Beautiful, Rare, and VERY Valuable! (BC Ocean Picture Stone)

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well hello everyone dan here with dan here prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i'm back here at the ocean picture stone i have a whole bunch of new tools and hopefully they will work better for extracting some of this beautiful ocean picture stone and i hope today to show off the new tools and maybe explain a little bit more about this stone about this quarry about this type of deposit and answer a few of your questions that's the goal for today come along for the adventure let's see what we can find hope you enjoy [Music] i have a few people joining me today on this adventure dana's here of course uh bryson and sarah and we have a celebrity joining us but he's not here yet when he gets here i'll introduce you now in the comments of my previous videos here at the ocean picture stone quarry i have had lots of people say why aren't you using x you should be using why dan don't you know this will work better for you you're wasting rock you're doing this you're doing that i have lots of reasons why i do things the way i do for instance i'd love to be using a hydraulic spreader i didn't have one i do now a gas powered wet saw is definitely something i could be utilizing up here but i have to check with the ministry first whether i can do that without permits or if i need permits feather and wedges for splitting off rocks i didn't have them i do now i'll be using them today so i do have reasons for why i do things the way i do this claim is very new to me and uh it's all a work in progress as i spend more time here i'll find better methods of extracting this rock and i'm currently working on putting permits in so i can use some big machinery but today hydraulic spreader feather and wedges uh leaf blower for cleaning things off got a whole lot of new tools let's see if they help out and my gorgeous wife is here helping me out today as well and she just came to me and said that she found the piece of the day already and we haven't been here for half an hour yet you know what was nice what i didn't have to dig this chisel it i just found it on the surface on the surface surface fines are always the best now one of the first tools i'm playing with today is a hydraulic spreader this thing is basically just a bottle jack a hydraulic bottle jack but instead of lifting things it forces a wedge through two jaws which spread them apart with a lot of force i think i got a 10 ton hydraulic spreader and now the farther out on the teeth the less pressure farther in more pressure so i'm probably only at like four tons or something of lifting power here but i want to see if i can put a whole lot of pressure on this rock whole lot of lifting pressure and then attack it with uh the chisels and see if i can break it free i don't know if the the spreader will break it on its own i see cracks forming so the cheap hydraulic spreader couldn't even withstand its own pressure as i pressurized it uh i doubt i had it up to full pressure yet one of the main pin the pivot pin sheared and busticated so it was worth a shot it seemed to be doing its job almost and then it broke it's all a learning curve okay well since i broke the hydraulic wedge this morning my next tool to try will be feather and wedges these go in a drilled hole and you hammer them down and they wedge the stone apart this is actually old school rock quarry digging stuff digging stuff sure digging stuff why not this is old school this is how they get it back like egyptian times even maybe a long time ago we're gonna try it to extract that rock now the feather and wedges consist of three parts the two feathers those are the two sides and the wedge that jams them and forces them apart some of them also have a little retainer clip on them idea is it goes in the hole the feathers are 90 degrees to the direction you want to split i've also given a little bit of a cut with a little diamond saw just to get help the crack propagate in the right direction so they go in just like that and then you hammer down on the wedge i'm gonna put three of them in one two three and see if we can pop off this rock okay now we have three feather and wedges in here ready to go all of them serve 90 degrees put in just the right way that's a beautiful rock we're trying to split off let's hope we get that whole trunk off as one rock it cracked there we go the crack formed there it is right there i see another one going back that way right through i'm getting this off you can get it out here we go oh yeah that is the way to slab this stuff off host on the bottom beautiful blues with inclusions white on top for the sky let's get some water on this to see you can see some of the host that's deep down deep enough down that it hasn't oxidized is still gray this stuff here was a crack so it's oxidized and it's red and that is the most beautiful blue look who's come to join us paulie falling into the scene so look who joined me today my good buddy paulie here uh this is completely out of my realm i'm usually as you guys know probably know that i'm into prospecting only i saw the last video that he did with this ocean picture stone and i said you know i have to have a taste of that so here we are and uh i'm gonna take all of his ocean picture stone thief i'm glad to have paulie here it's so fun doing anything with paulie fun doing stuff with the youth of today not old guy like me you sound like 100 years old yeah anyhow i just extracted the most amazing rock have a look that's what the drill holes are from the feather and wedges three drill holes split it off perfectly that is an awesome piece like 12 cents right yeah it's at least 12 cents worth so you could not cut it through this and have a flat polished piece absolutely if we took this to the big saw we could cut right through there we would have the beach on the bottom with the host we'd have the water the ocean and then the white would be the sky the clouds and this one even has like a mountain poking up through the clouds in the distance that is wild that is awesome and in the three months i've owned this claim i've recovered more value of this than i've done in gold in my entire gold panning