Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 6)

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in a Star Trek target is one of those eight in hat the Trekkies the bands like Chris your fans have a name they're called pine nuts Benedict what are your fans called the Kumbha collective that is not what we call better good comeback well I you know this is BBC one you can say if you want but I'm not gonna say well tumbler [ __ ] do call themselves I don't think they meant to offend themselves when they call them that don't worry about you know where feminism has been set back but there we go yeah right sis now on Twitter talk to your fans do your fans up and know you Kim a name like alligators or something or we came up with katralla Gators give me Cassie's kimba seals for that quite rude katralla Gators like I'm not sure that's gonna catch on but yeah a neutron Queen but that is quite clever quite a few fans in tonight I know and some of them seriously have traveled from afar so let's see who is the most bird fan who's traveled the farthest so if you've travelled to see the guys tonight and put your hands up behind ZUP who quite a few quite a few looks ready with two hands up up there what's your name Anna Anna and now you are a comer [ __ ] your point not yes yeah why not everybody [Applause] well and Kent [Music] she is crazy about you Chris I mean it'll be ten o'clock before she told not to keep your hands up keep your hands up without foot oh hello hello send up you come from Kent okay oh yeah maybe that's hand up too hard way from high from Germany did you come from Germany I came I took a 20-hour buzz words too familiar with Kent vote you sang them singing in Germany 20 hours into the are you were are you well let's try and guess I'm saying come a bit you are come a bit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you you started you started something now so where are you from [Applause] [Applause] [Music] our direct flight from Hong Kong to here and I fi five days annually from the work to see [Applause] [Applause] it's not 20 hours on a bus you said there was wine [Music] who else Germany sir another Germany lesson did you fire boss and Nebraska Nebraska and or will you drop something in April so now do you live here no you flew in specially for Nebraska yeah no you didn't did you really all in Nebraska for this big pine nuts [Applause] okay [Applause] hello sorry yes cook you don't have that hello where are you from Japan no how did you fly in from Japan right especially okay so this is it Japan is demands further than Hong Kong isn't it yeah okay so so Japan and you're here for combo [ __ ] or pine nuts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he just kissed one of my [ __ ] have a nice Venn diagram of pine [ __ ] maybe oh just join forces there's no reason for them not to be friends well they'll be Trekkies now yeah that'll be another big family okay because you you know you carry with you a fanbase quite an intense fanbase and on stage you know they're there you're exposed to them yeah because the neck was they were able to sit on the stage we were those well there were a few people that would there were a couple of strange experiences a neck was one was a group of girls who came in basically at the back of the stage on Equus that was raised seating so the people could sort of look down on us from above as well as being out front and and I I was on stage the whole time so I even if I wasn't in the scene I will just go and sit and the part of the stage and I did my first scene and I went and sat down and waited while they were doing the old scene and about ten seconds go by and then I just hear this voice up in the seats on stage just going damn look at us I mean and they kept us for the entire first act they were talking to me say something to us so I was like I was just I mean I very rarely get angry at or like audience members but I was I came off like please have the moved send them to the second Harper Phantom but yeah and then there was also a woman who tried to slightly cook tried to proposition me through she sent me a letter that said I'm basically said I'm in town for the weekend I was like 18 or 19 at this point and I'm in town for the weekend I'll be staying in this hotel in this hotel room I'm coming to see the show on such-and-such a night and then there was a thing at the bottom of the note which just said like seat six rosy red scarf she hasn't seen the picture of the horns I don't think this is the type of woman that would care about it was that she I was living with my parents at the time so my dad was the one that got the letter [Music] [Applause] but did you see her - you must have checked her out I did you know what I really I I i did on estilo I didn't say I didn't I didn't see her okay you know it's a sitcom about an Irish housewife and her family nope unless you want to know so a lot of these are relations yes yes I'm a firm believer in nepotism yeah so friends now that start that up is my window cleaner Oh worse 25 years ago but he wasn't they didn't came lame when there was a window cleaner and one of the first gigs I did was a rat waiting gin and I will lay bare putting the gear in the van and he start carrying out stuff anyone looked at me to explain whatsoever [Applause] I just think it's hilarious I need English subtitles and then your daughter