The Sound of the Spirit (2012) | Full Movie | Anna Lasbury | Rob Weidenfeld | Faith Yesner

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[Music] this portion begins with these keywords kanashimi the huger fellowship me and Ally hello Heather you shall be holy for I the Lord your God and holy how are we to be holy well let's read on because the sages tell us this is one of the most important passages of the Torah it not only tells us to keep Shabbat honor our parents not make idols all familiar from the Ten Commandments but it tells us you shall not hate your brother in your heart you should correct him when he's wrong but you shall love him as yourself this is how a Jew treats a Jew here's the very verse Yeshua matches up with the one about loving God from Deuteronomy 6 these are the greatest Commandments and on them all others hang it always strikes me how it's just before the part about not eating the fruit off the trees for the first few years like that old lyric the way you hold your knife the way you changed my life bang right in the middle of everything there it is you shall not hate your brother instead you shall love your neighbor as yourself [Music] [Music] may I have this shabbat dance i was like for dead I'm Way too old to dance on your shoes now well then maybe I should dance on yours because you're getting so much taller [Music] I sorta remember her laugh I hope I never forget when I dance with you brings her laughter back [Music] I only wish your mother could be with us to see you about it if you're making me so sad I don't mean to it's just that I know how much she looked forward to it to be able to see you in front of all of your friends say Here I am a young Jewish woman taking my place a daughter of Rebecca don't remind me you know how much I hate standing up in front of people even at a dot Yeshua and anyway she didn't even know we'd have it there I'd be so proud of you I wish uncle Sydney not Jackie could come they live so close and I we haven't even seen them since mom died I don't think they come with you know how they feel about where we attend I'm sorry you don't get to see maybe we can invite him next time it's just been so lord I pray uncle Signia non-techie will come to the Bat Mitzvah pray that daddy and uncle Sydney will run into each other somewhere and they'll get together catch up on old times like brothers do and that would be so wonderful for them to see me get by my foot thank you for hearing my prayer amen [Music] settle down everyone let's get started the church has been trying to convert the Jews for centuries it's just another way of saying God rejected the Jews first they made our Bible Christian and now they're using this deception to take our children and make them Christian this is just a spiritual genocide they're not trying to kill us this time just stop the Jews from being Jewish you're so right Harry we've got to educate the next generation how all through Jewish history they've tried to convert Jews into Christians sometimes with violence other times more subtly if they had succeeded there would be no Jewish people today come on everyone what are you talking about America we're all about free speech and freedom of religion and that sort of thing no one's twisting any arms in this messianic thing let people believe what they want please let me get my point across you're right Steven we need to educate our kids and protect them so what do I mean by the Messianic menace we all know what you mean Shuster we weren't born yesterday just tell us why we're here I'm getting to I'll get to it they're there you stop interrupting and he'll get to it Thank You patty all right I'm getting to it now we want to bring this Yoshii Cohen fella here Yossi whoo Yoshii Cohen the anti missionary it's a way to educate us and more importantly educate our children they need to be aware of these people and their agenda is what happened with your brother I don't want to talk about Marty okay what are you talking about he did this after he lost Ruthie Tiffany Allen what about Sidney's brother of course that's beside the point this is about our children what are you talking about maybe you should talk to : I mean we're paying to bring this Yossi slowly okay city maybe you can invite your brother I don't talk to my brother I haven't talked to him in years talk to your brother Sidney he's your brother you do what you do Alan I'll do what I do this isn't group therapy let's vote it's getting late empty-nester well welcome to the club not so bad at least it's quiet let's face it we're past the age of picking up after the Kenda yeah Sidney and that your brother over there it's across the street not him well it'd be anything else okay that's it on the tab thanks Tommy oh you're welcome [Music] well I guess some kind of sign all right how are you today fine thank you oh you ready to order well my brother supposed to meet me here you should have been here by now it's 1/10 the truth I haven't seen him in a long times maybe you won't even show up how long has it been let's just say it's been a long time so I guess I'll just come back then you're late I hope not too late you're too late yeah always the Joker that's me it's been a long time want some neat ah no I I ate at home you look good man Thanks Thanks I miss you Sydney yeah however what kind of brother doesn't contact his little brother after two years wait just let me finish even when he's received phone calls and more than one did I get a call yes I don't remember getting a call as a matter of fact I think I was the last one to call look let's not argue about who called who last about how long it's been but I do recall now that I think of it our last conversation didn't go so well Oh about Yeshua you mean Jesus Christ you tried to convert me if you remember correctly what are you talking about those um verses they brainwashed you with you asked me what happened so I told you I wasn't asking for a lecture okay can we change the subject here yeah great aren't you gonna ask me about Rivka you know I keep up with your kids by the way on Facebook yeah how's Jackie oh she's good thanks and I hear good things about Rivka I hear she's doing well she's doing very well at school all A's very bright sharp girl you should see her now all grown up and you looking at age 12 no she's having about mitts for this year at that place that's nice you know she looks like her mother I'm sure may she rest in peace but speaking of that I I must tell you Marty I can no longer keep the promise I made to you you you know the lie made when Ruthie died um I mean I'm sure you understand things have changed we we couldn't take her in in the event something were to happen to you god forbid what are you talking about Sidney you know what I'm talking about you walked away from your faith you walked away from your family you know your daughter was brainwashed by the same people that brainwashed you should have half the brain that she has Sidney I can't believe you would reject your own niece she's your family you're miss Baha that has nothing to do with it she wouldn't fit in a Jewish home how do you know what she would do you don't even know her you don't even know her Jack you feel the same way now I have an answer but I'm sure she would agree oh okay look enough of that we have someone coming in to talk about those things you believe you know you might want to hear him he knows more than both of us put together about these things his his name is Yoshi : yeah I've heard him twice well he's good he's very entertaining a regular Seinfeld okay right I won't ask again well look I gotta be somewhere I let's not stay so scarce huh I agree sinning let's really keep in touch this time well no plan on it you know you're my little brother and neither of us is as young as we used to be and I miss you even if we disagree my flesh and blood I well I gotta go you know you take care until the next time okay all right flesh and blood til next time yeah rifka rifka