Space Quest I - Game Grumps

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👍︎︎ 511 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 202 👤︎︎ u/TheRealMe99 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Today I went to my first ever counselling session and it went well. Dice, Camera, Action comes back from its short season break today too, so I had that to look forward to. When I got home, there was a trailer for free day-one DLC for the new 3D Sonic game. And now this shows up out of the blue. Not sure if y'all care but my day has just kept getting better and better!!

👍︎︎ 226 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

On this day the Daninites rejoiced as their savior read from the gospel of Sierra.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/SwanKwonDo 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Oh my god. Miitopia block 2, epic Guest Grumpage, the finale of Sonic Unleashed, and Daaaaaaaaaan.

This has been one of the best Grump weeks ever.

EDIT: And a new Mario challenge mode. Holy crap, this keeps getting better.

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/Yoshiman400 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit this week has been really diverse.

A finale, a guest grumps, a Dan solo, Grumpcade, my erection lasted 5 minutes.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/jado1stk 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

It is, WITH NO OFFENSE to Arin, actually enjoyable having one offs with Danny playing either these old school games or just games LIKE this.

It's just a nice change of pace.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/MrBayless 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Two hours of Dan reading to me? We are blessed this day.

Edit: I love that Dan adores this game, but doesn't know that there is a widget on the Arcada that lets you cheat at the slots machine.

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/AnAngryFredHampton 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

An intimate play-through alone with Danny Sexbang?

There are no words for how incredibly okay with this I am.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/SiennaAthens 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2017 🗫︎ replies
okay I'm also Dan yeah yes oh that's a little janky sounding okay I guess this game is so primitive that uh but the keyboard sounds a little rough when played through a computer this good [Music] that's okay oh it's a little janky alright okay we're gonna stop it okay we're good we know it's by Marc Crowe and Scott Murphy welcome welcome everybody to Space Quest one this is Dan I'm just gonna fly solo today I as you know I did a Space Quest 3 my last solo venture but you know it was one of those things where I was speaking into the wrong microphone and so it sounds a little distant and I wanted to wanted to kind of write that ship a little bit and and get to do a very intimate playthrough where it sounds intimate so hold on I mean just adjust this microphone okay okay we're good so yeah you've seen me play space quest 3 some of you has seen me play space quest for through with Ross on steam train when we first joined the channel and figured I'd show you guys where it all comes from this is Space Quest one the very first one from 1986 I think and man this looks quite primitive so that's the reason I was always reluctant to play it on grumps before but you know what maybe if we make it just one or two gigantic episodes it won't even matter and anyone disgusted by 8-bit graphics can be like no no thank you so here we go I'm gonna put in my name boom man trip down memory lane okay so this game throws you right into the [ __ ] you are startled by the sound of an alarm it is followed by an urgent voice which warns that the Arcada has been boarded by unknown intruders it ends abruptly a very brief recap which will tell you what's going on in this game I accidentally skipped it because the music was too janky sounding basically there are these bad guys called the Sirians and they are after something on this ship called the star generator which when used properly can create stars and when used for evil can become like the death star in Star Wars and blow up planets and [ __ ] so they've come they've boarded the ship they're killing everyone and you're the only one who's survived your name is Roger Wilco and you were asleep in the broom closet and that's why they didn't find you okay we're playing we're playing the feud okay so look you'll have to be more specific great look room this is one of the many hallways in the arcade oh okay great look self I don't understand self okay we're off to a great start okay now look room this is the arcade is data archive many volumes of information are stored on data cartridges there is a computer console here ah look console if you can't tell this is before cierra switched over to point and click games and you have to type in everything hooray the console consists of a screen keyboard and a cartridge slot a top at rest some model DX cartridge retrieval unit okay so I will look at the screen Oh God oh that's not good okay we're fine to select a cartridge enter the title below okay I don't know what the name of a cartridge would be so I'm going to try dan rules [ __ ] Shh okay let's see title not available okay we'll have to come back to this I guess oh god oh god oh geez okay we're fine I don't know what's going on with that I guess I guess that'll just keep happening cuz this was originally made for Commodore 64's and Apple to ease and such now if my memory serves me okay someone's dead now oh my I hear footsteps okay so you know what I'm gonna save my game even though I have accomplished nothing I will name the save game I have accomplished nothing great now if I recall correctly let's see maybe we can look at the cartridges hope the door opens and a man who recognizes one of the lab scientists enters he appears to be injured nice fine girl God after only a few steps he slumps to the floor oh dude hang in there hang in there birdy okay look man a large laser hole has been burned in his uniform through which you can see a previously unexplored bone there he tells you that the Arcada is under attack and that the star generator is in danger you had better leave if you value your life he looks over towards the shelves full of cartridges and utters the words astral body he then settles to the floor lifeless okay sorry bud but now I can look at the screen and try yeesh that's not good try astral body some people have told me I have an astral a kinder man the title has been found we are retrieving good god that's terrifying it's like what happened when we played map you land for anyone who hasn't seen the grumps playthrough of map you land it was a [ __ ] show okay so the cartridge retrieval unit is going to get it by the way in case you didn't notice these games are very quiet because they didn't have the ability to process sound as well as they could now obviously so that thing just picked up the cartridge of astral body I guess I'll just write take cartridge since I expected something to happen there but nothing dead done got it okay I've got a cartridge look inventory damn it look cartridge this is a data storage cartridge on it are the words astral body formation the untold story okay that sounds uh like us like a hot expose like a nice scoop okay I'm gonna save this is I am stupid yet cuz now I've accomplished something alright so now that I've got this my goal is to get off this ship as fast as possible because if I don't I'll be dead and basically all my friends are dead it's a bummer everything sucks but hey these things happen okay so here's a body look body it appears to be one of your crewmates he is non-functional terrific search body you search the body of your crew mate and find a keycard yeah look keycard well of course you don't understand keyboard that's not a word look key card what oh I didn't take the keycard son of a [ __ ] I took the card ok now look card son of a [ __ ] look keycard the keycard is a flat rectangular synthetic pouf boya tire the keycard is a flat rectangular piece of synthetic material which is magnetically keyed for passing check stations written tiny letters of the words beacon hinders security systems beacon hinder I like it okay so I have to do this fairly quickly this game Space Quest won again hard to hard to believe when you look at it now this game was mind-blowing ly amazing when it came out and it see it like when I'd look at that like yes I recognize now its little white and blue dots against a black field that looked like space to me look space the sheer vastness of space never ceases to amaze you yes exactly that's how I felt looking at this game and playing it when I was a little kid probably seven years old that looked like space and it was incredible just an exciting time in a young man's life so I believe this is where the star generator was and by Vernon Vernon's leaving this is the star generator development laboratory duty are incredibly low security clearance who have never been allowed access to this room but hey these are the things you get to appreciate when everyone else is dead so my goal is to get out of here so they've already gotten the star generator so we're screwed we can't can't stop that so let me save the game whoops save I'll save it a new slot running for my life at slow speeds a slow speed great I was looking at the keyboard when I was typing that oh I hear footsteps okay [ __ ] okay that was a seryan he would have killed me luckily