Grab your mop! - Space Quest V - The Next Mutation: Part 1

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I'm so ready for this

Edit: Forgot to come back, this episode was great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RinneganUser πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I want Dan to play some Lucasarts adventure games so badly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tronz413 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was LITERALLY just thinking about posting that now isna good time for a chill point and click and HERE IT IS.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cascadianranger πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is my favourite Grumps episode is quite a while. The voices are kept pretty low-key, they're not doing Bits, it's just our two boys playing a game and chilling out together.

Between this and Mario Party 2, this is the best Grumps has been in ages

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JoeParlock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doesn't matter if it travels in a vacuum or not, right? Light is light.

-Arin "school's meaningless" Hanson

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/grotesqueer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yasssss, more Sierra ❀️. I can’t help but be slightly sad there’s no Ross on board, but I am still super excited.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/almostlucid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, as an owner of both the Steam and GOG versions of the Space Quest games (and originally the original games as well before disk drives became extinct), I see that Dan is using the Steam version. That's actually not the best route to go, because as you can see with the stutters and slowdowns, it's not well suited for modern systems - it's basically just a rip of the Space Quest Collection cds from 2006.

You can try to find the compatibility patches on the old Sierra site to get it to run better, but IMO the GOG version if the better way to go, since they use either DOSBox or SCUMMVM to emulate DOS and make everything run much better. The only way that the Steam version is better is that it has the VGA remake of SQ1, which the GOG version is missing. On the other hand, the Steam version is missing the original version of SQ1, which is what the GOG version uses.

The biggest issue here is that if Dan ever plays SQ6 on the show, the Steam version is prone to frequent crashes and I don't think there was a compatibility patch, or at least a good one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CelticMutt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They didn't recognize the warp nacelles of the USS Enterprise! For shame! Really excited for this series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kgoodies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was literally watching the space quest playlist this week. So excited.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alexbow4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey I'm not suger welcome to game grumps everyone it's Space Quest 5 the next mutation I have played Space Quest 1 through 4 on the channel 1 through 3 were so low for was with Ross on steam train many many moons ago oh no what yeah that was the first one we did and Space Quest 5 is one of my mind I'm one of my faves so let's why introduction no go ahead why oh why you'll see it's just a fun sweet game are you saying that I will see what you see in it I think so I think you'll enjoy it I mean it's 1993 so a lot of the references will be a little dated and all that and the graphics are a little primitive but I loved it growing up when I was 12 13 14 14 yeah alright well what's happening okay do you know the basic premise of Space Quest 5 yeah okay so I'll just say it real fast you're a janitor you're a space janitor oh I didn't know that your name is Roger Wilco I thought you were the captain you you're trying to become a captain now you're like rising the ranks I see but you started as a janitor and you are a bumbling idiot and you keep you keep failing upwards to the top but you're a lovable dude so let's watch the introduction cool mmm how exciting I am excited hold on your nuts Aaron I'm holding hi I'm 1993 space yeah it was up why I was just to make sure this work that was watching the introduction sequence and everything is pretty cool oh dude it's kind of mind-blowing at the time can can we turn up the volume a little bit yeah okay thank you gee whiz I appreciate it Neal there's us there's Roger Wilco yeah oh yeah but he looks like a captain well yeah that's what he's trying to become oh he's trying to yes he's in cadet school when we opened the scenes Ken Williams main guy so he's not just a janitor he's a he's a janitor and training captain and training correct so Ken Williams was the main dude the head honcho at Sierra Shaun Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe were the two guys who created Space Quest together and they had split up for this one and Mark ro took this solo on this one is that why it's good oh no no no Scapa he's awesome I don't know anything about this okay great sorry Scott Murphy if you're watching he might be Oh captain's log Fleet Admiral Roger Wilco commanding Excalibur is on course to investigate the mysterious disappearance of several ships in the Uncharted region of space known as the minuto triangle I no doubt have been selected for this mission due to my great achievements as a military leader and matchless diplomatic skills oh I see there's a heel turn I go forward with total confidence in my ship and my crew yet I'm vaguely uneasy I cannot put memories of traveling to the future and meeting my son out of my mind each night my dreams are haunted by the image of the woman he said would one day be my wife I know she I know she's out there that's Beatrice wank Meister you'll say ok I know she's out there somewhere somewhere but that's not important right now the fate of trillions rides on the decisions I may have to make in the next several hours as captain of the Star Confederacy's proudest flagship I must follow the supreme guideline to boldly go where no man has no know to bravely traverse where no creature has traversed at NASA in it skip it they don't want copyright infringement you know it that's 1993 copyright and friend here he comes hell yeah this is like oh that's you Admiral strike ships coming in in a pot plot point three five Red Alert oh [ __ ] shields up battle stations Lock weapons neutron beams locked proton torpedoes armed a little more a little more enthusiasm Kat Kat tactical fired neutron beams helm hard to port aah we got hit or whatever cadet Wilco what are the name of the seventh star cluster you doing in the bridge simulator yeah good day your sorry car cuts out of there and get back to class where you belong space cadet that guy's a tool oh and I'm not sure there again without without permission I'll have you tossed out of the Academy so fast you'll get warp disorientation that's the future joke whatever so are the other people in the class like were they like a an AI or something were they actually other people there was no in there it's just a it was just a simulation okay so the people who were like oh just like a computer yeah oh lot of rats a lot of rats in this simulation scurry his illusions of spacefaring grandeur cruelly shattered by captain quirk Roger Wilco exits from the bridge simulator into the hallways of the Star Confederacy's space Academy where he has enrolled himself in an attempt to realize his lifelong dream of becoming a starship captain beautiful the last several months have not been easy for our hero what with having to juggle time between skipping