Biggest run through the wash plant yet. What did we get?

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[Music] uh well hello everyone dan here with the android prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i'm back here at my trout creek operation with andy thrax good morning we're here for week two kind of three but really week two of hard work to see what kind of gold we can get and hopefully we'll run a hundred yards through this loose we're really hoping for at least one ounce of gold in a hundred yards so wish us luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] if you didn't see last week's video i actually had two from up here and we found some really nice gold go back and check them out but as for now we're detecting the bedrock at the bottom of our pit so we're down in the bottom of the pit here with the gold monster 1000 because we have exposed bedrock all over the place underneath about eight to ten feet of you know good good pay gravel but we know from past experience at this claim that this fractured up bedrock holds most of the big gold down in the cracks are the pickers and nuggets so we're swinging the metal detector today and seeing if we can put any of the hot signals in our pan let's hope some of them show some gold oh yeah and the smaller pieces usually do that move your shoulders on that rock wow that was on that rock cool i like that one okay we got a pan full of signals from the metal detector really this gold down here is going to be you know captured when we bring the ripper tooth down here rip this all up and run it through the wash plant however it's fun to find gold with a metal detector so that's why we're down here and it also gives us a little bit of information about where you know the bigger pieces might be hiding but really we're gonna pan that one pan out then we're gonna put the ripper tooth onto the or the digging ripper toothed bucket onto the excavator and just rip up all this bedrock dig it all take it all over to the wash plant andy stole the goal let's go find it oh that's a heavy pan now this is not why i'm actually here today i'm actually here today to see how andy's doing to maybe help out a little bit with the bobcat and to get a plan for the week try to get up here twice a week while andy's working once at the beginning to see how things are going and get a plan for the week and then once at the end for a cleanup so really a pan full of gold is just an added bone oh that's a heavy that's a glory pan a hero pan as we call it wash the rocks carefully because that gold could be stuck to these that's for sure all of these bedrock shards have uh sort of a clay muddy goo attached to them so we have to make sure they get cleaned now one thing about the trout creek area here is there are a lot of hot rocks those are rocks that are mineralized enough with irons or other metals that they set off metal detectors so a good percentage of those signals down there could have been hot rocks and we often find these green rounded rocks like that are the culprits [Applause] clay balls in the bottom well the moment of truth let's see what we got was there gold on bedrock yes there's gold on bedrock hard to see if that was from the metal detector but there is gold there that many pieces in each pan would be would add up would sure add up yeah the gold monster will detect very very small gold but that is extremely small gold oh well now last week we ran 84 yards of material through andy's wash plant and we got some nice gold but if you want to see that you'll have to go back and watch my previous videos at the trout creek mine this week we hope to dig a hundred yards of pay we're already a significant away there and see if we can get one ounce of gold out of 100 yards from bedrock and we're down onto bedrock now as you saw from us detecting i'm just going to help andy dig for a couple hours move some dirt over wish him luck and then i'll be back on friday to do a clean up and see what he has what you doing andy throwing on the ripping bucket so we can finally get punching into that bedrock the good gold's on bedrock now andy's already dug into the bedrock in one spot he's dug way down ripped it all up and we've moved that stuff over to run and then we just piled our horse tail tailings on top of it the big boulders on top of it we're gonna rip down into this section now and do the same thing once we get all the bedrock away from this section we'll start taking the rest of our boulders and putting it in there and if you're familiar with bc mining i'm allowed to dig into bedrock on my plaster plane because i own both plaster and mineral claims at this site this machine is doing a great job of breaking into the top foot of that bedrock very very loud though so andy's moved on to a single ripping tooth to do even more damage to that bedrock that's what i need for the ocean picture stone oh yeah [Music] [Music] so helping out andy for the day we managed to get you know about 25 yards of pay dug and brought down to the pant plant he's still digging more