I ran into the elevator like a buh buh-buh-buh buhbuh buhbuh [ __ ] just in time I also know from playthroughs normally if I was playing this by myself I would be checking all these guys but the the dead guy that I checked was the only one that actually has anything on him okay so here is look at this room let's see what's in here you are in the central control area of the Arcada the reactor domes pulsate irregularly as if they had been tampered with this does not look good through the window just above the control console you can see down into the vehicle bay below okay so let me look at the console on the console by the window are two buttons marked open bay door and closed bay door so I'm gonna push open that way yay when I try to leave the ship I won't crash into the wall and die got that call [ __ ] I think I hear footsteps okay oh god damn it um [ __ ] really still no okay we're good I don't know where that guy would have come from but [ __ ] it look body okay search dead body nothing okay great just making sure just got to search your dead friends okay so look door are you sure you want to look at that nope I guess not look slot the keycard unit is a small sturdy box with a slot just above it is a display light which is not currently on use key card in slot this is hot say what goddammit use card you slide the keycard into its slot you hear an audible click you take the keycard back now this door will open it would not have before it will spoiler alert there for you okay look room this is the flight prep room of the Arcada as you can see there is a sign on the back wall as well as two closet doors and two buttons okay look sign the sign in the wall warns that the bay doors are currently open no [ __ ] I opened them look buttons actually I should probably get over there oh no they're the buttons with the closet okay there was the thing about these really Sierra games sometimes it was a little difficult to discern what door was what or what's the door and what's a wall so let me push this button you have to be more specific about which button you wish to choose I'll push the left button how about that whoo what is this look object are you sure you want to look at that um let me try look closet it looks like some sort of looks like an electronic oh my god I can't read today it looks like an electrical gadget of some sort I'm gonna take dat gadget okay taken now push the right button oh my god push right button oh yeah that's a flight suit take suit boom now I'm lookin good now I'm ready to jam okay I always wanted doors that would just open up when I walked by them that's definitely some wait to-do list when I remodel my house but they have to make a bruit sound look console the console is adorned with many status indicators one button on the right is marked air lock I'm gonna push that air lock button yo it's gonna be tits [ __ ] yes okay so this is good also I hope you guys are in the mood for a nice chill play through this uh this game is probably a couple of hours long and I'm gonna try to rock through it all today so I'm gonna take it nice and easy and just cruise with this ah the good old days of video gaming when you could walk into an open space airlock and not get sucked out to your death look console again looking at the console you see a button marked platform there are also some gauges which don't interest you that means I don't understand them I'll push the button OOP okay let's save it again whoops sorry okay leaving ship hooray I live yes okay that's an awfully small escape pod but let's just assume it's one of those funhouse mirrors situations where it's bigger on the inside than the outside enter pod okay great look console now this is deceptively chill right now but I am being timed and if I don't get out off this ship soon enough it'll explode and I'll die the console consists of a screen pod status indicators a throttle and some buttons the buttons are marked auto nav power and don't touch okay I can't tell you how much I wanted to touch that don't touch button when I was a kid let's see here um screen okay let's close the door done let's put on our seat belt safety first sweet okay look screen the screen is dark push button god mm-hmm sorry I forgot I have to look at the console again the auto not okay power push power oh isn't that lovely look at that now I'll look at the screen Oh God that's not right that's not what it should look like okay escape pod systems activated ready for instructions emergency program initiated pull throttle to execute launch sequence fucking-a fantastic that's not good let's pray to God okay cool I'm always afraid it's not gonna come back to normal pull throttle yeah we're cruising baby the escape pod moves slowly out into the of the vehicle Bay and into space congratulations you have narrowly escaped an explosive death don't sport start patting yourself on the back just yet though you are now travelling aimlessly through the cosmos yeah all my friends are dead okay so I'm going to push the auto nav button and let the screen tell me what to do now okay hang in there all systems are go terrific seems that way I guess I just cruised for a little bit how you guys doing everyone good out there okay the monitor flashes you study it to see what new information is being displayed look screen planet profile Corona Scott dimensions the atmosphere is breathable that's good life civilization unknown temperatures 40 Celsius that's hot as [ __ ] navigation systems locked in the auto nav system is locked under the small planet of Corona and the pot has begun its approach nothing to do now but hang on hang on everyone I'll just add that sound effects Boosh baby okay after a skull jarring landing you peer through the shattered viewing port out onto the desert landscape a feeling of utter desolation settles in you're in a fine mess now Danny thanks game okay so I'm gonna save this one more time so now we're on Corona which is a desert planet and again you're being timed here even though it doesn't feel like it the first couple of times I played through this when I was really young I kept dying of thirst on the on the planet and I was like what is happening so it took a while but I eventually figured out that I am in a desert and I have to find and drink water oh wait a second actually hold that thought let me just check my handy dandy reminder walk through here and make sure I didn't forget to get something very important um nope I guess I'm good yeah you can easily [ __ ] up a Sierra game for good and it it it'll just be bad news okay we're back we're good everything's good okay so look ship you are inside the escape pod it appears that the more fragile devices were damaged severely by the impact of the landing a survival kick has broken loose from someplace great I'll take the kit done let's look at the kit this is your survival kit it contains a xenon Army knife and a can of dehydrated water without hydration what what is just oxygen okay never mind we're fine that'll work out great let's search the ship make sure okay forget it let's take off the seatbelt and open the door the door has been permanently opened by the impact of the landing great leave ship okay so here's something let's just look around it's quite sandy down there you see that a piece of highly reflective glass is broken out of the window great I'll take that glass glass now in possession marvelous let's save desert he'll scape [ __ ] my life oh sorry I keep putting that in as the directory OOP now desert he'll scape surprise okay I am you have to be more specific forget it now I have to figure out where to go and not to die there's a lot of [ __ ] out here that'll kill me just like in any desert okay I've been eaten great you have just become vertical meal for the local welcoming committee marvelous thank you for playing Space Quest too bad you failed miserably and doomed all your people to a horrible death at the hands of the Sirians if you continue playing as skillfully as this will never have a chance for a sequel ah guys don't worry you made five sequels better luck next time okay I [ __ ] that right up let's restore the game you are dead you can only restore restart or quit no [ __ ] okay I guess after a store like this okay desert hail skip there we go let's try going to the right then look desert the vast silicon sea seems to stretch to infinity ooh so poetic um oh man just looking at these these cliffs like this look of how rocks look is very very old-school Sierra like a lot of the early King's quests a lot of like the Black Cauldron for Sierra looked like this man it just takes me back okay there we go oh this is lovely I don't know where I'm supposed to go I can't quite recall I think I think there's if I remember correctly I think there's a way up like there's a ridge yep there it is okay cool no one has sent down see this part used to freak me out as a kid cuz it's very quiet and very peaceful and then all of a sudden the Sirians dropped this like [ __ ] up spider thing it's like a evil spider droid it hasn't happened yet but it's not cool and it's a bad time hmm we'll see alright I'm having a bit of a conundrum I remember that as you walk across this bridge uh well let's say I believe it cracks and gets [ __ ] up every time you walk across it yep don't like that that's not good that's bad so I've got to make each each time count you can also fall off any of these ledges and die there's a hole down there I believe there's something in it or you die when you get there I can't remember one of the two and this is lovely this is just a nice little thing that you