A pile of GOLD in this hard rock crush *Gold Drop Test*

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] well hello everyone dan here with 100 prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today the rivers and creeks here in bc canada are in full spring runoff we're talking raging water right now unsafe to really do much down by the creeks and rivers for probably about a month now so instead of working unsafe rivers i've got other prospecting and mining tasks to do planes and whatnot that are high and away from the river and like today i plan to do some gold ore processing with the gold drop on some hard rock crush mila and i hope you enjoy [Music] now if you watched one of my last videos on ore processing you will have seen me process some of this ore from an old mine site that i've been sitting on for years and i found it to be extremely rich very very very rich i only processed about half of it and got a lot of gold from it now i plan to process the other half by crushing down the bigger pieces making it just a very very fine powder and running it through the gold drop to see how well the gold drop can recover hard rock crush gold and hopefully lots of it oh she's heavy now the plan here is first i have to break up this material because it's been sitting in this bucket for years and years and years and it is very solidified in here so i have to break it all up and then because it's still in you know big chunks i will run it through the big crusher now the big crusher here has no output screen so basically anything that goes in could come out the other side it doesn't really really powder the material completely so what i'll do is i'll run it through there to break it down and make it into its smaller chunks and then i will classifying it using 1 8 1 16 20 mesh and probably 50 mesh classifiers i will run anything bigger than 50 mesh through the cobra crusher here and bring it down into a nice powdered ore i'm hoping for most everything to be sub 50 mesh and i'll run it through the gold drop concentrator to see if i can recover the gold that is in that ore if you haven't seen my video previous videos on the gold drop concentrator go back and have a look i go through all the how's and what's and whys and everything of the gold drop concentrator how it works and how it is at recovering plaster gold today's task is to see how well it recovers hard rock crushed gold so here we go [Music] [Applause] so once everything's crushed we do have to open up the crusher here and uh clear it out so that there's no material left inside the crusher there we go there's the inside of my crusher six chains one hard hammer in the middle and when you are done crushing you do end up with a fair bit of material left in the bottom here that needs to be just pulled out and there we go one good bucket of crush now in here what i see is you know the biggest rocks are about a quarter inch about you know 80 percent of it is under 1 16. but there are bigger chunks in here so i will classify this down and run it through the small crusher the bigger stuff through the small crusher and get it to more consistent level okay time to classify this down i've got the 1 8 and the 1 16 on here vibrate all through now unfortunately this stuff is slightly damp which actually really hinders its classification but we'll see what we can do there we are all minus 1 16 in there that stuff needs to go through the little crusher i should talk about this little powered classifier i'm using here it's known as the tremor classifier um big thanks to mark from goldstream plaster supplies for hooking me up with the guys from angus mckirk and broken back mining supplies to get me one of these they work great especially for dry crush material for classifying down you can stack multiple classifiers on top so you can get multiple classifications going through it they work quite well you just connect it up to a 12 volt battery and it vibrates away classifying away thanks guys so i have to call the crushing and classifying quits at this stage here this is 20 minus so anything that would fit through a 20 mesh classifier unfortunately because it's slightly damp it's plugging up my classifiers and it's actually plugging up my my grinders my crushers as well the output screen is plugging up and then it's you know bogging down the machine because stuff can't get through so 20 mesh we'll have to do for the test today and we're going to start running it through the gold drop so again if you want to learn how this gold drop from sluice goose works check out my previous video on it where i explain all the physics all the you know what's going on inside this machine to separate gold from the rest of the dirt today we're just using it i will be setting my water flow level to 0.3 to start with because i am using a small classification i have got both agitation waters turned right off at the moment just the separation water is turned on if you notice that the water is already murky well that's because i'm reusing the same water i used last time and in real world circumstances not just you know a lab test this stuff is dirty it makes that water muddy you have to work with muddy water that being said we won't be able to see exactly what's going on as well as when i had the clean water in there let's put a scoop full in and set the machine you can see i have a little bit of hopper water on wash that in nicely a little bit of hopper water on to make sure everything's washing in one scoop in there will have gone down into the cone just before the separation chamber you can actually see a few pieces of gold fluttering around in there already i will get a close-up cam but unfortunately you're not going to be able to see anything going down into the jar to start with because of the muddy water and as i put that stuff in it's going to get even muddier faster because that stuff's nasty so we're going to start setting the water pressures we're going to turn a little bit of