chinese what do you know a vegetarian Wonderland well tofu will make you stronger in time for your Bat Mitzvah yeah but I'm in the mood for chicken chicken tomorrow tofu today speaking of today that was yours not bad okay any specifics not really okay when you were like 10 I couldn't stop you and now I can't get you started I had to forgive two girls today at school for being mean to me a fool shows his annoyance at once but a prudent man overlooks an insult yeah you always quote that verse from Proverbs because it's true so what they do I don't know I overlooked it sort of let's talk about your day anything unusual in the life of Martin Margolis yes as a matter of fact thank you for asking it was an unusual day how'd you know if something unusual happens you always know when something unusual happens what's up well what's up is I had lunch with your uncle Sydney just like you prayed Wow really mm-hmm Wow God heard me that's right Wow I haven't seen him in like forever and hmm can we argued mean for a little bit but we both decided that you're fabulous and doing fabulous he remembers me I hardly remember him well of course you were a little shorter than her yeah a lot shorter so when do I get to see him we have to invite them to the Bat Mitzvah now did you invite them no not yet but um maybe when we see him next time before I grow much more I hope not feel let's go we'll both be late okay I got your chest see you at 3:00 okay have a good day don't forget to overlook those insults I won't love you love you see you at 3:00 [Music] [Music] dad where are you it's four o'clock [Music] rifka you come inside for a moment [Music] well how you doing Sydney how should she be doing right we need to talk Sydney stay honey you'll be living with us what are you crazy Jackie she can't live with us she wouldn't be happy I just told Marnie the other day isn't here you have a better idea I guess not for the memory of my brother okay for now but she won't be happy she won't be happy for quite a while and not for now Sydney for her for her for rifka okay okay holy what my brother Marty may he rest in peace put me through with this Christ thing this cemetery they you know they gave me such Saurus about it but at least they're taking him Shh she'll hear you Martin Margolis was preceded in death by his beloved wife Ruth may she be remembered for a blessing they shared a full and loving life and together they raised their beautiful daughter Rikka seven years ago Martin lost his beloved in Russia life has been difficult since then for both father and daughter but Martin rose to the occasion it was a loving and caring father for his beloved [Music] today our hearts go out with great compassion for weak [Music] I've got to live with my aunt and uncle I don't know what I'm gonna do I mean I haven't seen him in years and they're nice but I love you they'll let you come with a synagogue they've got to let you come to a dot Yeshua I'm coming I'll be there every week no matter what I don't know how I'll get there adherence they can take you I know they will for sure then we'll see you there this weekend I don't want to live with that okay for me I know they mean well but I don't like it I want my old room that big gold stuff be chair your mom gave me we arresting you in the beam chair we're sisters for life you know with the kids gone we have to have another talk with her tomorrow we just spent seven days with every conceivable relative and stranger traipsing through here maybe maybe now is best hey hey rifki honey I know this must be very very difficult for you you've lost so much you miss you're miss everything everything not Jackie I don't belong here I like you but dad and uncle Sydney haven't even talked in years I feel like like that was wrong I can't argue with that we we talked just the other day Sydney I don't think she meet old me uncle Sydney I know we were going to get together but that doesn't change how I feel rifki you're our niece and even though we haven't had the chance to see you grow up to be so pretty and so smart we love you and we want you to live with us it would be an honor right that's right your dad night agreed we discussed it a few days ago you talked about this a few days ago well we discussed the possibility then it's destined it's bashir time I don't know about that what about my friends my synagogue my life your friends are your friends you choose your friends we would never take that away from you but we also hope you'll make new friends besides the ones at school and and your other friends I guess I have to say this we're a family a mish maja and we have a synagogue families go to synagogue together that's the way it's supposed to be you can see your friends at other times but we want you to come to synagogue with us I don't want to talk right now ok rifka listen anything you need or one I think I want to sleep now I'm tired I think that's a good idea it's been a very difficult day [Music] maybe bless nice to meet you hi I'm Rick oh sorry about your dad I hope you join our wise man a group young Jewish alliance it's a great group yeah sure are you all in it yeah we are who's Jacob loose time some founder or something you mean who is Jacob League sign he's the richest man in the synagogue that's a sadhaka like money to give if you know what I mean yeah he's got his name on like five rooms all over the place blue Stein Chapel blue Stein men's room that was the tip he's right of it oh I get it cuz I know of this big church that has an old folks home that's named after some rich guy like that what never mind well did you enjoy this service it was okay well seem like you did you knew everything you chanted like I can't huh your uncle's saying he's proud of you aren't you Sydney well it's um it's a mitzvah to have uh you know I'm studying for my Bat Mitzvah added on Yeshua I see rifki it would mean so much to us we would be so honored if you would have your Bat Mitzvah with us Epping a Israel maybe you could think about it let us know your friends from your from your Chapel could come and well I'm sure rabbi Stein and dr. Posner would work with you hi yeah uh listen I can't talk right now yeah yeah I'll call you later okay about half an hour okay okay all right bye you can talk to your friend it was my rabbi hmm he's calling on Shabbat I never heard of a rabbi calling our Congress on Shabbat well I don't know he's like a friend I'm sure he's very nice do you know Jacob Lew Stein you mean the Jacob Lew Stein in our synagogue there's another I didn't think there was room for two yes that one everyone knows Jacob Lew Stein well don't you think you should give his money kind of without letting his right hand know what is left is doing hmm like more private it's just I mean that sign over the door it's just well I know of this big church with an old folks home that's named after some rich never mind huh that's very wise saying Rivka you know not letting his right hand know what his left hand is doing it very rabbinic you know there are a lot of women rabbis these days Sydney stop joking I wasn't joking Oh rabbi not me uncle Sydney I hate public speaking rabbi um my aunt and uncle want me to go to their synagogue and be bat Mitzvahed there I see and what do you think I don't know I don't know what to do it must be a little overwhelming are they putting pressure of any kind on you no no they're trying to be nice they want me to be kind of like family you know go where they go right in the middle of your bottom is four classes it's a little strange and I don't know what Dad would want me to do I'm confused they want all the kids from a dot Yeshua to come I see okay how about your fear of public speaking I'd rather do it somewhere where I know the people but maybe the Lord wants me to do it I see well I know you could do it there with your aunt and uncle you could show them what you've learned Rivka will this be the same weekend the same portion they haven't talked about that yet I hear cava I'll call