classes snoozing through lectures and spending long moments considering the implications of actually opening a textbook but our fearless former sanitation engineer has stumbled resolutely past these obstacles pursuing his goal with unwavering determination blissfully unaware that fate was about to hurl another spit ball in his direction like uh like how it feels kind of real what do you mean I just like walking towards the screen oh yeah it at the time it felt these games felt super advanced gonna waltz I now let's take a little peek around for those guns this aging behemoth has outlived its intended lifespan by several decades and will soon be heading for the scrapyard no their spaceships Oh giant airlock oh I see the stark on registry lists this ship is the personal launch of ambassador Beatrice wank monster from the g6 quadrant that's your that's your your babe hopefully someday you dimly recall hearing her name once before but the effort to remember anything further results in nothing more than a storm of misfired brain synapses and a dull headache is that what happened in the last game in the last game just to bring everyone up to speed you save you you're jumping around in time two different like years in history and you run into your own son and your son gives you like this little holographic image saying this woman will be your wife and my mom someday and it's her a picture of her but you haven't met her yet in this reality this is like a dirty game I don't know what that man is a wank Meister no it's not dirty okay in the least an alpha class strike fighter from the colony worlds this baby has it all speed maneuverability and enough firepower to blast apart a comment too bad you'll probably never even get with uh to beta probably never get within shouting distance of one in your natural lifetime oh come on yeah well all these different commands yeah that's how that's how they did it space CRE games used to have the parser where you type in commands but then they switched around 1991 to this so you have like this is walk this is look at something touch this is talk and this is like kind of making exclamation of some kind this is your inventory oh and this controls the speed and that's a little help thing Wow yeah so now you know I like the little Astro boys working on the ship I know we're even at each other this panel when it works allows the user to call up a 3d holographic schematic of the star stark on space Academy why would they do that so it's a map yeah Darwin the holomap directory isn't working right now it's a shame because the map system is really cool-looking with goo goo Rob shading texture mapping and ray-traced images of every room in the complex I love [ __ ] like that I guess you can't guess they can't render it out Oh that's the closet - janitor closet isn't that where you need to go well I'm not the janitor here I was just a janitor when I started in Space Quest one oh I see yeah oh so you're working away up yeah that's how I got to where I am now I saved the galaxy because while the rest of my ship was attacked and everyone was killed I was asleep in the broom closet and survived well yeah it's pretty sweet yeah I like the little Astro boys too they're busy has a lot of depth little character going on ships of every size and description to occupy the dock they're like we're tired of writing descriptions for these positions your security clearance is too low to enter this room in fact it's so low you need a pass just to go to the restroom super solo like Han Solo is that foreshadowing for how awesome you're gonna be soon let's go with yes okay ah dude are those alien people yeah they're they're your fellow uh space cadets although I guess they'd be natives here fellow members of the tightly knit star con cadet brigade oh no you're in like the part of the universe where like every creature from around the galaxy like and the universe who works together and is part of a community in fact humans are considered to be like Hicks from this backwoods like loser planet oh yeah they like Mass Effect yeah I guess this is first though hey wait a month couple days yeah drop dead Wilco okay okay great how about you so cool drop dead Bullock oh great super alright why do they hate you what's wrong cuz you're a loser thanks Chloe meant them did your mother have any children who lived welcome how much [ __ ] this door leads to one of the Academy's classrooms currently the students in your space piloting 101 class we're taking the star Khan aptitude test oh good for them I think I'm supposed to be in there they can go [ __ ] off and die alright now I think I should do that actually oh okay yeah doot-doot doot-doot ah don't you make fun of his stupid nose or whatever I did a thing hey good for you sorry I'm late professor look you little ram friend and that carrot man like the like like the red head get the red guy who's just like you mean the star cut aptitude test is today yes sir I'll get started right away he's so handsome yeah I know what's that come talk to you after class yes sir oh you're gonna get read the riot act dude croco is commanding a nova class scoutship when he finds himself face to face with three Horak battle cruisers he should surrender the face of impossible odds pretend they aren't there activate his ship self-destruct mechanism beam over a pick you up bouquet reboot so here's what you gotta do let's take the eye over here this is the robot watching check out the brainpan on this guy he's probably smarter than your whole family so when the robot turns away you look at the answers to assess its day oh just because you could when encountering an alien ship for the first time you should immediately open fire with every weapon at your disposal broadcast Wagner's ride of the valkyries over the comlink beam your entire crew over to their ship as a gesture of goodwill be then a none of the above some very Apocalypse Now yeah it sure is [Music] I got caught Oh Oh busted damn looks like you're getting expelled dude yeah okay I just got shot out of that are you just you have to start over yeah yeah I I blew it I blew it I'll restore I didn't save any games you just sir from the beginning yes but that's fine it'll only take a second cuz I can we don't have to watch the introduction oh I see and I can up the speed of the game oh oh I guess cuz it's going through this thing I can't do the jam yet this sequence is cool this is cool it's like the Machine alarms coming off and take note of that little road in there oh yeah there were like a bunch of mice that ran away yeah this is that thing yeah specifically that little guy he may factor in later okay okay murder bird look I didn't restore it at all like it's still like kind of janky moving and as if it was running on a Bosch computer that changes every day to 1972 okay you know the yeah now we can increase the speed now I'm flying okay go straight into the curse rule alright Rogers late for it just alright Aaron you're gonna be in charge of saving the games okay what does that mean you're gonna have to type in the saved game home I'll use the dang keyboard yeah I'm sorry hate everything well it's the only way we can save the game why did we even become friends well I don't know Aaron great question if you're gonna make me type in save States okay now I'm gonna turn the speedway down and save what would you want from the speed down so the robot turns around not as fast and I can cheat more easily [Music] rrrow Bob I love it perfect oh did we freeze what's frozen oh no they're just takes a while where it goes it's writing to the floppy disk damn that's exactly what's happening we already knew that one yes Dave didn't change it okay back to the cheating's back to the cheating do you ever cheat on a test of course yeah me too it was