is your wife yes yes that gets weird yes who's your mommy who's your mommy [Laughter] here's wini wini is your sister winning like she has what she says she is what was the level it was my can't remember them all Grayson my son plays Buster that's your dog's name yeah your family is very large so the people who aren't in it must be very pissed off we mean I didn't a family around in the show are doing the show [ __ ] them [Applause] honest to god you laugh but you do I cried it's really sweet it's very sweet it's very funny and it's very it's what do people expect but all the course jokes at all the rude jokes it's very Irish yeah in that in that you know we we don't do just straight comedy in order we do come and you with pathos so if you're gonna have a bit of fun you want to go to an Irish funeral and then we thought of a crow and let me have a laugh again so it's it's it's that kind of structure to it you know I don't think he can have one without the other but I love that she always led some say she that she's somebody else's swear to God to me she always asked him off the hook you know there's a scene on the bridge where the mother-daughter thing yeah meet you and I knew it was me in a dress but that at the end where she just you know when she says Sophie's Choice and then I know it's very good and also for me I just it's like almost like a love letter to Dublin well thanks that's really intended ooh look Ireland's getting a bit of a bad time at the moment you know we're getting a bit about press about finance and things and how things are going et cetera but Dublin is a beautiful scene it's a really warm city thanks very much Cheryl and and is one of my favorite places you like goes on your [ __ ] and I will [Applause] mrs. Brown you talked about this about how she's been inspired by lots of women growing up yeah you knew but particularly your own mom yeah I mean I well is it your America and were you from where I live now and they've no problem understanding me or later in the book tourism they'd always ask me the most bizarre questions and one of the questions they would ask is is mrs. Brown based on your woman I used to say no and I used to say no I know she's not you know and then I start to realize actually she is my mom was very well educated thanks to that nun she was a nun my life as a nun had 11 kids so obviously she was right to doubt our vocation because it tasted a nun she got an education she really good and she ended up with a bachelor's degree from from Galway University and I think if Agnes hadn't had that education yeah there would be very similar my momma had that same kind of kind of wisdom can they just tell you I used to I loved a Turing in America because I can tell them all the liars and they believe them all and they actually believed I remember was me sir Sir listen yes she quit what is bollocks [Laughter] [Laughter] really American you're done Johnson eleven kids a two-bedroom house yeah I mean that's how did they have sex well we knew the sign was me mother used to say Jerry it was me Dad Jerry I think you need to peel me corn the corn and the next thing that was another brother you know every kid but she was just she was quite an extraordinary woman that and she was a woman's woman and she came out of the convent she went to teach and when she married me dancing she married him only because he could dance and she she got fired because in Ireland that that state at that time you couldn't if you were a civil servant and a married woman you couldn't work as a civil servant so she said I'm gonna have an that she joined the Union changed that law and then got elected to Parliament and and then work became the Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs became the chief party whip she changed a lot of laws she was a fascinating woman and she was you know when she when she retired from politics she had a few Bob so we were convinced we were in the bring the lolly but she didn't she she bought a couple of houses and turned them into a home for better waves and for homeless children in which we all volunteered and we had well worked in so it was a good grounding to see her at me and she's no she's dead and don't waste it she was a para house of a woman and she was a woman for change and she she she taught me something more important than than anything else first of all don't be afraid and it's one good reason to shout so much you're never afraid you speaking more that's great thing fair lady and she told me never to be afraid don't be afraid to fail don't be afraid to succeed most of all don't be afraid to try and it's not what you have it's what you do with what you have and that goes for money as well you'd love to hear at your mom because you know because of cuz you are this industry now that you got really just take a day off can't you can't just oh now I've been on a part that bender [Applause] [Music] yeah now I finished my Europe in UK tour last Thursday and it was non-stop - until about this morning really glad you're happy you get to enjoy it all because everyone talked about all the pressure of a second album bla bla bla bla bla so how did you cope with that particularly when all the songs are so emotional that's quite a please - oh really I'm pretty oblivious to everything that goes on in the world really yeah I was just desperate to write I broke up my boyfriend's