GOLD CLEAN-UP! from one full week running the Trout Creek Gold Mine.

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[Music] well hello everyone dan heard with dan heard prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i am here with andy thrax how you doing and we have run at the choke creek mine for one solid week today it's time to do our cleanup and hope we find lots of that gold so wish us luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] now in our first week running we were hoping to get a hundred yards dug out of the pit run through the plant and cleaned up to get a good idea of what we could find in 100 yards of pay gravel from the trout creek mine now we didn't quite get there andy how much did we get done in the first week 84 yards 84 yards not bad almost 100 it's close enough it will give us the numbers we need we'll have to do some math to do some calculating of what we would have found in a hundred yards but 84 yards will be enough you can see behind us here we have one heck of a tailings pile we have our machinery we have our wash plant we have the remnants of an 84 yard run we will be cleaning this up and hopefully doing 100 yards next week i hope to start doing 100 yards every every three days excellent let's go see what we got in the first 84 yards no we do have three bins of cons this first bin here is everything that was in the main main sluice the second bin here is our secondary sluice down at the bottom that throws much more of the bigger material through and the really big stuff we also have a nugget trap just to make sure that you know if any really really big nuggets go through it falls into the nugget trap now i'm not expecting anything from the trout creek mine that's going to be that big but just in case we do have a nugget trap catching anything that might be oversized now over the month run here we will be doing multiple cleanup days every friday we hope to do a clean update and we will be using multiple tools different techniques for doing our cleanups we do have all sorts of things here we have the gold hog multi sluice we have the clean up sluice from adventures in gold prospecting but because we do have the new fangled machine the gold drop with us we're gonna start by using that today and testing it out and seeing how well it cleans up our con first let's see what was in the nugget trap now as i said the nugget trap here i'm actually not expecting nuggets this big from this site we might get them from the back site where sibo is going to be working later on this summer but up front here we have never found any big nuggets but that being said we don't want to risk losing any that might be here as you can see the nugget trap does not produce many cons at all and it's all big stuff in there so we're just panning it out because it'll be really quick and easy to pan this out and see if there were any nuggets oh i see something in there already and it's not a nugget the big reveal what did we get in the nugget trap we got a bullet look at that an unspent 22 bullet and we also have one of these white rocks now these white rocks are common on this claim what they are they're actually nuggets of galena galena is a lead ore and the lead oxidizes white if you break these open they're actually silver inside ah this one may be oxidized all the way through we'll find a silver one to show you no big nuggets no little nugget oh it's a little nugget nope the nugget trap may have caught a couple of little tiny tiny specks but yeah no nuggets this run which i was expecting that's probably the most advanced piece of gold science i've ever seen what do you think we should do the uh main mats first or the secondary mats first better start with the secondary ones start with the secondary and then get the main ones because the most most the gold is in the main match yeah 99 i think percent will be in there well 80 90 would be in those top mats sounds good so we will be classifying all of our cons down using the tremor classifier a little vibrating classifier through four different classifications the top two or three will just pan out because they'll be so quick and easy to pan the bigger stuff that's just simple the bottom two at least will run through the machines to collect the fine gold let's get going [Applause] okay that looks like one-eighth plus any garnets on this creek very few very few garnets here the subject today is classified yes there we go let's pan out bigger ones see what we got quarter inch stuff i doubt we'll find anything in but better check nothing in the way of gold now the eighth inch i will be disappointed if we don't find anything in this one okay let's see if i'm disappointed lots of black little black rocks that means our first loose is catching everything yes that's why it's not in the seconds loose what are those little meteorite pieces look at them those are all pieces of magnetite like rocks of magnetite there's one of those white rocks i talked about the the galena nuggets that is interesting i might keep those aside for my uh pay dirt bags my hardest ever pay dirt bags put some of those little magnetite nuggets in them i may as well do the 16 plus by pan 2 because it's easy enough and will save the machine for the fine stuff which is hard and for anyone who thinks that i'm panning too fast for cons we will run through all of our tailings at the end of the month to make sure if i was too sloppy with my panning and