career yeah apparently what you sold forty thousand dollars worth of i'm probably up stuff closer to 50 now holy cow how much is this one worth that would sell for like a buck a dollar maybe wow yeah so paul you're not going to be using the drill and feather and wedges and those kind of things most likely what you'll want to do is grab one of the chisels grab one of the big hammers find a chunk that you like and the trick is to get underneath it to start with go down below the good stuff find a nice spot below the good and start wedging in there and you have to hit hard to break this stuff free oh my goodness and here we go we got a nice one coming oh that's just so cool yeah and this this piece is going to be even better could you actually find the gold in there could you imagine the assays say there's gold here but the amount is so small and it's locked up in the iron so it's not something you would ever find with some of that stuff isn't that beautiful it's loose just have to get it out of the the rock now [Music] that there would sell on my website for 75 that's a one pound piece of what i would consider premium material there's a bunch of different things that would make a rock premium this one here has the deep deep blue the really nice blue yeah and a nice a nice bottom host layer so you can make a good beach scene out of that i see even this little guy spray that one down that would be a piece of premium small if on see if someone wanted small pieces to make up a pound that would be one of the pieces in a premium bag holy cow so really the picture of the beach is on the side here right yeah usually uh side looking in if you were actually to cut this stuff from the top down you would just get you know a straight blue color so if you wanted to you could cut this out and that you can just have like a bunch of islands absolutely i hope to get that rock out as one piece someday look at there's a pirate there this is meyer it's my aunt the pirate oh this guy is going to be amazing and it's big if you want to try pry those out i'm not sure what's behind the like they're oxidized on the surface but yeah they might be kind of neat what uh what made this and how did this come to be this type of rock that that's a whole geology course in itself but basically what it is is the the bedrock has fractures in it naturally all over the place and if if water deep down in the earth's crust gets hot enough it starts to boil and force its way up into those cracks and as it's boiling way down under pressure it dissolves quartz gold all sorts of things and it forces the weight into the cracks making the cracks bigger as it forces in and then when it gets to a certain height in the crust the pressure and temperature is just right that that quartz can't stay in solution anymore and it falls out and it deposits and why this deposit is so beautiful is that quartz had a little bit of some sort of metal in it that colored it blue most of these hydrothermic veins are just white quartz very seldom you get these blue things or any other color it's important when you're drilling like this that if this dust starts kicking up into the air that you wear a mask because this stuff is very bad on your lungs luckily it's moist enough today that it's not blowing up thank you make a knife out of that [Music] perfect little split right through the two feather and wedges that's the piece i want right there beautiful chunk host blue whites inclusions everything let's pop that off and there we go there's the piece i want [Music] that specimen probably worth 600 or seven hundred dollars okay so for those of you who don't know this is bianca her nickname is sita and this is this is keith this is keith our cameraman's wife so she just found a little corner of this blue like you see that we started cleaning it and then she's starting to discover that this whole thing is covered in it it is like green everywhere maybe i just put in the trunk before here that is amazing wow nice wow if this isn't valuable it doesn't matter to me i i still like it so wherever paulie goes he has an entourage that follows him keith and bianca are two of his camera people this is bianca and she found the most amazing piece oh my gosh and we're gonna take and we're gonna take that piece back and slap it cut it cut off this face and cut a slab out of it for bianca to take home with her oh it's excited to see who we look like like thank you so much then you're watching this place is amazing you are amazing love it oh yeah we have a rattlesnake that paulie's playing with a black widow that i'm playing with good day good day for venomous critters okay this rock is ready to come i've been just hammering underneath it we used the feather and wedges on the top it split it away from the wall nicely and now a few more hammers on this and this chisel here and it should just pop it right out let's hope here we go it's a nugget i like the dark blues in that one wow there's still more and look at that like i knew there was good stuff here but really that goes all the way down to there doesn't it yeah there's a band of you know but yeah once you get rid of that whole side here there's gonna be more oh yeah it's huge now some of these rocks here have the ocean picture stone but they also have this agate on the surface it's sort of a it's kind of a toil but it's it's more of like a druzy in the bubbles uh i've cut some of this stuff that looks really really neat inside because of it's it's protected inside so the host rock is very green uh really neat stuff maybe i'll try to take a sample of that with me today paulie and i are just exploring around places i haven't been before and look at the seam paulie just found wow it's a big big boulder it'd be a lot of work to extract that goes down too yeah you know through there that is an amazing rock there's a nice piece of candy i like digging in even with a bit of a good one see uh this is that uh toil druzy agate that i was talking about say that again uh yeah good yeah sure i i always say it wrong buck toil it's not buck toil so just laying back by the ocean relaxing a lot of people have asked me um they say dan ocean picture rock is obviously a cutesy name for that rock what's the actual mineral this is