Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 16)

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to go back to you and your acting cuz what is it very people couldn't do what you do in that you know you are in in serious dramas I mean you're in the oscar-winning crash gods and monsters you know serious films but then you don't just you action you do kind of quite slapstick II I do not [Applause] so what's your question I was going to ask which you enjoy I think that was the answer but a selection of the people who got the most votes here right so this is at number one and this is Melanie there's Melanie love now now leave it right so now how many votes do you think Melanie got how many people in the audience gave her their token how many [Applause] you get this for free you get this for free let's see how many she got to does she seem prettier than that ig6 cuter than that can I ask the point of this game you'll see it's an English if well item you'll see right so here's the next one the next one is who is that sha sha that there sha now do we think this is the point of the game do we think sha is higher or lower [Laughter] [Applause] we'll take nowhere higher I thought this is a very nice game let's see a nice [Applause] [Applause] happiest char is lovely right who's next tour Tina oh now Georgina she's getting for us right - Tina stand up swing Kashani there and now do we think Georgina higher or lower [Applause] Oh baby pictures let's see let's see and she's all lower you still do very well what this is a heinous game this is Patrick this Patrick [Applause] you see cats it but even very well now how do you do before did he do higher or lower let's go alright next one up is Ross what's Ross higher or lower than two [Applause] let's see how our are you arrived late where's it was Paul Paul Paul Paul [Applause] well he has to be high so we're just yeah [Applause] yeah that's not more than you got more than one didn't you let's see [Applause] laughs applause up is call his car whoo now is called higher or lower [Applause] hi if you say hi hi hi here we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm in there because courtesy I'm heartened ugly friends at sit prayer you've won a week for two and a luxury hotel in Cyprus obviously a good way to tell someone that you fancied them you can't pick up an arm you tell this way so we think live national vision is just as good as a newspaper so we got some people in our audience to describe people that they wanted to meet so it's Eleanor eileen eileen hello hello what's your name na Ellen Ellen Ellen right I'm see this me the quirky Welch Pixy you the gray-haired juggler at Covent Garden Piazza so a gray-haired juggler the Kabul garden area hmm well we care so we have a little scout route seriously we did do this we've got a scout round in the common garden area we've rounded up as many gray-haired streets we could buy so let's see if we found a fork now think if you're going that side but don't don't say if it's him let's see them all and then you can see if we found him I thought I really hope we do have found him let's just go out and have a look oh look I love these now I would say actually that's quite ever with a bowling ball all right let's go on to the next one okay know that well is that where don't say anything don't say anything hello [Music] [Laughter] fingers crossed fingers crossed is he there so we go the other way him yeah I've seen him before you've seen them all before it's a circle yes now what's your name sir can you hear me yes look at my name's Andy Andy well another secret admirer in the studio so I gather yes so would you like to come and meet your secret admirer okay you pack the clogs and air and and follow up follow one of the people there with keys and they'll bring you to the studio all right see the man Andy come with me everybody [Applause] taking on a bathroom a cameraman has got the best job in television it's on us of course so Jimmy we've got a cure women they're waiting at we laughed its bed we've got a bed you see there's little Bluff into that am i competing with you to chat women up no shame maybe too much for me yeah we're just trying to laughs woman its bed and bamboo okay so short of time so we're gonna limit you to just very sort of thing like three words or less to make these humans smile get them into bed they only have to smile I could get it out if you want them to laugh yes in the days obviously before the lubrication price entered your life yeah if you saw a woman yeah at a bar yes would you ever give a signature look oh yeah dude all right here we go so are you ready yeah yeah okay so first lady are on you come right what's he smiling already yeah get into bed you're smiling okay that turns up up from primark Club it's usable now is easy to no profit all Susan Boyle sister Rimmer's death smart casual was the code oh it's the lady from earlier the Welsh woman I can't take you seriously coz when you got up earlier you're okay anything real Oh would you like to be part of our budget Pirelli calendar of the 1980s called them they want that back pop your tops off we've got a photo to go very exciting because we're where is she word has reached me that a sexy gray-haired juggler okay so we've got a juggler the juggler come in here he is [Music] [Applause] the