SuperMega On Grumps

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superburger its blah super hey from YouTube super Megan that's good stuff man good stuff you've only been working hard trying to build up Earl no it's fine there you go rhino who Naruto wrong doodle nice dude I bet all her friends love her do you guys ever know any kids that were really into anime like in middle school and high school that would actually run like that yeah I look in the mirror did you do it did you actually run like the horse I'd never eat or under you're kidding me does it make you throw those through the high school hallways well maybe that's the real reason he left high school I guess I used to play a lot by myself when I was a young boy and I thought it was called run escape like you run an escape from all the monsters that makes complete sense makes me like how makes more sense than runescape yeah just escape well I I think Aaron was more unenthusiastic simply because he wished he could have been on our team oh yeah if Aaron was on your team then it would be me by myself yeah dad you have a problem with that it's just cream baby man that's actually a really bad strategy if I'm being honest just copy me copy Ken I don't know ma'am Dan that's a really bad strategy if you go up there no you just do what you just did why I spin then all the way to the left why is that bad no that was good go back no no that's a bad strategy definitely not get anything out of that so Mickey Joe's called and said that's it what do you think about this important one one seven called that's not the right it's like you just likes like a fork in an electrical outlet do all the characters have the brow of a caveman yeah it's like one one line if you're designing a hair and stuff for people and like every single one that you design has to be there has to be someone out there who's like yes yes yeah for like like there's one person they're like the most undesirable hair there's one person that's like yes I'm so glad they put in the the weird stick a fork and an outlet hair see we're winning this one for the troop so if you guys beat us then you look like [ __ ] wow that's cool they're winning this for Natural History troops Natural History versus the troops Aaron all right well let's so let's get started I'd love that [Applause] Mario haha get us out of here boy okay what's he thanking us for we said we're an experienced player just giving him information dude okay I was like Facebook he just buys and sells information as Mark Zuckerberg it's where he retired to he retired just meets new travelers what you put his consciousness into runescape is it weird that the team that's not the game grumps is Grumpa confusing Karen and grumpily changing her because we're the off-brand grumps the RC Cola RC Cola is I think like the best soda it's not bad our soil is really good [ __ ] disgust then we're like the diet grumps yeah we're like the were like the the rite-aid brain doctor porno Piggly Wiggly alright I'm pulling it out what we should get some coins too well I'm trying to get some coins would you get off my back it sound like my dang dad well if things go right I might know mine it's fine I don't need your mother rather poses to human beings that's all I'm saying yeah yeah I know you took her out to dinner last time you this isn't a sectional I'm just saying she's a good friend of mine I know and he's had on the plane and I didn't think that was a very nice restaurant choice yes they have been really stealing this one I had sex about that yeah I had sex with my mom too so [Laughter] ain't no big thing yeah so I bet you feel weird knowing that we're tunnel buddies now huh I bet you feel like a real weird creeps like a binding between father and son that no father and son has ever had yeah actually it's a that does that well Oedipus is a lucky son of a [ __ ] yeah well actually they're dead so you jealous I also had sex with your dad thereby making us your cousin hey we're cousins all right I got someone I think I got ya I got a net okay right here I'm gonna November what is that is that one and a half for us now or - all right man maybe she was once give us another half point yeah cuz we're playing fair lady working because we're winning you dumbass are you talking to me now yes why you were so you know that the rap song I made about having sex with my dad he actually found it what what do you mean he wasn't happy he was I'm also flattering yeah it's not too pleased with that but it's a really positive song if you really think it is I was coming of compliments man I mean what you said he had a solid four inch dick just one coin [ __ ] because of it [ __ ] you it's not gonna [ __ ] you is not your dad I can follow people let's say god it's the same boys though it's always him because like that person didn't even customize their character they just did that but nobody here he comes again whoa the front door oh [ __ ] dude - puppy sucks I'm just saying usually when you're hosting some guests it's polite to let the guests win are you saying this that's what you need you need yes - no I'm just saying that it's good enough to one of your own and as someone else also from the south Aaron I thought that maybe the southern hospitality it might be lost on you well we're on the west coast yeah because because now you live in the People's Republic of Polish yeah ten dollars assemble unit what was your first fight as a married couple yeah it has to have been a spat or like you get annoyed with one another there's no there's no no [ __ ] we edit your stuff so that's that's that's actually funny Dan because you've told me personally about things Aaron's done to piss you off but we don't need to get inside all right name of some footage leaked of a fight that you like at least I'm not gay grumps all right I like that actually I like it a lot yeah what is I'm proud loud and proud proud to be [ __ ] gay oh yeah and that's why we're called super mega and I'm proud of that too well I'm here with my friend Ryan McGee you know there's there's Ryan like the gay there's Ryan McGuigan all that [ __ ] right the geek of word the worst one that I've heard that it's actually my favorite I'm like wow you really stretch he really did work for that one was Ryan McQueen some wizard at some point that gives you a weapon I think so I think it teaches you how to use runes what there's ruins it's called runescape Aaron so you get runes in this game you thought it was called run escape wasn't I just walked around I mean I got a girlfriend I killed some cows to trade for gold I just wanted to collect nice clothing I see I wasn't like why did you think the S was capitalized God it was because I put it all in lowercase in the www are on escape yeah that makes sense do you guys know who spent exactly one semester in the Darla Moore School of Business at University of