and I wanted to write an album and I did start getting it worries because that everyone thought it's sort of what kind of not delivering of their second album and they're artists that I love so I just start to [ __ ] myself and then I think it was a timing and luck and I think the Brit Awards performance had a massive thing to do with it people seemed to really like it that was done I thought I was reading outta tune at the end up crying so it's alright it was interesting that the songs can touch you yeah still on pizza have you spoken to him a little bit like we're alive every now and then on Facebook like everyone else I have just been stalking all of my ex-boyfriends new girlfriend because some of them don't realize they haven't like set privacy settings on their photograph so the prophets using the paparazzi follow you all the time now pretty much is that a nightmare yeah it's horrible but most the time I do get away with it life haven't got my lashes and hair up I can kind of get away with things but the other day I popped into an off-licence and and within two seconds there were like 30 paps outsides how does that happen I don't know I don't know I don't call him was it was it this week was it this week you had the the wardrobe malfunction yeah thing because no please tell me no paparazzi no and luckily there's a bus stop full of people and luckily they didn't recognize me by woken up and I had a really embarrassing encounter with someone when I woke up and then this is really random sorry I left the house to go to go buy some milk and stuff like that and I had it was a hot day and I had this weird dressed poncho thing on that had no arms and was only on me around my neck and I went out and I didn't have time to like kind of it was tip out here no it didn't have time to put anything on and then I got the wind come through whooping my dress around 1:00 [Laughter] wait [Applause] that's my next series okay but I've seen a towel naked though it was me believable now in terms of engagements five years is that a long engagement I feel like a lot could go wrong in four five-year engagement you know what I mean I'd dump him if it was five years ago I feel like laughter - laughter - should get another room just like stacking them up how long were you engaged for just a year see that it already seems quite a long time well it's not really because you're trying to plan out and then it's schedules and all that stuff are you more of a sort of just go to Vegas and get it done that guy make it sound like a tattoo you're a terrific show this already stressed she's polite ill the fire on already what listen you sit there and keep calm and young lady too much water you bad now listen in terms of engagements we know that there's an engaged couple in the audience right so we thought we might try and spot them essentially I think we're looking for a smug woman and a worried man so let's see if we can spot couples let's see what's going on let's see so lots of lay oh look they're holding hands you know that is that with that but well I didn't know it's 2012 so are you with them yeah well you know it's a nice jumper yes yeah okay but you're sure you're not engaged are you no you're too young children I don't seven months they're happy how long have you been friends yeah about a yet very drunk tonight fun one Matthew yeah that won't work they won and Matthew are coming for dinner okay possibly send up some up two of you go okay what do you think so far very to believe a couple play oh yes my name's Christina mark bacon be Christine and Mark yeah do you know each other yes I'm at that is he here yes we're done in the next one mr. Sennett kosher fiance right you are thank you maybe next year maybe when did you get engaged Christmas Day last year oh what a cheap gift but lovely and where did you meet we met actually on chatroulette two years ago okay you live here I'm from Austria you're for Austria Yeah right okay Christina's dad she's engaged married to a man she better be internet from Austria bad father lovely couple and next year you're getting married yeah Oh long happy loves do you vote very good this is Nico I know this is what you're terrible or gaseous it wasn't intended to well he wears glasses okay the idea was his signature look is quite known and he wears big thick glasses it kind of look like aviators in the end yeah my bad but then a hawk because I think he's got a really special heart yeah my initials cuz I did the tattoo oh is that your initials at the end CC oh you trying to get the pen to work [Applause] now Cheryl very quickly you've got to say we are delighted you're back doing the x-factor I mean they've been to you but I guess the question why are you doing it why have you said yes now that Simon's back I mean honestly I just couldn't stand any more of the groveling it was uncomfortable filming already yeah we did the two days in Manchester already I'm all right yeah feels like I've never been away a little bit of frost Oh Louie gone Louie well we've never been on to be honest my mother has made these this morning and I have to do she's made some cupcakes and their royal wedding cupcakes for Graham Norton and they've caused quite a lot of controversy in the Whitehall household because my dad was like you never make me cupcake they said that's because you're not a national treasure Michael and so these are