lost anything that we get it lately i see lots of little black rocks coming out through here again smaller this time obviously look at the surface here though just those little magnetite rocks okay there's the big guy we saw him in the sluice i am surprised that that made it into that next size down second sluice yeah but only one interesting that is a beautiful picker of gold so the next two classifications will be going through there now if you want to know what this machine is how it works how you use it all that kind of stuff i have two videos on my channel of me going through my first you know initial uses and trial and error with this machine go check them out they'll tell you everything you need to know today we're just using it to get our gold starting with the 20 plus mesh classification now first we have to set the machine so we have the water levels going very low at 0.5 we'll put one small scoop in and if we screw up at all our tailings go into a bucket so we can rerun them again one small scoop in it washes down in it goes into the main chamber and it starts separating and i see things falling already that means i didn't have enough water let's turn up the water level there we go should have had more water to start with now nothing's falling in what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab that stuff that fell put it back in the top so that we don't have all the garbage in our jar now we have to set our water flow so just the bare mineral starts coming down into the separation chamber so turning down the water flow there's a little bit coming in there we go a little bit coming into the separation chamber just like that we've got it set right we can now load the machine with the cons you can see just the heaviest of the magnetites are making it down and dancing in the chamber right now if there were any gold flakes in that first little scoop they would be falling through well andy sees a couple in there right in the center so i don't know if the camera's gonna get those oh yeah i see some gold in there nice there we go it's all in there it will slowly feed through i see some of the heavy stuff falling you see gold andy i saw one beauty little speck in there so everything's dancing right everything is moving in the chamber right everything is dancing around and shifting around and letting the heavies fall down bringing the lights up nice thing about this machine is we can go for coffee right now we can go back to the main sluice and start just loosing more we don't even have to be here it'll just start catching all the heavies of the heavies i see a piece of gold in there do you yeah it's just about fall in it just went so after turning down the water flow we did end up with a little pile of big big magnetite rocks in the bottom those will be easy to separate let's get in the pan and see what it looks like okay first let's see what's in the jar now remember this is the bottom sluice of the wash plant so hopefully all the gold is in the top sluice but there's some nice flakes that made it through the tops loose and got caught in the bottoms loose and see how easy that big coarse magnetite just rolled away from the gold nothing to get the gold in one spot nice looking gold but don't be discouraged the upper sluice the next set of cons should have a hundred if not a thousand times more than that okay one small scoop in here just to set the machine for the finer material this is 16 minus so anything that will make it through a 16 mesh classifier and we obviously have to set the water levels lower for this just because it's a smaller and lighter material tweak it so just a little bit goes into the separation chamber there we be and now i can load the machine with the rest of the cons and then let it do its thing well there it's doing its thing they're gonna sit back and have a coffee let it finish separating the gold i'm impatient i want to just go and clean it out and see what we got i have to let it have its time to do its thing ah i want to see so we do have it set so a lot more black sand is coming into the jar than the last time as before this stuff is going to be so easy to separate and pan out that i don't mind that there's more of the black sand there the gold will be easy to get out of that you can see that i've set it differently here and there's a lot more material coming down into the separation chamber than before flipping all around trying to separate the gold out of that black sands there a lot more activity in the separation chamber and with this finer stuff there will be a lot more gold that's left in the main chamber but that is also getting easier and easier to pan because it is still reducing i put my hand underneath the tailings and there's lots of lighter stuff coming out the tailings so the volume is reducing by a lot and this will be easy to pan once we do let it have its half hour run and get out the gold it might get a nice little flake just fell right on top i'm looking forward to doing the other sluice the cons with other sluice it's gonna be so neat to see okay that's gotta be long enough turn off this water turn up that water close the valve can i do it one-handed or do i need the camera oh look at that i can do it one-handed take the ah everything's more difficult when you hold camera and into the pan she goes ooh that's a lot of black there let's hope there's a lot of gold too oh i see the gold oh i see the gold and remember