could probably paint by yourself now but at the time required oh [ __ ] there's there's there's the spider droid suddenly you see a large black metal sphere falling out of the sky a seryan spider droid upon touching down on the planet's surface it sprouts legs and begins its search for you you will call from an article in space piston magazine that destroyed is designed to seek out organic life-forms and self-destruct when contact is made okay so [ __ ] this thing I hate it I have one shot to kill it and I mean one shot you that rock that was up on the bridge I have to wait till this spider comes down at exactly the right moment and then drop that rock on it if I miss the rock is just down there and my life becomes way [ __ ] harder there you are you son of a [ __ ] okay I'm gonna save this because this may require a a couple times spider death [ __ ] nugget damn okay so I push rock and I just have to have my hand hover over the button just waiting just waiting for that spider stop beeping and walk over here you [ __ ] sometimes this takes forever so in the meantime I'll just tell you that I was inspired to do this by my buddy trolls trolls ply Mart who is known as the Space Quest historian and he did the ultimate Space Quest one playthrough I was like oh man I totally want to do that like it's such a great game oh here we go push the rock okay I [ __ ] up okay at least now I know where the rock lands okay let's restore that sorry I was so excited - okay push rock yeah trolls did a great playthrough of this and it inspired me and I was like I think I'll do one for the grumps audience and make sure everyone gets to see these wonderful old-school games because I mean this game really like I mean I know I was talking about in the Space Quest three playthrough how that one's kind of my favorite and oh [ __ ] wait is this it come down just a little bit [ __ ] how that one was always my favorite and along with Space Quest 5 and this one is kind of primitive looking but the thing is this one came out three years earlier than Space Quest 3 so I was three years younger so this was equally if not more mind-blowing at the time I mean this is the same year as Super Mario Brothers like very I mean we're talking old school home gaming and granted Super Mario Brothers has quote-unquote better oh wait come on you little [ __ ] quote unquote better graphics you know they're they're a little more cartoony and more fun but the these these graphics had more of I don't quite how to put it because this story had so much depth to it these graphics kind of fit the extreme depth of what was going on and made it seem more grounded in an intense oh man I just have to wait we just got to play the waiting game this may take a hot second I hope you don't mind there are a couple sections in this game that'll be like this I know there's a place later where you play slot machines and spur non-gambling he is just he is just playing with my emotions yes I know I know you've got the BP's I wonder huh hold on I'll see if he walks under this time and if he walks away I'll try I try yelling okay call oh wait push rock come on I was gonna try to call to the spider and see if that does anything since its supposed to ah yes yeah it was not known that you were a master of the rock oh I'm a master of the Rock Space Quest that was a fine effort [ __ ] yes okay immediate save whoo spider death [ __ ] naga damn saving it okay cool and now I can go on with my life and not worry about that garbage because if he comes in contact with you while you're on the ground you both explode and you die and later when I have to spend more time on the ground and get back to my getting you know get to different places it becomes very difficult to avoid that thing so yeah now we're cruising baby also I should say I'm going to finish this game pretty quickly like a matter of hours but the heat is causing you to develop quite a thirst a drink of water would certainly be most pleasant okay let's let's hold off until it gets a little worse because I have very limited dehydrated water this is an interesting rock formation don't you think perhaps I'll just walk into the center of it but first a look look rock you see a pair of oddly curved rock formations they point to each other as if to form an arch well let's get in there oh [ __ ] that was a big find for me when I was a kid I was like hold my goodness look Cave this is one end of what appears to be a large cavern the only way to go is to the left there is a rock nearby okay great alright maybe I'll pick up that rock pick up rock done cool glad they said that because otherwise I would have walked right by that looks kind of like the scenery oh so yeah so I should say that when I when we first were playing these games save cuz I did a thing got rock I rock whoops got rock I rock rock rock rock oh let's look at the great the great is made of metal and seems to be fastened securely to the floor it is too dark to see down through the grate there is however an odd smell emanating from down there inhale deeply of the stank okay doesn't understand inhale and stank was not a thing so we'll just up all right [ __ ] it that's a tentacle thing I am okay I'm dead terrific marvelous you've been snatched from existence by a tentacle beast lurking beneath the great you feel the painful sting of digestive fluids I know that feeling Taco Bell thank you for playing space quest okay let's restore all I was gonna say was this these puzzles were pretty tough actually to solve back in the day and it required a lot of lot of trial and error so I'll go here yeah and then you shimmy sham do the little shimmy and you miss the tentacle thing [ __ ] you tentacle thing okay so now look at this little geyser there's a geyser cone here it is rhythmically spewing hot steam touch steam great look wall everything down here is composed a very hard rock/metal everything has a slimy look and feel due to the humidity okay um oh that's right I have to look Rach this is definitely a rock okay cool place rock on geyser put rock in geyser boom there that's another danger okay so I put the rock in and to open the door that's another danger of these early Sierra games with the parser system instead of instead of point-and-click if you didn't phrase it correctly you'd be pretty [ __ ] okay let me save again because I don't remember what this pool does look pool you gays who didn't use me you gaze intently at the purplish pool of liquid the first real sign of moisture on the planet the pool seems to have no bottom the gentle dripping has a soothing effect on your frazzled nerves oh let's try drinking from the pool say what drink you place your lips to the nozzle and draw a fluid not not a very reasonable facsimile of water is released slowly while tasting slightly terrible it quenches your thirst at least for the time being oh I drank some of my dehydrated water okay good I guess I needed to do that anyway drink pool that does not compute touch pool say what get in pool your legs will take you where you want to go in most cases anyway no need to be snarky game okay never mind we move on okay I definitely remember those drippings from the ceiling up on the second level our acid so I'm going to avoid those when the time comes where am I going here that's right a little bit lost okay there we go oh god yes this part okay so this is a beam it makes a very pleasing sound look beam the beams seem to form some sort of electric electronic barrier across the path let's try walking through them and see what happens no problem never mind you are now laying on the floor in many pieces guess those beams meant business Danny great thank you now I just have to look at myself like that alright this was a [ __ ] up thing I remember the game mark and Scott or maybe one of them one of them have gone on record is saying that they wish this puzzle hadn't been so difficult not because of the beam itself but to find that little piece of glass which you need to defeat the beam it wasn't exactly the most obvious thing outside of the ship and you had to look in just the right place so look glass this is a piece of highly reflective view shield glass from the escape pod due to its special design there are no sharp edges so that's nice so the reflective word there is the the key word that's supposed to help you out but yeah if you didn't find that glass near your ship and you got to this point you just had no idea what to do so I remember the first time I played Space Quest I couldn't figure this out and I quit playing it for like a month and then my friend Dave got a hint book which was it was all it was it was kind of cool like you had to use this pen that came with the hint book and like use the magic ink on it and it would reveal the answers to these various these various puzzles so you didn't have to look and spoil it by just opening the book and seeing how to do everything like you only use the ink on the ones you wanted to so it was pretty cool and so I used that and then figured out where the glass was and went back and the rest is history so back to this pleasing sound and I'll use the glass on the beam okay put glass in beam squadoosh baby you have quite cleverly turned the beam upon itself frying it in it into inoperability excellent so now I move on and yes so like I was saying that took about 30 seconds but in 1986 that took a month because there was no internet there was no way to get that information you either needed friends to play the game or you had to there was a I believe there was a Ciera hint line set up like a 900 number but my mom wasn't gonna