scary I was like I should just [ __ ] the bottom one work hard but I do remember that look though like the look of getting seen by someone you're cheating off of and they look at you like go away before beaming down to an unexplored planet for the first time you should be sure to check to see that your seat belt is fashion and tray tables are locked securely in the upright position your fly your life insurance coverage the Fetzer valve in your oxygen mask planet plants atmospheric readings you know when I if I got cheated off of I wouldn't give a [ __ ] like what would I care yeah it happened to me a couple times like why would I be like to look it's like who gives a [ __ ] yeah kids are schools meaningless yeah we're gonna oh this is actually a helpful thing you're marooned out of an ally and planet with weapons and a killer Android out for your blood stuff a banana and it's exhaust pipe remember that okay but also another option would be climb a tree flap your arms wildly and scream tweet tweet at the top of your lungs in order to mimic the mating behavior of the ruby-throated actor on swine Falcon as a diversionary tactic I feel like that's the answer yeah I mean we'll just see won't we no it's it's it's the banana one it's not the banana one which is interesting drop a big rock on the robot and shout hasta LaVista baby is the twist this guy's actually a [ __ ] Roger woke up no no the guy copying off I don't know you're in an e VA with a partner and you notice his face is turning blue and his clutching wildly at his throat this is a sign that you will soon need a new partner in a burst of creative insight he has created a new dance called the moonwalk he's suffering from a vitamin deficiency the vein needs to eat more leafy green vegetables he fell for the old golf ball in the arrows trick a and D sounds like a indeed me yeah that would be my guess I mean that's yeah look back at you like fast we will just for the sake of time roll through this a little quicker see see put a life space varmint and wind each wheel you can move okay Evans if gree believes the Crab Nebula had 3200 grebe cadet off to buffer is one of the horniest individuals you're likely to meet you saw this wasn't a dirty game it's not Leisure Suit Larry was the dirty one which we have also played many times on grumps yes we have and each time it gets better I love it how fast is light travel through a vacuum very very very very very very very very very very very very very very fast pretty sure it's that one I bet let's take a look oh no oh this as fast as the canister depends on whether it's an operator canister vacuum that's a good point the light doesn't Oh God now it's testing my actual abilities of doesn't matter if it travels in a vacuum or not right it's light is light I don't know man jeez I'm trying to cheat here sorry trying to learn here oh yeah which is an example of a fuzzy boundary the place where a receding hairline gives way to bears calve the in space of two planetary bodies whatever is the last one to successfully accomplish a manual molecular bit about whatever jiggle the handle top one oh I thought that the triangle was the aliens a year oh that's it let's see it looks penalty the years oh yeah it does a little bit so tests over already sleeping red guy I know yes sir I agree that cleaning the Academy crest is appropriate punishment for being late late to class I'll get right on it you got a clean yeah Oh cuz you're a janitor yeah at heart yeah they always make you do custodial staff okay we can up this speed there we go look at you I must save the game you're like hacking the game room yeah go ahead and save it bro we can save his bro Bob yeah sure okay I need to create new saves I can save over old ones yeah come back to me come back you can almost hear the floppy disk spinning yeah he'll and the laser just blasting it with rayon or whatever oh look new friends yeah hello hey get lost man they hate you cool alright now you Oh was that Homer it was it was a full-on dough game references way too many things it's gonna get copyright strike we're gonna get copyright strikes you cram the scrub o matic into your seemingly bottomless pocket graphic owns its little software situation there yep very efficient yeah is that how you go about your captaining oh yeah let's kick it under the rug I love Roger Wilco oh it's an alien who cares if Larry's dead we'll find a new navigator a pair of your cadet classmates are deeply engaged in conversation here just see what's up with my boys go play in the airlock Roger all right cool is he like a dinosaur no no he's I think he's like an alien alien but just wearing a space helmet oh yeah like a like eager alien yeah I love this dude like this old-school idea of space oh yeah little moving pixels to indicate star movement I just love it satellite movement this is the left side of the Rotunda hallway from here you can amble north to another hallway stroll east to the bay hallways or take the gravity lift to the floor of the main rotunda the security guard prevents unauthorized access to the maximum security area beyond his post looks like looks like he's got an eye on the back of his head he's playing Missile Command that guy's playing Galaga this area is off limits to unauthorized personnel that means you cadet all right bump that yeah I got to clean the Craster babe you want straight for it now Cub Scouts it's a great aesthetic where's Ari like like it's a called Space Mountain oh yeah the this you mean the way the ship is designed oh yeah I love it too okay so I'm gonna put the cones down super fast and then I will put down the scrubber matic okay slow the speed down just a touch well you don't like how he's frantically yeah push the button it's a Roomba yeah and hop on that is this thing work yeah oh you're actually controlling it it's playing the [ __ ] pee-wee's big adventure music this is so ridiculous well you're really scrubbing it I'm scrubbing it you know what it is looking better and I'm starting to feel a sense of accomplishment looking clean as ever you know what I gotta tell you for someone who has OCD satisfying this really feels nice yeah see the thing about a puzzle yesterday and I was like I just got like in the zone with puzzling we have with doing a puzzle putting together a puzzle like sorting the pieces and then she knows all that blue is not it's not the same blue yeah there's I gotta tell you there's very simple things like like getting together with friends and putting together a puzzle is one of the nicest most peaceful things you can do to like hang out yeah you gotta have the right table though you got to have the right table if you have if you get that like if you have the wrong puzzle table I mean you might as well go [ __ ] yourself well it's it just hurts like your back starts to hurt and then you're like yeah and you get all grumpy your back starts to yeah cuz you're like leaning over wrong oh I picked up a puzzle injury you know what I'm talking about do you know what are you talking about it's the same thing with when I'd sort of magic cards of which I have many yes you really do I it's like I you got to sit upright and make sure they're looking there position in front of you and make sure you get the piles like within like you know left arm reaching distance what this thing is [ __ ] spotless oh it's up there alright I did it nice thank you look at that thing look at that shine dang mmm you're really putting your janitor skills to the test we're just gonna walk all over and get of course yeah well that's quirk course he walks on days a day as you can see ambassador wank Meister we run a very tight ship here at the academy that's her that's Beatrice the institution is the pride of the Star Confederation and one of the best of its kind in the known