South Carolina is this guy Oh Matt Watson Emma Watson that's why they kicked me out they said you have a bad word your name's really hairy son I failed my math class I think I'll seek math by the way I failed a math class too did you really yeah good for us I'm sure at some point I fill the math and all those teachers were like you'll never have a calculator with you at all times [ __ ] you please clean me up afterwards you look like Frosty the Snowman oh I'm really attracted to Frosty the Snowman when I was six six yeah here's the thing you go perfect we might be on different teams Dan but at the end of the day we're all human and that's why I want to help you yeah sure it's really cool you Matt no he's out lying clearly lying oh okay uh it takes one to know one Aaron hold on I'm stuck in some fences give me a [ __ ] second [ __ ] fences it's telling me to go this way so I'll press on the map telling you to go that way because you're supposed to go in that direction you have that through the fence watch this look I click on the map it's a Goku and then I walk and I'm running to a fence it's like oh you got to find where the door is to open it go through the door it doesn't open it automatically well welcome back we start with the head Ryan would you like to say the magic word to make the Diceman yes [Music] dams magical you sunk your battleship Oh would your spouse say is the perfect Valentine's Day gift I said the gift of Susie's love my answer is like something Iron Giant related or like Iron Giant no man I shouldn't have done that I don't know why I did that man it's so rave I was just pressing buttons Ryan was a terrible I was just pressing a button why do there we go are you serious what a terrible idea what an ass backwards I know it's not loop our source is right bars farther back than that yeah he's right the blue bar is farther oh [ __ ] I thought he was right up here looks like you [ __ ] looks like you're not wearing your glasses man come on we're gonna do cooks assistant I can't see a thing without his glasses dude what a loser right I love my vision cuz I can see perfect dude love my vision to twenty fifteen or fifteen twenty one of those things I was born capable unlike this loser it's Ryan maybe if we hold hands while we throw the dice little like a friendship energy I'm down okay take my hand okay there you go come on yes I mean [ __ ] you guys we've actually won games before by giving each other like friendship energy it actually has specific episodes like on our channel I'll be like Ryan I'm giving you all my friendship energy and it works and he wins nice - well I hope you guys work on them were condom yeah we are working on it oh I thought you said wore a condom yeah oh okay I think I said work on them oh and I was like who are they working on no I hope you guys wore a condom joke's on you Eric so I'm always wearing a condom you never know when sex Meister just in case not only do they get help from the ref but they let him do it himself nobody got that right stop bitching in my [ __ ] kitchen dude that is a lot of coins it is personally I think that's a lot I think Aaron you're just trying to make me feel better to make me feel like I'm doing better than I am so I won't be as into the game so then you can go get the star I know your tactics very well hi ed 't game grumps i know all of your stupid rats will expect this kind of gameplay out of me but you know how to you oh that's a nice way did you not hold my took him nine it's fine you know you didn't use friendship energy and that's why you landed on the friendship energy cumulated on the curse who eats junk food smoke a cigarette drink a glass of milk let's get that pie ready but oh my gosh yeah you can't get the star looks like someone took too many dumb [ __ ] pills yeah alright yes you're right about that Dan did they have a two-for-one special on dumb [ __ ] juice at the store why is everyone wearing pink down here [ __ ] it's all these gays is it cuz it's the first color like from customization options like this is a goofy color no one's gonna pick this that's like awkward like a bunch of people come to the party run the safe okay did you study the game yeah I did I studied what while you guys were dating girls and driving fast cars I studied the monopoly thing fast we were dating women Aaron yeah women nah grown women are yourself bro I was must be a high five and you just went for a greasy handshake that's not greasy it's just wet it's a little way it's nice where's Ryan skies though which I touched a second ago oh that's what that is your hands colder was that come in contact I can see it oh stop I can't see his wet five I know Maggie thigh residue pulling down my shorts you can call me Randall J and burped and I just don't see you know it Aaron's smokes well they were not like we started this whole bit that like you like the office just filled with like all your bongs and like you smoke I give the gift of life when I'm shot deep within the shim sham of a lady what's happening I love you high five in the game I love you too high five now I can't like five you you're crying like a little bit and you're scolding me with your eyes go ladies mad in the doghouse again I sleep on the couch baby I've got to go smelt it what whoever smelt it dealt it you say that again whoever smelt it dealt it say that one more time you ever smelt the Delta cuz in South Carolina whenever you went into a smoke shop would like we don't use the B word here yeah and it's like you have to say a water pipe yeah like a water pipe we just we got thrown out the guy was like hey when you come back here don't use that word my friend was like do you mean [Laughter] guys walking by hi have you seen the bong star no no don't do it no you're bad you're bad people you gotta be [ __ ] me dude you gotta roll the right odd or even yeah you [ __ ] me right my big [ __ ] my oversized [ __ ] my [ __ ] lips are swollen Oh gross it's a serious medical condition I got forgetting Kali gross tanks I'm never seen this guy get my guest role are you talking about why'd you get him on super mega whoa I know I just showed me a picture of his penis dude that was that wasn't on that just popped up holy [ __ ] look he looks like a real gentleman right here what are you laughing at if you say Beetlejuice three and a half times he shows showing up if you like beetle 50 guess what I could do business - that's a net gain of $100 but I'm mr. business know you're dirty oh my god the whole episode is now a memory that I'm having at the beginning of the episode this is a prequel to the next episode which is now you guys know I got in trouble in elementary school because my squad like a mail system you could mail other students in other classes and I found a really clever poem that went we gave you a chance to water the plants but not that way so zip up your pants schools