let me call that so because 900 numbers show okay so let's save because I don't want to die here although I might die here drip drip drip dram a ding-dang do okay cool I'm gonna actually slow the game speed down because this is very tricky Boop okay and stop and stop there wait for the next drew no okay I stopped too close to it you are unpleasantly surprised by a drop of searing acid which bores its way to your feet great oh yeah see these his games are very very touchy let's try it again maybe I can do it at normal speed there we go okay cool and we wait for that one marvelous oh I'm all proud of myself okay I don't know if this is it but I'm gonna do this anyway where is my inventory okay so there is the gadget that's how they say it okay so I'm about to meet an alien and he starts talking to me but he's in his he speaks in his own native language which I don't understand and if I don't understand it it just sends me to the surface again and then I have to do this all over again which is a [ __ ] this space quest one is pretty [ __ ] unforgiving actually so I'm gonna look at the gadget I happen to know that it's a translator written on the electronic gadget or the words dialect translator on one end is a dial and a light currently dim so I will turn the dial you turn the dial to the right the light begins to glow great so now now the translators on and I'll be able to understand the alien when he starts talking to me so let's do that Oh nope this wasn't the room but still good that I did that this is a little risky as always cuz as always like you can just walk off the edges of this at any time and die good times fun times and here we go as soon as you enter the room you find yourself surrounded by darkness suddenly you become aware of the fact that you cannot move or speak a strange unknown force has taken over this guy seems friendly a massive holographic image appears before you you sense that you were the only life-form in the area okay so he's you know it's like a Wizard of Oz kind of thing he's in another place and you're seeing a giant hologram let me take a little sip of water okay [Music] so you have found your way to my hallowed chamber I have been monitoring your travels on our planet it appears that you are up to the proverbial s it appears that you are up the proverbial estuary without a means of locomotion up the creek without a paddle is where he's going with that you are obviously in need of transportation truth let us see if you are worthy of our assistance on the surface lives a beast called aurat he proves to be a bit of an annoyance on occasion dispose of him and bring back evidence of your conquest only then will I deal with your plight good luck strange one oh I'm the strange one captain purple eyes okay back to the surface alright so now I have to find this or at and kill him and take back some evidence that that happened to that dude that would have been way more difficult if that spider droid was still walking around so this is good and I'm glad I didn't have to walk back and forth on this bridge a bunch of times because that is very unsettling you may not think that falling that distance would kill you but huh this is space quest you are much more likely to die than not die at any given time I believe let me see look desert the vest okay I believe that's a cave over there look cave you are following a path on the side of a cliff it is rather desolate here okay never mind I'm pretty sure it's kind of hard to tell from that image but I believe that's the cave and so now I have to remember how to kill this guy well it's been years I don't think I'd get anything else so I think I already have the thing that kills them let's say now look cave you're in an area almost entirely surrounded by cliffs a path winds its way along the sheer cliff to the left is not accessible from here okay forget it I guess we'll just walk in there and see what happens but first the saving of the file or at cave is bad and I hate this alright [ __ ] it here we go yo yep that's the all right okay then we leave when we leave I can't leave I can't leave [ __ ] ah dicks what have we here how he speaks English perhaps he can be reasoned with never [ __ ] mind [Music] okay great all right has transformed you into a new source of recreation you of course don't survive this treatment it's tough to make friends around here oh I feel your space quest okay um I like that it doesn't stop it just lets you watch your dead self for a long time okay let me look at my inventory not my inventory but my inventory why not it's right there okay let's take a quick peek at this cartridge key chord oh the dehydrated water that's right okay I got a that dehydrated water it if you I guess if you drink it all um you explode because it's so much water okay so now I'm gonna turn this on to slow so I have time to type this in before he kills me throw water at all right uh uh Oh goddamn it I'm going to leave now okay poof wonder if I can type that out here that not a tort okay and then it'll stay well stay good do it yeah down or at always in the mood for a snack snatches the can out of the air with his spacious oral cavity chews and swallows it he notices a rumbling deep within his abdomen yes oh it's on slow so it's taking this a little bit of time yeah baby explode yeah gross all right sighs proved to be bigger than his stomach for once incapable of becoming history's first living reservoir his body succumbs to the intense internal pressure created by nearly ten gallons of instantly reconstituted water as a special bonus you have received a much-needed shower you okay let's turn this back to normal and I believe or at was kind enough to leave a piece of his disgusting body behind look ground it looks like the rest of the ground around here the green spots indicate that there is a little moisture okay look or at heart you do not possess it oh okay cool at least I know it understands that you reach down and take the aurat part into your hand some of it is is to fill the space between your fingers disgusting look poor at part the or odd part seems to consist of a spiny piece of bone with a small amount of somewhat less solid material clinging to one end how disgusting okay I'm gonna turn on the fast mobile a little bit and crank my way back up to mr. giant purple eyes man won't he be happy to see me but first I'll save because God knows the chances of me I'll just do that God knows the chances of me accidentally walking off this cliff and dying are within the 65 to 75 percent range all right we're cruising man I hope you guys are enjoying this I don't know how I don't know how well this type of thing will play with with the grumps fanbase but you know what this was a game that was very meaningful to me when I was growing up so maybe even if it seems awfully primitive to you which by the way you have every right to feel that way maybe you're still getting something out of this even if it's just an interesting history lesson on where videogames came from okay so I have to go back down here man I thought I thought it goes easy on you and like takes you right there but I guess not hmm okay so let's just do this thing scuse me scuse me scuse me wooof getting pretty good at this now huh okay gets all the hitched up there I just feel very funny like going in speed mode because this character Roger Wilco is such a doof II like he sort of doesn't have much of a personality in in this one he's sort of just like your generic hero other than that he's like a goofy janitor but he's such a doof II character later on in another space quests so it's funny to see him walk so determinedly so let's save this here oops more drip ease okay okay let's just do this kind of do this just right there's one there's two and there's three just okay I'm gonna keep it on normal speed because I don't want to fall down which is just the strongest of possibilities right now but I believe we're there yes yes reconstitute my friend again the massive holographic image appears before you say something baby so you have returned fortunately there is much more to you than meets the eye my giant gross eyes drop performing your proof of or ads defeat for my inspection excuse me drop part you drop the or at part to the ground the vision is silent you are startled by a rumbling and suddenly an oddly shaped door comes into view it opens slowly you hear a voice different this time beckoning you to step forward come on feel like it you should I take that part take part oh no I don't even have the ability to type right now okay great we're just walking we're just walking ah oh yeah that's right okay there you are there's my friend we're buds now he's got a hole got his hole for armed crew working on [ __ ] down here please don't be alarmed we intend no harm we are a peaceful race we are cautious however others don't share our way of life welcome to Corona thanks bro you are standing in the power generation facility of our underground settlement all power here is produced by steam that is unimportant to you however we have promised you transportation oh man can't wait for steam powered stuff like steampunk oh sweet they're giving me they gave me something it is a skimmer it hovers approximately 1/2 meter above the traveling surface this is very important because of Grell ghrelin is like dwell in caves below the sand oh that's the guy who ate me when I first joined if you stand on the surface or when I first landed if you stand on the surface too long your chance of becoming you ah you chance becoming a rare moist meal for him oh thank you you think I'm moist