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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Humanity's 14th greatest invention ever guess the ELO in the last 40 episodes or so I've made you laugh cry and everything in between but mostly I am pointing out the mistakes in your own games well in this episode I made a mistake so horrible in the second game that I actually wanted to delete this entire video but instead I'm going to share my embarrassment with all of you and as it shows on the thumbnail I'm an idiot sandwich as Gordon Ramsay would say before we jump into the games today I want to thank the sponsor of today's video surf shark surfshark is a VPN or a virtual private Network which allows you to encrypt your connection to the Internet so you can browse it privately and anonymously there are many reasons why you would use a VPN number one browsing anonymously is a huge relief when it comes to advertisements following you around based on what you've searched and also keeping your passwords and personal identity safe on the web number 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his food and then my dog will hear a neighbor in the backyard and go oh and then he does need his breakfast all right so it's like uh you know you gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta go here and then wait you don't need to do all this let's stick to our London plan you know 95 Queen F3 Queen H3 Queen H7 like you wanna I mean that's what he because that's what he does he's like oh my God there's a person oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God like you don't you don't have to you this is fine but now it's time to you see Bishop D3 C4 is not a not a horrible move but once you play C4 there's this is going to be a totally unique game okay you're no longer going to be playing Bishop D3 you're no longer going to be playing Knight E5 all this stuff all right oh oh boy lock him in lock that Bishop away which is a thing that should happen to some other certain Bishops I'm just saying oh religious folks chill out there's like eight of you in my comment section sometimes but anyway could take take the Knight very nice bye-bye go away develop oh my goodness wait he's actually are you actually gonna put the bishop in jail oh that's so Savage oh that Bishop is dead wow I love it look at that incredible the dark squared Bishop will never see the light of day again oh awful awful just awful but brother you've completely shut down the board go here you see how the engine wants you to go H4 don't open the center I immediately hate this move because you're you just give your opponent hope see look at what they look now they're getting all the pieces into the game don't don't no I want you know Bishop back Queen here mate that's what we do don't let him get don't trade Pawns in a position where you have more space all right don't allow your opponent to activate pieces in a position where you have more space you're fine just holy all right you're you're lucky that you're you literally could Pro you your internet could go out here and you would still win this game I don't know how really I don't know how like idiot I don't know you ever disconnect like every disconnect from the server in the in the middle of a winning chess game okay you see again you gave a little bit of hope this is a little bit much now maybe King B2 prevents all that King B2 okay the idea of H3 had better be to go here because otherwise I hate you for playing this move I don't know I mean dude there is a queen infiltrating the position if you lose all these pawns black is no longer worse what's with Jimmy on my face what there's no Jimmy on my face what are you talking about anyway G okay now your opponent should just ignore you and give you Perpetual check you've just blundered a draw okay this is just this is just a draw in fact probably taking on A4 with check is even better wow Okay so anticipate the most powerful piece coming to attack your king and defend against it okay that doesn't happen now it's still a draw okay now you're winning again because it's not a draw they didn't give you the checks and you're gonna make them right sack the bishop Boom game over you know win this game in the next five moves Boom game of mate how many mates in One are there one two three only three terrific all right that was an exciting game okay judging from the really horrible understanding of how to play the opening by black and judging by the oh my God shiny object gameplay in the middle game by white as well as the absolute disregard for any sort of a logical play for about five moves and also castling like an absolute lunatic and just letting the queen wander in and Save the Day I'm gonna say about 900. I'm gonna say 870 to 970 is where this game is all right I'ma give it like I'm giving I think 800 Vibes let me just to scan one more time because there was some logical play I mean H3 G4 was pretty logical yeah I'm I'm getting 800 vibes from this game for sure yeah this is what I think let's go let's go see uh let's go see hold on apologies all right and what white is 400 oh my God oh wow oh I was really worried you were gonna be like 1200. wow wow amazing so you uh you you should feel good I just doubled your rating damn yeah wow I mean your opponent played not not great you played fantastic damn well done definitely prospects in your chess career just be mindful of counter play all my criticism goes out the window now by the way because you're 400 I mean you wow crazy what an amazing move Bishop sack and everything you should be very proud of yourself flying muscle AKA Jimmy AKA you're 1300 now oh wow I see I knew you had a yeah I I had a feeling all right good game it's a game that was very well done all right E4 D5 E5 yeah this is just gonna give you a combo of the Cairo in the French E5 is a really bad move because again this like is what's supposed to happen if black gets everything in the French yeah no that's not so I love that yeah oh oh E6 this is put the bishop outside of the pawn chain what is what are we doing why would you what is white doing Knight C6 thank you okay so this Knight can't go here so it should go here okay um this is very common or F6 actually it's not not a not a terrible move happens sometimes okay love it that's fantastic Bishop C5 no more castling by white development development okay that's not a bad move I get it you're trying to avoid B4 it's not really scary you