you next week I'll try to come see you soon I can call the office and set up an appointment okay that would be great if de Bie here let me oh thanks uncle Sinise it's pretty heavy yeah okay almost done I'll go get the last of it okay your father would roll over in his grave if he knew that a family member we're reading in the New Testament in this house Shh [Music] [Music] but when you do sadaqa good deeds like giving do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your Sadako may be in secret and your father who sees in secret shall reward [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think these yja meetings are over at about 9:00 you know what I haven't been getting the announcements for a long time so I do think it would be a good idea for you to maybe get acquainted with some of the kids at the synagogue good don't you I guess so uncle Sydney they said it's over at 9 o'clock please don't be late I won't I I like driving someone to be to these meetings again especially you have a good time I'll see you at night you want a coke Rivka no thanks I can get it of course again you have two hands how old did you say you were I didn't say and I'm 12 almost 13 oh yeah studying for your buffets for them yes where'd you say you went to synagogue I [Music] didn't well well what where'd you go to synagogue hey Nicky my father and I went to a dot yoshua ever heard of it no never heard of it that may be because it's messianic the schewe part is Hebrew for salvation as in Jesus any other questions I didn't think so hey how's it go um Sarah uh yeah she's back there cool thanks [Music] what's with you when does this thing start soon so tell me about the synagogue you got to are you serious yeah sounds cool well some people think it's the opposite like not even a Jewish thing you seem totally Jewish to me well I am so I think I'll take a seat everybody come over here Rivka is gonna tell us about her synagogue hey keep please don't what are you afraid of she's a messianic does everyone know what that means I think I do Rivka's gonna tell us if she believes our terrific well I could try to explain it if you guys want to new - well how was okay yeah that's okay that's good that was the planets boy wasn't it I think so what's his name Nikki Oh well well wife think it's Nikki [Music] Hey so I was at this YJ and it started with this cute boy named Nicky blabbing what yeah and he calls everyone over and they all ask me a million questions about messianic judaism etcetera etcetera I've never seen anything like it their questions were really interesting like what do you believe what's your service like over there well I don't know I bet he's gorgeous yeah he is and Reena I just lost my dad read Hamlet he wasn't ready for his mom to remarry and I'm not ready to like Nikki hmm I hear you even though I haven't read Hamlet like you advanced English Lit folks I hear my Rivka coming back to life you sound almost happy yeah yeah maybe I guess so I do feel a little better a little I still really miss dad so much I'm here for you I'll talk to you later bye Mariska we miss you so much at the synagogue I'll be back I've just got to go to their synagogue for now I think they're trying to help me just kind of in their own way their own way doesn't seem very fair to me I want you to be bat Mitzvahed about Yeshua with us that's where you belong it'll be okay Karen did you tell her about what happened the other day about Nicky and his friends who's Nicky no I didn't I didn't get a chance it's been so crazy what happened tell me what happened Wow there's this guy at their synagogue named Nicky and I admit he's really cute hey there he is Nikki Nikki hey what brings you here well these are my friends from in Yeshua Rina and Karen Karen with the Y oh I get it instead of with Annie I'm learning a lot about names Yeshua is Jesus Karen is Karen but with a why well this is Jeff Kushner with a K and Sarah's back there catching up are you joking or what because of your joking it's not funny I'm observing and I'm learning seriously well Rivka here is telling us that she's having her Bat Mitzvah at your synagogue Wow I guess you'll start by studying with dr. Posner well I've actually already started studying Anna - oooh a-- well you might have some catching up to do what do you mean I don't know I'm just saying that there are probably some things that you haven't covered what she hasn't covered added Yahshua can stay uncovered okay I'm sure that's true well probably ought to get going so I'll see y'all soon [Music] that was rude sorry I guess it just got to me with his little jokes or whatever they are I don't know if I trust him ripka he seems okay to me he is just too cute Nicky with you why is that all you think about so I found this under her mattress so it was in the box we knew she had it that's not what bothers me so what bothers you she feels like she has to hide it do you blame her we don't believe in a New Testament here it's not good for her to feel like she has to hide things from us when she's just lost her father okay psychologist I'm listening I feel we should tell her she doesn't have to hide it um do we have to can't we just leave well enough alone do you want her feeling like she has to hide things around us maybe some day she'll feel like she has to hide something else like drugs or something else like a boyfriend she shouldn't feel like she has to keep any secrets okay okay that's a good point but I think it would be a good idea for her to speak to rabbi Stein we can't force of course we can't force her but we can ask her we can do that I can do that you stay out of it please didn't be my pleasure but I still think she should talk to him he obviously likes rifka that is not true and anyway my father just died does that have to do with it it's kind of well it's kind of a hamlet thing what you guys want to come over what's you guys to come over and brighten things up for me I'm sorry I can't I got to go do some chores my mom asked me to do me there I've got homework ten page paper - by tomorrow okay I understand abandon your friend for trivial activities oh you're being a Jewish mother somebody around here has to be flung out with me too you surprised me you surprised me too oh that I'm Jackee do you always make a habit of going through my things I was changing the sheets on your bed honey I happened to see it there I wanted you to I see well if it's a problem I can live with some friends of mine you don't understand well I understand I'm sure you don't like me having this in your house no I put it on the table so you would know you don't have to hide it I don't want you to feel you have to hide anything around us oh I appreciate that but I think it would be better if I made my own bed okay you can make your own bed and put your old sheets in the hall thank you for understanding on Turkey I'll take my Bible now unless you wanna borrow it no that's okay I read parts of the New Testament in college I thanks anyway you think you know what's in the New Covenant just because you read a few verses in college you don't even know you want me to get rid of it here stop Sydney you're going to see the rabbi I promised my brother seven years ago that we would take you in in case anything happened then he got into into into this Jesus mishegoss to each his own now we're still glad to have you here but it won't hurt you to see the rabbi you are going to our synagogue Sydney calm down I am calm I'm just politely insisting you know what I'll even go with you no thanks that's worse Rabbi Cahn could you please pray for me I'm about to go see rabbi Stein and I have no idea how it's going to go I'm a little nervous I have such confidence we just say I know rabbi Stein it's a nice man you know who you are and what you believe I'm sure that rabbi Stein was really sensitive to what have you been through I didn't want to see him I just want to be left alone I miss dad so much but uncle Sidney insisted anyway I'm almost to the