this is still the second sluice should be like less than 10 of the gold in this sluice look at that well there's the gold from the sluice goose gold drop out of the smallest classification again this is the second sluice not the primary one we should be looking for 10 if not 100 times more in the primary sluice gold yay gold smallest classification from the second sluice so there was very little left in the machine from that last you know the finest run of the second sluice we just sucked it up said forget the video we just want to get on to the good stuff it's really unfortunate i might not get it all done today i may have to come back tomorrow or the next day and finish it off i have to take my son in for his driver's test yes my little tiny son who is not tiny anymore is going to be driving soon if you've watched my channel for any length of time actually alex's first debut on one of my videos was right here at trout creek mine high banking where our tailings pond is right now there's alex say hi alex he's running the little high banker let's see if we can find himself some little nuggets today there's not much gold here but some of the gold we do find is quite coarse and yeah pulled out a few little nuggets out of this hole so hopefully alex will find a little nugget or two today so no problem here we're going to spend some time today uh reclaiming this little spot a bit after we're done digging make it look a little nicer say bye alex anyhow we've started classifying the primary sluice the good one and we're gonna pan out what i can before i have to run off and get him so here's the quarter inch this is anything larger than one quarter inch i'm not sure how we got those behemoth of boulders in there what's your thoughts andy think we're gonna see anything of this i would love to but i'm thinking we aren't i'm okay with lots of small gold instead very doubtful that there's actually anything that's this big that we didn't see ahead of time in any of the sluices well the moment of truth no gold a bullet a lead nugget yep i think i remember seeing that in one of the sluices actually alrighty now we've classified down 1 8. this is 1 8 plus i would not be surprised at all to find a few of our bigger flakes in this here we go the moment of truth uh-oh nothing over 1 8. that's crazy i'm scared andy yeah i know to have it all be smaller than that is we saw some big big flakes chunk of lead the one flake we got i thought for sure there was uh at least one or two that were over an age i thought for sure too that we'd have something in there that size at least scary let's hope it's all in there still well here we go the plus 1 16th into the pan she goes yeah let's wash this in nicely just submerge the whole thing i think i'll take this one really slow there could be some good gold in here don't want to lose our gold i saw the first piece i was worried right until just a few seconds before that showed itself i did not have you didn't see it coming in the sight of that coming yeah that's promising that's nice that's nice looking i am surprised those are smaller than 1 8. don't they look bigger than an eight they're definitely most of them are bigger than one-eighth in one direction but they obviously fit through nice chunky gold look at that one how far did that guy travel yeah no kidding of course he's a little it's just completely jazz that's a little nugget got thickness to them jagged they're beautiful those are beautiful pickers a pile of pickers from the trout creek claim nice andy admiring our gold oh they all set up the stuffer bottle and now for the two smaller classifications we'll go back to the gold drop and see what we find this is awesome we're just setting up the machine right now just setting up all the water flows and everything and we put a little bit of material in to help set the water flows and there's a crazy flake just fluttering around in there doesn't quite fall out because we have the water flow too high right now but he keeps showing up and fluttering around in the separation chamber so nice to see there's one flake fluttering around in the separation chamber just waiting for me to adjust the water so it falls into the jar oh we keep seeing flakes flutter by and lots of them and we see lots down in the jar andy and i were just saying how nice this would be if we had clean water in here we might clean things out for the next run well i gotta get going here pretty soon so let's see what this machine captured in its jar and i'll do the rest tomorrow well this is what i see from the pile from the jar a lot of black sand with a lot of gold well that is a nice pile of gold as andy just said it's amazing how uniform everything is here because the way we've classified it everything is the same size in this but we still have lots and lots to do gold gold lots and lots of gold still worried about it we're looking out to our one ounce there andy yeah me too we're guessing that's five grams of gold right there well this sucks i gotta go pick up my son take him to his driver's test i don't get to see how much gold we got until i get back here tomorrow luckily for you guys that'll be just one second on the film congratulations alex you are now a driver well i'm back let's get this clean up done and see what we've got i'm gonna send andy back to digging while i finish off the last little bit so the results will be a bit of a surprise to him let's get going just knocking all the