should get aggressive it'd be what it do though yeah so at some point you need to play this break otherwise you're not you're not really gonna be able to make a lot of progress I don't hate Knight D4 but you definitely need to you you definitely need to um uh you gotta play F6 at some point okay here here F6 like it's Gotta happen at some point you could even maybe give a check bait this then move the queen out of the way and try to get that oh that's what happened is Knight F3 winning this is crazy look you can Fork but somehow your queen hangs and their Queen hangs wow so Queen H5 okay at some point this like just completely crushes just crushes okay fine oh my goodness put the Rook on the C file okay I don't hate that move free night night A4 not only do you not take a free night you lose a night of your own but luckily still have this okay all right oh my God I mean you just played Bishop D7 and you don't take the Knight okay the Knight goes back now you can take the pawn on before but your knight is hanging now you see it wow oh are you gonna win with Bishop B6 and Knight G3 mate this is sometimes a very common thing when there's a monster diagonal open okay okay check okay so you can play Knight G3 but you can't sack the queen because the Rook defends so you have take take here no chance right okay yeah it was it was too good to be true what is this bro can I like can someone please tell me what what is King h8 bro like what oh my God all right all right we got some pressure here we got some pressure um wait wait oh my God whoa wait what am I talking about folks what y'all let me say this out loud oh my I'm sorry man you know what I I I've been watching these games too long man been watching these games for far too long man oh my goodness all right well you know what for the first time in a very long time in guess the ELO history we are gonna get a live necking that's what that's called man that's what that's called all right not the Australian one Australian one apparently means something very bad I did not know that that was the thing all right wow ah straight up just hung a queen trying to suggest the move amazing incredible all right well now now in my defense all right in my defense this is still a very weird move okay that doesn't I would not play King h8 all right all right now this is some good stuff here what is going on in this game what Okay so that happened but wow fantastic yeah great game I mean what a what a game I'm I'm sorry I even spoke I don't know guys I don't know um what a what a goofy guess the ELO episode uh I don't know well I played very well I'm getting intermediate Vibes for sure but like right here I mean just weird stuff going on just the weird stuff going I mean what is going on here 1100 gotta be gotta be Eleven Hundred 11 54 versus 1180 Bang hey Bang uh also you beat a blitzstream subscriber so Baku yeah wait is this a 10 minute game guys what like can I just ask why would you start a 10 minute game and use one and a half minutes again like I I compel you to answer my question one and a half minutes used in 30 moves just I will never for the life of me understand I I don't know okay C5 interesting reverse Queen's Gambit okay white is sticking to a Catalan white is sticking to a free Pawn for black okay well this is a high level game this is a very high level game uh no it's not [Music] it's just a fork Knight F4 wins the game on the spot uh wow okay so white is just a clean Pawn up and is much better because black doesn't really have any of the traditional counter play all right I get it I get it men only want one thing and it's disgusting I understand yeah all this yep okay white is just letting it happen okay now white is just worse because white really wanted to get mated okay dude I don't like what you just did all the hard work I guess there's Rook H4 now but I mean why not here wasn't this the whole idea you know ed5 there's like Queen H3 I I just I mean okay I mean no if if Queen here then yeah but I guess you can just take long castles is the best move yeah but yeah but fake Queen F5 wow okay so this is just winning now I don't quite understand what I don't know what minus 11. okay hunt the king into the middle yeah so black wins this game in a million different ways but also black can do nothing because these pieces can't move so so you know you can just like play even for example like F6 E5 Bishop C5 like that black is just completely winning okay rookie four yep check on G1 probably you have some guaranteed Queen win soon okay F5 you can take that and probably continue to maybe oe5 is a very strong move E5 is very strong does that work I mean it probably works okay um up how are you what how is this minus 0.9 huh uh oh is it a draw now oh my God if you take the Rook Knight B5 Queen A8 Knight B5 Queen A8 what how did that happen how oh my that's insanity this game had a really interesting Dynamic opening some stupid blunders a really interesting plan by black and then just no finishing ability at all I mean but they played pretty logically and then just through the game wow hmm let's say like [Music] 1600. I'm getting 1600 vibes wow even lower 13 30 verses 1390. I really thought that they were high level because it just felt like it just felt like they played good moves way too much than the average 1300. is that mean am I mean I feel like I'm mean so this is still oh my goodness I mean that was uh that was rough we're all mean I got you what a game that was insane all right this is an 80 move game which means there's 80 moves of content all right we have another Caro a two nights Carrow a tartik hour two nights Caro wow this is like unbelievably normal what is going on this is a shockingly normal game no one's done anything dumb yet I'm very very nervous like when is it when is it going to begin is this game three or four this is game number four all right castles yeah I like to play b5a5a4 in these kinds of structures uh and then maybe something like night here or Knight here and then maybe bishop G4 Bishop G4 is always a good move when the Knight is on F3 it doesn't really belong on F3 it's supposed to go to E2 okay let's see what you did jeez you did what I did what like two thousand oh there's a very nice tartik hour idea here of sacking the bishop I've won a lot of games like this and the threat is just this and the game is over the king is trapped if Bishop F1 there's this you just up two Pawns no if it was my game I would play