building now okay then let me pray Lord God of Israel you know what riff has been through you know the spirit you placed in her it's been bruised it's been hurt but you tell us than Isaiah a bruised Reed you wouldn't break a smoldering wick would not extinguish go with her now and to Rabbi Stein's office rabbi here okay but I'm not exactly the rabbi I just look like him I'm just kidding could a good executive secretary be of any help to you I think I have an appointment with the rabbi Rivka Margolis stq it's right here on my computer he is expecting you so you can go ahead and go on in it's right there thank you so much rifka it's very nice to meet you I'm so glad you called for an appointment I've been looking forward to this you're on and uncle speaks so well of you I am so sorry about your loss thank you I know it's been hard please rifka I want you to know that anything we discussed today stays in this room well thank you but no offense or anything but I don't know if I can keep the same promise I mean with no no no no is that what I mean it's on my end I just want you to know that I will keep confidence I won't demand anything on your end okay actually I didn't want to come here today it was my uncle Sydney's idea oh I understand thank you for being honest how are you holding up well [Music] not very well of course I can't imagine the shock you know sometimes some counseling can help I think I'll be okay uncle Sydney not Jackie haven't mentioned anything of that sort but I'll be okay I know you will but still counseling can help sometimes how is it living there well they're nice and all but I know you know about it dot Yeshua yes of course they found my New Testament in my bedroom man I understand it's awkward I'm sure it's awkward for all of you but I appreciate their taking me in and all well listen rifka you're a very grown-up twelve-year-old yes well I thought you might want to know that I did have some conversations with Nicky blab 'its and some others about my Seneca ah yes Nicky blab its i understanding introduced himself to you of course I remember when he was just a baby growing up so fast and he's very bright just as you are a very bright and curious young man matter of fact he told his parents the two of you had quite a talk then you know yes we did oh I mean well I know you're the rabbi here and well I I didn't mean to but but he asked all the questions and I wasn't going to answer them but it's okay I understand he asks all the questions I'm sure he's very sharp very inquisitive but with you having your bat mitzvah here so soon maybe it'd be best to just hold off on those kinds of religious discussions it's just a thought sure of course not that I'm ashamed of what I believe or anything no I would not want you to be ashamed your father wouldn't want you to be no he wouldn't but as far as the bat mitzvahs concerned I don't do too well with public speaking I told rabbi Cahn that and we agreed that I'd go ahead with it and he'd pray for me but it may be a little harder for me here oh yes I understand I'm sure Jerry helped you that that's what I call in my I don't call him rabbi but you know what Rivka I think it would really be good for you to have your bat mitzvah here I think it would help you build confidence so you'll meet with dr. Posner that's the bar and bat mitzvah trainer and you'll see what you think fair enough okay fair enough is there anything else you'd like to discuss with me I don't think so well it's been a pleasure meeting you Rivka you're a charming young lady and I want you to know my office door is always open say hi to your aunt and uncle give them my best you know they're very caring people and they care about you a great deal well I suppose that's true I know it's true so let's stay in touch yes right back okay Hey how'd it go it's okay uncle Sydney I'm a little tired he's a really nice guy isn't he I told you he was a nice rabbi yeah yeah he's nice I'm a little tired [Music] [Music] how goes it it was okay where you going Rivka going home I've gotta leave please stay hey you look terrible thanks for the compliment no I mean you look upset yeah you know what I am upset my father just died so I'm going home I know why else you're upset you're not supposed to talk about certain things with me and I'm not supposed to ask that's right I'm sure you made that pretty clear to rabbi Stein so let's just stay away from each other will you come back here listen I just want to say something well it's not fair I can ask you anything I want and I will I always thought we were supposed to ask questions I'm always being told Jews asked questions well I don't intend to stop but you don't understand Nicky I don't want to fight any big battles I told the rabbi I wouldn't get into these things with you all I guess at least until my bat mitzvah anyway I'm gonna keep my word hey it's between us you know this is our business no what's it [Music] I want to give you some what is it open it it's a necklace it's a high levels we know that you think I don't know Hebrew what does it mean it means life put it on [Music] I can't wear this rifki I like you please wear it please don't I want you to have I can't my father Hamlet your father's Hamlet no I don't know I can't explain please where it [Music] I just lost a friend he's no longer with me but you're here you're alive I am just like the high [Music] I could use a friend okay Nikki okay I'll wear it once you put it on Rivka you can't take it off this means we're we're together so can I have you're [Music] wearing the high means I can call you and text you and we can go for walks sometimes and I'll never hurt you I don't know Rina it's his synagogue I get to follow the rules he doesn't I don't like your Rivka you should be able to share what you believe yeah but it's only until my Bat Mitzvah that's all I promise you know what I want to change the subject guess what happened to me today I couldn't guess okay I'll tell you Nikki gave me a necklace what you heard me whatever happened to Hamlet I don't know I guess he died and Nikki's alive and he's nice to me he's just a friend like you are he's a boy not only that he's calling me right now I'll talk to you later [Music] you don't waste time Rivka I had to call you it's an emergency so call 9-1-1 not that kind of emergency listen you have about a week to sign up for the young hollywood seem israel trip you gotta come with us I don't know my dad just died it's a little sick come on it'll be perfect for you please come with us I don't think so they say you can walk where Jesus walked that's what they say hey don't make fun of me sorry I didn't mean it like that listen pick up a brochure from the synagogue and talk to your aunt and uncle it's the trip of a lifetime perfect for the Bat Mitzvah girl I'll consider it now I'm going to bed are you um I'll talk to you later I gotta go I don't know this is I don't know it's too far away is what it is rifka honey I don't think you're ready for this I agree why can't I go everyone else is going everyone I don't know Nikki and Sara Nikki Levitz I I mean you don't have to go to Israel to see em you can see him right here uncle Sydney that's not the reason look it'll help me with my bat mitzvah train Sydney don't you think it's a little premature they usually go a little old they're taking pre Bar and Bat Mitzvah students to help them prepare look they'll be adults there all the time I hope so yeah maybe she could learn some Judaism about Judaism while she's there I mean it could help her what's that supposed to mean oh you know just what I said just means what I said you mean maybe it'll have an effect on me maybe I'll forget this fool maybe I'll become a real Jew did I say that I didn't say that yes you did okay stop it you two I want to go to Israel okay we'll think about it they have to know soon I'm going to my room nice teenagers I forgot how difficult they could be I thought you might have to see this well thanks hmm interesting have you seen