mailing system and I like a teacher like knocked on the classroom door can you speak to Matthew outside she was holding my letter and she's like look at what is this poem I read in a book you weren't like that's a federal offense miss and I will take you to [ __ ] jail I'm really good at runescape by itself this icons blue key what do I do I can't bleep linking my words now no my word okay follow me royal dude you're not gonna make it fun of me when I have a [ __ ] like mithril sword god I piss my pants if you pull the one out right now you're not gonna make fun of me once my characters level 60 Jeremy sorry what you better watch on three months all right coming fool me [ __ ] yo man you're talking a lot of [ __ ] get on runescape and let's see if he still 1v1 snipe me dude territory [ __ ] is to borrow my sister's Barbies and make them all have threesomes Oh Dan you've been Danny sex bang from the stone yeah well it was pretty hot yeah yeah if you took off of Barbies panties hmm I think she's supposed to have beat permanently wearing underwear about Ken they just put a clock on him like really every day that a rubber and you can just flick it just like a set of nuts but like no penis so he just had like a like a squishy little nutsack please don't ever use the phrase squishy remember when this wasn't [ __ ] did you guys know that when Ryan was in elementary school he drew George Bush as a monkey and I was middle school middle school did look like a monkey dan what that's so one smell like one too Adam he did you've never seen that picture of him like next to a monkey and they look exactly so funny put that picture up it's just two chimps but he had to go to the printer holes and the principal told him it was like a federal offense or something or he calls him said they would call the police because it's a it's like they're they take it very seriously that's absurd well also I think we drew like we drew his penis as well oh that just change them yeah favorite the book it sounds they could like some that Disney that would play on the loudspeakers bury the bones bury the bone [Music] you buried the bones I did I kill the giant rat and the turn you oh [ __ ] off sorry three guests now please fun kiss hey we we can it looks like they might be cheating Oh fiddle-faddle Oh Oh tell me how we're cheating [ __ ] in Mario Party police this took no cheat codes it's not fair so what strange turn I don't know any cheat codes other than up up down down left right left right you see no one why you tease harmless that he makes cute squeaky noises yeah well he deserves to snap to defense dude you're shooting fish in a barrel right now yeah you're kinda like one of those people that go to Africa and just like pay to like kill cool animals on a reserved yeah dude there's nothing wrong with that Ryan it's like runescape in real life when you do that just like runescape it's like a life now this is the old school runescape talk about old school I'm level 60 by the way below that rhinos head open well then we'll talk old school runescape got a two-handed mithril sword he's talking to the Lions get off it [Music] yeah what did you think I thought it was the luxury tax oh yeah you tell I had no idea was going on so I was just like doing the opposite of whatever you're doing yes can't move fast enough away from all the [ __ ] I am in a world of imagine them setting up like an actual store though where it feels like you're outside like an African savannah like this is just the Outback baby that that's just how they speak out you gotta hunt your own meat here you want dinner tonight you don't just walk in and buy it you gotta hunt it did you guys have um like troll and arrow like those little curious how you're gonna buy that star you're a little bicurious as well you could say that you wanna know how I'm gonna buy that star the [ __ ] coins that I earned by winning every minigame in this [ __ ] game so I'm gonna buy it I'm reporting you the IRS yeah what are they gonna do about it I know about your tax fraud Aaron the incredibly real service they are real Aaron am i milking the cow no I wanted to kill it not milk it I got milk now well now so you're just gonna milk me dry then kill me I need to have star fine do it like this is this cow that's super strong chin just if it's full the others just please look away he's looking at the other cow the sunsetting cow baby is like crying like don't watch don't worry and you like watch it he's like like a horrible [ __ ] sound in sight you just picture people grimacing once that bit started your headphones just vibrate no no where has the last blue that you need mmm well maybe we'll just quit suck it up maybe we'll quit our jobs find some new editors yeah you think so yep all right fine see if we care okay how does the works gets done you know same fine you'll miss what we bring to the table but that's fine what do you bring disabled other than mediocrity oh my lady sync the audio and then we tell you that the hardware is wrong make sure this one's ten minutes late because the hardware is like always like it [ __ ] up [ __ ] up and I'm like what's wrong with it it takes me like hours to figure it out if you guys were just [ __ ] with me the whole time that would be the most amazing prank you still have like this Jesus Christ hair and fine [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] Aaron you sound like you saw it the type of guy just swindled my friend Ryan out of five million dollars what yeah I know about five million big ones that never happened you can keep saying that but uh I don't even have five million dollars oh really Aaron yes yeah my very really I would love to have five five five million dollars I wouldn't be here right now are you letting a cow attack you I don't need to level up my stabbing ability to kill a cow with a knife I just go up and slit their [ __ ] throat I'm level like one right you know how to get a better weapon what are you minute of twigs dude yes I could run up to a cow right now and like kick them in the throat they'd fall over dead yeah I'd like to see you try me I'm fine I'll do it we're gonna go out Northern California we're really gonna start the mind upset and it's just gonna be Aaron with cleats caving the throat of a cow we should get a dice playing like back-alley dice rounds I told you I bought you just not see we could play on the streets and I think you have to get into that Matt I think you just join a game well I kind of want to get into that give me some guys do you guys want to play some illegal dice later yeah that's why I'm I want to say I want to get a die someone getting like a legal back-alley dice matches it's a gentleman fancy meeting you in this backyard I think we can just do it like just get some people together start you on the bus do not funny that news would be breaking that like for youtubers arrested for