I think so yeah let's go with that and anyway if I have made short thick legs fashionable then I've done something really helpful don't you think for female yes yeah and uh Michael BL I love I love reading about your fans because your fans are proper F like people faint when they meet you don't they well a couple of times it happened I mean I'm not like a One Direction guy where they they just faint all the time in front of but yeah I've had weird things and it's embarrassing for them I feel horrible for them and I can see it happening too and it's happened it happened salts I'm smelling salts well then I couldn't slap them awake but yeah I mean you can see it happening too because they get and you know what it isn't it's not like the freak out of like the Beatles freak out of oh my God it's more like they I'm talking to them and I say oh thank you so much and then I can see it in their eye that they're socially anxious and and they like oh my gosh I can't believe in that and then you can see them fading and all of a sudden it's but sometimes your fans can be very direct what was it did the fan whisper something to you or oh God this is horrible but I this is just we give you an insight into who I really am and how gigantic my ego is that I was at ass signing at a book like a book store or you know record story and this girl came up and she was very hot and she was about 18 19 years old and she uh she looked at me with these very sexy eyes and she said like oh Michael she said does your penis give lessons and uh I was so happy about this you don't even know uh and I had my publicist with me and I looked at her and I said hey Liz I said you know this lady just asked me if my penis give lessons and this girl looked at me with the anger and she said I said does your pianist give lessons [Applause] I don't hear what I want to hear oh God so it really does give you Insight so just be careful what you say to me but uh flight and your performance in it is phenomenal it's extraord you can so see why you got nominated for the Oscar so tell us about your character tell us about the story he is a pilot who has a bit of a drinking problem and uh there's potentially catastrophic problem with the plane and he crash lands the plane and and then is considered a hero uh but he really starts spiraling downward with with more and more drink and and and people don't know about it and he's he's a mess and uh it's [Laughter] comedy you so
Channel: Denise F
Views: 439,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 5), graham norton funny moments, graham norton compilation, graham norton funniest guests, old graham norton show, graham norton full episodes, graham norton 2017, graham norton funny compilation, full graham norton episodes, graham norton denise f
Id: 9EEyelDWoug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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