the skimmer is programmed to take you to a settlement on the other side of Corona called you'll ins flats I get it flatulence okay I didn't get that when I was there you can make further travel arrangements there I'm sorry this is all we can offer I hope your trip is a safe one board the skimmer when you are ready to depart good luck strange one thank you my sweet friend and you rock the [ __ ] on so here's another thing I didn't realize when I was younger that comes very importantly into play later if you look at the console here the console ooh excuse me the console consists of a monitor and a cartridge slot there are also some readouts which indicate the status of some of the mechanisms in here so I did not put it together that I'm supposed to put the cartridge I got earlier into this slot put cartridge in a slot not slow put cartridge in slot the cartridge snaps neatly into the slot and the screen comes alive and as we see with all screens crazy [ __ ] happens whoever shall read this my name is dr. slash Bohol I am a scientist with the star generator project aboard the star Lab Arcada we have just successfully completed the development and testing of the star generator during this time I have come to believe that our progress has been monitored by others I fear that the Syrians may have learned of our mission if my fears proved true the star generator and the people of our universe are in serious jeopardy the star generator is a miraculous device users intended it will help preserve life for eons to come used as a device for evil it would cause the destruction of millions of lives and enslave all who oppose the Syrians encoded within this cartridge are all plans and specifications for the construction of the star generator should any disaster befall the star generator project scientists would be able to create a duplicate of the star general with isn't this information please guard this with your life return it to the Xenon ruling body as quickly as possible important note the star generator is capable of self-destruction this was introduced to the system as a precaution to activate it one must enter this code 6 8 5 8 let me just write that down because that is super important for finishing the game a five-minute timer will begin to countdown but where anyone within 5 kilometers of the star generator will be in danger once the timer has been initiated please be careful and good luck okay so yes when I was younger I didn't know that cartridge went in there and then and I just went about my merry way on the game then when I got to the very end at the start general de stroyed heard the star generator I had no idea how to [ __ ] destroy it because I didn't know the code okay we're good so now we'll save again let's save it more drip ease that's fine gonna take another little sippy-sip cuz man let me tell you doing these solo grumps like you do a lot of talking and your voice really like gets a little bit tired okay get in skimmer alright so this again is a time when I'll have to turn the speed on to slow because this is very tough look skimmer look panel the panel has an ignition switch great there's a key in it turn dat key baby you turn the key and suddenly the jet turbines begin to work the skimmer begins to shake beneath you as its platform slowly moves on to the launch tube you can't help but wonder what you've gotten yourself into this time you wacky son of a [ __ ] hmm as you nervously hang on the skimmer rises slowly to the surface of the planet via a secret passage so this part stuff is dicks I'm going to be skimming and rocks come up and if I hit too many rocks I die and it's it's a strange upon reaching the surface you throttle up and zoom off into the sunset the settlement the alien spoke of appears on the horizon I got to avoid those rocks so it's a strange like arcade section in an otherwise not rkt type of game whoa and it's quite difficult actually like on when it gets to any other speed other than slow it's real tough [Music] but I need to just avoid it four times or so and I'll be fine so this seems like a good time to give well damn it okay I have a small amount of damage Oh God woof woof a twofer huh boy this might actually require all of my concentration um guys you know how how could I am it video games that require a skill you see me play Paper Mario okay okay the cell as you can see it's kind of hard to see because it's white on yellow but the white is the settlement and it's getting a little bit bigger and more defined as time goes on I think in future versions of this definitely in future space quests whenever they had an arcade sequence like this they allowed you the opportunity to skip it I mean because it is kind of fun but like if if arcade games are not your thing like if you only enjoyed point-and-click adventures that this type of thing would be very frustrating because you're like why do I not only do I have to like do this [ __ ] that I don't like to do but it's quite hard and to get back to the part of the game that I like I have to get past this and beat it so it's I guess they they got that feedback after this first game they're Vinick oh I think I forgot to say that earlier um oops okay moderate damage guess I should concentrate but um yes Scott and Mark have gone on record as saying that there were a few puzzles in this game that were just too difficult and they would have changed them if they could I can't remember if they said they would have made the skimmer section easier but I would not be surprised because it's no joke whoo that was pretty intense you managed to successfully navigate through the treacherous boulder field and are quite relieved to see that you've reached the settlement yeah I'm in the bar baby welcome to you Lenz flats after a truly stone crushing journey you have miraculously arrived safely at you lens flats and just in time too because the skimmers Power Cell has been drained it will take some excuse me it'll take some time to recharge itself this place isn't quite what you had expected it is semi bleak at best okay turn off skimmer turn key that will do you no good the Power Cell is drained it made some okay it's already off get out stand leave skimmer poof there we go okay let's look around you are at the south edge of you Lynn's flats the area is protected from predators by an electronic barrier which runs around the perimeter of the settlement oh that's what those little tweaky things are hello friend say this is a genuine fault and scan skimmer I've been looking for one just like it I wonder if you would accept 30 bukka's odes I'm gonna tell this dude no [ __ ] him fine be that way yeah you storm off [ __ ] you [ __ ] storm off okay so couple things about this little encounter that I got wrong the first many times that I did this if you say yes you you get his 30 bucks and you can't complete the game how about that [ __ ] because his next offer is much better oops let's go to normal but let me save just in case I don't do this correctly can't have my skimmer dicknuts okay I believe I have to go in the bar and come back out and then I'll deal with the bar oh yeah it ZZ Top I love it I love it so much [Music] I believe he's gonna come back yeah there he is okay so now he says okay this is my final offer and I'm only doing it because you look like you need it pretty bad I'll give you 30 bucks and I'll throw in a swell jetpack I only used it once works great in zero-gravity you'll love it is it a deal yes or no yes glad we could do business hope you're staying Newlands flats is an interesting one thanks bro so if I had if I had not accepted that offer when I come out of the bar he's just stolen my sand skimmer like a big big old bag of dicks um but now I got 30 bucks so I can go in the bar and do some [ __ ] oh this would of all the bands that play here this was always my favorite the little weird green guys do it do it do it do it look band there's a hip combo of green beings jamming they only seem to be interested in playing music word oh by the way oh [ __ ] okay did did you guys see that over by the UM you may need to rewind your youtube video over by the video game machine the Droid is cleaning it up right now but there was a guy playing slots over there and he died because slots on you lens flats are no [ __ ] joke so I'm gonna play them now here is a section that Matt Ryan you may want to slots sorry let me try that again okay I my skimmer dick that's my slimmer I did not realize I put that well it's too late now yep okay so I need to get 250 bucks that takes for [ __ ] ever it requires a lot of saving and a lot of trial and error and if you get three skulls you die so the chances of you dying are way more frequent than the chances of you getting 250 bucks so I'm gonna bet I'll hit f8 I'll bet $3 suck methane okay great so that's what it looks like now you get the idea I'm gonna put it on the fastest speed and do this a bunch of times Matt Ryan feel free to speed past this section and put in some sweet music and go [Music] yay okay oh god that was arduous him sorry there seems to be a circuit failure to be reimbursed sin claim to the Gipper Zoid novelties 2001 odessa blasts way Guerneville phaidor XL galaxy please allow two decades for delivery great ok so finally got 250 bucks Oh God things are very fast let me me and make them normal we got the Blues Brothers in the house now ok let's look let's look at that band there are a couple of non galactic looking humanoids cranking out some unfamiliar sounding tunes they seem interested solely in the music they're performing oh yeah they're on a mission from God ok