agitation water on to get the main chamber up here moving around not much because we don't want it blowing out any fine gold then we're going to turn down the separation water the water that goes into the bottom we're going to turn it down until we start seeing more and more of the gold and possibly pyrites falling in there we go i see some coming down and in now maybe that's a little too small turn it up a bit turn the water levels back up a little bit so nothing's coming down into the chamber here we go i'm going to start turning it down very slowly so you can watch the material start to come down into the separation chamber that's it too much turn it back up or very very very fine adjustments here because i want just a tiny bit to come into the chamber just like that now these will be the heaviest of the heavies these will be the pyrites the shelite and the gold coming down into the chamber and into the jar which you can't really see what's going in there right now um we're going to get just the heavies of the heavies and then when we go and take that jar out we'll decide sort of how much is pyrite versus gold that's coming down in there let's start feeding [Music] i see lots coming down and falling in right now and they all seem to be big black specks so those will be the purite that's an iron pyrite a special type of iron pyrite very very heavy stuff and i'm going to be getting a lot of that into my final jar hopefully with the gold we won't really tell until we get you know take it all apart put that in a pan how easy that purity and gold is going to be to separate from each other there's the action in the main chamber the churning of the material so that the lights go up the heavies come down and hopefully the heavies get into that interface between the separation chamber and the main chamber and the heavies fall in and then the separation water does its job of letting the heaviest stuff go down and pushing the lighter stuff back up now of course doing a test like this you don't want to lose the gold that you may have in there because while you're testing machine and you don't know if it's actually catching right luckily the way this machine works is anything that comes out the tailings drops into another bucket it doesn't go away it's just in that bucket if i want to rerun the bucket maybe slower maybe more aggressive maybe crush it again whatever it might be i can redo the tailings in the bucket there are three sort of types of material left over when you're done this you have the tailings the stuff that's come out of the machine you have the stuff that stays in the main chamber here and then you have your ultra rich cons in the jar okay in the jar should be the heaviest of the heavies hopefully all the big gold in the main chamber the medium heavies and the fine gold should stay in there so we don't throw this away because there still is gold in there hopefully coming out here there is no gold this is just garbage [Music] so this is interesting the bottom of the cone is just black black black means that that's that purity in there the iron sulfide very heavy material it holds the gold and it's just the bottom of my whole cone is all sulfides i have no idea what's down there well it's all in the machine now i'm just gonna let it do its thing for a while and go make myself a coffee or warm up the coffee i let get cold or something like that and just let it process for you know 15 20 half an hour let it get all the last piece of the gold that will fall into that jar into that jar then i'll come back and see what i've got well there we go the hopper is clean all washed out all washed into the machine i've let it run for about 20 minutes went and had a coffee went and had a nap and uh now i've come back to see what it has done now there is far too much mud in this water for me to see what's actually happening anymore i can see that there's material making it down into the separation chamber but i don't really know what's happening i don't even know what's in the jar i kind of have to just go by faith that you know the machine is doing what it's supposed to but it's time to shut things down take off the jar and see what i have i will take the tailings that bucket and that bucket the tailings and run them through the gold hog multi sluice to see how well the gold drop did at collecting all the gold and what the multi sluice can catch that the gold drop didn't first job in shutting things down is i have to get all the material out of the separation chamber i do that by turning up the separation water until i don't see anything left in the chamber there we go chambers clear that way nothing will fall down on top of the gate make sure both the agitation wires are turned right off and then i can close the gate should i do it with one hand uh if i use the camera as a support there we go close the gate valve at that point i can actually take off the jar ah i might need both hands for this wow it was tight now i can take it off anything that you know the machine was going to separate from that run is in that jar i can't tell what's there it's too muddy let's get some clean water in it well there we go a jar with you know a half inch of the heaviest of the heavies in the bottom now this will be purotite iron pyrite maybe some calca pyrite i'm not sure if there's any copper here um the white pieces you see are she light a ore of tungsten and hopefully some gold if you see any clear crystals they're the she light as well anything rusty is definitely iron i see gold and a fair amount of it in there let's get this in a pan and see what it looks like that is a pan full of pyrite so if anything left in the pan here any of the irons that have any rust on them anything rusty will be the lightest and it's up on the surface right now when i shake it when i stratify it the rusty bits come to the surface the next lightest is the iron purity that's the black stuff so if i take it and swirl the periotite away the black and rusty stuff