plants all ready for him to go he could probably do a good you know 10 20 yards tonight even but i do have to get going i can't stay up all night long so i'm gonna leave andy to it and i'll come back in a week's time and see what he's got unfortunately andy working by himself for the week means he has to run both machines he digs pay leaves it at the top then hops in the bobcat and grabs the pay takes it down to the plant once he has a whole good shwack there at the plant he then brings all the machines down to the plant and sluices for a day but unfortunately i can't help them all week i have other things i have to do like take more videos for my youtube channel and a lot more so this isn't the end of the video i'll be back on friday to do the cleanup for the week see you in a few minutes and of course if you haven't figured out already andy 2 is a youtuber and he will have videos of what goes on during the week all the mining process that goes on i'm mostly here for the planning and the cleanup check out andy thrax to see the rest of the operation in action well i'm back to do what's hopefully a cleanup of a hundred yards they're not running yet let's go see what they've done in the last week well the pit is looking considerably bigger and they've started moving their coarse tailings to start filling it back in wow looks like sibo made it how you doing sibo doing good wish i could be here more doing great so andy how much did you get run in a week we got a hundred and four yards extra that trauma yeah just staggering for that little machine it uh is definitely polished on the inside 104 that should make an awesome cleanup we have a guest joining us today why don't you introduce yourself hi moto mining from vancouver island nice to meet you guys hey so for this week's cleanup we will be using the gold hog multi sluice last week we used the gold drop next week i think we'll bring up the spiral wheel what a pile of coarse tailings it looks like there's still some paint right here that they could have run probably ran out of time andy where are my cons one last batch we ran till dark last night so we got to just get them cleaned out this morning haven't seen any gold um but there is the most amount of yards times 2.5 that we've ever shoved through this thing so there could be an ounce there could be a half an ounce there should be over half an ounce in here but it's all buried as soon as you shut it off this light sand kind of drops through the machine and so we can't see it but once we start hosing it out it'll show its treasures [Music] love seeing these flakes in the miners moss as we rinse out the sluice that's a beauty oh there's another one right there little guy over there there everywhere another one that's a nice one though an official picker oh there's a nice one down there too over oh right there yep here comes the cons right on that pile there is good i'm gonna classify them probably 60 something pounds 60 something pounds 104 yards cubic yards what's that 100 and 400 tons or something those two all down to that one little bucket now for this cleanup i will be classifying down to 16 mesh we're going to run anything 16 minus through the gold hog anything 16 plus i'm just gonna pan out that stuff pan so simply you have an extra pan kicking around somewhere that i can just throw the uh oversized into yeah that will be a fun one to do seeing the big pieces always nice to see gold in the classifier look at that one wow that's gotta be a quarter inch across nice so to start with for this cleanup we're gonna do the 16 plus and see what kind of big pieces we have and i'm gonna do it in multiple pans because we don't wanna lose anything for some reason i'm taking this really slow and that there's why look at that beast now all the tailings that end up in these buckets we will run one more time just to make sure that we didn't make any mistakes in panning or cleaning up and anything that did get out of the pan and through gets caught one more time okay i have no idea let's see oh yeah lots of them wow [Music] and that was only about a tenth of the coarse material in that pan beauty [Music] well here's the rest of the oversize i see lead in there i see a bullet i see gold in there ho i see lots of gold coming out we better get the close-up camera to really see this properly oh yeah big gold well that's a nice little pan of gold but that's only part of it let's put in the pieces we saw in the first pan and then get a good shot of everything well there we are this is everything bigger than 1 16 of an inch all together but of course the vast majority of this gold is smaller than 1 16 of an inch but these are the exciting pieces to see now that was the core stuff onto the fine through the gold hog well let's get set up so when i scoop into there i don't drop any of the good stuff on the ground here we go nice thing about the gold hog multi sluice is it works quick enough that i don't mind pushing this material through a little too fast and then just re-running my tailings once so if any does get