so time to order a drink I don't understand talk bartender what'll it be I got beer and it's 2 buckets okay I'll buy beer that'll be two bucks thank you very much come again all right great drink beer the beer tastes like carbonated zip I'll sweat however considering recent events you could learn to love it oh man that took a long time so when I was when I was a kid I used to play this game with my buddy Dave over at his house and he was farther than I was and I just got this crazy flashback of oh hang on what'll be I got beer and it's two buckets buy another beer that'll be two bucks thank you very much come again so the idea is I drink I drink these two beers gulp gulp and eventually I believe one of these other guys look oh cheese all right look patrons you've never seen the likes of the patrons seated at the bar they look fairly absorbed in their drinks I think I'm supposed to listen to them say what no I seem to remember like they give you information oh my god it just occurred to me that those gray lines and near the top of the dome are smoke jeez wow that took a long time alright I'll buy another beer am I gonna get smashed here and die although let me sit let me save it first just in case save would do this one because I was that blank when I was using for the for the slot machine that blank one I was using for okay nevermind yes I'll buy another beer [Music] okay nevermind I think they give me information if I just hang out here long enough but all I was saying was I used to play this game with my friend Dave over at his house and I remember furiously trying to win the slot machine before my mom came and picked me up and [Music] you know it's it's just it's those weird moments of your childhood that let's just stick out so so clearly like you know I'm here I'm 38 I'm playing this by myself in an empty office and you know I'm having these crazy flashbacks to when I was like 7 years old in New Jersey and just hoping that you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna turn the sound off okay sure okay that's better not that I don't love the Blues Brothers but man yes so just just a crazy weird flashback and those moments of your life and I I got some kind of like ancient reminiscent feeling of of what it was like to be a kid and just sweating bullets and trying to win at that thing because of that that timer cuz when your mom came to pick you up like maybe she'd talked to your friend's mom for a little bit but like you could only could only hold it off for so long and and then God knows when you get to play it again because there was [ __ ] school man as much as we like to romanticize childhood there's a lot of [ __ ] that like is cool about being an adult and being able to do whatever you want and go wherever you want the bartender is only interested in selling as whereas he's a no-help otherwise okay talk patrons no one here seems willing to acknowledge your presence maybe they're not too fond of humanoids okay well you know what maybe I'll come back later maybe it's not meant to happen right now maybe I got some other [ __ ] to do okay so let's go out into the world by the way for anyone who doesn't remember turn the sound back on for anyone who doesn't remember his space quest for you actually this is the place you come to the humans flats um when you uh when you oh you are standing against the protective barrier encircling humans flats do the fact that you are a land-based you are not able to pass ah okay um let's turn the speed up a little bit yeah this is the place you come when you uh when you fly into the past you come to space quest one droids be us let's go oh-ho whoa welcome to droids be us the finest Emporium for mechanized beings in the quadrant we have a complete line of droids for any purpose imaginable well almost any all top of the line but I suppose you would probably be interested in our sale items please walk this way okay so yeah all that cool [ __ ] at the bottom like the giant transformer I can't afford those so you have two choices here okay so look droid that unit is a good all-around droid sure it may seem a little dinged up but it's not as bad as it looks there's still quite a bit of life and left in it and it's a great little companion and for you only 40 bucks swords 32 with a coupon I don't know how you get a coupon in this game that model is ideal for flight systems operations it will pilot any modern fighter or Cruiser it's one of the most experienced roids and we carry I ask only 45 bucks for it 36 with coupon I got it from some gambling type who's required to pay up or perish I believe this is the guy I want okay so I think that other green droid is a lemon and will get you killed using your discount coupon you have made a relatively decent purchase of a pre-owned sale item how did I get a coupon all right whatever oh I love him follow me buddy yeah and I got a friend I forgot to look around got to be more specific look droid there's nothing I can't tell you that the salesman hasn't already look salesman the salesman is a strangely built being he looks like he might tip forward at any minute I know people like that okay look transformer look droid okay it thinks I'm talking about my guy that's fine we're buds now okay let's wander around you're standing against the barrier okay here's the barrier oh yeah here's the here's a little pile of sand where they deposit the the slot machine users who have died yeesh look sand it is a loose granular material resulting from the disintegration of the area's rocks nope okay look just there is a strange pile of very fine white powder here it's origin puzzles you it is a strange burnt smell to it yeesh okay maybe touch dust just that do anything say what pick up dust the extremely fine dust seeps between your fingers there is no need for it anyway especially considering its origin okay fine maybe I just wanted to touch some dead people yeah it's happened a thousand times everybody feels that way from time to time okay so I got my little Droid and now I got to go get a ship and that's where tiny comes in what's up tiny how did bucko can i huh huh oh goodness how did bucko can I interest you in one of the finest little used space ships in the galaxy you look like a man of discerning taste now I do not so I know he's full of [ __ ] look tiny what can be said that isn't seen tiny is a large red skin covered beasts with the personality of a true salesman not a prime combination of truths uh talk to tiny tiny is not a great conversationalist he just wants to sell sell sell all right I guess I just walked near ships look ship he was standing near one of tiny Zeus spacecraft upon close inspection they appear to have quite a few kilometers on them mm-hmm ship well this is quite a unique little unit never been flown by over MA no never been flown over Mach 3 it was owned by a little old lady from glass a drum glanced a drop these words are hard when you are not used to them you have to fly it to believe it and she can be yours for only 99 bucks swords hmm I don't know about that let's see what what is this one I think this is the one well there's a man with a good eye this here is the keenest little scrambler in the hemisphere top of the line handles like a charm perfect for cruising the asteroid fields and she's all she's got all the thrust a guy could need I tell you she's an outright steal at 214 bucka swords I'm gonna do I have I think I might have spent too much on beer inventory goddamn it okay wait for it bukka Zoids look Oh God poof man never get tired of that look bukka Zoids the buck is a flat piece of precious alien metal you have 200 8008 of them god damn it can't afford the thing yet so how about a partner can I interest you in anything here can we do business or what I'm at service talk to me chief boy tiny chill out chill out on the hard sell got to do a little more uh a little more Droid and a little more hard it's the Droid have to stay outside see there when I wait okay say they're pallets come to my attention that you're in the market for some transportation I may be able to help if all me I'd like to show you a fine little piece of machinery that'll knock your eyes out this [ __ ] trip no [ __ ] him he shoots you in the back or or he steals your money either way he's not [ __ ] cool so he can suck a dick that poor guy just died at the slots again that's brutal um let me okay you know what if I don't over here something seared by beer yeah if I don't over here something's here and I'll just look it up but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to happen just randomly Bart oh my god this is just like [ __ ] trying to order a drink in LA the bartender's just helping everyone but you oh yeah mr. bartender you enjoying your moment of fame everybody wants to talk to you cuz you're the coolest guy god dammit help me you son of a [ __ ] alright I'll just look it up alright someone's gonna say something about a sector HH but [ __ ] it who cares can't be spending my hard-earned money on BER ok let me just save this one more time and let's just try to when a couple bucks real quick oh okay not a chance this isn't going well everything's terrible so sorry cherry is great I want my money back goddamn it all right just precedence ABS okay got it okay sweet eats and all right that was fortunate back to fast mode and leave f10 to quit okay are you all right I really wanted to show you guys the full experience of this game so I guess maybe I'll just uh well I can't have everything in this life but I'll know sector ehh at some point is what I need to worry about hello Droid II okay where