universe it's nice to see our tax Bukka swords aren't going completely to waste captain quirk here we are here we are mrs. MS wank Meister this is the main rotunda was dedicated on stardate 0-9 to ambassador is that like tide back as a shade I think it's tied back excuse me aren't you Roger Wilco the man who foiled the Sirians some years back at Space Quest one oh dang is that like your legend oh look at her so beautiful she cute I love me some Beatrice wank Meister she's suddenly it all comes rushing back it's her the woman from the hala disk in space quest for now is your big chance Roger say something clever and romantic yeah I mean yeah yes way to sweep her back onto her feet ROG nice to see you haven't lost your golden touch with women sparkles sparkles and that's cute yeah it's very sweet very cute effect excuse me ambassador but we should be heading to the conference now you not at all what I expected welcome see you around shake my mutant hand hold on a minute kid what do you say that is it about looks like you missed a spot sir you better watch your step the floor is still really wet in just a little bit I don't see like a pool blood just slippery Yeah right nice rug quirk is that a toupee or roadkill you did that on purpose well I'm placing you a double secret probation who am i scrubbing is biscuit a desert or whatever look we'll be trips again yeah I'll be great but yes pull the blood just flows and then you're the rest of the game is you getting court-martialed thanks oh you don't want to pick up the phones the florists away okay it's a pickoff a leader no no I think I think we're good okay great someone else will do it it's not my job oh it was a timed event interesting what's that really the cleaning the floor yes that is interesting I did oh it's the little guy oh do you see him yeah well what the hey did he crawl on the wires and I was eating them yeah now he's like you'll kill a rat man in the grade Master mm no all right I'll breasts did you pass I don't know it looks like my helpful little lemur friend is about to fry himself from the grade Master mm which at the time sounded very futuristic well huh what was that excuse me captain you didn't raise your hand now as I was saying ambassador wank master we are a fairly remote installation and I simply can't spare the ships to launch that kind of operation you suggest I'm afraid you don't understand the potential ramifications its problem Admiral if the sludge bandits continue to illegally dump toxic waste whenever and wherever they choose the environmental consequences could be staggering there's you in the back entire planets could be devastated I think you overstate the issue ambassador even so we have more than enough ships on patrol to put a stop to these sludge bandits as you call them that's you look ambassador we have top-notch ships staffed with the finest crews in the galaxy star Khan accepts only the best and brightest for fleet training you look rughead illegal temping is going on in the sector right under our policy boy if under your poly we've our patrols have located the dumping sites on four planets in the g6 squadron alone this is made from real hair in any case I'd like to hear more about those alleged dumping sites perhaps over dinner this evening I have already transmitted the coordinates to stark on Central Command along with a list of suspected sites that we haven't been able to check out yet well then that settles it captain quark you shall go to these sites and investigate ambassador wank monsters allegations Admiral I'll be going along as an observer I'm afraid that's impossible regulations strictly forbid civilian participation in military operations good idea I'm sure the two of us could develop a productive working relationship Admiral may I remind you that I am an official representative of the people of quadrant g6 with a full ambassadorial status ambassadora all status that's a new word for me and as such not subject to now now ambassador I'm sure captain quark will do everything necessary to resolve the situation there's no need for you and hinder him on this mission this is my system and my people we're talking about here I'm going on that ship and that's all there is case closed we're adjourned good day gentlemen damn she doesn't [ __ ] around gets [ __ ] done ah oh great the savior of the universe in all his glory is there a mop somewhere with your name on it damn yeah she's mad looks like she ain't gonna be your wife any time soon yeah or is she like a sleeping guy way to go Raj another sterling performance yeah I caught that jerk trying to sneak some answers off my cached oops I don't feel like talking right now Raj go play Romulan rule Oh with a hand phaser or something take off well all right you've always wondered what this panel does but I've never been able to figure out its function the explanation was probably given in one of the many lectures slept away during your tenure here at the academy bloomer dude I know all right we need to find where they're showing up there it is show me the test results a crowd of despondent students is huddled around the bulletin board Oh moon we all got enough Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] cadet Wilco on behalf of the administration I would like to congratulate you and repeat receiving a perfect storm score on your SAT not in the entire history of star Khan Academy as a cadet achieved such high marks what about you around but I mean he wasn't as smart as you on the recommendation of your test analysis computer system you are to begin training for captaincy aboard one of our fine star cruisers Captain Kirk will post your assignment you've done the Academy proud sincerely current chief commanding officers named here sincerely oh he's got the red shirt now isn't that bad no that's good he's a captain oh I thought the red shirt menu died no that's in Star Trek okay I thought this was like a very clear parody of Star Trek yes it is and so having undergone an intensive weekends captain training seminar on the planet go cursed Roger is shuttled to his new command the SCS Eureka by the way Oh cursed was the was the city where Sierra was located no cursed California I love these in jokes oh hey that's not a starship it's a garbage scow figures kind of trying to find the right starship yeah no I mean that's what he's in charge of now finding the right starship no a garbage scow oh yeah yeah it's your it's your wonderful crew Wow hey COO you want a voice Erin OH drooler Flo uh how I'm sure I'm sure cultural flows the name I'm your comm specialist grade four hello crew I'm your new commanding officer captain Roger Wilco I know if some of you may not be as excited to be serving on the Eureka as I am but I promise you this we're gonna be the best gosh darn garbage scow in the entire Star confederations we have nothing to fear but fear itself so hold your heads high men we shall overcome all we are is dust in the wind born free running wild with liberty and justice for all so let's be all we can be remember it's not just a job it's an adventure yeah hey okay all right it was the chair really as a fart sound effect that occurs every time you sit in that chair looks like we got a live one here flow you said it drool all right we did it we're on the ship now where's the bathroom let's it let's save the game okay row Bob okay row Bob row Bob bathroom great job Aaron okay yeah just looking at these texts over here yeah it's just answering some texts from my wife what the character in the game air pool is it before texts any well that this is the future in space drool men's the nav and weapons systems on the Eureka that's what I'm doing flow is the Eureka's communications officer asked for she's doing try that from the command chair oh sit down on the command