A spiral gold wheel to recover lots of gold!

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well the Lord what Dan heard with Dan heard prospecting here welcome to my channel today I'm gonna be cleaning up some gold cons with the spiral wheel now I've done lots of videos like clean up gold cons before with the Miller table the gold cube the blue ball a gold pan but I've never done a video with the spiral wheel before so today I'm gonna show you how the spiral wheel works what it does what it's good at what it's not good at and all the little spiral wheels and clean me up gold puns if this information is important to you or sounds interesting please make sure you subscribe to my channel so you never miss an episode so today the spiral wheel [Music] the clogs I have to work with today they come from the Fraser River Mike my dad and I went for a prospecting trip to the Fraser a couple weekends ago and we we pushed the winter season too far there was too much snow on the ground the ground was frozen way too hard it was stormy it was miserable we pushed it too far we didn't do all that well but we did come home with some cons we're thinking there's a couple grams of gold in here we're hoping and I'm gonna use today I'm gonna use the spiral wheel today to clean up these cons and see what we actually found that day I did not get a video on that day the weather was just too bad to shoot a video now my first step here will be to classify this down to about 20 mesh I don't need to get this a really tight classification it's not like the gold it's not like the blue bowl where we need it really tight tight classifying but if I take this down to about 20 mesh anything bigger than that I can pan out easy anything smaller than that a spiral wheel can deal with so I'm gonna go do that off-camera I'll come back with just fine sand to deal with in the spiral wheel the stuff that's in there right now I was just testing things this morning before I did the video because I'm not an expert with the spiral wheel at all I want to make sure I knew what I was doing before I filmed anything because I only just barely know how to use this machine I know the theory behind it I know the concept but I don't use it now so I want to make sure I knew what I was doing before I put anything on camera we'll be back in a minute so I had the cons all sifted down to roughly 20 mesh I just used a kitchen strain after doing that I've got the wheel all cleaned out I've got tipped back at the right angle I'll explain the angle of water in just a second there's a little bit of jet dry in the water so gold doesn't float away on us though that means said I've never seen gold float in the spiral wheel before I don't know if it's needed so there are three adjustments on my spiral wheel here it's 18 it's spiral wheel there are three adjustments that you can do you can change the angle you can change how much water flows through it and you can change how fast it spins by adjusting those three variables you can tell the gold what to do whether you want the gold staying in the bottom you want the gold climbing up you want the gold following out you want to reduce your cons you want to clean up the gold it's all about changing those three variables to get the wheel to do what you want with your gold and every gold every size and shape and kind of gold reacts differently to those variables so sometimes you have to play with those according to your gold I have really really flat thin gold here from the Fraser this wheel does not deal with flat fin gold well so I have to play with the water flow and everything to try to make it catch that gold my first step here is to get this spiral wheel to reduce the volume of the Khans and i'm going to get to do that by typing it back to about a 45 degree angle so quite a bit back I'm gonna get the water flow fairly high and this speed of the rotation right in the middle at that point I'm gonna put my material in the bottom here and just let the action of the spiral wheel get rid of most of the blacks and most of the blah and the blacks and it is really good at the spiraled wheel is really good at reducing the volume of your cons I have tested the tailings many many times when it's just reducing the cons I've never seen even a speck of gold go away in this first step so it's really really good at that I should talk about sort of the theory here these grooves they're shaped like riffles in a sluice and as the water flows over them the gold is getting caught in the riffles but because it's a spiral constantly moving the riffle itself is constantly moving up towards the center so as the gold gets caught in them it's being lifted towards the center water is being flown overflowing the blacks and away the gold is staying in the bottom of the grooves coming up to the center you adjust the water so that well depending on what you're doing it's either flushing the gold back down into the con mix or not flushing it out and letting it fall into the hole which puts it into a little cup in behind to start with will keep the water flow fairly high but the angle quite steep back and it will flush lots of the gold back down it's the cons there's still giving lots of gold and black sand going through the hole of the cup but we're just worried about reducing the cons to start with well actually take that whole cup of black sand and gold afterwards to put it back in before we clean up the gold completely enough talking let's do it high water flow medium-speed about a 45 degree angle and we can put our cons in here and let it start to process the con [Music] to start with you might see that some of the black sand is climbing the riffles here some of it's actually fall them through I don't care how much it's falling through right now we're gonna take that whole cup and put it back in here in a second what I'm worried about is how much is going over this front edge because this is how it's reducing the volumes right now by washing some of the lighter stuff over and away as I said before I taught this and tested it many times over and I've never found a flake yet that has made it over that edge when I'm just doing this initial reproduction when I break now I can catch some of that and just see what's in it and of course there's no goal thing make sure the water flow is nice and high here I have a little bit