the new guidelines for applicants to the young Coliseum Israel tour I have this one is perfect it's you and it will keep you cool you must be kidding if that's me then I don't know who I am what do you mean it goes perfectly with us our necklace if you know what I mean you please and anyway one look at that shirt and he'll climb all the way up Masada just to get away from me hmm I guess you're right it's not you I'm just jealous I wish I were going with you to Israel I wish you guys were going to you guys are like my best friends ever just try it on this said we're looking forward to having a B'nai Israel next week I need to talk to you about something we've got a girl here who's a messy ani really what's she doing there it's a long story well maybe you can do something about this girl get her out of this thing maybe you just make sure she's there I'll handle the rest okay she's pretty young they wanted to go in this young huh luteum trip to Israel they're grabbing I'm pretty young these days what about her parents that's a long story too I'll fill you in later but she's the messianic well I'll be ready for you just point her out to me have you read the new young Kyle OOP scene guidelines can't say that I have I'll email them to you I'll look for him well I just wanted you to know I love helping rabbis like Stein out half the time they haven't a clue what to do I'll see you next week okay Jackie Jackie yeah who is it uh Schuster what is it I'm busy tonight what for yeah yeah she's already registered for the young college team trip all right all right we'll be there 7:00 p.m. Jackie guess what okay Schuster where's the sheet with the instructions with the name tags on the underwear sit down city all right everyone let's get started is everyone here we're here before we start handing out the young ecology materials we need to deal with some preliminary issues first order of business Rivka Margolis what are you talking about let me say something Allen go right ahead rabbi please folks it's come to our attention that a certain stipulation has been added to the basic young college team registration form however under the present circumstances in Rivka's life wait a minute let him finish stop interrupting due to the circumstances in Rivka's life I really believe we should ask for an exception what no way is she going with my Mickey or any of these kids what are you talking about why don't you read the whole thing okay okay I will just give me a minute it says no youth shall be permitted to participate in the tour who is affiliated with Messianic Judaism Jews for Jesus or Jewish Christianity and so forth well I agree with the rabbi and my daughter Sarah wants her to go and so do I the girl just lost her father this isn't right she should go we have to follow the rules let the rabbi speak Thank You Jackie these are my reasons for asking for an exception number one rifki just lost her father and she needs us to be there for her I really believe it would be good for her to go to Israel right now number two she has assured me that she will not proselytize any of our young people excuse me rabbi but it's just like the National Board says right in that piece of paper she's beyond the pale of the Jewish community and by the way she did proselytize my son she simply answered questions from your son get off my niece's case plavix she mission eyes just like your brother Margolis leave my brother out of it please let's be reasonable the last thing this child needs right now is this kind of rejection and disappointment I really believe the National Board will agree with me on this I'm the president of the synagogue and as such I must make the final decision for the good of all concerns in addition to the new application we have the anti missionary coming next week how can we have him speak to us on this very issue and then allow her to take national board funds and go on this trip that doesn't make any sense wait a minute shouldn't there be some kind of vote no this is not a voting manner not in this case it's a rules and guidelines matter the bat mitzvah is one thing that's a synagogue issue this is a National Board issue it involves national board funds with all due respect rabbi look I disagree but if that's the decision that it's who's gonna tell her I'm sure not gonna tell her you sure are gonna tell her she's your niece or she can find out in a letter let's go Jack and this is where I pay my dues it's not about you Sidney it's about the rules and Rivka's beliefs then it's about me she's living in my house she's my niece my family she's almost my daughter now who are you to say she can't go on this trip let's go Jackie can you believe those you better think before you walk in that house Sydney she doesn't need to know now that's true you're upset I'm not upset I'm not alright you're dang right I'm upset please think I'm thinking well how'd the meeting go okay it went okay well like actually it I mean Sydney actually it was horrible what do you mean you're not going I tried the rabbi tried but it's a new rule about Messianics and blab it's it was Nicki's father he insisted well why do you do that and how could they all make that decision she's complicated honey this man the president made the final decision I'm sorry I'm never going back there I don't want to have my bat mates for there I'm not gonna have it anywhere I don't want to go back and stand in front of all those people anyway how could they be so mean it's just these new rules it's about national board money it's complicated I wish I never went there I wish it wasn't here I hate it here no brother I'll tell you one thing I'm not gonna hear that anti missionary no matter what he has to say not after this everybody will be staring at me so what I don't care what Blevins thinks I care what I might do I've had enough of it after this although to do here I heard rifka if you're not going I'm not going it's all there is to it I can't believe your dad did what he did he hates me I don't think so he doesn't know you if he knew you he'd feel like I do but the necklace you can't stay back if you're not going I'm not going I don't know how I'll tell my parents but I will I don't know Nikki [Music] listen to me my name is Adam Lerner I only have a few minutes before he comes please listen what's going on here don't listen to Yossi Cohen I am a completed Jew in Jesus he died for my sins he's my Messiah he gave me your Messiah - if you just accept him Isaiah said he wouldn't bar sins Oh Micah said you top lower he's good isn't he take a bomb at him tell him about yourself well I was born to a good Jewish family in Maryland I was having some trouble in college you know failing this course and that uh partying a little too much well I saw these seemingly very nice people at a table in the Student Center they said they were Messianic Jews and they had all the answers I was with them for about a year until until dr. Cohen rescued me matters Hashem now I'm a real Jew I made to Shuba they're all really just Christians anyways that's what they are no longer Jewish and they do these things like like like speaking in tongues and they drink it Thank You Adam you can take a seat let's give him a hand he works for our organization now ladies and gentlemen there are many young Jews like Adam who are being deceived duped sucked into this Christian cult that's telling them you spin their web without of context verses from our holy Tanakh the Jewish Scripture for example the passage that Adam cited Isaiah 53 is a passage that they often cite frankly ladies and gentlemen I find it offensive that they use that chapter a chapter which describes the sufferings of the Jewish people at the hands of the very Christians who misinterpreted to be about Jesus I know what they teach say that rabbis once thought it was about a suffering Messiah what's it really about it's about Jews being gathered together in synagogues which were then torched while Christians march around them singing