gold off the boulders so i know at this point you're done seeing the process and want to see the result so i'm just going to take the last little bit run it through the machine and then you get to see what we found you don't need to see this anymore well here we go here's the fine stuff out of the gold drop see what she looks like nice looking gold so this is the fine gold out of what we say 84 yards of pay dirt now this is anything sub 16 mesh anything that would fit through a 1 16 inch sieve oh this might even be 20 mesh i can't remember what the smallest one is this is the small stuff and there seems to be a lot of it well there we go that's a lot of gold now to get it cleaned up so we can weigh it all together again this is just the small stuff the big stuff's already in the snuffer bottle so here we go our calculations tell us that every 100 yards should yield one ounce of gold now this is 84 yards but we're kind of you know secretly hoping that there's a full ounce in this 84 yards even though our initial calculations say it will take a full hundred to get an ounce well andy digs away there let's talk numbers for a minute we have done many tests here at trout creek and all of our tests we sort of calculate how much gold is in the amount of dirt that we've dug and our estimates up to now have been around the 0.25 to 0.33 grams per yard of material now to get an ounce of gold we would have to at those rates dig about 100 yards of gold 100 yards ago 100 yards of dirt but we only get 84. so at 84 yards at 0.33 it would give us 27 grams of gold that's the high end if it was 0.25 it would give us 21 grams of gold again we're hoping for 31 get that full ounce that would be nice but we're probably more likely in the 20 to 25 range for gold here if it's in that range this is turning out to be an economical deposit that we could mine the whole bench if it's below 20 grams then we have to figure out why and we may well we're still doing more tests we still have lots more to test here but overall under 20 grams in a 84 yard run wouldn't do it for us anyhow the gold's still drying and with this rain it's not helping it's too humid out here for it to dry [Music] well there it is but you know the more i look at that the more i think that's not even close to the 20 grams that we're hoping for like half well i don't know should i weigh it up and then give andy the bad news or should i get andy over here and wait up with him okay andy i don't know about this doesn't look as great as we hoped for the first 84 yards nope it doesn't let's have a look oh three four five six nine point three a third of an ounce oh slightly disappointing for what we put through that machine yeah that was a lot of effort a lot of processing i i think that it takes that though because we're just opening it up we're just starting to get happening and moving we lose the lower grade the top gravel first yep you said you didn't like the looks of uh that whole sort of 30 yard run that last run you did because just a lot of organic still in it even though it was a ton of gravel just a lot of soil right not so much sand too high up in the deposit not down near the bedrock or in the gravels ran a lot of the lighter overburden not the top soil but the lighter overburden that's right we removed the soil down to the gravel the soil seems to penetrate the gravel some you know we didn't want to throw the gravel away but at least now we know that there's not a lot of gold in it okay so the next level down has to have even that much more gold for our averages to work out to between 0.25 and three three per yard because that that's about point one point one two maybe seven eight bucks a yard yeah that's not enough to make this a machine operation a full scale machine operation but the next hundred yards that'll do it i'm pretty uh positive about the next hundred excellent you got a week to do it yeah i'll be back in a week let's see if we can get an ounce yeah 100 yards i'm up to the challenge well there you go there's 670 dollars worth of gold works out to about eight dollars a yard for the deposit so far that number will get refined a lot as we go deeper hopefully much higher there's the first half gram from our tailings pond and now 10 grams worth of gold so the gold owl did its job nicely though we didn't have as much gold as we would like to put through it but it worked very nicely next week's cleanup is going to be done through the gold hog multi sluice well the first full week in the first full clean out of the trout creek mine roughly 10 grams of gold sure we'll say 10. hope you enjoyed watching it if you did please leave me that thumbs up leave a comment please if you haven't subscribed to my channel and you enjoy my videos please consider subscribing it does help a lot thanks everyone for watching especially my patrons because of the support of my patrons i get to make these weekly episodes of dan heard prospecting hope you're all having an amazing day next week will be better and until then [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 183,663
Rating: 4.956048 out of 5
Keywords: gold mine, gold panning, sluicing, wash plant, small scale mining, mining, placer mine, placer, gold, trout creek, sluice goose, gold drop, clean up, consentrates, bc, british columbia, video, placer mining, recovery
Id: 7vQUxqXy5ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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