away underneath it becomes silver that's the sulfides the pyrites either copper pyrite or iron pyrite most likely here it's iron now underneath the iron pyrite the next most heavy thing is the shelite now that's the white crystal that's an ore of tungsten shelite is heavier than pyrite heavier than purity but still a bit lighter than gold now strangely enough as i'm scrolling this round showing you the different materials and everything i see gold in here i see some pretty nice gold let's show you this piece right now there's a nice piece of gold right there in with the she light and now let's swirl away the she light we have to remember that there's lots and lots of gold in everything here i see pieces going by all over the place but underneath the sheet light what do we see a pile and i mean a pile of gold look at that there is a lot of hard rock gold right there and that's just the stuff that was small in the right shape to fall to the bottom and not get caught up in the she-light so there's a lot of gold a lot more than just that little smile of gold all through the she light gold i'm not sure if this camera is doing it justice or not when i say that there's a lot of gold stuck in that she light i mean there is a lot of gold i think i might want to actually take this home to the microscope and show you guys what this sand looks like under the microscope because it is loaded loaded in gold and of course there's the gold that easily separated as well now a quick tap just to get the gold by itself there there's still a whole lot in there but there's a good looking pile of it remember this is just what was in the jar that machine should have a whole bunch in the main chamber still let's go see what's there now to recover the material that's in the main chamber we have to flush it down into a bucket which is fairly easy we make sure that the two agitation waters are off we make sure that the hopper water is off and then we open the gate valve with a bucket underneath we can turn off the agitation water at this point let it all fall through give it a little squirt of water out of each of the valves to make sure that everything is washed down and in there we go everything is washed through into the bucket and nice and clean close the valve and we have a bucket of what was in the main chamber but let's go see what's in our bucket that's what was still in the machine now if i want to do this the right way really what i should do is i should take all of this stuff and run it through the crusher one more time make it a finer powder and then run it through the gold drop again at lower settings and capture the gold but i want to see what's in here so i'm just going to pan it out today very nice gold with pyrite and she-lite there but that is fine fine fine powder gold there's probably about 10 billion pieces of gold in that now before i run those tailings running hard rock crush that's full of sulfides like this is extremely hard on equipment the sulfides are full of sulfur of course and sulfur mixed with water and then a bit of oxygen makes sulfuric acid metal parts in these machines kind of corrode and go away if you just leave the ugly ugly water in it so i've got a clean bucket of water i'm going to pull out the pump somehow i'm going to get into the back of the water and i'm going to run clean water through the machine open up the valves and let the clean water go through the machine and rinse out all of the mud you can see all of a sudden everything starts getting much cleaner and now my machine will last a lot longer so a quick run of the tailings to the gold hog multi sluice and see if they held any gold values at all [Music] well the good news is i don't see big lines of gold in the multi-sluice which means the gold drop did most of the work in capturing the gold but let's see what the gold hog caught [Music] so yes there were still a lot of ultra ultra ultra fine gold in those tailings so that just means i should have classified down to the 50 or 100 mesh before i ran that stuff and run it in multiple runs i'm learning but this is giving me good good information so there we have the course gold which i'd say is about 80 percent of the gold the medium gold which i'd say is about another 15 percent and the fine fine fine gold this is really fine gold which wakes up about five percent of the gold so with what the machine actually caught these two about 95 of the gold about 5 in the losses but i can reduce that i can reduce that by classifying tighter well the gold drop did a good job catching about 95 percent of the gold in that hard rock crush but i think it can do better i have to classify a little tighter and maybe learn how to adjust the valves and everything a little bit better hopefully in the future when travel's allowed again john from gold drop will be able to come up and actually take me through some of the finer details get the expert involved and i'll definitely take a video for all of you to watch i hope you enjoyed my little adventure here in playing with the gold drop concentrator if you did please leave that thumbs up if you haven't subscribed to my channel already please consider subscribing looking at google analytics i see that 60 of my viewers are not subscribed please consider subscribing it does help my channel out big thanks for everyone for watching and an extra big thanks to my patrons out there because of your support i get to make these videos for all of youtube to watch hope everyone's having an amazing day and until the next one bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 272,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hard rock mining, gold ore, crushing gold ore, crushing rocks, lode gold, lode ore, ore processing, gold drop, jig, fluid bed, gold, pyrite, sulfide, schelite, recovery, gold hog, multi sluice, video, gold panning, gold mining
Id: UuskWSd1av8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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