playing illegal dice awesome Matt's here well he's not here he's in another land that's pretty cool I'm feeling lucky about this role on economy why does it take so long for me to kill a [ __ ] level 2 spider because you're a piece of [ __ ] you're made out of [ __ ] napkins why did someone why did someone just type the number 14 in chat guys I'm 14 that's like an obvious sting operation 14 here 15 year-old here well that's too young too young I'm for it and like when you speak it appears over your head like see like that I'm 14 yeah I'll go ask this guy I'll go follow oh are you a kid 14 so what's your name 14 Oh 14 year old I mean Randall just Randall Jenni's here just Johnny real name what the [ __ ] sorry that just that only sounds like an occurrence where it's like you pull up to someone that's mad on the highway and that's what get out of the jungle man oops no I can't it doesn't have the right oh I'm sorry dance peeking out of his ass Abaddon I'm in a terrible terrible mess it's the Dukes birthday today and I should be making him a lovely big birthday cake I forgotten to buy the ingredients I'll never get them in time now he'll sack me what will I do I have four children and go to look after what he calls his wife please I have four child goats and a full-grown goat I didn't [ __ ] a goat though I'm serious no matter what you see on those drone cameras I did not [ __ ] that goat I called Ryan last night on the phone hacking a merge orders right now and I was like oh don't forget to bring those things and he's like I gotta look for him but I might know where they are and I was like help your mama's [ __ ] huh and then he did this like freak out scream and hung up me tiny fruit fly and it's driving me insane do you wanna kill it kill it why because I mean it's not hurting anybody that's yours did you make it yeah do you walk it yeah if we lose right before it announces the results Ryan and I are gonna unplug the console and leave joking I scored back in the day on runescape really yeah you get [ __ ] on runescape we did dude we danced together we've stood really close together and really do you feel anything you let go in denaro much right right is that supposed to be mr. monopolies voice I always pictured it more of like like an older yeah like like a very uh I just always pictured them as a muse business meetings and just like the most really just smiles and goes in the nods is like of course he can't go because he's a mute just yeah yeah his grandkids run up to him in they're like crap I tell me you love me and he's like yes to speak of one of those things smokers use like the electric Thank You mr. monopoly I forgot that I had the other toenail that's sounds like it'll grandpa's kids too close the door shy guy do not [ __ ] this up one you suck you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] shy guy good more like [ __ ] guy I'm gonna kill someone that he loves and one time I went to the nurse and this kid named Conrad came in and the teacher was like Conrad's vomiting trashed and started spewing vomit and I and I was sick and I ran out of the nurse and I just finished the rest of the school day it really motivated me not to go home that day Conrad's vomiting and I remember he like grabbed his stomach and lunged forward scared the [ __ ] out of the awesome he lurched or lunged forward if he lunges at you that means he's game to it no yeah I'm sorry that would be the mechanism against me Oh gets you yeah [ __ ] you man up my god you're coming with us last chopper out of Vietnam baby come on okay can I get a raisin kiss what's next you know they raised rent three percent but can I get a kiss raise so my employer just let me I just signed a great deal that have raised my kisses by five percent I never tell you the story about a kid I knew in like elementary school who like we were just we were all just sitting on the floor listening to some presentation or whatever and then somebody somebody says that because that's whatever mighty we have somebody was like Jason's throwing up looking over to the left and then he was just like just spewing on the ground and he had you know like the cheap brown paper that you that's in the bathrooms yeah I feel like dryer hand that [ __ ] something he was spewing up like pieces of it and at the time I didn't I was just like oh and and I was like I think that's the paper but like who do would eat that but now that I think back it absolutely was paper which means he absolutely was eating it why the [ __ ] would you eat that hungry that's probably why I was throwing up we'll take that oh you guys gonna remember this guy knows you didn't awesome come Christmas bonus time really just like you [ __ ] us out of bonuses I'm foreclosing on your Christmas cards 69 and 6/6 [ __ ] guitar hero in the background sucker why do you explain the bid to you if you let people cuz each other now they're just gonna kiss dogs it's a strange line we walk on I think it should be illegal for a man and a woman to kiss what next they're gonna be hugging slippery slope what are the funniest things was just I was in class what it was just the science teacher and he was just just an [ __ ] just like up tightly so one day he was just facing the board and randomly just like boom like a big spit ball a just right next to his head who's like super surprised like swallowed like who did this and in the world [Laughter] [ __ ] kids why would you ever do this to me I'm just gonna withdraw okay no Aaron we're bidding congratulations on your victory you won okay I'm $40 off congratulations what if like after this game Aaron wait you do know monopoly Aaron god damn it I was looking at the wrong color is that what Aaron son of a [ __ ] oh wow what [ __ ] sake man aah we wanted to give it to you I was literally looking at it I was like it's the brick is his [ __ ] map has weird lighting God dick [ __ ] sucks that is what I miss like storms he throws something he's like breaks our car wheel why did you guys say anything I did I said to I'd I said don't withdraw and then I said go ahead and buy the property man you auctioned it sorry this problem you didn't say it would be monopoly said that incorrect I'm named I my brother's keeper I'm not in charge of you at ease in charge of me Matt first of all what are you doing in Jurassic Park I'm gonna do what I always wanted to do I'm sorry Matt I couldn't hear you I was too busy my best friend Ryan was listening so I'm glad that somebody appreciates the things I have to say on this couch the teacher would be saying something and it would be like complete silence and then I would just go that's awesome okay anyway I want you to be like yes it is awesome Aaron stay after class neither because I would do like a little dude they're all stank on it a little stank on that [ __ ] just be like so now when we take the three we have to carry it over