Christ we adore thee Jews recite Shimada yes Ryan there is only one God while dying in agony and pain and these Christians the so called Missy anak Jews rip these verses out of context like the ripping out somebody scars you learn tonight these people are being brainwashed by the deceptive Messianic missionaries you will learn how to guard against their likeness for young people beware that our ghost is you grab on the ushers have the packets yes yes of course [Music] Nikki I was wondering how the meaning one and what's going on with Israel please give me a call no answer yet not good I've been leaving messages for two days now and nothing why won't he call me he's my only friend besides you and Karen well maybe he's grounded maybe he can't use his phone yeah yeah I'm sure that's it he told his parents he's not going to Israel and they probably took his phone away he's made sense to me it's him he's texting me what's it say I can't see you anymore can't explain more now sorry he'll be sorry he doesn't even know what sorry is oh that must hurt more than you know excuse me I want the blab it's a dress oh well we don't where's the rabbi I want to speak to him well you can't is he here Rivka I've been meaning to talk to you I think I want the blab it's a dress and she won't give it to me I don't want anything else that's all I want please just come into my office so we can talk no I just want the address all right I can give it to you although we don't usually do that but I'm sure it's important so Doris please give her the blabbered Street address but when you're calmer I would really like for you to come into my office I want to share my heart with you about some decisions that show some respect young lady when I'm respected I'll show some respect how dare you speak to your elders especially the rabbi that way you apologize now I'm very sorry it won't happen again because I'm never coming back ever really sorry to hear that that's a shame dr. Posner over there is the bar and bat mitzvah trainer he's a very knowledgeable man among other things he's also a very nice person and I was really hoping the two of you would meet I'm sure there's a lot he wants to teach me but unfortunately I won't be around I'd better get going goodbye Rivka goodbye rabbi she's an insolent child she's deeply hurt and in great pain can you blame her I'm not a lot of pain right Eric I would say so rabbi after all you are a therapist among other things rabbi Stein I bet Yossi Cohen on the phone could you give us him into talk about this situation yet excuse me sure rabbi Stein I thought we could enlist Josie's help with this Rivka girl Yossi we just turned down her application for the young Coliseum tour because she's a messianic really and her parents they're both dead she's staying with her aunt and uncle members in good standing here I see what's your point Allen rabbi I think this girl needs a visit you give me one hour with her and I'll have her denying everything the missionaries ever taught her are you crazy Allen in the first place she just got through telling me she's never stepping foot in this synagogue again what's that got to do with it we're dealing with a young Jewish soul here he's right rabbi no he's not right he's wrong we say young people should not be pressured into the Messianic faith we would be guilty of the same thing leave this poor girl alone she's been through enough this meeting is over over sorry maybe we can vote him out next year when his contract is up in the meantime we can't visit a members home without his permission at least not this one well at least their aunt and uncle know how to get in touch with me Shalom friend Shalom you see [Music] [Music] Nikki's not home Rivka I don't believe you don't press me he's not home okay what are you doing Nikki I have something for him come out here I'll be inside don't take too long he won't what's going on I'm sorry parents want me to see you I thought you were going to stand up to them what about the necklace the high was it that stupid anti missionary not really it's just somebody said see no really make sense yeah well there isn't going to be about mitzvah now I can straighten out anything he said I can answer all your questions now I didn't understand most of what he was saying look I'm sure sincerely believing all these things about Isaiah Micah all the other us and maybe you're right but maybe he's right I don't know but you write about one thing I got to do my parents saying I gotta go to Israel you can't go so who's stopping you from going did I tell you you couldn't go to Israel am i stopping you but I thought we were friends I thought you'd always be there for me but they just weren't I can't Rivka I just can't [Music] things are too complicated now with all the other kids I can't believe you care what they think then here you broke the chain you broke your promise [Music] Rivka Rivka it's you from the synagogue I need to talk to you Rivka I don't know you and I'm not supposed to talk to men who call me from cars please you don't understand a scream no wait meet me in the coffee shop over there why should I I want to talk about your bat mitzvah well there's nothing to talk about I'm not having it I think there is something to talk about I knew your father you were transferred my father Martin Margolis we were friends all right I have 15 minutes that's all a deal you knew my dad yes he gave this to me wow this book meant a lot to dad you liked the fact that the author asked questions that's a very Jewish thing so I've heard rifka I must tell you that your father came to me for counseling after Ruthie your mother passed naturally he was depressed and he was trying to be a good father to you he felt he needed some help counselling I thought you were a barn bat mitzvah teacher at the synagogue doesn't pay all the bills I'm a therapist as well I see did rabbi Stein ask you to counsel me no I'm here because I want to be your friend I've had enough friends from B'nai Israel let me explain since I was able to give your father some hell so that he could be a wise father to you I feel I have a bit of a stake in your life so to speak oh you do I could never replace him but I'm here because I care about you well I appreciate that but mr. doctor dr. Posner please call me Eric okay Eric my father and I had a very precious for relationship with God and I know you want to help but I just don't know if you could relate to that no offense so if you don't mind try me what do you mean I mean you either understand or you don't well I think I do understand I understand enough to ask questions questions like wow how would you could be a Buddhist or a new-age or even an atheist and still be Jewish but a Messianic Jew is not supposed to be Jewish anymore your father helped me to ask that question and I think I know the answer if Jesus was Jewish and your father was Jewish too and I don't know too many people more Jewish inside and out than your father in such Jewish answers he gave answers he lived by for instance some one thing he used to say was a prudent man overlooks an insult yes that's right rifki let me let me get to the point I don't know you very well but I believe what was special in your father is in you in special ways I'm not talking about just what you believe but how you believe it if your father were sitting here with us right now I think you'd say I know you were hurting I know you were sad I know you were angry and you have every right to be and I know you are disappointed by the people that have let you down but a prudent young woman who overlooks an insult would have her bat mitzvah bnei yisrael and study with her father's friend Eric who loved her father and cares about her rifki I believe part of you will always regret not having your bat mitzvah and I want to help you have it um thank you for wanting to help but there's something else you see it I don't like standing up in front of people I I tend to avoid it and with all those parents