chair and then talk to him gives you power yeah like he's got the the Kirk look to blue about him totally okay talk to him hey yes captain tell me a little bit about yourself drool my personal life is none of your business gasser I'm just trying to create a friendly atmosphere here sub corporal we made it be together for a long while now from Sam and compacted touching buttons yes captain how long have you served on the Eureka sub corporal do long as soon as Mike Torres up I marry her why is that corporal my career and star con hasn't exactly skyrocketed sir I rather hoped I wouldn't spend the rest of my years of it on my garbage scow well maybe there's something I can do to help not likely captain now if you'll excuse me I have some work to get back to touching buttons damn damn Vince yes captain what can I do to help you perform your job more efficiently leave me alone yeah that's it stay out of my way sir all right then what do you want sir since we'll be working together I thought it'd be nice if we got to know each other a little bit Flo I'm sure you did sir but it won't she shoot poured vinegar in your breakfast flakes this morning my life stinks and it's all your fault sir I don't follow you you're a man right yes uh well there you go oh damn yeah Flo doesn't [ __ ] around what was your previous posting crewman previously I was assigned to the flag masseur but the self-important male swine I mean captain and I didn't see eye-to-eye-to-eye he was just like my fourth husband you'll have to excuse Flo she has a bit of a problem dealing with male authority fingers but she's really not so bad after you get to know her can it lobster boy I love her what's it what happy set of circumstances left the Eureka captain's chair open for me the Eureka's previously commanding officer accidentally fell out the airlock without a space suit it's terrible if you say so sir goddamn okay my hand done yes can't it's coffee I love cliffie is he like the doctor no he's like the engineer okay status report the ship is running fine at the moment anything else captain more power she can't take much more that's captain I've always wanted to say that anything else captain forget it sorry sorry forget it you're a big buck oh it's Wilco okay what is this um button oh that's for when we get a science officer oh and this is the self-destruct button is it really yes Oh don't explode I'm not gonna hit it but when you hit it a little chicken comes out and goes and everytime it bucks a second ticks off time till the ship explodes Wow yeah it's pretty good their time in the game where you have to do it oh yeah of course alright lay in a course yeah lay and of course we need clearance before we do an answer okay Hale stark on I was like going on hailing sir yeah you kind of got it we are cleared for departure captain kind of got to get the hang of this we are ordered to proceed to gang Galeras PU and kiss your ass good-bye for refused three missions this was a dirty game alright lay in a course yeah what coordinates captain all right gang Galeras PU please seven one seven one five five two five five two enter and off we go yeah Gilbert Garden is locked in sir Danny took an under way happy activate our RS little Lightspeed oh yeah right okay cool I don't know what that is uh Lightspeed yeah it'll go to warp ends okay okay regular speed it is yes you don't camp out drool drool isn't important in this story we're doing it what is that supposed to be oh I feel like it's visually to put oh the Klingons are here dude yeah certainly looks that way doesn't it whoa yeah it's the terminators is that her new yeah so here's the deal with this new claim hurt for I kill I would find him and I will kill him alright so in in Space Quest - you had a mail order sheet and you used it to buy a whistle but you never paid for it uh-huh so in Space Quest 3 the company that made the whistle sent out a terminator like Android to try to kill you and but you killed it space quest for everything was cool now in Space Quest 5 they've sent another female terminator oh my god avenge the previous military meter we're approaching our destination captain alright switch to regular yeah regular speed nice sir shoot all right I'm brake pads are really worn down there it is what I'm tracking a waist speaking sir alright blow right past it activate the RRS no the RS I'll take care of it Oh where's the RS the refuse recovery system oh yeah recovery yeah prepare Erica Rose oh it's beautiful it's crowning it's like the planet took a big glowing [ __ ] oh that's us Oh this is one bag yeah one bag of Husky trash it's gorgeous got it oh god I love this game so much captain I'm picking up a life-form reading in the waist compartment Oh cliffie oh hello hi captain you better come down here there were some strange scratching and whining noises coming out of the trash bin all right then let's go check it out I'm gonna go take a dump if anyone needs me I'll be in the office I'll be in the poop sucker like there's mail slot city yeah there's cliffie is definitely something in me accepted should be day could be dangerous you go first all right let's take a look I'm just gonna keep banging on this pipe that's all he does he bangs on [ __ ] and you're chasin much of the arecas critical machinery is inconveniently located in cramped service tunnels like this one okay yeah well its first etic purposes let's take a look over here this is your chief engineer's toolbox it's filled with gadgets and gizmos cliff he uses to keep the eureka spaceworthy oh there's some stuff I need in here a wrench okay that a dust buster yeah it is actually put in inventory you don't need this tool all right says who god I think I need this Yahoo this might be a handy is that a mushroom it's a one of the yeah little hole punches cleanup toolbox okay in order not to earth cliffy you put back the tools where you found them uh oh oh I see got it my bed yeah I'm just trying to steal [ __ ] but it looks like a little Mickey Mouse Hey I don't need it about the blaster looking use that oh yeah that looks helpful heck yeah good job I don't know what this is where to focus my blasters yeah God Davy captain it's like don't worry I'll take care of the alien that's chasing us oh this yeah boy there's a lot of crap in here just a lot of stuff yeah do we need the Dustbuster dang it I wanted your janitor you probably need it right does that say touch my tools and die this duel Oh tums okay cool yeah you definitely lose you take the tools okay just gotta go through all this and make sure I'm not missing anything you don't need this you don't need this freaking tool you are a tool how many things have you picked up so far a bunch three hmm I think more or four okay you only need four oh great I'll just be absolutely sure yeah okay and this one over here okay cleanup toolbox beep-boop beep-boop I love the cleaning up means just like throwing all the crap in there like it was okay exit all right nicely done your criminal to your own crew thank you all right let's see here there's a traitor in our midst the captain these controls open the door to the trash compartment all right jump on in let's do it oh well all right ah crap in there space trash Oh God oh is that the creature it's a face hugger oh nice it's cute yeah little guy totally hey he's a cool bugger I think I'll keep him I'll call him spike spike he's just crawling around on the show oh he got in the pipes I love Roger Wilco he's in the air vents he's so stupid just doesn't clean up no well are you going this is a science room Oh neat science for this hip slick mm-hmm all right my dog got pong happening up there way--just oh there spike spike spike heel boy heel I didn't know it's a boy I don't know how do you even know it has a gender at all congratulations it's an