am I come on tiny I gotta find you all right there we go tiny give me the thing well there's a man with a good eye yes I know okay yeah let's buy ship thank you joy Dee I tell you I think you've made a wise decision she's a beauty the keys are in there if you have any problems don't hesitate to come back and tell us about him it's been a heck of a pleasure doing business with you oh and by the way you're gonna need a droid to help you fly that thing well good luck come again good thing I have a droid standing right [ __ ] next to me climb the ladder okay look console looking at the inside of the ship you notice that there are no load controls here oh no controls here just a button mark load type hmm excuse me tiny must have been serious when he said you would need a droid to fly it goddamn right push load oh there goes my little droid what sector shall I head for sir asks the droid sector HH boo H H sector H H it is I will proceed with course entry see you hey wait a minute where do you think you're going my ship yeah that's what you get for trying to kill me [ __ ] off I go into the purple yonder wow that was ballsy of tiny to just sell that dude's ship like that but you gotta love it you gotta love the balls on that tiny well done Danny thank you you've managed to overcome the elements of Corona from endless deserts and Spider droids to obnoxious salesmen and bad booze yes the sand and your boots shall forever serve as a reminder of this forsaken planet you should feel proud but now destiny awaits with an even greater challenge oh [ __ ] hang on sir we are headed into an asteroid field ah thanks little guy pretty sure if I didn't whoa pretty sure if I didn't have the Droid this asteroid field would have killed me completely but this is some sweet asteroid animation oh [ __ ] and there it is in the distance we have established visual contact with a ship of Syrian origin that's what they say in the bar they say that sector HH is where the Syrians are located says the Droid the name Deltora is confirmed you that's their ship you might consider the fact that we are in danger by being anywhere near the ship I hope you didn't waste money on the extended warranty when you purchased me Oh Troy D I will slower approach and stand off at a safe distance okay so shits about to get real we are more than halfway through the game now and I am at the final ship so let's take a little look before utilize the serían battle cruiser delt or an imposing Lee massive ship now you understand why the arcade ax was so easily overtaken your first instinct is to turn the ship around and head for home but then you realize that unless you do something to try to stop this Aryans there will be no home ain't that some [ __ ] okay let's see here um I believe let's look um well first let's save it because - a scary ship Oh spray - a stray ship I believe oh the the jetpack okay use jetpack how would you like to do that to my inventory yes cut the screen into three pieces gadget glass survival kit beer jetpack okay hmm okay talk droid that does not compute put on jetpack you are now wearing the jetpack suite a small control linkage snaps onto the back of your helmet allowing you to control it merely by focusing on where you want to go nice the mind link just picks up on your vibe leave ship before leaving the safety of your ship you instruct the little droid to set a course for Zenon where you will rendezvous later providing of course that you are successful in carrying out your mission once again you are on your own goodbye a little joy D I love you okay we what okay look door it appears to be a standard air lock there is a handle in the center turn handle you grasp the large handle and twist noting the rather significant amount of pain being registered you are extremely grateful to hear a click alright I'm in as you enter the Syrian ship the airlock door seals itself behind you you try to open it again without any success it appears that you are stuck here okay [ __ ] has officially gotten real take off jetpack you're in an airlock don't you think you ought to wait until you enter the ship oh well alright maybe I'll do that Oh bleep gurgle pop apologizes is the strange robot as he pushes you aside hmm alright nope okay I clearly missed my opportunity to get through the door there we go okay sweet Thank You robot friend he's like the one cool friendly thing on the ship okay so let's put the speed at normal and save it on ship in deep ship huh let's see what I did there neat okay look room you are standing in a large empty room within the seryan ship on one wall is a vent there is some sort of trunk on the floor okay oh I can take off pack now take off jetpack where would you like to put it um in my but open trunk put jetpack in trunk done great closed trunk push trunk yeah there we go okay because I believe up I hear it full footsteps and muffled voices from beyond the door get on trunk climb in vent okay open vent using your xenon Army knife you pry the vent open sweet I didn't even think of that get in vent poof okay that was close look at my little hands going boop boop doop doop okay this could take a little I like to take baby steps when I'm on the old ladder okay now I don't know where I'm supposed to go here so let's just see where this takes us I'll put it on fast your nose has just been redesigned by your ill-advised attempt to us as insert it into a closed vent okay open vent can I pry the great open which seems to be stuck okay so that's not the one they slither on back over boy space questlove's their vents and their venting systems there are tons of stuff there is tons of stuff like this in various Space Quest games space Chris 5 has a vent I think 3 has some venti stuff but there was a just a just a trope they enjoyed boop oh wait this right came from leave this is where I came from hmm I am confused let me you try getting back in the vent what if I go down I remember now yeah that okay I don't think I can kick I've rather I don't think I can pry open the vent but I think I can kick it open um that's what it was okay let's see if is this the right one Boop cool kick event yeah all right now open vent boy glad that was still rattling around in my brain okay great now I'm here gonna want that normal speed and that saving action make cover-up I am stupid yay I am awesome please stupid yay oh okay forget it I'm in the laundromat now look room you're in the ship's laundry facility it's great I knew it open door look in dryer look in washer someone might be coming you don't have time to be standing around [ __ ] get in washer I love the immediate Oh so there was cesarean without his helmet well Danny it certainly appears as though you're about to become all washed up sweet okay oh god yeah that's right he puts you in the washing machine and then you are wearing a Syrian armor and clothing get out you have no need to do that yes I do get out of washer okay somehow you managed to survive the rinse cycle as you emerge from the cleaning unit you notice that you were dressed in a Syrian battle uniform what a stroke of genius now you can wander throughout the ship without calling attention to yourself sweet um do I still have anything in my inventory I think I might have lost it all when I change clothing no I got all my sweet all right feeling good about my life boy anyone who plays Space Quest after this that's scene this is gonna be like where all the comforting terrifying bizarre things where everything jams up and becomes weird um talk man have you played King's Quest 3 you ask the guard yes responds the surprise guard I just bought it last week it was on sale for 128 thousand buck is always a Tiny's holo-disk shop what a bargain great alright Sierra Sierra liked to make a lot of in-game jokes um okay here's another guard talk guard is this the way to start generator you ask don't ask me I just work here responds the unhelpful guard super hmm I don't know where to go okay sweet let's see this layout always kind of confused me a little bit I mean it's pretty progressive pretty three day but still confusing huh turn the speed up just a little bit since we're doing a lot of walking um let's talk to this guard the guard looks at you as though you just questioned his mother's heritage perhaps you should not waste your time conversing with the guards okay great Oh nope that's okay so that's the room I came from don't mind me fella I'm just excuse me excuse me if you're not pardon pardon hello hello excuse me okay cool maybe it's over here down this little hallway jam what is that I don't know what that is look machine there is a guardian droid here roaming the corridor fortunately recognizes you as a serie cool okay good excuse me oh boy they're everywhere let's play sucks when you're not a serían let's see let's try to get through here okay and we're back here great um I guess because I need to go in one of these okay so this is the main hallway where does this one go open door that does not seem to be the correct action in this case okay I'll worry about that later hmm go come back there later let me see what's in here oh is this a star generator okay awesome let's talk to this friendly fella see what his deal is nope that's open door talk card leave me alone I'm guarding the star generator oh he's a dick I'll kill him but later um I believe I need to run around and grab some weapons because I have no way to kill these guys excuse me friend excuse me a robot friend man this game was [ __ ] harrowing when you had gotten this far and like those guys get it it actually felt like you were infiltrating a ship and