to the five because the the decimal point is actually over two places that's awesome okay well why was that teach you man I would have been like which [ __ ] smartass get a baby that's man I'm so done with this I know I know like thinking back to it now I'm like what a [ __ ] obnoxious kid Aaron listen man yeah what go ahead lay upon me your wisdom I'm just gonna say you win some you lose some but that's just life and I'll still be your friend of my wife it's easy for you to as the winner hmm you know man if you're gonna be if you're gonna be a big [ __ ] crybaby over this what do you me to edit it so you guys want it's Danny Sox babe I played soccer when I was a kid I score a single goal the whole season and I never played soccer again wow what a great story you know I'm getting off this [ __ ] couch know what time the weatherman came into our classroom and did a presentation do the same I unplugged the computer he was on I was a kid no I got in huge trouble like the class was gathered around a computer and he was showing them something I climbed him to test kill I unplugged that [ __ ] was this like does this like senior year of high school you're saying it to with like the same vitriol you had [ __ ] weird [ __ ] Charleston weather man such a weather men hey I made it up to him though because then when I worked it at chick-fil-a in high school it was in high school I stuck the weather man's [ __ ] time I implode your computer yeah I already know what you're gonna do that gives a killer reach-around holy [ __ ] dude he's gonna cut he's gonna like email me and be like I don't I don't know you I but I I heard that on this popular internet show you name dropped me and then you talked about you suck my dick when you were a high schooler I should probably beep his name what if it starts late but if what have you like publicly is like okay he doesn't deny like the allegation like some [ __ ] kid at your school actually did Judy was the nicest dude and I felt so bad coming and I'd be like refill my doing plug his computer if he was nice cuz I was a dickish kid dude don't say it with the vitriol that [ __ ] it was funny when I unplugged his [ __ ] computer was it a laptop no he was a [ __ ] like big-ass Dell so is he giving like a presentation right now kids this is how you waiting strikes I'm thinking about the weatherman and I was like talk about a little lightning and I unplugged that's not what I wish I'd done that would have been badass oh yeah the timing of it yeah I think I just unplugged it because I was like what happens if I just kind of legally Willy will it happen and then it happened and then my Matt I just are my teachers so so mad at me she sat me down in a chair way so she knew immediately it was you yeah dude like the cable in my mouth Dean's playing Minecraft Groppo has the last brown yo my god it's like y'all just got your penises suck lol sorry I'm high yo give me some of your good Kush dude high on what I swear to God if he says [ __ ] life Oh a little winky face are you a girl yes yes I love I love penis want to go explore let's go explore myself oh you should put a winky face at the end of that so it has a double meaning it there it is okay hell yeah if we [ __ ] cyber with this guy on the [ __ ] show I knew I am new I'll teach him the ropes dude show them that please go easy no [ __ ] yo this guy is [ __ ] hot to trot dude it's gotta follow me he's horny as [ __ ] ready well you give in my fire alarm is going off standing there for like tear him away from the PCs like spitting and foaming at the mouth please it was gonna show me what if he's high and and he was so high that he put his pipe down and it burned his house down this [ __ ] guys watch rip dude whoa hey congratulations warble slice you guys earned it but we have I am I'm like I'm dehydrating over here from all the salt not much friends hey met have you ever tried marijuana what I guess I've smoked a left-handed cigarette here and there everybody's puffing the Jazz cabbage everybody loves it mm-hmm wanna try I'll take a hit of that stuff sure oh I would try but my anus that's one of the many complications of using marijuana Matt you're a nurse should be falling out of your mouth any second now these don't look so bad anymore that's right I took it again I'm sorry my switch is gonna be [ __ ] overflowing with Dana dude be able to buy anymore games I remember before Matt and Ryan died we could play this game together that's a level 14 scorpion man oh we're like we died in one little skein you can't fight it I'll try it but I'm gonna die and lose my uncut Saturday when he's not gonna lose everything new always coming Judy's mad mad what are you doing at what was that you want me to [ __ ] your friends tell you because I'm impressionable experience oh my god I thought it would stop following me after get your [ __ ] go away go away don't way Matt use vats use vats what's that awful fallout it's like the most expensive one on the board dollars over books as the losers okay you know I did boys kids do drugs did you think kids do drugs what don't say that yeah don't say that kids don't do drugs that's the why hi I'm Dan Abaddon of the ten minute power hour we're here to say kids don't do drugs because they're really expensive when's the new fart bomb fart bomb oh [ __ ] what can't even get up to the [ __ ] thing and didn't get enough our errands can't get it up what a surprise I will [ __ ] slap you at one time um I was I have fallen out with one of my friends when I was in like eighth grade and we always played runescape together and I went home one day and I and I put on this old runescape music and I cried no you did it I did no you did yes I did why I'm not making that [ __ ] up it was a really hard time for me and I was thinking about like all the memories I have my friend and a lot of them had to do with runescape so how old were you at this time you want me to believe that you put on a ruin the [ __ ] runescape soundtrack song do whatever cans the ocean I'm not gonna judge you for what you cry - yeah I know it's do not have you probably put on some Shania Britney Spears bull no it was not Shania Twain I put on autumn voyage I will find it for you I put on autumn [ __ ] voyage right here I have it already hold on I'll play it you were a sad little dude does this like bring back some it really diver is not not sad anymore I can you want to cry I mean I am my friend and I made up we were all good um little [ __ ] boy little [ __ ] boy okay guys come on I feel like I'm on the under the attack right now okay Matt Daniel a vagina felt in my mouth I can't say anything about my social climbers you mean me Ryan whoa really like from being on the show yeah as a favor Aaron yeah yeah uh-huh yeah and you were happy swing happy to accept I lost my arm strength cause it's no not November I didn't loosen it oh you sure maybe I