in no I'm sure cliff he won't mind clean god that's just the best we have to find this creature I'll check it out pong is going on yeah the computer is running a highly complex virtual reality program at the moment a habbit tube a brand adaptive biological specimen container what spike in there cliffy has rigged up a handy voice activation feature to the Eureka's transporter unit originally he tried using a clapper but after an embarrassing incident involving a visiting alien diplomat and a dropped wrench he opted for the current setup this room serves as the Eureka service irika is both a transporter room and science lab needless to say this has led to some interesting experiments by rambunctious crew members on past voyages well I'm sure we'll hear all about them I'm bet you're right my friend mmm touching buttons mmm I get why drool likes it so much yeah it's pretty great all right back to the back to the captain's chair I guess spike will be fine I go all the different locations yes we got I got more garbage PU kiss your ass good-bye did you like that one no I'm a fan boy those pixels really get a little chunky when you get up close I thought was a kid and I played this I would have thought for sure it was like kiss your ass kids kiss your ass dude gobby or something yeah cuz you're as GU be the Hampton you gotta do something with that we blooded beastie boys we like bladdered he keeps leaving puddles of concentrated acid everywhere I'm getting run ragged fixing the holes he's making into the deck I think I saw that critter of yours loose in the lab a better to go Campton okay maybe that's what I needed to hear to activate him yeah okay I love his theme song yeah I definitely I like to imagine that he has that kind of you just hear I'm like how he hug boom all right now he's in my inventory yeah he definitely won't suck on your nipples um you're faithful but not completely house-trained companion spike well a laser cutting torch this might come in handy if you lock the keys in the car again no no of art anti acid tablets high voltage circuit for use Oh a hole punch stark on standard-issue PCD personal communication device are useful items okay so it's cash money spend oh no spin doula okay so I remember this I have to take spike and put him in the habit to be happy in there oh oh and in there okay hey your little buddy is gurgling contentedly inside his happy tube and here's the thing if you just leave him like this he'll escape because he's like too antsy so you have to give him the antacid tablets to neutralize the acid in his alien blood and then he chills out his fizz poor little fella must seen something and didn't agree with him those antacids should reduce the acidity of his metabolism all right we have a pet I love we have a pet face hug I love you too spike Wow I've been through a lot with him throughout my lifetime when I was 13 because I was also obsessed with aliens at this time in my life yeah I just freakin loved that you you had like a little alien friend does he like do things later yeah every everything comes into play eventually hell yeah guys all right here just listen for the chair set so immature but I love it buttons buttons hey thanks believe it is Mitch back here for me to clean up real camp that like of you thanks for taking care of your credit captain I finally managed to patch up the deck all right cool time to set another course button uh lay in a course lay on what coordinates captain PU the coordinates for pu pu would be nine two seven six seven nine two seven six seven nine two seven six seven okay enter ah let's go the path working all right Lightspeed baby all right Aaron I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick yeah would you entertain the people while we're flying um okay blah once upon a time I met a dude named George Hamilton and George Hamilton was 1,300 years old and I asked why how is that possible that year 1300 years old George Hamilton and he told me well he took a bite of the ha ha we're approaching the destination I know I'm trying regular speed aye sir I'm not I'm not captain material oh we did it Oh God this is a planet good Susie and then I activate the RSS okay yeah you're really taking a hell of a long time oh man please don't pee on the walls man activating the RSS R RS RR s just like last time and there we go hey drool has six fingers it's pretty cool drool has six fingers sunny you know you go ah can I just say how incredibly happy it's making me that we're playing this ha ha this is so this is probably how you feel about Chrono Trigger oh yeah just like such a huge part of my childhood captain I'm intercepting a rather unusual message on stuck on priority frequency - I'm putting it on screen okay Oh God maggot - dungheap come in dungheap he's got the same toupees quirk hello magnitude um keep coming dungheap oh this is junk heap wasn't the pleiades are you doing on this frequency we have a really hot load of goods that needs to be disposed of right away I thought I told you to never call me here meet me at the usual place and we'll discuss it dung heap out know there's some bad stuff going on yeah there's some subterfuge happening ah look at the sleeve that guy stark on baby stark on yeah the the place you just graduated from off sprint I'm sorry captain but I wasn't able to pin down the source of the transmission with it so you you got to hear that yeah what do you make of that transition transmission flow I don't know sir the content was really strange especially since the stock on command frequency was used I gave it a like can you pin down the source I'm afraid not captain they were using a metamorphic coding algorithm and the frequency hopping pretty rapidly it was all I could do to stay with them during the transmission how do you refer intercept nevermind I don't think I want to know you're looking especially lovely today flow you Pig what excuse me you Pig sir manty state doesn't like you could you give me a rundown on our last orders flow yeah of course captain oh yes kiss your ass good-bye all right okay I'll have that whack your one caps sorry you know what I'll talk to him while we're flying okay lay in a course Hey kiss your ass good-bye please uh yeah you got it let's head over to kiss your ass good-bye to zero zero one one two whoa whoa whoa whoa what what just happened what just happened what just happened what just happened what just happened Digga gig the game just exploded no all right pause the capture hello okay sorry about that we have returned to exactly the spot where we were so hit me with those course coordinates for kiss your ass good-bye earned you got it it is uh two zero zero one one jeez okay I thought that was in the game it was such a like a sound effect II kind of sorry oh it was uh it's fine I was I was getting something out of my shed like creepy murder shed also I like that they spelled Lightspeed like regular and light beer yeah all right there you go hi sir let us go all right let's do some chatting with our people hit the button Oh oops sorry yes what do you want what do you want captain how did that message sound you drool sounds like don't mean like somebody was trying to unload a bunch of us stereos captain why would anyone in store can't do something like that how the [ __ ] should I know yeah I mean it's basically what he's saying what's with Flo why is she so bitter toward me uh don't take it personally sir blow recently separated from her 18th husband and his understandably distraught he's kind of down on man in general Wow an 18 time loser want to make her want to make something of it flyboy I've divorced better men than you I forgot her voice so as for as I say when I mean I've divorced better men than you I was just wondering what's it like not having a mouth thanks me I mean