not laminar this is actually known as the proper name for this rock is bc ocean picture stone but if you want to know the mineral makeup of the bc ocean picture stone the mineral makeup is chalcedony silicated serpentine never heard of that stuff before but it's silicated serpentine there's a little bit of agate on some of them and there's lymanite if you will a rusted out iron stone um and it's actually not limonite it's actually the host rock that's just rusted out but basically the same thing so put those four minerals together in a figured pattern like this and you've got what's known as bc ocean picture stone so we're on our way up for day two at the ocean picture stone here but a forest fire started overnight in the local area and the hills are covered in forest fire smoke it'll still be a good day but we get to breathe some smoke is the mask for the smoke well this is hilarious i took another break from drilling looked up the hill and said what is that whoa look at the blue on this thing that is an amazing rock that's probably three to four pounds that will be so old as is a premium specimen specimen specimen wow so the rock i'm working at is definitely cracking i've got a crack going all the way through all the way around it's cracked free but it's still physically attached somehow probably underneath just probably all just the mechanical attaching i'm gonna have to see if i can pry that free somehow and get it loose but the feather and wedges i've done a great job it's free let's hope it's as pretty as i think it's gonna be woohoo okay keith come on over check this out this could be amazing it could be an absolute dud i have no idea what to expect inside here but it's loose for sure bye-bye okay here we go it's a biggie let's see that oh yeah oh there's a nice one i'll get that beach ocean rocks water sky above there it is oh my leg wow that is beauty that's gonna be birds flying in the sky yeah nudists laying on the beach yeah it's perfect me yes me nude on the beach that's a nice trunk man wow look at that grab the fracture there on the bottom there you go oh a little fracture see that even that's just amazing little thing isn't it yeah look at that that's kind of neat score score and this seam keeps going all the way over there i assume it keeps going that way too under the dirt so we got lots of this material [Music] [Music] so [Music] and to answer another question my viewers a lot of my viewers have they keep saying dan you're crazy to show where where your claim is dan people are going to steal from you a lot of them are even saying i'm coming to steal your stones you're crazy well the security here is crazy a you have to go through a rancher's uh property and that rancher likes to speak with shotguns rather than words uh it's got locked gates multiple locked gates on the way in i've got security cameras all around and it's in the middle of nowhere it is hard to get to if someone want to steal from here they would have a lot of work to go through and we would catch them so i am not all that worried about people coming up here to steal my stones yes they are very valuable and even paulie who had the directions had permission to be here had the keys for the gate he took hours to get here because he got lost so many times you can cut this one oh yeah that was just laying in the in the muff there yep that that's a specimen right there interesting it's a big one yeah this is good oh that's a nice piece broke up just a few but nice piece yeah look at those colors though wow you have like a couple rivers and stuff in there look at this that side that's a nice wall right there yeah can you get the get it wet there polly yeah yeah look at those colors wow that's a nice little ah those are all great and you can sell each one of those eh yep that would go into a chip bag that's about a half pound chip bag right there holy cow you got more of those cool greens that's a nice trunk right there yeah if i can get this out as one that'd be awesome it's cracked it's crazy here it's cracked through there and then the cracks sort of disappear into the softer stuff but yeah what about the blasting uh the blasting they did back in the 80s wrecked a lot of the stone uh where it's nice and solid you know that was a long distance away from the blasting but where it's all fractured up that's where it was close and a lot of the fractured stuff is unusable for lapidary we got one major crack going through there so this piece will come off as one and then this will come off as another yeah paulie you're gonna want to see this one i like the dark blues in that one wow oh you missed the bucket dang it what a beautiful spot to hang out with such great people and have fun prospecting i'm loving it all the specimens that i'm collecting on this video i'm going to hold off putting them up on my website for sale until this video is released this video will come out in about a month's time and when the video is out i will put all those specimens up for sale on my website so if you want one of them you can get it sort of right away live there and of course if you want any of this ocean picture stone if you're into lapidary if you're into making jewelry like to tumble rocks it takes a really nice polish it tumbles really well it's really easy and great to work i do sell it on my website i sure hope you enjoy watching these videos thank you to all of my subscribers out there big big extra thanks for my patrons your support really helps me a lot in making these videos if you'd like to help me creating weekly videos on prospecting mining treasure hunting all that kind of stuff you can go off to dan herd to learn more thanks everyone hope you're having a great day out there and until the next one bye bye see you later bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 251,771
Rating: 4.9235482 out of 5
Keywords: BC Ocean Picture Stone, #bcoceanpicturestone, ocean picture stone, picture stone, ocean Jasper, Lapidary, quarry, mine, rock hound, rock hounding, rock collecting, gem stone, gemstone, gem hunting, Lapidary rough, lapidary artist, jewelery, Prospecting, video, Pioneer Pauly
Id: VAoAuPje6oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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