did bitter as a human that you would like loosen like a switch oh my god I'm gonna make it fall on this controller I have to win when's the last time that you played runescape I'm no fuzzy win Josh now Oh Fozzie Bear Fozzie can you get the [ __ ] out of here and go get Aaron yeah can I join no you're really [ __ ] annoying Fozzie agree with a man cut the [ __ ] come on Aaron chat afterwards yeah well text you will text you [ __ ] luck of the draw dude look at the draw like [ __ ] of the draw dude that was funny let's just let's just stop the show let's stop it acknowledge everyone hold up that was funny that was some funny [ __ ] leave a comment if that was funny look Matthew things have been getting really heated between us I just feel why don't you come work on my dad I'm gonna [ __ ] scream you dolt dude chill you floppy [ __ ] Aaron calm down he's a pro he knows what he's doing dangling penis stop I'm not a dangling [ __ ] penis Aaron yes you are you're always walking around no I'm not when you wear boxers it just flips around from leg to leg hey you owe us like six bucks no I'm gonna take some Advil I was like the red my eyes bleeding I'll tell you what when I have sex on a girl she's always screaming for more Fame here bro hop top that's so real that's so random it's the few tweak that's a ring holds up for can says xD we got the key was about to use okay opens the door cool oh yeah go for it oh that's random it's late epic random is any random for the most episode guys alright hahaha waffle Scott dammit haha waffles don't you think Gary's ooh waffles don't you mean carrots remember that dude that's random thanks man yeah man sloths three-toed zebras with spots oh did you know in Mississippi if you shoot a deer what it's illegal to eat with a spoon I loved in can you try being random for a sec what is happening dude we're all being random over here okay beans sure nice cotton candy pants Dan last time I saw those carrots I ended up in banana town muffin farmer oh I don't care for Jews it's it because it's brand everybody ready you've seen like tortoises doing it right holy [ __ ] yeah they just sound like people [Laughter] training for [ __ ] [ __ ] sake $50 for [ __ ] sake mate just to land on a [ __ ] property yeah three - yeah one I can't get it oh my god you gotta be [ __ ] my ass you needed an even number alright I gotta be doing it yeah if you say so well I was trying to level up so I could kill a scorpion for you Aaron that would be interesting and you as the professional runescape player of what 15 16 years you should have [ __ ] known that this would be boring I invited you to come on this show thinking that just a bit little was invited to come someone who I died are you not paying attention about that turtle coming into a camera lens you ignored all of the bill you were talking about the turtle coming to me why does it matter why is this your back to me we're talking about the turtle come oh yes so it's our fault because we're talking about turtles coming and you can't focus on the fight when I here let me [ __ ] beef y'all eat it there's getting you all here there was you were yelling to me for trying to fight the [ __ ] red yeah because you were fighting the rat [ __ ] abhorrently well I'm sorry I'm not the one who's supposed to be keeping track of that stuff mr. professional you know what I'm the one plane it would help if you would watch the screen man what I'm doing I was trying to find a turtle orgasm because you wanted me to see it all I want to say Matt is legitimately to get in a fight in this game you right-click press a button and then that's it your character attacks for you all you have to do is pay attention to the two bars of the enemy and yourself wait are you a professional runescape player Ryan I take you like a Maxum runescape huh you want to play some routes too late dude I have I haven't played the tutorial like I need to get like need to dip my toes back into it PC you sure sound like you know a lot about runescape I do I don't I don't profess to be a be a pro though I never profess to be a pro oh did you not I do not show the clip where you profess to be a pro my name is Matt and I'm a pro there it is that's that oh wait you had specific way every runescape where's Ryan whacked here's another one I'm at I'm [ __ ] stupid I'm a pro at runescape hahahaha well I can't believe you said that out later say that my voice is not that nasal did we just heard it both of us cut it out that's what are you talking about is that what you think of that's your own words you're using your own word against yourself stop Josh light in your cash taking me dude stop stealing my gas from my Volvo stop siphoning my gas gonna keep that [ __ ] [ __ ] that's right no what the [ __ ] luckily your vet to get joining actually mad actually scared me that sounds like an abusive environment oh my god you're scaring me alright guys be serious playing a [ __ ] game here sorry boss see they flew too close to the Sun imagine like like instead of white supremacist gangs and presidents runescape gangs like tattooed on them you haven't gotten a single room yet I get I had runes and then I'd lost them when I died because of you guys oh because of us yes we were trying to help you find a [ __ ] clip online that you wanted to see I didn't want to see it Ryan wanted to see it oh did you is that way to play the clip my name's from and I wanted to see the turtle [ __ ] see with you it's not me my voice is not that nasally he took Brian what hey Matt we're gonna put something okay we're gonna put what you just said back to back my writers are like Brian whacked I'm a pro at runescape see we put two clips back-to-back that held same [ __ ] voice voice no no now it's going in this room it's not good every house is on that property I'm just looking at errands just okay just trying to see how he's gonna figure this one out I'm sorry man I genuinely am are you yeah he's getting that tell by my tone be kidding me we're short eight dollars Ryan and said this is like someone whose horse broke their leg but they're out of bullets here you go congratulations yeah Wow I'm so happy for you almost a thousand smackers yeah that's great isn't it it's cool whoa like McDonald's I'm Bubba Bubba Bubba loving it uh-huh that's how the thief smell yeah auditions to sing the new songs guy was a Karissa's dumbass flew too close to the edge what an [ __ ] [ __ ] dumb dance hey don't do it mini did it like a dumbass and then you sucked in thanks guys shut up [Laughter] [Laughter] I can just picture a comment if I wanted to see someone walk around in runescape and do nothing I died up I've watched someone walk around in runescape and they post it because I type in W on my YouTube just autofill walking around and those are videos I frequently watch Ryan we my good sir [Laughter] that pony things boring I'm having the time