that didn't want me going on the trip I just can't do it rabbi Cahn had to convince me to do it at a dot you schewe but I don't think you can so I've made up my mind I can understand that may I ask you one question before you go yes are you familiar with Elijah's flight from Jezebel's threats yes first Kings 19 Maliki my left I think I know where you're going with this it's not about that I'm not running away isn't it look I I just can't do you remember what made the difference for Elijah I don't know the the thing that happened in the cave I'm not in a cave look it's been 15 minutes I've gotta go it was the sound of the spirit it wasn't in the wind he wasn't in the earthquake there's a lot of wind around you Rivka and a lot of earth-shaking things have happened all I'm asking is that you get quiet enough to hear the sound of the Spirit about it well would your father want I know what he'd want he told me how much he was looking forward to my Bat Mitzvah and how proud he'd be and now just like my mother he won't be there he'll know thank God well maybe God knows I shouldn't have it maybe that's the best thing I have enough confidence in your father's faith in your faith to know you'll get an answer to that question uh we've been so worried about you both of us we're so glad you're home the rabbi called he said you saw him and seemed upset are you okay I think so it's okay about the Bat Mitzvah the most important thing is that you're okay don't go Sydney I'm Jackie I well sometimes I haven't been very grateful for what you've given me I mean I mean thank you thanks for being there honey you lost both your parents anyone would be upset about that I mean anyone uncle Sidney you're a big teddy bear that's what you are all right well I let's let's sit down listen I think I might need a little time to be alone you know some time to be by myself maybe in my room maybe on long walks and I may not want anything to eat for a little while what do you mean a little while I don't know a few days I don't know you have to eat rifki you're a growing girl there's a time and a place yom kippur maybe you'll get sick is it that you're depressed no no it's not that humpy all right please trust me and won't be alone not drink juices that's not enough for a growing girl like you it's just that we care and you could land in the hospital I mean everybody eats huh especially you uncle Sidney Oh Jackie dad fasted he knew when to drink juices and maybe even eat a little sometimes I'll be ok I see you want to be just like him that's natural but you're young and look what happened to him I don't think it had anything to do with that rifki we just want you to be happy I know you do don't be ok guys you sure you're so thin to begin with and and just entering I mean I'll be ok I'll be in my room I love you both strange I'll tell you this is how they act just before committing suicide Sydney I don't think there's any danger of that but still it's strange you know she's ours Jackie she's ours now I just don't want anything to happen to her [Music] honey I'm just leaving a light meal outside your door okay thank you yes what is it honey I'm just leaving a light meal outside your door thank you you Rebka will you go somewhere with me where you'll see you'll be home before dinner I gotta call my parents go ahead hey mom I gotta go somewhere with Rivka I'll be home later okay bye love you too all right lead me on come on let's go this is a little creepy going through your old house without telling anyone we aren't going in are we isn't that trespassing just premi old key works I think we can get arrested for this Rivka it looks so so so empty yeah [Applause] just as I thought not even the old bean check I'm sorry I should've asked my mom to ask your uncle I promised I'd get it for you why it's okay I didn't come here for the bean chair so why did you come here I came to pray for wisdom your uncle's house hey let's order a big pizza I'm hungry let's ruin our appetite big-time actually I'm not eating are you sick I'm fine well I'm hungry I just want you to be here for a little while cuz you're my best friend I'm here but I'm sorry I think I need to go soon that's okay I think I need to be here alone for a little while you sure you're okay I'm fine well okay I guess I'll go you're sure you'll be okay I'm fine just pray for me I will love you you too [Music] well here I am in my old room where mom and dad used to tuck me into bed only no mom no dad no bed only me and you so where do I start I guess I need to begin by saying I need to hear the sound of your spirit so should I have the bottom it's five at B'nai Israel because all those people make me so nervous and with these people I'd be more nervous than then I'm tired God it's it's been a long day and I'm hungry I think it's what they call low blood sugar but you would know that I wanna go by just to see if you'll there they'll need some wings as a thing it must be [Music] Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah now remember to eat all of your vegetables and make sure you leave room for some chocolate cake I'm stuffed [Music] I wasn't the sound of the spirit that was the son of my stomach oh my goodness it's getting dark [Music] just to see human sir build me a sim mountain so I can stand hog see is [Music] Oh so they carry me wet let's go ah where were you we were worried sick are you okay I'm fine not Jack Wow rabbi Cahn I missed this place I miss your sermons and I miss you oh yeah sure calm with a podcast it's free of course yeah but it's not the same it's not the same around here without you we all miss you very much I think it's good that you're with your aunt and uncle right now you'll have you bought Mitzvah there don't you well that's why I'm here I decided not to have it but then I met dr. Posner yes Eric Posner NAL's he knew my father too that's true he's an interesting man he says he's a question asker so what question did he ask you well he asked if I would listen for the son of the Spirit about whether to have my Bat Mitzvah like Elijah sounds like Eric so I've kind of been fasting which is freaking out my aunt and uncle I know how they feel how long's it been a few days at your age you should eat starting today rifki are you drinking yes juices rabbi Cahn I have to know whether to do my Bat Mitzvah or not of course I don't want to but well maybe my father would want me to good point you are some amazing young woman rifka tea juice water lemonade lemonade and cookie no thanks I was thinking I might have my bat mitzvah just thinking the sound of the Spirit no just the sound of my thinking and I didn't say I was gonna have it I understand do you know when the day would be let me check for openings okay there's not much open but oh here's a good one it's on Passover from Exodus by Omar piniella who vani Hotel ah that's very beautiful maybe you should do the honors you know way better than I do as a therapist I usually let the patient and do all of the work that way they experience the growth here try reading verse fifteen Valmer I love em and Panera whole team I'll tell a new Missa it's very good they've taught you very well over there at a dot you sure please give my congratulations to Rabbi Cahn I can make an mp3 of everything for you by next week what do you think I didn't say I would have it I can only hold the date for so long this offer is only good for a little while give me two days I'll know by then okay I'll hold your reservation and I'll live if you say no [Music] [Music] okay Exodus 33 14 and he said my presence will go with you and I will give you rest then he said to him I guess Moses but if your presence does not go with us do not bring us up from here make sense I could really use your presence and rest right now after all I've been through not that I'm complaining or anything wait a minute yeah yeah you know what I am complaining I just lost my closest friend and dad and I don't like it [Music] listen to me Oh house of Jacob and all the