viewed we do Grammy love Hillary are these poison well they kill oh look we've got two kinds there's a I heart Kate I heart will okay there's another will there is another will [Music] I'll have mine later - it's a beautiful sofa everyone looks great yeah thanks but you do look mate it's always weird when someone has lost weight to talk about it cuz it always it is it rude for people to comment on it or no it's not I mean I get all kinds of reactions or do you look like so if you have Jennifer Hudson's face I get that all the time and I just keep going again I don't what to be rude but like how much we have you I have lost well weeks seyton pounds I've lost 80 pounds that's like Victoria Beckham in a half that's not what's that in the six stones secret stone is singing person wow that is a lot that's yeah God are you hungry no so well here I go are you hungry would you like something ah no but really I can't I can't eat anything I like it's about balance we're having like a Weight Watchers meeting now so anyway guys it's about everything you eat I mean I've tried no I'm sure I've tried I've tried to do the Atkins I tried that well you don't need any carbohydrates at all and it's just it's it's not everyone's tried it you know you don't eat any bread and I had no bread for three days and I started to actually sort of get a bit dizzy and then I had no bread for two weeks and I SaLuSa nating about break everybody see bread bread play the piano every key is a little mini buggy [Applause] dogs barking actually going insane actually crap in the end I licked the breadcrumbs off a chicken Kiev what's amazing what's amazing you know you want an auskey won a Grammy but it did all begin with you coming 717 American Idol season 3 yep cuz you must have been gutted when you got kicked off you must have thought well that's the end of that there well I just felt like if I walked away with my voice then that that's what got me to American Idol so even be eliminated so long as I keep that in keep singing I'll get there eventually that's what I thought who was the one in that year Fantasia okay so she's still doing okay yes didn't win an Oscar this is done okay yeah I'm just interested in the process of it because you know we see the people auditioning for Simon and Paula and Randy back then so how many auditions have you done before you get into that room with them say that the thing that the public does not know is you go through like three different auditions before you get to Simon Paula and Randy well now Jennifer Lopez and boy on the stage but um and so by the time you get to that point a lot of the people are already brainwashed because they told them keep doing what you're doing so when you get to that point and then they get that that was fabulous and then when you get before the judge it's the real judges they're like no that wasn't good and that's why I like the people are very surprised because you go through like two stages before you get to them that's where the bad people bad people go crazy because I like both and they're caught off guard because they were told they were fabulous up until you you know till they got to that point it's kind of like the music business then pretty much [Laughter] and idler any of those shows ever asked to cover your songs no would you really you wouldn't do you disapprove or do you just not want to be involved I don't really believe in American Idol I know but but I can tell you that jenna rods is one of the finest singers there is I can tell you because that is how we found like do you think you would have she would have found her way there just because of that I mean the fact that she came in seventh but I just the the fact that these like first of all you would never find Joni Mitchell or Bob Dylan on American Idol they would never want it would have never I just think that you know having Americans taste kind of modeled from three or people or a system based from Simon Cowell's mind yeah it's not necessarily that good so what was the that it is extraordinary so there you are you get the boot from American Idol what was how long was it then till you were stood there holding an oscar was it 2 or 3 years it wasn't even I gotta be white veneers well maybe two years is about to use I mean that's phenomenal thank you there you are with your own 22 on American Idol and maybe 25 when I won the Oscar Wow and I love the story because I hope fickle showbiz to say so you get the Oscar and then by the time you got to the Vanity Fair party Oh what the picture on the table yeah that's it I was worse dressed papers were already I made the worst and best list in the same year probably the male and the female to where American Idol and the Simon Cowell is good because he prepares you for those kind of things like he's very critical and you know he shows you the bitter side of the industry just as well as the rest of the judges shows you the positive side so before then I might not have been prepared to say Oh Alan were stressed and I just won an Oscar you know me but it kind of prepares you for how the industry is what was the fantasy fair party was it anjelica huston you had a oh thanks scrim no it's all right it's just and actually I think it was backstage in the dressing rooms that I tried to redeem myself so I was really drunk at the Vanity Fair party you know I I feel this affinity with crows