of my life Ryan and I are playing ponies brew looks like I landed on it to where you guys doing for bacon grumps this year muffins do XD dude waffles don't you mean carrots it's like you're going like in a racer yeah just browsing like I can't has cheeseburger dude you guys are gonna win this like a bow didn't notice so don't worry okay don't don't mean or anything snowboards effete bike got stolen this week - stole my [ __ ] ball right now I'm sorry that's your problem though well look at it the way you play the game maybe you stole my [ __ ] bike though maybe I did how about that oh just [ __ ] you Dan cool let's get a start I'm putting you god please report you look tall and stupid a dumb streak in his hair he's my boss named Aaron hater but more so than my boss I thought he was my friend [Laughter] she was $200 holy crabs you what a dog bite yeah that's why I got stolen idiot bikes aren't cheap would you go around and be like oh I'm just gonna leave this here $200 on the [ __ ] ground for later listen up you [ __ ] lock on it it was it was in a parking garage and someone cracked a lock and stolen oh I don't think someone cracked a lock then why would they lock it back up cuz it's easy to crack and lock I wouldn't with no hot keys backed up then what did they do right how did they steal it when it was locked they took out your stupid little middle bar that you locked it on and then they just took your bike and walk down well they've got it's a perfect fit guys obviously is the most frustrating thing about this game is how quickly you're running meter runs out like watch just watch like it takes [ __ ] forever to fill up and I'm just trying to get somewhere just your excuses man it's not an excuse it's legitimate think about the [ __ ] back burner for a while runescape with my friends not to [ __ ] like drop my coins on the ground so I take them out of the bank and I drop them on the ground no I'm having a crisis right now somebody took them I tried to take my coins out of the bank how did someone take them that quickly got a [ __ ] shout out to the world like who stole my coins like okay which one of you [ __ ] stole my coins you let it dry and will be easier to clean up it's easier you could scrape it off more it's like a crust Ryan my [ __ ] sweet Swedish man dude brother bro what you're not Swedish hey once he briefs me on this is how this is how the GOP has their political discussion so nobody else knows that their plans are for pizza gate happened you can check the [ __ ] runescape chat logs dude it's all there you'll believe me okay and then you're just a [ __ ] on runescape was implicit in these in these [ __ ] conspiracy theories man Brian if we win this one I'm buying you a cooked goose cooked goose mr. can I have some no I thought by passing them I got it and I just realized like and turned 13 I didn't get anything what he's not passing an item's they got you and I don't heron just let me just forget it yes just just let it the comments Velarde where did you think that items were going dude I'm just trying to make jokes here yeah yeah trying is the key Jesus Christ Aaron do you got Abingdon so [ __ ] bottom what that way for no reason you guys you be careful dude you got bada-bing be careful that bada booms coming right afterwards dude's got a bada bing me in the bada boom Oh last night ah my wife and I feel a little frisky bada bing that [ __ ] joke in here joke in here I'm a comedy man eh oh [ __ ] only six bucks what do you mean [ __ ] six bucks that's a positive I was spending money no but I wanted to see you laying on a hotel for the for the partay walls for the massive walls for massive damage I'm flying out of here my roflcopter we're gonna do if I land on your properties I'm gonna have to own you owe you five hundred and ninety nine US dollars imma have to invite you over for some raffle waffles all right let's see what dry boner does okay Bonnie stop [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] like I'm like yeah but deep down I'm like I really tried for that one like the whole time between episodes is like try try bein and finally I got in I was met with right boards right boner Bonnie stop yeah it was funny man dead Tim Allen whoa so this PC culture naughty stop I'm gonna do I'm gonna buy I'm buying Matt and I tickets to go see Tim Allen perform live really did you guys want a ticket yeah you know what I'm gonna pass yeah enough with the goofs man what I'm a gaffe man my name is Erin Gavin I make the goofs I sell the gas if you make the goop and someone sells the gaps where's the transference from a go to a gap it's like the perfect tag line for like a joke shop and like the 40 no Erin I make the goofs I sell the gap we're so distracted by the memes and the lols oh they're coming up on our property what you mean we white man tutoring class stars there why was I going this way I don't because you're a loser you'll never do anything 37 to the star I'll have you know Erin Ryan used to edit for game grumps someone else's Cal Lutz I was trying to get my XP up oh okay enough about this XP all I hear are excuses dude that was a [ __ ] that was a [ __ ] propane grill cuz he's just rockin [ __ ] roasted when I call this the Comedy Central Roast of Matt watch stop it you know this wouldn't have happened if I didn't [ __ ] up that orange thing it's all my fault that's why it hurts so much that's incredibly like noble that you're able to admit you when you were wrong it doesn't change that you're losing but it still I'll use my dick block or my my dice upon call me butter cuz I'm on a roll don't slip yo did you get it yeah dude you're a [ __ ] video game drivers as well dollars something else you are something else yeah I'm using most of my mental strength to like to watch these bars deplete no I what's happening is like [Music] I've tried my hardest over years I'm trying Ryan it's not you wanna play this [ __ ] open I bet you can't even kill this kid Capri so much I could put that dialogue just that over all eight episodes it would essentially describe the game or watching it's been pretty [ __ ] abysmal never give up huh never surrender that's the voice we need in these hard times Wow never give up never surrender just someone getting turned they got to do the voice thank you do this one Carl you got a nice voice right yeah noticed the guy the guy that was supposed to come didn't show up but get anybody else are you guys talking about me actually yeah I'll play this is my coked out dad not in life at halftime he's gonna [ __ ] you what what what oh whoa yeah over over over cuz the song about [ __ ] worship button in the back up it's fine well it doesn't matter cuz they just lost 10 coins we did one that is the one look at his [ __ ] Papa's little pinchers we'll go attack him I cooked him you saw me oh my god you have to attack his weak point for massive damage