Bishop H3 it's not my game though so oh my goodness this is awful by white just Knight G6 perfect F5 F4 winning on the spot God missing F5 F4 huh 1700 Maybe oh oh okay second time they found it okay very nice take the bishop oh but it takes the bishop there's takes the Rook takes the queen to Aya you can take because capture chain by the time this gets here Rook takes Rook as check very tough to see though very tough to see this or this also winning oh that happened wait what wait sorry that happened and it was wait what all that happened all this happened Bishop back wait why is this an 80 move game also what is this game I don't I don't understand this is just what this is not really an 80 move game this is white not resigning is that supposed to be a hint oh look at this Flex oh look at this oh look at this point oh oh what a Savage Oh my goodness the bishop nightmare wow [Music] wow oh my oh that's crazy but white didn't know Theory and blackmist F5 F4 and Bishop H3 Bishop Knight made is impressive but there's a limit to I'm gonna say like 2 000 I think because above 2 000 people probably know the tartar Tower Lines by white hmm do they also at a certain point people resign right I must say like 1900 to 2000. but the problem is 2000s don't really know man is it the bishop Knight Flags or is it the opening hmm what a conundrum okay if the players are close in strength then I'm gonna yeah you know what I'm gonna say I'm gonna say two thousand I'm saying two thousand this is game number four right black is 13.70. but uh uh uh uh What uh um you sure about that dude you're really sure about that dude are you sure about that dude are you sure that you're 1300 my dude 21 at puzzle rush but knows Bishop Knight mate okay all right okay I believe you fine no worries I die show a hands who believes in who the I you know what you know what I'm gonna be nice I'm gonna be it's extremely impressive let's put the put it this way extremely impressive listen extremely impressive well I have to say very nice all right we believe we believe that was an incredible game I mean just just most beautiful game I've ever seen in my life all right it's pretty believable well gun invalid your game is next gun invalid you're actually the next person all right terrific uh all right here we go Gotham sub with the white pieces plays the move E4 and we have a three nights and a horrible move by black because simply blocking in the dark squared Bishop very bad just awful oh it's not a good move Bishop C4 yeah now black now black is losing now it's a fried liver and black can't play oh my goodness folks some of you might know the fried liver right the fried liver main line is D5 because black defends that pawn enough that doesn't work when you've already moved D6 game over okay like white is winning on move five the fried liver doesn't work for black if D5 is not playable okay anyway D4 it's pretty cool pretty cool pretty cool it is what it is D4 is a nice move okay takes here okay develop the bishop long Castle develop the bishop okay fine short Castle is fine good very bad move why is C5 such a very bad move uh because for the temporary dopamine effect of attacking White's Queen all the queen has to do is Retreat and now you have a massive massive massive weakness on D5 and what's called a backwards Pawn which is a pawn that is not being defended by any other pawns and cannot move forward because the enemy controls that square so now white is completely crushing right because white is just gonna go and win that pawn and white can win it immediately but maybe there's B5 so I would just go A4 here and prevent B5 white plays okay you gave me a lot of guesses I would have not guessed that movie now black should immediately Knight Fork the queen and the bishop if you have an opportunity to Knight Fork a queen and a bishop more often than not it's a good move as long as there's no tactical response all right we don't play B5 or Knight H5 we defend G7 and we hang D6 terrific oh juicy that attacks uh mate so black can defend mate yes so the engine wants a draw here by repetition but white just backs up okay now black weakens their King but there's no mate E5 is a nice move oh oh danger levels oh my you know what can can we get a queen sack can we get a queen sack in the house three pieces for the queen can we get a little bit of this there's Queen H4 at the end but they don't see that uh it's crazy that that wins wow but uh I wanted three pieces for the queen wow the the danger level move oh okay oh another beautiful attack take the pawn oh okay just when I was giving credit okay yikes okay okay attacking the yes very chaotic game oh boom boom this is why you don't push Pawns in front of your king oh oh Savage absolute Savage sneaking in there with the queen beautiful fantastic ending to this game and now you win it in style with okay another Free Pawn and a night is this another one of these games where uh like what what's going on here it's another one of these games I'm gonna guess like 1800 and you're like a 300. a very good game couple of mistakes by I mean black very bad opening play and uh then played a few very nice moves kind of a caveman approached by white sort of scatter brain play and then a nice little sneak in here a thousand Vibes a thousand to Eleven Hundred Vives from this game game there's no way it's 1400 because if you're 1400 playing D6 and like this bad opening stuff with black I don't know what you're doing like you know what I mean I think white played great black played very impulsively and then like this whole approach like Bishop H6 ah is it really that crazy though Bishop C6 was a very high level move uh um I'ma say like 12 maybe 1200 that's what I'm feeling I feel like black had really bad opening play 1309 this is the third time today 1309 versus 1273. 70 with no fundamentals wifey made a hot dog by the way I'm gonna go
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,005,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, hikaru, hikaru nakamura, gmhikaru, candidates, candidates chess, candidates 2022, 2022 candidates, fide candidates, candidates tournament, candidates tournament recap, candidates tournament recaps, ding liren, nakamura chess, ian nepomniachtchi, duda chess, chess candidates, candidates chess 2022, richard rapport, chess results, chess recap
Id: i61Wcnjq-0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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