running over the edge but this is where I start my adjustments what I want to do now is I want to bring the angle of this whole thing up as well Justin right here that skirt crank it up until I start seeing a more significant volume of this black sand coming over this front edge [Music] now I start seeing some flowing over there we go we have a fair amount of black sand coming over this front edge now I can check it and make sure they're not losing gold go bold in there and it depends on how long you want to let this be run if you want to go quick and possibly lose gold you can crank this angle way up but that's when you might lose gold if you want to take your time and just let this run I can go away for 20 minutes then I can just shut everything so camera I can just go and have coffee and let this go for 20 minutes and let it reduce its volume I don't care what gets in the hole because I'm gonna take that cup and dump it back in right now I'm just trying to reduce the volume black sand by letting it flow over this front edge it's just gonna continue doing that right now for however long I leave it what I'm really what I'm going to do is I'm going to let this run for about half an hour but every 5 minutes I'm going to come over here and I'm going to give it another crank on the angle bring it up a bit more so a bit more starts going over that edge after what a half hour of that there should be only maybe a cup worth of material left in here it's gonna have all the gold in it at that point I will take that little bin of the cup in behind dump it back in so all of the gold and the heaviest of the black sand will be in here and then I'll start collecting what I want but I'm just let this go for a while and just reduce the volume everyone so I'll come and give it another twist bring its angle up so more black sand goes over that front edge I will see you in a bit now I only left it for about 10 minutes and I've already got my stuff reduced way down here so I may have been pushing it a little too hard to crank it up so much so I'm going to back it off a little bit now but I have less I got half a cup of material it's that in there but not very much so I'm just gonna crank it back a little bit here just to make sure my water turned up water spill up crank it back now I'm gonna shut everything off for a second I'm gonna shut off the spy rope for a second so nothing more will go into the hole good nothing's flowing over we're all happy now I can take the cup of material here and I can put it back in again so anything that made it up originally any goal any black sands are in there I can turn it spiral back on now I'm watching right here to see what is going into the cup and I can adjust things at this point I can adjust three things to get the gold to go in I can either speed up the rotation and that lists the gold faster I can reduce the amount of water washing over so it we're doing it slows down how fast it washes it away or I can crank the angles back so that it's easier for the ripple to lift the gold into the hole any of those will break gold it's the center hole and it depends on your goal of what do you need to do I know my goal is really mini mini Reed flat so I have to make it so it doesn't splinter in the water flow so my best bet for my goal is to reduce the water flow so to turn down the water and it keeps turning it down and keep turning it down watching right here what I want to see is I want to see little specks starting to make it into the cup let me bring the camera down here and show you that now right now I see blacks and going in so I may have turned it down too much but I'm okay with a bit about blacks and going in because I know I can tan that out really quickly so right now I've got gold flakes and black sand going in maybe a bit too much black sand so I can take my angle pull my angle up a bit more get to the higher angle and that will reduce the amount of black sand but still let a lot of the gold go in with that water flow this is sort of the dense I need to do get the three variables just right so it works perfectly for my gold so I'm going higher and higher and higher right now now I see almost pure gold very very little black sand going into that cut I can also speed up the wheel a little bit right now looking good maybe a bit more wah-wah a bit more going in so I'll just take the speed and turn my speed of spiral up just a little bit a bit more I see a bit more black going in with it with a bit faster speed still keeping my water very low because I don't want those big flat flakes to flitter away in the water water flow for my gold is the thing that keeps the gold from getting in if you add coarse gold really thick chunky gold you can keep the water or just cranked and it'll be fine there we go I see it concentrating gold really well right now spring the cons of the camera and again because it's concentrating really well deceiving it more later now I'm gonna leave it concentrate like this for about 5-10 minutes and see how it's doing I know a lot of my gold is still hanging out down in here and not actually climbing I'm gonna do what I can at this setting I'll pull that gold out and then we're gonna make it a little bit more aggressive pull more of the blacks and higher angle and it'll start catching some of the gold that's hanging out down in here so the big big flat flakes aren't wanting to get up through this waterfall now that's run like that first ten minutes five minutes Larrick bit I'm gonna shut this spiral off switch shut the spiral lock there's still lots of ball and you actually see the gold down in here right now but that's okay I'm gonna take the top down put it in my pan and have a look at the goal and you can see that that is fairly clean gold in there there is a bit of sweat there's a bit of black sand in with it but honestly that would take me less than a minute to clean up to that gold from the black sand so I'm gonna put that aside now as I get a bit more aggressive to get the gold that has not been able to climb through this water back in place remember put the top back of like sudden forgotten too many times and who'll get mad and you do that does he throw over your gold spiral back on and now we're gonna tip the whole unit back farther to change the angle here tip it all back farther which is going to make it easier for the gold