closely looking for the slightest of as a quirky Welch pixie the no speaking ladies so scan the bed and see if you can spot a quirky welch pixie it could be any of them glasses house okay and pylon who do you think it is well this one here's very nice [Applause] I'm in London is that what you chose London did you thought you'd carry less back no we were originally supposed to do it in New York and whenever just things happen and all of a sudden they're gonna call them said how about lunch and I said yeah sure I didn't think about it and then next thing I know I'm here and you know everyone's driving on the wrong side of the road you know exactly you drink [Laughter] drink that's a wonderful thing yeah because there was that there was that thing in the Sun I'm sure you saw that as well I was great it's not like we were dancing before the show he took me to the took me to the ivy and we were there till about they wrote we were there till 4:00 it wasn't just me and him there's other people there [Laughter] don't think you need you to add bats got me round and round and drink till I finally decided to do a show smart mobile phone I do yes actually got it here and did you ever you would cover a phone book II thing yes names you press me who's the most famous person you could phone nasty look can you see select you'd be put a name in its maybe just God letter there's Jill Goldman this is easy Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Oh lovely yeah hi bro shut up having him cuz he's in America not stupid as it sounds really is it but the thing is mobile phones are I think the sort of technology equivalent of Diaries now cuz they do contain all sorts of Secrets and things so tonight I've impounded all the audience's phones just me look all over here in a lovely display a lovely lovely display yes here are the audience's own mobile phones I'm gonna use them to arbitrarily find out who is the most popular person on the show boys this one's very sweet but they've made it so thin and you think how I'm making it rather fat this one begins loser at Lola Phillips alright actually why don't you come out into the aisle be easier hello hi now we've gone into your memory and a name has come up Carlton yeah what's Carleton friend Lewis console friend he was a friend yes what are you gonna do with him could be phone him now loner I don't know he's gonna be his numbers here he died when you left him in your memory how many rules I've noticed over the years I've taken the number out okay you hold on to that juvenile books like this is very annoying technology has gone so far and yet these mobile phones don't work in here we tried subdue so I'm going to use this one hello crispy - Carlton please oh isn't he is this called his mother yeah oh hello I'm calling from a show called sir Graham Norton on Channel four and you actually all on the television now is that okay you're talking we're talking to a friend of Carlton's and she she gave us is his number and we just want to talk to cartoon about about his friends friend yes my name is Graham Norton where is Stuart Poulter short Poulter you all don't your phone now there's a name come up on yours when I pressed it says Darren yeah who's Darren brother brother okay can i phone you can tell my brother how old your brother 24 and now we ask is he younger or older older he's older [Applause] [Music] hello Darren I'm with Georgia brother my name is Graham Norton I'm calling from the television and you're sort of speaking on the television now right now there is a prize at stake force depending on your answers and how popular would you say Stewart is yeah that's so popular you can't believe it your policeman I am PC Darren doesn't that fight thing does it no PC Darren's come and why do you why is it do you think that the Stuart is so much more popular than you are nice guy very Chafee is polite nice guy to be around is everything a brother could [Applause] I believe the most popular person here without doubt officer now Stuart sorapus you receive a grand prize a unique prize yes with the seal the seal on your popularity yes this is very good I think we are going to get Lorraine Kelly and Stephen Fry to record a personal answer phone message for you [Music] [Applause] names yours and he's not in right now hello I'm Lorraine Kelly and I'm talking on behalf of Stuart who's not here right now he's off doing something a lot more interesting yes this is Stephen Fry the young stud muffin is with me and I've got the rest of the day and you can have you back sometime later when you might try calling in back thank you very much [Applause] no you know I mean monkeys I know I can't I will not work with monkeys at all ever again because if they get frustrated for instance then they disappear up into the rafters and start pulling a set apart and masturbating you saw on that picture that one oh yeah that one you little [ __ ] no he's actually he's wearing a fur bikini because he's got a perpetual erection them a little fur bikini to put on [Applause] [Laughter] you ticked off and what he was doing he's you know he pulled part of the hairpiece off well that's not good and then he got really angry with me and he climbed up and went how to wank somewhere good actors do we talked briefly about Baltimore but and you do make all the films of your Center yeah and