how do you eat how do you kiss do you vibrate those Gill thing used to rub your bulbous eyeballs together or something not everybody keeps their elementary orifice is in the same place captain oh well I officially know too much it's a spot all yeah I mean I think that's what they were getting a school does have six fingers yeah they'll never notice that before what was that we've been hit by a proton torpedo i attractor beam is locked on to us captain we're being pulled in but by whom get us out of here drool I am I'm not responding sir weapons systems inoperative [ __ ] this mean oh it's [ __ ] Terminator as' oh damn alert warning oh we're being hailed sir I'm putting it on screen it's a straight-up Klingon ship yeah Roger Wilco under the authority of Uggs by that I mean extensively revised galactic statute number too far I hereby command you to beam down and surrender your person for arrest failure to comply with these instructions will result in the destruction of your ship and everyone on board looks like the Gipper Zoid novel company novelty company still hasn't forgotten about that little piece of mail fraud you pulled on them back in Space Quest - I thought all this was over with after I had that run-in with or annoyed on the planet flea but a few years back you thought wrong human it just goes to show never sent a mandroid to do a woman droids work woman oyd here we comes to some kind of arrangement beam down to your planet your part to the planet your body will be disseminated and sold two variables disassembled and so to various skinship and the attempt at escape or subterfuge will resort to the immediate annihilation of your ship and crew you have five standard time units before destroy your ship Roger Wilco oh boy I think she means business captain do you want great could you hurry up and beam down sir before she quits impatient and blows us all up oh hi Flo jeez yeah all right here we go help the braille out beam down okay well she's not going to get me without a fight my bad were you saying sir been nice knowing ya and ya in there sniffing there's so many buttons they can know which one to go in first he has a gold sound I'm like talking to a brick wall cliff II think he's into it all right I guess not I thought he was the one who beams me down but maybe they're all pretty pissed at you yeah I am putting them in a great deal of danger spike spike oh all right not here I love here I'm miss sure all right buy your car love you spike energize Wow yeah that's how you activate it so yeah it's voice-activated it's great I guess that is what I said this is very beam down Star Trek oh yeah meanwhile oh crap so this is where the game starts to get a little more difficult oh really yeah well it's easier to die now tope it's not dough baron it's kind of the opposite of dough how cool it is yeah it is kind of neat this ship that turns into a bird thing it's pretty dope shh shh oh this is the planet that's called kiss your ass good-bye yeah that's very Union okay all right just gonna save it here yeah don't stay in the same location too long you got it you got it buckaroo liking goo all right hit me with some good okay thank you thank you very very easy to remember yeah okay gotta brush you the floppy disk Dan this looks like every other sheltered clearing with three caves of waterfowl in a pond you've seen and it's gonna get a point yeah yeah mmm-hmm I wonder where we're gonna win I miss him he missed me this shady little alcove looks like it would be a nice place to stop pitch a tent and camp out for a while if only we weren't running for your life at the moment yeah definitely do I go this way yeah it says to the west that's and this is East oh well okay climb into the branch all the way to the end oh yeah yeah okay nope and you did all the way again yeah alright yeah I was close sheesh this isn't what you this isn't where I want to go as a dead end the fact that she has cloaking capabilities only makes matters worse I wouldn't give a 10-buck his word for your life right now Roger oh boy yeah she's still there oh no she left yeah she's flying around the planet trying to find where I am yeah you want to go on that branch oh yeah yeah it's cute little eyeballs oh there we go [Applause] perfect I'm doing great don't it's great this is it's just like a sound bite I have a branch for fighting yes me needs stick please water is cold oh alright oxygen you're breathing on this foreign planet now comes the running again oh yeah the running away please you want to go back to where y'all were branch town yeah climb climb through that log oh yeah I need to get a banana that's right yeah yeah quick get me banana please that's not necessary I think it is though yay I got it you managed to grab one of the pieces of fruit and liberate it from the swinging cluster then shoving it into your pocket you add to the increasingly impressive bulge in your uniform and then yes I remember this now now we play the waiting [Music] and way to give you sucks I don't think you do now I'm through the log and go west and to the cave to the left okay this is going pretty well so far yeah man you know fast you're going yeah it could be a lot worse jump across the gap up top oh that's right okay I definitely need to save it right now okay so much death can happen all right go for it Aaron so much death Thank You Aaron yep slow ominous yeah a little preview of coming attractions all right come back to me game come back to me all right now I go in here and I remember this oh did you see the changes she's got got that cloaking damn little butt got that Chloe Joe no crap no she got that clunker she got that cloaca oh boy yeah jump oh thought I had to use the stick that Moscone's you know all right I'm up to the top of the rock yes I I know what I'm doing now okay cool there we go where are you honey she's coming timing is everything coming over come on baby do you remember the aptitude test question drop a giant rock on it oh yeah yeah as a little hint for this point in the game sweetie because they want you they want that moment where you're like can you go up even higher maybe I can let me let me know this makes me one of those moments where you're like wait remember the test yeah seriously how many kids actually had that moment and growing up when they were playing this game I don't know however I'm doing this wrong I feel like she would have appeared by now uh maybe just like move around a little bit on top of the rocks oh you can't no that's not what I wanted yeah should be should we climb on top of the rocks and win the wd-40 Droid 41 through the cave my love sweetheart where are you Oh give to a tractor [Music] let's say baby yeah davai yeah good old I may be able to jump back no way oh I don't know maybe coming back here cuz right now she's just camped out oh there is oh well yep [Music] please average please emerge from the cave please this please okay here I am the bow that nice work so much death okay yeah nice well that rules all right sweet looks like you bowled her over with your ingenuity ROG she's cooling her jets at the bottom of that pool below nice work all right yeah I was nicely done let's let's save yeah cuz I did a good thing oh thank you okay I'm such a such a huge fan of the dumb sound effects in this game like yeah and then we'll just go back to your spot yeah bonny spot you should pointy whiney over gear but this is not over yet where did this come from I'm sorry my wife just brought me a sunflower that is adorable where did this come from Wow thanks it's beautiful oh oh something's happening oh she's all malfunctioned oh oh by stretching your limited ingenuity to the fullest you've managed to knock out wd-40 s cloaking mechanism the downside is now she's really ticked off look okay now is when I do the other