remnant of the house of Israel who have been upheld by me from birth who have been carried from the womb even to your old age I am he and even to gray hairs I will carry you I have made and I will bear even I will carry and will deliver you but the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice the sound of the spirit so it was when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave suddenly a voice came to him and said what are you doing here Elijah [Music] what am I doing here I think you're ready you do yes your father would be very proud of you I'm sure he will be yes he will do you have your short speech yes you've told me well just what you're doing speaks for itself it takes a lot of courage to go through with it I guess that's why they call it a mitzvah I don't know if I'd call it courage maybe it's the sound of the spirit but it's definitely not my first choice well that takes even more courage you know what I don't know another young person is ready to take this step as you are Rivka then why do I have such a stomachache well someone as they say sweat great drops of blood after he said not my will isn't that what it says at least you're not doing that good point I guess you really read the book well thanks for everything I wouldn't be doing this without you yeah just use that same list that you did be only Eric jacob blue stein has a very interesting idea really yeah come here I'm all ears it looks so beautiful rifka if only your father were here to see you Thanks on Jackie my mom used to do my hair just like you are you're really good at it is everything okay what's so funny oh god this is it I wish I wasn't doing this but I'm not even gonna ask I already know the answer [Music] [Music] BRT bad it's awful um sheriff Amana me call ha mean tan la nuit or Otto rohwedder night no tane heart or Oh Rupert adonai eloheynu melech ha olam haba haba no miko ha Meem but not an la nuit or a toe Baruch at our own eye no taint hunter army valium arm pan aye Alejo ba honey rutila for you mayor I love em and Panetta whole team to on a new Mesa well first I feel I need to tell you I almost didn't have my bat mitzvah I prayed a lot about it and I even sort of forgot to eat actually the verses I looked at we're really helpful with my decision my presence will go with you and I will give you rest it's that presence and the rest that comes with it that sustains me up here today after so recently losing my closest friend in the whole world my dad when I was in the park thinking about whether to do this I saw a father and his little girl he put her on his shoulders like my dad used to do and I felt well I don't know how to explain it kind of carried carried all the way to this place today so here I am and I'm really nervous but I think I finally learned something and the hardest year of my short life I think I finally learned to do what my father taught me through proverbs to overlook insults and focus on the good things good things like my aunt and uncle who loved me and friends old and new who supported me his friend should some new friends were kind when I was first here and was a stranger who needed a friend thank you and to my friends that are Yeshua including rabbi Cahn you're all great comfort to me Thank You rabbi Stein I know you stood up for me during a difficult time and dr. Posner Eric you're the best bop Mitzvah teacher a girl could ask for he gave me freedom and respect you encouraged me to ask all the right questions as Auld you should and then God answered me that's why I'm here I love you I want to say I was kind of forced grow up the day my dad died and some people said I was becoming a woman but I know on my bat mitzvah that in some ways I'm still a little girl a little girl who has a big family who cares about her and I need all of you thanks to those people in this room and the synagogue who have shown me kindness in so many different ways you know my dad and uncle didn't see each other for a very long time and I missed out not getting to know him and not Jackie I'm so thankful they met up just before my dad died what if they hadn't that would make a sad thing so much sadder there's a verse in a book that I realized isn't read here but I think we would all agree on what it has to say my dad had me memorize it because he loved it so much so here's to you dad I'm finally here you're young Jewish daughter of Rebecca taking her place love suffers long and is kind love does not envy it does not parade itself is not puffed up does not behave rudely it's not provoked does not seek its own [Music] thinks no evil does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things love never fails I love you all thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you did it I'm so proud of you thanks Rena courage real courage I guess you heard the sound of the spirit congratulations thanks a wonderful job I was felling you know I don't need to tell you how proud your father would be and how proud I am Oh uncle Sydney on Jackie this is my rabbi rabbi Cahn from adat Yeshua she did great didn't she yes well she has her father's daughter and her uncle and aunts niece a wonderful girl you know rabbi I think Rivka needs to spend some time with her friends that have got you sure why don't done you go worship with Rabbi Cahn this weekend I think that's a great idea I'm sure everyone misses you there I know that was really great congratulations on a great speech oh thank you sir hey listen I'm gonna have to call you back okay okay congratulations on your bat mitzvah and this is for you well thank you so much well I think it would be a good idea to visit your parents grave on this special day they would be so proud of you okay but can we get going already yeah wait I just remembered Jacob Lew Stein gave me a card it's in my purse I better put it with the others okay take a blue Stein that was nice of him well throw and throw it in the pile and you know we'll look at it later it's getting dark soon I wonder what he gave her well we'll find out later okay I was just curious well I mean it doesn't have a lock on it it only takes a second to open it the members of Bnei Yisrael synagogue have collected this money so that you can visit the Land of Israel with your uncle Sydney and not Jacky I know you will appreciate it more than many girls your age I love your family up in the Israel look at all those zeros we've never been to Israel I can't believe we're going it's a blessing I I can't believe it huh huh we need to go I love you Danny I miss you so much honey we can stay as long as you want [Music] I guess we can go now I'm glad we came can we come back sure anytime [Music] but I'll catch up in a minute okay don't be long we're gonna head back now [Music] well Marty we took her in just like you asked and I must say it's been a pleasure she's great Marty thank you for everything you taught her and I mean everything I promise to take good care of her you have my word oh that won't be so long this time I won't forget you or what you did for our daughter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] from this friend along not wanders off from the home models now give it a turn stayed in between the lights but I'm still sober mess [Music] Oh [Music] fine my best hi [Music] I met this [Music] our [Music] Dobermans [Music] is this beer [Music] another [Music] my blessings I [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh nah [Music] count my blessings every day hi [Music] Oh [Music] you you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,001,521
Rating: 4.7496915 out of 5
Keywords: EncourageTV, God, trailers, movies, bridgestone multimedia BMG, Movie, Jesus, christian, Anna Lasbury, Rob Weidenfeld, Faith Yesner, Michael Robert Wolf, The Sound of the Spirit Full Movie, The Sound of the Spirit Movie
Id: 01Xh6FaC0Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 26sec (7886 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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