we were looking for things in Baltimore yes we thought that if that'll be fun and we found a website right that does speed to Baltimore but it's kind of better than that assumably this is an English person who put this together mm-hmm and it's just called rude restaurants of America right but Minges Bar and Grille come in your well yeah knob town liquor well so my god I've got Fannie's restaurants I haven't eaten in and it bought more zone and I wonder did you know this there is a benders tavern have a bender that one no but I'd in London today saw a place called the bomb hole I went by I thought good that does it mean the same thing here what a bunghole yeah what's a bunghole you don't know what bunghole wing is but it's anal sex that's what that in America I saw a restaurant called that I thought could this be today I'm not making this up it's a two-way street I don't know you've got Fannie's oh man they're going oh you're American that is what it means right yeah yeah but what does it mean here and just it means lovely restaurant English is a great language I'd love to see the menu listen what I drink some of these people to see if they know about their names because is bender not a bender they're a bender you mean like getting drunk that's what a bender means in America oh we went on a bender you're talking about bending over no it doesn't mean that that's a bender would bunghole probably okay is a bender the top of the bottom and it's just a kind of generic term gonna be either yeah you decide that you are and then you can go home and discuss it okay so how weird yeah we'll call him up and maybe they know that but benders is probably their family name okay nope well should we call to old benders or old families have no interest in benders talk we're in trouble okay we'll just goes straight Fannie's you will lesbian [Music] show me that menu Oh mani buffet go lady cuz Fanny's a different boss yeah what time is it there always in daytime okay Danny eight home Fanny's busy Oh when we radio I can't hear you sir oh sorry sorry I'm very anxious to reach Fannie's and and I'm not sure I don't think I've eaten at Fanny's before what where exactly is it we're an Amur amherst oh okay and is it easy to get into Fanny's yes we're open you know every single day of the week and you know we were closed for a while but it's for a few months because the place is getting refurbished Fanny's had painters in sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry and so you have you been to Fanny's I haven't been to Fanny's but I next time I go there I certainly liked you I'm not sure so and well thank you very much you've been very helpful I hope okay you and my mother thank you so much ladies you are both women of the world you've been all over the place and there's a lovely geographical website and what it does it like it amuses us per hours of the office and it's very simple it just lists all the kind of place names in the world that are kind of rude right I do not and like you've also rude face things it's very straightforward so like there's an anus in the Batangas Philippines oh what's that beaver crossing was it there's a bomb China Manson naw dongdong funny will imagine being felt smells vermont bad names not like that but you were rush aren't you yes really my parents my grandmother's raped by a Cossack he didn't press charges so do you go back to Russia at all I've been back twice oh wait yes yes well I don't know if you ever went to this place I'm intrigued by it myself where is way down the end here just after a few swallows and moist in in bells risky Kirk a place called vagina now this is childish but I don't know a lot about vagina so absolutely never been there [Applause] basically we don't know how near this is but it's valid all stocks right the other side of Russia so they'll be awake now it's so far away they will be awake so we can call them to a tourist thing and see if he's anything about vagina I want to know okay gosh is far away engage or is that ringing Oh we'll find out the one phone if that is all stop talking I see no telephone hello do you speak do you speak English yeah oh good I am planning to visit Russia and I was very interested in going to vagina okay do you know vagina vagina no no could you find some information on vagina let me look it up on my computer yes it's v eh g AI na in Virginia I feel like 'man sorry I see vageena is that what you're looking for you save Gina I say [Applause] that would be great that'd be great yes that actually join a circus do you plan to stay long in vagina is it nice my computer says the trains a lot there so it's is it pretty I yes very small though and they're beautiful and very very old it sounds like you have a lot of people there yeah we all quite a few people having a bit of a party just planning our trip to Russia maybe oh you want to come to see vagina yeah I think about 10% of this audience would like to see vagina Oh
Channel: Denise F
Views: 183,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 15) by Denise F, graham norton funny moments, graham norton funny compilation, graham norton funniest guests, graham norton funniest audiance, graham norton 2017, graham norton denise f
Id: u6hWwwFB89k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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