remember there's no Matt there is no weak points I've never seen a Monopoly board look like that with all this foreclosures it's the saddest thing looks like the 2009 financial housing crisis Wow want to use the pink one Pink's for little girls there and I wouldn't be surprised if you used it alright dude why don't you just shut the [ __ ] up god damn and ooh look at this this is actually really I could I might be able to get into new runescape I could play here in skates fully free - you know what it really looks good to play I heard it was free oh yeah there there is a paid account you can get if you use the code grumps were sponsored by runescape you could get 10% off for five six seven baby oh let's see this God what's the price on this babe Harun I don't know if we have that's ten whole Benjamins I was playing wrong family because we could get four stars if we both went serious stop that I was telling a story about how I played rock down my friend I smacked him in the back with the drumstick and he started crying awesome was Ryan that's right and it was ten minutes ago I might download this when I get home - that's right Ryan you should it's fully free today and if you use the code equals four chill guy 50% off look how much better it looks this is it let me turn a new runescape if you like the old runescape into love they even have hot slots dude go to his [ __ ] strip club got some hot slots you know what I'm saying yes congratulations super mega you guys I mean you didn't win on account of me a steak that I personally made you just can't give it to us can you Dan what's up I'm proud that you're like really doing well but like it's making me clinically depressed oh no it was really fast so if you could just decline this man he needs this please I can't go home today with telling my mom that I lost this game she will not make him mom I'm sorry I lost Mario Party she's like not looking out for the paper like that's nice and I never got over it I think the main quest was to have a good time I didn't have a good time cuz you guys just roasted me left and right well I mean you did have to cheat your way in and to kill the Scorpia and and not to not to devalue your feelings or anything but I had a really good time are you talking about are you talking to me know what I was talking to Matt cuz I don't think it really well I don't really think it matters whether or not he had a good time because I had a good time yeah yeah I had a good time too yeah so two versus one yeah we had a good time collectively all right guys see you next time on grump kid yeah man oh yeah so you're so you're a girl no episode in can you Matt Brian can you put Danny there and win up on the screen please yeah we have thank you we actually have to yeah but you didn't win no but it's right there yeah love that well no so so now people can screenshot this it says Dan Aaron witnesses grumpo is the winner so clearly game grumps won and then I could put Dan and Aaron win over where it says Aaron it doesn't show that Aaron was also a player okay mmm so how about I just move the second player looks like you just played by yourself in one or would that be easier more Dan could be super greedy and just say he was grump oh and this was a regular episode of game grumps I mean you can record the audio for another episode and cut us completely out oh my god that's brilliant this honestly makes up yo because hold on wait great I never win Matt I need silence for one second oh my god dude now I have all the oranges nice dude well we can use that in post yeah can you just spread that over eight episode Wow Dan you're really excited about this I guess your your to predict in the future here buddy if we lose I'm unplugging the card only Erin can end the episodes I'm not gonna I'm just gonna let it go man and this shows badly on super mega - Aaron please man this is this is very embarrassing for me I just want to get the episode finished I'm sitting in the editing room right now looking just going okay I remember this was very funny Ryan's just ended got it went on for three minutes going on vacation I need to get this [ __ ] back live you probably got a flight in like three [ __ ] could just in the episode this is this is now time on me now I turn it into double speed to go through the conversations later it was my suit my opinion dick yeah well so everybody put right here it's facing me so yeah sorry Aaron no hard feelings but you did win at Mario you clean the floor that's a Mario Party well that's fine so I guess it's you but this is for real money so you got to give us one thousand thirty dollars well as I said monopoly dollars are worth I said USD a point zero one pennies will you settle for rubles weirder rubles Russian money do you have that come on I got a cigar to smoke and we can we wrap this out super mega wins wait is that is subscription link for our channel over there yeah I'll just put the whole URL is thanks for joining me and helping out on this adventure hey man of course I'm an old you stop touching me central just to let people know I was not touching you it was Matt Matt the one touching yeah I thought that maybe after all the fighting we it made me come around to something so I was putting yeah we're cool but don't do it you just did it again Aaron I'm sorry yeah well sorry's not gonna bring back the moment that you touched me I'm super uncomfortable now that is a crime that is assault I think no no no touching someone's not he's not his ID I think it is I think legally that's about you Aaron please don't do that I'm gonna go and cut all of this out I'm gonna go in Time magazine and Time magazine a quivering lip alright anything else yeah yeah your character looks [ __ ] stupid Ryan sweetheart don't put your mouth on the microphone it's not on there's a ton of disease on there no I've put it in my mouth okay just like good to know I like to know what it sounds like what would it sound like so I just do it I like to know what it sounds like [Laughter] everybody kill a man take your shoes kill a man take your shoes kill a man take your shoes so I can be more comfortable
Channel: MatterBoar
Views: 626,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Newlywed Game, SuperMega, Ten Minute Power Hour, Watch Your Mouth (ft. Suzy and Ryan), Sock Puppet, Making TIE DYE, Super Mario Party VS SuperMega, Game Grumps VS, Monopoly VS, Monopoly Plus, Old School RuneScape, Grumpcade, Scream, Funny, Matt, Ryan, Watson, Magee, Never Give Up, Best Of, Compilation, monopoly madness gameplay, runescape 3, Arin Hanson, Matt Watson, Runescape, Ryan Magee, game grumps, Live Action, mario party superstars ost, Mario, supermegacast, Ha, supermega gaslight
Id: a_dq-AFVX7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 52sec (4492 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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