it was just very intense shouldn't you be trying to save your planet oh well excuse me um let's see here is here the place yes okay um okay this requires a little bit if I remember this correctly this requires a little bit of trickiness so welcome to the weapons dispensary I will assist you please supply me with your identification card look counter I don't understand a little look of course you don't there are two gas grenades sitting on the right side of the counter he asks all right take grenade you can't do that from here maybe I'll just take the grenade whoops push the wrong button push the wrong button I put it I push the wrong button everybody no need no need to panic take grenade I'm sorry you may not possess that device that would be punishable by death well alright then do I have an ID card look pockets in the pocket of this uniform is an alien identification card the name on the card is butsome free but student freem you wonder if this is a common serie name-o butts didn't frame I'm gonna have to remember that for the next the next Zelda game we play all right give ID card excuse me I shall retrieve your weapon yes and while you do that I will take grenade yes hello your rank allows you to bear one pulse ray unit please remember no firing in the ship have a nice day f6 to fire poles ray I always loved the timing of that explanation okay so f6 fire the pulse ray um but first I have a little gas grenade to drop on that guy because he was rude to me um drop grenade OOP ya [ __ ] the grenade drops to the floor releasing its poisonous gas on the unsuspecting alien good shot Danny thank you time to save because I've committed murder but I killed a guy we okay and here's where shit's gonna get real tight I have to this is what it looks like when I fry the pulse ray like real simple but as soon as these guys see me here check yeah [ __ ] just that simple but if they catch me killing other people or anything like that I'm gonna have like no time to react Oh goddamn it that's right super my aren't you the clumsy one because if your inability to walk without falling on your face your helmet is now riding the elevator without you you've blown your cover the Syrians are sure to shoot first and ask questions later so now it is a full-on draw and kill situation Oh baby this is where [ __ ] gets intense so [ __ ] intense every time you come on to a new screen you just have to be like fire and hope for the best if the robot droid could laugh which is not programmed to do it would do so your pulse rate is only effective against living opponents okay great god damn it yep damn it ah [ __ ] dicks I've just been reduced to micro particles by the alien pulse ray you'll have to be quicker on the draw than that Danny alright let's do this let's [ __ ] do this turn the speed up to nice and fast so I can kill this dude with the quickness did it today today today today today today today today today today today that did it did it did it it did it okay lost my thing it's fine everything's good everything's fine thanks fine and good okay so let me stop here turn it on to normal save it again um murder by me is good okay okay I just have to figure to get past this thing maybe if I get in the elevator fast enough okay um now if I head back maybe up it's over here okay now we run okay don't mind me robot friend I'm just here to destroy you and your ship okay so there's there's a dead guy let me search him search body you seem to have found a remote-control device of some sort it has only one button labeled on and off okay look device this is small remote control unit Honus is a button you wonder what it controls remotely perhaps it it's the only thing in the room that he was also guarding push button suddenly the force field protecting the star generator disappears awesome let's do this look generator at the base of the star generator is a control panel of some sort look panel okay can you imagine getting this far in the game and not knowing what the [ __ ] to enter that's what happened to me because I didn't put my cartridge and the goddamn thing back on Corona in the underground skimmer place Wolfe okay so it's six eight five eight beep beep beep and let's destruct oh sorry for to hit enter that's a good sound right detonation cycle has begun alright okay let's go let's go save it one more time [ __ ] man [ __ ] okay the star generator has come alive the heat that this thing is starting to generate tells you that it's time to blow this taco stand you [ __ ] know it okay so I got to get out of here with the [ __ ] quickness hopefully I don't die huh goddammit oh they're so fast okay poof all right got a restore again god I got a quick draw mcgraw this [ __ ] okay just gonna start hitting f6 as soon as I enter rooms okay here we go oh okay that's the robot so that doesn't do anything man let me get to the okay cool let me get to the over here first okay how do I get in here okay now it opens sweet great okay I'm here [ __ ] it I'm out of here this is it okay look room you're you are in the shuttle launch Bay aboard the seryan ship to dance in it de tenets in it did put the bat bat better today get in there get in there look pod the ship is a one-man transport vessel okay so I just want you to know I'm uh when'd you get in this pod you escaped and you win the game the first time I did this I had not saved and in my excitement to get to the pod I fell down this thing and [ __ ] died gee whiz Danny you could actually be a hero if we weren't so clumsy wise up that's the last place you can actually [ __ ] die in the game oh I was so mad so my old okay but I'm at the pod so get in pod you swiftly slip into the sleek ship try to say that three times fast smooth forget it look ship you frantically search the control console for launch button AHA there it is push button yeah baby we're [ __ ] attic oh god this this was so satisfying when I was a kid like oh my god I changed the course of the universe and I'm only in second grade Matt and Ryan can you put in a huge lethal weapon explosion sound cool thank you the del tour has been blown to tiny fragments by the force of the star generators blast you have saved the lives of millions of your people not to mention the lives of those in other systems don't get a big head congratulations Danny you rid the universe of the evil Syrians and saved your people from certain doom you're an all-around hero you've made it home safely aboard the stolen Syrian craft where you've encountered a cheering Zenon crowd they have gathered excuse me they have gathered together for a ceremony in your honor the ceremony is already in progress this is very Star Wars yeah applause there's the theme song of space quest that I love so much as a token of appreciation you are presented with a golden mop Thank You Danny for cleaning up our galaxy says the Zenon leader once a janitor always a janitor yay the end thank you for playing space quest oh boy this music is struggling watch for Space Quest too and yeah gosh I wonder well let me know in the comments if you'd like me to do another one of these sometime maybe I'll do Space Quest 2 because it's another pretty pretty quick game that you can kind of cruise through if you know what you're doing mark crow Scott Murphy you guys saw Ackerman I don't know who you are but you've got a great name Ken Williams the president of Sierra at the time founder Jeff Stevenson another guy named Jeff these are great dudes and they really changed the course of my life and I'm always indebted to them and how amazing is that like that was the credits right there like five dudes five dudes made this game and now they're just thanking the entire human race and Danny galactic warrior that's me yay oh man so I got eight 180 out of 202 points so because I guess there's some stuff I could have done better but I think I gave you the basic gist of it um let me turn the sound off believe that's f2 okay yes oh thank you so much to Scott Murphy and Mark Rowe for making these great games I believe they're still working on space venture which they're it has it there was a Kickstarter maybe five years ago for it and they successfully got it funded and they're still working on it so making games is hard but I've seen some some early things from it it looks pretty amazing so I'm very excited about that whenever it comes out and I just want them to know how much they impacted my childhood and how much I still enjoy playing these games and thank you to you the lovelies because I enjoy sharing these these games with you because you know when you played this game as a kid especially a little kid like it's a very hermit II kind of solitude II sort of existence you know you just spend hours trying to figure stuff out by yourself maybe you played it with a friend but the idea that I can play this and like there's a couple hundred thousand of you out there who are just like yeah let me let me join in and see what this is about that's very cool to me and that makes me very happy so I hope you enjoyed this and ya next time on game grumps Aaron will be back and yeah that's all bye bye for now hey Matt and Ryan you guys are you guys are cool cheers to think about how cool you are awesome
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,550,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, gamegrumps, funny, space quest game grumps, space quest, space quest 1, solo dan, dan only, space quest danny
Id: kHZimeAhhGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 18sec (6558 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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