and you know so I I have an affinity for crows and I kind of fancy myself a crow so I was very drunk party and I saw Angelica Houston who I love I love her work and I thought to myself she's a crow I like the way the mind works with lines yeah so I walked up to Angelica Houston I went I'm a crow too were cold no preamble yeah right so but but she was on a show in this building one time I was here and I went up to her and I said Angelica I just got to say I'm really kind of really embarrassed about what I said to you at the Vanity Fair part she was like what then it always it was too late I was already bought into the story I had to tell her so she's fully sober I had to tell her recount the story again what's weird is what an interesting life she must lead if she didn't remember KD Lang coming up to her crow - yeah yeah well yeah I get that a lot welcome welcome all listen we mustn't go a month further without saying huge congratulations to you Michael Buble is gonna be a baby daddy [Applause] she never has to do it again now the backstage that it was truly there was nothing sexy about the sex it was oh come on no and my wife is so beautiful but it wasn't like that it was she was like very like you know I'm my East 9 o'clock on Tuesday night and we must do it now I didn't feel like that I felt like I was just like used to be a little humping guy thing where you have to turn to you because the doctors say pull my legs up in the air and I would say it and she you know she was saying like I have to pee how long has it been and I say like I don't know it's been like 15 minutes we got five more minutes to go which is too late new mother I need to be like what is the accent that you've done when you speak when she talked to me or Santino yeah like exactly in Arjuna she's just the most enormous star she's like they're chibi like in it like if you look at like say the Jennifer Aniston of a regular beautiful so when I started with her they hate because I don't think they like me very much I like was the ugly fat Canadian boy that came to steal the princess that blue color this is that suit yeah yeah thank you for the jacket right there is looking and saying how the did he get her no here's my favorite videos if you're sitting at home watching the show and you're feeling a bit bloated yeah 4 months pregnant there yeah are you sure she's pregnant and I just hope it's mine Oh Mike she's killing me ma'am she's like Juanita because she's a she's so we fight about the names and like see I don't know I mean I'm she thinks that like so names that sound beautiful in Spanish like shall say to me like you know I use a good name Mike dirt dirt Buble and I'll say you know I don't think dirt means what do you think that you know it's beautiful in Spanish it sounds so good like dirt I just assumed she'd be saying the Spanish for dirt no just the word never like don't like restrains him she like like en and like honey Ellen you CLE blaze Yellin I know he would be able to spell that at school you gotta think about the Play services a nice thing i I like men yeah great it's a strong name great you know great Buble Greg Merson a Spanish accent for Graham - oh come on little jacket on come on back auto transport acknowledged can people take pictures but they also want you to talk to people yeah so do you still do that yeah sure now what do you say to them like well they they just well cat you or sometimes it's hard to hear yeah because there's music and sometimes a lot of people but they just want to say hello they'll say hello and then hope the premieres going well and tell me stories like you know yeah busy look would you be up for this if we got okay so if you know someone who'd like to talk to Tom Cruise turn your phone are the first person who gets through to someone are you really - already know you've one ring the person get through so first person through first person through is anyone talking to anyone what you are over there okay okay are you really no you're not you still dialing okay we got something lots of it okay okay okay okay what's what's what's your name my name's Judith Judith hello is this Judith's mom Gwen okay hang on Gwen hang on okay the next voice you hear Gwen it's gonna be mr. Tom Cruise okay hello Gwen how you doing good yeah I really am yeah I hope you enjoy it where are you now you have another daughter Tina Tina he's a good for Tina Tina how are you what are you doing did you have dinner already what you guys have what did you have Oh pizza to the dirty talk yeah we are we're having a good time yeah would you like to talk to Gerard Butler hang out here yes yeah hey when Tom said I hope you enjoy it what were you doing [Laughter] [Applause] right there nobody can hear you just tell me Oh guys even worse than I imagined all right well I'm gonna let you finish up very good I'll give it back at the at the end all right yeah okay somebody call back
Channel: Denise F
Views: 602,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 6), graham norton compilation, funny graham norton momentss, funny graham norton guests, old graham norton episodes, new graham norton 2017, graham norton full episodes, new graham norton show, graham norton denise f, long graham norton clips, chris pine on graham norton
Id: Wql02uKtsKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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