to travel up we're also going to reduce our water by doing the two of those things we're going to get a lot more blacks and going into that Cup but we're also going to get those bigger flakes that don't like to travel up through this water float it's funny how the big flakes are actually the difficult ones to catch okay now getting a lot more black doing it let's bring the camera now see a lot more black sands climbing up and going in but the bigger flakes are going in with it and honestly when you go to clean it up that coarse black sand that's going in right now is really easy to pan out takes me only seconds to separate the gold from that coarse black sand that's going in there so even though I'm getting a lot more blacks and amethyst in with the gold right now it's not that big of a deal now I won't leave it too long like this because otherwise I'll just grab all of lack scent but I think what I've seen right now is out seeing we're late spilling in I just see black sand going in so I'm going to turn it off and just see what I see in here for a goal I still see them in a bowl let's have a look at what's in the cup so you can see there's a lot more blacks and this time but the bigger flakes have all come out that with this honestly it would just take me a couple minutes to tap those flakes not even a couple bits less than a minute to tap those flakes out of that blacks and clean that up so that would be easy to clean up put that aside now and we're gonna deal with what's left in here okay now I'm going to reduce my water flow to nothing but a trickle pull my ankle back a bit what this is doing now is it's just sucking the rest of the black sand oh this black Sam that's left in here now is really really coarse black Sam it's just the biggest of the big that's left I'm just pulling it all back into that Cup even slow down the spiral a bit more putting this crowd at the rest of that and there it is clean now we are losing light in this dungeon of a garage of mine so I'll probably do the final cleaning on the kitchen table you had a bin again this is all the black sands that were left in the Cape there's still a lot of gold in there but I'm going to show you how easy it is to get that gold out because the way that the spiral wheel has refined this stuff it's only very coarse black sand that's left and that will be very easy to clean up the other stuff down in there is almost all clean I have to move up to the kitchen because the light was just failing in the dungeon of my garage so here is the oversized stuff I know it has nothing to do with the spiral wheel but it was the stuff that didn't go through the spiral wheel and everyone was looking at gold so there's the gold and the oversized stuff well quickly get that all separated out so I can include it in the way up here's the stuff from a fairly clean run of the spiral wheel and then here is sort of what was left behind I'm gonna clean those two up nice and clean then add it all together and weigh it up and see what we get big stuff first there's the oversize stuff cleaned up it took me all of 30 seconds to get that out of the blacks so that was easy move on moving on so this is the stuff that was mostly cleaned by the spiral wheel you can see it still has black sand in it for sure but the black sand that's in it is so coarse that it's going to just run right away from that gold there we go basically clean gold up there tap that up to the top edge oops that's climbing we have a pile of clean gold the coarse black sand is so big and thick it just rolls away this stuff easy to separate now here are the leftovers this is what was left in the spiral wheel after after it was done basically so there's still lots of gold in it and if we start back washing here you can see that gold come out the top this is typically your bigger flakes because they're the ones that just cannot fight the water flow but again that course course black sand washes away so easily from the gold that takes no time at all to clean it up lost one flake put it back there we are nice and clean there's big black sign up there but I clean that up in just seconds here all this down here all black no gold just gold up here let's tap it all into the corner you may see I'm not sure the camera picks it up at all you may see a bunch of gray up in there there's a lot of platinum coming out with this stuff small platinum but there's a lot of it there so that's the gravy in here and there you go that's what was left behind I'll put that with other gold do you define a little clean up his relax and that came out with it and then wait up well there it is I'm gonna go heat it up and dry it out and wait up and see what it comes out to there's the gold all dried out let's see what it weighs out to we good all zeroed there we go it's all in the tree let's make any guesses I'm guessing well over - lets see 3.29 three grams of gold now there are three of us working that day so it sounds like one gram each but I'm gonna give all of this to Mike because Mike had a bad day that day Mike's truck broke down and we got stuck because of it so Mike you get three grams of gold from that day well the light is failing in my garage I have lamps here lighting me up hopefully there's enough to get this last video clip in thank you to my patrons out there because of your support I can do these videos for all of YouTube to watch please consider becoming a patron there's a link at the end of the video if you haven't subscribed to my channel already please do so and please leave a like to the video and say something in the comments I hope you all enjoyed it I hope the information was useful or at least enjoyable to watch so until the next video everyone bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 391,803
Rating: 4.7880144 out of 5
Keywords: Spiral wheel, gold wheel, Spiral gold wheel, Sprial gold concentrator, desert fox gold wheel, desert fox, keene, auto panning machine, gold magic, spiral gold panner, gold concentrating wheel, gold, wheel, recovery, cleaning gold concentrates, cleaning gold, gold concentrates, spiral wheel gold recovery, spiral gold wheel reviews, desert fox gold spiral wheel, Blue bowl, miller table, gold cube, panning machine, gold spiral wheel
Id: j3Fa7hJYT6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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