pushed through we can catch it the second time around now dock from gold hog does say the multi-sluice does not catch 100 of your gold and he says you may have to run it multiple times but the fact that it runs so quickly means it's not a problem to run it multiple times i am using the coarse matting in it not the cleanup matting and then i'll just pan out whatever's left [Music] got sibo feeding this loose for a bit so we've run it all through now i've tested the tailings many many many times and there's not a spec making it through that bullhog multi sluice we will still run the tailings one more time just in case but i'm thinking it did a good job of catching it now let's see how much is in there [Music] gold gold gold gold well there we go lots and lots of visible gold in the maps of the gold hog multi sluice now really you would throw in the other maps and run this stuff to clean it up but i'm just gonna do it in a pan i like panning and i'm fairly good at it okay let's get the mats out of here carefully there's gold in them there mats look at all that gold wow that's impressive into the pan she goes well there's lots in here i can see it everywhere but that's too much to pan at once so let's take a little bit out do a little bit at a time do we have one more big pan around somewhere there was always two here i got two just wanna put one right below me oh it's starting to show up that's one spoon man that's a few grams one small little scoop oh it's all throughout there too yeah that's crazy give her the tap that was just one small scoopful this is promising and the next little scoop will do a bit smaller this time that's all i need [Music] well here we are all the gold cleaned up there might be a little bit of lead left in there but this is basically it now to put that up dry it out and put it on a scale and see what it comes out to there we be 1.7 grams of course gold and we don't know yet how much fine gold we have to wait for it to dry out first and if you haven't been watching previous videos from this mine site you might want to go back and check out my channel to see the previous four or five videos which explains everything we're doing up here what the deposit looks like what we're trying to prove and what we hope to do in the future all your questions will be answered if you check out my channel here comes the dirt that's pay dirt yeah so andy how's the digging coming out there it's digging really nice i'm surprised how it uh it chips apart really easily it's it's condensed but it still breaks up you're going right down into the bedrock a couple feet now aren't you yeah we're able to actually get in to the bedrock like at least a foot maybe a foot and a half and still finding sands and gravels down in there and if you had to have to estimate how much material is left to go in our pit our trench i think we got it looks like we got over 100 yards for sure left to go there hey maybe a little more 120. excellent okay let's see what 104 yards holds for gold there it is someone do the honors of slowly pouring that teared off it is yeah two grams four five nine ten ooh [Music] and the core stuff 12.6 grams not even half an ounce ouch that is a bit painful but we're rich with knowledge and fun and excitement yeah and friends that's right it's been so much fun and sunburns bug bites mice so andy how disappointed are you pretty used to uh working a lot i'm getting not much in return i think it's all knowledge it's all it's all valuable i'd love to be taking home more gold but it is what it is you know we came and we tried had a lot of fun and we are producing it's just it's good to know when it's not good to mine as well well there's our total so far for about 200 yards of material we have 23 grams 23 grams of gold 23.5 grams of gold can't forget that half yeah well there we go andy has calculated that to be about eight to nine dollars per yard for the mine site so far not rich enough to do a large scale operation unfortunately let's hope the next run is better well there we go week three done another gold cleanup done we have 22 to 23 grams of gold in the vial we are happy it's not as rich as we'd like but next week is another week new ground different type of deposit within the same trench we're hoping again that it will be richer hope you enjoyed the video big thanks to everyone for watching extra big thanks to my patrons out there because of your support i get to make these weekly episodes of dan herd prospecting hope you're all having an amazing day and until the next one bye bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 81,487
Rating: 4.9656549 out of 5
Keywords: Placer mine, prospecting, mining, gold panning, small scale mining, machine mining, machine opperation, placer, gold mining, gold, trout creek, gold prospecting, placer gold, rich gold deposit, gold deposit, gold claim, placer gold deposit, wash plant, small scale placer, video, gold hog, multi sluice
Id: lgr8NIkcA74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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