thing the aptitude test recommended banana thing yes Wow gotta get in here gotta get in log ie dog hiding hidey hole this exotic vaguely banana like fruit grows only here on kiss your ass good-bye I know you're here somewhere we'll go oh sorry that's here Oh come out and face me like a woman it's your destiny and right in the butt Oh oh yeah Wow yeah there's the head you really learned a lot so you just gotta pay attention look at that triumphant music yay a round metallic object I take I'm sure that'll come in handy later of course or as Ross would say coming useful I said does he say that yeah he says a lot of cute things like the way he calls pharmacists chemists I love it that's cliffie and what the hell that's exactly how I always imagined him talking hey Kim well I'll be you're still in one piece the ship's scanners picked up a large explosion that we drew lots dis and we drew lots to see who got to come down and collect your remains and you lost nope I want relieved to see you anyway sir it will save a lot of uncomfortable explanations back it's not hard I see you got the robots head there sir I've been looking for it now I'll beam you back up to the ship and then finish picking up the pieces down here oh wait I don't I don't think I want to leave the area yet I'm gonna go back no you're good oh it's okay yeah you got her head all right I thought I wanted to go to her ship and collect some stuff Clippy hasn't been back leave the engineering returned oh yeah you can go back I can't yeah it oh I can't I'd miss what it just said yeah then just go talk to cliffie okay hey cliffie I have something for you I just wanted you to get ahead whoa this is the first time I ever saw wah ha ha his sense of humor is surpassed only by your kappa take skill sir here I have something you might be interested in dupa dupa do cliffie never runs in this game he always loves I was putting this wd-40 unit back together and I had a couple pieces left over thought you might like a souvenir here you go thanks I guess and I'm walking back no dude it's the best that's the even when a ship is about to self-destruct he always like this just like what do you give you I don't know let's take a look I think it's that phone thing a leftover part from cliffie's overhaul of wd-40 the Annihilator Android ok enough sudden now you can go back to the ship yeah let's let's do that and see what's up beam me up energize wait up captain I'll go with you all right we'll end up teleporting down to the planet in the horrifying fly like scenario Yeah right funny you say that - am I just calling this whole game you you're definitely like well cuz it's all like those references of the time period yeah hey why'd we beam in here I wonder if this little device has it had anything to do with it gotta use your little device you can't see wd-40 s ship but your razor-sharp intellect tells you it must be around here somewhere use that bad boy looks like a cell phone yeah did they have those kinds of cell phones at this point they didn't even have cell phones [ __ ] car phones looks just like a flip phone oh I guess it's because it's like Star Trek head flip phones basically oh hey what gives this must be the clothes ship of that killer Android neat [Music] Go Go the go on without me can I'm not gonna maybe here use it on yourself ah there we go a little little teleport epad yeah like it hey oh that's cool yeah we're loading what a lovely friendly looking ship it just screams warmth wd-40 ship has a Spartan and totally utilitarian interior into indicative of the single-mindedness with which the ship's pilot formerly pursued her victims his baby is probably rigged with all sorts of lethally effective security devices shuras oh crap well the very nondescript nature of this panel which doesn't set it apart from anything else in the ship piques your interest hmm aha this must be where the cloaking device is housed it's some sort of locking mechanism this should be easy to crack open oh it appears you've triggered some sort of law I better get this thing in out and get out of here fast top latch top latch yeah bottom latch okay top left dial bottom right dial open top left hatch uh open bottom-left hatch bottom-left hatch it's a petal advice bottom right hatch did you mean uh okay okay [ __ ] I think I got it okay yeah okay great take you take e that was what I used to do this as a kid it's so [ __ ] stressful good job and get out of here I think it's gonna self-destruct just getting out of the self-destructing vehicle oh yeah that is cool-looking I got it let's move before this thing blows all right great whoa nice thank you cliff he made it one foot oh nice Oh oh wow chief did that hurt it looked real painful you okay fine perfect now help me up sure thing here you go I'll get around to installing this device as soon as I finish my replace the Android are you sure that fixing her is a good idea cliffie I'm still not sold on the whole plan trust me sir just because you two had a slight misunderstanding there's no reason she can't become a valuable member of the crew slight misunderstanding cliffie she tried to kill me ah well there is that but I'm pretty sure I could cracked out her lethal easily that lethality setting a couple notches afterwards she'll probably just want to beat you severely well I suppose you're right sir it's probably kind of hard to captain the ship if you've been beaten senseless but I do think it would help keep you on your toes if she took a random swing at you now and again I don't want her to so much a scowl at me cliffie alright sir have your way but above love it is all right okay go to the bridge baby we're doing great man we're flying we're flying in a spaceship she's gonna be our future science officer oh that's nice it is nice I'm glad cliff he cleaned up your trash I know he's a good good dude that cliffie yeah oh okay you won't be cleared up for you you got it yeah Oh real captain e of you love it thanks a lot oh it's just that pressing buttons okay pinky pinky finger what now you wanna go to space bar oh that's right uh what is it now captain what do you know about our destination flow we don't have a destination Sarah okay I kind of forgot where we're supposed to be going flow we finished our mission captain let's take some all Rijn are at the space bar hell yeah Hey hello pardon you captain apart than you when we finish our mission where's a good place to go for shore leave mm-hmm there aren't a lot of options open to us captain the only place that's even halfway decent in this sector is the space bar oh maybe we'll have to check it out I certainly hope we wear sir all right um what's that for certainly hope we will tool got it yeah all right well let's lay in a course for the space bar captain I've had a I've about had all I can stand if we don't take a break soon there's no telling what I might do okay six nine eight six nine yeah yeah very naughty hmm go to light speed coordinates locked in sir ready to get Unknowing all right Lightspeed baby and next time on game grumps go to the space bar which is one of my favorite parts of this game oh yeah it's a cool bar in space baby I bet there's a chest burster joke see there [Music]
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 796,176
Rating: 4.9416342 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, roger wilco, space quest, the next mutation, sierra on-line, two guys from andromeda, lets play space quest 5, space quest v, space quest 5 game, space quest 5 playthrough, space quest 5, adventure game, video game, roger wilco space quest, mark crowe, roger wilco space quest 5
Id: r9hEfvviyZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 26sec (5066 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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